What Does Jesus Say About Sex

Jesus On Sex

First and foremost, Jesus doesn’t say anything about sex before to marriage in his teachings. If he did, you would begin to think that someone had doctored the text of the Bible since first-century Jews married shortly after reaching puberty, which would raise the possibility of a forgery (girls around 13 or 14, guys a little bit older). As a result, having sexual relations prior to marriage was not a significant concern. While it may be difficult to envision 12- and 13-year-olds still acting like children and becoming anxious rather than happy about their wedding night in today’s sex-obsessed world, this was the case in the first-century Jewish community that received Jesus’ personal teaching.

Because parents were marrying off their children early, frequently to strangers, the negative side effect of this practice was that not all first-century marriages were joyful.

We must thus apply the three golden standards of Scripture interpretation to Jesus’ teaching on sex, asking first “What did Jesus say to his original hearers?”, then “What is Jesus saying to us today?”, and finally “How does Jesus want me to apply that teaching to my life?” The statements of Jesus in Matthew 19:1-12 are probably the most apparent place to begin.

However, some of what he says is quite applicable to the topic of sex before marriage.

  • As a result, they are no longer two people, but one.
  • Now, let us evaluate what Jesus is trying to teach us through this passage.
  • Why is it that Christians are so much more vocal about how not to have sex than they are about how to have sex?!
  • “We were taught that sex is a nasty, filthy activity, and that you should keep it for the person you marry,” says Tony Campolo, in an even more blunt statement.
  • Passages like this one inspired the author of Hebrews 13:4 to write that “the marriage bed should be maintained clean” (rather than made pure), because sex inside marriage is a great gift from God.
  • If you need any further reason to think that God approves of sex, read the book of Song of Songs from the Old Testament.
  • Prepare yourselves for something surprising to happen next.

He wants us to return to the text from Genesis 1:26-27 that he mentions and read the entire verse: “God said, ‘Let us make humans in our likeness, in our image, and let them govern.'” In this way, God made mankind in his own image, in the image of God he formed him; he created both male and female beings.” Now read that sentence a second time more slowly.

  • In the case of humans, it’s just two-in-one because we’re not God, but it’s two-in-one for a very specific purpose.
  • It is a kind of worship in which two human people represent the image of God – a God who is more than one person at the same time and yet is One – via their actions.
  • It is for this reason that the Mosaic Law mandated the death penalty for just a small number of crimes as compared to the other legal systems of the time, while included sexual immorality among the small number of offenses that were punished by death.
  • Because it was not a big deal in his society, Jesus didn’t say anything about sex before marriage.
  • 3) Sexuality is not our property.
  • However, when we understand that Sex Is Good and that Sex is Better than Good, this is not a controversial statement in our culture, where everything goes sexually (and the horrible effects are all around us).
  • We are like tenants who have been granted permission to live in an apartment that belongs to God, not to ourselves, and God takes it very seriously when we begin to tear down the walls of the apartment as if it were all ours.
  • What matters is whether we feel our lives (sexual or otherwise) belong to him or if we believe our lives belong to ourselves.
  • Because we are enjoying it in its appropriate, God-created setting, we are also reflecting the majesty of the Trinity, which is a win-win situation for everybody involved!
  • ), because our entire lives are under his control.
  • He has one more significant statement to make.

The disciples are torn between being horrified that marriage is such a serious matter (in verse 10 they wonder if it might be too holy a state to enter into at all) and being overjoyed that God’s plan for sex and marriage is so much better than the way these things are viewed in their culture.

  1. Jesus reminds us that we will only understand what he has to say about sex if we are overawed and thrilled in the same way that he is.
  2. God has made it quite obvious that sex is reserved for permanent marriage between a man and a woman, and that he intended it to be tremendously enjoyable so that we would make love frequently and enjoy it – all while reflecting the reality that God is far bigger than either a man or a woman.
  3. As long as you are not acting in this manner, sex should not be a reason for you to reject Jesus, but rather a motivation for you to embrace him.
  4. As he did with the adulterous woman in John 8, Jesus likewise gives you forgiveness, saying, “I do not condemn you; now abandon your life of sin.” If you are not yet married but are attempting to live Jesus’ way, you should be encouraged.
  5. It’s possible that he’s already thinking about your reward.
  6. It is his encouragement for you to go and make love to your spouse or wife for the glory of God!

Some of your finest worship should not be performed in church on Sunday mornings, but rather be savored in bed on Sunday afternoons, according to him! Rather of reading this blog, shouldn’t you be spending your time putting it into practice for the glory of the Triune God?

5 Surprising Things That the Bible Says about Sex

The Bible doesn’t say anything about sex before marriage, and Jesus is no exception. The fact that first-century Jews married shortly after reaching adolescence would lead you to believe that someone had doctored the text of the Bible if he did, but he didn’t (girls around 13 or 14, guys a little bit older). Thus, sex before marriage was not a significant issue in the couple’s relationship. While it may be difficult to envision 12- and 13-year-olds still acting like children and becoming anxious rather than happy about their wedding night in today’s sex-obsessed world, such was the case in the first-century Jewish community that received Jesus’ personal teaching.

Because parents were marrying off their children early, frequently to strangers, the negative side effect of this practice was that not all first-century marriages were successful.

This implies that we must apply the three golden laws of Scripture interpretation to Jesus’ teaching on sex and ask first, “What did Jesus say to his original hearers?”, then, “What is Jesus saying to us today?”, and finally, “How does Jesus want me to apply that teaching to my life?” The words of Jesus in Matthew 19:1-12 are probably the most apparent place to start.

  • However, part of what he says is quite applicable to the issue of sex before marriage.
  • Isn’t it true that the Creator’made them male and female’ at the beginning of time and that ‘for this reason, a man will leave his father and mother and will be wedded to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’?
  • Consequently, what God has put together, man should not separate.
  • First and foremost, sexual encounters are beneficial.
  • In the movie The Meaning of Life, a Monty Python parody depicts a Protestant guy rejoicing in the fact that he isn’t oppressed like Catholics while entirely disregarding his wife’s eyes that beg him to come to bed with him.
  • While pointing us to Genesis 1-2, where the Lord creates human beings, both male and female, orders them to multiply and then proclaims that everything he has created (including sexuality) is “very wonderful,” Jesus says that he does not believe in homosexuality.
  • It is possible that you have misunderstood Jesus’ teaching on sex because your interpretation of his teaching results in a negative view of sex.

Second, sexual pleasure is preferable to physical pleasure.

We are taught by Jesus that sexual activity, in addition to being enjoyable, reflects part of God’s divine essence.

Take another look at the sentence.

Even though we are not God, it is a two-in-one situation for humans, and this is for a purpose.

It is a kind of worship in which two human people represent the image of God – a God who is more than one person at the same time and yet is One – in a public ceremony.

So, despite the fact that, in comparison to other legal systems of the time, the Mosaic Law mandated the death penalty for just a small number of offenses, it included sexual immorality among the small number of crimes that were punishable by death.

Sexual immorality was viewed as a type of blasphemy, a filthy mockery of the Trinity, in the Old Testament, and Jesus approved and reinforced that perspective.

However, he did tighten the Law on adultery, proclaiming that merely having feelings for someone we aren’t married to puts us in peril of being damned to the fires of hell.

4) The result is that we do not have access to sex, as Jesus explains in Matthew 19.

Assuming that God is our Creator and that he created people in order to show his splendor to the rest of the world, it follows that he has the authority to inform us that sex is his property.

Ultimately, obeying Jesus’ instructions on sexuality comes down to this.

It is Jesus who teaches us that sexual encounters are much more enjoyable than we previously believed.

However, it also implies that Jesus want to be Lord over our private lives, including what we do in our bedrooms (and elsewhere!

In the fourth point, marriage is a God-given creation, not ours.

He doesn’t just talk about two people becoming one, but he also starts talking about a person leaving his parents and becoming united to his wife (take note of the order), and he tells us that when such a public marriage covenant takes place, God has joined the two marriage partners together in a way that human laws alone cannot separate.

  1. In the end, they decide to be horrified because marriage is such a serious matter (we can tell from the New Testament letters that this second option ultimately won their hearts).
  2. Conclusion Despite the fact that we have just looked at four brief verses from one aspect of Jesus’ teaching on sex, what can we draw from this information?
  3. When they combine, they shine like the moon, but he combines three elements and shines considerably more brightly than they do, like the sun.
  4. However, despite the fact that our culture is full with valid causes for lousy sex, Jesus says that if we follow the Maker’s instructions, sex will improve.
  5. As a consequence of your decision to stay celibate until you marry, Jesus says that God will shower you with blessings in the coming years.
  6. According to Proverbs 18:22, “He who finds a wife finds what is excellent, and the Lord favors him who finds a wife.
  7. It is his encouragement for you to go and make love to your spouse or wife for the glory of God.

On Sunday mornings, he advises you that some of your finest worship should be performed in church, but should be savored in bed on Sunday afternoons, instead. Rather of reading this blog, shouldn’t you spend your time using what you’ve learned to the glory of God the Trinity?

1. It’s good

In our current culture, Christianity is frequently seen as being quite sexually conservative in its practices. Christians are well-known for opposing homosexual sex, pre-marital sex, and extramarital sex, and as a result, the perception is that Christians feel that sex is inherently harmful – yet this couldn’t be further from the truth! According to the Bible, the first husband and wife were “both nude and were not embarrassed” when they married (Genesis 2:25 ESV). Sex existed in the created order prior to the fall, before the transgression of Adam and Eve.

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Towards the end of the Book of Proverbs, a wise father encourages his son to: revel in the bride of your youth, a handsome deer, an elegant doe, and a beautiful buck.

(Proverbs 5:18–19, English Standard Version) Similar language may be found in the New Testament, which states: “Let marriage be maintained in reverence among everyone, and let the marriage bed be undefiled.” (Hebrews 13:4 English Standard Version) Sexual relations between a husband and his wife are never a source of embarrassment.

2. Husbands owe it to wives

In 1 Corinthians 7:3-4, according to many historians, the most startling thing the Bible has to say about sex is this: “A husband should give to his wife her conjugal rights, and likewise, a wife should give to her husband.” Due to the fact that the wife does not have jurisdiction over her own body, but rather that the husband does, In the same way, the husband does not have power over his own body, although the woman has such authority.

(1 Corinthians 7:3–4 ESV) admonishment One researcher, for example, describes it as follows: Although Paul’s remarks were revolutionary in the ancient world, when patriarchy was the norm, the clear mutuality of his remarks (the husband has control over his wife’s body, and she has authority over his) made them much more so.

  1. Paul’s subsequent affirmation of the inverse, that “the husband does not have power over his own body, but the woman does,” obviously indicated a dramatic and unprecedented limitation on the sexual freedom of the husbands.
  2. That sex should be reciprocal and that the husband owed it to his wife – and that the wife had the right to claim it from the husband – was revolutionary!
  3. No one else in the ancient world had ever stated anything like this before.
  4. Instead of just repeating cultural sexual conventions, Christianity taught that sex inside a marriage should be uninhibited, giving, and mutual in its nature.
  5. Today’s young couples are frequently advised that they should only have sex when both partners desire it; nevertheless, the Bible states that sex should be provided in a marriage anytime either partner wishes it.

This may be the most shocking of all the things the Bible says about sex, considering how many other things it says.

3. Married couples should have it often

“Lie back and think about the Empire,” as Queen Victoria famously told the Christian ladies of her realm; a perspective of sex that appears dismal and pragmatic to the extreme. Fortunately, the Bible gives a totally different point of view. The Scriptures, in addition to the virtues of goodness, generosity, and reciprocity described above, also urge a degree of frequency that many modern Bible readers find rather startling. ‘Do not deprive one another, save possibly by agreement for a certain period, so that you may dedicate yourselves to prayer; but then join together again, so that Satan may not entice you because of your lack of self-control,’ the Apostle Paul instructed his followers.

Similarly to the Old Testament, regular marital encounters are recommended in the New Testament as a preventative measure against a wandering eye and lusty heart.

Proverbs 5:15 explains that Following this enlightened lesson will bring you immense insight – as well as enormous pleasure.

4. It’s not just about the kids

In the Bible, you don’t have to look very far to find evidence of the relationship between sexuality and reproduction. It reads in the very first chapter of the very first book: “So God made man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” God created both male and female in his own image, in the image of God, he created them. And God was pleased with them. And God commanded them, saying, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the earth, and dominate it.” (Genesis 1:27–28, English Standard Version) God created them as male and female, and he instructed them to reproduce and multiply as he saw fit.

  • That is correct, but it does not mark the conclusion of the tale — it does not even mark the beginning of the story!
  • Human beings are designed to imitate and symbolize God; as a result, the man should have a spouse who is both complimentary and co-equal in their roles.
  • Consequently, a man must leave his father and mother and remain with his wife, so that they may become one flesh, according to the Scriptures.
  • It is about clinging to the person who has been entrusted to you by God.
  • It is almost as though you are merging into one person.
  • It’s all about submitting, exploration, discovery, and sheer joy in the process.

When done correctly and with blessing, it frequently results in offspring, although it is not done for that purpose in the end. All of this is done for the glory of God and the benefit of all people. That’s a small, but really important, distinction to make.

5. It’s not what makes you truly human

However, despite all of what the Scriptures have to say about human sexuality and how it should be celebrated, the Bible makes it quite plain that you may be totally and entirely human without ever experiencing it. It was never possessed by Jesus. Jeremiah didn’t know either. Alternatively, John the Baptist. Alternatively, Elijah. Alternatively, the Apostle Paul – at least during the better part of his adult life — According to some early Christians, there are so many examples of lifelong celibates in the Bible that they began to question if abstinence may be a kind of insider’s guide to spiritual fulfillment.

The apostle Paul responded to their question by discussing the general rule of marriage (1 Corinthians 7:2), the importance of being generous and reciprocal in the marriage bed (1 Corinthians 7:3–4), and the necessity for married couples to have sexual relations on an ongoing basis (1 Corinthians 7:5).

  1. But then he stated something that was completely unexpected by the current reader.
  2. The ESV version of 1 Corinthians 7:7 reads: Paul expresses his hope that there were more lifelong celibates in the world!
  3. He wishes there were more people like him.
  4. God offers certain people the gift of marriage while others are given the gift of celibacy, and Paul must submit to the Sovereign will of his Creator in order to be successful.
  5. Almost everything about the remark is agitating and disturbing to the contemporary mentality.
  6. They ARE the people with whom they have sexual relations.
  7. According to the Bible, a person is considered to be a human being since they were formed in the image and likeness of the Creator.

You are the bearer of an image!

Those are really mind-boggling consequences of such realization.

A person may live a complete, fortunate, and prosperous life that is valuable, important, and God-glorifying without ever having sexual relations with anybody.

According to many people in our culture, it would be the most shocking thing the Bible has to say about any subject at all.

They are all priceless gifts provided according to the wisdom and timing of the Lord for the glory of God and the benefit of mankind for all eternity.

Pastor Paul Carter is a charismatic leader who has a heart for people.

You can also get it from the iTunes store.

Ciampa and Brian S.

According to the Accordance electronic edition, (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2010), pages 280-281.

Paul was never married, according to the Bible, which is a mystery to us. It merely states that he was single when he first appeared in the novel and that he stayed unmarried throughout the whole story.

The Bible on Premarital Sex and Sexual Morality

It’s easy to believe that the Bible says nothing regarding premarital sex. But this is not the case. However, this is due to the fact that people are often looking for negative words, such as “thou shall not.” However, the Bible primarily conveys God’s point of view in positive words. Furthermore, the Bible plainly indicates that sex is only appropriate in marriage, between a man and a woman.

Sex is for marriage, and marriage is for sex

Because sex is unique, exclusive, and magnificent, God wants us to save it for marriage—not because it’s “evil” or “filthy,” but because it is special, exclusive, and delightful. Sex is more than simply a recreational activity. And it isn’t simply a feel-good manner of showing mutual affection; it is also beneficial. It is about the union of two persons into one flesh.

  • As Jesus explains, “Have you not read that he who created the world produced men and women, and stated, ‘Therefore a man must leave his father and his mother, and he shall hold tight to his wife, and they shall become one flesh’?” In Matthew 19:4-5, the ESV, Jesus quotes from Genesis 1:27 and Genesis 2:24, among other places.
  • This is consistent with the apostle Paul’s admonition in 1 Corinthians 6:16: “Do you not realize that a man who marries a prostitute becomes one body with her?” Because, as it is stated, “the two will become one flesh,” as the saying goes. (ESV)
  • The commandment against adultery is based on the same principle as the preceding one (Exodus 20:14). Adultery, according to the biblical definition, is any sexual conduct that takes place outside of marriage. This is why the Bible says, “Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous” (Hebrews 13:4, ESV)
  • And, “Let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous” (Hebrews 13:5, ESV).

Sex is regarded as a sacred secret. It is a powerful bonding factor that moulds and influences the connection between a man and a woman in a way that nothing else has the ability to do. Therefore, the Bible frequently links idolatry with fornication (sexual relations between two people who are not married to each other) and adultery (sexual relations between two people who are married to each other) (sex between two people when one or both are married to someone else). And it is for this reason that the Bible utilizes sexual purity and loyalty between spouses as an illustration of our relationship with God (seeSong of Solomon,Hosea, and the16th chapter of Ezekiel).

The communal aspect of marriage

Diverse cultures have different traditions for arranging marriages and commemorating the establishment of a marriage. As a result, it should come as no surprise that the Bible does not require all marriages to be sealed in a church ceremony or with a state-issued license. Regardless of the time and location, biblical marriage always contains a strong sense of belonging to a larger community. It is initially recognized in a couple’s decision to separate from their parents and commit themselves to one another.

  • To put it another way, marriage is a public declaration of a couple’s intention to develop a solid and lasting partnership.
  • During biblical times, the community aspect of marriage was nearly entirely under the supervision of the family.
  • What about Mary and Joseph, do you think?
  • A betrothal did not impose any restrictions on the couple’s sexual behavior until after the wedding ceremony.

Also explained is why Joseph would have need something like a formal divorce to terminate his arrangement with Mary and her family when he discovered that she was pregnant “before they joined together” in marriage (Matthew 1:18-25).

Want to talk more?

Please contact us for a free over-the-phone consultation if you would want to learn more about love, sex, and marriage. Our certified or pastoral counselors will be more than happy to assist you in any manner they are able. Resources If a title is presently unavailable via Focus on the Family, we recommend you to purchase it from a different source instead. Reclaiming Intimacy: Overcoming the Consequences of Premarital Relationships is a book on reclaiming intimacy. When it comes to dating referrals, there are certain boundaries.

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If You’ve Wondered What the Bible Really Says About Sex, We’ve Got Your Answers

When it comes to the Bible and sex, you might be shocked to read some of the things that are written in the Holy Book about the subject. From conception to pleasure, here’s what the Bible has to say about sex in its most literal sense.

God wants us to procreate.

In fact, one of the very first things God says to Adam and Eve is that they should have children. According to Genesis 1:28, “And God was pleased with them. Then God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, fill the land with your descendants, and dominate it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the skies, and over every living creature that moves on the face of the ground.”” “Be fruitful and multiply,” the Bible says. Other passages in the Bible, such as Psalm 127:3 and Genesis 9:1, emphasize how happy it is to have children and to nurture them.

But sex isn’tjustabout procreation.

Despite the fact that God’s followers are commanded to “be fruitful and multiply,” sex is not intended primarily for the sake of reproduction. Intentionally, it is intended to be a joyous and personal encounter between two people. “Therefore, a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold tight to his wife, and they shall become one flesh,” says Genesis 2:24, “and they shall become one flesh.” What does it mean to “become one flesh” with another person? In addition to physical closeness, this argues that two people’s hearts and souls may become so interwoven that they are virtually one person when they are in a committed relationship.

  • What affects one has an effect on the other as well.
  • Consider the passage from Song of Songs 7:7-10.
  • ‘I’m going to climb the palm tree and eat the fruit from its branches,’ I said.
  • May the wine find its way directly to my beloved’s lips and teeth, pouring gently over them.
  • Photographs courtesy of Getty Images Proverbs 5:18-19, in a similar vein, advises individuals to physically recognize their partner’s efforts.

“Give thanks to God for blessing your fountain, and be glad in the lady of your youth, a beautiful deer, or a charming doe. Allow her breasts to fill you with ecstasy at all times; allow yourself to get drunk by her love at all times.”

Sex outside of marriage is considered a sin.

It is probable that you are already aware that one of the Ten Commandments is “You must not commit adultery.” However, there are a plethora of other texts in the Bible that speak of adultery. “Let marriage be kept in reverence among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, because God will condemn those who are sexually immoral and unfaithful,” the Bible says in Hebrews 13:4 (NIV). It is expected of spouses in a marriage that they will be devoted to God and to one another. “The sexually immoral individual commits sin against his or her own flesh and blood.” Furthermore, the Bible states in 1 Corinthians 6:18-20 that committing adultery is a sin against God as well as against oneself.

  1. Every other sin a person does takes place outside of the body, but a sexually immoral person commits a sin against his or her own body, which is called sexual immorality “This passage is read aloud.
  2. If a person physically cheats on their spouse, they are not only dishonoring their marriage, but they are also dishonoring the Almighty as well.
  3. Visiting their website may allow you to access the same stuff in a different format, or it may provide you with even more information than you could get elsewhere.
  4. Jamie Ballard is a freelance writer that focuses on news, lifestyle, and entertainment issues such as television, movies, health, pets, relationships, and personal finance.
  5. This material was generated and maintained by a third party and imported onto this website in order to assist users in providing their email addresses for further consideration.

Jesus’ Attitudes Towards Sex

Many religious organizations hold discussions on what the Bible says about sexual activity. However, there are just a few texts in the Bible that reflect Jesus’ thoughts on these topics. In fact, it is possible to argue that he did not openly address sexual activity at all during the interview. According to one source, Jesus’ ideas, recommendations, and directions on how we should conduct and believe are recorded in the Christian Scriptures (New Testament). In our investigation, we were unable to confirm the accuracy of this statistic.

His views on the major sexually-related theological disputes of the day, such as abortion, equal rights for homosexuals, same-sex marriage, masturbation, pre-marital sex, and so on, are completely absent from the record.

Jesus’ statements on sexuality

Jesus is only documented as having made four direct statements that may be understood as having something to do with sexual activity.

1. Divorce:

The Bible states in Matthew 5:31-32 that: “It has been said that whoever shall put away his wife, let him give her a writing of divorcement: But I say unto you, that whosoever shall put away his wife, save for the cause of fornication, causeth her to commit adultery; and whosoever shall marry her who is divorced committeth adultery.” (KJV) A similar statement may be found in Matthew 19:9, which states: “And I say unto you, Whoever will throw away his wife, except in the case of fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery; and whosoever will remarry her who is put away committeth adultery.” (KJV) In this passage, Jesus forbids divorce except in cases of sexual misbehavior, which is referred to as ” porneia ” in the original Greek.

  1. Porneia has been rendered differently in different copies of the Bible as adultery, fornication, unchastity, unfaithfulness, or marital unfaithfulness, among other things.
  2. “Whosoever puts away his wife, and marries another, commits adultery against her,” according to Mark 10:11-12.
  3. “Whoever puts away his wife and marries another, committeth adultery; and whosoever marries her after she has been sent away from her husband, committeth adultery,” according to Luke 16:18.
  4. The situation, he stated, is intolerable for any reason whatsoever.

2. Handling feelings of lust:

Matthew 5:27-28 expresses the condemnation of a man’s sentiments of desire for another woman. “Ye have heard that it was stated by them of long time, ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ But I say unto you, that whoever looketh on a woman to desire for her hath already committed adultery with her in his heart,” Jesus is quoted as saying in the King James Version. This verse has caused a great deal of concern among Christians, particularly among young people with raging hormones, who fear that they are committing a sin every time they find another person beautiful, regardless of their age.

Perhaps the most common interpretation of this passage is that it condemnsanyfeelings ofsexual attraction by a one person to another with the possible exception ofone’s spouse.Anyfeelings of lust towards a non-spouse isa major sin, equivalent in seriousness to actually committing adultery.Pastor Edgar Mayer ofLivingGraceCommunityLutheranChurchwrites:

It is forbidden for a man to have lust for a woman, according to Matthew 5:27-28. Jesus is quoted as saying: “Ye have heard that it was stated by them of long time,Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, that whoever looketh on a woman to desire for her, hath already committed adultery with her in his heart.” This is taken from the King James Version. Among Christians, especially among young people with raging hormones, this scripture has caused a great deal of concern, with many believing that every time they find another person attractive, they are breaking the law.

The other extreme is to interpret the phrase ” looketh on a woman tolust after her ” to mean exactly what it implies: a man is making apremeditated effort to stare at a woman with the intention of generatingfeelings of lust. For example:
Trolling the Internet looking for pictures of naked people in orderto generate sexual excitement would be considered a sin.
A man going to the mall for the specific purpose of intense girlwatching in order to generate lustful feelings would also be committinga serious sin.
However, if a man merely notices a woman whom he finds attractive withoutany prior intent of generating lust, then he would not be sinning because heno premeditation was involved.
Another take on this passage is that it is irrational and unreasonableif interpreted literally. Engaged couples with a normal sex drive are boundto have feelings of love and lust towards each other. This is one of thefactors that motivates couples to marry and to eventually have or adoptchildren and raise the next generation. Such feelings of attraction arenormal, natural, and victimize no one. In fact, they are quite pleasant toall concerned and contribute to the development of the relationship. If thepassage makes no sense when interpreted literally, then it must have anon-obvious hidden meaning.
Still another interpretation is that the injunction as unreasonable. Thesudden surfacing of feelings of sexual attraction are beyond a person’sconscious control, as are all feelings like fear or anger. After they arise,they can be supressed by distracting oneself. But they cannot be entirelyprevented from starting up. Perhaps the passage is intended to refer only toobvious and sustained leering. It might be considered a sin because it wouldprobably make the other person feel uncomfortable.
Still another interpretation is found on theChristian Marriageweb site.3Pastor DonMilton notes that the word “adultery” means sexual intercourse by a man witha woman who is either engaged or married to another man. Milton notes that:

“Every reference to adultery in the whole Bible refers to sexual relations between a married or betrothed woman and a man other than the man to whom she is married or betrothed,” says the author. In a world where adultery is defined as sexual action between a man and another man’s wife or near wife, it is reasonable to believe that “adultery in one’s heart” refers primarily to lust directed towards another man’s wife or betrothed woman. This paragraph truly describes a man who has developed a strong desire for one of his neighbor’s belongings – a wife.

The passage Matthew 5:27-28 does not apply to sentiments of lust for a single woman, hence such feelings would be prohibited.

A total of 92 additional verses in the Christian Scriptures have it translated as “wife” or “wives.” “Ye have heard that it was declared by them of long time, ‘Thou shalt not commit adultery.’ But I say unto you, that whoever looketh on a wife to desire for her hath already done adultery with her in his heart,” says the apostle Paul.

Finally, the webmaster of StudyToAnswer.net notes that

“In this context, the Greek term translated as “want” (epithumeo) means more than just “to have a desire.” It is a word that genuinely denoted an intense, even devouring desire, most of the time for something that is not legal for one to own for whatever reason. As you can see, the term is employed in this manner at several occasions throughout the New Testament. It appears to be self-evident that the Lord Jesus is portraying, in accordance with the meaning of the term being used, gazing upon a lady with strong longing in his eyes.

Clearly, Jesus is attributing a specific “sin” meaning to epithumeo and applying it to the type of ogling that a man may engage in that would cause him to think about and acquire a strong desire for a lady whom he would be prohibited from pursuing under the law.

It is not meant to imply that you will never be attracted to a lady whom you may choose to marry in the future.

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A dialogue that Jesus had with a Samaritan woman is recorded in John 4:16-18: “Jesus tells her to go home and summon her husband, and then come here with him. The woman responded by saying, “I don’t have a spouse.” According to what she claimed, she was correct: “I have no spouse.” This is because she has already had five husbands, and the one she now has is not her husband, as she stated truthfully.” (KJV) Theological interpretations vary, but some believe this text to be a criticism of her unorthodox previous and present marital statuses.

Others believe that Christ just desired to exhibit his familiarity with her personal life in order for her to comprehend that he was no ordinary individual in the first place.

4. The woman caught in adultery:

It is recorded in John 8:1-11 that Jesus meets with certain intellectuals and Pharisees, as well as a woman who has been caught in adultery. The Mosaic law (Leviticus 20:10 and Deuteronomy 22:22) stipulated that she must be stoned to death in order to be executed. The verse in Deuteronomy is unequivocal in its message: “Both the male and the woman are doomed to death. You must rid Israel of the evil that has infected it.” They came to Jesus and asked him what should be done with the lady. He advocated that the person who throws the first stone be expected to be sinless in his or her actions.

  1. As a result, he suggested that the lady be permitted to live.
  2. This paragraph appears to be a fake, as it was not penned by the author(s) of the gospel of John, according to the evidence.
  3. Immediately below this verse, the New International Version of the Bible has a footnote indicating that “the oldest and most trustworthy manuscripts and other early witnesses do not include John 7:53 – 8:11.” Several copies place it near the end of the Gospel of John, while others do not.
  4. According to TheJesus Seminar, it is a “floating” or “orphan” narrative.


In terms of human sexuality, below is a summary of Jesus’ statements:

Divorce:He may or many not have believed that sexual misconduct was a sufficiently serious ground to justifya divorce.
Lust:If Matthew 5:27-28 does refer to lust directed at another man’swife, then a clearer translation into English of Matthew 5:27-28 might be:”Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time,Thou shalt not commit adultery: But I say unto you, that whosoever looketh onwife with an obsessive consuming lust hath committed adultery with heralready in his heart.”That is, normal feelings of attraction are not sinful.
The Samaritan woman:The quotation fromJohn 4may or may not criticize the woman’s sexual behavior and marital history.
The adulteress:The quotation from John 8 appears to be a forgery by an unknown author, which is not part of the original gospel of John. Its authority is questionable.

It is possible to argue that Jesus was completely mute on topics pertaining to sexual activity, with the exception of a single instance in which an individual has obsessional emotions of lust for someone other than his or her spouse. It is possible that a person who wishes to live up to Jesus’ standards in interpersonal interactions would turn to his or her broad ethical teachings, which are as follows:

To treat and value one’s neighbor as one would wish to be treated.
To not be exploitive, dominating, manipulative, controlling, violent, or abusive towards others.
To, above all, not abuse children.

References used:

The following sources of information were used in the preparation and updating of the aforementioned essay. The hyperlinks may or may not be active at the time of writing.

  1. Hoover, R.W. Funk, and R.W. Funk The Jesus Seminar’s “The Five Gospels,” published by Macmillan Publishing in New York, NY in 1993, pages 425 and 426, is a good example of this. Read reviews of this book or get it from the Amazon.com online book shop with confidence.
  2. Edgar Mayer, “Adultery in Your Heart,” Living Grace Community Lutheran Church, 2004-AUG-22, at:
  3. Don Milton, “Theology Questions: Adultery in Your Heart – It’s Not What You Think,” Living Grace Community Lutheran Church, 2004-AUG-22, at: Christians Getting Married, on March 8, 2005
  4. “Lust and Its Significance Reaching the lowest point in the history of Muslim Biblical Exegesis, “in addition to this, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected]

Robert Wayne Funk and Robert Wayne Hoover are two of the most well-known names in American literature. The Jesus Seminar’s “The Five Gospels,” published by Macmillan Publishing in New York, NY in 1993, pages 425 and 426, is an excellent resource. Amazon.com, the world’s largest online bookstore, offers reviews and secure ordering of this book. At: ; Edgar Mayer, “Adultery in Your Heart,” Living Grace Community Lutheran Church, 2004-AUG-22, at: ; Don Milton, “Theology Questions: Adultery in Your Heart – It’s Not What You Think,” Living Grace Community Lutheran Church, 2004-AUG-22, at: ; Christians Getting Married, on March 8, 2005 “LUST AND WHAT IT MEANS When it comes to Muslim Biblical Exegesis, we have reached the bottom of the barrel “in addition to this, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

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True to form, most Christians view of the Bible and sex first and foremost as a collection of “don’ts.” This is logical because the Bible expressly forbids certain activities in specific situations. This is where our churches tend to concentrate their efforts, and the sexual restrictions are obviously significant. The following activities are listed in rough chronological sequence according to their appearances in the Bible: Having sexual relations with someone other than one’s spouse is a sin that is banned in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:14) as well as in other places in the Bible.

incest: In Leviticus 18:6-18 and Leviticus 20:11-22, the sin of sexual intimacy between close relatives is explicitly condemned.

Most evangelicals, on the other hand, consider the ban to be a function of Jewish ceremonial law, which Christians are under no responsibility to observe or follow.

Cross-dressing: InDeuteronomy 22:5, men and women are both condemned for purposefully impersonating the other gender.

Lust is defined as “indulging inordinate desire for and using another person’s body sexually in our imaginations in a way that would be immoral in real life.” According to Matthew 5:28, lust is “indulging inordinate desire for and using another person’s body sexually in our imaginations in a way that would be immoral in real life.” However, the Bible is not solely negative about sex, and if we simply concentrated on that aspect of God’s vision for sex and sexuality, we would miss God’s greater vision for sex and sexuality.

Other patterns or lifestyles are explicitly commended or approved by Scripture, however many Christians are less familiar with these passages than they should be.

To be more specific, Scripture expresses itself powerfully and warmly regarding two forms of sexual conduct in particular: Unsplash image courtesy of Toa Heftibaon

  1. Intimacy between partners in a marriage. As the Bible says in Hebrews 13:4, “Honor your marriage and be true to one another in marriage.” “Those who are immoral and those who commit adultery will undoubtedly face God’s judgment.” The marital bed, or intercourse between a husband and his wife, is a pure environment to be in. Marriage sex itself is clean and commended by God, but it becomes impure when the marital bond is breached by sexual intimacy with someone outside the marital partnership (outside the marital relationship). One of the apostle Paul’s most practical pieces of advise to spouses in 1 Corinthians 7:3-5 is that they should fulfill each other’s sexual needs during their marriage. Realistically speaking, Paul sees marriage as a helpful partnership that may help us avoid temptation while still meeting our needs. Cerebral celibacy, or the abstinence from overt sexual expression, is sanctioned by the Almighty God. Paul commends chastity and encourages believers who are pleased with single life and are not tempted to marry to continue to stay celibate for the benefit of greater focus and energy that they may dedicate to the service of the Kingdom (see1 Corinthians 7). Those statements reflect those of our Lord, who extolled the life of celibacy both by his words (seeMatthew 19:12) and by his own perfect example of living a celibate life.

Sexual intercourse is God’s gift, given for specific purposes.

At least four fundamental goals of sexual contact between a husband and wife are mentioned in the Scriptures:

  1. Procreation. According to Genesis 1:28, God honors his loving offspring Adam and Eve by admonishing them to have children of their own. This reality serves as the foundation for a positive Christian perspective of the family as a vital unit of God’s blessing. It is also the basis for a good Christian view of the individual. God created families and the concept of union. Genesis 2:24alludes to the unifying force of sexual encounters, which would allow Adam and Eve to become “one body” via their union. When Jesus teaches about marriage and divorce in Mark 10 and Matthew 19, he establishes this as the core of his teaching. Specifically, the apostle Paul teaches in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 that even a casual sexual union, such as visiting a prostitute, culminates in the unification of two strangers in some unexplained way
  2. Physical delight and pleasure. Paul addresses the subject of sexual demands and the need of couples to satisfy each other’s needs in a straightforward manner (see1 Corinthians 7:1-9). (See Proverbs 5:18–19
  3. The Song of Solomon for examples of how the Old Testament writes poetically on the beauty of physical love.) God does not shy away from embracing the fundamental reality that sex may be extremely pleasurable because God designed it that way
  4. He provides instruction. By teaching us about the love of Christ for his church through our individual sexual natures and through sexual interaction in marriage, particularly in our ability to become “one body,” God teaches us about Christ’s love for his church (see Ephesians 5:21-33).

When we come to trust in Christ, God calls us to adopt a mind-set that is diametrically opposed to other conceptions of sexuality that exist in our society. Faith in Jesus Christ draws us into a world in which God has given meaning to our humanness as well as our sexuality, and has revealed the essence of that meaning to us through Scripture and the person of Jesus Christ. The Christian worldview is one that is full of beauty, significance, and complexity, as well as depth. It’s an intriguing read.

According to Christianity, the universe and human sexuality are not the consequence of random chance, but rather are the work of God’s hand.

Humanity is the jewel in the crown of that creation.

The concept of sexuality and gender, rather than being meaningless, is a crucial part of understanding what it means to be made in the image of God.

And, bless God, since we are created in his image, we think that love is genuine and that it has the ability to last.

Through our sexuality, we are guided beyond ourselves to God in order to reach that goal of completeness.

In a similar vein, godly singleness serves as a model for the way in which individual human beings reflect God’s image and serve the world by serving as witnesses to the true meaning of faithfulness to Christ.

Sex carries with it a deep and powerful meaning: It helps to form a one-flesh union; it is a key component of the glue that is intended and designed to keep a man and a woman together for the rest of their lives together.

But love itself is deeper and more real than sex, and so we believe in marriages that are real, permanent, and profound unions in which two become one flesh!

What we all truly want in our hearts is not just good sex, but real love.

You’ve been reading curated excerpts fromHowWhen to Tell Your Kids about Sex, by Stan and Brenna Jones.

This book is the parent’s guide to theGod’s Design for Sex series;the best-selling, award winning series helps kids and parents navigate the often difficult topic with age-appropriate context and language, and with Biblical truth. ♥80

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