When Did Jesus Walk On Water?

8. Jesus Walks on Water (Matthew 14:22-36; Mark 6:45-56; John 6:16-24)

The main point of the presentation is to keep your eyes on Jesus.Keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, as the key verse says.The author of faith is none other but He who is the author of faith.He also ensures that it is flawless.

  • – Hebrews 12:2a (Hebrews 12:2) Props include: two or three spray bottles filled with water, hand-held battery-operated fans or paper fans (or even electric fans), and a storm soundtrack to accompany the action.
  • Teacher: Make a prior arrangement with some adults to come up front and distract the pupils at the appropriate time.
  • The adults should go about the room, softly spraying the children with water bottles and using fans to blow wind in their faces.
  • (If you’re using electric fans, turn them on and direct them toward the children.) As the Storm soundtrack plays, one adult should alternately turn on and off his or her lights.


  1. Say something like this: Over the past few weeks, we have learnt a great deal about Jesus.
  2. First and foremost, we learned that the Jewish people had been waiting hundreds of years for their King..
  3. Then, after a lengthy wait, Jesus finally arrived.

Jesus taught that the kingdom of God was fundamentally different from the world we live in.After that, we witnessed that Jesus had authority over nature when He used a single word to quiet the surging sea.We discovered that Jesus has total control over demonic spirits, and that only Jesus has the authority to pardon sins on our behalf.

As we saw last week, when Jesus cured the lady with the blood problem and resurrected Jairus’ daughter from the dead, He possessed supernatural authority over disease and death.As word spread about Jesus, the miracle worker, an increasing number of people expressed an interest in hearing from and seeing Him.It appeared as though a large crowd had gathered wherever Jesus was.5,000 men, as well as women and children, congregated one day to hear Jesus speak, according to the gospels.(Matthew 14:21; Luke 14:21) That suggests that there were maybe 20,000 people who came to hear Jesus preach on that particular day.

  1. And, after sitting through hours of Jesus’ teaching, the audience was growing hungry itself.
  2. Jesus accepted the meal that had been given to Him by a small boy (John 6:9).
  3. It was only two fish and five little loaves of bread, yet Jesus broke that bread and continued to break it until it was completely consumed.
  • In order to feed everyone in the gathering until they were satisfied, the disciples distributed enough bread and fish to go around.
  • And there were twelve baskets of food left over after all of that!
  • (See also Luke 9:17.) Despite the fact that the disciples were there for this miracle, the Bible claims that they did not completely comprehend it (Mark 6:52).
  • Their hearts were hard, or obstinate, according to the Bible (Mark 6:52).
  • They were aware that Jesus was different, but they were unaware that He was the Messiah, God manifested in a human body (Matthew 14:33).

They were not yet looking with ″kingdom eyes,″ as the phrase goes.As a result, Jesus was ready to perform yet another miracle.This time, though, the disciples would fully comprehend who Jesus truly is.

Teacher’s Note: We must be cautious about passing judgment on the disciples’ obstinate hearts.After all, they did not yet possess the Holy Spirit, who would lead them into all truth in the future (John 16:13).Despite being filled with the Spirit, how many times do we fail to perceive God’s presence and action in our lives?

Jesus Walks On The Water (Matthew 14:22-36)

  1. Say this: Immediately following the miracle of the fish and the loaves of bread, Jesus had something new to share with His followers.
  2. He escorted the multitude away and dispatched the disciples across the Sea of Galilee to their destination.
  3. Keep in mind that the Sea of Galilee was truly a large lake.

The disciples were immediately ordered to get into the boat by Jesus.He directed them to proceed ahead of Him to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, where He would meet them.Then He ordered the throng to disperse.

Having sent them away, He walked up a hill by Himself to pray for a while.When the evening came, He was the only one present.The boat had already traveled a great distance away from land.Because the wind was blowing directly against it, it was getting pummeled by the waves.Jesus went out to meet with his disciples quite early in the morning.

  1. He took a stroll around the lake.
  2. They were scared when they saw Him wandering about on the lake.
  3. They said, ″It’s a ghost!″ They screamed in terror as a result.
  • As soon as Jesus saw them, he cried out to them, ″Be brave!
  • It is, in fact, I.
  • ″Do not be alarmed.″ – Matthew 14:22-27 (King James Version) Say this: When the storm winds were approaching, Jesus dispatched His companions across the lake.
  • Inquire as to whether Jesus was taken by surprise by the windstorm.
  • No.

Say something like: ″Of course it wasn’t!″ They were sent into this storm by Jesus for a cause.He desired to put their faith to the test and teach them something about Himself that they were unaware of at the time.Let’s take a moment to reflect on this situation.

Mark and John, as well as Matthew, tell the tale of Jesus’ death and resurrection.John informs us that the boat had traveled more over three miles from the coast by this point (John 6:19).Mark informs us that Jesus could see the disciples from where He was praying on the mountaintop, according to the gospel of Mark (Mark 6:48).The disciples were having a difficult time rowing since a strong wind was blowing directly into them from the north.There was only one way for Jesus to cross the lake because the disciples had stolen the boat and left him stranded.

Jesus really came out onto the ocean to greet them!Another illustration of Jesus’ authority over nature may be seen here.Somehow, the water was able to support Him.The water had a different effect on Jesus than it had on the other disciples.Even just getting across the lake was a challenge for the disciples.Jesus, on the other hand, strolled on top of the waves.

When Jesus calmed the storm in our tale a few weeks ago, do you recall what the disciples said?″What kind of a man is this?″ they wondered.Even the winds and the waves are subject to His will!″ (See Matthew 8:27 for further information.) Don’t you ever wish you could experience what it was like to walk on water?

At the very least, one of the apostles did!Mark claims that because it was so early in the morning, the sky was still black when they arrived (Mark 6:48).It’s no surprise that the males were apprehensive at first.The moment they heard Jesus’ voice, Peter responded with a response of his own.

Peter Walks On The Water (Matthew 14:28-29)

  1. Peter was a one-of-a-kind individual.
  2. Among all of the disciples, he possessed the greatest amount of confidence.
  3. He uttered things that other people could only speculate about.

He was the sort of person who dared to do things that other people wouldn’t have had the courage to do in the same situation.Peter was utterly sucked into Jesus’ world.Peter wished to follow Jesus with all of his heart and soul.

However, he committed a number of blunders.″Is it You, Lord?Is it You?″ ″ Peter inquired.Then tell me to come to you on the lake, if that’s what you want.″ ″Come,″ Jesus responded.As a result, Peter climbed out of the boat.

  1. He approached Jesus by walking on the sea.
  2. – Matthew 14:28-29 Inquire as to why Jesus alone invited Peter to come out to Him and not any of the other disciples.
  3. – Matthew 14:28-29 As a result of Peter’s inquiry!
  • As an example, Peter is the sole disciple who has begged to come to Jesus with him.
  • Knowing Peter, it should come as no surprise that he desired to follow Jesus into the wilderness.
  • The other disciples may have wished to accompany Jesus on his journey, but none of them would have dared to ask him to do so.
  • Peter requested to come to Jesus, waited for Jesus to summon him, and then followed Jesus’ instructions.
  • How do you view yourself today?

Do you see yourself as more like Peter, who is ready and willing to ask God to use you, or do you see yourself as more like the other disciples, who waited in the boat waiting to see what would happen with Peter?According to the Bible, it is appropriate to pray to God for opportunity (Matthew 7:7).If you are an older student, you may like to say the following before you go out: ″If it is You, tell me to come to you on the sea.″ Peter sincerely wanted to believe that Jesus was the Son of God.

Peter, on the other hand, was seeking for proof.He was pleading with Jesus to suspend him in the waves so that he might be certain that Jesus was the Son of the Living God.Jesus did not become enraged with Peter for asking this question.″Come,″ Jesus simply asked Peter, and Peter had the trust to step out of the dry, solid boat, in the dark, with the wind blowing up the waves, and into the arms of Jesus.At first, Peter’s gaze was riveted on the Lord Jesus.

Peter didn’t have to be concerned about the wind or the seas because he had trust that Jesus would not allow him to drown.Peter’s faith was strong because he remained focused on Jesus at all times.He was aware of the authority that Jesus has over all things.He was well aware of how much Jesus cherished him and that Jesus would never fail him.Application: When you keep your gaze fixed on Jesus, your faith will be strengthened.As we have seen, Jesus has complete authority over all things.

Is there anything He isn’t capable of accomplishing?And Jesus has a soft spot for you.He cares for you so much that He is willing to give His life for you.

When you get to know Jesus, you realize that He is absolutely deserving of your confidence.Maintaining your emphasis on His power and His love for you will help you to have a solid foundation of faith.

Peter Sinks (Matthew 14:30-31)

  1. However, before long, Peter’s gaze was drawn away from Jesus.
  2. But when Peter noticed the wind, he became alarmed, according to Matthew 14:30.
  3. He began to sank to the bottom of the pool.

″Lord, please save me!″ he shouted aloud.As soon as Jesus saw him, He put out His hand and seized him.″Your faith is so insignificant!″ ″He said it,″ he said.

″How could you have doubted Me?″ – Matthew 14:30-31, New International Version In response to the wind and waves, Peter began to question whether Jesus was more strong than the storm that around him (Matthew 14:31).Do you know what the Bible says about having reservations?″People who are filled with uncertainty are like the waves of the sea.″The wind whips them about and knocks them off their feet.″ (6:6) (James 1:6b) What an intriguing word image you’ve created!Peter was actually thrown around by the wind and seas as a result of his uncertainty.

  1. He began to sank to the bottom of the pool.
  2. Inquire as to if anything about Jesus has changed that has led Peter to plummet.
  3. No!
  • What has changed since then?
  • Peter’s gaze was diverted away from Jesus.
  • Say: Peter took a deep breath and glanced at the terrifying storm.
  • He was completely overwhelmed by things that were far more powerful than he could ever hope to be.
  • Peter, on the other hand, should have recalled that nothing is more powerful than Christ!

While he was focused on Jesus, the objects around him did not pose a threat to him in any way.Say something like, ″Let’s do a small experiment.″ Everyone raises their heads to gaze at me.Just keep your attention on me.

Keep your gaze fixed on me at all times.Keep your gaze fixed on me, no matter what is going on around you.You have the option to blink, but you must not look away.Now it’s time for the ″distracters.″ Continue to instruct the children to keep their attention on you as your scheduled adult volunteers attempt to distract them, the lights come on and off, and the storm music plays in the background.After a few minutes, express your gratitude to your helpers.

Inquire as to whether it was challenging to maintain your concentration where it was needed to be.Keep an ear out for responses.As an example, consider Peter’s distractions: the wind was howling and the waves slamming on the shore.Peter’s attention shifted to the things going on around him, and he began to mistrust Jesus.Suddenly, he was overcome with terror, and he began to sink.Of course, when Peter began to sink, Jesus was immediately there to pull him out of the water!

Jesus gently reminded Peter that his faith was insufficient since he had doubted Jesus.Remember that Peter was the only one who was ready to step out of the boat that morning before passing judgment.Many people remark about how Peter fell into the water, but few people recall that the other disciples remained in the boat the entire time.

Application: He advised the disciples to be bold and not to be terrified when they first saw Jesus walking on the water, and they did.Peter, on the other hand, was a mixture of trust and dread.That, I believe, defines the majority of us at times.We may begin with faith if we so choose.

  1. We could start doing something that we know is right for us because we believe it is God’s will (like being nice to the kid that nobody likes).
  2. Alternatively, we could have faith that provides us with serenity throughout a tough moment (like when a family member is sick, or our parents are arguing).
  3. But then our gaze is diverted away from Jesus.
  4. We take a glance around at the frightening scenario we find ourselves in.
  5. We have our doubts about God’s ability to control the situation or about His willingness to assist us if we ask.
  6. It is possible that we will quit doing what God has asked us to accomplish.

Alternatively, we may be overcome by terror.You’re probably familiar with the type of terror I’m referring to – the kind that makes you feel like there’s a whirlwind in the pit of your stomach.However, the fact is as follows: Many circumstances are too large or too frightening for you to manage, but nothing is too large or too frightening for Jesus!Don’t get caught up in the circumstances you find yourself in.Concentrate on the One who has complete control over every event!

  • What an incredible blessing you have!
  • The Creator of the world, who has complete control over all things, is completely smitten with you!
  • Zerubbabel (Zephaniah 3:17) He DESIRES to do what is best for you, and He is ABLE to accomplish what is best for you.

He is your advocate.Concentrating on that reality should provide you with tranquility.That reality should instill confidence in you, allowing you to step out of your boat and perform whatever it is He has called you to do without hesitation.

No one’s faith is without flaws.Even if you do stumble or have any doubts (like Peter did), talk to Jesus about it.He will help you through it (Mark 9:24).Jesus is the same every day.Jesus is that near to you, and He will assist you in the same way He did with Peter, reaching out His hand and grabbing him to keep him safe.

See also:  Jesus Where Are You

The Disciples Praise Jesus (Matthew 14:32-33)

  1. Say something like this: After Peter and Jesus boarded the boat, something incredible happened.
  2. And as soon as they stepped inside the boat, the wind went down completely.
  3. Then everyone in the boat bowed their heads in reverence, proclaiming, ″Truly, you are the Son of God.″ – Matthew 14:32-33, New International Version The disciples were finally able to comprehend who Jesus was.

They’d previously witnessed Jesus perform miracles.However, when Peter and the other disciples realized that Jesus could walk on water with the help of PETER, their lives were forever altered.They were all familiar with Peter.

Some had known him for the most of their lives.He was nothing more than a simple, awkward, and talkative fisherman.Nevertheless, when he placed his faith in Jesus, he performed a miracle by walking on the water of the Sea of Galilee!Peter’s life was revolutionized by Jesus.Jesus, without a doubt, was the Son of God.

  1. Application: What does this have to do with you?
  2. You’re well-known among your friends and family.
  3. They are well aware of your flaws and the blunders you make.
  • They are well aware of your true identity.
  • If you ask God to use you, step out in trust, and keep your eyes on Jesus, He will do incredible things in and through your life.
  • This is the essence of what it means to live in the kingdom of God.
  • You will accomplish things that you could never do on your own; you will love people who appear to be unlovable; and you will find serenity when it appears that it is impossible.
  • Then you will be a living testament to Jesus’s love for others.

The ones who are closest to you will be the first to recognize Jesus as the Lord of lords!POWERPOINT VERSE Verse of the Day: Let us keep our gaze fixed on Jesus.The author of faith is none other but He who is the author of faith.

He also ensures that it is flawless.- Hebrews 12:2a (Hebrews 12:2) THE MAIN POINT OF THE PPT The main point is to keep your gaze fixed on Jesus.2007 BibleLessons4Kidz.com (Bible Lessons for Kids) All rights are retained around the world.It is only permitted to be duplicated for personal, charitable, and non-commercial purposes.As a general rule, the Scriptures are taken from the New International Reader’s Version (NIrV®) of the Holy Bible, unless otherwise specified.

Copyright / 1995, 1996, and 1998 by the International Bible Society / Used with permission of the International Bible Society-STL.All rights are retained around the world.Thank you to John R.Cross, author of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, and GoodSeed International for their assistance.

What Is the Meaning and Significance of Jesus Walking on Water?

  1. There are three different accounts of Jesus walking on water that have been recorded in the Bible.
  2. It is crucial to notice that the event is told by three of Jesus’ followers, Matthew, Mark, and John, who are all named in the Bible.
  3. In Jesus’ earthly career, Luke was not a disciple of Jesus, thus his gospel does not include any references to Jesus walking on water.

This indicates that the narrative of Jesus walking on water has been recorded by three different eyewitnesses, which lends credibility to the story’s truthfulness.This is crucial since walking on water is considered a miracle by many people.Why did Jesus choose to walk on water?

What exactly does it mean?Some academics see connections between this event and the story of Moses bringing the children of Israel across the Red Sea during the Passover celebrations in the Old Testament.We won’t go into as much into on the symbolism in this section.The relevance of the narrative for us today will be found by comparing and contrasting the three different versions of it that were all recorded shortly after Jesus fed the multitude of five thousand people.

Jesus Walks on Water in Mark 6

  1. Watch for the difference between how Mark begins and how he ends at the conclusion of the video.
  2. The number of guys who had eaten reached a total of five thousand.
  3. He immediately ordered his followers to get into the boat and accompany him to the other side of the lake, to Bethsaida, while dismissing the rest of the multitude.

When he had said his goodbyes to them, he climbed up on top of the mountain and prayed.And by the time dusk arrived, the boat was out at sea, leaving him alone on the shore.And he noticed that they were making terrible progress since the wind was working against them.

And he arrived to them at the fourth watch of the night, strolling on the sea.Because they were afraid, they screamed when they realized he was walking on the water and assumed he must be a ghost.He had intended to pass by them, but they mistook him for a ghost and screamed when they realized he was on the sea.However, he instantly addressed them and stated, ″Take heart; it is I.″ Be brave and do not be scared.″ And as he got into the boat with them, the wind stopped blowing.

  1. And they were completely taken aback, for they had no idea what was going on with the loaves, and their hearts had hardened (Mark 6:44-52).
  2. Mark begins with a matter-of-fact demeanor, but by the conclusion of the chapter, he has shown surprise.
  3. As soon as Jesus stepped into the boat, the wind stopped, and everyone was surprised.
  • The danger was no longer a threat.
  • They couldn’t comprehend what I was saying.
  • Although they had ″hardened hearts,″ Jesus was nevertheless able to assist them despite their lack of comprehension.
  • The story of Mark can inspire us to accept Jesus into our insane, chaotic situations in order to provide tranquility, even when we don’t understand how.

Jesus Walks on Water in John 6

  1. In addition to being Jesus’ closest buddy, John was also known as ″the disciple whom Jesus loves.″ Many things he observed and documented that the others did not were picked up on by him.
  2. What do you think you’re seeing here?
  3. After the people witnessed the sign Jesus performed, they started to speculate, ″Surely this is the Prophet who is to come into the world,″ as if Jesus were the promised Messiah.

Jesus fled to a mountain by himself once more, this time knowing that they meant to come and compel him to become king by force.He and his disciples descended to the sea, boarded the boat, and set sail across the sea to the town of Capernaum as the evening arrived.It was already dark, and Jesus had not yet arrived to meet them on the road.

The sea got choppy as a result of the heavy wind blowing at the time.Approximately three or four miles into their journey, they noticed Jesus walking on the water and approaching the boat, which caused them to become alarmed.″It is I,″ he assured them.″Do not be alarmed,″ he said.Once on the boat, they were delighted to have him aboard, and the boat arrived at their destination almost instantly (John 6:14-21).

  1. The feeding of the five thousand was a sign, according to John, and he recognized it.
  2. He also took notice of what the people had to say about it and how Jesus replied to their comments, which he recorded.
  3. In contrast to Mark, John does not mention Jesus’ instructions to the disciples to cross the lake, but rather credits initiative to the disciples to do what they are familiar with.
  • Then, when they found themselves in difficulties, they were delighted to invite Jesus into the boat, and they arrived at their destination almost swiftly.
  • The story of John can inspire us to pay attention to how Jesus is at work in our lives.
  • Also, if we don’t receive instant instructions, we should stick with what we’ve already been informed until we do receive them.
  • Finally, when we find ourselves in danger, we should put our trust in Jesus, knowing that he will see us through to the other side.

Jesus Walks on Water in Matthew 14

  1. Matthew’s narrative goes into greater detail about the scenario than the other two accounts.
  2. They had all finished their meals and were satisfied, and the disciples collected twelve baskets full of broken bits that had been left behind.
  3. In addition to women and children, there were around 5,000 males who participated in the meal.

While he dismissed the multitudes, he immediately ordered his followers to get into the boat and accompany him to the opposite side of the lake.And once he had dismissed the people, he climbed up to the top of the mountain to pray on his own behalf.When the dark arrived, he was alone on the island, but the boat had already traveled a considerable distance from the shore, battered by the waves due to the wind’s opposition.

Afterwards, he came to them during the fourth watch of the night, strolling on the water.However, when the disciples saw him walking on the water, they were startled and said, ″It’s a ghost!″ as they screamed in terror.Take comfort, it is I,″ Jesus said directly to them when they had heard him say it.Be brave and do not be scared.″ And Peter said, ″Lord, if it is you, tell me to come to you on the sea,″ indicating that he believed it was.″Come,″ he instructed.

  1. As a result, Peter stepped out of the boat and walked across the water to reach Jesus.
  2. His fear increased, though, as he noticed the wind.
  3. As he began to descend, his last words were, ″Lord, save me.″ ″O you of little faith, why did you doubt?″ Jesus said as he put out his hand and grabbed him by the shoulders.
  • And as soon as they got onto the boat, the wind stopped blowing.
  • And they in the boat prostrated themselves before him, proclaiming, ″Truly, you are the Son of God″ (Matthew 14:20-33).
  • Following in the footsteps of Mark, Matthew describes Jesus’ instructions and the situation as though it were newsworthy.
  • Matthew, on the other hand, is the only one that chronicles Peter’s reaction to the circumstance and their eventual affirmation of Jesus’ divinity.
  • Matthew’s tale can give us hope that, no matter how we begin, we will be able to complete our journey with Jesus successfully.

When Jesus climbed into the boat, the wind died down.But first, at the direction of Jesus, Peter walked on the water, confirming his authority as the Word of the Living God.This was demonstrated once more when Jesus calmed the storm with nothing more than his word.

Meaning of Jesus Walking on Water

  1. Walking on water, which is recorded in three of the Gospels, was performed immediately after Jesus’ miracle feeding the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish, which was recorded in two of the Gospels (Matthew 14:17).
  2. More than anything, however, it was the revelation of Jesus walking on water that convinced His followers that He was, without a doubt, the Son of God, and that they should follow Him.
  3. Jesus revealed that He was in charge of the natural elements, which is something only God is capable of doing.

As evidence of His divinity, He demonstrated it to His disciples, who replied with a confession of confidence in Jesus as God: ″And as soon as they got into the boat, the wind stopped.″ And they in the boat prostrated themselves before him, proclaiming, ″Truly, you are the Son of God.″ (Matthew 14:32–33; Mark 10:32–33).Keep your eyes and ears fixed on Jesus, no matter where you are in your spiritual journey, and you will be OK.Let us fix our gaze only on Jesus, who was the source of our faith and who will bring it to completion (Hebrews 12:2).

Photograph courtesy of iStock/Getty Images Plus/MajaArgakijeva.Author, coach, and speaker Danielle Bernock is an international award-winning author, coach, and speaker who specializes in assisting individuals in embracing their worth and healing their hearts through the power of God’s love.A Bird Named Payn, A Bird Named Payn, Love’s Manifesto, and Because You Matter are among the books she has authored, and she also hosts the Victorious Souls Podcast.Danielle has been a committed disciple of Christ for many years.She lives with her husband in Michigan, close to her adult children and grandkids.

  1. For additional information or to get in touch with Danielle, please visit her website.

Jesus walking on water – Wikipedia

  1. It is represented as one of the miracles of Jesus that are reported in the New Testament, in which he is shown walking on water or on the sea.
  2. This occurrence is mentioned in three of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and John, although it is not mentioned in the Gospel of Luke.
  3. It is said in this account that Jesus sent his followers back to the ″other side″ (the western side) of the Sea of Galilee after performing the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand, but he himself remained behind to pray.

Because of a wind storm, the ship was forced to anchor and the waters rose up with it.After spending the most of the night rowing against the wind, the disciples were surprised to see Jesus walking on the water.They were terrified because they believed they were seeing a spirit, but when Jesus urged them not to be afraid, they felt relieved.

After Jesus boarded the ship, the wind died down, and they were able to land safely.

Biblical narratives

  1. Matthew, Mark, and John all provide versions of Jesus’ tale about walking on water.
  2. The Gospel of Luke does not include this version of the event.
  3. This episode takes place towards the conclusion of Jesus’ ministry in Galilee, before the pivotal turning moments that occur midway through the gospel accounts, when Peter proclaims Jesus to be the Christ and witnesses the Transfiguration of the Lord.

It occurs immediately after the feeding of the five thousand, after which Jesus had gone by ship to a desert location ″belonging to″ Bethsaida after learning of the death of John the Baptist, but had been pursued by the multitudes who had traveled on foot.Following Jesus’ departure to the mountain to pray alone, the disciples boarded a ship to sail across Galilee to the other side of the Sea of Galilee, where they would spend the next three days.Only John mentions that they were on their way ″toward Capernaum.″ Although the disciples were agitated by the wind and waves, they were able to see Jesus strolling towards them on the water during their voyage by sea.

According to John’s Gospel, they were just five or six kilometers away from their starting location when they were attacked.The disciples were frightened when they saw Jesus for the first time, but he assured them that they need not be scared.Peter inquired of Jesus, ″if it is you,″ and requested him to inform him, or compel him, to come to Jesus on the water, according to Matthew’s narrative (waters).After Peter descended from the ship and began to walk in the sea, he grew fearful of the approaching storm and began to sink.He cried out to Jesus for assistance.

  1. Jesus apprehended him and, after making a remark about his lack of faith, took him back to the ship, whereupon the storm subsided.
  2. Matthew also mentions that Jesus’ disciples referred to him as ″the Son of God.″ That the story of ″St.
  3. Peter’s expedition″ in John does not include this information shows that Matthew’s description of ″St.
  • Peter’s venture″ is a redactional addition.
  • In all three tales, the wind died down as soon as Jesus entered the ship, and they were able to reach the beach.
  • Only according to John’s narrative does their ship arrive at the coast instantly.
  • The stories in Matthew and Mark come to a close at this point, but John adds that the next day, some people on the other side of the sea who were looking for Jesus saw that the disciples had departed without him, but they were unsure of where he had disappeared to.
  • Then, when they arrived in Capernaum and asked Jesus how he got there, instead of answering the question, he told the crowd that they had followed him not because they had seen signs, but because they had eaten free loaves the day before, and he advised them not to seek earthly gain, but to aim for a life based on higher spiritual values instead of seeking earthly gain.
See also:  How Did Jesus Teach

Gospel of Mark (c. 66–70 AD)

  1. 6:45 Right away, Jesus ordered his followers to board the boat and accompany him across to Bethsaida, while he himself escorted the large crowd away from the shoreline.
  2. 46 And after he had said his goodbyes to them, he went up to the mountaintop to pray there.
  3. The boat was still in the middle of the water when evening came, and he was all alone on the shore.

48 And, seeing them distressed in their rowing because the wind was blowing against them, he comes unto them, walking on the sea; and he would have passed by them; 49 but when they saw him walking on the sea, they thought it was a ghost, and they cried out; 50 for they had all seen him and were troubled together.Nevertheless, Jesus immediately interacted with them and told them, ″Be of good cheer: it is I; do not be scared.″ 51 And he went up to them in the boat, and the wind stopped, and they were very surprised at themselves; 52 for they did not understand what was going on with the loaves, for their hearts had become hard.53 And after they had gone over, they arrived at the country of Gennesaret, where they anchored their ship to the beach.

Gospel of Matthew (c. 80–90 AD)

  1. 14:22 And he immediately compelled the disciples to get into the boat with him and accompany him to the other side, where he would then send the crowds away on their own initiative.
  2. When he had driven the crowds away, he walked up to the mountain by himself to pray, and when evening came, he was still there by himself.
  3. 24 But the boat was now in the middle of the sea, being battered by the waves since the wind was blowing in the opposite direction.

Moreover, Jesus came to them during the fourth watch of the night while walking on the water.The disciples were alarmed when they saw him walking on the water, believing it to be a ghost.They screamed in terror and called out for help.

27 But immediately after, Jesus addressed them, saying, ″Do not be alarmed; it is I; do not be frightened.″ 28 Peter said, ″Lord, if it is you, command me to come unto thee upon the waves,″ 28 saying.29 And he invited them in.And Peter got out of the boat and walked across the sea to be closer to Christ.When he realized what was happening, he became terrified and began to sink.He screamed out to the Lord, saying, ″Lord, help me.″ And instantly Jesus reached out his hand and grabbed him by the shoulders and said to him, ″O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou hesitate?″ Afterwards, the wind stopped blowing when they were safely aboard the boat.

  1. 33 And they who were in the boat prostrated themselves before him, proclaiming, ″Truly, thou art the Son of God.″ 34 Then, when they had crossed the river, they arrived on the land, at the city of Gennesaret.

Gospel of John (c. 90–100 AD)

  1. 6:15 As a result, when Jesus saw that they were ready to come and seize him by force in order to declare him king, he withdrew himself once again into the mountain by himself.
  2. As darkness approached, his disciples descended to the sea; 17 and they boarded a boat, intending to go over the sea to the town of Capernaum.
  3. And it was now dark, and Jesus had not yet arrived to meet them in their situation.

18 And the sea was rising as a result of the strong wind that was blowing.19 After they had rowed for about five and twenty or thirty furlongs, they saw Jesus walking on the water and getting near to the boat, and they were terrified as they approached him.20 But he assures them, ″It is I; do not be alarmed.″ 21 As a result, they were prepared to accept him inside the boat, and the boat arrived at the destination place almost immediately.

BibleGateway provides a comparison in different translations.


Amédée Varint’s painting ″Christ Walking on the Sea″

Christian teachings

  1. Because of the perceived impact it had on the formation of Christian ecumenical creeds, as discussed further below, the episode of Jesus’ walking on the sea has specific interpretations within Christian teachings.
  2. The episode of Jesus walking on the sea has been viewed as significant by scholars because of its perceived impact on the formation of Christian ecumenical creeds.
  3. An important part of the passage’s pericope (introduction) is how it emphasizes the relationship between Jesus and his apostles.

According to Merrill Tenney, the occurrence is primarily focused on that component of the story rather than their peril or the miracle in and of itself.In their opinion, this miracle was purposefully performed by Jesus in order to train his apostles and raise their faith.Dwight Pentecost and John Danilson believe that this miracle was performed by Jesus in order to instruct and increase their faith.

A typical term in Matthew (e.g., 8:26 when calming the storm or 16:8 when discussing food and the Pharisees shortly before the Confession of Peter) that might be translated as ″of little faith″ by David Cook and Craig Evans is ″of no faith.″ According to Richard Cassidy, this episode sheds special light on the position of Peter, who had faith in Jesus and acknowledged Jesus’ extraordinary powers, and who, by considering to walk on water himself, desired to share in Jesus’ act before the other disciples because he considered himself to be the closest to Jesus.Cook and Evans point out that Peter’s ″Lord save me″ scream, which is comparable to Matthew 8:25 and Mark 4:38 in the calming of the storm narrative, highlights the disciples’ reliance on Jesus once more.Also in agreement with Pentecost’s interpretation, Cook and Evans believe that the details of ″many stadia distant″ and ″battered by the waves″ were included to underline that Jesus could walk on the water far away from the shore and on a turbulent sea, thereby showing his control over nature.R.T.France has also pointed out that the facts about the boat being a considerable distance from the beach, as well as the depiction of Peter sinking, are intended to provide as evidence of the depth of the sea.

  1. Scholars such as Ulrich Luz and, more recently, Dale Allison have argued that the pericope was crucial in establishing the divinity of Jesus within the early Christian community.
  2. According to Alan Robinson, the pericope is critical in establishing the conviction in the early Church that the disciples regarded Jesus as the Son of God, which was a belief that the disciples shared.
  3. It is unquestionably the case, according to Dale Allison, that Matthew’s account stresses that God the Father is ready to share divine authority with his son, and that this pericope has had an indisputable influence on the affirmation of Jesus’ divinity in the various ecumenical creeds.

Historical-critical analysis

  1. Jesus walking on water on the shores of the Sea of Galilee in Israel, according to the Bible.
  2. Manuscript written in Armenian.
  3. The Gospel of Daniel of Uranc was written around 1433.

According to scholars who believe that the narrative is based on true occurrences, Jesus, as the Son of God, was above the rules of nature; alternatively, in a variant, Jesus projected a picture of himself while actually remaining on the shore; and Because of its miraculous character, it is believed that the episode’s significance is inherent in it: ″The meaning of the pericope (story) has meaning only if it is considered to be reporting an actual miraculous occurrence that took occurred″ (Leopold Sabourin, 1975).According to recent scholarship, Bart Ehrman has championed the view that, in general, it is impossible to either prove or disprove supernatural events such as miracles using the historical method, because proving them would require belief in a supernatural world that is not amenable to historical analysis, and disproving them would necessitate historical evidence that is typically difficult to obtain.According to Catholic historian John P.

Meier, the miraculous walk on water is a purely theological myth that has no factual basis in the gospel accounts.It is believed that oral tradition is intermingled with references to the Old Testament (Jesus’ response ″I am″ is consistent with the Early Church’s conception of Jesus as Yahweh) and perceptions of the resurrection, according to Meier.The narrative portion of the novel, in particular, appears to fall under the apocalyptic genre, which is defined as a genre marked by an emphasis on symbolism and light-shadow contrasts, among other characteristics.When Jesus first gathers the Apostles in a boat, he sends them out alone, promising that they will meet them on the other side of the ″sea.″ The apostles have difficulties reaching the opposite shore, but Jesus emerges and all is fine.Following Easter, Meier suggests that this is a metaphor for the Early Church: Jesus departs from his followers with the ascension, vowing to return, but periodically sees them along the way to encourage and assist them (through the Eucharist).

  1. His purpose, like with all apocalyptic writing, is to provide solace to a people in need.
  2. Although this occurrence occurred, some experts believe that it was not miraculous in nature.
  3. They argue that One theory put forth by Albert Schweitzer, for example, is that the disciples saw Jesus walking on the shore but were misled by the strong wind and darkness; some scholars who accept this ″misperception thesis″ contend that Mark originally wrote that Jesus walked along shore rather than on the water, and that John had a more accurate version.
  • Alternatively, some have argued that the entire scenario is a ″pious tale″ (B.H.
  • Branscomb, 1937), maybe based on a long-forgotten experience; for example, some have suggested that Jesus swam into the waves (Vincent Taylor, 1957), or that he walked on a sand bar (Sherman Johnson, 1972, J.D.M.
  • Derrett, 1981).
  • Finally, there are many researchers who believe that the narrative is an example of ″creative symbolism,″ or myth, which was presumably comprehended literally by a portion of the audience and allegorically by the rest of the audience.
  • Rudolf Bultmann pointed out that the concept of sea walking is one that is recognizable to people from many different civilizations.

Moreover, while the motif of walking on water was associated with kings such as Xerxes or Alexander, it was also rejected and satirized as being humanly impossible and as a proverbial symbol for the arrogance of rulers by Menander, Dio Chrysostom, or in 2 Maccabees 5:21.Others believe that the motif has its origins in the mythic world of the Old Testament itself (Christ’s victory over the waters paralleling Ya God grants authority over the sea in the Hebrew Bible, for example, to Moses (Ex 14:21–29) or to Elijah (Isa 40:1–4).(2 kg 2:8).

Adela Yarbro Collins comes to the conclusion that the text portrays Jesus as the Messiah and ruler of Israel who has been gifted with divine attributes.

Literary-critical analysis

  1. The naturalistic answers, as well as the conventional and historical critical viewpoints, are dismissed by biblical scholar George W.
  2. Young, among others.
  3. He argues that these approaches of exegesis focus on factual readings and fail to capture the whole meaning of the text as a result of the text’s structural organization.

Instead, Young uses literary-critical tools to investigate the pericope as a work of narrative art.Young considers the book to be fiction, and he analyzes it using methods and words that are commonly connected with fantastic literature.Young interprets the pericope as the expression of three entangled, conflicting perspectives on reality: I the ″conventional reality″ based on sensory perception; (ii) the ″impossible″ vision of Jesus that results in the astonishment of the observers; and (iii) the narrator’s metaphysical comment in Mark 6:52 identifying Jesus as the Son of God.

Young is a professor of English at the University of California, Berkeley.

See also

  • Life of Jesus in the New Testament


  1. A b c d e a b c d e The Life and Ministry of Jesus: The Gospels by Douglas Redford 2007 ISBN 0-7847-1900-4 pages 189–207
  2. Greek: ta hydata is plural, see Englishman’s Concordance
  3. Luke 9:10
  4. John 6:17
  5. The Life and Ministry of Jesus: The Gospels by Douglas Redford 2007 ISBN 0-7847-1900-4 pages 189–207
  6. In Rachel Nicholls’ Walking on the Water: Reading Matthew 14:22–33 in the Light of Its Wirkungsgeschichte (BRILL, 2008), page 45, she writes, ″Mt. 14:22–33 is a passage about walking on water.″ Jack Dean Kingsbury, Mark Allan Powell, and David R. Bauer published a novel in 1999. Who do you think I am? : essays on Christology, Westminster John Knox Press Tenney, Merrill Chapin (1997), John: Gospel of Belief, Eerdmans, ISBN 0-8028-4351-4, page 114
  7. a b J. Dwight Pentecost
  8. John Danilson (photography) (2007), John: Gospel of Belief, John Knox Press, ISBN 978-0664257521
  9. a b Bruner, Frederick Dale (2004), Matthew: The Churchbook, Matthew 13–28, Eerdmans, ISBN (2000). Jesus Christ’s teachings and deeds are seen as authoritative. Zondervan Publishing House, pp. 234–235, ISBN 0-310-30940-9.
  10. a b c Cook, David C.
  11. Evans, Craig A. (2003) Bible Knowledge Background Commentary: Matthew-Luke, ISBN 0-7814-3868-3, p. 303
  12. Cassidy, Richard J. (2007) Four Times Peter: Portrayals of Peter in the Four Gospels and at Philippi, ISBN 0-8146-5178-X, p. 70–73
  13. France, R. T. (2007) Four Times Peter: Portrayals of Peter in the Four (2007). Matthew’s Gospel is a collection of stories about Jesus’ life and teachings. Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan (p. 567). ISBN 978-0-8028-2501-8.
  14. Robinson, Alan (2001). (2005) Allison, Dale C. (2005) Matthew: A Shorter Commentary, ISBN 1-898595-46-1, p. 35–36
  15. Allison, Dale C. (2005) Matthew: A Shorter Commentary, ISBN 1-898595-46-1, p. 35–36
  16. Allison, Dale C. (2005) Matthew: A Shorter Commentary, ISBN 1-898595-46-1, p. 35–36
  17. Allison, Dale C. (2005) Matthew: A Shorter Commentary, ISBN In Young (1999), pp. 2–3
  18. Ehrman, Bart D. (2008)A Brief Introduction to the New Testament, ISBN 0-19-536934-3, p. 141
  19. Meier, John P. (2010)A Brief Introduction to the New Testament. A&C Black. ISBN 0-567-08249-0. (1991). Mentorship, a message, and miracles for a marginal Jew young (1999), pages 8–9
  20. young (1999), pages 9–10 link
  21. young (1999), p. 10
  22. young (1999), page link
  23. Adela Yarbro Collins: Mark, I’d want to add a comment. Young 1999, pages. 12–15
  24. Young 1999, pp. 16–17
  25. Young 1999, pp. 1–6, 23
  26. Young 1999, pp. 112–145, 149ff., 157f., 181–184
  27. Young 1999, pp. 1–6, 23
  28. Young 1999, pp. 112–145, 149ff., 157f., 181–184
  29. Young 1999, pp. 1–6, 23
  30. Young 1999, pp.


  • J. Dwight Pentecost is the author of this work (1981). Jesus Christ’s teachings and deeds are seen as authoritative. Witherington, Ben
  • Zondervan, ISBN 0-310-30940-9
  • Witherington, Ben (2001). Commentary on the Gospel of Mark from the perspective of socio-rhetorical analysis Young, George W., Erdmans, ISBN 978-0802845030, Erdmans, ISBN 978-0802845030
  • Erdmans, ISBN 978-0802845030 (1999). A Study of Subversive Symmetry in Mark 6:45-56: Exploring the Fantastic ISBN 90-04-11428-9
  • published by Brill.
See also:  Who Is Black Jesus

What Jesus Showed the Apostles by Walking on Water

  1. The New Testament Bible tale of Jesus walking on water is one of the most commonly repeated narratives and one of the most significant miracles performed by Jesus in his lifetime.
  2. The incident takes place immediately after another miracle, the feeding of the 5,000 people, had taken place.
  3. This experience persuaded the twelve disciples that Jesus is, in fact, the Son of God who is still alive.

Because of its religious significance, the narrative serves as the foundation for numerous fundamental life teachings that guide believers in their religious practices.

Key Verses

  • When they saw him, they were all scared, according to Mark 6:50–51. Jesus, on the other hand, talked to them right away. It was his way of saying, ″Don’t be frightened.″ ″Do not be afraid! ″I have arrived!″ After that, he went inside the boat, and the wind died down completely. They were completely taken aback (NLT)
  • The Bible says in Matthew 14:29–31 that Jesus said, ″Yes, come.″ As a result, Peter climbed over the side of the boat and began walking across the sea toward Jesus. However, when he saw the tremendous wind and the waves, he became afraid and began to sink into the water. ″Lord, save me!″ he cried out in desperation. As soon as Jesus saw him, he reached out and grasped him. ″You have such a small amount of faith,″ Jesus responded. ″Can you tell me why you were so skeptical of me?″ (NLT)

Scripture References

In the Gospels, Jesus walks on water in Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52, and John 6:16-21, as well as other places. The allusion to the apostle Peter walking on water is not present in the gospels of Mark and John, on the other hand.

Bible Story Summary

  1. Following the feeding of the 5,000, Jesus Christ dispatched his disciples ahead of him in a boat to cross the Sea of Galilee to the other side.
  2. Later that night, the disciples came upon a storm that made them feel uneasy and threatened them with death.
  3. Their dread quickly changed to horror as they saw Jesus strolling toward them across the surface of the water, and they began to believe that they were seeing the appearance of a ghost.

According to Matthew chapter 27 verse 27, Jesus instructed them, ″Take a deep breath and go for it!It is, in fact, I.Don’t be intimidated.″ (NIV) Peter said, ″Lord, if it’s you, tell me to come to you on the sea,″ and Jesus encouraged Peter to do just that, which Peter gladly accepted.

While walking on the sea, Peter took his eyes off of Jesus and saw only the wind and waves, which caused him to begin to sink.As soon as he took his eyes off of Jesus, Peter began to sink.When Peter called out to the Lord, Jesus quickly put out his hand to grab him in his arms.As Jesus and Peter clambered into the boat together, the storm came to an abrupt halt.Following their witnessing of this miracle, the disciples prostrated themselves before Jesus and said, ″Truly you are the Son of God.″

Lessons From the Story

  • According to Christians, this narrative has life lessons that go beyond what is immediately apparent: Making place for God: Jesus dispatched his followers so that he could go alone to a mountaintop and pray alone in solitude. Despite his hectic schedule, Jesus made spending time with God a primary priority in his daily life. The narrative serves as a reminder to Christians of the need of making space for God in their lives.
  • Recognizing the Lord’s presence: Despite the fact that they had been with Jesus for a long time, the disciples did not recognize him as he approached them in the midst of the storm. The narrative serves as a reminder to Christians that when the Lord appears to them in the midst of their own personal troubles, they may not recognize him.
  • Concentrating on Jesus: Peter did not begin to sink until he took his eyes off of Jesus and began to gaze about him at the wind and the seas. According to the lesson, when Christians take their eyes off of Jesus and concentrate on their challenging circumstances, they begin to crumble under the weight of their issues and eventually perish. If we call out to Jesus in trust, he will come and take our hands in his and lift us over what appears to be insurmountable circumstances.
  • Restoring faith after a lapse: When Peter got off the boat, he had excellent intentions, but his faith began to wane as time went on. Peter’s leap of faith, on the other hand, did not result in disappointment. His voice rang out to the Lord even though he was terrified, knowing that Jesus was the only one who could assist him. This incident serves as a reminder to believers that a temporary loss of faith is only that: a temporary loss of faith. The Lord is still there for believers when they call out to him.
  • Weathering the storm with Jesus: As soon as Jesus entered into the boat, the storm subsided completely. Those who believe in Jesus can enjoy peace of mind knowing that he will calm the tumultuous waves of life when they are in his company.

What was the meaning of Jesus walking on water?

  1. Answer to the question Immediately following His miraculous feeding of the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish (as reported in three of the Gospels; Matthew 14:22–36; Mark 6:45–56; John 6:16–21), Jesus performed the miracle of walking on water (Matthew 14:17).
  2. Jesus’ disciples were convinced that He was the Son of God by the miracle of His walking on the water (Matthew 14:32–33), but it was the miracle of Jesus walking on the water that convinced them the most.
  3. The action of the narrative takes place near the Sea of Galilee, which is located in the lower half of the Jordan Valley, in a mountain range that rises to 4,000 feet above sea level and is home to the apostle Jesus.

Despite its name, the lake lies 700 feet below sea level in the Mediterranean Sea.One of the most notable characteristics of this body of water is that it is particularly vulnerable to storms that may come on suddenly and be extremely powerful.This type of storm is triggered by the collision of cold air surging down from the mountains surrounding it with warm, moist air rising from the surface of the lake itself.

After sunset, his disciples proceeded down to the lake, where they boarded a boat and began their journey to Capernaum.By this time, it was dark, and Jesus had not yet arrived to join them.There was a heavy wind blowing, and the sea became choppy.At about three or three and a half miles into their row, they noticed Jesus approaching the boat, walking on the water, and they were frightened.But he assured them, saying, ‘It is I; do not be alarmed.’ Then they were willing to put him in the boat, and the boat arrived at the coast where they were headed almost immediately″ (John 6:16–21).

  1. There are numerous noteworthy aspects of this miracle that should be noted.
  2. ″The boat was already a fair way from land, buffeted by the waves since the wind was blowing directly against it,″ Matthew explains.
  3. Matthew 14:24–25 tells us that ″during the fourth watch of the night, Jesus went out to meet them, walking on the lake.″ Despite the fact that they were only planning to go a short distance, the storm was so powerful that, despite their best attempts, they were forced nearly four miles out into the middle of the sea by the storm.
  • Because it was the fourth watch of the night (from 3:00 AM to 6:00 AM), they had been rowing and straining at their oars for about nine hours at this point!
  • They were completely depleted of all energy.
  • When the disciples first saw Jesus walking on the lake, according to Mark, they believed He was a ghost and ran away.
  • It was because they were all afraid that they screamed because they saw Him (Mark 6:48–50).
  • As a result, we have arrived at the second and most important phase of this miraculous event.

When we are in the midst of a storm, Jesus is always there for us.Isaiah’s words to the people of God, ″When you pass through the floods, I will be with you; and when you cross through the rivers, they will not sweep you away,″ come to mind (Isaiah 43:2).In certain cases, God may not appear at the moment we expect Him to, since He knows when we are most in need of His assistance.

Jesus had waited until the boat was as far away from shore as it could possibly be before appearing to them, when all hope had been lost.In essence, Jesus was putting the disciples’ faith to the test, which necessitated the removal of every human prop.Why did Jesus choose to walk on water?To demonstrate to His pupils that the exact thing they feared, the roaring, boiling sea, was only a series of steps that He had to take in order for Him to reach them Often, we fear the painful situations of life, such as illness, the death of loved ones, and financial troubles, only to learn that these experiences may actually bring Jesus closer to our hearts and minds.However, we must inquire as to why they failed to acknowledge Jesus.

The explanation is that they weren’t seeking for Him in the first place.If they had waited in trust, they would have recognized Him very immediately.Instead, they drew the incorrect conclusion that His appearance was that of a ghost and went with it.In essence, fear and faith are incompatible with one another because fear usually causes people to lose sight of the presence of God in their lives.The third key point is that Jesus demonstrated that He was in charge of the elements, which is something only God is capable of accomplishing.His revelation to the disciples, who immediately acknowledged His divinity and replied with a profession of trust in Jesus as God, was as follows: ″The wind went down.

Those in the boat then worshiped him, proclaiming: ″Truly, you are the Son of God,″ as recorded in Matthew 14:32–33.This was the first time the disciples referred to Jesus as the Son of God, a remark that, in reality, expanded on what they had declared about Him previously in Matthew 8:27: ″Jesus, you are the Son of God.″ ″What kind of a man is this?″ says the author.″Even the winds and the waves bow to his authority.″ ″Truly, you are the Son of God,″ they declare in response to their own query.

Even though they still had a long way to go in terms of spiritual comprehension, the disciples’ confidence in the Lord was becoming stronger every day.Furthermore, it is stated that this was the first time the disciples offered adoration to Jesus.The magi from the East came to worship Jesus, according to Matthew 2:11.Later on, it is reported that a leper came to Jesus and worshipped him (Matthew 8:2).

  1. In Matthew 9:18, the ruler of the synagogue performs the same thing.
  2. The disciples, on the other hand, were worshipping Him for the first time.
  3. The fact that their worship is tied in with their confession should not be overlooked as well (Matthew 14:33).
  4. And this is what worship is all about: recognising who God is and thanking Him for who He is as well as for what He has done in our lives.
  5. That it was in this account that the disciples made the first step and acknowledged Jesus as the Son of God is a significant milestone.
  6. Questions concerning Matthew can be found here.

So, what exactly was the significance of Jesus walking on water?

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Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 14:22-33 – New International Version

New International Version(NIV) Version

Jesus Walks on the WaterA)″>(A)B)″>(B)

22 Immediately Jesus made the disciples get into the boat and go on ahead of him to the other side, while he dismissed the crowd. 23 After he had dismissed them, he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray.C)″>(C) Later that night, he was there alone, 24 and the boat was already a considerable distance from land, buffeted by the waves because the wind was against it. 25 Shortly before dawn Jesus went out to them, walking on the lake. 26 When the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified. “It’s a ghost,”D)″>(D) they said, and cried out in fear. 27 But Jesus immediately said to them: “Take courage!E)″>(E) It is I. Don’t be afraid.”F)″>(F) 28 “Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 29 “Come,” he said.Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” 31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,”G)″>(G) he said, “why did you doubt?” 32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”H)″>(H) Read full chapter dropdown New International Version (NIV)Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV® Copyright ©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.NIV Reverse Interlinear Bible: English to Hebrew and English to Greek. Copyright © 2019 by Zondervan.

Atheist’s Analysis: Did Jesus Really Walk on Water?

  • 45 And immediately he compelled his followers to get aboard the ship and sail to the other side of the sea before reaching Bethsaida, while he dispatched the rest of the crowd. 46 And after he had sent them away, he went up to the top of a mountain to meditate. As evening approached, the ship was still anchored out at sea, and he was alone on dry land. He saw them toiling in the rowing because the wind was against them
  • and about the fourth watch of the night he comes unto them, walking upon the sea, and would have passed by them
  • 49 But when they saw him walking upon the sea, they assumed it had been a spirit, and cried out: 50 For they all saw him and were troubled. And shortly after that, he spoke with them, telling them, ″Be of good cheer: it is I
  • do not be frightened.″ 51 And as he came up to them in the ship, the wind stopped, and they were completely taken aback, and they wondered what had happened. 52 Because their hearts had become hardened, they did not take into consideration the mi

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