How Old Is God And Jesus

How old is God now?

Asked in the following category: General The most recent update was made on the 28th of January, 2020. Godas, as a single all-powerful being, has been around for approximately 3,350 years. As a result of these methodologies, most academics believe that Jesus was born between 6 and 4 BC, and that his public ministry began about AD 27–29 and continued for one to three years. They locate the death of Jesus between the years AD 30 and AD 36, according to their calculations. Furthermore, how can God be said to have had no beginning?

This God is so powerful that time and space are unable to constrain or define Him in any way.

In this case, how old is the Bible in 2019?

Of course, this is only the information we have been able to gather and date.

The Book of Genesis, according to the majority of Biblical academics, was the first book ever written down.

It is the JewishGod, whose name is YHWH, who is descended from the ChristianGod (possibly pronounced Yahweh, which means “The one who is”).

How Old is God?

As a result, God does not have an age. “Who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty,” according to the Bible, is God, who is also known as “The Alpha and the Omega” (Revelation 1:8).

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  • Verse in the Bible that refer to God’s age include: God: from the beginning
  • God: the Eternal One
  • God: never grows old
  • God: eternally youthful.

Bible verses about God’s age:

Paul writes in 1 Timothy 1:17, “Now to the King everlasting, immortal, and unseen, to God who alone is wise.” In Psalm 90:2, the author writes, “Before the mountains were born forth, or before You made the earth and the globe, Even from the beginning of time to the end of time, You are God.” Psalm 93:2 says, “Your throne has been set from the beginning; you have existed from the beginning.” Rev 10:6 = “and swore by Him who lives forever and ever, who created heaven and everything that is in it,” says the author of the book of Revelation.

“The everlasting God is your sanctuary,” says Deuteronomy 33:27.

1) God: No beginning, no ending

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the world,” according to the Bible’s very first words (Genesis 1:1). However, this passage is not referring to the beginning of God’s existence; rather, it is referring to the origin of our planet and the cosmos. God was present at the beginning of our universe, but He had existed for a very long time before that. In reality, the Bible makes it quite apparent that God has existed since the beginning of time. Throughout history, there has never been a point in time when He did not exist, and there will never be a point in time when He ceases existing.

The mountains were brought forth before the mountains were brought forth.” Even from the beginning of time to the end of time, You are God,” the psalmist declared (Psalm 90:2).

2) God: The Eternal One

“I AM,” for example, is one of the names God uses to refer to Himself (Exodus 3:14), indicating that God lives in the everlasting present. He has been, and He will continue to be, the center of the universe. Humans exist in three distinct time periods: the past, the present, and the future. God, on the other hand, does not have the same concept of time as we mortals who live and die. According to the Bible, “With the Lord, one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one day” (Matthew 6:33).

3) God: never gets old

Since God existing in the eternal present, he is addressed as “I AM” in Exodus 3:14, one of the names by which he addresses himself. He has been, and He will continue to be, the center of everything. Humans exist in three different time periods: the past, the present, and the future. God, on the other hand, does not experience time in the same way that we mortals do. “With the Lord, a day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years are as one day,” the Bible states (2 Peter 3:8).

4) God: forever young!

Because of Renaissance paintings representing God as an elderly man with a long beard and a robe, we have a preconceived notion that He is elderly. In fact, we may come to think of God as a loving, old grandfather who isn’t very active in all of life’s events any longer. We may believe it’s a wonderful thing to have Him around, but in reality, He is largely absent from our daily lives. The role that God plays in our lives is completely different if we think of God as being young, vigorous, and active in our lives.

God, on the other hand, is neither old nor young in the sense that we understand time.

He has always been there and will continue to be there.

It is his pledge that “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

How old is Jesus Christ now @ 25th December 2020?

Good morning, my fellow Christ-followers and brothers and sisters. I hope we had a good time last night! I have a perplexing question that I believe the Lord has asked me when I was considering the upcoming Christmas celebration and simultaneously hearing a variety of prayers and desires from a variety of sources. So, what exactly is the question? It’s the title of the communication, as you can see. What is the age of Jesus Christ? The question has been bothering me because I believe that knowing the answer to this question would help me to justify the purpose for his birthday celebration.

  • People are constantly very happy and cheerful, but is Christ also happy and joyful?
  • Answering this question will provide a clue as to why we need to commemorate birthdays in our lives.
  • “Can you tell me your age?” they inquire.
  • A person’s age is determined by the year in which he or she was born and the year in which they are celebrating their birthday.
  • According to the Bible, celebrating our birthdays is about learning to count our days so that we may grow a heart of knowledge, which is why we should learn to count our days.
  • Teach us how to live a healthy lifestyle!
  • Growing in wisdom is essential, just as we grow older, we should also grow in understanding.
  • Most significantly, we place our trust in God’s wisdom to guide us in living properly as we should, in accordance with His expectations for our life.
  • The issue is, how old is our Lord Jesus Christ in chronological terms?
  • The exact age of Jesus is unknown.
  • If that is the case, then his age isn’t all that significant in comparison to the mission that God has given him, since he came for us to demonstrate how to live in God’s kingdom and how to be restored to what we lost when Adam rebelled against God.

Jesus’ birth was certain, and his purpose and vision were unmistakable and unambiguous. Consider the following facts about our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to begin:

  1. His conception was one-of-a-kind
  2. No one else has ever been born in the same way. In the absence of a relationship between man and woman Mary and her husband, Joseph, did not have any sexual encounters. In order for God’s sperm to fertilize Mary’s matured egg, the Holy Spirit overshadowed her and caused her to release it
  3. While Jesus was in the womb, the natural/physical father did not interfere with Mary’s pregnancy, and Joseph did not sleep with his wife during the pregnancy period
  4. He was born as a king, saviour, ruler, the Lord, and counselor. In other words, he was aware of the reason for his birth. We didn’t know why we were born until we discovered it for ourselves
  5. He died, was raised, and ascended to heaven, where he will continue to live eternally. He is alive and well now
  6. He sits at the right hand of God, interceding for us
  7. He will return to rule on earth with those of us who have trusted him, followed him, and walked with him
  8. He is the ultimate judge of all
  9. He is the judge of all things.

With all of these facts, as well as much more that we may discover, it is very evident that Jesus came to fulfill a specific mission that no one else will ever be able to complete. What he has come to undertake cannot be accomplished by anybody else. In the same way, what God created us for is not the same as what another person is capable of accomplishing. One of the only times that God will give up on us is after we have completed our assigned time on this planet. According to the Bible, a man is only allowed to die once, and after that, he will face judgment.

God assigns each man a work to do, a need to meet on this planet, a vision to realize, and a goal to achieve on his journey through life.

Returning to our Lord Jesus Christ, the fact that He is a baby is not beneficial to both heaven and man.

During his early childhood, he might have suffered from any of the following events:

  1. He is completely at the mercy of others. Individuals can murder him if he is not protected by his heavenly Father, which is why God placed him in the care of people who could provide him with the highest level of care and protection the majority of the time. Nobody is chosen by God if they are reckless with their life or if they refuse to heed him when he gives them instructions. He instructed Joseph, his father, and his mother Mary on a number of occasions, saying, “I am a slave to man.” He had to subordinate his will to man, because he was under the authority of man, particularly his parents and elders in his immediate vicinity. Galatians 4:1-6
  2. He is completely helpless. As a result, he was unable to accomplish anything for himself, and he was unable to employ all of his parts as instruments of goodness to heaven and mankind
  3. He was unable to offer joy to his father or to assist his brothers in any way. He was unable to redeem us from our sins, nor was he able to restore our life to us. He was placed under the supervision of others
  4. He was limited to the tasks needed of him as a carpenter
  5. He was allowed to accompany men
  6. He could be made scared
  7. He could be exploited
  8. He might be destroyed

All of these things, and much more, might be done to our Lord Jesus while he is still a child. Most believers still treat him as if he were a baby, and they do not consider him to be their life and Lord. The only thing we can take away from his birth is the fact that it gave all of heaven and earth hope that, at long last, the human race is on the verge of being redeemed from eternal torment and separation. As well as that this kid would grow up to fulfill his or her God-given mission on earth, which is to bring pleasure to the skies and blessings to mankind.

  1. The heavens rejoicing for our sake, knowing that God’s deepest wish has finally been fulfilled via his son.
  2. Heaven delighted because of us, not because of the heavens.
  3. We had lost touch with the Holy Spirit, and Jesus came to bring him back to us.
  4. Man was created in God’s image and likeness in order to have dominion over all of creation.
  5. Growing in intimacy and closeness with the Holy Spirit, who is the ruler of God’s kingdom, is how we will achieve this.
  6. He increased in knowledge and understanding.
  7. Growing in wisdom in order to fulfill your God-given vision, mission, and purpose on this planet is what Christmas is all about.
  8. In order to obtain a heart of knowledge, it is necessary to understand how to count and number the days of our lives.

Amen. Have you progressed in your understanding of God’s wisdom, righteousness, and grace since the last Christmas? Consider this as you commemorate the life and death of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

How old is God?

Although we humans measure our age by the day of our birth, this approach does not work when it comes to determining God’s age since He does not have a chronological age. God has always existed and will continue to exist. As a result, He exists beyond of time and space, and not only that, He is the creator of time itself. God is the creator of the entire cosmos and everything included within it (John 1:3). God created time, and we are able to measure the passage of time by which we may count our days, years, and seasons as they pass (Genesis 1:14; Psalm 104:19).

  1. God addressed himself as “I AM WHO I AM” in His first communication with Moses (Exodus 3:14).
  2. God demonstrated to Moses his omnipotent rulership, infinite strength, and never-ending presence by addressing him as “I AM.” He is the God who exists at all times.
  3. Jesus is God and was with God before the beginning of the creation of the world (Colossians 1:16; John 1:1–3).
  4. In fact, Jesus is “I am” even before Abraham was born (John 8:58).
  5. In the words of the Greeks, he is “the Alpha and Omega,” “the first and last, the beginning and the end” (Revelation 22:13; cf.
  6. Alpha is the first letter of the Greek alphabet, while Omega is the last letter of the alphabet.
  7. God, on the other hand, is not constrained by the limitations of time.
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As a result, asking “How old is God?” is an erroneous categorization.

Knowing how old God is is comparable to trying to know what the color blue sounds like in terms of sound (colors are not audibly perceived).

But because God is timeless and eternally self-existent, He does not belong in the same category as objects subject to time, which are objects that have a chronological age.

When we place our faith in Jesus Christ, trusting in His sacrifice on the cross and believing in His resurrection so that our sins can be forgiven and we can be reconciled to God, we can rest assured that God is on our side.

We know that God is always with us and will never abandon us (Hebrews 13:5–6); we know that He is faithful to fulfill His good work (Philippians 1:6; 2:12–13); we know we can never be separated from His love (Romans 8:28–39).

Truths that are related: What is the nature of God’s eternity?

The link between God and time is not well understood. What are some of the most important things to understand about God’s character? What exactly are God’s qualities, and what do they mean? Is it possible to establish the existence of God? Return to the Truth about God page.

How Old Was Jesus When He Died?

What was Jesus’ age at the time of his death? Have a look at the following Is it possible that the Bible does not provide any information concerning Jesus’ death date or how old he was when he died? Furthermore, neither the date of Jesus’ birth nor the date of his death are specifically mentioned in the Bible. As a result, pinpointing the precise date of Jesus’ birth or death is difficult. Taking a look at the events given in the New Testament, notably the Gospel of Luke, and comparing it to Roman historical records, we may certainly infer that Jesus was born sometime between 6 and 4 BCE, which corresponds to the era between 6 and 4 BCE.

Taking a look at the dates above for Jesus’ birth and death, it appears that What was Jesus’ age at the time of his death?

When it comes to age, many Biblical academics and historians tend to be among the youngest.

Death Of Jesus According To The Gospel And The Bible?

According to the Bible Birth of Jesus during the reign of Herod the Great, who died in 4 BC.
According to the Gospels Jesus was born during the census of Quirinius. It happened ten years after the death of Herod the Great.
According to the Bible Jesus was baptized and began his ministry at the age of 30.And was crucified after the age of 30, almost at the age of 33.

What was Jesus’ age at the time of his death? Additionally, you should be familiar with:

  • Is There a Symbolic Meaning for the Number 8 in the Bible? And What Does Non-Denominational Church Mean? What Does the Bible Say About a Seer? What Was Jesus’ Height

Bible And Quran Facts About The Death Of Jesus

The Crucifixion and Death of Jesus What was Jesus’ age at the time of his death? First and foremost, we must understand the historical fact of Jesus’ death as recorded in the Bible. As recorded in the Gospel of Matthew chapter 12 verses 38, 39, and 40, certain people came to Jesus one day and requested him to perform a miracle or reveal a sign for them. In response to this request from the people, Jesus stated that a wicked and adulterous generation is looking for a sign from God. There is no significance to it unless the prophetic sign is Jonah, because Jonah was trapped in the stomach of the giant fish for three days and three nights, and there is no prophetic sign in Jonah.

  • We can infer from these lines that Jesus made a prophecy to the people regarding the possibility of a miracle occurring.
  • We now have a couple of queries, which are as follows: Question 1.Was prophet Jonah alive or dead at the time of his death?
  • The most obvious response to this question is that he was still alive at the time of writing.
  • When he was devoured by the giant fish, the answer was that he was still alive.
  • He was still alive, that is the explanation.
  • He was still alive, that is the explanation.
  • Nonetheless, for Jesus to fulfill his prophesy as proclaimed in Matthew chapter 12 verse 40 and perform a miracle for the people, a miracle must be performed.

His body should have been carried down from the cross when it happened.

For the sake of argument, Jesus should have been alive when he arose from the ground.

We are unable to agree with this because we respect and love Jesus; as a result, this conversation demonstrates that Jesus was not crucified and did not die as previously believed.

In fact, if he did not die, he would be in a state of peace.

The Holy Quran mentions it in verses 157 and 158 of chapter 4, verse 157 of chapter 4.

However, a copy of him was created by a third party.

They don’t know anything about it other than what they’ve learned from the presumption.

Rather, Allah Almighty God exalted him above all others, and Allah is forever exalted in power and wisdom.

Your query concerning how old Jesus was when he died has been answered, but the answer cannot be given to you since Jesus is still alive and so cannot be told his age at the time of his death.

How old was Jesus when his father died?

The Bible makes no mention of Joseph’s death, who was the father of Jesus, and his brothers and sisters. We may, however, confine the period of his death to the events in the biblical tale. When Jesus was twelve years old, his Holy Family traveled to Jerusalem to be with him, and Joseph is frequently referenced in the Gospel accounts. Joseph, on the other hand, is not there when Jesus begins his public ministry at the age of 30. In all of the narratives, Mary is seen with Jesus or with other family members, and she is delivered to John on the cross, suggesting that no male relatives were alive at the time.

How old was Jesus’ mother when she died?

Several apocryphal legends indicate that Mary was between the ages of 12 and 14 when she became engaged to Joseph, however this has never been verified. It is possible that Mary was married when she was approximately 12 years old, according to traditional Jewish practice. And the death of Mary, the mother of Christ, in the year 41 A.D. According to Hippolytus of Thebes, Mary lived a another 11 years after her son’s death before her own death.

FAQ About How Old Was Jesus When He Died?

When Jesus died, how old was he at the time? Jesus died when he was 33 years old because he completed his ministry between the ages of 30 and 33. Is it possible that Jesus had a child? They want you to know that Jesus had a secret wife named Mary Magdalene, who was stashed away for many years under the cover of fake news and conspiracy theories. He had two children with Mary Magdalene, who was his first wife. Was Jesus married or did he have a wife? According to a book, Jesus Christ was married to Mary Magdalene and had two children with her.

  1. Christ was on Earth for around thirty-three years, during which time he led a profoundly pure and holy life in the midst of pain and adversity.
  2. In the year 29AD, Jesus was crucified.
  3. Nobody is aware of it.
  4. When Jesus died for the second time, how old was he at the time?
  5. His belief in not dying a second time was bolstered by the fact that he would be taken to heaven 40 days following his resurrection.
  6. Jesus, commonly known as God, was assassinated when he was 33 years old.
  7. The Bible, on the other hand, does not provide any evidence for God’s death.

The current years were calculated based on Jesus’ birth date, which was 1 A.D.

This suggests that the year of Jesus’ birth is presently in the year 2020 A.D.

Is it known how old Jesus was when he began his ministry?

The beginning of Jesus’ ministry, which occurred on September 11, 26AD, is usually included in the chronology of his life.

27 and 29 and the time of his death to be between A.D.

When Joseph died, how old was Jesus at the time?

What time, day, and hour did Jesus die, and where was he buried?

It was approximately 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

Do you have any questions?

Three Passovers are mentioned in the Gospel of John, during which Jesus is carried to Jerusalem to prove the widely held Christian belief that Jesus lived 33 years on earth.

In the year 2021, how old is Jesus?

The birth of Jesus, according to modern academics, took place between the 7th and 4th century B.C.

(since I feel it is a superior choice).

This is owing to a hiatus in the Christian calendar, in which the year 2000 was not included (it runs from 1 B.C.


It is hard to determine whether or not you are 100 percent certain in your position.

Luke 2:41-52 tells the account of the characters.

What was Jesus’ true age at the time of his death?

Because, after 33 years, Jesus vanished from the face of the earth.

His grave is said to be at Raujabal, near Srinagar, in the Indian state of Kashmir.

What Jesus Christ did between the ages of 13 and 29 remains a mystery to this day.

When he returned to Jerusalem at the age of 30, he was initiated by John the Baptist (John).

Following his entrance, he began instructing others. He was hung on the cross three years later, or 33 years after he committed the crime. After the age of 33, he was never seen or heard from again. It is unclear what happened to him after that or how long he would live.

How Old Was Jesus When He Died?

As Easter approaches, many people may begin to wonder about some of the less well-known details of Jesus’ life and ministry. We’re curious in his appearance, what clothes he wore, how tall he was, and what kind of food he ate. While contemplating Jesus’ humanity, we can’t help but ask ourselves these kinds of questions, especially as the day of his death draws closer. One question comes up quite frequently because we want to know how valuable it is in comparison to our own lives. What was Jesus’ age at the time of his death?

  1. Was he of a certain age?
  2. Was he weakened by his advanced age and the responsibilities of a long life?
  3. As we contemplate our own mortality, his humanity screams out to us from the threshold of death.
  4. In addition to you, it is also yours.
  5. Here’s where you can get your FREE Holy Week Guide.
See also:  What Does Jesus Say About Homosexuality In The New Testament

How Do We Determine Jesus’ Age?

There are no scriptures in the Bible that tell us how old Jesus was when he died. What we do have are passages that tell us how old he was when he did specific tasks, as well as the cultural expectations of hisfaithcommunity regarding significant anniversaries in a person’s life at certain points in his life. The dates when he began his ministry and the length of time he spent in ministry up to his death are the ones to keep an eye out for since they are related to his death. But first and foremost, we need to know when he was born.

According to Luke 3:23, Jesus was roughly thirty years old when he began his career (26-30 AD) and remained in service for three years, putting Jesus’ death between 29 and 33 AD.

What Were Some Milestones in Jesus’ Childhood?

When attempting to calculate the age of Jesus, we must take into consideration anything that is described in Hebrews 4:15. He was completely free of sin. As a result of his Jewish background, he was raised to believe that he was flawless in accordance with the Law of Moses. Whether or not he was perfect according to the Law of Moses indicates that the expectations of the communal life guided by the Law were satisfied in a satisfactory manner. This implies that if we look closely, we can track some of his life milestones and use that information to construct a rough chronology of his existence.

  1. The Mosaic Law stipulated that all men were compelled to do so.
  2. A kid cannot become a member of this religious society unless he has undergone ceremonial circumcision.
  3. This was done during the cleansing rite forty days following the birth of the child.
  4. As a kid (Jesus) was in contact with his mother’s blood at birthing, the ritual declared him to be clean.
  5. Due to the fact that Jesus was the firstborn male, this was also the ceremonial of redemption.
  6. Teaching at the Temple when I was twelve years old (Luke 2:41-51).
  7. At a time when Jesus was still considered a kid and when his father was still held accountable for his moral acts, Jesus stands alongside and educates the instructors in the Temple.
  8. When the Magi came to visit, I was only two years old (Matthew 2:16).
  9. Using the information provided by the Gospel of Matthew, we may establish the ages of additional individuals associated with Jesus’ life.
  10. As a result, we know that Jesus was two years old when the Magi came to honor him.

We can also infer that Jesus’ family remained in Bethlehem for a period of two years following the birth of their son. While it is possible that Jesus was born in a stable, it is more likely that his family had relocated to a more permanent residence.

Do We Know What Jesus Was Doing as a Young Adult?

The Bible does not provide us a detailed account of Jesus’ life from the age of twelve until he reached full manhood, but it does provide us with some indications of what he was up to during that period. Despite the fact that the individuals who wrote the passage contained in Mark 6:3 were not depicting Jesus in a good manner, the verse did represent something that they knew about him. These are the folks who have grown up with him and who refer to him as “the carpenter.” The fact that his father Joseph was a carpenter by profession is also known from other scriptures, and it would have been expected in the culture that Jesus would have learnt his father’s craft and carried on the family business.

  • It is not impossible that Jesus may have worked on some of these projects while he was a young man because they required a considerable quantity of labor to be completed successfully.
  • Dr.
  • Joseph goes into much detail about this here.
  • The Essenes are not particularly mentioned by name in the Bible at any point in time.
  • As a result, Jesus’ teachings on the latter days and communal life are consistent with some of the themes that the Essene community was intensely concerned about at the time of his death.
  • A further point in favor of the thesis is the fact that Jesus did not marry.
  • Carrying water was considered a woman’s responsibility in Jesus’ day.
  • If a household possessed slaves, the slaves may be assigned to this work, although this was typically a female-only responsibility.
  • According to this report from the Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Essenes were known to be present in Jerusalem at the time, and they were known to dwell in houses that were divided according to gender.
  • In this chapter, there is also the question of what Jesus instructs his disciples to say to one another.
  • The “Teacher of Righteousness” was the title given to the leader of the Essene society in ancient times.

While we cannot be certain that Jesus was a member of the Essene community, it appears that he was at the very least aware of the Essene sect’s Jerusalem branch, its practices, and its teachings, according to the evidence.

How Old Was Jesus When He Began His Ministry?

When Jesus reached the age of thirty, he would have been eligible to begin serving in the ministry. According to Luke 3:23, Jesus was around thirty years old when he began his preaching. For him to be permitted to teach in the Temple area of Jerusalem, he would have needed to come from a lineage that authorized him to do so. When Elizabeth was revealed to be the daughter of Aaron in Luke 1:5, Mary, Aaron’s mother, was a relative of Elizabeth. The fact that Jesus is descended from Abraham gives him the authority to function in the teaching capacity that he assumed when he visited the Temple.

  • A number of incidents are depicted in the Gospel of Luke to mark Jesus’ initiation into the ministry.
  • The significance of this sequence of milestones and occurrences may be understood on a number of different levels.
  • There are spiritual causes for Jesus’ confrontations with both temporal and spiritual powers throughout his lifetime, according to this passage.
  • This puts his age at the time of his death on the cross at thirty-three years old.
  • The typical lifespan in Jesus’ day, according to several sources, was thirty-five years old, which would make Jesus appear to be a much older man at the time of his death.
  • I would have to agree that Jesus died very young when compared to his contemporaries.
  • When he tallied up the expenses, he concluded that we were worth it.

What Does This Mean for Believers?

Many people are called by God to serve in ministry. While some people begin at a young age, and this has been the accepted standard for a long time, the tide is turning on this. Many persons who have entered the ministry in recent years have done so as second or third jobs, according to statistics (including the author of this article). Prior to entering the ministry, Jesus worked as a carpenter, which was a very different profession. Don’t allow your age deter you from pursuing your goals. Even if you are a child, keep in mind that Jesus was twelve years old when he gave his first public teaching to the Temple instructors.

  1. Spend a short amount of time discerning, and then follow God’s direction.
  2. The fact that Jesus died should be the most important factor to consider when examining his age at the time of his death.
  3. His age is significant in that he was not a kid and was able to make his own decisions while on Earth, since he was not compelled to do so.
  4. In addition, he did not die by natural causes.
  5. He was prepared to pay such a high price for the sake of his family.

He was here for a long enough period of time to demonstrate to us how to live, how to die, and how to live again in eternity. Credit for the image goes to Getty Images/mumemories Larry White is the pastor of Ephesus Baptist Church, which is located in Sanford, North Carolina.

The God of the Old Testament vs. the God of New

The Bible is unequivocal in its portrayal of God’s unchanging character. Consider the following two verses that guarantee us that there has not been (and never will be) any change in God’s nature:

  • Regarding God’s constant character, the Bible is unambiguous. Take a look at two verses that convince us that God’s character has not changed (and will never change) over time: (1)
  • The Bible is unequivocal in its portrayal of God’s constant essence. Take a look at two texts that convince us that God’s character has not changed (and will never change):

Your acquaintance, on the other hand, is not the only one who has reservations about these assertions. When many people read the Old Testament, they picture a God who is ruthless. According to them, this God is an utter antithesis to the loving Heavenly Father depicted in the New Testament. However, the issue of purported discrepancies between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament is significantly more complicated than it looks at first glance. Making the distinction between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament is a skewed way of looking at the situation.

God’s nature is consistent

The God of the New Testament is unmistakably a God of compassion and love (1 John 4:8). There’s no doubt about that. That doesn’t rule out the possibility that He is simply a gentle, lenient, and doting grandfather figure, though. Hardly.

  • Take, for example, the account of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1-11.
  • “But I will tell you whom to dread: fear him who, once he has murdered, has the ability to send someone into hell,” Jesus said. Yes, I am telling you, be afraid of him!” (Luke 12:5, ESV)
  • And keep in mind Jesus’ words: “But I will tell you whom to dread: fear him who, once he has murdered, has the ability to cast into hell. ” He is someone to be afraid of, I promise you that.” (Luke 12:5, New International Version)

The God of the ancient covenant, on the other hand, is not the unyieldingly irritable taskmaster that some people portray Him to be.

  • The Old Testament scriptures describe Him as “merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love,” and as a God who “does not deal with us according to our sins, nor repay us according to our iniquities” (Psalm 103:8-10 and Exodus 34:6-7)
  • And as a God who “does not deal with us according to our iniquities” (Exodus 34:6-7).
  • There was a time before Paul when the focus on grace and faith in the New Testament (as opposed to works of the law) was emphasized. Since the beginning of time, this key biblical idea has been emphasized repeatedly: In Genesis 15:6 and Romans 4:3 and Galatians 3:6, the Bible says that Abraham “believed in the Lord, and He credited it to him as righteousness.”
  • “Behold, his spirit is puffed up
  • It is not upright within him,” writes the prophet in Habakkuk 2:4, “but the righteous shall live by his faith,” which is a reference to confidence in God (ESV). In other words, grace is not only a New Testament concept
  • It is also a biblical concept.

The bottom conclusion is that all of the Bible’s authors believe that God’s love and God’s judgment are two sides of the same coin. Fire has the ability to burn. In addition, fire may provide warmth and comfort. Whatever we do will be determined by our position in respect to the flame. BothTestaments represent this fact — everyone in his or her own unique manner.

Want to talk more?

Call us for a no-obligation consultation over the phone. Our certified or pastoral counselors will be more than happy to assist you in any manner they are able. In the interim, you can delve into the recommended materials listed further down this page. Resources If a title is presently unavailable via Focus on the Family, we recommend you to purchase it from a different source instead. What Every Christian Should Know on a Day-to-Day Basis If God Is Almighty. In the midst of suffering and evil, we must maintain our faith.

See also:  How Does The Bible Describe Jesus Christ Appearance

Insight for Living is a publication of the Christian Research Institute.

Like Father, like Son: Ten Ways Jesus Christ Reveals God’s Identity

When God’s people of Israel were living in the Old Testament, they were aware of God as their father, but only in a broad sense. For example, because God is the creator of all things, he might be referred to as “father.” Jesus Christ, on the other hand, exposes a whole other aspect of God’s fatherhood: he reveals, as St. Paul says, “Abba” (see Romans 8:15), which is a Syriac term that literally means “my father.” Abbai is a term that purposely conjures up images of the family, and it is a word of closeness.

Furthermore, this Abbais is not only addressing God as father in a familial and intimate manner, but it is also addressing God the Father as the First Person of the Most Holy Trinity, in the Person of God the Father.

For example, we read in John 1:18 that “no one has ever seen God; the only-begotten Son, who is in the heart of the Father, he has shown him to us.” Another way to put it is as we read in Matthew 11:27 and Luke 10:22, “All things have been entrusted to me by my Father; and no one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father save the Son and anybody to whom the Son chooses to disclose him.” As a result, how does Jesus disclose the nature of God the Father to us?

Examine 10 ways (among others!) in which the revelation of Jesus invites us into the mystery of his filial connection with God the Father, as revealed by the Holy Spirit.

1.The Incarnation(John 1:1-14)

Shepherds’ adoration and veneration Matthias Stomer, around the year 1625 The Incarnation is the exterior prolonging and expansion of the Son’s procession, which is symbolized by the Virgin Mary. Jesus told them, “If God were your Father, you would love me,” as we read in John 8:42. “I came not of my own volition, but he sent me,” Jesus said. Because of the Incarnation, the invisible Father’s justice and mercy, as well as his love and providential care for his chosen creatures, have a tangible manifestation in Christ.

2.The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple(Luke 2:41-51)

A painting by William Holman Hunt, titled The Finding of the Saviour in the Temple, dating from around 1854. “Did you not realize that I had to be in my Father’s house?” Jesus asks Mary and Joseph as they reunite after their separation. A Father who is not the same as St. Joseph himself, who is only our Lord’s foster-father, to name a few differences.

3.His Preaching(Matthew 5-7)

Carl Bloch’s Sermon on the Mount was published in 1877. According to Mark 1:14, “after John had been arrested, Jesus went into Galilee and preached the message of God to the people.” The Sermon on the Mount, which stresses God’s paternity, is the most well-known example of this type of teaching in the Bible. In fact, the word “Father” is used 17 times in the speech to refer to God. What is the purpose of emphasizing God’s paternity in the sermon? Why? Because Jesus is God the Son, and he is asking us to be God’s sons and daughters by calling us to be sons and daughters through him, with him, and in him.

4.His Works(John 5)

Christ Healing the Blind, by El Greco, ca. 1570 (Not alone do the teachings of Jesus bear witness to the existence of God the Father, but so do his deeds as well. All of Jesus’ deeds, including his healings, miracles, and other actions, demonstrate his magnificence as the Son of God. If I am not performing the works of my Father, then believe me; if I am doing them, even if you do not believe me, trust the works so that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father, as our Lord himself says.

5.His Interior Life(Luke 3:21-22; 9:28-36)

Raphael’s The Agony in the Garden (ca. 1504) is one of the most famous paintings in the world. Our Lord shows us that his prayer is all about turning as Son to the Father, and that his petition is also all about the Father turning as well, in the form of testimony to his Son. As an example, in both the Baptism and the Transfiguration, Jesus Christ is praying, and as he is doing so, a voice from heaven declares him to be the Beloved Son of God. By joining ourselves to the internal life of Christ, we are able to penetrate the secrets of the heavenly realm.

6.The Passion(Matthew 26-27; Mark 14-15; Luke 22-23; John 13-19)

“The Crucifixion,” by Fra Angelico, ca. 1420-1423 (Nothing expresses the love of the Father more clearly than the Passion of Christ, which demonstrates that the Father’s limitless love for people extends even to his only-begotten Son. It is notably the Crucifixion that expresses the Father’s unfailing love for the world, a love that compels him to send his only begotten Son to death in order to redeem us from our sins.

At the anguish of the garden, Jesus’ personal submission to the will of the Father, portrayed never more forcefully than in this moment, demonstrates his own oneness of will with the will of the Father.

7.The Church’s Great Commission(Matthew 28:16-20)

Ascension, John Singleton Copley was born in 1775. Just prior to his ascension into heaven, Jesus assigns his Catholic Church the responsibility of teaching and baptizing all peoples around the world. The baptismal ritual itself reveals to us the three individuals who make up one God: when we are baptized into Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection, we are doing so in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, not only in the name of Christ. The three persons of God are different, yet they are also consubstantial, coequal, and coeternal in their natures.

8.The Sending of the Holy Spirit(Acts 2)

C. 1268, Duccio di Buoninsegna, The Descent of the Holy Spirit Acts 2 tells the story of the first Christian Pentecost, which occurred 50 days after Easter and commemorates the establishment of the Church. Holy Spirit comes upon the faithful as the Church’s foundational gift and soul, transforming them into new creatures in Christ. And what, exactly, has this to do with God the Father? Everything, since Jesus makes it very plain that the Holy Spirit is the fulfillment of the Father’s promise (see Luke 24:49; Acts 1:4-5).

9.The Infusion of Faith(John 3:36)

Jacopo Tintoretto’s The Last Supper (ca. 1592-1594) is a masterpiece of Renaissance painting. We are made even more personally acquainted with God the Father by the infusion of theological virtue of faith into our intellect, which allows the revelation of God the Father to become even more personal. In fact, as Christ explains in the Gospels, faith is already the beginning of eternal life: “He who believes in the Son has eternal life” (Jn 3:36). It is important to note that he states “has eternal life,” not “shall have eternal life.” But, if not the knowledge and love of the Triune God, what is eternal life if not this?

10.Our Own Testimony to Christ(Matthew 10:32; Mark 8:38; Luke 9:26)

Christ Carrying the Cross, by El Greco, approx. 1577–1587, is a religious painting. The perfection of the Christian life of faith, hope, and charity is found in our adherence to Christ crucified, for the savior asks that we take up our cross and follow him. “So every one who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven,” Jesus says. “So every one who acknowledges me before men, I will also acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven” (Mt 10:32). Although these are not the only ways in which our Lord reveals the Father, these 10 methods provide a comprehensive, though quick, summary of our Lord’s revelation of the Father.

  • Jesus’ obedience to the will of Father, which culminated in his Passion, death, and resurrection on the cross, is the means by which we ourselves might be reconciled with our heavenly Father.
  • Taking a lesson with us will never be more convenient than it will be now.
  • Anyone living anywhere in Colorado can take a class, regardless of where they live.
  • Beginning on Monday, September 13, students will be in class.
  • The featured artwork is a ceiling fresco of the Holy Trinity by Gian Domenico Caresana, which was completed in 1616.

Daniel Campbell is a writer who lives in the United Kingdom. Currently, Daniel Campbell serves as Director of the Lay Division at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in New York City.

Why Is God So Different in the Old Testament than He Is in the New Testament?

Changing the page from the conclusion of the Old Testament to the beginning of the New Testament might feel like entering a completely other universe at first. And in some ways, that is correct: for example,

  • More than 400 years have passed
  • The Jews are now under Roman authority rather than Persian authority
  • There are new groupings of individuals, such as the Pharisees and the Sadducees, who have emerged.

Some might add at least one further distinction to this list:

  • A distinction exists between the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament.

Old Testament vs. the New Testament

For example, it is customary to assert that Deity in the Old Testament is a god of judgment, whereas God in the New Testament is considered to be a god of love (or vice versa). While on the surface this idea appears to be plausible, a deeper examination of the Bible reveals that it is completely incorrect. The same God who poured out his anger on sin in the Old Testament is the same God who will exact vengeance on those who do not believe in his Son Jesus (2 Thessalonians 1:5–10) by punishing them with eternal torment in the New Testament.

Who Is God in the Bible? – The Whole Bible.

Beginning with Genesis and continuing through Revelation, we witness God’s amazing love for us as well as his dreadful wrath against sin and evil. God revealed himself to us in and through the person and work of Christ. According to New Testament scholars, God revealed in the Old Testament is identical to the God who is now showing himself in and through Jesus Christ, a claim that has been made repeatedly throughout history. With regard to the personification of Jesus as the Word, John writes: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God.” He was there with God from the beginning.

“No one has ever seen God; the only God, who is at the Father’s side, he has made him known,” John adds later in the same chapter.

God brought his promises to fruition in and through the person of Jesus Christ.

“The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, the God of our ancestors, honored his servant Jesus,” Peter claims in Acts 2:23.

Throughout the book of Galatians, Paul argues that those who believe in Jesus Christ, regardless of their nationality or gender, will receive the blessings that God promised to Abraham.

God’s character never changes.

According to Psalm 102:25–27, “you remain the same, and your years have no end,” in contrast to this world, which shall pass away.

As a result of God’s taking on flesh in the person of Jesus Christ, the character of God revealed in the Old Testament comes into even sharper clarity and expression in the New Testament. Photo courtesy of Aaron Burden via Unsplash.

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