How Did Jesus Show Compassion?

17 May Jesus Showed Compassion

The 17th of May, 2017 At 05:57 UTC, there are no comments.It was brought to Him by everyone who had any sick people who were suffering from various ailments; and He healed them by placing His hands on each and every one of the sick people.—- Luke 4:40 (NIV) Jesus’ mission was characterized by genuine concern for the well-being of people.According to Luke 4:38, ″Then He got up and went out of the synagogue, and He went into Simon’s house.″ Now Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they enlisted the aid of the Lord to alleviate her pain.″ Peter adored his mother-in-law and wished for her to be well, so he petitioned Jesus to heal her and get healing.The illness was rebuked by Him while He stood over her; the fever was gone, and she immediately got up and waited for them.While the sun was lowering, all those who had sick relatives or friends with various ailments brought them to Him, and He healed them by laying His hands on each one of them″ (vv.

39-40).After Jesus had left Peter’s mother-in-house, law’s He walked out into the streets and began treating people who were suffering from various ailments.He was really concerned about them and displaying sympathy.Is it still possible for God to cure people today?

He does, without a doubt.I think that God cures those who seek him.I believe in the healing power of prayer.

I just don’t believe in faith healers for whatever reason.Jesus is the One who is able to cure.He does not require the assistance of a third party to heal you.Also, take note of how Jesus healed.Healing took place as soon as he touched the affected individuals.

God has the ability to heal if He so chooses.In any case, even if God chooses to heal a bodily ailment, the recovery will only be temporary in the context of this life.We shall all die at some point.

When we are in God’s presence, we shall experience the ultimate healing, and we will be free of disease for the rest of our lives.In light of this, how might we demonstrate the same compassion as Jesus showed for individuals who are suffering from bodily ailments?Again, in Matthew 8:16-17, we witness Jesus performing a miracle of healing.″They brought to Him people who were possessed by demons, and He drove out the spirits with a word and cured everyone who was afflicted by them.″ This was done in order to fulfill the words of the prophet Isaiah, who said, ″He Himself took our infirmities and carried away our sicknesses.″ Take note that the prophesy said that Messiah ″laid our infirmities upon himself.″ The word ″took″ is defined as ″to bear the weight of another individual.″ When we pray to Jesus, He may, on occasion, perform a miracle and heal us of our ailment.But there are instances when He does not take it away.

Jesus does not always cure us of our illnesses, but He always bears the burden of our illnesses.In doing so, he makes the weight lighter for the person who is carrying it by putting himself beneath it and lifting it.Galatians 6:2 instructs us to ″carry one another’s burdens,″ which means to share our difficulties.When we observe someone who is suffering, we are to come beside that person and provide our support.″Please allow me to assist you in carrying the burden,″ we are to say.That is how we might emulate the kindness that Jesus shown in his own life.

*** The devotion for today is taken from the novel ″24″ by Dr.Robert Jeffress, published in 2016.Scripture passages are drawn from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995 by The Lockman Foundation, which was published in 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, and 1995.Permission has been granted to use.

The Compassion of Jesus – Words of Hope

Take a look at Matthew 9:35-36.Your response to the pain of the world is determined by your ability to pay attention to what you are forced to observe.Thanks be to God when Jesus looks at a lost world, feels compassion, and then takes action to save it.Compassion was in scant supply in the ancient world, as did wisdom.It was uncommon enough in the regular lives of humans, but it was almost unheard of as a heavenly quality.The gods of ancient Greece and Rome were, on the whole, callous, cold, and apathetic to the plight of humans.

And the rest of the world followed suit.A few ancient thinkers believed that feeling pity for one’s fellow human beings was not only superfluous, but also a sign of weakness.The Stoic philosopher Seneca made the following observation, which St.Augustine used to explain the contrast between heathen and Christian attitudes: ″Compassion is the fault of a frail spirit.″ What a contrast between the God of the Bible and the God of the world!

His basic character is one of compassion, and it brings him great joy to show mercy.It literally means ″to suffer with″ in the Latin source of the word compassion.Compassion is defined as the ability to feel the same emotions as another person, as well as the desire to sympathize with the suffering of one’s fellow human beings.

More than that, compassion is the feeling of sadness that motivates one to take action in order to alleviate the suffering of others.Here’s another quote from St.Augustine: ″What is compassion but a kind of fellow-feeling in our hearts for another’s sorrow, which urges us to come to his aid by all means at our disposal?″ (Chapter 5 of Book IX of The City of God.) The Bible frequently teaches us that God is compassionate, but it demonstrates this to us through the person of Jesus.This single word might serve as a summary of Jesus’ whole ministry.He felt pity for individuals who were physically harmed by their actions.

Take a listen to the following passages from the gospels: I was moved with sympathy when he reached out and touched him with his hand″ (speaking of a leper, Mark 1:41).″Jesus, moved by compassion, stroked their eyes″ (of two blind men outside Jericho, Matthew 20:34).In his heart, Jesus felt sympathy for them…

and he cured their ill″ (Matthew 14:14).Jesus was also moved by compassion for those who were experiencing psychological discomfort.On one occasion, while passing through a small hamlet, Jesus happened to notice a funeral procession, in which a widow was leaving to bury her only son.″When the Lord saw her, his heart broke,″ according to Luke 7:13 (The Message), and Jesus brought the woman’s son back to life by miracle.

A Ministry Snapshot

Most importantly, Jesus felt compassion for those who were experiencing spiritual hardship.Here is a little passage from the final chapter of Matthew, which concludes with the words: Jesus traveled around all of the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, spreading the good news of the kingdom, and curing everyone who came to him with an illness or a problem.After seeing the masses, he felt compassion for them since they were stressed and defenseless, just like sheep without a shepherd, he explained.(9:35-36 in Matthew 9:35-36) This brief picture of Jesus’ activities reveals the three distinguishing characteristics of his public ministry, which are depicted in this image.First and foremost, he preached.In the words of the Bible, he ″went about proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom.″ In other words, Jesus revealed publicly the good news that God’s presence and dominion had come directly into the world via him and his disciples.

Second, Jesus instructed individuals on how they should spend their lives if they were to be considered his disciples.He went into great depth on what it meant to be a follower of his.For example, in chapters 5-7 of his gospel, Matthew relates the essence of Jesus’ ethical and religious teaching from The Sermon on the Mount, which is known as The Sermon on the Mount.To conclude, because Jesus was also concerned about people’s physical needs, he regularly treated individuals who were sick or injured, as well as those who were plagued by evil spirits, as portrayed in the tales we’ve been studying in Matthew 8 and 9 thus far.

However, the comprehensiveness of this summary statement concerning Jesus’ work is what sticks out the most in this instance.When it came to fulfilling bodily and spiritual needs, Jesus used an all-encompassing approach.And he did it all over the place.

According to Matthew, Jesus traveled around all of the towns and even the villages, teaching, preaching, and curing people.Apparently, Jesus did not have a consultant on his team who might have told him that he was wasting his time by traveling to these little, out-of-the-way towns and that he should instead focus on the major metropolitan areas.That was not the way Jesus continued on with his mission.On the surface, it appears like he merely followed the Spirit’s leading.He made no calculations about how many people were there when he preached or taught, or about whether a location was important enough for him to spend time there.

He was unconcerned about squandering his time in these Galilean backwaters, and he didn’t care.Jesus traveled everywhere and assisted everybody who needed it.That was the way he carried out his ministry.

Jesus Looked

So that’s a quick picture of the situation.Jesus is a man who keeps himself busy.He is actively involved in politics all around the country, from coast to coast.After that, however, something happened that forced Jesus to take a minute to reflect.″When he saw the throngs of people,″ Matthew relates.After all of his frantic activities, including preaching, teaching, and healing, Jesus took a moment to reflect.

He blinked his eyes open and noticed the throngs of people.Perhaps these were the throngs of people who had flocked to him in need of assistance.Perhaps they were simply the throngs of people passing by on the busy highways and streets.How you feel about things and how you think about the world, as well as what you choose to accomplish with your time, is greatly influenced by where you are looking.

The majority of people have a predisposition to experience tunnel vision.We narrow our attention to our own lives, our own immediate worries, our own families, and our own neighborhoods.We never take a step back and look about; we never take the time to consider the needs of the rest of the world.

It is easy for us to overlook others who are not part of our own tiny circle of self-interest.Consequently, we don’t notice the multitudes, the masses of people all over the world, or even in our own town or city, who are in trouble, who are in distress or who are suffering.Isn’t it true that finding what you’re searching for is all about where you look?Not only do we fail to help others in the way that Jesus did, but we also fail to teach them how to help themselves.It’s just that we don’t take the time to look at them properly.

We just don’t take the time to look.We distract ourselves from the unpleasant reality of human misery by immersing ourselves in entertainment on a daily basis.Alternatively, we might lose ourselves in the frenetic pursuit of pleasure or wealth until we have no time left to think about the state of the world and its needs.

Jesus Felt

Jesus, on the other hand, did more than merely stand there and stare at the throngs of suffering people.He felt pity for them as well.Upon seeing the masses, he felt compassion for them,″ says the author.There’s that word, compassion, popping up again.Because the heart is the organ that we associate with compassion, care, and love, a decent way to translate it for us would be to say ″Jesus’ heart went out to them″ or even ″Jesus’ heart shattered for them.″ Compassion was also associated with a physical organ in the Hebrew tradition, according to this interpretation.However, they placed it a little lower.

Compassion, according to them, was something you felt in your guts.As a result, when Matthew claims that Jesus had compassion for the throng, he is actually referring to the fact that Jesus’ stomach was churning as he witnessed these suffering people.I’m curious as to what your conception of God looks like.I believe that the image we have of God is much too frequently that of a distant, severe, unfeeling figure, or that of some unbending, impersonal force or power.

What did Jesus think God looked like?Consider the plot of one of his tales.He viewed God as a father whose son had wandered away, but who had remained vigilant day after day in search of him, and who, when he saw the kid returning home, couldn’t keep his excitement from bursting forth and running out to embrace him and welcome him home.

That’s how God appears to be.He is not emotionless or emotionless.He has sympathy for others.He is concerned about us.He even bears our burdens with us.

I’m not sure how you feel about it, but I’m really glad for it because, if it weren’t for God’s mercy, we’d all be in serious danger.Ultimately, our salvation is founded on God’s sentiments of sympathy for those who are lost, lonely, helpless, and unfortunate in their lives.Understand that the initial emotion God has for sinners is not wrath, as you might expect.

Yes, our transgressions have caused God pain and displeasure.God is pure and righteous.Unrepentant sinners will face penalty and judgment as a result.Yes, once more!Nevertheless, none of this alters the reality that God’s primary emotion toward his abandoned and suffering children is one of compassion.

Shepherd-less Sheep

The Gospel of Matthew adds one more item here, an explanation that emphasizes why Jesus felt sympathy for the crowds: ″because they were tormented and helpless, as sheep without a shepherd.″ In other words, as much as Jesus felt empathy for bodily pain, it was the spiritual bewilderment and disorientation of the people around him that awakened his compassion the most for those who were around him.In Jesus’ heart are regular people like you and me, people who are stumbling along in life, people who are in problems because they have made the wrong choices or made terrible judgments, or simply because they have moral weakness.His heartfelt sympathies are extended to us.My personal belief is that the most serious human problem is not disease, or unemployment, or broken families, or war—as real and dreadful as all of these issues are.I believe that the most serious human problem is poverty.I believe that our most serious problem is that we are lost without Christ.

We’re stumbling about, seeking for answers and trying to figure out what went wrong.What is it about life that we can’t manage to make it work?What is it in our society that makes us so rich while also making us so unhappy?According to Matthew, Jesus felt compassion for the multitudes because they were ″like sheep without a shepherd.″ In our own environment, how does that come across as an accurate representation of the throngs?

It should be noted that these individuals were religious.They possessed a lot of religious beliefs.What they lacked, however, was a personal relationship with Jesus Christ himself.

Their most fundamental and fundamental need was to come to know Christ, since he is the Good Shepherd.Only he has the ability to save.Consider the following: The fact that Jesus had compassion for those who are lost and wounded is the starting point for Christian ministry.Jesus wants people who know him, those who have been discovered by the Good Shepherd, to do something about it because his heart is crushed for a shattered world.

See also:  Why Believe In Jesus

About the Author

Pastor Dave Bast, who has served as President and Broadcast Minister of Words of Hope for 23 years, announced his retirement from the ministry in January 2017.Prior to his ministry and work at Words of Hope, Dave served as a pastor in the Reformed Church in America for 18 years, in several congregations.He has written various devotional works, which you may find here.He is a graduate of Hope College and Western Theological Seminary, and he has also studied at the Fuller and Calvin schools, as well as at other institutions.Dave and his wife, Betty Jo, are the parents of four children and the grandparents of four grandkids.Dave likes reading, gardening tomatoes, and is a die-hard fan of the Detroit Tigers baseball team.

Compassion in the Life of Jesus

Jesus arrived with his revolutionary message of God’s kingdom, a kingdom that could only be accessed by trust in him.To do so, it was necessary to show loving obedience to the King and the Father, as well as to show loving service to brothers and sisters in God’s family and to every member of the human family.A love that was clearly forth in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5), and a love that satisfied the requirements of the Ten Commandments, was the foundation of the Christian faith (Romans 13:10).It was Jesus himself who set the tone for the dominant attitude and conduct in this born-again society: compassion, love demonstrated in action, and care for others were all examples of what it meant to be compassionate and love others.As God in the flesh, Christ perfectly mirrored his Father’s character, not just the divine holiness, but also the divine heart, in all of his actions.Being sinless and intensely sensitive to sin, Jesus felt compassion for others who were experiencing the effects of inherited depravity as well as their own individual wickedness.

He was well aware that the vast majority of those to whom he served were sinners, the majority of them were spiritually weakened and emotionally fragile.Additionally, he understood that among the throngs of people pressing around him were those whose faith was not blazing brightly, but was at most only smoldering (Matthew 12:20).Jesus attempted to encourage the weak and rekindle their faith in a kind and nonjudgmental manner.His favorite passage from the Old Testament was Hosea 6:6, in which God declares, ″I seek kindness, not sacrifice, and acknowledgement of God, rather than burnt sacrifices.

″ (Matthew 9:13; 12:7).Jesus usurped those key words given by God himself in order to justify his compassion, which is in direct violation of tradition.Jesus’ Love and Concern for Children The inhabitants of Israel lived in a civilization that placed a high value on their offspring.

Among the wicked practices done by the heathen countries around the Holy Land were abortion and child exposure, which involved abandoning children outside to die.These practices were detestable to God’s elect people.Every newborn was greeted with excitement and thankfulness on their part.Jesus, who grew up with brothers and sisters, had the chance and obligation to assist in the care of his younger siblings, without a doubt.As a result, he had a genuine understanding of the traits and requirements of children (Mark 3:31–32; 6:3).

We have excellent reason to think that Mary and Joseph were sensitive, compassionate, and God-fearing parents, even if the Gospels do not include particular details about their family ties in the home of Mary and Joseph.As a result of his own sentiments being impacted by his parents’ attitudes, Jesus developed a strong affection for children.Whenever people gathered around him throughout his ministry, he was glad to extend a warm welcome to them.

He had a keen awareness of their need for warm welcome as well as adult guidance and assistance.Some of the youngsters in the throng who followed Jesus were starving or at the very least emaciated, and this was evident in their faces.Some of them were ill with diseases that are all too frequent.Some of them were malformed and blind, while others were both.Some were under the influence of demonic forces (Mark 9:17–18), while others were not.

The disciples of Jesus were irritated by the restless youngsters and attempted to push them to the outside of the throng, but were unsuccessful.In order to comply, they were instructed to remain silent or leave.In spite of this, the children who had experienced Jesus’ love for them congregated around him, hoping to be scooped up and carried into his arms of warmth and acceptance.Rather of rebuking them, Jesus hugged them and even prayed for God’s blessing on them (Mark 10:13–16), much to the amazement of his disciples (Mark 10:13–16).But Jesus went farther, declaring in Matthew 18:1–5 that children were to be welcomed in his name, and that they—who are reliant, so trusting, so teachable, and so innocent—serve as examples of the faith required to enter God’s kingdom (Matthew 18:1–5).In Mark 9:35–37 and 42, he said that anybody who leads a kid to go astray will be subjected to terrible punishment.

The Compassion of Jesus for Women Women were viewed as social and spiritual inferiors to males in Israel, which was a patriarchal culture in which they maintained a subservient position and were treated as such in many ways.The difficulty in generalizing comes from the fact that rabbis divided among themselves on this matter, and fathers differed in their approach to raising their daughters.Spouses said that their husbands were more controlling and restricted than they were with their wives.In the lives of women, love and the diversity in personality of the Hebrew men resulted in a broad range of experiences and emotions.Nonetheless, it cannot be denied that, in general, women’s lives were tough in that patriarchal culture.Daughters were frequently viewed with distrust when they were younger.

They were rigorously monitored in order to avoid anything that may be seen as unchaste from occurring.The Bible states that when a woman begins her menstrual cycle, she is unclean and must be cleansed (Leviticus 15:19–30).To come into contact with a menstrual lady was to become contaminated, necessitating ceremonial cleaning.As a side note, a man was not permitted to touch any woman other than his wife, not even if she was his cousin and the contact was unintentional.

When a girl reached the age of marriageability, her father would swap her for something else.After marriage, she may be subjected to bartering by her spouse.The female function was that of housekeeping, which entailed a long list of time-consuming and physically demanding responsibilities.Her second job was that of childbirth, which she performed with numerous pregnancies; the more the number of children she produced, the better the wife’s status was regarded.Traditionally, a woman was seen as unclean and in need of cleansing after giving birth to a child (Leviticus 12).If a wife was dissatisfied with her husband, he had the authority to divorce her, but a wife was not given the same authority (Deuteronomy 24:1–4).

A wife may be submitted to the terrifying water experience if she was accused of adultery (Numbers 5:11–31), but there was no comparable provision for examining a suspected husband.A woman lacked the ability to own property.She was unable to testify as a witness.

She was unable to participate equally in worship.Men were the only ones who sang and chanted, and women sat in their own synagogue chambers and listened in.Ten men had to gather in order for the service to take place.

It would not be acceptable to have nine males and one lady!Jesus, on the other hand, was attentive to the needs of all individuals, regardless of their gender.He exemplified an all-inclusive compassion that transcended traditional gender constraints and taboos to benefit all people.

A lady who had been bleeding for twelve years was permitted to come close to Jesus in order that he may heal her.He didn’t tremble when he saw it, and he didn’t follow the cleaning regimen that was advised for him.Luke 8:42–48 describes how, rather than condemning her for engaging in a male-contaminating act, Jesus gently guided her to recognize the distinction between a belief in a form of magical touch and a saving faith in divine favor.Another lady, a prostitute, came up to Jesus while he was dining at the home of a Pharisee and approached him.

She cleaned Jesus’ feet with exquisite ointment that she had poured on them with her tears.After considering her repentance and trust, Jesus compassionately justified her bold, lavish deed and sent her away with a blessing of peace (Luke 7:36–50).When Jesus declined to participate in the stoning of an adulteress who had been caught in the act of adultery, he demonstrated his compassionate approach toward women and, in particular, those who were disadvantaged as a result of their own fault.Jesus dealt with this heinous circumstance in a kind and compassionate manner, displaying pitying tactfulness.She was exonerated of her guilt, and he issued a warning to her about future temptation, before sending her away to live a transformed life (John 8:1–11).He was adamant about not condoning sin.

  • No way, not in the least!
  • Yet, in a compassionate manner, Jesus extended forgiveness and hope to those women who had been cast away by society as moral refuse.
  • Widows, in particular, were able to elicit Jesus’ loving assistance.
  • The Old Testament provided specific commands that widows were to be treated with kindness and respect (Deuteronomy 14:28–29; 24:19–21; 26:12–13; Isaiah 1:17).
  • Some families, on the other hand, may have forgotten to offer companionship and care for their widowed relatives, causing them to be pushed to the periphery of their social circles.
  • When Jesus came upon a funeral procession outside the city of Nain, it served as a model for his approach toward widows.
  • A young guy had passed away.
  • He was the only child of his bereaved mother, and he was doomed to a life of loneliness and, most likely, starvation.

If you look closely, you can see Jesus’ sympathy when he observed the funeral procession and heard the mother wailing.″His heart was breaking for her″ (Luke 7:13).He didn’t even bother to wait for an appeal.He took action.He pressed his hand against the coffin, putting himself at risk of ritual contamination, and ordered the dead to rise.With the miraculous restoration of life to his body, the son obeyed.

  1. Take a moment to imagine the mother’s gratitude as overwhelming pleasure took the place of inconsolable grief!
  2. (Verses 11–17) In his first speech in Nazareth, when he announced the beginning of his public ministry, Jesus mentioned a widow (an foreigner from Sidon) as the object of God’s rescuing kindness.
  3. That allusion, which was made purposely rather than accidentally, went against the expectations of his listeners (Luke 4:25–26).
  4. Interestingly, the widow of Sidon was not the only widow who had lost everything, and Jesus used her as an example to confront his contemporaries and today’s readers.
  5. Men in Jesus’ day had only a rudimentary understanding of God and only a rudimentary relationship with him.
  • In comparison, the position of women was significantly worse.
  • For this reason and in violation of tradition, Jesus permitted them to be included among his disciples and to actively participate in the service and support of his ministry (Luke 8:1–3).
  • Women and men were both taught about God’s grace, which does not make a distinction based on sexual orientation.
  • When it came to God and his kingdom, Jesus spoke to women, both individually and collectively, with compassion and understanding.

He took the opportunity to teach Mary of Bethany everything he had learned (10:39).A significant point is that he gently scolded Martha, Mary’s younger sister, telling her that it was preferable for a woman to learn about God rather than to be consumed with domestic responsibilities.In stating this, he was effectively flipping the conventional role of women on its head.A Samaritan lady approached him at Jacob’s well, and he offered her a crash education in religion.It’s little surprise that his more traditional acquaintances were taken aback.

He was alone with a woman in public, and he was chatting to her!A despised Samaritan woman, she belonged to a race of people who were considered heretics by religious Jews.(See also John 4:1–30.) Compassion was the driving force behind Christ’s actions.He was able to see individuals in the full spectrum of their needs.Men and women, Jews and Gentiles, immigrants and residents, adults and children were not abstract categories in his mind; he saw people as they were.People were seen by Jesus as individuals created in God’s image, each of whom was a member of God’s human family and a prospective member of his spiritual family, according to the Bible.

The Compassion of Jesus for Others The same way that Jesus was sympathetic toward women and children, he was also compassionate toward individuals on the periphery of society.Tax collectors and publicans were widely disliked and despised in first-century Israel, and it’s easy to see why.They were Jews who operated as agents for the Roman Empire in the first century AD.

Each of them was tasked with collecting a specific sum of money from their fellow Israelites, with no exceptions.If they were able to extort more money than was legally required, they kept the additional money for themselves.To emphasize the seriousness of sin in the church, Jesus instructed his disciples to treat the individual as if they were a tax collector, should the individual refuse to repent of their sin (Matthew 18:17).If you ask me, the fact that Jesus ate with a tax collector and even invited one to be a disciple in his inner circle must have been scandalous.

(Mark 2:13–17) When Jesus encouraged Zacchaeus, a renowned publican, to accept God’s redeeming and forgiving kindness, they must have been enraged!(See also Luke 19:1–10).While telling a parable, Jesus’ audience must have been puzzled when a tax collector, rather than a Pharisee, was granted God’s favor and forgiveness!

  • (See Luke 18:9–14.) When Jesus, the friend of tax collectors and sinners (7:34), declared that the tax collectors and prostitutes who had responded repentantly to the preaching of John the Baptist would enter God’s kingdom ahead of the self-righteous religious leaders (Matthew 21:31–32), the crowd must have erupted in applause.
  • It is possible and likely that members of an out-group who have been marginalized will be transformed into members of God’s in-group, according to Jesus.
  • In the course of his rescuing kindness, Jesus overcame a number of additional obstacles.
  • He didn’t hesitate to touch lepers who were supposed to avoid all human contact (Matthew 8:1–4; Mark 1:40–44), despite the fact that they were supposed to avoid all human contact.
  • He used his authority to advocate on behalf of those in need, regardless of their ethnicity.
  • Mattheus 8:5–13 tells the story of Jesus healing the son of a centurion, a Roman officer in Rome’s harsh army.
  • He healed the daughter of a pagan, a Canaanite woman (Matthew 15:21–24), who had been possessed by demons.
  • A Samaritan woman approached him, and he shared with her the liberating truth about God as well as the worship that was pleasing to God with her (John 4).
  • His choice of a Samaritan to serve as a model of God’s own compassion was inspired by a Samaritan who had compassion on a victim of theft and violence in his own community (Luke 10).
  1. Jesus embraced the common people, who eagerly listened to what he had to say (Mark 12:37).
  2. In spite of the fact that they were religiously illiterate, the Jewish religious leaders looked down on the people with contempt (John 7:49), but Jesus, moved by compassion, taught the crowd, fed them on a regular basis, healed their sick, and freed those who were possessed by demons (Mark 5:1–17, Mark 8:1–10).
  3. In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus (Luke 16:19–31), as well as in his vision of judgment (Matthew 25:31–46), Jesus demonstrates his compassion for the poor in their sickness, their hunger, and their suffering.
  4. His heart and arms were open wide, as they continue to be, to the least, the least of these, and the least of these (Luke 15).
  1. Spiritually Needy People Received Jesus’ Compassion Jesus was concerned about hunger, disease, and injustice, to be sure, but he was more concerned about people’s relationship with God and their destiny in the world to come than he was about these things.
  2. The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the needy,″ he said as he read from the Scriptures at the synagogue in Nazareth.
  3. He has sent me to declare release for the captives and sight restoration for the blind, to set the oppressed free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor″ (Luke 4:18–19).
  4. He has also sent me to proclaim ″the year of the Lord’s favor″ (Luke 4:18–19).
  1. Jesus declared his double purpose by referencing this scripture from the prophet Isaiah.
  2. First and foremost, he would physically assist in the restoration of sight, the provision of consolation, and the liberation of individuals who were enslaved by bad habits and addictive behavior.
  3. Second, he would bring about spiritual restoration, illuminating the spiritually blind (John 6), releasing the spiritually enslaved, and soothing the spiritually guilty and disturbed (Matthew 5).
  4. When it came to human sorrow, his pity encompassed the entire spectrum, and his healing miracles offered relief, his primary concern was spiritual.

The presence of religion permeated his society; however, the religion that God established for the blessing of his people had devolved into a legalistic straightjacket in the process.As a result, he denounced with the utmost vehemence the Pharisaic traditionalism that had taken away the ″key to knowledge″ (Luke 11:52) and had left its adherents in a state of spiritual ignorance about God.Jesus’ picture of their eternal fate, which included being separated from the light, the love, and the life of God and living in darkness and misery for all time, shook him to the core of his soul.

  1. He pleaded with the throng over and over again to flee from the impending vengeance.
  2. I have never heard someone speak with such eloquence, and he did it with such vivid imagery that it jolted those who were complacent, apathetic, and unrepentant out of their lethargy.
  3. In today’s language, Jesus’ comments might be something along the lines of: ″Do not stumble zombielike into a fate worse than the punishment poured down on Sodom and Gomorrah″ (Matthew 11:24).
  4. Don’t turn down God’s offer of forgiveness, for he has the power to kill both body and soul in hell if you do (Matthew 10:28).
  5. Jesus’ heart was overwhelmed with sorrow as he contemplated such a dreadful scenario.
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In spite of the fact that Jesus shared meals and drinks with sinners, as well as the joy of wedding banquets, he never lost sight of ″the black line on God’s face.″ It was as the epitome of mercy that Jesus came into our world, willing to die in order that lost sinners would not perish but instead would have everlasting life.

Jesus’ 4 Great Acts of Compassion in His Final Hours

Steppes of Faith is written by Gina.The suffering that brought us peace was on Him, however, since He was pierced through for our trespasses and crushed through for our iniquities.And it is through His wounds that we are healed.″ Isaiah 53:5 (KJV) We are in the midst of Easter weekend, which I believe to be the most important event in the Christian calendar.Even more than the holiday season.Easter is the time of year when Christians commemorate the day Jesus was killed in order to rescue us from our sins.As Christians, we recall how He was betrayed, jailed, herded through spurious trials, flogged and tortured with glass and rocks, and then forced to bear the crossbeam to which the Romans would nail Him up a steep slope known as Skull Hill, or sometimes called Calvary, before being nailed to the cross.

And all of this while not having slept for more than 24 hours straight.He was fatigued, and he was in excruciating agony.Yet, in the midst of it all, there were four things Jesus said that were incredibly compassionate while He bore the cross and experienced the agony of crucifixion.When I think about it, it always makes me feel humble and amazed.

His compassion and caring for others continued to outweigh whatever personal difficulties he was experiencing at the time.It’s difficult for our human minds to grasp what’s going on.Examine Jesus’ final words in further detail.

″It is finished.″

Compassion on the Road to Calvary

After being sentenced, Jesus was compelled to carry his cross to the place of His death.When I was growing up, that was a typical element of the punishment.Onlookers, gawkers, and critics flocked to the streets in large numbers.It appeared as though the entire city had gathered to witness the execution of the guy who claimed to be the Messiah (which He was).There was a particular group of ladies who were wailing and following Jesus through the crowd.It is not known who they were with certainty.

What we do know is that Jesus was aware of them, despite the fact that He was battered, bleeding, and tired, and that He was bearing a cross that weighed at least one hundred pounds as the mob brutally mocked Him.While the Roman soldiers were continuing to beat Him, Jesus took a moment to warn the ladies about what was going to take place.It is only in Luke 23:28 that the story is told.It reads: ″But Jesus, turning to them (the women), said, ‘Daughters of Jerusalem, do not grieve for Me, but weep for yourselves and your children.’″ Indeed, the days are coming when people will say things like, ″Blessed are the barren, the wombs that never had children, and the breasts that never nursed.″ (This is my own addition.) Jesus is attempting to warn the ladies that the situation for the entire Jewish nation will deteriorate as a result of the Romans’ actions.

If the Romans were ready to send one innocent man to be crucified, imagine what they would do to the entire country if they do the same to them.Additionally, he assures the ladies that they would be regarded blessed since they will not have any children to grieve at that time (His statements may even be a prophecy of the end of the world).At first glance, it is impossible that Jesus could muster the courage and foresight to warn these ladies about what was to come.

He was still preoccupied with others, demonstrating His care for them rather than himself.

Compassion for the Crowd

Even after He had been nailed on the cross, Jesus’ compassion was demonstrated three more times.According to Luke 23:34, He started by pleading with the Father to pardon His executioners, as well as all the Romans and Jews who were torturing Him at the time.Despite the fact that none of them merited forgiveness, Jesus saw their spiritual blindness as well as the shame that each of them was carrying.″Then Jesus answered to the Father, ‘Father, forgive them, for they are unaware of what they are doing.’″ When the apostle Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:8, ″For if they had understood it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory,″ he is reinforcing the need of forgiving others.Jesus’ petition for forgiveness is such a lovely representation of His boundless compassion and kindness on the part of the Father.It is possible that this prayer was the catalyst for many people in the city to to understand and accept that He was, in fact, the Messiah.

″And when the entire throng that had gathered to witness the crucifixion realized what had occurred, they returned home in terrible grief.″ Luke 23:48 (NIV)

Compassion for the Robber

Jesus demonstrates compassion and kindness once more not long after.Eventually, one of the robbers hanging on the cross next to Jesus joins in taunting Jesus by saying, ″If You are the Christ,″ he joins in with the soldiers in ridiculing the Lord by shouting, ″If You are the Christ, rescue Yourself and us.″ (Matthew 23:39) Don’t you think it’s a little insulting and blasphemous, though?After a short period of time has passed, the second thief eventually orders the first thief to button his lip and leave him alone.“ When he responded, the other person reprimanded him, saying, ‘Do you not even fear God, considering that you are both under the same condemnation?’ And we have truly been justly rewarded for our efforts, as we have received the proper compensation for our efforts.″However, this individual has done nothing wrong.″ Afterwards, the second thief approaches Jesus and says, ″Lord, please remember me when You come into Your kingdom.″ ″Assuredly, I tell to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise,″ Jesus says as He gently raises His head and turns His bleeding face to the robber.In the midst of His own agony, Jesus demonstrates compassion once more.

While suffering in His body and struggling for breath, Jesus extends grace to someone who has finally realized that there is no hope for him but for God’s forgiveness and salvation.The thief’s newfound faith was wonderfully verified by Jesus, who mercifully granted him redemption.

Compassion for His Mother

As the oldest child, Jesus was supposed to guarantee that His mother was properly cared for after His passing.Normally, this would be the job of His earthly brothers; but, they weren’t exactly a close family to begin with.It is safe to say that the majority of Jesus’ siblings (brothers and sisters alike) did not support or approve of His ministry, which indicates that they did not think He was the prophesied Messiah.They didn’t even show up on the day when Jesus was crucified!They had returned to their hometown of Capernaum.According to Acts 1:14, the apostles James and Jude (Jesus’ brothers), who both penned epistles in the New Testament, didn’t believe until after the Resurrection.

Because He had been abandoned by His family, Jesus had no option but to entrust the care of His mother to his good friend, John, who was also abandoned by his family.He was the one who demonstrated his unwavering devotion to his friend on a continuous basis.It was a wonderful complement to John, and it was a tremendous honor for him.The scenario is described in detail in John 19:26.

His mother, His mother’s sister-in-law (who were both named Mary, strangely enough), and His companion, Mary Magdalene, were all present at the cross with John, offering their support to Jesus in His hour of need as much as they could.If Jesus saw His mother standing by, as well as the disciple whom He cherished, He said, ‘Woman, behold your son!’ to His mother.″Behold your mother!″ He said to the disciple at that point.

As a result, that disciple moved her to his own house as soon as he could.″ Despite the fact that He was on the cross, Jesus had the presence of mind and forethought to make certain that His mother was in excellent hands.But he wasn’t only acting as the responsible son in this situation.He was quite close to his mother.She was referred to as Mom.Despite the fact that He was born in a manger, she had never questioned Him, and she had never abandoned Him.

She was the one person who remained with Him every day of His earthly life, through thick and thin, and she was the one who knew everything about Him.The love that exists between a boy and his mother is a unique type of love, with ties that transcend distance and time to form.Jesus demonstrates this plainly here via His compassion for Mary.

Three More Notable Sayings from the Lord

Before His death, Jesus only speaks three more times in total.The first line of the song is ″My God, My God, why have You left Me?″ Jesus is explicitly quoting from Psalm 22:1 in this passage.It expresses the intensity of anguish and abandonment that Jesus was feeling as He bore the burden of the world’s sins and the holy wrath of the Father.It was a sensation he had never experienced before.For the first time in history, Jesus and the Father were separated.And, because Jesus is a member of the Godhead’s trinity, it’s likely that He felt as if His soul were splitting in two.

I can only fathom the sorrow and sadness He was experiencing at that time, which I am unable to comprehend.″I’m thirsty!″ says the speaker.It’s certainly possible that Jesus was becoming thirsty at this point in the story.The Roman soldiers, on the other hand, offered Him sour wine on a sponge to sip, instead of plain water.

The sour wine was picked with the intent of prolonging Jesus’ agony, but that evil strategy failed because there were only a few minutes remaining in Jesus’ trial.3.″It has been completed.″ This was the final thing Jesus spoke before ascending to the throne of glory.

It was with a bent head that His soul was allowed to leave His body and return to heaven, demonstrating what He declared in John 10:17-18, when He stated that no one could take His life from Him but Himself.When Jesus spoke these words, He was communicating the message that He had completed His religious responsibility and that the full work of redemption had been completed.In Jerusalem, the location of Jesus’ tomb.

After His Death

The tomb of Jesus was miraculously discovered to be empty on the third day following His death and burial.He had triumphed over death and sin, exactly as He had promised He would.He died like a lamb to be slaughtered, yet He rose from the dead like a lion!As believers, we serve a resurrected Savior who possesses complete power and authority in His hands, as well as an unfathomable amount of love and compassion in His heart.Our sadness and concern over His death stems from the knowledge that He bore the penalty we deserved.But keep in mind that He did it voluntarily in order to spare us all from eternal death.

And He rose again so that we might have a chance at eternal life with Him.

How Much Does Jesus Love You?

Guess How Much I Love You is a lovely children’s classic story that everyone knows and loves.In this narrative, a father rabbit and his kid are attempting to communicate exactly how much they care for one another.The son expresses his affection for his father by saying, ″I love you to the moon and back.″ Make an educated approximation as to how much Jesus loves you when we think about Him.The only way to find out is to go to hell and back…and up to heaven eternally.This Easter, let us express our gratitude to the Father for the great gift of His Son’s life, which served as Jesus’ ultimate act of compassion on this planet for us.″I’m going to set up a location for you.″ If I leave to make a home for you, I will return to take you into Myself, so that where I am, you may be as well.″ 14:14 (John 14:14)

From our house to yours, may you and your family enjoy a very blessed Easter.

Hallelujah! He is Risen!

Your Turn

This Easter, how are you commemorating the resurrection of our Lord and Savior?How can we make the Easter message stand out even more in the midst of the hustle and bustle of church, egg hunts, egg dying, and cooking?And, more importantly, how can we share Jesus’ compassion with others on a daily basis?Please share your ideas and comments in the section below, or email me directly here.I’d appreciate it if you could get in touch with me.

See also:  When Will Jesus Return Again

Further Reading

Please keep in mind that I am in no way associated with any of these businesses; I am simply a great admirer and supporter.I hope you find these useful.This excellent chronology of the events of Good Friday, created by Russ Ramsey and published on The Gospel Coalition, is a terrific resource for those interested in learning more about the day’s events.Roy Lessin is an incredible author who has a gift for conveying Scripture in a beautiful manner.As a co-founder of DaySpring, he has had a profound impact on thousands of people all over the world.Here is his commitment to Jesus’ death and the power of His blood, as expressed in his writings.

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What the Bible says about Jesus Christ’s Compassion

Topical Studies What the Bible says about Jesus Christ’s Compassion (From Forerunner Commentary) Matthew 14:14 Jesus is ″moved with compassion″ when He sees the needy multitudes exhausted and wandering like sheep that had been tattered from cruel fleecing. Twice He is ″moved with compassion″ when He sees the hungry multitudes without food (Matthew 14:14; 15:32). The two blind men (Matthew 20:34) and the leper (Mark 1:41) also stir His compassion, as does the sorrow of the widow at Nain (Luke 7:13). In addition, Jesus uses the word translated ″compassion″ in three of His parables: The king has compassion on his bankrupt servant and forgives him his debt, showing how we should forgive one another (Matthew 18:21-35). The Samaritan has compassion on the Jewish victim and cares for him in love (Luke 10:25-37). Finally, the father has compassion on his rebellious son (Luke 15:20). We, too, should show compassion toward others. Compassion, a fundamental and distinctive quality of God, is literally ″a feeling with and for others.″ It lies at the foundation of Israel’s faith in God because, in an act of compassion, He delivered them from slavery and called them to be His own people. His compassion does not fail (Lamentations 3:22). Jesus teaches that it should be extended, not only to friends and neighbors, but to all, even to our enemies. Matthew 20:29-34 Christ’s healing of blind Bartimaeus is the only miraculous healing of blindness recorded in at least three of the Gospels (Matthew 20:29-34; Mark 10:46-52; Luke 18:35-43). Although the accounts of the healing of Bartimaeus are similar, they contain a few significant differences. The two major ones concern the place of the miracle and the people in the miracle. With regard to the place, Matthew and Mark report this healing to have taken place when Jesus left the city of Jericho. However, Luke writes, “Then it happened, as He was coming near Jericho” (Luke 18:35). The alleged discrepancy is answered by noting that two Jerichos (a new and an old city) existed at that time, the new Jericho lying about two miles south of old Jericho. Leaving old Jericho would be the same as “coming nearJericho,” as Luke records it. With regard to the people, Matthew reports two people were healed while Mark and Luke mention only one person. The latter simply focus on the healing of the prominent individual, Bartimaeus (only Mark reports his name), while Matthew reports on both individuals who were healed. This incident is one of two times that Matthew records two people involved in a miracle where the others account for only one. The second is the exorcism in Gardara (Matthew 8:28-34; Luke 8:27-39; Mark 5:1-20). Mark provides the fullest detail about Bartimaeus’ healing. Jesus, journeying to Jerusalem for the last time with His disciples, led a large procession of people. In less than a week He would give His life as the sacrifice for sins. Although feeling the pressure of the suffering He was about to endure, Jesus’ compassion still motivated Him to tend to the needy. Luke 7:13 In six of the approximately 33 miracles of Christ, His compassion is specifically mentioned as a factor. Besides this one, the miracles that speak of His compassion include the feeding of the 5,000 (Matthew 14:14), the feeding of the 4,000 (Matthew 15:32), the healing of the two blind men (Matthew 20:34), the healing of the leper (Mark 1:41), and the exorcism of the demons in Gadara (Mark 5:19). His compassion is present in every miracle He performed, but only in these six is it mentioned. Jesus was the most compassionate of all mankind (Hebrews 4:15). Often when things do not go well for some people, they complain that Christ does not care. Yet, that complaint is unjustified: Scripture shows abundantly that He does care—a great deal more than we realize. It is not Christ who is uncaring, but humans. We lack compassion for God the Father, for His Son, and for one another. When Jesus has compassion on the widow, saying, ″Do not weep,″ He is not merely asking her to cheer up. Instead, it is a foreshadowing of His power. He will remove the cause of her tears and simultaneously give His disciples a preview of God wiping away all tears (Revelation 21:4). Luke 7:13-15 First, He knows all the specifics of the case. His disciples see only a funeral as they pass, but He understands the circumstances of the corpse stretched out in the coffin. He knows that the deceased is a young man, the only son of his mother, and that she is a widow! Second, He does not wait for anyone to plead with Him. Isaiah prophesies of this in Isaiah 65:1: ″I was found by those who did not seek Me; I was made manifest to those who did not ask for Me″ (as quoted in Romans 10:20). Sometimes, before we call for help, He answers—what a special blessing that is (Isaiah 65:24; Daniel 9:20-23). Third, when He sees the widowed mother, He has ″compassion on her.″ Christ’s concern is apparent in His expression of His mercy and tenderness. Fourth, He says to her, ″Do not weep,″ to provide comfort and encourage her. Fifth, Jesus is not pretentious when He touches the coffin, but in humility He offers hope (Jeremiah 17:7). The widow thinks that all hope is gone, but even these dire circumstances are not enough to remove the hope found in Christ (Lamentations 3:26). Christ also shows great tenderness when ″He present him to his mother.″
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What the Bible Can Teach Us About Compassion

The upright, those who are kind and sympathetic, as well as those who are virtuous, will see light even in the darkest of times.112:4 (Psalm 112:4) You must thus dress yourselves in compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, and perseverance as God’s chosen people, holy and greatly loved by the Almighty.— Colossians 3:12 (NASB).Bring each other’s burdens to bear, and you will be able to fulfill the law of Christ in this way.— Galatians 6:2 (New International Version) Our thanks and praise are due to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all consolation who comforts us all in our sorrows and enables us to comfort those who are in need with the comfort we ourselves get from God.Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 1:3-4, Make an effort to be nice and sympathetic to one another, forgiving one another as Christ God has forgiven you.

In Ephesians 4:32, the Bible says Join in the celebrations of those who are happy, and mourn with those who are sad.— Paul in Romans 12:15 Lastly, all of you should share the same values, be empathetic, love one another, be compassionate, and be modest in your actions.The Bible says in 1 Peter 3:8 Each of you should utilize whatever gift you have been given to serve others, as loyal stewards of God’s grace in all of its forms and manifestations.— 1 Peter 4:10 (in English) What the Lord Almighty stated was as follows: ‘Administer real justice; show kindness and compassion to one another.’ Do not mistreat the widow or the fatherless, the stranger or the needy, and do not oppress the foreigner or the poor.

‘Do not conspire to do ill against one another.’ The book of Zechariah 7:9-10 Therefore, if you have received any encouragement from being united with Christ, if you have received any comfort from his love, if you have received any common sharing in the Spirit, if you have received any tenderness and compassion, then complete my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.— Philippians 2:1-2

Compassionate Bible Characters – Compassion International

The Bible includes several examples of biblical characters responding compassionately in extraordinary circumstances.Many Bible stories are packed with love, mercy, and compassion, as well as exhortations to God’s people to follow in the footsteps of the faith’s great heroes and heroines.Beyond the heroes and well-known stories taught in Sunday school — David and Goliath, Samson and Delilah, Jonah and the whale, Cain and Abel, Jacob and Esau, Zacchaeus, Elisha, Gideon putting out his fleece for the Lord to make sure it was really God’s voice he was hearing — there is an abundance of examples that speak to us about compassion….For example, Joseph of Arimathea, who constructed his own personal tomb for his Messiah, or the lady who bathed Jesus’ feet with her hair are both examples of people who lived during the time of Jesus.As a result of their example, we learn that demonstrating compassion and kindness is more than just being nice; it may also be an act of worship for our Lord and Savior.The Bible teaches in Galatians 5:22-23 that ″the fruit of the Spirit″ includes love (joy), peace (forbearance), kindness (goodness), faithfulness (faithfulness), gentleness (gentleness), and self-control.

″There is no legislation that protects you from such things.″ The fruit of the Holy Spirit is what God intends our lives to portray, and kindness born of compassion is one of those characteristics!

Examples of Compassionate Bible Characters in God’s Word

  • When others maintain a safe distance from pain, a compassionate individual steps in to provide relief. There are many various ways to demonstrate compassion or to be compassionate, and there are several examples of compassionate biblical characters empathizing with others, extending mercy to others, or experiencing compassion themselves in both the Old Testament and the New Testament. Those who are suffering need to be shown genuine compassion, and this is what true compassion looks like in action. Companionship is more than simply being aware of another person’s pain. It goes beyond a basic wish to alleviate pain to something more profound. A compassionate person is one who notices the pain of others and then acts to alleviate that suffering. Here are a few biblical examples of ways to express God’s generosity: Ruth is a woman who lives in a small town in the United States. She is a mother of two children who works as a waitress in a local restaurant. Ruth cherished and cared for her mother-in-law, Naomi, and she felt sympathy for her. Naomi’s husband and boys had both passed away. Ruth accompanied Naomi back to Bethlehem, where she chose to live with her as a gesture of unselfish kindness and empathy. In the case of someone who has been referred to as ″ruthless,″ it signifies the individual is heartless or lacking in sympathy. Ruth, according to the Bible, was not a vicious woman. Instead, she is a stunning example of sensitivity, compassion, and biblical compassion
  • she is a role model for us all.
  • Boaz – In the Bible account of Ruth, Boaz shown himself to be a loving Bible figure. Ruth was to gather up the grain that had been left by the labourers in his field, according to him. As a result, Ruth had access to the food she required to thrive. As an example of compassion and generosity, this individual has shared acts of kindness with the less fortunate.
  • One of Elijah’s most famous encounters is with a widow named Zarephath, which we hear about in the book of 1 Kings. Despite the fact that the widow was in desperate need herself, she nonetheless made a lunch for Elijah. As a significant Bible figure in the Old Testament, Moses was selected to bring redemption to the Israelites by leading them in an escape from captivity in Egypt to deliverance in the promised land — a miracle from God
  • and the widow’s food supply was increased — another miracle from God
  • It was while he stood before Pharaoh and watched God’s plan unfold that he realized he had the potential to be a caring leader for his people
  • The story of Joseph is well known. After being sold into slavery and rising to power in Egypt, Joseph showed compassion to his brothers when they arrived in Egypt searching for sustenance. As a result, Joseph’s story is considered to be one of the finest examples of compassion in the Bible.
  • Women are presented in Acts as being well-known for their care of widows and providing of clothing for the destitute. Dorcas is one such lady. In Joppa, she was well-liked and respected. When she grew unwell and eventually died, the township appealed for Peter’s assistance. It was he who took Dorcas’s hand in his and brought her back from the dead. What a wonderful role model Dorcas is for us now. She provided for the needs of everyone around her, and when she was no longer there, her absence created a hole
  • When it comes to Paul’s letters in the New Testament, he mentions raising money for the destitute in Jerusalem on a number of occasions. This is an undertaking through which he persuade the gentile church to join him. What a kind heart you have
  • Known as Barnabas, Joses is shown in the New Testament as a man who was happy to see people displaying the favor of God in their life, exhorting and encouraging them to continue in their Christian faith. As a result of his willingness to help others, he has earned the nickname ″Son of Encouragement.″
  • The Parable of the Good Samaritan — In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus tells the account of a man who is going from Jerusalem to Jericho and who is robbed and assaulted while on the route. When the good Samaritan passed by, he noticed a person who was in desperate need of assistance. He attends to the man’s medical needs and transports him to a nearby inn. The good Samaritan took care of his neighbor, which was a remarkable act of kindness.

The Compassion of Our Heavenly Father

Our Heavenly Father is the most compassionate person we can imagine, according to the Bible.However, according to Psalm 86:15, ″You are a compassionate and gracious God, slow to wrath, and abundant in love and fidelity.″ On several occasions in God’s Word, we are shown a picture of God shielding Israel under the shadow of His wings,

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