What Do Buddhist Think Of Jesus?

Buddhism and Jesus Christ

  • On the overall, Buddhism has nothing to say about Jesus Christ and his teachings.
  • It does, however, accept what most men do: that he was a wonderful human being.
  • His Gospel teachings, on the other hand, are often ignored, and a more convenient Jesus is accepted: one who, like the Buddha, smiles peacefully.
  • However, there is a sense in which Buddhism clearly denies the deity of Jesus Christ, which is not the case in all cases.

According to Buddhism, the Christian belief in a personal Savior from sin shows a dangerous sort of personal ignorance.Is there a personal Savior?There is no such thing as a ″person.″ So, what exactly can be saved?Furthermore, there can be no true Savior since we must finally save ourselves from our own sins.In this way, the core message of Christianity (John 3:16) is disregarded as vestiges of an obscured state of awareness.

  • After instance, it’s reasonable to suppose that the biblical Christ would be seen negatively in Buddhism, given that he opposes what Buddhism accepts while also accepting what Buddhism condemns.
  • He emphasizes the importance of sin and repentance before God (Jn.
  • 5:34; Mt.
  • 4:17).

He believes in a loving, infinitely personal Creator who places moral requirements on His creatures and evaluates them accordingly (Lk.12:5).He rejects the notion of self-perfection and claims to be the only one who can save the world.He is known as the Savior of the World (Mt.20:28; 26:28; Jn.6:29, 47; 14:6).

He not only believes in a creator God, but he also thinks that the creator God is His personal Father (John 14:5-6); he believes that he is God’s one and only Son (Jn.3:16, 18).Jesus is the only one who can provide spiritual illumination and salvation (John 14:6) since He is ″the genuine light″ of the universe (Jn.14:6).(Jn.

1:9; 8:12; 12:46).The Buddha and his philosophy, as well as Bodhisattvas and their sacrifice of remaining in the world, or any other technique of self-achievement, are unable to provide these (cf., Mt.19:24-26).Polytheism and paganism are categorically rejected by Jesus Christ (e.g., Mt.

  • 6:7; 22:37; Lk.
  • 4:8).
  • It is His moral absolutes that form the foundation of his worldview, and it is by His moral standards that all creatures, whether heavenly and earthly, shall be evaluated and held accountable for their actions (Jn.

5:22-29; Col.1:16-18; Lk.10:19-20; 1 Cor.6:3).God’s people are sanctified in part because of their suffering (Mt.

  1. 25:46).
  2. Jesus acknowledged the permanence and value of suffering (Heb.
  3. 2:10; 5:8-9)—in fact, it is only through suffering that the world is redeemed and that God sanctifies His people (1 Pet.

2:21, 24; 3:18; 4:1; Phil.3:10).Despite the fact that ecumenically oriented individuals would find it difficult to believe, the historical Jesus Christ is not just un-Buddhist; He is outright anti-Buddhist.If we could get Jesus and Buddha together for a dialogue, we would find that neither Jesus nor Gautama would regard the other’s point of view to be acceptable.Buddha, according to Christ, would have been far from spiritually enlightened—in fact, he would have been the polar opposite.

His denial of the existence of a creator Whatever his abilities in intellectual reasoning, God would categorize him as a heathen unbeliever, regardless of his religious beliefs.″In his heart, the idiot has declared that there is no God″ (Ps.14:1).Such a man would be in desperate need of repentance and faith in the one and only real God (Jn.17:3).

  1. In other words, Jesus’ opinion of Buddha is that he, like everyone else, would be in need of redemption.
  2. Buddha, on the other hand, would have no need for Christ as his Savior, because Buddha preached complete and unwavering self-reliance.
  3. This is in contrast to Jeremiah 17:5, which states, ″Cursed is the one who relies in men and makes flesh his strength, and whose heart turns away from the Lord.
  4. ″ For this reason, while assessing Buddhism’s attraction to modern man, Stephen Neill is accurate in observing that this appeal is founded on egotistical self-sufficiency: One of the most appealing aspects of this design for the modern man is the fact that he is completely turned inwards on himself.
  5. In order to avoid being consumed by one’s own ego, seek refuge in one’s own person.’ There are no exterior refuges to which you can flee.
  6. Keep your feet on the ground as a sanctuary for the truth.

Do not seek sanctuary in anybody or anything other than yourself.Determine your own salvation with patience and perseverance.’ This is according to the Maha-Parinibbana-Sutra, which is one of the most well-known of Buddhist classics..The Buddha reached enlightenment only by his own great focus; he did not rely on the assistance of any god or savior.

  • The same must be true for the disciple.
  • A practical connection with God has been annihilated, at least insofar as the potential of such a relationship exists in the first place.
  • The only hope for a man is inside himself—or, more specifically, within his own inner understanding of the significance of the Buddha, the Law, and the Order.
  • ‘Each to his own,’ they say.
  • That is the mood of the present era.

One of the last things that a contemporary man wants to hear is that he needs to be saved or that he need the assistance of an outside savior….As a result, Buddhism inherently has an appealing quality….Whereas the Theravada school of thought regards the Buddha as an enlightened man (albeit one who is more enlightened than the biblical Christ, no doubt), Mahayanists regard Buddha as a divine entity who rivals Christ in terms of deity, though still falling well short of the biblical idea.The Buddha’s teachings are recorded in the Mahayana work Matrceta Satapancasatkastotra I, chapters 2-4: To seek shelter in him, to thank and revere him, and to adhere to his faith are all appropriate actions for individuals who have common sense.He is the only Protector, and he is without flaws or their residues; he is the all-knowing, and he has all of the qualities, and he does so without exception.Even the most vengeful person will be unable to find any fault in the Lord, whether in his thoughts, words, or acts, with any degree of fairness.

According to the Lotus Sutra (Saddharmapundarika), he ″becomes the Saviour of the world with the Gods″ as a result of this (XXIV, 17).Lastly, we discover another point of conflict with Christian faith in the domain of miracles, as follows: ″It may be properly claimed that Buddhism is not a miraculous religion in the sense that none of its major ideas are dependent on miracles.″ How many Christological themes or ideas, on the other hand, are predicated on the miraculous?The fulfillment of Messianic prophecy (Isa.

9:6; Ps.22), the incarnation (Phil.2), the virgin birth (Mt.1:25), Christ’s miracles as evidence of his Messiahship (Mt.8:15-17), the miracles associated with the crucifixion (Mt.27:50-53), resurrection (Lk.

  • 24:36-39), and atonement (e.g., the miracle of regeneration), the as The dissimilarities are once again obvious.
  • To summarize, Buddha and Jesus are not even close to being buddies, let alone being best friends.
  • The suffering and exaltation of Christ are in no way comparable to the perfect tranquility experienced by the Buddha when he enters nirvana.
  • Jesus did not come to save himself, but to save the world (Jn.
  • 12:27).
  • Jesus himself stated that ″he who wants preserve his life will lose it″ (Mt.
  1. 16:25).
  2. He served and praised the exact God whom Buddha had steadfastly refused to serve and worship (Jn.
  3. 17:4).


  1. Ibid
  2. Sir Charles Eliot, Hinduism and Buddhism, Vol. I (New York: Barnes and Noble, Inc., 1971), p. 325. Stephen Neill, Christian Faith and Other Faiths (2nd ed.) (Great Britain: Oxford University Press, 1970), p. 118-119
  3. Edward Conze et al. (eds.), Buddhist Texts Through the Ages (New York: Philosophical Library, Inc., 1954), p. 194

What Did Buddha Say About Jesus

Because of the nature of their faith, true Buddhists place a great value on the person of Jesus Christ. In his teachings, the Lord Buddha stated that all faiths were excellent and that we should learn as much as we could from them. After that, one should strive to be the herald of our own salvation by personal sacrifice.

What did Buddha say about god?

According to Buddhism, the theory of samsara (cycle rebirth) teaches that there are deities or divine creatures, and this is supported by evidence. Buddhism does not regard any of these gods to be either creators or everlasting beings in the traditional sense. They may, on the other hand, survive for extremely extended periods of time.

Was Jesus A Buddhist Monk?

  • Before returning to Israel, Jesus spent a significant amount of time in the Buddhist monasteries of Tibet, located high in the Himalayas.
  • He went there to learn about Gautam Buddha’s way to Nirvana.
  • Before embarking on his journey to the west, the Buddhist bhikkhus of India had issued unambiguous instructions to Jesus, telling him that he would have to die on the way.
  • Because of this, the Himalayan medicine was given to him in India by Buddhist bhikkhus who wished him well.

This medication was in the form of a therapeutic material.If it looks that your death is imminent, you should contact a trustworthy disciple and urge him to pour this material over your body.This instruction was provided to them clearly and concisely.After removing Jesus’ body from the crucifixion, Mary Magdalene administered the same fluid to his body for three consecutive days, after which he was cured and embarked on his journey to India.Because of this tragedy, Christians have deceived the world by claiming that Jesus has gone to ‘heaven,’ when Jesus has come to India after he was taken down from the crucifixion.

  • While both Saint Matthew and Saint John were Christian preachers and eyewitnesses to Jesus’ death, they did not include his ascension to heaven in their writings since they were well aware that Jesus did not go to heaven but rather traveled to India.
  • Only two of the apostles, Saint Mark and Saint Lucas, have spoken of Jesus Christ’s ascension, and neither of them was there at the time of the event.
  • It has been proven by Saint Irenaeus of Leon, who lived in the 2nd century, that Jesus did not depart his body at the age of 33, nor did he go into heaven at that time.
  • Even now, the Vatican continues to conceal several facts about Jesus Christ while engaging in the game of religion.

It is also brought to light that Jesus traveled to India with his mother and wife, ‘Mary Magdalene,’ and that one of his children, ‘Sarah,’ subsequently traveled to India with her mother and wife.″Jesus in India″ is still commemorated by the presence of his mother Mary’s tomb in Kashmir.Tibetan Buddhist literature has served as the fundamental foundation for all of the authors who have written works on this subject.Christ lived in India, by Holger Kersten, is the world’s most popular book.Inspired by this book and the archaeological remains, several authors have written their own works, and I am currently working on a novel based on these books!Princess Helena, who was the wife of Emperor Chandragupta Maurya and the daughter of the Greek Seleus, was the grandmother of Emperor Ashoka.

Helena was the world’s most beautiful woman at the time, and she was also the owner of beauty.Emperor Ashoka must have had some sort of relationship with his grandmother’s family, there’s no doubt about that.In this view, the impact of Buddha’s teachings on the descendants of Seleucus is not something to be concerned about.Because Emperor Ashoka was an ardent follower of Buddha and transmitted the Buddhist global moral code of conduct to every corner of the world, there is no reason to be concerned about it.Ther bhikkhus were dispatched to every part of the globe by Emperor Ashoka.

Some of these missionary Thera monks travelled to Alexandria (Egypt) and performed medical services while teaching the Dhamma with great zeal.Others went to Greece and performed medical services while preaching the Dhamma.The monks were referred to as Therapeutae by the people who lived at the period.This term is pronounced ‘Theraputta’ in the Prakrit Pali language.

  • Jesus traveled to India after the year BCE (BCE), where he died in Srinagar.
  • It is not in doubt that Jesus was a Buddhist bhikkhu and that he made significant contributions to the Fourth Buddhist Council, and the reality of this discussion should be acknowledged as fact.
  • Also known from Christian ecclesiastical literature is that the Therapeutae communicated the therapy of the bhikkhus in order to have an impact on the creation of Christian ecclesiastical Christianity during its formation.

The name of Jesus’ hometown was changed to Nazareth, and the name of Jesus’ hometown derived from this Nazareth word was identified as Jesus-Nazareth, which is related to Ther-‘Therputta’ and Ther-‘Therputta’ (Nazareth) literature, which is considered to be the epitome of Christian and Greek literature, was adopted.It is deposited at the root of the plant.Our goal is simply to pick up the literature of the first century AD and place emphasis on its current relevance by conducting a comparative study with the literature of the second century BC.

What Does The Bible Say About Buddhism?

  • The Buddha is not mentioned at all in the Bible.
  • Sometime during Jesus’ first year of existence, a faint allusion is made to the presence of wise men from the East who came to his assistance.
  • It is generally accepted that these guys are Magi, Persian Astrologers, and adherents of the Zoroastrian religion.
  • However, because to the absence of specifics, it is plausible that the company of eastern wise men was an international/interfaith organization.

It was hard to rule out the idea that some of these great men were Buddhists in their beliefs.Gautama would have been 500 years too young to be one of these sages, according to historical records.After then, legends about Buddha appear in Jewish and Christian literature of the Middle Ages, in which Buddha is depicted as a teacher or sage of the Judeo-Christian tradition.Some Christian books, such as the Bible and the Talmud, incorporate Aesop’s Fables, which some Buddhists believe to be factual accounts of Siddhartha’s previous incarnations as animals, into their canon.They are not, however, all perceived in the same manner by everyone.

  • Although a minority of Christians and Jews believe in reincarnation, it has not been clearly shown (at least to my knowledge) that this belief was sparked by encounter with Buddha.
  • The papers of the Kaifeng Jewish Community, on the other hand, draw parallels between Confucianism and Judaism.
  • In recent years, a large number of Jews have begun to study Buddhism.
  • They may also have their own interpretations of scripture that aim to blend Buddha’s teachings within the text of Scripture.
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Many works of art feature quotations that are comparable to those of Jesus and Buddha.Some are extremely similar to one another, while others are merely superficially similar.Despite the fact that they are both brilliant minds, their differences might make them incompatible.

Jesus was a Buddhist Monk Named Issa

  • According to the book, Jesus was not crucified, but rather died as a Buddhist monk in Kashmir, where he was imprisoned.
  • Rather, Kersten asserts that Christ did not die on the cross, but rather that he lived and returned to his native India.
  • Kersten claims that Jesus, then known as ″Issa″ in the Himalayan area of Kashmir, lived to be an elderly man as a Buddhist monk in the Himalayan region of Kashmir.

Does Buddhism Conflict With Christianity

  • Buddhism and Christianity are essentially different religions, despite superficial and non-scholarly comparisons to each other.
  • At their most fundamental levels, they are diametrically opposed to one another.
  • These include the prominence of monotheistic in Christianity, Buddhism’s orientation toward non-theism, and its rejection of the notion of a creator deity, among other aspects of the religion.
  • This is in direct conflict with the beliefs of Christianity regarding God.

Buddhism And Christianity Similarities

  • There are many parallels between ancient Christianity and Buddhism; Buddhism, of course, is older, but that doesn’t matter because the two religions are so similar.
  • Buddhism is also a very old religious tradition.
  • It features a plethora of various schools that have emerged over the years.
  • It has old literary traditions that date back thousands of years.

Some people claim that I don’t necessarily know that Jesus spent his ″dark years,″ as they refer to them, in a cave somewhere.In the Himalayas, there were rumors about this and Ladakh in India, but I believe he spent those years in the Middle East with secret organizations like as the Essence and Sufis, which is where we don’t know where he went.Although their publications, such as Buddha and Christ are Brothers by the renowned modern Vietnamese Zen master took on that work worth reading, we haven’t met them in person yet.Dr.Marcus Borg is a physician.

  • Marcus Borg, a philosopher, has published a magnificent book about Buddha and Jesus, which is available on Amazon.
  • Also, there are many parallels between the teachings of love and compassion, as well as the practice of treating everyone with the same respect.
  • And treating them as if they were members of your own family, empathetically feeling what they are feeling, and being inspired to assist them, and that the last will come first, followed by humility, unselfishness, selflessness, and so on.
  • It is even possible to submit when Jesus speaks of not my will, but I believe this is exactly what Buddha means when he speaks of letting go via non-attachment.

We shall report lies when we let go and I throw about death yet so many people go to death without letting go of our egotism and so on and being more in the flow and the nowness in the divine holy everlasting now are among the fundamental tenets of Buddhism.

Did Jesus Study Buddhism?

He lived at Puri and Rajgirh, near Nalanda, for a total of six years. Hinduism’s oldest seat of learning is located here. He then traveled to the Himalayas, where he spent time in Tibetan monasteries learning about Buddhism and other religions. His journey back to Jerusalem took him to Persia when he was 29 years old.

Can You Believe In God And Be A Buddhist?

Buddhists aim to reach a state of nirvana, which is the ultimate goal. They follow in the footsteps of Siddhartha Gautama the Buddha, who sought enlightenment in the sixth century BC and achieved it. There is no faith in a personal God. Buddhists believe that there is no such thing as a fixed or permanent reality, and that all things are subject to transformation.

Do Buddhists Believe In God?

  • Buddhism adherents do not hold to the concept of a supreme God or Deity.
  • Instead, they are concerned with achieving enlightenment, which is a condition of inner serenity or knowledge, as opposed to acquiring material wealth.
  • According to legend, it is at the spiritual echelon that believers will achieve nirvana.
  • Buddha, the founder of Buddhism, is regarded as a remarkable man, but not as a deity in the traditional sense.

FAQ About What Did Buddha Say About Jesus

  • 1.
  • What did Buddha have to say regarding the existence of God?
  • Answer: According to Buddhist theory, samsara (cycle rebirth) teaches that there are deities or divine creatures, and this is supported by empirical evidence.
  • Buddhism does not regard any of these gods to be either creators or everlasting beings in the traditional sense.

They may, on the other hand, survive for extremely extended periods of time.2.Did Jesus and Buddha have a chance encounter?In response, historical evidence demonstrates that Jesus was familiar with Buddhism.If Jesus did not travel to India, at the very least India would have traveled to Judea and met Jesus.

  • Other evidence, while mythical at best, shows that Jesus spent the most of his so-called ″lost years″ away from his home town of Jerusalem.
  • It’s possible that he was studying Buddhism in Kashmir.
  • 3.
  • When did Jesus and Buddha first meet?

According to the answer, Buddha was born in 623 B.C., which is 623 years before the birth of Jesus.In no manner, shape, or form could Jesus and Buddha have met.There were some remarkable connections between Jesus and Buddha.According to historical narratives that are not based on the Bible, Jesus was not born in Judea.

Jesus through Buddhist eyes

  • Ajahn Candasiri is a senior nun at the Amaravati Buddhist Monastery in Hertfordshire, where she has been practicing for almost a decade.
  • In order to see this content, you must have Javascript enabled as well as Flash installed on your computer.
  • For complete instructions, go to BBC Webwise.
  • ″All creatures want to be happy; they want to avoid pain and suffering,″ said His Holiness, the Dalai Lama, in 1984, addressing to a standing-room-only crowd at the Albert Hall.

″All beings want to be happy; they want to avoid pain and suffering,″ he said.I was taken aback by his ability to connect with what we all have in common as human beings.He acknowledged our shared humanity while also acknowledging and appreciating our distinct diversity in every manner.When I was asked to examine Jesus through the lens of Buddhism, I believed that I would use a ‘compare and contrast’ method, similar to that of a high school essay.I was wrong.

  • I was raised as a Christian and converted to Buddhism when I was in my early thirties, so I have opinions on both religious traditions: the one I grew up in and left, and the one I accepted and continue to practice within today.
  • I’d like to meet Jesus again with fresh eyes after re-reading some of the gospel stories, and I’d like to examine the extent to which he and the Buddha were, in fact, offering the same guidance, despite the fact that the traditions of Christianity and Buddhism appear to be quite different on the surface.

A little about how I came to be a Buddhist nun

  • I had reached a point of severe exhaustion and despair after making a sincere effort to approach my Christian journey in a way that was meaningful within the framework of everyday life.
  • I had become tired of dealing with the seeming complexity of it all; despair had set in because I had been unable to come up with a strategy for dealing with the less beneficial moods that would creep into my thoughts without my permission: concern, jealously, grumpiness, and so on.
  • Even favorable emotions may flip around and manifest themselves as pride or conceit, which were, of course, both unwelcome emotions.
  • At some point, I came upon Ajahn Sumedho, a Buddhist monk who was born in the United States and had recently come in England after 10 years of studying in Thailand.

It was Ajahn Chah, a Thai monk of the Forest Tradition who, although having had little formal education, captivated the hearts of thousands of people, including a substantial number of Westerners, during his time as his student.My retreat at Oakenholt Buddhist Centre, near Oxford, lasted ten days.I sat in misery on a mat on the cold, draughty floor of the meditation hall with around 40 other retreatants of all shapes and sizes, all of whom were different shapes and sizes.Ajahn Sumedho, together with three other monks, stood in front of us, presenting the teachings and guiding us through a meditation session.This was a watershed moment in my life.

  • Despite the fact that the entire experience was exceedingly difficult – both physically and emotionally – I came away feeling extremely encouraged.
  • The teachings were delivered in a beautifully approachable manner, and they appeared to be nothing more than ordinary common sense.
  • It had never occurred to me that it was ‘Buddhism’ until now.
  • We also had experts in front of us who had made a commitment to putting things into practice 24 hours a day to demonstrate their practicality as if we didn’t already know it.

This group of monks piqued my interest for a variety of reasons, including their robes and shorn heads, as well as what I read about their renunciant lifestyle, which included 227 rules of instruction.I also noticed that they appeared to be at ease and content – this was arguably the most striking, and at times perplexing, aspect of their demeanour.In the teachings, and in the Truth they pointed to: the recognition that, yes, this existence is intrinsically unsatisfying, that we feel pain or dis-ease – but that there is a Way that might lead us to the cessation of this suffering – I was powerfully captivated.Also, although the concept was somewhat frightening to me at the time, I saw an emergence of desire in being a member of a monastic community.Christ in the desert, or Christ in the wilderness Ivan Kramskoj is a Russian actor and director.© The question is, what do I find when I encounter Jesus in the gospel tales, now that I’ve been a Buddhist nun for more than two decades?

And I have to say that he comes out as far more human than I remembered him to be.The idea that he is the son of God has been greatly discussed, but it does not seem nearly as essential to me as the reality that he is a human being with a powerful presence, tremendous energy and compassion, as well as substantial psychic talents.He also possesses a remarkable ability to communicate spiritual truth via imagery, often employing the most commonplace objects to exemplify the points he intends to make: bread, fields, grain, salt, children, and trees.People don’t always get the meaning right once, but they are left with an image to mull about.Besides that, he has a goal, which is to re-open the Way to eternal life, and he is completely unwavering in his dedication to ″carrying out his Father’s plan,″ as he puts it.

His ministry is brief, yet it is full with highlights.Because of the constant demands on Mark’s time and energy while reading his narrative, I’m becoming a little exhausted just reading it.We may all benefit from the infrequent mention of Jesus spending time alone or with his closest students, as well as the understanding that he, like us, requires repose from time to time.One anecdote that I really enjoy is about how, after a long day of instructing a large number of people, he falls asleep in the boat that is transporting them across the sea after the event.

  • When things are stormy in my own life, I find that his calm attitude to the ferocious storm that awakens while he is sleeping is the most comforting thing I can think of.
  • I’m completely engrossed in the drama of it all; it seems like everything is happening one after another.
  • People pay attention to him, enjoy what he has to say (or are upset or outraged by it in some situations), and get cured as a result.

They can’t seem to get enough of what he has to offer them as gifts.My heart is warmed by his reaction to the 4000 people who have gathered with him in the desert for three days, listening to his preaching, but who are exhausted and hungry.Recognizing this, he utilizes his abilities to generate bread and fish for everyone to enjoy together.Jesus dies when he is still a young man.It appears that his ministry begins when he is thirty years old (although I would be interesting in learning more about the spiritual training he probably had prior to that), and it ends suddenly when he is thirty-three years old.

  1. The last supper, which takes place just before Jesus’ crucifixion, allows him to instruct his immediate disciples in a simple ritual through which they can re-affirm their connection with him and with one another – thereby providing a central focus of devotion and renewal for his followers right up to the present time.
  2. I get the idea that he is not very concerned in persuading others to adopt his point of view.
  3. Rather, it is a question of educating those who are ready; it is noteworthy to note that many of those who seek him out come from wicked or humble homes, which is not surprising.

Jesus is crystal clear in his understanding that purity is a condition of the heart, not something that can be achieved via unthinking conformity to a system of rules and regulations.The following is his response to the Pharisees when they criticize his followers for failing to maintain the standards of purity surrounding eating: ″There is nothing from without that can corrupt a man″ – and he is fairly precise in what happens to food after it has been consumed by his disciples.It is from within the heart that defilements emerge, rather than beyond.″ Unfortunately, he does not go on to describe what should be done in this situation at this moment.It is an incredible tale of patient endurance, of readiness to face the intolerable without any sense of blame or ill intent, that we learn of his final hours: the trial, the mocking, the anguish and humiliation of being stripped naked and put to a cross to die.When I think about it, it reminds me of a simile given by the Buddha to explain the characteristic of metta, or kindness, that he demanded of his disciples: ″Even if thieves attacked you and cut off your limbs one by one, should you succumb to wrath, you would not be following my advise.″ This is a difficult command, but one that Jesus plainly fulfills to perfection: ″Father, forgive them, for they are unaware of what they are doing.″

See also:  What Did Jesus Accomplish By His Death?


″Everyone wants to be happy″

  • So why did I feel the need to seek advice from someone else?
  • Were the problems simply due to the fact that Jesus himself was insufficient as a spiritual model?
  • Maybe they were dissatisfied with the church and its institutional structures, and what Christianity had done to Jesus?
  • Or was it just that another option presented itself that more appropriately met my requirements at the moment in question?

Statue of Buddha Well, Buddhism provided me with what I had been lacking in my Christian experience.It may be summed up in a single word: self-assurance.When the resources and encouragement became available, I don’t believe I realized how hopeless it all felt until they became available.According to legend, the Buddha was approached by a Brahmin pupil named Dhotaka, who begged the Buddha to ″Please, Master, release me from confusion!″ The Buddha’s reaction, which was probably a little startling, was, ″It is not my practice to assist somebody who is in a state of perplexity.When you have personally comprehended the Dhamma, or the Truth, you will have achieved liberation.″ What a sense of accomplishment!

  • According to the gospels, Jesus talks with authority, but he also emphasizes the need of having the mentality of a child while dealing with difficult situations.
  • Buddhism has provided me with the ability to view things differently, even though this may be perceived as encouraging a child-like reliance on the instructor.
  • The name ″Buddha″ literally means ″awake,″ as in ″awake to the Dhamma, or Truth,″ which the Buddha compared to an ancient overgrown road that he had only recently unearthed.
  • His teachings indicate us in the direction of that Path: it is there in front of us, right now, right beneath our feet – yet our brains may get so cluttered with beliefs about life that we are unable to really experience it!

On one instance, a young woman named Kisagotami travels to the Buddha, distraught at the loss of her infant son, and is granted pardon.Following her distressing request that he heal the kid, the Buddha instructs her to bring him a mustard seed – which she must do from the house where no one has ever died – as a token of her gratitude.It takes Kisagotami several days to come to terms with her grief; she realizes that she is not alone in her pain since death and loss are unavoidable aspects of human existence.This is a style of instruction that Jesus uses from time to time.The first rock is thrown by anybody who is not guilty of any fault when a mob has assembled to stone to death a lady who has been accused of adultery, according to the story.They turn away one by one, as if they had peered into their own hearts and found themselves to be ashamed by this simple remark.

In practice, I have discovered that the process is one of attuning, of paying close attention to what is occurring inside – sensing when there is ease, harmony, and understanding when one’s point of view is at variance with what is actually happening.I believe that the imagery that Jesus employs to describe the Kingdom of Heaven are particularly effective in explaining this.Imagine it as a seed that, under the right conditions, sprouts and matures into a tree of your choosing.Whether we want to encourage well-being and understanding growth or injure ourselves and others, we are the ones who create the conditions that will either benefit us or harm us.If we are ignorant or selfish, we do not require the intervention of a deity to sentence us to the abyss of some hellish dimension – this occurs of its own accord.

In a same vein, when we fill our lives with kindness, we experience happiness – a condition that is heavenly.Thai Buddhist monk in his monastic robes When I attended my first Buddhist retreat, it was pointed out to me that there is a middle ground between following destructive ideas that come and striving to suppress them.After a long period of meditation, I discovered that I could just bear witness to them, and allow them to pass on according to their nature – I didn’t have to identify with them in any way.The teaching of Jesus that simply having a lustful thought is the same as committing adultery had appeared too difficult to accept, while the concept of cutting off a hand or foot or plucking out an eye if someone offends seems reasonable – but how on earth can we put it into action in practice?

  • There’s no doubt that it would need considerably more trust than I had at the time.
  • Therefore, when I learned about an alternate reaction to states of greed, anger, or delusion that occur in awareness and block our perception, I was pleased.
  • These states may cause all kinds of problems.

Consequently, in the words of the Dalai Lama, ″Everyone desires happiness; no one desires suffering.″ Jesus and the Buddha are amazing companions and instructors who have shared a common bond.They can point us in the right direction, but we cannot rely on them to make us happy or to relieve us of our misery.That is entirely up to us.

Buddhist Perspective: Who Is Jesus Christ?

  • Images courtesy of Hemera Technologies/AbleStock.com/Getty Images.
  • Despite the apparent differences between Buddhist and Christian beliefs and practices, the tales and teachings of their founders share some startling parallels.
  • After studying the Bible and hearing the tale of Jesus, several renowned Buddhists came to the conclusion that Jesus was in reality a Buddha, a state that is attainable to anybody who practices Buddhism.
  • It is said that a Buddha is someone who has fully awakened, or has attained enlightenment, and who devotes their entire life to teaching the truth to other people in order to put an end to their suffering.

1 Jesus as an Enlightened Individual

  • According to Gasan, a Japanese Zen Buddhist who lived in the 14th century, one of the first known Buddhist comments on Jesus Christ may be found in zen koans (sayings) attributed to him.
  • ″Therefore, do not be concerned about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself,″ Jesus says in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 6:28-34), which is read aloud by the student.
  • When the Zen master heard this instruction on the importance of ″being here now,″ he recognized it as being fundamentally Buddhist in character, and he said, ″Whoever uttered those words I consider an enlightened man.″

2 Jesus and Buddha as Brothers

  • Throughout his writings, Thich Nhat Hanh, a Vietnamese Buddhist monk who was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by the Rev.
  • Martin Luther King Jr.
  • and who has produced more than a hundred volumes, discovers parallels between Buddha and Jesus in every situation.
  • He argues in his works ″Living Jesus, Living Buddha″ and ″Going Home: Jesus and Buddha as Brothers″ that any discrepancies between the two are purely artificial, and that the substance of their teachings is nearly identical.

It is the belief of Thich Nhat Hanh that ″when you are a genuinely joyful Christian, you are also a Buddhist.″

3 The Dalai Lama on Jesus

  • The Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of the Buddhist nation of Tibet, has a worldwide following that includes Buddhists and non-Buddhists alike.
  • While speaking at the John Main Seminar in London, he was questioned about Jesus and he answered with the following: ″For me, as a Buddhist, my attitude toward Jesus Christ is either that he was a fully realized being or that he was a bodhisattva.″ The term bodhisattva refers to someone who has committed their life to the pursuit of enlightenment while also assisting all other creatures, according to Buddhist doctrine.

4 Jesus and Divinity in Buddhism

  • In Buddhism, enlightenment is seen as a heavenly state, but one that can be attained by anybody who works hard enough to rid themselves of their illusions and refrain from acting in ways that are harmful to others.
  • Due to the fact that Jesus spent 40 days in prayer in the desert (similar to how Buddha spent 40 days in meditation before attaining enlightenment) before beginning his teaching career, the personal biography of Jesus is really extremely familiar to many Buddhists.
  • From a Buddhist perspective, it is simple to picture Jesus as a person who worked out his own salvation and cleansed himself through meditation and prayer, so attaining the divinity that we are all capable of attaining.

About the Author

Ocean Malandra, who lives in San Francisco, is a travel writer, novelist, and documentary filmmaker who specializes in nature and culture. A significant San Francisco travel website is operated by him, and he is a prolific writer who has been featured worldwide in both online and print magazines. He has also contributed to a number of South American travel guidebooks.

r/Buddhism – What do buddhists think of jesus?

  • Please do not use any christian information that you may have learned from Protestants or Catholics because I believe both have distorted and altered messages and meanings within the teachings of Christ that are not the most appropriate teachings for being a true follower of Christ, and in addition, these two use the bible as the ″final authority″ for christian life (Sola Scriptura), which is a very misconception of christianity that I believe is harmful to those who are seeking to be true followers of In order to compare Jesus and Siddhartha on teaching (to some extent), I would like you to share your thoughts on Jesus from a Buddhist perspective and viewpoint.
  • Both taught how to be moral, forgiving, compassionate, and loving one’s neighbors and enemies, both told parables (I believe), and both lived selfless lives.

r/Christianity – What do you guys think would happen if Jesus met Buddha and sat down and talked to each other?

  • I believe that if you had had a revelation of who Jesus Christ truly is, you would not be asking this question.
  • When John was given a revelation of Christ, the Bible says he collapsed as if dead, since it was too overwhelming for him to take it all in.
  • What he observed was as follows: We were forced to go to the island of Patmos by God’s word and the testimony of Jesus, and I was there as your brother and companion in our shared suffering, kingdom, and patient endurance that are ours in Jesus.
  • I was there because of God’s word and Jesus’ witness.

10 On the Lord’s Day, I was in the Spirit when I heard a piercing voice like a trumpet 11 from behind me, commanding me to write down what I saw and send it to the seven churches: Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamum, Thyatira, Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicea.12 I turned around to see who was calling to me and realized it was a male voice.After turning, I saw seven golden lampstands, a total of thirteen, and amid the lampstands was someone who seemed like a son of man, draped in a long, flowing white robe that reached down to his feet, with a golden belt around his breast.14 White as snow, the hair on his head was white as wool, and his eyes were ablaze with the intensity of a burning inferno.The sound of his voice echoed like the sound of rushing streams, and his feet were like bronze burning in a furnace.

  • Sixteenth, he grasped seven stars in his right hand, and a sharp, double-edged sword protruded from the corner of his lips.
  • His face was as bright as the sun when it was at its peak of splendor.
  • I collapsed at his feet like if I were dead when I first saw him.
  • Afterwards, Jesus placed his right hand on my shoulder and whispered, ″Do not be scared.

I am both the first and the last person on the planet.18 I am the Alive One; I am the Living One.I was dead, and now look at me, I am alive and well for all time!And I am in possession of the keys of death and Hades.So, what would Buddha do if he came face to face with HIM?However, there is another issue that comes to me that I’m not sure how to answer.

What are you going to do when you see him in front of you, since the Bible says: ″What will you do when you see him in front of you?″ 2 Corinthians 5:10 (New International Version) Because we must all stand before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each of us may get what is due to him for the things he has done while in the body, whether good or bad, while we are alive.To be really honest, I am a Christian, and this whole stuff about the judgment seat of Christ scares the living daylights out of me at times.

Who was first Jesus or Buddha?

  1. Who came first, Jesus or Buddha? Did Buddha ever claim to be God? Did Buddha ever imply that he should be worshipped?
  2. Is it true that the Buddha ate meat?
  3. What do Buddhists believe about Jesus?
  4. Is it possible to be both Catholic and Buddhist at the same time?
  5. The most significant beliefs in Buddhism are: What are the most important beliefs in Buddhism?
  6. Does Buddhism believe in the existence of a soul?
  7. Is it possible to practice Buddhism on your own?
  8. Is there a Buddhist sacred scripture that I can read?

Who was first Jesus or Buddha?

Buddha (Siddhrtha Gautama) argued that he was a mere mortal and that there is no all-powerful, all-benevolent deity. According to his teachings, desire was the primary cause of all human misery, and that individuals should strive to eradicate their desire. He was born around 500 years before the birth of Jesus Christ in what is now Nepal (Jesus of Nazareth).

Did Buddha ever claim to be God?

The Buddha was only a human being, and he made no claim to having received any inspiration from a higher force or God.

Did Buddha say worship him?

The Buddha Himself never asked people to come and worship Him in any way. People, on the other hand, did it and continue to do so. There is no evidence that the historical Shakyamuni Buddha advocated idolatry, whether it be of himself, others, or anything else.

See also:  How Did Jesus Actually Look Like

Did the Buddha eat meat?

As stated in the Mahyana Mahparinirvaka Stra, a Mahayana sutra that contains the last teachings of Gautama Buddha, the Buddha commanded that his disciples refrain from consuming any type of meat or fish, regardless of the source. Even vegetarian food that has been in contact with meat should be thoroughly cleansed before consumption.

What do Buddhist think of Jesus?

Many Buddhists are likely to be unaware of or uninterested in Jesus’ life and teachings. Others see him as a major spiritual teacher, while others, such as Thich Nht Hnh, consider Jesus to be Buddha’s equal in terms of importance. Within Buddhism’s teachings and traditions, there isn’t anything that would cause Buddhists to be biased in favor of or against Jesus.

Can you be Catholic and Buddhist at the same time?

It is possible to hold the positions of Buddhist teacher and Catholic priest at the same time, and the official organizations of both religions recognize this possibility. Neither religion has defrocked or excommunicated the individual in question.

What are the most important beliefs of Buddhism?

According to Peter Harvey, the proper perspective is maintained in Buddhism as a belief in the Buddhist concepts of karma and rebirth, as well as the significance of the Four Noble Truths and the True Path.

Does Buddhism believe in soul?

Buddhism, in contrast to other religions, does not believe in a creator God, an eternal or everlasting soul, or any other form of immortality. According to Buddhist belief, there is no such thing as a permanent self or soul. For this reason, Buddhists sometimes refer to rebirth as energy, rather than souls, because there is no unchanging, eternal essence or soul in the universe.

Can you practice Buddhism alone?

Yes, it is possible. Theravadan Buddhism (which makes use of Vipassana/Mindfulness meditation) is intended for practitioners who want to be alone. To put it another way, for someone who does not have a teacher or a dharma group.

What is the sacred text of Buddhism?

According to Theravada Buddhists, the Tripitaka (also known as Tipitaka in Pali) is the oldest collection of Buddhist teachings and the only scripture that is considered canonical. Over the ages, however, a large number of commentary have been added.

What Did Buddha Say About God?

Buddhism’s Religious Beliefs Buddhists do not believe in a supreme god or deity and do not worship them. Instead, they concentrate on obtaining enlightenment, which is a condition of inner calm and insight. The experience of nirvana is claimed to occur when a follower reaches this level of spiritual attainment. 12th of October, 2017

Did Buddha ever talk about god?

Even while the Buddha did not talk of a creator god, he did speak of the process of creation. So, while he did not explicitly state that there is no creator god, he did state that there is nothing for a creator god to perform in Buddhism.

Does Buddha believe in god?

Siddhartha Gautama was the first person to achieve this condition of enlightenment, and he was and continues to be recognized as the Buddha throughout history. Despite the fact that Buddhists do not believe in any form of deity or god, there are a number of supernatural characters that may either assist or hinder individuals on their journey towards enlightenment.

What does Buddha say about Jesus?

Because of the nature of their faith, true Buddhists place a great value on the person of Jesus Christ. In his teachings, the Lord Buddha stated that all faiths were excellent and that we should learn as much as we could from them. After that, one should strive to be the herald of our own salvation by personal sacrifice.

What god do Buddhist worship?

The majority of Buddhists do not believe in the existence of God. Despite the fact that they revere and look up to the Buddha, they do not think he was a deity, but they do worship him out of a sense of homage. They are demonstrating their regard and devotion to the Buddha and to the bodhisattas in this manner.

Why Buddha is not a God?

Buddhism’s Religious Beliefs Buddhists do not believe in a supreme god or deity and do not worship them. Instead, they concentrate on obtaining enlightenment, which is defined as a condition of inner calm and insight. Buddha, the religion’s founder, is regarded as a remarkable individual, but not as a deity in the traditional sense. The term Buddha literally translates as ″enlightened.″

What is the difference between Buddha and God?

Christianity is a monotheistic religion that believes that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, as taught by the apostles. Buddhism is a Dharmic religion that developed as an offshoot of Hinduism. … Chart of comparisons

Buddhism Christianity
Founder The Buddha (born as Prince Siddhartha) The Lord Jesus Christ.

Can a Buddhist believe in Jesus?

In 2001, the Dalai Lama stated that ″Jesus Christ also lived previous lives,″ and went on to say, ″So, you see, he reached a high state, either as a Bodhisattva, or an enlightened person, through Buddhist practice or something like that.″ Other high-level Buddhists have drawn parallels between Jesus and Buddhism. … Thich…

Does Buddhism believe in a Creator God?

In Buddhism, there is no belief in a creator deity, nor in any everlasting divine personal entity, as in other religions. Buddhism believes that none of these gods is a creator or an immortal entity, despite the fact that they can exist for extremely long periods of time. …

Does Buddhism have a heaven?

Buddhists believe that there is some type of life after death. They do not, however, believe in heaven or hell in the way that the majority of people interpret them. According to Buddhism, a god does not assign someone to a certain realm depending on whether or not they are a sinner during their lifetime.

Are Jesus and Buddha friends?

Both Jesus and the Buddha have been described as ″outstanding companions and instructors.″ They can point us in the right direction, but we cannot rely on them to make us happy or to relieve us of our misery.

What did Buddha say before he died?

Allow the Dharma and the discipline that I have instilled in you to serve as your guides. All separate things eventually perish. ″Continue to work tirelessly.″ These were the Buddha’s final statements on the subject.

Does the Dalai Lama believe in God?

Currently residing in Dharamshala, India, he serves as the head of state and spiritual leader of the Tibetan government-in-exile. Tibetans believe he is the reincarnation of their forefathers and foremothers. In Tibetan Buddhism, the Dalai Lamas are thought to be the reincarnation of Avalokitesvara, a Buddhist deity who is revered as the epitome of compassion.

Does Buddhism believe in soul?

Buddhism, in contrast to other religions, does not believe in a creator God, an eternal or everlasting soul, or any other form of immortality. According to Buddhist belief, there is no such thing as a permanent self or soul. For this reason, Buddhists sometimes refer to rebirth as energy, rather than souls, because there is no unchanging, eternal essence or soul in the universe.

Who came first Buddha or Jesus?

Buddha (Siddhrtha Gautama) argued that he was a mere mortal and that there is no all-powerful, all-benevolent deity. According to his teachings, desire was the primary cause of all human misery, and that individuals should strive to eradicate their desire. He was born around 500 years before the birth of Jesus Christ in what is now Nepal (Jesus of Nazareth).

Is there a Buddhist bible?

Is there a Buddhist version of the Bible? No, not at all. Buddhism contains a large number of scriptures, but only a few of these books are recognized as legitimate and authoritative by all of the Buddhist schools. The absence of a Buddhist Bible can be attributed to still another factor.

How is Buddha similar to Jesus?

The overarching ideas of Buddha’s and Jesus’ teachings are strikingly similar. The teachings of Buddha were structured into the Eightfold Path, whereas the teachings of Jesus were scattered across the many books of the Holy Bible (the Bible). … They both advocate for what Buddha referred to as ″proper action″: refraining from killing, stealing, slandering, and so on.

Which is oldest religion in world?

The term Hindu is an exonym, and while Hinduism has been referred to be the world’s oldest religion, many of its adherents refer to their faith as Santana Dharma (Sanskrit:, lit. ″universal law″).

Was Jesus a Buddhist monk?

The late Buddhist monk Mr. Kersten claims that Jesus (then known as ″Issa″) lived to a ripe old age as a Buddhist monk in Kashmir’s remote Himalayan territory. Near his account of the tomb’s location, he claims that it looks to be in the Kashmiri city of Srinagar, where it is still revered to this day.

How did Buddha become God?

After spending a few days sat beneath the Bodhi tree (also known as the tree of enlightenment), Siddhartha got completely immersed in meditation and began to think on his life’s experiences, intent to discover the truth of them. He eventually attained Enlightenment and assumed the title of Buddha.

Can an atheist be a Buddhist?

Yes. In Buddhism, a Buddhist who does not believe in any divinity is known as an atheist Buddhist.

What are the 3 main beliefs of Buddhism?

Among the most important teachings of Buddha, the Three Universal Truths, the Four Noble Truths, and the Noble Eightfold Path are all essential to the practice of Buddhism.

Do Buddhist believe in angels?

Buddhists do not believe in the existence of angels. They are free to accept anything that is supported by evidence and that will assist them in ending their misery. Anything that alleviates pain is more important than angels or gods in my opinion. Angels and gods are seen as having zero or negative significance.

Did Buddha eat meat?

As a result, because one’s own flesh and the flesh of another are considered to be one flesh, Buddhas do not consume meat.The Buddhas also do not eat meat because they would be eating the flesh of one single dhtu, which is the dharmadhtu, according to Majura.″Moreover, Majura, because the Buddhas are the dhtu of all beings,″ he continues, ″because they would be eating the flesh of one single dhtu, they do not eat meat.″

Who created God?

As a result, we ask: ″If everything had a creator, then who created God?″ Given the fact that only created things have a creator, it would be incorrect to put God in with his creations. God has shown himself to us in the Bible as having existed from the beginning of time. Atheists argue that there is no compelling reason to believe that the cosmos was created.

Can you be a Buddhist and a Catholic?

It is possible to hold the positions of Buddhist teacher and Catholic priest at the same time, and the official organizations of both religions recognize this possibility. Neither religion has defrocked or excommunicated the individual in question. Converts can learn about Catholicism from those who have studied it in seminary.

Is the Bodhi tree still alive?

The renowned Bodhi tree still remains, but it is in a state of severe degradation; one huge trunk, with three branches pointing westward, is still green, while the other branches are barkless and rotting. The same location was the site of Cunningham’s new Bodhi tree, which was planted in 1881.

What happened to the Buddha’s wife?

Following his enlightenment, the Buddha visited Kapilavastu, but instead of seeing her former husband, Yaodhara urged Rhula to go to the Buddha and ask for inheritance. She died at the age of 78, two years before Buddha attained nirvana (death).

Who will be the last Buddha?

MaitreyaAccording to Buddhist belief, Maitreya is a bodhisattva who will arrive on Earth in the future, attain perfect enlightenment, and teach the pure dharma to all beings on the planet. According to scriptures, Maitreya will be a successor to the current Buddha, Gautama Buddha (also known as Kyamuni Buddha), who is believed to be the first Buddha.

Is the Dalai Lama a vegan?

The Dalai Lama, on the other hand, is not a vegetarian. The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader, according to an assistant reported in a 2010 American publication, maintains a delicate balance between sticking to a vegetarian diet in Dharamsala and eating animal meals when provided by his guests in other locations.

Do Buddha believe in karma?

For Buddhists, karma has consequences that extend beyond this life. Being born in one of the celestial kingdoms is possible as a result of good karma. If you have bad karma, you may be reborn as an animal or suffer pain in a hell dimension. Buddhists strive to develop good karma while avoiding negative karma.

What do Buddhist say when someone dies?

May he be able to achieve nirvana and eternal rest from the cycle of life. Please share any positive information you have about the individual who has passed away. Give him a blessing by hoping for his permanent peace from the cycle of death and rebirth in the hereafter. Regardless of whether or not you were acquainted with the deceased, condolences of this nature should be appreciated.

Is Nirvana a Buddhist?

Nirvana, the ultimate state of being to which all Buddhists strive, is defined as the cessation of desire and, consequently, the elimination of suffering. In Sanskrit, the term ″nirvana″ literally translates as ″the blowing out.″ Abolition is interpreted as the extinguishing of personal desire, or more specifically, the dampening of the flame of life.

How many gods does Buddhism have?

Buddhists strive to achieve nirvana by following the path of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, who embarked on a search for enlightenment about the sixth century BC. Buddhists believe that nirvana may be achieved via meditation. There is no belief in a personal god in this culture. Buddha’s teachings hold that nothing is set in stone or permanent and that change is always possible.

Is there GOD or not? What did Buddha say?

? What Buddha Said About God || Buddha On God || What Sadhguru Says About God

Do Buddhists Believe In God?

What Did Buddha Say About God? | Sadhguru Tamil

Why did Buddha reject godbuddhism as a belief system? Buddhism’s fundamental beliefs buddha versus godbuddhism’s historical development do buddhists believe in jesus?what are the practices of Buddhism? More entries in the FAQ category may be found here.

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