Is This Where You Want To Be When Jesus Comes Back

Is this where you wanna be when Jesus comes back; making fun of poor Joe Dirt? Zander Kelly Probably, because I’m sure that Yahweh would be chiming in too.

David Spade, Brittany Daniel, Dennis Miller, and Adam Beach star in the film. Genre:Adventure,Comedy,Drama Rating:PG-13 91 minutes is the whole running time. In The Adventures of Joe Dirt, which is yet another of Adam Sandler’s cut-and-paste comedy, the superbly sardonic David Spade is emasculated by a sentimental sc. more » more » more » more » more » more » more » more » Joe Dirt explains what he’s talking about. Does this seem like the type of environment in which you want to be when Jesus returns: making fun of poor Joe Dirt?

Most likely, since I’m confident that Yahweh would have something to say as well.


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  • Gladiator
  • B.The Three Musketeers
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Is this where you want to be when Jesus comes back?!

Screaming 2 year old sibling gets soaked in the face by my 6 year old with a water cannon. Even louder cries come from his younger brother, who is two years old. “Reilly! The 6 year child is yelled at by his father through the window, “I saw you do it even after your mother instructed you not to do that.” “I know.” says the 6 year old who was apprehended in a mournful voice. “Have you heard?! Then it’s either that you didn’t want to listen or that you didn’t realize anybody else was paying attention.” – I’d want to add my voice.

  • I did it because I was under the impression that no one could see me.” – A six-year-old acknowledges it.
  • “We have the same vision as Jesus and can see everything!
  • “Jesus sees everything, and we see everything as well.” – Dad attempts to instill dread in him, which ultimately leads to him questioning the possibility of one person being able to see everything at all times.
  • My parental obligations are taken over by flashbacks of my favorite sentence from the movie, “Joe Dirt.” The pressure was rising, and I couldn’t keep my mouth shut any longer.
  • Is this the kind of place you want to be when Jesus returns?
  • My husband simply stares at me, as if he can’t believe that I got there in the first place.
  • Oopps.
  • THIS is an excellent illustration of how my children believeKNOW that they can get away with anything if their mother begins giggling.
  • There are worse places to be in my opinion.

Hey, is this where you want to be when Jesus comes back, man? Making fun of poor little Joe Dirt?

Screaming 2 year old sibling is soaked in the face by my 6 year old who has a water cannon at his disposal. Even louder cries come from his younger brother, who is 2 years old. “Reilly! 6 year boy being yelled at through the window by his father, “I saw you do it even after your mother warned you not to do that!” In a mournful voice, the 6-year-old is heard saying, “I know.” “Did you hear that?!?” So either you didn’t do it because you didn’t want to listen or you did it because you believed no one was looking.” – Let me add my voice to the chorus.

  1. My reasoning for doing so was that I believed no one would notice me.” This is something that a 6-year-old confesses.
  2. The minion listens intently as Dad begins to explain.
  3. ” Every single day.
  4. – Dad attempts to instill dread in him, which ultimately leads to his questioning the possibility of a single person being able to see everything at all times.
  5. My parental obligations are taken over by flashbacks of my favorite sentence from the movie, “Joe Dirt.” The pressure was rising, and I couldn’t keep my mouth shut any longer.
  6. Is this the kind of place you want to be when Jesus returns?!
  7. – Incredulous that I ever went there, my husband simply stares at me.
  8. Oopps.
  9. THIS is an excellent illustration of how my children believe and KNOW that they can get away with anything if their mother begins laughing at their expense.
  10. In my opinion, there are worse locations to be.
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If you’re watching the movie on Blu-ray, you may hear this line at 00:04:43 in the movie.

Quote context

-How come your mother didn’t alter the wig later? – Actually, my family and I were separated when I was eight years old. I became disoriented. – You’re attempting to convince me that you’ve been living on your own since you were eight years old? -It’s pretty much the same, guy. It’s rather a long story, to be honest. – Pay attention to what you’re saying. What exactly is the plot here? I’m a complete and utter moron. It’s finally over. – Hey, do you want to be here when Jesus returns, or do you want to be somewhere else?

  1. – Most likely, since I’m confident that Yahweh would have something to say as well.
  2. For example, there was a time when I was jerking my gherkin.
  3. Is this the place you want to be when Jesus returns?
  4. – This woman appears to be a great winner, and it’s remarkable to me that you were able to turn out the way you did with that kind of, um, coaching.
  5. I can’t say that you shouldn’t make fun of me, but you shouldn’t make fun of my mother either.

Top rated lines from this movie

Allow me to pose a question to you. When was the last time you pondered when Jesus will return and whether or not he would return? In your opinion, when was the last time you received a message regarding the approaching return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? As my church has been going through a process of learning to hear what God is saying to us today and seeking Him to bring true Spirit-led revival to our community and nation, I was reminded of one of the aspects of revival that was present 30 years ago during the height of the Jesus people movement, which was the last move of God that we experienced.

This revival brought back to mind one aspect of it that I had forgotten: the belief and expectation that the Second Coming of Jesus may occur at any time.

If it does, I hope it will reawaken in you a yearning and expectation for that day to arrive, so that we might exclaim with the Apostle John, “Even as you have come soon, Lord Jesus.”

3 Things To Help You Be Prepared For When Jesus Comes Back

In Matthew’s gospel chapter 25, Jesus speaks of ten virgins who are awaiting the arrival of their bridegroom. MATTHEW 25:1-13 “Then the Kingdom of Heaven will be like ten bridesmaids who took their lamps and went to meet the bridegroom,” Matthew 25:1-13 says. 2 There were five fools and five clever people among them. Third, just enough olive oil for their lamps was brought by the five who were foolish; nevertheless, the other five were intelligent enough to bring additional oil with them. 5 They all felt weary and fell asleep when the bridegroom was late for the wedding.

8 After that, the five stupid ones approached the others and requested, ‘Please give us some of your oil since our lights are about to burn out.’ 9 “However, the others responded, ‘We don’t have enough food for all of us.’ ” Get some for yourselves by going to a store.’ 10 “However, while they were away purchasing oil, the bridegroom arrived.

  • ‘Lord!
  • Let us in!’ Open the door for us!
  • “You, too, must keep a close eye on things!
  • In this parable, Jesus is admonishing us to expect the unexpected.
  • It was the foolish ones who did not expect Jesus to return in the middle of the night or that He would be delayed in any way.
  • Many people believe that the oil represents the Holy Spirit at this time.
  • I reminded the congregation of how they used to look forward to the day when they would finally tie the knot with their soul mate.

A similar situation exists with regard to our level of expectation in regards to the return of Jesus Christ.

Are we looking forward to and anticipating the arrival of that day?

What is your level of expectancy in terms of life?

This belief was expressed in our youth group by doing silly things that were intended to be amusing.

LOL Now, it was all in good fun, but at the same time, we were convinced that Jesus would return in the near future.

The expectation, on the other hand, was not completely incorrect.

To love Him completely, we must be waiting at the door and looking down the road, expecting His chariot to appear around the corner at any moment. And we need to have that sense of expectation fueled by a lamp that is filled with oil.

2 Be Prepared For When Jesus Comes Back

In the nineteenth chapter of the Book of Revelations, the Apostle John provides a stunning depiction of our destiny. THE BOOK OF Revelation (19:6–8) It sounded like the cry of a large crowd, or like the thundering of gigantic ocean waves, or like the crash of thunder: “Praise the Lord!” I heard it again and again. Because the Lord our God, the Almighty, is in control. 7 Let us be joyful and rejoice, and let us honor him with our actions. Because the time has come for the Lamb’s wedding feast, and his bride has begun to prepare for the occasion.

  1. I urged my congregation to recall all of the preparations that had gone into the wedding ceremony once more, and they did.
  2. What color is your hair?
  3. Everything has to be absolutely flawless.
  4. That is the same motivation we must have for our relationship with Jesus.
  5. What we do and how we live our lives on this planet are the means by which we prepare ourselves to meet Him in the hereafter.
  6. Having said that, I don’t want anyone to go into a performance-oriented frame of mind.
  7. We are making a sacrifice for Jesus’ sake.
  8. If you’re a Christian, when was the last time you considered being that lovely present to Jesus, just as a bride is a gift to the groom?
  9. What are the virtuous deeds that you are beautifying yourself with in preparation for your wedding day?
  10. You are responsible for organizing the event.

3 Be Loved By Jesus And In Love With Jesus

In the fifth chapter of the book of Ephesians, the Apostle Paul exposes a mystery to us. EPHESIANS 5:22-32 is a biblical passage. For wives, this means that you should submit to your husbands as if they were the Lord. Because a husband is the head of his wife in the same way that Christ is the head of the church, 23 He is the Saviour of his own body, which is called the church. 24 In the same way that the church submits to Christ, you women should submit to your husbands in all things as well.

  • In order to make her holy and clean, he sacrificed his life for her 26 and bathed her with the purification of God’s word.
  • As a result, she will be blameless and without flaw.
  • Because a guy who loves his wife also loves himself, he demonstrates love for himself.
  • 30 And we are members of his body, just as he is.
  • In marriage, this is a well-known text that is often used to teach about the nature of partnerships.

On the other hand, Paul clearly states that he is speaking about Christ and the church. There are several things that you need to take away from this chapter and apply to your own life right now. You must grasp the significance of.

  1. Christ has such a deep love for you that He is willing to sacrifice himself for you. When I say Jesus loves you personally, I am not referring to Jesus loving the world, or Jesus loving children, or Jesus loving preachers, or Jesus loving those who are highly religious. Instead, I am referring to the fact that Jesus loves you personally, and He loves you so much that He gave and continues to give Himself for you personally. It is the most incredible love that a person can possibly receive, and it is exactly what you must provide. You must accept it before you can use it. It is not something that can be earned or purchased. You must just accept it, regardless of whether or not you believe you are deserving
  2. Jesus is at work transforming you into a gorgeous bride without a stain or wrinkle in His sight. He is preparing you to be the most beautiful bride that you have ever been
  3. Jesus loves you more than He loves His own flesh and blood. He cares about you enough to provide for and appreciate you. Your worth in His eyes is not based on your appearance, but on your character
  4. He has no eyes for anybody else but you.
See also:  Who Baptized Jesus Christ?

Approximately one year after going through the agony of divorce, I was experiencing a spiritual crisis in my personal life. They were unhappy with me, I was alone, and I was angry with myself for failing as well as with God for not keeping an eye on my back. In the aftermath of my failed marriage, I blamed myself for everything. I was raised as a Christian. It was never intended for me to be divorced. Divorce is not something I should have done as a pastor, since pastors are not meant to go through it.

  1. I was also enraged with God because He had not responded to my prayers and had not resolved the matter.
  2. The time came when I was so depressed, frustrated, and unloved that I actually considered driving my semi-truck off a mountainside on a snowy day.
  3. It was only a short time later that I felt the gentle tap of the Lord on the back of my shoulder, and He inquired of me.
  4. Then I responded with the words, “You are meant to love me unconditionally, Lord.” Which prompted Him to respond, “Then why do you despise what I cherish?” Thud!
  5. Not only did I come to terms with the fact that I was loved, but I also fell in love with Christ all over again.
  6. Do you realize that Jesus loves you on a personal level?
  7. What state of readiness do you have for the return of Christ, your bridegroom?
  8. Blessings Pastor Duke is a man of God.

To Dig Deeper Into This Topic, We Recommend

In one popular argument to Christianity, non-Christians assert that because Christians think Jesus is returning soon and that He has not returned, it follows that He will not return at all. Today, many people associate the phrase “coming soon” with the act of driving through the drive-thru at their favorite fast-food restaurant. They thus believe that Jesus will return in a short period of time when asked the question “Is Jesus coming back soon?” When Jesus talked of His return, He used the word “soon” rather than the word “immediately,” implying that He would return in the near future.

“Come, Lord Jesus,” the choir sings.

When Is the ‘Soon’ for Jesus’ Return

The Greek word for “soon” is tachu, which may be rendered as “as soon as possible” or “without undue delay.” Throughout the New Testament, the word tachu is most frequently used in the Book of Revelation (Revelation 2:16; 3:11; 11:14; 22:7,12,20). By “soon,” we mean that the sovereign events of history have been put in action, ensuring that Christ’s coming will take place without any additional delay. Thus, history is progressing in accordance with God’s schedule, who is in complete command of the entire historical narrative.

Speaking about Christ’s second coming, Peter writes in 2 Peter 3:9 that the Lord is not slow to fulfill his word as some regard it as such, but is patient with you, not desiring for any to perish but for all to come to repentance.

The Lord Jesus’ return is imminent — in the sense that the plan of God is progressing and is only being postponed so that the elect may be rescued (Romans 8:29;Ephesians 1:5).

The Return of the Lord Jesus Is Imminent

This means that the Lord Jesus’ return is not only impending, as we must comprehend, but it is also immediate in the sense that it might occur at any time. The apostles even speculated that the Lord Jesus’ return would occur within their lifetime, referring to the Lord Jesus’ return as occurring in the end days (1 Corinthians 10:11; 1 Peter 1:20; Hebrews 1:2), and urging the people of God to be prepared and on the lookout for signs and wonders. Because Jesus employed the language of being “ready,” He means for the people of God to think that He is about to return at any moment (Luke 12:40; 21:34-36;Mark 13:33).

  • Jesus desires that every generation live in the consciousness that He may visit unexpectedly and that all individuals will be required to give an account of how they will locate them when He does.
  • In Acts 1:7, Jesus reiterates the teachings of Matthew 24:36, in which he tells the disciples, “It is not for you to know the times or seasons which the Father has determined by his own power.” Jesus said this when the disciples inquired as to whether or not He intended to rebuild Israel.
  • Anyone who believes in Christ is able to predict when He will return, because Scripture is quiet on the specific day and time of His return.
  • Christians, on the other hand, are instructed to “.remain alert, for you do not know on when day your Lord will come” (Matthew 24:42).
  • According to the teachings of Matthew 24:36-44, no one can predict the day or time of the Lord Jesus’ second coming.
  • Despite the fact that several dates have been offered, all of them have been and will continue to be incorrect.
  • It is reasonable to conclude from Matthew 24:36 and Acts 1:7 that God does not wish for Christians to calculate the precise day or hour of Christ’s return, and that anybody who attempts to do so is deceived by the Scriptures.

What is essential is that the people of God live their lives in light of the Lord Jesus’ approaching return to earth (2 Timothy 4:8).

The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus

The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus is referenced 1,500 times in the Old Testament, and one out of every twenty-five verses in the New Testament makes reference to the Lord Jesus’ Second Coming, which is a significant number. When it states in Amos 3:7, “For the Lord God does nothing but reveal his secret to his servants the prophets,” this passage draws attention to this topic. What Amos says is important because it helps Christians comprehend that the return of Christ heralds the establishment of God’s Kingdom, which is defined as God’s total authority over all of His creation.

  • The book of Revelation 19:11-16 describes how the Lord will be prepared for battle, and how the nations will gather to fight against the city of Jerusalem.
  • Furthermore, this will be the day that the Bible predicts in Revelation 19:6-7, when the enemies of God, including the Antichrist and the false prophet, will be completely vanquished (Revelation 19:20).
  • Jesus will judge those who are living at the time of His Second Coming as part of the process of establishing His Kingdom.
  • A thousand years of peace will be enjoyed by those who survive this judgment as a result of their trust in Jesus Christ.
  • (Matthew 25:41).
  • In addition, there will be a resurrection of all Christians (Revelation 20:4-6).
  • At the conclusion of the thousand-year period, Satan will be freed, and a final fight will take place, which will be conquered by the Lord Jesus Christ on the spot (Revelation 20:7-9).
  • Then there will be a second resurrection, followed by another judgment.

Two Different Eternities

There are two eternal fates, one with the Lord Jesus and one without Him, as a result of the Lord Jesus’ return being a reality (Malachi 4:1-2). When the Lord Jesus returns, evil will be destroyed, the planet will be restored, and the Lord will triumph! If you believe in the first coming of the Lord Jesus, your response to his return will reveal whether or not you believe in the second coming of the Lord Jesus. Christian believers have a great hope in that they will not only be admitted to heaven, but that they will also be with the Lord Jesus for all of eternity in heaven.

Your response, dear reader, to the topic “Is Jesus Coming Back Soon?” is critical because it expresses your understanding of the Lord Jesus’ first coming as well as your understanding of His finished and adequate work.

We Are Not Promised Tomorrow

We cannot guarantee tomorrow, and the Lord knows not just the number of hairs on your head or the content of your thoughts at any one time, but also the length of all of your days. God longs for your repentance, for you to turn back to Him, and for you to put your confidence in Christ – because Jesus is mighty to save by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone — and that is why He sent His Son to die for you. You must not cower in fear, but instead must stand firm on the Lord Jesus and proclaim the glory of Christ to everyone.

Will Jesus Really Return to Earth?

As Christians, we gladly proclaim that Jesus Christ will, in fact, return to the world again and again. It’s critical for us to remember that Jesus Himself stated that He will return to the world at some point. His disciples gathered on the Mount of Olives when He spoke to them, and He promised them that He would come in might and great splendor. According to the angels, Jesus Christ would return. As mentioned in Acts Chapter 1, when Jesus ascends to His Father, angels appear and proclaim, “He will return in the same manner that He has gone.” When you look at church history, one of the intriguing things you will see is that, although though various Christians throughout church history have had diverse viewpoints on the end of time, they have always agreed on some fundamental truths concerning the end of the world.

  • And one of them was the belief that Jesus Christ will return to the planet.
  • It is the belief that Jesus Christ will physically return to the planet.
  • And, finally, that Jesus Christ will bring about a restoration and a fresh beginning in the world.
  • All of these considerations are critical.
  • It’s even a part of the Apostles’ Creed, which was written in the fourth century.
  • He will then return to judge both the living and the dead once His time on earth is through.
  • Is it possible that Jesus will return?
  • Not unwillingly because we believe, “Oh, He’s going to return,” but joyously, we as Christians proclaim this truth.

Even so, come, Lord Jesus, since Jesus Christ will truly return. Credit: iStock/Getty Images Plus/Tinnakorn for the photo. Jorruang Dave Jenkins and his wife, Sarah Jenkins, are in a happy marriage. He is a writer, editor, and public speaker who resides in the lovely state of Oregon.

Joe Dirt quotes . Movie Quotes Database

View Quotation Clem:You’re addressing me in the incorrect way. It’s delivered in the incorrect tone. Any more behavior will result in a soldering iron being used to stabbing you in the face. Hey, can you tell me if your mum sews? BOOM. Make her stitch that for you! View Quotation Bullying Man2: I had to go to the bathroom. You’re interested in it, aren’t you? Joe Dirt explains what he’s talking about. Perhaps if it came out of Charlene Tilton’s ass, I’d be willing to try it. Bullying Man2: You were probably a fan of J.R., you jerk.

  1. What the **** is this?
  2. View Quotation Joe Dirt: Would you hold it against me if I told you that you have a gorgeous body?
  3. Are you interested in returning to my home?
  4. View Quotation Joe Dirt: Is this the kind of place you want to be when Jesus returns, making fun of poor Joe Dirt?
  5. Most likely, because I’m confident that Yahwee would have something to say as well.
  6. Joe Dirt: Kicking Wing: No, I don’t think so.
  7. What do you have in the way of lady fingers, fuzz buttles, snicker bombs, church burners, finger blasters, stomach busters, zippity do dash, or crap flappers, exactly?
See also:  Why Is Jesus Called The Son Of God

Joe Dirt explains what he’s talking about.

Because snakes and sparklers are the only two things I enjoy, Kicking Wing says no.

View Quotation Joe Dirt: Well, this is the day when I’m going to pick up my Hemi Roadrunner.

Jill: Whoa, that’s a lot.

Balls to the Wall, as they say.

To be honest, it had been torn down and disposed of two years ago.

Maybe I’ll need a gorgeous little woman to sit in the front seat while I’m getting her used to driving.

So, what are your thoughts?

View Quotation Joe Dirt: I see you’ve got those snakes and sparklers, so that’s good.

Kicking Wing: Is it any good?

Joe Dirt: Do you think you’re crazy, man?


Assuming that a tree is beneficial, Joe Dirt may as well inquire as to why it is beneficial.

What is it about boobs that makes them so appealing?

Firecrackers, man.

Joe Dirt explains what he’s talking about.

Joe Dirt: What are you talking about?

Joe Dirt: Do you enjoy seeing h***s in their underwear?


Joe Dirt: Oh, you’re into seeing h***s naked, aren’t you?

Old Cajun Man: No, no, no!

Joe Dirt: Oh, that’s right.

Goddamnit, you’re a jerk.

Joe Dirt: The fact that a guy enjoys seeing h***s naked doesn’t assist me.

Joe Dirt: No problem, I’m OK.

View Quotation Little Joe Dirt: Is it possible for me to shove him off of me?

Miss Clipper: View Quotation And it seemed to me at that moment that I may as well simply lay there and never get up.

Then I discovered that I had been living in Silvertown all along.


You’re on your way to Hell, dude. View Quotation Now, this ain’t no flapjack, so I’m going to be extra cautious and I’m not going to peek. View Quotation And you’ll be putting your head out the window to see what’s going on with the chick dogs who are asking “What’s up, baby?”

Is it possible to know when Jesus is coming back?

QuestionAnswer “No one knows when day or hour it will be, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father,” according to Matthew 24:36-44. For this reason, maintain vigil since you have no way of knowing when your Lord will appear. And so you must also be prepared, for the Son of Man will come at an unexpected hour when you do not expect Him.” At first look, it appears that these verses give a clear and unequivocal response to the subject in question. No one knows when Jesus will return, and no one has any way of knowing.

  • According to the vast majority of Bible scholars, Jesus, now exalted in heaven, is aware of the exact time of His return, suggesting that the phrase “nor the Son” does not imply that Jesus will never be aware of the exact time of His return.
  • It’s also worth noting that Acts 1:7 adds, “It is not for you to know the times or dates the Father has established by His own authority.” This was declared by Jesus when the disciples inquired as to whether or not He intended to return the kingdom to Israel at that point in time.
  • It is not our responsibility to predict the exact day and time of Jesus’ return.
  • Is it the Rapture or the Second Coming that they are referring to?
  • While the Rapture is depicted as being impending and mysterious, the date of the Second Coming may be known as a result of end-times prophecy, which is discussed more below.
  • In addition to being addressed personally to the people of Jesus’ day, Matthew 24:36-44 teaches an overarching lesson.
  • The Bible never encourages us to try to figure out when anything happened.



If it is possible to predict when Jesus would return at some time in the future, the impact of Jesus’ statements will be diminished.

So, keeping the principles of Matthew 24:36-44 in mind, it is not feasible for anybody to predict the exact day on which Jesus will return.

Many such dates have been offered, and each and every one of them has shown to be incorrect.

Following the teachings of Matthew 24:36 and Acts 1:7, it has been stated that it is not God’s intention for us to determine the day on which Jesus will return.

The most important facts are that (1) the Bible never encourages us to try to figure out when Jesus will return and (2) the Bible does not provide any specific data that can be used to calculate when Jesus will return.

Even though we do not know when Jesus will come, the fact that we do not know when He will return should drive us to live every day as though Christ’s coming is imminent.

Questions regarding the End Times (Return to: Questions about the End Times) Is it feasible to predict the exact day on which Jesus will return?

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Second Coming of Jesus Christ

The second coming is on the horizon. It is true that Jesus told His disciples that He will return one more time. “Do not let your heart be worried,” the Bible states in John 14:1-3. There are many mansions in My Father’s home; if this were not the case, I would have informed you. I’m going to go set up a space for you. Moreover, if I depart to make a place for you, I will return to take you into Myself, so that where I am, you may be as well.”

Browse article contents:

  • When is Jesus going to return? What is causing Jesus to take such a long time to return? Is it possible that Jesus will return in secret? What should we do with our time while we wait
  • What will be the method through which Jesus returns
  • Will the angels accompany Jesus on his return? What is the reason for Jesus’ return?

When is Jesus coming back?

Jesus will return in a short period of time. No one, however, is certain of the precise hour when Jesus will appear again. The Bible says in Mark 13:32, “But no one knows when day or hour it will be; not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father knows.” It’s interesting to note that the disciples asked Jesus the same question right before He ascended to the Father’s presence. At that point, Jesus informed them that it was not their responsibility to know the times or seasons that were under the jurisdiction of the Father.

As a result, what does this mean for you and me is unclear.

Keep an eye on Jesus and keep your attention on him because the devil is attempting to divert mankind’s attention away from the indications and the nearness of Jesus’ return.

Why is Jesus taking so long to come back?

When Jesus returns, He will do it with patience, because He wants to give humanity the greatest amount of time possible to select and follow Him. Jesus desires that as many people as possible repent and follow Him to the heavenly kingdom. According to 2 Peter 3:8-9, “However, dear, do not forget this one thing: that with the Lord, one day is equal to a thousand years, and a thousand years are equal to one day.” When it comes to His promise, the Lord is not slack as some believe, but is patient with us, not wanting any to perish but wanting everyone to come to repentance.” Additional materials can be found at: Topics related to the Bible Questions about the Bible Signs of the Second Coming of Jesus What is the meaning of the rapture?

What are the seven deadly sins, and how can you avoid them?

Warnings about the second coming of Jesus?

There are a slew of confused non-biblical views concerning the second coming of Christ that are causing confusion among many believers. Will He merely present spiritually to a small number of people? Will Jesus’ second coming take place exclusively in specific geographical locations? Is it possible that Jesus will emerge in the desert? Deceptions will be perpetrated in the final days, according to Jesus.

In fact, in Matthew 24:4-5, Jesus warns Christians not to be mislead by those who come in the name of Jesus and claim to be the Christ of the New Testament. As a result, the Bible is the sole source of information we can rely on for answers.

Will Jesus come back secretly?

When it comes to the second coming of Christ, there are several conflicting non-biblical beliefs that cause confusion and deter many people. How many people will be spiritually present when He appears? Will Jesus’ second coming take place simply in specific geographical places or will it occur everywhere? Are there any chances of seeing Jesus in the desert? Deceptions will be perpetrated in the latter days, as Jesus foretold. As a matter of fact, Jesus warns Christians in Matthew 24:4-5 not to be mislead by those who come in the name of Jesus and pretend to be Christ.

How should we live while we wait?

Christians should remain on high alert, keeping watch and praying until the coming of the Lord. “But take watch to yourselves, lest your hearts be burdened down with carousing, drunkenness, and the concerns of this life, and that Day come upon you suddenly,” the Bible states in Luke 21:34-36. Because it will act as a trap for everyone who lives anywhere on the face of the entire planet. As a result, keep your eyes peeled and your prayers constant in order to be deemed worthy of escaping all of the events that will transpire and of standing before Jesus Christ.”

How will Jesus come back?

We know that Jesus’ second coming will be a literal occurrence, and that it will be exactly like the first time He departed to heaven. When He had finished speaking, while they were looking on, He was taken up into the clouds out of their sight, as recorded in Acts 1:9-11: “Now when He had finished speaking these things, while they were looking on, He was taken up into a cloud out of their sight, and a cloud received Him out of their sight.” And while He was ascending, two men in white robes approached them and said, ‘Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking up into heaven?’ It will be exactly the same Jesus who was carried up from you into heaven who will return in the identical manner in which you witnessed Him ascend into heaven.”

See also:  How Was A Bleeding Woman Healed By Jesus?

Will the angels come back with Jesus?

Those who have died in Christ, according to the Bible, will be gathered from all across the world when the angels return with Jesus and the sound of the trumpet heralds their arrival. – (Matthew 16:27, 24:31, and 25:31)

What happens to the righteous at the second coming?

Righteous dead will be brought to life and transported to heaven with the righteous who are still living on the earth at the time of Jesus’ second coming, according to the Bible. ‘For the Lord Himself will come down from heaven with a mighty cry, with the voice of an archangel, and with the sound of the trumpet of God,’ says 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. And the first to rise will be those who have died in Christ. Afterwards, we who are alive and still living will be taken up with them in the clouds, where we will be with the Lord in the air.

Are the wicked destroyed by Christ’s coming?

It is predicted that when Jesus returns to earth, the wicked who are still alive will cry out for the rocks and mountains to fall on them because they will be unable to look upon the face of the Savior (Revelation 6:15-17).

As a result of their refusal to acknowledge God or obey the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the wicked will be destroyed with everlasting destruction (2 Thessalonians 1:7-10).

When will we get immortal bodies?

After being turned into eternal bodies at the moment of Jesus’ second coming, or at the sound of the final trump, the mortal bodies of the redeemed will be altered once more. According to 1 Corinthians 15:52-53, “in a flash, in the blink of an eye, at the sound of the final trumpet.” Because the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be resurrected incorruptible, and we will be changed as a result of that. Because this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality,” says the author.

Why is Jesus coming back?

According to the Bible, Jesus will return to earth to reward the inhabitants of the planet and to take many of them back to heaven with Him (Revelation 22:12). “Then the King will say to them on His right hand, ‘Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world,'” according to Matthew 25:34. Jesus, above all else, longs to spend time with you and your family. He invites you to return with Him to paradise, where you will be able to spend an eternity free of tears, anguish, and suffering.

So, what is it that prevents you from placing Him first in your life?

Looking for God

Thank you for contacting us with your inquiry. It is without a doubt a question that many individuals have posed. In the event that we should have anticipated Jesus to have returned by now, the fact that He hasn’t does a great deal to undermine our confidence in Him. We are fortunate in that God has already provided us with the solution to your question, which may be found in the letter of 2 Peter. Peter warns of scoffers who will come in the latter days and will ask the question that you have posed in a very negative way:.scoffers will come in the last days with scoffing, pursuing their own wicked inclinations.

Everything has continued in its original state since the fathers fell slumber, just as it has from the beginning of time itself.” 2 Peter 3:3–4 (New International Version) Then, in an attempt to assist Christians in responding to these scoffers, he writes, “But do not miss this one point, dear, that with the Lord one day is as many as a thousand years, and a thousand years as many as one day.” The Bible says in 2 Peter 3:8 Peter informs us that, rather than 2000 years having passed since Jesus walked on planet, from God’s perspective, it is equivalent to only 2 days!

  1. A thousand years may seem like an incomprehensibly vast period of time to us mere mortals, but we must see things through God’s perspective, and a thousand years is nothing in His sight.
  2. Instead, it is intended to demonstrate to us that, because God is limitless, time is meaningless to Him!
  3. According to my beliefs, the evidence provided by the Scriptures themselves, together with the testimony of every sincere disciple of Jesus, demonstrates that God always follows through on His promises.
  4. All people who have believed Jesus will dwell with Him in glory for all of eternity once He returns in glory and establishes His eternal reign on the earth.
  5. The solution to this query may be found in Peter’s letter as well.
  6. He concludes by saying that The Bible says (2 Peter 3:9) In other words, God is not just postponing the coming of His Son because He hasn’t gotten around to it yet; He is waiting in order to provide more opportunities for people to come to faith in Him.
  7. He desires that more men and women place their trust in His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, so that they may be forgiven of all their sins and accepted into His family of believers.

If you are not a believer, you should be grateful to God for being patient with you, and you should be grateful to God for continuing to be patient with us despite our failings.

God has proven Himself faithful throughout history, and you may demonstrate His promise that “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved” by calling on the name of the Lord (Romans 10:13).

We live in a society where many people will want us to doubt God’s trustworthiness, and we must resist this temptation.

Despite the fact that things do not always turn out the way we want them to, we may be assured in the fact that God is constantly working on His perfect plan of salvation behind the scenes.

Despite the fact that we don’t have, and indeed cannot have, all of the answers, we are confident in the fact that God is able and willing to complete the good job He has begun in us (Philippians 1:6).

God is a kind God who desires that the entire world come to know about Jesus. God is also waiting for you to come to faith in Jesus, and I pray that you will do so while the chance is still there to do so. For additional contemplation, the following Bible verses:

I hope that my response will assist you in achieving peace with God via Jesus Christ. If you want to learn more about what Jesus has done for you, please view the film on the main page of our website: Take a look at the video I strongly advise you to visit a nearby Bible-believing church and chat with the pastor about your concerns and questions. If you are looking for a local church, our Church Finder may be of assistance: Locate a Church Send us your question or browse through our response database at your leisure: Inquire about something *Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture references are drawn from the English Standard Version of the Holy Bible.

Trained Christian volunteers will accept your call and pray for you and with you while you are on hold.

Is Jesus Coming Soon?

The question, “Is Christ returning soon?” was posed to me early in the pandemic’s progression. In the wake of huge, catastrophic catastrophes – whether caused by humans (wars, anarchy, genocide, widespread human depravity, global economic recessions) or by “acts of God” – this is a genuine issue that is frequently raised by the public (earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, floods, drought, blood moons, and yes, pandemics). What caught my attention was the word’soon’ that was put on at the end of the inquiry.

  1. When Jesus appeared in the final book of the Bible, in the final chapter, He said: “Behold, I am coming shortly.
  2. In these statements, and whenever the subject of His second coming was brought up, the Lord and the Scripture authors highlighted how we should live in light of the truth of His coming, rather than the time of His arrival.
  3. His arrival will take place without undue delay and at the precise moment determined by the Lord.
  4. The inquiry, “Is Jesus coming soon?” may indicate that a person is interested in knowing whether or not they should begin to take their connection with the Lord more seriously.
  5. So, if He is not coming soon, we may probably relax and go about our business as if there is no pressing need to attend to.

In addition to providing us with some indications of what life will be like as we get closer to the end of history, Jesus also directed us away from fruitless speculation about when He would return and toward fruitful living in which we are prepared at all times to meet Him when He does come back again.

  • Christ’s return, regardless of when it occurs, offers us with the comfort that Satan will be defeated in the end.
  • Satan does not have the last say, and we are united with the Lord of Hosts in our pursuit of triumph.
  • The most important thing to remember about Jesus’ second coming is that we must be prepared.
  • Instead, they were to serve as His witnesses all across the globe, according to the Bible (Act 1:6-8).

2For people will be lovers of themselves and lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,3heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, lacking self-control, brutal, not loving good,4treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,5having the outward appearance of godliness but denying its power Paul wrote in 2 Timothy 3:1-5.

However, it is not our role to criticize or condemn the world, but rather to show witness to Christ via our gracious words and compassionate acts.


9I wrote to you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people—10not at all meaning the sexually immoral of this world, or the greedy and swindlers, or idolaters, because then you would have to leave the world—because you would have to leave the world if you continued to associate with them.

1 Corinthians 5:9-11 is a biblical passage.

If this is the case, then the sin must be dealt with in a kind and honest manner, as well.

However, if the individual is a nonbeliever, we do not distance ourselves from them; rather, we become acquainted with them, love them, share with them, and minister to them!

We are unable to cope with our own sins, but we are eager to point out the sins of the rest of the world to others.

Christians are frequently obliged to maintain God’s righteousness by denouncing the sins of the world, and this is understandable.

He wasn’t implying that adultery was okay; rather, he was demonstrating the power of mercy triumphing over the force of justice.

If we want to be salt in a decaying world and light in a darkening world, we must prepare ourselves by becoming salt and light in a world that is descending into darkness. Let us go and make disciples of all nations.

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