What Jesus Wants For Christmas?

What Does Jesus Want for Christmas?

What does Jesus want for Christmas this year?His prayers include the answer, as we can see.What exactly does he pray to God for?

John 17 is the prayer that he has prayed the longest.Here is where his passion reaches its zenith: Father, I pray that they, as well as the others whom you have given me, may be there with me where I am (v.24).

There are individuals who God has ″given to Jesus″ from among all the unworthy sinners on the face of the earth.These are the people that God has attracted to the Son through His Spirit (John 6:44, 65).People who have ″accepted″ Jesus as the crucified and risen Savior and Lord, as well as the Treasure of their lives, are known as Christians or ″believers″ (John 1:12; 10:11, 17-18; 20:28; 6:35; 3:17).Jesus expresses his desire for them to be with him.

It’s not uncommon to hear someone claim that God created man because he was lonely.Consequently, they assert that ″God created us in order for us to be with him.″ Is Jesus in agreement with this?He does, however, express a strong desire for us to accompany him.Yes, but why is that?

Take a look at the remainder of the poem.What is it that Jesus desires for us to be with him?You have given me your glory because you loved me before the creation of the world, and I want you to witness it.

That would be a bizarre method for him to communicate his feelings of isolation.″I want them to be here with me so they may see my triumph.″ In reality, it does not convey his sense of loneliness.Rather of expressing his loneliness, he conveys his care for the fulfillment of our yearning.Jesus is not alone himself.In the company of the Trinity, he, the Father, and the Holy Spirit are thoroughly satisfied with one another.

  1. We, not him, are in desperate need of something to eat.
  2. And what Jesus truly wants for Christmas is for us to have the opportunity to behold and appreciate the grandeur of God, which is what we were created for.
  3. Oh, that God will let this to penetrate into our hearts and minds!
  4. Jesus created us in order for us to behold his magnificence (John 1:3).

Immediately before he is nailed on the cross, he expresses his greatest wishes to the Father, saying, ″Father, I desire – I desire!– that they…may be with me where I am, so that they may behold my glory.″ Jesus’ desire in these final, climactic sentences of his prayer is merely half of what he asks of the Father.

I just said that we were created for the sake of seeing and relishing his splendor.If that’s what he wants, isn’t it that we not only perceive his splendor, but also taste it and enjoy it, appreciate it, take pleasure in it, value it, and adore it?Take, for example, verse 26, which is the very final verse: I have made your name known to them, and I will continue to make it known to them, in order that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I may be in them as well.The prayer comes to an end at this point.What do you think Jesus’ ultimate objective is for us?

  • That we love him with the same passion that the Father has for him is not enough; we must love him with the same passion so the Father has for him: ″that the love with which you have loved me may be in them.″ Jesus’ desire and objective is for us to see his splendor and then be able to love what we see with the same love that the Father has for the Son.
  • This is the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
  • In addition, he does not mean that we should simply emulate the Father’s love for the Son.
  • He is implying that the Father’s love for the Son becomes our love for the Son – that we love the Son in the same way that the Father loves the Son himself.
  • This is what the Spirit transforms into and bestows upon us in our daily lives: The Father’s love for the Son is shown via the Spirit.
  • One of the things that Jesus desires most for Christmas is for his elect to be brought in and then given what they desire most – the opportunity to witness his splendor and then to enjoy it with the same savoring that the Father has for the Son.

Most of all, I want to be able to join you (and many others) in witnessing Christ in all his fullness and that we will be able to love what we see with an intensity that much beyond our own limited human powers this Christmas.During this Christmas season, Jesus prays for us, saying, ″Father, show them my glory and give them the exact joy in me that you have in me.″ Oh, may we see Christ with the eyes of God and appreciate Christ with the heart of God as we go through life together.That is the essence of what it means to be in heaven.The gift Christ came to purchase for sinners at the expense of his death on the cross in our place is called justification.Experiencing and savoring Him beside you, Pastor John is a charismatic leader who is well-liked and well-liked by his congregation.

What Jesus Wants for Christmas

However, what exactly does it mean for Christians to believe that Jesus Christ is the ″cause″ for the season?That is, is it merely a cute little phrase we repeat every December, or does it have a deeper significance that should have an influence on our lives throughout the year?We claim to believe in the ″story″ of Christmas, but what exactly does it entail?

What makes the tale of the newborn Jesus so appealing to us is whether it is something that fits in with the yearly celebration or whether it has a deeper meaning that should have an influence on our lives all year.Jesus Christ is mentioned in a unique way in the Bible, according to this passage: As a result, ″He put everything under His feet and appointed Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body and the fullness of Him who fills all in all.″ Paul writes in Ephesians 1:22-23: As the Bible says, ″…where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcised nor uncircumcised, barbarian or Scythian, slave nor free, but Christ is both all and in all.″ Colossians 3:11 is a biblical passage.

″All means all, and that’s all there is to it,″ a professor with whom I studied for several years used to say.When I read Paul’s writings to the churches, I am reminded of this.He highlighted the ″all-ness″ of Jesus Christ as the center of the universe.Given the wide range of worldviews prevalent in the first century AD, this was a particularly fitting choice.

It is still relevant today as we seek to communicate the Christian perspective with those around us.I’m not sure Christians understand what we’re saying when we quote Scripture and claim that Jesus ″fills all in all,″ ″Christ is all and in all,″ ″it pleased the Father that all the fullness should dwell in Him,″ ″in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge,″ and ″who is the head of all principality and power.″ I’m not sure Christians understand what we’re saying when we quote Scripture and claim that Jesus ″fills all in all,″ ″Christ is all and in all,″ ″ The ″All-ness″ of Christ’s supernatural power (e.g., All-Knowing, All-Powerful) and the influence we feel Truth should have on people are two of our favorite topics to discuss, but do we ever stop to contemplate the impact Truth should have on us?Every day should be a struggle for us if Jesus Christ genuinely ″fills the whole world″ and ″is all and in all.″ If this is true, it should weigh heavily on our thoughts and emotions.We Christians adore our catchy slogans (e.g., Jesus is the Reason for the Season, What Would Jesus Do?, Got Jesus?, Too Blessed to Be Stressed, No King but King Jesus), but have we given serious consideration to the significance of those words in our lives?

Have we considered the meaning of those words in our lives?No, I don’t believe so.What I truly want for Christmas this year is for everyone to grasp what the holiday season is all about.

If God truly performed what He said He would do, then Christmas has a far deeper and more profound significance than we could ever have imagined at the time.Let us consider Paul’s claim in Ephesians 1 that Jesus Christ ″satisfies everything in all″ in the context in which he meant it to be understood.It was one of the clearest and most impressive statements of God’s Eternal Plan that could be found in the Bible, and he had just finished it.Then Paul explained to the believers what he expected them to do with their newfound knowledge.As a result, after hearing about your devotion to Christ and your concern for all of the saints, I have not stopped giving thanks for you and remembering you in my prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may understand what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of His glory in His inheritance in the saints, and that you may be able to In addition, He placed all things beneath His feet, and He appointed Him to be the head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.″ 1 Thessalonians 1:15-23 You might say that’s what Paul wished for for Christmas this year.

  1. Specifically, he want Christians to ″understand what is the hope of His calling.″ Specifically, he desired for them to understand ″what are the riches of His glory in His inheritance in the Christians.″ Specifically, he wanted them to understand ″the surpassing extent of His power toward those of us who believe.″ What was Paul’s motivation for wanting people to be aware of these spiritual truths?
  2. We believe this because Jesus Christ sits at the right hand of God in Heaven, ″far above all principality, power, might, and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in that which is to come,″ and is ″far above all that is named in this age and in that which is to come.″ ″And He gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all,″ says God.
  3. ″And He gave Him to be head over all things to the church,″ says God.
  4. Because if we truly believe that Jesus is everything that the apostles wrote about Him, we will respond to Him in a different way this Christmas season and every Christmas season from now on.

We shall not hesitate to follow His instructions.We shall take advantage of any and all opportunities to worship Him.We shall seek out every possible means of bringing Him to the attention of everyone we meet in our daily lives.

Last question: what do you suppose Jesus would like for Christmas this year, if I may ask?After all, it is His ″birthday″ that is being commemorated.What does He want for Christmas this year?″He who possesses My commandments and observes them is he who loves Me,″ says the Lord.14:21 (John 14:21) ″As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; continue to dwell in My love.″ As long as you follow My commandments, you will be able to live in My love, just as I have followed My Father’s commands and remained in His love.″ John 15:9-10 (KJV) ″…

  • make disciples of all nations…″ says Jesus.
  • Matthew 28:19 (KJV) ″…
  • repent and carry out the first works…″ Revelation 2:5 (New International Version) When we believe that Jesus is who He claims to be, we will do what He instructs us to do – every day, every time.
  • The following verses are taken from the New King James Version®.
  • Thomas Nelson, Inc.
  • acquired the copyright in 1982.

Permission has been granted to use.″All intellectual property rights are reserved.″

Revelation 3:1-6 // What Jesus Wants for Christmas: Life – Dulin’s Grove Church

The approach of Christmas reminds us that Jesus is no longer a baby in a manger, but rather the risen and reigning King and Lord of all creation.As soon as the Apostle John got this vision from Jesus, messengers from Jesus were to be delivered to seven significant churches around the world.With each letter, we gain a better understanding of what Jesus wishes to see in His church.

″…to the angel of the church in Sardis write: ‘The words of Him who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars’″ (Revelation 2:14).(v.

1a ESV).This letter to Sardis opens with a description of Jesus, as do the previous letters to the same city.The term ″seven spirits″ alludes to the presence of the Holy Spirit.Jesus predicted in John 14 that the Holy Spirit would be sent when He was raised from the dead.

The number seven is referred to be the number of perfection.According to Revelation 1:20, the ″seven stars″ are most likely either angels or messengers, as indicated by the number seven.The fact that Jesus is sovereign and has control over the church is hidden under the surface of these symbols.″I’m familiar with your work.

″You have the appearance of being alive, yet you are actually deceased″ (v.1b).The church in Sardis appeared to have a high reputation, but this was really a trick of the light.

Jesus is familiar with His churches, and He saw that this particular church was not what it appeared to be.Appearances can be misleading in some cases.Despite the fact that churches might appear to have dynamic activities and big numbers of attendees, they may in fact be sites of spiritual death rather than places of spiritual life.How many megachurches have been brought down by the departure of the pastor or the discovery of his or her own sin?Approximately how many local community churches have been lost as a result of the following generation’s lack of connection to the faith of their forefathers and foremothers?

  1. Churches, like humans, cannot subsist only on the illusion or imitation of life that they provide to the public.
  2. The only way to experience true life is via Jesus Christ.
  3. I have not found your efforts complete in the eyes of my God, therefore wake up and strengthen what is left and about to perish.″ Keep in mind, then, what you have received and what you have heard.
  4. Continue to use it, and repent″ (vv.

2-3a).In these two passages, the following five directives are given:

1) Wake up.

Maintain vigilance, awareness, and responsiveness.Sin has a way of sneaking up on us.How well are you doing as a Christian, and are you paying attention to how you’re doing?

Paying attention to how we’re doing as a church is something you should do.What percentage of the church and individuals actually trust in Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord, and who are growing in their freedom from sin?How much do we rely on the Holy Spirit and how much do we obey the Word of God?

Jesus addressed His followers as if they were churches.That is how He sees us and how He has structured us.Were we raised in a church that required us to be alert and watchful, do we see ourselves in that light?

2) Strengthen what remains and is about to die.

Don’t get discouraged by the current unfavorable trends.In John 15, Jesus stated that dead branches had to be trimmed away in order for the healthy branches to flourish and flourish as well.The emphasis is on those who are still alive.

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Building up the body does not always imply increasing the number of members, but rather strengthening and expanding those who are already living in Christ.Jesus will not extinguish a burning candle (Matt.12:20), but will instead fan it into a roaring fire.

Many churches across our country and around the world appear to have been trimmed in the wake of the pandemic’s most recent months.There have been many people who have abandoned their faith, but those who were already dedicated before the outbreak have largely maintained their commitment.Even while we would hate to see anybody suffer from indifference, only God can impart real spiritual vitality to stony hearts.

3) Remember what you received and heard.

The members of churches that are struggling to survive frequently believe that fresh programming and new construction projects will unify the congregation and bring in new members.For a while, this may be effective, but programs and initiatives do not always demonstrate the presence of life.It is important for us to remember, says Jesus: remember the truth, promises, and mandates of the Word, remember who God is, and remember who we are as a result of our union with Christ.

God is the one who brought us back from the brink of death, and He will continue to support His people.

4) Keep it.

It is not enough to just recall what we have learnt.We must also apply what we have learned.It is essential that we live by it and obey it in our daily lives.

″For if anybody is a hearer of the word but not a doer of the word, he is like a guy who looks carefully in the mirror at his own natural face,″ James said in his book.In fact, he stares at himself and then walks away, completely forgetting what he looked like before.He will be rewarded in everything he does if he looks into the complete law, the law of liberty, and perseveres in it, not being a hearer who forgets but a doer who acts″ (James 1:23-25).

5) Repent.

This is a mandate that appears several times in these texts, indicating that the Christian life is one of repentance.It is necessary to repent on a regular basis because sin is continuously crouching at the door, waiting to trap us and lure us away from following God’s commands (Gen.4:7).

Then I’ll come to you as a thief, and you’ll have no way of knowing what time I’ll arrive.However, you still have a few names in Sardis, individuals who have not defiled their clothing, and they will walk with Me in white, because they are deserving of My presence.As a result, the victorious one will be clothed in white robes, and I will never remove his name from the book of life.

In front of My Father and His angels, I shall declare his name to be true (vv.3b-5).Jesus’ coming will come as a surprise to those who have not awakened.While this terminology is frequently used to refer to Christ’s Second Coming, it might also refer to judgment being brought against that particular church in question.

(Spoiler alert: the ruins of the Sardis church may be seen in the photo below.) All of those who are awake and on the path of Christ will be attired in white.He and his followers will be victorious against the powers of evil that are always attempting to draw us away from Christ.″Let anyone who has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the churches,″ the Bible states (v.6).

How would you rate your own performance and that of our church?Is he still alive or has he passed away?Is it possible to grow in obedience without drifting away?

Is it better to help the weak or to let them perish?There are two conceivable scenarios for the future: It is possible that Dulin’s Grove may perish.Over the years, it has occurred to many churches, including hundreds within our own denomination, and it is not uncommon.Many churches are reduced to a handful of elderly people who have no one to whom they can convey the word.It seems that many of our young people are often absent from the fellowship.

  1. Are we paying attention to and responding to the trends, as well as asking for God’s guidance?
  2. Dulin’s Grove had a chance to survive and grow.
  3. We have the potential to become more lively and fruitful.
  4. Even today, in Christ, we have all we need to live and develop in our faith.

″Through the knowledge of Him who called us to His own glory and perfection, His divine power has provided to us all things that belong to life and godliness,″ Peter wrote.″His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness″ (2 Pet.1:3).

Is it possible for us to rise up and rebuild our foundation, remembering what we have received and heard and committing ourselves to it, while also repenting of any wrongdoing and incorrect thinking?We have been presented with an option.If we do not submit to Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior today, that option may be lost forever.

What Does Jesus Want For Christmas?

Consider for a moment that it is your birthday, and your best buddy has organized a birthday party for you and your friends.When you arrive at your party, you are giddy with excitement.For some reason, no one seems to be talking to you, despite the fact that everyone else is.

It is customary for your friends to offer gifts to one another throughout the holiday season, but no one gives you a gift.On the surface, it’s difficult to envision a birthday celebration like this, but it takes place every year on December 25th.We proclaim that Christmas is the day on which we commemorate the birth of Jesus, but then we tend to forget about Him.

While children, in particular, have a proclivity to become engrossed in the process of gift-giving, the fact is that most of our children are wondering, ″What am I going to get for Christmas?″ Not that we shouldn’t exchange presents with one another on Christmas Day, but I believe that it should be a secondary consideration to what we should offer to Jesus Christ.

Have you ever asked yourself the question, “What does Jesus want for Christmas?”

What do you get for God, who already has everything you could ever want? Given that the pathways of Heaven are lined with riches, what could possible be on Jesus’ Christmas wish list?

There is really only one thing that Jesus wants for Christmas. Jesus wants you.

It’s true that He desires other individuals as well, but you can’t offer Jesus another individual. You can only give yourself to someone else. You can urge and push people to dedicate their lives to Christ, but the first step is to surrender your life to Christ completely yourself.

In a practical sense, how do I give myself to Christ?

When I dedicate myself to Christ, I give Him my time, my skill, and my financial resources.

Rather than serving myself, I give myself over to Christ by helping those around me.

As I live a holy life in an unholy world, I offer myself over to Christ as a sacrifice. When I slow down, switch off Facebook, and spend time in His presence, listening to Him, I am giving myself up to Him.

  • I give my life to Christ by teaching others about Him.

Billy Graham once said, ″The measure of a preacher is that his congregation leaves saying, not, ‘What a great speech!’; but, ‘I will do something.’″ I agree with him completely.This year, let’s do more than just tell the Christmas Story to the children.What if we asked the children to offer Jesus a gift?

And not just on the 25th of December.Why not offer Jesus a gift on each of the twenty-one days of December?One more point to consider: if you don’t do this, the students you educate will not do it for themselves.

Is there anything more you want to do?Please, no more procrastination.Make a list of everything you want for Christmas today.

What are you going to give to Christ?

Mark Harper is a pastor, filmmaker, and life coach with more than 30 years of experience in the local church.He is the author of the Super Church 2.0 Curriculum, which has been adopted by more than 5,000 congregations across the world.The focus of Mark’s work is on assisting church leaders in building strong congregations and assisting parents in building good families.

Not only has Mark worked as a pastor, associate pastor, and family ministry pastor in the local church, but he is also a trained coach with the John Maxwell Team.

What Does Jesus Want For Christmas? Here Are Some Ideas

Christmas is something I despise.Strange, isn’t it?Is it possible for a Christian writer to dislike Christmas?

Do you know why?My understanding of consumerism and rituals that have nothing to do with the birth of Christ is naive at best.When does everyone else throw a birthday party when everyone trades gifts but the birthday guy receives nothing?

At His own celebration, he is frequently not even acknowledged, let alone spoken to or about.Is it ever brought up that Jesus wants to be asked what HE wants?I get what you’re saying.Even before I gave Jesus serious consideration, I was an adult, and I was an even older adult before I stopped asking God for things/help/answers and started asking Him what I could do for HIM instead of what I should do for Him.

But, after all, it is the 25th of December that we are commemorating Jesus’ birth.It’s HIS celebration, after all.So, what do you think Jesus would like for his birthday this year?a) Jesus would wish to be remembered on a more frequent basis than just once a year; As a matter of fact, He would like to be a part of your life1.

The fact is that he misses us far more than we miss him.Why not designate one day to commemorate Christ’s birth, similar to how we designate a National Toothbrushing Day, for example?Shouldn’t we be thinking about Jesus many times a day, day in and day out, without being reminded, as a way of life, without needing to be reminded?

He would want to be such a significant part of our life that we would be distressed if He were to be forgotten for for a single day.His desire to be remembered, as well as His desire to hear from us on a more frequent basis, is expressed in b).The fact that we may have the most intelligent and powerful creatures in time and eternity evaluate our plans, thoughts, and ideas in prayer so that we can bring them more into harmony with the will of the Father is a time and pain saving benefit that cannot be obtained from any other source.And it is through communication that we develop a relationship with them.c) He would greatly appreciate it if we would bless the poor and the needy, the widows and the fatherless, rather than seeking to satisfy our own wants and needs instead.

  1. Anyone who has tried it has experienced exhilarating happiness!
  2. Giving brings about a blessing, and that is the blessing that comes from giving.
  3. Here is the most amusing concept: donating machines!
  4. If you are fortunate enough to have them in your city, keep an eye out for them.″ A variety of things from international and local organizations are included in each Giving Machine, such as food, clean water and health-care services, as well as shelter, bedding, skills training, and educational resources.

Chickens, goats, pigs, and beehives, all of which are perennially popular, will also be offered.CARE, Church World Service, the USA for UNHCR – the UN Refugee Agency, UNICEF, and WaterAid are among the worldwide organizations that will be represented among the more than 40 local charity partners this year.″ A word of caution: this is quite addictive.In my excitement over purchasing goats, chickens, and pigs, I find myself spending much too much money on them before realizing how much I’ve spent.

And I’ve never had so much fun in my life!His desire is for us to spend the time necessary to come to know Him and grasp what he is prepared to do to assist us.He is looking for our confidence.God’s greatest gift to us is the sending of His son to earth to be our Saviour.What is it that He can save us from?

  • Pains, illnesses, infirmities, and sufferings shall all be alleviated by him.
  • He will assist us in overcoming our weaknesses and temptations, forgiving our sins, relieving our sorrow and suffering, bearing our loads, and providing us with peace through times of adversity The Lord will lighten the load on our shoulders.
  • He will provide us with grace – his enabling power – to accomplish our purpose on earth far more effectively than we could accomplish it on our own natural skills would allow.
  • He has the ability to guide us in every part of our life, to fill our spirits with joy, and to lead us to the Father.
  • I’m sure Jesus would like it if we all sat down and watched The Chosen together.
  • I believe that is the most accurate picture of Christ ever created!

We were able to see Jesus through the eyes of individuals who had personally known Him.Following their viewing of this presentation, many individuals have shown a desire to learn more about Jesus.The entire family can enjoy it (careful on Season 1, episode 1 with kids).Hopefully, seeing a portrayal of him would arouse a desire to learn more about him and his teachings from the scriptures.An example of this is a woman who read a book that was highly recommended by a friend and found it to be the most dull book she had ever read.She couldn’t seem to get into it for some reason.

Later on, she met a man with whom she fell in love.She came to the conclusion that he was the author of the tedious book.As a result, she decided to take it out of the bookcase and read it again.She felt it was the most intriguing book she’d ever read, and she was right.

  1. What was the difference between the two?
  2. This time, she was familiar with and admired the author.
  3. I am acquainted with and adore the author of the scriptures, and I am confident that you will be as well as you read His writings.

g) Jesus wants you to spread the word about Him to others.He invites us to ″come and see,″ and he encourages us to bring others along with us.f) I believe Jesus would like us to be a part of his squad, his celebration.I have a buddy that does not subscribe to any political ideologies, political persuasions, or labels.

  • Asking him about his religious beliefs, he responds that he belongs to ″team Jesus.″ For him, the only thing that counts is what Jesus has planned for the future.
  • When he sees people for who they are – children of God going through their mortal test – he treats them as such, rejecting the petty concerns of the world and their divisive agendas in the process.
  • That is a fantastic thought.
  • When it comes to the major matters, put your faith in God.

It is our responsibility to love and assist people.We can be sure that when we see Him in person, He will not inquire as to whether we voted with a ″R″ or a ″D″ on our ballot.It is likely that his first query will be, ″How much did you truly love?″ And now comes the real test.Love people who are unlovable in your opinion.g) Jesus would like us to ASK for what we need.

  • He is a gentleman, and he will not assist us with any of the issues listed above until we specifically request His assistance.
  • He takes a step forward and knocks on the door.
  • Allow Him to come in!
  • He should be invited to the celebration.
See also:  When Will Jesus Return To Earth

It is His wish that we offer Him what He desires in our life if we just inquire of Him about it.Perhaps we’ll spend some of our Facebook or Instagram time on it.Perhaps He is directing you to provide extra attention to one of your children.Because of the large number of people who have viewed this page, the responses will be as diverse as they are.Could it be that we don’t ask Jesus for something because He asks for so much?

Are we scared that He will respond?He asks for our participation, our time, our resources, and our abilities – all of which are reflective of our deepest desires.Anyone or anything who takes the place of Him as1 in our lives is considered an idol.He urges us to assist Him in His work and to keep Him in our thoughts and prayers at all times.He invites us to lose ourselves in the service of others, as he has done.He urges us to imitate Him in all that we do.

  • But what He provides us in exchange is far more than anything He could ever ask of us.
  • In our connection with Him, there is no such thing as a sacrifice to be made.
  • Whatever we give up is replaced by something even better in the long run.
  • Everything He asks of us necessitates a change in our behavior, not just in our deeds, but also in our attitudes, beliefs, and ideas.
  • As a matter of fact, he offers to convert us into the best version of ourselves if we will just allow Him to do so.

Metanoeo is the Greek term used to describe repentance in the New Testament.The prefix meta- refers to the concept of ″transformation.″ -Noeo is a suffix that is linked to Greek terms that imply ″thought,″ ″knowledge,″ ″spirit,″ and ″breath,″ among other things.To put it another way, when Jesus calls for your and my conversion, He is urging us to transform our thoughts, knowledge, spirit—even the manner in which we breathe.

  1. Essentially, he is asking us to change the way we love, think, serve, spend our time, treat and educate our children, and even the way we care for our own bodies.
  2. Russell M.
  3. Nelson’s We Can Do Better and Be Better (We Can Do Better and Be Better) is a good example of this.
  4. It’s a difficult task.
  1. Santa Claus, reindeer, Christmas trees, and cookies are all less complicated.
  2. I’m sure Jesus is wishing you a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
  3. However, if He is not invited, the season will never be as enjoyable as it could be.

What Jesus Wants For Christmas

It’s all about Jesus in this sermon series!Micah 5:2-5 is the biblical text.What Jesus Wants for Christmas is the title of this article.

Introduction Today, as part of our ″It’s all about Jesus″ series, we’ll take a look at a passage of Scripture from the Old Testament.Micah 5:2-5 is a passage from the Bible.In the Christmas narrative, Micah 5:2-5 has a unique significance because, when the Wise Men inquired of Herod as to where the King of the Jews was to be born, Herod did not know and so he turned to the Priests for help.

The Priests referred to Micah 5:2 in their sermon.Do you consult your family members before purchasing Christmas gifts for them, asking them ″What do you want for Christmas?″ If yes, what is the reason behind this?1.It’s always preferable to offer someone what they truly desire when possible.

2.It expedites and simplifies the process of buying for a gift.In light of the fact that Christmas is all about Jesus, perhaps we might address the question ″What does Jesus want for Christmas?″ When we read Micah 5:2-5, we discover that there are three things that Jesus desires for Christmas.1.Jesus desires to be our Peacemaker.2.

Jesus desires to be our Deliverer.3.Jesus desires to be our Deliverer (v5) ″And he will be the source of their tranquility.″ A.The Hebrew term for peace is ″Shalom,″ which means ″peace.″ It mainly denotesa.

a condition that has been satisfied,b.a state of tranquility.c.a general feeling of well-being Peace with God is the peace that Christ desires to offer us.″Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace to mankind on whom his favor falls,″ says the Bible.

  1. (See Luke 2:14 for more information.) a.
  2. There will be no peace amongst mankind.
  3. Luke 12:51-52 (KJV) ″Do you honestly believe I came to bring peace to the world?″ ″No, I assure you, I came to create conflict.″ The five members of a family will now be divided against each other, three against two and two against three.″b.
  4. But peace men with God are few and far between.

What Jesus desires to see happen is the fulfillment of our relationship with Goda.Between ourselves and God, there is a condition of calm and tranquility.We have a sense of well-being in our relationship with GodC.

We have peace with God because of Jesus, and he will also be their peace because of him.According to Isaiah 9:6, one of the names/titles assigned to Jesus is ″Prince of Peace.″ a.It is impossible for us to achieve peace with God despite our best efforts since peace with God requires perfection from us.″There is no one who is virtuous, not even one; there is no one who understands, and there is no one who seeks after God.″ ″Everyone has gone away, they have become useless as a group, and there is not a single person who does good, not even one.″ … ″And they are completely ignorant of the path to peace.″ Because our sin has separated us from God’s peace, the only thing that can restore that peace is an act of God himself.Jesus is the manifestation of God’s act!

  • And you will give him the name Jesus, because he will rescue his people from their sins.
  • ″Take a look at the Lamb of God, who wipes away the sin of the world!″ Nevertheless, you are aware of the fact that Christ arrived in order to atone for our sins.
  • And there is no sin in him.
  • The Bible says in 1 John 3:5″He himself bore our sins″ in his body on the cross, so that we can die to our sins and live for righteousness; ″by his wounds you have been healed.″ 1 Peter 2:24C is a verse from the Bible.
  • This peace is alluded to as a future peace in Micah 5:5, where it is stated that ″he will be their peace.″ As far as the people of Micah’s day were concerned, it represented a future peace because Jesus would not arrive for another 700 years.
  • For those who were alive at the time of Christ’s birth, it was also a sign of future peace, for it was not Christ’s birth that brought about God’s peace with mankind.

It is Christ’s death on the cross that brings us into harmony with God.In fact, ″God was pleased to have all his fullness dwell in him, and, in him, to reconcile all things to himself, whether they are creatures on the earth or creatures in heaven, by making peace through his blood shed on the cross.″ The Bible says (Colossians 1:19-20) In addition, it is a future peace for people who are alive now since it is contingent on our accepting Jesus as our savior today.Only when we accept Christ as our Savior does that future peace become a reality in the here and now.Jesus want to be our Prince of Peace this Christmas.2.Jesus aspires to be our spiritual shepherd.

(v4) ″He will stand and shepherd his sheep in the power of the Lord, in the grandeur of the name of the Lord his God, and in the glory of the Lord his God.″ It is via his grandeur that they will be safe, for his greatness will extend to the ends of the world.″ A.The responsibilities of a Shepherda.It is defined as ″to steer and direct in a specific path.″ b.″to provide for and care for″ 2.

  1. The Psalms, chapter 23 I will not be in want for the Lord is my shepherd.
  2. It is he who causes me to lie down in lush pastures and leads me alongside quiet rivers.
  3. It is he who restores my spirit and directs me in the paths of righteousness for the sake of his name.

Yea, even though I am walking through the valley of the shadow of death, I will have no fear, for thou is with me, and thy rod and thy staff comfort me in my distress.

What Baby Jesus Wants for Christmas: 7 Simple Things

1.Restore the spirit of Christmas Make Christ the center of your Christmas celebrations, the King of Kings.Make a nativity scene a focal point of your house by placing it in an obvious location.

Every day, take a few seconds to sit in front of it and meditate for a few minutes.Say ″Merry Christmas″ as many times as you possibly can (You may add, happy holidays too).Give Christmas cards that incorporate the name of Jesus Christ.

Listen to Christmas music that includes the presence of Christ.2.Belief Recognize that the arrival of Christ represents the final and complete triumph over evil.It is important to remember that all forms of darkness in this world are transient – no matter how long they endure or in what shape they manifest: sadness, disease, or any other condition – they are all confined by time and will eventually go away.

Live every day through the eyes of a supernatural being.These are the eyes that glimpse the secret Light that has arrived in our earth.A Light that can’t be eclipsed by the darkness (Jn 1: 5).3.

Exuberance A joyful disposition is one that cannot be easily taken away from you by anybody or any event.Make a connection between your delight and Christ’s unconditional love for you, rather than what others think of you.When things are bad, hold on to the fact that you are a child of God; this is enough to keep you joyous all of the time.

Recognize that joy is not about being euphoric all of the time, but rather about the trust you have in the Lord.4.Relationships of friendship Keep a watchful eye on the infant Jesus.This Christmas season, read the Word of God (the Bible) every day, focusing on the Christmas narratives: (Mathew Ch 1Luke Ch 1).Take a few minutes each day for the next week to reflect on one of the characters from the Nativity Scene, such as the Shepherds or the Wise Men.

  1. Visit the Sacraments to come face to face with him, especially the Holy Eucharist.
  2. Attend Mass at least once a week (and twice a day if possible), not just on Christmas Day.
  3. On Pexels.com, you can find a photo by Burkay Canatar.
  4. ″ data-medium-file=″ data-large-file=″ data-id=″738″ src=″ alt=″″>Photo by Burkay Canatar on Pexels.com ″ data-large-file=″ data-id=″738″ src=″ alt=″″> Purity is number five on the list.

During this Christmas season, purify your heart by admitting your sins to God via the Sacrament of reconciliation or, at the very least, by performing an Act of Contrition.Inform baby Jesus that you want to put an end to the sins that are causing him pain.Detachment is number six on the list.

This Christmas, try to cut back on your expenditures.Reduce your time spent on social media and prioritize spending time with others.Dissociate oneself from binge-watching videos, movies, television shows, and other media.Instead, watch a film that depicts the Second Coming of our Lord.Make sure it’s a decent Christmas movie before you go.

  • One who is respectful of our religious beliefs.
  • Check out Formed, a streaming service that allows you to watch good films while maintaining your religious beliefs.
  • Photograph by Brett Sayles, courtesy of Pexels.com ″ data-medium-file=″ data-large-file=″ data-id=″739″ src=″ alt=″″>Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com.
  • ″ data-medium-file=″ data-large-file=″ data-id=″739″ src=″ alt=″″>Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels.com.
  • Love is number seven.
  • This Christmas, remember to look after others.

Contribute to the food bank and volunteer your time at community activities to help others.Participate at soup kitchens as a volunteer.Please extend a warm welcome to the homeless and those who are alone, such as elderly persons.Make an effort to communicate with your family members.Make amends with individuals with whom you have a resentment, even if the offense was not entirely your fault.Pay close attention to family members, particularly those who are neglected by others.

Extend the hidden Light of Christ by loving even those who do not reciprocate your love for them.

What Does Jesus Want This Christmas?

I believe it is reasonable to conclude that, on the whole, males require a great deal of assistance in selecting the appropriate holiday present.It’s just not something that many males are naturally gifted at.Sometimes it is necessary to provide particularly broad hints.

So, this morning, I’d want to assist all of the guys in attendance in determining what would be the ideal gift for their wives this Christmas, if they are interested.We are well aware that ladies enjoy smelling good.They adore the fragrance of fresh flowers.

Perhaps you, gentlemen, have purchased perfume in the past.However, I’m not referring just any old scent here.I’m referring to Marilyn Miglin’s perfume, ″Parfum.″ We are all familiar with the first inquiry that any man will ask before making a significant purchase.″Can you tell me how much it will cost?″ Men will be glad to find that Marilyn Miglin’s perfume is just $500 for a one-ounce bottle, which is a significant savings!

Just picture how great your wife will smell when she wears this perfume for the first time!She had better smell fantastic if she’s going to charge $500 per ounce.Clive Christian’s Sandalwood and Indian Jasmine perfume will make her smell almost as nice as the woman whose husband purchases her a bottle of the perfume.Clive Christian’s product has a suggested retail price of $1,820 per bottle.

The 30 mL bottle now means that she will have plenty for roughly a month at the very least.Imagine how nice it will be to embrace your wife when she comes home from work and smell $1,820 worth of perfume on her neck, just to name a few things.But allow me to pose a question to you.

What would be the point of stopping there?If you were to give her the second most expensive perfume in the world, what would you say?Because Arthur Burnham’s Gianni Vive Sulman is the most expensive perfume in the world, according to Forbes.It simply costs a few dollars once the currency has been translated from British pounds to American dollars.$74,555.

  1. That’s all there is to it!
  2. Most likely, you have that much hidden behind the cushions of your sofa.
  3. I’m wondering how many of you women would be interested in a bottle of Gianni Vive Sulman.
  4. This is a warning to all of the males out there: you have no excuses this year.

You now know exactly what your wife wants for Christmas this year.All that is required of you is to go and acquire it!To locate the most precious perfume in all of history, however, you must look to the Word of God in the book of John, chapter twelve, verses one through eight, whether you believe it or not.

On the way to work this morning, we were talking about what our spouses might want for Christmas this year.No doubt we’ve all spent some time discussing what we want for Christmas and what our husbands, children, and other loved ones desire from us.But what is it that Jesus desires this Christmas?After all, it is his birthday that we are commemorating.What do you think Jesus would want?

  • Keep in mind that I did not ask, ″What does Jesus want FOR Christmas,″ but rather, ″What does Jesus desire THIS Christmas?″ Because what Jesus desires from you and me this Christmas is the same as what Jesus desires from us on a 365-day basis.
  • It doesn’t change!
  • I feel that in our text today we have the solution to this issue.
  • We see it through the gift Mary gave Jesus when he was in Bethany.
  • We see an example of what Jesus does want and what Jesus does NOT want this Christmas.
  • 1) What Jesus wants: A SACRIFICE of LOVE.

A sacrifice of love was exactly what Mary gave Jesus.Every detail we read is an expression of her love for Jesus.Verse three says she took a pound of “very costly” perfume.Just how costly was it?We read that Judas thought he could sell it for about 300 denarii.Remember, a denarius was one day’s wage in Jesus’ day.

If a person works five days a week every week of the year, no holidays or vacations, it equals only 260 days a year.In other words, this perfume was worth more than an entire year’s salary for the average person!Let’s give a conservative estimate for how much it would cost today.If you took even a low salary at 300 day wages, it today would cost at least $30,000.

  1. In Mary’s day, this was the most expensive perfume you could buy.
  2. It would easily have been as costly as Marilyn Miglin’s or Clive Christian’s or Arthur Burnham’s which we mentioned earlier!
  3. But can I tell you that Jesus was not impressed by the value of the perfume.
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This same Jesus saw the two mites given by the widow and said she gave more than all of the big contributors in the temple.Had Mary had only $30 to her name, instead of $30,000, and had she taken that money and bought $30 perfume and poured it on Jesus’ feet, he would have been just as impressed.Why?Jesus saw her heart!

  • The size of the gift didn’t matter.
  • It was the fact that her gift was an expression of love from the heart.
  • In Luke chapter seven we read of another gift made by another woman, a prostitute.
  • Jesus was eating dinner in the home of a Pharisee.

In came this woman, and she poured ointment on Jesus’ feet and her tears rinsed them and she wiped them with her hair while she wept.Do you remember what Jesus said?″He who is forgiven little loves little.But he who is forgiven much LOVES MUCH!″ I believe that this is where Mary got her idea.Mary said to herself, I want to show Jesus how much I love him!

  • So she took what was the most valuable possession she had, and she literally placed it at the feet of Jesus!
  • In another gospel it says that she broke the box, meaning she gave it all!
  • Every drop she poured on those feet where the nails would soon be driven.
  • Half would not do.

She gave it all, because she wanted Jesus to know how much she loved him.

What Does Jesus Want for Christmas?

It is the Season of Giving, after all.When we present or receive brightly wrapped parcels, most of us have a sparkle in our eyes because we are anticipating what is within.Children prepare wish lists for Santa, while adults compile lists of goods they want to purchase for friends and family.

The majority of the items on such lists are things that we can either buy or produce ourselves.I had just finished teaching a Relief Society lesson on this topic, and I had set up a miniature Christmas tree in the middle of the room, surrounded by 40 smaller boxes.I began by inviting the sisters to come and take a gift from beneath the tree and open it with me in the living room.

There were little slips of paper within, each one stating a distinct gift Christ had given us, the most notable of which was his very life and his atonement for our sins, on which we may draw comfort.The list of Christ’s gifts goes on and on, and includes things like this beautiful world, the Sermon on the Mount, the pattern for prayer, his unchanging example, his church, the power of the Priesthood, resurrection, parables, miracles, and so on.If we did this every Christmas, it would be a wonderful gesture on our part to include him as well.But what can we possible contribute to our Savior, who already possesses all that we need?

He doesn’t have everything, to be sure.He does not always have our devotion to Home and Visiting Teaching, our adherence to his laws, our temple attendance, our commitment to helping and loving others, and other characteristics that we hold dear.We should repent of our sins and bad habits, forgive those who have wronged us, repent of our own faults, and lead others to him.These are the types of gifts we frequently choose to present to our Redeemer: we promise to do better in the future.

However, there is something missing from this checklist.As I’ve read the New Testament, I’ve been impressed by the simplicity of what Christ genuinely requested of us.Christ asked us to follow him with two words: ″Follow Me.″ Most of us will tick off the items on the list above, such as being courteous, reading our Bibles on a regular basis and accepting invitations to do good in the world.

The First and Most Important Answers Looking at what Christ really did on page after page of the New Testament, however, it is impossible to ignore the reality that he went out to sinners, beggars, and outcasts in order to save them.There is no doubt in my mind that he did not schedule one event after another exclusively for the sake of his own flock.He did not surround himself with solely those who shared his values.Christ believed that every human being was worthy and deserving of salvation, and his deeds supported his convictions.He was chastised for dining with social misfits, but he went ahead and did it.

  1. Is this something we should do?
  2. Do we include the homeless, the hurting, the down-and-out in our intimate circle of friends and family members?
  3. Is it possible that our address book is solely populated with the names of other members?
  4. It was over 25 years ago that Glenn L.

Pace delivered a speech at the Conference titled ″A Thousand Times.″ ″We must stretch out beyond the bounds of our own church,″ he stated in the letter.We cannot be the salt of the world in humanitarian service, as we cannot be the salt of the earth in other areas of the gospel, if we remain in one lump in the cultural halls of our lovely meetinghouses.Our involvement in activities that are best carried out on a communal or individual level does not have to wait for a call or assignment from a Church leader.″ When we become emotionally and spiritually involved in the process of aiding someone who is suffering, a compassion for that individual enters our hearts.

It hurts, yet the procedure helps to alleviate some of the suffering of another.We have a limited understanding of the Savior’s agony as He executed the infinite Atonement as a result of the experience.An internal sanctification takes place within our souls as a result of the power of the Holy Spirit, and we grow more like our Savior.Our knowledge of what He meant when He said, ″Inasmuch as ye have done it vnto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me,″ is further enhanced by this experience.(See Matthew 25:40.) Consider the possibility that this Christmas, we made a promise to Christ that we would genuinely follow him.

  • Consider the possibility that we simply responded, ″Here I am, Lord—How may I be of use today?″ and transformed ourselves into true tools in his hands.
  • ″The surrender of one’s will is really the only uniquely personal item we have to offer on God’s altar,″ Neal A.
  • Maxwell may have stated, as he did so often: ″The submission of one’s will is truly the only uniquely personal thing we have to place on God’s altar.″ ″Many of the other things that we ″donate″ are in fact items that he has already given or loaned to us.″ This year, I propose that we open our hearts to him.
  • In addition to the BYU Store and Amazon, Hilton’s LDS Nursery Rhymes is available for purchase directly from the author.
  • You may discover her other works on this website.
  • She is also known as the ″YouTube Mom,″ and she maintains a YouTube account where she posts short films about simple home ideas and life skills.

Also, be sure to check out her blog.Hilton is now serving as the President of the Relief Society.

What God Wants for Christmas: FamilyLife Publishing: 9781572299313: Amazon.com: Books

3.0 stars out of 5 for this product Angel that has been broken On December 9, 2021, a review will be conducted in the United States. Although I like this narrative, the Angel was shattered. The structure as a whole is in poor condition. The second one was purchased from a different vendor, and it was in perfect shape.

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On December 11, 2009, a review was published in the United States.This amazing, interactive nativity is a hit with my own children, as well as the 4 year old preschool and Sunday School groups I taught last year.The book is lovely and kept them interest, increasing their excitement as they approached each box.

Naturally, the narrative does not include all of the details found in the Bible, but it is a pleasant, basic rendition that effectively conveys the lesson to young children without losing their attention.You can do one gift every week, one present per night, or all of the presents at once.My children (2 and 5) want to eat everything at once, every night!

We’ve been using it for two years now, and it’s held up really well.Only thing to remember is to keep an eye on the mirror, since it is not shatter-proof – simply as a safety measure, I check the mirror every day to make sure it is still firmly glued in.On December 14, 2021, a review was published in the United States.Verified Purchase I can’t believe I came across this!

The item itself was a little pricey, but it represented a significant part of my own upbringing, and I couldn’t pass it up.I’m also planning a party for which I’d like to read the book to the kids and share my experience with them as well.This is without a doubt the finest Nativity story book that has ever been written.On December 9, 2021, a review will be conducted in the United States.

Purchase that has been verified Although I like this narrative, the Angel was shattered.The structure as a whole is in poor condition.The second one was purchased from a different vendor, and it was in perfect shape.

3.0 stars out of 5 for this product Angel that has been broken On December 9, 2021, a review will be conducted in the United States.Although I like this narrative, the Angel was shattered.The structure as a whole is in poor condition.The second one was purchased from a different vendor, and it was in perfect shape.The photographs in this review verified purchase reviewed in the United States on January 19, 2017Verified Purchase The most adorable CHRISTMAS book.

  1. It includes a lovely and robust Nativity scene.
  2. This is an Advent calendar in which a little cardboard box containing a Nativity piece is opened on a daily basis.
  3. It restores the genuine essence of the holiday season.
  4. On June 16, 2008, a review was published in the United States.

We bought this for our family first, and then for our Godchildren, and it has become a Christmas tradition for us.They anticipate what will be in each box and appear to forget what will be in each box from year to year.It’s a wonderful approach to go over the Christmas narrative again and remember what it’s really about.

Our younger children also like playing with the contents in the package.On January 12, 2008, a review was published in the United States.This was just fantastic.This is exactly what I was hoping for!My three-year-old daughter adored it and looked forward to receiving the next box each day.

  • I’m sure she’ll be thrilled to do it all over again next year.
  • My only quibble is that I wish there had been three wise men and perhaps a couple more shepherds in the story.
  • However, other than that, it’s fantastic.
  • The Christmas narrative and the Gospel are beautifully communicated to a young kid using this method.
  • On December 23, 2014, it was reviewed in the United States and verified as a purchase.
  • Cute and entertaining Christmas activity that serves to remind us of the true meaning of the holiday season.

On November 23, 2016, a verified purchase was made in the United States.This is what I’ve been seeking for for years!I’m thrilled to be able to share this with all of my grandchildren and begin a great family tradition!

All these gifts will cost you is a changed heart!

The most recent update was made on February 14, 2019.What would you present to Jesus Christ if you could only give one gift to him?What type of present would He want to receive?

When Jesus stated, ″Whoever wishes to follow me must deny himself, take up his cross, and follow me,″ he was referring to those who want to become followers of him.8:34 in the Gospel of Mark Ultimately, our Savior desires for us to come unto Him in faith, repent, and be cleaned through His Atonement so that we may spend all of eternity with Him and our Heavenly Father.If there is one thing we could contribute to Jesus Christ, it would be to transform a part of ourselves that is out of sync with Christ’s teachings.

Here is my list of the top ten spiritual gifts that we may bestow onto our Lord and Savior.

Have a Humble Heart

Unless we first cultivate a humble heart, I feel that it is exceedingly difficult, if not impossible, to give of oneself to others.Making a meaningful gift of ourselves to our Savior will be exceedingly difficult unless we first identify our own emptiness and then acknowledge our own nothingness.Turning to the Lord and praying for humility may be the most appropriate gift you can offer at this time if you are battling with a sin or weakness, or if you lack the strong enough desire or drive to fully give of yourself.

Repent of a Sin or Weakness

Being sufficiently humble makes it simpler to acknowledge that we have faults and shortcomings for which we must repent.What vice or weakness have you been defending for an excessive amount of time?What one of your sins would be the most valuable present you could make to Jesus if you were to give it up?

If we do not take the initial step to repent and begin walking down the strait and narrow road (see 2 Nephi 31:14-19), we will continue to travel around in circles on the cycle of sin and wickedness, and we will eventually perish.

Serve Others

Being obedient to God entails helping others, and giving our Savior, Jesus Christ, the gift of serving others is one of the most significant spiritual gifts we can give him.He taught that if you do anything kind for one of the least of these my brethren, you are doing good for me as well.When we put forth the time and effort necessary to serve others, we are actually putting forth that time and effort in order to serve our Lord.

Pray With Sincerity

Being obedient to God entails helping others, and giving our Savior, Jesus Christ, the gift of service is one of the most significant spiritual gifts we can give him.He taught that if you do something kind for one of the least of these my brethren, you are doing good for yourself.When we put out the time and effort it takes to serve others, we are actually putting forth that time and effort to serve our Lord and Savior.

Study the Scriptu

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