What Happened After Jesus Rose

What Happened After the Resurrection?

In his previous position, Andy served as the senior manager of content at Bible Gateway. Currently, he is employed at Calvin College. Christians all across the world have been devoting a significant amount of time to contemplating the Gospel stories of Jesus’ death and resurrection during the last several weeks (and here at the Bible Gateway blog, wespent plenty of time discussing themtoo). During the week leading up to Easter, we read the well-known tales of the Triumphal Entry, the Last Supper, and the Crucifixion.


While the Gospels of Matthew and Mark finish immediately after the Resurrection, the Gospels of Luke and John contain further information regarding what Jesus accomplished between his resurrection and his ascension into heaven during that period.

Jesus’ Appearances After the Resurrection

Both Luke and John provide extensive descriptions of Jesus’ post-Resurrection appearances to his disciples. (I’ll also address these in a quick manner.) There are several minor nuances in Jesus’ appearances before “doubting Thomas” and the other disciples (in both John and Luke), all of which are widely known. For example, Jesus appeared “when the disciples were gathered, with the doors shut for fear of the Jewish leaders”—a simple line, but one that conveys the panic and disorientation that must have engulfed the disciples in the hours and days following Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection.

  1. What would you do if you were in this situation?
  2. In the midst of intriguing but confusing stories of the empty tomb still circulating, Jesus comes in disguise to a pair of his disciples.
  3. During their conversation on the trip, they questioned each other, “Didn’t our hearts burn inside us as he talked with us and opened the Scriptures to us?” The Gospel of John contains a few of more remarkable tales.
  4. Peter’s re-instatement is the subject of a touching narrative that follows shortly after.

During his master’s trial, Peter, who had previously denied knowing Jesus three times, is interrogated by Jesus. three more times. The famous command to “Feed my sheep” is given to Peter during this interrogation by Jesus.

Jesus Gives the Great Commission

Jesus’ instructions to his disciples to go into the world and share the good news of salvation are found at the end of both Matthew and Mark’s accounts:Then Jesus appeared to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.” As a result, go and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and instructing them to follow everything I have instructed you to do in the first place.

  • And without a doubt, I will be with you constantly, till the end of the era.” (Matthew 28:18-20, New International Version) It has been a long time since this text served as the foundation for Christian emphasis on spreading the Gospel across the world via evangelism and missionary activity.
  • He is “taken up into heaven,” as Mark puts it.
  • Nevertheless, the snippets we do learn about the days after Jesus’ resurrection not only satisfy some of our curiosity about how his supporters reacted to his resurrection, but they also provide us with the evangelistic orientation that continues to guide Christ-believers to this day.
  • For the first 30 days, it’s completely free!

What happened to Jesus after He rose from the dead

Here’s everything you need to know: In the days before He died on the cross for our sins, Jesus told His disciples that, despite the fact that His body would be put to death, He would rise from the tomb three days later. Indeed, three days after Jesus’ death, a friend named Mary paid a visit to the gravesite where He had been laid to rest. Instead of discovering Jesus dead and buried in His tomb, she realized that the tomb was empty. Later, she discovered that Jesus was out and about! He even made eye contact with her.

  1. Peter and John, two of Jesus’ followers, entered the empty tomb and discovered that Jesus had not been there when they arrived.
  2. Over the course of the following 40 days, Jesus paid visits to His companions.
  3. He ate supper with them that night.
  4. Amazing!
  5. When the disciples were staring up into the sky, wondering where Jesus had gone, two angels appeared and informed them that Jesus had ascended into heaven and would return for His people one day.
  6. Have you placed your faith in Jesus?
  7. Truth According to the Bible “It was a very early morning on the first day of the week, and I was alone.” The spices that the ladies had prepared were taken by the males.

They discovered that the stone had been rolled away from it.

They were perplexed as to why this happened.

The women were frightened to death.

The guys then questioned them, saying, ‘Why are you looking for the living amid the dead?

He has resurrected from the dead!

He did it while he was still with you in Galilee,'” says Luke in verses 1–6.

” ‘May peace be with you!’ he said.

In Luke 24:36–37, the disciples thought they were witnessing a ghost.

They stood and watched till a cloud obscured his view of them.

Suddenly, two men clad in white walked up to them and stood next to them.

The men of Galilee questioned them, ‘Why are you standing here staring up at the sky?’ Jesus has been taken away from you and is now in the presence of the Father in heaven. “However, he will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him go.” (See Acts 1:9–11 for further information.)

What Happened to Jesus? – After His Resurrection

In the aftermath of Jesus’ resurrection from the grave, what happened to his physical body of flesh? How did he lose his human identity as someone who was “lower than the angels”? Who knows what happened to the throne David bequeathed to him. The central message of the gospel is that “Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures; he was buried; and he rose again on the third day, as seen by” (see 1Corinthians 15:1-8). Question mark hangs over the character and authority of Christ when he was seen to rise from the dead; there are also issues concerning Christ’s elevation to the throne of God and his accession to the throne of the universe.

1What Happened to His Body of Flesh?

Some believe that Christ’s resurrected body was not a fleshly body in the traditional sense. They point to the fact that Jesus walked through closed doors to support their claim (John 20:26). However, on that particular occasion, Jesus revealed the wounds in his flesh to Thomas. “Jesus said to Thomas, ‘Reach your finger here, and look at my hands. Reach out your hand and place it against my side. ‘Do not be unbelievers, but rather believers.” ‘My Lord and my God,’ Thomas exclaimed in response.” (See also John 20:27-28.) If Jesus’ resurrected body was no longer composed of flesh, it would be unable to display the genuine fleshly wounds.

  • When Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead, “The person who had died emerged from the room, graveclothes around his ankles.
  • Jesus was resurrected in his fleshly body, which had been wrapped in his graveclothes, just as Lazarus had been.
  • When Jesus showed himself to his disciples, he said,”Look at my hands and my feet.
  • Touch me, and see.
  • (Luke 24:39).

What happened to Christ’s fleshly body?

We’re left scratching our heads. It is necessary for a body to remain incorruptible in order to reach paradise. Paul expresses himself as follows: “The kingdom of God is not accessible to those of flesh and blood. This corruptible must be transformed into incorruption, and this mortal must be transformed into immortality” (1Corinthians 15:50-55). When the final trumpet sounds, Paul believes that fleshly bodies will be transformed “in a split second, in the blink of an eye, in the blink of an eye.” (15:51-52) 1 Corinthians 15:51-52).

  1. “Christ will alter our humbling body in order for it to be conformed to his beautiful body in the future.
  2. Jesus is referred to as “the forerunner who has entered into our midst” (Hebrews 6:20).
  3. Christ’s human body was not left on the ground or in outer space, but was transformed into an eternally glorified body that was no longer made of flesh but was suitable for the presence of God in heaven.
  4. As a result, John states “It has not yet been revealed who or what we are going to be.

Even though Jesus has been exalted, the apostle Paul makes it clear that Jesus still has a physical body: “In him all the fullness of the Godhead dwells bodily” (Colossians 2:9). (Colossians 2:9).

2What Happened to His Human Status?

Some people think that when Jesus was glorified and elevated, he ceased to be a mere human being. This, on the other hand, is not supported by the scriptures. Despite being elevated to the highest position, he is still referred to as a “man.” “There is only one God, and there is only one mediator between God and people, and his name is Jesus Christ” (1Timothy 2:5). “The first man was a creature of the ground, composed of dust. The second individual is the Lord from up high” (1Corinthians 15:47).

(1Corinthians 15:45).

Lower than the angels

“We see Jesus, who was temporarily put lower than the angels in order for him to be able to experience death on the cross. The only way he could serve as an effective High Priest was to be like his brothers and sisters in all aspects of their lives.” (Hebrews 2:9; Hebrews 2:17). Since Jesus has been exalted and glorified, his position is no longer inferior to that of the angels, but rather superior to them. His position is that of a king, yet he is still a man.

Now highly exalted over all

“He humbled himself and became submissive unto death, even the death on the cross, after being discovered in human form. As a result, God has elevated him above all others and given him the name that is above all names, so that at the mention of Jesus’ name, every knee should bow.” (Philippians 2:8-10; 2 Timothy 3:16-17). That remark elevates Jesus to the level of the angels and grants him the power of the Almighty. The name “Jehovah” appears above all other names, rather than “Jesus.” He is both the man Jesus and the God Jehovah at the same time.

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In other words, when “the Word became flesh and lived among us,” he didn’t stop being the Word (John 1:1,14).

He is still known by his human given name, “Jesus.” In addition, he is known by the heavenly and elevated name “Jehovah.”

3What Happened to His Throne?

The current position of Jesus must be considered in conjunction with his kingdom and throne, as previously stated. On the day of Pentecost, following Christ’s resurrection, Peter preached on this subject. “In his capacity as a prophet, David recognized God’s promise to him that the Christ would be raised from the fruit of David’s fleshly body to sit on God’s throne. This Jesus, who has been exalted to the right side of God, has been raised up by God.” (See, for example, Acts 2:30-36.) God made a promise to David, “In your stead, I will rise up a descendant of yours, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom for all time.

This must imply that, despite the fact that Christ’s kingdom and throne were inherited from David, they would be founded in heaven rather than on earth.

Moreover, Christ’s throne must be God’s throne, because Jesus was exalted to bear the name above all names, not a lesser position, and so must be God’s throne.

“Jesus is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords, who alone possesses immortality, who alone dwells in unapproachable brightness, whom no man has seen or can see, to Him be praise and eternal power, Amen,” the Bible states (1Timothy 6:15-16).

“To anyone who overcomes, I will grant the right to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne,” Jesus Christ declared (Revelation 3:21).

Christ is subject to His Father

This does not imply that Jesus has degraded or supplanted his Father, but rather that he shares the Father’s glory and the Father’s throne with the Father. He is seated at his Father’s right hand, a position of ultimate honor, but also one of respect to the will of God. Christ’s submission to his Father will continue to exist in perpetuity—even after the end of the world. In the same way that “the Son himself will be subject to him who placed all things under him” (1Corinthians 15:27-28). As a result, we can see that Christ now shares the greatest name and the highest throne with his Father, but that he constantly maintains his subordination to his Father.

  1. Amen.
  2. He was raised beyond the angels, yet he never lost sight of his human nature.
  3. This Might Be of Interest to You.
  4. No teaching can be considered true unless it is supported by appropriate authority, and no authority can be considered genuine unless it is founded solidly on truth.
  5. Tap the title above, next to the arrow, to be sent to that lesson’s page, which will include a link back here.
  6. YouTube (simplybible channel) has a slide display of this lesson with voiceover that you may view if you choose.
  7. To Come to Understand Christ’s Love— The depths of Christ’s love are not too great to comprehend.
  8. It is demonstrated by his cross, counsel, and return.
  9. link to a pdf Printing without permission is prohibited.

What happened after the Resurrection?

We’ve recently celebrated Easter, but what happened following Jesus’ resurrection is worth considering. It was in late March that the first three of the four biblical spring festivals took place: Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread, and the Feast of First Fruits, all of which commemorated the harvest of the first fruits. Pentecost is the name given to the final spring holiday. Between the death of Jesus at Passover and the gift of the Holy Spirit, a period of 50 days elapsed between the two events.

3 Days after the death of Jesus

Resurrection:Jesus arose from the grave! An earthquake struck, and then an angel of the Lord rolled away the stone entrance to the tomb and sat on it, revealing himself to be Jesus. The action was seen by the Roman guards. 28:1–4 (Matthew 28:1-4) The Announcement from the Angels: When Mary Magdalen and the other ladies arrived to the tomb to anoint the body with spices, they were greeted by an angel who guided them to the right place. The angel informed them that Jesus had risen from the dead!

(8:5-8) (Matthew 28:5-8) While Mary Magdalene was sitting at the tomb, crying, Jesus appeared to her and spoke to her directly.

(See also John 20:11-18.) The DisciplesPeter and John were the first to arrive at the tomb.

Jesus had risen from the dead! (See John 20:1–10 for more information.) When the guards informed the chief priests of what had transpired, they were directed to lie, claiming that the disciples had taken the corpse of Jesus from a nearby tomb. (15:11-15) (Matthew 28:11-15)

40 Days after the Resurrection of Jesus

The Road to Emmaus: Two of Jesus’ followers set off from Jerusalem in order to return to their hometown of Emmaus. When they reached their destination, they were welcomed by Jesus, who they did not recognize at first. After they had finished their meal together, Jesus revealed who He was to them. After Jesus had left them, they returned to Jerusalem to inform the other Disciples of what they had witnessed. (See Luke 24:13-35 for more information.) Jesus Appeared to a Group of Ten Disciples: As the Disciples, with the exception of Thomas, assembled, Jesus came to them and instructed them.

  • (See also John 20:26-30.) Jesus Appeared to Seven Disciples at the Same Time: Seven of the disciples were at the Sea of Tiberias when Jesus came to them in a vision.
  • (See John 21:1-19 for further information.) Jesus Appeared to a Larger Audience: After appearing to the Disciples multiple times, Jesus appeared to a large audience of approximately 500 people.
  • His instructions also included a request that they remain in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit arrived.
  • (See Acts 1:9-11 for further information.)

7 Days after the Ascension of Jesus

This event is known as Pentecost because it is when the Holy Spirit was first poured forth on the Disciples and all who were there at that time. They quickly began spreading the news about Jesus to others. There were a lot of things that happened in the 50 days following Jesus’ death. Jesus maintained a personal connection with His Disciples and followers, providing them with encouragement and guidance. Most of the time, we celebrate the Resurrection and then go on, completely overlooking the fact that there is more to the tale.

What if we made a connection with a different individual every day, simply to encourage them?

Watch this brief movie about the Feasts of the Bible to learn more.

The Sequence of the Events After the Resurrection of Christ

Religious Studies: The Jesus Series (Biblical/Doctrinal Studies) Ed Vasicek’s The Sequence of Events Following the Resurrection of Christ is a visual representation of the events that occurred after Christ’s resurrection.

Part I: Introduction Various tidbits of information regarding the events that took place following the resurrection of Jesus Christ may be found in each of the four Gospels. Putting the four accounts together results in a comprehensive harmonization of the information.

  1. Focus on Jesus Series: Biblical/Doctrinal Studies According to Ed Vasicek, the following events took place after Christ’s resurrection: 1st Section: Introduction A little amount of information regarding the events that took place following the resurrection of Jesus Christ may be found in each of the four Gospels individually. We can get a comprehensive harmonization of the four accounts by combining them together.

Part II of this article Our study of the four Gospels last week pointed out that each contains snippets of material that when combined give us with a full narrative of the events that transpired following the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Combining the summary statements with the precise facts results in a more complete harmonization of the information presented. Last week, we looked at the first eight events that occurred. Here are a few more examples.

  1. Cleopas and his buddy see the appearance of Jesus (Luke 24: 13-22,Mark 16:12-13). This occurs on the afternoon of the first Easter Sunday, as these two disciples were traveling toward Emmaus
  2. These two disciples report to the eleven apostles that evening (Mark 16:13, Luke 24:33-35)
  3. He appeared to the ten apostles (Mark 16:14, Luke 24:36-43, John 20:19-25), either while Cleopas and his friend were still present or after they had left (Mark 16:14, Luke 24:36-43, John 20:19-25)
  4. He appeared to the During the evening of that same Easter day, the eleven apostles are debating this assertion. They had the doors closed because they were afraid that the Jews would plan against them and capture them. They were right. Jesus comes to the 10 apostles (Thomas is not there), but they believe He is a ghost and dismiss Him as such. He asks them to take a closer look at His hands, feet, and side of His body. He is certain that they should touch them. Even still, the apostles are still not convinced that He has truly resurrected from the dead. It is when Jesus is eating with them that they become aware of the fact of the resurrection. They’re pleased about it. The Holy Spirit is breathed upon them by Jesus
  5. A week later, on a Sunday, Jesus appears to the disciples in their midst, with Thomas present. Doubting Thomas is persuaded (John 20:26-29)
  6. About two weeks later, Jesus appears to the disciples while they are fishing and has a meal with them (John 20:30-31). Jesus offers Peter a second chance to make up for his three denials of Jesus by making three professions of his love for Jesus (John 21)

There are numerous more appearances of Jesus reported in the Bible, including His appearance to a big audience of more than 500 people in the synagogue (1 Corinthians 15:6). He appeared to His brother James (see 1 Corinthians 15:5) and to Peter in person for the first time. Following the ascension, he appeared to Paul (1 Corinthians 15:8). Also after His ascension from the Mount of Olives, He appeared to deliver the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20), and then during His presentation of the Great Commission (Acts 1:6-11).

  1. In his appearances to them over the course of forty days, Jesus spoke about the Kingdom of God.
  2. Is He famished?
  3. One of the reasons Christ eats with them is to convince them that He is a corporeal being; the other is to show them that He is not.
  4. Second, whether we like it or not, eating is frequently connected with fellowship.
  5. Kokomo’s Highland Park Church is located at 516 West Sycamore Street in Kokomo, Indiana 46901 and can be reached at (765) 452-1779 or [email protected] Sun, 10:30 a.m.: Main Service
See also:  What Gate Did Jesus Enter On Palm Sunday?

Jesus – resurrection – The nature of God and Jesus in Christianity – GCSE Religious Studies Revision – Eduqas

The resurrection, according to Christian religion, is the idea that Jesus rose from the dead three days after he died on the cross. Several passages in the Gospel of Luke (24:1–9) provide insight into how Jesus’ followers learned that he had been resurrected:

  • On the Sunday following Jesus’ death, the female disciples of Jesus went to his tomb to pay their respects. The entrance to the tomb had been blocked off by a stone. The stone, on the other hand, had been moved aside, and the tomb was now empty. Two males in sparkling attire came in front of the women. The ladies were terrified, but the men questioned them, saying, “Why are you looking for the live among the dead?” He is not present
  • He has ascended into the heavens! Remember what he said to you when he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be given into the hands of sinners, be crucified, and on the third day be risen again’ (Luke 24:5–7). The female disciples then returned to Jesus’ apostles and other people to inform them that Jesus had risen from the dead.

Many Christians place a high value on their belief in the resurrection because of the following reasons:

  • The resurrection demonstrates that Jesus overcame death
  • It is seen as evidence of life after death
  • It also demonstrates God’s power and omnibenevolence.

In addition to demonstrating that Jesus overcame death, the resurrection is seen as proof of life beyond death; it also demonstrates God’s omnipotence and omnibenevolence.

Who rose after Jesus, according to Matthew?

When it comes to Matthew’s Gospel, there is a section that states something pretty amazing, yet I practically never hear it explained or preached on. “The corpses of many saints who had fallen asleep were revived” after Jesus died on the cross, according to the Bible, it states. And following his resurrection, they emerged from their graves and entered the holy city, where they appeared to a large number of people” (Mt 27:52-53). Could you please explain what you mean? —Albert Cross, a resident of Detroit, Michigan Answer: As a strange book, it does not lend itself to straightforward or satisfactory interpretations.

  1. Why aren’t the other Gospels mentioning something as shocking as this?
  2. How many are there?
  3. Did they return to their previous lives in Jerusalem, or did they merely appear for a little moment?
  4. However, it is important to remember that each of the evangelists picked their content with care and according to certain objectives.
  5. In his speech, Matthew appears to have two goals in mind: He recounts the facts of the situation, but he does so with the goal of demonstrating how Scripture is fulfilled — for example, “Therefore, prophesy and say to them: Thus says the Lord God: Look!
  6. shall I (See Hos 13:14.) While the chapter has few specifics regarding the dead coming forth and appearing to many people, it is important to avoid conjuring up images of the dead roving the streets in a zombie-like manner.
  7. rather than a few, Matthew states that many (meaning more than a few people but not necessarily thousands, hundreds, or even dozens) rose physically and appeared to many people (again, indicating more than a few, but not necessarily thousands, hundreds or even dozens).

However, in the narrative, they are not shown as wandering through Jerusalem and being seen by everyone without distinction.


He grounds his opinions on Jerome’s writings.

In this way, Matthew presents it as a sort of proleptic device.

Rv 1:5).

Thomas further speculates that the Holy City referenced here where they appear may not have been Jerusalem at all, but rather the Holy City known as heaven, based on the fact that they appear throughout the Bible.

“They were admitted into the holy city, which is to say, the heavenly city, since they had accompanied Christ into glory,” he says. And came in front of a large number of people.”

God is love

Question: Why was the Resurrection kept secret for so long? According to the Bible, Jesus was “visible, not to all the people, but to us, the witnesses appointed by God in advance, who ate and drank with him when he rose from the dead” following his resurrection (Acts 10:40-41). —Protected identity Answer: To conjecture further, I must remind myself that God is love (cf. 1 Jn 4:16). God’s love is more than simply something he does; it is also more than one of his numerous traits. God, according to the Bible, is love.

  1. It is the lover’s desire to be loved, yet pushing his beloved into a terrified love would result in the lover not receiving real love in exchange.
  2. He does not compel people to believe by bombarding them with facts or compelling them to adore him in any way.
  3. In the same way, he calls out to everyone of us and gradually draws us in.
  4. The silent, little voice that Elijah heard after the fire and earthquake is this man named Elisha (cf.
  5. Pastor of Holy Comforter-St.
  6. Questions can be sent to [email protected].

What Did Jesus Do for 40 Days after the Resurrection?

The 40 days following Jesus’ resurrection from the grave are one of the most crucial times in the church’s calendar, despite the fact that it is one of the least celebrated and recorded. He walked and talked in locations where His ministry had previously taken place; he was seen by millions in His restored body; he healed many; he continued to preach; and he continued to love those around him. And then He ascended to Heaven, being lifted into the sky, something that was observed by others as well.

  • The birth of Jesus had taken place in accordance with the Scriptures.
  • His preaching has imparted knowledge to the whole planet.
  • It was an incredible marvel that He was able to defeat death.
  • Jesus demonstrated to the world that He was alive and well for forty days.
  • His 40-day stay in Jerusalem and the surrounding environs, during which he was witnessed by large crowds, was, nevertheless, a matter of debate.
  • Eusebius, a writer two centuries later, interviewed numerous persons who had met people who had seen Jesus during these days, heard stories of miracles, and even referred to sermons and letters written by the rising Jesus.
  • The number 40 appears 146 times in the Bible, and it is considered to be a number of divine significance.

and the number of days between the Resurrection and the Ascension.

We must think that the last is the closest to the season in which the risen Lord was when He ascended.

The final line of the final book of the last gospel (John 21:25) informs us that “There were several additional acts that Jesus performed.

This is a credible representation because Jesus continues to do this now.

Walking the dark slopes, he is on the lookout for us, and his happy hope, which may be ours, pierces through the gloom.

It has been reported that Jesus is down by the river!

I feel this is especially true if you are one of those individuals who is suspicious, or has “heard enough,” or who is unable to penetrate the shell of hurt or pain, resentment or rebellion, fear, or any of the other hindrances that hinder us from experiencing the love of Christ.

You could have had a nightmare about something like a crib death; but, remember that Jesus brings comfort that surpasses all comprehension.

You may have had issues with drugs, the law, and custody, and you may have even lost your house, leaving you with nowhere to turn; but, remember that Jesus provides you sanctuary.

You may have lost a preemie after praying and hoping for a healthy kid; nonetheless, remember that trust is more essential than knowledge at this difficult time in your life.” God wanders across the gloomy hills, guiding our steps in the right direction.

As he wanders in the quiet, God moves across the gloomy hills, leading us in the direction of the light.” The rising Savior, Lord of Creation, travels the dark hills in search of those who have rejected him.

me? what about you? Do you know where we are? in the midst of our pains and messes? To this day, that is the marvel of the Miracle Man to me – that He still cares about you and me. Rick Marschall is the owner of the copyright. With permission, this image has been used.

What Happened after the Cross and before the Resurrection?

This is a thought-provoking and significant question. Those associated with the so-called “Faith Movement” have a version of this that is wholly incompatible with biblical teaching. “Do you believe that the punishment for our sin was to die on the cross?” Frederick K.C. Price, a key instructor in the “Faith Movement,” has asked. If it were the case, the two robbers would have been forced to pay your debt. No, the penalty was to be sent into Hell itself, where they would spend the rest of their lives alienated from God.

  1. 2).
  2. This is not in accordance with what the Bible says.
  3. The work Jesus had to accomplish after the crucifixion and before the Resurrection was critical and must not be overlooked.
  4. In the same way, He who descended is also the One who climbed far above all the heavens, in order that He may fill all things.” (See also Ephesians 4:8–10).
  5. The fact that Jesus used a real person name indicates that this was not a parable.
  6. The narrative tells about a place named Hades, which served as both a haven and a source of misery for the characters.
  7. If the individual was a believer, he was taken to Abraham’s bosom, where he found consolation and rest (Hebrews 11:13).
  8. Immediately after His death, Jesus descended into Hades, into Abraham’s bosom, the realm of consolation, where He announced liberation to all who had died in faith.
  9. No matter how long it takes, the unbeliever will be thrown into Hell, where he or she will be punished until the Great White Throne Judgment depicted in Revelation 20:13–15 takes place.

Afterwards, Death and Hades were thrown into the Lake of Fire for all eternity. This is the second death in the series. In addition, anybody who was not found to be recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the Lake of Fire.”

Jesus Died – And Then What Happened (Published 1988)

The New York Times Archives is credited with this image. See the article in its original context from April 3, 1988, Section 4, Page 1 of the New York Times Magazine. Purchase Reprints It is only available to home delivery and digital customers who have access to the TimesMachine. Concerning the Archive This is a scanned version of a story from The Times’s print archive, which was published before the publication of the newspaper’s online edition in 1996. The Times does not modify, edit, or update these stories in order to preserve the integrity of the original publication.

See also:  What Year Did Jesus Come To Earth?

In other words, if Christ has not been risen, then our preaching has been in vain, and your faith has been in vain as well.

Paul’s epistle to the Corinthians are likely to be heard in the thoughts of clergy members as they prepare their Easter sermons, no matter where they are in the world.

At the time of Paul’s letter to the Corinthians, he was worried about divisions that had already erupted about the significance of the Resurrection.

Celsus, a Roman critic of Christianity who lived toward the end of the second century, declared that the appearances of Jesus after his death, as recounted in the four Gospels, were dreams, tall tales, or hallucinations – the products of fancy, ambition, or wishful thinking – rather than real events.

  • On one thing, however, nearly all academics are in agreement.
  • It is the term that academicians use over and over again: “Something occurred.” But what precisely is it?
  • Robert H.
  • “I take the Resurrection quite literally,” Dr.
  • The Reverend F.
  • Schuller’s view of the Resurrection as an actual bodily event.
  • While Unitarianism relies on a diverse variety of religious and humanist ideas, Dr.

According to the Rev.

Schuller’s Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, California.

The results were overwhelmingly positive.

Perry, on the other hand, has a somewhat different viewpoint on the Resurrection, having taught classes on it for many years.

In the first place, the church’s claim that Jesus resurrected from the grave appears to run counter to the scientific worldview of today.

For the most part, the first dividing line distinguishes those whose comprehension of natural science leads them to believe that there is no prospect of divine involvement in the course of human history.

Even believers, however, are presented with the dilemma of discrepancies from time to time.

Who went to the grave, and what did they find there was a mystery.

When and where are they taking place?

What were the responses of his fans to this news?

Examples include the Gospel of Mark, which is usually regarded as the earliest Gospel to be written.

The ladies depart, scared to tell anybody what they’ve done.

In the book of Matthew, two women walk to the well-guarded tomb of Jesus at the crack of dawn and appear to witness the stone being moved away from the entrance by an angel, according to the text.

Several women visit the unsecured and open tomb described in John’s Gospel; one of them meets no angel at first and alerts Peter and John, who then check the tomb.

He only appears in Galilee as a result of an additional ending.

So, are these discrepancies to be regarded as just incidental, as some interpreters contend?

All that remains for those who believe in the literal reality of Scripture is a challenge of reconciling the seeming discrepancies in the text.

Harold Hoehner, a New Testament professor at Dallas Theological Seminary who styles himself as a biblical “inerrantist,” claims that the Gospels are more persuasive because of their discrepancies with one another.

A interview with Grant Osborne, a professor of theology at Trinity Seminary in Deerfield, Ill., concerning his book “The Resurrection Narratives,” is peppered with allusions to deconstructionism and the concept of “reader-response theory.” Dr.

Given that each Gospel writer chooses to stress different parts of the Christian message, information that is included in one narrative may be skipped over or exaggerated in another.

Osborne, on the other hand, feels that the texts are devoid of substantial discrepancies in the end.

They are having a considerably more difficult time identifying the historical core among the modifications and embellishments that have developed over time and have been included into the Resurrection accounts.

Therefore, scholars are most interested in the passages that refer to the empty tomb and the appearances of Jesus; these are the passages that occupy these scholars.

According to some historians, the variations between these tales are significant enough to suggest that the legends about the empty tomb were inserted later.

For Marxsen, the miraculous Easter event is not the Resurrection of Jesus himself, but the Resurrection of faith in “the cause of Jesus.” He believes that the precise cause of this religion is beyond historical research and thus doesn’t matter.

Despite the fact that these academics speak about the continuation of Jesus’ life and Jesus’ victory over death, they are reluctant to state that these things were accomplished because a body was raised from the tomb.

Marxsen contends that insisting on the value of such historical and tangible evidence is to belittle Christian religion as a “business endeavor.” These points of view are met with vehement hostility.

Moreover, they acknowledge that it is difficult to conceive of a risen body unless it is in some mysterious or, as St.

Truth According to the Bible These writers, on the other hand, maintain that both the empty tomb and the appearance accounts are the result of objective, external occurrences, and that the Gospel authors did not refer to an empty tomb and the Resurrection when they were truly referring to faith.

  • Despite the fact that interpreters such as Mr.
  • Those who do not believe are even concerned about whether the teaching is being made meaningful for those who do believe.
  • Perry explains.
  • Church is also concerned that the abstract arguments for and against the Resurrection would not ultimately fulfill the needs of his congregation, which he describes as follows: As an alternative, he has frequently talked about the significance of the Resurrection for Peter.
  • Church believes, is a metaphor of our human vulnerability.
  • This, Dr.
  • Perry, the empty tomb will inevitably be the entrance point for his Easter preaching.
  • It is ‘a really mysterious narrative,’ says Mr.
  • The ladies were seeking for Christ among the dead, and contemporary Christians do the same when they consider the Resurrection just a matter of the past, he added.

‘A dead Jesus offends no one,’ he remarked, but the Resurrection exposes a live Jesus who confronts Christians today. ‘The wonderful news is that Jesus is not in the tomb, in the past,’ Mr. Perry remarked. ‘He is in the future, traveling before us to Galilee.’

What changed after the resurrection of Jesus?

To listen to Nancy’s answer to the worldview question of the week, which was broadcast on Moody Radio, please click on the following link. When it comes to global history, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is without a doubt the most momentous occurrence. It is something so wonderful that even the most devout believer finds it difficult to comprehend it all. Three days after being executed for our sins, Jesus Christ, a human person, was raised from the dead by God the Father. This could not have happened based on all we know about human nature.

Everything that matters has been altered as a result of this incident.

When Jesus came to the disciples after His death, the men were completely transformed by His presence.

They went from being terrified cowards to being great soldiers of faith as a result of this transformation.

Nothing could have prevented the disciples from publicly demonstrating their faith through their bodies.

All but one of them perished in agonizing and horrible circumstances.

No one would be willing to die for a falsehood.

At Pentecost, Peter, the man who had previously denied Jesus, spoke to a crowd of 3000 people, and the church was established, and lives were permanently transformed.

(They would no longer require the blood of an animal in order to be pardoned.) Jesus’ blood was spilt in order for our sins to be forgiven for all eternity!

In his book Six Hours One Friday, Max Lucado says that the conclusion of Jesus’ death and resurrection for everyone of us is that: “My life is not futile.there is truth.” Someone is in command, and I have a specific goal.

The person who has the authority to condemn you also supplied the means for you to be acquitted.

God, on the other hand, does not, and he created you.

He just went inside the grave to demonstrate that he was capable of emerging.

I understand why there is a need for blood.

But what about the bitter sponge, the cutting spear, and the spit on your face?

Was it absolutely necessary that it be a cross?

I’m sorry for asking, but I really want to know whether you did this for me. “Oh, Father,” you say, your heart thumping at the prospect of what may be. Take a moment to listen. It’s possible that you’ll hear Him say, “I did it specifically for you.”

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