What Does Come To Jesus Mean

come to Jesus

The message “come to Jesus” remains religious in nature, inviting lost or struggling people to find their way via Jesus Christ, despite its secular implications. Dear friend, may God open the appropriate doors for you this week and close the wrong doors from opening for you, in the name of Jesus. In the name of Jesus, may His extraordinary favor be with you throughout the week. Revelation 3:7, Psalm 121:2, Psalm 124:8, and Psalm 121:2. Come to Jesus right now. Blessings! Pastor Magnus Maduka (@magnusinspire) is a motivational speaker.


— Christlike Today (@christliketoday) on how to become more Christlike.

It can be used in a joking manner to bring attention to one’s own personal conduct or to point out some commonplace nuisance.

  1. Candice (@CBNL13) is a Twitter user.
  2. When it comes to problems at home and at work that require change, it may be employed in a more serious manner.
  3. I’m half sleepy while I struggle to put on my makeup.
  4. — Haley Boggs (@h bizzoggs) on Twitter The 27th of August, 2018 I despise my work.
  5. There will be a come to Jesus meeting at 2:45 p.m today, so please come.
  6. – Kayla Phillips (@kaylajanea) on Twitter.
  7. Every politician is a scumbag from start to finish.

The following post was written by Krystin Cuccia (@cucciakrystin) on July 16, 2018.

CNN’s ratings continue to deteriorate.

It all comes down to regaining a greater portion of the cable news viewership.

Gary Pettis (@GaryPPettis) is a Twitter user.

Because my father and I just had a “come to Jesus” experience, during which he informed me of my true identity, I’d want to apologize to everybody who has dealt with me over the last year:/ I’m going to do better in the future.

On August 25, 2018, I had a “come to Jesus” moment, but it was in the sense of “I want to throw away all my crap so I don’t have to move it” rather than “I want to come to Jesus” in the traditional sense. Isn’t it the same thing? On August 18, 2018, Danielle (@MaybeImmaMess) tweeted:

Come-to-Jesus moment and come-to-Jesus meeting Idiom Definition

The phrases “come to Jesus moment” and “come to Jesus meeting” are idioms that originated as literal exhortations regarding the religious figure Jesus. Today, the phrases have taken on a metaphorical sense as well. After looking at the literal and figurative definitions of the words “come to Jesus moment” and “come to Jesus meeting,” we’ll look at where the terms came from and some instances of how they’re used in sentences. It is possible to have a come-to-Jesus moment when a person has a religious conversion and decides to devote his or her life to Jesus Christ.

  • It is possible to have a “come-to-Jesus moment” when someone comes to a realization, gets enlightened, or learns the fundamental principles that must be upheld in a certain circumstance.
  • It is commonly regarded a positive development when this occurs.
  • During the 1800s and 1900s, several charismatic preachers went across the country hosting camp meetings or tent revivals, which were exuberant religious events.
  • One’s first contact with another after coming to faith in Jesus is an excellent time to point out where the other has gone astray.
  • It is important to note that each of these phrases is hyphenated, and that the name Jesus is capitalized.
  • Examples This attempt to recruit Microsoft developers comes on the heels of Microsoft’s own “come to Jesus” moment in 2014 about developer tools for the cloud.
  • (Source: The Globe and Mail.) As a result, he summoned Smith to his office for a typical “come to Jesus” session.
  • (Source: The Island Packet)

Urban Dictionary: Come to Jesus meeting

Coming to Jesus Meetings are defined as follows: A courteous ultimatum is offered, followed by a less polite ultimatum, and finally a threat or ultimate decision. This is a definition from Texas (or the southern United States). It is customary for parents to spank their children if they issue a warning, or for Texans to kick their asses if they mention it. Interventions and family/business meetings are examples of other applications. Please understand that this is your only option, and if you do not choose to do so, you may come down here and we will have a “come to Jesus meeting.” byInkedMayhem 30th of November, 2016 Get the Come to Jesus meeting mug by clicking here.

“You and your brother need to have a come to jesus meeting about the fact that you are constantly doing his duties and yours as well.” courtesy of DC Daly The 12th of May, 2009 Get the mug that says “come to Jesus meeting.” A gathering in which a group of people discuss their weaknesses and how to improve.

After such a dreadful week, the crew is in desperate need of a come to Jesus meeting. byBmsGrad The come to Jesus meeting mug may be yours for just $1.00 on January 1st, 2009.

Urban Dictionary: come-to-Jesus moment

One’s awakening to the reality of a situation or the essential meaning of something is a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something; coming clean and admitting failures; realizing the true weight or impact of a negative situation or fact; acknowledgment that one must return to core values; aha moment; moment of decision; moment of truth; critical moment; moment of reassessment of priorities; turning point; life-changing moment (also known as a “come-to-Jesus moment”).

It was a real fear, and it was a true come to Jesus experience for us.

And there was no doubt about that.

Schwartz’s Peer Marriage: How Love Between Equals Really Works (page 143), which explains how love between equals really works (1994) A come-to-Jesus encounter/talk/experience is typically referred to as a “moment of truth” that is tough and traumatic for all those who are involved in it, says the author.

  1. Congressman Jim McDermott, D-Washington, predicts that the Democratic caucus will have a “come-to-Jesus” moment at some time and will debate whether or not to support (the war in Iraq).
  2. He had to reevaluate his priorities as a result of the accident.
  3. It was then that I began to consider what was truly important to me and how I may be able to give back.” This article was originally published in the Greater Baton Rouge Business Report (Louisiana) on November 18, 2008.
  4. “Can you tell me what type of party it will be?” —Washington Post, published on January 20, 2010

What Does It Mean to “Come” to Jesus?

The following is an excerpt from The Royal Invitatio n, a new online devotional accessible at the BLB, which you may access here. This novel is one of five works that were written by Frances Ridley Havergal in the 1880s and collected together as The Royal Invitation. Throughout the Bible, there are several calls for us to “come” to God, and this book incorporates all of those petitions. (See prior postings by clicking here.) “Come unto Me,” the Lord says. (Matthew 11:28 )

But what is ‘coming’?

According to the BLB, the following is an excerpt from The Royal Invititatio n, a new online devotional available. This novel is one of five books that were written by Frances Ridley Havergal in the 1880s and published as part of a collection entitled The Royal Invitation.

Throughout the Bible, there are numerous requests for us to “come” to God. This book incorporates all of those requests. (For previous posts, please see this page. ) “Close your doors and come into My presence.” (11:30) (Matthew 11:28)

Give a quiet hour to the records of how others came to Him.

Begin with Matthew 8 and follow the people’s journey to Jesus throughout the Gospels, noting how they came to him with a variety of various needs (Mat 9:10, 14, 18, 20, 28). Make a note of your personal spiritual requirements for purification, healing, salvation, direction, vision, and instruction in this section. The disicples were clear about what they wanted and who they wanted it from. Because of this, they just arrived (Jhn 3:26). If you pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal what you desire and Whom you want, you will say nothing more about what it means, and you will just come as you are (Jhn 12:32).

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“Come unto me,” Jesus says, beckoning people to come to him.

_Previous articles:

‘Come To Jesus Moment’ Is The Most Annoying Business Expression On Earth

Corporate America is (still) steeped with jargon that will leave you scratching your head. Has your “Come To.Jesus Moment” yet occurred to you? (Image courtesy of Gavin Llewellyn.) Forbes just held its second-annual Jargon Madness competition in honor of the NCAA basketball tournament—and in scorn for all business jargon, buzzwords, clichés, euphemisms, and grammatical catastrophes—as well as in honor of the NCAA basketball tournament. The bracket, which was designed in the form of a tournament, contained 32 of corporate America’s most annoying idioms, and readers were asked to vote for their favorite.

  • To view the 2013 Jargon Madness bracket, please visit this page.
  • In addition to soliciting recommendations and researching on the Internet, we may have included some of our own pet peeves.
  • Aside from the religious undertones, it’s possible that the reason the phrase “Come To Jesus Moment” has become such an irritant is our collective fixation on having these dramatic confrontations in the first place.
  • Here are five techniques to prevent being a victim of cyberbullying in the dependable list format.
  • 1.Develop a schedule of milestones.
  • Define them, keep track of them, and, yes, even celebrate them.
  • This does not imply courting confrontations, but rather that you should not shy away from genuine differences along the path.

3.Create a list of priorities.

If you tried to do all 50 at once, you’d be in such a tangle that you’d miss the ball entirely.

The same is true when it comes to running a business.

Every now and again, a piece of unexpected good news is welcome.

That applies for both leaders and subordinates alike.

5.Complete the assignment.

It was thought leadership that I first selected as the winner of this year’s Jargon Madness competition, a stomach-souring mainstay.

When I was working for one of the world’s leading outplacement agencies a couple of years ago, I was invited to participate in a major telephone conference.

‘Because we’re here to help them,’ I said, being the fool that I am.

It is because we educate them on what they need to know and give them reason to hope.’ She was virtually bursting into tears when she spoke to me on the phone.

(Everyone else in the room was staring at their nails or up to the ceiling.) They appreciate us because we are thought leaders,’ she continued, adding, “They appreciate us because we are THOUGHT LEADERS!” My stomach would have barfed up on her shoes if she had been in the room at that time.

And I was under the impression that it was because we kept the heads of drowning individuals above the water.

As usual, express yourself, take the initiative, and thank you for your votes and comments.

Please share them with us. Please share them with us by leaving a comment, and we may consider include them in next year’s Jargon Madness tournament. In Photographs: The Most Annoying Forms of Business Terminology

What does “Come-to Jesus (moment / stage / meeting)” mean? Is it a popular word?

Consider the Billy Graham Crusade. Charles Finney is a fictional character created by author Charles Finney. Revivalism. Calls to the altar. Saul is transformed into the apostle Paul. Nathan confronts King David on Bathsheba’s whereabouts. A “come to Jesus moment” is when God, or a human representative, exhorts a devout sinner to turn from his or her ways. When it comes to revivals and altar calls, the exhortation is heavy on the tragedy of the situation. Even though revivalists are mostly of the free-will kind, God’s almighty force at work to persuade sinners to repent is an important component of the “come to Jesus moment.” You use the CIA as an example of a sinner who has not repented, and the author wishes for Obama to take on the position of Prophet/Preacher, guiding the CIA out of their sinfulness.

If you want to use it, keep in mind who you are speaking to and that the word has its roots in evangelical Christianity (and often charismatic).

It’s not rare to hear it used outside of its religious context in secular settings.

Perhaps, if your sales staff was underperforming or your bosses were acting inappropriately, you might convene a “come to Jesus” meeting to sort out the problem, with the idea that the guilty person would either reform or “resign.” This term is frequently employed in an exaggerated or ironic manner, which is what I anticipate hearing this time (see: the incidental insinuation that the POTUS is a god ordained prophet might be funny to several classes of people religious and not).

Check out this ngram chart to learn more about its etymological roots.

Granted, there is no information available before to 1800.

Come to Jesus Meeting – Meaning & Origin 2022 (Term explained)

What exactly does the term “Come to Jesus Meeting” imply? As its meaning is used both spiritually and secularly, the phrase “come to Jesus meeting” is a common statement among religious and non-religious people alike. The expression refers to a revelation or turning point at which a person becomes aware of his or her own shortcomings and recognizes the proper path of action to be followed. This can also be used literally, as in a “come to Jesus meeting,” when someone discovers the purpose of their life via Christian teachings and practices.


What is the historical background of the Come to Jesus Meeting? The phrase first appeared in the 19th century, when preachers were attempting to persuade individuals living in an industrialized society to return to religion and to have a “come to Jesus conference.” By the 1970s, the meaning of the phrase had altered and its meaning had become more general, indicating any discovery, difficult conversation, or choice that encourages individuals to be their best selves.

Spread and Usage

How did the Come to Jesus Meetings become popular? Over time, “come to Jesus meetings” grew increasingly popular, to the point where managers began holding them with their under-motivated and under-productive employees. This fact became such a prevalent phenomena that the phrase “come to Jesus meeting” appeared on a slew of picture macromemes during the decade of the 2010s. The term was initially coined in 2009 on the website Urban Dictionary.

External References

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Come To Jesus

When someone says, “Come to Jesus,” what exactly does that mean? It entails agreeing with the teachings of the Bible regarding Jesus. Take a look at this:

What Coming to Jesus is Not

  • No, it is not a matter of repeating a sinner’s prayer
  • Rather, It is not simply a matter of going down an aisle. It is not a matter of just filling out a Decision Card.

What Coming to Jesus Is

  • Knowing your sinfulness, acknowledging your sinfulness, and understanding your great need for the Savior are all steps toward repentance. Putting your faith in Jesus Christ as your personal Savior
  • Having faith in your emotions, rather than merely your intellect
  • Relying on, totally trusting in, leaning on, and resting in — Him
  • Relying on, entirely trusting in, leaning on, and resting in — Him Believing that He is first and foremost your Savior, and allowing the Holy Spirit to assist you in making Him your Lord
  • Holding to the belief that there is no other way to reach the Father in Heaven but via Jesus Christ alone

If you believe in the Bible, you can put your faith in the following:

Jesus was with God before the earth existed, left His glory with the Father and was born of a virgin, lived a perfect, sinless life, died on Calvary for your redemption, and was raised again after three days.Today He is in heaven and His sacrifice has provided a way for you to come to a saving faith. Being saved is fully a work of God.No one is saved by works.No one is saved by their own efforts.It is by grace alone, in faith alone, by Jesus alone.It is a gift of God (Eph 2:8-9).We pray that you will come to believe in Jesus Christ, be born-again, and be saved today.

John 3:16 is a biblical passage that teaches that God is love. According to John 3:16, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whomever believes in him will not die, but shall have eternal life.” “Salvation can be found in no one else, because there is no other name under heaven that has been given to mankind by which we must be saved,” says Acts 4:12. Scripture: Acts 16:30-31 “Can you tell me what I need to do to be saved?” “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you and your family will be saved,” they said.

The Bible says, “If you confess with your lips, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.” You believe and are justified with your heart, but you confess your faith and are saved with your tongue.”

We Would Love to Hear from You

Please get in touch with us if you have any more questions regarding salvation or to inform us that you have accepted Jesus as your Savior. Simply complete the form on this page. Come to Jesus, and you will live! I made a decision to follow Christ today!

Come to Jesus Meeting

(Another of the 212 Most Annoying Business Phrases Managers Effuse, Confuse, and Overuse documented in the hilarious must-have handbook for every workplace is “Come to Jesus Meeting,” which is an abbreviation for “Come to Jesus Meeting.”) Gorilla in the Room Weighing 30,000 Pounds. (It is now available on Amazon.) Despite the fact that it is called a Christian (or even religious) assembly, there is nothing Christian (or even religious) about it. According to this cliched, overused expression, the speaker is not just serious, or even truly serious, at this time; rather, he or she is seriously, seriously serious, seriously serious!

It is intended to express the significance (and perhaps the long overdue character) of a meeting in which a supervisor will finally lay down the law or in which a problem will finally be handled.

Consider this: if you had the opportunity to meet anybody from history, wouldn’t meeting someone who is acknowledged as the Son of God be on the top of most people’s list?

When it comes to religion, a Come to Vishnu Meeting does not appear to have the same bad connotations as when it comes to a meeting with Jesus.

In fact, you may even consider it to be a positive development. Namaste. The following words can be substituted: “important meeting,” “meeting,” and “reprimand.” See also:Put a Fire Under the Table. The 30,000-pound Gorilla in the Room is currently available for purchase on Amazon.


North American adverbs

  • The term “evangelical” refers to a person or group of individuals who urge others to adopt Christianity
  • It can refer to someone or a group that falls into this category. Usually with a negative connotation implying: authentically religious, but hypocritical
  • 2historical,archaic Identifying clothes worn by or connected with a preacher or minister
  • (also) designating clothing that is similar in style to this
  • For example, come-to-Jesus coat, come-to-Jesus collar
  • And so on. 3 The following are characteristics of a meeting, discussion, or encounter: it results in or is intended to result in a significant shift in the current way of thinking about or doing something
  • It involves or is characterized by the confrontation of unpleasant facts and the making of significant, difficult decisions. Particularly at a come-to-Jesus meeting or a time of coming to Jesus


North American adverbs

  • A meeting, debate, or other activity designed to settle a disagreement or bring a situation to a close
  • A heated debate that culminates in a confrontation


The late nineteenth century. From there, it’s a short walk to Jesus.

r/OutOfTheLoop – What is the come-to-Jesus talk?

It’s simply a slang term for a conversation that took place afterward or just before anything major occurred. This is frequently prompted by some behavior the other person is engaging in that has been continuing and previously mentioned; but, the come-to-Jesus conversation is different because it is quite serious, and if you don’t get it under control, there will be terrible repercussions. On a subreddit that I frequent, there is an example of men who let their moms to cross the line. Possibly discussed on a regular basis with their wives, and if the husband continues to be dismissive, does not take serious action, or otherwise fails to respond, the talk about coming to Jesus may be a last ditch effort to say something “Look, your mother is overstepping the mark, is being rude, and so forth.

I’m through with this.” They tend to be more in-depth and run significantly longer than other types of presentations, as they outline every aspect.

If your mother-in-law comes to visit without calling and refers to her grandchildren as “my babies,” it is unpleasant and overstepping.

However, it usually occurs right after the MIL does something inappropriate, such as taking the children to Disneyland for the first time without the parents’ knowledge, or feeding their allergic child peanuts as a powerplay maneuver because they “know better and have been a parent for a longer time.” That kind of majesty is required.

An “invitation to Jesus” conversation may have taken place with a serious sinner as a last ditch attempt or appeal to renounce their sins, alter their lifestyle, and return to a decent and moral one inside the Church and with Jesus, which is likely where the phrase got its start.

What does come to jesus mean?

  1. Come to Jesus verb To go through or demonstrate a conversion or recommitment to Christianity, or to go through a connected rite, such as public confession of one’s sins or shortcomings. come to Jesus verb To make a commitment to a cause or to demonstrate a commitment to a cause
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How to pronounce come to jesus?

  1. Chaldean Numerology is a system of numbers that was developed by the Chaldeans. In Chaldean Numerology, the numerical value of the phrase “come to Jesus” is 3
  2. In Pythagorean Numerology, the numerical value is 1. In Pythagorean Numerology, the numerical value of the phrase “come to Jesus” is 1


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Word of the Day

As a southerner raised in Alabama, I consider a “come to Jesus” meeting to be the equivalent of getting a root canal: something you might actually need but would like to avoid. Image courtesy of Atlaspix / Shutterstock The phrase “to have an important and candid talk with family, friends, or coworkers” refers to having a tough but necessary conversation with a group of people in order to confront an issue and develop a solution. The phrase “come to Jesus” moment is used in a nonreligious setting to describe coming to a significant insight that leads to a change in conduct.

A few of the concerns surrounding “coming to Jesus” are more difficult to swallow than others; yet, confronting the truth is vital in order to get the greatest possible result.

Why ‘Come to Jesus’ Doesn’t Work at Work

In the workplace, a “come to Jesus” meeting is often held only when an employee’s conduct or performance has deteriorated to the point where management is at a loss for what to do with the employee: You must make a significant change immediately, or you will be sacked. It is at this stage that having a “come to Jesus” chat only serves to exacerbate the situation rather than resolve it. In the event that you’re willing to drop the boom with an employee and deliver an ultimatum (“Either this gets better or you’re out of here”), you’re destroying any prospect of recuperation.

Either the employee is completely unaware that his or her conduct is problematic, and as a result, when his or her livelihood is endangered without notice, he or she instinctively jumps into panic mode, or the employee is aware of the problem but does not fully comprehend the gravity of the situation.

As a result of this talk, the situation becomes worse in either scenario for the following three reasons:

  • It has a demotivating effect. When you threaten someone’s livelihood (either implicitly or overtly), you immediately induce sentiments of dread and defeat in them. Especially if the employee was unaware that his or her behavior was a problem (which is frequently the case), he or she may immediately feel assaulted or that he or she has already been blacklisted. The employee will perceive that he or she is being “put on notice,” rather than being given a genuine opportunity to change, if the employee was aware of the problem but did not realize the seriousness of it. Making someone’s work a threat is seldom a useful part of a dialogue
  • It’s more of a reactionary move. It is not possible to change the past by analyzing it. The statement “This has been a problem, and we can no longer accept it” quickly drives the employee to go over previous conduct in an attempt to determine where things went wrong, rather than concentrating on how to solve the current situation. It puts the individual on the defensive, causing them to become enraged and resentful
  • It also diminishes their ability to lead. Employees, according to research, are always interested in knowing where they stand. Employees want leadership to be transparent, but “come to Jesus” meetings serve to promote the traditional “behind the curtain” style of leadership, in which judgements about employees are conveyed discreetly in management circles but not with the employees themselves.

I’ve seen this last bulletpoint firsthand with a product manager who was not well liked by his engineering team. Leadership discussed the situation frequently behind closed doors, and at one point, a VP of engineering joked, “Please don’t inflicton us!” Everyone laughed, but it exposed a hidden truth: The product manager had no idea his team didn’t like working with him until he was passed over for leading a new project, forcing a “come to Jesus” chat about his behavior with his boss. When employees have to rely on a “come to Jesus” discussion to get the full picture of their esteem with management, it completely erodes their trust in leadership.

Can you truly believe him or her?

Instead, Come to the Table with Empathy and Solutions

It is our responsibility as leaders to care more about our workers and to provide them with the feedback they seek (both good and negative), as well as the chance to change their behavior before it reaches a point of no return. Here’s how it’s done: Take the initiative. As soon as an employee exhibits unpleasant behavior, speak with him or her in the moment. Help them to notice it as soon as possible, and then talk about how they may change their behavior in the future. Suppose an employee is well-known for causing meetings to stall; you might meet with him or her before the next meeting and advise him or her on improved group dynamics methods.

Transparency is essential.

Even as a manager, it might be difficult to persuade someone to change their behavior when you just have one piece of evidence to work with.

a variety of perspectives With a more comprehensive view, you may move beyond just convincing an employee of the existence of an issue and instead concentrate on assisting him or her in solving it.

You could consider having a “come to Jesus” conversation if you believe you’ve brought up a problem many times but haven’t noticed any change in the conduct of the other party.

Because so few individuals are ready to take that risk, it’s incredibly improbable that they’re deliberately ignoring you.

Remember that offering negative feedback is likely to be more uncomfortable for you than getting it from your colleagues.

Did you play down the event in order to avoid upsetting them or hurting their feelings because YOU were uncomfortable with the circumstance yourself?

Consider taking the time to write down what you want workers to take away from the talk, and then ask them to repeat the message from their viewpoint at the conclusion of the session to ensure that you are on the same page.

Employees are not set on a path to improvement by a “come to Jesus” presentation.

This has the potential to push excellent employees out the door and send productivity and morale into a precipitous decline.

If you find yourself avoiding difficult talks on a regular basis, it may be time to have a “come to Jesus” moment with yourself.

In her previous career as an engineer, she has concentrated on software development and business management.

As a result of his experience working for both large and small businesses, Childress is enthusiastic about bringing start-up levels of engagement to established businesses through the development of software solutions that bring together global engagement strategy and local action.

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