Why Believe In Jesus

Why believe in Jesus?

QuestionAnswer There are a plethora of compelling reasons to believe in Jesus. Many of us begin our path of religion because we are in desperate need of something that Jesus can provide. We require assistance, hope, healing, or joy. Our lives are in disarray, and we’re looking for explanations and solutions. The one crucial reason to believe in Jesus, however, is to bring us into right connection with God, and this is the reason that underpins all of the other reasons. It is only through reconciliation with God that we may get relief from everything that is wrong with us and find resolution for what we require.

What was He thinking as He died on the cross?

Our broken connection with God must be repaired first and foremost in order for us to be saved as Christians.

The fact that we are born into this world as sinners (Psalm 51:5) means that we are estranged from God and on a course that will ultimately lead to eternal doom.

  • He desires to save us from destruction and provide us with everlasting life: “God demonstrated his great love for us by sending his one and only Son into the world so that we would have eternal life through him” (John 3:16).
  • He paid the complete price for our sin via his death on the cross: “He himself is the sacrifice that atones for our sins—and not only our sins, but the sins of all the world” (1 John 2:2).
  • When Christ resurrected from the grave, He accomplished the victory over death for us (Revelation 1:18; Hebrews 2:14; John 3:16).
  • Only by repenting and placing your faith in Jesus can you be forgiven of your sins and restored to God’s favor (Acts 2:38; 17:30; Mark 1:4; Luke 13:3).
  • The words of Jesus in John 14:6–7 are a powerful reminder that he is “the way, the truth, and the life.” No one else can bring anybody else to the Father except through me.
  • Those who believe in Jesus are adopted as children of God: “But to everyone who did receive him and believed in his name were given the right to be adopted as children of God” (Romans 10:9).
  • When we put our faith in Jesus, we have access to God’s heavenly presence, which can comfort, protect, lead, and guide us (Ephesians 2:13–18; 3:11–12; Hebrews 4:16).

The Lord educates us and communicates with us via His Word (Psalm 119:105), and through the power of His Holy Spirit, He empowers us to live for Him and for others (Acts 1:8, 1 Corinthians 2:10–13, John 14:26).

Furthermore, this present is completely free.

It is given to us despite the fact that we are undeserving: “God saved you via his grace when you believed.” It is a gift from God, and you have no right to claim credit for it.

Faith in Jesus opens our hearts to a love unlike any other, a love that is willing to sacrifice and die for us (John 10:11; Romans 5:8).

Believing in Jesus and having a personal connection with God frees us from our old existence of guilt, shame, and sin and allows us to live in freedom (John 8:36; Romans 8:2).

As a result of our trust in Jesus Christ, we discover who we were meant to be and the real purpose of our lives: “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God planned in advance that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10, ESV; see also Philippians 3:8–10).

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7 Reasons to Believe in Jesus

This year marks my tenth year as a practicing Christian (since I got baptized). I was raised in a Christian home and have carried on the faith of my parents. However, to be quite honest, I had no desire to mindlessly follow my parents’ beliefs as I got older. For most of my teenage years, I wrestled with a number of concerns regarding God, many remain unanswered for me to this day, and many of which are still puzzling to me. I’ve tried many times to comprehend the Creator with this small intellect of mine.

  • I used to believe that when people inquired about my religious beliefs and the foundation of my life, I should be able to articulate the reasons for my beliefs and provide an explanation for my convictions.
  • I used to believe that I deserved to know God and that I was intelligent enough to construct the truth about God, until I learned that what I ultimately received was nothing more than a source of irritation.
  • Christianity, in my opinion, is not about religion.
  • Our is because history has revealed that religion, rather than fostering peace and harmony in this world, has been generating conflict and war all across the world for thousands of years.
  • It should be seen as an ongoing journey to become like Jesus, to embody the characteristics of Christ.
  • Dear Friends, I would like to share my testimony on “Seven Reasons to Believe in Jesus” with you.
  • He is the only One who has ever come to the planet and taken the initiative to establish a connection with the inhabitants.

God is the one who initially took the effort to reach out to the people in a loving manner.

Because Jesus genuinely cares about people, he came to us so that we may have a personal connection with God.

The first step in starting a discussion with someone you are seriously interested in (or falling in love with) is to get the conversation started as soon as possible.

Your initiative will demonstrate your concern and love from the inside out.

In contrast, when you take the initial step to do something kind and real for someone, you are conquering your fear, since perfect love throws out all fear.

He is the only One who has died, risen from the dead, and ascended to the throne of glory.

Are you aware that the entire globe commemorates Good Friday and Easter (which take place in March and April), as well as Ascension Day (which takes place in May) every year?

Furthermore, his death and resurrection have demonstrated his supreme power over death and life, while his ascension has demonstrated his supreme authority over both the earth and the heavens, respectively.

It marks the end of the existence of all living things on our planet.

However, as Christians, we don’t have to be scared of death since Jesus has defeated death on the cross!

Even more, he has supplied us with an eternal home in the heavenly kingdom of glory.

As long as we believe in Jesus, who has been appointed as the authority of this universe, we will be secure in eternity.

He is the only One who has humbled himself to the point of being a servant to all.

He reduced himself to nothingness by adopting the very character of a servant and being created in the likeness of a human creature.

Many hardships may be found everywhere these days, with the most of them being created by a compromised political leadership.

Because they are only concerned with their personal interests, the fractured leaderships have failed to address the demands of the people.

A fundamental aspect of Jesus’ leadership is his willingness to empty himself of self-interest and to serve others rather than oneself.


During his earthly ministry, Jesus had a clear mission: to live for the glory of God.

He pledged his life to God and completely surrendered his will to the will of the Almighty.

His earthly existence, while being relatively brief (33-36 years), has had a huge influence on people all across the world, maybe more than any other person in history who has lived for a longer period.

God is more than that; he is a’something’ that must be experienced.

To have a personal encounter with God, we must completely give our life to Him and allow Him to direct our paths.

We don’t always need to listen to what other people have to say since we aren’t here to live for the approval of others.

Devoting one’s life to God is the most effective method to live a meaningful and successful life.

That life is not meaningless offers us confidence; there is a cause to value life and live it meaningfully, as a result of this realization.

He is the only One who has entrusted us with the responsibility of becoming a witness and telling the world about His narrative.

He desires that the entire world be aware of his existence since God’s desire is for all people to be rescued.

Are we going to tell them about the discovery?

If we understand that Jesus is everything that this ‘dying’ world need, we can’t keep him for our own personal redemption.

This is why I feel that evangelism is still important, and that communicating the gospel, whether orally or nonverbally, always makes logical sense.

It is an honor to serve as God’s partner in this world and to bear witness to His good news.

He is the only one who has claimed God to be the Father in the Bible.

There are no other faiths or belief systems in the world that define the relationship between God and humans as a father-son relationship in the way that the Bible does.

God is not only something that is far away, inaccessible, or transcendent; rather, God is something that is within grasp.

We don’t have to be concerned when we have a question for Him since we are aware of this reality.

Our lives have been thrown open to Him in a big way.

Jesus has loved us fully and unconditionally, just like a true father loves his son with all of his heart (he has accepted us the way we are).


Faith, hope, and love are fundamental components of Jesus’ life message, which is unmistakable and unassailable.

See also:  In The New Testament, Jesus Did Not Condemn Slavery. What Did This Mean To Southern Slaveholders

As many Christians are well aware, the essence of Christianity is love for God and for one’s fellow man.

Love is also a believer in all things: if you truly love someone, you will believe the positive things about them, even if they do not appear to be good or worthy enough.

This is because Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

People can quickly lose their feelings of love, hope, and fidelity, especially in situations where things are not going as smoothly as they would have preferred them to.

Everywhere we look, we see shattered promises.

There isn’t anything on which we can truly rely.

It appears to be difficult to have faith in individuals.

Jesus Christ, on the other hand, is unique. He is the only One who hasn’t changed since the beginning of time. His love and fidelity will last for all time. This is why we may place our faith, hope, and love in Him with complete confidence.

Why should we have faith in God or Jesus?

Would you like to have the opportunity to learn more about faith? Alpha is a course offered by a number of churches in the area that is aimed to provide a safe environment for people to learn about and debate various elements of their faith with others. At the bottom of this page, you may find a course in your area.

How did the Universe really begin?

It’s possible that how you respond to that question will vary on who you ask. An astro-physicist may respond that the cosmos originated as a massive nuclear explosion some thousand million years ago, and that the universe is still expanding. A theologian would respond that God created the world – but he or she might be more interested with explaining why God created the world than with explaining how God created the world. The ‘why’ question is possibly the most crucial since it prompts us to consider the purpose and significance of creation in our lives.

Not all Christians have the same beliefs about the genesis of life.

Genesis declares creation to be excellent, and God is said to be delighted and pleased with his handiwork, according to the book of Genesis.

What is meant by the Trinity?

Depending on who you ask, the way you respond to the question may vary. An astro-physicist may respond that the cosmos began as a massive nuclear explosion some thousand million years ago. When asked if God created the world, a theologian would respond that God did so – but he or she might be more concerned with explaining why God created the world than than how. In some ways, the ‘why’ question is more essential since it prompts us to consider the nature and purpose of creation. As far as the origin of the world is concerned, the Bible simply states that God created it and that it is eternal (Genesis 1:1, John 1:3, Hebrews 11:3).

While many feel that evolution is the most accurate explanation, the majority believe that God has sustained and exploited the evolutionary process to accomplish his purposes on earth.

Indeed, the planet should be something we appreciate and enjoy, since this is absolutely true.

Who was Jesus?

Christians have long held that Jesus was more than just a decent guy; he was the Son of God, according to their beliefs. We believe that Jesus was sent by God and that he returned to his Father’s presence afterward. Indeed, whether or not Jesus was who he claimed to be determines whether or not Christianity may be saved. In today’s world, no credible intellectual believes that Jesus did not exist. Historians all agree that Jesus was a wonderful teacher who, 2,000 years ago, surprised people with marvels that they couldn’t quite put their finger on.

Numerous of those disciples were themselves put to death because they refused to back down from their assertions.

Jesus himself asserted that he was the Son of God – God manifested in human form, sent to redeem mankind.

Lewis, our attitude to Jesus may be summarized as follows: “he was either furious, wicked, or God.” He was either under the influence of illusion or deception, or he truly believed he was God.

For the very reason that he claimed to be more than a good teacher, it is hard to characterize him as such. After all, if we don’t accept his own statements about himself, why should we believe anything he says about anybody else?

Why did Jesus have to die?

The most straightforward explanation is that Jesus died because he was a radical thinker who upset the religious and political elites of his day, exposed their dishonesty, and sparked their envy – and as a result, was sentenced to death on a cross. That, however, is not the entire tale. It fails to acknowledge the reality that Jesus freely laid down his own life, and that no one took it away from him at that time. He gave his life so that we may live. He took on the nature of sin in order for us to be set free from it.

  1. (1 Peter 3:18, Revised Standard Version).
  2. It cost God the life of his own Son.
  3. They obstruct us from developing a meaningful relationship with God.
  4. That friendship is made possible by Jesus’ death on the cross in our place.

Why should I go to church?

The Church, according to public opinion, is out of date, obsolete, and even reactive in certain instances. The dreary lecture, the never-ending fundraising campaign, and the unkempt churchyard are all typical imagery. Indeed, churches serve as gathering places where God’s love may be felt in the warmth of the companionship and the vivacity of the worship services. People who come to our church are concerned about the society in which they live and serious in their desire to learn what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in this day and age.

  • Regular attendance at church allows us to learn more about the Christian religion while also strengthening our devotion to God.
  • It is far more beneficial to have the support and encouragement of others.
  • There is no pressure / there is no follow-up / there is no charge.
  • Alpha is a program for anybody who wants to learn more about the Christian religion, regardless of their background or views, and it is presently being offered in tens of thousands of churches of all denominations across the world.
  • The nights begin with supper and feature a brief lecture on the Christian faith as well as an opportunity to ask questions about the presentation.

Check out the Alpha classes that are now being offered in the diocese, or go to the Alpha website to discover one in your area.

Why I Believe Jesus Christ Is God

The Church, according to public opinion, is out of date, obsolete, and even reactive in some ways, An picture that is frequently encountered is that of a tedious sermon, an interminable fundraising campaign, and an unsightly churchyard. Indeed, churches serve as gathering places where God’s love may be felt in the warmth of the camaraderie and the vivacity of the worship experience. People are worried about the state of the world in which they live and serious in their desire to learn more about what it means to be a disciple of Jesus in the modern world.

  1. These are not ideal people.
  2. Without attending church, it is conceivable to be a Christian; yet, doing so would be equivalent to shutting off your oxygen supply while ascending Mount Everest.
  3. In our diocese, several of the parishes provide regular Alpha courses, which are intended to provide a chance for people to examine questions of religion and the purpose of life.
  4. The fact that a whopping 27 million people have now participated in an Alpha course throughout the world may come as a surprise to you.
  5. A typical Alpha session will last 10 minutes and take place across ten consecutive weeks.
  6. During the course of Alpha, you will also have the opportunity to get to know members in your group better, learn more about Christianity, and enjoy food, fun activities, and even some local entertainment during a day away.

John 6

What would you say if you had just one chance to explain to someone why you think Jesus Christ is the Son of God? What methods would you use to try to persuade them? One of the most difficult moments of my life occurred once upon a time. As a guest preacher in Moscow, Russia, I was granted the opportunity to deliver my sermon in a magnificent music venue known as the Red Army Theater, which was designed to glorify Communist dictatorship. In one theater, huge pictures of Lenin and Stalin hung on the walls.

God had granted me a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: to explain to them why I think Jesus is the Son of God.

In prayer, I asked the Lord, “Lord, what would You have me say?” “Adrian, tell them about Jesus—why you believe in Jesus Christ,” the Holy Spirit instructed.

Jesus then asked the twelve, “Do you also wish to depart?” he said.

“In addition, we have come to accept and recognize that You are Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God.” For the same reason that Simon Peter is certain that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the Living God,” I want to explain why I am convinced that Jesus is “the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” It was my intention to provide the men and women in Moscow four reasons, which you will find in this chapter, to strengthen your faith and help you share it with others.

  • I want to explain to you, just as I did to them, why I am convinced that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
  • To atheism or not to atheism?
  • Materialism?
  • Man is born with a religious compulsion.
  • God’s only Son, Jesus Christ, can satisfy the deepest yearning of the human heart, provide a response to man’s guilt, give meaning to life and death, take the sting out of sin, remove the gloom from the tomb, remove the anguish of parting, and create hope that is firm and certain.

But how can we be certain that Jesus is who He claims to be? The reason why we believe in Him, commit our life to Him, serve Him, and are even prepared to die for Him is a mystery.


Jesus Christ is a historical figure who has made his mark on the world. Regardless of what people believe about Jesus Christ, all secular historians who have any credibility acknowledge that He walked the world. H. G. Wells’s Outline of History included a list of the 10 greatest persons in human history. The first was Jesus Christ, who was ranked first. Despite the fact that he is not a believer, historian Sir J. G. Frazer stated: “My hypothesis presupposes the historical actuality of Jesus of Nazareth as the great religious and moral teacher who established Christianity and was executed at Jerusalem under the rule of Pontius Pilot.” Tacitus and Younger Pliny’s adverse testimony, in addition to the testimony of the Gospels, appears to be more than adequate to establish these truths in the minds of unprejudiced inquirers.

See also:  Girl Who Saw Jesus And Paints?

It is impossible to understand the church of Jesus Christ without first understanding the history of Jesus, who lived, died, and rose again.

“.by the resurrection from the dead, he was acknowledged to be the Son of God, endowed with authority in accordance with the Spirit of holiness” (Romans 1:4).

There is more evidence that Jesus Christ resurrected from the grave than there is that Julius Caesar lived and reigned.


It is unavoidable that people remember Jesus Christ. Regardless of what people think about Jesus Christ, all secular historians with any credibility acknowledge that He walked the world. Among the greatest persons in history, according to H. G. Wells’s Outline of History, were the following: The first was Jesus Christ, who was ranked as the greatest. Despite the fact that he is not a believer, historian Sir J. G. Frazer wrote: “My hypothesis presumes the historical actuality of Jesus of Nazareth as the great religious and moral teacher who established Christianity and was executed at Jerusalem under the rule of Pontius Pilot.” The testimony of the Gospels, which is corroborated by the hostile evidence of Tacitus and Younger Pliny, appears to be more than sufficient to demonstrate these facts to the satisfaction of unprejudiced investigators.

Without understanding the history of Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and rose again, it is impossible to describe the church of Jesus Christ.

In the resurrection from the dead, Jesus is acknowledged to be God’s Son, with authority and authority according to the Holy Spirit (Romans 1:4).

Julius Caesar survived, yet there is more evidence that Jesus Christ resurrected from the grave than that he didn’t.

  • God’s Son was born in a miraculous way, as the virgin-born Son of God
  • He led a sinless and miraculous life after that. He never sought for guidance, despite the fact that He walked among the scribes
  • He never apologized for anything He did or rationalized His conduct, despite the fact that He was frequently misunderstood
  • He never requested forgiveness because He never needed it, and He never acknowledged wrongdoing even once. Every aspect of His life was perfectly balanced in perfect sinless symmetry
  • He died a sacrificial death
  • He rose from the dead, becoming the “first fruits” of those resurrected foreternity

The Bible tells the tale of His extraordinary life, which may be found in the book of Revelation.

But how can we be certain that the Bible is correct?

Five Proofs that the Bible is the Inspired Word of God:

  1. It is the account of His extraordinary life that is told in the Scriptures. But how can we be certain that the Bible is accurate?


“Do you want me to accept Jesus is God just because you claim He was a historical figure?” some people ask rhetorically. Perhaps you believe He lived because the Bible claims He did, and you have proof to support the Bible’s inspiration? “It’s not good enough.” I agree with you. You must have the assistance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can tell you all you need to know about Jesus Christ. The human intellect, on its own, is incapable of comprehending God’s most profound truths. The Holy Spirit will bear witness in your heart that Jesus is, in fact, the Son of God.

  • they are the ones who bear witness about Me,” Jesus stated (John 5:39).
  • Because there are three people who bear witness in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit.
  • He who believes in the Son of God bears evidence to this fact within himself.
  • The Holy Spirit can tell you all you need to know about Jesus Christ.
  • “If you desire to believe, I will assist you in understanding and knowing that these things are real,” God says.


“Do you want me to accept that Jesus is God simply because you claim He was a historical figure?” some ask rhetorically. Perhaps you believe He lived because the Bible claims He did, and you have proof to support the Bible’s inspiration. “It isn’t enough to just say thank you. This is exactly what I think. You’ll need the assistance of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can tell you all you need to know about Jesus. Even with the best efforts, the human intellect will never be able to fathom the most profound realities of God.

  • They are the ones who bear witness to Me, Jesus replied (John 5:39).
  • … And the Spirit is the one who gives testimony, since the Spirit is the only one who knows the truth of things.
  • This is the testimony of God, who has testified about His Son in this way.
  • He who believes in the Son of God bears witness to his own faith in him.
  • The Holy Spirit can tell you all you need to know about Jesus.

What Do Americans Believe About Jesus? 5 Popular Beliefs

“Do you want me to think Jesus is God just because you claim He was a historical figure?” they ask. Or is it because the Bible claims He existed and you have evidence for the Bible’s inspiration? “It isn’t enough.” I completely agree. You will need the assistance of the Holy Spirit. Inquire of the Holy Spirit if you wish to know who Jesus Christ is. The human intellect, on its own, is incapable of comprehending the most profound truths of God. The Holy Spirit will bear witness in your heart that Jesus is, in fact, the son of God.

  • they are the ones who bear witness about Me,” Jesus stated (John 5:39).
  • Because in heaven, there are three witnesses: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit.
  • He who believes in the Son of God bears witness to his own faith.
  • Inquire of the Holy Spirit if you wish to know who Jesus Christ is.

God doesn’t merely say, “You must believe, and if you are unable to believe, then is your bad luck,” as if that were all there was to it. In God’s words, “If you desire to believe, I will assist you in understanding and realizing that these things are true.”

3 Reasons to Believe in Jesus Christ

“Do you want me to accept Jesus is God merely because you claim He was a historical figure?” some people ask. Or is it because the Bible claims He existed and you have evidence for the inspiration of the Bible? “It’s not enough.” I wholeheartedly agree. It is necessary to receive the assistance of the Holy Spirit. If you want to know who Jesus Christ is, you should inquire of the Holy Spirit. The human intellect, by itself, is incapable of comprehending God’s most profound truths. The Holy Spirit will bear witness in your heart that Jesus is, in fact, God.

  1. they are the ones who bear witness to Me,” Jesus remarked (John 5:39).
  2. Because there are three witnesses in heaven: the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit.
  3. He who believes in the Son of God bears witness in himself.
  4. If you want to know who Jesus Christ is, you should inquire of the Holy Spirit.

1) I first WANTED to believe in Jesus, because I was afraid of going to hell.

I realize it was selfish, but it served as an excellent motivator! After spending my formative years in a Christian environment, I understood that if Christianity were genuine, I would do whatever it took to ensure that I ended up in paradise rather than hell. As a result, it became extremely essential to me to seek answers, to grasp what made Christianity superior to any other “religion,” and to come to a choice about what I should believe. Fortunately, I was surrounded by a large number of “Jesus freaks” among my students and instructors, and it was only through their testimony and my own studies that I was able to come to a decision.

The first thing I noticed about them was how sincere they were, how kind-hearted they were, and how they spoke about Jesus as if He were their best friend.

And I was very interested in what they had.

Several of my classmates had taken a “World Religions” course as part of their studies, and they explained that Christianity is the only’religion’ in which God loves us so much that He willingly gave His only Son (Jesus) as a living sacrifice to atone for our sins, and that this is the only religion in which God loves us so much that He willingly gave His only Son (Jesus) as a living sacrifice to atone for our sins.

All other religions teach that we must earn our entrance into paradise by our own good deeds and good works.

What type of God would do such a thing?

It was before you even realized you needed forgiveness that He sent Jesus to pay the payment for your sins.

Furthermore, it is a complimentary gift—all you have to do is accept it! (If you’re interested in learning more about Jesus Christ, His time on earth, and the evidence surrounding His death and resurrection, I highly recommend reading The Case for Christ by Richard Dawkins.

2) I CHOSE to believe—to repent of my sins and accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior—because I realized that I am a sinner.

This was something I had to come to grips with for a long time, you guys! Most of my life up until that point, I considered myself to be the “good girl”—the one who was usually well-behaved, had high grades, and generally went about her business in the “correct” direction. Despite this, the Bible teaches that each of us has sinned in some manner or another. The same activities that we consider to be “righteous” are “filthy rags” (since they are polluted by our own selfish wants, such as working at a soup kitchen because it makes US feel better rather than out of sympathy for the impoverished)!

  • When we show off our good actions, they are nothing more than dirty rags in comparison.
  • Isaiah 64:6 (KJV) (NLT) Because everyone has sinned, and we all fall short of God’s magnificent ideal, we are all condemned.
  • He accomplished this via the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who liberated us from the punishment for our sins.
  • Just think about how many times I’ve made a selfish decision, failed to love God with all my heart, and failed to love my neighbor as myself!
  • In a word, I believe in Jesus because I recognize how much I require Him!
See also:  When Jesus Died On The Cross

3) I CONTINUE to believe in Jesus, because I’ve seen God!

What motivates my faith in Jesus? “I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but also because by it I see everything else,” said C.S. Lewis, in one of his most powerful statements. BOOM. I’ve witnessed His kindness, His goodness, and His provision, and I’ve glimpsed glimpses of His purpose for my life in these experiences. The proof in favor of the existence of God may be found everywhere, you guys! This trumps all of the arguments against Him by a wide margin.

  1. 1 Corinthians 1:20 (NIV) I really like what the apostle Peter answered when Jesus asked him, “Do you not want to go with me?” I think it’s great.
  2. “Lord, where will we go from here?” Peter inquired.
  3. “We have come to realize and recognize that you are the Holy One of God,” says the congregation.
  4. I couldn’t think of anybody else to turn to.
  5. God is a forgiving God who never gives up on us, no matter how disobedient we may be.

After all, He had already planned a remedy to our sin problem before we were even aware that we had one! God, on the other hand, proves his own love for us in this way: Christ died for us while we were yet sinners. Romans 5:8 is a Bible verse that explains how to be a Christian (NIV)

How to Be Saved According to the Bible

Is Jesus your personal Lord and Savior, or do you believe in him as a merely a religious figure? If you do not already know Him, I invite you to do so. His worth is incomparably great. For those who are intrigued by my personal reasons for believing in Christ, you may be wondering: “How can I come to believe in Jesus for myself?” And in response to that, I recommend that you simply give Him a chance. Allow Jesus to be given the benefit of doubt! Inquire of Him to assist you in believing. Keep an open heart and mind, and wait to see what He will accomplish in and through your life.

  • Because it is only by faith in your heart that you are reconciled to God, and it is only through publicly professing your faith that you are saved.
  • I pray that God may reveal Himself to you in such a manner that you will come to see that He is unquestionable—and that He is all you require.
  • Thank you for taking the time to visit Divine Creative Love.
  • In addition, I suffer from narcolepsy.
  • You should subscribe to my mailing list if you’re new here so you don’t miss out on anything!

Why Believe that Jesus is the Only Way?

Do you profess Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, or do you hold that belief in a different way? It is my hope that you will get acquainted with Him. His worth is incalculable! For those who are intrigued by my personal reasons for believing in Christ, you may wonder: “How can I come to believe in Jesus for myself?” And in response to that, I recommend that you simply give Him a chance to prove Himself. Consider the possibility that Jesus is innocent. Solicit His assistance in believing.

It is said in the Bible that if you openly announce that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God resurrected him from the dead, you will be saved:If you openly declare that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved Because it is only by faith in your heart that you are reconciled to God, and it is only through publicly professing your trust in Jesus Christ that you will be saved.

Romans 10:9-10 is a passage of Scripture (NLT) When it comes to seeking a connection with Jesus Christ, I hope this list of reasons to believe in Him has given you some encouragement.


In addition to being a Christ-following young lady, I’m also a lettering and design artist, as well as a general creative at heart.

On top of all that, I suffer from narcolepsy. I write on issues such as trust in God, overcoming obstacles, and creative topics such as Bible journaling, among others. In order to ensure that you don’t miss out on anything, please subscribe to my mailing list.

Spiritually Incorrect

Do you profess Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior, or do you hold to another belief system? In that case, I invite you to come to know Him better. His value is unquestionable! For those who are intrigued by my personal reasons for believing in Christ, you might be wondering: “How can I come to believe in Jesus for myself?” And to that end, I recommend that you just give Him a chance. Provide the benefit of the doubt to Jesus! Inquire of Him for assistance in believing. Keep an open heart and mind, and wait to see what He will accomplish in and through you.

  1. Because it is only by faith in your heart that you are reconciled to God, and it is only through publicly professing your faith that you are saved.
  2. I pray that God would reveal Himself to you in such a way that you will realize He is unquestionable—and that He is all you require.
  3. Thank you so much for taking the time to visit Divine Creative Love.
  4. In addition, I have narcolepsy.
  5. You should subscribe to my mailing list if you’re new here so you don’t miss out on anything.

Prophet, Priest and King

In no way did Jesus claim that He was another prophet or that He was merely one of a large number of mystics who had access to supernatural power and knowledge. The Lord Jesus Christ said that He was the “Lord of the Sabbath” when he was embroiled in a disagreement regarding the Sabbath (Mark 2:23-27). God established and instituted the Sabbath, according to Genesis 2:3, and it was not made or inaugurated by any mere human being. As a result, Jesus asserts that he has divine control over the Sabbath in his capacity as God.

  • At this point, the Jews redoubled their efforts to assassinate Him, claiming that He was “making himself equal with God” (John 5:17-18).
  • Jesus put a stop to another argument by declaring, “I am before Abraham was born” (John 8:58).
  • Jesus was alluding to that moment (Exodus 3:14).
  • Jesus claimed to be God manifested in human form.
  • Despite the fact that many believe Jesus is no different from past religious leaders such as Buddha, Jesus’ claim to be God in the flesh distinguishes Him from the rest of the pack.
  • Jesus’ assertions, on the other hand, were not made in a vacuum.

There were several predictions about His virgin birth (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38), His divinity (Jeremiah 23:5-6; Isaiah 9:6; John 1:1), His atoning act on the cross (Isaiah 53:2; 1 Peter 2:24-25), and His resurrection from the dead that were fulfilled by Him (Psalm 16:8-11; Acts 2:24-28).

It is no surprise that He was revered by the masses.

When Thomas came face to face with Jesus, he exclaimed, “My Lord and my God!” (See also John 20:28.) Thomas’ worship was approved by Jesus.

We are told in the Book of Revelation that an army of angels and saints is constantly worshiping “the Lamb who was slain” (Revelation 5:9). (Revelation 5:12-13; see also7:17). There has been no other religious leader in history who has received this award; no other leader has earned it.

Resurrection and the Life

We must focus on Jesus’ death and resurrection in order to have a greater understanding of why He is the only path. No global religion’s founder or leader ever claimed to have died as a sacrifice for human sin in order to restore us to right standing with God. No other world religion is founded on the resurrection of its divine founder, and none of them is built on the resurrection of its divine founder. During a conversation with the Jewish teacher Nicodemus, Jesus explained that God’s love had been supremely shown by sending His “one and only Son,” so that anyone puts their confidence in Him would not perish but would have eternal life (John 3:16).

He did not come just to demonstrate His deity in human form, but also to give Himself as a sufficient sacrifice for our sin and alienation from the Creator of the universe.

Jesus proclaimed to His followers that He owned “all power in heaven and on earth” and that they were tasked with “making disciples of all nations” by instructing them on how to follow His commands (Matthew 28:18-20).

The origins and fast spread of the Christian movement are inextricably linked to this miraculous occurrence, which cannot be explained otherwise.

Their reliability as historical records has been shown via extensive research.

Indeed, Peter advised his readers to “provide an answer to everyone who asks you to explain the explanation for the hope that you have” and “give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the cause for the hope that you have” (1 Peter 3:15).

He is the Almighty.

In a society that is filled with many erroneous conceptions of Christ, we can take comfort in the truth of the gospel, “for it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes” (Romans 1:16).

The following rights are retained by Douglas Groothuis: 2006.

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