How Many Disciples Did Jesus Have In All?

How Many Original Disciples Did Jesus Have

Throughout His career, Jesus Christ attracted a large number of disciples.As the Son of Man, He went about the city of Jerusalem spreading the message of the Gospel.His life demonstrated the grace and kindness of God to everyone who came into contact with it.Tax collectors and prostitutes were among the most despised individuals in Jesus’ day, yet He showed compassion to them.Despite the fact that many individuals followed Jesus, only a select few were invited into His inner circle.In order to complete His purpose on earth, Jesus chose a small group of individuals.

  • What was the total number of disciples that Jesus had?
  • Jesus picked twelve disciples to accompany him on his journey, to learn from Him, and to spread the gospel.
  • Following His resurrection, Jesus delegated to His twelve disciples the responsibility of disseminating the Word of God across the world.
  • The apostles were the twelve disciples of Jesus who were chosen by Jesus to be his representatives on earth.

The twelve Apostles of Jesus Christ

The twelve ordinary disciples were instrumental in laying the groundwork for the establishment of the church.Twelve is a significant number in the book of Revelations (KJV): Revelations 21:10-14.And he took me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain, and he showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, which had descended from God’s throne, and which shone with the glory of God; and her light was like unto a precious stone, even like a jasper stone, as clear as crystal; and her light was like unto a precious stone, even like a jasper stone, as clear as crystal; And it had a vast and high wall, and it had twelve gates, and at the gates were twelve angels, and names were inscribed on the gates, which were the names of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel, as follows: Three gates are located on the east side; three gates are located on the north side; three gates are located on the south side; and three gates are located on the west side.Also, the city’s wall was built with twelve foundations, each with a name of one of the twelve apostles of the Lamb carved into it.The twelve apostles have been given special significance by God.Through their lifetimes, these guys were able to completely turn the world upside down.

  • The following are the names of the twelve disciples:
  1. Among those mentioned are Simon Peter, James the son of Zebedee, John the brother of James, Andrew, Philip, Batholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, Thaddaeus, Simon the Canaanite, Judas Iscariot, and others.

The following are the names of the disciples as recorded in Mark 3:14-19 in the King James Version (KJV): Afterwards, Jesus appointed twelve men to accompany him and to preach, and he gave them the authority to cure illnesses and cast out demons.And Simon was given the name Peter; James, the son of Zebedee, and John, the brother of James were given the name Boanerges, which means ″son of thunder.″ And they were given the name Boanerges, which means ″son of thunder.″ In addition to Andrew, Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, as well as James the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus, and Simon the Canaanite, as well as Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him: after which they walked into a home

Simon Peter

  1. Simon Peter, the son of Jonas, was a fisherman from Bethsaida and Capernaum, and he was a disciple of Jesus.
  2. Simeon, Cephas, and Simeon were all names given to him.
  3. Cephas is an Arabic name that means ″rock.″ Peter is the author of two of the New Testament epistles that carry his name: 1 and 2 Peter.
  4. Under the reign of Emperor Nero, Peter was crucified in Rome.

He requested that he be crucified with his head facing downward because he felt he was unworthy to die in the same manner as Jesus.Peter had numerous flaws, one of which was that he denied Jesus three times before the rooster crooned (Matthew 26:34).His kind heart, on the other hand, was his saving grace.Peter was the first to publicly acknowledge that Jesus was the Son of the Living God and that he was the Messiah.He was also there on the Mount of Transfiguration, when Jesus appeared to be transfigured.

James the son of Zebedee

  1. James, the son of Zebedee and Salome, was a fisherman who resided in Bethsaida, Capernaum, and Jerusalem during the time of the gospel of John.
  2. James the Elder is a title that he is frequently given.
  3. James and John were two brothers who lived in the same house.
  4. Their names are frequently seen combined.

James was the first of the apostles to be martyred, and he was the first to die.In AD 44, while preaching in Jerusalem and Judea, he was executed by Herod the Great.In all things, he was a man of faith, bravery, and forgiveness.

John the brother of James

  1. James’ brother, John, is the son of Zebedee and Salome.
  2. John is the son of Zebedee and Salome.
  3. Because of his violent temper, he is referred to as Boanerges, which translates as ″son of Thunder.″ He was a fisherman from Bethsaida, Capernaum, and Jerusalem, and he came from a poor family.
  4. He was the author of the Gospel of John, as well as the books of I John, II John, III John, and Revelation.

John was a man who took initiative.Originally from fishing families, John and James had employed employees to help them with the day-to-day operations of their fishing company.The apostle John delivered a sermon to the churches in Asia Minor.He was saved from an assassination attempt and eventually died as a result of natural causes.


  1. Andrew was Peter’s brother and the son of Jonas, who was also Peter’s father.
  2. Andrew worked as a commercial fisherman.
  3. At one point in his life, he was a follower of John the Baptist.
  4. According to Mark 1:16-20 KJV: As he was walking down the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he noticed Simon and Andrew his brother tossing a net into the water, for they were fishermen.

And Jesus answered to them, ″Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.″ And they followed him.And as soon as they saw him, they abandoned their nets and followed him.And after a little while, he came across James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, who were also on the ship, mending their nets, and they recognized them.And he immediately summoned them, and they left their father Zebedee on the ship with the hired servants and followed him to the city of Jericho.Andrew was a person who could make things happen.

His major goal was to bring people to the Lord and to the gospel.Andrew died a martyr’s death after he cured and converted the wife of Governor Aepeas to Christian belief.Due to his dissatisfaction with being killed in the same manner as Jesus, he was hanged on an X-shaped crucifixion instead of the traditional cross.


  1. In addition to being Peter’s brother, Andrew was also the son of Jonas, who was the father of Peter.
  2. A fisherman by trade, Andrew At one point in his life, he was a follower of the Baptist.
  3. As he strolled down the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he noticed Simon and Andrew his brother tossing a net into the water, for they were fishermen.
  4. When they arrived, Jesus said to them, ″Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.″ As soon as they saw him, they abandoned their nets to pursue him.

And after a little while, he came across James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, who were also aboard the ship, mending their nets, and they recognized them.And he immediately summoned them, and they left their father Zebedee on the ship with the hired servants and followed him to the city of Jerusalem.Andrew was a person who could make things happen for other people.His major goal was to bring individuals to the Lord and to the gospel of salvation.During his healing and conversion of Governor Aepeas’ wife, Andrew died as a martyr for his faith in Christ.

Due to his dissatisfaction with being executed in the same manner as Jesus, he was hanged on an X-shaped cross as a punishment.


  1. Talmai’s son Bartholomew Nathanael is named after him.
  2. He was a missionary in the Armenian capital of Yerevan.
  3. He was also the only disciple who was descended from aristocracy, which made him unique.
  4. In the New Testament, there is very little information available about him.

He is regarded as the founder of the Armenian Church.According to legend, he also preached in India, where he was killed as a martyr.He was slashed to death with knives before being buried.


  1. In the story of Matthew, Alpheus is the father.
  2. Levi is the name that he goes by.
  3. He used to work as a tax collector.
  4. He was the author of the letter to the Romans in the New Testament that bears his name.

He is also referred to as Levi.Matthew’s given name literally translates as ″a gift from God.″ Matthew was considered to be the lowest of the low by the Jewish people.Tax collectors were despised because they were perceived as criminals.They were grouped along with Gentiles and sinners in the classification system.Matthew was a skilled writer who shared an account of Jesus’ teachings with the rest of the world in the form of a book.

In Ethiopia, he died a martyr’s death.


  1. Thomas was a native of Galilee.
  2. His Hebrew given name was Thomas, while his Greek given name was Didymus.
  3. He was referred to as Judas at times.
  4. Doubting Thomas was so named because of the passage in John 20:25 KJV that states, ″The other disciples therefore answered unto him, We have seen the Lord.″ But he told them that until he showed them the print of the nails on his hands and allowed them to insert their finger into the print of the nails and shoved his hand into his side, he would not trust them.

Thomas was a pessimist, to put it mildly.However, once Jesus returned from the dead, He allowed Thomas to place his finger in the nail impressions that were left on his hands and side.Afterwards, according to John 20:28-29 KJV, ″And Thomas responded and said unto him, My Lord and my God.″ Then Jesus says to him, ″Thomas, because you have seen me, you have believed; lucky are those who have not seen and yet have believed.″ The king of Indea commissioned Thomas to construct him a palace, which he completed.As a martyr, he was assassinated with a spear.

James the son of Alphaeus

  1. In the story of James, Alpheus is the father.
  2. He is referred to as James the Lesser or James the Younger.
  3. It is believed that he was Jude Thaddaeus’ brother.
  4. Some academics also believe he was the Matthew, which is a possibility.

James is a man about whom very little is known.He traveled to Palestine and Egypt to preach.He was a man with a fiery personality and a strong will.He was assassinated in Egypt.


  1. Thaddaeus is the son of Alpheus, also known as Cleophas, and his wife, Mary.
  2. Jude and Lebbeus are two more names for him.
  3. He traveled to Assyria and Persia to preach.
  4. He was referred to as Trinomious, which literally translates as ″a man with three names.″ He was a driven individual with lofty ambitions.

Jesus was being served at the Last Supper when Judas approached him, not Iscariot, and said, ″Lord, how is it that thou shalt show thyself vnto us and not unto the world?″ Thaddaeus was determined to make Christ recognized across the globe as a monarch.In Ararat, he was assassinated with arrows.

Simon the Canaanite

  1. Simon the Canaanite was a resident of Galilee.
  2. Except for the fact that he was a Zealot, the New Testament provides virtually little information on him.
  3. Zealots were nationalists who believed that suffering was necessary for the purifying of their beliefs.
  4. The Zealots were a group of people who despised the Romans as their masters.

Simon renounced his animosity and traded it for love and belief.As a result, he was considered to have died as a martyr.

Judas Iscariot

  1. Judas Iscariot is infamously referred to as ″the traitor″ in the Bible.
  2. He turned against Jesus in exchange for thirty pieces of money.
  3. After that, he committed himself by hanging himself.
  4. Judas belonged to the Judean people, whilst the rest of the disciples belonged to the Galilean people.

In addition, he served as the band’s treasurer.He was avaricious in his position as treasurer, and he stole money from the bank.Judas is known as the engima.People find it difficult to comprehend how someone who witnessed Jesus’ miracles might turn against him.Even worse, instead of repenting, Judas’ guilt ultimately led him to commit suicide by hanging himself.

Matthias replaced Judas

  1. Matthew 1:18-26 KJV:Now this man purchased a field with the reward of his crime; and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst of the field, and all his bowels flowed forth.
  2. Matthias took the place of Judas in this passage: And it was well known to everyone of the inhabitants of Jerusalem, inasmuch as that field is known in their own dialect as Aceldama, which translates as ″field of blood″ or ″field of bloodshed.″ Due to the fact that it is recorded in the book of Psalms, Let his residence remain deserted, and no one be permitted to reside inside; and his bishopric should be given to another.
  3. As a result, one must be chosen from among these men who have been with us throughout the entire time that the Lord Jesus has come and gone among us, beginning with the baptism of John and continuing until the day on which he was taken up from us, to be ordained to be a witness with us of his resurrection.
  4. As a result, they appointed two people: Joseph, known as Barsabas, who was given the surname Justus, and Matthias.

In prayer, they asked the Lord, who knows the hearts of all men, to reveal which one of these two he had selected, so that he may take part in the ministry and apostleship from which Judas had been expelled, and so that he could proceed to his own position in the hereafter.And they cast lots for the apostles, and the lot fell on Matthias, who was listed among the eleven apostles.Matthias had been with Jesus since His baptism and remained with Him till His resurrection.He traveled to Caspian and Cappadocia to preach the gospel.

Get to Know Jesus’ 12 Apostles, Including Peter, John and More

  1. The 12 apostles were chosen by Jesus Christ from among his early disciples to be his closest colleagues and confidants.
  2. Jesus completely commissioned the apostles (Matthew 28:16-2, Mark 16:15) after an extensive discipleship course and following his resurrection from the dead, in order to promote God’s kingdom and spread the gospel message across the globe.
  3. The names of the 12 disciples may be found in Matthew 10:2-4, Mark 3:14-19, and Luke 6:13-16, among other places.
  4. These individuals would go on to become the founding fathers of the New Testament church, but they were not without their flaws and failings as well.
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Strangely enough, neither a scholar nor a rabbi was among the twelve apostles who were selected by God.These folks have no exceptional abilities.It was a group of everyday folks who were neither religious nor sophisticated, just like you and me.God, on the other hand, picked them for a specific purpose: to fan the fires of the gospel, which would spread across the face of the planet and continue to burn brightly for millennia to come.In order to carry out God’s extraordinary plan, he chose and employed each of these ordinary people.

Meet the 12 Apostles of Jesus Christ

Take a few minutes to learn about the 12 apostles of Jesus and the traits that characterized each of them. Learn from the guys who were instrumental in igniting the flame of truth that continues to burn inside hearts today and urges others to come and follow Christ.


  1. Peter was, without a doubt, a ″duh″-principle that the majority of people can relate to.
  2. From one moment to the next, he was walking on water by faith, and then he was drowning in insecurity.
  3. Peter is well renowned for his impulsive and passionate behavior, which culminated in his denial of Jesus when the stakes were high.
  4. Still, as a follower, he was cherished by Christ, and he was given an honorable place among the twelve apostles.

In the Gospels, Peter, who serves as a spokesperson for the Twelve, stands out.When the names of the guys are read out loud, Peter’s name is always the first.It was he, James, and John who constituted the core of Jesus’ inner group of closest friends.They were the only ones who were granted the opportunity to see the transfiguration as well as a few other amazing revelations from Jesus.Following the resurrection, Peter rose to prominence as a fearless preacher and missionary, and he went on to become one of the most influential figures in the early church.

History records that when Peter was sentenced to death by crucifixion, he requested that his head be bent toward the ground because he did not believe he was worthy to die in the same manner as Jesus.


  1. In order to become the first disciple of Jesus of Nazareth, the apostle Andrew deserted John the Baptist, yet John the Baptist didn’t seem to mind at all.
  2. He was well aware that his purpose was to direct people to the Messiah.
  3. Andrew, like many of us, grew up in the shadow of his older brother, Simon Peter, who was more well-known.
  4. Andrew is identified as Peter’s brother in all four Gospels.

The couple came from Bethsaida, which is a village located north of the Sea of Galilee.Andrew was the one who led Peter to faith in Christ, but then he stood back to allow his raucous brother to rise to prominence among the apostles and in the early church.Despite the fact that the Gospels don’t say much about Andrew, reading between the lines reveals a man who was thirsty for truth and found it in the living water of Jesus.Throughout Andrew’s life, we see how an ordinary fisherman who abandoned his nets on the coast eventually rose to become a wonderful fisher of men.


  1. Each of the synoptic Gospels mentions James as a follower of Jesus who was among the first to follow him.
  2. In order to distinguish himself from the other James, James the son of Zebedee was a member of Christ’s inner circle, which also included his brother John the apostle and the apostle Peter.
  3. James the son of Zebedee was often referred to as James the Greater to distinguish him from the other James the son of Zebedee.
  4. As a result, not only did James and John get a distinctive moniker from the Lord — ″sons of thunder,″ but they also had the honor of being at the forefront and center of three miraculous occurrences throughout the life of Jesus.

In addition to these distinctions, James was the first of the 12 apostles to be murdered for his religion in A.D.44, making him the first of the apostles to be crucified.


  1. The apostle John, brother of James, was referred to by Jesus as one of the ″sons of thunder,″ but he preferred to refer to himself as ″the disciple whom Jesus loved,″ which is what he called himself.
  2. Because he is frequently referenced after James, it seems likely that John was younger than James.
  3. When Jesus summoned the brothers, they were working as fishermen with their father Zebedee when he called them.
  4. The fiery temperament of John, along with his deep devotion to the Savior, earned him a valued position inside Christ’s inner circle.

In addition to his huge influence on the early Christian church, he has a larger-than-life personality that makes him an intriguing character study.His compositions reflect a variety of characteristics.For example, on the first Easter morning, with his characteristic fervor and passion, John hurried Peter to the tomb when Mary Magdalene reported that it had been discovered to be vacant.After claiming victory and bragging about it in his Gospel (John 20:1-9), John meekly permitted Peter to be the first to enter the tomb, demonstrating his humility.According to legend, John outlived all of his followers, dying in his old age at Ephesus, where he proclaimed a gospel of love and lectured against heresy while preaching and teaching.


  1. Philip was one of the earliest disciples of Jesus Christ, and he didn’t spare any time in encouraging others, such as Nathanael, to follow in his footsteps.
  2. Philip is given a more prominent part in the Gospel of John than he is in the other three Gospels put together.
  3. In John 14:8–9, Philip approaches Jesus and requests, ″We would be happy if you show us the Father, Lord.″ ″Have I been with you all this time, Philip, and yet you still don’t know who I am?″ Jesus responds.
  4. Every single person who has seen me has seen the Father.″ (NLT) However, despite the fact that nothing is known about him following Christ’s ascension, Bible historians think Philip preached the gospel in the region of Phrygia in Asia Minor, where he died as a martyr at the city of Hierapolis.

One thing we can be confident of is that Philip’s pursuit for the truth brought him directly to the Messiah who had been promised.

Nathanael or Bartholomew

  1. Nathanael, who is thought to be Bartholomew’s disciple, had a startling first contact with Jesus, according to tradition.
  2. Nathanael was suspicious when the apostle Philip invited him to come and see the Messiah, but he went along with it nonetheless.
  3. In the presence of Jesus, the Lord remarked, ″Here is a real Israelite, in whom there is nothing false.″ Philip was the one who presented him.
  4. Right away, Nathanael wanted to know, ″How did you find out about me?″ As soon as he responded, Jesus caught his attention, saying, ″I saw you when you were still under the fig tree prior to Philip calling you.″ Nathanael came to a complete halt as a result of this.

″Rabbi, you are the Son of God; you are the King of Israel,″ he said, shocked and amazed.Despite the fact that Nathanael was barely mentioned in passing in the Gospels, he was transformed into a devoted follower of Jesus Christ in that moment.


  1. Customs official Levi, who later became known as the apostle Matthew, worked in Capernaum and assessed taxes on imports and exports based on his own judgment.
  2. For his involvement with Rome and betrayal of his compatriots, he was despised by the Jews.
  3. However, when Matthew the dishonest tax collector heard two words from Jesus, ″Follow me,″ he immediately abandoned everything and followed Jesus.
  4. He wished to be welcomed and loved, just like the rest of us.

Matthew regarded Jesus as someone who was worthy of sacrifice, and as a result, he renounced his luxurious life in order to serve and follow him.


  1. It is customary to refer to the apostle Thomas as ″Doubting Thomas″ because he hesitated to accept that Jesus had risen from the dead until he was able to see and touch the actual wounds of Christ.
  2. However, when it comes to disciples, Thomas has had a bad record throughout history.
  3. After all, every one of the apostles, with the exception of John, deserted Jesus during his trial and execution at Calvary.
  4. Thomas had a tendency to go to extremes.

Later, he had displayed daring faith by risking his life to accompany Jesus into Judea, demonstrating his commitment to Jesus.A valuable lesson may be learned from Thomas’s life.If we are sincerely seeking the truth and are completely open with ourselves and others about our troubles and uncertainties, God will faithfully meet us and show himself to us, just as he did for Thomas, we will be blessed.

James the Less

  1. James the Less is one of the most obscure apostles in the Bible, and he is also known as James the Less.
  2. The only things we know for definite about him are his name and the fact that he was there in the upper chamber of Jerusalem following Christ’s ascension to the right hand of the Father.
  3. In his book Twelve Ordinary Men, John MacArthur speculates that his relative obscurity may have been the defining characteristic of his life.
  4. James the Less’ full obscurity may disclose something important about his character, and this is a possibility.

Simon the Zealot

  1. Who doesn’t like a good mystery novel or two?
  2. The actual identity of Simon the Zealot, the Bible’s own mystery apostle, is one of the most perplexing questions in the book of Genesis.
  3. Only a few details are given about Simon in the Bible.
  4. His name is referenced three times in the Gospels, but solely to provide a brief description of who he is.

In Acts 1:13, we learn that he was there with the apostles in the upper apartment of Jerusalem following Christ’s ascension to the right hand of the Father.We can only assume about Simon’s background and his identification as a Zealot based on those few information.

Thaddeus or Jude

The apostle Thaddeus, who is included with Simon the Zealot and James the Less, completes a cluster of the disciples who are the least well-known. Thaddeus is described as a tender-hearted, kind man who possessed a childlike humility in Twelve Ordinary Men, a book written by John MacArthur about the apostles.

Judas Iscariot

  1. Iscariot is the apostle who betrayed Jesus by kissing him on the cheek.
  2. Some might argue that Judas Iscariot committed the biggest blunder in human history as a result of this epic act of betrayal.
  3. Judas has elicited conflicting reactions from individuals throughout history.
  4. Other people feel a strong sense of contempt for him, while others feel empathy for him, and some people even consider him a hero.

What matters is that, regardless of how you feel about Judas, one thing is certain: believers would profit enormously from taking a close look at his life.

Jesus Had More Than 12 Disciples – Did You Know.? –

  1. No, this is not the second installment of ″The Da Vinci Code.″ ישוע Yeshua is the Hebrew term for Jesus that is used in its literal sense.
  2. The name Yeshua is derived from the Hebrew phrase ″The LORD rescues.″ It is the name given by an angel of the Lord to His mother, Miryam, when she was born (Matthew 1:21).
  3. Strongs3442.
  4. The name is pronounced yah SHOO ah.

It is connected to the Hebrew word for salvation, yeshuah, which is pronounced:.> Yeshua had a lot more disciples than simply the twelve that we see in the Bible.The following is the list of the twelve disciples as recorded in Luke 6:13-16:

  1. The apostles Simon (Peter), Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew, Matthew, Thomas, James (the son of Alphaeus), Simon the Zealot, Judas (the brother of James), Judas Iscariot
  1. There were actually more than twelve disciples, despite the fact that it is popular to refer to ″the twelve disciples.″ Yeshua sent forth the twelve with orders to preach the kingdom of G-d, as recorded in Luke 9:1-6.
  2. It is customary to place a dash in G-name d’s when written or printed on a medium that has the potential to be defiled.
  3. This is done in order to comply with the third commandment, which is to reverence G-name.
  4. d’s G-d is pronounced as GAHD.″>G-d.

Another seventy people were sent forth by Yeshua to proclaim the kingdom of G-d in Luke 10, and they were given the same instructions as before: Later, the Lord appointed seventy others and dispatched them in pairs ahead of Him to every city and area where He was planning to appear in person.(See also Luke 10:1) It is clear that these were disciples since Yeshua tells them, ″The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few; therefore entreat the Lord of the harvest to send forth men into His harvest.″ (Matthew 9:37) (See also Luke 10:2).These are the identical words that can be found in Matthew 9: ″The harvest is bountiful, but the labourers are few,″ He tells His followers at the end of the chapter.As a result, implore the Lord of the harvest to dispatch laborers into His harvest.″ (9:37-38) (Matthew 9:37-38) There are at least three further disciples who are named in the Bible:

  1. In Acts 1:23-26, Matthias (who was selected to replace Judas Iscariot) is mentioned, as is Cleopas (Luke 24:18). Joseph (also known as Barsabas and Justus) is mentioned in Acts 1:23.

According to the Bible, there were at least 82 disciples, however the twelve are the ones who are named the most frequently.

About Jesus   Steve Sweetman

  1. In regards to Jesus Steve Sweetman is a writer and producer based in New York City.
  2. Article on Discipleship on the Next Page – What Is the Role of a Disciple?
  3. What was the number of disciples that Jesus had?
  4. If I ask you, ″How many disciples did Jesus have?″ you could respond with a number between 12 and 14.

Others could respond with 70, 120, or ″plenty,″ while still others would say ″a lot.″ I’ve posed this subject to a number of individuals and have received a variety of responses in response.Because we don’t study the Bible and think about what we’re reading, we don’t appear to have an answer to this issue, or any other question that comes to mind.When we read the Bible, we should ask ourselves, ″What is this sentence trying to teach us?″ We simply read without thinking, gaining very little knowledge.In the sixth chapter of Luke, Jesus ascends a mountain and spends the night praying.″He called His followers to Him in the morning and picked twelve of them, whom He He named as apostles,″ says the Bible.

(See also Luke 6:13.) According to Luke 6:17, there was a ″great multitude of His disciples″ present at the base of the mountain from whom Jesus selected His 12 apostles to serve as His apostles.This is a photo of the scene.On a mountaintop, Jesus spends the night in prayer with his disciples.He collects a huge number of disciples at the foot of the mountain in the early morning hours.

We have no way of knowing how many disciples there were.We do know that there was a big number of people in attendance.Remember that at times, Jesus would speak to crowds of up to 5,000 people.Most certainly, not all of these tens of thousands of people were followers.

It doesn’t matter what happened, Jesus most likely had a few thousand followers.We know from Acts 1 and 2 that He had a minimum of 120 people with him.Whatever the case, ″Jesus picked 12 apostles″ from among this enormous multitude, and in front of this large audience.There were hundreds, if not thousands, of disciples that followed Jesus, which is the answer to the question ″how many disciples did Jesus have.″ He had a large number of disciples.He only had 12 apostles at his disposal.

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As a result, when the number 12 is mentioned, it should be understood to refer to ″12 apostles″ rather than ″12 followers.″ I have a sneaking hunch that many people believe that Jesus had 12 disciples, which is not the case.Home Page for the Next Disciple Article

How many disciples did Jesus have?

  1. When Jesus was a human being on the planet, He had a distinct group of twelve disciples.
  2. In a sense, however, everyone who dutifully follow Him are also considered to be His disciples.
  3. Jesus’ earliest disciples were named Peter, James, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Bartholomew (who was later known as Matthew), Thomas (who was later known as James), Thaddaeus, Simon (later known as Peter), and Judas, who betrayed him, according to the Gospels in the New Testament Bible.
  4. Read the following text for further information: Ascended the mountain and summoned the people who would listen to his call, and they came to him.

He appointed twelve people so that they could be with him and so that he could send them forth to preach, as well as to have authority to cure diseases and cast out demons: Andrew; Philip; Bartholomew; Matthew; Thomas; James the son of Alphaeus; Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot; and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed him.Simon the Zealot was the son of Zebedee, and he surnamed him Boanerges, which means ″Sons of Thunder″ (Mark 3:13-19).Submitted by: Editors How many disciples did Jesus have, according to the Bible?(1) Observations

Jesus’s Twelve Disciples: How Many Disciples Did Jesus Have?

  1. We’re all aware that Jesus had a total of twelve disciples, aren’t we?
  2. This number appears on a number of occasions in all four gospels.
  3. And the first three of them are a list of their names.
  4. Unfortunately, the lists are not in sync with one another.

Simon Peter, Andrew, James (son of Zebedee), John, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James (son of Alphaeus), Thaddaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas Iscariot are among those named in Matthew and Mark as being there.Ten of these names are mentioned by Luke, but he adds Judas (the son of James) and leaves out Thaddaeus.Although John does not offer a list of disciples, he does mention several of them by name: Andrew, Simon Peter, Phillip, Judas Iscariot, and Thomas, among others.John and James (also known as ″the sons of Zebedee″) are mentioned in passing.Nathanael, on the other hand, is implied to be a disciple by John, despite the fact that he is not named in the other three gospels.

As a result, the total number of disciples has increased to 14.What are we supposed to make of this?Here are a few hypotheses that might be considered:

Nicknames Were Used Some of the Twelve Disciples

Taking the supposition that Thaddaeus was also known as Judas (the son of James) as well as Nathanael, we can explain everything, but this is a significant leap of faith.

Some Lists Are Wrong

The lists of Matthew and Mark are totally consistent, indicating that their lists must be correct, but the listings of Luke and John must be incorrect.

The Group Was Dynamic

As disciples came and left during the course of Jesus’ three-year career, the number of disciples fluctuated, despite the fact that he only had twelve.

Twelve Is Not an Absolute Number

  • We live in a culture that places a high value on accuracy. Whenever we say twelve, we mean exactly twelve, neither more nor fewer. We’re not talking about twelve or twelve plus or minus a few of points
  • we’re talking about twelve. I reject the first explanation because it is too fantastical, and I reject the second explanation because it is too convenient to be true. While it’s possible that Jesus’ disciples varied throughout time, it’s more probable that the term ″The Twelve″ was used as a general reference than than a quantitative number. As a result, Jesus’ twelve and fourteen followers are as follows: Andrew
  • Bartholomew
  • James (son of Alphaeus)
  • James (son of Zebedee)
  • John
  • Judas Iscariot
  • Judas (son of James)
  • Matthew
  • Nathanial
  • Philip
  • Simon Peter
  • Simon the Zealot
  • Thaddaeus
  • Thomas
  • and Simon the Zealot.
  1. Find out more about other persons in the New Testament by reading The Friends and Foes of Jesus, which is now available in e-book, print, and hardcover editions.
  2. For Peter DeHaan, writing about biblical Christianity is a way to challenge traditional religious beliefs and live a meaningful life.
  3. By viewing Jesus through the lens of Scripture, he hopes to find a new way to follow Jesus that is free from the baggage of made-up customs and useless activities.
  4. More information may be found in his books, blog, and weekly email updates.

Seventy disciples – Wikipedia

  1. The seventy disciples or seventy-two disciples, also known as the seventy apostles or seventy-two apostles in Eastern Christian traditions, were early messengers of Jesus who were described in the Gospel of Luke as being sent forth by him.
  2. The right Greek phrase is evdomikonta (v) apostoli or evdomikonta mathetes, which stands for evdomikonta mathetes.
  3. Several passages in the Gospel of Luke, the only gospel in which they are mentioned, claim that Jesus appointed and dispatched them in pairs on a specific mission that is explained in the text.
  4. Depending on the narrative you read, the number of disciples ranges between 70 and 72 people.

They are commonly referred to as disciples in Western Christianity, but they are commonly referred to as apostles in Eastern Christianity.Although both titles are descriptive, when using the original Greek words, they differ in their scope.An apostle is one who has been sent on a mission (the Greek word for this is ″apesteilen″), whereas a disciple is one who is a student, the two traditions disagree on the scope of the terms apostle and disciple.’ As a result of these events, the Lord designated an additional seventy-two people, and he dispatched them two by two into every city and area where he was to appear.And he told them that the crop was really plenty, but that the laborers were in little supply.

As a result, pray to the Lord of the harvest that he would send workers into his harvest.I’m sending you out as lambs amid wolves, as you’ve heard.Carry no purse, no scrip, no shoes, and don’t even bother to salute anybody along the route.Whenever you enter a house, the first thing you should say is: Peace be to this house.

And if the son of peace is present, your peace will rest upon him; if he is not present, your peace will be returned to you.And they continue to live in the same house, eating and drinking anything they can get their hands on: because the laborer is deserving of his wages.Take care not to relocate from one residence to another.And whichever city you enter, if you are welcomed, you should consume whatever is placed in front of you.

And treat the sick who are present, and tell them that the kingdom of God has drawn near to them.Nevertheless, if you visit a city and are not welcomed there, you should walk forth into its streets and say: Even the dust of your city, which clings to us, we wash off against you.However, keep in mind that the kingdom of God is near at hand.According to what I’ve heard, Sodom will be able to bear the pain a lot better than that city on that day.Corozain, and Bethsaida, may you suffer the consequences of your actions.

Because if the wonderful wonders that have been accomplished in you had been wrought in Tyre and Sidon, they would have done penance long ago, sitting in sackcloth and ashes, just as you have done.Tyre and Sidon, on the other hand, will be able to bear the consequences of the judgment more easily than you.And you, Capharnaum, who has been raised to the heights of heaven, will be sent into the depths of hell.

  1. And he who listens to you hears me; and he who rejects you rejects me; and he who despiseth me, despiseth the one who dispatched me.
  2. And the seventy-two came back with delight, proclaiming: ″Lord, even the devils are submissive to us in thy name,″ they said.
  3. And he told them, ″I saw Satan as if he were a bolt of lightning falling from heaven.″ For behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions and all of the enemy’s strength, and nothing will be able to harm you.
  4. Although spirits are subject to you, do not take pleasure in this; rather, take pleasure in the fact that your names are written in the book of life.
  • In the same hour, he exulted in the presence of the Holy Spirit and declared: ″I confess to thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, since thou hast kept these things from the wise and prudent, and hast shown them to children.″ Yea, Father, for it hath shown fair to thee in thine sight.’ The group is only mentioned once in the Bible, and it is in this passage.
  • The number is seventy in some Alexandrian manuscripts (such as the Codex Sinaiticus) and Caesarean text traditions, while it is seventy-two in the majority of Alexandrian and Western texts (including the Bible).
  • According to the Letter of Aristeas, the number seventy-two may have come from the seventy countries in Genesis 10 or the numerous other occurrences of the number seventy in the Bible, or it may have come from the seventy-two translators of the Septuagint mentioned in the letter.
  • When interpreting the Vulgate, Jerome chose the number seventy-two as the starting point.

Luke 10:4 refers to what has been stated to the seventy (two) in passing, whereas Luke 22:35 refers to the Twelve in passing: Originally from Rome, Hippolytus was a pupil of Irenaeus, who had been taught by Polycarp, who had been a disciple of the Apostle John.Prior to their discovery in a monastery on Mount Athos in 1854, Hippolytus’s works were thought to have been lost forever.The Refutation of All Heresies, his major work, was readily accepted (once the false attribution to Origen was resolved); however, his two small works, On the Twelve Apostles of Christ and On the Seventy Apostles of Christ, are still regarded as dubious, and have been placed in the appendix of his works in the voluminous collection of the early church fathers’ writings.The following is the whole text of Hippolytus’ On the Seventy Apostles of Christ, which can be found here: Matthias, who would eventually take Judas Iscariot’s position as one of the twelve apostles, is also frequently included among the seventy because John Mark is commonly referred to as Mark the Evangelist, which is why he is also included among the seventy.

Saint Matthias – Wikipedia

St Matthias (c. 1611) by Peter Paul Rubens
Born 1st century ADJudaea, Roman Empire
Died c. AD 80Jerusalem, Judaea or in Colchis (modern-day Georgia)
Venerated in Catholic ChurchEastern Orthodox ChurchOriental Orthodox ChurchesAnglican CommunionLutheran Church
Canonized Pre-congregation
Feast 14 May (Roman Catholic Church, some places in Anglican Communion and Lutheran Church)9 August (Eastern Orthodox Church)24 February (in leap years 25 February) (pre-1970 General Roman Calendar, Western Rite Orthodoxy, Anglican Communion, Episcopal Church, some places in Lutheran Church)
Attributes axe, Christian martyrdom
Patronage alcoholics; carpenters; tailors; Gary, Indiana; Great Falls-Billings, Montana; smallpox; hope; perseverance
  1. Matthias (Koine Greek: M, Maththas, from Hebrew Mattiyh; Coptic: ; died c.
  2. AD 80) was the apostle who, according to the Acts of the Apostles (written c.
  3. AD 63), was chosen by the apostles to replace Judas Iscariot following the latter’s betrayal of Jesus and subsequent death.
  4. Matthias was born in the town of Mattiyh in the province of Syria.

His appointment as an apostle is remarkable in that it was not made personally by Jesus, who had already risen into heaven, and it was also made prior to the entrance of the Holy Spirit onto the early Church, which makes him a unique figure in Christian history.


  1. In the three synoptic gospels, there is no mention of a Matthias, but according to Acts, he was with Jesus from the time of his baptism by John until his ascension to the right hand of the Father.
  2. In the days that followed, Peter recommended to the gathering disciples, who numbered around 120 people, that they designate two persons to take Judas’ position.
  3. It was decided that Joseph called Barsabas (whose surname was Justus) and Matthias would be the candidates.
  4. When they finished praying, they said, ″Thou Lord, who knowst the thoughts of every man, shew who of these two Thou hast chosen, that he may take share in this ministry and apostleship, from which Judas by transgression was expelled, that he may go to his own place.″ Then they divided the spoils by lot, and Matthias was chosen, and he was included in the group of eleven apostles.

Matthias is not mentioned again in the canonical New Testament and there is no additional information about him.His name is also variable: the Syriac version of Eusebius refers to him throughout as ″Tolmai,″ not to be confused with Bartholomew (whose name means Son of Tolmai), who was one of the twelve original Apostles; Clement of Alexandria refers to Zacchaeus once in a way that could be read as suggesting that some identified him with Matthias; Adolf Bernhard Christoph Hilgenfeld believes he is the same as Nathanael in the Gospel of Matthew


  1. The Greeks believe that St.
  2. Matthias planted the faith in Cappadocia and on the coastlines of the Caspian Sea, namely at the port of Issus, according to oral tradition.
  3. As recorded by Nicephorus (Historia Ecclesiastica, 2, 40), Matthias first proclaimed the Gospel in Judaea, and then in Aethiopia (near the province of Colchis, which is situated in modern-day Georgia), where he was crucified.
  4. The Coptic Acts of Andrew and Matthias, which are still intact, locate his activities in Aethiopia in a location known as ″the city of the cannibals.″ Amid the current Georgian province of Adjara, a marker in the remnants of the Roman fortification at Gonio (Apsaros) asserts that Matthias is buried at the location where the marker was erected.

The following narrative is found in the Synopsis of Dorotheus: ″During his ministry, Matthias proclaimed the Gospel to barbarians and meat-eaters in Ethiopia’s interior, near the seaport of Hyssus, at the mouth of the river Phasis, which is where the Gospel was first preached.He died at Sebastopolis and was buried near the Temple of the Sun, where he had previously lived.″ Another tradition holds that Matthias was stoned to death in Jerusalem by the local populace before being beheaded (cf.Tillemont, Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire ecclésiastique des six premiers siècles, I, 406–7; Tillemont, Mémoires pour servir à l’histoire ecclésiastique des six premiers siècles, II, 406–7).As recorded by Hippolytus of Rome, Matthias passed away in Jerusalem due to old age.Clement of Alexandria noted (Stromateis vi.13.): ″It is not true that they became apostles because they possessed some distinguishing characteristic of nature; for Judas was also selected along with them.″ They were, however, capable of becoming apostles if they were selected by the One who sees everything, even the end of the world.

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On this basis, Matthias, who was not selected with them but has proven himself worthy of being an apostle, takes Judas’ place as an apostle in their absence.


It is credited to Matthias in the surviving parts of the lost Gospels of Matthias, although it is linked to heretical texts in the second century according to the Early Church Fathers.


  1. The feast of Saint Matthias was first commemorated in the Roman Calendar in the 11th century, and it is observed on the sixth day of March according to the Julian calendar (24 February usually, but 25 February in leap years).
  2. Matthias’ feast day was moved from February to May in 1969 as part of a revision of the General Roman Calendar to avoid celebrating it during Lent and instead during Eastertide, close to the Solemnity of the Ascension, the event following which the Acts of the Apostles recounts that Matthias was chosen to be counted among the Twelve Apostles.
  3. His feast day is celebrated on August 9th by the Eastern Rites of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
  4. However, in leap years, the Western Rite parishes of the Orthodox Church continue to celebrate the ancient Roman Rite on the 24th and 25th of February.

Matthias is commemorated on the 24th of February in the Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, as well as in other earlier common prayer books of the Anglican Communion.Matthias is commemorated in the Church of England with a Festival on 14 May, according to the contemporary Common Worship liturgy, however he may also be commemorated on 24 February if it is more convenient for the congregation.On February 24, the Episcopal Church, as well as various Lutheran denominations, notably the Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod and the Lutheran Church–Canada, continue to celebrate the feast of Saint Valentine.When it comes to Evangelical Lutheran Worship, which is utilized by the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America as well as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, Matthias’ feast day is celebrated on May 14th.Several sources claim that the remains of St Matthias the Apostle were transported to Italy by Empress Helena, the mother of Emperor Constantine I (the Great); a portion of these relics would be interred in the Abbey of Santa Giustina in Padua, and the remaining portion would be interred in the Abbey of St Matthias in Trier, Germany.

According to Greek accounts, the apostle’s relics are interred at the fortress of Gonio-Apsaros in the Georgian capital of Tbilisi.


When we talk about Ethiopia/Aethiopia, we’re talking about an area in the Caucasus mountains on the river Alazani, which has been associated with an ancient Egyptian military colony. This is the place referenced here and in the statement from the ″Synopsis of Dorotheus.″

See also

  • According to the ″Synopsis of Dorotheus,″ the Ethiopia/Aethiopia described here, as well as in the citation from it, is the location associated with an ancient Egyptian military colony in the Caucasus highlands on the river Alazani.



  1. Jacque Eugène.″St. Jacquier’s Matthias″ may be found in Acts 1: a b c d e f ‘The Catholic Encyclopedia,’ 10th edition Originally published in New York by the Robert Appleton Company in 1911. 10 August 2014
  2. Book 4, Chapter 6 of Stromata ″It is reported, therefore, that Zaccheus, or, according to others, Matthew, the head of the publicans, upon hearing that the Lord had deigned to come to him, replied, Lord, and if I have taken anything by false accusation, I refund him fourfold
  3. ″ according to the New Advent Translation. The Greek, on the other hand, has 4.6.35. 2 v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v v pp ″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″″ According to Charles Herbermann (ed.). The Catholic Encyclopedia, 10th edition. The Robert Appleton Company published ″The Traditions of Matthias″ in New York.
  4. ″Calendarium Romanum″ (Libreria Editrice Vaticana, 1969), p. 92
  5. cf. p. 117
  6. ″The Prayer Book Society of Canada ″ The Calendar″ (The Prayer Book Society of Canada ″ The Calendar″). The Prayer Book Society of Canada published a calendar on October 16, 2013, which may be seen here. The Church of England is a denomination in the United Kingdom. On March 27, 2021, I was able to access the ″website.″
  7. ″Misc. Information on Minor Festivals – The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod″. Retrieved on May 12, 2011.
  8. ″Misc. Information on Minor Festivals – The Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod″. The original version of this article was published on January 6, 2011.
  9. (15) in Evangelical Lutheran Worship, by Augsburg Fortress Press (Minneapolis, MN: Augsburg Fortress, 2007)
  10. Emzar Kakhidze’s article ″Apsaros: A Roman Fort in Southwestern Georgia″ was published in 2008. In Bilde, Pia Guldager, and Petersen, Jane Hjarl (eds. ), a new generation of women leaders (eds.). Meetings of Cultures – A Balanced Approach to Conflict and Coexistence Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, Denmark, pp. 303–332.
  11. Black Sea Studies, 8. Aarhus University Press, Aarhus, Denmark, pages. 303–332.

How Early Church Leaders Downplayed Mary Magdalene’s Influence by Calling Her a Whore

  1. She was Mary of Magdala, one of Jesus of Nazareth’s early disciples, and she was one of the most famous women in the world.
  2. It is said that she journeyed with him, witnessed his Crucifixion, and was one of those who were informed of his Resurrection, all according to the Scriptures.
  3. Everybody, from early church officials and historians to authors and filmmakers, has contributed to the revision and expansion of the tale of Mary Magdalene throughout history.
  4. On the one hand, they downplayed her significance by stating she was a prostitute, a wrecked woman who repented and was rescued by Christ’s teachings.

On the other hand, they emphasized her value by claiming she was a prostitute, a ruined woman who repented and was saved by Christ’s teachings.Mary Magdalene, on the other hand, is represented in several early Christian scriptures as more than just a mere follower; she is also depicted as Jesus’ close companion—which some have taken to suggest his wife.Which begs the question: is there any truth to either of these tales?What exactly do we know about Mary Magdalene, the lady who is considered to be the most intriguing woman in the Bible?WATCH: Jesus: A Biography on the HISTORY Vault

What the Bible Says About Mary Magdalene

  1. However, only the Gospel of Luke discussed Mary Magdalene’s role in Jesus’ life and ministry, listing her among ″some women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities″ (Luke 8:1–3).
  2. All four canonical gospels of the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) noted Mary Magdalene’s presence at Jesus’ Crucifixion, but only the Gospel of Luke discussed her role in his life and ministry.
  3. According to Luke, when Jesus drove out seven devils from her, Mary joined a group of women who went with him and his twelve disciples/apostles, ″proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.″ They were ″proclaiming the good news of the kingdom of God.″ However, although Magdalene is not a surname, it is associated with the city of Magdala, which is located in Galilee, in the northernmost area of ancient Palestine, and from whence Mary hailed (now northern Israel).
  4. In the words of Robert Cargill, an associate professor of classical and religious studies at the University of Iowa who is also the editor of the Biblical Archaeology Review, ″Mary Magdalene was one of Jesus’ early supporters.″ ″She was mentioned in the Gospels, which indicates that she was significant.

There were hundreds, if not thousands, of followers of Jesus, but we don’t know the names of the majority of them, according to what we know.As a result, the fact that she has been identified is significant.″ Mary Magdalene had an important role in the tale of the Resurrection, which took place after Jesus’ crucifixion, which she observed from the foot of the cross with many other women, and after all of Jesus’ male disciples had fled from the scene.In accordance with the gospels, Mary went to Jesus’ tomb on Easter Sunday, either alone herself (according to the Gospel of John) or in company with several women, and discovered that the tomb was vacant.The ladies are the ones who go to the disciples and inform them what has happened, as Cargill points out.That’s crucial since they were the ones who found that Jesus had resurrected from the dead.

According to the Gospel of John, Jesus personally comes to Mary Magdalene after his Resurrection and urges her to inform his followers of his appearance (John 20:1-13).READ MORE: What Did Jesus Look Like When He Was Alive?

Mary Magdalene as sinner

  1. Because of Mary Magdalene’s obvious significance in the Bible—or maybe because of it—some early Western church leaders attempted to minimize her power by presenting her as a sinner, notably as a prostitute, according to the Bible.
  2. In Cargill’s words, ″There are many academics who think that because Jesus empowered women to such a great extent early in his career, it made some of the males who would govern the early church uncomfortable later on.″ In response to this, there were two different reactions.
  3. She was to be turned into a prostitute, for example.″ Early church leaders conflated Mary with other women mentioned in the Bible in order to portray her as the original repentant whore.
  4. These women included an unnamed woman, identified in the Gospel of Luke as a sinner, who bathes Jesus’ feet with her tears, dries them, and applies ointment to them (Luke 7:37-38), as well as another Mary, Mary of Bethany, who also appears in Luke.

Pope Gregory the Great clarified this confusion in a sermon in 591 A.D., saying, ″We think that the Mary, whom Luke names the wicked woman and whom John calls Mary, is the Mary from whom seven demons were evicted according to Mark.″ ‘By becoming a prostitute, she has diminished in importance.’ It has a negative impact on her in some manner.Look at what she did for a job, and you can see why she couldn’t have been a leader,″ Cargill adds.″Of course, the second option was to advance Mary to the next level.Some believe she was actually Jesus’ wife or friend, rather than his mother.″She had a particular place in the world.″ READ MORE: The Bible Claims That Jesus Was a Real Person.

Is there any further evidence?

Mary Magdalene as Jesus’s wife

  1. While some early Christians wanted to downplay Mary’s influence, others sought to emphasize her as a source of inspiration.
  2. Several centuries after Jesus’ death, the Gospel of Mary, a document dating from the second century A.D.
  3. that was discovered in Egypt in 1896, ranked Mary Magdalene higher in wisdom and influence than Jesus’ male disciples.
  4. She was also extensively featured in the so-called Gnostic Gospels, a collection of books thought to have been authored by early Christians as far back as the second century A.D.

but which were not discovered until 1945, near the Egyptian town of Nag Hammadi, and which were written in Greek.According to one of these manuscripts, referred to Mary Magdalene as Jesus’ friend and said that Jesus loved her more than the other disciples.This document is known as the Gospel of Philip.Possibly the most contentious statement in the scripture was that Jesus used to kiss Mary ″frequently on her.″ Damage to the writing rendered the final word illegible, while some scholars have substituted the word ″mouth″ for the unreadable term.In the years after its publication, Dan Brown’s enormously popular mystery The Da Vinci Code has been consumed by tens of millions of readers worldwide.

The premise of the novel revolves around the long-held belief that Jesus and Mary Magdalene had children together.This concept was also at the heart of The Last Temptation of Christ, a novel written by Greek writer Nikos Kazantzakis in 1955 that was subsequently made into a film directed by Martin Scorsese, as well as the cinematic adaptation of the novel.And then there was the discovery of a previously unknown papyrus fragment in 2012 that was considered to be a copy of a second-century narrative in which Jesus refers to Mary Magdalene as ″my wife,″ according to Karen King, a professor at Harvard Divinity School.She ultimately changed her mind after being bombarded with criticism and concluded that the so-called ″Gospel of Jesus’s Wife″ was most likely a fake after defending the document’s validity.

Mary Magdalene as trusted disciple

  1. The Bible, on the other hand, provided no indication that Mary Magdalene was Jesus’ wife.
  2. One can’t get a sense of that type of connection from any of the four canonical gospels, despite the fact that they include the women who travel with Jesus and, in some cases, their husbands’ names as well.
  3. The depiction of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute endured for decades after Pope Gregory the Great declared it official in his sixth-century sermon, though neither Orthodoxy nor Protestantism embraced it once their respective religions separated from the Catholic Church later in the sixth century.
  4. At long last, in 1969, the Church acknowledged that the text of the Bible did not support such interpretation..

Mary Magdalene is now venerated as a saint by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and Lutheran churches, and her feast day is observed on July 22nd in all four of these denominations.According to Cargill’s conclusion, ″Mary appears to have been a disciple of Jesus.″ ″What’s noteworthy is that Jesus had both male and female disciples in his ministry, which was not often the case at the time,″ says the author.He notes that while the prostitute and wife hypotheses have been around for centuries, they are tales and customs that have developed long after the fact: ″Neither of them is anchored in the Bible itself.″ MORE INFORMATION CAN BE FOUND AT: The Evolution of Christian Thought


  1. Home Philosophy and religion are two different things.
  2. Beliefs in a Higher Power Any of the twelve disciples selected by Jesus Christ who are known as apostles (from the Greek apostolos, ″person sent″).
  3. In addition to Jesus, the word is sometimes used to refer to other individuals, including Paul, who was converted to Christianity a few years after Jesus’ death.
  4. Earlier in Luke 6:13, it is stated that Jesus chose 12 from among his disciples ″whom he named apostles,″ and later in Mark 6:30, it is stated that the Twelve are referred to as ″Apostles″ when it is mentioned that they have returned from the mission of preaching and healing that Jesus had dispatched them on.

In Mark 3, Matthew 10, and Luke 6, the complete list of the Twelve is given, with some variatio

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