Where In The Bible Is The Story Of Jesus Death

Crucifixion of Jesus – Bible Story

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are the four New Testament writings that contain the story of Jesus’ death on the cross; they are known as the Gospels. This Bible tale serves as a succinct summation of the salvation message of Jesus Christ. “From that time on, Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the law, and that he must be killed and on the third day be raised to life,” according to Matthew, who wrote, “from that time on, Jesus began to explain to his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders, the chief priests, and the teachers of the law, and As a result, Jesus saw that his death would be necessary as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind.

During the height of Jesus’ career and miracles, a large number of Jews came to believe that he was the Messiah and the Son of God.

Roman soldiers apprehended Jesus with the assistance of Judas Iscariot, and he was placed on trial for claiming to be the Jewish king, which he denied.

When it came to the penalty for Jesus, the Roman ruler Pontius Pilate was apprehensive about the idea.

Jesus was turned over to be beaten and whipped after Pilate washed his hands in front of a mob to demonstrate that he was not accepting responsibility for the slaughter that had taken place.

The site of Jesus’ crucifixion is known as Calvary, which is derived from the Latin phrase meaning “a place of skull.”

Jesus on the Cross

Crowds had assembled to grieve and witness the death of Jesus. In addition to being nailed on the cross between two criminals, Jesus’ sides were wounded by a sword. After being mocked for a while, one of the convicts approached him and requested Jesus to remember him. Jesus answered by saying, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” “Forgive them, because they do not know what they are doing,” Jesus said as he raised his eyes to the heavens. When Jesus took his last breath, he said the following: “Father, I entrust my spirit into your capable hands.

The Last Words of Jesus Christ on the Cross

1. According to Matthew 27:46, at around the ninth hour, Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” 2. 2. “Father, please forgive them since they are completely unaware of what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). 3. I swear to you that from this day forward, you’ll be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43). 4. “Dear Lady, please accept this as your son!” “Here is your mother!” says the other. When Jesus saw His mother standing near the cross with the Apostle John, He committed the care of His mother to John’s care, saying, “I trust you to look after her.” (See also John 19:26–27.) 5.

  • In this instance, Jesus was responding to the Messianic prophesy from Psalm 69:21, which stated, “They put gall in my food and vinegar in my thirst.” 6.
  • ” (See John 19:30.) The mission that His Father had given Him to carry out, which included teaching the Gospel, performing miracles, and bringing His people back together, was successfully completed.
  • 7.
  • (Matthew 23:46) Jesus freely laid down his life for us.
  • This was a terrible and difficult assignment, yet Jesus volunteered to take on the challenge.
  • In the hands of those who crucified him, Jesus was not helpless; he was the only one who had the authority to put an end to his life.
  • (Revelation 13:8).

It is still a heinous crime against humanity.

Death was visited upon the creator of life by nefarious men (Acts 2:23).

The death of Jesus was distinguished by extraordinary occurrences.

When Jesus took his last breath, the ground shook, the temple curtain broke in half from top to bottom, and the graves of saints were opened, their bodies being lifted from the grave.

The sin of mankind would necessitate the offering of a sacrifice.

The complete Bible account of the crucifixion can be found in the Scriptures listed below.

Read the entire narrative of Jesus’ crucifixion in the scriptural text below, as well as articles, videos, and audio sermons that are related to this moving story. Image courtesy of Getty Images/mbolina

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 27:32-56 – New International Version

They encountered a man from Cyrene, C)”>(C)named Simon, as they were about to leave the city, and they forced him to carry the cross. D)”>(D) 33They arrived at a location known as Golgotha (which literally translates as “the site of the skull”). E)”>(E) The wine was laced with gall, and they presented it to Jesus to drink; but, after tasting it, he refused to take it. 35After Jesus had been crucified, they divided his clothing by drawing lots to determine who would get what. Then they sat down and kept a close eye H)”>(H) on him from where they were seated.

  • 39Those who passed by threw obscenities at him and shook their heads in disapproval.
  • If you are the Son of God, come down from the crucifixion!” L)”>(L)Come down from the cross!” M)”> (M) In the same manner, the leading priests, the law professors, and the elders ridiculed him, as well.
  • He’s the king of Israel, after all!
  • 43He places his faith in God.
  • P)”>(P)now if he desires him, for he has declared himself to be the Son of God.” 44 A similar abuse was poured upon him by the rebels who were crucified alongside him.

The Death of Jesus Q)”>(Q)

45From midday till three o’clock in the afternoon, darkness R)”>(R) descended upon the entire country. “Eli, Eli, lemasabachthani?,” Jesus called out in a loud voice at about 3 p.m., about three hours after the resurrection. (which translates as “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?”) S)”>(S) Some of those there remarked, “He’s summoning Elijah,” as they realized what was happening. 48 As soon as they saw the sponge, one of them dashed to get it. Filling the vessel with wine vinegar, he T)”>(T)strung it on a stick and presented it to Jesus for drinking.

  1. “Let’s see if Elijah shows up to save him.” 50And when Jesus cried out in a loud voice for the third time, he surrendered his spirit.
  2. The ground trembled, and the rocks cracked.
  3. Many pious persons who had died were brought back to life by the power of the Holy Spirit.
  4. The centurion and those with him, who were guarding Y)”>(Y)Jesus, were terrified when they saw the earthquake and everything that had happened, and they exclaimed, “Surely he was the Son of God!” Z)”>Z)Jesus was the Son of God!
  5. They had accompanied Jesus from Galilee to care for his necessities.
  6. AB)”>(AB) Read full chapter New International Version(NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 byBiblica, Inc.®Used by permission.

All rights reserved worldwide. NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.

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For his crucifixion, Jesus was carried to a location known as Golgotha, which literally translates as “the site of the skull.” This is the location of all crucifixions, which was located just outside the city walls of Rome. Crucifixion was reserved for the most serious criminals since it was a particularly cruel method of execution. Those who perished by crucifixion were “under God’s curse,” according to Jewish tradition and Torah. It was standard practice to force the offender to carry the cross-beam of their own cross to the crucifixion of Christ.

  1. Jesus’ dependence on Simon of Cyrene for aid indicates how weak he must have been – both physically and emotionally – at the time.
  2. The Romans crucified people in public to serve as a warning to others.
  3. Each cross would have had a placard at the top describing the crime that had been committed on the other side.
  4. A church in Cuba has a stained-glass image of the crucifixion.
  5. The throng, which included religious authorities, scoffed at Jesus’ frailty and made light of his afflictions.
  6. During this time, we may view Jesus as the suffering servant, who is alone and despised by everyone.
  7. Isaiah 53:8During the crucifixion of Jesus, Mark recalls various odd incidents that took place.
  1. Despite the fact that it was the middle of the day, darkness settled across the whole region (12 o clock). Throughout Jewish history, darkness has been seen as a sign of tragedy. “My God, my God, why have you left me?” Jesus cried out at that point. Several people speculated that he was asking for Elijah, who they believed would come to the aid of the unfortunate. Many people have pondered why Jesus said what he said. Did he believe he had been abandoned by his Father? Jesus screamed out in a loud voice and died around 3 o’clock in the afternoon. It seemed remarkable that Jesus had the power to scream even though he was only seconds away from dying. This may have been the catalyst for the Roman centurion’s belief that Jesus was the Son of God: an earthquake occurred shortly after Jesus’ death. People have risen from the grave. That the curtain hanging in the Holy of Holies (the location in the temple where God was present) had been ripped in two from top to bottom was a metaphor that all people who believed and trusted in Jesus would be offered pardon and new life
  2. The curtain tore from the top, implying that it had been ripped by God as a sign that the route to Him had been made clear to mankind. Through the sacrifice of Jesus, the barrier between man and God had been destroyed.

Mary Magdalene, Mary (the mother of James and Joses), and Salome are among the women who were there and saw Jesus’ death, according to the Gospel of Mark. These ladies did not flee like the disciples did, and they were the first to arrive at the gravesite.

1. The Crucifixion (Matthew 27:27-44; Mark 15:16-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:16-27)

TITLEMain PPT TITLEMain Point: Despite the fact that Jesus was innocent, He gladly suffered on the cross for those who were wronged. In fact, God made Christ, who had never sinned, to be the offering for our sins, so that we may be reconciled to God by Christ’s sacrifice. – 2 Corinthians 5:21 New International Version The following props are optional: A crown of thorns, a purple robe, and a sign that says “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” A giant paper cross that has been tacked to the wall, sticky notes and pencils for multiple volunteers, a sign that says “Jesus,” and other items.

Help us to comprehend that, because You were willing to go to the cross in our place, we might be set free from punishment and the power of sin! Thank you for your sacrifice! Amen.


Say this:Jesus was betrayed by Judas Iscariot. He was apprehended and brought before the Jewish leadership for trial. In response to Jesus’ declaration that He was Christ, the Son of God, the Sanhedrin labeled Him as a liar, or even a blasphemer. They desired that He be put to death. Pilate, the Roman governor in charge of the Jews at the time, was summoned and Jesus was brought before him. Pilate was well aware that Jesus was innocent, and he did not wish to put him to death. Pilate promised to liberate any prisoner who was chosen by the populace, and the people accepted his offer.

  1. Inquire: Can anyone recall who received the most applause from the audience?
  2. They chanted for Pilate to release Barabbas and for Jesus to be killed, according to the story.
  3. I can’t imagine what it would have been like to be detested and despised by the people He had come to save.
  4. He was found to be guilty of murder.
  5. When Barabbas was sentenced to death, Jesus bore the punishment that was due to him.
  6. The name Barabbas literally translates as “son of a parent.” Is it possible to be the son of a father?
  7. Isn’t it possible that it might be anyone?
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When Jesus died on the cross, He stood in for every murderer, liar, and thief who had ever lived.

Older kids can benefit from this application: “Barabbas!” screamed the assembled mob.

Instead, assassinate Jesus.” I have no trouble picturing my own name in the place of Barabbas.

Because of my wrongdoing, I was sentenced to death (Romans 6:23).

The audience screamed, ” !

It’s as if they were still there.

Can you picture your name being substituted for Barabbas’?

Mocked By Soldiers (Matthew27:27-31, Mark 15:16-20)

Say:The following section of the narrative is quite depressing. As soon as Pilate yielded to the people’s demands and released Barabbas, the soldiers seized Jesus and carried him away. They repeatedly whipped Him across the back of his neck. Immediately after the Last Supper, our Lord started to pour out the blood of our Savior, just as He had promised the disciples (Luke 22:20). The soldiers also beat Him with a wooden stick and made fun of Him, which He took personally. Note to the Teacher: Before Jesus was executed, Pilate gave Him up to be scourged, as was customary at the time.

  1. An ancient Roman scourge, also known as a “flagrum,” was a short whip constructed from many strips of leather that were linked to a handle.
  2. It was necessary to whip the culprit across his back in order to swiftly remove skin and expose muscle.
  3. Because there was no legal limit to the number of strikes that might be inflicted, the scourging stopped just short of killing the culprit, allowing him to be exposed to the public humiliation of the cross when he was found guilty.
  4. Afterwards, they joined the thorns together to form a crown.
  5. They began to exclaim, “We honor You, King of the Jews!” as they approached Him.
  6. They spit on His face.
  7. After they had made fun of Him, they removed the purple robe from His person.

Then they brought Him out to the crucifixion, where they nailed Him to it.

Show me your thorny crown of thorns, please.

The soldiers were completely unaware that the thorns were a symbol of something really significant.

After Adam and Eve fell into sin, they were no longer able to live in a pristine garden.

(Genesis 3:18, to be precise.) Thorns are a representation of sin (Ezekiel 28:24).

Older students might benefit from the following additional teaching: The soldiers also clothed Jesus in a purple robe.

When God’s people were wandering in the desert during the time of Moses, God instructed them to construct a Tabernacle, which was essentially a big tent.

God’s splendor would occasionally make its way inside the Holy of Holies at specific moments.

The yarn used to weave that curtain was shades of blue, purple, and red.

The book of Hebrews informs us that Jesus’ body served as a curtain for us (Hebrews 10:20). Because God is holy, the only one who could stand between us and God was Jesus.

The Cross (Matthew 27:32-44; Mark 15:21-32; Luke 23:26-43; John 19:16-27)

Say:The act of being nailed to a cross was referred to as crucifixion. It was the method through which the Romans punished offenders during the time of Jesus. Anyone found guilty of a crime, such as stealing, murdering, or revolting against the authority, was put to death on the cross. Due to the fact that the individual was hung in plain sight for everyone in the community, it was an extremely humiliating and terrible way to die. Most of the time, the person who was to be crucified was required to carry his or her own cross to the location of the execution.

  • The individual was compelled to lie on top of the cross with his arms spread in front of him.
  • The cross was then raised to its erect position and jolted into a hole that had been excavated in the ground by numerous troops.
  • It was not uncommon for the individual to die over a period of many days.
  • The Roman soldiers coerced a passerby into carrying Jesus’ cross, which he refused to do.
  • They arrived at a location known as Golgotha, which literally translates as “The Place of the Skull” (Matthew 27:33).
  • The soldiers presented Jesus with a cup of wine laced with myrrh.
  • However, Jesus did not accept it (Mark 15:22).

Teacher: Hold the sign in front of you.

(See also John 19:19) Religious authorities expressed dissatisfaction, claiming that it should have said that Jesus claimed to be the King of the Jews.

If this is true, it may be another evidence that Pilate thought Jesus was who He claimed to be.

They are completely oblivious to what they are doing.” The soldiers divided up His clothing by drawing lots among themselves.

The soldiers were playing for His garments, and Jesus was praying for their forgiveness at the same time they were gambling.

They believed they were simply carrying out the same routine that they had been doing day after day – hanging prisoners.

Until after Jesus’ death, they were completely unaware of who He was (Matthew 27:54).

But we must keep in mind that forgiveness was the exact reason Jesus came, as well as the reason He voluntarily died on the cross for our sins (John 12:47).

Mary was in a state of despair.

John, one of his disciples, was also present.

“Here is your mother,” he remarked to the disciple, pointing to himself.

– John 19:26b-27 (NASB) Jesus attempted to console Mary and ensure that she would be taken care of by someone else.

This hour of suffering was predicted to Mary by Simeon when Jesus was still a baby, so she was prepared for it.

(See also Luke 2:35) Many people were grieving at Jesus’ death (Luke 23:27), yet some of them hurled insults at Him.

“He saved the lives of others,” they said.

He’s the King of Israel, after all!

Then we shall put our faith in Him.

27:41-42 (KJV).

In essence, Satan urged, “If you claim to be the Son of God, demonstrate your claim!” “Show out your strength.” Satan sought to ensnare Jesus in the same manner in which he himself had been tempted: via pride.

Satan failed to take into consideration Jesus’ perfection.

Jesus did not stutter or falter.


He might have brought down a massive amount of force.

Keep an ear out for responses. He was looking forward to restoring people to their rightful place with God.

Two Criminals (Luke 23:39-43)

Say:According to the Bible, Jesus was not the only man sentenced to death on that particular day. In addition to Jesus, there were two thieves crucified alongside Him, one on either side of Him (Luke 23:33, Matthew 27:44). This was predicted in the Old Testament, so it is not surprising. “He was reckoned among those who had committed sins,” the Bible states in Isaiah 53:12. One of the criminals was certain that Jesus was who He claimed to be, while the other criminal was not so sure about that.

  • “Aren’t you the Christ, don’t you think?” he inquired.
  • “Please save us!” The other criminal, on the other hand, reprimanded him.
  • “Keep in mind that you are both facing the same sentence of death.
  • We are receiving exactly what we have asked for via our deeds.
  • When he inquired, Jesus responded, “What I’m going to tell you is true.
  • – Luke 23:39-43 (NASB) He had confidence in Jesus, and because he had faith in Jesus, Jesus told him that he would see heaven on that particular day.
  • It was only because he believed that Jesus was able to make him straight with God.
  • Jesus was completely blameless.
  • For as long as the first people chose to defy God, God has demanded that an animal be sacrificed on the altar in order for His people’s sins to be atoned for.
  • According to Exodus 12:3, the lamb was frequently used and had to satisfy a number of conditions.
  • Firstborn (Exodus 13:15)
  • Male (Exodus 12:5)
  • Without any flaws (Exodus 12:5)
  • Had to die (Exodus 12:6)
  • No broken bones (Exodus 12:46)
  • The blood of the animal atoned for the sin of the person (Leviticus 17:11)
  • The blood of the animal atoned for the sin of the person (Exodus 12:46)
  • The blood of the animal atoned for the sin of the person

‘The Lamb of God, who wipes away the sin of the world,’ John the Baptist described Jesus as being (John 1:29). Jesus fulfilled all of God’s requirements, including the following: Teacher: When describing the attributes of Jesus, refer to the PowerPoint presentation that depicts God’s sacrificial specifications.

  • Jesus was the firstborn among his brothers and sisters (Matthew 1:25)
  • Jesus was a male (Matthew 1:21)
  • Jesus was without flaws because He had never sinned (2 Corinthians 5:21)
  • Jesus was crucified (Romans 5:8)
  • None of His bones were broken (John 19:36)
  • 1 John 1:7 states, “The blood of Jesus, God’s Son, purifies us from all sin.”
  • 1 John 1:7 states, “The blood of Jesus

Application:According to the Bible, each of us has sinned and has earned the punishment of death. The fact that Jesus was perfectly innocent made it possible for Him to take our place on the cross. It is through Jesus’ blood that we are made right with God if we put our faith in Him. Our sins will be forgiven, and we shall enjoy eternal life as a result of this forgiveness. Say, “I’m sorry, I’ve sinned.” My transgression has won me the penalty of death. This is not death on a cross, but death in the sense of being separated from God forever (2 Thessalonians 1:9).

  • It is possible that this cross represents death and separation from God.
  • A call for volunteers has been issued.
  • Make them write their names on the piece of paper and attach it to the crucifix.
  • That, however, is not what God intended for us.
  • Jesus did not die as a result of His own sin – He was completely blameless.
  • All we have to do is put our faith in Him.
  • – 2 Corinthians 5:21 New International Version THE MAIN POINT OF THE PPT The main point is that, despite the fact that Jesus was innocent, He willingly suffered for the sake of those who were guilty.
  • All rights are retained around the world.
  • KidzLife has brought this to your attention.

Copyright / 1995, 1996, and 1998 by the International Bible Society / Used with permission of the International Bible Society-STL. All rights are retained around the world. Thank you to John R. Cross, author of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, and GoodSeed International for their assistance.

Jesus’ Death and Resurrection (Matthew 27-28)

Matthew, more than any other Gospel writer, stresses the earth-shattering implications of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection, and he leads us back to the major topic of the kingdoms of heaven and earth at the end of the book. The darkening of the sky, the trembling of the earth, and the resurrection of the dead (Matt. 27:45-54) would have been unmistakable indications to the Jews that the present era was coming to an end and the age to come had begun, according to Scripture. Nonetheless, life and work appeared to continue as normal; it appeared to be business as usual.

See also:  Where In The Bible Does Jesus Say He Is God

The Gospel of Matthew provides a loud affirmative response to this question.

It is through his resurrection that God’s methods are finally introduced into the world.

Go and Make Disciples (Matthew 28:16-20)

Return to the Table of Contents Return to the Table of Contents Jesus’ earthly career was drawing to a close. Matthew 28:16-20 tells the story of his commissioning of people who would come after him: The eleven disciples then traveled to Galilee, where they arrived at the hilltop that Jesus had ordered them to. When they first saw Jesus, they bowed their heads in reverence; yet, others were skeptical. After then, Jesus appeared to them and said that he had been granted all authority in heaven and on earth.

  1. Baptizing in the name of the Father, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.
  2. However, the commission is to “create disciples,” not simply to “earn converts,” as the phrase suggests.
  3. Recognizing and valuing our labor within the perspective of Christ’s Lordship is an important aspect of completing the Great Commission.
  4. Taking the good news to all countries, baptizing those who believe the good news, and teaching them to “follow all that I have ordered you” are all part of our responsibilities (Matt.
  5. When we go back over these twenty-eight chapters of Matthew, we notice a number of instructions that are relevant to our daily lives at work.

Jesus’ Crucifixion in Luke’s Gospel

The four books of the New Testament The four gospels each describe the story of how Jesus’ life culminated in his death on a Roman crucifixion. Despite the fact that Christian, Jewish, and Roman sources all corroborate the historical validity of this event, the New Testament and Christian tradition have typically been more concerned with interpreting Jesus’ death than with showing that it actually occurred. His suffering and death (together known as his “passion”) are the center of the Gospel of Luke’s account of Jesus’ death, which emphasizes the political and theological consequences of Jesus’ death.

The story of Luke differs from the other Gospels in a number of ways.

Women who grieve Jesus’ murder and his prophetic answer to them are only mentioned in Luke’s account (Luke 23:27-31).

How was Jesus executed?

According to the Gospel of Luke 23, Jesus was judged by a Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, and then crucified alongside two other criminals, according to the Gospel of Mark. Despite the occasionally dramatic depictions of the crucifixion in literature and films, our understanding of this manner of execution is limited at the present moment. A visual picture of dying on a cross does not appear to exist in ancient literature. “They crucified Jesus,” writes the gospel writer Luke (Luke 23:33). Although Luke’s depiction of the Crucifixion may be atypical, we do know from limited archaeological and textual evidence that those sentenced to death were frequently whipped and forced to carry their own crossbeams to the place of execution, where they were bound or nail them to a cross with their arms raised above their heads and, possibly, sitting on a small wooden peg.

Indeed, the Romans want to keep the victim alive on the crucifixion for as long as possible to demonstrate their superiority.

As noted by the Roman orator Quintillion (approximately 350-90 CE), while executing the guilty, “the busiest highways are picked, so that the greatest number of people might witness and be affected by this dread.” Penalties, on the other hand, are more concerned with their exemplary impact than with vengeance” (Declamationes274).

Victims of crucifixion were subjected to severe scorn because they were executed in public, were located near heavily traveled roads, were stripped of their clothing, were refused burial, and were left to be devoured by birds and animals.

Why was Jesus executed?

This dreadful penalty was not administered to Rome’s own inhabitants; rather, it was reserved for those who opposed imperial control and fought imperial power in particular. Luke’s explanations for Jesus’ execution demonstrate that he must have been seen as an enemy of the state at the time. A placard was first placed above Jesus’ head, stating the reason for his crucifixion: “This is the King of the Jews.” After that, the execution began (Luke 23:38). (19:12 “Everyone who claims to be a king raises himself up against the emperor,” according to John).

  1. “We discovered this guy perverting our nation by prohibiting us to pay taxes to the emperor and claiming that he himself is the Messiah,” according to the charge lodged against Jesus.
  2. Perverting the people” would be a term that would be used to describe Jesus from inside Israel’s tale (seeDeut 13).
  3. In a nutshell, Jesus was in direct conflict with the objectives of both Roman and Jewish authorities.
  4. Earlier in Luke’s Gospel, Jesus expressed his expectation that his death would be a means of accomplishing God’s redeeming plan (for example,Luke 18:31-33).
  5. At a later point in Luke’s Gospel, Jesus informs his followers that all of the Scriptures foreshadow his suffering as God’s Messiah (Luke 24:25-27,Luke 23:44).

What was the reason for Jesus’ execution? Luke’s answer is complicated since it incorporates Roman interests, enmity toward Jesus among Jerusalem’s Jewish leaders, and God’s own purpose to deliver redemption. The Crucifixion of Jesus in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 23)” by Joel B. Green, n.p. (on-line).


Joel B. Green is a professor of New Testament interpretation at Fuller Theological Seminary in Los Angeles, California. He is the author of 1 Peter in the Two Horizons Commentary on the New Testament (Two Horizons Commentary on the New Testament) (Eerdmans, 2007). A gospel is a written narrative of Jesus of Nazareth’s life that is written in the New Testament. A narrative that has been written, spoken, or recorded. Along with the Old Testament, the Christian Bible is comprised of a collection of works from the first century that were written by Jews and Christians.

Concerning the nature and actions of God as contemplated by human beings.

2 It was then that they began to blame him, saying, “We discovered this man perverting our nation.” Observe further information In Luke 23:1414, Jesus addressed the crowd, saying, “You brought me this guy as one who was perverting the people; and here in your sight, I inspected him and found no evidence of this man’s perversion.” Observe further information Luke 23:7-127 (KJV) And when he discovered that he was under Herod’s authority, he dispatched him to Herod himself, who was at the time in Jerusalem.

8 When Herod first saw Jesus, he was enraged.

I have discovered in him no basis for the imposition of the death penalty; as a result, I shall have him flogged immediately.

28 However, Jesus turned to face them and replied, ” View moreLuke 23:39-4339 in context One of the prisoners who had been crucified there began making fun of him and shouting things like, “Are you not the Messiah?” “Save yourself as well as us!” 40 The other, on the other hand, chastised him, saying, View moreLuke 6:27-28 (New International Version) I Have a Soft Spot for Enemies 27 “But I say to you, pay attention: love your enemies, do good to those who despise you, bless those who curse you, and pray for those who mistreat you.

  • ” Luke 23 Jesus in the presence of Pilate 1 Then the assembly rose as a body and took Jesus before Pilate to testify against him.
  • They also divided his clothes according to a random drawing.
  • View moreLuke 23:4646Then Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Father, into your hands I commit my soul,” according to the Bible.
  • Luke 24:25-27:25 (KJV) “Oh, how silly you are, and how sluggish of heart you are to believe anything that the prophets have spoken!” he said.

26 Wasn’t it important that the Messiah come to earth? See moreLuke 23:44 in context The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus 44 It was now almost midday, and darkness descended across the entire country until three o’clock in the afternoon.

Jesus is Crucified

This clip art was developed byGospel Light from the original clip art from “The Complete Bible Story Clip Art Book.” It was intended to be used with the Bible lesson “Crucifiction.” Permission has been granted to use. ” data-image-caption=”” data-medium-file=” ssl=1″ data-large-file=” ssl=1″ src=”is-pending-load=1 038;ssl=1″ alt=”9 Jesus Crucified” src=”is-pending-load=1 038;ssl=1″ data-large-file=” ssl=1″ data-medium-file=” ssl=1″ data-large-file=” Height is 225 inches and the breadth is 300 inches.

The emphasis should be placed on the fact that Jesus was innocent, but he was slain.

Story Overview:

When Jesus was killed on a cross, he was treated like a regular criminal. It got dark on the ground when he was hanging on a cross. The enormous curtain in the temple in Jerusalem was abruptly split in two at the very moment that Jesus died outside the city walls, according to tradition. In addition, there was an earthquake. The day of Jesus’ crucifixion was a dreadful day for the entire world. A straightforward method of explaining the cross to young children. God created the entire universe, and he want for everyone to be happy and to have a deep love for him.

  1. People have even died as a result of this.
  2. Despite the fact that many individuals did not follow him, he still cared about them.
  3. However, many people did not believe Jesus and became so enraged that they sentenced him to death on a crucifixion.
  4. It’s true!
  5. Jesus demonstrated that he is more powerful than death and more powerful than any negative event that could possibly occur.
  6. Before he went, Jesus instructed his followers to spread the good news to as many people as possible.
  7. That’s the good news.
  8. The fear of death is removed from the lives of those who follow Jesus.

Background Study:

Children must understand that Jesus died on the cross in order to free the entire world from sin. Despite the fact that we must teach about the agony and pain that Jesus endured, we must also be sensitive to the maturity level of our students. In general, younger children require an understanding of the big picture and the fact that Jesus died for us, despite the fact that it was painful. Even more graphic details of the crucifixion are understandable to older children. The fact that Jesus is the Son of God, and thus has the ability to call upon all of the power in the universe, is the most important consideration.

  1. Following the conclusion of the trial, Pilate handed Jesus up to the Roman troops.
  2. Briars were used to construct the crown.
  3. The cross beam that Jesus carried was probably 30-40 pounds in weight and would have caused excruciating pain to the torn flesh of his recently flogged back if he had carried it.
  4. According to tradition, the sign stating his crime would have been transported ahead of him and later nailed above him on the cross, as was the case here.
  5. However, other shapes such as an X, Y, or I can also be used as Roman crosses.
  6. Although famous paintings often depict the nail scars in the palms of Jesus’ hands, in actual fact the heavy, wrought iron nails would have been driven through the wrist and the heel bones.
  7. If the person lingered then the soldiers would break the legs so that they could not lift and breathe.

Jesus was already dead when the soldiers came to do this.

Only slaves and the basest of criminals and offenders who were not Roman citizens were executed in this manner.

The place of execution was called “The Place of the Skull”.

See also:  What Are The Names Of Jesus Siblings?

Others believe it is referred to by this name because of its association with death.

The gospels do not mention a hill although we often hear “Hill of Calvary”.

Tradition says that women of Jerusalem offered a pain-killing narcotic mixture to the sufferers.

His refusal was probably because he wanted to be conscious and alert.

(Mark 15:37).

Later, Jesus asked for something to drink and was given wine-vinegar that soldiers and labourers often drank.

(Mark 15:25).

Death by crucifixion could last 2-3 days but Jesus was dead by Friday afternoon.

(Mark 15:44).

Under the Law of Moses only the High Priest could go into the Holy of Holies where God dwelled.

The blood of Christ allows Christians to go directly into God’s presence (Hebrews 9:1-14;10:11-14, 19-22). (Hebrews 9:1-14;10:11-14, 19-22). Only Matthew records the dead being raised from tombs in Jerusalem (Matthew 27:52-53) (Matthew 27:52-53) toptop

Way to Introduce the Story:

Collect “cross”-related goods such as jewelry, cards, bible covers, magazine photographs, artwork, newspaper advertisements, telephone yellow pages, and so on. Explore them with the youngsters and ask them where they have seen crosses in their lives. The cross has been so “overused” as a decorative element that it has lost much of its significance. Encourage students to have the “true cross” in mind during the whole class period. This will be discussed again at the conclusion of the class. Inquire as to whether they will recall the genuine significance of the cross when they come across these objects in the future.

The Story:

Jesus claimed to be the Son of God. He was always kind and considerate, and he always selected the proper thing to do. However, even though Jesus was a decent man, there were many who despised him. They were not pleased with him when he claimed to be the King of the Jews. Some people despised Jesus so much that they devised a means to bring him before a court of law and sentence him to death on the crucifixion. Immediately following Jesus’ trial, the soldiers made fun of him. They dressed him in a soldier’s robe and placed a staff in his hand to give him the appearance of a monarch.

  1. Then they kicked him in the shins, spit on him, and repeatedly beat him in the head with a piece of staff.
  2. Jesus could have summoned all of the angels in heaven to come and assist him if he had wanted to.
  3. He may have just vanished without a trace.
  4. The soldiers slung a large chunk of wood from the cross on Jesus’ back and forced him to carry it about with him.
  5. The soldiers escorted Jesus to a location known as “The Skull” (in other languages this is Calvary or Golgotha).
  6. When they hammered large nails into Jesus’ wrists and heels, they were able to nail him on the cross.
  7. Perhaps he was thinking of all of his apostles and companions.

He must have really cared about us if he put us through that!

A criminal made fun of Jesus, but the second criminal urged the first to keep quiet and added, “You and I both committed evil things, and we both deserve to die.

He requested Jesus to keep him in mind when he established his kingdom.

“I promise you that.” (Matthew 23:43) Mary, Jesus’ mother, stood near the crucifixion with John the apostle, who was a witness to the event.

“Here is your mother,” he remarked to John, who was surprised.

(See John 19:26-27 for further information.) God had sent his son to die on the cross in order to atone for the sins of the entire world.

When he was feeling particularly lonely, he would scream out to God, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” (God, please hear me.) “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” is what this phrase implies.

What did Jesus do instead of being enraged?

He said a prayer for them.

He just asked for one thing: a copy of the book.

Despite the fact that it was the middle of the day, the sky had begun to darken.

God had not forgotten about Jesus at all!

(Matthew 23:46) In the end, with an emphatic “It is over,” he lowered his head and passed away from his injuries.

The earth trembled, and rocks burst apart. Many excellent individuals came back to life once their tombs were unsealed. He was certainly the Son of God,” declared one of the Roman soldiers, who happened to be a centurion in charge of 100 other troops. top

Ways to Tell the Story:

It is possible to tell this narrative in a number of different ways. Never stray from the facts provided in the Bible, but rather use drama, visual aids, voice inflection, student involvement and/or emotion to help youngsters connect to its significance. Visual aids and story-telling techniques may be found by clicking here. To download these graphics and the accompanying slideshow, please visit this page. Make your selections. Because every teacher is different, only the visuals that are most relevant to the way YOU are teaching the tale in THIS session should be used.

Review Questions:

  1. What was the manner in which Jesus died? A cross was used as a means of execution. Give three examples of miracles that occurred after Jesus died. Earthquake, darkness, and the tearing of the temple curtain on its own
  2. One of the things Jesus said when he was hanging on the cross is to be named. “It has been completed.” “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” he cries out. “Father, please forgive them since they are completely unaware of what they are doing.” “Believe me when I say that today you will be with me in paradise.” “Dear woman, please accept this gift from your son. “Please accept this as your mother.” “I have a thirst.” “Father, I entrust my spirit into your hands.” What was written on the sign above Jesus’ cross, and where did it come from? “The King of the Jews,” as the saying goes. Is there a certain day of the week on which Jesus died? Friday

Song Suggestions:

  • Crayon Song
  • Oh, How I Love Jesus Song
  • Use a hymnal to sing songs about the cross (such as The Old Rugged Cross and He Could Have Called Ten Thousand Angels, Hallelujah! ), or make up your own. Describe Jesus as a Saviour, tell me about Jesus’ life, and so forth. Invite a few singers to come into your classroom and discuss and sing some of these songs with your students. If you make arrangements with the song leader early in the week, he may be able to lead one of the songs in the worship service on Sunday
  • However, this is subject to availability. For further possibilities, please see the Song Page on this website.

Learning Activities and Crafts:

(How can I select the most appropriate learning activities for my particular teaching situation?) Activities:

  • Pre-view and play the crucifixion segment of a video from a video rental store before the main event. Choosing one should be done with caution, and it is important to point out any elements that are presented in a manner that differs from the Bible. Guide the youngsters through the reading of the scriptural references for today. Then ask them to create a drawing based on what they have read. Make use of a blank sheet of paper or print off the following worksheet: The Crucifixion of Jesus Response to Writing Exercise
  • Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection are all part of a larger narrative concerning his life and death, as well as his resurrection. The narrative may be told simply by opening plastic Easter Eggs one at a time, as seen in the image below. Each egg contains a piece of information regarding the plot. If you are narrating the tales of Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection over a period of many weeks, you might want to experiment with repeating this procedure every week. After this, the youngsters will have a solid understanding of the narrative! To find out how to accomplish it, visit this page. Death, burial, and resurrection stories concerning Jesus include the following:
  • The Triumphal Entry
  • The Last Supper
  • A Night of Betrayal and Prayer
  • And the Resurrection. The Crucifixion of Jesus
  • The Trial of Jesus
  • The Burial and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
  • Draw a large and basic cross form on a piece of paper and split it into seven pieces, as if you were putting together a puzzle. Help youngsters identify the last seven remarks uttered by Christ on the cross by referring to a version of the bible that has Jesus’ words highlighted in red. Make a “cross” using a creative method such as fingerpaint, paper mache’, ice-block/craft sticks, seeds affixed to a board, or other materials. Make huge crosses out of large pieces of wood, one for each child and one for the instructor. Possibly you should consult with someone on this matter. Fill plastic bags with sand after writing sins (bad things) on them with sharpie markers, which you and the children may then do with the bags. Tie the bags together using twine or strong tape to form a cross. Each individual should now walk a short distance with their cross in their hands. Carrying it with one hand or behind your back will make it more difficult to carry. Using your instructions, assist the youngsters in moving all of their luggage to your cross. You should now go a short distance with everyone’s belongings in your arms. Discuss how Jesus took on the burden of all of humanity’s sins on the cross. (Many thanks to Kayla Robinson for coming up with this concept! )
  • These instructions for The Story of the Cross will teach you how to recount the story in a straightforward manner on a single page of paper. Guide the youngsters through the reading of the scriptural references for today. Then ask them to create a drawing based on what they have read. Make use of a blank sheet of paper or print off the following worksheet: The Crucifixion of Jesus Response to the Drawing

Check out theTeaching Ideaspage on this website for ideas that may be used to any type of classroom setting. Please see the link below for “Jesus is Crucified” printables that you may print on A4 size paper. To print “Jesus is Crucified” on Letter size paper (in the United States), go to this link.

Other Online Resources:

  • (Calvary Curriculum) Coloring page and worksheets about Jesus appearing before Pilate and later on the path to the cross
  • Coloring page and worksheets about the crucifixion
  • (Calvary Curriculum) Several coloring pages are available on the internet, including a Jesus carrying the cross coloring sheet (bible-printables.com) and a coloring page (christiananswers.net). A map of the Crucifixion (available at bible-printables.com)
  • The palm flax is the same as in the instructional video (ucatholic.com)
  • Crafts: Cross craft selection (artistshelpingchildren.org – scroll down once you are on the website)
  • Cross craft selection (artistshelpingchildren.org – scroll down once you are on the page)
  • Simple paper crucifix (found at motherhoodonadime.com) to make. 6 minutes 49 seconds (youtube) – An amazing telling of the Crucifixion and Resurrection using sand art “What Was the Crucifixion Like?” by Messages of Christ is a video that explains what happened during the Crucifixion. You may watch a video on YouTube. The video is 7 minutes and 37 seconds in duration. Background information is provided, as well as a thorough explanation of the crucifixion. Bookmarks that are printable. Fill up the blanks with your own personalized content and then print them. (activitiesforkids.com)
  • Classes plan and worksheets (clclutheran.org)
  • A nice range of both online and paper puzzles, exercises, and story words that span the Last Supper through the crucifixion
  • And a variety of other resources (gardenofpraise.com).

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