When Was Jesus Crucified Day?

When Was Jesus Christ Crucified and Resurrected?

As recorded in Matthew 12:38, a group of scribes and Pharisees approached Jesus and requested for a sign to show He was the Messiah.However, Jesus informed them that the only sign He would provide would be similar to that of the prophet Jonah: ″For just as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the big fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth″ (Matthew 12:38).(Matthew 12:40).

The question is, how can we accommodate ″three days and three nights″ between a Friday afternoon crucifixion and a Sunday morning resurrection?According to this conventional perspective, Jesus was only entombed for about a day and a half after his death.A number of people feel that Christ’s ″three days and three nights″ remark does not necessitate a precise period of 72 hours, believing that a portion of one day can be counted as a whole day.As a result, because Jesus died in the afternoon, they believe that the remainder of Friday constituted the first day, Saturday the second, and a portion of Sunday the third day.It is overlooked by these critics, however, because this theory only accounts for two nights: Friday evening and Saturday evening.Something is clearly wrong with the traditional perspective of when Christ was buried, and it is not difficult to see why.

  • Specifically, the passage from Jonah 1:17, to which Christ alluded, reads that ″Jonah remained in [the belly of] the fish three days and three nights.″ We have no reason to believe that Jesus intended simply two nights and one day, plus portions of two further days.
  • In the event that Jesus remained in the tomb just from late Friday afternoon until early Sunday morning, the sign He delivered indicating that He was the predicted Messiah would not have been fulfilled, as previously stated.
  • Please take a moment to thoroughly consider each of the Gospel accounts.

When we do this, we unearth the true tale of how Jesus’ words were perfectly fulfilled, a story that was previously unknown.Take note of the events described in Luke 23.Luke 23:46-53 tells the story of Jesus’ death and burial, which took place in a hurry because of the approaching Sabbath, which began at sundown that evening.

Following that, Luke 23:54 explains, ″That day was the Preparation, and the Sabbath was drawing nigh.″ Many have thought that the weekly Sabbath is being referenced here, and that Jesus was killed on a Friday as a result of this assumption.However, according to John 19:31, the impending Sabbath ″was a high day″—not the weekly Sabbath (which runs from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset), but the first day of Unleavened Bread, which is one of God’s yearly high, or Sabbath, days (as opposed to the weekly Sabbath) (Exodus 12:16-17; Leviticus 23:6-7).It was possible, and in most cases, that these yearly Holy Days would fall on days of the week other than the traditional weekly Sabbath day.After witnessing Christ’s corpse being deposited in the tomb just before sunset on Wednesday evening, the women ″returned and prepared spices and aromatic oils″ for the final preparation of the body on Thursday morning, thereby marking the beginning of the high-day Sabbath on Wednesday and Thursday.

Due to the fact that it was a breach of the Sabbath, such labor would not have been done on a Saturday.As recorded in Mark’s account, ″Now when the Sabbath had passed, Mary Magdalene and her sister Mary the mother of James, and Salome went out and bought spices, so that they may come and anoint Him″ (Matthew 26:35).(Mark 16:1).The ladies had to wait until the end of this yearly ″high day″ Sabbath before they could go out and purchase and prepare the spices that would be used for anointing Jesus’ body.They then ″rested on the Sabbath in accordance with the law″ on Saturday, after acquiring and preparing the spices and oils the previous day (Luke 23:56).This second Sabbath stated in the Gospel reports corresponds to the ordinary weekly Sabbath, which is celebrated from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset every week.

Through careful examination of specifics found in both Gospels—where Mark informs us that the women purchased spices after the Sabbath, while Luke informs us that they prepared the spices before resting on the Sabbath—we can plainly discern that two separate Sabbaths are referenced.The first, according to John 19:31, was a ″high day″—the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which happened on a Thursday in the year A.D.31.The second was a ″low day″—the first day of the Feast of Weeks.The second was the weekly Sabbath on the seventh day of the week.″While it was still dark,″ according to John 20:1, after the ladies had had their normal weekly Sabbath rest, they went to Jesus’ tomb on the first day of the week, Sunday, and discovered that He had already been raised (Matthew 28:1-6; Mark 16:2-6; Luke 24:1-3).

It becomes evident when we look at the specifics in all four Gospel texts that the picture is painted in black and white.Jesus was killed and entombed late on Wednesday afternoon, shortly before the Jewish Sabbath began at sunset the same evening.That particular Sabbath, however, was a high-day Sabbath, lasting from Wednesday sunset to Thursday sunset that week, rather than the ordinary weekly Sabbath, which lasts from Friday sunset to Saturday sunset every week.The Lord Jesus Christ was buried in the tomb from the evening of Wednesday until the evening of Saturday, when He rose from the dead.

  • While no one was present at His resurrection (which took place within a sealed tomb), it had to have occurred about sundown on Saturday, three days and three nights after His body was entombed, according to the biblical timeline.
  • It couldn’t have happened on Sunday morning since when Mary Magdalene arrived at the tomb that morning before daylight, ″when it was still dark,″ she saw the stone had been moved away and the tomb had been left vacant.
  • We may be confident that the period of Jesus’ entombment, which He used as proof that He was the Messiah, was exactly the length of time He had predicted.
  • Exactly three days and three nights after He was laid in the tomb, Jesus resurrected from the dead.
  • Because the majority of people are unfamiliar with the biblical high days that Jesus Christ and His followers observed, they are unable to comprehend the historical elements that have been meticulously preserved for us in the Gospels.

(For additional information, please see our free booklet Holidays or Holy Days: Does It Make a Difference Which Days We Observe?, which you can download or request here.)

What day of the week was Jesus crucified?

Friday is traditionally considered to be the day on which Jesus was crucified.While some current academics believe that He was crucified on Wednesday or Thursday, others believe that He was crucified earlier.The theories’ supporting arguments are discussed in further detail below.

The Gospels claim that Jesus died on the day before the Sabbath, which lends support to the notion of a Friday crucifixion.″And when evening had come, because it was the day of Preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath, Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the council, who was also himself seeking the kingdom of God, took courage and went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus,″ Mark 15:42-43 says.″Because it was the day of Preparation, that is, the day before the Sabbath, Joseph of Arimathea, a respected member of the The Sabbath has traditionally been observed on Saturday, the concluding day of the week.As a result, it appears that Mark is explicitly referring to Christ’s death on Friday.It is taught in the Bible that Jesus resurrected from his tomb on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:4), and that this third day was Sunday, the first day of the week, according to the Bible.In Jewish timekeeping, a portion of a day was treated as if it were a whole day.

  • His funeral would take place on Friday, Saturday (the Sabbath), and Sunday, a total of three days.
  • In Matthew 16:21 and Luke 9:22, we learn that Jesus foretold His own death and resurrection on the third day.
  • Some believe that a Friday death and a Sunday resurrection do not conform to the teachings of Matthew 12:40.

It is in this passage that Jesus declares, ″For just as Jonah was swallowed up by a colossal fish for three days and nights, so will the Son of Man be swallowed up by the earth for three days and nights.″ Because Jesus was not in the grave for ″three nights,″ some believe that either Jesus’ prediction was incorrect or that the crucifixion took place sooner than Friday as stated in the Bible.The most common day suggested by such proponents is Thursday, however some also advocate for Wednesday.The scripture stating that Jesus would be in the grave for three days and three nights does not necessarily imply that He would be in the dead for exactly 72 hours as stated in the Bible.

For example, it’s possible that Jesus would stay in the tomb for around three days.Jesus’ connection to Jonah’s story was intended to convey the idea that Jesus, like Jonah, would appear to have passed away from this world.He would, however, return to finish God’s will, just as Jonah did.In addition, some who argue for a Thursday or Wednesday date believe that there were too many events that occurred between the crucifixion and the resurrection for the time period to be accurate.

However, this argument provides no convincing evidence, as one would expect the Gospel authors to provide greater information about the concluding parts of Christ’s life than they do at other points in the narrative.The incidents might have taken place between Friday and Sunday, according to a thorough investigation of the evidence.Some have argued for a Wednesday date for the crucifixion, claiming that there were two ″Sabbaths″ or holy days during Passover week, one on Wednesday and one on Friday.After the first one, which happened on the evening of the crucifixion (Mark 15:42; Luke 23:52-54), the ladies went out and bought spices (Mark 15:42; Luke 23:52-54).(after the Sabbath, Mark 16:1).According to this interpretation, the Passover was the first Sabbath, and the normal Sabbath (Saturday) followed only a few days later.

There is no question that Jesus’ resurrection took place on the first day of the week, as recorded in the Bible (Sunday).And, based on the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, it appears that He was crucified on Friday, rather than the previous day.Truths that are related: What is the source of Christ’s zeal?What are the meanings of Christ’s last seven statements, and what are they about?Is it any wonder that blood and water gushed out of Jesus’ side when he was pierced?What happened to Jesus during the three days that elapsed between His death and resurrection?

What are some of the reasons why I should believe in the resurrection of Jesus Christ?Return to the page: The Truth About Jesus Christ.

On what day was Jesus crucified?

Answer to the question According to the Bible, Jesus was crucified on any given day of the week although it is not specified.Friday and Wednesday are the days on which the majority of people agree.Some, on the other hand, believe that Thursday should be the day, based on a synthesis of both the Friday and Wednesday reasons.

Christ stated in Matthew 12:40, ″For just as Jonah was swallowed up by a great fish and survived three days and three nights there, so will the Son of Man be swallowed up by a great fish and survive three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.″ It is still possible, according to those who argue for a Friday crucifixion, that He may have been considered in the grave for three days if He was executed on Friday.In the minds of the Jews of the first century, a portion of a day was regarded to be a complete day.Because Jesus was in the grave for a portion of Friday, all of Saturday, and a portion of Sunday, he may be said to have been in the grave for a total of three days, beginning on Friday.Jesus was executed ″the day before the Sabbath,″ according to Mark 15:42, which is one of the most persuasive reasons in favor of Friday.If that was the weekly Sabbath, which was Saturday, then the crucifixion would have taken place on Friday.An other argument for Friday is that texts like as Matthew 16:21 and Luke 9:22 teach that Jesus would rise on the third day, and as a result, He would not need to stay in the grave for a total of three days and nights as previously thought.

  • Nevertheless, while some translations include the phrase ″on the third day″ for these lines, not all do, and not everyone thinks that the phrase ″on the third day″ is the most appropriate translation for this passage of Scripture.
  • Furthermore, according to Mark 8:31, Jesus will be risen ″after″ three days from the dead.
  • According to the Thursday argument, there are too many events (some say as many as twenty) occurring between Christ’s burial and Sunday morning for them to all take place between Friday evening and Sunday morning.

The Thursday argument is an extension of the Friday argument.Those who advocate for a Thursday start point out that this is particularly problematic because Saturday was the only full day between Friday and Sunday, which was the Jewish Sabbath.That difficulty can be solved by adding a day or two to your schedule.

According to the Thursday proponents, consider the following scenario: assume you haven’t seen a buddy since Monday evening.He walks into your office on a Thursday morning and you respond, ″I haven’t seen you in three days,″ despite though it had only been 60 hours since you last saw him (2.5 days).If Jesus was killed on Thursday, this scenario demonstrates how three days may be reckoned to have elapsed since his death.According to the view written on Wednesday, there were two Sabbaths that week.

Following the first (the one that took place on the evening of the crucifixion), the ladies went out and bought spices (notice that they did it after the Sabbath) (Mark 16:1).According to the Wednesday school of thought, this ″Sabbath″ was the Passover (see Leviticus 16:29-31, 23:24-32, 39, where high holy days that are not necessarily the seventh day of the week are referred to as the Sabbath).The customary weekly Sabbath was observed on the second Sabbath of that week.Please keep in mind that in Luke 23:56, the ladies who had purchased spices after the first Sabbath returned and prepared the spices, after which they ″rested on the Sabbath,″ as the Bible says.According to the reasoning, they could not acquire the spices after the Sabbath and prepare those spices before the Sabbath unless there were two Sabbaths in a row, which was impossible.For those who believe in the two-Sabbath perspective, if Christ was crucified on Thursday, then the high holy Sabbath (the Passover) would have began at sundown on Thursday and finished at sundown on Friday, which corresponds to the beginning of the weekly Sabbath or Saturday.

It is possible that they acquired the spices after the first Sabbath (Passover), which would have meant they did it on Saturday and therefore violated the Sabbath.Consequently, the only interpretation that does not violate the biblical narrative of the ladies and the spices while still adhering to a literal understanding of Matthew 12:40 is that Christ was crucified on Wednesday, according to the Wednesday perspective.When the Sabbath fell on Thursday, it was a high holy day (Passover).After that, on Friday, the women went out to buy spices and returned to prepare them that same day.On Saturday, which was the weekly Sabbath, they rested before bringing the spices to Jesus’ tomb early on Sunday morning.Jesus was laid to rest at sundown on Wednesday, which corresponded to the start of the Jewish calendar week on Thursday.

Thursday is the first day of the week according to the Jewish calendar (day one).Thursday night (night one), Friday day (day two), Friday night (night two), Saturday day (day three), Saturday night (night three), Sunday morning (day four) (night three).Even while we do not know exactly what time He arose on Sunday, we do know that it was before the sun came up.According to Jewish tradition, Jesus may have woken as early as right after sunset on Saturday evening, which marked the beginning of the first day of the week.

  • The finding of the empty tomb occurred shortly before daybreak (Mark 16:2), before the sun had fully risen in the sky (John 20:1).
  • On the other hand, a possible flaw in the Wednesday viewpoint is that Jesus’ followers walked with Him along the road to Emmaus on the ″same day″ as His resurrection (Luke 24:13).
  • After telling Jesus of Jesus’ crucifixion (24:21), the disciples inform him that ″this is the third day since these things occurred″ (24:22).
  • The period from Wednesday through Sunday is four days.
  • One alternative argument is that they may have been counting from Christ’s burial on Wednesday evening, which marks the beginning of the Jewish Thursday, and thus the period from Thursday to Sunday may be considered three days.

Is it really that vital to know what day of the week Christ was killed on?In the larger scheme of things, it isn’t that significant.If it were so significant, God’s Word would have made it abundantly plain what day and hour it will occur and for how long.That He died and rose from the dead in a corporeal and bodily manner is what is crucial to remember.What is equally significant is the purpose for His death: He died in order to bear the penalty that all sinners are due.In both John 3:16 and John 3:36, Jesus declares that putting your confidence in Him leads in eternal life.

  • This holds true regardless of whether He was crucified on a Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday.
  • Return to the previous page: Questions regarding Jesus Christ When was Jesus crucified, and what day was it?
See also:  What Did Jesus Say About Hypocrites
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When was Jesus Crucified? (Death, Burial, and Resurrection)

  • It is vital that we be all on the same page about the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. We must accept that Jesus Christ was the promised Lamb of God, as prophesied by the prophet Isaiah. We must realize that Jesus Christ was killed in order to pay the penalty for the sins of the entire world. We must live in the power of Jesus Christ’s resurrection in order to be successful. It is less necessary, however, that we all agree on the day on which Jesus died. What exactly is the gospel?
  • It is the same force that resurrected Jesus Christ from the dead that has slaughtered Jesus Christ as God’s Passover Lamb for the sins of the world in order to save us.
  • In my opinion, Jesus Christ was crucified on Thursday morning and buried on Thursday evening before sundown (the day before the Passover lambs were slaughtered and cooked), and he was resurrected on Sunday morning before sundown. This belief is based on a lifetime of Bible study, reading, and prayer, among other things. As stated earlier, this matches the story and corresponds to Jesus’ own prophecy that he would be in the center of the world for three days and nights. Jesus taught this in several places, including Matthew 12 and Matthew 16, Mark 10, Luke 11 and Luke 24, and Acts 10:40. It is my hope and prayer that you will not let our differences about the date of Jesus’ crucifixion prevent us from continuing to associate. It is possible that I am wrong, that you are incorrect, or that we are both wrong. God does not want us to sow discord on this topic, no matter how strongly we believe we are correct in our interpretation (Romans 14). How to Avoid Conflicts in the Church: A Modern-Day Parable of Romans 14
  • How to Avoid Conflicts in the Church (How to Avoid Conflicts in the Church)
  • Humanity has divided and conquered the world! God, on the other hand, is not impressed.
  • Many eminent academics and Bible instructors have produced hundreds of pages of reasons for and against the crucifixion of people on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. You may simply find them by searching the Internet. Rather than becoming engaged in the debate about whether any of them are correct or incorrect, I have sought to compile a chronological list of Bible passages for you to read the genuine inspired word of God as it was recorded for us by eyewitnesses, rather than arguing with them. I have faith that the Holy Spirit will direct you to a better understanding of when Jesus Christ was nailed on the cross. In coming to you, brothers, I did not come with superior oratory skills or intelligence, but rather I came to declare to you the evidence of God’s Word. Because I made a decision not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and him crucified, I decided not to know anything among you save Jesus Christ and him crucified. I was there with you in your moments of weakness, fear, and shaking. It was not by convincing words of human wisdom, but through demonstrations of the Spirit and power, that I hoped your faith would not be founded on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God, that I hoped your faith would be founded on the wisdom of men (1 Corinthians 1:1-5) 12 eyewitness reports from men who claimed to have seen God
  • In the Bible, there are types, shadows, patterns, and figures.

Last Supper and Betrayal

  • It’s a little difficult to maintain track of two separate date systems at the same time.
  • The Jews counted days from dusk to sundown, not from sunrise to sundown.
  • The Jewish method was utilized by Matthew, Mark, and John.
  • Days were measured by the Romans from midnight to midnight.

Luke made advantage of the Roman judicial system.The day of unleavened bread had arrived, and the Passover lamb was to be slain.″Go and prepare the Passover for us,″ Jesus instructed Peter and John, ″so that we may be able to eat.″ ″Can you tell us where you want us to prepare?″ they inquired of him.They were met by a man with a pitcher of water as they entered the city, according to what the prophet had told them.

Follow him inside the residence that he is about to enter.Inform the owner of the home that the Teacher has asked you, ″Where is the guest room, where I can enjoy the Passover with my disciples?″’ ‘ He will take you upstairs to a huge, well-furnished room.’ Make your preparations at that location.″ They went out and found the items he had instructed them to find, and they began preparing for the Passover.(Psalm 41:1-13; Matthew 26:17-25; Mark 14:12-21; Luke 22:7-13; John 13:18-30; Psalm 41:1-13; Matthew 26:17-25; Mark 14:12-21; Luke 22:7-13; John 13:18-30) While he was still speaking, a large crowd gathered around him, and he who was known as Judas, one of the twelve apostles, was directing them.He approached Jesus and kissed him on the cheek.

Then Jesus asked him, ″Judas, do you intend to betray the Son of Man with a kiss?″ (Matthew 26:52) They asked him, ″Lord, must we strike with the sword?″ as soon as they realized what was going to take place around him.One of them struck a servant of the high priest in the right ear, causing him to lose his hearing in that ear.But Jesus said, ″At the very least, allow me to do this″—and then he touched his ear and cured him.″Have you gone out as if you were going up against a robber, brandishing swords and clubs?″ Jesus asked the chief priests, temple commanders, and elders who had assembled against him.

When I was with you at the temple on a regular basis, you didn’t reach out your hands to grab my arm or anything.″However, this is your hour, and the power of darkness is with you.″ (Matthew 26:47-56; Mark 14:43-52; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:1-14; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:1-14)

Trial, Mocked, Scourged, and Convicted

  • Soon after it became daylight, the assembly of elders of the people, including top priests and scribes, was called together, and they dragged him away into their council, where they questioned him, asking, ″If you are the Christ, tell us.″ Nevertheless, he stated to them, ″If I tell you, you will not believe me, and if I ask you, you will not answer me or allow me to go.″ It is from this point forward that the Son of Man will be seated at God’s right hand.
  • ″Are you, then, the Son of God?″ they all exclaimed.
  • ″You say it, because I am,″ he said to the group.
  • ″Why do we need any more witnesses?″ they questioned.

We know this because we have heard it from his own words!″ The following passages are from Matthew 27:1-2, Mark 15:1-5, and Luke 22:66-70.As a result, they escorted Jesus away from Caiaphas and into the Praetorium.It was early in the morning, and they chose not to enter the Praetorium so that they would not be defiled and might instead enjoy the Passover meal.As a result, Pilate approached them and said, ″What charges do you want to level against this man?″ They responded by saying, ″If this man weren’t an evildoer, we wouldn’t have turned him over to you.″ They were serious.

In response, Pilate instructed them to ″take him yourselves and sentence him according to your law.″ As a result, the Jews told him, ″It is not permissible for us to put anybody to death,″ in so that the word of Jesus, which he uttered, signifying by what kind of death he should suffer, would be fulfilled.Therefore, Pilate returned to the Praetorium and confronted Jesus, asking him whether he was the ″King of the Jews.″ Pilate responded affirmatively.″Did you come up with this idea on your own, or did others inform you of my existence?″ Jesus inquired.″I’m not a Jew, aren’t I?″ Pilate clarified.

You were brought to me by your own people and by the leading priests.″Can you tell me what you’ve done?″ According to Jesus’ response, ″My Kingdom is not of this world.In the event if my Kingdom were of this earth, my slaves would battle to ensure that I was not handed up to the Jews.″However, my Kingdom is no longer from here.″ ″Are you, therefore, a king?″ Pilate inquired of him as a result.

″You say that I am a king,″ Jesus said.″You are correct.It is for this purpose that I was born, and it is for this reason that I have come into the world, that I may bear witness to the truth.″My voice is heard by everyone who believes in the truth.″ ″What is truth?″ Pilate inquired of the man.

In response to this, he went out to the Jews again and told them, ″I find no grounds for an accusation against him.″ However, you have a tradition that I should surrender someone to you over the Passover holiday.Do you want me to release the King of the Jews to you as a result of this?″ Then they all sang, ″Not this man, but Barabbas!″ they said again and again.Now Barabbas was a thief on the streets.(Matthew 27:11-14; Mark 15:1-11; Luke 23:1-6; John 18:28-40; John 18:28-40; Matthew 27:11-14)


  • With the assistance of William Stevens’ A Harmony of the Gospels, the following is a chronological description of the crucifixion of Jesus.
  • Symbolically, I feel that the fact that Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, was killed at the same time as the passover lambs was tremendously significant to the gospel message of Jesus Christ.
  • When they dragged him away, they snatched a man named Simon of Cyrene, who had come from the countryside, and set the cross on his shoulders so that he might carry it after Jesus.
  • A large number of people followed him, including several ladies who wept and cried out in sorrow for him.

″Daughters of Jerusalem, don’t mourn for me; instead, weep for yourselves and your children,″ Jesus said as he turned to face them.For behold, the days are drawing up in which they will proclaim, ‘Blessed are the barren, the wombs that have never produced children, and the breasts that have never nursed.’ As a result, they’ll begin calling out to the mountains, telling them to ″fall on us!″ and calling out to the hills, ″cover us.″ What will they do in the dry if they do these things in the green tree?″ they reason.There were also two other people, both criminals, who were taken to their deaths with him.When they arrived at the location known as The Skull, they nailed him to the cross beside the convicts, one on his right and the other on his left, and then buried him there.

″Father, pardon them, for they have no idea what they are doing,″ Jesus pleaded with the Father.They divided his clothes among themselves and then cast lots for them.The crowd gathered around to watch.In addition, the authorities present laughed at him, claiming that ″he had rescued others.″ If this is the Christ of God, if this is his chosen one, let him rescue himself!″ The soldiers made fun of him as well, approaching him and handing him vinegar, saying, ″If you are the King of the Jews, save yourself!″ In addition, an inscription was put over him in Greek, Latin, and Hebrew letters, reading, ″THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS.″ During his execution, one of the convicts who was hung taunted him, asking, ″If you are the Christ, please spare yourself and us!″ But the other responded, rebuking him and saying, ″Don’t you even fear God, seeing as how you are both under the same condemnation?

″.And we are justified in our actions, since we earn the proper compensation for our efforts, while this man has done nothing wrong.″ ″Lord, please keep me in mind when you come into your Kingdom,″ he requested to Jesus.″Without a doubt, I assure you, today you will be with me in Paradise,″ Jesus stated to the man.(Luke 23:26-43; Psalm 69:1-36; Matthew 27:32-44; Mark 15:21-32; John 19:16-27; Luke 23:26-43; Psalm 69:1-36; Matthew 27:32-44; Mark 15:21-32; John 19:16-27) The three days and three nights in the center of the earth began during the day of Jesus Christ’s death, which occurred about 3 p.m.

local time (the ninth hour after sunrise).It was now approximately the sixth hour, and darkness had descended throughout the whole country until the nine-hour mark.The sun had become dimmer, and the temple’s curtain had been split in two pieces.Christ wept and cried, ″Father, I surrender my spirit into your hands!″ (I submit my spirit into the hands of the Father.) He exhaled his last breath after saying this.

After seeing what had happened, the centurion exclaimed, ″Certainly he was a decent man.″ He then thanked God, saying, All of the throngs of people who had gathered to witness this were appalled by what they witnessed and returned home, their hearts in their throats.All of his acquaintances, as well as the women who had traveled with him from Galilee, stood at a safe distance and saw these events.(1 Corinthians 15:33-41; Psalm 22:1-31; Matthew 27:45-56; Mark 15:33-41; John 19:28-30; Luke 23:44-49; Psalm 22:1-31) Because it was the preparation for the sabbath day, and because it was a holy day, the Jews petitioned Pilate to have their legs severed and their corpses removed from the crucifixion.Pilate granted their request, and the bodies were removed from the cross on the sabbath day.(See also John 19:31)


  • Due to the fact that it was the Preparation Day, that is, the day before the Sabbath, Joseph of Arimathaea, a renowned council member who was also searching for the Kingdom of God, arrived as the evening approached.
  • He marched confidently into Pilate’s office and demanded the corpse of Jesus.
  • Pilate was perplexed as to whether he had actually died, and after summoning the centurion, he inquired as to how long he had been dead.
  • When he learned the truth from the centurion, he immediately gave the body to Joseph.
See also:  Who Did Jesus Die For

He purchased a linen cloth, and after lowering him to the ground, he wrapped him in the linen cloth and buried him in a tomb that had been carved out of a rock.He rolled a stone against the tomb’s door and closed it.The bodies of Mary Magdalene and Joses’ mother, Mary, were discovered where he had been lying.The following passages (Mark 15:42-47; Isaiah 53:9-12; Matthew 27:57-61; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42) serve as examples.

We were in the midst of the Day of Preparation, and the Sabbath was rapidly approaching.The ladies who had accompanied him on his journey out of Galilee followed after him and witnessed the tomb and the manner in which his body was placed.They returned and set about preparing spices and ointments for use.They observed the Sabbath in accordance with the law of the Lord.

(Luke 23:54-56; Exodus 12:16; Leviticus 23:7-16; Deuteronomy 21:23; Luke 23:54-56; Exodus 12:16; Leviticus 23:7-16; Deuteronomy 21:23)

Jewish Passover Sabbath

  • This is the most common source of misunderstanding regarding the timeframe of the passion week.
  • On the first and last days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, which includes the Feast of Passover, there is a mandatory high sabbath that must be observed.
  • This is distinct from the weekly Sabbath on the seventh day of the week.
  • I think the Feast of Passover was observed on Thursday night during the week that Jesus was crucified, thus the sabbath would begin at sundown on Thursday evening and end at sundown on Friday evening during that week.

This is the sabbath that compelled the Jews to murder the thieves and remove the bodies from the streets before sundown on the preceding day.This day shall be set apart for you as a remembrance, and you shall celebrate it as a feast to Yahweh throughout your generations, according to the law of the Lord.You must eat unleavened bread for seven days; even on the first day, remove all yeast from your homes, because whomever eats leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day will be cut off from Israel.’″ There will be a holy convocation for you on the first day, and another holy convocation on the seventh day; no form of labor will be done in them save that which every man must eat, which can only be done by you.You are required to keep the feast of unleavened bread because it was on this day that I led your troops out of Egypt; thus, you are required to observe this day by ordinance throughout your generations forever.

You must consume unleavened bread beginning on the fourteenth day of the month at evening and continuing until the twenty-first day of the month at nightfall throughout the first month.Because seven days, there shall be no yeast detected in your homes, for anybody consumes anything that has been leavened will be cut off from the assembly of Israel, whether he is a foreigner or a native-born citizen of the country.You are not permitted to consume anything leavened.Eat unleavened bread in all of your dwellings,’ the Lord commands.″ According to the Bible, (Exodus 12:14-20, Leviticus 23:4-8, Numbers 28:16-25, and Deuteronomy 16:1-8) All of these are the fixed feasts of the LORD, even holy convocations, which you are to declare at the appropriate time of year.

5 During the first month, on the fourteenth day of the month at even, the LORD’S Passover is celebrated.And on the fifteenth day of the same month, the feast of unleavened bread is observed before the LORD: for seven days, you are to eat unleavened bread, according to the Torah.You will have a holy convocation on the first day, and you will not be required to perform any menial work.However, you must make a burnt offering to the LORD seven days a week; the seventh day is a holy convocation, and you must refrain from performing any menial work.

Numbers 28:16-25; Leviticus 23:4-8; Deuteronomy 16:1-8; Leviticus 23:4-8; Numbers 28:16-25 ″Sir, we recall what that deceiver said while he was still alive: ‘After three days, I will rise again.’″ Now, on the following day, which was the day after the Preparation Day, the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered together to Pilate, saying, ″Sir, we recall what that deceiver said while he was still alive: ‘After three days, I will rise again.’″ As a result, command that the tomb be kept guarded until the third day, lest his followers come in the middle of the night and take him away, falsely telling the people that ″He has risen from the dead,″ and the last deception would be greater than the first.″ ″You have a guard,″ Pilate explained to them.″Go ahead and make it as secure as you possibly can.″ As a result, they accompanied the guard to the tomb and secured it by sealing the stone.(Matthew 27:62-66; Mark 10:62-66)

Jewish Weekly Sabbath

  • It is possible that if the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread had been observed as a sabbath from Thursday sundown to Friday sundown, and the weekly seventh day sabbath had been observed from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, there would have been no opportunity to visit the tomb, purchase spices, or make preparations for burial during these two days.
  • In order to keep it holy, remember the Sabbath day.
  • You are to labor for six days and complete all of your job, but the seventh day is a Sabbath to Yahweh your God, and you are not to work on it.
  • The Sabbath day is sacred and you are not permitted to do any work on it; neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your livestock, nor any stranger who comes within your gates; for in six days Yahweh created the heavens and earth, the sea, and everything in them, and rested on the seventh day; as a result, Yahweh blessed and declared the Sabbath day to be holy.

(See Exodus 20:8-11 and Deuteronomy 5:12-15 for examples.)

Resurrection Morning

  • Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome went out to buy spices after the Sabbath had ended so that they may come and anoint him.
  • They arrived at the tomb very early in the morning on the first day of the week, before the sun had even risen.
  • They were joking about, asking things like, ″Who would roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?″ because it was a very large stone.
  • When they looked up, they noticed that the stone had been rolled back.

When they entered the tomb, they were taken aback by the sight of a young guy seated on the right side, clad in a white robe, and they were speechless.″Don’t be surprised,″ he replied to them, laughing.You are on the lookout for Jesus, the Nazarene, who has been nailed on the cross.He has ascended to the throne.

He isn’t in the room.Take a look at the location where they buried him!″However, go inform his followers and Peter that he is going ahead of you into Galilee.″ ‘There you will see him,’ he told you, and you will see him.″ After they had come out of the tomb, they fled because they were filled with dread and surprise.They didn’t say anything to anyone since they were terrified.

Scripture references: (Psalm 16:1-11, Psalm 49:1-20, Matthew 28:1-10, Mark 16:1-8, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-9)

Quake Reveals Day of Jesus’ Crucifixion

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  • Salome and Mary Magdalene went out and bought spices after the Sabbath had ended, so that they may come and anoint him on the next day. They arrived at the tomb before the crack of dawn on the first day of the week, before the sun had even begun to shine. As they talked, they wondered aloud who would be able to move aside the stone from the tomb door for them, for it was a huge stone. They noticed that the stone had been rolled back as they looked up. Once inside the tomb, they were taken aback by the sight of a young guy seated on the right side, clad in a white robe. ″Don’t be surprised,″ he told them. ″ You are on the lookout for Jesus, the Nazarene, who has been nailed on the Cross. he has ascended to the throne of power It appears that he has not arrived yet. You can see where they buried him in this picture. As you travel to Galilee, inform his followers and Peter that ″he is going before you.″ There, as he stated to you, you will see him.″ Due to the shaking and shock that had descended over them, they walked out and escaped from the tomb. Because they were terrified, they said nothing to anybody. Scripture references: (Psalm 16:1-11
  • Psalm 49:1-20
  • Matthew 28:1-10
  • Mark 16:1-8
  • Luke 24:1-12
  • John 20:1-9).
  • Taking into account information from the Jewish calendar and astronomical calculations, the researchers were able to come up with a number of plausible dates, with Friday, April 3, 33 AD, being the most accurate match, according to the researchers.
  • For the sake of simplicity, Williams and his team acknowledge that the seismic activity associated with the crucifixion could refer to ″an earthquake that occurred sometime before or after the crucifixion and was in effect ‘borrowed’ by the author of the Gospel of Matthew, and a local earthquake between 26 and 36 A.D.
  • that was sufficiently energetic to deform the sediments of Ein Gedi but not sufficiently energetic to produce a still extant and extra-biblical histor″ (history of It is possible that the earthquake reported in Matthew’s Gospel is an allegory, according to the authors, if the last scenario is confirmed.
  • Williams is looking at another another natural occurrence that might be connected with the crucifixion – the occurrence of darkness.

According to three of the four canonical gospels, there was complete darkness from midday to 3 PM following the crucifixion.Such darkness, according to him, may have been brought on by a dust storm.Williams is looking at whether or not there are dust storm deposits in the sediments associated with the earthquake that struck the Jerusalem region in the early first century.Discovery News contributed the information for this story.

Why Is Good Friday Called “Good Friday”? Not for the Reason You Think.

  • Beat Your Brows This piece was initially published in 2014, but it is still relevant today.
  • It is reproduced in its entirety below.
  • On this Friday, Christians commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ, which takes place on the first Friday of Lent.
  • Since the day is traditionally regarded as solemn, many Christians and nonbelievers may find the name to be contradictory, especially considering that fasting and solemn processions are commonly performed.

What is the significance of the name ″Good Friday″?Most likely because ″good″ used to be synonymous with ″holy.″ The origin of the name Good Friday has been speculated about by linguists and historians, but only one appears to be supported by both linguistic and historical evidence.The first of these beliefs is that Nice Friday is called Good Friday because, according to Christians, there is something particularly good about it: it marks the anniversary of Jesus’ suffering and death for their sins, which they feel is a very good thing.″That awful Friday has been dubbed Good Friday because it resulted in the Resurrection of Jesus and his victory over death and sin, as well as the celebration of Easter, which is considered to be the pinnacle of Christian festivities,″ according to the Huffington Post.

However, this rationale may have contributed to the name’s persistence—it is definitely how many Christians today understand the name—but it is not the source of the name’s genesis.The second explanation is that the goodness of Good Friday comes from God, and so it is known as ″God’s Friday.″ The Catholic Encyclopedia published an item in 1909 that supports this view, which is cited by Wikipedia as an example.The Huffington Post, in a second story on the same issue, does exactly the same thing.This etymology, on the other hand, appears to be without foundation.

According to Anatoly Liberman, a professor at the University of Minnesota who researches the origins of English words, ″the derivation from God is out of the question.″ In addition, Liberman explained to me that English speakers have a long history of guessing about a link between the words good and god when there is none.It was agreed upon by Ben Zimmer, who pointed out that the German word for Good Friday isn’t truly ″Gottes Freitag,″ as the Catholic Encyclopedia implies, but rather Karfreitag (″Sorrowful Friday,″ as the Catholic Encyclopedia suggests).I don’t think this is anything more than speculative etymology because none of the early examples in the Oxford English Dictionary suggest that it began out as God’s rather than Good, and I don’t think it’s anything more than that.″ Zimmer said.Another possible explanation, endorsed by the Oxford English Dictionary and every language expert I spoke with, is that the term derives from an archaic definition of the word ″excellent.″ When I posed this topic to Jesse Sheidlower, the president of the American Dialect Society, he said, ″The answer seems quite plainly to be that it’s from excellent ‘holy,’ ″ he said when I asked him.

As Liberman pointed out, ″the OED’s interpretation makes good sense″ if you examine the various names for Good Friday, such as ″Sacred Friday″ in the Romance languages (Viernes Santo, for example), and ″Passion Friday″ in Russian.The Oxford English Dictionary also mentions that there was previously a Good Wednesday, which was the Wednesday before Easter, but it is now more generally referred to as Holy Wednesday.

Who, What, Why: Why is Good Friday called Good Friday?

  • Monitor of Magazines A collection of historical and cultural artifacts It is the day on which Christians commemorate the death of Jesus Christ, also known as Good Friday.
  • So, what is the significance of the name ″Good Friday″?
  • After being flogged, the Bible says, the son of God was sentenced to death by being forced to bear the cross on which he would be crucified and then beheaded.
  • It’s tough to see what’s ″good″ about it in this situation.
See also:  Who Found Jesus In The Tomb

Some sources claim that the day is ″good″ in the sense that it is holy, while others claim that the word is a perversion of ″God’s Friday.″ According to Fiona MacPherson, senior editor of the Oxford English Dictionary, the term typically ″designates a day on (or occasionally a season in) which a religious observance is celebrated,″ according to the Oxford English Dictionary.According to the Oxford English Dictionary, ″good″ in this case refers to ″a day or season celebrated as holy by the church,″ which explains why people say ″good tide″ during Christmas and on Shrove Tuesday, respectively.In addition to Good Friday, there is also a less well-known Good Wednesday, which is the Wednesday before Easter, which is also observed on the same day.According to the dictionary, the first documented usage of the phrase ″guode friday″ is found in The South English Legendary, a work that dates back to approximately 1290.

″Good Friday″ is good because Christ ″showed His immense love for man and purchased for him every blessing,″ according to the Baltimore Catechism, which served as the official Catholic school curriculum in the United States from 1885 to the 1960s.According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, which was originally published in 1907 and indicates that the term’s origins are not known for certain.According to the article, some sources attribute its roots to the name ″God’s Friday″ or Gottes Freitag, while others contend that it derives from the German phrase ″Good Friday.″ It mentions that the day was referred to as Long Friday by the Anglo-Saxons, and that it is still referred to as such in contemporary Danish culture.This article also mentions that the day is referred to as ″Holy and Great Friday″ in the Greek liturgy, ″Holy Friday″ in Romance languages, and Karfreitag (Sorrowful Friday) in German.

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Good Friday in the United States

In the United States, Good Friday is observed two days before Easter Sunday is observed. It is the day on which Christians commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, which is a significant event in the Christian religion. There are no federal holidays observed in the United States, while some states observe it as a state holiday on this day.

Is Good Friday a Public Holiday?

Good Friday is observed as a public holiday in 11 states, resulting in a day off for the general public, as well as the closure of schools and the majority of businesses.

What Do People Do?

  • Some Christians may choose to attend special church services or prayer vigils to express their faith.
  • A day of grief and silent prayer for many Christians, Good Friday is observed on the Friday before Easter.
  • Candles are frequently extinguished, and statues, paintings, and crosses may be shrouded in black, purple, or gray material to create a more formal atmosphere.
  • Observing a complete fast on Good Friday is practiced by some Catholics, while others follow a partial fast that includes the avoidance of meat.

When it comes to celebrating Good Friday, some households maintain a calm atmosphere with little or no outside activities and minimal television, radio, and internet use.Others like to perform pieces such as Johann Sebastian Bach’s St.Matthew Passion.Hot cross buns, a traditional Good Friday treat, are made by some people in their homes.

Because Good Friday is not a national holiday in the United States, for many people, it is just another day at the office.Some folks may decide to take a day off work and enjoy a lengthy ″Spring Break″ weekend instead of working.Employees are granted a day off on Good Friday in certain states, but not all.

Public Life

  • In the United States, Good Friday is not observed as a national holiday.
  • Services will continue to be provided on a regular basis in certain regions, such as Toledo, Ohio, where garbage will be collected on a regular basis as part of the city’s normal collection schedule.
  • While financial markets and many companies are closed on Good Friday, the same cannot be said for public institutions, universities, and colleges.
  • In certain states, such as Hawaii, Good Friday is observed as a state holiday, with local and state offices closed and various types of public transportation (such as buses) operating on a state holiday schedule instead.

It is a school vacation on Good Friday in some locations, such as Perry County, Tennessee, in some years.In Connecticut, Good Friday is a state holiday that has been declared by the governor as a day of fasting and prayer.According to state law, state employees in Indiana are granted the day off on Good Friday, which is a religious holiday.In the case of Bridenbaugh v O’Bannon, a state employee in Indiana sued the governor of the state of Indiana for granting state employees a day off on Good Friday in 1999.

After hearing arguments from both sides, the Seventh Circuit ruled against the plaintiff, holding that the government could grant state employees a paid day off when that day was a religious holiday, including Good Friday, but only if the state could demonstrate a valid secular purpose that coincided with the obvious religious purpose of the holiday.The ruling was upheld by the Supreme Court of the United States.


  • Unlike many other countries, the United States does not observe Good Friday as a national holiday.
  • In other places, such as Toledo, Ohio, where the city’s garbage will be collected on a regular basis, regular services will continue as usual.
  • In this case, regular services will continue as usual.
  • While financial markets and many companies are closed on Good Friday, the same cannot be said for public institutions and universities/colleges.

In certain states, such as Hawaii, Good Friday is observed as a state holiday, with local and state offices closed and various modes of public transportation (such as buses) operating on a holiday schedule.It is a school vacation on Good Friday in some places, such as Perry County, Tennessee, in some years.Fasting and prayer are encouraged on Good Friday in Connecticut, which is a holiday declared by the governor.Good Friday is a religious holiday in Indiana, and state employees are granted the day off in line with state statute.

It was in the year 1999 when an Indiana state employee filed a lawsuit against the governor for granting state employees Good Friday off.The case was known as Bridenbaugh v O’Bannon.The Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against the plaintiff, holding that the government may grant state employees a paid day off when a religious holiday, such as Good Friday, is observed, but only if the state can demonstrate that the paid day off is necessary for a legitimate secular purpose that coincides with the clearly religious purpose of the holiday.


The crucifix, often known as the cross, which portrays the manner in which Jesus died, is a significant symbol on Good Friday. Some crosses are adorned with a representation of Christ. Other Good Friday symbolism include the black fabric used to cover the cross, paintings and sculptures in churches and in houses to represent sadness, and the wearing of black clothing.

About Good Friday in Other Countries

More information on Good Friday may be found here.

Good Friday Observances

Due to the fact that we are carefully researching and updating our holiday dates, please be aware that some of the information in the table above may be tentative. Please notify us if you discover a typographical error.

The nature of God and Jesus in Christianity

  • Christians believe in the Trinity – one God who is all-loving and all-powerful, manifested in three persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit – as the source of all truth and goodness. All were there at the beginning of time, and they each play a unique function in the development of the world.
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  • As a Christian, you believe in the resurrection because you believe Jesus rose from the dead three days after he was killed on the cross. Several passages in the Gospel of Luke (24:1–9) provide insight into how Jesus’ followers learned that he had been resurrected: On the Sunday following Jesus’ death, his female disciples went to his tomb to pay their respects
  • a stone had been placed in front of the tomb’s entrance. However, the stone had been pushed aside, and the tomb was now empty
  • two men dressed in sparkling garments appeared to the women and spoke to them. The ladies were terrified, but the men questioned them, saying, ″Why are you looking for the live among the dead?″ He is not present
  • he has ascended into the heavens! Remember what he said to you when he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be given into the hands of sinners, be crucified, and on the third day be risen again’ (Luke 24:5–7).
  • The female followers then returned to Jesus’ apostles and other people to inform them that Jesus had risen from the grave.
  • Many Christians place a high value on their belief in the resurrection because: the resurrection demonstrates that Jesus beat death
  • the resurrection demonstrates that Jesus defeated sin and death
  • and the resurrection demonstrates that Jesus defeated sin and death.
  • It is seen as evidence of the continuation of life after death.
  • Aside from that, the resurrection serves as evidence of God’s supreme power and generosity.
  • St.
  • Paul emphasizes the importance of believing in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead in the biblical book 1 Corinthians, which is written by the apostle Paul.
  • He adds that he personally saw Jesus after his resurrection, and that Jesus appeared to the apostles as well as over 500 other people during that time period.
  • The apostle Paul then informs the audience that Jesus’ resurrection offers the possibility of life beyond death: If it is proclaimed that Christ has been risen from the dead, how can some of you claim that there is no such thing as a resurrected body?

Even if there is no resurrection of the dead, it is unlikely that Christ has been risen from the grave.And if Christ has not been risen from the dead, our message, as well as your faith, is pointless.15:12–14; 1 Corinthians 15:12–14 Jesus was reborn after he died on the cross, according to the question.Is this true or false?

False.He was raised from the dead.Reincarnation is the process by which something is reincarnated and begins its existence all over again, usually in a new form.As far as we know, Jesus has returned to life in the same physical shape and at the same stage in his life as he was when he died.

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Holy Saturday

Historically, Holy Saturday marks the day when Jesus Christ was laid in the tomb following his death, as recorded in the Christian Bible. On this day, the day after Good Friday and the day before Easter Sunday, Easter Eve, Easter Even, Black Saturday, and the Saturday before Easter are all terms used to refer to this day.

What Do People Do?

  • Holy Saturday is observed by many Christians across the world as a commemoration of the day when Jesus was laid in his tomb.
  • It is a day of pain and excitement for Christians across the world, regardless of their cultural background.
  • Easter vigil (watch) services are held in a large number of churches.
  • During these services, participants engage in discussions on the significance of the rituals, prayers, and symbols that are all a part of the Easter vigil.

On this day, several churches also organize huge baptism services, which may be quite popular.People in Mexico commemorate Judas Day by burning effigies of the apostle Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus for 30 pieces of silver, on the Saturday before Easter.The effigies, which differ in height and are designed to make Judas seem as unattractive as possible, are sold by street sellers.For Halloween, residents decorate their patios with candy-filled effigies known as piatas, which are intended for use by youngsters.

A variety of other effigies can be found on the streets or hanged from lampposts.Many of these effigies are equipped with firecrackers, which are lit as soon as the Mass of Glory is over.After the effigies explode, children hurry to get their hands on the candy that has been hidden within.On White Saturday, a Czech tradition is to rattle keys and burn out Judas by igniting the rest of the holy oil before the church entrance, according to the legend.

In Poland, Holy Saturday is marked with the blessing of food and the distribution of Easter baskets.In many countries, children spend the Saturday before Easter Sunday preparing for the holiday by decorating and coloring eggs.

Public Life

  • In many parts of Australia (where it is known as Easter Saturday), as well as in countries such as (but not limited to): Belize, Chile, El Salvador, Hong Kong, Macau, Nicaragua, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, Zambia, and Zimbabwe, Holy Saturday is observed as a national public holiday.

Several nations, including Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, do not observe Holy Saturday as a national public holiday.


  • Holy Saturday is the final day of Holy Week and the conclusion of the Lenten season.
  • It is sometimes referred to as the Easter Vigil or the Easter Vigil.
  • Days like this are generally reserved for introspection and waiting.
  • The tradition of keeping vigil dates back to when Jesus’ supporters waited for him on this day following his crucifixion on Good Friday.

Equally known as the day when Roman ruler Pontius Pilate ordered guards to be put at the tomb in order to prevent Jesus’ supporters from removing the body and claiming that he had risen from the dead, this day is also significant.In addition to Holy Saturday, it was also referred to as Great or Grand Saturday and the Angelic Night.In the early days of the Christian church, fasting was only authorized on Saturdays, and this was the only day on which it was permitted.During the first century CE, according to some sources, fasting happened throughout the day or continued for 40 hours before the daybreak of Easter Sunday.

Baptisms took place on this day in the early church on a large scale.Baptism services are still held in significant numbers on Holy Saturday in many churches.Some individuals refer to Holy Saturday as Easter Saturday, alt

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