Why Did Jesus Weep Barbershop 2?

Jesus wept meaning and 7 Reasons He Wept with Verses

With Bible verses, Jesus cried meaning and seven significant reasons why he grieved are revealed.Occasionally, we might be confronted with life difficulties that, like Jesus, can cause us to weep.As a result of its brief length, this stanza is simple to memorize.Jesus broke down and sobbed.(See also John 11.35) We’ve compiled a list of the reasons Jesus cried.

  1. This post provides solutions to the following questions:
  1. What is the significance of Jesus’ weeping?
  2. The Bible records Jesus weeping a total of how many times?
  3. What does the Bible have to say about John 11:35?
  4. What was it that caused Jesus to cry for Jerusalem?
  5. What caused Jesus to weep

ALSO READ: The Bible contains seven miracles performed by Jesus Christ.Despite the fact that it is a brief stanza, it raises a lot of issues.What was it that caused Jesus to weep?He was the manifestation of God in the flesh.No matter how tough the circumstances were, Jesus was able to see the conclusion of everything.

  1. He was going to win.
  2. Death would not stand in his way.
  3. He would be the hero who saves the entire universe.
  • So, what’s the deal with all the crying?
  • In order to understand the complete context of what moved Jesus to tears, we must zoom out on this two-word passage.
  • Just before the conclusion of His career, Jesus received word that one of His close companions had passed away.
  • The death of Lazarus, the brother of Mary and Martha, had been announced.
  • This family has a connection to Jesus.
  • Her name was Mary, and she was the lady who anointed Jesus’ feet with ointment and then cleaned them with her hair after he was crucified (John 11, 2:2).
  1. Martha had previously welcomed Jesus, but she had become preoccupied.
  2. (See also Luke 10:38-42) Despite the fact that they were terribly upset by their brother’s death, the sisters held out hope that there was still time.
  3. They had a personal relationship with Jesus and were well aware of the miracles He was capable of doing.

He was able to heal the ill and restore sight to the blind.He will, without a doubt, resurrect their brother from the dead.″…If you had been present, my brother would have lived.After learning of Lazarus’ death, the Bible claims that Jesus waited two days before acting.

After that, Jesus traveled to Judea to pay a visit to Mary, Martha, and their son Lazarus.As the days passed, the sisters began to lose hope in their situation.Jesus did not appear as quickly as he should have.Their faith in their brother’s resurrection began to fade, and their sadness intensified.The realization dawned on them that their brother had died, and that there was nothing anybody could have done to prevent it from happening.

  • After Martha had finished speaking, Jesus arrived: People flocked around Mary and Martha to express their sorrow at the death of their brother, Joseph.
  • When Jesus heard their cries, he was moved to tears and began to weep as a result of their grief.
  • This poetry is only two words long, yet it suggests that the writer wishes us to take a moment to reflect.
  • This was not something you could just brush aside or ignore.

It was purposeful and replete with significance.

7 Powerful Reasons Jesus Wept

So, what is the source of your tears? The following are some of the reasons why Jesus wept:

1. Jesus wept over the suffering of his friends.

He observed the anguish and grief that death brought to those who were left behind.Jesus had a profound affection for Mary, Martha, Lazarus, and Lazarus’s brother Lazarus.Despite the fact that he understood that this was to glorify God and that Lazarus would return to them in a couple of minutes, he sensed their anguish nonetheless.He understood their distress and sympathized with them.It will harm you if you have a true affection for another person.

  1. Jesus’ sobbing demonstrates His sincere concern and compassion for us.
  2. God does not take our suffering lightly, despite the fact that He is certain that He will set everything right.
  3. He does not want us to be in agony because He is a loving Father.
  • In the end, he will realize that it is for the greater good.
  • Some of the most valuable gifts we can give someone in pain are our presence and our willingness to share their sorrow with them.
  • According to a Swedish adage, ″Shared delight″ is the equal of ″double joy.″ It is possible to share one-half of one’s sorrow.
  • Jesus wished to be a part of their suffering.
  • And this served as a gentle reminder to us that Jesus is always there for us, no matter how painful or unpleasant things may be at the time.
  • He is not scared to be there for us while we are in the midst of adversity and misery.
  1. Jesus is the first to reach out to us and meet us in our valleys, and he does so again.
  2. Jesus grieved because those He cherished wept as well.

2. Jesus wept over their lack of faith.

The second reason Jesus grieved was because of the lack of trust he witnessed in the people around him.Following the resurrection, Jesus informed His followers that they would be returning to Judea.They reminded Him of the time when He was almost stoned when He visited Judea, and He was moved to tears.They were behaving out of fear rather than trust.They attempted to persuade Jesus to return to Judea, but were unsuccessful.

  1. ″Then Jesus addressed them directly, saying, ″Lazarus has already passed away.″ And, for your sake, I am relieved that I was not present.
  2. ″In order for you to believe.″ ″However, let us go to Him,″ Jesus said.
  3. According to Thomas (also known as the Twin), his fellow disciples should ″Let us likewise go in order that we may die with him.″ The resurrection of Lazarus is recorded in John 11:14-16, in which Jesus purposefully delayed his journey to Lazarus in order to bring God honor.
  • The disciples were still planning to journey to Judea in order to be with Jesus and to die beside Him, but their plans had changed.
  • According to what we’ve read, Jesus arrived in Judea after Mary and Martha told him that it was too late.
  • Lazarus had been dead for some days.
  • They were convinced that he would never be able to recover his consciousness.
  • When Jesus informed Martha that He would still resurrect her brother, she assumed that He was lying.
  • She was promised by Jesus, ‘Your brother will rise again.’″ ‘I know Jesus will rise again in the resurrection in the last days,’ Martha responded.
  1. In John 11:23-24, Martha had faith that Lazarus would rise again, but it wasn’t to be on that particular day.
  2. ″I am the resurrection and the life,″ Jesus told Martha.
  3. ″I am the resurrection and the life,″ Jesus declared to her.

Anyone who believes in me will live even if he or she dies, and anyone who lives and believes that I am the resurrection and the life will never die, because I am the resurrection and the life.Are you a firm believer in this theory?11:25-26 (He recognizes the importance of faith in leading us to salvation, peace, and pleasure.) Jesus desired for people to place their faith in Him.Despite the distractions, they remained focused on Jesus’ coming in Judea on the specified day.They were concerned about the timing of Jesus’ arrival and the scent of Lazarus.

(See also John 11:39).Jesus was depressed because they didn’t see all of the solutions to their issues, but they appeared to be missing some of the solutions.They appeared to have lost their ability to invoke the power of Jesus.Jesus grieved because He longs for our acceptance.″In addition, he cannot be satisfied if he does not have trust in you.

  • Anyone who want to come closer to God must first believe that he exists and that those who seek him will be rewarded.″ (2 Corinthians 6:16)) (Hebrews 11:6) Only a small number of individuals were moved by Jesus, but those who were moved shared one characteristic: they believed in Him.
  • Jesus does not want us to believe in Him to make Him feel better; rather, He wants us to believe in Him because He understands that faith is the only path that leads to salvation, peace, pleasure, and contentment, all of which can only be found in Him.

3. Jesus wept over his suffering.

As Lazarus’s resurrection and death matched His own, Jesus grieved bitterly.Jesus was well aware that He would die and be buried in the near future.He was confident that, like Lazarus, he would prevail over death and rise from the tomb as well.He was well aware, however, that there would be a rough path ahead.Closer to His death, Jesus expressed his gratitude by praying, ″Abba, Father!″ Everything is a possibility for me right now.

  1. Please remove this cup from my possession.
  2. ″But not what I will, but rather what you will,″ says the author.
  3. (Matthew 14:36) ( He did not want to die on the Cross, but He did desire to honor His Father in the process.
  • In this sinful world, we may find ourselves weeping from time to time.
  • However, we have a better hope in Jesus Christ.
  • In Psalm 126,5-6, we are told that ″those who sow with tears shall reap with gladness.″ He who weeps, bearing the seed for sowing with him, em>Jesus had to go through a lot of pain and suffering.
  • He had to go through it himself.
  • He had to cry in order to assure that we wouldn’t be forced to.
  • 21.4 in the Book of Revelation In order to achieve this aim, we must keep our fingers crossed that he does so: ″He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there shall be no death, grief, crying, or suffering anymore.″ Things have moved on in the case of the former.″ ALSO READ:Jesus Wept: Seek God’s Comfort When You’re in Difficult Times Top 15 Bible texts on Jesus’ love for his followers 7 stories of Jesus curing the ill, each accompanied by a biblical verse

4. Weeping is not a sign that you are weak. 

Jesus had a strong presence in the room.He was the only one who was able to flip over the money changers’ tables, open their money bag, and throw their currency on the ground.He also chased off the livestock of the animal traffickers, making them feel fortunate to have escaped with their lives (see John 2:13-17; Mark 11.15-17).This picture is only one of several examples that disprove the notion of a teddy bear Messiah as a possibility.Add these heroic warriors from the Bible to the list, and you’ve got a long list of strong guys who are moved to tears.

  1. David, the giant-killing warrior king, broke down and sobbed bitterly.
  2. Joseph, who had the strength to resist suanimal’s sexual seduction during a very lonely era in his life, and who had the ability to forgive his brothers for their treachery, sobbed.
  3. A carpenter’s knife in one hand and a sword in the other, Nehemiah possessed the necessary strength and expertise to do both jobs.
  • If you’ve ever shed a tear, you’re not alone.

5. It is not a sign of faith denial to weep.

The twelve disciples were instructed by Jesus that He would raise Lazarus from the dead.His laid-back demeanor led the disciples to assume that Lazarus was on the mend rather than in the tomb (John 11:11-15).Jesus was well aware of His own identity, strength, and position.Jesus was well aware that He was the author of life and that He possessed authority over death.He sobbed (John 6;39-40 & John 10:17-18).

  1. Christ’s public prayer at the tomb of Lazarus functioned as a proclamation that the Father had already answered His private plea, and yet He grieved as a result of the experience (John 11:41-42).
  2. To weep is impossible unless one believes in God’s foresight and ability.
  3. Jesus grieved, but this did not indicate a lack of faith on his part.
  • Mary and Martha expressed their confidence in the Savior’s power while holding back tears; if they could weep while remaining faithful, then so can we (John 11:21-32).
  • Even though we now understand that Christians are allowed to cry, the question remains: why did Jesus weep if it wasn’t a sign of weakness or a failure to believe?

6. Jesus wept For Love

When the apostle John wrote, ″The Word was become flesh, and lived among us,″ he captured God’s desire for connection with His creation and conveyed it effectively (John 1:14, KJV).The term ″dwelt″ is derived from the word ″tabernacle,″ which literally means ″tent of assembly″ in Hebrew.Moses slept in a tent constructed of badger hides, which he brought with him.Christ on the other hand, was created of human flesh, and God chose to live with people in a tent.Emmanuel, often known as ″God with Us,″ was able to ultimately feel what we are experiencing in this earth.

  1. When He transformed water into wine at the wedding reception, He shared in the joy of everyone there (John 2:2).
  2. He now weeps with the rest of the mourners on the walk to Lazarus’ grave.
  3. For and alongside His disciples as well as for those who reject Him, Jesus weeps uncontrollably.
  • He will one day be alone and unable to grieve with others.
  • People who are sleeping in Jesus will be reunited with those who are alive in Christ when they rise to meet Him in the clouds on that final day (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).
  • When God has removed our tears from Christ’s eyes, Christ will no longer have someone with whom to weep (Revelation 21; 20:14).
  • Although humans are only meant to die once (Hebrews 9:27), Jesus will live with the grieving and grieve with the weeping for as long as individuals are destined to die only once.

7. Jesus wept for his followers

Jesus mourned for His followers because He could look ahead to the garden at a time when their self-sufficiency caused them to sleep rather than pray in the garden (Mark 14:37-40).The reason He grieved was because they had not heeded His warnings about how seriously their faith would be undermined (see Luke 23:31; Matthew 26.31).Jesus cried because He knew Judas’ scheme against the priests would be the final straw that would cause him to be expelled from the kingdom of God.And how He mourned for the humiliation that His most outspoken representative would suffer after refusing Him three times (Matthew 26:69-75).Jesus resurrected Lazarus from the grave four days after he had been declared dead by the Jews.

  1. Because of this, the disciples were able to anticipate Christ’s resurrection on the third day, and they were able to believe in Him as well.
  2. If they had learnt from His miracle, they would not have been scared.
  3. They would have no reason to mistrust the tales of the resurrection.
  • His heart hurts for them, wishing to help them overcome their misgivings and prevent them from suffering needlessly.
  • To sum up, Jesus mourned for all those who had rejected Him, and He continues to weep for them.
  • Some of those who observed Lazarus walk out of the grave despised His influence so much that they plotted to assassinate Lazarus, who was the recipient of His influence (John 12:9-11).
  • They witnessed His actual miracle, yet they refused to repent or accept eternal life.

Jesus wept – why did Jesus weep?

Answer to the question It is implied that Jesus cried in two places in the Gospels and one place in the Epistles (Hebrews 5:7).In the Gospels, our Lord grieved when He saw the plight of mankind, and both of these occurrences reflect our Lord’s (loving) human character, His compassion for humanity, and the life He promises to those who trust in Him.When Jesus grieved, He demonstrated all of these characteristics.Our Lord’s companion Lazarus died and was raised from the dead in John 11:1–45.

Lazarus was the brother of Mary and Martha and a friend of our Lord.When Jesus met with the sisters and others to lament Lazarus’s death, He wept (John 11:35), as did the disciples.The fact that Jesus did not mourn at Lazarus’ death was due to the fact that He knew Lazarus would be revived and eventually spend eternity with Him in heaven.

  • Nonetheless, when confronted with the crying and tears of Mary, Martha, and the other mourners, He couldn’t help but cry out in response (John 11:33).
  • The original wording suggests that our Lord cried ″quiet tears″ or tears of sympathy for His friends, according to the translation (Romans 12:15).
  • It seems likely that if Jesus had been present when Lazarus was dying, His compassion would have moved Him to intervene and heal His buddy (John 11:14–15).
  • However, saving a death may be seen by some to be a ″chance situation″ or a ″small″ miracle, and now was not a moment to entertain any doubts about what had happened.
  • As a result, Lazarus remained in death’s grave for four days until Jesus publicly raised him from the dead.
  1. It was the Father’s desire for these witnesses to understand that Jesus was the Son of God, that Jesus had been sent by the Father, and that Jesus and the Father had the same intentions in everything (John 11:4, 40–42).
  2. Only the one true God could have done such an incredible and stunning miracle, and it was through this miracle that the Father and the Son were glorified, and many people came to believe in them (John 11:4, 45).
  3. When we read in Luke 19:41–44, the Lord is on His final journey to Jerusalem, just before He was crucified at the demand of His own followers, the same ones He came to save.
  4. In an earlier statement, the Lord declared, ″O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that murders prophets and stones those who are sent to her!
  5. What a number of times I want to gather your children together, much in the same way that a hen collects her brood beneath her wings, but you would not let it″ (Luke 13:34).
  6. As our Lord neared Jerusalem and contemplated the plight of all those victims who had perished, ″He beheld the city and cried over it,″ the Bible says (Luke 19:41).
See also:  What Time Of Day Did Jesus Die

We know that Jesus grieved because the term ″wept″ is the same word used to describe the tears of Mary and the others in John 11:33, which means that he was distraught for the future of the city.In AD 70, more than 1,000,000 citizens of Jerusalem perished in one of the most brutal sieges in recorded history, which took place less than 40 years after the events of Apocalypse.Our Lord cried in two distinct ways in these two separate circumstances because the everlasting results were completely different in each instance.Because they trusted in the Lord Jesus Christ, Martha, Mary, and Lazarus were granted eternal life; however, the majority of the people in Jerusalem did not believe and were consequently denied life.For Christians today, the same is true: ″Jesus replied to her, ‘I am both resurrection and life; he who believes in Me will live, even though he dies’″ (John 11:25).

  1. Questions regarding John can be found here.
  2. Jesus cried – what caused Jesus to cry?
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3. Jesus wept for his coming suffering.

Jesus grieved because Lazarus’ death and resurrection were a mirror image of His own death and resurrection.Jesus was well aware that he would die and be buried within a short period of time.He was well aware that, like Lazarus, he would finally triumph over death and rise from the grave, but he also recognized that it would be an extraordinarily tough path to go.When Jesus was nearing the end of His life, he prayed: ″And he exclaimed, ‘Abba, Father, anything is possible for you.’″ Please take this cup away from me.

Nevertheless, it is not what I will, but what you will.″ (Matthew 14:36) He didn’t want to die on the cross, but He did desire to bring glory to His Father in the process of doing so.We may mourn from time to time in this sinful world, but we have a greater hope in Jesus Christ.According to Psalm 126:5-6, ″Those who sow in tears will reap with shouts of gladness.″ ‘He who goes out crying, bearing the seed for sowing, will return home with joyous cries, bringing his sheaves with him.’ Jesus had to suffer; He had to bear the burden of suffering.

  • He had to weep so that one day we wouldn’t have to do the same thing.
  • According to Revelation 21:4, ″He will wipe away every tear from their eyes,″ and ″death, sorrow, weeping, and suffering will no longer be,″ since ″the old things have gone away.″ Save this free PDF to your phone for future reference.
  • Begin by participating in the 30-Day Thankfulness Prayer Challenge and praying for gratitude to bloom in your heart!
  • Related: It is Completed: The Message of Jesus’ Last Words is a Profound One Prayer for the Feast of the Resurrection The Resurrection Scriptures and the Easter Bible Verses Bible Verses for Good Friday A wife and stay-at-home mom, Christina Patterson has a strong desire to inspire and uplift other women through the love of Jesus Christ and the truth of God’s Word.
  • When she isn’t folding laundry or building with blocks, you may find her with her nose buried in her Bible or a commentary on the Scriptures.
  1. Beloved Women is a non-profit organization that provides tools and fellowship for women to fully know who they are in Christ: His Beloved.
  2. She received her master’s degree in theology from Liberty University and is the creator of the organization.
  3. She has a blog at belovedwomen.org.
  4. Photograph courtesy of Rodolfo Clix / Pexels

Why Did Jesus Weep?

On a number of instances in the Bible, Jesus wept and cried out in sorrow.As a result, it seems reasonable to question ourselves, ″Why did Jesus cry and lament?″ According to the New Testament, there were times when Jesus cried and also times when He was depressed and despondent.The topic of why Jesus wept and lamented appears to be a natural one to ask ourselves at this point.What was it that made the Savior so depressed?

What lessons may we take away from Christ’s agony?

Jesus wept because of man’s sin and the death it brought.

In order to avoid bringing Lazarus to death, Jesus delayed his visit to him when he was unwell.Although Jesus had the ability to cure Lazarus (even from a distance), He informed His followers that He was relieved He was not there to assist them.Jesus foreshadowed the Resurrection that He would accomplish as a sign to His followers in order for them to believe (John 11:11–15), and He predicted that they would believe.Our Lord and Savior obviously displayed this sort of empathy in this instance, as we read that we are to grieve with those who mourn in the Bible.

But why did Jesus weep when he arrived in Bethany and saw Lazarus’ relatives and companions mourning (John 11:33–35)?Was it because he was sad?He very obviously aware that Lazarus would shortly be restored to life; in fact, it was for this reason that He had traveled to Bethany.

  • Clearly, Jesus was moved by the sadness of his personal friend Mary, as well as the anguish of the rest of the Jews who were mourning alongside her and her sister Martha.
  • When we read in Romans 12:15 that we are to grieve with those who mourn, we can plainly see that our Lord and Savior exhibited this type of empathy in this situation.
  • According to John 11:35–38, however, Jesus was still crying and moaning within Himself, this time in response to death itself and the incredulity of the crowds around Him.
  • Although Jesus had promised Martha that Lazarus would rise from the dead, and many of the Jews there had presumably witnessed Jesus perform miracles, they were perplexed as to why He had not intervened to prevent one of His closest friends from dying.
  • Jesus was well aware that some people would believe in Him from this point forward, but that many others would continue to doubt Him and even report His miracle to the Pharisees.
  1. As in the case of the man who was raised from the dead in Luke 16:19–31, there were many who refused to believe despite having seen him rise from the dead.
  2. Although John 11:35 does not specify why Jesus wept, we may deduce one explanation from the context: Jesus was pained over the death that resulted as a result of humanity’s sin.
  3. For example, ″the Lord God commanded the man, saying, ″Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but you shall not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil,″ because ″in the day that you eat from it you shall surely die,″ is found in Genesis 2:16–17.
  4. Similarly, ″of every tree of the garden you may freely eat″ is found in Genesis 2:8–9.
  5. In response to Adam’s direct disobedience, God punished all of mankind, beginning with him, by commanding them to ″eat bread in the sweat of your brow till you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; for dust you are, and to dust you shall return″.
  6. (See Genesis 3:19.) As the Apostle Paul put it, ″Therefore, just as sin entered the world via one man, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men since all sinned,″ sin and death are inextricably linked (Romans 5:12).

Furthermore, in Romans 6:23, Paul states unequivocally that ″the penalty of sin is death.″ As Christians, we tend to lose sight of the fact that death is an adversary.It is true that when a believer passes away, we do not grieve like others who have no hope (1 Thessalonians 4:13), yet we must keep in mind that death is an unnatural occurrence.It is not something that God made, but rather something that occurred as a result of Adam’s sin and disobedience.In Paul’s vision of a future time when death will be no more, let us remember and take heart: Because He must reign until all of His adversaries have been crushed under His feet.To be sure, death is the final adversary to be defeated…

  1. This will be come to pass when this corruptible has been transformed into an incorruptible being and this mortal has been transformed into an immortal being, as it is written: ″Death is swallowed up in triumph.″ ″Where has your sting gone, Death?″ ″Where has your victory gone, Hades?″ Death’s sting is sin, and the law’s power is sin.
  2. The law is the sting of death.
  3. (1 Corinthians 15:25–26, 54–56) 1 Corinthians 15:25–26 When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, he provided a glimpse of the final victory over death.
  4. Jesus possessed the ability to revive the dead, and shortly after, He went to the Cross in order to destroy death for all time.
  5. Death has been overcome (2 Timothy 1:10), and it will be annihilated permanently on the final day of judgment (Revelation 20:14).
  6. Most likely, the tale of Jesus sobbing at the gravesite of Lazarus is just another proof of God’s anguish for our sinfulness.

Jesus was well aware that some would not believe.He was well aware that the Pharisees would now intensify their efforts to assassinate Him.He was well aware that everyone in the room (including Lazarus once more) would die physically as a result of Adam’s sin and their own transgression.However, despite the fact that He was on His way to Calvary to be the sacrifice for our sin, He was well aware that the effects of our sin would remain until the time when He presents ″a new heaven and a new earth″ (Revelation 21:1).

Especially a cursory look through the Bible reveals several instances in which God was and continues to be pained by the conduct of humans in general, and even Christians: Afterward, the Lord observed that man’s iniquity was widespread across the land, and that every aim of his heart was continuously filled with evil intents and thoughts.Moreover, the Lord was remorseful that He had created man on the world, and He was pained within Himself.(Genesis 6:5–6) (Genesis 6:5) As a result, the word of the LORD came to Samuel, saying, ″I deeply regret having appointed Saul as king, for he has turned away from obeying Me and has failed to carry out My commands.″ Samuel was distressed by this, and he cried out to the Lord throughout the night.(See 1 Samuel 15:10–11 for further information.) Don’t offend the Holy Spirit of God, who sealed you for the day of redemption and will not allow you to grieve him.(See also Ephesians 4:30.)

Jesus wept over Jerusalem and grieved over mankind’s hard hearts.

Jesus was well aware that the majority of people would reject Him, precisely as had been predicted in Isaiah 53:3–4.Also, Jesus was well aware that the Romans would destroy the city of Jerusalem, demolish the Temple, and slaughter a large number of people (Matthew 24:2; Luke 21:20–24; John 18:36–38).As a result, Jesus mourned for their hardness of heart, knowing that He did not want them to perish but rather that He wanted them to turn to Him (Luke 15:7).However, God makes it plain that He desires individuals to turn away from their sin and live, rather than dying as a result of it (Ezekiel 33:11).

He observed the city and mourned over it as He got closer, saying, ″If you had known, even you, particularly in this your day, the things that contribute to your tranquility!However, they are now concealed from your view.As a result, there will come a time when your enemies will construct an embankment around you, surround you, and shut you in on all sides, razing you and your children to the ground; and they will not leave a single stone unturned in you because you did not anticipate the time of your visitation.″ (See also Luke 19:41–44) The Jewish authorities of that time had perverted Scripture to such an extent that they regarded healing someone to be a breach of the Sabbath.

  • Because they were attempting to ″build their own righteousness,″ they had overlooked the more serious elements of the law, such as ″justice and kindness and faith″ (Matthew 23:23), in an attempt to ″establish their own righteousness″ (Romans 10:3): When they inquired, He said, ″Is it permissible on the Sabbath to do good or evil, to preserve life or to kill?″ They, on the other hand, remained mute.
  • Then, when He had gazed about at them with rage, pained by the hardness of their hearts, He turned to the man and said, ″Stretch out your hand.″ After that, he stretched his hand out, and his hand was returned to its full strength.
  • (Matthew 3:4–5) Jerusalem had often heard the Word of God spoken through the lips of prophets, warning them to repent, turn away from their sins, and follow the Lord, but they had chosen to ignore it.
  • But because they refused to repent, Jesus was enraged and reprimanded them, saying, ″O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the city that kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to her!
  • When I wished to bring your children together, like a mother gathers her young beneath her wings, you would not let me to.″ Jesus said this in Luke 13:34; see also Matthew 23:37.
  1. Jesus foresaw that his disciples and followers would face persecution as a result of His teachings in the years to come (Matthew 23:34).
  2. However, to persecute Christ’s disciples is to persecute Him, since He identifies with and sympathizes with us in such a profound way (Hebrews 4:15).
  3. Consequently, Jesus addressed Saul of Tarsus and demanded to know why he was persecuting Him, saying, ″Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?″ (See Acts 9:4–5)
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We should weep over our sin.

Having an understanding of some of the things that pain our Lord should cause us to weep and be grieved about a number of different things as well.For example, we should mourn over our sin and show sorrow for having offended a holy and just God by our actions.In his letter to the Romans, Paul demonstrated this form of godly sadness when he wrote: I discover then a law, that evil is present with me, the one who desires to do good.Because the law of God, according to the interior man, is something I enjoy.

In my members, however, I see another law at work, one that is at conflict with the law of my mind and that is leading me into captivity to the law of sin that is at work in my members.Oh, what a miserable human being I am!Who will be the one to extricate me from this corpse of death?

  • (See also Romans 7:21–24.) As the psalmist put it: ″For You do not want sacrifice, or else I would offer it; You do not delight in burnt offering.″ When we do sorrow over our sin in humility, the Lord will not reject us, as the psalmist wrote: ″A shattered spirit, a broken and a contrite heart—these, O God, You will not disdain,″ says Psalm 51:16–17 of the sacrifices of God.
  • ″But on this one will I look,″ God declares in Isaiah 66:2, ″on him who is poor and of a contrite soul, and on him who trembles at My command.″

We should weep over the sin of fleshly living.

When it comes to becoming Christians, we must be on the lookout for our own proclivity to sow to our own flesh rather than to the Spirit (Galatians 6:7–9), and we must be ready to heed the instruction in James 4:8–10 to grieve over sin: Bring yourself closer to God, and He will come closer to you.Remove the filth from your hands, you sinners, and cleanse the filth from your souls, you hypocrites.Weep, lament, and beg for mercy!Allow your pleasure to be converted into grief and your laughter to be turned into darkness.

Put yourself in a lowly position in the face of the Lord, and He will elevate you up.As a result, it is our responsibility to shed tears as we warn people about false instructors and hedonistic imposters who pose as Christians while in truth, they are enemies of Jesus Christ.Another example of this answer was provided by the Apostle Paul in a manner that we should aspire to imitate: For many walk, of whom I have told you many times, and whom I now tell you even in tears, that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ: whose end is destruction, whose god is their belly, and whose glory is in their shame—who have their minds set on earthly things—who have their hearts set on anything but Christ.

  • Because our citizenship is in heaven, where we are also anxiously awaiting the return of our Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • (Philippians 3:18–20; Philippians 3:18–20)

We should weep over the sin of complacency and syncretism.

God does not want us to live a life of syncretism, which is the practice of combining God’s worship with fleshly behaviors and spiritual idolatry in one life.God desires for us to worship Him in spirit and in truth, as well as to live a holy life (2 Corinthians 6:16–18), according to the Bible.It is necessary for us to throw aside the weight of sin that so readily besets us (Hebrews 12:1), and it is necessary for us to purify and purge ourselves everyday by repenting of our sin (Hebrews 12:2).(2 Corinthians 7:1; 1 John 1:9).

We must continually monitor ourselves for signs of complacency.Remember that God threatened to ″vomit out″ lukewarm Christians in the church of Laodicea (Revelation 3:15–16) if they didn’t repent.And in accordance with this, there are moments when we must bear and demonstrate godly grief in order to bring about repentance: Because godly grief results in repentance that leads to salvation, and it is not to be regretted, but the sorrow of the world results in death.

  • As an example, consider the exact item over which you were sorrowful in a godly manner: what diligence it generated in you, what purification of yourself, what wrath, what terror, what fervent desire, what enthusiasm, what vindication it brought about!
  • In this situation, you have demonstrated your ability to think clearly under pressure.
  • (See 2 Corinthians 7:10–11 for further information.)

May we have a heart like His!

Reading John 11:35, the shortest sentence in the English Bible, we are typically struck by the humanity of Jesus, who is the central figure.Perhaps we can now look at this verse in a fresh way and evaluate the divinity of Jesus as a result of this revelation.Because of the hardness of people’s hearts and the wickedness that surrounded him, Jesus, in his human form, was sobbing.In his tears, Jesus lamented the fact that mankind was still under the curse of death and that the final adversary of mankind had not yet been conquered.

The Lord, however, was not impotent; He possessed the ability to defeat death, and by His death, burial, and Resurrection, He has also transformed believers into more than conquerors over sin and death (Romans 6:9–1; 8:37–39).As Christians, we look forward to the good hope (Titus 2:13) that when Christ returns, we will be raised to life along with Him (1 Corinthians 15:22).We may look forward to an eternity where, through trust in Christ, He will wipe away all tears and there will be no more grief one day (Revelation 21:4).

  • For the time being, however, while we are here on this planet, fighting with death and grief, we must put aside every burden, as well as the sin that so quickly besets us (Hebrews 12:1).
  • Let us follow in our Lord’s footsteps and shed appropriate tears for the things that cause Him to mourn.
  • In the face of our own sin (Psalm 51:17; Isaiah 66:2), may we resolve to have a contrite heart, and may we resolve to bear a load for the sake of those who are lost.
  • May we all have a heart as big as His!

Jesus Wept. But Do We Weep For The Same Things?

DISCLAIMER: This post may contain affiliate links, which means that if you decide to make a purchase after clicking on one of my links, I will receive a small commission.This service is provided at no charge to you and is essential in keeping Rethink up and running.The shortest passage in the Bible is John 11:35; it just says, Jesus cried.This verse is a brilliant piece of writing.

When there isn’t much else to say, this phrase says it all.And it should cause us to pause and reflect on the reason for Jesus’ tears.If you grew up in a Christian home, you are familiar with this verse and its historical context.

  • However, my guess is that it has become so commonplace that you no longer give much thought to the significance of the Jesus wept symbol.
  • And I think we should pause here.
  • Think about this… Jesus, who was God in human, cried.
  • He was so struck with sadness that he simply lost it.
  • Not just a few tears… He was uncontrollably weeping.
  1. The God of the universe cried over what you and I face.
  2. That’s mind boggling, at least it should be.
  3. Our familiarity with this verse makes it more commonplace and less shocking.
  4. But this verse should take us back.
  5. These two simple words reveal the unique humanity of God.
  6. This verse should cause us to pause, ponder, and question.

Why did Jesus weep?And am I weeping for what Jesus wept for?We will dive into those questions in just a minute, but first let’s give this passage a deeper, more deserved look.

Jesus Wept Verse

For the sake of time, I’ll merely provide a high-level review of this paragraph.It is HIGHLY recommended that you purchase John For You (part of the God’s Word For You Series) if you want to go further.It is an in-depth, easy-to-read commentary on the book of John as a whole, and it may be utilized for devotions or for further study and research.It will delve considerably further into the subject of why Jesus wept than previous articles.

Please keep in mind that the link above is only for John 1 – 12; there is a second book that covers the entirety of the book of John.Allow me to set the situation for you: Before these events take place, Jesus is busy with his own activities.He’s lecturing to large groups of people and causing irritation among religious leaders.

  • Suddenly, though, there is some bad news: Lazarus is unwell (John 11:1-3).
  • I’m really ill.
  • Lazarus and Jesus are now in close proximity.
  • As a matter of fact, when the messenger informs Jesus that Lazarus is sick, the messenger does not even identify himself, instead just saying, ″The one whom you love is unwell.″ That’s a close call.
  • If you or I had a close friend who was seriously ill, we would almost certainly put everything else aside to be with them.
  1. As a result, Jesus did exactly what you would expect him to do.
  2. He, on the other hand, does not.
  3. Instead, he makes some bizarre remarks and continues to remain in position for another two days (John 11:4-7).
  4. I’ve noticed that Jesus doesn’t seem to be in a hurry, which is a unique characteristic.
  5. But that’s a topic for a different blog post another day…
  6. There are some intriguing dynamics at play here that we just don’t have the time to explore more…

Again, further information may be found at John For You.There is a lot going on in these passages, but for the sake of time, we will only concentrate on why Jesus grieved.After a few lines, Jesus eventually finds his way to Lazarus, who has now been dead for four days, and revives him (John 11:17).When Lazarus’ sister, Martha, learns that Jesus is approaching, she runs to meet him.Despite her weeping, she has amazing faith, claiming that if only he had been present, Lazarus would not have perished in the tomb.

  1. He had the opportunity to heal him…
  2. Would that it were so…
  3. (See also John 11:20-22.) I’m going to read a little bit more into the words than I normally would.
  4. We don’t know what Jesus was thinking or feeling at the time, but it’s plausible to suppose that he was experiencing some sort of emotional outburst.
  5. His friend has passed away, and now he finds himself in the presence of his grieving sister.
  6. The intensity of the feeling is growing.

And it’s almost as if Jesus can’t stop himself from announcing what is going to take place: Lazarus will rise from the dead.Martha, on the other hand, is baffled; and who can blame her?She had never experienced anything like this before in her life and had no idea that it could happen.(See also John 11:23-27.) Soon after, Mary appears with Jesus and Martha, and she makes a similar remark…

″Jesus, if only you had been here,″ they say (John 11:28-32).They almost seem to be speaking with a sense of optimism in their voices.Jesus is unable to keep it in much longer.Martha is in a state of shock.Mary had fallen on her knees at his feet, sobbing.Several of their pals follow suit, tears running down their cheeks as they watch helplessly.

According to John 11:33, Jesus was highly affected in his soul at that time and was exceedingly concerned.Jesus isn’t just a bit down in the dumps.He feels something deep down in his stomach.Upset.Uncomfortable.Mad.

Angry.When confronted with the prospect of death, we all have a visceral reaction.That is something Jesus is going through as well.Finally, he can’t take it any longer and breaks down in tears (John 11:35).Weeps, not screams, are heard.Don’t overlook the relevance of this statement.

  1. He was well aware of what was about to take place.
  2. He is well aware that he is about to revive Lazarus.
  3. He has the ability to perceive the larger picture.

He understands that, at the end of the day, he has the ability to control death.He is well aware that, one day, all those who accept his offer will be reunited with him for all eternity.Despite this, he continues to sob in this moment.Put yourself in Jesus’ shoes and consider why he wept.What would you be thinking if you were in my shoes?

  1. But he doesn’t just sit there and grieve.
  2. In addition, he takes action.
  3. Take a look at what Jesus does next.
  4. But don’t just read it and see a serene Jesus in your mind.
  1. Read it with the mental image of someone who is enraged, ranting, spitting everywhere, and trying to reclaim his friend’s affections.
  2. Jesus returned to the tomb, having been transferred once again.
  3. What you saw there was a cave with a large stone placed over its entrance.
  4. ″I want you to take away the stone,″ he says.
  5. Because he had been there for four days by this time, ″there is a foul odor,″ Martha, the deceased man’s sister, lamented.

″But, Lord,″ she said, ″there is a foul stench by this time, because he has been there for four days.″ They still don’t understand what Jesus is capable of…″Did I stammer or what?!″ ″Jesus stated…″ Okay, he didn’t say anything like that.″Did I not tell you that if you believe, you would see the grandeur of God?″ he said, his voice filled with emotion once more.

  • ″Father, I am grateful that you have heard my prayer.
  • I was aware that you were constantly aware of my presence, but I stated this for the benefit of the individuals there, so that they would believe that you had sent me.″ Jesus exclaimed in a booming voice, ″LAZARUS, COME OUT!″ as soon as he finished speaking.
  • (See also John 11:38-44) And, much to everyone’s surprise, the guy who had perished had risen from the dead.
  • What a breathtaking experience.
  • That’s the gist of it…
  • However, we still have to deal with the first question: Why did Jesus weep?

What prompted the creator of the universe to express such strong feelings?

Why Did Jesus Weep? 

What caused Jesus to weep?It wasn’t only that he was mourning the loss of a close friend.He was well aware that he was due to meet him again.He was well aware that he would be sharing a lunch with Lazarus within a few hours.

It didn’t take him long to realize that the tears of despair would turn into tears of joy in a matter of minutes.Nonetheless, he sobbed.Why?

  • Jesus is expressing his displeasure at the state of his people.
  • He is distressed by the fact that those he cares about are in discomfort.
  • He had not been overpowered by sadness at the death of a friend, as some had speculated.
  • What caused Jesus to weep?
  • He does it because he has empathy for his people.
  1. That should force us to take a step back and think.
  2. A distant God who is unconcerned about our concerns is not what God is like.
  3. No, he has a strong emotional attachment to you.
  4. He cares for you in a manner that you and I can’t really comprehend at this point.
  5. He weeps alongside us.
  6. Your troubles aren’t looked at by him with the attitude that you should just get over it, cope with it, or move past it.
See also:  Where Does Jesus Sit In Heaven?

Despite the fact that he understands that the situation we are in is transitory.Instead, he decides to take a seat with us in it.The shortest sentence in the entire Bible teaches us a great deal about the God who gave up heaven in order to seek and save his elect.We have been cared for and loved in ways that we could never have imagined.What caused Jesus to weep?

  1. The reason why Jesus sobbed was because he cares deeply and emphatically about what we are going through in our lives.
  2. You can see he actually cares about you and is deeply impacted by what you are going through right now.
  3. Let us now turn to the second question: Am I crying for the same things that Jesus cried for?

Am I Weeping For What Jesus Wept For? 

As disciples of Jesus, we are not to be inactive in our lives.We have been enjoined to take action.We are truly expected to follow in the footsteps of Jesus.The church is referred to in the Bible as ″the body of Christ,″ which means ″the people of God.″ To put it another way, everybody who follows Jesus is a member of his body.

What we do and say reveals something about Jesus to people around us, and this is a duty we should not take lightly.In order to properly answer the question (why did Jesus weep?), we must keep in mind that we are his body.

  • So, if you are a follower of Jesus, allow me to ask you…
  • Are you grieving for the same things that Jesus cried over?
  • Are you moved by the same things that moved Jesus?
  • Are you troubled by the state of humanity as it has descended into chaos?
  • Are you distressed by the suffering of others?
  1. Are you filled with emotion as a result of what individuals in your immediate vicinity are going through?
  2. To put it simply…
  3. Do you have feelings of compassion towards others?
  4. It was Jesus who accomplished it.
  5. And we should do the same.
  6. When it comes to Christianity, it is common for Christians to have a ″we against them″ stance.

It’s us vs the rest of the world.Furthermore, nothing will be accomplished as a result of this.It’s not what Jesus did, after all.Listen, I get what you’re saying.Entering into other people’s suffering is a complicated endeavor.

  1. It’s a tricky situation.
  2. It’s a little unpleasant.
  3. Our feelings of helplessness and inability to know what to do or say are heightened.
  4. As a result, we simply avoid it.
  5. We are just concerned with ourselves and our own troubles.
  6. It’s less difficult to pretend their troubles don’t exist and simply walk by them.

But, aren’t you relieved that Jesus did not behave in such a manner toward you?Jesus came into your filth and into your grief, and he stayed.He didn’t run away or wait for the situation to pass.No, Jesus came storming after you and sat with you in the midst of whatever it is that you were experiencing.

He sobbed beside you.Now it’s our turn to speak.It is now our responsibility to do the same for others.We are called to be Jesus’ hands and feet on the earth.I understand that this may sound intimidating, but allow me to provide you with some information on what it means to be his hands and feet.Philip Yancey writes in his book The Question That Never Goes Away about his experiences counseling parents in Newtown, Connecticut, following the awful tragedy that claimed the lives of 20 children and six adults.

It’s a fantastic book that can be finished in a short amount of time.I HIGHLY urge that you pick it up.He acknowledges in his book that most theological responses Christians give are hurtful rather than helpful, and he chooses to take a different approach to this problem.His thoughts are as follows: ″First, I wonder how these statements would sound to a mother who had kissed her daughter goodbye as she left her on the school bus and then was summoned later that day to identify her bloodied boy.″ He adds.Would my remarks be a source of comfort or a source of more distress?After that, I consider what Jesus might have said to that mother.

Only a small number of religious interpretations satisfy such standards.In order to react with compassion and healing, in the manner of Jesus, the only way I know how is to totally accept the mother’s pain and to convince her that God is saddened much more than she is.If I were to summarize, your presence frequently means more than your words ever would, in my opinion.Weeping alongside someone may be far more healing and comforting than attempting to come up with a reason for anything that has happened.After all, it was Jesus who demonstrated this.He broke down and sobbed.

  1. He did not inform them that Lazarus had been transferred to a better location.
  2. He broke down and sobbed.
  3. He did not inform them that heaven had received another angel.

He broke down and sobbed.He didn’t give them a pep talk about how one day everything will make sense and everything will be OK.He broke down and sobbed.He was completely absorbed by the passion of the occasion.He didn’t excuse it; rather, he was a victim of it.

  1. Similarly, we should take the same position.
  2. Your physical presence has greater impact than your words.
  3. So, are you sobbing for the same reasons Jesus wept?
  4. You are the hands and feet of Jesus.
  1. You are imparting information about Jesus to others in your immediate vicinity.
  2. Let’s double-check that it’s correct.
  3. This is a very basic introduction; for additional information, please see: Following Jesus entails more than just saying the right things.

The Good News (Jesus Wept Meaning) 

  • I understand why you think that’s a decent spot to conclude things. We’ve addressed the question (why did Jesus weep?) and tied it all together with a beautiful bow. But I’m just not able to. Not at this time. We still have one more thing to consider. The fact is that everything Jesus accomplished on that particular day was only temporary. Lazarus died a second time. His family will be overcome by the sadness of losing someone they cherished for the second time. However, this time there would be reason to be optimistic. Because Jesus carried that same mindset all the way to Calvary. He was able to accomplish for us what we were unable to accomplish for ourselves. He vanquished sin and death. We now have reason to be hopeful, even in death. Death was unable to keep him down, and he rose from the dead, defeating death for all time. When Jesus grieved, the tale behind the Bible’s smallest sentence, ″Jesus wept,″ is told, the human and divine worlds come together. What caused Jesus to weep? He is well aware that Lazarus will be resurrected in a matter of seconds. There will be a lot of laughter and a lot of celebration. However, he is nonetheless caught up in the intensity of the moment because Jesus is really concerned about our wellbeing. As a result, there is now hope on the other side for everyone who follows Jesus. Even in the face of death, there is still hope. The discomfort we are experiencing is just brief. Also, we serve a God who sits with us in our suffering, who weeps with us, and who permits us to cling to him in our weakness. We hope to be able to do the same for others. Let’s hear from you! In your opinion, how would you respond to the question ″Why did Jesus weep?″ I would much appreciate hearing from you! What is the influence of the Jesus wept symbolism on you? Leave a remark in the section below! Recent Posts by the Author

Husband. Father. Pastor. Church Planter is a title that means ″one who plants churches.″ Writer. Every day, I’m attempting to be more like Jesus. Follow Me on Social Media: Facebook Send Me an Email: Send Me an Email Jeffery Curtis Poor’s most recent blog posts (See all of them)

Why Jesus Wept and 11 Lessons from His Tears

Jesus, the Son of God, came to the earth in the form of a human being to save us.He was exposed to the whole range of human emotions, which is something that we are all too familiar with as well.It may come as a surprise to learn that Jesus cried on the cross.Jesus’ tears were recorded in the New Testament three times, not once, but twice, three different instances.

Examine the biblical texts in which such occurrences are recorded to find out more.

The 3 Times Jesus Wept

1st Time Jesus Wept:

″Jesus sobbed.″ (John 11:35 King James Version) In the English versions of the Bible, John 11:35 is the verse with the smallest verse length.Jesus’ emotion when He arrived to the grave of Lazarus, who had died four days ago, is captured in a two-word passage from the book of John (John 11:39).Jesus and Lazarus were good friends who shared a lot in common.Lazarus was the brother of Mary and Martha, and he died in their presence.

The Bible informs us that Jesus had feelings for them (John 11:5).Jesus was moved to tears by all of the anguish at Lazarus’s death.Later on, when He raised Lazarus from the dead, He transformed sadness into gladness (John 11:38-44).

  • However, it was that miracle that served as the tipping point that led the religious authorities to resolve to assassinate Him (John 11:45-53).

2nd Time Jesus Wept:

″And when he got close enough, he saw the city and cried over it,″ the Bible says.(Luke 19:41 King James Version) Jesus Christ’s triumphant entry into the city of Jerusalem, which took place a few days before His crucifixion, is described in Luke 19:28-40.Verse 41 is the one that follows.Luke is the only one of the four evangelists who has a record of Jesus’ reaction.

Our Savior was well aware that the people of Jerusalem would reject and condemn Him in due course.He also foresaw the tragedy that would befall that city as a result of his actions (Luke 19:44), which occurred a few decades later, in the year 70 A.D.

3rd Time Jesus Wept:

Then he cried out in agony to the One who could save him from death, and his cries were heard by the One whom he feared;″ ″Who in the days of his flesh, after having offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears to the One who could save him from death and was heard in that he feared;″ (Hebrews 5:7 King James Version) It is not apparent from the context of this passage when this incident took place, but it is evident that it occurred very near to the time of Jesus’ death.Some academics believe that Jesus’ prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane, just before He was arrested, are the source of this phrase (Matthew 26:36-56; Mark 14:32-52; Luke 22:40-53; John 18:1-11).Despite the fact that none of the evangelists explicitly said that Jesus wept, they did write that He was extremely distressed (Matthew 26:37; Mark 14:33-34) and in such anguish that He sweated droplets of blood (Matthew 26:37; Mark 14:33-34) (Luke 22:44).Other scholars contend that the events in Hebrews 5:7 took place when Jesus was on the cross.

They cite Psalm 22:24 as the point at which the Father heard Jesus’ pleadings, drawing a connection between Psalm 22 and Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection, respectively.Keep in mind that the author of Hebrews 2:12 draws the same link when he reads Psalm 22:22 as if it were the words of Christ Jesus Himself.When Jesus was hanging on the cross, He also repeated Psalm 22:1.

  • (Matthew 27:46; Mark 15:34).
  • Despite the fact that Scripture does not explicitly state why Jesus grieved on each of those times, we may nevertheless speculate about the causes for His tears and draw lessons from them.
  • So, let’s take a look at 11 lessons that Jesus’ tears teach us about Him, as well as how we might apply these teachings to our own lives and situations.

11 Lessons for Us

Lesson1: Jesus was fully human

In the Bible, we are taught that Jesus Christ is both completely God and completely human (John 1:1,14; Colossians 2:9; Titus 2:13; 1 John 4:2).When He arrived on earth, He possessed all of the heavenly and human traits that were required of Him.This is an idea that is beyond our limited understanding, yet it is one that Scripture endorses.As a man, Jesus went through every emotion a human goes through, including those associated with love and loss.

He experienced sadness (Matthew 26:37), wonder (Matthew 8:10), and suffering (Matthew 8:11).(Luke 22:44).He broke down and sobbed.

  • His body was not only a vessel for a celestial presence; it was more than that (Luke 24:39).
  • In addition to other expressions, Jesus’ crying demonstrates His humanity and reveals that He was fully immersed in the experience of human life.
  • That is why the author of Hebrews claims that we have a High Priest who is able to communicate effectively with us (Hebrews 4:14-16).

Lesson2: Jesus showed compassion for those who were grieving

Before Jesus arrived in the village of Bethany, where Lazarus’s tomb was located, the Gospel of John informs us that He had already made up His mind that He would bring His dear buddy back to life (John 11:11-15).His goal was to bring God’s splendor to light and to allow God to be exalted as a result of that incredible miracle (John 11:4).However, a logical argument arises: if Jesus was fully aware of the situation, why did He weep?He sobbed because He was moved by sympathy for those who were grieving the loss of His good companion, particularly Lazarus’ sisters.

Despite the fact that He was about to fix the situation miraculously, He was nonetheless affected by the misery and suffering of the individuals who were in attendance.

Lesson3: Jesus was troubled by the people’s lack of faith

When Jesus encountered Martha at Lazarus’s burial place, He informed her that He intended to raise him from the dead (John 11:20-28).Mary subsequently stated to Jesus that their brother would not have died if He had arrived sooner, and she agreed with her sister (John 11:21,32).In the next verse, the Bible informs us that Jesus ″groaned in the spirit, and was afflic

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