What Did Jesus Father Do For A Job?

Jesus Did a Regular Job, Just Like You

Marcus Nodder |January 3rd 2019 ‘Only one life, twill soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last’.The famous words of CT Studd who gave up everything for overseas mission and headed off on the slow boat to China.But what if instead you’re on the train to the office or hospital or school staff room, or in the van going to the construction site or warehouse, or on the bus to the supermarket checkout job, or in the car dropping the kids off at school?You too have just one life.Do you ever feel you’re wasting it?

Do you ever feel that if you were really keen as a Christian, you’d be working for a church or overseas as a missionary?Where does regular employment fit into God’s purposes?When Jesus began his three year public teaching mission at the age of roughly 30, someone in his home town made an intriguing statement, documented in Mark 6:3.They asked, ‘Is not this the carpenter?’ We don’t know much about those first 30 years, but we do know this – Jesus did a regular job.He worked as a carpenter.For years.

  • And that’s worth pondering about.
  • The following five points the Bible makes about work will be familiar, but we may not often think and imagine how they must have shaped Jesus’ experience of work.

Work is a gift 

According to Genesis 2:15, ‘The LORD God took the man and placed him in Eden to work in it and preserve it’ is the first time the notion of labor appears in the Bible.Before the Fall, work was a part of the original good creation, which was before the Fall.Work is a positive experience.This is a thoughtful present.Work was an important aspect of how mankind was to control the planet under the guidance of God.God had given humans the authority to reign over the universe in Genesis 1:28, and that authority was exercised in part via the labor of raising families, bearing children, and cultivating the earth.

Making work work

$7.64 $8.99 $7.64 Eight studies that demonstrate God’s viewpoint on work, whether it is done at home, in an office, or at a manufacturing facility.Because of the way God designed the world, labor was necessary in order for everything to function properly.Despite the fact that God provides us with our daily bread, nothing is going to come up in the toaster first thing in the morning without the dedication of farmers, bakers, truck drivers, and the staff at the local store.Labour was a necessary component of our creation – whether it was domestic job, child rearing, or work outside the house; whether it was paid or unpaid.As long as our job is neither unlawful or unethical, it can be considered a component of our service to God as God’s people who have been redeemed by Christ.It isn’t as if your sole duty to the Lord is what you do on Sundays at your local congregation.

Your everyday labor is also a form of service.Over her kitchen door, my grandmother had a sign that stated, ‘Divine service is done here everyday.’ Not that you can only serve God in the ″caring professions″ or anything like that.The demand for plumbers and bankers is equally as great as the need for nurses and teachers in our society.Christian slaves are told in Colossians 3:24 that they are ″serve the Lord Christ.″ As a result, when the Son of God became a human being, he was given a normal work.That makes a powerful message about the importance and dignity of one’s profession.Adam was a gardener in the beginning, and Adam was a carpenter in the end.

  • Both of them worked as manual laborers.
  • Could it have been that Jesus was simply treading water for those 15 (or as many years) years?
  • Is it possible that he might have used his time more productively?
  • No, he was carrying out all of the laws of righteousness.
  • Living the life of one’s dreams.
  • Serving the Lord is a privilege.

I’m doing work for him.And that will have implied that he worked hard, was conscientious, and didn’t perform a substandard job, among other qualities.You may be sure that his tables and chairs were of high quality.It’s a shame that none of them made it.What a unique experience it would be to have an original chair created in the Galilean workshop, complete with the letters ″JC″ etched on one of the chair legs.

Work is not God 

You are not permitted to worship any other gods than the one who created you, according to the first of the Ten Commandments.There is only one God, and labour is not one of his attributes.The Lord is the only one who is God.In our lives, whatever else that we place in the center circle will serve as our god.That is not something we should do.We must avoid allowing a good item to become a God-given right.

That is a form of idolatry.Maintain a safe distance between yourself and idols.According to 1 John 5:21.Work is not intended to be the source of our ultimate security, identity, purpose, and glory.Instead, we should go elsewhere.And it is for this reason that maintaining a healthy work-life balance is so crucial.

  • We are in desperate need of rest.
  • The sentence also implies that there is more to life than just job.
  • Jesus worked as a carpenter, where he served his Father and earned money to provide for himself and his family, as well as for others.
  • Work, on the other hand, was not his god.
  • In his work, he was not motivated by a desire to accumulate wealth to the greatest extent feasible.
  • Alternatively, motivated by a desire for security, he may endeavor to prove himself or achieve his full potential.

He was not motivated by jealousy or competitiveness, and he did not strive to be better than everyone else.He was motivated by a deep love for the Father and a desire to be of service to him.

Work is a grind 

According to Genesis 3, work is subject to God’s judgment on sin.Both the work of the house, which includes carrying and rearing children, and the work of the land become difficult.Death makes its way into the world, causing a sense of futility in one’s endeavors.″Just imagine how he would have conducted himself at his carpenter’s shop.Being compassionate, caring, patient, and self-controlled are all virtues.″ Genesis 4 contains the very first instance of jealousy, anger and violence at the workplace.Cain assassinates Abel at his place of employment — in the field.

″By day the heat consumed me, and by night the cold engulfed me, and my sleep fled from my eyes…you have altered my salary ten times,″ Jacob says on his 20-year working relationship with Laban in Genesis 31.His employer treated him unfairly and subjected him to difficult working circumstances.Sexual harassment in the workplace is first mentioned in Genesis 39, where we find the first recorded instance.Joseph’s boss’s wife makes an attempt to seduce him.He is adamant in his opposition to her.She accuses someone of something they did not do.

  • He has been subjected to unlawful dismissal and has been unfairly imprisoned.
  • There was no labor union or human resources department to defend him.
  • Work is quite difficult for many people today: it is poorly compensated, it is dull, and it is in appalling circumstances.
  • Consider the sewage workers in India, who clean up sewers by hand, without safety gear, for a pittance, and are mistreated, resulting in numerous fatalities and injuries.
  • Many of them profess to be Christians.
  • Even in ‘excellent employment,’ there is pressure and stress to perform well.

And you have to deal with the sins of the heart that bleed over into professional relationships – greed, jealousy, slander, gossip, pride, and selfish ambition, to name a few examples of what you can encounter.It makes going to work a chore.In the same way, Jesus would have been able to do so.Among the challenges he would have faced were tough clients, a demanding supervisor, or jealous coworkers, long hours, exhaustion, things going wrong, the pressure of orders, and an overwhelming amount of work.To have survived, Jesus would have had to rely on his heavenly Father in prayer and endure – just as we do.

Work is a godliness challenge

Colossians 3:22-4:1 instructs Christian slaves on how to conduct themselves at work: to follow their master, to labor with honesty, to be conscientious, and to put their hearts into their job.Galatians 5 is well-known for its enumeration of the fruits of the Spirit.It is important to demonstrate this fruit at work in order to be a Christian at work.Our goal should be to be godly in our work places of employment.And repenting of our sins when we are not in the right frame of mind.And the same is true for Jesus.

Just imagine how he would have conducted himself at his carpenter’s workplace.Being kind, compassionate, patient, and self-controlled are all virtues.When things went wrong, I didn’t lose my cool and lose my cool.I’m not pointing the finger at anyone else.There will be no gossiping or whining.I’m not flirting with you.

Work is a gospel opportunity 

Finally, labor represents a gospel opportunity — a chance to share the gospel with people who are not yet believers.’So that in every manner they would make the message about God our Saviour appealing,’ says Titus 2:10 of the importance of slaves being godly at labor.Our professional life will either promote or hinder the gospel, depending on how we live.However, simply living a Christian life and being recognized as one is not sufficient.At the end of the day, people need to hear the gospel message of Jesus.And if not through us, then through whom do you think it is?

Paul prays for God to provide a door for the word in Colossians 4:3 so that we may be able to proclaim the mystery of Christ to everyone around us.It is a suitable prayer for the job.That God would open a door for the message at the proper times and locations, and that we would go through the door when it was opened.Consider this: don’t you believe that Jesus would take advantage of every chance to speak with his coworkers and customers about his heavenly Father and their spiritual requirements?Surely, the type of talk Jesus had with the woman at the well in John 4 didn’t begin when he began his public ministry at the same time.Surely, this was how he conducted himself throughout his working life as well, motivated by a desire to help others.

  • We could do worse than to take our cues from Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the Saviour, the Lord – and the carpenter – if we want to be a model of Christian leadership at work.
  • Marcus Nodder is the author of Making Labor Work, a collection of eight studies for individuals or groups that demonstrate God’s viewpoint on work, whether it be at home, in an office, or in a manufacturing facility.

What was Jesus’ job?

Aside from His early years and an event at the age of 12, the Bible does not contain much information about Jesus’ life before to entering the ministry.However, it is customary for a Jewish son to take over the occupation of his father when he was younger.As a result, it is quite likely that He was a carpenter.Answer Jesus was tasked with disseminating the message of God.The Romans and Jews turned against him, and some of those who had been friendly with him turned against him as well.As a result, Jesus was crucified in order to atone for the sins of mankind.

Answer In order to show us the path to salvation.Answer A carpenter is a person who builds things.6:3 (Matthew 6:3) What do you think, is this not the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, Joses, and Juda, as well as Simon?Moreover, why aren’t his sisters present with us?He had insulted them, and they were upset with him.ANSWER If you’re wondering what Jesus’ purpose for coming to earth was, or what His role on earth was, the answer is that He came to be the sacrifice for sin.

  • God sent Jesus to Earth in order to die in our place (our = those who place their faith in Jesus for redemption).
  • He also provided us with insight into the nature of God.
  • Those who know Jesus the Son know God, which means they understand what God is like.
  • Is He satisfied with the results of His work?
  • Yes, without a doubt.
  • He was willing to die on the cross in order to save us from our sins.

Did he not remark something like, ″It is finished?″ He had done the task He had been assigned.Do you think God the Father was pleased with the sacrifice?Yes, and to demonstrate this, He raised Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day, just as had been predicted.

What was Jesus’ occupation?

The most likely occupation of Jesus was that of a carpenter.(See also: Carpentry.) Because God ″spoke″ and creation occurred, and because Jesus is the ″word″ become flesh, this makes sense (John 1:1,14).As a carpenter himself (Matt.13:55), Jesus’ father was also a carpenter, and it was usual for the son to continue the work of his father in those days.Jesus’ public ministry lasted only a few years at the end of His life, during the last few years of His life.Prior to it, we don’t have a great deal of information.

The Gospels are not biographies in the traditional meaning of the word.We should keep in mind that they are not attempting to chronicle every aspect of Jesus’ life from beginning to conclusion.According to the Gospels, only Matthew and Luke provide any information on Jesus’ early life at all.But there is one account that appears to indicate that Jesus worked in the trade of His earthly father before the designated period of His preaching ministry, and that He thus spent much of his adult life working as a carpenter before the set time of His preaching ministry Following is an excerpt from Mark’s account: ″Jesus walked out from there and returned to His hometown, and His followers followed Him.″ When the Sabbath arrived, He started to speak in the synagogue, to the amazement of the numerous people in attendance, who inquired, ‘Where did this guy obtain these things, and what is this knowledge that has been given to Him, and what are these marvels that have been accomplished by His hands?’ Isn’t this the carpenter’s son, the son of Mary, and the brother of James and Joses, as well as Judas and Simon, that we’re talking about?″Do His sisters not happen to be here with us?″ ″And they were offended by Him,″ they said (Mark 6:1-3).The following is how Matthew portrays the same event: ″He returned to His hometown and began teaching them in their synagogue, to the amazement of the people, who wondered, ″Where did this man receive this wisdom and these supernatural powers?″ Isn’t this the carpenter’s son, or something?

  • Isn’t His mother, Mary, and his brothers, James and Joseph, as well as Simon and Judas, all named Mary?
  • And His sisters, aren’t they all here with us as well?
  • ″How did he obtain all of these things?″ you might wonder.
  • ″And they were offended by Him,″ they said.
  • (Matthew 13:54-57a; Mark 10:54-57a).
  • Because of the repeated references to Jesus as a ″carpenter″ and as a ″carpenter’s son,″ as well as the larger context of listing other family ties and questioning the source of His wisdom, it appears that these titles were intended more as a reference to His uneducated, working-class background than as a description of His daily work for us.
See also:  How Jesus Died

Nonetheless, based on these clues, it is likely that Jesus spent a significant portion of His adult life working in carpentry, just as His earthly father, Joseph, had obviously done.Some have, on the other hand, suggested that ″carpenter″ is a bad translation in this context.They point out that wood was in short supply in the Nazareth region, and that the majority of construction was done with stone rather than with wood.They further point out that the Greek term for carpenter employed here does not always refer to a carpenter in the traditional sense.This leads them to believe that Joseph and Jesus were more than likely stone masons who worked with natural stone.

This is a conclusion that is fully conceivable.However, it appears to be doubtful.While the word ″tekton″ may be used to refer to any artisan in general, its original meaning was ″a craftsman who moulds and connects wood; a carpenter,″ according to the dictionary.While wood may not have been used extensively in the construction of structures in the region, this does not rule out the use of wood for various tools, utensils, and even furniture.

  • In reality, Justin Martyr, who lived in Samaria (between Galilee and Judea) in the early second century and claimed that Jesus was called a carpenter because He crafted yokes and plows1, believed that Jesus was called a carpenter because He crafted yokes and plows.
  • Chapter 88 has a dialogue with Trypho.
  • Even if Justin exaggerated with these specifics, his embellishments would still demonstrate that he understood ″tekton″ to refer to a woodworker or carpenter who crafted tools and implements for his trade.
  • Other early Christian writers also expressly stated that Jesus or Joseph worked with wood rather than with other materials in their descriptions of Jesus or Joseph.
  • 2 See, for example, Book 6, Chapter 34 of Origen’s ″Against Celsus,″ in which Jesus is described as a Carpenter, with a particular reference to working with wood as opposed to working with leather, stone, or iron, and in which he is referred to as a Carpenter in general.
  • Even the ancient, heretical forgers who concocted false ″gospels″ about Jesus’ early childhood characterized Him and His family as working with wood to construct ″ox-yokes, and plows, and tools of husbandry, and wooden beds,″ according to the Gospel of Thomas.
  • 3 Chapter 37 of the Gospel of Pseudo-Matthew; also see the Infancy Gospel of Thomas for further information.
  • These legends, of course, are pure fiction, having been concocted a few centuries after Jesus’ death and resurrection.
  • These stories were created by people who certainly read the actual gospels for inspiration, and even they give proof that ancient readers understood the Greek word ″tekton″ to refer to a specific carpenter rather than a general builder or artisan when they wrote them down.

It comes as little surprise, then, that translators (both historical and contemporary) have almost universally translated the word ″carpenter″ in its precise sense.Beginning with John Wycliffe in the 14th Century and continuing through every major translation today, English Bible translators have consistently used the word ″carpenter″ rather of a more broad term such as ″craftsman.″ Martin Luther, on the other hand, used the term ″zimmermann,″ which literally translates as ″carpenter, woodworker, joiner.″ As a result, we can see that researchers from all cultures, periods, and epochs have all examined the evidence and reached the same conclusion: Jesus and Joseph were carpenters.Neither cultural prejudice nor late innovation may be blamed for this oversight.

  1. It is the most appropriate interpretation given the facts of the language and context in these passages.

What did jesus father do for a job

What did Joseph do as a job?

Behind being sold into slavery by his envious brothers, Joseph ascended through the ranks to become vizier, the second most powerful man in Egypt after Pharaoh, and it was because of his presence and position that Israel was forced to abandon Canaan and live in Egypt.

What did Jesus parents do?

They are written in order to inspire trust in Jesus as the Messiah and the incarnation of God, who came to teach, suffer, and die in order to atone for the sins of the world.Jesus was born in Bethlehem about the year 6 B.C.In the beginning, his mother, Mary, was a virgin who was engaged to Joseph, a carpenter at the time of his birth.The Immaculate Conception, according to Christian belief, was the means through which Jesus was born.

What did Jesus come to do for us?

Jesus came to this world in order to fulfill the will of the Father. ″For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me,″ Jesus explained (John 6:38). Our sins were at the heart of the Father’s desire for Jesus to die, and Jesus carried out His Father’s will (John 19:30). Yes, Jesus came to this planet as a Savior from sin and death.

What was Jesus last name?

Jesus does not have a last name. He is simply known as Jesus. In those days, last names were not commonly used. Christ is not a personal name, but rather a title. Christ is derived from the Greek words for ″anointed″ and ″Messiah,″ and as a result, when Jesus was 30 years old, he was recognized as the ″Christ″ or ″Messiah.″

What does the Bible say about Joseph?

Genesis (37–50) tells the account of his life. While Joseph is the most adored of Jacob’s sons, his jealous brothers despise and despise him. The brothers are enraged and envious of Jacob’s gift to Joseph, a splendid ″coat of many colors,″ and they grab him and sell him to a group of Ishmaelites, also known as Midianites, who transport him to Egypt with their chariot.

Why is the story of Joseph so important?

Throughout Genesis (37–50), we learn about him. As the most cherished of Jacob’s children, Joseph is despised and despised much more by his jealous siblings. The brothers are enraged and envious of Jacob’s gift to Joseph, a splendid ″coat of many colors,″ and they grab him and sell him to a group of Ishmaelites, also known as Midianites, who transport him to Egypt with their camels.

What is God’s real name?

It is recorded in the Hebrew Bible (Exodus 3:14) that God reveals himself to Moses by the name Yahweh, which means ″God’s personal name.″

What is Jesus’s full name?

During millennia, Yeshua, Jesus’ true name, which is an instance of transliteration, has developed. ″Isous″ is the Greek transcription of Jesus’ original name, whereas ″Yeshua″ is the late Biblical Hebrew form of Jesus’ name.

What did Jesus do at the age of 12?

As a child of twelve years old, Jesus travels to Jerusalem with his mother and father, as well as a large number of their relatives and friends, on a trip ″according to the custom″ – that is, for Passover. Despite the fact that Jesus ″lingered″ at the Temple on the day of their return, Mary and Joseph mistook him for one of their party.

What was Jesus’s goal?

Jesus came to earth to spread the Good News – to give people a better knowledge of the Kingdom of God and the eternal hope that they may have because of His sacrifice.

What is the golden rule in the Bible?

Leviticus 19:18 (″Thou shalt not avenge thy brother, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself: I am the LORD.″; see also Great Commandment) and Leviticus 19:34 (″But treat them as you would have them treat you″) are two passages in which the Golden Rule is stated positively.

Why does God want us to forgive others?

In order to atone for your suffering and restore your loss Another reason God instructs you to forgive is so that your suffering might be redeemed.He paved the route for your liberation from it, but it will only be possible with your cooperation in the form of forgiveness.Please keep in mind that forgiving someone does not imply that you are no longer upset or that what occurred was not a serious problem.

What is Jesus favorite color?

Mary is nearly always shown in blue, whilst Jesus is almost always depicted in red. Throughout history, the color blue has been revered as a holy and priceless colour.

What Zodiac is Jesus?

Because the account of Christ’s birth coincides with this day, many Christian icons for Christ include the astrological symbol for Pisces, the fishes, into their designs. The figure of Christ himself embodies many of the temperaments and personality features associated with the Piscean zodiac sign, and as such is regarded as an archetype of the Piscean sign.

What is Jesus’s number?

In Christian numerology, the number 888 signifies Jesus, or more precisely Christ the Redeemer, as the number depicts him.

Saint Joseph

Saint Joseph was the earthly father of Jesus Christ and the spouse of the Virgin Mary, according to the gospels of Matthew and Luke, who first mentioned him in the book of Matthew.

Who Was Saint Joseph?

Saint Joseph is a biblical person who is revered as the bodily father of Jesus Christ in various Christian denominations.He is venerated as a saint in many Christian denominations.It is in the gospels of Matthew and Luke that Joseph first appears in the Bible; in Matthew, Joseph’s ancestry can be traced all the way back to King David.According to the Bible, Joseph was born in 100 B.C.E.and subsequently married the Virgin Mary, who was to become the mother of Jesus.He died in Israel about the year 1 A.D.

Fact and Fiction

Almost all we know about Saint Joseph, Mary’s husband and the foster father of Jesus, comes from the Bible, and the few times he is mentioned, it isn’t particularly impressive.The 13 New Testament books authored by Paul (the epistles) contain no mention of him at all, and the Gospel of Mark, the earliest of the four Gospels, makes no mention of him at all.Joseph’s genealogy is traced back to King David in the gospels of Matthew and Luke, with one of them (Matthew) tracing Joseph’s pedigree all the way back to King David.Additionally, some apocryphal writings — such as the second-century Protevangelium of James and the fourth-century History of Joseph the Carpenter — muddy the historical waters even further by portraying Joseph as a widower with children when he met Mary, and by claiming that he lived to the ripe old age of 111 years.But these assertions are false, and the church does not recognize them as such.

Marriage to Mary

As soon as Joseph discovered that Mary was already pregnant, he chose to divorce her privately, knowing that if he did so openly, she would be stoned to death (Matt.1:19).Because he was ″a kind man and hesitant to put her to disgrace,″ he did not want to ″bring her to shame.″ An angel, on the other hand, appeared to Joseph and informed him that the child Mary was carrying was the son of God and had been conceived by the Holy Spirit, and as a result, Joseph decided to keep Mary as his wife.Joseph was visited by an angel again after Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, this time to warn him and Mary of the impending bloodshed brought on by King Herod of Judaea against the infant.Once again the angel arrived, telling Joseph that Herod had died and commanding him to return to the Holy Land.Joseph again fled to Egypt with Mary and Jesus.

Joseph, Mary, and Jesus relocated to Nazareth, in Galilee, in order to avoid Bethlehem and probable acts by Herod’s successor, Herod Antipas.Because Joseph is described as a ″tekton,″ which historically meant ″carpenter,″ it is likely that he taught Jesus his trade when he was in Nazareth, according to the Gospels.The Bible does not mention Joseph’s name again beyond this point, despite the fact that his parents are named twice in the tale of Jesus in the temple: ″both his parents.″

Death and Sainthood

Joseph’s death is not known, however it is likely that he died before Jesus’ career began, and it is inferred that he died before Jesus was crucified (John 19:26-27).Joseph was already the patron saint of Mexico, Canada, and Belgium when Pope Pius IX named him the patron saint of the worldwide church in 1870.Pope Pius XII declared May 1 as ″Feast of Saint Joseph the Worker″ in 1955, in response to the Communists’ May Day celebrations in the United States.

Fact Check

We aim for accuracy and fairness in all we do. If you see something that doesn’t appear to be quite right, please let us know!

Jesus Wasn’t Really A Carpenter

Today I discovered that Jesus was not a carpenter, at least not in the traditional sense of the word.Now, obviously, Jesus finally adopted the profession of ″Rabbi″ or teacher, therefore he was not a carpenter in the traditional sense, regardless of translation.However, it is assumed from Mark 6:2-3 that he was, like his step-father, a ″carpenter,″ as the word is typically interpreted, throughout his formative years.It should be noted, however, that the selected translation from the Greek term ″tecton,″ which means ″carpenter,″ is somewhat of a mistranslation.The Greek word for ″contractor,″ ″tecton″ (in Mark’s version) or ″tekton″ (in Mathew’s version), is more accurately translated as ″builder″ or ″handyman″ than it is into any other word.The majority of the tasks he most likely took did not necessarily have anything to do with wood.

He was a self-proclaimed ″Mr.Fix it.″ The person to contact when you had something that needed to be repaired/repaired, developed, or created was he.In addition, it should be noted that this isn’t just limited to small jobs such as repairing a leaky roof or the like, though this type of work would have likely been a part of what he did when bigger business was slow; it also includes things like designing and building bridge structures or stone temples, among other things.According to today’s definition of the profession, he’d be more appropriately referred to as a ″engineer.″ References are provided as follows:

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GENESIS 45:4-8

One of the most precious facts revealed in the sacred books of the Bible is that God has a specific purpose for the lives of His devoted followers, and it is one of the most wonderful realities in the world.From a human standpoint, the circumstances in Joseph’s life that ended in his being sold into slavery in Egypt appear to have served no substantial purpose or provided any considerable benefit.Joseph was banished to Egypt as a slave as a result of his brothers’ animosity toward him.He was imprisoned as a result of the deception perpetrated by his master’s wife.Because of the carelessness of a fellow prisoner whom Joseph had assisted, he had been forgotten and had to remain in jail for another two years after his release.Last but not least, Joseph was given the ability to supernaturally interpret two of Pharaoh’s dreams, which resulted in his release from jail and promotion to the position of Prime Minister of Pharaoh.

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As a result of this elevation, Joseph became a highly influential and rich man in Egypt.Joseph was appointed as the guardian of a big amount of food that would save Egypt and a large number of other people from a looming famine.This was the primary reason for which God had created Joseph’s life.He had complete control over who would receive any grain that had been kept in Egypt for a long period of time.The upcoming famine would serve as the vehicle through which God would reunite Joseph and his family once more.Our next meditation will focus on the circumstances that led up to the family’s reunification and how they came to be.

  • God would subsequently use Joseph to save his father’s whole family by allowing them to flee from Canaan to Egypt, a feat that would otherwise have been impossible.
  • The Hebrew people would flourish and expand in numbers, eventually becoming a great country as a result of this decision.
  • All of this occurred as a result of the Divine plan and purpose that God had for Joseph’s life at the time.
  • The truth is that this is exactly what Joseph would tell his brothers when they arrived in Egypt to purchase some grain (Genesis 45:4-8).
  • ″God sent me before you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and to maintain alive for you a large number of survivors,″ Joseph explained.
  • So it was God, not you, who sent me to this place.″ Joseph came to the realization that everything that had occurred to him had been predetermined by God, and this realization became the driving force behind his existence.

God’s perfect design turned out to be a tremendous source of blessing.The Paso Robles Lessons to Be Learned community is pulling together to get through this.

  1. Everything that happens in a believer’s life is under the direction of God’s Divine plan, and when God’s Divine plan is followed, it always results in His blessing. (See Romans 8:28.)
  2. Life has significance and purpose because of God’s Divine design, which is revealed in the Bible.

Did God have a wife? Scholar says that he did

According to an Oxford researcher, the Book of Kings reveals that God had a wife named Asherah, who was worshipped alongside Yahweh in his temple in Israel, according to the Book of Kings.Raphael Patai was the first historian to note that the ancient Israelites worshipped both Yahweh and Asherah, when he published his work in 1967.Due in part to the work of Francesca Stavrakopoulou, who began her studies in Oxford and is now a senior lecturer in the department of Theology and Religion at the University of Exeter, the idea has risen to unprecedented levels of popularity.The information offered in Stavrakopoulou’s books, lectures, and journal papers has been transformed into the foundation of a three-part documentary series, which is now showing in Europe and in which she analyzes the relationship between Yahweh and Asherah.″You may be familiar with him by the names Yahweh, Allah, or God.The reality is that all individuals of the major Abrahamic religions, including Jews, Muslims, and Christians, agree on one thing: ″There is only one of Him,″ says Stavrakopoulou in a statement given to the British media.

The single, global creator, rather than one God among many, is the central figure in his story.as much as we’d like to believe.″ My research into the history and religion of Israel has led me to a colorful and, at times, uncomfortable conclusion: ″God had a wife,″ I’ve discovered after years of study focusing in the history and religion of Israel.Stavrakopoulou’s idea is based on ancient manuscripts, amulets, and figurines that have been discovered mostly at the ancient Canaanite seaside city of Ugarit, which is now part of modern-day Syria.All of these artifacts demonstrate that Asherah was a strong fertility goddess who ruled over the world.According to Stavrakopoulou, Asherah’s relationship with Yahweh is outlined in both the Bible and an 8th-century B.C.inscription on pottery discovered in the Sinai desert at a place known as Kuntillet Ajrud, according to the author.

  • ‘The inscription is actually a prayer for a blessing,’ she explains.
  • ″It is important to note that the inscription requests a blessing from ‘Yahweh and his Asherah.’ There was evidence that Yahweh and Asherah were a heavenly couple in this instance.
  • There have now been discovered a number of other comparable inscriptions as well, all of which contribute to the argument being made that the God of the Bible once had a wife.″ ″It is also crucial,″ Stavrakopoulou argues, ″because the Bible acknowledges that the goddess Asherah was worshipped in Yahweh’s Temple in Jerusalem,″ according to the scholar.
  • ″According to the Book of Kings, a statue of Asherah was placed in the temple, and female temple employees made ceremonial linens for her,″ says the author.
  • J.
  • Edward Wright, president of both the Arizona Center for Judaic Studies and the Albright Institute for Archaeological Research, told Discovery News that he believes several Hebrew inscriptions refer to ″Yahweh and his Asherah.″ Wright also believes that the phrase ″Yahweh and his Asherah″ appears in the Bible.

He went on to say that ″Asherah was not fully deleted out of the Bible by its male editors.″ ″Remnants of her still exist, and we may recreate her role in the religions of the Southern Levant based on those traces, archaeological evidence, and allusions to her in literature from nations surrounding Israel and Judah.″ The goddess Asherah — also known by a variety of other names across the ancient Near East, including Astarte and Istar — was ″an important divinity, one who was both strong and nurturing,″ according to Wright.In many English translations, ″Asherah″ is translated as ″Sacred Tree,″ according to Wright.″Asherah″ means ″Sacred Tree″ in Arabic.″This appears to be motivated in part by a contemporary desire, which is undoubtedly influenced by biblical traditions, to conceal Asherah once more under a veil.″ Aaron Brody, director of the Bade Museum and associate professor of Bible and archaeology at the Pacific School of Religion, explained that mentions of the goddess Asherah in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) are ″rare and have been heavily edited by the ancient authors who gathered the texts together.″ Asherah as a tree emblem was even ″chopped down and burned outside the Temple in acts of certain rulers who were aiming to ‘purify’ the cult, and focus on the worship of a single male deity, Yahweh,″ according to the author’s research.According to Brody, who spoke to Discovery News, ″the ancient Israelites were polytheists, with just a small fraction worshipping Yahweh alone prior to the historic events of 586 B.C.″ In the same year, an aristocratic society from Judea was banished to Babylon, and the Temple in Jerusalem was destroyed by a volcanic eruption.

″A more global concept of rigorous monotheism,″ according to Brody, ″one god not only for Judah, but for all of the nations,″ as a result of this development.

The Importance of a Father in a Child’s Life

Anyone may father a kid, but to be a father requires a lifetime of dedication. Fathers serve a unique role in the lives of their children that cannot be filled by anyone else. This job may have a significant influence on a child’s development and can assist in molding him or her into the person they become.

Fathers and Emotional Development

Just as moms are important in the development of a child’s emotional well-being, fathers are as important.Children turn to their dads to set the tone and enforce the rules in their lives.They also turn to their dads for a sense of physical and mental stability, which they believe they can offer.Children want to make their dads pleased, and a father who is actively involved in their lives encourages inner growth and strength.According to research, when dads are loving and supportive of their children, this has a significant impact on their cognitive and social development.Additionally, it promotes a general sense of well-being and self-confidence in the individual.

Fathers Set the Bar for Relationships with Others

Fathers have an impact on not just who we are on the inside, but also how we interact with other people as we get older.The manner in which a father treats his child will have an impact on what that youngster searches for in other individuals.It will be decided who the child’s friends, lovers, and spouses will be depending on how the youngster regarded the significance of his or her father’s connection with his or her mother.The patterns that a father establishes in his connections with his children will determine how his children will interact with other people.

Fathers and Their Daughters

Young girls rely on their fathers for stability and emotional support as they grow into young women.A father demonstrates to his daughter what it feels like to have a nice connection with a man.When a father is loving and patient with his children, his daughter will search for such traits in men when she is old enough to initiate romantic relationships with them.If a father is powerful and heroic, his daughter will have a strong bond with other males who have similar characteristics.

Fathers and Their Sons

Boys, in contrast to females, who shape their connections with others after the character of their father, model their own personalities after the character of their father.From a very young age, boys will want their father’s approval for their actions.As human beings, we learn to function in the world by imitating the behavior of those around us.This is how we develop our social skills.Young boys will grow up in the same manner as their fathers if their father is loving and treats others with respect.After the death of a father or the absence of a father figure, young boys seek to other male figures for guidance on how to act and survive in the outside world.

So, don’t forget to tell your father how much you appreciate him today, and thank you for being there!The information and content on this website should not be used as a substitute for professional medical treatment or advice from your doctor or other healthcare professional.Potty training might assist children in making new friends.

How Early Church Leaders Downplayed Mary Magdalene’s Influence by Calling Her a Whore

She was Mary of Magdala, one of Jesus of Nazareth’s early disciples, and she was one of the most famous women in the world.It is said that she journeyed with him, witnessed his Crucifixion, and was one of those who were informed of his Resurrection, all according to the Scriptures.Everybody, from early church officials and historians to authors and filmmakers, has contributed to the revision and expansion of the tale of Mary Magdalene throughout history.On the one hand, they downplayed her significance by stating she was a prostitute, a wrecked woman who repented and was rescued by Christ’s teachings.On the other hand, they emphasized her value by claiming she was a prostitute, a ruined woman who repented and was saved by Christ’s teachings.Mary Magdalene, on the other hand, is represented in several early Christian scriptures as more than just a mere follower; she is also depicted as Jesus’ close companion—which some have taken to suggest his wife.

Which begs the question: is there any truth to either of these tales?What exactly do we know about Mary Magdalene, the lady who is considered to be the most intriguing woman in the Bible?WATCH: Jesus: A Biography on the HISTORY Vault

What the Bible Says About Mary Magdalene

However, only the Gospel of Luke discussed Mary Magdalene’s role in Jesus’ life and ministry, listing her among ″some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities″ (Luke 8:1–3).All four canonical gospels of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) noted Mary Magdalene’s presence at Jesus’ Crucifixion, but only the Gospel of Luke discussed her role in his life and ministry.According to Luke, when Jesus drove out seven devils from her, Mary joined a group of women who went with him and his twelve disciples/apostles, ″proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.″ They were ″proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.″ However, although Magdalene is not a surname, it is associated with the city of Magdala, which is located in Galilee, in the northernmost area of ancient Palestine, and from whence Mary hailed (now northern Israel).In the words of Robert Cargill, an associate professor of classical and religious studies at the University of Iowa who is also the editor of the Biblical Archaeology Review, ″Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ early supporters.″ ″She was mentioned in the Gospels, which indicates that she was significant.There were hundreds, if not thousands, of followers of Jesus, but we don’t know the names of the majority of them, according to what we know.As a result, the fact that she has been identified is significant.″ Mary Magdalene had an important role in the tale of the Resurrection, which took place after Jesus’ crucifixion, which she observed from the foot of the cross with many other women, and after all of Jesus’ male disciples had fled from the scene.

In accordance with the gospels, Mary went to Jesus’ tomb on Easter Sunday, either alone herself (according to the Gospel of John) or in company with several women, and discovered that the tomb was vacant.The ladies are the ones who go to the disciples and inform them what has happened, as Cargill points out.That’s crucial since they were the ones who found that Jesus had resurrected from the dead.According to the Gospel of John, Jesus personally comes to Mary Magdalene after his Resurrection and urges her to inform his followers of his appearance (John 20:1-13).READ MORE: What Did Jesus Look Like When He Was Alive?

Mary Magdalene as sinner

Because of Mary Magdalene’s obvious significance in the Bible—or maybe because of it—some early Western church leaders attempted to minimize her power by presenting her as a sinner, notably as a prostitute, according to the Bible.In Cargill’s words, ″There are many academics who think that because Jesus empowered women to such a great extent early in his career, it made some of the males who would govern the early church uncomfortable later on.″ In response to this, there were two different reactions.She was to be turned into a prostitute, for example.″ Early church leaders conflated Mary with other women mentioned in the Bible in order to portray her as the original repentant whore.These women included an unnamed woman, identified in the Gospel of Luke as a sinner, who bathes Jesus’ feet with her tears, dries them, and applies ointment to them (Luke 7:37-38), as well as another Mary, Mary of Bethany, who also appears in Luke.Pope Gregory the Great clarified this confusion in a sermon in 591 A.D., saying, ″We think that the Mary, whom Luke names the wicked woman and whom John calls Mary, is the Mary from whom seven demons were evicted according to Mark.″ ‘By becoming a prostitute, she has diminished in importance.’ It has a negative impact on her in some manner.Look at what she did for a job, and you can see why she couldn’t have been a leader,″ Cargill adds.

See also:  Who Put Jesus On The Cross Tozer

″Of course, the second option was to advance Mary to the next level.Some believe she was actually Jesus’ wife or friend, rather than his mother.″She had a particular place in the world.″ READ MORE: The Bible Claims That Jesus Was a Real Person.Is there any further evidence?

Mary Magdalene as Jesus’s wife

While some early Christians wanted to downplay Mary’s influence, others sought to emphasize her as a source of inspiration.Several centuries after Jesus’ death, the Gospel of Mary, a document dating from the second century A.D.that was discovered in Egypt in 1896, ranked Mary Magdalene higher in wisdom and influence than Jesus’ male disciples.She was also extensively featured in the so-called Gnostic Gospels, a collection of books thought to have been authored by early Christians as far back as the second century A.D.but which were not discovered until 1945, near the Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi, and which were written in Greek.According to one of these manuscripts, referred to Mary Magdalene as Jesus’ friend and said that Jesus loved her more than the other disciples.

This document is known as the Gospel of Philip.Possibly the most contentious statement in the scripture was that Jesus used to kiss Mary ″frequently on her.″ Damage to the writing rendered the final word illegible, while some scholars have substituted the word ″mouth″ for the unreadable term.In the years after its publication, Dan Brown’s enormously popular mystery The Da Vinci Code has been consumed by tens of millions of readers worldwide.The premise of the novel revolves around the long-held belief that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had children together.This concept was also at the heart of The Last Temptation of Christ, a novel written by Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis in 1955 that was subsequently made into a film directed by Martin Scorsese, as well as the cinematic adaptation of the novel.And then there was the discovery of a previously unknown papyrus fragment in 2012 that was considered to be a copy of a second-century narrative in which Jesus refers to Mary Magdalene as ″my wife,″ according to Karen King, a professor at Harvard Divinity School.

  • She ultimately changed her mind after being bombarded with criticism and concluded that the so-called ″Gospel of Jesus’s Wife″ was most likely a fake after defending the document’s validity.

Mary Magdalene as trusted disciple

The Bible, on the other hand, provided no indication that Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ wife.One can’t get a sense of that type of connection from any of the four canonical gospels, despite the fact that they include the women who travel with Jesus and, in some cases, their husbands’ names as well.The depiction of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute endured for decades after Pope Gregory the Great declared it official in his sixth-century sermon, though neither Orthodoxy nor Protestantism embraced it once their respective religions separated from the Catholic Church later in the sixth century.At long last, in 1969, the Church acknowledged that the text of the Bible did not support such interpretation..Mary Magdalene is now venerated as a saint by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran churches, and her feast day is observed on July 22nd in all four of these denominations.According to Cargill’s conclusion, ″Mary appears to have been a disciple of Jesus.″ ″What’s noteworthy is that Jesus had both male and female disciples in his ministry, which was not often the case at the time,″ says the author.

He notes that while the prostitute and wife hypotheses have been around for centuries, they are tales and customs that have developed long after the fact: ″Neither of them is anchored in the Bible itself.″ MORE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT: The Evolution of Christian Thought


Christian religious leader Jesus (born c.6–4 bce in Bethlehem, died c.30 ce in Jerusalem), also known as Jesus Christ, Jesus of Galilee, or Jesus of Nazareth (born c.6–4 bce in Bethlehem, died c.30 ce in Jerusalem), was one of the world’s great faiths.The majority of Christians believe that he is the God-man, or the Incarnation of God.

The article Christology examines the development of Christian thinking on the teachings and nature of Jesus throughout history.

Name and title

″Jesus Christ,″ also known as ″Jesus of Galilee,″ ″Jesus of Nazareth,″ or simply ″Jesus,″ (born c.6–4 bce in Bethlehem—died c.30 ce in Jerusalem) was a religious leader who was adored by Christians, one of the world’s main faiths.The majority of Christians believe that he is the God-man, or the Incarnation.Jesus’ teachings and nature are analyzed in the article Christology, which looks at the history of Christian study on Jesus’ teachings.

Summary of Jesus’ life

Even though he was born in Bethlehem, Jesus was a Galilean from Nazareth, a town near Sepphoris, one of the two major cities in Galilee, according to the gospels of Matthew and Luke (Tiberias was the other).He was born to Joseph and Mary somewhere between 6 bce and just before the death of Herod the Great (Matthew 2; Luke 1:5) in 4 bce, according to the earliest available evidence.However, according to Matthew and Luke, Joseph was solely his legal father in the eyes of the law.They claim that Mary was a virgin when Jesus was conceived and that she was ″discovered to be pregnant by the Holy Spirit″ when Jesus was born (Matthew 1:18; cf.Luke 1:35).When Joseph was a carpenter (Matthew 13:55), it was considered to be an honorable profession because it required the use of one’s hands.

And, according to Mark 6:3, Jesus himself became a carpenter.Despite the fact that Luke (2:41–52) claims that Jesus was precociously intelligent as a youngster, there is no additional proof of his childhood or early life.He was baptized by the prophet John the Baptist when he was a young adult, and he went on to become an itinerant preacher and healer after that (Mark 1:2–28).While in his mid-30s, Jesus had a brief public career that lasted maybe less than a year, but it was at that time that he drew widespread notice.He traveled to Jerusalem to commemorate Passover at some point between 29 and 33 CE—possibly as early as 30 CE—where, according to the Gospels, his entry was triumphal and filled with eschatological significance, and he died shortly after.He was apprehended, tried, and killed while he was there.

  • Following his resurrection from the grave, his disciples started to believe that he had appeared to them.
  • They persuaded others to believe in him, which resulted in the establishment of a new religion, Christianity.

Why Is Jesus Christ Important in My Life?

″What is the significance of Jesus Christ in my life?″ 10–13 (New Era, January 2015).It wasn’t long ago that I saw a blog article in which the author discussed how the Savior plays a crucial part in her everyday life.I was relieved that she was ready to share her sentiments, but I was disturbed by one reader’s response: ″He has never been or will ever be of any significance in my life—never has been and will never be.″ That reader couldn’t be more incorrect in his or her assumptions.We will all require the Savior at some point in our lives.We all make errors that we can’t undo, suffer losses that we can’t recoup, and endure pains, persecution, tragedies, burdens, and disappointments that we can’t bear on our own, but we can work together to overcome them.The good news is that we don’t have to deal with them on our own anymore.

It is possible to say in a moment of weakness that no one understands what it is like.″ ‘No one seems to get it.’ Elder David A.Bednar of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles remarked, ″But the Son of God totally understands and knows what we are going through because He has suffered and borne our specific afflictions.″ As Alma 34:14 explains, ″And because of His unlimited and eternal sacrifice (see Alma 34:14), He has perfect empathy and is able to extend His arm of mercy to us.″ 1 Our trust in Jesus is crucial to us because, through His Atonement and teachings, as well as His hope, peace, and example, He aids us in making changes in our lives, overcoming hardships, and moving ahead with confidence on our path back to Him and His Father.

Jesus Makes Repentance Possible

Because we all fall short of God’s expectations and require the gift of repentance provided by the Atonement, Jesus is extremely vital to all who truly want to follow Him.Whenever we make a mistake or fall, Satan wants us to believe that we are not capable of getting back up and continuing on our way.Aside from that, he wants us to forget that the Gospel is also known as ″the gospel of repentance″ (D&C 13:1; emphasis added).Despite this, we are confident that ″the mercy of Christ is genuine, and that it provides both forgiveness and purification to the penitent sinner.″ 2 The power of Jesus Christ’s Atonement is available to everyone of us; however, we must make the decision to let it to be put to use in our lives.Consider presenting a particular gift to a buddy—a gift that your acquaintance truly needs and that you prepared through personal sacrifice on his or her behalf.Now imagine your friend answering, ″Thank you, but I’m not particularly interested in your present,″ or anything along those lines.

What would your reaction be?The fact that we don’t invite Jesus to assist us in being clean via repentance is the same as rejecting His gift of salvation.

Jesus Teaches Truth

  • Jesus asked the Twelve Apostles, ″Will ye also go away?″ on one occasion when a number of individuals declined to continue walking with Him for any extended period of time. ″Lord, where will we go from here?″ Peter inquired. It says in John 6:67–68, ″Thou hast the words of eternal life.″ The scriptures, the teachings of living prophets, and the whisperings of the Holy Ghost are all places where you might find the Savior’s ″words of eternal life.″ It is through them that we can achieve ″pleasure in this life and everlasting life in the world to come,″3 and it is through them that we can return safely to our Heavenly Father and Savior. What are some of the most important truths that the Savior imparted? The following are the four that President Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Second Counselor in the First Presidency, mentioned in a recent general conference speech: We will have gorgeous, perfect, and eternal bodies, unburdened by disease or incapacity.″
  • ″Our tears of anguish and loss will be replaced with an abundance of gladness and joy.″
  • ″Through the Atonement., we will be able to live forever with our loved ones.″
  • 4

Jesus Offers Hope

When we are confronted with significant difficulties, it might be difficult to place our confidence in the Lord.However, placing our faith in Him provides us with the hope we require in order to tackle our obstacles.The same thing happened to members of the Gatrell family, who reside in Sister Jean A.Stevens’ ward and were targeted by the authorities.Brother Gatrell was diagnosed with cancer, according to Sister Stevens, the first counselor in the Primary general presidency.Sister Stevens said the family remained steadfast in the gospel and their temple commitments when Brother Gatrell was diagnosed.

They gained confidence in God’s promises that they will be reunited after this life as a result of their actions.As she reflected on the tough days leading up to her husband’s death, Sister Gatrell shared her belief that ″the Lord was looking over us.″ ″If you put your confidence in the Lord, you will be able to conquer any of life’s difficulties.″ 5 The gift of the Atonement provides us with the promise of everlasting life, which we need need while we are going through difficult times or grieving the death of a loved one.First Counselor in the First Presidency President Henry B.Eyring stated that ″our loving Heavenly Father gave us the gift of His Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior.″ All who are born are given a worldwide heritage through the tremendous gift and benefit of Jesus Christ’s Atonement.This inheritance includes the promise of Resurrection and the potential of eternal life.6

Jesus Offers Peace

  • Anyone who has dealt with a natural catastrophe, been the target of malicious gossip, faced a life-changing crisis, had a falling-out with a friend, or stood up for what’s right knows what it’s like to be in desperate need of the Lord’s comfort. As Elder Neil L. Andersen of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles put it, ″the peace of Christ subdues the spinning whirlwinds of this world.″ 7 During a recent general conference, Elder Andersen presented a story of a Laurel who was mocked and called names because she spoke up for conventional marriage and refused to be silenced. She discovered that being ″faithful to God and to the teachings of His living prophets″ might occasionally result in ridicule, which she accepted as a price. 8 However, standing up does not imply that one is alone. When we are feeling alone or overwhelmed, when we are sad or anxious, when we are terrified or when we feel useless, we may always turn to the Prince of Peace. We accomplish this by: praying to Heavenly Father for the presence of the Spirit
  • reading the Lord’s words in the scriptures and as revealed by living prophets
  • attending temple services
  • studying the Savior’s life at church and in seminary
  • applying His Atonement by repenting of our sins
  • sharing our testimonies of Him
  • and attending temple services.

There is no need for our hearts to be concerned or scared while we are experiencing the Savior’s peace (see John 14:26–27).″Only the Master understands the depths of our trials, our grief, and our suffering,″ President Thomas S.Monson has remarked of his faith.″He is the only one who can provide us with eternal serenity in times of adversity.He is the only one who can soothe our broken souls with His soothing words.″ 9

Jesus Sets the Example

Throughout His mission, Jesus does more than merely show the road to happiness; He actually takes the initiative and walks the path himself.He guides us to love as a result of His Atonement.He guides us to everlasting truths via the teachings of Jesus.He directs us to the road of obedience by the example of His flawless life.″Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, is the greatest example to have ever walked the face of the world.The teaching, helping, and loving people that he did throughout his mortal ministry, according to Elder Richard G.

Scott of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, were the highlights of his mortal ministry.He went on to say that the Savior ″invite[s] us to follow His flawless example.″ 10 When we realize that the Savior makes repentance and resurrection possible, that He teaches essential truths, that He brings hope and peace, and that He sets the ideal example, He becomes the focal point of our life.And, with Him as our friend, we have the confidence to throw away fear and move on in trust as we face the future.

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