Why Did God Send Jesus Into The World?

Why did God send Jesus?

Answer This is according to Scripture: ″The Father sent his Son into the world″ (John 5:37; 6:44, 57; 8:16, 18; 12:49; 20:21; Galatians 4:4; 1 John 4:14).To put it another way, God sent Jesus.The Bible also reveals the reasons for God’s sending Jesus into the world, causes that will ultimately result in His glory and our eternal benefit.Among the many reasons God sent Jesus are the following four: God’s Reason for Sending Jesus: In order to reveal the Father We discover some aspects about the Creator during the process of creation, such as ″his eternal might and divine essence″ (Romans 1:20).But what is God’s true personality like?Is it possible to get to know Him on a personal level?

God began to show Himself to His people in the Old Testament as the Creator, Lawgiver, Judge, and Redeemer of their lives as they read the Scriptures.After then, Jesus appeared (Hebrews 1:1–2).God was shown to us in a way that drew our immediate attention to him.

We would not be able to see God if it weren’t for Jesus’ sacrifice.″No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is God in his own right and is in the most intimate connection with the Father, has shown him to us″ (John 1:18).In reality, Jesus is ″the precise image and complete imprint of Hisessence,″ as the Bible states (Hebrews 1:3, AMP).In other words, if you’ve seen Jesus, you’ve seen God the Father as well (John 14:9).

We would be skeptical of God’s love if it weren’t for Jesus.However, by the acts that He performed and the death that He died, Jesus exposed God’s love (Luke 7:12–13; Romans 5:8) to the world.We would have doubts about God’s kindness and caring if it weren’t for Jesus.However, Jesus exhibited God’s awareness of our needs as well as His willingness to satisfy them (Matthew 6:8).

  1. We could think God is unjust if we didn’t have Jesus to help us.
  2. However, by His relationships with individuals from all walks of life, Jesus demonstrated God’s impartiality.
  3. We would be fatherless for the rest of our lives if it weren’t for Jesus.

However, Jesus demonstrated to us that we might approach God in the same way that a child approaches his or her parent (see Matthew 6:9).Creation, law, and judgment are all foundations for a connection; there is also a familial relationship (Matthew 12:49–50) between God and humanity.″If you want to measure how well a person knows Christianity, find out how much he makes of the notion of being God’s kid, and having God as his Father,″ stated J.

  • I.
  • Packer.
  • Everything that Christ taught…
  • may be summed up in the understanding of God’s Fatherhood.
  1. God’s given name in Christianity is ″Father″ (Knowing God, InterVarsity Press, 1973, p.
  2. 201).
  3. Jesus uttered the words of God, pondered the thoughts of God, felt and expressed the emotions of God, and performed the acts of God.

God sent Jesus into the world in order to show himself to us as the Father.God sent Jesus in order to put an end to sin.″He has arrived once for all at the end of the ages to put an end to sin by offering himself as a sacrifice,″ according to Hebrews 9:26.The offerings of the previous Levitical system were insufficient to cleanse the sinner of his transgressions.

  1. The ideal sacrifice, however, was made by Jesus once and for all time.
  2. Because of the shedding of His blood on the cross, animals would never again be need to die in our place as our substitute.
  3. When God sent Jesus into the world, the Son of God took on human form in order to give a more adequate atonement for sin and a more appropriate covenant with God’s chosen people.
  • God did not send Jesus to deny the reality of sin or to assist us in forgetting our guilt.
  • He did not intend for denials and cover-ups to take place.
  • God desired to put an end to sin once and for all via the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.
  • God’s forgiveness and deliverance from the punishment of sin are found in Christ.
  • We are completely free of our sins because of our faith in the Son of God.
  1. Apart from this, God has provided us with liberation from the grip of sin itself, actual redemption, and authentic peace with Him.
  2. Because of this, those who are in Christ Jesus are no longer under condemnation (Romans 8:1).
  3. Our religious acts will not be able to remove sin from our lives.
  4. Feeling sorry for oneself, practicing self-denial, or living a holy life will not help.
  5. Even our death will not be able to remove sin from our lives.
  6. In our lives, sin is a stain on our soul, a stain in the fabric of our being that can only be removed by the blood of Christ shed on the cross.

Jesus is the only one who can cleanse us of our sin (1 Peter 2:24).It’s one of the reasons God sent Him in the first place.God sent Jesus to destroy the works of the devil, which is why he was sent.In 1 John 3:8, the apostle John explains another another scriptural reason why God sent Jesus into the world: ″The purpose of the Son of God appearing was to undo the devil’s work,″ says the Bible.As with every well-planned military strike, it was an inspired operation carried out with the precision of a heavenly intervention.In 2000 BC, the Son of God arrived on foreign country, behind enemy lines, with a mission to demolish something, and He was successful in accomplishing his goal.

He completely undid everything that the devil had been up to.The devil has been trying to establish a kingdom for himself, and Jesus came to dismantle the structure, rendering all Satan has done a pointless waste of his precious time.The devil had constructed a sand castle, and Jesus represented the tide.These are some of the devil’s works that Jesus overthrew: deceit (Jesus is the Truth); sin (Jesus is our righteousness); and death (Jesus is our Victory) (Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life).The truth of Jesus’ holiness (Matthew 4:1–11; John 14:30), the quality of His sacrifice (John 12:31; Colossians 2:15; Hebrews 2:14–15; 1 John 2:2), and the activity of His grace (Matthew 4:1–11; John 14:30; Hebrews 2:14–15; 1 John 2:2) enabled Him to undo Satan’s work (Ephesians 2:1; Colossians 3:4; Romans 16:20).The devil had a plan for Lazarus, and it did not involve him being raised from the grave in the manner that Jesus had predicted (John 11).

  • The devil had a plan for Saul of Tarsus, and it did not include him being a missionary to the Gentiles.
  • Saul of Tarsus was not going to be a missionary to the Gentiles (Acts 9).
  • A plan had been devised by Satan for the Philippian jailer, and it did not involve surviving the night and being converted and baptism in the presence of his entire household (Acts 16).

Satan’s schemes have gone wrong, and they will continue to go awry as God’s will is carried out in and through our lives.As for the devil’s future, Matthew 8:28–29 and Revelation 20:10 both predict that he will be taken to the land of pain that he despises.God’s Reason for Sending Jesus: To serve as a model for living a holy life Peter informs us that Christ has set us ″an example, that we should follow in his footsteps″ in the context of suffering for the sake of righteousness, and that we should do so (1 Peter 2:21).All individuals who claim to be followers of Christ should conduct themselves in the same manner that Jesus did (1 John 2:6).We are to be holy in the same way that God is holy (1 Peter 1:16), and Jesus is to serve as our model.

(Luke 4:13–13; Hebrews 4:15).Jesus dealt with temptation, and He did it without committing a sin.John 8:45–46 says that Jesus led a blameless life, being holy in both speech and deed (John 8:45–46).(1 Peter 2:22; Hebrews 7:26).Throughout His life, Jesus cultivated a prayer life (Luke 5:16), and He placed his trust in the power of the Holy Spirit (Luke 4:1, 14).

  1. God brought Jesus into the world, and we are grateful to Him for doing so.
  2. It is to our eternal gratitude that we owe our Lord, who, at the conclusion of His mission, was able to look up to heaven and declare, ″I have brought your glory on earth by completing the task you sent me to complete″ (John 17:4).
  3. The mission has been completed.

5 Reasons God Sent Jesus Into The World

In other words, God did not bring his Son into the world in order to condemn the world, but rather in order to rescue the world through him. – John 3:17 (KJV)

God Sent His Son

In order to rescue people who are born into the flesh, Jesus came into the world and lived a blameless life before suffering, dying, and being resurrected from the dead. This is where it all began for Jesus and for us. Christ was sent by God to live a blameless life and to offer the ideal sacrifice that would appease God’s anger and erase God’s wrath from us.

God Gave His Son

According to Romans 5:6-10, God sent His Son to die on the cross for people who were godless, evil sinners who were natural enemies of God, so that Jesus’ faultless life would be the final and ultimate sacrifice, made once and for all for those who would repent and believe.God did not come into the world in order to condemn it, but in order to redeem it from itself.That was the purpose of His mission.

To Bring Eternal Life

When Jesus came into the world and was born in the flesh, He did so in order to sacrifice His life as a ransom for the sins of many (Mark 10:45), but it was through this giving of Himself that we would be granted eternal life.According to the Bible, there is no other way to join the kingdom other than via Jesus Christ (John 6:44; Acts 4:12), yet it is only for those who believe in Him and place their confidence in Him that they may do so.

Not for Condemnation

The Bible teaches that Jesus did not come into the world in order to condemn or judge the world guilty, but rather in order that they could be rescued. People who do not know God believe that God solely wants to condemn the world, but this is not what the Bible teaches. Rather than condemning, He seeks to rescue those who believe.

But for Salvation

In the aftermath of Lazarus’ death, Jesus informed Martha that he was ″the resurrection and the life.″ The resurrection of Lazarus was only temporary since Lazarus would die again because he was a human being, but for those who believe in Christ, ″yet shall they live again″ (John 11:25), which means that even though they die, ″yet shall they live again″ for those who put their confidence in Christ.


When writing of Jesus’ coming into the world, the Apostle John said, ″God did not bring his Son into the world in order to condemn the world, but in order to rescue it through him″ (John 3:17).As God’s Son, He came into the world to be born of a virgin and in human flesh; to live a sinless life; and to offer His life so that we would be redeemed and not perish in our sins but rather be rescued by the free gift of grace (Eph 2:8-9).

Why Was Jesus Sent to Earth from Heaven? 12 Reasons

Summary: It has been about 50 years since I became a born-again Christian, and I don’t recall ever doing any in-depth research on this particular issue.It has been both intriguing and informative for me.I have faith in you as well.A range of significant reasons for Jesus’ mission from heaven to this planet are revealed in this passage.3:17 (John 3:17) In fact, God did not bring his Son into the world in order to condemn the world, but rather in order to rescue it through him.1) Jesus came to earth with the mission of ″seeking and saving the lost″ (Luke 19:10).

His desire is not to condemn, but rather to provide redemption to those who would accept Him as their Savior.In February 1969, I was an Air Force officer assigned at McChord Air Force Base in Tacoma, Washington, for a brief period of time.I had purchased a New Testament, and I found myself reading it night after night after night after night.

I was alone in my room on base when the truth of the Gospel was shown to me, and I freely embraced Jesus as my Lord and Savior on that same day.What may have happened to cause this?Why?Because Jesus, the glorious Son of God, left heaven and came to earth in order to seek and redeem Jim, a lost sinner who had sinned against God.

And He did the same for each and every one of you!———————————— 1 4:9 (John 4:9) God’s love for us was demonstrated in this way: He sent his one and only Son into the world so that we can live through him.2) Jesus was sent from heaven by God the Father to earth, where he died for our sins and rose from the grave, enabling us to pass from death to life (John 5:24).From everlasting damnation in hell to eternal life in heaven, there is no turning back.

  1. Moreover, Jesus makes this life available to any and all of us who would ″come to God in repentance and have confidence in our Lord Jesus Christ″ (Acts 20:21).
  2. In the days before His death and resurrection, and a long time before ours, Jesus declared, ″Because I live, you will live as well″ (John 14:19).
  3. Hebrews 2:15 says that He has rescued everyone who repent and trust in Him from the fear of death and has provided us eternal life in His beautiful presence (Hebrews 2:15).

———————————— 3:26 (Acts 3:26) When God sent up his servant, he sent him to you first in order to bless you by turning each of you away from your evil deeds and vices.″I came to this earth to benefit you,″ God the Father sent Jesus to this planet.God is not a spiteful or malevolent deity in any way.

  • He is madly in love with you!
  • His heart’s desire and His aim is for you to be blessed.
  • And He does this via Jesus by…
  • 1) I am turning everyone of you away from your evil ways.
  1. Heaven is a realm of total, unwavering holiness, purity, and perfection on a scale that cannot be measured.
  2. In that place, there will be no wrongdoing.
  3. And, through the redemptive power of Jesus Christ, God gives us the opportunity to begin partaking in heavenly holiness right here on earth by turning us away from our sinful nature.

———————————— Luke 4:43 (NIV) ″I must tell the good news of the kingdom of God to the other cities as well, for that is why I have been sent,″ he explained.5) Jesus was sent into the world to proclaim the good news of God’s kingdom to all who would listen to him.He began by saying, ″Our Father in heaven…thine kingdom come…″ while teaching us how to pray.

  1. (Matthew 6:9-13; Luke 6:9-13).
  2. The following is a sample of what I pray when I pray the Lord’s prayer and come to this section concerning God’s kingdom: ″Lord, rule and reign in my heart…″, ″rule and reign in my house…
  3. in my family…
  • in our church…
  • in our nation…″ When it comes to John the Baptist, his first biblically documented preaching is: ″Repent, because the kingdom of heaven has come near″ (Matthew 3:2, NASB).
  • ″Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at near,″ was the message of Jesus’ first recorded public sermon: ″Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand″ (Matthew 4:17, NASB).
  • The Bible refers to the Lord Jesus Christ as ″Lord of lords and King of kings,″ which means ″Lord of lords and King of kings″ (Revelation 17:14; 19:16).
  • When we serve Jesus right now, while we are still alive on this planet, we are serving the One who has received from God the Father ″all authority in heaven and on earth,″ and we are serving the One who has received ″all power in heaven and on earth″ (Matthew 28:18).
  1. Thy kingdom come!″ is what we pray to God the Father via Jesus.
  2. And it is through the Person of Jesus Christ that the kingdom of God has arrived to this planet.
  3. ———————————— Luke 4:18-19 is a passage from the Bible that teaches about the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
  4. ″There is a presence of the Lord upon me, for he has anointed me to bring good news to the needy.
  5. In order to declare release for prisoners and sight restoration for blind people, to set free the downtrodden and proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor, he has appointed me as his representative.
  6. 6) Jesus was sent by God the Father to bring good news to the oppressed and disadvantaged.
See also:  When Jesus Was A Boy Story?

Before I heard and accepted the redeeming Gospel (also known as the ″good news″) of Jesus Christ, I was a lost and spiritually bankrupt man who had no hope in the world.This good news was brought to us by God’s Son who came down from heaven to speak it to our ears and in our hearts.7) He was dispatched to the jail to proclaim the captives’ liberation.The Bible teaches that ″all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,″ and that ″all have committed sin″ (Romans 3:23).As a result, we were imprisoned and held hostage by our crimes, as well as all of the nasty habits that resulted from our evil dispositions.However, Jesus was sent to save us and set us free from those enslaving bonds of slavery.

8) He was dispatched to assist the blind in regaining their sight.This is definitely true spiritually, as the truth of God’s Word penetrates our hearts and minds, and we turn to Jesus Christ in faith and repentance, as the truth of God’s Word penetrates our hearts and minds.It holds true in terms of physical reality as well.During his time on earth, Jesus cured the blind, the deaf, the crippled, and people suffering from a wide range of diseases and ailments.And Jesus is still healing people today!Why?

  • Because He ″is the same yesterday, today, and forever,″ as the Bible says (Hebrews 13:8).
  • He freed people from sin more than 2,000 years ago, and He continues to save us from sin in the present.
  • Likewise, Jesus treated the sick more than 2,000 years ago, and He continues to do so in the twenty-first century.

9) He was sent to release those who were oppressed.The Father sent the Son from heaven to earth in order to set us free from all forms of injustice and tyranny.Are you suffering from stress, pressures, afflictions, or even life-threatening calamities?Look to Jesus for guidance.He was sent to free the downtrodden, and that includes you in the most emphatic terms!

In order to declare the ″year of the Lord’s favor,″ he was dispatched.That favor from God is available to you right now.His benefits are not limited to the old Bible heroes, nor are they limited to those who have already attained eternal salvation.They are available to you right now via Jesus Christ.According to the apostle Paul, ″I tell you, this is the season of God’s favor″ (2 Corinthians 6:2), and we should take advantage of this opportunity.

  1. What is the best way for me to receive God’s favor and blessings?
  2. — ″No matter how many promises God has made, all of them are ‘Yes’ in Christ,″ says the author.
  3. (See 2 Corinthians 1:20 for further information.) ———————————— Mark 10:45 a.m.

And so it was with the Son of Man, who did not come only to be served but rather to serve and sacrifice his life as a ransom for the sins of many.11) Jesus was not sent to be catered to, but rather to serve and contribute.He bathed their feet, and then He offered His life for them.This is just amazing!The King of kings and the Lord of lords descended from heaven to earth in order to serve us all.

Examine this question: If Jesus, the Son of God and Savior, left heaven to serve us through His life, death, and resurrection for our redemption, how much more should we strive to be humble, willing, and self-sacrificing servants of the Lord and of our fellow human beings?———————————— 6:38 (John 6:38) In other words, I have not come down from heaven to do my own will, but rather to do the will of the one who sent me.12:49 (John 12:49) For I did not talk on my own initiative; rather, the Father who sent me instructed me to say what I have spoken.12- Jesus was sent from heaven to earth in order to carry out the will of the Father as well as to utter the words of the Father.″I don’t do anything for myself,″ he said (John 8:28).Our Lord and Savior Jesus was completely dedicated to subordinating His own will to the will of the Father in heaven.

  1. As a result, we should as well.
  2. It is through our Lord’s flawless example that we may give fresh meaning to the prayer He taught us: ″Our Father who art in heaven…
  3. thine will be done…″ (Matthew 6:9-10, King James Version) And, just as Jesus did, we should make it a point to ensure that our speech, our words, and our discussions are a reflection of God’s thoughts and heart.
  4. This demonstrates the critical need of consistently reading our Bibles in order to get progressively familiar with God’s thinking on a wide range of topics and to be able to communicate those heavenly thoughts in our everyday discourse.

———————————— 17:18 (John 17:18) In the same way that you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world as well.20:21 (John 20:21) ″Peace be with you!″ Jesus said once again.″I am sending you in the same way that the Father has sent me.″ In Acts 1:1, Luke takes a look back at ″all that Jesus began to perform and teach,″ as he puts it.He was tasked with the aforementioned twelve tasks (and more, if time permitted listing them all).His assignment to us in this Age of the Church is to carry on with these works and teachings in our own time and place.″We are…

Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his case through us,″ the Bible states in 2 Corinthians 5:20.In this interim period between the Lord’s first and second comings, Jesus has dispatched His people with the same commission He gave to the apostles: ″As the Father has sent ME, so I am sending YOU.″ (John 16:13) We now have Christ’s commission — as well as the honor — to serve as His representatives in the world: to go out and find the lost and teach them about the Savior, Jesus Christ 2) To bring lost sinners out of death and damnation and into new life in Jesus Christ.3) To serve as ambassadors for Christ’s wish to ″bless″ the entire world.

4 To encourage people to turn from their wickedness to a pure, holy Savior who loves them 5 To inform them of the kingdom of God, that there is a loving, almighty God who rules this earth and the entire universe 6 To proclaim the good news of the Gospel to the poor (and to the rich, and to everyone in between 7) To minister the freedom Christ brings to those who are imprisoned by sin, addictions, and bondages 7 8) to bring divine healing to the sick, the infirm, and even the blind 9) to proclaim the Gospel message so that we may be set free from every oppression through Christ 10) to inform the hopeless of God’s desire to show them His favor.8) to bring divine healing to the sick, the infirm, and even the blind 11, to live as Jesus did on earth — to serve and give; 12, to execute the Father’s will daily (″thy will be done″) and to proclaim His message to this world as ambassadors of the Son of God — to be a blessing to others.Take a look at our comprehensive selection of sermons on the person and work of Jesus Christ.Please consider subscribing (always free) Shortcuts to the Most Important Topics: Christian Way of Life Doctrine and theology are two different things.Evangelism Faith Gifts of the Holy Spirit are those that God gives to people.

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Why Did God Send Jesus to Earth?

This article addresses some of the issues you may have asked and demonstrates how you may find the answers in your Bible by following the links. Jehovah’s Witnesses would be delighted to talk with you about the answers you’ve received.

1. Where was Jesus before God sent him to earth?

When Jesus was a spirit being in heaven before to his birth in Bethlehem, he was known as ″the Christ.″ He was God’s very first creature and the only one who was made directly by God in the entire universe.Therefore, Jesus is appropriately referred to be God’s only-begotten Son, which is a proper designation.He frequently spoke on God’s behalf in the afterlife in heaven.It is for this reason that Jesus is referred to as the Word.In addition, he served as God’s assistant and participated in the creation of all other things.(See also John 1:2, 3, and 14) Jesus was in the presence of God in heaven for ages before the creation of humans.

​— Take a look at Micah 5:2 and John 17:5.

2. How did God send his Son to earth?

By power of the Holy Spirit, Jehovah conveyed the life of Jesus from heaven to the womb of Mary.As a result, Jesus was born without the assistance of a biological father.A group of shepherds in the area, who were sleeping outside at night while keeping watch over their flocks, were informed of his birth by angels.(See Luke 2:8-12 for further information.) Consequently, Jesus was born not in the depths of winter, but rather in the first few weeks of October, when the weather was still pleasant.Some time later, Mary and her husband, Joseph, brought Jesus to their home in Nazareth, where they reared him until his death.Joseph treated Jesus as though he were his biological son.

​— Take a look at Matthew 1:18-23.The baptism of Jesus occurred when he was around 30 years old, and God publicly revealed that Jesus was his Son.Afterwards, Jesus began the task that God had entrusted to him.

​— Read Matthew 3:16, 17, and 18 in their entirety.

 3. Why did God send Jesus to earth?

God sent Jesus to the earth in order to teach people the truth.Jesus spoke of God’s Kingdom, which he described as a heavenly government that will bring peace to the entire world.He gave people the assurance of everlasting life.(John 4:14; 18:36, 37) Jesus also taught his followers a great deal about how to experience genuine happiness.He taught through example, as recorded in Matthew 5:3 and 6:19-21.For example, he demonstrated how to follow God’s will even when faced with terrible circumstances.

When he was abused, he did not respond.—Read 1 Peter 2:21-24 for more information.Jesus taught his disciples the importance of self-sacrifice and love.

He had many privileges while living in heaven with his Father, yet he humbly followed his Father and came to earth to dwell among the people of the world.None else than Jesus could serve as a more perfect model of love for us.—Read John 15:12, 13; Philippians 2:5-8.

4. What did Jesus accomplish by dying?

God also sent Jesus to die on the cross in order to atone for our sins.(See John 3:16 for more information.) We are all sinners, which means that we are flawed and wicked in some way.It is for this reason that we become ill and die.The first man, Adam, on the other hand, was flawless.He had no sin, and hence would never have died or been ill.However, when he defied God, he lost his pristine state.

We inherited sin from Adam, as well as death as its penalty.​— Read Romans 5:12 and 6:23 for further information.Jesus, who was a sinless man, did not die in order to atone for his own sins.

He died as a sacrifice for our sins.Jesus’ death makes it possible for us to have everlasting life and to be blessed by God as a result of his sacrifice.​— Take a look at 1 Peter 3:18.

Billy Graham on Why Jesus Came to the World

There was only one reason why Jesus Christ came into the world: to make it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins and to be resurrected into Heaven once we die.″For the Son of Man has come to seek and to rescue those who are lost,″ Jesus declared (Luke 19:10).Remember that God created us and intended for us to dwell in His presence for the rest of our lives.However, something threw a wrench in the works, and that ″something″ is what the Bible refers to as sin.But since we have rebelled against God, we no longer have the right to be with Him in Heaven.God is flawless and holy, but we have lost our right to be with Him.

No matter how wonderful we are, we’ll never be good enough to earn our way into Heaven by ourselves.God, on the other hand, loves us, and because He loves us, He has made a means for us to be forgiven and cleansed of our sins.Jesus Christ is the path to take.

He was sinless (since He was God manifested in human form)—but on the cross, all of our sins were laid on Him, and He bore the punishment that we deserved for our actions.He is now offering salvation to us as a free gift—free because He has already paid the price for our sins.What evidence do we have that this is correct?We know this because Jesus Christ did not only suffer for our sins, but He also rose from the dead by the power of God to show us the way to salvation.

Never turn away from Christ, but instead place your faith and confidence in Him now.It is written in God’s Word that ″because the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is everlasting life in Christ Jesus our Lord″ (Romans 6:23).

Sent into the World: Jesus’ Mission and Ours

Our efforts to live incarnationally are fraught with peril, as we will see.Yes, there is danger, but that is not a deterrent.It is a danger that should be taken seriously, yet it should not be taken carelessly.When we think about what Christian purpose is and what incarnation means, we run the risk of quietly shifting our focus away from Jesus and onto ourselves.Our intentionality and relationality become increasingly important, and we begin to behave as though Christian mission begins with and is centered on us.What really thrills us is not the old, old narrative, but rather our innovative ideas for the advancement of the kingdom.

We’ve gradually grown more interested in the ways in which we can imitate Jesus than we are in the magnificent ways in which we cannot.Thanks to Advent and its annual approach to Christmas Day, however, Christians have a vital periodic reminder that the most important component of the Christian mission is not the Christian, but Christ himself.No matter how daring and self-sacrificing our small efforts at incarnational life are, they are simply weak echos of the world-altering, one-time-only Incarnation of the very Son of God, who came into the world to save us all.

And if Christian mission does not flow from and toward the adoration of the Incarnate One, we are essentially just spinning our wheels in circles.

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Jesus Sends Us

There is no doubt about it: Christians have been sent.In John 17:18, Jesus expresses his gratitude to his Father by saying, ″As you sent me into the world, so I have sent them into the world.″ As followers of Jesus, we are not only ″not of this world,″ but we are also sent back into the world on a redemptive mission of redemption.As Jesus says at the end of John’s Gospel, ″As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you,″ this is the standard passage (John 20:21).People whom Jesus calls are also sent by him, and this sending is of such significance that accepting his ″sent ones″ is equivalent to receiving him himself.″Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever accepts the one I send receives me, and whoever receives me receives the one who sent me.″ ″Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever receives the one I send receives the one who sent me″ (John 13:20).Whatever the nature of our individual sending—whether it involves a shift in location and culture, or whether it is just an awakening to a new understanding and missional orientation about our lives and labors among the original people—such a sending should be breathtaking.

But for what purpose are we ″sent ones″ being sent?What is the point of all of this sending?Merry Christmas to you.

Why We’re Sent

It is at this point that the Advent reminder is so important.In the name of the one born in Bethlehem and killed on the cross at Calvary, we are sent as his ambassadors.We have been sent to proclaim with all of our being — with our mouths, minds, hearts, and hands — that the Father has sent the Son.We have been tasked with proclaiming and demonstrating that Jesus was sent into the world to redeem sinners (1 Timothy 1:15).What we are proclaiming is not ourselves, but rather Jesus and the good news that he has brought about (2 Corinthians 4:5).We are not the message; rather, we are only the messengers.

As a result, Jesus’ sent status is unique in the history of the world.As the premier Messenger, he was also dispatched as the message itself, which was a rare and extraordinary honor.Jesus’ ″sentness″ is the most important and last aspect of his life.

Our sense of sentience is, at best, secondary and derived in nature.Christmas serves as a constant reminder of Jesus’ importance as the Sent One.

His Ultimate and Utterly Unique Sending

The fact that the Father sent his Son to completely participate in our humanity is more than a model for mission.It is at the very heart of the gospel, and it is this message that our ministry seeks to share.Christian outreach persists simply because the Message of Jesus Christ must continually be communicated.Jesus’ mission is unique and cannot be duplicated.His Incarnation is one-of-a-kind in all of history.We are insignificant representatives and worthless slaves.

The more we pay attention to the ultimately incomparable condescension of the Son of God, the less it appears that the terminology of ″incarnation″ applies to our meager missionary endeavors.Any and all condescensions and sacrifices we make along the route of gospel advancement, however noble, will pale in comparison to the Light of the world and his divine stooping to assume our humanity and experience the agonising death on our behalves.

Incarnation Inimitable

For this reason, despite the fact that he was in the very form of God, Jesus ″did not see equality with God as something to be grasped, but humbled himself by becoming a servant and being born in the likeness of humanity.″ He humbled himself by becoming submissive to the point of death, even death on the cross, when he was discovered in human form (Philippians 2:6–8).Is there something to imitate in this place?Yes, in a more or less abstract way.But, in the end, this Incarnation is not about what we are to do, but rather about what has already been done for us by the Father.So, before we go on for too long about our purpose as Christians, let us offer our whole focus — the attention of worship — to the Jesus whose mission revealed God to us and secured our everlasting salvation by his death and resurrection.The greatest meaning of the vast missio Dei (mission of God) is found in the Father’s sending of his own Son, who serves not only as the high point and center of the world and all history, but also as the very center of everlasting worship, according to the Bible.

The purpose of our sending, which is enabled by his Spirit, is to express and embody that primary message in order to mobilize other worshipers.

Our Mission Echoes His

What, if any, role does the discourse and tactics of Christians who are living incarnationally have in this context?In our previous appeals, we have urged that we do not lose sight of the crucial contrast between Jesus’ unrivaled Incarnation as Message and our own meager incarnational endeavors to be his faithful ambassadors in speech and practice.But are there any applications that need to be submitted?Donald Macleod, probably more than anyone else, is committed to ensuring that the extraordinary condescension of Jesus in the Incarnation is not distorted.Macleod’s book The Person of Christ (InterVarsity Press, 1998) is a Christological masterwork, and his sixth chapter, simply titled ″The Incarnation,″ is one of the best you’ll find anywhere on the subject.And, despite the fact that his record of rigorous Christological thought speaks for itself, this same author would have us imitate Jesus’ incarnational self-condescension via our own lives.

As Macleod has stated before, Jesus did not lead a life of detachment when incarnate.He led a life that was full of activity.Human sin, cursing, and blasphemy were all visible to him, as were human diseases, human mortality, and human filth.

He chose to dwell in a place where he could witness all of this.Incarnational in nature, his mission educated mankind by going alongside them, becoming one of them, and sharing their surroundings and difficulties with them while he went about his business.This is a source of considerable humiliation for us as individuals and churches living in a prosperous society.How can we successfully serve to a lost world if we aren’t actually in that world ourselves?

How can we reach the uneducated and impoverished if we are not there among them?As long as the church is not embodied in disadvantaged regions, how can our churches have a proper knowledge of those communities?As salt and light in the ghettos of our cities, how can we have effective connections and relationships with the Nazareths of our cities if we ourselves do not have any effective contacts and relationships with them?We have betrayed this magnificent idea of incarnational mission in a fundamentally false manner.

  1. When the great Prophet arrived, he stood right with the people, sharing their experiences on every level.
  2. He took on the form of a man and came to live among us.
  3. (From A Faith to Live By: Understanding Christian Doctrine, p.

139, with additional paragraphing) Macleod feels that the phrase is adequately expansive.There is sufficient suppleness to speak about our incarnational mission without detracting from Jesus’ mission.In order to accomplish this, we must be reminded of it on a regular basis during Advent.

The Centrality of Worship

Christmas serves as a reminder that the dominating note in our lives should not be our witness for Jesus, but rather our adoration of Jesus.In the Christian life, mission is a crucial rhythm, and it is also an important season in the unfolding of redemptive history.It is important to check on the health of our personal Jesus-worship on a regular basis as part of our purpose to extend Jesus-worship to others, both locally and globally.However, our mission for Jesus must never take precedence over our worship of Jesus, lest the whole mission, as well as our own hearts, become brutally perverted as a result.

Our Eternal Theme: Worship, Not Mission

As long as we are not praising Jesus, experiencing God in him, and being continually amazed by God’s love toward us sinners, we have no business attempting to draw others into an experience that we ourselves are not fully immersed in and relishing.That’s why we need to be reminded over and over again that mission ″is not the ultimate objective of the church,″ not just those who are the most missional among us.″Worship is what it is.″ Year after year, Christmas calls us to conceive of ourselves as worshippers of Jesus, rather than as pastors, ministers, leaders, or laypeople who are on mission with the church.This Christmas, may it be true for all of us.May Jesus, the Great Sent One, always be at the center of everything — mission included — and may the adoration of the Incarnate One be the source of energy and the ultimate objective of our weak incarnational echoes for all time.

What does it mean that God sent Jesus in the “fullness of time”? Why did God send Jesus when He did?

Answer to the question ″However, when the fullness of time had arrived, God sent his Son, who was born of a woman and born under the law″ (Galatians 4:4).When ″the hour had completely arrived,″ this passage says that God the Father sent His Son to save mankind.There were a number of events taking place throughout the first century that, at least according to human thinking, appeared to make it the most appropriate moment for Christ to arrive.1) There was a tremendous deal of expectation among the Jews of that period that the Messiah would arrive on the scene.The Jews were increasingly desirous of the Messiah’s arrival as a result of Roman tyranny over Israel.In the second century, Rome had united most of the world under its rule, creating a sense of oneness among the many kingdoms.

Because the empire was largely tranquil, early Christians were able to travel throughout it, helping them to preach the gospel throughout the world.Achieving this level of freedom to roam would have been impossible in other times and places.In contrast to military conquest, Greece achieved cultural conquest through its conquest of the Mediterranean.

Because a ″common″ form of the Greek language (as opposed to classical Greek) was used as the commerce language and was used across the empire, it was able to preach the gospel to a diverse range of people groups by using a single common language, which was Greek.4) The failure of the various false deities to provide them with victory over the Roman invaders led to a widespread abandonment of the worship of those idols by the populace.A similar spiritual emptiness was created by Greek philosophy and science in the more ″cultured″ towns, much as communist regimes’ atheism has produced a spiritual void in the modern world.In addition, because the mystery cults of the period placed an emphasis on a savior-god and forced devotees to give bloody sacrifices, they were more likely to accept the gospel of Christ, which included a single final sacrifice.

The Greeks likewise believed in the immortality of the soul, as did the ancient Egyptians (but not of the body).In addition to recruiting troops from among the provinces, the Roman army also introduced these individuals to Roman culture as well as concepts (such as the gospel) that had not yet reached the provinces.The efforts of Christian troops stationed in Britain were instrumental in bringing the gospel to the country for the first time in history.The assertions above are based on men’s observations of that period of history and speculations about why that specific moment in history was an appropriate time for Christ to arrive.

  1. It is important to remember that God’s plans and purposes are not the same as ours (Isaiah 55:8), and it is possible that these were some of the reasons why He selected that specific period to send His Son.
  2. It is clear from the context of Galatians 3 and 4 that God desired to create a foundation via the Jewish Law in order to prepare the way for the advent of the Messiah.
  3. The Law was intended to assist people in comprehending the depth of their wickedness (in that they were unable to obey the Law) so that they would be more willing to embrace the remedy for that sin provided by Jesus Christ, who was the Messiah (Galatians 3:22-23; Romans 3:19-20).

Additionally, the Law was ″put in charge″ (Galatians 3:24) of leading people to believe in Jesus as the promised Messiah.It accomplished this by its numerous predictions concerning the Messiah, all of which were fulfilled by Jesus.Add to this the sacrificial system, which showed up both the need for a sacrifice for sin and the insufficiency of the system itself (with each sacrifice always requiring later additional ones).

  • Several historical events and religious feasts from the Old Testament created portraits of the person and work of Christ, which were then preserved in the New Testament (such as the willingness of Abraham to offer up Isaac, or the details of the Passover during the exodus from Egypt, etc.).
  • Finally, Christ arrived at the time He did in order to fulfill precise prophesy.
  • Daniel 9:24-27 refers to the ″seventy weeks″ or the seventy ″sevens″ as a period of time.
  • According to the context, these ″weeks″ or ″sevens″ refer to groups of seven years, rather than groups of seven days, as indicated above.
  1. We may look back in time and put the events of the first sixty-nine weeks in chronological order (the seventieth week will take place at a future point).
  2. The ″sending forth of the command to repair and reconstruct Jerusalem″ marks the beginning of the seventy-week countdown (verse 25).
  3. Originally issued by Artaxerxes Longimanus in 445 B.C., this command was later modified (see Nehemiah 2:5).

Following seven ″sevens″ plus 62 ″sevens,″ or 69 x 7 years, according to the prophesy, ″the Anointed One will be cut off from all resources and will have nothing.″ When the coming ruler’s people arrive, they would demolish the city as well as its sacred sites.The ″end will come like a flood″ (indicating widespread devastation) is also predicted (v.26).An clear allusion to the Savior’s death on the cross may be seen in this passage.

  1. Sir Robert Anderson published a detailed calculation of the sixty-nine weeks in his book The Coming Prince more than a century ago, using ‘prophetic years,’ accounting for leap years, calendar errors, the change from B.C.
  2. to A.D., and other factors.
  3. He concluded that the sixty-nine weeks ended on the very day of Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, five days before His death.
  • Whether or not one utilizes this schedule, the point is that the timing of Christ’s incarnation corresponds to this specific prophesy written by Daniel more than five hundred years before the birth of Jesus Christ.
  • The date of Christ’s incarnation was such that the people who lived at the time were well prepared for His arrival on earth.
  • Through His fulfillment of the Scriptures, which depicted and forecasted the arrival of Jesus in graphic detail, the people of every century since then have had more than enough evidence that Jesus was actually the promised Messiah.
  • Return to the previous page: Questions regarding Jesus Christ The phrase ″in the fullness of time″ refers to God sending Jesus at the appropriate moment.
  • What was the reason for God sending Jesus at that particular time?
See also:  Why Was Jesus Called Master?
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Why the Son of God Came into the World

Little Eric Larson, Glen and Patty’s almost-two-year-old son, died in his crib last night about 9:00 p.m.He was in his cot when the tragedy occurred.When we arrived to Children’s Hospital in St.Paul, we were taken aback when Perrin and Sara hugged him, and grandparents held him, as well as mom and dad held him.The question ″How do people tolerate it when they have no hope″ was one of the things Patty uttered through her sobs.Afterwards, as I was leaving, I walked through the United lobby and down the corridor, where I heard someone weeping with tremendous heaving sobs and saw two individuals wrapped around each other in arms.

During this time, I pondered, ″Do they have hope?″ You wouldn’t know it from the sobs.Whenever someone important in your life is taken away from you, both the optimistic and the despondent sob.The primary difference is on the inside, followed by how you spend your life.

The Crucial Question Faced Every Christmas 

Now I recognize that there have been very sophisticated attempts to demonstrate that comments like Patty’s are not founded on the actuality of God outside of us, but are rather the ground for the construction of the notion of God within us.I was surprised to learn that this was the case.As a result, philosophers such as the German philosopher Ludwig Feurbach, who wrote in 1841, asserted that God is not a reality outside of ourselves in which we may place our confidence and obedience, but rather a projection of our own wants onto the world.God does not create us; rather, we are the ones who make God.Patty’s feelings are precisely why humans are compelled to establish a God to believe in—the loss of a kid would be devastating if there were no possibility of an afterlife for the child in question.As a result, God is formed through time to provide a foundation for that hope.

He does not exist in any other world but the one we construct for him.That is the question that each and every one of us must ask ourselves every Christmas.If this tale of the Son of God appearing as a man, born of a virgin, leading a life of spotless love, and dying for sinners so that all who believe would have everlasting life is a fabrication of human imagination because we require it to be real, then why do we need it to be true in the first place?

Or, alternatively, is it true, and we must thus accept it?Do you think that Patty’s point of view — that death may be tolerated since there is hope — was the inspiration for her to write an imaginative Christmas story?Was that frame of view triggered by the actuality of the Christmas narrative, or was it a result of it?You should consider the answer to that question more important than everything else you will be thinking about this Christmas—or for the rest of your life, for that matter.

Is it possible that our sense of need—for God, forgiveness, assistance, and hope—has prompted us to create God?Perhaps we have all of these requirements because we were in fact created by God and have turned our backs on him.

The Self-Authenticating Power of Scripture 

One method to go about addressing that issue this morning is to calmly listen to the many testimony from the Bible that explain why the Son of God came into the world in the first place.You see, I think this book was inspired by God and, as a result, it is extremely strong in its ability to prove its own authenticity.It has the appearance of a two-edged sword, as it penetrates to the divide between bone and bone marrow.And when people give it a chance, the conclusion is frequently that not believing what it says becomes an impossible from a moral standpoint.Its testimonies are too penetrating, its witnesses are too diverse, its insights are too profound, its vision of divine things is too wonderful, its authority is too compelling, its love is too rare, and its Savior is too radical to be merely the work of sinful men, and so it must be the work of God.

Six Reasons for Jesus’ Coming 

As a result, I would want to let six of the witnesses to speak and provide testimony as to why the Son of God came into the world. The witnesses are the gospel writers Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul, and the author of Hebrews. They provide six reasons for Jesus’ arrival, which are as follows:

  1. In order to ransom many, to summon sinners, to provide sight to the morally blind, to split homes, to save from divine condemnation, and to offer eternal life

Are they fictitious activities conjured up in response to our desires?Or do they meet our requirements simply because they are correct?You must make a decision.Let us consider each of these arguments for Christ’s coming one at a time and let the Bible to speak for itself on each of them.1.He came to serve as a ransom for many people.

As Jesus said in Mark 10:45, ″The Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve others, and to give his life as a ransom for many.″ Our sin has caused us to become estranged from a holy God, which is why we require a ransom to be paid on our behalf.When Jesus paid his life as a ransom for us, our slavemasters, sin and death, as well as the devil, were forced to relinquish their claim on us as their property.It was as a consequence of this that we were able to be adopted into the family of God.

This is how Paul stated it in Galatians 4:4–5, ″When the fullness of time had come, God sent out his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, in order that we could be adopted as sons.″ In other words, the redemption, or the ransom, frees us from our sins and allows us to become members of God’s family.We had fled and sold ourselves into slavery in order to survive.God, on the other hand, pays a ransom and redeems us from slavery and brings us into the Father’s home.To accomplish this, God’s Son had to take on the form of a human person in order to suffer and die in our place in order to pay the ransom.

That is the true essence of the holiday season.In the words of Hebrews 2:14, ″Because the children share in flesh and blood, he himself shared in the same nature in order that, by death, he may kill him who has the power of death.″ That is, Christ took on human flesh in order to die and, in doing so, pay a ransom for our sins and set us free from the grip of death and its wrath.It’s hard to tell if this is a complex invention of frantic human imagination or God’s precise provision for our needs.2.

  1. He came to call on sinners to repentance and forgiveness.
  2. As recorded in Luke 5:31–32, ″Jesus told them, ‘Those who are healthy have no need of a physician.’ But those who are sick have a need of a physician; I have not come to call the righteous but sinners to repentance.″ Jesus came into the world to summon sinners to repentance and forgiveness.
  3. First and foremost, a ransom had to be paid in order for sinners to be forgiven.

A successful call to sinners might result as a result of this.The decision is determined on the amount of the ransom.And Jesus claims that he comes to accomplish both of these goals.

  • He doesn’t delegate the ransoming or the calling to others, and he does it himself.
  • He demands a ransom and then telephones.
  • Even now, he continues to bring people to himself via the Bible and through the teaching of the Scripture.
  • He’s going to call you this morning.
  1. That is the true essence of the holiday season.
  2. He came to summon sinners to repentance.
  3. 3.

He came to restore sight to those who were morally deaf.’For judgment I came into this world, so those who do not see may see,’ Jesus declared in John 9:39, according to the New International Version.And in John 12:46, Jesus says, ″I have come into the world as light, so that whomever believes in me will not remain in darkness.″ People’s eyes were opened by Jesus, who came not only to ransom and summon them, but also to open their eyes so that they may see the light and walk in it.There is more to our situation than only slavery in need of a ransom, and lostness in need of a phone call; there is also moral blindness in need of the gift of sight.

  1. We are just blind to some spiritual facts that must be recognized and accepted in their entirety.
  2. This is the reason why Christ came: so that those who do not see may be made visible.
  3. This is the true meaning of the holiday season.
  • 4.
  • Christ came to split up families and divide them in two.
  • Matthew 10:34 (KJV) ″You should not believe that I have come to bring peace to the earth; I have not come to bring peace, but rather a blade.
  • In fact, I’ve come to pit a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s enemies will be people from within his own family.″ The gist of this passage is not that God is a fan of discord and conflict.
  • What’s important to remember is that trouble and division created by sincere commitment to Jesus are preferable than no strife and division caused by a lack of allegiance to Christ.
  1. When a person is ransomed and called to a higher authority in order to be granted sight, something truly extraordinary occurs in their lives.
  2. They perceive everything in a different light as a result of that new vision, and they have a new master as a result of that royal summons, and they are blissfully free of dread and guilt as a result of that adequate ransom.
  3. As a result, individuals think, feel, and act in a different way from the rest of the population.
  4. And for certain members of the family, this can be extremely threatening, resulting in increased stress.
  5. It was for this reason that Jesus came into the world.
  6. That, too, is the essence of the holiday season.

5.He came to save people from the judgment of God.John 3:17–18 (KJV), ″For God did not send his Son into the world in order to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him.His followers are not condemned, but those who do not believe in him have already been sentenced to death.″ God sent his Son to save us from the wrath and damnation that he had in store for us.The necessity for salvation indicates that there is a danger that we must be saved from on some level.Sin, death, and the devil are the dangers to be aware of.

The most dangerous hazard of all, though, is the possibility of God’s judgment on a person.If God is on our side, then sin, death, and the devil will all fail in their attempts to harm us.However, if God is against us, there is nothing that can be done to save us.Christmas, the birth of Jesus, is God’s method of being present for us—if we are willing to accept it.The Bible says, ″He who believes is not condemned, but he who does not believe is already condemned.″ 6.He came to give us the gift of everlasting life.

  • As stated in John 3:16, ″For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whomever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.″ God sent his Son so that we may believe in him and have eternal life, which is what Christmas represents.
  • This is what Patty was referring to when she said, holding her dead kid in her arms, last night, ″How do people take it when they have no hope?″ The hope she was referring to was the hope of eternal life.
  • And that life is a gift from God, given through the person of Jesus Christ.

Believe in Jesus and Receive the Gift of Life 

I’d want to conclude by challenging you to place your faith in Jesus and to accept this gift of life, as well as to live a life that emphasizes God and his abundant grace as the provider of everything that is good and perfect.If you are a visitor with us today, the card in your worship folder is our attempt to establish a connection with you.There is a method for each and every one of you to react, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey.

  1. We would want to send each and every one of you a free copy of Reason to Believe
  2. If you have any questions for us, we would like to speak with you by phone.
  3. We would want to offer our prayers for you in regards to any concerns you may have.
  4. Beginning on January 10th and running through February 28th, we would like to welcome you to a class for serious searchers.
  5. Our prayer is for you to place your confidence in Jesus as your Lord and Savior and accept the gift of everlasting life, if you have not already done so.

Return the book card to the table where it was found.

Why did God wait thousands of years to send Jesus?

You have arrived to the following page: God took thousands of years to send Jesus, so why was it necessary for him to do so?My current project is to read and answer as many questions as I can on the Bible and theology that people have asked through the ″Ask a question″ section in the sidebar.Here’s one that explains why God took so long to send Jesus.What was God thinking when he took so long to send Jesus?I’ve answered issues like this before in regards to the apparent ″delays″ in God’s timeline in the past.Take, for example, the issue, ″Why did Jesus wait three days before rising from the dead?″ We have already discussed this subject.

as well as ″Why is Jesus delaying His return for such a lengthy period of time?″ These questions are obviously different from this particular topic, but the solutions are very similar, which is why I have included them in this section of the article.

So why did God wait to send Jesus?

  • As I do with many of the Bible and Theology questions I receive, I find it beneficial to take a step back and look at the larger picture in order to answer this particular topic.
  • The question is not only about why God took such a long time to send Jesus, but also about all of the seeming delays in God’s redemptive purpose throughout history.
  • To put it another way, why does God ″wait″ before doing anything?

Why Does God delay in anything?

  • To put it another way, if we ask for something and God knows He is going to grant us our request, why does He sometimes make us wait weeks, months, or even years before fulfilling our desire?
  • Naturally, there are a thousand different plausible responses to this question.
  • Perhaps God’s seeming delay had something to do with God’s impeccable timing.
  • Perhaps God did quickly respond to our prayer request, but Satan prevented us

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