Who Was At Jesus Crucifiction?

Who Was at the Cross?

The narratives of the crucifixion in the gospels appear to be first-hand experiences from those who were there.Who, though, were the eyewitnesses?As recorded in Matthew 26:56, all of Jesus’ followers fled when he was arrested, and it is likely that the majority of them chose to remain away from the crucifixion out of fear of being captured themselves.Apparently, Peter’s dread of being arrested drove him to constantly deny that he knew Jesus, as recorded in John 18:15-27.A region known as Golgotha, which was most likely just outside the city walls of Jerusalem, was the site of Jesus’ crucifixion and death.This most likely occurred near one of the city’s exit gates, on a route that led out of the city.

As a result, the disciples of Jesus would have had a very simple time getting there.But who was there in the first place?In order to attempt to address this issue, we must first examine what each gospel has to say on the subject:

Gospel of Matthew

Roman soldiers, Jewish authorities, and onlookers who derided Jesus were among the several witnesses, according to this narrative, who included two individuals who were crucified at the same time.One and only mention of Jesus’ followers is found in Matthew 27:55-56, which states that many women were ″watching from a distance″ and particularly mentions ″Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and Mary, the mother of Zebedee’s sons″ as well as ″Mary the mother of James and Joses.″ They would almost certainly have been permitted to observe without being jailed, unlike the male followers, provided that they did not attempt to intervene.

Gospel of Mark

The story told in this gospel is extremely similar to the one told in the Gospel of Matthew. In reality, the majority of biblical experts think that Matthew based the most of his report on Mark’s version. As a matter of fact, Mark 15:40-41 lists a number of ladies who stood at a distance, including ″Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses,″ as well as ″Salome.″

Gospel of Luke

The author of this gospel appears to have taken the most of his narrative of the crucifixion from the gospel of Mark. The only time Jesus’ disciples are mentioned is in Luke 23:49, when it is stated that some of them stood by and observed from a distance, but no names are given.

Gospel of John

The tale in this gospel differs significantly from the other three in terms of content.A group of ladies and one disciple were said to have gathered ″near the crucifixion,″ and Jesus is said to have spoken to them from the cross.They are named as Jesus’ mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clophas (or Cleophas), and Mary Magdalene, among other women.The disciple is merely referred to as ″the disciple whom Jesus loved,″ and that is it.The ″Beloved Disciple″ is a term used to refer to the anonymous disciple referenced in John’s gospel.The author of the gospel, typically identified as John the son of Zebedee, was one of the original twelve disciples and one of the twelve disciples who wrote the gospel.

A large number of researchers, however, have questioned this identification, and the issue is still very much up for debate.This narrative, however, claims that he and several other women, including Jesus’ mother, were present near the cross at the same time, close enough to speak with Jesus and hear his words.In the other three gospels, there is no such thing as a ″disciple whom Jesus loved.″ It doesn’t say anything about any disciples or any ladies being near the crucifixion, or about any of them conversing with Jesus while he was hanging on it.Additionally, their descriptions of the words that Jesus uttered from the crucifixion are diametrically opposed to the statements that are given to him in the gospel of John.All of this shows that the author of the Gospel of John had access to material that was not available to the other gospel authors.Traditionally, this source has been thought to be the unnamed Beloved Disciple himself, and a remark in John 21:24 appears to support this assumption.

As a result, this unnamed disciple was most likely an eyewitness to the crucifixion, according to John’s narrative.The other accounts, on the other hand, did not reveal the source of their information.Scholars are almost unanimous in their belief that Matthew and Luke derived practically all of their material regarding the crucifixion from Mark, though they occasionally made small changes.As a result, Mark’s narrative is largely considered to be the original.The majority of Mark’s information of what transpired came straight from Peter, according to Christian tradition.Because Peter almost definitely did not see the crucifixion directly, it is unclear from where the information he gathered from.

Because the narratives are so dissimilar, it appears that they are not from the Beloved Disciple.The guy who was compelled to carry the cross has been offered as a replacement, however it is not clear from the gospels if he was present to see Jesus crucified.Another option is that Peter engaged in conversation with one or more of the women who were standing nearby.Both Matthew and Mark mention a number of them, with Mary Magdalene being the first to be mentioned in both accounts.

  • If Mark obtained his knowledge from Peter, and Peter obtained it from someone else, then Mark’s report would be considered third-hand.
  • However, it is written in the style of a first-person account.
  • As a matter of fact, many academics think that Mark had another source of information, a lost gospel known as the Pre-Markan Passion Narrative, which was written very shortly after the crucifixion by an unknown author who was well-versed in the events of that day.
  • Some of the more minor features of Mark’s statement provide clues as to whether he may have made use of a misplaced paper in the past.
  • This suggests that the crucifixion narratives in the gospels are based on two fundamental sources of information: (1) the reminiscences of the unnamed Beloved Disciple, and (2) a now-lost early passion narrative that was used directly by Mark and secondarily by Matthew and Luke.
  • There is a possibility that some extra information was supplied by other sources such as Peter.

Despite the fact that these findings are logical, some individuals believe that they leave certain critical points unsolved in the process.For example, why is it that the gospel of John appears to be the only one to describe the presence of Jesus’ mother Mary?Isn’t it reasonable to assume that such a critical piece of information would be in all of the accounts if she was present?In addition, some people wonder why John doesn’t mention the followers who stood at a distance, and why the other gospels don’t include the followers who were in close proximity to the crucifixion.Perhaps all of the narratives are actually referring to the same group of people who gradually came closer to the cross as time passed.

  • Alternatively, it is possible that two distinct groups were there, but that each gospel writer only knew about one of them.
  • A more severe issue concerns what Jesus said when he was hanging on the cross.
  • What Jesus says in John’s story is diametrically opposed to what he says in the other stories of the same event.
  • It has been asserted that various witnesses to the same event often provide conflicting accounts of what happened subsequently.
  1. Certainly, slight discrepancies may be explained in this way.
  2. However, in this instance, the accounts are completely distinct.
  3. There have also been some questions raised concerning the origins of the spear thrust narrative.
  4. An armed Roman soldier wounded Jesus’ side with a spear, according to the Gospel of John 19:34, to ensure that he was dead.
  5. Despite this, the other gospels make no mention of it.

Some academics have questioned the veracity of particular sections of one or more of the narratives as a result of the significant discrepancies that have arisen.However, the vast majority of Christians believe that all of the narratives are essentially true and that the contradictions are just the consequence of differences in what individual witnesses saw or recalled from their respective perspectives.Note: If we attempt to compile a comprehensive list of all the specific persons named in the various testimonies, we arrive at the following conclusion: 1.Mary Magdalene (also known as Mary of Magdala) (mentioned by Matthew, Mark, and John) Mary, the mother of James and Joses, is number two on the list (mentioned by Matthew and Mark) a woman who is the mother of Zebedee’s sons (mentioned by Matthew) The fourth person listed by Mark is Salome, who many scholars believe to be the same person as (3), the mother of Zebedee’s boys, who is also mentioned by Mark.

5.The Virgin Mary, the mother of Jesus (mentioned by John) 6.Mary, the wife of Clophas (who was most likely Joseph’s brother), and her children (mentioned by John) (7) An unnamed sister of Jesus’ mother (described by John) – Many academics believe that this is the same person as person (6), namely, Clophas’ wife.8.

The unnamed Beloved Disciple, who is referred as as (mentioned by John) The Beloved Disciple is at the focus of most of the controversy concerning the identity of these individuals.However, there has also been a great deal of debate over the second person on the list, Mary, the mother of James and Joses, who is also on the list.As ″the other Mary,″ she appears in the tale once again (according to some traditions) as one of the ladies who accompanies Mary Magdalene to the tomb on Easter morning, according to some sources.Several other hypotheses have been advanced in order to identify this ″other Mary.″ Some believe she was Joseph’s prior wife and the mother of his other children, while others believe she was his first wife.

The wife of Clophas, and potentially a sister (or half-sister) of Jesus’ mother, according to some scholars, was the same person as the sixth person on the list, who was the wife of Clophas.Some researchers, on the other hand, believe that there is another, and far more exciting, alternative.This ″other Mary,″ according to them, was in fact the biological mother of Jesus.

  1. If this is right, it would erase a significant discrepancy, because Mark and Matthew would then agree with John that Jesus’ mother was there at the moment.
  2. Aside from these two pieces of evidence, there are two further pieces of evidence that point to this Other Mary being the mother of Jesus: First and foremost, her name is Mary.
  3. And second, her sons James and Joses might be two of the four brothers of Jesus described in Mark 6:3, which would make them two of the four brothers of Jesus.
  4. However, there is a fundamental flaw in this idea as well: If this Other Mary was in fact the mother of Jesus, why don’t Matthew and Mark mention her as the mother of Jesus?
  5. As a result, she appears to be treated as a minor figure by both authors, with Matthew 28:1 even referring to her as ″the other Mary.″ In fact, the entire question of this woman’s identification is really perplexing.
  6. However, if it is feasible to settle the situation, the probable outcomes might be quite significant.

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Women at the Crucifixion

We take it for granted, then, that four women are listed as being present at the crucifixion of the Lord in the New Testament.In John, we find two pairs of women: the unidentified women, who are the mother of the Lord and her sister, and the two women who are named, Mary of Clopas and Mary Magdalene.In Luke, we see two pairs of women, who are the mother of the Lord and her sister.Mary the wife of Clopas, as well as Mary Magdalene, gathered around Jesus’ crucifixion, according to the Gospel of Matthew.(See also John 19:25.)

  • According to Luke’s account, there were many other women present, but these are the ones that stand out as being the ones who were most intimately acquainted with Him. ″He was followed by a great number of people, including ladies who wept and cried for him.″ But everyone who recognized him, including the ladies who had accompanied him from Galilee, stood at a distance, taking note of what was happening. (Luke 23:27) (Matthew 23:49)
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Roman Soldiers, Two Criminals, and the Roman Centurion 

  • The soldiers’ presence, as well as the presence of the two malefactors who were crucified on either side of Jesus, is mentioned by all four gospel writers. When it comes to the crucifixion, the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke pay particular attention to the centurion in charge of the execution, and they offer some description of how he was affected in the presence of the Crucified. According to Matthew, he declared, ″Surely he was the Son of God″ (Matthew 27:54)
  • according to Mark, he declared, ″Surely this Man was the Son of God″ (Mark 15:39)
  • according to Luke, he declared, ″Surely this was a righteous Man″ (Luke 23:47)
  • and according to John, he declared, ″Surely this was a righteous Man″ (John 19:26).

Let me state right away that there is no conflict between Matthew, Mark, and Luke, on the one hand, and the rest of the Bible on the other.Almost without exception, both of these statements were made by the centurion.It is quite feasible that this guy spoke more than one thing as he stood by Jesus’ cross, and we believe that, although Matthew and Mark record the statement that impressed them, Luke records the statement that appealed to him and was perfectly consistent with his overall teaching plan.The reports are more complimentary than opposing, and the information is useful.

Chief Priests and Jewish Leaders

  • Luke does not mention the top priests, despite the fact that they were there. Matthew, Mark, and John all mention their attendance. The scribes, elders, and rulers who make up the Sanhedrin are mentioned in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, although John makes no mention of them at all. On the same level, the top priests, professors of law, and other seniors made fun of him. ″In the same way, the top priests and teachers of the law made fun of him among themselves,″ says Matthew 27:41. They said that ″he helped others but that he couldn’t save himself!″ ‘The people gathered around him, and the ruling class even laughed at him,’ says Mark 15:31. ″If he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One, let him save himself,″ they urged. ″The crowds gathered around him, and the rulers even scoffed at him,″ according to Luke 23:35. ″If he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One, let him save himself,″ they urged. (See also John 19:21.)

Multitudes and Disciples

Luke, in order to demonstrate the universality of Jesus’ activity and relationship with the people, proclaims the presence of large crowds of people. ″He was followed by a great number of people, including ladies who wept and cried for him.″ (See also Luke 23:27.)

In addition, John is the only one who tells us that the disciples were also present, and he is the only one who relates to the fact of his own attendance, and he does so in order to record Christ’s entrusting of His mother to his care.″After seeing his mother and the disciple whom he adored standing close, Jesus addressed her as ″Woman, here is your son,″ and the disciple as ″Daughter, here is your mother.″ She was welcomed into the family of this disciple from that point on.″ (See also John 19:26-27.)

While taking a step back and looking out over the throngs of people, we notice a number of things: women and children, soldiers and criminals, a centurion, chief priests and Sanhedrin members, a group of His own disciples, and, on top of all of this, vast swaths of people from all over the surrounding country.Everyone and everything is gathered to the Cross in representational throngs, with the entire image serving as a picture and prophesy of how, throughout the centuries, people of every kind and situation would be drawn to the raised Cross of the Son of Man, symbolizing the end of time.G.Campbell Morgan’s The Crises of the Christ, Book V, Chapter XXIV, is the source for this adaptation.Photograph courtesy of Thinkstock/kasiawronska

Women at the crucifixion – Wikipedia

Each of the four Gospels of the New Testament has an account of the attendance of a number of female disciples of Jesus during the execution of Christ.According to various accounts, there were a number of women present, and some of them were prominent.However, although certain Christian traditions say that there were three Marys at the cross, only one gospel reports this, and the names of these Marys are different from those of the other gospels.

Narrative comparison

Matthew Mark Luke John
Women at the cross Matthew 27:55–56many women. who had followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to him, among whom were Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph and the mother of the sons of Zebedee Mark 15:40women. among whom were Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome Luke 23:49the women who had followed him from Galilee John 19:25his mother and his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene
Women at the burial Matthew 27:61Mary Magdalene and the other Mary were there, sitting opposite the tomb Mark 15:47Mary Magdalene and Mary of Joses saw where he was laid Luke 23:55the women who had come with him from Galilee
Women visiting the tomb Matthew 28:1Mary Magdalene and the other Mary Mark 16:1Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Salome Luke 24:10Mary Magdalene and Joanna and Mary the mother of James and the other women with them John 20:1Mary Magdalene


Gathering of people at the foot of the crucifix in honor of Hans Memeling (c.1468).Matthew and Mark, who speak of ″many women″ who were present at the crucifixion, specifically name three women who were there at Jesus’ death and two women who were present at his burial.Matthew refers to the third person who was there at Zebedee’s death as ″the mother of the boys of Zebedee,″ but he does not identify her.Salome is the name of Mark’s third and final person.Luke does not make any specific mentions.

Four people are singled out in John’s gospel, including Jesus’ mother Mary, who is not named in any of the other gospels.In John 19:25, the reference to two, three, or four ladies might be understood as referring to the same woman.When taken as a double apposition, there are issues in accepting it as such, with ″his mother″ being Mary of Clopas and ″his mother’s sister″ being Mary Magdalene.There is only one apposition in this case, with Mary of Clopas being presented as the sister of Jesus’ mother (despite the awkwardness of having two sisters with the same name) or, because Hebrew and Aramaic had no specific word for ″cousin,″ being presented as her cousin or sister-in-law, with Clopas being considered the brother of Joseph (despite the awkwardness of having two sisters with the same name).Unless there is an opposition, the women are four, according to Tatian and the Peshitta’s understanding.If the last interpretation is adopted, the narratives of particular women who were present at the crucifixion that are provided by the four gospels are as follows: 69

Matthew Mark Luke John
Mary, mother of Jesus
Mary Magdalene Mary Magdalene Mary Magdalene
Mary, mother of James and Joseph Mary, mother of James the younger and Joses
The mother of the sons of Zebedee
A sister of Mary, mother of Jesus
Mary of Clopas

With the exception of Luke, who makes no mention of Mary Magdalene, all four gospels make reference to her.According to Matthew and Mark, Mary, the mother of James and Joseph/Joseph, is mentioned.The others are only referenced in one gospel: the Gospel of John.Jesus’ mother, Mary, the mother of Zebedee’s children, Salome, a sister of Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Mary of Clopas are all names for the same person.All of these women, with the exception of Mary, the mother of Jesus, have been considered to be multiple designations of the same lady in some circles.In this way, Salome has been identified as Mary of Clopas, who was the mother of Zebedee’s sons James and John and a half-sister or sister-in-law of Mary, the mother of Jesus, according to some scholars and traditions.

See also

  • New Testament people named Mary
  • The Three Marys


  1. Raymond E. Brown, The Death of the Messiah (Chapman 1994 ISBN 0-225-66748-7), pp. 1014–15
  2. Brown, Raymond E., The Death of the Messiah (Chapman 1994 ISBN 0-225-66748-7), pp. 1014–15
  3. Brown, Raymond E., The Death of the Messiah (Chapman 1994 ISBN 0-225-66748-7), pp. 1014–15
  4. Brown, Raymond E. (1978). In the New Testament, Mary is referred to as Paulist Press, New York City, pp. 68–72. ISBN 9780809121687. p. 68–72.
  5. retrieved on the 24th of January, 2021. Adam Clarke’s The Holy Bible, containing the Old and New Testaments, Volume 3 (1837), page 794: ″The Holy Bible, comprising the Old and New Testaments.″ According to legend, Cleophas, also known as Alpheus, married a sister of the blessed virgin, also known as Mary, by whom he had the foregoing issue
  6. and that among these were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses, as well as Salome
  7. and that among these were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the less and of Joses
  8. and that among these was Salome

6 Facts Surrounding the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was the most horrible, agonizing, and shameful method of lethal punishment ever utilized in the ancient world, and it remains so to this day. Binding the victim’s hands and feet together with nails, and nailing the victim’s hands and feet together with nails, was this form of execution.

Crucifixion Definition and Facts

  • It is derived from the Latin crucifixio, or crucifixus, which literally translates as ″attached to a cross.″ The term ″crucifixion″ (pronounced krü-se-fik-shen) means ″fixing to a cross.″
  • Crucification was a cruel type of torture and death in the ancient world that entailed tying someone to a tree or a wooden post with ropes or nails, and then hanging them from the tree or post.
  • Preceding the actual crucifixion, convicts were subjected to torture including floggings, beatings, burning, racking, mutilation, and verbal abuse directed at the victim’s family.
  • The hands and feet of a victim were driven through with stakes and affixed to a wooden cross in Roman crucifixion
  • Crucifixion was employed in the execution of Jesus Christ.

History of Crucifixion

It is pronounced krü-se-fik-shen.The word ″crucifixion″ is derived from the Latin crucifixio, or crucifixus, which literally translates as ″attached to a cross.″
Crucification was a horrific type of torture and execution in the ancient world that required tying someone to a tree or a wooden post with ropes or nails; it was also a kind of capital punishment in the medieval period.Preceding the actual crucifixion, convicts were subjected to torture including floggings, beatings, burning, racking, mutilation, and verbal abuse directed at the victim’s family;
The wrists and feet of a victim were driven through with spikes and affixed to a wooden cross in Roman crucifixion; Crucifixion was employed in the execution of Jesus Christ.;

Forms of Crucifixion

  • It is possible that secular historians were unable to explain the tragic events of this heinous practice because they could not bear to do so because of their religious beliefs. A great deal has been learned about this early form of the death punishment, however, thanks to archaeological discoveries made in first-century Palestine. Crux Simplex (a single upright stake)
  • Crux Commissa (a capital T-shaped structure)
  • Crux Decussata (an X-shaped cross)
  • and Crux Immissa (the iconic lower case t-shaped structure of Jesus’ crucifixion) were the four primary constructions or types of crosses that were used for crucifixion.

Bible Story Summary of Christ’s Crucifixion

Several biblical passages, including Matthew 27:27-56, Mark 15:21-38, Luke 23:26-49, and John 19:16-37 (all from the New International Version), describe Jesus Christ’s death on the Roman crucifixion.Christians believe that Christ’s death served as the ideal atoning sacrifice for the sins of all humanity, making the crucifix, also known as the cross, one of the most iconic symbols of their faith.In the Bible’s account of Jesus’ execution, the Jewish high council, known as the Sanhedrin, convicted Jesus of blasphemy and determined that he should be put to death.But first and foremost, they need the approval of Rome to carry out their death sentence.Jesus was brought before Pontius Pilate, the Roman ruler, who determined that he was innocent.Pilate flogged Jesus and then handed him up to Herod, who returned him to Pilate.

Because the Sanhedrin demanded that Jesus be killed, Pilate, fearful of the Jews, handed Jesus over to one of his centurions, who carried out the death sentence on Jesus’ behalf.Jesus was beaten, ridiculed, and spit on in broad daylight.On his head was a crown of thorns, which he refused to take off.He was stripped of his garments and carried to the place of execution known as Golgotha.A concoction of vinegar, gall, and myrrh was presented to him, but he turned it down politely.A cross was erected on which Jesus was crucified between two criminals, and stakes were hammered through his wrists and ankles to secure him to the structure.

″The King of the Jews,″ according to the inscription on the wall over his head.

Timeline of Jesus’ Death by Crucifixion

From roughly 9 a.m.until 3 p.m., Jesus hung on the cross for approximately six hours.People were passing by yelling obscenities and scoffing as soldiers cast lots for Jesus’ garments during this time.Jesus talked to his mother Mary and the disciple John from the crucifixion, according to the Gospel of Matthew.″My God, my God, why have You left Me?″ he screamed out to his father as well.At that point, the entire landscape was enveloped in darkness.

Una few moments later, as Jesus was exhaling his final excruciating breath, an earthquake rocked the earth, tearing the temple curtain in half from top to bottom.According to Matthew’s Gospel, ″The earth trembled, and the rocks cracked apart.The tombs were opened, and the bodies of many holy individuals who had died were brought back to life by the might of God.″ In order to demonstrate mercy, it was customary for Roman troops to break the criminal’s legs, so speeding up the process of execution.However, by the time the troops arrived, Jesus had already passed away.Rather than shattering his legs, they punctured his side with a knife.Before the sun fell, Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea brought Jesus down from the cross and placed him in Joseph’s tomb.

Good Friday – Remembering the Crucifixion

Christianity’s Holy Day of Obligation, also known as Good Friday, is held on the Friday before Easter. On this day, Christians commemorate Jesus Christ’s passion, or suffering, and death on the cross. The suffering of Christ on the cross is a source of great inspiration for many Christians, who spend this day in fasting, prayer, repentance, and meditation.


  • Crucifixion. The Crucifixion, according to the Lexham Bible Dictionary (p. 368).
  • The Crucifixion, according to the Holman Illustrated Bible Dictionary.
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Who was at the crucifixion of Jesus?

This post is also accessible in the following languages: (Hindi) If you study the gospels, you will discover that the following people were present during Jesus’ crucifixion:

The women at the crucifixion

  • In addition to Mary, Jesus’ mother, there were several additional women who served Jesus during his ministry: ″Near the crucifixion of Jesus stood his mother, his mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene,″ according to the Bible. ″A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wept for him″ (Luke 23:27)
  • ″But all those who knew him, including the women who had followed him from Galilee, stood at a distance, watching these things″ (Luke 23:49)
  • ″A large number of people followed him, including women who mourned and wept for him″ (Luke 23:27)

The Roman centurion, soldiers, and the two criminals

There is agreement among the gospel writers about the soldiers’ attendance as well as the presence of the two criminals who were crucified on each side of Jesus. The centurion’s statements are recorded in Matthew, Mark, and Luke (Matthew 27:54; Mark 15:39 and Luke 23:47).

The Jewish religious Leaders

  • Among those there were the religious leaders who had arranged Christ’s crucifixion and were taunting Him. He was treated in the same way by the leading priests, teachers of the law, and the elders. ″In the same way, the top priests and teachers of the law made fun of him among themselves,″ says Matthew 27:41. They said that ″he helped others but that he couldn’t save himself!″ ‘The people gathered around him, and the ruling class even laughed at him,’ says Mark 15:31. ″If he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One, let him rescue himself if he has saved others,″ they reasoned. ″The crowds gathered around him, and the rulers even scoffed at him,″ according to Luke 23:35. ″If he is God’s Messiah, the Chosen One, let him rescue himself if he has saved others,″ they reasoned. (See also John 19:21.)

A large number of people

″He was followed by a great number of people, including ladies who wept and cried for him″ (Luke 23:27).

The apostle John at the crucifixion

After seeing his mother and the disciple whom he cherished standing close, Jesus said to her, ‘Woman, here is your son.’ And he added to the disciple, ″Here is your mother.″ It was from that point on that this disciple welcomed her into his house.″ (See also John 19:26-27.)

According to the gospels, there was a large crowd present during the crucifixion, which included the ladies who served Jesus, a Roman centurion and troops, the two criminals, religious leaders, and the apostle John, among others.They all looked on in amazement and reverence as God’s Son suffered and died on the cross for them.According to John 3:16, ″For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whomever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life″ (John 3:16).″There is no greater love than this, than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends,″ says Shakespeare (John 15:13).The BibleAsk Team is dedicated to His service.This post is also accessible in the following languages: (Hindi)

Who was present at Christ’s crucifixion?

According to Matthew and Mark, Mary, the mother of James and Joseph/Joseph, is mentioned. Those who follow are only named in one gospel: Mary, Jesus’s mother; Mary, the mother of Zebedee’s boys; Salome, a sister of Mary, Jesus’s mother; and Mary of Clopas, who is also mentioned in one gospel.

How many disciples were at the crucifixion of Jesus?

According to one Gospel, when Judas betrayed Christ (and later committed himself out of remorse before Christ’s resurrection), the apostles were reduced to a group of eleven men.

What book of the Bible is the Crucifixion in?

This page is a list of chapters in the Gospel of Matthew, which is a section of the New Testament in the Christian Bible. A detailed account of Jesus’ trial, execution, and burial may be found in this chapter written by Matthew himself.

Did Jesus have a wife?

Mary Magdalene in the role of Jesus’ wife According to one of these manuscripts, referred to Mary Magdalene as Jesus’ friend and said that Jesus loved her more than the other disciples. This document is known as the Gospel of Philip.

Was Thomas at the crucifixion?

Thomas is referred to as ″Doubting Thomas″ because he initially questioned Jesus’ resurrection when he heard the news (as reported solely in the Gospel of John); nevertheless, after seeing Jesus’ crucifixion wounds, he proclaimed his faith (″My Lord and my God″).

How many Marys were at the crucifixion?

Various groups of three women have been referred to as the Three Marys, including three Marys who were there at Jesus’ crucifixion, three Marys who were present at Jesus’ tomb on Easter Sunday, and three Marys who were daughters of Saint Anne.

Did Jesus have any siblings?

Jesus’ brothers and sisters are called ″brothers and sisters.″ James, Joseph/Joses, Judas/Jude, and Simon are all mentioned as brothers of Jesus, the son of Mary, in the Gospel of Mark (6:3) and the Gospel of Matthew (13:55–56), respectively.

What two apostles were brothers?

The names of the twelve apostles are as follows: first, Simon, who is known as Peter, and his brother Andrew; next, James the son of Zebedee, and his brother John; and finally, Paul, who is known as Paul the apostle.Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the tax collector James the son of Alphaeus and Thaddaeus; Simon the Canarean and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

Where is Jesus crown of thorns kept?

The relic was brought to Paris by the French monarch Louis IX (St. Louis) in 1238, and the Sainte-Chapelle was erected to house it between 1242 and 1248. The thornless remnants are housed in the treasury of Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris, where they have survived a horrific fire that damaged the cathedral’s roof and spire in April 2019. The cathedral was completely destroyed in the fire.

Did Jesus die on Good Friday?

On Good Friday, Christians commemorate Jesus’ execution and death on the cross at Calvary, which took place on the day before Easter. It is commemorated as part of the Paschal Triduum, which takes place during Holy Week.

Why did Jesus die for our sins?

The cross as a symbol of sacrifice The sacrifice of Christ is regarded as the most perfect sacrifice ever offered. A widespread practice or rite in the biblical tradition was the offering of sacrifice. When someone makes a sacrifice to God or a spirit, he or she is hoping to establish or repair a relationship with the creator of the universe. For our sins, he made a sacrifice on our behalf.

Who is Gods wife?

According to an Oxford researcher, God had a wife named Asherah, who, according to the Book of Kings, may have been worshipped alongside Yahweh at Yahweh’s temple in Israel. According to an Oxford researcher, the Book of Kings reveals that God had a wife named Asherah, who was worshipped alongside Yahweh in his temple in Israel, according to the Book of Kings.

Who is the son of Jesus?

It is the contention of Jacobovici and Pellegrino that Aramaic inscriptions bearing the names ″Judah, son of Jesus,″ ″Jesus, son of Joseph,″ and ″Mariamne,″ a name they associate with Mary Magdalene, together preserve the record of a family group consisting of Jesus, his wife Mary Magdalene, and their son Judah.

Did Jesus have a twin?

Actually, the name Thomas Didymos is derived from the Hebrew word for twin, which is Thomas. Didymos is a Greek word that means ″twin.″ The inference is that he is Jesus’ identical twin brother. In the Gospel of John, however, this figure occurs, and he’s one of the disciples, and he’s also known as ″the twin.″

The facts of crucifixion

This is a scary piece of writing.Crucifixion is not a pleasant experience in any way.Knowledge the crucifixion, on the other hand, aids in our understanding of what Jesus went through on the day of his death.A research conducted by the Mayo Clinic and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 1989 was the inspiration for this essay, which was based on a number of publications written by medical doctors.The Persians are said to have been the first to practice crucifixion (what is modern day Iran).Initially, the victim was hanged to prevent their feet from coming into contact with sacred ground.

Because they were traders to many areas, the Phoenicians appear to have learned the habit and most likely passed it on to other cultures, including the Greeks.The technique was brought to Carthage by Alexander the Great (a Greek), and it was later adopted by the Romans as well.Around the time of Jesus’ birth, the Romans began to use the term informally.The Romans refined the crucifixion as a method of punishing people in order to cause them the greatest amount of anguish and suffering.It wasn’t just about murdering someone; it was about killing someone in a really heinous manner, as well.Someone who was crucified went through the most agonizing experience possible.

Additionally, crucifixion was the most shameful method of death.It was often designated for slaves, foreigners, revolutionaries, and other heinous offenders who were considered unfit to live.The only time a Roman citizen was ever nailed to a cross was when he deserted from the military.

What was flogging?

Every crucifixion was preceded by a flogging, also known as scourging.The scourging was designed to bring the sufferer to a point where he or she was on the verge of death.In addition, it was painful.A great deal.Iron balls were fastened to the end of each leather thong on the whip, a few inches from the end of each leather thong.Sharp sheep bones would occasionally be strung together towards the ends.

Bruising from the iron balls would be severe, and cuts from the leather thongs would be deep in the flesh.The process of cutting through the skin would be accelerated by the use of sheep bones.Once the skin had been cut through many times, the muscles would begin to be torn apart.The amount of blood lost was significant, and the agony would very certainly have placed the sufferer into a condition of shock.

What was a typical crucifixion like?

Following the flogging, the victim would be required to carry his own cross bar (known as a patibulum) from the flogging spot within the city walls to the crucifixion area outside of the city gates.The Crucifixion site was usually beyond the city limits since the process was horrifying and upsetting to the locals and visitors.The upright portion of the cross (the stipe) was permanently installed in the region of the crucifixion site.The cross bar, which weighed between 75 and 125 pounds, was the component that the victim had to carry.The cross bar would be balanced on the shoulders of the victims, and their arms would be bound to the crossbar as well.Because they are in this posture, if the victim trips or falls, they will be unable to use their arms to prevent their fall, and they will most likely go face first on the ground.

This guard (most likely a centurion and several soldiers) was in charge of keeping an eye on the victim until he was killed by the gang.On the other hand, one of the soldiers would hold out a placard with the name of the crime inscribed on it.When the victim arrived at the crucifixion site, he or she would be served a sip of wine laced with myrrh, which would work as a moderate pain reliever.The drink was provided as part of a philanthropic activity provided by a group of ladies in the Israeli capital.Then they offered him wine that had been laced with myrrh, but he refused to drink it.- Mark 15:23 (NIV) The victim would next be fastened to the cross bar with a hammer and nails.

It is intended that the nails be driven into the wrists rather than the palms, as the palms would be unable to hold the body weight.The cross bar would be elevated and put on top of the upright post, where the victim’s heels would be nailed to the post to complete the execution.Depending on the severity of the crucifixion, a victim’s life expectancy might range from a few hours to many days.The severity of the scourging had a significant impact on how long he lived.If no one came forward to claim the body, it would be placed on the cross, where it would be devoured by predatory creatures.The body, on the other hand, might be claimed by the family for burial.

Typically, a Roman soldier would stab the victim’s chest with a sword or spear to ensure that he or she was deceased.

What actually kills the victim?

  • The initial scourging would force the sufferer to become weakened, produce enormous blood loss, and most likely lead him to go into shock. After carrying the cross bar for several hundred yards to the crucifixion site, the sufferer would be fatigued. Once the victim was nailed to the cross, his body weight would be supported by the arms of the executioners. It is difficult to entirely exhale when in this position. For a short period of time, the sufferer might take small breaths, but he would soon be compelled to lift his head and take a complete breath.. There are three things that happen at this point: In this position, the victim’s feet are totally supporting his weight. The nails driven through the foot would very certainly strike two main nerves that run through the region. There would be tremendous agony in the legs as a result of this
  • the nails in the wrists would almost certainly puncture the major nerve that runs through the arm. As the sufferer raised his or her arms to take a breath, the wrists would spin against the nail, aggravating the nerves and producing excruciating agony in the upper arms and shoulders. The crucifixion posture, according to some scholars, would also cause a dislocation of the shoulder or elbow. Moving the victim’s back would intensify the agony caused by the scourging, and the wounds would push up against the rough section of the centerpiece, making it more difficult to move. This would have the effect of re-opening the wounds, resulting in increased agony and blood loss.

The sufferer would be forced to lower himself back down rapidly as a result of this mixture of agony.Finally, the sufferer would no longer be able to pull himself out of the water and would succumb to his own blood loss.The shock caused by the blood loss as a result of the scourging would accelerate this process.In other cases, the victim’s legs were shattered in order to put him out of his misery.Because of this, the victim would be unable to lift himself from the ground, and would die in a matter of minutes.

See also:  How Many Times Does Jesus Talk About Hell?

Specifics of Jesus crucifixion

  • The crucifixion of Jesus was mostly carried out according to regular practice, with a few notable exceptions.
  • These distinctions contribute to the fact that he died after a very little length of time on the cross, as explained above.
  • Due to his sorrow, he increased the intensity of his prayers, and his sweat seemed like drops of blood dropping to the ground.
  • – Luke 22:44 (NIV) Hemohidrosis, also known as hematidrosis, is a medical disorder that develops in persons who are under a great deal of physical or mental stress.
  1. During exercise, the blood vessels in their sweat glands break, allowing blood to flow into their sweat.
  2. The sensation is similar to that of sweating blood.
  3. There are a number of scholars who feel that this is a viable account for what occurred to Jesus.
  4. Despite the fact that the blood loss was not large, it demonstrates that he was under great stress, which would have caused him to become physically debilitated.
  5. The men who were guarding Jesus began to jeer and beat him as a result of their actions.

– Luke 22:63 (NIV) Later on, some of his followers began to spit at him; they bound his hands with their fists and yelled, ″Prophecy!″ after him.And then the guards dragged him away and thrashed him.- Mark 14:65 (NIV) After that, they spit in his face and punched him in the face with their fists.Others slapped him, according to Matthew 26:67.The moment Jesus stated this, one of the officials standing close slapped him across the face.

Is this the manner in which you respond to the high priest?he inquired.- Matthew 18:22 Prior to the scourging and crucifixion, Jesus was beaten by his guards, which was intended to make him more vulnerable.

  • In addition, he would not have gotten any sleep that night and would have had to trudge back and forth from trial to trial all day.
  • They compelled a specific man from Cyrene, Simon, the father of Alexander and Rufus, who was passing by on his way in from the country, to carry the cross.
  • – Matthew 15:21 As they were about to leave, they came upon a guy from Cyrene called Simon, whom they compelled to carry the cross for them.
  • – Matthew 27:32 (NIV) At the same time as they were leading him away, they apprehended Simon of Cyrene, who was on his way into town from the countryside, and forced him to bear the cross behind Jesus.
  • – Luke 23:26 (NIV) Typically, a prisoner would carry his own cross to the location of the crucifixion.
  • The fact that Simon was compelled to carry Jesus’ cross shows that Jesus was unable to bear his own cross on his own initiative.
  1. It was the day of preparation (that is, the day before the Sabbath).
  2. So, when darkness neared, Joseph of Arimathea, a prominent member of the Council who likewise was looking forward to the coming of the kingdom of God, went confidently to Pilate and demanded that Jesus’ corpse be returned to his family.
  3. Pilate was taken aback when he learned that he had already passed away.
  4. When he summoned the centurion, he inquired as to whether Jesus had already dead.
  5. – Mark 15:42-44 (New International Version) Because the Jewish Sabbath began at sunset, it was critical that the remains not be left out in the open, as Jewish law demanded that they be buried before the Sabbath could be observed.
  6. Take note of Pilate’s amazement at the fact that Jesus has already died.

As of right now, it was the day of Preparation, with the next day being a special Sabbath.Because the Jews did not want the bodies to be left on the crosses during the Sabbath, they petitioned Pilate to have the legs severed and the bodies removed from the crosses.Because of this, the soldiers arrived and began to break the legs of the first man who had been crucified with Jesus, followed by the legs of the second.- John 19:31-32 (KJV).

  1. It has already been said that breaking the legs of a crucified person would result in asphyxia within minutes since they would not be able to raise themselves up in order to take in air.
  2. However, when they arrived at Jesus’ location and saw that he had already died, they did not break his legs.
  3. A spear was thrust into Jesus’ side, causing a torrent of blood and water to gushe forth.
  4. It was the soldiers’ fault, not Jesus’.

– John 19:33-34 (New International Version) Once again, this was standard crucifixion procedure – stabbing the prisoner to ensure that he was dead before releasing him to his family members.The fluid that John describes as pouring is most likely serous pleural and pericardial fluid, which would have accumulated as a result of the shock and blood loss he has experienced.This fluid would have a natural tendency to collect in the chest cavity and lungs.

Short bits

  • They had a jar of wine vinegar, so they wet a sponge in it, placed the sponge on a stalk of the hyssop plant, and elevated the sponge to the top of Jesus’ mouth.
  • – The Gospel of John 19:29 When He drinks the second sip, it is characterized as a wine vinegar, since it occurs just minutes before His death.
  • There are two key considerations to keep in mind.
  • The drink was served on the stem of a hyssop plant,″ says the author.
  1. Keep in mind that these events took place during the Feast of the Passover.
  2. When the Jews celebrated this festival, according to Exod 12:22, hyssop was used to apply blood from the Passover lamb on the wooden doorposts of their homes.

The Three Maries

  • Description The Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene, and Mary of Cleofas are referred to as Las Tres Maras, or the Three Maries.
  • They are frequently pictured at the scene of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion or at his tomb.
  • However, according to a famous Puerto Rican legend, the Three Kings were suitors of the Three Marys, whom they escorted to local celebrations in their honor.
  • It is this significant deviation from scripture that exemplifies the specific religious traditions created by rural Puerto Ricans over generations that are worth noting.
  1. The following is a description of (Spanish) The three Marys are known as the Virgen Mara, Mara Magdalena, and Mara de Cleofás in Spanish.
  2. It is customary to portray them on the cross of Jesus or in front of his tombstone.
  3. However, according to a famous Puerto Rican legend, the Reyes Magos were pretendants of the Three Marys, whom they accompanied during the island’s celebrations of the holiday.
  4. It is this severe separation of the escrituras that serves as an example of the distinctive religious traditions that have developed in rural areas of Puerto Rico throughout the centuries.
  5. Location Currently, it is not available for viewing.

santo is the name of the object.Maker from the 19th to the 20th century, date of creation Ramon Garcia’s full name is Ramon Garcia.Vega Alta, Vega Alta is a place in Puerto Rico that was created.Handmade (in terms of total manufacturing method/technique) is the physical description.Wood, paint, and metal are examples of building materials (overall material) The following materials are used: wood (overall material), paint (overall substance), and metal (overall material) Measurements taken as a whole: 12 inches by 16.8 inches by 4 inches; 5 5/16 inches by 6 5/8 inches by 1 9/16 inches Number 1997.0097.0731 accession number 1997.0097 catalog number 1997.0097.0731 ID Number 1997.0097.0731 accession number 1997.0097 catalog number 1997.0097.0731 Gift of Teodoro Vidal with the topic of Puerto Rico on the credit line Continue reading for more things in the Cultural and Community Life section of this website: Ethnic Cultures and Communities are a subset of ethnic cultures.

The National Museum of American History is the source for this information about religion.This item has been nominated for photography.Our collection database is still in the early stages of development.

  • We may make changes to this record as a result of additional study and evaluation.
  • Learn more about our strategy to sharing our collection on the internet by visiting our website.
  • See the Smithsonian Institution’s Terms of Use if you want to know how you can make use of the material on this website.
  • If you want a picture for publishing or other purposes, please see Rights and Reproductions for further information.

Christ on the Cross with Mary and St John – Wikipedia

Christ on the Cross with Mary and St John
Year c.1443-1445
Location Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
  • Christ on the Cross with Mary and St John is a Rogier van der Weyden altarpiece that is presently housed in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.
  • It was created between 1443 and 1445.
  • The Crucifixion of Jesus is depicted in the center of the painting, with the Virgin Mary clinging to the foot of the cross, John the Evangelist comforting her, and the artwork’s two benefactors kneeling to the right of the picture.
  • Mary Magdalene is shown on the left-hand side panel, while St Veronica is depicted on the right-hand side panel.
  1. The city of Jerusalem may be seen in the distance against a consistent landscape background throughout all three panels.


  1. ^ ″Catalogue entry″ (in German).
  • v
  • t
  • e
    • Rogier van der Weyden is a Dutch actor and director. Single religious works are listed in the works list. St Hubert Altarpiece (c. late 1430s)
    • Christ on the Cross with Mary and St John (c. 1440)
    • Pietà (c. 1445)
    • St Jerome and the Lion (c. 1450–1465)
    • Virgil and the Lion (c. 1450–1465)
    • Virgil and the Lion (c. 1450–1465)
    • Virgil and the Lion (c. 1450–1465)
    • Portraits Portrait of a Woman (c. 1435)
    • Portrait of a Young Woman (c. 1440–1445)
    • Portrait of Isabella of Portugal (c. 1445–1450)
    • Portrait of Isabella of Portugal (c. 1445–1450)
    • Portrait of Isabella of Portugal (c. 1445–1450)
    • Portrait of Isabella of Portugal (c. 1445–1450)
    • Portrait of Isabella of Portugal (c. 1445–1450)
    • Portrait of Isabella of Portugal (c. 14
    • Photographic portraits include: Portrait of Antoine, ‘Grand Bâtard’ of Burgundy (c. 1460)
    • Portrait of Francesco d’Este (c. 1460)
    • Portrait of a Lady (c. 1460)
    • Portrait of Jean Gros (c. 1460–1464)
    • Portrait of John I, Duke of Cleves
    • Portrait of Antoine, ‘Grand Bâtard’ of Burgundy (c. 1460–1464)
    • Diptychs Diptych of Jeanne of France (c. 1452–1470)
    • Crucifixion Diptych (c. 1464–1465)
    • Diptych of Philip de Croo with The Virgin and Child (c. 1460)
    • Diptych of Philip de Croo with The Virgin and Child (c. 1460)
    • Diptych of Philip de Croo with The Virgin and Child (c. 1460)
    • Diptych of Philip de Croo with The Virgin and Child (c. 1460)
    • Triptychs include the Annunciation Triptych (c. 1434), the Miraflores Altarpiece (c. 1442–1445), the Seven Sacraments Altarpiece (c. 1448), the Beaune Altarpiece (c. 1445–1450), the Bladelin Altarpiece (c. 1450), the Braque Triptych (c. 1452), the Saint Columba Altarpiece (c. 1455), and the St John Altarpiece (c
    • The Justice of Trajan and Herkinbald (c. 1450)
    • Philip the Good (1447–1448) receives his ‘Chroniques de Hainaut’ from a miniature Jean Wauquelin (1447–1448).

      • Fragments of a Cope with the Seven Sacraments
        • Portrait of Philip the Good (after 1450)
        • Portrait of Charles the Bold (1460)
        • Portrait of Philip the Good (after 1450)
        • Portrait of Charles the Bold (after 1450).

        How Early Church Leaders Downplayed Mary Magdalene’s Influence by Calling Her a Whore

        • She was Mary of Magdala, one of Jesus of Nazareth’s early disciples, and she was one of the most famous women in the world.
        • It is said that she journeyed with him, witnessed his Crucifixion, and was one of those who were informed of his Resurrection, all according to the Scriptures.
        • Everybody, from early church officials and historians to authors and filmmakers, has contributed to the revision and expansion of the tale of Mary Magdalene throughout history.
        • On the one hand, they downplayed her significance by stating she was a prostitute, a wrecked woman who repented and was rescued by Christ’s teachings.
        1. On the other hand, they emphasized her value by claiming she was a prostitute, a ruined woman who repented and was saved by Christ’s teachings.
        2. Mary Magdalene, on the other hand, is represented in several early Christian scriptures as more than just a mere follower; she is also depicted as Jesus’ close companion—which some have taken to suggest his wife.
        3. Which begs the question: is there any truth to either of these tales?
        4. What exactly do we know about Mary Magdalene, the lady who is considered to be the most intriguing woman in the Bible?
        5. WATCH: Jesus: A Biography on the HISTORY Vault

        What the Bible Says About Mary Magdalene

        • However, only the Gospel of Luke discussed Mary Magdalene’s role in Jesus’ life and ministry, listing her among ″some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities″ (Luke 8:1–3).
        • All four canonical gospels of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) noted Mary Magdalene’s presence at Jesus’ Crucifixion, but only the Gospel of Luke discussed her role in his life and ministry.
        • According to Luke, when Jesus drove out seven devils from her, Mary joined a group of women who went with him and his twelve disciples/apostles, ″proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.″ They were ″proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.″ However, although Magdalene is not a surname, it is associated with the city of Magdala, which is located in Galilee, in the northernmost area of ancient Palestine, and from whence Mary hailed (now northern Israel).
        • In the words of Robert Cargill, an associate professor of classical and religious studies at the University of Iowa who is also the editor of the Biblical Archaeology Review, ″Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ early supporters.″ ″She was mentioned in the Gospels, which indicates that she was significant.
        1. There were hundreds, if not thousands, of followers of Jesus, but we don’t know the names of the majority of them, according to what we know.
        2. As a result, the fact that she has been identified is significant.″ Mary Magdalene had an important role in the tale of the Resurrection, which took place after Jesus’ crucifixion, which she observed from the foot of the cross with many other women, and after all of Jesus’ male disciples had fled from the scene.
        3. In accordance with the gospels, Mary went to Jesus’ tomb on Easter Sunday, either alone herself (according to the Gospel of John) or in company with several women, and discovered that the tomb was vacant.
        4. The ladies are the ones who go to the disciples and inform them what has happened, as Cargill points out.
        5. That’s crucial since they were the ones who found that Jesus had resurrected from the dead.

        According to the Gospel of John, Jesus personally comes to Mary Magdalene after his Resurrection and urges her to inform his followers of his appearance (John 20:1-13).READ MORE: What Did Jesus Look Like When He Was Alive?

        Mary Magdalene as sinner

        • All four canonical gospels of the New

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