Which Cup Did Jesus Take At Passover

“The Lord’s Supper: The Third Cup”

Approximately 3 minutes of reading time Amber Riggs contributed to this article. “Frogs! Frogs! Frogs!” says the narrator. “Lice! Lice! Lice!” says the narrator. “Flies! Flies! Flies!” says the narrator. In the middle of the ten plagues chant, my grandmother gazed around the table at her family, as if she had come to believe that the grape juice in our cups was truly wine, which we had all consumed in excess. Actually, I had asked my entire extended family to gather together for a Seder meal as part of an attempt to engage my young children in the symbolic setting of Christ’s death and resurrection.

On the surface, it’s nothing more than a planned ritual of worship that takes place around the intimacy of a family dinner table.

A Passover Seder, on the other hand, is all of that and more for Christians.

Every part of the service, from the first blessing to the last, is a feast of important symbolism for Christians.

  1. These are symbols that have become so familiar to me over the years while still maintaining their mystical mystery.
  2. The central matzah is taken out, broken, and eaten as a whole.
  3. “Can you tell me why we’re just eating matzah on this particular night?” And it is the father’s responsibility to explain that when God liberated His people from persecution in Egypt, there was no time for their bread to leaven since they were under siege.
  4. Our Seder then shifts our focus to the Lord’s Supper bread, which represents Jesus’ blameless life, which has been wounded, punctured, and broken on our behalf.
  5. According to our modern understanding of the Lord’s Supper, there is just one cup.
  6. Today, they serve as a reminder of the four “I wills” that God stated in Exodus 6:6, 7, and they serve to reflect our journey as committed followers of Jesus Christ.
  7. redeem you with an extended arm and with mighty judgements,” says the Cup of Redemption.

Jesus and His followers had already consumed the first two cups of wine and were enjoying their Passover dinner when the third cup was poured.

But what about that fourth cup, you might wonder.

Instead, after the third cup, He said, “I assure you, from now on, I will not drink from this fruit of the vine until that day when I drink it again with you in my Father’s kingdom” (Matthew 26:29, NIV).

Because of these considerations, the Seder serves as a reminder to me that when I drink from the Lord’s Supper cup, I am not only commemorating Christ’s covenant with us, but I am also partaking in His promises, which include sanctification from sin, deliverance from slavery, and redemption.

Amber Riggs serves as the dean of Administration and Student Affairs at LifeSpring School of Ministry in Fort Worth, Texas.

She is a member of the CoG7 congregation in Eugene, Oregon, where she worships with her husband Bryan and their four girls. Unless otherwise stated, all Scripture quotes are taken from the New American Standard Bible.

The Four Cups, the Last Supper, and the Cup of Consummation

Holy Week is a time when people get together to remember those who have died. When I was a theology teacher at St. Dominic Savio Catholic High School in Austin, Texas, one of my favorite lessons of the whole school year was when I taught the students about the Four Cups of the Passover supper, which was one of my most favorite classes of the entire school year. My desire to explain to my students the significance of the Four Cups, the Last Supper, and the Cup of Consummation was of the utmost importance after studying the Passover meal in some classes at Franciscan University of Steubenville and reading Brant Pitre’s fantastic book,Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist, was of the utmost importance, even though it wasn’t technically prescribed in the curriculum.

  1. At the time of Jesus, not only was the Passover (pasch) supper celebrated in the Temple, but there was also the sacrifice of lambs.
  2. There were two rules that had to be observed during the Passover supper: first, the lamb had to be fasted for many hours before it could be eaten, which began about 3:00 p.m.
  3. The fasting that Catholics observe before receiving the Holy Eucharist at Mass serves a similar purpose to the fasting that Jews observe during the Passover feast.
  4. One could wonder why wine was so essential, but the answer is ambiguous because the classic Jewish texts don’t state anything about it specifically.
  5. Holy Week is a time when people get together to remember those who have passed away.
  6. Dominic Savio Catholic High School in Austin, Texas, being the one in which I taught my students about the Four Cups of the Passover Meal.
  7. Passover (pasch) meals were served in Jerusalem during Jesus’ lifetime, as well as lamb sacrifices in the Temple.
  8. Second, the meal had to be served immediately after the fasting period was over.
  9. It was declared necessary to consume the four cups of wine, according to the second guideline.

“One reason might be that the general framework of the Passover supper appears to have focused around the drinking of the four cups of wine,” writes Pitre in Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist. Take them one at a time and look at their results.

The second cup would be mixed, but it would not be consumed. The father would “proclaim” what the Lord had done for Israel during their exodus from Egypt. Afterwards, the son inquires as to what makes this particular night different from others. The answer to the son’s inquiry is related to the consumption of the second cup. A specific passage of the Bible would then be quoted by the father in response to the son’s question (read Deuteronomy 26:5-11). This discussion between a father and son illustrates how the Passover dinner refers back to the Israelites’ departure from Egypt and the salvation they received from God during that time.

  • The purpose of this portion of the dinner was primarily to explain the significance of the feast to the guests.
  • The third cup would be combined, and it would be at this point that the meal would officially begin.
  • Given the fact that conventions vary over time, it’s difficult to determine exactly how this was staged, but it appears that there was a blessing over the bread, a serving of a hors d’oeuvre, which consisted of a little bit of bread, and then a serving of the main entrée.
  • The rest of the Hallel Psalms (115-118) would be sung at the conclusion of the service.
  • Although these psalms may not signify much to us now, it is crucial to understand their meaning since they were widely known to Jesus and his Apostles because they would sing them each year at the Passover celebrations.
  • Following the singing of Psalm 118, the fourth cup was consumed.
  • An intriguing side note is that Jesus would have recognized himself in these hymns, which is a fascinating thought.

First and foremost, Jesus promised that he would not drink from the “fruit of the vine” until the arrival of the kingdom of God.

Second, after the third cup, Jesus and the Apostles “sing a hymn” (the Hallel Psalms) and then “go out,” but no drink was consumed during this time.

In the end, Jesus makes mention to the fourth cup, although it is possible that he will not drink it during the Last Supper.

At this time, Jesus and his Apostles are on their way to the Garden of Gethsemani, where they will be beheaded (read Matthew 26:36-46).

The cup (also known as a chalice in certain languages) is the fourth and last cup of the Passover feast, and it symbolizes completion.

Once the supper is finished, Jesus’ blood will be spilled forth, and he will be declared to be dead.

According to Christian tradition, the fourth cup represents Jesus’ death on the cross and is also referred to as the Cup of Consummation.

In contrast, when we examine Christ’s final minutes on the cross, we find that he did consume “the fruit of the vine,” as he puts it.

Matthew 27:48 indicates that “a sponge.filled with vinegar” is raised up in front of him so that he might drink from it.

Jesus completes the Passover feast and consumes the fourth cup of wine while hanging on the cross.

There is also a CD available from Lighthouse Media that is related to the topic matter.

Scott Hahn and James Socas are the authors of this article.

An Introduction to Biblical Interpretation: A Comprehensive Course in Bible Study.

Print. Midwest Theological Forum. Pitre, Brant James, and others. Jesus and the Jewish Roots of the Eucharist: Unlocking the Secrets of the Last Supper is a book on Jesus and the Jewish roots of the Eucharist. Doubleday Publishing Group, New York, 2011. Print.

Ten things every Christian should know about Passover

“Will this be the Last Supper?” It was the evening of the Passover supper. Understanding the significance of the world’s greatest symbolic dinner provides amazing insight into what occurred on the day of Jesus’ death. Taking a break from his preparations to eat the unleavened bread with his disciples, Jesus appears in this scene from “The Passion of the Christ.” Easter and Passover are celebrated in close proximity to one another every year, and this is not by chance or coincidence. Of it happens, the two events are taking place in the same week this year, almost perfectly aligning with the Passover week, which also happened to fall on the same week as Jesus’ crucifixion.

  1. Many Christian families will follow in their footsteps.
  2. It was at that point that Christians ceased to commemorate the most important dinner in human history.
  3. Here are some things that Christians should be aware of when it comes to the Passover.
  4. The “Lord’s Supper” is the Jewish holiday of Passover.
  5. Throughout the New Testament, the Passover meal is referred to more than 20 times as the “last supper.” “I have been anxiously awaiting the opportunity to share this Passover with you.”, Jesus stated that night.
  6. There’s a backstory to this.
  7. When guests around the table eat greenery dipped in salt water, matzo dipped in horseradish, or count off 10 droplets of wine, they are reminded of God’s deliverance of the Israelites from Egyptian slavery.

It’s a good-natured supper.

In order to participate in this tradition, Mary and Joseph traveled with their family all the way to Jerusalem each year in the spring for the festival (Luke 2:41).


The Israelites were ordered by God to observe the Passover.

God’s people would never forget.

The bread has been declared “sinless.” The bread served at a Passover dinner does not include any leaven.

Unleavened bread is an essential part of the Passover dinner, whether it is because the Israelites were forced to eat this bland bread on a regular basis or because they were in such a haste to leave Egypt that they didn’t allow the bread enough time to rise.

Unleavened bread, on the other hand, is considered “sinless.” The bread that Jesus offered to his followers, proclaiming, “This is my body,” was this loaf.

There’s a lot of alcohol in the house.

The “Cup of Sanctification,” the “Cup of Deliverance,” the “Cup of Redemption,” and the “Cup of Restoration” are the four cups in the series, from top to bottom.

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Immediately following the dinner, Jesus took one of the cups in his hands and declared, “This is my blood.” He also set aside one cup of coffee and did not drink from it (Matthew 26:29).

He did not drink the Cup of Restoration, as he had promised not to do so until he was reunited with his disciples “in my Father’s kingdom,” which he did not receive until after his resurrection.

No one wants to be the one who gets the fifth cup.

Traditionally, this cup has been saved for Elijah, who is always welcome to join us in the chamber.

In order to indicate the near appearance of the Messiah, Elijah’s return is essential!

As a result, the cup of Elijah is also known as the “Cup of Wrath.” Perhaps this is the reason why Jesus would employ the imagery of a cup later that night when he prayed so fervently in the garden.

He would be the only one who would suffer God’s wrath on sinful mankind.

There were hundreds of thousands of people in attendance.

Was it conceivable for the teeny-tiny city of Jerusalem to serve as the home for the whole Jewish nation?

They have the ability to do so.

Local populations can be swelled to capacity by sporting events such as the Indianapolis 500, which takes place in the city.

Jerusalem was well prepared.

What’s the point?

There were people in attendance from every region of Israel!


When the sun set on that crucial Passover night, the dawn of a new day ushered in a fresh beginning.

Although it appeared that Jesus and the disciples were eating the Passover on Thursday night, it was actually “Friday.” God’s people were once slaves in Egypt, and on Friday, Jesus was crucified at the same 24-hour period when every Jewish family was remembering how God had saved them from slavery.

  • The time of his death appears to be extremely significant, especially given the fact that Jesus frequently promised his disciples that he would die shortly in Jerusalem.
  • 10.
  • A lamb was always the focal point of every Passover meal.
  • The sacrifice system stated unequivocally that “there could be no forgiveness of sins unless there was the loss of blood.” (See also Hebrews 9:22) The lamb was the ultimate emblem of the blood sacrifice required to bring human beings into proper relationship with God.
  • John had referred to Jesus as “the Lamb of God” while introducing him (John 1:29, 36).

Then, in the book of Revelation, Jesus took on the symbolic of the lamb killed for the sins of the world once more (Revelation 5:6). Previously:God adored Mary to such an extent. He allowed her to see the crucifixion?

Jesus the Messiah in the Four Cups of Passover

The four cups of Passover are an essential feature of the celebration of the Jewish holiday of Passover. Exodus 6:6-7 identifies them as representing each of the four promises made by the Lord to His people. The Cup of Sanctification is a ceremonial cup that is used to cleanse the body of impurities. The Egyptians will be relieved of their responsibilities by “me,” says the narrator. The Cup of Deliverance”I will deliver you from your captivity,” says the cup. The Cup of Redemption”I will redeem you with an outstretched arm,” says the Cup of Redemption.

The ministry of Messiah speaks to each of these four promises:

We are sanctified by Messiah– “And for their sakes, I purify Myself, so that they, too, may be purified by the truth” (John 17:19). Our deliverer, Messiah, tells us, “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). Messiah redeems us– “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent out His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, in order that we could be adopted as sons” (Galatians 4:4-5). Our joy is found in Messiah – “These things I have told to you in so that My joy may stay in you and that your joy may be complete” (John 15:11).

The Third Cup of Redemption

Traditionally, the Cup of Redemption is the third cup of the Passover Seder and is the first cup to be sipped after the meal has concluded. Due to the fact that both Matthew 26:27 and Luke 22:19 depict the cup being taken after the meal, it is widely assumed that the cup in question is the Cup of Redemption that Jesus told his followers to drink of during the final supper. Even the final dinner that Jesus had with his followers is referred to as “Passover” in Luke’s narrative (Luke 22:15). Specifically in this line, Jesus says to His followers, “I have fervently longed to have this Passover with you before I suffer.” The Cup of Redemption commemorates the sacrifice of the Passover lamb, which saved the Israelites from the tenth plague of the slaying of the firstborn, which occurred during the time of the Exodus from Egypt.

As a result, when Jesus informs His disciples that the wine in this cup represents “My blood of the covenant, which is shed for many for the remission of sins,” it is extremely moving.

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It is necessary to prove that there were “four cups” during the Passover Seder supper before we can determine which cup it was. And thus rules out any discussion about whether or not the Last Supper was a Passover dinner in the first place. Historical reports and archeological data indicate that the Seder did not exist in the form we know it today until 70 CE, when the temple was destroyed, and that the Jews were expelled from their homeland. Josephus and other Second Temple Jewish writers, for example, appear to be oblivious of it.pretty much everything preserved in the early rabbinic traditions surrounding the Passover Seder takes us back to a period soon following the Roman destruction of the Temple in 70 CE.

  • In the case of the Seder, it is the fact that rabbinic literature does not even attempt to inform us how the Seder was done before to the collapse of the Temple.
  • The following is printed on the cups: It is required that a person consume four glasses of wine during the Seder, according to the Mishnah (10:1).
  • It was claimed by Antiphanes (4th century BC) that one should respect the gods to the degree of drinking three glasses of wine (Stein, p.
  • As a result, even if there existed a Seder in some form at the time of the Last Supper, we have no way of knowing what the early customs were.
  • The Last Supper is a mystery, so what do we know about it?
  • Then, in accordance with the requirements of the Book of Exodus, they would have eaten it alongside unleavened bread and bitter herbs.
  • However, we can’t be certain of anything.
  • Wine is also the most popular alcoholic beverage.

Jesus in the Passover meal

“I have been excitedly anticipating the opportunity to share this Passover with you before I suffer.” This is something I will not consume again until it has found completion in the Kingdom of God.” Luke 22:15-16 (KJV) Jesus was a Jew, and according to the Law of Moses, Jews were expected to observe the Passover festival every year in order to commemorate the Exodus from Egypt. The Passover supper that Jesus shared with His followers at the Last Supper was a significant event in the history of the world.

Moreover, Jesus is the Messiah of Israel, as well as the Saviour of those who place their faith in Him.

Seder is the term used to describe the celebration.

There is a predetermined sequence of service that has changed little over the course of more than 3500 years.

  1. A blessing is offered over the first of four cups of wine
  2. The host washes his hands
  3. And the festivities begin. The middle matzah – that is, the unleavened bread – is broken in half, making three pieces total. One of the shattered parts will be kept hidden until after the meal is finished. The tale of Passover is recounted
  4. I’d like another glass of wine
  5. Everyone takes a moment to wash their hands. Herbs that are bitter are consumed. According to Exodus 12:8, the Jews were instructed to serve the lamb with unleavened bread and bitter herbs to accompany it. The bitter herbs are referred to as’maror’ in Hebrew. They are often made with grated horseradish
  6. The main course. Roasted lamb is served as the main entrée. After the meal, a blessing is recited, and the broken half of matzah, which had been concealed, is brought back to the table for consumption. It must be discovered by a young youngster. The matzah is split up and handed to the participants. Everyone partakes of the loaf of bread. A third glass of wine is in order
  7. A young youngster approaches the door to see whether Elijah is present. According to the Bible, Elijah would arrive first and precede the Messiah. Singing of Psalms 113-118, known as the ‘hallel’ or praise psalms, takes place. a fourth glass of wine, please

It should be noted that four cups of wine had been consumed. “I am the Lord, and I will deliver you from under the burden of the Egyptians,” God said via Moses in the book of Exodus. I will release you from your servitude to them, and I will redeem you with an extended arm and with strong deeds of judgment on their behalf. I will adopt you as My own people, and I will serve as your God in all things. That’s then you’ll realize I’m the Lord your God, who delivered you from the tyranny of the Egyptians.

  1. The cup of sanctification is the first cup of wine that is consumed. Its purpose is to memorialize the promise: “I will bring you out.” The cup of plagues is the name given to the second cup. There are parallels between this and the plagues that came upon Egypt, as well as the second promise: “I will liberate you from your slavery. “
  2. The third cup is referred to as the Cup of Redeeming Grace. In God’s words: “I will redeem you.” The cup of completion is the fourth cup in the series. In God’s words, “I will accept you as my own people.”

The Israelites are reminded of those four promises through the consumption of four glasses of wine at the Passover dinner. The New Testament’s narrative of the Last Supper pays attention to two of the cups while omitting the third cup entirely. This is quite significant. In addition, the activities of Jesus reveal the following characteristics. Starting with the first cup of wine, known as the cup of sanctification, the seder begins with the words, “I will bring you out.” God delivers us from Egypt – from the world, from spiritual enslavement to sin, and from the fear of death – via the cross.

Luke 22:17

After receiving the cup, He expressed gratitude and said, “Take this and distribute it among you.” Jesus bathed the feet of His followers either at the time where the host washes His hands, or at the point where everyone washes their hands together.

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John 13:3-5,12-17

Jesus realized that the Father had placed all things under His control and that He had come from God and was returning to God, so He rose from his seat at the table, took off his outer clothes, and wrapped a towel around His waist before leaving the table. After that, He poured water into a basin and began washing the feet of His disciples, drying them with the towel that He had wrapped around His waist at the time. When He was through washing their feet, He changed into his clothing and returned to His original location.

  • He inquired of them.
  • Your Lord and Teacher, I, have bathed your feet; now it is your turn to do the same for one another.
  • No servant is greater than his master, and no messenger is greater than the one who dispatched him, I swear by the reality of the matter.
  • Jesus’ body was ‘broken’ in order for us to have life.
  • When we understand God’s promise of redemption for the remnant of Israel, we see a picture of the harvest of Jews who came to faith for the first time and the harvest of Jews who will come to faith at a later time.
  • “I tell you the truth, anyone who will not welcome the Kingdom of God as a young child will never be allowed to enter it,” Jesus had warned.
  • Take note of the way the matzah is presented.
  • According to the prophet Isaiah, “He was wounded for our trespasses, He was bruised for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was laid on Him, and it is by His stripes that we are healed.” Unleavened bread is just bread that has not been fermented with yeast.
  • The matzah is similarly punctured, this time to prevent it from ballooning up.
  • No mention is made of a second cup of wine in the gospel accounts.

It is the cup of plagues, which is consumed after the Passover tale has been recited but before the dinner is served. When the bitter herbs were being consumed, Jesus indicated that Judas would betray Him, saying, “The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with Me will betray Me.”

Matthew 26:20-25

After dinner, Jesus sat at the table with the Twelve, who were his closest friends. And as they were eating, He remarked, “I tell you the truth, one of you will betray Me.” And they all laughed. They were depressed and started to protest to Him, one by one, “Surely not I, Lord!” They were distraught and began to sob. As a response, Jesus said, “The one who has dipped his hand into the bowl with Me will betray Me.” The Son of Man will follow in the footsteps of those who have gone before Him. However, woe betide the one who betrays the Son of Man!

When Judas, the one who would betray Him, asked, “Surely not I, Rabbi?” He was referring to himself.

“It is you.” When the half matzah is discovered, it is split into pieces and handed to everyone, who then devours it.

Matthew 26:26

In the midst of their meal, Jesus took the loaf of bread and broke it, then handed it to His followers and said, “Take and eat; this is My body.” The third cup of wine is known as the Cup of Redeeming Grace. This is the location where Jesus made the announcement of the New Covenant for the redemption of our sins. He did not drink the fourth cup of wine, which was supposed to be the cup of fulfillment. That cup will be shared with us in heaven at the marriage supper of the Lamb, according to what He stated.

Luke 22:20

The same manner, following supper, He took the cup, declaring, “This cup represents the New Covenant in My blood, which is poured out for you.”

Matthew 26:27-28

When He finished, He took the cup, gave thanks, and handed it to the crowd, saying, “Drink from it, everyone.” This is My blood of the Covenant, which is shed for the remission of sins on behalf of the entire world.” ×

Matthew 26:29

“I swear to you that from this day forward, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine until that day when I shall drink it afresh with you in My Father’s Kingdom.” They sung the hallel (or praise) psalms, which culminated with Psalm 118, as a group.

Matthew 26:30

After they had finished singing a hymn, they proceeded to the Mount of Olives. Psalm 118 is considered to be one of the most important Messianic chapters in the Old Testament. It contains the prophetic passages that are as follows: I am strengthened and encouraged by the Lord’s singing; He has become my salvation.” The Lord has done a great work in my life, and I will not die but will live and tell it.” I will enter and offer praises to the Lord if the gates of righteousness are opened for me.

I shall express my gratitude to You since You have responded to my plea; You have become my saviour.” “The stone that the builders rejected has now been transformed into the capstone; the Lord has accomplished this, and it is magnificent in our sight.

Acclamations rang out from the masses as Jesus made His triumphal entry into Jerusalem at the commencement of Passion Week, proclaiming: “Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” It was this, together with their cries of “Hosanna to the Son of David!” that signaled their acceptance of the Messiah.

The Messianic phrases found in the Tanach were recognized as such. “You will not see Me again until you say, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord,'” Jesus had stated to the teachers of the Law and Pharisees.

Matthew 23:37-39

How often I want to bring your children together, like a hen collects her chicks beneath her wings, but you were unwilling to allow me to do so. Look, your home has been abandoned and is now barren. As a matter of fact, I assure you that you will not see Me again until you declare, ‘Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.'” Jews who have rejected Jesus are looking forward to the arrival of the Messiah. He has arrived. And He will return at some point. They will exclaim: “Baruch ha’ba b’shem Adonai” (Blessed is the one who blesses us).

The Passover Cup and Its Significance to Jesus

This Easter has been a very memorable occasion for us as a family. For the first time in our lives, we were able to celebrate Passover with some Jewish acquaintances. Fortunately, this occurred at the same time as our Easter release, which was about a Jewish guy named Simon Bloomberg who assisted displaced individuals after World War II. With the awareness that we serve a Jewish Messiah in Jesus Christ, I predicted that this Easter season would be a really Messianic experience for those who participated in it.

  • My spouse was born and reared as a Jew, therefore he was well-versed in Jewish traditions.
  • Because it was also Shabbat, our host said that it was a very special Passover for him and us.
  • Their gorgeous daughter bowed her head and said a prayer in Hebrew before lighting the candles in front of them.
  • I fudged my way through as each person read from the book, but hey, I participated, and everyone enjoyed it — even me!
  • No matter how hard I tried not to think of Jesus the Messiah, I couldn’t stop myself.
  • Taking us from being slaves to this world to living an everlasting life in Him – a life full with pleasure, hope, and plenty – is His mission.


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The Passover Cup

At the Passover seder, or ceremonial, there are customarily four cups of wine served. These are: When Jesus sends Peter and John out to go and prepare for the Passover, it is recorded in the New Testament in Luke 22:1. He provides them with specific instructions as well as a location. During the celebration of Passover, Jesus makes reference to two of the cups that He drinks from. The Second Ceremonial Cup — In this cup, Jesus expresses gratitude and declares that He will not drink from the fruit of the vine again until the Kingdom of God has arrived.

  1. He then prays.
  2. Cup 2 – This is the second Cup of the season.
  3. Prayers are offered over the bread throughout the meal.
  4. “This is my body, which has been given for you; do this in memory of Me,” Jesus says at this point in time.
  5. The Lord our God, the King of the world, who has purified us via your commands and instructed us to eat unleavened bread, is to be praised.” Cup number four has been poured and blessed by everyone.
  6. Another cup, though, is referenced at that unique Passover celebration over 2000 years ago.
  7. Following the Passover meal, Jesus and His followers climbed to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives, where they spent the night praying.
  8. He had drank the wine four times, announced a New Covenant, and prophesied of the pain that was about to come as a result of his actions.
  9. Then He says these words: “My Father, if it is possible, please take this cup away from Me; however not according to my desire, but according to Yours.” (Matthew 26:39; Mark 12:39) Please remember Jesus while you share in communion in your church or at home, as you break bread, as He asked.
  10. Posted by Karin McBride-Chenoweth, an award-winning writer, editor and publisher of Christian and secular works in Europe and the United States, who contributed to this piece.

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The Last Supper

What is usually referred to as Jesus’ last supper is really a Passover Seder dinner, as opposed to a Last Supper. Jesus, being a devout Jew, was also compelled to travel to Jerusalem in order to participate in the Passover celebrations, which included the slaying of the Paschal Lamb. This occurrence occurred on the evening before His death, most likely on the 14th of Nissan, which is the usual day for the Passover Seder, and took place on the previous day. It is important to note that the Seder dinner has evolved through time, particularly after the fall of the Temple in 70 A.D.

  1. The Gospel descriptions of the Passover Seder may only make mention of two cups of wine, although the modern Seder employs four cups of wine.
  2. It is a period of contemplation during which we should earnestly search our hearts for sin in our lives and make a vow to do something about it.
  3. A blessing over wine (a Kiddush – Luke 22:17-18), which would have symbolized the usual first cup of wine at the Seder, was said by Jesus during his ministry.
  4. When we read John 13:4-5, we learn that Jesus washed the feet of his disciples.
  5. During this time period, a second cup of wine would have been poured and consumed, and the typical four questions would have been asked.
  6. Judas receives something from the Seder table after the second cup of wine has been consumed (there is no scriptural reference to this).
  7. The lamb would have been slaughtered at this time in the Passover Seder.
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Numbers 9:13, for example, states that he would have been subject to the consequences of doing so “A man who is ceremonially clean and who is not on a journey, however, who fails to observe the Passover must be excommunicated from his community because he failed to bring the LORD’s offering at the appointed time.

  • Following the consumption of the Lamb, the third cup of wine is poured.
  • Despite the fact that Passover is finished, this prayer is still performed at the conclusion of every meal.
  • I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: On the night he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread and, after giving thanks, he broke it and said, ‘This is my body, which is for you; do this in memory of me'” (1 Corinthians 11:23-24).
  • By putting the bread on his head, Jesus was implying that His life was free of sin.
  • In His hands, the unleavened Bread of Affliction, symbolizing the suffering of Israel, became something more – it became His affliction and suffering.
  • (Matthew 26:28).
  • (1) Blessing over third cup.

(1 Corinthians 11:25).

Italso corresponds to the third promise ofExodus 6:6, “I will redeem you.” Traditional Jewish teaching on the four cups of wine at the Passover Sederwere as follows.

“I will bring you out,I will deliver,I will redeem and Iwill take you.” (Exodus 6:6-7) The cup of redemption that Jesus referred to here symbolized theredemption He was about to offer us through His death (Ephesians 1:7).

It is because of this symbolism that Christians observe thecommunion ritual today.

Then time was spent in fellowship andsinging of hymns that were traditional hymns of the holiday.

I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine fromnow on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father’s kingdom.

(Matthew 26:28-30).

Some like to call the fourth cup of wine the cup ofredemption instead of the third and say that this cup is never really fullyempty until Messiah comes back and redeems Israel.

Since the Seder has been through so many changes, it issometimes hard to pinpoint where and when the changes were made. ReadThe Four Cups Of Wineto learn more about this part of the traditional Passover meal. Was The Last Supper A Passover Seder? Learn more aboutThe Holiday Of Passover.

  • Christ’s Presence at the Passover
  • The Relationship Between John the Baptist and Elijah
  • And more. Notes on Easter
  • Four Cups of Wine
  • The Four Hundred Thirty-Year Exodus
  • And more. The Seder: Fourteen Steps to a Successful Seder
  • 50 Questions and Answers about the Holiday of Passover
  • How To Introduce The Gospel Through The Passover Meal
  • The Last Supper
  • The Last Supper As A Passover Seder
  • Lessons From Leaven
  • Lessons From The Exodus
  • How To Introduce The Gospel Through The Passover Meal Involvement of Messiah in Jewish Holidays
  • Nullification of the Hametz Prayer
  • Seder Plate
  • Ten Plagues
  • Passover Brownies
  • Notes on Passover Lamb
  • Passover Lamb Sacrifice Procedure
  • Passover Songs
  • Samaritan Passover
  • King Zechariah’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Zechariah 9:9)
  • In English, the Four Questions are as follows: In Hebrew, the Four Questions are: From Passover to Easter, what is Hametz, and how does it work?

Judas is widely considered to have been the one who brought Psalm 41:9 to fruition. In most churches today, the act of communion, which consists of eating a little piece of bread and drinking a small amount of wine or juice, is performed in commemoration of the Last Supper.

  • Read about the Messiah’s role in Jewish celebrations. Learn more about the Messiah by reading this article.

In the April 2008 issue of the Chosen People Ministries newsletter, In a book released by Jews for Jesus called Christ in the Passover, a portion of this framework may be found in part. Ceil and MoisheRosen wrote the book, which is available now. The Feast of Israel was written by Bruce Scott, a representative of Friends of Israel Ministries.

Did Jesus celebrate the Jewish passover at the last supper?

At the Last Supper, did Jesus celebrate the Jewish holiday of Passover? The Ensign, June 1975, pages 20–21 Professor of ancient scripture at Brigham Young University, Richard L. Anderson At the Last Supper, Jesus not only honored the customary Passover feast, but he also altered it in a spectacular way. As a result, many specifics of the Last Supper are only vaguely comprehendible unless we are familiar with the basics of the traditional Passover celebrations of Jesus’ day. Matthew 26 and Mark 14 both describe the sequence of this very first Christian sacrament as beginning with bread and then moving on to wine, which is exactly the order that Paul specifies in his letter to the Colossians.

  • However, Luke makes it clear that just the bread and the second cup of wine were given “in remembrance of me,” according to the text.
  • This early symbolic of God’s redemption to Israel through Israel’s tribulations and exodus from Egypt is detailed in part in Exodus 12.
  • When it comes to Passover, the Mishnah, the early legislation published at the end of the first century after Christ, reveals a vivid picture of the ritual that took place during their time.
  • Each of the four cups of wine was mandated, with the first cup requiring blessings, including one on the wine itself.
  • The stories of the Last Supper in the New Testament are unquestionably consistent with the preceding arrangement.
  • In their accounts, Matthew and Mark describe how they all performed the song before leaving their chamber.
  • Luke was well aware that the new Sacrament of the Lord’s Dinner started with “the cup after supper” (Luke 22:20), the identical Greek language used by Paul, albeit it is more quaintly rendered as “after he had supped” in the English translation.
  • He chose bread and wine from the Passover ceremony, and he dedicated them as emblems of his flesh and blood as part of the rite.
  • Throughout his final Passover supper, the Lord emphasized the importance of the future rather than the past.
  • As a result, he demonstrated through his actions that God had performed a bigger deed than delivering Israel from Egypt.
  • With each bite of food and sip of wine “in recollection of the body of thy Son” (D C 20:77) we are transported back to an upper room in ancient Palestine, where we may see Jesus’ flesh and blood.

Nonetheless, the force of that act continues to exist today because of its life. Because, by remembering Jesus’ previous sacrifice, we make a vow to ourselves that we will improve our own lives in preparation for an eternity with him.

The Mystery of the Cups of the Passover Seder

When we look at the Passover in the Exodus of Israel, we don’t find cups of wine involved, as we see in the Passover Seder of Jesus. Interesting that God made no mention of drinking cups of wine, but He did authorize the consumption of unleavened bread, roasted lamb and bitter herbs in the presence of His people (Exodus 12:8). Perhaps it was not a smart idea to get into your ox cart and drive into the desert while under the effect of four cups of wine, with the heavy traffic of a million hurrying people surrounding you!

  1. Despite the fact that the origins of the practice are a mystery, we observe Jesus not only respecting these cups but also referring to the third cup as the cup of the New Covenant (Luke 22:20)!
  2. From the viewpoint of the New Covenant, we recognize that Jesus is our Deliverer from sin and the reign of darkness, in the same manner that God rescued the Israelites from the slavery of Egypt.
  3. He is the One who brings everything to pass.
  4. Perhaps to your surprise, the cup and wine have a great deal of significance in the Bible as well.
  5. “Please, Father, let this cup pass from Me; nonetheless, not according to my will, but according to Your will,” Jesus prays to the Father.
  6. Because of our sins, the only way we might be rescued was for the Lamb of God to come and die on the cross.
  7. If you do not believe in Messiah Jesus, the wrath of God abides on you (John 3:36), but Jesus, in his great compassion and kindness, took our punishment upon Himself.
  8. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 10:16 that Hallelujah!
  9. “I am the LORD, and I will liberate you from beneath the loads of the Egyptians, and I will set you free from their shackles.” Also, with an outstretched arm and with severe judgements, I will rescue you as well.

He always follows through on His promises! The following are the pledges and cups in the following order:

  • In the Cup of Sanctification – “I will bring you out,” God promises that He will bring His people out of Egypt and sanctify them, as well as set them aside or sanctify them. It is said in the Cup of Deliverance, “I will deliver you,” that God will rescue His people from servitude and bonds. Cup of Redemption – “I will redeem you,” God promises
  • With the blood of the lamb, he will redeem them. The Cup of Praise or Restoration – “I will take you as My people” – God will establish them as a nation in the Promised Land in fulfillment of His promise to Abraham
  • The Cup of Praise or Restoration – “I will take you as My people” – God will restore them to their homeland in the Promised Land
  • The Cup of Redemption is the cup that we use to partake in the celebration of the Eucharist (Matthew 26:27,28). It is the cup of the New Covenant, which may be found in Jeremiah 31:31-34 of the Bible.

During Jesus’ day, it was usual for a man to propose marriage to a lady by handing her an unopened bottle of wine. Jesus was establishing a New Covenant based on His fidelity, as opposed to the Mosaic Covenant, which could not be kept by anybody. For the time being, Jesus declared that He will not be drinking “the fruit of the vine” (the customary Kiddush blessing of wine), “until that day when I drink it fresh with you in My Father’s Kingdom.” (Matthew 26:29; Mark 12:29) During the wedding feast of the Lamb, we shall conclude the Passover Seder with Jesus.

(See Revelation 19:9 for further information.) L’Chaim!

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