Why Did Jesus Curse The Fig Tree In Mark 11?

Why Did Jesus Curse a Fig Tree (Mark 11:12-14)?

Jesus notices a fig tree with leaves from a distance, and because he is hungry, he approaches it in the hope of finding some fruit, because fig trees often produce figs earlier in the season than they produce foliage.When He finally gets to the tree, all he discovers are leaves; the tree has failed to produce any fruit.Mark, the book’s author, adds the observation that ″it was not the season for figs″ to the story (Mark 11:13).Until we understand the development and reproductive cycles of fig trees, the evangelist’s remark seems a little perplexing.Please take note of the following fascinating information on the fig season in Palestine: Some have questioned, ‘How could our Lord expect to find ripe figs at the end of March?’ others have responded, Because figs were ripe in Judea as early as the Passover holiday, the answer is yes.Furthermore, the fig tree produces its fruit first, followed by the production of its leaves.

Moreover, as I have observed on several occasions, this tree produces fruit all year round in the environment that is appropriate for it.(According to Adam Clarke’s Commentary.) Fruit tree growers are familiar with the fact that a little amount of fruit ripens prior to the major harvest in most cases.In certain cultures, the first ripe fruit is referred to as the firstfruits.

  • When Jesus reached the fig tree, it was the time of the firstfruits of the fig harvest, but it was not yet time for the main harvest to be completed.
  • This must imply that the particular tree on which Christ had anticipated to find figs was barren, as there were no figs on it at all, according to Mark 11:13.
  • It failed to achieve its goal, and as any conscientious orchardist would do, Jesus simply removed the tree from the orchard, not with an ax or a saw, but by confidence in the fruit it produced.

Please see Luke 13:6-9 for a comparison.This episode was used by Jesus to educate His disciples—and all Christians today—that God does not judge people based on their outer appearance.Instead, what really matters is whether or not one bears fruit that is pleasing to God in his or her life (John 15:8, 16; Galatians 5:22-23).

Why did Jesus curse the fig tree?

Answer to the question The story of Jesus cursing the barren fig tree is told in two separate gospel accounts: Mark’s version and Luke’s account.It can first be observed in Matthew 21:18-22, and subsequently in Mark 11:12-14, among other places.When it comes to the two stories, there are some minor inconsistencies that may be resolved by carefully reading the relevant portions.The key to comprehending this verse, like with all Scripture, is to grasp the historical and cultural context in which it occurred.In order to fully comprehend this chapter, we must first consider the passage’s historical and geographical context.For example, when did this occur, what was the environment, and where did it take place are all important questions.

In addition, in order to completely comprehend this verse, we must first grasp the significance of the fig tree in relation to the country of Israel, as well as the manner throughout which the fig tree is frequently utilized in the Scriptures to metaphorically symbolize Israel.Finally, we must have a fundamental grasp of the fig tree itself, including its growth seasons and other characteristics.First and foremost, when we consider the passage’s overall historical backdrop, we can discern that it took place during the week leading up to His crucifixion.

  • In the midst of Jewish people’s acclaim and worship, Jesus arrived in Jerusalem a day earlier.
  • They viewed Him as the promised Messiah who would free them from the oppression of Roman rule (Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11).
  • Now, the next day, Jesus is once again on His journey to Jerusalem from Bethany, where He had been resting the night before.

Both Matthew and Mark mention that He was hungry while on the road and that He noticed a fig tree in the distance that had leaves on it (Mark 11:13).While expecting to find something to eat under the fig tree, Jesus instead discovered that the tree was devoid of fruit, and he cursed the tree, saying, ″May no fruit ever come from you again!″ (Matthew 21:19; Mark 11:14; Luke 21:19.) This narrative of the cursing and withering of the fig tree is included in Matthew’s account of Jesus purifying the Temple of the moneychangers, which follows the account of Jesus cleansing the Temple of the moneychangers.Mark says that event really took place over two days, with Jesus cursing the fig tree on the first day while on his way to cleanse the Temple, and the disciples noticing the tree withered on the second day while on their way back to Jerusalem from Bethany, as recorded in Mark (Mark 11:12-14 and Mark 11:19-20).Of fact, when the disciples saw the tree ″withered from the roots up,″ they were taken aback, as this would have ordinarily taken several weeks to accomplish.After reviewing the story’s overall chronological context, we may begin to address some of the numerous concerns that are frequently posed about it in this section.

First and foremost, why would Jesus curse the fig tree if it was not the appropriate time of year for figs is a legitimate issue.This question may be answered by looking at the properties of fig trees, which can be found on the internet.As with most other trees, the fig tree’s fruit appears before its leaves, and because the fruit is green, it blends in with the foliage until it is nearly ripe.

  1. Consequently, when Jesus and His followers noticed from a distance that the tree was bearing leaves, they would have assumed that the tree was also bearing fruit, despite the fact that it was later in the season than it was customarily the case for an unripe fig tree to develop fruit.
  2. Furthermore, each fig tree would often yield two to three crops of figs every season.
  3. Early crops would be harvested in the spring, with one or two later crops following after that.

Furthermore, depending on the temperature and circumstances in a particular region of Israel, it was conceivable for a tree to yield fruit ten out of every twelve months in some areas.The fact that Jesus and His followers would be seeking for fruit on the fig tree even though it was not the major growing season further helps to explain their actions.The fact that the tree already had leaves on it, despite the fact that it was located at a higher height surrounding Jerusalem and consequently outside of the regular fig-producing season, would have appeared to be a solid sign that it would also bear fruit.

If you’re wondering what this paragraph is all about or even what it means, the answer may be found in the chronological context of the passage as well as in a knowledge of how a fig tree is frequently used figuratively to symbolize Israel in the Bible.First and foremost, Jesus had only recently arrived in Jerusalem amid much excitement and enormous expectations when he proceeded to cleanse the Temple and curse the barren fig tree, according to the chronology of events.Both were significant in terms of the spiritual state of Israel.Essentially, Jesus was criticizing Israel’s religious practices when He cleansed the Temple and criticized the worship that was taking place inside (Matthew 21:13; Mark 11:17).Symbolically, He was decrying Israel as a country, and in a way, He was decrying unproductive ″Christians″ as well (that is, people who profess to be Christian but have no evidence of a relationship with Christ).For the people of Israel, the presence of a productive fig tree was regarded as a sign of good and prosperity for the country.

  • In the same way, the lack or death of a fig tree would represent rejection and judgment.
  • The fig tree signified, symbolically, Israel’s spiritual barrenness, despite the fact that they were superficially highly religious, as seen by all of the sacrifices and ceremonies, but were spiritually barren as a result of their sins.
  • When Jesus cleansed the Temple and cursed the fig tree, causing it to wither and die, He was announcing the impending judgment on Israel and proving His ability to carry it out.
  • The notion is also taught, which is that mere religious profession and practice are insufficient guarantees of salvation until and until the fruits of actual redemption are manifested in the person’s life.
  • James would subsequently write that ″faith without actions is dead,″ which echoed this reality (James 2:26).
  • Fig trees teach us that we should yield spiritual fruit (Galatians 5:22-23), not merely put on a religious act for the sake of appearances.
  • God condemns those who do not yield fruit, and He wants those who are in a relationship with Him to ″bear abundant fruit″ in their lives (John 15:5-8).
  • Return to the previous page: Questions regarding Jesus Christ What was it about the fig tree that caused Jesus to condemn it?
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Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

My children recently grew enthusiastic about limes after learning that they could sell limeade and make a lot of money doing so.At my mother-in-house, law’s they discovered a huge tray piled high with them one day.They discovered a large, lushly green, magnificent lime tree, which they immediately began robbing.Jackpot.Except that they were made of plastic.A basin full of limes, holding up the promise of gallons of limeade, is only ornamental and serves no use.

Many items can pass for the actual thing on the surface, but upon closer scrutiny, they are shown to be false.The curse of the fig tree (Matt.21:18–22; Mark 11:12–14, 20–25) is a stunning scene in the Gospels in which Jesus deals with this mismatch of expectations.

  • In this inverted miracle, we can clearly understand the implications of not just failing to produce fruit, but also of providing a fertile impression and then failing to follow through on that impression.

Examining the Episode

The throngs of people assembled for Passover greeted Jesus as he entered Jerusalem with joy.As he drives out from Bethany in the morning, he comes upon a fig tree that is ″in leaf.″ The majority of fig trees have not yet produced full fruit at this stage in late April (Mark 11:13).However, this particular tree captures Jesus’ attention since it has a full covering of leaves at the time of his arrival.It’s a flower that blooms early.Its foliage indicates that tree will produce figs in the early summer.Jesus examines the tree in the context of his expectancy.

He is dissatisfied almost quickly.There are no fruits, only leaves.There is no satisfaction when there is just expectancy.

  • In an unexpected turn of events, Jesus curses the tree, causing it to wither from the roots and never to bear fruit again.
  • We are taken aback; this appears to be completely out of character for Jesus, who is known for being a child-welcomer, a loving healer, and a storm-calming figure.
  • What should we take away from this bizarre occurrence?

On the surface, it appears to be a case study on the effectiveness of devout prayer (Matt.21:20–22).However, there is more going on behind the scenes.The curse of the fig tree, a type of performed parable, is also a sobering warning for us today, and it does so in at least two ways.

1. Fruitlessness leads to judgment.

  • Over and over again in the Old Testament, Israel is referred to as God’s vineyard, tree, or planting (Judges 9:8–15
  • Isa. 3:14–7
  • Jer. 12:10
  • Ezek. 17:2–10
  • Ezek. 19:10–14). Because they are God’s special planting, they must bear spiritual fruit as his covenant people (Ps. 1:3
  • Jer. 17:8–10), as any agrarian Israelite was well aware (Ex. 23:19
  • Neh. 10:35–37). This helps conceptualize their relationship with God, as they are his covenant people and as his firstfruits of the harvest (Ex. 23:19
  • Neh. 10:35–37). For Israel’s connection with God is not founded on their fruitfulness (whether physical or otherwise), but it is God who bestows fruitfulness on them (Deut. 7:13
  • 28:4). The absence of fruitfulness is a symbol of God’s punishment on them as a result of their transgression (Deut. 11:17). This underlying image for Israel’s spiritual health comes to life in the prophetic era with a dazzling display of color. The moment had arrived for God’s people to bear fruit that would be beneficial to the entire world community (Isa. 27:6). God is described in the prophets as checking Israel for ″early figs,″ which are a sign of spiritual fruitfulness (Mic. 7:1, Jer. 8:13, Hos. 9:10–17), but he finds ″no first-ripe fig that my soul wants″ (Mic. 7:1, Jer. 8:13, Hos. 9:10–17). The result is that God pours forth the curse of barrenness (Hosea 9:16) on Israel twice over the course of a thousand years (the Assyrian and the Babylonian exiles) (Jer. 29:17). However, everything is not lost. God has promised to replant Israel and bring out healthy figs from her once more in the future (Joel 2:22
  • Amos 9:14
  • Mic. 4:4
  • Zech. 8:12
  • Ezek. 36:8). After being presented with this network of background images, the thoughts of Jesus’ disciples would’ve quickly flashed on to the scene in which he re-enacted Israel’s history by cursing the fig tree. In the imaginations of Jesus’ disciples, when he reenacted Israel’s history by cursing the fig tree, light lights would have immediately gone out. The barren fig tree calls our attention to earlier moments in Jesus’ career, when God’s people were urged to bear spiritual fruit (Matt. 3:8–10
  • 7:16–20
  • 13:8
  • Luke 3:7–9). Throughout history, Jesus has sought the children of God with compassionate sincerity (Luke 13:34). And the Jewish people, who have gathered to commemorate God’s past work of redemption (Passover/exodus), have just welcomed Jesus as ″king″ as he leads a new exodus on a donkey that is loaded with symbolic meaning (Zech. 9:9). The time has come for the eschatological restoration. Everything is falling into place. Israel’s fruit will now be gathered, and blessings will now gush forth from the land. It is only this one fig tree that is ″in leaf,″ but the rest of the countries (the other fig trees) are still out of season. Furthermore, both Matthew and Mark, by ″sandwiching″ the fig tree episode, direct the viewer’s attention to the location where it would all take place: Jerusalem. Matthew’s sequence is Jerusalem Fig tree Jerusalem
  • Mark’s sequence is Fig tree Jerusalem Fig tree

The only problem is that there is no fruit.Once again, the fig tree has failed miserably.Every aspect of the Passover celebration, from the turmoil to the people to the singing, is a stage production.After entering the house of prayer, Jesus discovers that it has been turned into a ″den of thieves″ (Mark 11:17).There is a lot of activity and a lot of hustle, but there is no righteousness.There are leaves, but no fruit.

Because of this, after inspecting the unproductive tree, Jesus administers divine judgment by two sign-acts: the future-pointing act of cursing the temple, as well as the performed metaphor of cursing the tree.

See also:  Who Rolled The Stone Away From Jesus Tomb?

2. Think about your own figs.

However, everything is not lost.When the disciples urge Jesus to explain what has just occurred, he shifts his focus and begins to speak about prayer.Why?They will be the new custodians of God’s people, even if they do not completely comprehend what this means (Matt.21:33–45).Their role will be to assist in the transformation of Israel—when the Jewish nucleus of Christ-followers spreads branches throughout the world and bears fruit from all countries (beginning in Acts).

According to Jesus’ teachings, people will be able to do this via the power of persistent prayer.As a result, the curse of the fig tree is not limited to ancient Israel.It is all about us.

  • It is concerned with all of God’s people throughout history.
  • The cursing of the fig tree is not limited to ancient Israel alone.
  • It is all about us.

When that sad fig tree met its untimely demise on the route between Bethany and Jerusalem, the Old Testament expectation that God’s covenant people give fruit did not wither as a result of its unfortunate fate.According to Scripture, the command to yield spiritual fruit has actually increased in the new period, rather than decreasing (John 4:36; 15:2–16; Rom.1:13–21; Gal.5:22, Phil.1:11–4, 4:17, Heb 12:11, Jas.

3:17; 1 Cor.3:17).Not in order to win God’s gardening adoration, but rather in order to surrender to the work that he has (re)made us to do.

  1. This chapter is sobering because it not only reminds us that a Christian by definition must bear spiritual fruit, but it also reminds us that a Christian by definition must bear spiritual fruit (even if only small early figs).
  2. The threat of the temptation toward false pretenses of fruit are also addressed in the storyline.
  3. It was a fantastic show, just like the crowded temple courtyards at Passover, and the fig tree was no exception.

And that only exacerbated the situation.It’s one thing to be short on fruit when it’s not in season.It’s one thing to be lacking in something while seeming to be possessing it.

As a result, we should be on our guard.Our personal life might take on the appearance of being ″in leaf.″ It is possible that our leaves resemble those of a supermom, a winner, a perfect family, or an A-team Christian with a jam-packed calendar of missionary events.However, it is possible that the root has wilted.It is possible that there will be no evidence of holiness or relationship with God.What’s more, our leaves may be deceiving us as well.And our churches have the ability to do the same.

  • The leaves of a church may seem spectacular: rising attendance, capital campaigns, intelligent pastors, and excellent music, to name a few examples.
  • But what will the Lord discover when he conducts a thorough investigation?
  • Will he come across only leaves?
  • Or will he discover figs as well?

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

Towards the beginning of Mark 11, Jesus walks to a fig tree to take a bite of fruit.The fig tree, on the other hand, has not produced any fruit, prompting him to curse it.Then, once he has finished cleaning up the temple, Peter notices that the cursed fig tree has shriveled and died.But why did Jesus curse the fig tree in the first place?In the updated edition of the Expositor’s Bible Commentary, Walter W.Wessel and Mark L.

Strauss looked at this text.They have some valuable insights to give, and we’ve included an extract from one of them below.


It is in this passage that we get the second portion of the tale of the fig tree (11:12–14), which is sandwiched between the description of the purification of the temple. This ″intercalation″ is significant theologically (see Overview, 11:15–19 for further information).


As they continued their journey in the morning, they saw that the fig tree had withered from the roots.″Rabbi, take a look!″ Peter remembered and spoke to Jesus.″The fig tree you cursed has wilted,″ says the witch.In response, Jesus said, ″Have trust in God.″ In all seriousness, I promise you that if somebody says to this mountain, ‘Go hurl yourself into the sea,’ and does not have any doubts in his heart, but believes that what he says will happen, it will be done for him.In order to ensure that you receive anything you ask for in prayer, I tell you to think that you have received it, and it will become yours.And while you’re standing there praying, if you have anything against someone, forgive him so that your heavenly Father might forgive you your sins.’″


Mark 11:20-21

On their way back to Jerusalem from Bethany the following morning (probably on Tuesday of Passion Week), Jesus and his disciples passed the fig tree for the second time.It had been completely demolished (″withered from the roots″).Because of Jesus’ prediction that no one would ever eat fruit from the tree again (v.14), Peter directed Jesus’ attention to the withered tree, reminding him of what Jesus had said (v.21).Despite the fact that Jesus does not expressly interpret the incident, the implication appears to be clear: Jesus’ foretold judgment on the temple will come to pass just as assuredly as his forecast that the fig tree will wither.REMINDER: Matthew only mentions the cursing of the fig tree after the temple has been cleansed, and he says the tree withered ″at once″ (Mt 21:19).These discrepancies correspond to his penchant to condense and shorten incidents (cf.

Mt 8:5–13; 9:18–26; 10:1–4).

Mark 11:22

This has been brought to our attention: the curse of the fig tree is closely tied to Jesus’ cleansing of the temple, with both serving as symbols of God’s punishment against Israel.Yet, strangely, Jesus does not make this relationship obvious in his teachings.The power of faith and prayer, on the other hand, is what Jesus is alluding to in this line and the subsequent teaching.The presence of this feature has led some commentators to conclude that the sayings of vv.22–25 have no historical connection to what has gone before and that Mark (or the tradition before him) has added them because they misunderstand the symbolism of the fig tree’s destruction, which they believe is the case.In spite of the possibility that Jesus used this occasion to draw a second application from the miracle, it is more probable that Mark (and Matthew, who follows him) have kept this application.

The event with the fig tree is used by Jesus to convey important lessons about faith and praying.God is the source of the power that allows the miracle to take place.In order for us to believe, he must be our object of faith.

  • NOTE: The alternative reading that adds the word ″if″ (ei) before the word ″you have″ (echete) has a significant amount of support in the MS.
  • While this phrase may be unique, it is most likely not since (1) the somber ″I tell you the truth″ is never followed by a conditional clause and (2) the introductory ″if″ is most likely derived from an assimilation of the phrase in Luke 17:6.
  • (cf.

Mt 21:21).

Mark 11:23

As with Jesus’ earlier announcements, this one is preceded with the somber introduction line ″I tell you the truth″ as a manner of emphasizing the significance of what he is about to say.Because Jesus was standing on the Mount of Olives, from where a clear view of the Dead Sea may be obtained on a clear day, it is possible that he was referring to that particular peak.Without a doubt, the idea of tossing a mountain into the sea is a metaphor for something that is physically impossible to accomplish (Zec 4:7).In other words, Jesus is stating that when a person has faith, even the most difficult situations can be overcome (cf.Jas 1:6).In Matthew 17:20, a comparable metaphor of the ability of faith to move mountains is depicted in the parable of the mustard seed (cf.

Lk 17:6).

Mark 11:24

A direct relationship exists between the sort of faith that Jesus is speaking of here and the practice of prayer.As E.Stauffer (New Testament Theology, 169) points out, ″the ‘faith’ of Mark 11:23f.is a faith that prays….Prayer is the source of its force, and the means of its strength — God’s omnipotence is its solitary certainty, and God’s sovereignty is its only constraint.″ (New Testament Theology, 169) In other places, Jesus confirms the limitless capacity of prayer to bring about desired consequences (Mt 7:7; 18:19; Lk 11:9).

Mark 11:25

Although the change between v.24 and v.25 is abrupt, it is necessary (with v.24 speaking of faith, v.25 of forgiveness).Nevertheless, there is a relationship.Prayer, in order to be successful, must be offered in confidence – faith in the all-powerful God, who is capable of doing miracles.However, it must be provided in the spirit of reconciliation.Efficient prayer requires two conditions: faith in the power of God and a willingness to forgive.Possibly because of the rapid change in subject matter, or perhaps because Matthew had supplied a comparable statement in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 6:14), which comes directly after the Lord’s Prayer, Matthew omits this line.

Mark 11:26

This passage does not appear in the New International Version (NIV) or most other modern translations since it is not found in the finest and most ancient manuscripts of the New Testament. A verse from Matthew 6:15 has been inserted into the text.


In 2012, Zondervan published an update to the Expositor’s Bible Commentary, which may be seen here.The work of 56 distinct authors – 30 of whom are new to the series – is now included in The Expositor’s Bible Commentary – Revised Series.EBC-R is a collection of the greatest work by world-class researchers, including D.A.Carson, George Guthrie, John Walton, and Andreas Köstenberger, that is both scholarly and accessible.There are thirteen volumes in this series.

View the contents of the Expositor’s Bible Commentary or choose which version is best for you by visiting the website.Then, add it to your Olive Tree collection and go to work learning something new.

What an Atheist Might Say About Jesus Cursing the Fig Tree

  • One of the most well-known stories in the gospels has Jesus cursing a fig tree for failing to provide him with any fruit, despite the fact that it was not even the season for fruit at the time of Jesus’ cursing. On the next morning, as they returned from Bethany, he was hungry: 13 And when he noticed a fig tree a long distance away with leaves, he went to see whether he could find anything on it
  • but when he got there, he found nothing but leaves, for the time for figs had not yet arrived. 14 And Jesus responded and said to it, ″No man shall eat of thy fruit hereafter for all of eternity.″ And it was heard by his disciples. (Matthew 11:12-14).
  • As an example, see Matthew 21:18,19.

Then again, what kind of petulant individual would spew a needless and random curse? Why would this be the sole miracle that Jesus performed in the vicinity of Jerusalem? Rather from being a single instance, the episode is intended to serve as a metaphor for something greater — and worse.

The Meaning of Jesus Cursing the Fig Tree

Mark isn’t attempting to convey to his audience that Jesus was enraged because he didn’t have any figs to eat – that would be really bizarre, considering that he would have been aware that it was far too early in the year for figs to be in season at the time.As a result, Jesus is conveying a more general message regarding Jewish religious practices.To be more specific, it was not the appropriate time for Jewish leaders to ″produce fruit,″ and as a result, they would be cursed by God and forbidden from ever bearing fruit again.Consequently, rather than just cursing and murdering a lowly fig tree, Jesus is implying that Judaism as a whole is cursed and would eventually die — ″dry up at the roots,″ as a subsequent verse reveals when the disciples come upon the tree the next day (in Matthew, the tree dies immediately).

Why Is This Important?

There are two things to keep in mind in this situation.In the first place, this occurrence is a good example of the prevalent Marcan topic of apocalyptic determinism, which is explored in the novel.Israel is to be condemned because it ″bears no fruit″ by refusing to accept the Messiah — yet it’s apparent that the tree in this case isn’t being given the option of whether or not to bear fruit.The tree does not grow fruit since the season has not yet arrived, and Israel does not accept the Messiah because doing so would be in conflict with God’s purposes.If the Jews accept Jesus as their Messiah, there will be no cataclysmic war between good and evil.As a result, they must reject him in order for the word to be more quickly transmitted to the Gentiles.

Israel is cursed by God not because of something they did on their own volition, but because it is essential for the apocalyptic tale to play out as planned.The second point to make here is that episodes like this one in the gospels had a role in igniting Christian antisemitism in the first century.So why should Christians feel affectionate toward Jews since both they and their religion have been condemned because they have failed to produce any fruit?

  • Why should Jews be treated kindly since God has decreed that they would reject the Messiah as their Messiah?
  • The greater significance of this text is presented in greater detail by Mark in the story of the purification of the Temple that follows..

Why did Jesus curse a fig tree? What is the importance of Jesus cursing the fig tree?

  • The fig tree is cursed by Jesus in both Matthew 21:18-22 and Mark 11:12-14, 20-25, according to the Bible.
  • When we take a closer look at these narratives, we can gain some insight into why Jesus decided to curse this particular fig tree.
  • According to both tales, the time of this cursing is essential and must be taken into consideration.
  • Jesus will be executed the following week, hence this event took place during that week.
  • On the day following His triumphant arrival, now known as Palm Sunday, when the people hailed Him as their Messiah and King, it appears that Jesus cursed the fig tree.
  • Mark’s narrative describes Jesus cursing the fig tree while on His way to cleanse the temple.

The following day, as Jesus and his followers went by the fig tree, they noticed that it had withered overnight, which was a stunning contrast.Considering the context of the time period, the significance of the cursed fig tree is directly tied to other events that were going place at the same time.At the time of the Passover celebrations, Jesus had arrived in Jerusalem.He was to be crowned King, and His disciples were to yield abundant fruit as a result of their efforts.Jesus, on the other hand, was well aware that He would shortly be rejected by His own people.

  • Although ″it was not the season for figs,″ Mark observes that the tree was ″in leaf,″ an indication that figs should have been on the tree at the time.
  • The people looked to accept Jesus, and the religious leaders professed to be following God; nonetheless, they failed to yield fruit, and Jesus was executed as a result of their failure.
  • Many people see Jesus’ curse of the fig tree and cleansing of the temple as symbolic of God’s rejection of Israel as a nation, as well as, in many respects, of God’s rejection of those who pretend to be Christians but do not genuinely adhere to His teachings (such as in Matthew 7:15-23).
  • Regarding the people of Israel, some interpret this as the curse of Messiah being put to death, while others interpret this as the curse of Israel’s imminent demise as a country in the year 70 AD.

Neither interpretation is correct.The notion of productive life as God’s people continues to be relevant to today’s society.Not only must we be religious, but we are also called to establish a personal connection with God through the person of Jesus Christ (John 1:12; 3:16; Acts 4:12; Ephesians 2:8-10).Those who belong to Christ are transformed into new creations (2 Corinthians 5:17), and they are invited to a fruitful relationship with God that produces fruit.People who claim to be followers of Jesus are required to live a life of faith that is manifested in their actions.James, Jesus’ half-brother, stated this concept in the following way: ″What good does it do, my brothers, if someone claims to have faith but does not demonstrate it through his actions?

Is his faith strong enough to rescue him?What good does it do if a brother or sister is badly clothed and deprived of daily food, and one of you says to them, ″Go in peace, be warmed and fed,″ without providing them with the things they require for their physical well-being?As a result, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by deeds, is dead ″ (James 2:14-17).Furthermore, the book of John 15 is concerned with the notion of living as a productive disciple of Christ.

The fruit of the Spirit is precisely characterized in Galatians 5:22-23 as ″love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.″ The fruit of the Spirit is also known as ″the fruit of the Spirit.″ When God cursed the fig tree, he was symbolizing God’s punishment on those who were unfruitful in the Lord’s service.God continues to call His people to live fruitful lives, made possible by their connection with Him, for the sake of His glory.Truths that are related: What was the reason for Jesus’ cleansing of the temple?

Is it possible that Jesus cleansed the temple more than once?Who has responsibility for the killing of Jesus Christ?Who are we as followers of Christ?Is there such a thing as the Christian life?How significant is spiritual development in the Christian life?Return to the page: The Truth About Jesus Christ.

Why Did Jesus Curse the Fig Tree?

  • Written by Noel Goetz Have you ever pondered why Jesus cursed the fig tree in Mark Chapter 11?
  • If you have, you are not alone.
  • The reality is that I really didn’t comprehend the subtle but crucial lesson Jesus was imparting until I started propagating and growing fig trees, and now that I understand the background of the tale, as well as a little bit about fig trees, I want to share it with you.
  • The story begins the day after Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on what we call ″Palm Sunday,″ only a few days before Jesus would be killed, and continues until the end of the story.
  • He had gone to the temple the day before and had witnessed all that was taking place in His Father’s (God’s) house.
  • He observed the buying, selling, and merchandising – the grave sin of the priests, who were benefiting and taking advantage of pilgrims who were faithfully coming to celebrate Passover in their homes and communities.
See also:  When Did Jesus Rise From The Dead Time?

Jesus was starving the next day as they were leaving Bethany, according to the Bible, after they had spent the previous night at Bethany.He proceeded to investigate a fig tree in the distance, which he recognized as being in leaf.He discovered that it did not have any fruit.When he arrived, he discovered nothing but leaves, as it was the wrong time of year for figs.After that, he cursed the tree, saying, ″May no one ever eat fruit from you again!″ (See Mark 11:12-14 for further information.) Following this, the story states that he proceeded to the temple and ejected the money changers and merchants, who were forced to flip their tables over in protest.

  • As they continued their journey in the morning, they saw that the fig tree had withered from the roots.
  • ″Rabbi, take a look!″ Peter remembered and spoke to Jesus.
  • ″The fig tree you cursed has wilted,″ says the witch.
  • In response, Jesus said, ″Have trust in God.″ (See Mark 11:20-22 for further information.) Now, it may seem weird that Jesus cursed a tree just because he was hungry and dissatisfied, but if we don’t take a deeper look, we’ll miss out on what Jesus was trying to teach His followers.

The significance of the Breba crop

  • Did you know that many fig trees produce more than one harvest in a season?
  • There is something known as a ‘Breba’ crop, sometimes known as a ‘out of season’ crop in today’s world.
  • A mature branch of the previous year’s wood is used for the Breba crop, whilst the main fig crop grows on new, green wood that has been added to the tree for the current year.
  • Even though the Breba harvest is modest in number, it frequently delivers the largest and most delicious figs, at a time when no other tree is anywhere near ripening fruit.
  • The lush tree in the distance, you see, was holding forth the promise of fruit (blessing…
  • nourishment…

life).As a result, the people had been without fresh fruit for the whole winter and were looking forward to the arrival of these ‘Breba’ figs, so of course Jesus fully and correctly anticipated that the tree would naturally produce early fruit on ‘a mature branch.’ But, isn’t there always more to the tale, don’t you think?In the early spring (around the time of Passover), Jesus was ″expecting to find fruit″ from the mature wood, and because it was expected and he was sent away hungry, it appeared to be a promising tree, but upon closer inspection, it was discovered to be devoid of any fruit.It was a fig tree that failed to fulfill the benefits for which it was intended.Indeed, Israel’s’mature branches’ included the priests, rabbis, Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, and others who served as the nation’s top leaders.

Created to bear good fruit

  • He expected to see religious leaders handing out spiritual fruit to the hungry travelers who had gone to the Passover celebration in order to find nourishment the day before.
  • Instead, he saw a crowd of people who were not expecting to see him.
  • They had come to the temple hoping to be fed, but instead were met with dissatisfaction.
  • Those ordered (made) to feed them the good things of God seemed to them like early leaves, promising fruit but ultimately proving to be a futile enterprise.
  • Instead of giving nutrition, they were taking advantage of the people and sending them away hungry – just as Jesus was sent away hungry by the barren fig tree when it failed to provide fruit.
  • Jesus was delivering a prophetic as well as a practical warning to his disciples: If you are made to yield excellent fruit, but you are rebellious and refuse to bear fruit, you will be condemned by the Creator.

″May no one ever eat fruit from you again,″ he said in parting remarks.(Matthew 11:14) When the Jews rose up in revolt against Rome in 70 AD (less than a decade later), the temple was completely demolished.The priests were ejected or killed, and the temple was set on fire in order to collect the gold that adorned the temple.The temple was subsequently dismantled block by block in order to retrieve the gold that adorned the temple.According to a scripture that is partially connected, Jesus said, ″I am the vine, and you are the branches.″ You will yield abundant fruit if you remain in me and I remain in you; if you separate yourself from me, you will accomplish nothing.

  • In the absence of your remaining in me, you are like a branch that has been cast aside and withered; such branches are taken up, ‘thrown into the fire, and burnt.’ (See also John 15:5–6) Many individuals roam around in our world, searching for the things of God, but they are not finding them.
  • Knowing this, you and I were made to yield wonderful fruit – both the early and eagerly awaited ‘Breba’ harvest as well as the’main season’ sustenance crop; so that no one, not even a single person, should ever be forced to go hungry in this world.

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Cursing the fig tree – Wikipedia

  • He expected to see religious authorities handing out spiritual fruit to the hungry travelers who had gone to the Passover celebration in order to find nourishment the day before.
  • Instead, he saw a crowd of people who were not expecting to see Jesus.
  • However, when they arrived at the temple, they were met with disappointment.
  • The religious leaders who were appointed (made) to feed people the good things of God presented themselves as early leaves, holding out the promise of fruit, but in reality, they were unproductive.
  • Instead of giving nutrition, they were taking advantage of the people and sending them away hungry – just as Jesus was sent away hungry by the barren fig tree when it failed to produce any fruit.
  • Jesus was delivering a prophetic as well as a practical warning to his disciples: If you are made to yield excellent fruit, but you are rebellious and refuse to bear fruit, you will be condemned by God.

″May no one ever eat fruit from you again,″ he said in response to her.14 (according to Mark).The temple was demolished during the Jewish revolt against Rome in 70 AD (less than a decade later).The priests were ejected or killed, and the temple was set on fire in order to collect the gold that adorned the temple.The temple was then dismantled block by block in order to reclaim the gold that had been adorned the temple.

  • According to a scripture that is partially connected, Jesus said, ″I am the vine, and you are the branches.
  • The longer you remain in me, the more fruitful your life will be; aside from me, you will be unable to bear fruit.
  • In the absence of your remaining in me, you are like a branch that has been cast aside and withered; such branches are taken up, ‘thrown into the fire, and burnt.’″ 5 and 6 in John 15:5–6 People roam throughout our planet, looking for God’s blessings and something to do with their lives.
  • As we all know, you and I were formed and equipped to yield wonderful fruit – both the early and eagerly awaited ‘Breba’ harvest as well as the’main season’ sustaining crop – in so that no one, not a single person, should ever be forced to go hungry.

The symbol of the fig tree in Hebrew scripture

  • The curse of the fig tree is shown in this Byzantine icon.
  • According to the Jewish scriptures, the people of Israel are sometimes represented as figs on a fig tree (Hosea 9:10, Jeremiah 24), or as a fig tree that bears no fruit (Jeremiah 8:13), and in Micah 4:4, the age of the messiah is pictured as one in which each man would sit under his fig tree without fear; the cursing of the fig tree in Mark and Matthew, as well as the parallel When viewed in isolation, Jesus’ destruction of the fig tree does not seem to fit with his other actions (and Bertrand Russell used the story to challenge Jesus’ greatness).
  • However, these miraculous accounts involve the destruction of property rather than people, and together they constitute a ″prophetic act of judgment.″

Gospel of Mark, 11:12–25

  • The majority of academics think that Mark was the earliest gospel, and that the writers of Matthew and Luke drew on Mark’s work as a source.
  • Jesus and his disciples are on their way to Jerusalem when a barren fig tree is cursed because it bears no fruit; once in Jerusalem, he drives out the money-changers from the temple; and the next day, the disciples discover that the barren fig tree has withered and died, with the implied message that the temple has been cursed and will perish because, like the fig tree, it has failed to produce the fruit of righteousness.
  • It is possible that the episode’s primary motif is the power of prayer, rather than the eschatological aspect, which some scholars believe is the case.
  • However, in chapter 13 verse 28, Mark has Jesus use the image of a fig tree to make it clear that Jerusalem will be destroyed and the Jewish nation will be brought to an end before their generation passes away.

Gospel of Matthew, 21:18–22

  • Using Mark’s split tale, Matthew condenses it into a single narrative.
  • When the curse is spoken, the fig tree withers, propelling the story ahead to Jesus’ confrontation with the Jewish priests and his curse against them as well as the temple.
  • While Jesus responds to the disciples’ expressions of wonder with a brief discourse on faith and prayer, it is less clear that the dead fig tree is connected to the fate of the temple.
  • However, in Matthew 24:32–35, the author closely follows Mark in presenting the ″lesson″ (in Greek, parabole) of the budding tree as a sign of the certain coming of the Son of Man.

Gospel of Luke, 13:6–9

  • Luke substitutes the parable of the barren fig tree for the miracle, which is most likely derived from the same body of tradition as that which underlies Mark’s account.
  • After hearing reports of Galilean deaths, Jesus and the disciples travel to Jerusalem, where he provides a prophetic interpretation of the events through a parable: A man planted a fig tree expecting it to bear fruit, but despite his visits, the tree remained barren; the owner’s patience wore thin, but the gardener pleaded for a little more time; the owner agrees, but the question of whether the tree would bear fruit, i.e.
  • acts that manifest the Kingdom of God Jesus concludes his parable with a warning that if his people do not repent, they would die, according to Luke.

Infancy Gospel of Thomas

The Infancy Gospel of Thomas contains a totally different account, but it contains a similar line from Jesus: ″…behold, now also thou shalt be withered like a tree, and shalt not bear leaves, neither root, nor fruit.″ (III:2).

See also

  • Figurines in the Bible
  • the life of Jesus as recorded in the New Testament
  • The parable of the blooming fig tree and the parable of the barren fig tree are both included.



  1. Burkett 2002, p. 143.
  2. a b Dumbrell 2001, p. 67.
  3. a b Edwards 2002, p. 338.
  4. a b Burkett 2002, p. 170-171.
  5. a b Dumbrell 2001, p. 175.
  6. a b Dumbrell 2001, p. 175.
  7. a b Dumbrell 2001, p. 175.
  8. a b Dumbrell 2001,


  • Burkett, Delbert Royce, and others (2002). This course provides an overview of the New Testament as well as the historical roots of Christianity. 9780521007207
  • Carroll, John T. (Cambridge University Press)
  • Carroll, John T. (Cambridge University Press)
  • Carroll, John T. (Cambridge University Press) (2012). A Commentary on the Book of Luke. Cousland, J.R.C., Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN 9780664221065
  • Westminster John Knox Press, ISBN 9780664221065
  • (2017). The Infancy Gospel of Thomas has a passage titled ″Holy Terror.″ Bloomsbury Publishing, ISBN 9780567668189
  • Dumbrell, W.J. Bloomsbury Publishing, ISBN 9780567668189
  • Dumbrell, W.J. (2001). On the Lookout for Order: Biblical Eschatology in the Spotlight Wipf and Stock, ISBN 9781579107963
  • Edwards, James R. Wipf and Stock, ISBN 9781579107963
  • (2002). The Gospel of Mark is a collection of writings by the apostle Mark. ISBN 9780851117782
  • Getty-Sullivan, Mary Ann. Eerdmans. ISBN 9780851117782 (2007). Parables of the Kingdom: Jesus and the Use of Parables in the Synoptic Tradition is a book on Jesus and his use of parables. Keener, Craig, and Liturgical Press (ISBN 9780814629932)
  • Liturgical Press (1999). A Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew (Matthew 5:17–20). Eerdmans Publishing Company, ISBN 9780802838216
  • Kinman, Brent (1995). The setting of Jesus’ arrival into Jerusalem, both in terms of Lukan theology and in terms of the politics of his day. Perkins, Pheme (Brill, ISBN 9004103309)
  • Brill, ISBN 9004103309
  • (2009). The Synoptic Gospels are introduced in this section. Reddish, Mitchell G., ed., Eerdmans, ISBN 9780802865533
  • Eerdmans, ISBN 9780802865533
  • Reddish, Mitchell G., ed., Eerdmans, ISBN 9780802865533
  • Reddish, Mitchell G., ed., Eerdmans, ISBN 9780802865533
  • Reddish, Mitchell G., ed., E (2011). This is an introduction to the Gospels. Published by Abingdon Press under the ISBN 9781426750083.
See also:  Mary'S Age When She Had Jesus

He found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs

  • People frequently inquire as to ″why did Jesus curse the fig tree if it wasn’t fig season at the time?″ Isn’t that a little strange how that came to be?
  • Is it possible that Jesus killed the fig tree even though it was producing in a perfectly normal manner?
  • What is the rationale behind this scathing condemnation of a helpless oak tree?
  • Regarding the fig tree, the author Fred T Wright writes the following about it in his book, Manners and Customs of Bible Lands.
  • In accordance with its natural behavior, figs begin to form on the tree as soon as the first leaves appear on the tree.″ Leaves and fruit are also disappearing at the same time.
  • However, when Jesus and His disciples came across this fig tree on the Mount of Olives, they were told that ″the time of figs had not yet come,″ according to Mark 11:13.

Actually, this was no excuse for the fig tree, because if it wasn’t the right time for figs, it certainly wasn’t the right time for leaves to begin to emerge.The display of leaves was analogous to a large number of people pretending to have fruit that was not actually present.It was similar to the Pharisees, who claimed to be extremely religious but lived lives that were fruitless.Consequently, Christ cursed the fig tree as an example to all of humanity to avoid being hypocritical.″ When it comes to the fig tree, the Henry Morris Study Bible makes the following observation: ″The Palestinian fig tree normally produces both leaves and small figs in early March, so this tree should have produced figs in addition to its leaves.″ According to the Bible, Israel was frequently represented by a fig tree, as in Isaiah 34:4, Jeremiah 24:1-8, Hosea 9:10, and Luke 13:6-9.″ During the narrative of the fig tree, Matthew Henry offers a thought-provoking observation.A second reason Jesus cursed the fig tree, according to Henry, was so that it would not continue to deceive people by spreading its leaves as if to say, ″Now is the time for figs,″ when in fact the tree had no fruit to offer.

  • The Jewish people, as well as the majority of religious leaders, were deceivers in the same way as the fig tree, and Jesus, in a paraphrased version of the parable, warned of impending judgment.
  • Another question that is frequently asked is why the account in Mark appears to contradict the account in Matthew.
  • ‘And immediately the fig tree withered away,’ according to the Bible’s Matthew 21:19.
  • It appears that there was a 24-hour period between the time Jesus cursed the fig tree and the time Peter announced that the tree had been dried up from the root in Mark’s account.

To be honest, I don’t see anything wrong with this situation; Matthew may have recorded the comments of a different person who observed the leaves wilting.Mark chose to record Peter’s comment the day after it was cursed because by that time, the plant had completely dried up from the root.It appears that the tree withered almost immediately, and that it also dried out extremely quickly within a day’s time.The account in Mark would clearly make it appear to be a miracle.Normally trees die from the top down, or give outward signs (water sprouts or leaves changing color) that they are in a struggle for life.Usually the sap will cease to be pushed to the top and will settle in the trunk and base of the tree causing discoloration of the bark.

According to Mark, it was a complete miracle.God is still in the miracle-work today; He can take a rebel and make him into a servant of Christ.He can affect someone’s heart and mind and bring them into submission to the Holy Spirit.How is He going to deal with you and me?

Now that’s something to think about!¯¯¯ Lyndon Stimeling, of Richfield, has been writing about faith and family for many years.He has self-published three books, “Common Thoughts on The Word” in 2016 and “Eye of a Needle” in 2017 and “Common Thoughts on The Word II” in 2019.

He has also had articles published in The Coming Home Journal and local newspapers and has written a children’s book.Today’s breaking news and more in your inbox

Figs in the Bible – Wikipedia

A common fig branch, with leaves and fruit at various stages of development. Figs appear in the Bible in a variety of contexts, including allusions to the tree and its fruit in both the Tanakh and the New Testament, which are occasionally metaphorical.

Hebrew Bible

  • The fig tree is the third tree in the Hebrew Bible to be specifically addressed by name.
  • The first is the Tree of Life, and the second is the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which are both found in the Garden of Eden.
  • When Adam and Eve discovered they were naked after eating the ″fruit of the Tree of Knowledge″ (Genesis 2:16–17), they used the leaves of the fig tree to weave clothing for themselves, according to the story of the fall (Genesis 3:7).
  • Deuteronomy 8:8–10 describes the Promised Place as ″a land of wheat and barley, vineyards and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey; a land where you will consume food without shortage, and in which you will have nothing to need.″ During Solomon’s reign, Judah and Israel, from Dan to Beersheba, lived in safety, with each man ″living beneath his own vine and fig tree″ (1 Kings 4:25), a symbol of national riches and prosperity that was indicative of the times.
  • King Hezekiah revolted against the King of Assyria, who had become his vassal, according to the Book of 2 Kings 18:1.
  • To this end, the Assyrian commander sought to persuade the army of Jerusalem by providing deserters the opportunity to take possession of their own vine and fig tree apiece.

In Proverbs 27:18, the act of cultivating a fig tree is compared to the act of caring for one’s master.There was a fig tree in the garden of the Song of Solomon, and the tree produced fruit early in the year of love, which was a sign of good fortune (Song 2:13).The fig tree and its fruit are prominently featured in the Book of Jeremiah, and they are also briefly referenced in the Book of Micah.In addition, the Egyptian sycamore fig, another species of ficus, is occasionally referenced in the Bible, for example, in 1 Kings 10:27.

New Testament

  • The curse of the fig tree is shown in this Byzantine icon.
  • According to Matthew 24:32–36, Mark 13:28–32, and Luke 21:29–33, the parable of the growing fig tree is presented as part of the Olivet speech.
  • The fig tree might be interpreted as a representation of Israel.
  • 2:11–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; 2:21–25; According to the Gospel of Luke, the parable of the barren fig tree is a story spoken by Jesus that is described in verses 6–9.
  • In the expectation that a barren fig tree may provide fruit the next year, a vinekeeper plants a seed.
  • The incident of Jesus cursing the fig tree in Mark 11:12–20 is included in this chapter: Jesus was starving the next day as they were leaving Bethany, according to the Bible.

He proceeded to investigate a fig tree in the distance, which he recognized as being in leaf.He discovered that it did not have any fruit.When he arrived, he discovered nothing but leaves, as it was the wrong time of year for figs.After that, he cursed the tree, saying, ″May no one ever eat fruit from you again!″ And his followers were present when he said it.When Jesus arrived in Jerusalem, he entered the temple area and immediately began expelling individuals who were engaged in buying and selling.

  • During his reign, he toppled the tables of money changers and the benches of those who sold doves, and he forbade anybody from transporting products through the temple courtyards.
  • ″Is it not written: ″’My house will be designated a place of prayer for all nations’?″ he asked them as he educated them.
  • You, on the other hand, have turned it into a ″den of robbers.″ When the leading priests and teachers of the law heard this, they immediately began seeking for a means to assassinate him because they feared him because the whole audience had been astonished by his teaching.
  • When the evening approached, they decided to leave the city.

As they continued their journey in the morning, they saw that the fig tree had withered from the roots.″Rabbi, take a look!″ Peter remembered and spoke to Jesus.″The fig tree you cursed has wilted,″ says the witch.In response, Jesus said, ″Have trust in God.″ True to my word, if someone says to this mountain, ‘Go, hurl yourself into the sea,’ and has no doubt in their hearts but trusts that what they say will happen, it will be done for them.″ In order to ensure that you receive anything you ask for in prayer, I tell you to think that you have received it, and it will become yours.In addition, when you are standing in prayer, if you have anything against anybody, forgive them so that your heavenly Father may forgive you of your sins.″ In Matthew 21:18–22, a similarity is established, however the fig tree withers quickly and is seen by the disciples at that point.

In John 1:47–51, when the apostle Nathanael first finds Jesus and inquires as to how Jesus recognizes him, Jesus responds by saying that He has already seen Nathanael sitting beneath a fig tree.

Lessons from the Fig Tree

  • And on the next day, when they returned from Bethany, Jesus was hungry again: In the meantime, he happened to see a fig tree in the distance with leaves, so he went over to see if he could find anything on it: but upon arriving, he discovered nothing but leaves, since it was not the season for figs yet.
  • And Jesus responded and said to it, ″No man shall eat of thy fruit hereafter for all of eternity.″ And his disciples were aware of it.
  • Verse 11 vs.
  • 12 – 14 in Mark Jesus spent the entire night in prayer, and in the morning, He returned to the temple to offer sacrifices.
  • He passed a fig orchard on the way, and because He was hungry, He went to see if He could find anything inside; but when He arrived, He found nothing but leaves, for the fig season had not yet begun.″ First and first, it is necessary to notice that it was not the season for ripe figs, with the exception of a few isolated locations; nonetheless, in this specific orchard, one tree looked to be several weeks ahead of the others.
  • It was already completely covered in leaves.

Because fig trees normally produce fruit before their leaves open, this tree in full leaf had the promise of a fruit that was well-developed within it.However, its outward aspect was deceiving.When Jesus searched the tree’s branches, he discovered ″nothing but leaves.″ It was little more than a jumble of ostentatious greenery.After that, Christ cursed it, saying, ″No one shall eat of thy fruit henceforth forever.″ They were drawn to the blown-out branches and hanging foliage the following morning as they were making their way back to the city.As Peter pointed out, the fig tree that had been cursed had withered away.

  • ″Master,″ replied Peter, ″behold, the fig tree that Thou cursed has withered away.″ As you can see, the disciples were taken aback by Christ’s act of cursing the fig tree.
  • It appeared to them to be in contrast to His methods and deeds.
  • They had heard Him say on several occasions that He had not come to condemn the world, but rather that the world may be saved through Him.
  • His words, ″The Son of Man has not come to ruin men’s lives, but to rescue them,″ were etched into their minds.

Luke 9:56 (KJV).His great efforts had always been done with the intent of restoring rather than destroying.The only title He had been recognized by among the disciples was that of the Restorer and the Healer.This act distinguished out from the rest since it caused destruction rather than healing.Why?You see, in Christ’s kindness, He has lifted the veil of ignorance from the future and has shown to humanity the consequences of a sinful path of action.

He informs them what will happen so that they might choose eternal life rather than death as a result of his prediction.The curse of the fig tree was a parable that was performed.Although all of the fig trees in the orchard were barren of fruit, there was no sense of expectancy or disappointment because the trees were without leaves.As a result, the Gentiles were symbolized by the other trees that were devoid of foliage.

They didn’t make any conceited claims to their own virtue.They were deafeningly ignorant of God’s deeds and methods.With them, the season of figs had not yet arrived.

They were still looking forward to the day when they will be able to see clearly and have hope.During that historical period, that barren tree, with its pompous foliage flaunting in Christ’s face, served as a symbol of the Jewish people and the Jewish country.The Jews had taken a stand apart from all other nations, declaring their loyalty to the Almighty.They had been given particular favor by God, and they held a higher claim to righteousness than any other group of people.Accordingly, Jews stretched their pompous branches that were lush in appearance and pleasing to the sight, but they

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