What Did Jesus Say When He Was On The Cross

What did Jesus say on the cross?

It is not necessary to be a “card-carrying Christian” in order to understand what the cross signifies. After Jesus Christ was crucified, what was previously an instrument of Roman punishment has been transformed into a symbol of Christian belief and belief system. That pivotal point in history, which is widely chronicled both in the Bible and in other historical books, altered the direction of human history for all eternity. The deeds of Jesus demonstrated how much God cared for the entire world.

What did Jesus say as he was hanging on the cross?

The seven final words said by Jesus on the cross reveal a great deal about God and ourselves.

Sayings of Jesus on the cross1: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do” Luke 23:34

In Luke 23:34, Jesus delivers a remark that should bring us all to our knees. He had been betrayed. He was assaulted and spit on by his attackers. While He was suffering, the Roman Guards gambled for His possessions. When it appeared as though the world was against Him (and it was), His heart’s desire was to ask for just one thing. During His crucifixion, what did Jesus say concerning those who would persecute Him? Please accept my apologies. How many of us keep grudges against others for minor transgressions?

  1. However, the example of Jesus is one that we should all take into consideration.
  2. “Forgive them,” one of Jesus’ seven last words spoken on the cross, is extremely powerful.
  3. We are frequently more punishing to ourselves than we are to the individuals against whom we are harboring a grudge when we refuse to forgive them.
  4. Forgiveness does not necessarily imply allowing another person to have an impact on your life.
  5. It is a hindrance to your progress.
  1. Giving God your anguish and asking Him to intercede on your behalf on behalf of the person who has injured you are both examples of prayer. Accepting God’s plan for your life and not allowing negative thoughts toward another individual or group of people to get in the way

It’s much simpler to say than to accomplish. However, after you’ve completed your task, you’ll be liberated. Will you have the courage to let go and even beg God to intervene on your behalf against those who have wronged you? Consider what Jesus said when he was hanging on the cross. In His most difficult moments, He not only chose forgiveness, but he also begged that they be reconciled with God via an act of prayer, which was answered.

Sayings of Jesus on the cross2: “Today, you will be with me in Paradise” Luke 23:43

This is a story that many of us are familiar with. On that terrible day, Jesus wasn’t the only man sentenced to death by the Romans. His left and right sides were occupied by thieves who were also scheduled to be killed. We come upon two very distinct experiences. One of the thieves makes fun of Jesus and dares Him to prove if He is the Messiah or not. Several of the prisoners who were hanging there threw obscenities at Jesus, including: “Aren’t you the Messiah?” “Save yourself as well as us!” Luke 23:39 (NIV) The other criminal, on the other hand, makes a sincere plea on Jesus’ behalf.

  1. “Don’t you have any fear of God,” he said, referring to the fact that they were both serving the same sentence.
  2. “However, this individual has done nothing wrong.” Luke 40:40-41 (KJV) Three critical actions are taken by the criminal in the life of any disciple of Jesus.
  3. Following that, he confesses his own shortcomings and flawed nature.
  4. According to Luke 40:42, the condemned man declared Jesus to be Lord and confessed that He was in reality, the King of the Jews.

When he asked him whether he was going to heaven, he said, “I promise you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 40:43 (NIV) Despite the fact that the criminal could do nothing to save himself, he was saved by calling on the name of Jesus.

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross3: “Woman, behold your son,” John 19:26 – 27

Jesus appears to be looking down at two people who He had a special affection for throughout His time on earth in the Gospel of the Apostle John. The Savior gazes at John and His adoring mother. He entrusts his learner with a very important and prestigious responsibility. After seeing his mother and the disciple whom he adored standing nearby, Jesus addressed her as “Woman, here is your son,” and the disciple as “Dear disciple, here is your mother.” She was welcomed into the home of this disciple from that point forward.

  • First and foremost, we witness that, despite His tremendous suffering, Jesus never wavered in his affection for His mother.
  • Throughout His life, Jesus was obedient to the law.
  • Keeping in mind that Jesus was quite explicit about His regard for the law.
  • “Do not believe that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.” “Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets.” Matt.

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross4: “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”Matt 27:46

This is considered by many to be the most puzzling passage in the Bible. Jesus is subjected to a variety of trials. In addition to being beaten and tormented, he is insulted and spit on. A whipping is applied to the Savior, and He is next wounded in the heart with a crown of thorns, and finally with nails in His wrists and feet. What did Jesus say on the cross, at the height of His pain, was recorded. Towards the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice and said, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which translates as “My God, My God, why have You deserted Me?” 27:46 (Matthew 27:46) Is it possible that God forsook Jesus?

  • This is the interpretation that many people have given to Jesus’ words.
  • Many think that Jesus was quoting directly from the holy songs of the psalms when He spoke this on the cross, and that this is the most correct interpretation.
  • In the midst of all of His difficulties, Jesus opted to give thanks.
  • Please read the following article to find out more about why Jesus cried out to his Father: “My God, My God, Why have You deserted Me?”

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross5: “I thirst” John 19:28

What did Jesus say on the cross that not only captured the essence of both His humanity and His agony, but also captured the essence of His humanity and suffering? “I’m thirsty,” Jesus declared. These two simple, yet powerful, phrases serve as a sharp reminder that what our Lord went through was a very genuine experience in his life. As His earthly flesh decayed, He experienced terrible anguish and discomfort as He carried the sins of the world, something that only God could accomplish. Later, knowing that all had now been completed and that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus expressed his need by saying, “I have come to drink.” John 19:28 (NIV) In His journey to redeem the world and bring in eternal life, Jesus endured no little amount of suffering.

This is simply another manifestation of the depths of God’s love for each and every person.

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross6: “It is finished” John 19:30

This is the sixth declaration that Jesus made on the cross, and it is one that every Christian may rely on for assurance in their relationship with God. According to Mark 15:37, Jesus let forth a piercing yell. That resounding “it is completed,” according to some researchers, might have been the strong words “It is finished.” These are some of the most profound phrases that have ever been said. The fulfillment of all of God’s promises is symbolized by this single phrase. As far back as the Garden of Eden, the Father announced a plan for the redemption of mankind (Genesis 3:5).

  1. But what did Jesus say while hanging on the cross?
  2. On the Jewish Day of Atonement, the statement “It is completed” held special meaning since it signified the completion of the ritual.
  3. Jesus’ death, on the other hand, was the ultimate and last sacrifice that put a stop to all sacrifices.
  4. Every error and transgression was paid for in full, and there was no more money to be made.
  5. Every Christian understands that “It is done” is more than a phrase; it is a war cry in their lives.
  6. Death is no longer something to be feared.
  7. Hebrews 2:13-15 (New International Version)

Sayings of Jesus on the Cross7: “Father, into Your Hands I commit my Spirit.” Luke 23:46

On the crucifixion, what did Jesus have to say in His dying moments? “Father, I surrender My Spirit into Your Hands,” he murmured. “I commit My Spirit into Your Hands.” With the exception of one phrase, this last outburst may be summarized as follows: The term in question is “willingness.” Despite the fact that He had the option to choose a different path, Jesus was prepared to die and give Himself up. Looking at Jesus’ comments, it is clear that there was no misunderstanding concerning His authority.

When Jesus was arrested, he said to Peter, “Do you think I won’t be able to call on my Father, and he would immediately place at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?” “How, therefore, would the Scriptures be fulfilled, which state that it must take place in this manner?” Matthew 26:53 (KJV) Jesus understood that the events that were about to unfold had a greater significance than the suffering he was experiencing.

  1. As a result, He decided to permit it.
  2. It’s difficult to imagine standing in the Governor’s office and telling him, “You have no control over me.” This is in recognition of the fact that the Governor has the last word in the majority of legislative affairs affecting the state.
  3. Although there is a bravery and a Jesus that comes from very important places, it is not universal.
  4. Jesus was in command, and once He realized that He had fulfilled the Old Testament predictions and was unmistakably the Messiah that all of Israel had yearned for, He yelled out these crucial words in a resounding voice.

John 19:11 (KJV) When Jesus suffered and died on the cross, he did it voluntarily. The reason Jesus died on the cross was not only because it was God’s will at the time, but also because it had been God’s will from the beginning of time.

Here’s what other’s said at the cross

When Jesus took his last breath, a massive earthquake shook the world. The curtain in the temple has been torn in half entirely. They were astounded by what He had said and done, as well as by the indications that followed after He had spoken and done it. 3 The Gospels make specific mention of the Roman Guard, who stood there and made a forceful statement at the foot of the crucifixion. When Jesus was arrested, the soldier said that He “really was the son of God,” according to Matthew 27:54 and Mark 15:39, respectively.

What we do know is that the death of Jesus had a profound impact on those who witnessed it.

That even those who are hostile to us will be amazed by the God who lives inside us is an incredible illustration of what may happen when we choose to follow God’s Will during difficult circumstances.

Never give up!

What did Jesus say on the cross? | A recap of the sayings of Jesus

Each and every one of our lives would be transformed if we just studied Jesus’ sayings and asked the question, “What did Jesus say on the cross?” Takeaways from Jesus’ words on the cross that, if applied to one’s own life, have the potential to transform one’s life forever are presented here:

  • “Father, pardon them since they are unaware of what they are doing.” (Matthew 23:34) When it comes to forgiving and praying for your adversaries, Jesus sets the standard. Are you able to forgive those who have wronged you? “Today you will be with me in paradise,” Jesus says. (Matthew 23:43) Every person who calls on His Name will be able to find their path. Will you be like that thief and make a decision today to say, “I want to be with you, Jesus”
  • “Woman, behold your son”
  • Or “Woman, behold your daughter”? (John 19:26-27) Jesus was extremely concerned for His family and placed God’s will first in all He did. What do you do when things are tough? Are you willing to put your attention on caring for others around you and obeying God’s will
  • “My God, My God, why have You deserted Me”? (Matthew 27:46
  • Mark 1:15) Jesus directed His gaze away from earth and toward the heavens at His most trying time. He did not scream out with complaints, but rather with a hymn of adoration. Can you give thanks to God and remember that He is loyal to His children, even in the midst of your most difficult circumstances
  • “I hunger” (See also John 19:28) Jesus was willing to suffer for the greater good. “It is completed,” says God, if you are ready to endure hardship in order to accomplish what God intends for you in life. John is a fictional character created by the author of the novel The Assassin’s Creed (19:30) When it came time to finish His mission, Jesus didn’t slack off. So many people gave up before we could complete our victory. Are you willing to finish what you start for Jesus
  • “Father, into Your Hands I commit my Spirit”
  • “Father, into Your Hands I submit my Spirit”
  • “Father, into Your Hands I commit my Spirit” (Luke 23:46) When Jesus died for us, He did it voluntarily. If you believe that it is time to entirely surrender your life to God,
See also:  History Of Hymn What A Friend We Have In Jesus

At the end of the day, what did Jesus say on the cross? “I adore you!” he said. You can make a decision to follow Him by saying “Jesus, You are Lord,” just like the thief on the cross, and He will accept your decision. “Please bring me along.” We, the members of Sound of Heaven, are here to pray with You. You can reach out to us at any time. We are a church that is dedicated to producing disciples and seeing lives transformed as a result of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. I’d want to accept Jesus and I’d like to inform you of my decision.

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7 Last Sayings of Jesus on the Cross

Christians all across the world are concentrating their attention during this season of Lent on the gift of salvation. What an incredible experience it is to remember the suffering that Jesus went through during His death on the Cross at the hands of the Roman soldiers, isn’t it? Seven remarks were uttered by Jesus during His last hours on earth, while He hung on the Cross. Each speech revealed something new about Jesus and His character to those who heard it. These are taken from four different Gospel sources and are referred to be Jesus’ “seven final words.” Allow me to suggest that we spend some time today reading (and listening to) these seven final words spoken by Jesus from the Cross.

Listen to a sample clip from the immensely emotional audio of Jesus’ crucifixion and His final words from the Cross, which is narrated by Blair Underwood as Jesus and includes the following lines:

Jesus’ 7 Last Sayings in Scripture

“Father, pardon them, for they are completely unaware of what they are doing.” In Luke 23:34, the Bible says “Today, thou shalt be with Me in paradise,” the Lord says. In Luke 23:43, the Bible says “Woman, have a look at thy Son.” —Jesus Christ, John 19:26 “My God, my God, why have You left Me?” says the prophet. —Matthew 15:34 “I have a thirst.” —Jesus Christ, John 19:28 “It has been completed.” —Joshua 19:29 “Father, I commit My spirit into Thy hands,” I say. —Luke 23:46 (NASB) The season of Lent is an excellent time to re-read the entire account of Christ’s crucifixion if you haven’t done so recently.

Watch:Jesus’ Crucifixion, performed by Blair Underwood as Jesus

Is it important to you what Jesus’ seven final words from the Cross mean? Share your opinions with us by leaving a comment in the section below. Let’s take a step forward and read the complete tale as told in the Gospel accounts:

  • Matthew 26:14-27:66, Mark 14:12-15:47, Luke 22-23, and John 18-19 are some of the passages to consider.

Your Turn

On Good Friday, we remember and contemplate in ways that our body is incapable of comprehending. Our holy God was impaled on a human torture and death weapon for his sins. His divinity remained intact, and yet He was also entirely human on that particular day. As a result, His words of forgiveness, promise, protection, provision, anguish, human need, fulfillment, and consecration are all the more impactful because of this. Which of Jesus’ final comments has the greatest impact on you? Is it His pardoning of the repentant criminal, or something else?

What is the source of his anguish?

What were the seven last words of Jesus Christ on the cross and what do they mean?

QuestionAnswer Following are the seven remarks that Jesus Christ made while hanging on the cross (in no particular order): “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” Jesus cried out with a loud voice about the ninth hour in Matthew 27:46, which translates as “My God, my God, why have you left me?” in English. God had to “turn away” from Jesus due to the sins of the entire world being thrown on Him, and as a result, God had to communicate His sentiments of abandonment by saying, “I feel abandoned.” While Jesus was bearing the weight of sin on His shoulders, He was also experiencing the single time in all of eternity that He would be separated from God.

  1. It is possible that those who executed Jesus were not fully aware of the gravity of what they were doing since they did not recognize Him as the Messiah.
  2. (3) ” I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise ” (Luke 23:43).
  3. One of the prisoners on the crucifixion is comforted by Jesus in this chapter, who assures him that after death, he will be with Jesus in heaven.
  4. (4) “Father, I place my spirit in Your capable hands” (Luke 23:46).
  5. He “gave God an untainted offering of himself” (Hebrews 9:14).
  6. When Jesus saw His mother standing near the cross with the Apostle John, whom He adored, He gave John the responsibility of caring for His mother.
  7. In this passage, Jesus, ever the caring Son, is making certain that His earthly mother would be taken care of after His death has taken place.
  8. Psalm 69:21 states that “they putgallin my food and gave me vinegar for my thirst.” Jesus came come to fulfill this Messianic prophesy.
  9. “It’s all done!” says the author.

The obligation owed to the devil was satisfied. Return to the previous page: Questions concerning the deity of Jesus Christ What were the seven last words spoken by Jesus Christ before he died on the cross, and what did they symbolize?

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The Seven Last Words of Jesus from the Cross Explained

Christian’s pause on Good Friday to reflect on the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice for us in suffering a humiliating and gruesome death by crucifixion is an annual tradition. In this season, we should take time to reflect on what Jesus went through for us, in all of its agony and intensity, rather than racing headlong into the good news of Easter, resurrection, and new life.

The Last Words of Jesus

Christians have historically thought on Good Friday by reading and pondering on the seven final words of Jesus as he hung on the cross, which have been a part of their tradition for centuries. The following are the last words spoken by Jesus before he died on the cross, according to Luke: It was now around the sixth hour, and there was darkness over the whole region until the ninth hour, as the sun’s light vanished. And the temple’s curtain was split in two by the earthquake. In a loud voice, Jesus then said to the Father: “Father, into your hands I submit my spirit!” After saying this, he took his final breath.

Significance of Jesus Last Words

In this text, Jesus’ final words are recounted in a poignant manner. All things considered, Jesus’ labor on the crucifixion had almost been completed when he cried out, “Father, into your hands I submit my spirit!” This statement effectively completed the job. A conversation Jesus had with religious leaders regarding his position in God’s grand plan is where the meaning of Jesus’ remark comes from: “I am the good shepherd,” he said. The sheep know who I am, and I know who they are, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I am willing to lay down my life for them.

  • I’ll have to bring them along as well, and perhaps they’ll pay attention to my voice.
  • Since of this, the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in the hope that I will be able to pick it up again.
  • I have the authority to put it down and I also have the authority to pick it up and put it down again.
  • He had been assigned a specific job by God.
  • As it was Jesus’ God-given job to lay down his life, it was also Jesus’ decision whether or not to do so.
  • According to Luke 22:39, Jesus spends a stressful evening in prayer, dealing with the gravity of the mission that lies before of him.

Jesus goes so far as to implore God to withdraw the responsibility from his hands and to find another method, but he eventually comes to the conclusion that God’s decision must be carried out.

The Seven Last Statements of Jesus

1. According to Matthew 27:46, at around the ninth hour, Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” 2. 2. “Father, please forgive them since they are completely unaware of what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). ‘By interceding on their behalf through this prayer, Jesus fulfilled an Old Testament prophesy that had been prophesied hundreds of years before by the prophet Isaiah.’ This prayer, particularly from the cross, would have served as a confirmation of His identity to people who had been looking forward to the coming of their beloved messiah, as predicted by the prophets of God.” Author Amy Swanson explains why Jesus said “Father Forgive Them” in her book Why Did Jesus Say “Father Forgive Them.” 3.

  1. I swear to you that from this day forward, you’ll be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43).
  2. Jesus was blameless, without sin, and was not the perpetrator of such a heinous killing.
  3. As a result, Jesus’ response to the criminal was deep, as He assured this sinner that he, too, would enter the gates of Heaven and dwell in Paradise that same day!
  4. “Dear Woman, here is your kid!” and “Here is your mother!” are both phrases that are heard.
  5. (See also John 19:26–27.) It was through Jesus that His loving mother and His beloved disciple were able to form a new friendship.
  6. “I’m a little thirsty” (John 19:28).
  7. Yet another possible connection would be to draw a relationship between this remark and Christ’s invitation to those who are thirsty to come and drink from the fountain of life (Revelation 22:17).

Jesus’ declaration of thirst comes from a point of bodily fatigue on the part of the disciples.

Jesus speaks of his own thirst as a way of expressing a genuine human desire for nutrition and comfort.

Kyle Norman, What is the Meaning and Significance of Jesus Saying “I Thirst?” 6.

” (See John 19:30.) The mission that His Father had given Him to carry out, which included teaching the Gospel, performing miracles, and bringing His people back together, was successfully completed.

With the words “it is finished,” Jesus is stating that not only does He take away man’s sin, but that He has now removed it as far as the east is from the west, because it has been completed, completed, signed, and sealed because of the blood of Jesus.


(Luke 23:46)Jesus gladly offered his life for the sake of others.

He made the decision not to do so.

This statement is a straight quotation from the passage of Scripture in which it is found.

“I surrender my spirit into your hands; you have redeemed me, O LORD, trustworthy God,” I commit my spirit into your hands, and you have redeemed me, O LORD, loyal God.” (Excerpt from “Father, into your hands I surrender my spirit,” by Bethany Verrett, from Beautiful Meaning Behind “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit”).

  1. This was a terrible and difficult assignment, yet Jesus volunteered to take on the challenge.
  2. In the hands of those who crucified him, Jesus was not helpless; he was the only one who had the authority to put an end to his life.
  3. (Revelation 13:8).
  4. It is still a heinous crime against humanity.

Despite the fact that Jesus yielded, this does not imply that all was well. Death was visited upon the creator of life by nefarious men (Acts 2:23). Jesus, on the other hand, submitted to wickedness and injustice because he understood who was actually in power.

Saved by the Blood of Christ

The tale does not end here; there is still hope, which we commemorate on Easter Sunday. But for the time being, let us take a minute to remember the agonizing sacrifice of our Lord and Savior. You can express your gratitude to Jesus for his unwavering love and loyalty, which prompted him to lay down his life as a ransom for your sins. According to the website Crosswalk.com, “In Christianity, Easter is celebrated on the third day following the crucifixion as the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the grave.

  1. Remembering the resurrection of Jesus is a powerful way to reaffirm our everyday optimism that we have won the battle against sin.
  2. Justin Holcombis an Episcopal priest and teaches theology at Reformed Theological Seminary and Knox Theological Seminary.
  3. Besides that, he is the editor of the book Christian Theologies of Scripture.
  4. Image courtesy of Getty Images/BulentBARIS.
  5. What is the significance of Maundy Thursday?
  6. What is the significance of Holy Saturday?
  7. At Easter, the Son of God took on the sins of the world and beat the devil, death, and the grave in a single battle.
  8. It is through the characters in The Characters of Easter that you will become familiar with the unusual group of regular people who were present to witness the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection.
  9. It is available for download now.
See also:  When Is Jesus Coming Back To Save Us

What Is the Significance of the Words Jesus Spoke While on the Cross?

During the six hours while Jesus was hanging on the cross, the Gospels say that he uttered seven separate comments, according to the accounts. These utterances are extremely significant since they are the last words said by Jesus before He was crucified and buried. They illustrate that Jesus remained constant throughout His life and in His message until the conclusion of His life and mission. 1. “Father, pardon them, for they are completely unaware of what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). This is the first of seven statements made by Jesus that demonstrate His concern for people right up until the conclusion of His life.

  • He came to earth with the express intention of forgiving sinners, and He loved and forgave them all the way up to the point of death.
  • 2.
  • It wasn’t just that Jesus forgave those who crucified Him; He also forgave one of the robbers who was crucified with Him.
  • Another one of the convicts who were hanged slandered him by proclaiming, “If you are the Christ, rescue yourself as well as we.” “Do you not even fear God, seeing as how you are both under the same condemnation?” the other asked him in response.
  • During this time, Jesus gave His second statement from the cross, in which He promised to pardon the repentant thief.
  • As a result of his example, the Apostle Paul exhorted the Philippian church, “Let nothing be done out of selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind, let each regard others as better than himself” (Philippians 2:3).
  • “Woman, have a look at your Son” (John 19:26).

“Woman, behold your son,” Jesus exclaimed as he noticed His mother standing alongside the Apostle John.

By doing so, He was entrusting John with the responsibility of caring for His mother.

He highlighted his regard for the law early in his ministry: “Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the Law or prophets,” Jesus said.

He respected and followed the law throughout His life, and He continued to respect and obey the law even as He suffered His death.

(Matthew 27:46; Mark 10:45).

The spotless Son of God, who had been in an intimate connection with His Father since the beginning of time, has now been spiritually separated from Him.

There was something that transpired between them that we can only comprehend via the lens of faith, according to the Bible.

The Father was transferring the sins of the entire world to the Son in order for everything in the creation that had been harmed by sin to be restored to right relationship with the Father.

The Father had to forsake the Son and punish Him on our behalf in order for this to take place.

“I’m a thirsty person” (John 19:28).

Jesus, realizing that all had now been achieved in order for the Scripture to be fulfilled, remarked, “I thirst.” The Bible adds that after this, Jesus said, “I thirst” (John 19:28).

We might infer from this remark that Jesus was subjected to the entire bodily consequences of the crucifixion.


The sixth remark made by Jesus while he was hanging on the cross was a shout of triumph.

There are various things that we may think of that were made complete by Jesus’ death when we reflect on his life and work.

First and foremost, Jesus had to complete the mission that the Father had sent Him on earth to do, which was to give salvation for all of humanity.

The path to salvation had now been fully completed and opened up.

His was the ultimate sacrifice, one that met the just demands of a holy God in the most perfect way.

God had promised that the Messiah would come, and God had delivered on His word.

The Savior had been promised, and now Christ the Savior had arrived and brought about the salvation that had been promised.

According to the Scriptures, one of the reasons of Jesus’ coming was to demolish the devil’s schemes and schemes of deception (1 John 3:8).

The dominion over the planet that man had lost to the devil as a result of his sin has now been reclaimed by God and restored to him.

Once again, when Christ returns, He will be able to claim the triumph that He obtained over the devil on the cross of Calvary.

Jesus’ personal suffering was a fourth and final cause for saying, “It is finished,” and this was the fourth and last time He uttered it.

He had now spent the final six hours of his agonizing ordeal on the crucifix.

As a result, he would no longer be restricted by the constraints of space and time.

« Father, I surrender my spirit into your capable hands.

This is the last remark that we have from Jesus before He was crucified and buried.

Jesus had previously stated that He would be prepared to lay down His life for the sake of His flock (John 10:15).

No one can take it away from me, but I must lay it down of my own own.

This is a directive that I have received from my Father (John 10:17, 18).

He would not have had to die unless He had shown a wish to do so.

Jesus died as soon as He finished speaking His last words.

They serve as a timely reminder that His death, aside from being a historical reality, was also much more than that for him. It was the greatest sacrifice that provided the means for our redemption. Our Savior’s closing words demonstrate to us that we may place our whole trust in Him as our Savior.

The thief on the cross, the comma & Christ

The account of the thief on the cross is recorded in the following Bible verses: Matthew 27:38, Luke 23:32-43 and Mark 15:27. As far as biblical stories go, this is one of the most moving and heartwarming of them all. A dying contrite thief professes faith in Christ as his Lord and Master, and Jesus assures him that he will have a place in paradise. Many individuals have also inquired as to the identity of the thief on the cross, a subject that has been posed numerous times. He is not named in the Bible, which is unfortunate, because his narrative paints an incredible image of God’s love as manifested through Jesus and the mercy that is freely extended to all of humanity via God’s grace.

But many are wondering:

(1) Did the repentant thief travel to paradise with Jesus on the same day that he repented? (2) Is there a discrepancy between what Jesus said to the thief and what He spoke to Mary the next Sunday? (3) Does paradise refer to something other than the hereafter in the afterlife?

Today You Will Be With Me In Paradise

Consider the following passages from Luke 23 in order to determine the meaning of this phrase: One of the convicts who was about to be hung profaned Him, saying, If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us.” “Do you not even fear God, seeing as how you are both under the same condemnation?” the other asked him in response. And we are rightfully so, for we obtain the proper recompense for our acts; but, this Man has done nothing wrong.’ Then he addressed Jesus, saying, ‘Lord, keep me in mind when You come into Your kingdom.’ In response, Jesus stated to him: “I am confident in saying that you will be with Me in Paradise today.” (Luke 23:39-43; Matthew 23:39-43).

“Lord, please remember me when You come into Your kingdom,” he says in a short prayer before dying.

Is Jesus implying that the repentant criminal will be present with Him on that particular day in heaven?

Luke 23:43 – The Thief On The Cross Contradiction

According to Luke 23:43, Jesus tells the disciples, “Today you shall be with Me in Paradise.” As we learn from Jesus’ words to Mary in the garden on the first day of the week (John 20:1-17), “Do not touch me, for I have not yet ascended to my Father; but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I climb unto my Father and your Father; and unto my God, and your God.” (See also John 20:17.) Additionally, according to John 19:31-33, the religious authorities demanded that the thieves’ legs be broken and that they be brought down from their crosses, respectively.

  • They didn’t want the thieves to be nailed on the crosses on Saturday and Sunday.
  • Is this a logical inconsistency?
  • Instead of being placed just before the word today, what if it was placed after it?
  • If we go back and read the verse again, what if Jesus was saying something like, “Verily I say unto thee today, thou shalt be with me in paradise”?
  • A period following the word today indicates that Jesus was emphatic on the day of his crucifixion, as if to say, today, while I am dying on the cross and there appears to be no hope for me, I am telling you that you will be with me in paradise at some point.

If, on the other hand, the comma is placed before the wordtoday, Jesus would be guaranteeing that the thief would be with Him in paradise that very day; this would make Jesus a liar and would also be in direct contradiction with John 20:17.

The Thief On the Crossthe Comma

Depending on where the comma is inserted, the sentence will read quite differently. An example of this is the story of a wealthy guy whose wife wrote him an urgent telegraph asking if she may purchase a very expensive item on his behalf. “No, the price is too expensive,” he replied in his response. Unfortunately, the comma was not included in the transmission by the telegraph operator. When the wife read the message, “No price is too high,” she was overjoyed and rushed out and purchased the costly item.

If the punctuation is wrong by even one word, the meaning of the sentence might be completely different.

Often, it is our preconceived notions that cause us to believe that a certain passage signifies something specific.

The difficulty now is, how can we bring this passage into harmony with the remainder of the Bible’s narrative?

See also:  How Do We Know Jesus Is God

Is the Comma Inspired?

Is the punctuation in the Bible a result of divine inspiration? It is important to note that there was no punctuation in the original Greek language of the New Testament, and that there was no space between words as well. Here is a quotation from Michael W. Palmer, a linguist who specializes in Greek. “The ancient Greeks did not have a mechanism that we would recognize as a substitute for punctuation. Sentence punctuation was first used several centuries after Christ’s death and resurrection.

When the translators of the English Bible were tasked with translating this passage and others like it, they had to select where the punctuation should be placed in the translation.

God undoubtedly assisted them in the translation of the Bible, but the punctuation used was not inspired because punctuation was not used in the original manuscripts.

Is the Paradise that Jesus Referred to in Heaven?

This may appear to be an unexpected question to add, however there is a hypothesis that paradise is not the same as heaven, but a different location entirely. It is generally believed that this hypothesis was developed in order to reconcile the seeming conflict between what Christ said to the thief on the cross and what He spoke to Mary two days thereafter.

Where does the Bible say paradise is?

During his visit to Ephesus, Christ made the following promise to the faithful: “To him who overcomes, I will grant to eat from my tree of life, which is located within the gates of the paradise of God” (Revelation 2:7). So, where has the tree of life vanished to? The answer to this question will assist us in determining the location of paradise. The New Jerusalem, according to Revelation 22:1-4, is home to the tree of life, which may be found there.

As a result, we may be positive that paradise will be found in the New Jerusalem, where God will reign. It is not a location in the underworld or in the underground areas of the universe. Paradise is the garden of God, which is located in the celestial realm.


On Sunday morning, the Scriptures make it quite apparent that Christ had not yet risen to the Father. Consequently, He could not have been present in paradise on Friday with the thief. In other words, the Bible translators made the mistake of putting the comma before the word today, rather than after it, in the text.

The Passion: 7 Last Words of Jesus on the Cross

23:34 (Luke 23:34) He then replied to the Father, “Father, pardon them, for they have no idea what they are doing.” (NIV) The heart of Jesus was focused on others rather than on himself, even in the midst of his great agony. We can see the character of his love in this passage: it is unconditional and heavenly.

2) Jesus Speaks to the Criminal on the Cross

Luke 23:43 (NIV) In all seriousness, today you will join me in paradise, I swear to you.” (NIV) One of the convicts who was crucified with Christ had identified Jesus as the Messiah and professed confidence in him as his Savior, according to the Bible. As Jesus convinced the dying man of his forgiveness and eternal salvation, we witness God’s grace being poured forth through faith in this passage.

3) Jesus Speaks to Mary and John

John 19:26-27 In response to the presence of his mother and the adjacent presence of the disciple whom he cherished, Jesus addressed his mother as “Dear lady, here is your son,” and the beloved disciple as “Here is your mother.” (NIV) When Jesus looked down from the cross, he was still overwhelmed with the concerns of a son for his mother’s material needs on the terrestrial plane. Because none of his brothers were there to care for her, he delegated this responsibility to the Apostle John. Christ’s humanity is plainly visible in this passage.

4) Jesus Cries Out to the Father

Matthew 27:46 (KJV) (also Mark 15:34) And at about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, saying, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” (Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? “My God, My God, why have You deserted Me?” says the speaker. (NKJV) The first verses of Psalm 22 were said by Jesus during the most difficult hours of his suffering. And, although much has been speculated about the meaning of this word, it was abundantly clear that Christ was in anguish as he announced his separation from God. In this passage, we witness the Father turning away from the Son as Jesus bore the whole burden of our sin.

5) Jesus is Thirsty

John 19:28 (NIV) Jesus saw that everything had come to a close, and in order to fulfill the Scriptures, he declared, “I am thirsty.” (NLT) Jesus turned down the first drink of vinegar, gall, and myrrh (Matthew 27:34 and Mark 15:23) that was brought to him in order to relieve his pain. Psalm 69:21, on the other hand, shows Jesus fulfilling amessianic prophesy that took place many hours earlier.

6) It is Finished

“It is completed!” he exclaimed in John 19:30. (New Living Translation)Jesus understood that he was being crucified for a reason. Before that, in John 10:18 of his life, Jesus had stated, “No one takes it away from me, but I lay it down of my own free will.” I have the authority to put it down and the authority to pick it back up again if necessary. It was my Father who gave me this instruction.” (NIV) These three words were densely packed with significance, for what was completed here was not only Christ’s earthly existence, not only his suffering and death, not only the payment for sin and the redemption of the world, but also the entire reason and purpose for which he had come to earth.

His ultimate act of submission had been completed. The Scriptures had been brought to completion.

7) Jesus’ Last Words

Luke 23:46 (NIV) When Jesus cried out in a loud voice, he was saying, “Father, I submit my spirit into your hands.” When he had finished speaking, he took his last breath. Here, Jesus ends with the words of Psalm 31:5, in which he addresses the Father. (NIV) We can tell that he has entire faith in the Father. As he had done every day of his life, Jesus approached death in the same manner in which he had lived: by offering his life as a perfect sacrifice and leaving himself in the hands of God.

More About Jesus on the Cross

Among the numerous things I appreciate are: Music. Family movie nights are a tradition. My American flag is fluttering in the breeze. Sunsets on the beach are spectacular. Days off due to inclement weather. The Tea Party with a Sweet Twist. Grace is the means of salvation. “Let everything that has breath worship the LORD,” says the verse. Psalm 150 is a song of praise. “A person who enjoys his or her profession will never have to work a day in his or her life.” MON-SAT 6 a.m.-10 a.m. (Sunday at 5 a.m.) [email protected]

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He asked the question “Father, why have you deserted me?” while hanging on the cross. Exactly what is he trying to say? I’m aware that this is the point at which Jesus became sin for us, but I’m at a loss for words as to why. Is it possible that the Father has turned His back on us?

Bible Answer:

As recorded in both Matthew 27:45 and Mark 15:33, the darkness blanketed the area as Jesus hung on the cross for three days and three nights. Jesus then asks, “My God, my God, why hast thou abandoned me?” in Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34, according to the Bible. . Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani, lama sabachthani? In other words, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” is being understood. What did Jesus want to say in Mark 15:34 (NASB)? That is the question we have. Why did Jesus ask, “Why have you deserted me?” will be broken into two parts in the response to this question: first, who is Jesus, and second, why did Jesus ask, “Why have you forsaken me?” But first and foremost, we must comprehend who Jesus is.

Who Was Jesus?

The following scripture is frequently used by cults to demonstrate to Christians that Jesus was a man: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. “For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 2:5 (NIV) (NASB) Many Christians have grappled with this scripture since they believe that Jesus was God. The text appears to imply that Jesus was merely a man, yet we know that Jesus was both a man and a divine being in the flesh.

  1. Romans 1:4-14 (NASB) (NASB) Take note of the phrase “born according to the flesh” in the verse above.
  2. In addition, Jesus is referred to be the “Son of God” in this text.
  3. According to John 10:31-36, “the Jews took up stones again to stone Him.” “I have shown you many excellent acts from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?” Jesus responded to their question.
  4. 10:31-36 (John 10:31-36) (NASB) Jesus had to be both a human and a divine being.

Without being God, he would have been unable to live a flawless and blameless life (Hebrews 4:15). He was the sinless, perfect, and holy Lamb of God who died on the cross in order to atone for our sins.

My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me

When Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you left me?” it was a powerful statement. He was unmistakably expressing that he felt estranged from God the Father in his words. The Greek term for “forsaksen” is isenkataleipo, which literally translates as “to depart, to abandon, or to forsake or to abandon.” Is it true that God the Father abandoned Jesus Christ? We believe Jesus was alluding to the fact that he was separated from the Father. Isaiah 59:2 reveals to us a crucial fact about God,.

We may see what happened on the crucifixion if we combine Isaiah 59:2 with 1 Peter 2:24, which indicates that Christ bore our sins in His body.

Because of His wounds, you have been healed.and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we may die to sin and live to righteousness.

Our blameless Savior became a victim of sin.

He caused Him, who was without sin, to be sin on our behalf, so that we may be made the righteousness of God in Him through faith in Him.

The virtuous gave their lives to save the unjust.

1 Peter 3:18 (NASB)Jesus personally took our punishment or vicariously atoned for our sins on the cross on that Friday afternoon in the darkness of the night before the resurrection.

This abandonment was felt to its fullest extent by the man, Jesus Christ, who cried out in despair, “My God, my God, why hast thou deserted me?”


An excellent illustration of what occurred to our sins, and in a symbolic sense, what happened to Christ on the cross, can be found in the Old Testament. It may be found in Leviticus 16:5-28, to be exact. It is all about finding a scapegoat. Aaron shall then lay both of his hands on the head of the live goat and confess over it all of the iniquities of the sons of Israel, as well as all of their transgressions in regard to all their sins; and he shall lay them on the goat’s head and send it away into the wilderness by the hand of a man who is ready.

This scapegoat, I think, was a representation of Jesus. Furthermore, Jesus was separated from God as a result of our sins and the sins of the world he carried. God the Father has taken a step back from His relationship with the God-man Jesus Christ.

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