Who Is This Jesus

Who Is This Jesus?: Green, Michael: 9781573834087: Amazon.com: Books

On March 10, 2020, a review was conducted in the United States. Purchase that has been verified Since I’ve been a believer for a very long time, reading this book has enabled me to better understand my own thoughts and feelings. Considering that the book was produced in the early 1990s, some of the ideas in the latter two chapters aren’t likely to be very relevant as we learn more about religion in a postmodernity/post-Christianity era. In my opinion, returning to following Jesus as a worldwide movement rather than attempting to strengthen the institutional church would be more in line with where contemporary Christianity is headed.

On May 11, 2011, a review was published in the United States, and a verified purchase was made.

He presents a thorough and honest examination of the Jesus of the Bible (as well as His continuing relevance today), while also replying to some of the current aspirational falsehoods produced in an attempt to discredit the Lord of Glory.

Those who are maturing in their faith will find this book to be a compact guidebook on Jesus, while seekers and new believers will find it to be a good summary of the religion.

  1. Verified Purchase This is a reasonable and compelling book that is wonderful.
  2. This is a fantastic small book that has been prepared for the general public.
  3. This is a book that I would suggest to everyone who is new to the Christian religion as well as to the more mature and experienced Christian.
  4. On September 1, 2017, a review was conducted in the United States.
  5. On July 21, 2019, a review was conducted in the United States.
  6. On May 8, 2000, a review was conducted in the United States.
  7. It’s a fantastic piece.
  8. It has greatly aided many individuals I know in their understanding of the Gospels, and it has given them more confidence in their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Reviewed on March 19, 2016, in the United States of America Purchase that has been verified This is a book that will open your eyes and your thoughts.

Who Is This Jesus?: Lucado, Max: 9781617958533: Amazon.com: Books

Examined on March 10, 2020, in the United States Purchase has been verified The author enabled me to comprehend my own mind and emotions, even though I’d been a believer for a long time before to reading this book. Considering that the book was produced in the early 1990s, several of the ideas in the latter two chapters aren’t likely to be very relevant as we learn more about religion in a postmodernity/post-Christianity world. Returning to following Jesus as a worldwide movement, rather than attempting to strengthen the institutional church, would be more in line with where I believe modern Christianity is headed.

  • Verified Purchase on May 11, 2011 in the United States of America Following the deconstructionist post-modern challenge, Michael Green writes to believers and nonbelievers alike.
  • Beginning with a firm theological basis and progressing through to the end of the book with a new, lively, and approachable manner is what Green strives for.
  • United States of America: On September 20, 2020, it will be reviewed A reasonable and convincing book that is a delight to read!
  • In terms of Christian doctrine, it is biblical and sound.
  • This can be utilized for personal devotions and study, as well as for a group setting, such as a Sunday School Class or other study group setting.
  • Purchase has been verified This is an excellent piece of writing that is really instructive.
  • Purchase has been verified If you’re looking for an introduction to Jesus, this is the book for you.
  • Purchase has been verified Similar to what was said previously, I buy this book in quantity to give out as gifts.
  • There are a lot of common ways to understand Jesus in his day and what it implies for us today in this short and sweet book.

Reviewed on March 19, 2016, in the United States. Purchase has been verified This is a book that will open your eyes and your mind to new possibilities and perspectives.

Who Is This Jesus Christ?

Who Jesus is doesn’t seem to make much of a difference. He lived more than 2,000 years ago, so what does it mean now, anyway? The reality is that knowing who Jesus is may have a profound influence on your character, your belief system, and your way of life, among other things. In addition, it will have an impact on your everlasting fate. We can start by reading about Jesus’ birth in order to have a better understanding of who He is. Seven hundred years before the birth of Christ, the prophet Micah predicted that One would emerge from Bethlehem whose origins would be traced back to the beginning of time.

All of this distinguishes Him as being truly extraordinary.

Consequently, Jesus did not begin at birth, but was pre-existent with the Father in heaven before He was born into the world He Himself had designed and constructed.

The Life of Jesus

After that, think about His life. He was nurtured in Nazareth and apprenticed in the trade of His earthly father when he was a young man. However, when He was only twelve years old, He met with the religious authorities of His day in the temple and studied theology with them. (See Luke 2:46-49 for further information.) It is apparent that at this moment, He was preoccupied with the affairs of His heavenly Father’s house. In John 1:29), the Baptist identified Jesus as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world,” and a voice from heaven verified that Jesus was “My beloved Son, in whom I am well-pleased” (Matthew 3:17).

(Matthew 4:17; Luke 4:17) He taught us that if a soldier asks us to go one mile with him, we should walk two miles with him.

These were things the people had never heard before, and even more importantly, they had never experienced teaching with this level of power before-it was clear that He was no ordinary teacher.

The Miracles of Jesus

Then there were the marvels to contend with. The blind were able to see, the deaf were able to hear, and the disabled were able to walk because of Jesus’ order. He was able to heal all manner of illnesses and cast forth demons. With only a few loaves of bread and a few pieces of fish, tens of thousands of people were nourished. Walking on water, calming a roaring sea, and even raising the dead were all things he was capable of. He was a miracle worker, to be sure, but that was not the reason He came to earth.

The multitude swarmed around Him, wanting to be touched by Him.

However, this was not the case for everyone.

Despite the fact that He lived a life of utter sinlessness, there were others who attempted to bring Him to an end.

When I come across someone who says anything like this, I immediately think of “”I don’t believe all that you’re saying about Jesus,” I like to respond by asking, “What exactly is it about Him that you don’t believe?” What is it that He has ever said or done that you disagree with or believe you can prove to be incorrect?” Because, as you may have seen, He has never stopped to be God.

Finding out what someone thinks about himself is one of the most effective strategies to have a better understanding of him.

(See also John 5:37) His announcement also stated that He had not come to be served, but rather to serve, and that He had come to sacrifice His life as a ransom for the sins of the world (Matthew 20:28) -He came to serve as a substitute payment on behalf of all of mankind.

As revealed in the book of John, He claimed to be the Good Shepherd who cares for His flock (10:11), the Bread of Life who may avert hunger (6:48), and the True Vine who abides in us as we abide in Him. (15:1)

Jesus, the Door to Heaven

According to John 10:9, Jesus also identified Himself as the “Door to Heaven,” and in John 14:6, he elaborated on that statement by saying, “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through Me.” Those words have prompted many individuals to move away from the speaker, thinking, “What a biased, self-centered remark!” To believe that the only road to Heaven is via the person of Jesus Christ is to be extremely narrow-minded.

  • In spite of that, this man known as Jesus is precisely who He claims to be.
  • He is the source of all nourishment.
  • He is the only way.
  • In this case, if you believe all of the other things Jesus stated, but conclude that He cannot be the sole route to Heaven, you are claiming that He only revealed partial truths or that He told lies.
  • Either Jesus is who He claims to be, or he is not who He claims to be.
  • Considering what He has stated about Himself, either He is a forgery and a fake, or He is precisely who He claims to be: the eternal Son of the living God, the Savior of the universe, and the One who will one day judge each and every one of us.

The Death of Jesus

It goes without saying that we must examine His death in order to understand who Jesus truly is. From the biblical narratives, it is clear that this was no ordinary death for the apostle Paul. His crucifixion was orchestrated by religious leaders—the same ones who had inflated the requirements of the Mosaic law and then bullied the people into complying with them in minute, tedious detail to begin with. As a result of His popularity with the multitudes, these same men became envious of Jesus, fearing that their position of control would be endangered.

  1. They were dedicated and determined to murder this guy Jesus, no matter what the cost.
  2. The assassination of Jesus was orchestrated by people who despised Him.
  3. Between two thieves, they nailed on the cross the living God, dressed in human flesh, the blameless One who was born of a virgin and began His ministry in the power of God the Holy Spirit.
  4. He never fought against the government or attempted to overthrow it.
  5. As a result, it appeared as though He had been the victim of a cruel conspiracy and a tragic accident.
  6. So, what was He doing dying?
  7. When Jesus died on the cross, it was not merely a man dying; it was an epic, eternal drama in which God the Father put onto His Son the sin-debt of all mankind—past, present, and future—as a penalty for their sins.

One more component must be investigated if we are to truly understand who the man Jesus Christ is: we must go past His death and into His life.

Even His disciples were taken aback, despite the fact that He had warned them beforehand.

(See also John 11:25-26.) His resurrection also serves as a confirmation that everything He has ever spoken is correct.

Is it possible to believe that?

Knowing the truth about who Jesus is means that you are faced with a decision: Will you trust the testimony of the Scriptures and accept Him as your Savior or will you reject Him?

The next time you see a manger scene, think about who is laying there—His life, His death, His statements about Himself, and His resurrection—and what you may learn from them about Him.

Would you be interested in learning more about this Jesus?

To order Dr. Stanley’s three-part series on “Who Is This Jesus?” please click here. Increase the depth of your connection with Jesus Christ by visiting. Your Identity in Christ, Christ and the Cross, and Knowing God are some of the subjects covered by the FreeFaithFoundation.

Who Is This Jesus Anyway? (9:7-9) – IVP New Testament Commentary Series

New International Version (NIV) International Version of the Pronunciation (IVP) Introducing the New Testament Commentary Series: Who Is This Jesus, and What Does He Look Like? (9:7-9) Who the Hell Is This Jesus Anyhow? (9:7-9) An old popular television drama would frequently conclude with the masked hero riding away in his horse and wagon into the sunset as someone on the rescue scene queried, “Who was that masked man?” This passage shares a lot of the same characteristics as the previous one.

  1. Herod has learned about what Jesus is doing and is seeking to determine who Jesus is from the information he has gathered.
  2. He, like many others who come into contact with Jesus, is unsure about his place in the world.
  3. alive and well after his death?
  4. The third possibility is that one of the prophets from long ago has resurrected from the dead.
  5. It is undeniable that God is orchestrating Jesus’ activities.
  6. Since John was executed, why is Herod hearing such disparaging remarks about someone else?
  7. Herod’s interest is piqued by the possibilities, and he longs to see Jesus.
  8. Herod is used as an example of someone who is attempting to come to terms with who Jesus is in this passage.
  9. When one stares at Jesus from a distance, it is only natural to be intrigued.
  10. In Luke’s gospel, genuine witness concerning Jesus is revealed a bit later (9:20).
  11. The generosity of InterVarsity Press allows us to make the IVP New Testament Commentaries available to you.
See also:  When Jesus Returns

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Who Is This Jesus?

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We would much appreciate it if you could assist us. Please read our brief review of Who Is This Jesus? by MichaelGreen and let us know what you think. Please accept our sincere thanks for informing us about the situation. Where do you want to begin your review of Who Is This Jesus? Excellent. One of my favorite theologians, as well as a talented writer, is John Piper. This book is short and to the point, yet it is packed with well-considered and well-reasoned ideas and arguments. Jesus of Nazareth is introduced in an honest and open manner, with no prior knowledge required, in this fast-moving and very enjoyable book.

  1. I like that the author did not overcrowd this book with allusions to biblical passages!
  2. I will absolutely suggest it to the ladies in my bible study group!
  3. The life and teachings of Jesus are explored in a compelling and honest manner.
  4. To be completely honest, I was expecting something else.
  5. It certainly has some fascinating and helpful material, but it approaches the subject from a Christian viewpoint rather than from a non-religious standpoint, which is exactly what I was searching for.
  6. It wasn’t a horrible book, but I had the impression that I was reading a (well-written) church sermon the entire time.
  7. Up until his retirement in 2007, he worked as Canon Missioner at Holy Trinity Church in Raleigh, North Carolina.
  8. More information may be found in this thread.
  9. He was a British theologian and Anglican clergyman who was well recognized for his work as a Christian apologist.
  10. Up until his retirement in 2007, he worked as Canon Missioner at Holy Trinity Church in Raleigh, North Carolina.
  11. For further details, please see this thread.

“A generation that chooses to reject history has neither a past nor a future.” This well-known remark, attributed to science fiction great Robert A. Heinlein, Thank you for returning. For the moment, please wait while we sign you in to YourGoodreading Account.

Who is Jesus? What Scripture Says About Jesus

“All of them then exclaimed: ‘Are You indeed the Son of God?’ So He told them, “You are absolutely correct in your assessment of me.”” (See Luke 22:70.) In the midst of their discussion, Jesus appeared and said to them, “‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.'” (Matthew 28:18; Mark 12:18). Because He not only violated the Sabbath, but also claimed that God was his Father, so elevating himself to the status of God, the Jews were even more determined to assassinate Him (John 5:17).

27 “My sheep recognize My voice, and I recognize them; therefore, they follow Me;28and I give them everlasting life, and they will never die; and no one will be able to take them from My hand because I have given them eternal life.

30 “I and the Father are one,” says the Son.

32Jesus responded, “I demonstrated to you many excellent deeds from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?” 33The Jews said, “We do not stone You for doing a good deed; rather, we stone You for blasphemy; and we stone You because You, being a man, make yourself out to be God.” (See also John 10:27.) Keep in mind that, while a man claiming to be God is a radical notion, Jesus is the first leader of a world religion to have made such a claim – and to have provided evidence to support his claim as well.


Jesus lived a sinless life

“In light of the fact that we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us keep our confession firm.” Indeed, we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but rather One who has been tempted in every way as we are, yet has come out unscathed. (See also Hebrews 4:1) God was able to accept His sacrifice since He did not commit any sin. “Christ likewise suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unjust, that He might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but raised to life by the Spirit,” according to 1 Peter 3:18, “that He may bring us to God.” 2 Corinthians 2:11 states that God caused Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, “so that we may become the righteousness of God by His death.”

Jesus said He is the one and only way to God

“I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one else can do these things for you. No one else can bring someone to the Father but through Me ” (John 14:6).

He had the power to forgive sins and provide everlasting life

“‘I am the resurrection and the life,’ Jesus declared to her in response to her question. Even if a person dies because of his or her faith in me, that person will live; and whomever lives and believes in me will never die ” (John 11:25). “”Friend, your sins are forgiven,” Jesus told them after noticing their confidence in Him. The Pharisees and the professors of the law started to wonder aloud, ‘Who is this man who talks blasphemy?’ they wondered. ‘Who else but God has the power to pardon sins?'” (See Luke 5:20.) As Jesus said, “For the will of my Father is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him will have everlasting life, and I will raise him up at the final day” (John 6:40).

Those who trust in me will have everlasting life, I assure you of that. (See also John 6:47.)

Jesus predicted his own death and resurrection

“In an aside, Jesus told the Twelve that they were about to ascend into Jerusalem, and that everything that had been written about the Son of Man would be fulfilled. Eventually, he will be turned over to the Gentiles. They will make fun of him, insult him, spit on him, flog him, and even kill him in the process. He will rise from the dead on the third day.'” (See Luke 18:31.)

He said He would come back

Matthew 24:27 (KJV) “As lightning strikes from the east and flashes to the west, so will the Son of Man’s arrival be heralded by the same pattern. It will be at that time that a sign from the Son of Man will come in the sky, and every nation on the face of the globe will weep. They will see the arrival of the Son of Man in the clouds of the sky, accompanied by tremendous power and glory.” 14:61 (Matthew 14:61) “‘Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed One?’ the high priest inquired once again of the man.

You will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of The Mighty One, descending on the clouds of heaven,’ says the prophet.” Clearly, Jesus recognized that He was the Lamb of God, the promised Messiah prophesied in the Old Testament.

When He arrives, He will judge the crimes of the entire world.

Who does the Bible say Jesus is?

Revelation 3:14;Beginning of God’s creation (Revelation 3:14);Only begotten of the Father (John 1:14);Beginning and End (Revelation 1:8);Shepherd and Bishop (1 Peter 2:25);Bread of Life (John 6:48-51);Bright Morning Star (Revelation 22:16);Brother (Hebrews 1:3);Brotherhood (Hebrews 1:3);Brotherhood (Hebrews 1:3); (Revelation 19:10-13). Ashley S. Johnson, founder of Johnson Bible College, wrote the Condensed Biblical Encyclopedia (public domain), which was produced in 1896 for busy individuals who wanted to learn more about God’s oracles.

Who Is Jesus Christ?

In addition to being hailed as the greatest religious leader who has ever lived, Jesus is also hailed as the most influential person to have ever lived on our planet, and as being unlike anybody else to the point that no one can be compared to Him. However, accepting Jesus Christ just on the basis of His exemplary life and superior moral teaching will not be sufficient to eliminate the stumbling hurdles to Christianity that have been constructed by an unbelieving society. It is only by examining who He claimed to be and what He did during His brief career on our planet that one can truly determine what one thinks of Him.

When you read the Bible, the most prominent topic you will encounter is Jesus Christ and his person and activities.

He took on the form of a human being, died on the cross, and was buried.

He arose from the grave a second time. He is the one and only Savior of the world, and he is all-sufficient. He will return to this planet at some point. If something is taken away from the Scriptures, they are deprived of any cohesive meaning and continuity.

Jesus Christ is God:

The only explanation for all He was and did is that He was a divine being. (1) He existed prior to the Father’s creation. “It was the same with God at the beginning of time. Every item that was made was made by him, and there was nothing that was made that wasn’t made by him” (John 1:2, 3, KJV). (See also John 17:5 and Colossians 1:17 for more references.) (2)He is the Son of God, according to the Bible.

  • His adversaries admitted: “He.said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God” (John 5:18, KJV)
  • “He.said also that God was his Father, making himself equal with God” (John 5:19, KJV)
  • “And we believe and are certain that thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God,” Peter admitted (John 6:69, King James Version). “I and my Father are one,” Jesus declared (John 10:30, New International Version)

(3)He was sinless, as only God can be, as only God can be.

  • “Which among you persuades me that I am a sinner?” Jesus questioned His opponents. “Peter testified:” (John 8:46, King James Version). The Bible says that Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example that we should follow: “who did no sin, nor was there any guile in his mouth” (1 Peter 2:21, 22 KJV)
  • Paul said: “For he made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin
  • That we might be made the righteousness of God in him” (2 Corinthians 5:21, KJV)
See also:  Who Was The Father Of Two Of Jesus Disciples?

(4) He forgives sins in a way that only God can do.

  • “Only God has the power to forgive sins,” the Scribes asserted. “But that you may know that the Son of man hath authority on earth to forgive sins,” Jesus declared in Mark 2:7, the King James Version. (Matthew 9:6, King James Version) (See also John 8:11 for more information.)
  • “Who his own self bore our sins in his own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, might live unto righteousness: by whose stripes you were healed,” Peter said (1 Peter 2:24, King James Version).

(5)He was capable of performing miracles.

  • He cured the sick, according to the Scriptures (Matthew 8:9-13
  • Luke 4:31-44
  • 5:12-15
  • John 4:43 to 5:16
  • And other sources). He provided food for the hungry: He raised the dead:Luke 7:11-18
  • John 11:1-46
  • He appeared to the blind:John 6
  • Mark 8
  • He appeared to the deaf:John 6
  • He appeared to the de

Jesus Christ Became Man:

“And the Word became flesh and lived among us,” the Bible says. “abounding in grace and truth” (John 1:14, KJV). (See also Philippians 2:7, 8, and other passages.) His miraculous birth was predicted 800 years before His arrival: “Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel” (Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall name him Emmanuel) (Isaiah 7:14, KJV). (2)The prophesy was carried out to the letter of the law. The angel said, “Do not be afraid, Mary; for thy prayer has been heard.

(Luke 1:30, KJV; Luke 1:30, KJV).

God’s Son drank from the well (John 19:28), ate at the table (Luke 24:40-43), expressed emotions (Mark 6:34), wept (John 11:35), understood what it was like to be tempted (Hebrews 4:15), and died (John 19:30).

Jesus Christ Accomplished the Works of His Father:

(1) He was crucified and died. This is the central subject of the Gospel of Matthew.

  • The truth of His death notwithstanding— The Passion and Resurrection of Jesus are the subject of one-fourth of the Gospels. (a)It was for this reason that He came into the world (John 12:27). In Isaiah 53:3-8, He foresaw His death hundreds of years before He arrived on the scene
  • The significance of His death. (a)It served as a payment for sin (Matthew 20:28
  • Romans 3:24
  • 1 Peter 1:18). (b)Its purpose was to pay the price for sin (Romans 3:24
  • 1 John 2:2
  • 4:10). Humanity has become the target of God’s anger as a result of disobedience and sin, yet God took the initiative in appeasing His wrath by sending His own Son to die on the cross. (3)It is a process of reconciliation. The hostility that was between us and God has been resolved (Romans 5:10), and we have been reconciled with God (2 Corinthians 5:18, 19). In a sense, it’s a substitution: He died instead of us (1 Peter 3:18
  • 2 Corinthians 5:21). Finally, the issue of sin has been fully addressed (1 Peter 2:24
  • Hebrews 9:26
  • Hebrews 10:12)
  • And

(2)He was risen from the dead: This is a unique and vital aspect of Christian belief and practice.

  • Jesus’ resurrection was a reality (John 20:1-10
  • 1 Corinthians 15:4), and his resurrection was credible (John 20:1-10
  • 1 Corinthians 15:4). (a)Jesus foretold it in Matthew 13:39-41 and Luke 24:1-7, respectively. In John 20:11-13, we read that the tomb was empty. There were several witnesses who saw Him alive, including the women (Luke 23:55, 56)
  • Mary Magdalene (John 20:1, 2, 11-18)
  • Peter and the other disciples (John 20:3-9, 19, 20, 24-31
  • 21:1-14)
  • And the disciples themselves (Luke 23:55, 56).

The Results of His Work:

(1) He climbed to the right hand of His Father (Luke 24:49-53; Acts 1:6-11). Secondly, he is our everlasting Mediator (see 1 Timothy 2:5, Hebrews 8:6, and 1 John 2:1). (3)He is our Saviour: “Thou shalt call his name Jesus: because he shall rescue his people from their sins” (Matthew 1:21; Luke 1:18). (Matthew 1:21, KJV). “With his right hand, God has exalted him to be a Prince and a Savior, in order to bring repentance to Israel and remission of sins” (Acts 5:31, KJV).

  • He is the only one who can save you. “There is salvation in no one other, because there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved” (Acts 4:12, New International Version)
  • He is a complete Savior. “Therefore, because he always lives to make intercession for them,” according to Hebrews 7:25, “he is also able to save them to the uttermost who come unto God by him.” He is a personal Savior. It says, “If thou confess with thy lips the Lord Jesus, and believe in thine heart that God has raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. ” Since man believes in righteousness with his heart, and confesses his faith in salvation with his lips” (Romans 10:9, 10, King James Version)

The Consummation of His Work:

(1)He will return to this planet at some point (Acts 1:11; Hebrews 10:37; John 14:3). Believers in Christ will be physically raised to begin a new, eternal existence at the end of time (1 Thessalonians 4:17-18; 1 Corinthians 15:51-58). (3)He will reign as King of kings and Lord of lords over His new creation in the manner of the Old Testament (2 Peter 3:10-13; Revelation 22:3-5). 152-154 in The Billy Graham Christian Worker’s Handbook (Minneapolis, MN: World Wide Publications, 1984).

Meet Jesus of Nazareth: Savior of the World

Throughout Christian history, Jesus Christ (approximately 4 BC – AD 33) has been regarded as the major person and creator of the religion. The four Gospels of the New Testament provide a detailed account of his life, message, and mission.

Who Is Jesus Christ?

  • Jesus of Nazareth is also referred to as the Christ, the Anointed One, or the Messiah of Israel, among other titles. He is known as Immanuel (from the Greek Emmanuel), which translates as “God with us.” In addition, Jesus is the Son of God, the Son of Man, and the Saviour of the World. Recognized for: Jesus was a carpenter from Nazareth in Galilee who lived around the first century AD. He rose to the position of master instructor, performing several miracles of healing and deliverance. He called on 12 Jewish men to accompany him, and he worked closely with them to train and equip them to carry on the ministry after his death. As stated in the Bible, Jesus Christ is the incarnate Word of God, fully human and totally divine, the Creator and Savior of the world, and the founder of the Christian religion. He died on a Roman crucified in order to offer his life as an atoning sacrifice for the sins of the world in order to bring about human salvation. References to Jesus in the Bible: The New Testament contains more than 1,200 references to Jesus. It is reported in the four Gospels of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
  • And it is also documented in the book of Acts. Joseph, Jesus’ earthly father, was a carpenter, or a skilled craftsman by trade, which he used to support the family. It is very likely that Jesus worked as a carpenter with his father, Joseph. Jesus is referred to as a carpenter in the book of Mark, chapter 6, verse 3. Hometown: Jesus Christ was born in Bethlehem, Judea, and grew up in Nazareth, Galilee
  • He was the son of Mary and Joseph.

Originally, the nameJesus was taken from the Hebrew-Aramaic wordYeshua, which translated as “Yahweh’s deliverance.” The word Christ is really a title for the person known as Jesus. It is derived from the Greek term “Christos,” which means “the Anointed One” or “Messiah” in Hebrew, and is derived from the Latin word “Christus.” Christ was crucified at Jerusalem on the orders of Pontius Pilate, the Roman governor, for claiming to be the King of the Jews, a claim that was rejected by the Jews. He ascended into heaven three days after his death, following which he appeared to his followers and appeared to the rest of the world.

The Bible teaches that humankind was separated from God as a result of Adam’s transgression, but that humankind was reconciled to God as a result of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.

Jesus Christ will return to earth in the future to claim his bride, the church, as his own. Christ will judge the world at his Second Coming and establish his eternal reign, thereby bringing Messianic prophecy to a successful conclusion.

Accomplishments of Jesus Christ

The accomplishments of Jesus Christ are just too numerous to enumerate them all. His conception and birth were both confirmed by the Bible as being the work of the Holy Spirit. He had led a spotless existence. He transformed water into wine and healed a large number of ill, blind, and crippled people. On several occasions, he forgiven sins, multiplied fish and loaves of bread to feed hundreds, delivered the demon-possessed, walked on water, calmed a stormy sea, and brought children and adults back to life.

  • The good news of the Kingdom of God was announced by Jesus Christ.
  • Death and hell’s keys were in his possession as he plunged into hell.
  • The sacrifice of Jesus Christ atoned for the sins of the entire world and purchased the forgiveness of all men.
  • These are only a few examples of his amazing accomplishments and contributions.
  • More information regarding Christ’s divinity may be found in this study of the theory of the trinity (see Resources).
  • The fact that he took on human form allowed him to connect with our flaws and hardships, but more significantly, it enabled him to lay down his life as a sacrifice to atone for the sins of the whole human race (John 1:1,14; Hebrews 2:17; Philippians 2:5-11).

Life Lessons

Once again, there are simply too many lessons to be learned from the life of Jesus Christ to mention them all. Some of the most essential principles that his life demonstrated were love for mankind, sacrifice, humility, purity, servanthood, obedience, and dedication to God.

Family Tree

  • God the Father is the heavenly Father
  • Joseph is the earthly Father
  • Mary is the mother
  • And James, Joseph, Judas, and Simon are the brothers (Mark 3:31 and 6:3
  • Matthew 12:46 and 13:55
  • Luke 8:19). Sisters – Although not named in Matthew 13:55-56 or Mark 6:3, they are referenced. The genealogy of Jesus is found in Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 3:23-37, and John 1:18-31.

Key Bible Verses

Isaiah 9:6–7 (KJV) A son has been given to us, and the government will be on his shoulders since we have a kid born to us. And he will be referred to as “Wonderful Counselor,” “Mighty God,” “Everlasting Father,” and “Peacemaker.” There will be no end to the magnificence of his government and the tranquility that it brings. During his reign on David’s throne and as ruler of his country, he would establish and sustain it with justice and righteousness from that point on and forevermore. This will be accomplished by the passion of the Almighty.

No one else can bring anybody else to the Father except through me.


Who Is This Jesus?

There are9messages in this series.

Date Title Watch Listen Notes Share Save Buy
7/1/2001 completed Jesus in the Age of ConfusionSkip Heitzig InfoMessage SummaryFor the next few weeks, we will look together at the uniqueness of the person of Jesus.In our modern age of pluralism and blurred spiritual lines, Jesus is lost amidst the confusion.Why is believing in Jesus better than believing in Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, or the pantheon of the Hindus?Is being spiritually sincere enough?Few Christians can articulate a reason for their beliefs in such an era.Let’s change that, beginning today! WatchWatch and take notes Listen – Mini PlayerListen and Take Notes Outline Facebook Twitter Email Video (MP4)Audio (MP3) Buy CD
7/8/2001 completed Jesus: the Man of the Book Matthew 5: 17-19Skip Heitzig InfoMessage SummaryWhat did Jesus think of the Bible? Of course, in His time the Bible was made up of only the Old Testament—the 39 documents that included the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings. This issue is all-important: How can we take Jesus seriously if we don’t believe what He believed about the very foundation of truth? Five characteristics of what Jesus thought about the Bible emerge from Jesus’ words in this text. WatchWatch and take notes Listen – Mini PlayerListen and Take Notes Outline Facebook Twitter Email Video (MP4)Audio (MP3) Buy CD
7/15/2001 completed Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up Matthew 16: 13-16Skip Heitzig InfoMessage SummaryThe great historian Will Durant in his voluminousThe Story of Civilizationwrote, “The synoptic gospels agree remarkably well, and form a consistent portrait of Christ. In the enthusiasm of its discoveries the Higher Criticism has applied to the New Testament tests of authenticity so severe that by them a hundred ancient worthies—e.g., Hammurabi, David, Socrates-would fade into legend.” Today we look at the historical and controversial person of Christ. Who was He? Who did He claim He was?What have you done about it? WatchWatch and take notes Listen – Mini PlayerListen and Take Notes Outline Facebook Twitter Email Video (MP4)Audio (MP3) Buy CD
7/22/2001 completed Jesus: Foretold and Stage Center! Galatians 4:4-6Skip Heitzig InfoMessage SummaryAt the very center of the theater of history’s stage stands Jesus Christ.He has no peers. The Father in heaven sent Him to be the right person at the right time for the right reason. His appearance was anticipated by prophets and wondered at by kings.His mission was to win the souls of men and women. Does He have yours? Is He center stage in your life? WatchWatch and take notes Listen – Mini PlayerListen and Take Notes Outline Facebook Twitter Email Video (MP4)Audio (MP3) Buy CD
7/29/2001 completed Jesus: The Matchless One, Part 1 Colossians 1:15-18Skip Heitzig InfoMessage SummaryIt is a mistake to think of Jesus as another of many options, competing in the pantheon of man’s multiplied pseudo deities. Rather, He is matchless! As Creator of the universe, He entered the universe that He made to bring God up close to His created ones. That leaves us with an ongoing decision—will we submit ourselves to Him, to be directed by Him alone? WatchWatch and take notes Listen – Mini PlayerListen and Take Notes Outline Facebook Twitter Email Video (MP4)Audio (MP3) Buy CD
8/5/2001 completed Jesus: The Matchless One, Part 2 Colossians 1:15-18Skip Heitzig InfoMessage SummaryLast week, we discovered that Jesus was far from being “one among many” in the pantheon of spiritual representations of God. He is God and is matchless as the Revealer of His Father and as the Creator of the world. As a follow-up on this, today we discover that Jesus is the one who maintains His creation. He also directs the affairs of His representatives on earth—the church. So the train of thought is this:Jesus came to reveal the Father to His creation and now He uses us to reveal Jesus to the world. WatchWatch and take notes Listen – Mini PlayerListen and Take Notes Outline Facebook Twitter Email Video (MP4)Audio (MP3) Buy CD
8/12/2001 completed Jesus in a Pain-Filled World John 9:1-7Skip Heitzig InfoMessage Summary”If God is in charge and loves us, then whatever is given is subject to His control and is meant ultimately for our joy”—Elisabeth Elliot. That perspective—which is the biblical one—is far removed from the typical sentiment about pain. Most ask, “If God really loved me, how could there be evil and suffering in this world—especially for me?!” WatchWatch and take notes Listen – Mini PlayerListen and Take Notes Outline Facebook Twitter Email Video (MP4)Audio (MP3) Buy CD
8/19/2001 completed Jesus: Alive and Well! 1 Corinthians 15:3-7Skip Heitzig InfoMessage SummaryJust as the heart is the life-pumping organ that feeds the body its life-giving blood, so the resurrection of Jesus Christ gives life to every part of the gospel truth. It is also what separates Jesus from every other “would be Messiah” and spiritual leader. It validates Jesus’ teachings and credibility; it is the ultimate sign for all believers and the answer to the doubts of the unbeliever. It is the very core of our faith! WatchWatch and take notes Listen – Mini PlayerListen and Take Notes Outline Facebook Twitter Email Video (MP4)Audio (MP3) Buy CD
8/26/2001 completed Are You a Follower or a Fake? Matthew 7:21-27Skip Heitzig InfoMessage SummaryFor the last eight weeks, we’ve considered what makes Christ so unique. Today we briefly consider what makes a true Christian so unique. Not everyone who claims to be a Christian really is one!Some equate Christianity with church attendance, Bible reading and spiritually sounding words like, “Praise God! Hallelujah!” But Jesus Himself sets the record straight. What is a genuine Christian? Let’s let Jesus answer that. WatchWatch and take notes Listen – Mini PlayerListen and Take Notes Outline Facebook Twitter Email Video (MP4)Audio (MP3) Buy CD

Who Was Jesus?

What do we know about Jesus, and how do we know it? (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.) According to the Christian Gospels and early Christian texts, Jesus was the Messiah (Christ), the Son of God who was killed for the sins of humanity before returning from the dead. In the Gospels, it is claimed that Jesus, who was born in 4 B.C., was able to accomplish miraculous feats such as healing a broad range of ailments merely by touching or speaking to people. Among his other alleged abilities were the capacity to walk on water, make enormous quantities of fish and bread in an instant, raise the dead, rise from the dead himself, calm storms, and expel demons from individuals.

Was he a genuine person or a fictional character?

A major challenge in trying to understand who Jesus was and what he was like is that the first texts that discuss Jesus were written around 100 years after his death — although it is likely that they were copied from documents that were written around the same time as Jesus — making it difficult to know what Jesus was really like.

instead. Despite several obstacles, modern archaeological and historical research has enabled historians to throw light on some elements of Jesus’ life, including his physical appearance and the conditions of living in his hometown of Nazareth, which were previously unknown.

Birth and early life

According to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary, who was a virgin at the time of his birth. Scholars disagree on the exact year of Jesus’ birth, although they largely agree that it occurred between 7 B.C. and 1 B.C. According to academics, the legend of Jesus’ birth on December 25 did not begin until centuries later, and there is no evidence that he was actually born on that day. The Gospel of Matthew tells the story of how magi (a term that is sometimes translated as “wise men”) traveled from the east, following the star of Bethlehem (which some scientists have speculated could be a comet from the planet Venus), and brought gifts for the infant Jesus, including gold, frankincense, and myrrh for his parents.

  • According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus and his family survived by fleeing to Egypt and not returning until after Herod’s death.
  • The Gospels chronicle the story of Jesus’ childhood in Nazareth, where he lived with his mother, Mary, her husband, Joseph, and Jesus’ siblings and cousins.
  • After reaching adulthood, the Gospel of Mark reports that Jesus worked as a carpenter, and that there was a tension between Jesus and his family at the time.
  • Mark 6:4 says that a prophet is not without respect unless and until he is recognized in his own town, among his family, and in his own house.
  • at Nazareth was made as a result of recent archaeological excavation.
  • It seems from archaeological evidence that the residents of first-century Nazareth were Jewish and less prone to accept Greco-Roman culture than the people who lived in the adjacent town of Sepphoris, according to archaeological evidence.
  • (Photo courtesy of Noyan Yalcin/Shutterstock.com)


Generally speaking, academics think that Jesus did not commit himself fully to his mission until he was around 30 years old. According to the biblical narrative, Jesus had not been ministering for very long when he was killed, which suggests that he had not been ministering for very long. According to the Gospel narratives, Jesus spent the most of his ministry in the region around Galilee. In their accounts, Jesus is described as typically avoiding luxury, being content to converse with “tax collectors” and “sinners,” favoring the poor, and clashing regularly with Jewish religious officials who questioned his claim that he was the Messiah.

  1. He had disagreements with his 12 followers from time to time, criticizing them when they shown a lack of faith or perseverance.
  2. Following their inability to expel a “unclean demon” from a youngster, Jesus became enraged.
  3. ‘How much longer am I going to put up with you?'” 9:19 in the Gospel of Mark.
  4. There will be earthquakes in a number of locations, as well as famines.” Mark 13:8 is a passage from the Bible that explains how to be a Christian.
  5. After that, the leaders brought Jesus before Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect (governor) of Judea, where he was placed on trial for his actions.
  6. Following Jesus’ crucifixion and burial in a tomb, legend has it that Jesus awoke from his death and returned to life.
  7. In the years 26 to 37 A.D., Pontius Pilate served as governor of Judea, and the execution of Jesus would have taken place at some point during that time period.

Following new study by Joan Taylor, it has been suggested that Jesus was of normal height, with short black hair and brown eyes, as well as olive-brown complexion. (Image credit: Painting by Cathy Fisher, depicting Jesus with shorter garments and hair in conformity with the latest results.)

What did Jesus look like?

Recent study undertaken by Joan Taylor, professor of Christian Origins and Second Temple Judaism at King’s College London, has provided us with a glimpse of what Jesus could have looked like in his day. Her study reveals that Jesus was around 5 feet 5 inches tall, had olive-brown complexion and black hair, and likely kept his beard and hair short and well-trimmed in order to keep lice out, which was a big problem at the time of his ministry. Taylor writes in her book “What Did Jesus Look Like?” that Jesus’ occupation as a carpenter and the fact that he went on foot, along with the fact that Jesus was likely unable to eat regular meals, meant that he was likely skinny yet fairly strong (T T Clark, 2018).

In any case, he shouldn’t be portrayed as someone who was content with his lot in life; unfortunately, that’s the type of picture we sometimes receive.” Additional materials are available at:

  • According to the Biblical Archaeology Society, you can learn more about Jesus’ life. Smithsonian Magazine has an article on recent archaeological discoveries that have given light on the enigma of Jesus. When Was the Tomb of Christ Discovered? Watch this video to find out. originating from National Geographic

Owen Jarus is a writer for Live Science who specializes in archaeology and all topics relating to the history of mankind. A bachelor of arts degree from the University of Toronto and a journalism degree from Ryerson University are among Owen’s qualifications. He loves learning about fresh research and is always on the lookout for an interesting historical story.

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