When Jesus Returns Will He Find Faith?

Will He find faith on the earth?

  • In: Basic Christianity, Current Events, The Future, and the End of the World on May 24, 2013 by ″When the Son of Man arrives, will He find faith on the earth?″ Jesus asked in a way that I found fascinating: ″Will He find faith on the earth?″ (See Luke 18:8 for further information.) It was not under these circumstances when Jesus made this declaration that He was speaking about His return to earth at the conclusion of this era.
  • However, it is evident that He is alluding to that period of time.
  • Why would He pose a question like that if He is omnipotent and omniscient, you may wonder.
  • As if He believes that things are going to go so awful on earth before His return that He must inquire as to whether or not there will even be faith remaining on the planet when He returns to the earth.
  • How does all of this fit into a larger context?
  • ″He told a parable to them, saying that men need continually to pray and not to faint,″ according to the opening of Luke 18.
  • He went on to narrate the story of a woman who kept returning to a court in her city in order to seek restitution for a harm that had been done to her.

Jesus claimed that the judge was unfair and that he had no fear of God or man.But, in the end, he just wanted the woman to stop bothering him about the situation, so he took care of it.Then Jesus challenged His audience, saying, ″Won’t God answer His own elect who cry out to Him on a daily basis?″ It all boils down to praying and having trust in God’s ability to answer your prayers.Why would the God of the universe not hear and answer the prayers of His people if that unjust judge took action just because that woman persisted in her pursuit of him?Yet later in the discourse Jesus wondered aloud if ″when the Son of Man arrives, will He find faith on the earth?″ Here are a few more lines from the Bible that provide light on that period and appear to foreshadow the catastrophic conditions in which the world would find itself at that time.

″Because wickedness shall flourish, the love of many will wax cold,″ Jesus declared in Matthew 24:12, referring to the time period just before His return.There is an endless amount of immorality and a rising lack of love throughout the entire world.Paul then remarked of the second coming of the Lord in II Thessalonians 2:3 that ″that day shall not come except there is a falling away first,″ referring to a period of spiritual decline.Around the world, there has been a decline in religious belief.

Perhaps you haven’t lost your religion, or perhaps you live in a community where faith is still alive and well.However, on a national and worldwide basis, confidence in God has dropped substantially in the last century or so, particularly in the Western world and in the United States.However, this is only the beginning of the sorrows to come.The whole sentence in II Thessalonians 2:3 that I mentioned above reads, ″That day shall not come until there be a falling away first, and the man of sin, the son of perdition, be exposed.″ This is something that has not yet occurred, although it is possible that it will occur during our lives.

  1. The Bible predicts that, in the very last days before Jesus’ return, a devil-possessed tyrant would attempt to control the globe under a new global system, both here and elsewhere.
  2. It is the people of faith, those who believe in the God of Abraham, such as you and me, that this dictator will wage the most intense warfare against.
  3. There is some good news and some negative news, in a way.

The good news is that God has clearly stated in the Bible that this man will only have a limited amount of time on this earth.This time period is mentioned several times in the books of Daniel and Revelation, and it is given as 312 years.However, the bad news is that during that time there will be ″great tribulation″ on a scale that the world has never witnessed before (Matthew 24:21).During the 31-and-a-half-year time, it is predicted that the Antichrist would ″wear out the saints of the Most High″ (Daniel 7:25).There will be individuals of faith on earth, according to other scriptures, who ″will be powerful and accomplish exploits″ (Daniel 11:32).However, the Bible states that at the end of this 312 year period, the Antichrist will have ″scattered the authority of the holy people″ (Daniel 12:7), which will occur right before the coming of Jesus.

Possibly, this is why Jesus addressed the question, ″Will the Son of Man find faith on the earth when He comes?″ when He came.For people of religion, this is going to be the most difficult period in the history of the planet.An in-depth reading of Scriptures, on the other hand, reveals that after His return, individuals who are transformed will be transformed immediately from their current nature to the supernatural bodies that we shall have for eternity.Will Jesus be able to find faith on the earth?

The response appears to be affirmative.God grant us all the strength to hang on to our crowns and to persevere in our faith to the end, which will be different for each of us.

When Christ Returns…Will He Find Faith?

  • There are the ‘difficult sayings’ of Jesus, and then there are lines like Luke 18:8, where Jesus is nostalgic to the point of despair, as he appears to question if, when he returns, he will find a world that is quite different from the one he left behind in first-century Palestine.
  • When he says that foreboding phrase, he appears to be conveying a fear that despite the fruits of his labor, ministry, and sacrifice, the world will not be transformed or restored and will instead revert back to the entrenched religious bureaucracy, based on exclusion, that characterized the spiritual climate of his time.
  • Could he have foreseen a world in which Scriptures were used to justify injustice and exploitation, similar to the one he currently lives in?
  • Where has the Word of God been overlooked, shortened, or analyzed excessively, and has it been used to isolate, segregate, and paralyze rather than to liberate or restore?
  • In one of his most vulnerable and human moments, he could have questioned whether his life and sacrifice were really worthwhile.
  • Related: Kurt Willems’ The Ugly Beauty of the Kingdom of God (also available in paperback).
  • In reading the letters of Paul (and many churches), it’s easy to get the impression that the primary goal of Christianity is to produce ‘good’ people – people who are content and comfortable, who are dependable and solid citizens, and who are clean in every way – especially when it comes to their theology.

Reality is far more complex and convoluted than Paul’s legalistic expositions on theology, and his chapter on love (1 Corinthians chapter 13) is perhaps his most renowned work, in which he investigates the power and role of love in a life of faith with a sense of almost child-like wonderment.According to Paul, love is considerably more profound and genuine than any ideology or sacrifice, or even religious ‘gift’ or sensation.It is also far more durable and vital than any other emotion or feeling.Nothing else counts, Paul asserts emphatically, if love is not there.And this, I believe, is exactly what Jesus will be ‘searching for’ when he returns to earth.

Jesus asks the question, ″Will he come to faith?″ I don’t believe he is referring to a distilled, rarified theology that has been expensively and laboriously accumulated from the top schools in the world.I believe he is referring to the full and lasting faith – or love in action – that is available to each of us, regardless of our age, education, social status, race, or ethnicity.The Gospels, and particularly the teachings of Jesus, lead to an unsettling conclusion: Jesus will not return to collect all of the ‘good’ people who have done good.A religion that is unpolished, at times ragged, and not always faultless will be sought for by him.

This was/is the theme of most of Jesus’ parables; he is on the lookout for the misplaced penny, lost sheep, and prodigal son who may be lurking among us.(Luke 5:32; Mark 2:17).Jesus makes it plain that he did not come to seek and save the virtuous (Luke 5:32; Mark 2:17), but rather to’seek and save the lost’ (Luke 19:10).Morf has also written the following: And God commanded, ‘Let there be Guns,’ thus there were guns.

  1. He will be on the lookout for individuals who live out their religion through their love for him – and for one another – and for the people around them.
  2. In reality, as many of us are aware, genuine ‘Christians’ are – or at the very least should be – recognized across the globe by their love for one another, which is always there in the background.
  3. In the event of his return, Jesus is well aware that he will encounter religion and legalism.

He is also well aware that he will encounter the neglect, hypocrisy, and avoidance of Divine laws, in addition to religiously justified violations of human dignity, that have dogged humanity since the beginning of time.But will He be able to discover faith?— I’m curious as well.Morf Morford considers himself a free-range Christian who is sure that God asks far more of us than we can ever fathom, but who also believes that God knows more than we do.Morf Morford is married with two children.In order to pay his expenses, he has worked as an adult education instructor in a number of settings, including tribal colleges, vocational schools, and universities at the People’s Republic of China.

He has also worked as a volunteer tutor in his local county prison.In addition to his academic writing, he maintains an irreverent ESL blog and contributes to the Burnside Writers Collective.Growing older, he’s finding himself less tolerant of pettiness and dairy products, among other things.GTS Production / Shutterstock.com is credited with this image.

When Jesus comes, will He find faith on the earth?

  • The gospel of Jesus Christ, as well as the Christian religion, has gradually been influenced and altered over the years.
  • Many erroneous notions have crept into the church and into the hearts and minds of many Christians.
  • Many believers are no longer able to withstand sound theology as a result of the incorrect doctrines being propagated.
  • Many preachers deliver sermons in response to the itchy ears and the desires of the audience.
  • There are many preachers who are employed by men rather than by God, and this is a problem.
  • They try all they can to make people happy so that they would continue to attend church services.
  • Because they are well aware that as soon as their message becomes aggressive and goes against the desire of the people, the people will get offended and insulted and will cease to attend church.

As a result, there aren’t many sermons regarding the truly sound gospel of Jesus Christ, the cross, the work of redemption, the blood, sin, putting away sin, dying to one’s self, and sanctification preached in the church today.And if there are preachers who preach about it, then the truth has frequently been twisted in such a manner that the message assures that the believer will remain unaltered, will continue in sin, and will be the old creature, as has often been the case.Jesus was well aware of all of this, and as a result, He asked His followers if He would find faith on the earth when He returned.Will he be able to find faith within the church?Will He be able to detect faith in the lives of those who believe?

What has happened with the church?

  • As a result, instead of the church (the assembly of believers), who symbolize the Kingdom of God on this planet, separating themselves from the world and sin, the church compromises with the world and continues to live in sin, just like the rest of humanity.
  • Many believers do not spend enough time studying and/or listening to the Word, let alone putting it into practice in their life.
  • The number of Christians who yearn for a holy and blameless life, and who live in obedience to the Father like Jesus, is small compared to other religious groups.
  • They are just concerned with themselves, and they yearn for the abilities and miracles that Jesus performed on the cross.
  • They want to be recognized and accepted by the rest of the world.
  • As a result, they exert every effort to become well-known and acknowledged around the world, as well as to be accepted by the general public.

There is hardly any difference between believers and unbelievers

  • There is almost no distinction now between the world, which consists of unbelievers who follow and serve the devil and who have the devil as their father, and the church, which consists of believers who obey and serve Jesus and who have God as their Father.
  • Going to church once or twice a week, becoming a member and/or performing a work in the church, supporting charitable organizations, and maintaining a decent moral character do not automatically qualify you as a Christian.
  • In addition, it does not grant you entrance into the kingdom of God.
  • It is possible for many people who identify as Christians to attend church and attend seminars or conferences on a regular basis and to continue to study without ever arriving to an understanding of the truth.
  • For it is of this kind that slip into homes and kidnap foolish women who are loaded with sins and lured away with various lusts, always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth (2 Timothy 3:6-7) Isn’t that a pain in the neck?
  • What if you believe that you are saved, but in actuality, you are not saved?
  • That you believe you are living in accordance with God’s will, but you aren’t really doing so?

What makes it feasible for this to be true?The reason for this is because many believers have abandoned the Word of God, and as a result, they are unaware of the truth.They are not familiar with the true Jesus Christ, who is the living Word.However, they have constructed and worship an imaginary fake Jesus who has many characteristics with themselves, and it is for this reason that they live in a state of delusion.These people deceive themselves in order to ensure that their lives are as comfortable as possible

Many believers walk on self-chosen ways

  • The sad reality is that many believers have turned away from God’s Word, and as a result, they have turned away from trust in Jesus Christ, the living Word, and have entered self-determined paths.
  • Numerous believers are no longer walking in accordance with God’s will and His commands, as was once the case.
  • They do not live as born-again Christians and do not follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
  • They, on the other hand, are carnal and are driven by the world as well as their own lusts, desires, affections, emotions, and will, and they follow their body as a result.
  • What a man desires comes to pass.
  • There is no guiding force for them other than their senses, emotions, sentiments, and wants They frequently find themselves in legal difficulty as a result of the fact that they continue to operate as the elderly guy.
  • But isn’t the truth that we have voluntarily laid down our lives in Jesus Christ and died to’self’ what we are talking about here?

That it is no longer about our own desires, but rather about His desires?Isn’t it true that we are seated with Him in the heavenly realms, and that we should be bringing the Kingdom of God to this world?Rather than establishing the kingdom of the world, why not enforce the kingdom of darkness (the devil) instead?

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Jesus’ perfect worked denied

  • Count the number of times pastors and other church leaders claim to believe in Jesus Christ and His work of redemption, but, in reality, deny Jesus’ flawless work of redemption by thinking themselves sinners and, as a result, accept sin and continue to live in sin.
  • What makes it feasible for this to be true?
  • According to the Bible, when we become a new creature, a son of God, we are no longer considered sinners.
  • We have been rendered pure and righteous by faith in Jesus Christ and the blood He shed on the cross.
  • In the new creation, the new man, God’s Spirit has been given to him, and he now dwells in the new man.
  • As a result, the new creature is capable of walking on this world in the same way that Jesus walked as a son of God.
  • However, as long as people continue to believe that they will always be sinners, they are indirectly implying that Jesus Christ’s sacrifice on the cross was not perfect.

They imply that the blood of Jesus Christ, which was spilt at the whipping post and on the crucifixion, was insufficiently potent to redeem man from sin and wickedness, as well as to redeem man from their sin nature.When individuals claim that they are still sinners, they are indicating that they do not believe in Jesus Christ and His perfect work of salvation.Yes, we are all born as sinners in the flesh, and no one is exempt from this fact.Every individual is born a sinner and continues to be a sinner until he or she comes to faith in Jesus Christ, repents, and is transformed into a new creature via His blood, baptism in water, and baptism with the Holy Spirit (Romans 6:3-5).When you are transformed into a new creature, you are no longer seen as a sinner.

In return for His life, you have voluntarily laid down your old sinful nature and exchanged your will for His will; your life has been given for His life.It is now your responsibility to take up your cross and follow Jesus.

The faith is being affected by the lies of man

  • In every instance in which we remove the divinely inspired words from their context and substitute our own explanations, interpretations and personal opinions for them, the words become distorted truths that are no longer the truths.
  • To illustrate, consider the portions of the Bible where Jesus ate with publicans and sinners and was addressed by the Pharisees and scribes, among other things (Matthew 8:9, Mark 2:13, Luke 5:29).
  • A common argument is that because Jesus ate with tax collectors, prostitutes, and sinners (Luke 7:34), we are likewise permitted to hang out and associate with unbelievers, and to engage in the activities that they engage in; there is nothing wrong with this.
  • Yes, Jesus mingled with tax collectors and sinners on a number of occasions.
  • But, first and foremost, they were a member of God’s chosen people after the flesh (Israel) and were not Gentiles as is commonly assumed today.
  • First and foremost, Jesus came with a message of repentance, and these offenders repented and instantly abandoned their sinful and evil ways (see also Was Jesus a Friend of Publicans?).

“Behold, Lord, the half of my goods I give to the poor; and if I have taken any thing from any man by false accusation, I restore him fourfold”

  • If anyone had taken anything from him by false accusation, Zacchaeus, who was the most powerful of the publicans, was willing to restore him fourfold: he would give half of his wealth to the poor, and he would say to Jesus, ″If anyone had taken anything from me by false accusation, I am willing to restore him fourfold:″ Zacchaeus rose to his feet and addressed the Lord, saying, ″Behold, Lord, the half of my property I give to the poor; and if I have stolen anything from any man by false accusation, I restore it to him four times.″ For the reason that he is also a son of Abraham, Jesus said to him, ″This day salvation has arrived to this home.″ And he believed Jesus’ words.
  • Because the Son of Man has come to seek and to rescue those who have been separated from God.
  • (Luke 19:8-10; Matthew 19:13-14) Sin was not tolerated or accepted by Jesus.
  • He did not associate with them or participate in their terrible deeds, but He was the one who brought them (the people of Israel) to repentance.
  • I did not come to summon the upright to repentance, but rather sinners to repentance.
  • (See also Luke 5:32)

Jesus loves people but hates the works of the old man

  • Jesus cherished people, but He despised the bad deeds (sin) of the old carnal man, who belonged to the generation of unfaithful people.
  • In fact, Jesus despised carnal acts such as adultery, fornication, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hostility, variance, emulations, wrath, conflict, seditions, heresies, murders, drunkenness, reveling in indignation and fury, malice and blasphemy, filthy communication, and so forth.
  • In particular, he despised the works that arose from the Adamic nature.
  • Because they were acting against the will of the Father, they were sent out.
  • And the fact is that He still despises them since He hasn’t altered his mind about them.
  • It is because He has not changed that His point of view has not altered as well.
  • Although He died on the cross and His blood was spilt, Jesus still has a strong dislike for sin.

Jesus did not die on the cross in order to give approval and authorization for people to continue living in sin.However, because of His faultless work and the blood He shed, He assured that anybody who would believe in Him would be given the capacity to become a new creature; a son of God; and to rule alongside Jesus Christ.

Will He find faith on the earth?

  • You may reveal as much as you want with your mouth.
  • In contrast, if your actions and acts do not correspond to your confessions and remorse, then your confessions are rendered meaningless.
  • Likewise, the devil and fallen angels (demons) profess their faith in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.
  • They are not, however, preserved.
  • Their last resting place is the unending lake of fire, often known as hell.
  • The fact that you believe that there is only one God is commendable; the devils also believe and shudder as a result.
  • (James 2:19; cf.

When you declare that you believe in Jesus Christ, you are obligated to conduct your life in accordance with His instructions and will.You must do what the Word instructs you to do, and you must not listen to what the world has to say.You will no longer be a participant in its wicked deeds and will no longer live like the rest of the world.You, on the other hand, must isolate yourself from the rest of the world.You must place your faith in Jesus Christ and pay attention to what God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit have to say.

You will devote the rest of your life to Him.Only when you follow the Spirit and live in accordance with what the Word teaches will you be able to walk in confidence.Regardless of your circumstances, you must remain firm in your convictions.You must be faithful to the Scriptures and diligent in your prayers.

When you walk in faith, you will be walking in accordance with the will of the Father, and you will be pleasing to Him.This world is a place where you should pursue the things that are above you rather than the ones that are beneath you.

Abusing the grace of God

  • The question remains, however: Will faith be present when Christ returns to our world?
  • (See Luke 18:8 for further information.) Jesus was well aware of the flaws in the old man, who walked in the ways of the flesh and belonged to the generation of the unfaithful (the Adamic nature).
  • He was well aware that numerous false professors and preachers would appear in the last days, each with their own set of ideologies, viewpoints, and worldly knowledge.
  • Forgers of the gospel of Jesus Christ who would tolerate and embrace sin, who would take advantage of God’s grace so that they may continue living in sin, and who would make a mockery of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • That is why Jesus asked His followers whether they thought He would find faith on the earth when He returned.
  • ‘Be the salt of the earth,’ as the saying goes.

When our Lord returns, will He find faith?

  • 4 ″He resisted for quite some time.
  • He ultimately told himself, ″Even though I don’t fear God or care what other people say, 5 since this widow keeps bugging me, I will see that she receives justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!″ 6 ″Pay attention to what the unfair judge has to say,″ the Lord instructed.
  • 7 And won’t God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night, if they keep pleading with him?
  • Is he going to keep putting them off?
  • 8 I promise you that he will see to it that they receive justice as soon as possible.
  • ″Will the Son of Man, on the other hand, find trust on the earth when he comes?″ This tale, which is part of the Collection of Parables featured in the Classic Bridges I curriculum, is one that I really appreciate.
  • I particularly enjoy our Lord’s teaching to ″always pray and never give up,″ but I also like the question that is presented at the conclusion.

So, what will my faith look like when the Lord returns to judge the world?This is a question I’ve been asking myself a lot recently, as the birth pangs and prophetic indicators of the end times grow more and more visible in our immediate environment.So, how will your faith manifest itself?When the Lord returns, what will each of us be doing will be revealed to Him.It is my prayer that, as the CEO of an international mission organization with a unique, catalytic strategy to reaching unreached peoples on the continents of Africa, Asia, and Latin America, we will be a light in the darkness to the glory of the Lord God.

We need to take a brief tour of the ″ancients,″ those men and women of faith whom the Lord has identified in the ″Hall of Faith,″ which can be found in Hebrews Chapter 11 (which happens to be one of my favorite chapters in the New Testament) in order to discover what examples of ″faith″ the Lord commends: As well as being the first martyr (murdered by Cain), Abel was also the first shepherd recorded in the Bible.It’s unclear what more happened to Abel other the fact that he gained favor with God by offering him an acceptable sacrifice to begin with.″4 Hebrews 11:4 (New International Version) ″4 Abel’s contribution to God was superior than Cain’s because of his faith.When God spoke favorably of his sacrifices, he was acclaimed as virtuous on the basis of his faith.

Even though Abel is dead, he continues to talk because of his faith.Enoch Enoch, the man who walked with God, is the next ″ancient″ to be recognized in the Hall of Faith, following Adam and Eve.Enoch had done so well in the eyes of the Lord God that he was spared the agony of death: Enoch was snatched from this life by faith, so that he would not have to go through the process of death: ‘He could not be located because God had taken him away.’″ Hebrews 11:5-6 (New International Version) Because, before he was kidnapped, he was praised for being a man who delighted God.6 And it is impossible to satisfy God if one does not have faith, since anybody who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him with all their hearts.″ Noah Noah is the third ″ancient″ figure to be commemorated in the Hall of Faith.

  1. Noah was often regarded as a morally upright individual.
  2. He was completely innocent in the eyes of his contemporaries.
  3. This does not imply that Noah was sinless, and he was certainly not flawless, but it does imply that he loved God with all of his heart and was completely devoted to following God’s commands.

Noah’s life – and the way he demonstrated his unwavering faith in the face of a faithless community – has a lot to teach us about how to live our lives today.Hebrews 11:7 (New International Version): “7 When Noah was warned of things he had not yet seen, he constructed an ark out of holy terror in order to preserve his family.Because of his faith, he was able to condemn the world and become an heir to the righteousness that is consistent with faith.″ Abraham (known as ″Ibrahim″ to our Muslim neighbors) is the next person to be named, and he is given considerably more than a passing reference among the ″ancients.″ This towering Biblical behemoth, who would come to be considered as the father of the Jewish people, is given a great deal of attention in this work.″8.Hebrews 11:8-10 & 12 (New International Version) ″8.After being summoned to a location that would become his inheritance, Abraham obeyed and went, despite the fact that it was a completely unknown location at the time of the summons.

9 Using faith, he established a home in the promised land, just as one would if one were visiting a foreign nation; he lived in tents, just as his forefathers Isaac and Jacob did, who were also heirs to the same promise.10 He was looking forward to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God, and he was looking forward to that city.12 In the end, offspring as many as the stars in the sky and as numerous as the sand on the seashore descended from this one man, who was by all accounts already deceased.Abraham’s willingness to uproot himself from his family and all he had known and relied on in order to journey to a faraway nation that he knew nothing about was a proof of his confidence in our Creator.

Many missionaries have done the same thing, albeit to varied degrees, since many of them have also returned (albeit for brief periods of time) to their prior family and previous surroundings after leaving the mission field.God rewarded Abraham’s faith by showering him with an illimitable number of descendants.″17 Hebrews 11:17-19 (New International Version) ″17 When God put Abraham through the test of faith, he sacrificed Isaac as a sacrifice.He who had embraced the promises was on the verge of sacrificing his one and only son, 18 despite God’s assurance to him that ″your offspring shall be reckoned through Isaac.″ 19 Abraham reasoned that God had the ability to resuscitate the dead, and therefore, in a sense, he was successful in bringing Isaac back from the grave.″ Despite the fact that Abraham was completely prepared to sacrifice his son, he placed his complete confidence in God to either revive Isaac from the dead or send a substitute sacrifice.Fortunately, God intervened and provided the ram that was needed at the last minute.

The death of Isaac would have been a blatant violation of every promise God had made to Abraham, and Abraham’s readiness to make the ultimate sacrifice of killing his son is unquestionably the most dramatic demonstration of faith and confidence in God found anywhere in the whole of Scripture.Sarah Sarah, the wife of Abraham, is one of only two women who have been particularly mentioned as heroines of faith (the other is Rahab, the prostitute who protected the Israelite Spies).Sarah waited till she was well past childbearing age before becoming a mother.She had many moments of doubt, and she struggled to trust that God would follow through on his word.She had given up hope and decided to take matters into her own hands.Sarah, like the majority of us, was viewing God’s promise through the lens of her limited, human viewpoint.

See also:  What Was Jesus Last Words On The Cross

However, the Lord utilized her life to bring about an amazing plan, demonstrating that God is never limited by the normal course of events.Sarah’s faith is a source of inspiration for anyone who has ever waited for God to do something.″11″ (Hebrews 11:11) Jacob Jacob was another of Israel’s great patriarchs who fathered twelve sons, each of whom became the head of one of Israel’s twelve tribes.He was the father of twelve sons, each of whom became the head of a different tribe.One of his sons was Joseph, who is regarded as a pivotal figure in the Old Testament.

Jacob, on the other hand, started out as a liar, a cheat, and a manipulator.He had a constant battle with God throughout his life.When Jacob and God engaged in a dramatic, all-night wrestling match, the turning point came for him.Finally, the Lord touched Jacob’s hip, and he was left a broken man, but he was also a transformed man.God renamed him Israel, which literally translates as ″he wrestles with God.″ ″21″ (Hebrews 11:21) As he lay dying, Jacob’s faith enabled him to bless and worship each of Joseph’s sons as he leaned on the apex of his staff.″ The phrase “as he leaned on the top of his staff” is something we need to take note of.After Jacob wrestled with God, for the rest of his days he walked with a limp, and he gave over control of his life to God.

  1. As an old man and now a great hero of faith, Jacob “leaned on his staff” in demonstrating his hard learned trust and dependence on the Lord.
  2. Joseph Joseph, one of the most well-known heroes of the Old Testament, was an extraordinary example of what can happen when a person surrenders his life in complete obedience to God.
  3. Hebrews 11:22 (NIV) “22 By faith Joseph, when his end was near, spoke about the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt and gave instructions concerning the burial of his bones.” Joseph spoke confidently about the coming exodus and how he wanted his bones to be buried – as if he had seen this event already.
  4. Joseph had a history of great faith and even after all the terrible wrongs done to him by his brothers, Joseph offered forgiveness and made this incredible statement to them in Genesis 50:20, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives” (NIV) (NIV).

And then, Moses (“Musa” to our Muslim neighbors): Moses takes a major place of prominence in the Hall of Faith (just as Abraham did) (just as Abraham did).Another Towering figure of the Old Testament, Moses’s brief story is inspiring.Hebrews 11:24-27 (NIV) “24 By faith Moses, when he had grown up, refused to be known as the son of Pharaoh’s daughter.25 He chose to be mistreated along with the people of God rather than to enjoy the fleeting pleasures of sin.

  1. 26 He regarded disgrace for the sake of Christ as of greater value than the treasures of Egypt, because he was looking ahead to his reward.
  2. 27 By faith he left Egypt, not fearing the king’s anger; he persevered because he saw Him who is invisible.” My favorite phrase is that Moses “saw Him who is invisible”.
  3. That inspires to look past this visible realm into the invisible…where the Lord wants us to be, where faith truly begins and when we focus on seeing Him and Him alone.
  4. Moses is also my Dad’s (my earthly father) favorite character of the Bible and my Dad recently stated to me “that Moses not only was patient with Two Million Stiff-Necked Hebrews as they wandered across the desert but Moses intervened for them with God multiple times to ask for mercy for them when God wanted to wipe them off the face of the earth.
  5. What an incredibly patient and gracious leader he was!
  6. After Jesus, I can’t wait to see him in heaven.” Although Moses is one of the most inspiring examples of heroic faith in the Bible, he was human just like you and me, plagued by anger management issues, mistakes, frailties and repeating sin and brokenness.

However, it was his willingness to obey God, despite his many flaws, that made Moses someone God could use–and wow, did he use him!And the list goes on of these “ancients” and demonstrations of their faith in the rest of Hebrews 11.It is some great reading and “Storytelling” for all of us and I recommend you finish the rest of the chapter on your own.It is ONLY through faith that a mission organization like SIU continues to spread the “Good News” of the Gospel in making disciples of Oral learners around the world.

So again, what will your faith look like when the Lord returns to fulfill His promise to us?Will you be listed in God’s Hall of Faith where at the end of this chapter (Hebrews 11:39-40 NIV), the Lord states: “39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised, 40 since God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.”

When the Son of Man Returns, Shall He Find Faith on Earth? (Dec. 19 – 25Th)

  • If the Son of Man appears, will there be faith on the face of the planet when he arrives?″ (See Luke 18:8 for further information.) This remark spoken by our Lord and Savior in Luke 8:18, ″…
  • When the Son of Man arrives, will He find faith on the earth?″ is a gripping and almost moving element for every believer.
  • ″…
  • Will the Son of Man find faith on the earth?″ The reason why Christ Jesus made such a declaration at that time, and the conditions that prompted Him to make such a statement, are both intriguing questions.
  • The events that led to Christ delivering this remark did not take place at a time when He was speaking about His return to earth at the conclusion of this era, as some have speculated.
  • However, it seems evident that he was referring to the period in question.
  • He wanted to know whether or not there would be any faith left on earth when He returned, and he posed that question.

We are left to wonder why our Lord and Savior, the one who knows and understands all, would pose such a question.Because He is the one who controls the future, why would He pose such a perplexing question?Consider the context: Christ began by presenting a tale in Luke 18, ″He delivered a parable to them, that men need constantly to pray and not to faint,″ according to the New International Version.He went on to tell the story of a woman who kept returning to the courtroom in search of justice.The woman was the victim, and she requested that this specific Judge bring her to justice.

The background of this Judge was that he was unfair and a nonbeliever, according to the evidence presented.He had no fear of either God or man.This Judge, on the other hand, had become tired of this woman bugging him about this problem on a regular basis.He relented and attended to her needs.

Jesus then challenged the assembly, saying, ″Will God not answer His own elect who cry out to Him on a regular basis?″ Prayer and faith were at the forefront of Jesus’ thoughts and actions.The belief that God will answer our prayers when we call (pray).Jesus emphasizes the need of persevering in prayer for everything and everything – even our personal needs.In this case, we observe that an unjust Judge ultimately grants justice to a woman, not because he is a just Judge, but because she is exhausting him as a result of her tenacity.

  1. Jesus was attempting to convey the message that if an unjust Judge will administer justice, what does it say about our Loving Father, who is concerned and just?
  2. ″Now, shall not God bring about justice for His elect, who cry out to Him day and night, and will He tarry long over them?″ Jesus asked.
  3. I assure you that He will swiftly bring about justice for them and their families.

Will the Son of Man, on the other hand, find trust on the earth when He returns?″ (See Luke 18:7-8.) Why should we expect anything less from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who is full of compassion and mercies and grace and who hears and answers our prayers – the prayers of His people – if this unjust Judge who did not know God, let alone believe in Him, would respond to this woman?But, once again, the question arises: ″Will the Son of Man find faith on the earth when He returns?″ The Bible speaks of severe times that will occur before His return, which will take place in the future.″Because evil shall flourish, the affection of many will become cold,″ Jesus declared in Matthew 24:12.In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Paul spoke of the Lord’s second coming, ″…that day shall not come except there first be a falling away.″ He was referring to the church’s separation from the Lord.Around the world, there has been a decline in religious belief.This erosion of faith is visible among believers in local communities, as well as on a national and international scale, as belief in God has declined dramatically as time has progressed in recent years.

If this phrase – shall He find faith when He returns…?is addressed to believers – Christians, I feel He is plainly informing us that when He returns for His children, will He be able to discover faith among them?What exactly is this trust that Jesus is referring about here?The faith that Jesus is referring to is the expectation that, when He returns, He will find a church that has placed its confidence in Him and His message.

Or will He find a church that has made concessions and is reliant on the global system to provide its wants and fulfill its desires?Probably the latter.It is fear of man, not a lack of confidence in Jesus, that is orchestrating the lack of faith that Christ stated, rather than a lack of trust that Jesus truly cares about us if we will work with Him and establish an everlasting connection with Him.The bone of disagreement is that the vast majority of Christians do not believe in Jesus as their Savior.They are more concerned with ensuring that they do not lose control of their worldly belongings than they are with allowing Jesus the Master to have His way in their life.

Our churches or places of worship today have been transformed into a market place – a business where people may make money or earn personal benefit in the name of God.The tone of their communications has shifted.It is no longer about fellowship with our Creator and Lord; healing and deliverance of God’s people; salvation of the lost; seeking the face of the Lord, enquiring in His word, and dwelling in the beauty of His presence; or seeking after spiritual things of the Father and His kingdom.It is now about fellowship with our Creator and Lord; healing and deliverance of God’s people; salvation of the lost.The burdens and wishes of people or members to know the Lord are brought into the church, and the burdens and desires are taken away with them when they depart.Nowadays, there are no life-changing teachings coming from the pulpits of the churches.

Despite this, money donations are still collected on a regular basis to ensure the continued existence of the church.The spiritual needs of the people in the church are not served, and they are not even discussed, because the church has shifted its emphasis away from them.″…stop converting my father’s house into a market place!″ Christ Jesus did declare.(See John 2:16 for further information.) There has to be a distinction between the world and the place of worship where God is worshipped.

There must be a distinction between those who believe and those who do not believe.However, we are not of this world; rather, we are in this world (John 17:16).We are no longer able to conform to the image or pattern of this world, but must instead be changed by the renewing of our minds….(See also Romans 12:2).Those who believe have allowed the emphasis of the cross to become diluted in the face of the powers of this world As a result, there is no longer any power in the body of Christ, nor are there any miracles or messages of deliverance.There are no manifestations of the spirit or spiritual abilities.

  1. There is no longing for God’s presence in our lives.
  2. There is no longer any yearning for His face or wanting to know Him.
  3. Will the Son of Man find faith when He arrives to earth, or will He find faith when He returns to heaven?
  4. We must maintain our attention and keep our gaze fixed on Him – Christ Jesus.

His actions and words must serve as a model for us in their entirety.Put your trust in God!Friends, I wish you a beautiful week and a joyful Christmas season!

When Jesus returns will he find any faith?

  • When Jesus comes, will he find any faith left in the world?
  • According to the book of Hebrews, faith is defined as follows: ″Faith is the fulfillment of what is hoped for and the proof of things not seen.″ (Hebrews 11:1).
  • In order to demonstrate in a similar manner how to grasp the definition of something that many people find difficult to grasp, the author spent some effort developing the numerous descriptions.
  • Continue reading the rest of Hebrews Chapter 11 to the end.
  • What Jesus said in the Parable of The Resistant Widow, in which she repeatedly requested for a verdict from a court, is worth considering: ″Will not God then guarantee the rights of his chosen ones who call out to him day and night?″ Will he take a long time to respond?
  • I promise you that he will ensure that justice is served to them as soon as possible.
  • The question is: ″When the Son of Man returns, will he find faith on the earth?″ (7:7-8) (Lk.

18:7) ″Where is your faith?″ is a statement that is frequently used when something is not believed or is said to be impossible: ″Where is your faith?″ This is a technique that is employed more frequently than normal by persons who are attempting to persuade others to accept a reality that they themselves had to learn the hard way.As a result, elder generations who have also come to believe in God and the truth of things that were before unfathomable are having difficulty convincing their children to believe in the same views as they do.This is a subject that may arise in our own households if we have children who no longer attend church-related services.Those of us who taught under the auspices of the Church Sacraments remember a day not so long ago when those young people kept the fundamentals of church teaching until they were confirmed.After that, we didn’t see them again until they required proof of their church ties in order to be married in the first place.

That was back in the day.Many people, however, do not even get married in a church, and even worse, they simply live together as cohabiting partners.Rather than being a script of condemnation for our children, this is a beautiful indication of where their religion, which was so arduously supplied to them, has gone.Some, if not many, couples who were reared Catholic and catechized in our Catholic religion, including marriage, are now raising their children without the presence of a church or even making an attempt to mention Jesus to their children.

What we, as older adults, are becoming increasingly certain of is that we may be the only generation of Catholics who will carry the ideas we were taught and stick to them in this millennium.Another indication that our religion is under threat as a result of the effect of anti-God utterances.We must continue to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ across the world, in our communities, and within ourselves.Ralph B.

  1. Hathaway’s The Truth About Faith in Jesus Christ is scheduled to be published in 2022.
See also:  What Happens When Jesus Returns

Shall He Find Faith on the Earth?

  • ″A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief,″ a great hymn that was a favorite of the Prophet Joseph and his brother Hyrum, was given the most exquisite version by the Prophet Joseph himself.
  • This was an absolutely stunning performance by the choir and orchestra.
  • As we conclude our conference, I pray that the Spirit of the Lord will be with me so that I can speak in a way that will be useful to members of the Church as well as those who are not members of the Church.
  • This task has made me realize how modest I am.
  • I’d want to pose a question that the Savior posed about 2,000 years ago: ″Will the Son of Man find faith on the earth when he comes?″ 1

First Principle of the Gospel

  • What exactly is genuine faith?
  • Faith is described as ″confidence and faith in God, as well as allegiance to God;…
  • solid believe in something for which there is no evidence″ (Webster’s Dictionary).
  • 2 We believe that ″faith is the ability to hope for things that are not seen, but which are real…,″ and that ″faith must be focused on Jesus Christ″ to be effective.
  • In fact, we think that ″faith in Jesus Christ is the first premise of the gospel,″ as stated by the Apostle Paul.
  • 3

A Widow’s Faith

  • There are individuals who can teach us about faith if we are just willing to open our hearts and brains to receive their guidance.
  • One such individual is a woman whose spouse had passed away.
  • She had attempted to find means to sustain herself after being left alone to raise her son, but she had been born during a period of horrible hunger.
  • Food was limited, and many people were dying as a result of starvation.
  • As the amount of food available decreased, so did the woman’s chances of survival.
  • Every day, she stood there helplessly as her tiny food supply dwindled farther and further.
  • After searching for comfort but coming up empty-handed, the woman eventually recognized that the day had arrived when she only had enough food for one last supper.

It was at this point when a complete stranger approached and asked the inconceivable question.″Bring me, I pray thee,″ he said to her, motioning for her to bring him a crumb of bread.She turned to face him and replied, ″As the Lord thy God liveth, I have neither a cake nor any other sweetmeats, but I do have a handful of meal in a barrel and a smidgeon of oil in a cruse.″ The woman informed him that she was ready to make it as a final dinner for herself and her son, ″in order for us to eat it and die.″ She had no idea that the guy standing in front of her was the prophet Elijah, who had been sent to her by the Lord.What this prophet said her after that may come as a surprise to individuals who do not grasp the notion of trust in today’s world.″Do not be afraid,″ he assured her, ″but first bake me a small cake, and bring it to me, and then make for thee and thy son from the remainder.″ Can you picture what she must have been thinking at the time?

What must she have been thinking?″For thus saith the Lord God of Israel, the barrel of grain shall not go to waste, nor shall the cruse of oil fail, till the day when the Lord sendeth rain upon the land,″ the man said, cutting her off before she could respond.Following the woman’s hearing of the prophetic promise, she acted in faith and followed Elijah’s instructions.″And she, he, and her family dined together for several days.

In accordance with the word of the Lord, which he said through Elijah, neither the barrel of food nor the cruse of oil went to waste.″ 4 The prophet’s suggestion may appear harsh and selfish when viewed through the lens of contemporary understanding.The widow’s answer may look naive and imprudent when viewed through the lens of modern wisdom.This is primarily due to the fact that we are taught to make judgments based on what we perceive.We make judgments based on the data in front of us and on what appears to be in our immediate best advantage at the time of the decision.

  1. In contrast, ″faith″ ″is the substance of things hoped for, the proof of things not yet seen.″ 5 In the midst of the darkness, faith has eyes that glimpse into the light that lies beyond.
  2. As the saying goes, ″Your reliance should not be placed in the wisdom of men, but in the might of God.″ 6

Failure to Exercise Faith

  • We rely on our own abilities to analyze and solve issues far too often these days, rather than on the power of faith.
  • If we get unwell, contemporary medicine has the ability to perform healing miracles.
  • We have the ability to travel long distances in a short amount of time.
  • We have information at our fingertips that, 500 years ago, would have elevated even the poorest man to the status of a prince.

True Faith

  1. ″The just shall live by faith,″7 we are promised in the sacred book of Revelation.
  2. What exactly is faith, I inquire once more.
  3. It is only when we have perfect confidence in what we cannot see that we can combine that confidence with conduct that is in complete accordance with the will of our heavenly Father that we have faith.
  4. First, we must have perfect confidence; second, we must act; and third, we must be completely conformed.
  5. Without these three, all we have is a counterfeit, a weakened and watered-down faith, according to the Bible.
  6. Allow me to elaborate on each of these three religious imperatives.

First and foremost, we must have faith in that which we are unable to perceive.As soon as Thomas finally felt the impressions of the nails and pressed his hand into the side of the crucified Savior, he proclaimed that he had at long last come to believe in him.’Thomas, since you have seen me, you have believed; happy are those who have not seen and yet have believed,’ says Jesus to him.8 These comments were repeated by Peter, who complimented Jesus’ early supporters for their confidence in him as the Messiah.″Whom you love despite the fact that you have not seen him; in whom, though you have not seen him yet, yet believe, ye rejoice with indescribable and full of glory: ″Receiving the goal of your faith, which is the saving of your souls,″ he continued.9 Second, in order for our religion to have an impact, we must take action.

We must do all in our ability to transform passive belief into active faith, since, as the saying goes, ″faith that does not work is dead.″ 10 President Gordon B.Hinckley issued a public warning to the Saints of this Church, as well as to the rest of the world, in 1998.Earlier in the evening, he issued the same warning during the priestly meeting.″I’m arguing that the moment has come for us to get our houses in order,″ he explained.

  1. So many individuals are struggling to make ends meet on the fringes of their earnings.
  2. In reality, some people are surviving only on credit.
  3. ″I am concerned about the massive consumer installment debt that looms over the people of the country, particularly our own citizens.″ 11 Some devout members of the Church responded to these prophetic words by summoning their faith and following the prophet’s advice.

That they did is something for which they are eternally thankful today.Another group of people may have accepted what the prophet had declared to be true but did not have faith, even if it was just one tiny grain of mustard seed.As a result, some people have had financial, personal, and familial difficulties.To finish with, one’s faith should be in accordance with our Heavenly Father’s will, which includes His laws of nature.In spite of the fact that the sparrow is flying directly into a hurricane, the ruthless natural law will eventually convince him that he cannot survive the storm.

Are we more enlightened than the sparrow?In our society, what passes for religion is frequently little more than gullibility masquerading as trust.Seeing how willing some individuals are to accept fads and hypotheses while rejecting or paying less weight and attention to the timeless truths of the gospel of Jesus Christ is disheartening to witness.When some people rush into unwise or immoral activity, assuming that God would somehow protect them from the inevitable catastrophic repercussions of their actions, it is heartbreaking to see them rush into it.

They even go so far as to pray for the benefits of Heaven, despite the fact that they are well aware in their minds that what they are doing is in direct opposition to the desire of our heavenly Father.Is there a way to tell when our faith is in accordance with the will of our heavenly Father and when He approves of what we are pursuing?We must be familiar with God’s word.A major purpose for immersing ourselves in the scriptures is to have a better understanding of Heavenly Father’s interactions with mankind from the beginning.If the aspirations of our hearts are in conflict with the teachings of Scripture, we should refrain from pursuing them any further.Following that, we must pay attention to the advice of modern-day prophets who provide inspired guidance.

Additional steps include deliberating and praying for wisdom while seeking the Holy Spirit’s direction.As a result of our actions, the Lord has promised, ″I will reveal myself to you by the Holy Ghost in your mind and in your heart, which shall come upon you and which shall live in your heart.″ 12 Only when our faith is in sync with the will of our heavenly Father will we be able to get the rewards that we desire.

Principle of Power

  1. Faith, when properly understood and exercised, is one of the most powerful and wonderful forces in all of eternity.
  2. It is a force that is far more strong than we can comprehend.
  3. In faith, God’s word was used to frame the worlds, as stated in Genesis 1.
  4. 13 Waters are parted, the sick are cured, the wicked are silenced, and salvation is made possible because of trust in God.
  5. Our religion serves as the basis upon which all of our spiritual endeavors are built and sustained.
  6. In our life, it should be the most essential resource we have.

Faith is not so much a belief as it is a way of life.Faith is something we practice.The Savior said it best: ″If thou canst believe,″ he said, ″all things are possible for him who believes.″ 14 When someone believes in me, he will be able to perform the acts that I perform, as well as greater feats than these.15

Teaching the Principle

  1. Those who walk in faith will feel as though the light and benefits of heaven have been poured into their lives.
  2. They will be able to comprehend and know things that others will not.
  3. It is foolishness to those who do not walk in faith to regard the things of the Spirit as foolishness, since only the Spirit is capable of discernment of the things of the Spirit.
  4. 16 Those who do not believe are unable to comprehend the appearances of heaven because they are shut from comprehension.
  5. According to Moroni, ″If there is no trust among the children of men,″ ″God cannot perform a miracle among them; thus, he did not manifest himself until after their faith,″ he explains.
  6. 17 Throughout history, however, there have been some who, through the eyes of faith, have seen through the darkness and seen things for what they actually are.

″There were those whose faith was so exceedingly great…that they could not be prevented from beyond the curtain, but genuinely saw with their eyes the things that they had witnessed with an eye of faith, and they were joyful,″ Moroni explains.18 Our houses should be havens of religion for us and our families.Mothers and dads should instill in their children the fundamental ideas of faith.Grandparents might also be of assistance.When I’m at a family event, I make an effort to have one-on-one conversations with some of our grandchildren when the circumstances allow it.

″How are you doing?″ I inquire of them as I sat with them and ask them a few questions.″How are things doing at school?″ Then I inquire as to their feelings toward the actual Church, which is quite important to me.I attempt to get a sense of the depth of their faith and witness through interviewing them.In the event that I detect regions of ambiguity, I will question them, ″Would you accept a goal from your grandfather?″ So I’ll encourage them study the scriptures every day and kneel down every morning and night to pray with their fathers and mothers as well as conduct personal prayers with God.

  1. I remind them that they should attend their sacrament sessions.
  2. Among other things, I advise them to always keep themselves pure and clean, to always show up for their meetings, and last but not least, I advise them to constantly endeavor to be attentive to the whisperings of the Lord.
  3. Now, following a conversation with Joseph, our eight-year-old grandson, he looked into my eyes and said, ″Can I leave now, Granddad?″ ″Did I do any good?″ I wondered as he sprinted away from my arms.

Evidently, I did, since the next day he expressed gratitude for our little conversation, saying, ″Thanks for the small dialogue we had.″ If we approach our grandkids with love rather than reproach, we will discover that their faith will grow as a consequence of the influence and witness of someone who loves the Savior and His holy Church.


  1. The world might appear to be gloomy at times.
  2. Our faith is tested from time to time.
  3. We may get the impression that the sky are closed against us at times.
  4. Nonetheless, we should not give up hope.
  5. No matter what, we should never give up on our faith.
  6. We should never give up hope.

A few years ago, I began to realize that the world around me was becoming more and more ominous.Simple things, such as reading the print in my scriptures, were becoming more difficult for me, and this was upsetting me.I was perplexed as to what had happened to the quality of the lightbulbs, and I was perplexed as to why manufacturers today couldn’t produce goods in the same manner as they had in previous years.I upgraded the lights to be more visible in low light.They, too, began to fade away.The bad design of the lighting and bulbs was to fault, I said.

The fact that the sun’s brilliance was diminishing was even brought into question before it occurred to me that the problem might not be with the amount of light in the room, but rather with the condition of my own eyes.I went to see an ophthalmologist shortly after, who told me that the world was not about to become dark at all.I was relieved.The reason the light looked to be fading was due to a cataract in my right eye.

  1. This definitely gives you an idea of my age.
  2. I put my trust in the expert hands of this highly qualified doctor, and the cataract was removed, and lo and behold, light began to flood my life once more!
  3. The light had never dimmed; it was just my ability to se

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