Who Killed Jesus Movie?

Who Killed Jesus? (List of Conspirators)

The topic of who killed Jesus is one that multitudes of people all across the world have questioned themselves. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ was orchestrated by a group of six individuals. The six (6) conspirators that conspired to assassinate Jesus were as follows:

  1. Judas Iscariot, Pontius Pilate, an unknown Roman Centurion, Herod Antipas, Joseph Caiaphas, and the Sanhedrin – the Jewish High Council

Each of the conspirators contributed to the advancement of the process in his or her own way.The conspirators’ motivations varied from animosity to money to a sense of obligation.Many years ago, the prophets of the Old Testament predicted that the messiah would be carried to the slaughterhouse like a sacrifice lamb ready to be slaughtered.It was the only means by which the world might be redeemed from the effects of sin that remained.The following article recounts the part performed by each conspirator in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, and it is considered to be the most significant trial in history because of its significance.

History of Crucifixion

After bearing the crucifixion cross of Jesus Christ for a long time, it is thought that Simon of Cyrene was the man who carried the cross after Jesus himself fainted from exhaustion.It was because of this episode that the term ″Jesus bears his own cross″ became well-known.Read |The Apocalypse: Its Meaning, Folklore, and Synonyms from the Bible When Jesus addressed the audience, he specifically addressed the ladies there as ″Daughters of Jerusalem″ who were grieving for him before to his crucifixion, a distinction that distinguished them from the women who accompanied Jesus to his execution.The Via Dolorosa is the name given to the path that was used to convey Jesus Christ to the site of his crucifixion on the cross.

It has a physical presence on the streets of Jerusalem’s ancient city.″Daughters of Jerusalem, do not grieve for me, but weep for yourselves and your children,″ Jesus Christ said to the ladies who were weeping in the crowd just before his execution.Remember that the days are coming when people will exclaim, ‘Blessed are the barren, and blessed are those who never bore children, and blessed are those who never nursed their children!’ Then they’ll start calling out to the mountains, telling them to ″fall on us,″ and to the hills, telling them to ″cover us.″ If they do these things when the wood is still young, imagine what will happen when the wood dries.″

List of the Conspirators (Who Killed Jesus?)

The killing of Jesus Christ was a collaborative effort involving many individuals.However, the accurate solution to the issue of who killed Jesus has just six names in the list of possible candidates.One hundred and sixty-six persons were involved in the execution of Jesus Christ, the majority of them were Roman centurions.They included Pontius Pilate, Judas Iscariot, Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin, Herod Antipas, and an unknown Roman centurion.

1. The Sanhedrin – Jewish High Council

The Sanhedrin was the Jewish High Council for Israel’s High Court, and it was responsible for enforcing mosaic law in the country.The president of this specific Court was the high priest Joseph Caiaphas, who presided over the proceedings.He was the one who assassinated Jesus and allowed the accusations of blasphemy against Christ to be brought against him.Despite the fact that Jesus Christ was innocent, this specific Court decided in favor of condemning him.Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea were the only ones who did not participate in this.

From A to Z, 100+ Biblical Animal Names may be found on this page.Although Jesus Christ had died as a result of his punishment, this specific court did not have the authority to order his death.They require the assistance of Pontius Pilate, the Roman Governor who has been assigned to this special jurisdiction.

As a result, it was this specific Court that issued the order for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

2. Pontius Pilate

Pontius Pilate was the Roman governor of Judea at the time of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion, and he is also the guy who provides the answer to the issue of who was responsible for Jesus’ death.In ancient Israel, he was the only one who has the ability to give someone life or death at will.He was the only one who could put an end to the lives of any criminals who happened to be present in that specific location.When Jesus Christ was brought before him for trial, the Governor determined that there was no justification for putting him to death.He ordered that Jesus Christ be mercilessly flogged and then sent him to Herod, who would return him to the cross.

Read more about the distinctions between angels, demons, and ghosts.However, the court of Israel and the Pharisees were still not content with the outcome.As the one who murdered Jesus, he was sentenced to a cruel death, a punishment reserved by the court for only the most vicious offenders existing in the region at the time.

Having always been a politician throughout his life, Governor Agrippa wiped his hands clean and then gave Jesus Christ to one of his centurions in exchange for carrying out the death sentence.As a result of the court’s decision and the decree of the ruler of Judea, Jesus Christ was crucified.

3. Judas Iscariot

In the New Testament, Judas Iscariot was one of the twelve disciples who were personally chosen by Jesus Christ.The group’s treasurer, he also oversaw the group’s common money bag, which he kept in his possession.Despite the fact that he is referenced in certain religious scriptures and sacred books as having had no part in the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, other literary works claim that he was the one who betrayed his master for the sum of thirty pieces of silver.Read More |The Folklore and Importance of the Kingdom of God This was the regular sum that had to be paid in order to purchase a Slave from the market.

Nevertheless, as some academics have claimed, he may have done this particular act out of avarice or in order to force the messiah to overturn the Roman government.During his lifetime, he moved from being one of Jesus Christ’s closest friends to being listed first on the list of the conspirators responsible for the killing of Jesus Christ.

4. Centurion

One day, a court order and a governor issued to an obscure commander in the ancient Roman Army, which drastically transformed his life.As punishment for crucifying Jesus Christ of Nazareth, he was ordered by the court.Despite the fact that he is referenced in the Bible, his precise name and other information are not known.He was acting under the direct commands of the Governor and the guy who was under the specific Centurion’s command for the purpose of carrying out the crucifixion, and he was doing it in a cold and professional manner.Take a look at this |

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5. Herod Antipas

His title was Herod Antipas, and he was assigned by the Romans to be the tetrarch, or ruler, of Perea and Galilee.Because Jesus Christ was both a Galilean and a subject of Herod’s jurisdiction, the governor of Judea dispatched Jesus Christ to him on his behalf.He had previously assassinated the famous Prophet John the Baptist, who was a companion of Jesus Christ as well as a Kinsman of the Messiah.So, rather than speak his mind and tell the truth, he commanded Jesus Christ to perform a miracle in his presence.Read more about 15 Best Christian Easter Songs with Lyrics.

When the man remained deafeningly silent, Jesus Christ ordered him to be returned to the Governor for death.

6. Joseph Caiaphas

From the 18th through the 37th centuries AD, Joseph Caiaphas served as the most senior priest in the temple of Jerusalem.In ancient Israel, he was the most powerful man alive, and his position was endangered by the popularity of the Jewish Messiah, Jesus of Nazareth.He had a significant part in the death of Jesus Christ because he believed that Jesus Christ would instigate an uprising that would result in a clampdown by the Roman authorities.Read more about Why Do People Wave Palm Leaves on Palm Sundays?

Crucifixion Method

History has it that Jesus Christ was executed on a typical two-crossbeam scaffold, according to historians. It was decided to use nails to link the two beams together. After then, Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross with the help of two nails (one in each palm) and two nails in the feet (one in each knee). Randy Travis’s Glory Train Songs are worth reading.

Crucifixion of Jesus

The crucifixion of Jesus Christ is said to have taken place between the years AD 30 and AD 33, approximately.The canonical gospels include a comprehensive account of the events surrounding Jesus’ crucifixion and death.However, there are no precise dates or times given for this episode, and the question of how old Jesus was when he died has long been a source of contention among historians, both Christians and non-Christians, about the circumstances surrounding his death.Read Top Famous Christian Female Singers Who Have Made Their Mark


Who was responsible for the death of Jesus Christ is a question that arises not just in the thoughts of Christians, but also in the minds of non-Christians all around the world.As a result, it has been determined that the six conspirators and their efforts were responsible for the killing of Jesus, based on recorded pieces of evidence found in the holy writings.Pontius Pilate, Judas Iscariot, Caiaphas, the Sanhedrin, Herod Antipas, and an unknown Roman centurion were among those who conspired against Jesus.

People Also Ask (FAQs)

Why is Judas Iscariot considered to be the main culprit behind the death of Jesus Christ?

Judas Iscariot is often regarded as the primary traitor and perpetrator of the killing of Jesus Christ, owing to the fact that he changed from being the closest friend of Jesus Christ to being his adversary and backstabber in a matter of days.

Who was the man who carried the crossbeam on which Jesus Christ was crucified?

Simon of Cyrene is widely thought to have been the man who carried the crossbeam on which Jesus Christ was crucified, according to tradition. He was driven to do so by the Romans since he had done the same.

When did Jesus Christ Die?

On the 3rd of April in the year AD 33, at 3 p.m., it is mentioned in the much-honored scripture and religious sources that Jesus Christ passed away.

Who Really Killed Jesus?

The subject of who is ultimately accountable for the murder of Jesus has long been a source of heated dispute among Christians.That it is such a contentious issue is because it has been used as a justification for anti-Semitism on a large scale in the past.The fact is that assigning blame for Christ’s death to a single organization or individual is extremely difficult to do.But let’s take a look at some of the places where accountability falls.

Roman responsibility

  • There’s no denying that Jesus died in a manner that was uniquely Roman in nature. While Rome did not develop the act of crucifixion, they did make it more efficient and effective. Under the supervision of the Romans, what began as a way of humiliating offenders by nailing them to a tree or a stake became a far more effective method of punishment. Jews did not (and were not permitted to) crucify anybody under any circumstances. Rather of beheaded, they were stoned, which was a more ancient method of execution. Immediately following Jesus’ trial by the Sanhedrin, the Jews hand Him over to Pilate with the charge that He ″opposes the payment of taxes to Caesar and claims to be the Messiah, or a king″ (Luke 23:2). Not only were the Romans accountable for Jesus’ crucifixion, but they were also responsible for much of the suffering and humiliation that surrounded His execution. Matthew 27:26 says that Romans flogged Him, mocked Him, bet on His clothing, gave him vinegar to drink (Matthew 27:47–49), stabbed Him to ensure He was dead (John 19:31–34), and threw stones at Him. Matthew 27:35 says that Romans bet on His garments, gave him vinegar to drink, and threw stones at Him.

It is impossible to acquit the Romans of their role in Jesus’ crucifixion. They must be held accountable.

Jewish responsibility

There is no doubt that the Jewish rulers were the source of practically all of Jesus’ hostility.They viewed Him as a direct challenge to the Law and to their power in general.The final nail in the coffin appears to have been the cleaning of the temple.It seems that this conduct, along with the raucous greeting Jesus got when He rode into Jerusalem, had inflamed the religious officials’ feelings.It was even necessary for the Sanhedrin to call in false witnesses during Christ’s blasphemy trial in order to get a guilty verdict: ″We overheard him declare, ‘I will destroy this temple built with human hands and in three days will construct another, not fashioned with human hands.’″ Even still, their testimonies did not corroborate one another.

Then the high priest went up in front of them and questioned Jesus, ″Do you know who I am?″ ″Are you saying you’re not going to respond?Was this testimony that these folks are presenting against you true and accurate?″ But Jesus stayed deafeningly silent and didn’t say anything.″Are you the Messiah, the Son of the Blessed One?″ the high priest inquired a second time of him.

″I am,″ Jesus stated emphatically.″And you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of the Mighty One, descending on the clouds of heaven,″ says the Bible.The high priest ripped his clothing to shreds.″Can you tell me why we need any more witnesses?″ he inquired.″You’ve heard the blasphemy, haven’t you?What are your thoughts?″ In Mark 14:58–64, they unanimously declared him to be deserving of death.

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Although Paul is himself a Jew, his epistle to the Thessalonian church appears to place the blame squarely on the Jews’ shoulders, as follows: ″In order to become imitators of God’s churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus, you, brothers and sisters, became: You suffered at the hands of your own people in the same way that those churches suffered at the hands of the Jews who slaughtered the Lord Jesus and the prophets and drove us out of their lands.They are displeasing to God and unfriendly to everyone around them ″14–15; I Thessalonians 2:14–15; Peter, on the other hand, assigns equal responsibility in his speech at Pentecost.He recognizes that the Jews did not kill Jesus on their own, saying, ″They had aid.″ ″Listen up, fellow Israelites: Jesus of Nazareth was a man who was accredited by God to you via miracles, wonders, and signs, which God performed among you through him, as you are well aware.

It was God’s purposeful design and foresight that brought you into contact with this man; you, with the assistance of evil men, executed him by nailing him to the cross ″(See Acts 2:22–23.)

Our responsibility

The fact is that it makes no difference who ordered Jesus’ execution.Each of us has some responsibility for His death.Jesus was crucified in order to atone for all of our sins.″Jesus was the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not just for our sins, but also for the sins of the whole world,″ the disciple John writes in his first Epistle (1 John 2:2).As a result of Christ’s death, we are both the cause of and the beneficiaries of it.

Because Jesus was crucified as a result of the sin of everyone who has ever lived, it is pointless to point fingers at any one individual as being personally culpable.According to the apostle Paul, God ″did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how can he not also generously give us all things along with him″ (Romans 8:32)?Fortunately, the gospel tale did not come to a close on a depressing note with the crucifixion.

Instead, it culminates in a triumphant celebration of His resurrected body.It doesn’t matter who killed Jesus; what counts is that death has been overcome once and for all through the cross.Alternatively, as Paul phrased it so beautifully, ″Death has been swallowed up in triumph!″ The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 15:54 that Read more about Jesus’ life in the blogs ″Who Is Jesus?″ and ″40 Interesting Facts About Jesus″ to learn more about him.Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotations are from the New International Version of the Bible.

Killing Jesus (2015 film) – Wikipedia

  • Killing JesusPromotional posterGenres: Docudrama, Biography, and others
Based on Killing Jesusby Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard
Written by Walon Green
Directed by Christopher Menaul
Starring Haaz SleimanKelsey GrammerStephen MoyerEmmanuelle ChriquiJohn Rhys-Davies
Theme music composer Trevor Morris
Country of origin United States
Original language English
Producers Ridley ScottDavid W. ZuckerMary LisioTeri WeinbergMark Huffam
Cinematography Ousama Rawi
Editor Xavier Russell
Running time 132 minutes
Production company Scott Free Productions
Distributor National Geographic Channel
Original network National Geographic Channel
Original release March 29, 2015

Killing Jesus is a 2013 American television film based on the book of the same name by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard, which was released in 2013.This is the third chapter in National Geographic’s television adaptations of O’Reilly’s non-fiction works, which have featured Killing Lincoln and Killing Kennedy, among others.Haaz Sleiman, Kelsey Grammer, Stephen Moyer, Emmanuelle Chriqui, and John Rhys-Davies are among the actors that appear in the film.On March 29, 2015, the National Geographic Channel broadcasted its premiere episode.


Following Jesus of Nazareth’s life via the retelling of political, social, and historical events that occurred throughout the Roman Empire and eventually led to his crucifixion, the film tells the story of his death and resurrection.


  • Emmanuelle Chriqui as Herodias
  • Stephanie Leonidas as Salome
  • Vernon Dobtcheff as Isaiah
  • Klára Issová as Mary Magdalene
  • Haaz Sleiman as Jesus
  • Alexis Rodney as Peter
  • Joe Doyle as Judas Iscariot
  • Aneurin Barnard as James
  • Abhin Galeya as John the Baptist
  • Rufus Sewell as Caiaphas
  • John Lynch as Nicodemus
  • John Rhy


Earlier this year, it was revealed that Killing Jesus will be made into a four-hour miniseries, with Walon Green serving as the show’s writer and executive producer.Executive producers Ridley Scott, David W.Zucker, and Mary Lisio, who previously worked on the Killing Kennedy film, are also returning to the project.In August 2014, it was announced that Christopher Menaul will be directing the miniseries.


A total of seven reviews were submitted to the review aggregation website Rotten Tomatoes, with an overall approval rating of 43 percent and an average rating of 5.70/10.


The film received 3.7 million views for its first showing and received an average rating of 1.0 among people in the 25-54 age group during its first week of release. Killing Kennedy had previously set a viewing record, which was exceeded by this episode.


Year Association Category Nominee(s) Result
2015 Critics’ Choice Television Awards Best Movie/Miniseries Killing Jesus Nominated
Primetime Emmy Awards Outstanding Television Movie Nominated
2016 Satellite Awards Best Miniseries or Television Film Nominated


  1. Accessed February 18, 2014. Hipes, Patrick (February 18, 2014). ″″Killing Jesus″ Premiere Date Set For March 29 On Nat Geo″ – Full Trailer. Hollywood has a deadline. In a nutshell, the following are the results of the search for Lesley Goldberg on February 18, 2014.
  2. (October 6, 2014). Nat Geo’s ″Killing Jesus″ cast members have been revealed (exclusively). According to The Hollywood Reporter. Oldenburg, Ann (December 9, 2014)
  3. retrieved on December 9, 2014. (October 6, 2014). ″The cast of ‘Killing Jesus’ has been announced, including Kesley Grammer.″ According to USA Today. Nellie Andreeva, Nellie Andreeva, Nellie Andreeva, Nellie Andreeva, Nellie Andreeva, Nellie Andreeva, Nellie Andreeva (March 17, 2014). ″National Geographic’s ‘Killing Jesus’ will be extended to four hours, and Walon Green will write the script.″ Deadline Hollywood, retrieved on December 9, 2014.
  4. The Deadline Team, retrieved on December 9, 2014. (August 7, 2014). ″Christopher Menaul will direct ‘Killing Jesus’ for National Geographic and Ridley Scott,″ according to Deadline. The Hollywood Reporter, retrieved on December 9, 2014.
  5. ″Killing Jesus″. Deadline Hollywood. Rotten Tomatoes is a website dedicated to reviewing and rating movies and television shows. The original version of this article was published on April 4, 2019. ″Killing Jesus″ sets a new National Geographic television ratings record with 3.7 million viewers on March 30, 2015.
  6. O’Connell, Michael (March 30, 2015). Retrieved on March 30, 2015, from The Hollywood Reporter
  7. Maglio, Tony (March 30, 2015). ″’Killing Jesus’ Slays Nat Geo Record With 3.7 Million Viewers″. It was retrieved on March 30, 2015, from TheWrap.

External links

  • Killing Jesus at IMDb

Killing Jesus (TV Movie 2015)

Henry Badgett . visual effects supervisor: BlueBolt
Angela Barson . visual effects supervisor
David Bobichon . digital compositor: BlueBolt
Ewelina Bogacka . roto/prep artist: BlueBolt (2015)
Phillip Charles-Sweeting . digital paint & roto artist: BlueBolt
Yannick Cibin . 3d generalist: BlueBolt
Ivano di Natale . roto/prep artist: BlueBolt
Samuel Dubery . visual effects production assistant
Finlay Duncan . junior compositor: BlueBolt (2015)
Daniel Gardiner . roto/paint artist: BlueBolt
Sebastian Hesselsjö . digital compositor: BlueBolt (2015)
Robin Hinch . visual effects editor: BlueBolt
Gediminas Max Jauga . digital compositor: Bluebolt
Rafael Morant . senior matte painting artist
Leonardo Paolini . digital compositor: Bluebolt
Roni Rodrigues . digital compositor: BlueBolt (2015)
Simon Rowe . compositor: Bluebolt (2015)
Francesco Russo . digital compositor: Bluebolt
Asa Shoul . digital colourist
Ana Siguenza . digital compositor: BlueBolt (2015)
James Sutton . 3d artist: Bluebolt

Watch Killing Jesus

  1. Sixty-eight percent of reviews are five stars, with ten percent of reviews being four stars.
  2. Nine percent of reviews are rated three stars
  3. Two-star ratings account for 4% of all reviews.
  4. One star is awarded to 8% of all reviews.

The best reviews have come from the United States.vince On April 10, 2017, the United States received a rating of 1.0 out of 5 stars.One star is a lot of money.Purchase has been verified The finest part was when Kelsey Grammar took on the role of Herod for five minutes.An agenda-driven play intended to subtly criticize Christianity and contemporary political affairs.

I finished reading Bill Oreilly’s book.This isn’t the same as Bill’s interpretation, nor is it the same as the subject matter.The novel by Oreilly was fantastic.

There is little doubt that this film was created by someone who has never read the book, and who is most likely an atheist, and who is attempting to profit on its (the book’s) success.I was able to rent it for $3.99.I couldn’t bring myself to finish it.Even after removing any supernatural components (miracles, etc.), this novel managed to stray from the plot’s expectations.In this film, there are events that take place that do not take place elsewhere in Scripture or even in Oreilly’s book.I couldn’t bring myself to finish it.

If you haven’t already, I recommend you read Oreilly’s novel instead.A masterwork that is also a very simple read, this book is a must-read.If you have read it, you should be aware that this film has nothing in common with it in terms of perspective and presentation.

Do not hand over your money to these individuals.This was beneficial to 39 individuals.Maidy was reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2017 and received a rating of 1.0 out of 5 stars.The worst performance I’ve ever seen!Purchase has been verified I don’t believe the writer of this film has ever read a single verse of Scripture.In this version of the story, Jesus is unaware that he is the Son of God.

Peter and his Disciples must persuade him to change his mind.Whenever he prays for someone’s healing, he is amazed when it really works.What?!?

I couldn’t even make it through the whole thing without becoming frustrated.This was beneficial to 20 people.In the United States, it was reviewed on December 3, 2015, and it received a score of 3.0 stars.It wasn’t the worst or most fictitious movie I’d ever watched, but it was nonetheless enjoyable.Purchase has been verified Killing Lincoln had a lasting impression on me because of how well it mirrored O’Reilly’s novel.Killing Jesus was based on his novel only loosely, and the writer/director injected much too much of his own vision into the film.

Not the worst or most fictitious film I’ve ever watched, but it was still adequate for academic purposes.It’s just that I wish it was more in line with the book.In the event that you decide to view it, make sure that you first have a good basis in the text.

You will gain a great deal of knowledge from reading this book.This was beneficial to 14 people.Erin On October 17, 2017, it received a rating of 1.0 out of 5 stars in the United States.I thought that was an awful understanding of the gospel.Purchase has been verified Even though I would not give this movie any stars, I am required to do so in order to write a review.A awful version of the gospel was presented.

  • It depicted Jesus as a human being who sinned, when He did not.
  • They didn’t mention any of the miracles or healings that He had accomplished.
  • I have the impression that the film was created by non-Christians who were attempting to discredit Jesus’ claim to be the Messiah.

This was beneficial to 14 people.dwilson113 The product was reviewed in the United States on May 9, 2020 and received 1.0 out of 5 stars.A significant amount of artistic liberty has been utilized.Purchase has been verified This film rendition of the death of Jesus left me feeling very disillusioned.

  1. Bill O’R, I apologize, but The Passion of the Christ, directed by Mel Gibson, was far more engaging and closely linked with the Bible, despite the fact that movie is very violent.
  2. This was beneficial to 5 people.
  3. Gazellegirl was reviewed in the United States on July 11, 2021 and received a rating of 1 out of 5 stars.
  4. This is not correct.

Purchase has been verified If accuracy is vital to you, then you should avoid this film at all costs.You may, on the other hand, use it to test your understanding of the Bible.This was beneficial to 2 people.

  1. a rating of one out of five stars The sound does not function.
  2. There are no words.
  3. Animals groaning may be heard in the background.
  4. There are no voices.
  • Purchase has been verified The audio track did not play properly.
  • I was unable to see the movie.
  • I’d want a refund for my purchase.
  • I’m looking for return instructions on Amazon.com right now.
  • It’s not easy to come by.
  • The verdict is a resounding ″no!″ This was found to be useful by one individual.
See also:  Who Is Jesus Bible Study For Youth?

G.Krehbiel is a German author.The document will be reviewed in the United States on April 12, 2020.a rating of one out of five stars Don’t squander any more of your time.

Awful.Purchase has been verified This was a terrible experience.The writers took far too many liberties with the tale, in addition to the poor production quality, to name a few.Don’t squander any more of your time.This was beneficial to 2 people.See all of the reviews

Killing Jesus: Bill O’Reilly’s film is touted as history. But facts aren’t sacred to him

Killing Jesus, the film version of Bill O’Reilly’s book, which premieres on March 29th, is not based on historical events.Despite the fact that this may seem like a simple remark, it is worth emphasizing given the way the three-hour ″television event″ is being marketed to viewers: as a constrained Biblical history that is suited for both believers and nonbelievers alike.The term ″Bible movies″ is rarely used to refer to films that are the result of creative interpretation; rather, it is used to refer to films that are ″historical″ or ″religious.″ However, Exodus is a Ridley Scott film, whereas Noah is a Darren Aronofsky production.Following the same standards, we should refer to Killing Jesus as a ″Bill O’Reilly movie,″ rather than a ″historical film″ in the traditional sense.Mr.

O’Reilly, the American commentator who has had a long-running show on conservative Fox television, is nearly associated with the term ″opinionated.″ He earns his career by bullying everyone who disagrees with him, including guests on his show, and he uses their opinions to generate money.In particular, O’Reilly’s blatant contempt for the truth has recently been well-documented.O’Reilly, a self-described ″traditionalist″ Catholic, cannot be relied upon to distinguish between religious interpretation and historical reality.

As a result, if we consider Killing Jesus to be a Bill O’Reilly production, it should serve as a reminder that it cannot be both an unbiased and historical film at the same time.An enormous amount of attention has been focused on the show’s selection of a young Muslim actor of Middle Eastern ancestry as Jesus, maybe in the hope that it will escape accusations of Christian bias or as a method to emphasize the human characteristics of Jesus.(Islam regards Jesus to be human and prophetic, but not divine, as well.) Promotional films emphasize the ″true authenticity″ that can only be achieved by filming in the Moroccan desert.In addition to its affiliation with the National Geographic Channel, which has produced previous O’Reilly television movies, such as Killing Lincoln and Killing Kennedy, the show’s legitimacy is bolstered by its link with the Discovery Channel.At the very least, Lincoln and Kennedy may be considered part of documented contemporary history.Jesus, on the other hand, is not.

When it comes to the historical Jesus, as the devoted Catholic novelist James Carroll says in Christ Actually, ″the empirically identifiable Jesus who has been the subject of historians’ inquiry and the interpretative Jesus who has been subject of theologians’ contemplation, are not the same Jesus.″ Even the detractors are perplexed by the situation.The following is what Bryan Lowry has to say about Killing Jesus in Variety: ″Along the road there are discrete miracles, but this reflects a more historical approach to the subject.″ What makes something more historical than another?Miracles, by definition, cannot be accepted as factual, no matter how subtle they may be.

O’Reilly’s version of events treats as truth a number of well-worn misconceptions that have been repeatedly debunked by academics and journalists.It is incorrect to refer to the apostle Paul as a Christian because Christianity did not originate until a century after the crucifixion, and Jesus and all of his disciples died as Jews, not Christians.Researchers have pointed out that, in portraying the Pharisees as legalistic, hypocritical evildoers, O’Reilly is ironically drawing on an image that was initially constructed by Protestants during the Reformation to criticize Catholics.Indeed, the show’s premiere date betrays its historical and universalist guise.If Killing Jesus is intended to be history that can be enjoyed by both Christians and non-Christians, why on earth would it debut on Palm Sunday, the first day of Holy Week running up to Easter, is beyond me.It is possible that Ridley Scott, whose firm assisted in the production of the picture, learnt from the critical reception to Exodus that Bible films should make greater attempts to capture the atmosphere of the Middle East in the future.

Scott has been accused of bigotry and inaccuracy for hiring actors such as John Turturro in the role of the Egyptian Pharoah, among other things.But I’d rather see a Bible movie with more greasepaint and spectacular effects that advertised itself as the blockbuster entertainment that it was than a Bible movie with a Middle Eastern setting that only barely disguises Gospel ideology as a religious film.

TV Review: ‘Killing Jesus’

With ″Killing Jesus,″ Bill O’Reilly’s ″Killing″ series delivers its most innately lucrative title to National Geographic Channel, and at least with this theme, no one needs to be concerned about O’Reilly claiming to have been there.Having been made by Ridley Scott’s production firm, which is no stranger to epics, the film provides a simple tone to the tale and takes its title seriously, concentrating solely on the events and intrigue surrounding Christ’s execution.There are a few discrete miracles along the road, but this is a more historical approach to information that is presently flooding in from all directions, a result of History’s success with ″The Bible.″ When compared to other recent portrayals of Jesus, this one — directed by Christopher Menaul from an adaptation by Walon Green — is possibly the most notable for its use of constraint and restraint in storytelling.The filmmakers don’t waste time on the Crucifixion, as, for example, Mel Gibson did in ″The Passion of the Christ,″ and as a result the show benefits from their frugality in covering so much terrain.The three-hour program (which is around three-quarters of that length without commercials) must recover from a very horrible opening, with Kelsey Grammer buried behind his bushy mane and huge hat as King Herod, who has visions of his own death and the death of his son.

Herod commands an atrocity against children, and then meets his end just as the title of the film flashes across the screen, in what is perhaps the most obvious example of star casting for promotional purposes that can be conceived of.After then, the film begins to calm down, with the introduction of the adult Jesus (Haaz Sleiman), who addresses this most difficult of parts in a wonderfully human manner, as the film progresses.However, Jesus is often a secondary character in the story, with much of the attention being focused on the High Priest Caiaphas (Rufus Sewell), who determines early on that this Messiah must be eliminated; Pontius Pilate (Stephen Moyer), who is reluctant to be the author of that death; and Antipas (Eoin Macken), the Jewish king, who is led around by his bloodthirsty wife/ex-sister-in-law Herodias (Kate (Emmanuelle Chriqui).

However, there is very little that can be added to this story that hasn’t already been done, especially now that producer Mark Burnett has made it his purpose to show the Bible in as many different formats as possible on television and film.An important point of divergence is a reduced focus on Christ’s divinity, and a greater obsession with the fact that his killing was thought necessary since he endangered the power system in place at the time of his death.In spite of this, networks do not require much of an excuse to revisit a tale that connects with so many people simply because of the numbers game (2 billion Christians on the earth, a point particularly emphasized, albeit redundantly, during the concluding narration).According to National Geographic, the film will be shown in 171 countries after its premiere on Palm Sunday.The organization has done pretty well with earlier adaptations of O’Reilly’s works, especially when compared to its own standards.In terms of ratings, ″Killing Jesus″ has an advantage of one week over NBC’s ″The Bible Continues,″ and the only thing that’s less thrilling than the press release declaring it a ratings winner is how the movie is going to conclude.

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Who Killed Jesus Christ? [The Passion of the Christ, Mel Gibson]

As a result of the release of Mel Gibson’s new film ″The Passion of Christ,″ there has been a great deal of discussion on whether or not the film contains anti-Semitic overtones.Is it correct to say that the Jews were accountable for the killing of Jesus Christ on the cross?While it is true that He was brought to trial by the Jewish leaders, that he was betrayed by one of his own disciples, Judas Iscariot, and that he was condemned to death by the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate, it is also true that He was betrayed by one of his own disciples, Judas Iscariot.The real question is: who was responsible for His death?Why do you think the Jewish authorities brought Jesus to trial?

Both Judas Iscariot and Pontius Pilate played important roles in carrying out God’s plan for Christ’s death, as did the Jewish leaders who conspired against him.They were certainly responsible for His death, but I believe they were not the only ones.The reality is that I, as well as you, bear some of the responsibility for His death.

He died for me, for my sin, and for your sin as well.It was the only way we might be forgiven of our sins and be reconciled with God.It was God who offered Himself up as a sacrifice for our sins on the cross.His death on the cross for our sins was the fulfillment of a prophecy that had been made centuries before.It was God’s plan to rescue sinful man in this manner.All of the events surrounding Him, including the time of His arrival (Daniel 9:26, Genesis 49:10), the location of His birth (Micah 5:2), and the manner in which He would die (Daniel 9:26, Genesis 49:10).

(Psalm chapter 22).These specifics were so clearly given forth in the scriptures that the three wise men from the east were able to locate Jesus at the time of His birth with relative ease.Approximately two thousand years before Jesus died on the death, God used a man named Abraham to reenact the whole story of the cross.

God instructed Abraham to sacrifice his son Issac on Mount Moriah, which is located in Israel (Genesis chapter 22).The wood was carried by his kid on his shoulder.When they arrived to the location where he would sacrifice his kid, it was the third day of the journey.When he was going to sacrifice his kid, an angel intervened and prevented him from proceeding.In the same way that Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day, Abraham’s son was presumed dead for three days.The wood was carried by the boy on his shoulder, exactly as Jesus carried the cross on His shoulders.

This was the same mount Golgotha where Jesus would be crucified two thousand years later, when another Father would sacrifice His Son to atone for the sins of the entire world.God’s Son was born to die, He died in order for you to live, and He rose from the dead to be with you forever.To relieve you of the burden of an obligation you could never pay, he paid a bill he did not owe.

See also:  What Do The Gnostic Gospels Say About Jesus

On the night before He was to be crucified, Jesus prayed that if this cup of suffering could be passed, it would be removed from Him.But it couldn’t be taken away; He had to go through the pain of the crucifixion because there was no other way for the sins of mankind to be forgiven.According to the Scriptures, if good deeds (the law) could have redeemed us, Christ’s death would have been in vain.(Galations 2:21) The Bible says God, on the other hand, demonstrated his immense love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still in our sins.(See also Romans 5:6) As you read this essay, it is possible that you may come to realize that you are also one of people for whom God gave his life on the cross.Another individual has been identified as being responsible for Jesus’ death.

It was God’s blood that was spilled on the cross to save you.You could think to yourself, ″If I was responsible for His death, God must be furious with me.″ True to His word, He died for your sins, and He chose to die for you in order for you to have eternal life.His love for you was the driving force behind His death.

With God’s help, you may be free from the enslaving bonds of sin and the resulting estrangement from Him that sin brings.Whenever we are completely honest with God and tell Him that we have sinned and that we desire to repent and receive His forgiveness, He responds favorably.He is able to start again with a clean slate and live life as He intended.God has the ability to forgive and forget about the past.The desires and force of sin that have held you captive can be defeated via the strength He provides.You will experience the bountiful life He has to give, as well as the security of knowing that you are in good hands and that you are being taken care of.

  • Today might be the happiest day of your life; today could be the day that Jesus comes into your life and transforms it for the rest of eternity.
  • Be honest with yourself: do you want to spend your life as you please, leaving you thirsty and empty at the end of it?
  • All those who are thirsty, heavy burdened, and tired are invited to come to Jesus, says Jesus.

By being humiliated, beaten, and dying on the cross, Christ accepted the punishment for all you’ve done in your life.In exchange for the benefits that only He could have received for living a faultless life, He gives you a life spent with Him for the rest of your days.If you would want to learn more about Jesus’ death and what your role is in earning redemption from your sins, please read the following.Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

  1. If you want to see the depth to which God’s love for you has gone to in paying the penalty for your sin, you should see the movie ″The Passion of Christ.″

Who Really Killed Jesus?

25 Years of Dedicated Service to Catholics

According to a program hosted by the McLean Bible Church that I just heard on the radio, the ″Catholic Church thinks that the Jews assassinated Jesus,″ according to the program.I am well aware that this is not the case.But what is an appropriate response to the question of what we believe?There has been a great deal of debate about the topic of ″Who murdered Jesus?″ as a result of the immense influence that Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion of the Christ,″ had on the public consciousness.In addition, I encourage you to view the movie.

It will have an impact on how you pray the Stations of the Cross or the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary in the future.We would like to point you that the film is not advised for minors under the age of 12.First and first, we must tackle this issue from the perspective of history, specifically, what happened and who was responsible.

In accordance with the Gospels, the religious leaders of the Jewish people conspired to have Our Lord killed on the cross.For example, the Gospel of Matthew records that after Jesus entered Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, he said, ″At that time, the chief priests and elders of the people had gathered in the palace of the high priest, whose name was Caiaphas, to discuss important matters.They devised a plan to detain Jesus using a ruse and then murder him ″ (Mt 26:3-4).During the Sanhedrin meeting, some of the Pharisees expressed their apprehension: ″What are we supposed to do with this man who is flashing all kinds of signs?If we allow Him to continue in this manner, the entire world will come to believe in Him.Then the Romans will march in and destroy our shrine as well as our entire nation ″ (Jn 11:47-48).

″Can you not understand that it is better for you to have one man die for the people than it is for you to have the entire nation destroyed?″ Caiaphas asked during the same meeting (Jn 11:50).Yes, specific Jewish officials were culpable for the killing of Our Lord; but, no one can legitimately accuse the whole Jewish people or their descendants for this tragedy.Pilate, the Roman Procurator, wielded immense authority over both life and death in his court.

However, even though the Jewish rulers condemned Our Lord to death for blasphemy, they lacked the authority to carry out their sentence and admitted to Pilate that they ″may not put anybody to death″ (Jn 18:31).As a result, when He is brought before Pilate, the charge is modified to: ″We discovered this guy corrupting our nation, opposing the payment of taxes to Caesar, and claiming to be the Messiah, a king″ (Lk 23:2).Making a claim to be King and inciting revolt was a felony punishable by execution since one put oneself in direct opposition to Caesar.In the end, Pilate feared revolt and succumbed to the cries of the multitude, ″Crucify Him, crucify Him,″ while ignoring the pleas of his wife and his own convictions about Christ’s guilt and innocence.He was the one who ordered the crucifixion.As a result, Pilate was also culpable for the execution of Our Lord; but, no one can legitimately hold the whole Roman nation or its successors, i.e.

the Gentiles, guilty for His death.Even Judas, who betrayed our Lord and handed Him up in exchange for thirty pieces of money, played a role in His execution, as did the other apostles (cf.Mt 26:14-16).

Given that Judas was one of the apostles, would we be willing to hold them all accountable?Without a doubt, this is not the case.Indeed, several persons have been indicted based on historical evidence.However, whether viewed from a theological viewpoint, or through the lens of faith, Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection were all part of God’s plan of salvation.Following the feast of Pentecost, St.Peter and St.

John declared, ″Indeed, they assembled in this same city to oppose your holy Servant, Jesus, whom you anointed in alliance with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel and against whom you anointed Herod and Pontius Pilate.They have brought about the precise things that you, in your omnipotent providence, had intended for them long before they occurred ″ (Acts 4:27-28).Because of His suffering and death, our Lord fulfilled the promise of the suffering servant Messiah prophesied by the prophet Isaiah: ″Yet it was our infirmities and suffering that he bore, and it was our death that he endured.

While we thought of him as afflicted, we thought of him as someone who had been struck by God and afflicted.But he was pierced for our transgressions, crushed for our iniquities, and the chastisement that makes us whole was laid on him; it was by his stripes that we were healed.We had all gone astray like sheep, everyone following his or her own path; but the Lord placed the blame for our sins on him, as if he were the only one who had done wrong ″ (53:4-6).Christ willingly accepted the load of our sins upon Himself, and in His capacity as priest, presented Himself as the only acceptable sacrifice for our sins.The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ resulted in the victory over sin and death, opening the gates of Heaven and providing us with the prospect of everlasting life in his presence.So, who are we to hold responsible?

  • Actually, the official Church doctrine is unequivocal in its assertion that we do not hold all Jews during the time of the Lord, nor do we hold all Jews today, responsible for the sins of the world.
  • In its final document, the Second Vatican Council ″Several passages from the ″Nostra Aetate,″ or ″Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions,″ stated that ″Even though the Jewish authorities and those who followed their lead pressed for the death of Christ, neither all Jews indiscriminately at that time, nor all Jews today, can be held responsible for the crimes committed during His passion.″ While it is true that the Church is the new people of God, the Jews should not be referred to as rejected or accursed as if this was the result of Holy Scripture or any other source ″ (No.
  • 4).

It was determined that persecution and anti-Semitism were prohibited not just because of the historical heritage shared by Christians and Jews, but also because such acts were in violation of Christian charitable principles.So, who is to be blamed in this situation?Yes.We are the ones to blame.

  1. We crucified Christ on the cross as a result of our sins.
  2. Following the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church’s Catechism of the Council of Trent (No.
  3. 598), our current Catechism of the Catholic Church (No.
  4. 598) makes it clear that ″Those who continue to relapse into their sins are held responsible for all of the sufferings that the divine Redeemer has endured, and we must regard them as guilty of these crimes.

For our sins caused the Lord Christ to endure the torture of the cross, individuals who engage in disorder and crime crucify the Son of God again in their hearts (because He is present in them) and despise Him in public.Furthermore, it can be observed that our wrongdoing in this situation is worse than that of the Jews in this case.They, on the other hand, did not comprehend this, according to the testimony of the Apostles, for if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

  1. We, on the other hand, pretend to know Him.
  2. And when we reject Him via our actions, we appear to be laying violent hands on Him in some way ″ (I, 5, 11).
  3. As we get closer to Holy Week, let us take a moment to consider our personal role in the Lord’s suffering.
  4. Give yourself ample opportunity to pray.
  • Particularly effective are The Stations Of The Cross and the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary.
  • Set aside some time for introspection, as well as for good sacramental confession.
  • Consider taking the time to not only see the film The Passion of the Christ, but also to read the stories of the Passion in the gospels.
  • Then, with God’s help, we shall be restored in our faith and ready to celebrate the splendor of Easter with our families and friends.


A Reverend William Saunders ″Who was it that assassinated Jesus?″ The Arlington Catholic Herald is a newspaper published by the Diocese of Arlington. Unless otherwise noted, this piece is reproduced with permission from the Arlington Catholic Herald.

The Author

Pastor of Our Lady of Hope church in Potomac Falls, Virginia, Father William Saunders is a native of the United Kingdom.Currently, he serves as dean of Christendom College’s Notre Dame Graduate School.It is based on a ″Straight Answers″ piece he wrote for the Arlington Catholic Herald, which is linked above.He is the author of Straight Answers, which is a collection of 100 of his columns, and Straight Answers II, which is a sequel to Straight Answers.Licensed by the Arlington Catholic Herald in 2004.

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