What Fish Did Jesus Eat

So, what did Jesus eat?

There is a growing trend, notably in the United States, of incorporating the “What Would Jesus Do?” attitude into one’s cooking routine. The premise is that if one sincerely wishes to follow Jesus in every aspect of one’s life, one cannot neglect one’s dietary choices. The issue, on the other hand, is to uncover sufficient proof of what Jesus actually ate. The New Testament makes passing reference of a number of foodstuffs in connection with Jesus and in other settings, but it does not go into specific detail about any of them.

It appears that several of the advice made by the Jesus diet movement for eating like Jesus are, regrettably, out of touch with the times today.

Other theories, on the other hand, plainly reveal more about the worldview of their proponents than they do about Jesus’ diet: there is no proof, for example, that Jesus was a vegetarian or that he did not use alcohol.

A Jesus diet book from the early 1900s claims that bread was “the food that Jesus ate the most frequently,” and that it is “the ideal regimen for eating properly, feeling wonderful, and living longer.” This is a possibility.

  • “Eating a freshly made loaf of wholegrain bread every day was and continues to be a healthy way of life,” says the author.
  • Flour was ground in stone mills to make bread in the olden days.
  • The restrictions in theMishnah require a minimum of ten percent impurity in purchased items; thus, we may presume that there was frequently more than ten percent impurity remaining in the flour.
  • The author of Colbert’s book correctly points out that wheat bread was deemed superior than barley bread, which was thought to be a poor man’s diet, as demonstrated by the miracle of the feeding of the five thousand.
  • It is mentioned in the Mishnah and contemporary Greek papyri from Roman Egypt that there are distinct sorts of bread for slaves and masters.
  • It would have taken several hours to search for enough fuel to bake every day, and the cost of fuel was prohibitively exorbitant.
  • Bread was frequently dried in the sun in order to prevent it from going bad.
  • Despite proper drying, the bread might still become moldy, although it was frequently consumed despite this.

The comedian ends by saying, “We surely know that Jesus ate clean, unpolluted fish practically every day of his life.” It is undeniably true that freshwater fish such as carp, St Peter’s fish (tilapia), and catfish were collected in the Sea of Galilee throughout the first century, as evidenced by the discovery of fish bones in local archaeological investigations.

  • There would also have been difficulties in transporting fish in the absence of modern refrigeration: how far could it be transported from the sea without turning bad in the intense heat of the Middle East?
  • And would the expense of transportation have been unreasonably expensive in comparison to the price of the fish?
  • The most straightforward method of cooking fish would have been over charcoal.
  • According to the Jesus diet, there is a debate about whether “fish with egg on top of it is one food or two,” which may be understood as meaning an egg batter — which may be less healthful than the proponents of the Jesus diet would want, but is undoubtedly delicious.
  • Because big harvests of fish could be preserved for times of scarcity, drying, smoking, or salting fish would have eased the problem of availability, which would have been a concern in the past.
  • Archaeologists digging at Migdal have discovered what they believe to be evidence of fish-salting practices.
  • In contrast, the Roman fish-saucegarum appears to have been a luxury that was out of reach for the common people.

People who advocate for eating like Jesus are reasonable in assuming that he would have eaten only kosher meat, and that he would have done so only on special occasions like as Passover or at weddings and other celebrations.

People are asked if they should seek for the owner of objects that have been found lying in the street in one passage in the Mishnah.

In other words, people were frequently so impoverished that they were willing to consume meat that had been picked up off the ground, even though it was unlikely to be fresh, but was plainly too valuable to be thrown away.

The book of Leviticus prohibits the ingestion of most “creeping creatures,” with the exception of locusts.

As described in Mark 1.6, John the Baptist consumed insects that were later identified as carobs, which are still known as Johannnesbrot in German, but the Greek language of the New Testament makes it plain that he consumed ateakrides, which is the Greek term for locusts.

It is only under specific climatic conditions that the common species changes color to become S chistocerca gregaris, the swarming desert locust that was responsible for the invasions described in the Old Testament.

Rabbi Judah bar Ilai, who lived in the second century, said that “anything that is a form of curse, do not say grace over it.” However, although eggs are only briefly mentioned in Matthew’s Gospel, we can safely assume that they were a part of Jesus’ diet because the Mishnah frequently mentions domestic bird eggs — such as those from hens, ducks and geese — as well as the eggs of small wild birds that the poor would have foraged.

  • Proponents of the Jesus diet also believe that he would have consumed a large amount of vegetables, beans, and pulses during his lifetime.
  • During that historical period, bean and/or lentil stew, known asmiqpeh, was a popular meal; however, the phrase alludes to a solidified mass, which is what happens to cooked lentils when they are allowed to cool.
  • Miqpehwas frequently flavored with garlic and other vegetables, such as cabbage, were added to the dish.
  • Dill, cumin, and mint are all recorded in the New Testament as herbs that the Pharisees tithed from their harvests to the Temple.
  • He did, without a doubt, drink water and red wine.
  • Natural water supplies were prone to contamination by dead animals, washing, industrialization, and sewage, among other things.
  • Water was frequently gathered in open cisterns, which were susceptible to contamination from a variety of contaminants dumped into them; if they were covered up, algae may develop in them.
  • Water was so valuable that it was frequently recycled, like in the case of theMischnahmentions, which recycled fermented water that had previously been used by a baker.
  • One traditional method was to depend on the antibacterial qualities of wine, which was frequently mixed with water to create a disinfectant solution.
  • Although some have speculated that he solely drank unfermented wine, this has not been proven.
  • However, even when fermentation was successful, there was still the possibility that the wine would become sour, as evidenced by the sour wine offered to Jesus on the cross (Mark 15.23), which is the type of wine typically consumed by the poorest members of society.

Indeed, given what has been demonstrated by Jewish sources and archaeological data, it is not quite apparent why someone would desire to do so in the first place. Susan Weingarten is an archaeologist and culinary historian who lives in Galilee with her husband and two children.

The Biblical Origins of Tilapia

Given that Tilapia has been present since around 1500 B.C., it is not unexpected that this fish has a long and illustrious history, particularly when it comes to the Bible. Despite the fact that tilapia is currently regarded as a mild, protein-rich fish that can be used in a variety of cuisines, it was once a mainstay in the diets of Mediterranean residents under the Roman Empire, making it of paramount importance in biblical times. As a matter of fact, some academics believe that the fish Tilapia was frequently mentioned in the Bible, with a particular emphasis on the miracles of Jesus and his disciple, Peter.

St. Peter’s Fish

The Sea of Galilee is located in Israel, a country that is home to some of the most sacred locations in the world for Christians, Jews, and Muslims. As a result of the warm, pure waters, Tilapia flourishes in the Sea of Galilee. Tilapia is claimed to be the fish that was caught by St. Peter in the Sea of Galilee and served to the people of Tabgha, an ancient town on the sea’s north-western shore, by Jesus. This is one of the reasons why the fish is sometimes referred to as “St. John’s Fish.” According to Lenten customs, the fish should be named “Peter’s fish” and kept away from the meat.

Thomas” fish.

Sea of Galilee

The sea itself has also been given significance in Christian literature. In addition to being the site of the miracle of the five loaves and two fish, it is thought that the Sea of Galilee is the spot where Jesus walked on water during his public ministry. Even his well-known “Sermon on the Mount” is thought to have been delivered on the northern bank of this body of water by the apostle Jesus. The Sea of Galilee, which has a physical size comparable to that of Washington, D.C., is also one of Israel’s most important freshwater supplies, making it a significant tourist destination in its own right as well.

The Fish of the Masses

Tilapia were (and still are) well-known for reproducing in large numbers. They were also the simplest fish to capture during biblical times since they stayed very near to the surface of the water and swam in close proximity to one another, necessitating the use of little equipment to catch them. In addition to Jesus’ and St. Peter’s personal experiences, Tilapia was significant because it was a readily available source of healthy nourishment, which was especially crucial during biblical times when fresh food was sometimes in short supply.

Since then, the capacity of tilapia to grow and breed fast has allowed people in the vicinity of the Sea of Galilee, as well as communities in other bodies of water across the world, to satisfy their cravings for fish and high-quality protein in a timely manner.

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The nutrient-dense fish was and continues to be appreciated by individuals who follow Jesus and live according to his teachings.

Furthermore, it is a healthy fish that has been properly grown and that can be eaten all year, especially during Lent. The following images are credited to: Anastazzo / Shutterstock, Amira a, Bytemarks, and Unsplash.

Did Jesus Eat Fish?

You may have heard this defensive answer from other meat-eating Christians if you are a Christian who maintains a vegetarian or vegan diet: “But Jesus wasn’t a vegan, was he?” “He ate a lot of fish!” Despite the fact that there are passages in the Bible that appear to suggest that Jesus ate fish, there has been substantial theological disagreement as to whether he truly did or whether the term “fish” was a mistranslation.

If you want to learn more about the topic, go here. We strongly suggest Andy Alexis-piece Baker’s “Didn’t Jesus Eat Fish?” which appears in the book A Faith Embracing All Creatures and provides a great, in-depth study of this topic (Cascade Books, 2012).

1) In today’s world of limitless options, it is simply unnecessary for the vast majority of people to kill animals in order to survive, and 2) today’s vast and cruel animal agriculture industry is nothing like the fishing and farming practices of first-century Palestine, which are described in the Bible.

  • Sharks, sea turtles, birds, seals, whales, and other “nontarget” fish have been discovered to become entangled in and killed by industrial fishing nets, according to scientific research.
  • These farms raise fish in filthy, overcrowded conditions, resulting in many of the fish contracting parasite illnesses, diseases, and crippling injuries.
  • Those who survive are starved before being taken to slaughter in order to decrease the amount of waste that pollutes the water supply during transportation.
  • Due to the fact that fish are not legally protected from cruel treatment, when it comes time to murder them, these clever and sophisticated animals are frequently impaled, crushed, smothered, or split open and gutted while still awake.
  • Commercial fishermen today employ gigantic ships the size of football fields, as well as sophisticated technological technology, to track down and catch fish.
  • Our ocean habitats have been destroyed by this enterprise.

According to the findings of one research conducted by marine biologists, persistent exploitation of the world’s fish stocks will result in “the extinction of all species by the year 2048.” Jesus, whose basic essence is to love, would be appalled by the factory-farming tactics that are now in use.

They are chained and their necks are slit at the slaughterhouse, frequently while they are still aware and able to feel agony.

Adopting a vegan diet is the most effective method for us to emulate Christ’s compassion for animals.

For more information on adopting a cruelty-free diet, order our freevegan starter kit.

In the Gospel of John, Chapter 21, the Resurrected Christ appears to seven apostles who had been out fishing all night and had come up empty-handed. It is not until Jesus orders them to cast the net off the right side of the boat that they are able to bring in a record-breaking catch of 153 “big” fish that they realize they had encountered the Messiah on the land for the first time. In the Gospel narratives, it is noted that the apostles caught fish, and John even goes so far as to specify how many they caught, but he does not say what sort of fish they ate while having breakfast with Jesus.

  • According to statistics, there are 27 different kinds of fish in the Sea of Galilee, with just ten of them being very valuable to fisherman.
  • Because it is normally too tiny to catch in a net and was mainly designated for pickling, the Kinneret Sardine is the only one that stands out, and we know that the apostles cooked their fish over an open fire.
  • Thebinyis definitely huge enough to be considered as a possibility, as they can grow to be around 4 feet long and weigh up to 25 pounds in weight.
  • As a result, we have themusht, a form of tilapia that is found in five different species across the Sea of Galilee.
  • According to some estimates, a harvest of 153musht may weigh as much as 750 lbs, which could explain why the apostles were unable to lift the net from the ocean.
  • Peter’s fish.” It was one of the most often captured fish throughout the biblical era, and nets would be used to bring in large quantities of it.
  • Peter’s fish” is most likely the accurate type, there is another explanation for why St.
  • It is conceivable that the number 153 represented the direction in which Jesus’ post-Resurrection Ministry will go.
  • At this time, the ministry of Christ had been mostly centered on the people of Israel, but Jesus was preparing the apostles to begin their world-wide mission by saying that the 153 fish represented all of the peoples of the world, which they accepted.

In light of the fact that the apostles were already known as “fishers of men,” it is possible that Christ was ordering them to cast their nets farther than merely the regions of their origin.

What did they eat during Jesus time? – SidmartinBio

L lettuces, cucumbers, garlic, and onions were among the most often grown vegetables in Jesus’ day, while apricots, figs, melons, and of course olives were also widely grown because of their oil production. Apricots, figs, melons, and olives were also widely grown because of their oil production. Unless a household was extremely affluent, huge pieces of meat were often kept for special occasions.

How did they broil fish in Jesus time?

During Jesus’ day, fishing was a significant source of income in Galilee. John 21 describes the resurrected Jesus accompanying his followers in the capture of a total of 153 big fish. He then constructs a charcoal fire to grill the fish while preparing a seaside meal for his followers.

What would Jesus eat for dinner?

On the basis of their study, they believed that the menu for the Last Supper would have included bean stew with lamb, bitter herbs, fish sauce, unleavened bread and dates, as well as aromatic wine.

What is the bread that Jesus ate?

Unleavened bread is bread that has not been fermented. The unleavened bread and wine are claimed to have been passed around the table by Jesus, who then explained to his Apostles that the bread represented his body and the wine represented his blood.

What is Jesus favorite food?

It is, according to Jesus, necessary to be clean on the inside before one may be clean on the outer. That is why it is vital to consume bread, but not just any bread you could have previously purchased from a bakery. “God’s favorite meal is bread because he saved the Israelites by providing them with manna (a type of bread),” explains Emily, who is 12 years old.

What type of fish Did Jesus Eat?

In the Sea of Galilee, tilapia is supposed to be the fish that was caught by St. Peter and then served to the people of Tabgha, an ancient village on the north-western shore of the sea, by Jesus. The fact that the fish is also known as “St. Peter’s fish” and that it is separated from the meat in accordance with Lenten norms is one of the reasons for its popularity.

Did men cook in ancient times?

According to recent evidence that extinct hominids were preparing and processing their food as far back as 1.9 million years, our ancient human predecessors may have set us on the path toward dinners à la Julia Child as far back as 1.9 million years. The discovery may also help to explain why modern humans have such small teeth and guts (for some of us).

What type of fish Did Jesus eat?

So, what did Jesus eat when he rose from the dead? His most recent reported supper, which he was recognized as having consumed himself, is recounted in Luke 24:42-43. After the resurrection, Jesus ate broiled fish to demonstrate that he was not a ghost. In John 21, Jesus serves his followers a breakfast consisting of fish that has been grilled over an open fire, as well as bread.

How many meals did Jesus eat in one year?

Over the course of a year, it translates into 1,095 dinners. Jesus frequently utilized meals to communicate with his followers and to impart vital life lessons. As well, he continues to invite us to his table, where we may feast on who he is and discover much more about him as we study his Word.

What foods did people eat in the Bible?

During Biblical times, there would frequently be a common food served at the dining table.

Pieces of flat, circular bread would be dipped into it for dipping. A tiny bit of food from that popular meal would be wrapped up in the bread, if it was available. That meal may have been lentils, or it could have been a mash of chickpeas that had been cooked in a pressure cooker (hummus).

What foods did Jesus eat at Sea of Galilee?

Christ instructed Simon (commonly known as Peter) and his brother Andrew to accompany Him to the Sea of Galilee, where they would become “Fishers of Men.” Honey was ingested by Christ’s first cousin, John the Baptist, and it is likely that Christ and others loved it on freshly made bread.

What Did Jesus Eat?

The Last Supper, according to the gospel narratives, was a meal in which Jesus and his followers shared bread and wine. Bread and wine, on the other hand, were most likely not the only items on the table. It’s possible that the Last Supper was a Passover supper. Passover is the time of year when Jews commemorate their exodus from Egypt. The dinner was served on the day of Unleavened Bread, according to the gospels of Mark, Luke, and Matthew, during the Jewish Passover. This is the first day of the seven-day Passover holiday, which begins on this day.

  • In Judaism, this day of Passover is commemorated with the Seder feast, which is held today.
  • In addition to the fact that it would not have looked like a modern Seder, there is little historical documentation of the Passover dinner before the Seder custom was established.
  • We may probably set those two things on the table, assuming that the Last Supper was a Passover meal, if it occurred.
  • However, in 2016, two Italian archaeologists produced a study on what was eaten during the Last Supper, which included a recreated menu that was published in 2016.
  • On the basis of their study, they believed that the menu for the Last Supper would have included bean stew with lamb, bitter herbs, fish sauce, unleavened bread and dates, as well as aromatic wine.
See also:  What Year Did Jesus Die And Rise?

Why Did God Add Fish to His Diet?

The type of meat we select to serve on our dinner table is somewhat determined by the location of the table. As you would think, there is a lot of meat on my Texas table. While visiting Peru last year, my daughter had the opportunity to indulge on guinea pigs, which were a local favorite at the time. In addition, kangaroo meat is a common delicacy in Australia. Distinct civilizations have different preferences. You may have noticed that fish appears on the table of Jesus on a number of occasions in the Gospels.

Indeed, in one of our Lord’s most remarkable post-resurrection appearances, a great much is made of the fact that he and his followers are eating fish (John 21).


There had been a change. And that gastronomic transition coincided with a theological one: God was signaling to the world that the mission to the Gentiles had begun in earnest through his choice of food. Let’s have a look at the Hebrew Scriptures to see what I’m talking about.

No Fish on God’s Altar

In the Old Testament, the temple served as God’s dwelling as well as the King’s official abode. The Holy of Holies served as his throne room, the Holy Place as a reception area for his priestly slaves, and the altar in front of the Holy Place as his table (Malachi 1:7, 12). Israel’s Lord, in contrast to the other deities, did not require nourishment. He was not hungry at all (Ps. 50:8-15). Whatever the case may be, what was laid on the altar was referred to as “the meal of their God” (Lev. 21:6, 8, 17).

  1. 9:24).
  2. Oxen, sheep, goats, and doves are among the livestock.
  3. Fish, on the other hand, would never have been sacrificed on the altar of sacrifice.
  4. The reason behind this is as follows.

Swallowed by the Gentile Sea

Fishermen, large sea monsters, the sea, and wild rivers were all depicted as symbols of the Gentile world throughout the Bible’s Old Testament. Take, for example, the phrase “deliverance from the waves,” which also means “deliverance from outsiders” (Ps. 144:7). As with the thundering and roaring of the oceans, so also is the thundering and roaring of Gentiles (Isa. 17:12). Gentile countries and their rulers were compared to gigantic sea beasts, such as the mythical Rahab, in ancient literature (Dan.

  • 51:9).
  • 17:15).
  • What happens when the prophet retreats from God’s “face”?
  • He travels to the sea with Gentile sailors, where he is devoured by the image of Gentile rulers, a large fish, and dies in the process.
  • Although God picked Babylon to “swallow” Israel in exile and then free the country, God also chose a fish to “swallow” Jonah in exile and subsequently release the prophet from his captivity (1:17).
  • As a result, it should come as no surprise that fish was never sacrificed on the Israelite altar as a food offering.

Twelve New Fishing Patriarchs

When Jesus summoned his disciples, he did not choose a random group of fishermen, nor did he choose the setting in which he summoned them by happenstance. They cast their nets into the depths and captured so many fish that their nets were breaking under the weight of them. Jesus assured them that they had nothing to be afraid about. From this point forward, they would be “catching guys” (Luke 5:11). In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus refers to them as “fishers of men” (4:19). They would not be conquering Gentile nations with the sword as the Israelite tribes of old had done, but rather they would be fishing for Gentiles in the “seas” of the nations, casting a net of the Gospel to catch them (cf.

  1. 28:18-20).
  2. Moreover, in the context of Matthew 5, Galilee is specifically referred to as “Galilee of the Gentiles” (5:15).
  3. They were being herded into the kingdom of God, together with the Jews, by the angels.
  4. They were physically entering the body of Christ, which was a really moving experience.
  5. (See Luke 24:41.) Of all the things to inquire about on such a historic event, this is the most important!
  6. It was a piece of grilled salmon that they offered him.
  7. “To all countries,” he went on to say, repentance for the remission of sins should be proclaimed in his name (24:47).

Take note of the progression: the resurrection, eating fish, the Old Testament being fulfilled, and the Gentiles now hearing the word of the kingdom. To put it another way, God had now incorporated fish into his diet.

When God Gets Hungry

All of this is really good news for us at this point. Because of the blood of Christ, we who were once divided from the Lord of the covenant, estranged from Israel, and far away Gentiles, have been brought close to God through faith in him (Eph. 2:12-13). Mary’s Seed, the Seed of Abraham, has fulfilled the Lord’s promise to Abraham that his Seed would be a blessing to all peoples and all countries (Genesis 12). Even those of us who previously swam in the darkness of sin and death have been entangled in the Gospel’s net.

When God gets hungry, it’s a terrific time to be a fish.

Why did Jesus Eat Fish?

In discussions about whether God cares about animals, or more pragmatically whether we should care about animals enough to avoid harming or destroying them, one of the most often posed questions is why Jesus ate fish in the first place. The rationale goes as follows: since Jesus ate fish, it demonstrates that God does not care about animals, and as followers of Jesus, we have no need to care about animals as well. This line of thinking, I feel, is erroneous and serves only to obstruct the work of God’s holy spirit in the world today, which is a shame.

  1. Throughout this essay, we will analyze the reasons why Jesus ate fish, as well as the implications of this for our attitudes toward animals in general.
  2. (Luke 24:43).
  3. It was done to demonstrate to the world that God truly possesses the ability to revive the dead and that we would all be raised from the grave at some point in the future.
  4. Leaving aside the idea that the Greek word for “fish” may really refer to dried seaweed, as some academics believe, and even if we accept that Jesus ate a dead sea creature, I believe there is still enough evidence to conclude that God wants us to be concerned about animals.
  5. If you want to know why Jesus ate fish, that is one of the more difficult questions to answer.

If we think that Jesus eating fish demonstrates that God does not care about animals and that we thus have no need to stop from killing them, then many of the fundamental themes in the Bible would be flipped on their heads, to begin with. As an illustration:

  1. If animals do not live in harmony with one another in the kingdom, the future kingdom will be a misery for them. In light of the fact that fear is a direct result of sin (Genesis 3:10) and is the antithesis of love (1 John 4:18), causing animals to be afraid by killing them (Gen 9:2, Habakkuk 2:17) would be inconsistent with the love God has for all creation and instructs us to have for all creation (Ephesians 1:4). A false prophetic prophesy was fulfilled in Isaiah (Isaiah 11:6
  2. 65:25)
  3. Likewise, God’s promise to the animals that one day bow and sword will be eliminated from the land and they will be able to lie down quietly (Hosea 2:18) will never come to pass
  4. It is possible that animals will be excluded from the new covenant commission “that you should love one another,” as stated in John 13:34, and that, instead of the new covenant being good news for all creation (as stated in Romans 8:19 and Mark 16:15), it will be terrible news for the animals, who were included in the original covenant (Genesis 9:9-10). Because so many people care about animals and do not harm them, the many other passages that demonstrate God’s love for them no longer make sense
  5. God’s love would be weaker than the love that so many other people in the world have, because so many people care about animals enough to care about them and do not harm them. Given that God is love, I don’t believe that it is possible to be more loving than God (1 John 4:8, 16). As a result, if people are capable of loving animals and God’s love is at least as great as any human’s love, then God’s love must encompass animals as well.

So, if we accept Goddoescare’s stance on animals, what is the significance of Jesus eating fish? In the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7), Jesus instructs his disciples to hold themselves to a higher standard than is required by the rules given to Moses and the other Old Testament prophets, and to do so in accordance with the Word of God. It was said that one should not only abstain from adultery but also from desire (Matthew 5:27-28); that one should not only abstain from murder but also from hatred (Matthew 5:21-22); and that one should not only love one’s friends but also one’s adversaries (Matthew 5:44-45).

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The overarching subject of the sermon is that you should go above and beyond what the Bible expects of you, and that you should do it as an act of love to God (Matthew 6:3-4).

In addition to the Old Testament scriptures, Christians now have the instructions given by Jesus, especially those mentioned in the Sermon on the Mount, for which they might seek direction.

We are to love one another according to the new law that Jesus gives us (John 13:34, 15:12), and Jesus makes it clear that no one should be excluded from our love – not the poor or needy (Matthew 25:40), not strangers (Matthew 25:35, Luke 14:13), not those who do evil (Matthew 5:45), and certainly not our enemies (Matthew 5:44).

  1. all-inclusive), just as God’s love is impartial and all-inclusive (see 1 John 4:8).
  2. How is it even possible to go above and above when the only thing that is asked is that no one be excluded from our love?
  3. We know that animals lived in harmony in the beginning, before human disobedience to God allowed dread and death to enter the earth through the fall of mankind (Romans 5:12, Genesis 1:31).
  4. In addition, given that Jesus prayed for God’s kingdom to come and for his will to be done on earth as it is in heaven (Matthew 6:10), it would seem obvious that the spirit would exhort us to extend our love to animals in order for that kingdom to come to fruition completely.
  5. Hallelujah!
  6. Let us explore one more paragraph that is ordinarily difficult to comprehend but is made clearer by this explanation of why Jesus ate fish despite the fact that eating fish is not part of God’s ideal plan for the kingdom of heaven.
  7. These are the acts of mercy that Jesus performed (Luke 6:36), the works of humility that he performed (John 13:14, James 4:10), the works of devotion to God that he performed in Luke 4:18, and the works of love that he performed in Luke 4:18.
  8. The bigger things must, in some way, be built on the basis that Jesus established (Matthew 16:18, Matthew 7:24-25).

According to Jesus’ own testimony, doing not just the things Jesus clearly asks of us (love one another) but also going above and beyond what Jesus asks of us (love animals) demonstrates that we sincerely believe in him, and it also demonstrates that we are directed by God’s holy spirit (Matthew 7:16, Galatians 5:22-23).

Rather than us performing these bigger acts, God is the one who is performing them through us (Galatians 2:20, Philippians 2:13).

We are the hands and feet of God (1 Corinthians 12:27).

In my opinion, Jesus’ words about his ascension to the Father mean the following: just as the words of Jesus built upon the words of Moses and other Old Testament prophets, the followers of Jesus will build upon the words of Jesus, guided by the holy spirit (John 16:13), and thereby cause the world to come ever closer to repentance (Matthew 24:34).

This work that is being done in each of us will finally result in the complete fulfillment of Jesus’ prayer for the kingdom to come and God’s will to be done on earth as it is in heaven, as described in the book of Revelation (Matthew 6:10).

As Christians, we must have confidence in God (Luke 8:25), but even more crucial, we must have love that demonstrates our faith (1 Corinthians 13:2, James 2:18).

In a nutshell, I believe Jesus ate fish in order to provide room for his sincere disciples to go above and beyond what he specifically instructed them to perform.

What did Jesus eat? Coffee and chocolate were not on the menu

The Lord’s Prayer, which is presented in somewhat different forms in the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, is arguably the most well-known prayer in the world today. However, the lines “Give us this day our daily food” are included in this prayer, which is rather remarkable. Exactly what this bread is made of is up for discussion. According to the Gospel of John, “I am the Bread of Life,” thus it’s possible that this is a reference to Jesus himself. Most likely, it is referring to the actual bread, which has been a staple diet in the Middle East since the beginning of civilisation.

  1. Perhaps all of these readings are correct; but, if the latter is correct, what did Jesus consume on a regular basis?
  2. Although Jewish law authorized the use of bread produced from wheat, other grains such as barley, oats, rye, and spelt were also permitted.
  3. In the Hebrew language, the word for wine is yayin, which originates from the term for fermentation, and in the New Testament, the word for wine is oinos, which is translated as vinum in Latin.
  4. According to one historian, the average male in the Middle East consumed roughly a litre of wine in the course of a day, although the New Testament warns against overindulging in alcohol on multiple occasions.
  5. His appearance to the disciples after his resurrection is depicted as him eating fish in order to demonstrate that he was genuine, and not some ghost.
  6. Jesus ate figs, as evidenced by the fact that, on his trip to Jerusalem, he grabbed for a fig tree, despite the fact that it was not fig season at that time.
  7. As a result, we may be pretty certain that Jesus followed the dietary regulations of ancient Israel, and we can identify foods that he would not have consumed, such as pork, shellfish, reptiles, and carrion-eating animals.

Anything native to the New World, such as maize corn, pumpkins, peppers, tomatoes, potatoes, and chocolate, would have been inaccessible to Jesus.

To live a life without coffee or chocolate would have been a life of extreme asceticism in my opinion.

The closest thing Hebrew has to a term for beer is sekhar, which may be used to refer to beer or a variety of other powerful alcoholic beverages.

However, it is almost probable that Jesus did not receive that reward following the Sermon on the Mount.

People in the ancient Near East ate a lot of plant-based meals rather than meat, and this was especially true in Egypt.

Various grains were frequently crushed and cooked to create a porridge-like consistency.

The Persians brought rice to the inhabitants of Judea during the era after the post-exilic restoration of the Jewish temple in the fifth century B.C., during which time the Jewish temple was reconstructed.

There are several nuts mentioned in the Hebrew Bible, including almonds, walnuts, and pistachios, all of which supplied protein, and it is likely that Jesus was familiar with these foods.

Jesus’ diet most probably included dried fruits such as raisins and dates, although they do not have a very long shelf life.

In addition to the olive and the fig, apricots, dates, and the quince were cultivated in the time of Jesus Christ.

However, there is a term for apples in modern Hebrew.

Fruits also had the benefit of being able to be cooked down to form a syrup, which was useful for preserving them during storage.

In any case, we might speculate that Jesus ate relatively little meat because it was a more expensive item at the time.

Because a lamb shank was part of the rite and the Passover lambs were murdered at the same time, it is often considered that Jesus’ Last Supper contained lamb.

The Passover lamb should be cooked according to the instructions in the Torah.

The Jews of Jesus’ day raised a variety of birds, including not just chickens but also doves, turtledoves, ducks, and geese, among other things.

It has been speculated by archaeologists that individuals living during this historical period and in that location could only have been able to have meat three or four times a year, and that these were only on special occasions.

Many people in Jesus’ day were famished because of a scarcity of food.

It is possible that if the first 12 disciples had seen our modern supermarkets, which were stocked with food, they would have believed they had died and gone to heaven. Jesus, on the other hand, would not have been under any such delusions.

Why did Jesus eat fish after His resurrection?

Pixabay Jesus has risen from the dead. He had really ascended from the dead, exactly as He had prophesied. Many people do not believe that He resurrected from the dead, and this is understandable. The truth was so unbelievable that even His disciples were skeptical at first. What did Jesus do to demonstrate to the disciples that He is actually alive and that they are not witnessing a ghost or a figment of their collective imagination? He did what all live people do: he did what he could. Eat.

He did declare that the Christ would suffer and die, but that he would rise again after three days.

Despite the fact that they had been with Jesus for virtually the entire period of His earthly mission, the disciples heard what He said but could not accept what they were hearing.

And He told them, “I’m going to tell you something.” “What is it that is making you so upset?

Take a look at My hands and My feet, and you will see that it is I Myself.

These witnesses witnessed Him cure the ill, raise the dead from the dead, multiply food to feed many, and perform several other marvels.

It was terrifying for them since they believed He was a ghost.

“When He had finished speaking, He extended His hands and His feet to them.

As a result, they presented Him with a piece of roasted fish and some honeycomb.

It is true that He showed them His wounds, but He did much more than merely display his scars to them.

In His earthly existence, He and His disciples performed what they had done many times together: they ate. It is not insignificant that Jesus performed these deeds. That tiny piece of grilled salmon serves as evidence that our optimism is still alive.

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