Where Does Jesus Sit In Heaven?

Does Jesus Now Sit in Heaven as Human?

  1. The Question: Some say thatJesus is still human as He now sits in Heaven and I want to understand, as I believe He only″became″ flesh in essence to experience what man is.
  2. God is a spirit, and He made Jesus, to make the invisible, visible.
  3. Jesus and God are one,and how can a spirit, be flesh?
  4. How in the world, can Jesus be human now,if He is in heaven?

When He ascended to heaven, didn’t that change him back to the spirit of God?Some are lowering Jesus, and exalting his earthly traits.I find that rather distressing.They take away and reduce his divinity.

  1. To me, it’s a skimmed milk gospel.
  2. UK Apologetics Reply: Okay, let us clarify this thing.
  3. Jesus, as the Second Person of the Godhead, both was and is God.
  4. Nothing there alters.
  5. It would not be correct to say that Jesus was as a ‘human’ while upon this earth.
  6. He was both Man and God.

He took on Himself theoutward formof a man but He was always much more than that.He had to live as a man and to experience what we experience: Since the children had flesh and blood, he too shared in their humanity so that by his death he may break the power of him who possesses the power of death – that is, the devil – and release those who throughout their lives were kept in servitude by their fear of death.For obviously it is not angels he assists, but Abraham’s offspring.For this reason he had to be created like them,fully human in every way, in order that he may become a compassionate and loyal high priest in service to God, and that he might make atonement for the sins of the people.

Because he too suffered when he was tempted, he is able to aid those who are being tempted.(Hebrews 2:14-18).A man – a son of Adam – had to eventually break the grasp of Satan; of course, if Jesus had not been God as well, that would not have taken us very far!His death was of such inestimable value that it paid the price of the sins of all mankind.Humankind could never have been reconciled to God any other way.

  • This is the Great Redemption.
  • Our Saviour laid down His life for the sins of all – not only for a limited number, as hyper-Calvinists so wrongly preach.
  • Christ is ‘The Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world’ (John 1:29),’God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him could be saved’ (yet many teach precisely the contrary) (though many teach exactly the opposite) (John 3:17),Jesus Himself claimed that He offered His body, ‘for the life of the world’ (John 6:51) (though many believe that Christ’s sacrifice implies that the world is now doomed), additionally, Jesus indicated that when He is ‘lifted up from the ground’, He will ‘bring all peoples ‘ to Himself (John 12:32).
  • (John 12:32).
  • Of course, this is not to claim thatallwill eventually be saved but to declare that thescopeof Christ’s sacrifice is boundless.
  • Another crucial element is this: Jesus’ life was not snatched from Him; He freelylaid it down of Himself.

This was His claim: ″For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may pick it up again.No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own volition.I have authority to put it down, and I have power to take it up again.This charge I have received from my Father.″ (John 10:17-18).

  1. When upon this planet, Jesus was not merely flesh ″in essence″ – He was entirely flesh.
  2. Would our God accomplish things in part?
  3. Would He deceive?
  1. No, Jesus was definitely human but He was also considerably more than that.
  2. He became a man in every sense, yet remained God (save in appearance) (except in appearance).
  3. Also, Jesus now does not nowsit in Heaven as a person because there would be no need for that.

He is again completely exalted, as He was before He came to this planet.It would be erroneous to suggest that Jesus has now returned to being ″a spirit.″ He was never only ″a spirit.″ He is God!When He returned to Heaven, He was again completely exalted.I agree that some today prefer a ‘skimmed milk’ gospel in which Jesus is very much like us, except that He could fly!That is to severely misinterpret everything which the Gospel teaches – it is about human sin and about our reconciliation to God.It is not about assisting us to have ″happy, full lives.″ It isnotabout us parading around in a trumphant, swaggering attitude ″becase we know the Lord.″ It is about the truth of sin which has separated mankind from a Holy God.

  1. Robin A.
  2. Brace.
  3. The 14th of September, 2012.

What does it mean to be seated with Christ in heavenly places?

  1. ‘And has raised us up together, and made us sit together in Christ Jesus, so that in the ages to come, he may demonstrate the amazing riches of his generosity in his love toward us through Christ Jesus,’ declares God.
  2. Paul writes in Ephesians 2:5,6 that ″And now I am no longer in the world, but these are in the world, and I have come to thee.″ And so on.
  3. God the Father, keep those whom you have given me, so they may be one with us, as we are one with you.
  4. John 17:11 (KJV) Heavenly locations tell of the New Heavens and New Earth, which are yet to be revealed.

It is a location, a new creation, in which righteousness resides and reigns.New Jerusalem is perched on a lofty hilltop, and the splendor of the Lord permeates the entire city.Actually, it is the eternal Kingdom of Heaven that we are talking about.″Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven,″ says the Bible at this point, and the scriptures are fulfilled.

  1. Matthew 6:10 (KJV)

Christ walked in heavenly places

  1. While still on the earth, Christ was able to traverse into these celestial realms.
  2. In reality, the transfiguration that Peter and John witnessed was simply Christ as he would appear in the years to come in his current form.
  3. Christ is illuminated by the brightness of God, causing him to shine as brightly as He does in the New Jerusalem.
  4. It was not necessary for the city to be illuminated by the sun or the moon because the glory of God illuminated it, and the Lamb is the light of the city.

In Revelation 21:23, the Bible says These two disciples witnessed the resurrected Christ, Moses, and Elijah in the New Heavens and New Earth, as well as the New Heavens and New Earth.That place exists right now, and that is what it means to say that one is walking in heavenly realms.

We walk in heavenly places with Christ

  1. Believers are beginning to walk with God in a manner akin to that of His son, Jesus Christ, in these modern times.
  2. We, as the Body of Christ, take the first step toward sonship.
  3. We, in a sense, walk in two worlds, as Christ did, experiencing a foretaste of our heavenly inheritance.
  4. This fundamental reality provides an explanation for why and how miracles occur.

Walking on water, raising the dead, curing disease, driving out demons, and other supernatural feats are all conceivable here since they are also achievable in other places.

Miracles are possible in heavenly places

  1. God, who is now residing in the New Heavens and New Earth, permits us to have a taste of the capabilities of the world to come.
  2. Being that we are standing in His New Creation, everything that is conceivable over there also becomes feasible here.
  3. In the days of Joshua, when he used to loiter near the tent that held the ark of the covenant, he would say to the sun, ″Stand still upon Gibeon; and thou, Moon, in the valley of Ajalon,″ and the entire universe would follow Him.
  4. What is the mechanism via which this is possible?

The fact that creation will obey God in us in the years to come makes this a possibility.Every time we come into contact with heaven, we come into contact with our future home.This is something we do most commonly during worship.As we enter into holy relationship with God, we are translated into God’s kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit.

  1. Despite the fact that we are in this world, we are not of it because we are in the next, where we sit at the right hand of our Father with Christ Jesus.
  2. We have a kind of dual spiritual citizenship that allows us to enjoy the pleasures of another area while remaining in our current location.

Ask anything in Jesus name

  1. The implication of this is that nothing in this world can and should hold us back.
  2. With the MasterCard of Heaven, we can travel wherever on this planet and get anything we want.
  3. Because we dwell in the next world, the natural rules of this world do not apply to us because we are guided by the Law of Love.
  4. Whatever we require, whether it is food to feed five thousand people, healing for our bodies, money to pay our taxes, or transportation to get us to a destination in the blink of an eye, it is all available at our fingertips.

To clarify, when we do miracles, we are in the presence of God in the highest realms.Our lives are infused with the Holy Spirit, who penetrates the world to come and flowing through us, making anything possible.Our participation in the new creation takes place every time we reach out in trust and accept the power of God.The energies of God’s New Creation stream through our bodies at that point, and we are adopted as sons or daughters of God via Christ Jesus.

Greater works than these shall you do

  1. He also states that those who believe in him will be able to perform the same miracles as Jesus, as well as greater acts than these, because he is going to his Father.
  2. 14:12 (John 14:12) We have direct access to all of the powers of the world to come because of Christ.
  3. Every action and accomplishment of Jesus, as well as everything else, is now made available to us via faith.
  4. It is done to us in and through the name of Jesus, because we believe that we are capable of completing the task at hand.

The simple truth is that Jesus never had to be concerned about anything since He had everything.

Live like you are the son of the living God

Finally, here is a reality to consider:

“We presently live in a New Creation because we are  God’s new creation.”  

The kingdom of heaven is within reach because of us. The kingdom of heaven showed itself on earth through us beginning with the opening of the lovely gate. This kingdom is inside us, and we have the power to invite the kingdom to enter and live within us. In the name of Jesus, we declare God’s glory and proclaim that we are the light of the world.

Revelation Song by Kari Jobe

Where is Jesus now? Is Jesus in heaven?

Answer to the question Several passages in the Bible, including Mark 16:19 and 1 Peter 3:22, indicate that Jesus is currently seated at the right side of God the Father.The physical ascension of Jesus, which took place 40 days after His resurrection, is described in Luke 24:51 and Acts 1:9-11, respectively.John 14:2–3 tells us that Jesus informed His disciples that He was going to prepare a place for them and for all who trust in Him.

The Scriptures make it clear that Jesus’ ascension was a physical and bodily return to the presence of the Father.As His disciples and other witnesses watched in amazement, He slowly rose up from the earth and was carried away into a cloud.When Christ returned, two angels arrived and assured him that it would be ″in exactly the same way as you have witnessed Him leave″ (Acts 1:11).

  1. This signified the culmination of Jesus’ human limitations during His earthly career.
  2. Certain traits He held as God had been momentarily suspended, but the suspension had been lifted at the time of writing.
  3. His heavenly splendour has returned, as evidenced by the Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1–9), which provided a preview of what was to come.
  4. ″The LORD says to my lord: ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your adversaries a footstool for your feet,’″ King David said in the Spirit (Psalm 110:1).
  5. The exact translation of this passage is ″Yahweh says to Adonai.″ An extraordinary discourse between two Persons of the Godhead is depicted in this video.

At the end of Matthew 22:43–45, Jesus claims that He is more than just David’s son, but that He is also David’s Lord, therefore appropriating this psalm for Himself.Jesus’ position is at the right hand of God, which is a position of honor in the eyes of God.There are a number of other texts that point to Jesus’ presence in heaven.

These include Matthew 26:64; Luke 22;69; Ephesians 1:20; Colosse 3:1; Hebrews 12;2; and Revelation 5:7, among others.Stephen also had a vision immediately before he died, in which he ″looked up to heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God,″ according to the Bible (Acts 7:55).As a result, according to the Bible, Jesus is in a physical location known as heaven, which is a realm of splendor where God resides with His angels and redeemed children.In a different way, Jesus is also present with us here, in this place.Jesus, as God, possesses all of God’s qualities, including the ability to be everywhere at the same time.

As a result, Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit may be found everywhere, rather than only ″in heaven.″ ″The skies, even the highest heavens, cannot contain him,″ Solomon declared in 2 Chronicles 2:6.Return to the previous page: Questions regarding Jesus Christ What happened to Jesus?Is Jesus in the presence of the Father?

Where is Jesus Now?

Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven, as well as everywhere else on the earth.Nevertheless, each believer has a sensation in which he is present in his or her heart.So, where exactly is Jesus at this moment?

He is physically sitting at the throne of God in heaven.As God, he is everywhere at the same time.And he is particularly noticeable in the company of believers.

  1. 1.
  2. Jesus can be found anywhere.
  3. Jesus, in his role as God, is everywhere.
  4. He can be found anywhere.
  5. There is no place on the planet where Jesus is not present.

That is the worldwide presence of Jesus as God — he is everywhere at the same time – he is omnipresent.2.Jesus has ascended to the throne of glory.

However, Jesus is not only totally God, and hence omnipresent, but he is also fully human in his humanity.Jesus, by virtue of his being totally human, possesses a human body, which, according to tradition, has risen to heaven and is currently seated at the right hand of God in heaven.3.Jesus is present with his followers.Even while Jesus is physically present with us in the form of a fully formed human being at the right hand of God, we are assured that the spirit of Christ indwells each believer.

He resides inside us.The Bible states in 1 Corinthians 6:17 that ″whoever is joined with the Lord is one with him in spirit.″ We are the Holy Spirit’s dwelling place.As believers, he indwells us in a more profound sense.It is in 1 Corinthians 6:19 that the Bible declares that believers are temples of the Holy Spirit — the Spirit of Christ: ″Believers are the temples of the Holy Spirit.″ Are you aware that your bodies serve as temples for the Holy Spirit, who is within you and whom you have received from God?″ ″You do not exist on your own.″ In addition, believers are with Jesus at all times.Ephesians, on the other hand, flips the script a little bit, which is intriguing.

See also:  What Is The Primary Source Of Information About Jesus?

Although we are physically present on earth at the moment, Ephesians 2:6 states that we are seated in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus.I am spiritually joined to Christ, who is seated in the throne of glory, by faith.I am currently united with Christ in heaven, despite the fact that I am physically present here on earth.Jesus is literally present in heaven at the time, but he is also present spiritually in me right here and now.

  1. Watch Don Whitney explain ″Where is Jesus Now?″ in this video, and read the transcript below.
  2. As God, Jesus is everywhere at the same time.
  3. He can be found anywhere.

As a result, there is a sense in which Jesus may be found everywhere.Jesus, on the other hand, is not only entirely God and consequently omnipresent, but he is also totally human.Jesus, by virtue of his being totally human, possesses a fully human body, which, according to tradition, was ascended to heaven and is currently seated at the right hand of God in heaven.That is where the global presence of Jesus as God may be felt across the world.

  1. It can be found anywhere.
  2. The bodily presence of Jesus is that of a fully-formed, full-bodied human being who is seated at the right hand of the Father.
  3. However, we are assured that each believer is indwelt by the spirit of Christ, that he is spiritually present in each believer.
  4. He resides inside us.
  1. ″Temples of the Holy Spirit,″ as it is written elsewhere, is what we are.
  2. In 1 Corinthians 6, it is said that Christians are temples of the Holy Spirit, which is also known as the spirit of Christ.
  3. As believers, he indwells us in a more profound sense.
  4. Again, he is right here, as well as everywhere else, because he is ubiquitous.
  5. However, there is a way in which Jesus is present in this area, despite the fact that he is not physically present.
  • As Christians, we are indwelt by Jesus because we are temples, which means we are His dwelling place.
  • He has imbued me with his energy in a way that is only possible because of the air that is right next to me.
  • Where is Jesus right now in relation to those numerous censuses?
  • He is, after all, physically enthroned in heaven.
  • As God, he is everywhere at the same time.

He is particularly visible in the lives of believers.Ephesians, on the other hand, has a little reversal of this, which is also extremely intriguing.Physically, I’m sitting in this chair right now, but according to Ephesians 2, we have been seated in the heavenly realms through Christ Jesus.

I am spiritually linked to Christ, who is seated in the throne of glory, because of my faith.I’m currently united with Christ in heaven, despite the fact that I’m physically present here on earth.Jesus is literally present in heaven at the time, but he is also present spiritually in me right now.

Photograph courtesy of Unsplash/DanielPascoa

Is Jesus literally seated on the throne at God’s right hand?

Whether in heaven or wherever else, Jesus is at the right hand of the Father.Nevertheless, each believer has a feeling that Christ is present in their hearts.As a result, where is Jesus at this very moment?

Physically, he occupies a place in paradise.As a deity, he is everywhere.And he is particularly noticeable in the company of Christians.

  1. The presence of Jesus may be found anywhere and at any time.
  2. Jesus, in his role as God, is everywhere at the same time as us.
  3. The man can be found almost anywhere.
  4. Nobody or nothing can get in the way of Jesus.
  5. Jesus as God is always present everywhere he goes — he is called to be omnipresent by the Greeks.

The second point is that Jesus is in the presence of the Father in heaven.However, Jesus is not only entirely God, and hence omnipresent, but he is also totally human in every way.We are taught that Jesus’ body ascended to heaven and is currently seated at the right hand of God in heaven as a result of his complete human nature and the fact that he is totally human.

The presence of Jesus among those who believe It is said that the spirit of Christ resides in each believer while the bodily presence of Jesus as a fully formed human being is seated at the right hand of God.He has taken up residence in each of us.″Whoever is joined with the Lord is one with him in heart,″ according to 1 Corinthians 6:17.We are sanctuaries for the Holy Spirit’s residence.In our capacity as believers, he indwells us in a unique way….

The Bible teaches that Christians are the temples of the Holy Spirit – the Spirit of Christ – in 1 Corinthians 6:19, where it reads: Are you aware that your bodies serve as temples for the Holy Spirit, who is within you and which you have received from God?The person you think you are is not your own.″ Another point is that believers are in the company of Christ.Interesting enough, the book of Ephesians reversals this a little bit.However, according to Ephesians 2:6, we are seated in the heavenly regions in Christ Jesus, even though we are physically on earth right now.My spiritual union with Christ, who is seated in the heavenly realm, is established by faith.In this very moment, I am reunited with Christ in heaven, despite the fact that I am physically present here on earth.

Jesus is literally present in heaven at the time, but he is also present spiritually in me right now.Watch Don Whitney discuss ″Where is Jesus Now?″ in this video and read the transcript.Throughout the universe, Jesus exists as God.The man can be found almost anywhere.

  1. Consequently, there is a sense in which Jesus may be found wherever.
  2. Jesus, on the other hand, is not only entirely God and consequently omnipresent, but he is also completely human.
  3. Being totally human also entails having an entirely human body, and we’re informed that body has been raised to the right hand of God in heaven, where it is currently seated at the right hand of God.

In that place, Jesus is present as God in his entirety across the universe.It can be found everywhere and in any circumstance.A fully-formed, full-bodied human being, Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God in his corporeal presence.However, we are taught that each believer is indwelt by the spirit of Christ, meaning that he is spiritually united with him.

  1. He has taken up residence in each of us.
  2. Apparently we are ″Temples of the Holy Spirit,″ as it states elsewhere on the site.
  3. Christians, according to 1 Corinthians 6, are temples of the Holy Spirit, which is also known as the spirit of Jesus Christ.
  4. In our capacity as believers, he indwells us in a unique way….
  1. He is right here, as he is everywhere else, for he is ubiquitous.
  2. The presence of Jesus in this location is felt, yet he is not physically present in this space.
  3. As Christians, we are indwelt by Jesus because we are temples, which means that we are His dwelling place.
  4. When I breathe in this air next to me, I feel his energy in a manner that is distinct from the rest of the world.
  5. Was Jesus present throughout any of the different censuses?
  • He is, in fact, physically enthroned in heaven.
  • As a deity, he is everywhere.
  • When it comes to believers, He is particularly noticeable.
  • Ephesians, on the other hand, has a little reversal of this, which is also rather intriguing.
  • However, according to Ephesians 2, we are seated in heavenly seats in Christ Jesus, where I am physically sitting right now.

My spiritual connection to Christ, who is seated in heaven, is established via faith.Right now, even though I’m physically present here, I’m united with Christ in paradise.Despite the fact that Jesus is physically in heaven right now, he is also present spiritually in me right now.

Photo courtesy of DanielPascoa via Unsplash.

Does Jesus have a physical body in heaven?

Answer to the question The physical, bodily resurrection of Jesus is essential to Christian teaching as well as our expectation of eternal life in heaven.All Christians have the assurance that they will rise from the dead in a physical body since Jesus rose from the dead with a physical body (John 5:21, 28; Romans 8:23).In heaven, Jesus is depicted as seated in a position of authority, at the right hand of God, and He is surrounded by angels (1 Peter 3:22).

Is Jesus’ body in heaven, on the other hand, the same as His body on earth?The Bible is unequivocal in its assertion that Jesus’ body was raised from the dead.The tomb was devoid of any remains.

  1. Those who were familiar with Him could immediately identify him.
  2. After His resurrection, Jesus appeared to all of His followers, and more than five hundred individuals were eyewitnesses to His earthly, post-resurrection presence (see 1 Corinthians 15:4–6 for a list of those who witnessed His earthly, post-resurrection presence).
  3. On the walk to Emmaus, two of Jesus’ followers ″were prevented from recognizing one another,″ according to Luke 24:16.
  4. But later on, ″their eyes were opened, and they recognized Him,″ as the Bible says (verse 31).
  5. It is not that Jesus was unrecognizable; rather, it is that the disciples were supernaturally prevented from recognizing Him for a period of time.

Jesus clarifies to His followers later in the same chapter of Luke that He does have a physical body and is not a disembodied spirit, saying: ″Look at my hands and my feet, that it is I myself.″ Feel free to touch me and see what happens.The reason for this is because a spirit does not have flesh and bones, as you can see that I have″ (Luke 24:39).A corporeal ascension into heaven took place after Jesus had spent forty days with His apostles (Acts 1:9).

Jesus is still a human being, and He is currently inhabiting a human body in heaven.His body, on the other hand, is unlike any other; terrestrial human flesh is perishable, but heavenly bodies are imperishable (1 Corinthians 15:50).Jesus has a physical body, yet he is not like the rest of us.His resurrected body was created with the idea of eternal life in mind.It is described in First Corinthians 15:35–49 what the body of a believer would look like in the hereafter.

Our heavenly bodies will be different from our earthly bodies in terms of the type of flesh they have, the brilliance they have, the strength they have, and the length of time they will live.Paul also indicates that the believer’s body would be a replica of Christ’s body, which is a beautiful image (verse 49).2 Corinthians 5:1–2 has a second discussion on this issue, in which Paul compares earthly and heavenly bodies to tents and heavenly bodies to heavenly palaces, respectively.Christians will not be left ″naked″—that is, without a physical body in which to live—when the earthly tents are torn away, according to Paul (2 Corinthians 5:3).By putting on the new body, we shall transition from being mortal to being eternal (2 Corinthians 5:4).The Christian will therefore have a heavenly body, similar to Jesus’ ″beautiful body,″ as previously stated (Philippians 3:21).

When Jesus became a human being, He took on human flesh, and when He rose from the dead, His body was glorified—though He maintained the wounds from His suffering (John 20:27).He will always be remembered as the God-Man who died in our place.In heaven, we shall be able to see, hear, and feel Christ, who is the Creator of the universe, since He will always come to our level and will be known to us in a physical form that we can see, hear, and touch (Revelation 21:3–4; 22:4).Return to the previous page: Questions regarding Jesus Christ Is it true that Jesus has a bodily body in heaven?

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Seated In Heavenly Places: What Does Ephesians 2:6 Mean?

He raised us up with him and seated us with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, says Ephesians 2:6, according to the Bible. (From the English Standard Version of the Bible.) Additionally, read the definition of Traditions of Men.

Seated In Heavenly Places: Matthew Henry’s Concise Commentary

2:1-10 Sinning results in the death of the soul.Man who is dead in trespasses and sins has no yearning for the joys of the spirit.When we gaze at a body, we get a horrible sensation in our stomach.

After fleeing from a never-ending ghost, which has left nothing but the wreckage of a man’s home, However, if we looked at things objectively, the concept of a dead soul, a lost and fallen spirit, should have a far greater impact on us.A state of sin is defined as a state of conformance to the ways of the world.Wicked men are enslaved to the will of Satan.

  1. Satan is the originator of the arrogant and carnal temperament that characterizes sinful individuals; he is the one who lords over their hearts.
  2. According to Scripture, regardless of whether mankind have been more prone to sensuous or spiritual immorality, all men, being by nature children of disobedience, are also by nature children of wrath against God.
  3. What incentive do sinners have, therefore, to strive actively after the grace that would transform them from being children of wrath into children of God and heirs of eternal life?
  4. In God’s eternal love for his creatures, or good-will toward them, is the spring from which all of his mercies pour to us; and God’s love is tremendous, and God’s compassion is abundant.
  5. And every repentant sinner is a saved sinner, having been liberated from the power of sin and the anger of God.

When God rescues a person, it is because of his undeserved mercy and favor.He does so not via the deeds of the law, but by trust in Christ Jesus as the Son of God.Grace in the soul is the beginning of a new life in the soul….

Unbelievers are transformed into living souls, and since they are born of God, they live holy lives.They live because they have been released from the shame of their sins by God’s pardoning and justifying grace.Because of Christ’s grace, sinners roll themselves in the dust, while purified spirits sit in lofty realms and are elevated above this world.Other sinners will be encouraged to believe in God’s compassion and mercy because of God’s kindness in converting and rescuing sinners in the past.Our faith, our conversion, and our everlasting salvation are not based on our deeds, lest anybody might take advantage of us.

Because these events were not brought about by anything we did, we are barred from making any kind of public display of our accomplishments.Everything is a free gift from God, as well as the result of being accelerated by his might.It was his purpose, for which he prepared us by blessing us with knowledge of his will and by indwelling us with the Holy Spirit in such a way that we would glorify God through our good conversation and perseverance in holiness, that we should glorify God through our good conversation and perseverance in holiness.No one has the authority to misuse this teaching or to accuse it of having a proclivity to evil based on the Scriptures.All of those who do so are completely without justification.See also the definition of Your Gift Will Create Space For You.

See also:  What Did Jesus Do The 40 Days After His Resurrection?

Ephesians 2:6 | Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible Commentary

6.Christ brought us up with him, as a team.The ″rising up″ implies a previous reviving of Jesus in the tomb, as well as a past quickening of us in the grave of our sins.

made us sit together—with Christ, namely, in His ascension—in the presence of God.According to the Bible, believers are physically present in heaven, as well as virtually so in spirit, and everyone has a specific position given to them in heaven, which they will occupy when the time comes (Php 3:20, 21).He did not state, ″at the right hand of God,″ which is a privilege reserved exclusively for Christ; rather, they will share His seat in the future (Re 3:21).

  1. in Christ Jesus—Our oneness with Him serves as the foundation for our present spiritual resurrection and ascension, as well as our future bodily resurrection and ascension.
  2. ″Christ Jesus″ is the term that is most frequently used in this Epistle when the office of the Christ, the Anointed Prophet, Priest, and King, is the dominant concept; when the Person of the Christ is the dominant thought, the word ″Jesus Christ″ is used.
  3. See the definition of Many Will Come In My Name for more information.

Theology Thursday: At God’s Right Hand

Jesus Christ is God the Father’s eternally born (not created) son, and he is the Son of God.However, we believe that he has existed as God for all of eternity, but that he took on human form at a specific point in time and in a specific location – especially, during the time period covered by the four gospel stories.The incarnation is the process through which God takes on the shape of a human being.

God incarnate (God in human form) performs everything of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection while he is on the earth, and after the resurrection, we witness that Jesus ascends to heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father, who is also incarnate.After his earthly life, Jesus Christ returns to heaven and establishes his kingdom there.

Jesus and the Father

The phrase ″He sits at the right hand of God the Father Almighty,″ which appears in the Apostles’ Creed, has both theological and practical implications.Everywhere throughout the biblical text, the ″right hand″ is seen as a position of dignity and authority.When the Bible says that Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of the Father, it is asserting that he is on an equal footing with the Father in the Godhead, according to the Bible (Hebrews 1:3, 12:2; 1 Peter 3:22; Acts 7:55-56).

An illustration of this may be seen in 1 Peter 3:22, which reads, ″(Jesus) who has ascended into heaven and is seated at the right side of the Majesty on high, with angels, authorities, and powers having been subjugated to him″ – English Standard Version.Every aspect of God’s creation is subject to the authority of his seat of power.Jesus Christ will continue to rule at the right hand of God the Father for all of eternity.

Jesus and the Holy Spirit

It is seen in Acts 2:33 that the Father, the Son, and the Spirit are all working together to bring people closer to God.As the verse reads, ″Being exalted at the right hand of God and having received the Holy Spirit’s promise from the Father,″ Jesus has ″poured forth this, which you yourselves are witnessing and hearing.″ In the incarnation, Jesus completes all of the tasks required for redemption to be possible.When Jesus ascends to the Father in heaven, the Holy Spirit follows him.

The Holy Spirit has been active from the beginning of time, but it has only been since the descent of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost that he has been actively acting to bring the hope and benefits of redemption to the world.Although Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father, the Spirit is entrusted to mankind in order to continue to reveal the Triune God to the human heart.Christians’ faith and confidence are derived from the interworking of the Trinity and the actions of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus and Humanity

In the biblical text, we observe that Jesus’ location at the right hand of the Father empowers him to intervene on behalf of mankind, namely Christians (Roman 8:34).Because of Jesus’ uniqueness in that he is both entirely God and fully man, he is able to serve as the human at the right hand of God.As an immortal person, Jesus’s presence at the right hand of the Father should provide consolation and hope to all people who believe in him and accept his sacrifice.

Moreover, the Bible adds in Hebrews 8:1, ″Now the point in what we are saying is this: we have such a high priest, one who is sat at the right side of the throne of the Majesty in heaven″ (Hebrews 8:1, emphasis added).Because of his role as our great High Priest, Jesus Christ will forever bridge the gap that exists between God’s purity and holiness and humanity’s wickedness.Because of his position at the right hand of the Father, Jesus serves as our everlasting mediator.

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What does it mean that Jesus is seated at the right hand of God?

It is said in Psalm 110:1, ″The LORD says to my Lord: Sit at My right hand.″ According to the New Testament, this is a prophesy concerning the Lord Jesus Christ (e.g.Matthew 26:64).It is, in fact, the Old Testament verse that is quoted the most frequently in the New Testament.

As a result, the fact that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God implies something very important about him.But what, precisely, is it?

Jesus conquered death

First and foremost, the fact that Jesus is sitting at God’s right hand signifies that He has defeated death.″After having made purification for sins, He sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high,″ according to Hebrews 1:3, ″where He still sits.″ On the crucifixion, Jesus paid the penalty for our sins and rose from the dead.Following that, the author of Hebrews quickly moves on to Jesus’ ascension to the right hand of the Father, where He now sits at the right hand of the Father.

The fact that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God demonstrates that death was unable to grasp Him.He had defeated death!

Jesus has the highest place

Second, the fact that Jesus is seated at God’s right hand indicates that He has been elevated to the greatest position.When we read the Bible, the right hand, and specifically God’s right hand, is referred to as the hand of power (exodus 15:6), authority (Revelation 5:1), and blessing (exodus 15:6, Revelation 5:1), among other things (Genesis 48:14).As a result, being sat at God’s right hand implies that he has access to God’s might, authority, and blessing as well.

It is the greatest position and the highest distinction that may be achieved.It follows that when Jesus is seated at the right side of God, it signifies that all things and all creatures are placed under His authority.This is what we read in 1 Peter 3:22: In the words of the apostle Paul, ″Jesus Christ, who has ascended into heaven and is seated at the right side of the Father, with angels, authorities, and powers subjugated to Him.″

Jesus is the priest who took away our sin

Thirdly, the fact that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God indicates that He is a priest in the Old Testament.In Psalm 110, we are told that the same individual who is invited to sit at God’s right side will continue to serve as a priest indefinitely because ″the LORD has vowed and will not change His mind, You are a priest forever″ (Psalm 110:4).The primary responsibility of a priest is to offer sacrifices to God in order to atone for sins.

That was something priests had to do on a regular basis (Hebrews 10:11).Jesus, on the other hand, is different.In order to atone for sins once and for all, He sacrificed His own body as a sacrifice, and everyone who believes in Him obtains forgiveness.

  1. We have been sanctified by the offering of the body of Jesus Christ on the cross once and for all….
  2. In the event that Christ having made a once-and-for-all sacrifice for sin, He was seated at the right side of the Father″ (Hebrews 10:10,12).

Jesus is the king who will rule the earth

Fourth, the fact that Jesus is seated at the right side of the Father indicates that He is a king of kings.Psalm 110 confirms this once more: ″The LORD sends forth from Zion your powerful scepter,″ the Psalmist says.″You will rule in the middle of your adversaries!″ Psalm 110:2 says, A scepter is a king’s tool of authority.

A king’s primary responsibility is to rule.The remainder of the Bible makes it quite plain that when Jesus returns, He will rule over the entire world.Because He is known as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, He will control the nations with a rod of iron, to name a few examples (Revelation 19:15-16).

Jesus will return to judge and to acquit

In other words, the fact that Jesus is sat at God’s right hand indicates that He has the greatest position, which will become much more apparent when He returns to govern the globe.The possibility of being punished and not receiving everlasting life is terrifying for anybody who opposes and rejects Him, and it should be.It does, however, mean that Jesus is now sat at the right side of God, which implies that He has forgiven the sins of everyone who believe in Him, and that He has defeated death, and as a result, can and will provide eternal life to all who believe in Him.

Ascertain that you are one of those who believe in Christ before proceeding.The fact that the Lord Jesus Christ is now sitting at the right hand of the Father in heaven is wonderful news.

Jesus is at the Right Hand of the Father For You — Servant’s Pen

According to the Apostles’ Creed, ″He ascended into heaven; And he is sat at the right side of God the Father Almighty; From there He will return to judge the living and the dead″ (John 3:16).Perhaps you’ve heard the amusing story of little Billy’s concern for God’s hand in his life.Or perhaps a friend has used these lines from the credo to explain that Jesus is now completely imprisoned in heaven and is unable to come to us in His body and blood as He once did.

But what exactly does Jesus’ ascension into heaven imply for us?The fact that Jesus is sitting at the right hand of God the Father is significant for a number of reasons.Where does the Bible teach about Jesus’ ascension?

  1. The ascension of Jesus is taught in a number of places.
  2. First, according to Mark chapter 16, ″So then, when He had spoken to them, the Lord Jesus was carried up into heaven and sat down at the right side of God″ (verse 19).
  3. According to verse 24, ″After that, He brought them out to Bethany, where He blessed them with His hands raised in the air.″ Following His blessing, He was taken up into the heavens by a cloud (verses 50-51).
  4. In the first chapter of the book of Acts, it is said, ″While they were gazing on, He was lifted up, and a cloud carried Him away from their sight.″ And as they were staring upward as Jesus passed by, two men in white robes approached them and said, ‘Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into heaven?’ As you seen him ascend into heaven, this Jesus, who was carried up from you into heaven, will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him ascend into heaven″ (verses 9-11).
  5. Jesus has ascended to the right hand of the Father.

This implies, first and foremost, that Jesus has triumphed over all of his adversaries.″The LORD says to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your adversaries your footstool,’″ says Psalm 110, speaking prophetically of this situation.(In the first verse, Jesus has avenged himself over sin, death, and the devil.

He is victorious against all of his bad adversaries.He is sitting at the right hand of God, a throne of authority and glory.According to the next verse, ″The LORD brings forth from Zion your great scepter.″ In the middle of your adversaries, you may rule!″On the day of your ascendancy, your people will offer themselves freely to you.″ And again, beginning in verse 5, it states, ″The Lord is at your right hand; on the day of His fury, He will bring kingdoms crashing down.″ In the midst of the nations, he will administer judgment.″ If you put your faith in Jesus, then you should be excited about this!

While Jesus is executing judgment on the wicked and disbelieving, He is also ruling in the favor of His devoted children.As a result, those of us who put our faith in Him ″give ourselves freely.″ Our Lord and Savior, Jesus, has triumphed!As a result of Jesus’ ascension to the right hand of the Father, he now possesses complete control and authority over all of creation, both in heaven and on earth.Similarly to the Psalmist’s statement, ″Our God is up in the heavens, and He does whatever He pleases″ (Psalm 115:3).The ability of Jesus to act is not dependent on our prayers, and He does not rely on our permission to do so.Another point is that Jesus is not encapsulated in an extraterrestrial body and as such, cannot visit us with His holy body and blood in communion, as some believe he can.

As Jesus’ words declare in Matthew 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17 and 11:23-29, it is because He is seated at the right hand of the Father that He is able to come to us, wherever we may be, with His body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins.To which the book of Philippians adds, ″As a result, God has exalted Him and bestowed on Him a name that is above all names, so that at the mention of Jesus’ name every knee should bow.″ ″To the glory of God the Father, every knee should bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord″ (Philippians 2:9).This includes any teaching that limits Jesus’ ability to save, excludes Him from our sphere of influence, or requires Him to act only where and when we give Him permission to do so.These teachings fall short when compared to the testimony of the Scriptures regarding the ascension of Christ.

  1. Jesus saves us by exercising His power and authority.
  2. This is something we know because of what the Bible says.
  3. Jesus sends His disciples out into the world at the conclusion of Matthew, Mark’s longer conclusion, and Luke’s conclusion.
See also:  Who Hung Jesus On The Cross

The sending, presence, and authority of Jesus are at the heart of their missionary activity, as well as the ongoing proclamation of the Gospel in the modern world.When the disciples went out and made disciples through baptizing and teaching, Jesus was there with them, doing exactly what He had promised (Matthew 28:20).Additionally, Mark 16:20 states, ″And they went out and preached everywhere, while God worked with them and confirmed the message by a series of signs that accompanied it.″ Ascended Jesus is not bound to any one physical location in heaven.He can be found everywhere.

  1. His ascension, on the other hand, signifies that He now has the authority to be everywhere He has promised to be.
  2. As a result, it is not true that when we preach or teach, we must first give God permission to act before He can seek and save those who are listening or learning.
  3. When we act as though we are the head and God is the hands and feet, we are not giving God permission to act in this manner.
  4. Instead, Jesus works through His Word to reconcile sinners to Himself, and He grants us the privilege of participating with Him as instruments in His work of reconciliation.
  1. Finally, we joyfully confess the following verses from Colossians 1:15–20: He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation, and the embodiment of all that is good.
  2. For it was through Him and for Him that all things were created, both visible and invisible, in heaven and on earth, whether thrones or dominions, rulers or authorities – all things were created through Him and for Him.
  3. And He is the beginning and the end of all things, and in Him all things are held together.
  4. He is also the head of the body, which is the church.
  5. He is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, in order for Him to be the preeminent figure in everything.
  • As a result, in Him all of God’s fullness was pleased to dwell, and through Him God was pleased to reconcile all things to Himself, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace through the blood of His cross.″

Why does Scripture emphasize the right hand of God?

According to the Apostles’ Creed, ″He ascended into heaven; And he is sat at the right side of God the Father Almighty; From there He will descend to judge the living and the dead.″ Some of you may have heard the amusing story of little Billy’s anxiety about God’s hand in his life.Or perhaps a friend has used these lines from the credo to explain that Jesus is now completely imprisoned in heaven and is unable to come to us in His body and blood as he once did.Nevertheless, what does Jesus’ ascension into heaven signify?

Because Jesus is sitting at the right hand of his heavenly father, it is crucial to understand why.His ascension is taught nowhere in the Bible.It is taught in a number of places that Jesus ascension has occurred.

  1. First, according to Mark chapter 16, ″So then, when He had spoken to them, the Lord Jesus was carried up into heaven and sat down at the right side of the Father″ (verse 19).
  2. According to verse 24, ″After that, He brought them out to Bethany, where He blessed them with His hands raised.″ ″While He was blessing them, He separated from them and was taken into heaven″ (verses 50-51).
  3. ″As they looked on, He was lifted up, and a cloud hid Him from their sight,″ says the first chapter of the book of Acts, confirming this.
  4. And as they were staring upward as Jesus passed by, two men in white robes approached them and inquired, ‘Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into heaven?’ they asked.
  5. As you seen him ascend into heaven, this Jesus, who was taken up from you, will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him ascend into heaven (verses 9-11).

Jesus has ascended to the Father’s throne in heaven.What this implies is that Jesus has triumphed over every adversary, first and foremost….″The LORD says to my Lord: ‘Sit at my right hand until I make your adversaries your footstool,’″ reads Psalm 110, a prophetic statement regarding this situation.

In the first verse, Death, sin, and the devil have all been conquered by Jesus Christ.All of his bad opponents are defeated by him.At the right hand of God, Jesus is sitting in authority and glory.″The LORD sends forth your great scepter from Zion,″ the Psalm continues.In the middle of your adversaries, you must reign!

″On the day of your ascendancy, your people will offer themselves freely.And again, beginning in verse 5, it states, ″The Lord is at your right hand; on the day of His fury, He will bring kingdoms crashing down.In all of the nations, he will execute judgment.″ That’s great news for everybody who has placed their faith in Christ.The wicked and unbelieving are dealt with by Jesus in the same manner as His chosen ones are dealt with.As a result, those of us who place our faith in Him ″give ourselves freely.″ We have seen the victory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.For the second time, the fact that Jesus has been exalted to the right hand of the Father signifies that he now has complete control over all of creation, including the heavens and the earth.

″Our God is in the sky; He accomplishes whatever He pleases,″ according to the Psalm (Psalm 115:3).The capacity of Jesus to act is not contingent on our petitions, and He does not require our permission to do so.Another point is that Jesus is not contained in an extraterrestrial body and as such, cannot visit us with His holy body and blood as some believe.Instead, it is because Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father that He is able to come to us, wherever we may be, with His body and blood for the forgiveness of our sins, just as His words declare in Matthew 26:26-29; Mark 14:22-25; Luke 22:14-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; and 11:23-29; and elsewhere in the Bible.

  1. To this the book of Philippians adds, ″As a result, God has elevated Him and given on Him a name that is beyond other names, so that at the mention of Jesus’ name all knees should bow.″ to the glory of God the Father, and that every tongue confesses that Jesus Christ is Lord (Philippians 2:9).
  2. This includes any doctrine that limits Jesus’ capacity to rescue, excludes Him from our sphere of influence, or requires Him to act only where and when we grant Him permission to do so.
  3. Given the biblical evidence to the ascension of Christ, these doctrines fall short of the mark.

The power and authority of Jesus are used to rescue us from our sins.This is something we know because of what the Bible says about the subject.Jesus sends His followers out into the world at the conclusion of Matthew, Mark’s extended finale, and Luke.They are motivated by the sending, presence, and authority of Jesus, which underpins their missionary effort and the continuous preaching of the Gospel today.

  1. During the process of making disciples by baptism and teaching, Jesus was there and working with them as He had previously said He would (Matthew 28:20).
  2. ″And they went out and preached everywhere,″ writes Mark 16:20, ″while the Lord worked with them and verified the word by a series of signs.″ Ascended Jesus is not restricted to any one physical location in heaven.
  3. He may be found everywhere.
  4. His ascension, on the other hand, signifies that He now has the power to be present everywhere He has promised.
  1. As a result, it is not true that when we preach or teach, we must first grant God permission to operate before He may seek and save those who are listening or listening to us.
  2. When we act as though we are the head and God is the hands and feet, we are not giving God permission to function in this capacity.
  3. As an alternative, Jesus works through His Word to reconcile sinners to Himself, and He grants us the privilege of cooperating with Him as instruments in His effort.
  4. Finally, we cheerfully confess the following verses from Colossians 1:15-20: ″ He is the image of the unseen God, the firstborn of all creation, and the embodiment of all that is good and right.
  5. Indeed, He is the one through whom and for whom everything was made, both in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones and dominions, rulers and authority, or anything else – everything was created by Him and for Him.
  • All things are held together because He is at the center of everything.
  • The church has been established under His leadership as its head.
  • God has created Him from nothing, to be first among equals in everything, so that He may be dominant in all things.
  • As a result, He was pleased to live in Him and, through Him, to reconcile all things to Himself, whether on earth or in heaven, bringing about peace by the blood of His crucifixion.″
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What is the purpose of Jesus interceding for us in Heaven?

Answer to the question ″Therefore, He is also able to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them,″ writes the writer to the Hebrews in reference to Jesus’ ability to save eternally (Hebrews 7:25).However, as indicated by Christ’s shout ″It is finished!″ on the crucifixion, this passage (and others like it) teaches us that, even while Christ’s work to ensure the salvation of the chosen was accomplished on the cross, it is not yet complete.According to John 19:30, His provision for His rescued children will never be completed.

After His earthly mission, Jesus did not ″take a break″ from His position as everlasting Shepherd to His people.Instead, He ascended to heaven and resumed His job as eternal Shepherd.If, while we were enemies, God was reconciled to us through the death of His Son, how much more will we be saved by His life once we have been reconciled?″ (Romans 5:10, emphasis added).

  1. If He had the ability to accomplish such a great work as reconciling us to God when He was humble, despised, dying, and dead, how much more can we expect that He will be able to keep us now that He is a living, exalted, and triumphant Redeemer, raised to life and interceding on our behalf before the throne of grace?
  2. (Romans 8:34).
  3. Clearly, Jesus is still very much involved in our lives on the other side of the veil.
  4. After Jesus ascended to heaven and was seated at the right hand of God the Father (Acts 1:9; Colossians 3:1), He returned to the glory He had before His incarnation (John 17:5) in order to carry on His eternal role as the second Person of the triune God—His eternal role as the King of kings and Lord of lords.
  5. While this old planet continues to be ″won″ for Christ, Jesus serves as the Advocate for Christians, which means that He is our greatest protector.

For those who are His, He presently serves in the position of intercessory prayer for them (1 John 2:1).Jesus is continuously advocating our cause before the Father, acting as if he were a defense counsel for us.While Jesus is interceding for us, Satan (whose name literally translates as ″accuser″) is accusing us, pointing out our faults and frailties before God, just as he did with Job in the Old Testament (Job 1:6-12).

Those charges, however, are not heard in heaven because Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross paid our sin penalty in full; as a result, God always sees in His children the complete righteousness of Jesus, even though we do not acknowledge it.Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, his righteousness (complete purity) has been ascribed to us, and our sin has been attributed to Him as a result of His death.This is the large exchange Paul refers to in 2 Corinthians 5:21 (see also 2 Corinthians 5:20).That removed us from our sinful status before God for all time, allowing God to accept us as blameless in His eyes.Finally, it is critical to recognize that Jesus is the only human who can act as a mediator between God and man.

No one else, not even Mary, nor any of the other Christian saints before her, has the authority to intercede on our behalf before the throne of the Almighty.That is not a stance held by an angel.Christ alone is the God-man, and He is the only one who mediates and intercedes between God and man on their behalf.″For there is only one God, and there is only one mediator between God and humanity, the man Christ Jesus,″ the Bible says (1 Timothy 2:5).Return to the previous page: Questions regarding Jesus Christ In Heaven, what is the aim of Jesus’ intercession on our behalf?

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What is the throne of God? Does God literally have a throne?

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