Who Killed Jesus Christ Yahoo Answers

Did Jesus die for us?

In Matthew 13:55 and Mark 6:3, we are told that Jesus was born as the son of a carpenter, and that he would work as a carpenter. The argument goes like this: Before entering public ministry, the Son of God required a means of subsistence, and carpentry provided a living that was comparable to that of most jobs. But there are other occupations that appear to have been more suitable for preparing him for ministry than his previous ones. Fishing would have been an appropriate occupation for Jesus’ disciples, as he commissioned them to become fishers of men, provided a plentiful supply of fish and bread to the crowds, and likened the kingdom of heaven to a net.

After turning water into wine as a child, Jesus later claimed that he was the vine that provided nourishment for his disciples.

Given that the Messiah descended from the tribe of Judah and that King David spent time among the sheep, shepherding could be considered a family custom.

Rather than carpentry, shepherding appears to be a more suitable profession.

  • The man who was tearing down barns to make way for larger ones alluded to carpentry when he spoke of the eyes being splintered or a log, and he alluded to carpentry when he spoke of the eyes being splintered or a log.
  • However, this brief article proposes that the characteristics of carpentry played a unique role in Christ’s preparation for his earthly ministry, which is discussed further below.
  • He was introduced to me as her brother by my grandmother.
  • My fingertips were able to feel his calloused leather-like palm and index and middle fingers.
  • It was my grandmother who told me that her brother had worked as a carpenter for quite some time.
  • His hands had thickened in a similar way to my great uncle’s over the years from tooling wood, just like mine.
  • Take a look at some of the things Jesus did while on earth.

When the youngsters came to meet him, it was his rough hands that were lovingly touching their cheeks (Mt 19:13-15).

Jesus’ task may have been more appropriately carried out by the gentler hands of a physician, lawyer, or scholar.

In his teaching, Jesus frequently argued from the lesser to the greater, but his carpenter’s hands demonstrate a physical argument from the intuitive, or what man expects, to the paradoxical, or what God accomplishes instead.

Despite the fact that Christ’s hands demonstrated his mannishness (and their competence in whipping the moneychangers out of the temple), those same hands could also serve tenderly when the situation called for it.

Woodworking becomes a frustrating practice if done without patience, which can lead to temptation via wrath, which can then turn into sin.

An experienced carpenter will carefully examine a board to determine the best method of cutting, chiseling, or planeing it.

In general, open grain woods like oak chip and splinter readily, but other types of woods such as walnut and mahogany can have substantial variations in their grain patterns from board to board.

Working with wood requires patience, and even the most skilled cabinetmaker may find that a nearly completed masterpiece has been converted into junk due to a faulty cut or an incorrect measurement.

However, the Lord of Glory was also tempted by the basic dangers of a carpenter’s workplace and daily life.

As Richard D.

The following are two important factors to keep in mind: Christ took on our human nature perfectly, in that he was and continues to be entirely human.

Two points to consider: first, Jesus is sitting at God’s right hand, and he shares our feelings about the world.

Executives are now obliged to work for a period of time in some of the occupations that their employees perform, in order to have a better understanding of the challenges that their people face.

When princes and princesses were born on earth, they were typically raised in impenetrable cocoons that shielded them from the prying eyes of the public.

After thirty years of preparation for his public ministry, Jesus’ patience had been severely tested.

The disciples jostled for position at the head of the table, competing with one another; the impulsive Peter threw some challenges when he shot from the hip in conversation with the Master; and then there were the disciples who did not remain awake and pray in Gethsemane as the Lord had instructed them.

  • The events leading up to Jesus’ arrest and crucifixion began as soon as he was taken into custody.
  • Along with him on the journey, the bleeding and tired Messiah carried a beam that would be fixed to a cross that had been permanently put in the ground for execution.
  • Once at the site of the crucifixion, the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of God was nailed on the cross.
  • He felt the roughness of the cross on his back and he cried out.
  • Despite the fact that he had learnt how to utilize and appreciate it, the familiar substance with which he and Joseph had labored became the instrument of his death.
  • The Bible says in John 20:50 Leon Morris summarized what Jesus accomplished in his commentary on the Gospel of John by saying, “He had taught and he had cured and he had set the example in his own life, and now he sacrificed his life ‘a ransom for many.’ ” (Eerdmans, 1992, p.
  • On a crucifixion constructed by a carpenter, Jesus, the carpenter and son of a carpenter, had died.

God is the only one who can provide an answer to this mystery.

The editor of Presbyterians of the Past is Barry Waugh (PhD, Westminster Theological Seminary).


Warfield: Essays on His Life and Thought, published in 2007, was also a contribution by him, as was Letters from the Front: J.

In addition to it, he writes on a regular basis.

By James Boice and Philip Ryken, the poem “Worthy is the Lamb.” By Barry Waugh, author of “Struggle in the City.” Adams Parker wrote a poem titled “Christ, Fully-Human.” By Nick Batzig, author of “The Blessed Cursed Tree.” Written by William Boekestein, “Good Friday: Christ our Great High Priest,” it is titled “Christ our Great High Priest.” Carl Trueman’s “Penance and Priesthood” is a powerful piece of writing that deserves to be read.

  1. Notes If Joseph was a carpenter in the traditional sense of cutting and shaping wood, there is disagreement.
  2. Campbell in the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society48:3 (September 2006), 501-519, asserts that Jesus was more of a general contractor and less of a hands-on worker in his job than is often assumed.
  3. For the sake of this article, I used the term “carpenter” in its broadest definition, which includes modern-day jobs such as jointer (finish carpenter), cabinet maker, framer, and other occupations that rely on wood as the principal raw material for their building projects.
  4. 222), which is an older commentary but is still useful.
  5. When it comes to the cross, I have a question concerning how it was attached to the stanchion.
  6. According to tradition, the sign depicting Jesus’ alleged crime would have been attached to one of the cross beam’s two vertical side surfaces, with the sign protruding over his head.
  7. Although I am not certain, I believe that the exposed end of the stanchion was tenoned.
  8. On the cross beam (some sources claim that the term “cross” refers solely to a horizontal beam), the tenon was inserted into a mortise that ran through its center.
  9. In order to facilitate installation of the cross beam, I believe that the tenon was greased with animal fat.

When the victim was dead, the body and cross beam could be readily removed, allowing for the next execution to be carried out without difficulty. It is likely that the Romans would have considered this design to be effective for the gruesome executions that they were accustomed to performing.

Christians – Jesus died for your sins.?

God brought Jesus to Earth to die in order to atone for everyone’s sins, including yours. There are individuals who hold the Jewish people responsible for the crucifixion, yet I would not have been pardoned if Jesus had not gladly gone to the cross on my behalf. Everyone, including me, is known by the Lord before they are born. He is well aware that we have fallen as a result of the sin of Adam and Eve. He understands that we are unable to refrain from sinning. If Jesus had not died for my sins, I know that I would still be dead in and because of my sins if he had not.

  • Every breath represents the prospect of sin occurring for anyone at any time.
  • Unfortunately, there are people who believe that if Jesus had not died on the cross, the world would have been able to thrive only on the basis of good acts.
  • I confess my transgressions against Him to Him in prayer on a regular basis and seek for His pardon.
  • I also make a concerted effort to seek forgiveness from people whom I have wronged.
  • Not “you all,” but rather those who have twisted the scriptures to suit their own purposes and agendas are at fault.
  • You have complete forgiveness at your disposal, but you are unwilling to accept it.

r/copypasta – answer I found on yahoo answers

When decorating the yuletide carol’s entryway, how many decks of boughs and holly should I put in the space? The Roman Catholic sign of the cross is performed upside down, with five fingers instead of three, and from left to right rather than right to left, among other variations (basically inviting demons). This temple will have 8 chambers, one for each major religion; antichrist will be crowned here; during the crowning, he will not read the “belief prayer” correctly (rejecting Christ and acknowledging himself); when he will take his gloves off to make the sign of the cross incorrectly (just for show), many people will notice his large nails and reject him; the Patriarch (who will be crowning him) will say that this is the antichrist; antichrist will kill him.

  1. In addition, during the 8th “wolf” Council, antichrist will assassinate those priests who do not agree with him; others will adore him when a bird falls to the ground at his feet.
  2. Drinkers and prostitutes are paid by Roman Catholics to pose for icons, and the passions of drunks and prostitutes are transferred to people who worship to these figures.
  3. Due to the fact that Americans often say, “Oh, my god!” (in Russian, Satan) they are considered blasphemers.
  4. Anathema to Satanic languages; a triple anathema to Satanic languages.
  5. Satan is worshipped by all religions with the exception of Orthodoxy.
  6. This is Satanic prayer, which is why Jews and Muslims pray with their heads down (either standing, bending, or kneeling).
  7. Hands cannot be placed on the crotch or behind the back; instead, they must be placed crossing each other on the chest (right over left) or by your sides alone.
  8. Clergy who refuse to “place Buddhist images on the altar and offer antichrist’s blood” will be slaughtered, and only seven churches will remain, as foretold by Pelageya of Ryazan.
  9. The United States will be the final country to adopt the Euro.
  10. NATO will bomb Ukraine in order to pin the blame on Russia; after that, NATO will nuke Russia from the Scandinavian countries.
  11. Small pieces of unmeltable ice will descend from the lower sky at a rate of around one inch per second (because when rockets go into higher sky they bring this ice down to lower sky).

Due to the use of another super weapon to deter Chinese aggression, China will have a hole across the entire country that will lead straight into the abyss; the radiation from this hole will be massive; the Chinese will attempt to keep the situation under wraps; and a large number of people will fall into the hole.

  • Afterwards, when demons destroy Antarctica (which surrounds the flat world) and Greenland melts, the only continents left are Eurasia and Alaska (both of which lack coastlines).
  • Sionists intended a conflict between Russia and Germany to take place between June 11th and October 11th during their vacation time because (666 times 3)+(6 times 3) Equals 2016 on the calendar (in their twisted logic).
  • Clones are the same as demons.
  • Six hundred and sixty-sixed people and dinosaurs both have triple-stranded DNA; a regular person cannot ingest six hundred and sixed food (designed for 666ed people).
  • The bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin (who discovered bubonic plague) is pictured on the Shroud of Turin, which dates back to the 15th century.
  • Zalman Schneier, Yosef, and Menachem Mendel Schneerson were all possessed by Azazel (el=deity in Hebrew, nine = no in German; so, when sung continuously, it is considered to be blasphemy against the Creator); Rico Cortes is now possessed by Azazel.
  • It is abbreviated as ISIS, which stands for Israeli Secret Intelligence Service.
  • Stay away from the coastlines because nuclear weapons will detonate in the water (at where tectonic plates meet; result: megatsunamis 1km high).
  • All metal will be used as fuel, so keep knives, crowbars, shovels, wood-burning stoves, and other tools out of the way.
See also:  What Is Jesus Favorite Food

Natural food should be consumed because nanochips, cells from aborted fetuses, bug DNA, and other poisons can be found in food that is commonly sold; vaccines, medical care, medicine, and other forms of treatment should be avoided because nanochips are administered through IVs, implants, fillings, and other means.

  • After World War III, Seraphim of Sarov and Sergiy of Radonezh will be revived for a brief period of time; Seraphim of Sarov will demonstrate the new Ruski Tsar who will battle the antichrist for around 2 years and 8 months.
  • This flat planet is supported by three pillars (the Most Holy Trinity), and the pillars rest on water at zero Kelvin.
  • The majority of thoughts and dreams are the work of devils, and demons never do good.
  • Pray to your guardian angel for the ability to sleep normally.
  • Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, a Ruski Orthodox Christian, was the final prophet before Enoch and Elijah returned to preach against the antichrist, according to tradition.
  • Killing birds is considered a sin.
  • Through sinkholes and lakes, they will be able to escape.

Preserve the birds, but exterminate the dinosaurs.

Demonic entities cultivate human skin (from a sample acquired during an abduction) and put it on in order to seem to be like humans.

The government provides demons with diamonds and permits demons to kidnap and hold hostages.

Don’t get too worked up over it.

The greater the size of the diamond, the longer it will survive.

Atlantis is a submerged continent in the Pacific Ocean, located beneath the Mariana Trench.

There are no people on other worlds.

Antichrist has pale skin and bloodshot eyes.

He flies extremely quickly, and those who are deluded will proclaim that “Christ is here; Christ is there.” Occasionally, he will wear a blue robe over his left shoulder with a crimson robe below it.

Several demons, who look to be angels of light, encircle and suffocate him.

Do not enter a UFO in order to be cured by demons.

On the roadways, police will use microchips and isotope rays to track out criminals.

People will be isotope rayed at food stores as well.

Reject the number 666 at all costs since it leads to eternal damnation.

Keep your distance from 666 by hiding with Orthodox Christians; keep all technological devices at home so that the antichrist’s followers can’t locate you down.

Make sure to feed the pigeons because when the birds bow down, it means that humans have been spared from a momentary torment. Please accept my apologies.

Answered today on Yahoo Answers: A question about our redemption in Jesus Christ.

So, when God demanded a sacrifice, he sacrificed his own son, who happened to be his own son? Question: Answer: No, not at all. The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are three divine and different beings who, taken together, comprise the one and only true God, according to the Bible. 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1 It was the Son, the second member of the Holy Trinity, who put on flesh and became a human being, never ceasing to be God.

  • When Adam failed to provide for the human species, Jesus stepped in and performed what Adam could not: He stayed entirely and completely faithful to God the Father, even to death on the cross.
  • It was Jesus’ act of complete obedience to his heavenly Father, performed as one of us and on our behalf, that helped to alleviate God’s anger (which was owing to our sins), redeem mankind, and “create” peace between man and God.
  • The forces of evil were subjected to divine judgment as a result, and they lost their dominance over all of creation that they had enjoyed since “the fall of man.” He vanquished death and demonstrated his claim to divinity by rising from the dead three days later.
  • Jesus has now ascended to the position of King of Kings and Lord of Lords, with complete authority over heaven and earth, as well as death and hell.
  • Only Jesus has the ability to do so.
  • This is essentially a result of divine grace, which is a gift from God that is given freely to those who ask.
  • God will take care of the rest.
  • Categories: Catholic QA, Catholic Theology, Events, history, Human Rights, Inspirational, Religious Education,Smoke of Satan, Theology of the Church Christ’s death and resurrection brought about the forgiveness of sins and the avenging of God’s wrath on sinners and their sins.
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As God incarnate, Jesus Christ is the second member of the Trinity, our creator, the resurrected savior and redeemer, and the only method of redemption for sinners. He is also known as the Son of God.

Jesus: Overview

In the first century A.D., Jesus of Nazareth was a Jewish carpenter and teacher who lived in Nazareth. Jesus is the Messiah (Anointed One) of Israel, and he is the Son of God. He was born as God in the flesh, lived among mankind, and taught the Jewish people about a “new covenant” that would replace the old one. Around the year 30 A.D., he was crucified by Roman authority. After his death, Jesus was buried, and on the third day, he rose from the dead to demonstrate his victory over death. Throughout his life and ministry, as well as through his miracles, death, and resurrection, Jesus Christ demonstrates his mission: He is both God and the Savior of the world.

Did Jesus Really Exist?

Yes, there was a person named Jesus. He was a Jewish guy who was born towards the end of the first century B.C. in the town of Nazareth. In the first century AD, he lived and taught in ancient Palestine, which was then a Roman province. The Bible’s first four books of the New Testament, known as the Gospels, include accounts of Jesus’ life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension, all of which are based on the historical events of his death and resurrection. Other non-biblical sources also attest to Jesus’ genuine life and the early disciples of the Messiah.

GenealogyBirth of Jesus

When the Holy Spirit covered his mother, Mary, Jesus was miraculously conceived without the involvement of a sexual partner (Luke 1:35). He was therefore born into a family that included some of the most well-known figures in the Old Testament, as well as a number of women. In the Gospels, there are two distinct genealogies that are recorded. In the Gospel according to Matthew (1:1–17), the lineage begins with Abraham and continues via King David until Jesus’ birth, which is most likely traced through Mary.

According to Jewish messianic prophecies (Jeremiah 23:5–6), we can see how Jesus was rightly referred to be the Son of David in both lineages.

Jesus’ LifeMinistry

During his early years, Jesus lived at Nazareth, a tiny town in the Galilee region on the eastern Mediterranean Sea’s southeastern shore. He was reared as an observant Jew, and he had brothers and sisters, as well as a carpenter’s apprenticeship under his belt (Mark 6:3). The prophet John the Baptist baptized him when he was around 30 years old, and he immediately began serving as an itinerant rabbi, or a Jewish teacher, throughout the surrounding area (Mark 1:19–15). he drew followers to himself and taught the throngs of people who had congregated in his vicinity His supporters eventually declared him to be the Christ, or the “anointed one” in the biblical sense (Matthew 16:16).

Jesus’ TeachingMiracles

There were numerous topics covered in Jesus’ teachings, including love, the kingdom of God, repentance, non-hypocritical confidence in God, forgiveness, discipleship and prayer. He also spoke about marriage, divorce, everlasting judgment, and eternal life for those who believed. His preferred technique of imparting spiritual lessons was through “parables,” which are short tales intended to convey a spiritual message. The miracles performed by Jesus were another important component of his mission.

The objective of his miracles was to demonstrate that he had supernatural power over sickness, affliction, nature, and death, among other things. Among other things, Jesus accomplished the miracles listed below throughout his public ministry:

  • He transformed water into wine (John 2:1–11)
  • He healed a paralytic (Mark 2:1-12)
  • He healed a withered hand (Mark 3:1–3)
  • And he raised the dead (Luke 4:1–6). The following are examples of Jesus’ healing abilities: Calmed a storm (Mark 4:35–41)
  • Healed a servant from afar (Luke 7:1–10)
  • Revived a dead man (Luke 7:11–17)
  • Healed a bleeding woman (Luke 8:43–48)
  • Healed a man born blind (John 9:1–12)
  • Fed the multitudes (Matthew 14:13–21)
  • Walked on water

Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7) is considered to be Jesus’ most famous sermon. Jesus put forth some of his most well-known teachings, including the Lord’s Prayer, in this collection of sayings. It is the longest continuous teaching discourse known in the New Testament, and it is delivered by Jesus himself. The discourse (Matthew 5:3–12) offered rewards to individuals who exhibited specific traits (for example, being poor in spirit and compassionate). It featured Jesus’ mission to fulfill the requirements of the Old Testament law (Matthew 5:17–20), among other things.

He also taught on a variety of other topics.

Biblical Sources for Jesus

The four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) serve as the major source for information on Jesus’ life. Each of these biographies offers a unique viewpoint on the life and work of Jesus and his disciples. The Synoptic Gospels are the first three Gospels of the New Testament that are organized in a roughly chronological manner. The Gospel of John is organized more topically, with a strong emphasis on theological topics, than the other gospels. In addition, every other New Testament copy (with the exception of the letter of 3 John) refers to Jesus by his first and last names.

But there are certain references to events in Jesus’ life, particularly his death, burial and resurrection (for example, 1 Corinthians 15:1–11), which are worth noting.

Extra-biblical Sources for Jesus

There are several non-biblical texts that make reference to Jesus’ life. These ancient writings provide additional evidence for the historical accuracy of the biblical sources:

  • Pliny the Elder (A.D. 61–113), Suetonius (A.D. 69–140), Lucian of Samosata (A.D. 115–200), Celsus (A.D. 175), Jewish Talmud (A.D. 400-700), The Toledat Yeshu (A.D. 1000)
  • Mara-Serapion (A.D. 70)
  • Mara-Sera

The “Lost” Years of Jesus

“The lost years of Jesus’ life occurred between the time when a 12-year-old Jesus met with religious authorities (Luke 2:42–52) and the time when a 30-year-old Jesus began his earthly mission (Luke 2:53). (Luke 3:23). There is no indication of what Jesus accomplished during those years in the book of Matthew. Many have attempted to fill in the gaps in the tale. Some have speculated that he traveled to the United Kingdom (twelfth century A.D.). It has been stated that he traveled to India in 1869, while others have said that he traveled to Tibet, Persia, Assyria, Greece, and Egypt (1908).

See also:  What Does It Mean Jesus Wept?

All early biblical and extra-biblical sources agree that the man Jesus existed exclusively in first-century Roman Palestine, and that he was crucified there.

Was Jesus Married?

No, Jesus did not get married when he was on the planet.

Based on the Bible and early Christian literature, we have no basis to believe that he was married, and there are multiple grounds to conclude that he was not married based on those texts.

  • Jesus entrusted his mother to the care of the Apostle John—no mention of his wife is made (John 19:25–27)
  • Paul makes no reference of Jesus’ marriage when addressing Peter’s marriage (1 Corinthians 9:5)
  • And the Bible makes no mention of Jesus’ marriage at all. In contrast to any other woman, the church is referred to as “the bride of Christ” (Ephesians 5:23–32). Clement of Alexandria, an early bishop, confirmed Jesus’ singleness (The Stromata, III.6.49). Tertullian, another early Christian philosopher, referred to Jesus as “unmarried” in his On Monogamy, chapter 5.

Jesus’ Death: Did He Really Die?

Jesus passed away at the conclusion of his earthly teaching career. The death of Jesus is recounted in all four Gospels, as well as in several New Testament epistles and other ancient sources. As a result of his crimes, he was executed by crucifixion, a punishment reserved for the most serious of criminals under Roman law. The Romans were quite effective at assassinating individuals. On the crucifixion, some skeptics have proposed that Jesus just “swooned,” rather than dying as is often believed.

The main source materials do not support this notion in any way.

Did the Disciples Just Hide His Body?

The idea that Jesus’ followers concealed his corpse after he died is another controversial viewpoint. These skeptics contend that the disciples removed Jesus’ body after his crucifixion and pretended that he had risen from the dead. According to Matthew 28:11–15, this was the account the Jewish officials concocted in order to avoid punishing the soldiers who guarded the tomb for misplacing Jesus’ body after his death. With this idea, there are a number of difficulties. For starters, no one steals the corpses of Roman troops.

Furthermore, the Apostles would have been the most likely perpetrators of the conspiracy.

Few individuals are willing to die for their beliefs, but no one is willing to die for something they know to be a lie.

The disciples did not conceal the corpse of Jesus.

Jesus’ Resurrection

Jesus was raised from the dead on the third day after he was laid in the tomb (Luke 24:6–7). The resurrection of Jesus from the dead is mentioned in all four Gospels. After a torturous execution, Jesus was raised from the dead and given a new, exalted body. The main difference between his new body and his former body was that he could appear in the middle of his disciples (John 20:19, 20:26). But it was comparable to his former body in that he was still able to eat fish (Luke 24:42–43), which was a good thing.

Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?

C.S. Lewis posits a trilemma in his book Mere Christianity, which has to do with the essence of Jesus. There are only three plausible options when it comes to making a decision regarding Jesus, as Lewis asked them to do. One of three things happened: he was lying, insane, or the Lord he claimed to be. It is my hope that this will prevent anyone from stating the very ridiculous thing that people often say about Jesus: “I’m willing to accept Jesus as a wonderful moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God.” That is the one thing we are not allowed to mention.

He would either be a lunatic, on a par with the man who claims to be a poached egg, or he would be the Devil of Hell, depending on your point of view.

Either this man was and continues to be the Son of God, or he is a lunatic or something far worse.

You have a choice. But let us refrain from making up any nonsense about His being a wonderful human teacher in order to be condescending. That is not something he has left available to us. He had no intention of doing so.

Is Jesus God?

Yes, Jesus is God’s Son, as the saying goes. By virtue of the fact that Jesus has the titles, qualities, and authority of God; that he performs the acts of God; and that he is worshipped as God, he must be regarded as God (John 20:28). God exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. God is one God existing in three persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit Jesus’ divinity is also explicitly taught in Scripture on a number of different instances.

The author of Hebrews taught Jesus’ divinity (Hebrews 1:8), and the apostle Paul affirmed Jesus’ divinity as well (Romans 1:20).

In John 1:1, however, the most dramatic confirmation of Jesus’ divinity is found, in which John declares that Jesus was God from the beginning of creation: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Conclusion: The Good News of Jesus

Finally, even though Jesus Christ was completely pure, he was subjected to death and God the Father’s rightful anger towards sinners on the cross in order to atone for mankind’s guilt. He died in order to meet the just demands of God’s righteousness and justice, which he received from his Father. Jesus was the most suitable sacrifice. He died on a crucifixion, but on the third day, he rose from the dead, victorious over death, allowing everyone who really believe in Him, repent of their sin, and place their reliance in Him (rather than in their own worth) to be reconciled to God and live for eternity with their Creator in His presence.

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According to Urban Dictionary, the Urban Thesaurus was produced by indexing millions of various slang phrases that are defined on websites such as this one. These indices are then utilized to discover connections between the employment of slang phrases in different contexts. The hover-definitions are displayed using the official Urban Dictionary API, which may be found here. Please keep in mind that this thesaurus is in no way linked with the Urban Dictionary. Because of the way the algorithm works, the thesaurus will provide you with largely similar slang terms rather than precise synonyms when you search for a word.

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What is your response to a comment at Yahoo Answers that the New Testament is completely unreliable? – Evidence for Christianity

Question:I am aware that Yahoo Answers is not a very dependable source, therefore I am contacting you regarding a response that was previously posted there. Someone made a reply in response to a question that was posed. Specifically, it was asked, “Where were the Gospels written?” “Tons of people compiled, copied, translated, and revised the gospels all throughout the Middle East, Europe, and Russia,” one of the responses said. Everyone in every country and church copied some pre-existing writings from somewhere else and then added whatever they felt was appropriate.

  1. The gospels and the Bible were treated as though they were encyclopedia entries.
  2. Except for the fact that everyone has their own version of the story.
  3. There are significant variations between several of the versions.
  4. And, if he is, what makes you think the Bible is trustworthy?
  5. I will provide a partial solution to your issue, but I recommend that you spend some time reading the area of the QAs on the web site that discusses the trustworthiness of the Bible before moving on.
  6. General response to the statement you discovered on Yahoo Answers is that there is a grain of truth in the assertion, but it is overstated and confusing to the point of being deceptive.
  7. I am hoping that the former is true.

It is true that hundreds of copies of the Greek text of the New Testament were prepared by a variety of persons.

To this degree, what the individual who posted the question on Yahoo Answers mentioned is correct.

The following are the reasons why.

The majority of them are later copies, dating back to at least 500 AD.

As a result, the statement above is extremely deceptive in a number of ways.

Several incomplete New Testament texts from the second century have been discovered, the earliest of which being the Rylands Papyrus, which dates from around AD 125.

Comparing the earliest, most dependable manuscripts, academics can construct a Greek text that, depending on who expert you talk to, is somewhere between 98 and 99.5 percent identical to the original and is nearly absolutely assured to be so.

It is also true that, in a very small number of instances, persons with religious objectives have intervened to effect certain modifications.

A recent essay on the web site about one such paragraph, for which some have questioned the veracity of the Greek text, is what I’m copying and pasting right now.

The full text of the chapter is available here.

After applying common sense and examining acceptable reasons, we may come to a conclusion about this paragraph that is extremely likely, but not completely certain, utilizing a common-sense method.

By the fourth century, there were hundreds of thousands of copies of the New Testament in circulation.

It’s unlikely that such fraudulent documents would have been accepted by the Greeks had they been altered arbitrarily by a scribe.

We may generate a New Testament text that is practically an identical replica of the original based on manuscript evidence, particularly from the second to fifth centuries, along with common-sense logic and understanding of what was going on in the early church.

The reliability of our Greek New Testament is unquestionable.

John Oakes is a writer and poet.

The following is what Bruce wrote: “There are manuscripts that may have missing Luke’s Prayer of Forgiveness on the Cross” (so like Luke to invent this in the first place).

Isn’t it true that the dates of Luke and John (particularly, their earliest textual states) are significant in this context?” David I: I’m David I.

As far as I am aware, there are scriptures that categorically do not contain the Prayer of Forgiveness in the first person.

Many church fathers, on the other hand, were familiar with the words.

In the event that we accept the authenticity of these words, which I am inclined to do (with a large question mark, of course), then we must agree that P75/B was subjected to some unusual, selective, but severe recensional activity.” Willker has a lot more to say about this here: (Scroll down to TVU 379 to find out more.) ‘David Inglis’ is a fictional character created by David Inglis.

  1. I’ll still respond to your question, so read on.
  2. For the reason that, whether Luke 23:34b was added by editors to an original that did not have it or removed by editors from an original that did include it, this was very probably not a “slip of the pen,” as some have claimed.
  3. According to my perspective, there are two critical concerns that must be addressed in order for Christians to be successful (although there are additional important questions for scholars) 1.
  4. 2.
  5. Based on your response to question 1, what, if any, consequences do you see for Christian teaching, practice, and theology?
  6. What are the ramifications of this finding for the overall reliability of the New Testament?
  7. As far as the oldest manuscripts are concerned, the manuscript evidence is quite uniformly distributed.
  8. Later manuscripts strongly suggest that it was in the original, although as you are aware, this evidence does not significantly contribute to the discussion.
  9. During the second and third centuries of the Christian era, there was a strong (and humiliating) anti-Jewish prejudice among the faithful.
  10. I believe it is far more plausible that an anti-Jewish emotion led one or more editors to delete Luke 23:34b from the text than that a pro-Jewish (?) sentiment motivated someone to insert it subsequently.
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The fact that the prayer for forgiveness of the Romans was in the original is significant more likely, in my opinion, not so much because of manuscript evidence (which does lean that way, but only slightly), as it is because of our understanding of what was going on in the church in the second and third centuries, as your scholar friend and Wilker have concluded.

  1. One could even claim (dubiously, but.) that the prayer was inserted by an editor in order to appease Roman feeling!
  2. The most effective method to respond to question2 is to presume that the answer to question1 is right (but bear in mind at least the possibility that it is not correct).
  3. With this in mind, we might conclude that Jesus wants us to love our adversaries, especially when they behave out of ignorance rather than malicious intent.
  4. I’m not going to bother to cite them.
  5. If this were the case, the reason would be less obvious.
  6. A Luke 23:34 without the prayer for forgiveness has only minor theological ramifications because Jesus taught that we should love our adversaries and pray for those who persecute us.
  7. Possibly, we might argue that it is an extra plank in the platform that supports the position that Christians should not hold the Jews responsible for the killing of Jesus Christ.

Many believers (and, I suspect, many non-believers) are unaware that, during the first three or four centuries of the Christian era, some of the textual variations that appeared were not the result of careless copyists’ efforts to “improve” the text, but rather were the result of deliberate errors in the text (for example trying to make two gospels agree more closely).

The frequency and impact of these incidents are still in the minority.

I believe that a comprehensive examination of this will result in a more accurate and nuanced knowledge of textual criticism, but I believe that it will have minimal impact on our general trust in the dependability of the finest Greek New Testament text in its whole.

This is an illustration of the type of inquiry. However, if the prayer were removed, no significant teaching of Christianity would be altered, despite the fact that the evidence and reason point to a well-favored conclusion (keeping the prayer in). John Oakes is a writer and poet.

Got Spiritual Questions? Yahoo! Answers

Through the submission of this form, I grant permission to OurChurch.Com to communicate with me through email. You may ask real questions and get genuine answers on any topic at Yahoo! Answers, which is operated by Yahoo! Essentially, it is a community-based service where you may participate by sharing answers to questions that you already know the answers to while other people answer your questions Topics vary from scientific inquiries with conclusive answers such as, “Why does helium make your voice sound high?” to more general queries such as, “How does helium make your voice sound high?” to not-so-serious issues with strongly-held opinions, such as “Who is the greatest rock guitarist of all time?” What is the relationship between this and current developments in Christian communication?

Fortunately, there is a ReligionSpiritualitysection where individuals may ask just about any spiritual topic they can think of.

  • When and how will I be able to sense God’s presence in my life
  • Do you believe that Jesus Christ’s descendants are still alive and well today? When it comes to afterlife, what do you believe?

The best way for me to sense God’s presence in my life is as follows: Is it true that Jesus Christ’s descendants are still alive and well today; Do you have any beliefs concerning the afterlife?

  • Why does God need to be thanked on a constant basis? What causes Islam to be such a violent faith
  • The repopulation of the planet after the “Great Flood” and how it happened.

When you visit Yahoo! Answers, here are some words of wisdom to keep in mind:

  • Communicate in a compassionate manner. Christians are seen negatively by many non-Christians, who believe that Christians are closed-minded and arrogant. Don’t add gasoline to the fire
  • Keep it brief. People aren’t seeking for a theological dissertation that is six pages long. Make an effort to answer the question in a few words or less
  • Provide a link. When you publish a response, there is a field where you may specify the source of your information. Put up a link to a relevant Christian web page on the issue, or better yet, a link to a Christian forum where the topic is being debated. Yahoo! Answers is not intended to be a forum for discussion. Through the publishing of a link, you provide others with the opportunity to further investigate the subject in a Christian environment that encourages discussion and connection development
  • Avoid employing too much theological language, which may cause a non-believer to get perplexed
  • And refrain from engaging in disputes. They are completely ineffectual in this situation. In the same way as I indicated previously, gently convey the truth in love and allow the Holy Spirit a time to work

After you’ve visited Yahoo! Answers, you can share your thoughts by leaving a comment. What are your thoughts on the questions that are being posed there? Did you post any responses to my questions? Do you expect to return to Yahoo! Answers on a frequent basis in the future? I am at His disposal. OurChurch.Com was founded by Paul Steinbrueck.

About the author

Paul Steinbrueck is the co-founder and CEO of OurChurch.Com, a spouse and father of three children, as well as a blogger. His Twitter handle is @PaulSteinbrueck, and he can be reached at [email protected].

Yahoo Answers: Nicer in App Form, But Still Gloriously Insane

Yahoo Answers encapsulates both the best and worst of the internet in a single, insanely entertaining and bizarrely entertaining website. The question “Why did the American people pick an idiot as president?” is clearly baiting. Next to lovely earnestness (“What sort of human shampoo can I use on my cat?”), there’s a certain amount of cynicism. In the same category as hard-core racism (which you may locate for yourself), there is full incomprehensibility (“OK, I want a frip!”). One issue, though, is that its top page has devolved into somewhat of a quagmire of content: It’s not exactly what I’m looking for when I’m searching for something to do to pass the time on strange inquiries.

  • The app does a number of tasks, all of which I believe are enhancements above the present experience available on either a desktop computer or a mobile device’s browser.
  • Especially when contrasted to the HTML of the browser version of Yahoo Answers, which dates back to 2004, the UX is tidy and relatively up to date.
  • This is further aided by the fact that the app does not import anything from the online version of Yahoo Answers, instead beginning from scratch (it’s been in development for a while and was formerly known as Yahoo Hive, so there’s already a substantial backlog of content to go through).
  • As an illustration: Although half the queries are more sophisticated kinds of trolling, I’m fine with that; I’m using this as an alternative to hitting “refresh” on Twitter for the hundredth time today, not as a place to receive Hard-Hitting Truths, so I’m not concerned with that.
  • While you are required to sign up using your phone number, you are not need to provide a password or to use a Yahoo ID, which is a bit of a relief given Yahoo’s poor track record when it comes to data security.
  • However, I will never use the app to ask or answer a question since I do not trust it.

The fact that I don’t have to go through race-baiting questions or inquire as to whether someone is a cuck is just the frosting on the cake of Yahoo Answers Now’s wacky little cake. Yahoo Answers: More aesthetically pleasing in app form, but still gloriously insane

What does being a Christian mean to you?

Dear Sir or Madam, This is great news, and you are correct in stating that it is a very wide topic. I appreciate your thinking about how to effectively respond to your friend’s query. I’ll make an attempt to highlight some of the important things you would want to consider, but there are a plethora of additional points you could want to bring up as well. First and foremost, one of the most rewarding aspects of becoming a Christian is having a rekindled connection with God. That is indeed remarkable when you realize that the entire world is entrenched in rebellion against God and deserving only of death and God’s punishment.

As a result, being a Christian implies having a personal relationship with God.

It is not due to any effort on our side, but rather due to the benevolence of God (Ephesians 2:6-9).

In the words of John 3:16, Jesus is God’s great gift to humanity, who reconciles us to God via his death on the cross for us and his resurrection.

Consequently, becoming a Christian allows us to take a break from trying to achieve God’s favour because Jesus has already accomplished this for us!

A Christian can now love and obey God in his or her own way.

Now, Jesus is the Master of the Christian’s life, and we refer to him as “the Master.” “”Lord,” says the author.

“God provides us with his Spirit to assist us, and we have God himself dwelling inside us to assist us in leading a life that is pleasing to Him!

Finally, a Christian is someone who has a certain and significant hope – namely, the prospect of eternal life.

This is due to the fact that Jesus’ death and resurrection secured God’s forgiveness on our behalf!

As a result, a Christian is someone who has tremendous certainty, who does not have to be concerned about his or her whereabouts after death, and who can look forward enthusiastically and confidently to paradise when the time comes.

And it is for this reason that a Christian would be delighted to inform individuals who are not Christians about what it means to be a Christian. I hope you have a wonderful day talking with your friends about your faith in Christ!

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