What Do Jehovah Witnesses Believe About Jesus

The 11 Beliefs You Should Know about Jehovah’s Witnesses When They Knock at the Door

A brief explanation of what Jehovah’s Witnesses believe, as well as what the Bible actually teaches, is included in the ESV Study Bible’s back matter, which includes several articles and resources (posted by permission).

1. The divine name.

The Witnesses of Jehovah believe that God has just one real name, which is Jehovah, and that this is the name by which he must be identified. God, on the other hand, is known by several other names throughout the Bible, including:

  • God (Hb.’elohim
  • Gen. 1:1)
  • God Almighty (Hb.’El Shadday
  • Gen. 17:1)
  • Lord (Hb.’Adonay
  • Ps. 8:1)
  • And the Lord of hosts (Hb.yhwh tseba’ot
  • 1 Sam. 1:3)
  • And

In the New Testament, Jesus and the apostles both addressed God as “Father” (Gk.Patr; Matt. 6:9), a term that originated in the Greek language (1 Cor. 1:3).

2. The Trinity.

The Trinity, according to Jehovah’s Witnesses, is unbiblical since the word “trinity” does not appear in the Bible and because the Bible emphasizes that there is only one God. While it is true that there is only one God (Isa. 44:6; 45:18; 46:9; John 5:44; 1 Cor. 8:4; James 2:19), it is also true that three individuals are referred to as God in Scripture: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  • The Father (see 1 Peter 1:2), Jesus (see John 20:28
  • Hebrews 1:8), and the Holy Spirit (see Acts 5:3–4) are all mentioned.

Each of these three individuals possesses the characteristics of a god, including

  • God’s omnipresence (Ps. 139:7
  • Jer. 23:23-24
  • Matt. 28:20)
  • Omniscience (Ps. 147:5
  • John 16:30
  • 1 Cor. 2:10-11)
  • Omnipotence (Jer. 32:17
  • John 2:1-11
  • Rom. 15:19)
  • And eternality (Ps. 90:2
  • Heb. 9:14
  • Rev. 22:13).

Furthermore, each of the three is involved in the accomplishment of divine tasks, like as the creation of the universe:

  • The Father (Gen. 1:1
  • Ps. 102:25)
  • sthe Son (John 1:3
  • Col. 1:16
  • Heb. 1:2), and
  • sthe Holy Spirit (Gen. 1:2
  • Job 33:4
  • Ps. 104:30)

Father (Genesis 1:1; Psalm 102:25); Son (John 1:3; Col. 1:16; Heb. 1:2); and the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:2; Job 33:4; Psalm 104:30); and

3. Jesus Christ.

They believe that Jesus was formed by Jehovah as the archangel Michael before the physical universe began, and that he is a lesser deity, albeit nonetheless powerful, in comparison to other gods. Rather than being a temporary god (cf. John 1:1; 8:58; Ex. 3:14), Jesus is revealed in the Bible to be eternally God and to possess the exact same divine essence as the Father (John 5:18; 10:30; Heb. 1:3). Indeed, a comparison between the Old Testament and the New Testament shows that Jesus is equated with Jehovah (compare Isa.

  1. 44:24 with Col.
  2. 6:1-5 with John 12:41).
  3. 1:16; cf.
  4. 1:2, 10) and because he is worshiped by them (Heb.

4. The incarnation.

They think that when Jesus was born on earth, he was only a human being, and not God manifested in human form as some believe. In doing so, it goes against the scriptural teaching that in the incarnation Jesus, “the entire fullness of god lives physically” (Col. 2:9; cf. Phil. 2:6-7). The Greek word for “completeness” (Gk.plrma) conveys the sense of the whole of everything. When we talk of God’s nature, existence, and qualities, we’re talking about theots (Gk.theots). As a result, the incarnate Jesus represented the complete amount of God’s existence, being, and qualities manifested in physical form.

1:23; cf.

7:14; John 1:1, 14, 18; 10:30; 14:9-10).

5. Resurrection.

They believe that Jesus was raised from the dead spiritually rather than physically, and that he was crucified and resurrected. According to the Bible, however, the resurrected Jesus declared that he was more than a spirit and that he possessed a flesh-and-bone body (Luke 24:39; cf.

John 2:19-21). He consumed meals on a number of times, demonstrating that he retained a true physical body upon his resurrection (Luke 24:30, 42-43; John 21:12-13). This was corroborated by his supporters, who came up to him and touched him physically (Matt. 28:9; John 20:17).

6. The second coming.

Those who follow Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that the second coming took place in the year 1914 and was an unseen, spiritual occurrence. But according to biblical prophecy, Christ’s yet-to-come second coming will be physical and visible (cf. Acts 1:9-11; Titus 2:13), and it will be accompanied by visible celestial disturbances (Matt. 24:29-30). Every single eye will be on him (Rev. 1:7).

7. The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit, according to Jehovah’s Witnesses, is not a distinct individual but rather an impersonal energy of God that operates in the universe. According to the Bible, the Holy Spirit, on the other hand, possesses three fundamental characteristics of personality:

  • A mind (Rom. 8:27), emotions (Eph. 4:30), and will (1 Cor. 12:11) are all mentioned in the Bible.

Furthermore, he is addressed with personal pronouns (Acts 13:2). Additionally, he does actions that only a human being can perform, such as:

  • Teaching (John 14:26), testifying (John 15:26), commissioning (Acts 13:4), issuing directives (Acts 8:29), and interceding (Rom. 8:26) are all examples of what the Bible says about ministry.

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, and he is the most important (Matt. 28:19).

8. Salvation.

They believe that salvation needs trust in Christ, affiliation with God’s organization (i.e., their religion), and adherence to the regulations of that organization (i.e., their religion). According to the Bible, on the other hand, considering conformity to laws as a prerequisite for salvation renders the gospel ineffective. Not the believer’s performance, but God’s unmerited favor (grace) is entirely responsible for his or her salvation. Good actions are the fruit or effect of salvation, rather than the cause of it (Eph.

9. Two redeemed peoples.

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that God has divided his people into two groups: (1) the Anointed Class (144,000), who will rule with Christ in heaven, and (2) the “other sheep,” who will dwell forever on a paradise world with no need for food or water. According to the Bible, however, all who believe in Christ will have a heavenly destiny (John 14:1-3; 17:24; 2 Cor. 5:1; Phil. 3:20; Col. 1:5; 1 Thess. 4:17; Heb. 3:1), and these same people will also dwell on the new earth (John 14:1-3; 17:24; 2 Cor.

3:20; Col.

4:17; Heb.

3:13; Rev.

10. No immaterial soul.

Humans do not have an immaterial nature, according to Jehovah’s Witnesses, according to their beliefs. The term “soul” refers to the life-force that exists within a person. When a person dies, the life-force exits the body. The term “soul” has a variety of meanings throughout the Bible, though. One of the most important meanings of the phrase is man’s immaterial self, which is cognizant of his existence after death (Gen. 35:18; Rev. 6:9-10). Unbelievers are in conscious agony in hell (Matt. 13:42; 25:41, 46; Luke 16:22-24; Rev.

  1. 13:42; 25:41, 46; Luke 16:22-24; Rev.
  2. (1 Cor.
  3. 5:6-8; Phil.
  4. 7:17; 21:4).

11. Hell.

According to Jehovah’s Witnesses, hell is not a location of perpetual torment, but rather the common tomb of all people, where all will perish. The wicked are annihilated—their conscious existence is extinguished for all time.

Hell, on the other hand, is a real location of conscious, perpetual torture according to the Bible (Matt. 5:22; 25:41, 46; Jude 7; Rev. 14:11; 20:10, 14). Here are a number of extra resources that you might find useful:

  • A gospel tract prepared by a former Jehovah’s Witness who has since left the organization
  • Using the back of a napkin, you may demonstrate to a Jehovah’s Witness that Jesus is the Son of God

10 Things Everyone Should Know about Jehovah’s Witnesses and Their Beliefs

‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’ are a religious group that many of us are unlikely to be familiar with or understand. Many of us are familiar with them as the folks that frequently visit our houses in order to evangelize, but do we really understand what they believe? The following are ten interesting facts about this religious movement that sprang from orthodox Christianity in the late 1800s. Here we provide answers to the questions of how they got their start, what their main beliefs are, and how many people in the globe now adhere to their faith.

1. When were the Jehovah’s Witnesses founded?

It was in 1870 that a man called Charles Taze Russell began teaching Bible studies in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, which was the beginning of the Jehovah’s Witnesses movement. A branch of the Bible Student movement, which Taze also helped to create, grew into the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization. The Jehovah’s Witnesses came into being when Taze began challenging some of the established beliefs held by Christians at the time. Featured image courtesy of Wikipedia

2. Where did Jehovah’s Witnesses get their name?

Because Jehovah’s Witnesses are primarily concerned with God the Father, their name is derived from the Tetragrammaton, which can be written as YHWH or JHVH and articulated as Yahweh or Jehovah. The organisation was initially known as the Watch Tower Society because its founder, Charles Taze Russell, produced a journal known as Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, which was the inspiration for the name of the organization. Featured image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

3. Do Jehovah’s Witnesses use the same Bible as Christians?

Jehovah’s Witnesses employ a Bible translation known as the New World Translation to communicate with one another. Prior to the advent of this translation, which was created expressly by and for Jehovah’s Witnesses, the majority of people depended on the King James Version. According to the website TowerWatch.com, “No other religious group makes use of the New World Translation of the Bible, and Jehovah’s Witnesses make very limited use of any other Bibles. The New World Translation of the Bible is the translation developed by Jehovah’s Witnesses for themselves.

Henschel were the translators for The New World Translation, which was published in 2010.” Featured image courtesy of Thinkstock/B-C-Designs

4. Do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe in the Trinity?

The answer to this is a categorical no. It is one of the most significant ways in which Jehovah’s Witnesses vary from the numerous Christian faiths in which they are found. More information about this may be found in the next two points. Those who believe in the doctrine of the trinity point to the fact that the term “trinity” is never clearly spoken in the Bible. It has been said that its “doctrine evolved gradually over several centuries and through several debates.” The image is courtesy of Thinkstock/luchschen

5. What do Jehovah’s Witnesses teach about Jesus?

The Witnesses of Jehovah believe that Jesus is not on an equal footing with God. They believe that Jesus was created by God and did not previously exist alongside Him. This, of course, represents a significant departure from traditional Christian beliefs.

According to JW.org, “It is appropriate to take Jesus’ words to heart when he declared, ‘The Father is greater than I am.’ (See also John 14:28) As a result, we do not worship Jesus since we do not think that he is the Supreme Being.” Thinkstock/kevinschreiber provided the photograph.

6. What do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe about the Holy Spirit?

Jehovah’s Witnesses do not think that the Holy Spirit is on an equal footing with the Father, which is similar to their view of Jesus. Instead, they think that the Holy Spirit is a supernatural power sent by God. They assert that the Holy Spirit is “impersonal”: “The Holy Spirit is impersonal.” “When God’s spirit is referred to as “hands,” “fingers,” or “breath,” the Bible illustrates that the holy spirit is not a physical being but a force. (8 and 10) Exodus 15:8 and 10. The hands of a craftsman cannot act independently of his mind and body, and God’s holy spirit can only function in the manner in which he commands it.

See also:  What Does Jesus Do

Every one of these examples emphasizes the impersonal character of the holy spirit.” Featured image courtesy of Thinkstock/RomoloTavani

7. Do Jehovah’s Witnesses celebrate holidays?

They do not observe Christmas or Easter because they believe that Jesus is not equal to God, which makes sense when you consider that they do not believe Jesus is equal to God. In an effort to maintain their independence from the rest of the world, they do not observe other national holidays or birthdays. Featured image courtesy of Thinkstock/AlexRaths

8. What do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe politically?

Jehovah’s Witnesses make an effort to maintain a political neutral stance. They do not believe in serving in politics or the military, mostly because it is another means of distancing oneself from the society in which they live. Instead, they stress the importance of being a citizen of God’s heavenly kingdom. “According to what the Bible teaches, Jehovah’s Witnesses choose to remain politically neutral for religious reasons. We do not lobby, support or oppose political parties or candidates, run for public office, or take any other action to bring about political or social change.

9. What do Jehovah’s Witnesses believe about medical help?

Jehovah’s Witnesses maintain the controversial belief that blood transfusions should be avoided at all costs, including in life-threatening situations. The Russian government recently outlawed Jehovah’s Witnesses, citing this issue as one of the grounds for their decision. “Some therapies, on the other hand, are in opposition with biblical principles, and we reject them. Examples include not accepting blood transfusions because the Bible prohibits taking in blood in order to sustain the body.

Featured image courtesy of Thinkstock/NexTser

Difference Between Jehovah’s witnesses and Christians

Miscellaneous, Religion|Difference Between Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christians is a topic covered in this category. Christians as opposed to Jehovah’s witnesses Christian belief systems are defined as those that mirror the teachings of Jesus Christ, which legally qualifies Jehovah’s witnesses as Christians because they actually adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Jehovah’s witnesses, on the other hand, believe in a distinct interpretation of Christ, which has drawn a great deal of attention from other Christ-centered religions.

  • Mainstream Christians, on the other hand, consider Jehovah’s witnesses to be heretics because they think that Jesus Christ and God are not one and the same person, which is in sharp contrast to Christianity’s idea of a Trinitarian God, which considers three different persons to be one God.
  • The Trinitarian God, according to the Christian perspective, is criticized by Jehovah’s witnesses as being false.
  • The most obvious point of dispute between Jehovah’s witnesses and Christians is their understanding of the deity of Jesus Christ.
  • However, the Jehovah’s Witnesses are adamant that Jesus is not God and that, while divine, he is not equal to and always below God.
  • In accordance with what is written in the Book of Revelation, Christians believe the apocalypse is coming.
  • They just think that it will happen, and some Christians even believe that it is now taking place, but no specific date or event has been established as the beginning of the end of time.
  • The fact that a date was provided is most likely the most noteworthy of these.
  • Summary: 1.
  • Jesus is believed to be the archangel Michael by Jehovah’s witnesses, who believe that he is God’s (Jehovah) son and that he is completely separate from God.
  • 3.
  • Whereas Christianity, although believing in the end of time, has no way of knowing when it will occur, and has no set date for when it will happen.

4. While both Jehovah’s witnesses and Christians believe in the Holy Spirit as God’s active power, Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is also God himself.

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Jehovah’s Witness – Beliefs

Witnesses believe a variety of classic Christian beliefs, as well as a number of beliefs that are distinctively their own. Their belief is that God, or Jehovah, is the most lofty. Jesus Christ is God’s agent, through whom sinful mankind might be reconciled to God. It is the Holy Spirit who is God’s active power in the universe, and he goes by that name. People who claim to be witnesses believe that they are living in the final days, and they anticipate the immediate creation of God’s kingdom on earth, which will be headed by Christ and co-administrated by 144,000 human corulers (Revelation 7:4).

  1. New members are baptized by immersion and are required to adhere to a stringent code of personal conduct when they join the church.
  2. In the yearly memorial of Christ’s death, which is held on the 14th of Nisan of the Jewish calendar (March or April of the Gregorian calendar), witnesses pass around bread and wine, which represent the body and blood of Christ.
  3. The Witnesses’ beliefs place a strong emphasis on maintaining a tight separate from secular governance.
  4. There is no respect shown for any nation’s flag because they believe it is an act of false worship; there is no willingness to serve in the military; and there is no willingness to vote in public elections.
  5. During World War I, the United States government arrested and imprisoned Rutherford and other Watchtower officials on charges of sedition.
  6. Following World War II, the Witnesses filed multiple lawsuits in American courts challenging their religious beliefs and practices, which resulted in 59 Supreme Court decisions that were widely regarded as landmark decisions on the free exercise of religion.
  7. Aside from current institutions, the Witnesses have a deep skepticism for other religious faiths, from which they maintain a distinct separation.

The Watchtower Society has been called a “cult” by the leaders of various mainstream Christian churches because of theological departure (particularly their non-Trinitarian views), and they have been labeled as such.

They are particularly opposed to blood transfusions, citing the biblical prohibition against the eating of blood as justification (Leviticus 3:17).

Early Witnesses meetings were held in leased halls, but under Rutherford’s leadership, the Witnesses began to acquire their own buildings, which they designated as Kingdom Halls, which are still in use today.

“Pioneers,” on the other hand, work part-time jobs outside of the church and dedicate more of their time to religious service.

Each congregation is allotted a region to canvass, and each Witness is assigned a specific neighborhood to canvass.

A million books, tracts, tapes, and journals are published each year by the Watch Tower Society, which is available in more than 700 languages.

More than eight million Witnesses are at work all over the world, carrying out their tasks. J. Gordon Melton’s full name is J. Gordon Melton. Those in charge of editing the Encyclopaedia Britannica

Learn More About Jehovah’s Witness and Cremation.

A Jehovah’s Witness is a member of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, which is affiliated with the religious organization Jehovah. Since its founding in 1879, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has become well-known for its outreach initiatives, which are carried out through publications such as Watchtower Magazine, which is the official magazine of the Jehovah’s Witnesses faith.

What Do Jehovah’s Witnesses Believe?

Witnesses believe in an one God, rather than the triune God of the Bible. They believe, like the majority of Christians, that Jesus Christ died on the cross for the sins of the world; nevertheless, they do not believe that he was bodily raised after his death. They think that he was simply spiritually resurrected, rather than physically. It is one of the most important aspects of the Jehovah’s Witness religion because they believe the end of the world is approaching quickly. Witnesses believe that we have been living in the end times since 1914 and that their branch of the Christian faith is the only one that can provide salvation to those who want it.

They are also barred from participating in procedures that they deem unclean, such as obtaining blood transfusions, and they are prohibited from serving in the military.

Witnesses believe in Heaven, but they do not believe in Hell or anything like it.

Jehovah’s Witness Beliefs About Death

The Witnesses, in contrast to many other religions, believe that death is not only the loss of one’s physical body but also the death of one’s spirit (soul death). In the event of a person’s death, he ceases to exist. Death is the complete polar opposite of life. The dead are unable to see, hear, or think. Even the most insignificant portion of us does not survive the death of the body. “We do not have an immortal soul or spirit,” says the author. They do, however, think that the possibility of resurrection exists.

According to eyewitnesses, the majority of these places have already been grabbed, with only roughly 8,500 spots available.

It’s also vital to note that they believe in a spiritual rather than a physical resurrection, similar to how Jesus was raised from the dead after he was killed.

Jehovah’s Witness Beliefs About Cremation

Because Witnesses believe in a spiritual rather than a physical resurrection, there are no restrictions on cremation within the faith. The following is the response to the topic of whether cremation is a permitted practice for Jehovah’s Witnesses (or for Christians in general) as stated in the June 2014 issue of Watchtower Magazine: “There is no fundamental opposition to the practice of cremation in the Bible. The resurrection, or God’s restoration of the individual to life, is the only hope for the dead according to the Scriptures.

(2 Corinthians 6:3, 4) The decision to cremate or not to cremate the body of a deceased individual is thus a personal or familial decision.” For the most part, a funeral or memorial service for a Jehovah’s Witness should be a straightforward event, ideally as close as possible to the straightforward burial that took place for Christ.

Flowers are permitted, but they must not be used in a way that suggests a pagan ritual.

More pieces in this series may be found in our religion and cremation article archive, which can be found here.

How do Jehovah’s Witnesses’ teachings about Christ compare with Scriptures?

A lot of people are perplexed by the Jehovah’s Witnesses and what they are. People have written to question if they are Christians or if they worship a different God than the one they claim to serve. The following article may be of assistance in answering these vital questions. There are several things that Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christians have in common. For example, they have similar worries about religious apostasy and oppose evolution in their own religions. However, there are significant differences between Jehovah’s Witnesses and Christians on a number of major concepts.

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…let us investigate the most important issue, THE PERSON OF JESUS CHRIST.

According to the JWs, Jesus Christ was a perfect man and that He is a separate and distinct person from God the Father. It is also taught that Jesus was originally a spirit entity known as Michael the Archangel, who was created by God and then became theMessiah through His baptism before His earthly life. According to Jehovah’s Witnesses, Jesus is a powerful individual, albeit not as powerful as Jehovah God. According to the New World Translation of the Bible, Christ is “a god,” not “the God,” as stated in John 1:1 in their Bible.

The Bible either confirms or teaches the traditional Christian doctrine that Christ is God, depending on your point of view.

Take into consideration the following points:

  1. Jehovah of the Old Testament is represented by the Christ of the New Testament.
  • Jesus’ splendor was seen by Isaiah, who wrote about it in Isaiah 6:1-10
  • In John 12:31-42, we are told that Isaiah saw Jesus’ glory and spoke of Him
  • We are told in Exodus 34:14 that we are not to worship anyone else but Jehovah
  • In Hebrews 1:6, the angels praise Christ
  • In Isaiah 44:6, Jehovah is referred to as both the first and the last (as confirmed in Revelation 1:8)
  • But in Revelation 22:13, Christ is referred to as both the first and the last.

All of these scriptures illustrate that the word “Jehovah” is used for God theFather, as well as for God theSon of God. Despite the fact that they are unique individuals, they are all referred to be “Jehovah” since they each possess divinity.

  1. The doctrine of Christ’s divinity is taught throughout the Bible. In Matthew 1:23, Christ is addressed as “Immanuel,” which literally translates as “God with us.” When Thomas felt Jesus’ wounds after his resurrection, he cried, “MyLordand myGod,” indicating that he was addressing both the Lord and the God (John 20:28). Some JWs assert that Thomas was referring to Christ when he said “my Lord,” but that Thomas was in fact referring to God (Jehovah) when he said “my God.” However, there is no evidence to support this claim. Thomas, on the other hand, addressed Christ as both his Lord and his God. Christ, on the other hand, did not correct him! As stated in Colossians 2:9, Christ’s divinity is unmistakably established when it is said that “all the fullness of the divine character lives bodily” in Him (New World Translation). Stephen referred to Jesus as “Lord” (Acts 7:59, 60), and we, too, are to refer to Jesus as “Lord” (Rom. 10:9
  2. I Cor. 12:3). The Greek term for “Lord” in these lines is Kurios, which is the same word used in the Septuagint, the Greek version of the Old Testament, for “Jehovah.” Because of this, it is clear that Christ the Lord (kurios) is Jehovah God
  3. Christ’s characteristics demonstrate that He is God. Jesus Christ is the only one who understands everything (John1:48
  4. 2:25
  5. 6:64
  6. 14:30
  7. 21:17). Matthew 28:18
  8. Hebrews 1:3), sinless (John 8:46), everlasting (Mic. 5:2), and unchangeable are some of the attributes of God (Heb. 13:8). In light of the fact that only God possesses these characteristics, Christ must therefore be God
  9. Certain deeds of Christ demonstrate that He is God. Among his many abilities are the ability to forgive sins (Mark 2:5-7
  10. Eph. 1:7), provide eternal life (John 10:28
  11. 17:2), judge the world (John 5:22, 27), and regulate nature (John 5:22, 27). (Matt. 8:26). Because only God is capable of doing these feats, Christ must be God
  12. Thus, Christ was worshipped as God. Despite the fact that Jesus is worshiped by the angels (Heb. 1:6) and by humans (Matt. 14:33), only God is to be worshiped (Ex. 34:14). Christ Himself stated that all adoration should be directed solely to God (Matt. 4:10), but He graciously welcomed worship. Is it possible that Jesus, in His pre-existent form, was the archangel Michael and so received adoration, given that angels are not permitted to receive worship (Revelation 19:10)? If Christ were not God, then worshiping Him would be considered idolatry
  13. In Isaiah 9:6, Jesus Christ is referred to as “the great God.” The JW’s are prepared to respond to this passage. They go on to argue that Christ is “the strong deity,” rather than “the all-powerful.” They claim that Christ is the powerful God, but never the almighty, and that Jehovah is the almighty God, but never the mighty God of the Old Testament. Jehovah, on the other hand, demonstrates in Jeremiah 32:18 that He is the Mighty One. Consequently, because Christ is the great God (Isaiah 9:6) and Jehovah is the mighty God (Jeremiah 32:18), they are both Gods in the same sense. According to Colossians 1:15-17, they both possess complete divinity
  14. Christ is God, theCreatorofallthings, and they both possess full deity. The JW’s use this verse to buttress their belief that Christ was created by Jehovah in the beginning (for example,Let God Be True, p.35). Specifically, the phrase “the firstborn of all creation” in verse 15 serve as the foundation for this claim. Instead of the term “firstborn,” the word “first-created” would have been used to refer to Jesus Christ if this passage were teaching that he is the first created being created by God, rather than the word “firstborn.” These are two separate terms in the Greek language, each having a distinct meaning. Isprotoktistos and isprototokos are Greek terms meaning “first-created” and “firstborn,” respectively. There is no usage of theprotoktistos, which means “first-created,” in Colossians 1:15. Instead, it employs the term prototokos, which literally translates as “heir,” “born one,” and “first in rank.” This passage teaches that Christ is first in rank above all of creation, and that He is the heir of all things, as taught in Colossians 1:15. He is the first and most important creation, and he is superior to it. When the New World Translation inserts the word “other” four times inColossians 1:15-17, the verse becomes “Christ created all other things,” meaning all else than Himself, according to the JW’s. There is, however, no justification for include the word “other.” It is almost clear that it does not appear in the Greek texts. The translators of the New World Translation acknowledge this by inserting the word “other” in brackets after their translation. According to the idea that firstborn signifies first-created, this “translation” makes an attempt to conform with that belief. However, as demonstrated, this is not the meaning of the phrase “firstborn,” and as a result, it is incorrect to include the word “other.” There is not a single text in the entire Bible that claims that Christ was created by Jehovah
  15. Christ claimed to be on an equal footing with God in the Gospel of John. They think that the phrase “I and the Fatherare one” refers to the fact that Christ was united with God the Father in purpose, rather than in physical appearance or substance. When all Christ was saying, why did the Jews want to stone Him if that was all he was saying? They were under the impression that his goal was the same as God’s. In John 10, verse 33 states that they sought to stone Him because He claimed to be God, which was considered blasphemy at the time.

The doctrine of Christ’s divinity is the focal point of the whole Bible. It unequivocally states that Christ is the Son of God. Regarding Jesus Christ, the doctrines of the Jehovah’s Witnesses are in direct conflict with the teachings of the Bible. We learn through passages such as Philippians 2:5-11 that Jesus Christ, who lived in the form of God, came to earth in the corporeal form of a lowly servant in order to suffer on the cross in our place. For this reason, God exalted Him and bestowed on Him the name that is above every name, so that at the mention of Jesus’ name, every knee should bow, whether in heaven, on earth, or beneath the earth, and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord (kurios), to the glory of the Father.

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A closer look at Jehovah’s Witnesses living in the U.S.

After the passing of Prince, many people have taken time to reflect on his life – and his religious beliefs. The former Seventh-day Adventist Prince converted to Jehovah’s Witnesses as an adult and began attending services in his native state of Minnesota. Jehovah’s Witnesses, who constitute fewer than one percent of the adult population in the United States, are well-known for their door-to-door proselytism. Members of this denomination, which has its beginnings in nineteenth-century America, are, nonetheless, distinct in a number of other respects as well.

According to the Religious Landscape Study conducted by the Pew Research Center, the following are some interesting statistics regarding Jehovah’s Witnesses in the United States today:


The Jehovah’s Witnesses are one of the most racially and ethnically diverse religious communities in the United States, according to the Pew Research Center. There are no more than four out of 10 members of the group that are from the same racial and ethnic background: Three-quarters are white, 32 percent Hispanic, 27 percent African-American, and the remaining six percent are of another race or mixed race. Approximately two-thirds (65 percent) of all Jehovah’s Witnesses are women, with just 35% of men in the organization.

  • For example, women constitute 54% of Catholics in the United States.
  • For example, a substantial majority of adult Jehovah’s Witnesses (63 percent) have just a high school graduation, compared to 43 percent of evangelical Protestants and 37 percent of mainstream Protestants, respectively (source: Pew Research Center).
  • Two-thirds (66 percent) of all individuals in the United States who were raised as Jehovah’s Witnesses no longer identify with the organization.
  • On the other hand, over two-thirds (65 percent) of contemporary adult Jehovah’s Witnesses are converts, meaning that, like Prince, they were reared in a different religious tradition.

Religious beliefs and practices

Despite the fact that Jehovah’s Witnesses identify as Christians, their views differ from those held by other Christians in certain areas. For example, they teach that Jesus is God’s son, but that he is not a member of the Trinity as a whole. According to established measurements of religious devotion, Jehovah’s Witnesses are one of the most devout of the main religious organizations in the United States. Jehovah’s Witnesses (90 percent) feel that religion is very important in their life, and a comparable number (90 percent) claim they believe in God with perfect confidence and that the Bible is God’s message (90 percent) (94 percent ).

According to the denomination’s doctrine, while half of its members believe in heaven, only a minority (7 percent) believe in hell, which contradicts the typical picture of hell that has been perpetuated over time in society.

And the vast majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses (83 percent) think their religion is the sole genuine faith that leads to eternal life, but just around three-in-ten Christians in the United States feel this of their own religious beliefs (29 percent).

26 percent ). They are also more likely than Christians in the United States as a whole to join in prayer or scripture study groups, as well as to read scripture at least once a week, among other religious practices.

Social and political views

Jehovah’s Witnesses, like many other extremely devout Christians, tend to hold conservative viewpoints on social problems. This is consistent with their theological beliefs. Three-quarters (75 percent) of respondents believe abortion should be prohibited in all or most situations, while comparable numbers believe same-sex marriage should be outlawed in all or most cases and that homosexuality should be discouraged by society (76 percent each). Approximately three-quarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses (74 percent) also deny evolution, claiming that people have lived in their present form from the beginning of time and have never changed.

  1. They are taught to stay politically neutral and abstain from voting as well as from participating in “any activity to change governments” by the church.
  2. Three-quarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses (75 percent) describe themselves as political independents who do not support either major political party in the United States.
  3. When asked if they are registered to vote, the vast majority of Jehovah’s Witnesses (64 percent) either declare they are not registered or refuse to answer the question entirely.
  4. Michael Lipka works as an editorial manager for religion research at the Pew Research Center in Washington, DC.
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Christianity Vs Jehovah Witness Beliefs: (12 Major Differences)

Jehovah’s Witnesses are all Christians, as they will tell you if you ask them. But are they really? In this post, I will discuss the extremely major discrepancies between historical Christianity and the doctrines of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, as well as the implications of these distinctions. By the conclusion of this article, I believe you will agree that there is a significant chasm between authentic, biblical Christianity and the theology espoused by the Watch Tower Society.

History of Christianity

Despite the fact that its origins may be traced back to the beginning of human history, Christianity as we know it today can be traced back to Christ, the Apostles, and the writings of the New Testament. The Apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2), and many theologians believe that this was the moment when the Christian church was officially established. Those who believe in the resurrection of Christ (Luke 24) or the Great Commission would look a little further back in time (Matthew 28:19).

The book of Acts records that disciples of Jesus Christ were initially referred to as Christians at Antioch.

History of Jehovah’s Witnesses

The Jehovah’s Witnesses had its start in the late 1800s with Charles Russell and his followers. Russell began publishing his magazine, Zion’s Watch Tower and Herald of Christ’s Presence, in 1879, and it was a huge success. Afterwards, the Zion Watch Tower Tract Society was established a few years after that. End-time prophesies, both made and unfulfilled, played a significant role in the formation of the Jehovah’s Witnesses movement in the early 1900s. For example, the Watch Tower Tract Society projected that the earthly resurrection of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob would take place in 1925 when it was founded in 1920.

  • In 1931, the Watch Tower Society’s adherents chose the name “Jehovah’s Witnesses” to distinguish themselves from other religious groups.
  • (See also John 1:14).
  • Witnesses of Jehovah, on the other hand, expressly deny Christ’s divinity, as do many other religious groups.
  • They recognize the divinity of God the Father, but expressly reject the deity of Jesus Christ, which is a blatant contradiction.
  • Their belief is that Michael was the first angel created by God the Father, and that he is the second most powerful angel in God’s hierarchy.
  • Christians Christians believe that the Holy Spirit is entirely God and that he is one of the three persons of the Godhead (the triune God).
  • According to Scripture, the Holy Spirit speaks (Acts 13:2), hears and instructs (John 16:13), and may be grieved (Isaiah 63:10), among other things.

The Holy Spirit, according to Jehovah’s Witnesses, is not a person, and He is frequently referred to by the inanimate pronoun ‘it,’ rather than by his name.

Christians who believe in the Trinity Christians believe that God is triune, which means that He is one being who manifests Himself in three personalities at the same time.

Those who hold to this view think that the Trinity is a three-headed false god who was created by the devil in order to confuse Christians.

Christians who believe in salvation Salvation is by grace, via faith, and is wholly founded on the work of Jesus Christ, according to evangelical Christian doctrine (Ephesians 2:8-9).

Because of Christ’s imputed righteousness, they believe that a person can be justified (declared righteous) in the eyes of God (Phil 3:9Romans 5:1).

The Jehovah’s Witnesses, on the other hand, believe in a two-class system of redemption that is extremely intricate, work-oriented, and involves sacrifice.

According to them, only a relatively small number of individuals — 144,000 – will be able to get to the higher levels of heaven.

That is, Jesus died in their place, totally satisfying the rightful punishment for sin on their behalf.

Jehovah’s Witnesses do place a strong emphasis on the atonement of Jesus Christ, and on the surface, many of the remarks made by Jehovah’s Witnesses concerning the atonement seem quite similar to what a Christian would say about the subject of atonement.

According to them, there is no difference between the “first Adam,” with his transgression, and the “second Adam,” with his sacrifice.

They maintain that the penalty must be proportionate to the crime, and that, as a result, a man’s sacrifice is necessary in the place of man.

These arguments (as well as others concerning the atonement) are completely without foundation in the Scriptures.

Indeed, the Apostle Paul saw this as a fundamental and indisputable truth of the Christian religion that could not be compromised (see 1 Corinthians 15).

The Jehovah’s Witnesses, on the other hand, have a quite different perspective on the matter.

This group categorically rejects the notion that Jesus Christ was bodily resurrected in the flesh and believes that any comments to the contrary are unscriptural (see Studies in the Scriptures, vol.7, page 57).

The Christians in the Church Christians believe that the actual worldwide church is comprised of all individuals who call upon the name of the Lord Jesus Christ from every location on the face of the earth.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are people who believe in Jehovah.

To demonstrate their claim, the Jehovah Witnesses appeal to the numerous denominations that exist throughout Christendom.

It is the proper restitution for wrongdoing.

Witnesses of Jehovah deny the concept of hell, believing that a soul dies and ceases to exist when a human being dies.

The Christians of the Soul Christians believe that a person consists of both a physical body and a spiritual soul.

Furthermore, there is no immaterial element of man that survives bodily death, as previously stated.

Other considerations include the beauty and flow of a particular translation’s language, as well as the process and philosophy that went into creating that translation.

Jehovah’s Witnesses are people who believe in Jehovah.

Alternate interpretations abound in the translation, none of which are supported by textual evidence in either the Greek or Hebrew texts.

As an example, the Spirit of God becomes God’s active force in Genesis 1:2, when the Spirit of God becomes God’s active force.

As is well known, the Word was Deity in John 1:1 becomes the Word was a god in John 1:12. The fact that they do so strengthens their rejection of Christ’s divinity. As is obvious, this translation is essential for Jehovah’s Witnesses in order to “biblically” defend their unconventional viewpoints.

Are Jehovah’s Witnesses Christians?

The Jehovah’s Witnesses openly disagree that salvation is by grace alone, via faith alone, and that there is no need for good deeds. They reject the notion that a person may be justified by faith. They deny the deity of Christ and the atonement; they dispute the resurrection and the righteous vengeance of God on sinners; and they deny the existence of God. As a result, it is difficult to assert that a consistent Jehovah’s Witness (who believes in accordance with the Watch Tower’s instructions) is likewise a real Christian.

  1. A Christian is a person who has been reborn through the activity of the Holy Spirit as a result of God’s kindness and mercy (John 3).
  2. God has justified everyone who puts their faith in Christ (Romans 5:1).
  3. (1 Corinthians 3:16).
  4. Do you think that’s true?

Who are the Jehovah’s Witnesses and what are their beliefs?

QuestionAnswer Known now as the Jehovah’s Witnesses, the organization got its origin as a Bible study in Pennsylvania in 1870, under the direction of Charles Taze Russell. When Russell founded the “Millennial Dawn Bible Study,” those who followed him were referred to as “Bible students,” a term that has stuck ever since. During his lifetime, Charles T. Russell began writing what would become a series of books titled “The Millennial Dawn,” which he completed in six volumes before his death and which contained much of the theology that Jehovah’s Witnesses adhere to today.

Members of the group were sometimes referred to as “Russellites,” which was a derogatory term.


That was also the year in which the organization was forced to dissolve.

What are the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses?

Jehovah’s Witnesses believe that Jesus is the archangel Michael, the highest created person in the universe.

Faith, good actions, and obedience, according to Jehovah’s Witnesses, are required in order to achieve salvation.

(John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9; Titus 3:5).

Witnesses of Jehovah reject the notion of Christ’s substitutionary atonement in favor of the ransom theory, which holds that Jesus’ death served as a payment for Adam’s sin.

First and foremost, they assert that the church has corrupted the Bible through the ages, and as a result, they have re-translated the Bible into what they refer to as the New World Translation.

The New World Translation has gone through a number of revisions as the Jehovah’s Witnesses continue to uncover Scripture passages that are in direct conflict with their religious beliefs.

The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society’s leadership board is the only entity in the cult that claims the power to interpret the Bible and other religious texts.

Paul’s instruction to Timothy (and us as well) is to study so that we will not be embarrassed when we correctly handle God’s Word.

According to 2 Timothy 2:15, this is a clear mandate from God to every one of His children, instructing them to be like the Bereans, who investigated the Scriptures on a regular basis to check if the things they were being taught corresponded to what God had revealed in His Word.

The message, on the other hand, is full of distortions, deceptions, and incorrect doctrines, which is unfortunate.

The Jehovah’s Witnesses need to be opened to the reality of the gospel, as well as to the genuine teaching of God’s Word. Return to: Cults and Religions: Questions and Answers What are the beliefs of the Jehovah’s Witnesses, and who are they and what do they believe?

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