Why Does Jesus Have Two Fingers Up

Sign of the Cross

TheSign of the Cross (Latin:Signum Crucis) is a ceremonial hand motion used by adherents of many different branches of Christianity as part of their religious ceremonies. It may be used in conjunction with the trinitarian formula. According to Christians, the motion depicts theCrossonCalvaryby drawing a cross in the air or on one’s own body in the shape of the cross. There are two primary forms: one is used in the Latin-RiteCatholic Church and is also used in Anglicanism, Lutheranism, Methodism, and Oriental Orthodoxy; the other is used in the Eastern Rites of the Catholic Church and in the Eastern Orthodox churches.

Evangelical and more contemporary sects of Protestants do not employ the sign or do so only sometimes.

The gesture

When forming the sign of the cross in the Byzantine manner, the position of the fingers is important. The palm of the hand In Western Christianity, the open right hand is a common gesture. The five open fingers signify the Five Wounds of Christ, which are represented by the number five. Despite the fact that this is the most popular means of crossing by Western Christians, alternative methods are occasionally employed. The “Small Sign of the Cross” is another tradition used in the West, in which a small cross is traced with the thumb over the individual’s forehead, lips, and breast while muttering the words “May Christ’s words be in my thoughts, on my lips, and in my heart.” This is used during the Proclamation of the Gospel during Holy Mass, and it is also widely used while blessing oneself with holy water when leaving or entering a religious establishment.

Traditionally in the Eastern Catholic and Orthodox Churches, the trinity (the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit/Ghost, three persons who share a single essence) is symbolized by the thumb, index, and middle finger being brought to a point, with the remaining two fingers (which are kept pressed together and touching the palm) representing the human and divine natures of Jesus Christ.

  1. This is the form that Russian Old Believers continue to use.
  2. A close-up of the painting Vasily Surikov’s painting of Boyarynya Morozova, representing a rebellious Old Believer who holds up two fingers (instead of three) during her incarceration is a work of art.
  3. The use of two fingers to create the sign of the cross was common practice throughout Europe during the 17th century (symbolising the dual nature of Christ).
  4. The motion was passed.
  5. According to the Church Fathers, there are numerous interpretations: the forehead represents Heaven, the stomach represents Earth, and the shoulders represent the location and symbol of authority.
  6. When making the sign of the cross, Old Believers would place their fingers in the following position: There are several variants, for example, a person may first place the right hand in the holy water before moving on to the left hand.

Additionally, it may be accompanied with the recital of a prayer, such as the Jesus Prayer, or by the simple phrase “Lord have mercy.” At the completion of the gesture, it is common in certain cultures to kiss one’s hand or fingers.Sequence It was Theodoret (393–457) who issued the following instruction:This is how you bless someone with your hand and make the sign of the cross over their head.

  1. These are not three gods, but rather one God in the form of the Trinity.
  2. The Father was never incarnate; the Son was incarnate but was not created; and the Holy Ghost was neither incarnate nor made, but sprang forth from the Godhead: three divinities in one: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.
  3. They are greeted with homage by all of creation, including angels and humans.
  4. The other two fingers should be held slightly bent, rather than entirely straight, in your other hand.
  5. Despite being both God in His divinity and a person in His incarnation, Jesus is flawless in both roles.
  6. The bending of the fingers is understood in the same way, because the adoration of Heaven has come down for our redemption.
  7. Following was the command from Pope Innocent III (1198–1216): When making the sign of the cross, use three fingers to represent the fact that it is being done in conjunction with the invocation of the Trinity.
  8. Others, on the other hand, make the sign of the cross from the left to the right, because we must pass over from suffering (on the left) to glory (on the right), just as Christ crossed over from death to life, and from Hades to Paradise, in order to be saved.
  9. You may easily verify this by picturing the priest blessing the people while facing them.
  10. Those who write about the Sign of the Cross, like Herbert Thurston, author of the entry “Sign of the Cross” in theCatholic Encyclopedia, interpret this as showing that, at that time, both Eastern and Western Christians transferred their hand from their right shoulder to their left shoulder.

His source is another liturgist who is of the opinion that in this passage of Innocent III, as well as in the passages of Belethus, Sicardus, and Durandus, which are frequently cited as evidence for this point, the authors had in mind the small cross made upon the forehead or external objects, in which the hand moves naturally from right to left, rather than the large cross made from shoulder to shoulder.

Western Christians and Eastern Orthodox Christians now touch their left shoulder first, before their right.

According to a Greek catechetical textbook, the right side is associated with holiness, and the heart (on the left) is associated with the spirit, so that those who mentioned the Holy Spirit using the Latin phrase “Spiritus Sancti” (noun before adjective) touched the left before the right, whereas those who said “o” (adjective before noun) did the inverse.

Use of the sign

Individuals can make the Sign of the Cross on their own bodies as a kind of prayer, and clergy can make the Sign of the Cross on others or items as a sort of blessing. Priests are permitted to bless with their right hand, whereas bishops are permitted to bless with both hands at the same time, with the left mirroring the right. While anyone may prepare it at any time, clergy are required to prepare it at specified times (such as during liturgies), and it is normal to prepare it on other occasions as well (see below).

  1. The Sign is Before the Words of Institution, the celebrant makes the Sign of the Cross over the bread and wine (i.e., words of Christ).
  2. A single time, before the consecration, is required for the Paul VI Mass to be performed by the priest.
  3. When blessing a large gathering of people, Roman Catholic bishops make the Sign of the Cross three times, invoking the names of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, as well as the name of the Holy Spirit.
  4. In Eastern Christian traditions, the Sign of the Cross is made far more frequently by both the celebrant and the congregation than it is in Western Christianity.
  5. When entering or leaving a church building, at the beginning and conclusion of personal prayer, when passing the main altar (which represents Christ), whenever all three persons of the Trinity are addressed, and when approaching an icon, the Sign of the Cross is also made.
  6. (Christ Pantocrator, to be precise.) In order to bless with the sign of the cross, anEastern OrthodoxorEastern Catholicbishop or priest must grasp the fingers of his right hand in such a manner that they form the Greek acronym for Jesus Christ ” IC XC “.
  7. This is known as the sign of the cross blessing.
  8. The blessing of priests and bishops is divided into three motions, each of which is dedicated to the Holy Trinity.
  9. Others put their names on a petition to ask God’s blessing before or during an event with an uncertain result.
  10. At the start of a competition or when focusing, athletes might be observed crossing themselves.
  11. Cooks bless their meal before putting it in the oven, potters bless their clay before constructing a vessel, and someone slicing bread crosses the bread with the knife before cutting since bread is seen to symbolise the body of Christ.

During pre-match rituals, footballers make the sign of the cross as part of their preparation for the game. Baseball players will also make the sign of the cross before stepping into the batter’s box, according to the rules of the game.

Origins of the sign of the cross

Originally, the Christian sign of the cross was done exclusively with the right-hand thumb over the brow of the recipient. Even today, remnants of this practice may be found: some Christians write a cross on their foreheads before hearing the Gospels read at Mass; on Ash Wednesday, foreheads are marked with an ash cross; and for the sacrament of Confirmation, holy oil (calledchrism) is applied to the forehead. Tertullian, who lived in the year 200 in Carthage (modern Tunisia, Africa), states, “We Christians wear out our foreheads with the symbol of the cross.” By the fourth century, the sign of the cross had spread to include various regions of the body in addition to the forehead and hands.

Protestant views

Despite the fact that the Sign of the Cross stretches back to early Christianity, it was rejected by some of the Reformers and is absent from some types of Protestantism today. Since the Reformation, Protestants and some Low-ChurchAnglicans have generally regarded the sign of the Cross as a Catholic practice, despite Martin Luther’s positive personal opinion, the prescription of the sign in the Book of Common Prayer, and the defense of the sign of the Cross in Anglican Canon Law in 1604.


The practice was commonly practiced among Lutherans, and it has survived to this day. According to Luther’s Small Catechism, it is required before the morning and evening prayers, among other things. In theory, Lutheranism never abandoned the practice of making the sign of the cross, and it was widely practiced in worship at least until the early nineteenth century, according to historical records. It fell out of favor throughout the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries until being revitalized during the liturgical renewal movement of the 1950s and 1960s.

In the Divine Service, the sign of the cross has become standard practice.


Methodist churches are, in their most basic form, a result of the Protestant Reformation. In Methodist services today, the sign of the cross is less widespread than in Catholic services; nonetheless, on Ash Wednesday, the sign of the cross is nearly usually applied by the elders and lay people. However, whether or not a Methodist utilizes the sign for personal prayer is a matter of personal preference, and it is encouraged by the bishops of the United Methodist Church to do so.

Before and after taking Holy Communion, certain United Methodist churches also do the sign, according to the denomination. Some preachers also perform the sign after blessing the congregation at the conclusion of the sermon, which is known as the sign of the cross.

See also

  • The Christian cross, Christian symbolism, Christian prayer, veneration, genuflection, and the Trinitarian formula are all topics covered in this course.
See also:  Why Did John Baptize Jesus


  1. There have been several editions of the Prayer Book, which was edited by the Romanian Orthodox Church (Carte de rugăciuni-Editura Institutului Biblic și de misiune al Bisericii ortodoxe române, 2005)
  2. De Myst. Alt., II, xlvi
  3. III, iv and IV
  4. V, ii, 13
  5. “Why Do Lutherans Make the Sign of the Cross?” The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America is a denomination that was founded in 1882. The “Sign of the Cross” was retrieved on June 16, 2007. Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod, retrieved on 2007-09-12
  6. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 2006
  7. St. Louis: Concordia, 2006
  8. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress, 1978
  9. Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, 1982
  10. “Can United Methodists use the symbol of the cross?” “What is the meaning of ashes being placed on the forehead on Ash Wednesday?”. mid=1432. Retrieved 2007-06-16
  11. “What is the significance of ashes being placed on the forehead on Ash Wednesday?”. mid=2871. Retrieved 2007-06-16

External links

Catholicism is a religion that adheres to the teachings of Jesus Christ.

  • In the Catholic Encyclopedia, the sign of the cross is described as follows: What is the Sign of the Cross (from a Traditional Catholic point of view)
  • What is the Sign of the Cross’s significance
  • The Cross (orthodoxwiki.org)
  • The Sign of the Cross As opposed to Roman Catholics, Orthodox Christians “cross themselves” for a variety of reasons. The Church Council of the Hundred Chapters (1551) (Old Believers)
  • The Church Council of the Hundred Chapters (1551)
  • Old Believers make the sign of the cross


  • What is the significance of the Lutheran Sign of the Cross? (ELCA website)
  • Sign of the Cross (Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod website)
  • Sign of the Cross (Episcopal Church website)


Why is it that depictions and sculptures of Jesus are frequently represented simply holding up three fingers? When depictions of Christ are shown, He is frequently depicted with His right hand raised in benediction. He is holding his hands with three fingers up and two fingers down in that position. The three fingers pointing upwards represent the three individuals of the Blessed Trinity, who are represented by the three fingers pointing up. The two fingers that are clasped together represent Jesus’ two natures: that He is entirely human and that He is totally divine at the same time.

As part of the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite (the Latin Mass), the priest would unite the thumb and pointer finger of his right hand after touching the consecrated host with his left.

Despite the fact that it is no longer required by the present Mass rubrics, some priests continue to perform this ritual as a form of devotion to the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Pastor of Holy Rosary Parish in Warrenton, Father Mayo is a Catholic priest.

Christian Hand signs

Certain hand motions are frequently shown in iconography and stained glass windows of churches, depicting saints and Jesus, as well as in the Bible. There are two in particular that are frequently employed. Among Christians, the hand motion on the right is used for benediction, which translates from Latin to mean “speak well.” The hand gesture on the left is used for a blessing. This is used at the conclusion of a church service as a prayer and blessing for the congregation. I am confident that you are familiar with this hand motion, which is used to form the sign of the cross during church services.

  • The hand of Benediction is the name given to this particular hand motion.
  • I’d want to direct your attention to the usage of the fingers in the Benediction hand, which I believe is important.
  • In order to comprehend the symbolic allusions of the fingers that were employed, we must first consider what the fingers represent or signify.
  • We may utilize our knowledge of the Roman Gods to better explain why Christians adopt this particular hand motion in their worship.
  • Take note of the fingers that are being utilized for this hand motion, as well as the hand that is being used.
  • Why?
  • The ancient Greeks were extremely superstitious about the left hand and, in general, everything that was on the left side of their bodies.

The left-handed slant developed as a result of this.

When we think about liner time, we think about it from the left to the right.

The left represents the past, it is regressive, and it is undeveloped.

When we look at the hand of benediction, we can see that three digits are pointing upwards at the same time.

The middle finger – Saturn – is the one with the greatest height among the three fingers.

Chronos and Gaia gave birth to Zeus (Jupiter), who is the son of Saturn and the son of Chronos and Gaia.

This finger is located lower down on the hand, in contrast to the other four fingers on the hand.

Saturn (the middle finger) represents the father, while Jupiter (the index finger) represents the son.

As two becomes three, so does the number three.

The Father is represented by the sky, while the mother (Venus) is represented by the ground.

In this instance, Jesus is represented by the hand of blessing.

The letter “O” is spelled “O” in Greek, and when written using the English alphabet, the letter “O” becomes “O.” From left to right, the initial letter of each word and the last letter of each word are written as ICXC.

As you can see in the image above, each letter is represented by a different finger.

The middle finger is bent to mimic the letter C, while the thumb and ring finger (which symbolize Apollo and Venus) come together to make an X.

Another C is represented by the little finger, which is mercury. Jesus will employ this hand motion in iconography, as well as in a plethora of paintings, sculptures, and stained-glass windows, and it simply represents his name, Jesus Christ.

What do the hand gestures in icons mean?

You may have noticed certain hand gestures on religious icons, and you may have wondered why the figures of Christ and the saints are making them. Each gesture has a specific meaning, but it’s no surprise that we don’t always understand what they’re saying because they’re “written” in Greek! Traditional Greek and Roman orators and rhetoricians used a well-established, quite complex hand-gesture code when giving speeches in the agora or the Senate, when giving private addresses, and even when lecturing in the classroom during their time in the classical world.

  1. In other words, they were quite common and understood by almost everyone who came across them.
  2. As a result, we require some assistance in deciphering them.
  3. For example, in icons of the Annunciation, the Archangel Gabriel is frequently depicted with his hand raised in the manner in which Roman rhetoricians would raise their hands when about to begin a significant sentence.
  4. This tradition was so deeply ingrained in ancient Rome that it can still be seen in the earliest surviving image of the Annunciation, which dates back to the first century AD.
  5. Clearly, He, more than anyone else, has something important to say, don’t you think so?
  6. More specifically, when it comes to the figure of Christ, the symbolism associated with manual gestures is much more complicated.
  7. This same hand gesture is used by the priest to bless others in the liturgy, and for this reason saints who are clerics are depicted raising their right hands in the same way.
  8. The hand that blesses reproduces, with gestures, the Name of Jesus, the “Name above every name.” In addition to shaping letters, the gesture of blessing made by Christ also conveys doctrinal truths.
  9. The Bringing the thumb and the ring finger together to touch not only forms the letterC,butalso symbolizes the Incarnation, the union of the divine and human natures in the person of Christ.

Look closely next time you see an icon. There will be messages for you to read, now that you know the language.

What does this hand gesture mean in Icons?

This is an excerpt from a lengthier post about the Icon of Christ, but it needs to be published as a stand-alone topic. It explains the significance of the way Christ and the Saints are sometimes depicted holding their right hands in icons, as illustrated in the illustration above. The origin of the hand movements is unknown. In ancient Greece and Rome, a well-established system of hand-gestures was utilized in oratory and rhetoric, and this system was still in use today. Here’s a visual representation of some of the most often encountered.

  • For example, in icons of the Annunciation, the Archangel Gabriel is depicted with his hand uplifted in the manner in which the beginning of a significant oration was traditionally signaled in the ancient world.
  • Christ raising His hand in oratory is most likely the original “source” for the image, as He is the one who has something significant to say more than anybody else in the world.
  • The placement of the hand is repeated by clergy while blessing others, and as a result, if the Saints in icons were clergy, they would frequently hold their right hand in the same manner.
  • The Blessing Has Symbolic Significance The fingers form the letters “IC XC,” which is a four-letter acronym of the Greek for Jesus (IHCOYC), which is commonly utilized (XPICTOC).
  • The three fingers of Christ, in addition to writing out the letters “I” and “X,” profess the Tri-unity of God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, via their actions.
  • Similarities between Buddhist Iconography and Western Iconography In order to avoid confusion or even scandal produced by identical representations of the Buddha holding his hands in a very stylized manner, it is important to emphasize the connotations mentioned above.

In reaction to this, there are a few factors that should be taken into consideration:

  • With respect to ancient Greek and Roman oratory, as explained above, as well as the geographical location of Christ’s Incarnation and the early Christian Church, it is far more likely that Christians “borrowed” the hand gestures from members of the Roman senate than that they were “borrowed” from disciples of Buddha. There is significance behind the way Christ holds His hand in icons, and there is significance behind the way Buddha holds his hands in statues: but there is where the resemblance ends between the two art forms. While the symbolic hand motions of Buddha are referred to asmudras, and while they are rich in their own meaning, they do not convey the same faith as Icons of Christ do. In the event if we rejected every channel for communicating Truth simply because another religion used the same media, we would be left with nothing! We must embrace the parallels while yet distinguishing the distinctions.
  • Just because a religion has existed since before the birth of Christ does not imply that all of its doctrines are older than Christianity. TheVitarka Mudra is one of the most prevalent Buddhist Mudras, and it is the one that most closely resembles Christ’s right hand in icons. But despite this, most earlier depictions of thevitarka mudra depict the three fingers as straight rather than curled. Images like this one, which appear to be extremely similar to Christian imagery, appear much later. Despite this, the painting dates from the 8th century A.D., some decades after the establishment of the iconography of Christ. The issue of one religion is influencing the other is understandable, and we may be forgiven for doing so.
  • Finally, the Buddhist mudras are didactic in nature
  • They are hand motions that are intended to transmit a certain message to the viewer. The “IC XC” Christogram, on the other hand, is much more than that: it is both a symbol and a vehicle for blessing. A statue of the Buddha holds his hands exactly as he does, and his adherents are expected to recall a specific instruction
  • Christ extends His right hand, and Christians are said to be receiving the benefits of the Holy Spirit. In addition, even if His servants, the Saints, hold their hands in the same manner, we are guaranteed of receiving the blessings of God through the name of Jesus Christ
  • And
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sign of the cross

The sign of the cross is an ancient Christian gesture in which people bless themselves, others, or objects. It is a blessing gesture. The rite was described in the 3rd century by St. Cyprian, who made a reference to Christ’s atoning death on the cross to explain it. Crosses are utilized throughout Christian liturgies, in times of need or danger, at the opening and finish of prayer, and in various other contexts around the world. When performing the sign, there are two options: (1) the great sign, which is performed with the five fingers outstretched (symbolizing Christ’s five wounds) on the forehead, breast, and shoulders from left to right, and (2) the lesser sign, which is performed with the thumb alone on both the forehead and lips as well as the chest and breast.

Since the 7th century, the great sign has been made with two fingers (the index and middle fingers, which are sometimes said to be symbolic of Christ’s two natures, as opposed to the practice of some miaphysites who use only the index finger) or, since the 8th century, with the five fingers curved, with the index and middle fingers touching the thumb, as in the picture above (a Trinitarian symbol).

The movement of the gesture is from right to left.

Those in charge of editing the Encyclopaedia Britannica Adam Zeidan was the author of the most recent revision and update to this article.

The Sign of the Cross

Members of St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church wrote this piece. |Source: the name of God, the name of Jesus Christ, and of God’s Holy Spirit. Amen”. Catholics learn to make the sign of the cross as they grow up. It’s second nature to us at this point. In the name of the Father, we place our left hand on our chest and move our right hand to our forehead as we say, “In the name of the Son,” and then we move our right hand to our chest as we say, “and of the Holy Spirit.” In the name of the Son, we place our left hand on our chest and move our right hand from left to right shoulders as we say, “and of the Holy Spirit.” When we say “Amen,” we put our hands together to signify our agreement.

  • It is customary for us to begin and complete our prayers with the sign of the cross.
  • During the early centuries of Christianity, people frequently drew a little cross on their foreheads, which served as a symbol of faith for them as it does for us now.
  • A great deal has been bequeathed to us by the early Christians.
  • It identified them as Christ’s disciples, just as it does for us now, and it continues to do so.
  • Their traditional method of identifying oneself was to draw a cross on the ground with a stick or the sole of their sandal and then swiftly wipe it away.
  • Tertullian, who lived in the year 230 A.D., stated, “At the beginning of each day, when we enter or leave the house, when we dress, when we bathe, during our meals, and before we sleep, we make the sign of the cross on the inside of our forehead.
  • St.

We should make the cross our seal, drawing it boldly with our fingers and on our brow and placing it everywhere: over the bread we eat and the cups we drink; in our goings out and comings in; before our sleep, when we lie down and when we awake; when we are traveling and when we are at rest.

Jerome, who died in the year 420 A.D., said that the sign of the cross might be created on the lips on occasion.

405 and wrote about it.

During the fifth and sixth century, a heresy or false doctrine known as the Monophysite Heresy spread throughout the world.

As a result, the Christians, who adhered to the teachings of the Apostles, desired to stress that Christ had two natures: one that was divine and another that was human.

Even today, when the Pope delivers his blessing at St.

Throughout the years that followed, the sign of the cross was made with three fingers extended in reverence of the Blessed Trinity in many locations across the world (Three Persons in One God).

The remaining two fingers were bent to the palm of the hand to represent Christ’s two natures – a human nature and a divine nature – which were represented by the cross. At Mass, the sign of the cross was made in one of three ways: the first, the second, and the third.

  1. When you hold up three fingers, it’s in celebration of the Blessed Trinity (three Persons in One God). In appreciation of God’s Oneness, one finger is raised in salute. Today, we stretch our five fingers in commemoration of the five wounds that Jesus suffered on the cross.

When Pope Innocent III declared that the sign of the cross should be formed with three fingers from the forehead to the chest, as well as from the right to the left shoulder, he was in his mid-thirteenth century. Later on, the entire hand was employed, and the shoulder position was switched from the left to the right. It is still practiced today in the Byzantine Rite (which is affiliated with the Catholic Church), in which they begin at the forehead, work their way down their arms and over their chests, across their right and then across their left shoulder.

  • The words used to make this sign have changed over the years, depending on who is doing it.
  • What Is the Sign of the Cross and What Does It Mean?
  • Prior to reading the Gospel at Mass, the priest makes the sign of the cross on his forehead, lips, and chest.
  • The symbol of the cross on the forehead signifies that we believe in the good news of the Gospel and are committed to it.
  • The cross tattooed on the breast signifies that we must treasure the word of God in our hearts at all times.
  • Almire Pichon, a Jesuit priest, ” “Instead of making signs of the cross as if we were driving away flies, I believe that making them as if we were in the presence of God would allow us to get into God’s heart.
  • For each correctly executed sign of the cross, there is one additional degree of eternal glory.
  • Making the sign of the cross when we wake up, at work, at play, before and after meals, and whenever we are able to is something we do.
  • When we are faced with temptation, the sign of the cross can be of great assistance.
  • Your adversary, the devil, will not fear you if you are equipped with faith and marked with the cross of Christ as your mark of identification.” According to St.

The sign of the Passion is revealed and made apparent against the devil if you create it in faith, not in order to be seen by mankind, but in order to protect yourself from the devil by placing your understanding in front of him like a shield.” The sign of the cross is performed throughout the administration of all seven sacraments, during the celebration of the Mass, when a priest bestows his blessing, at times of temptation, and so on.

It was used as a badge of identity, a protection against temptation, and a testimony of faith in the Blessed Trinity as well as Christ’s death on the cross since its inception in the first century AD.

What the first Christian Emperor of Rome saw in a vision was what our forefathers and foremothers believed: “In this sign you shall conquer,” as the vision stated.

Decoding the symbols on Satan’s statue

Protests have erupted in Detroit following the unveiling of a controversial monument by the Satanic Temple in a private ceremony. But who is the mysterious guy with a goat’s head? And what do the elements of the statue represent in terms of symbolism? Almost nine feet tall, the bronze statue shows a winged hermaphrodite known as Baphomet, who is surrounded by two children who appear to be smiling. At the unveiling, hundreds of Satanists gathered up to support the project, which cost $100,000 (£64,000) to build.

It was thrown into doubt when the Oklahoma Supreme Court determined that the use of state property to assist a religion is prohibited by state law – the status of both the Satanist statue and the Ten Commandments monument is now up in the air as a result.

Caption for the image It was a secret ceremony for Temple members only, and VIP ticketholders were invited to take photos with the Baphomet monument before it was officially shown.

The name Baphomet

In the year 1100, the Inquisition and torture of the Knights Templar resulted in their confession to worshipping a pagan idol known as Baphometh, which was later confirmed by French chroniclers of the Crusades. The origin of the word is unknown. Some academics argue that the name “Baphometh” was just a perversion of the word “Mahomet,” which refers to the Prophet Mohammed. However, as the mystery and conjecture surrounding the Templars have risen in recent years, so have the number of different interpretations of the term and its meaning.

Levi’s Baphomet

A drawing of Baphomet, which is the most well-known modern representation, was published in 1856 by the French magician Eliphas Levi in his book Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual. He saw a vision of a winged hermaphrodite with a torch between his horns and a pentagram on his forehead, which he described as follows: Its arms were emblazoned with the Latin phrases SOLVE (separate) and COAGULA (connect together), which represented the “tying and loosing” abilities that had been taken from God.

“It consists of all of these binary opposites – above and below, part animal, half human – and they are all present.

“It symbolizes and celebrates the juxtaposition of opposites.”

Two-finger salute

To signify “as above, so below,” the right hand holds two fingers up and two fingers down, while the left hand holds two fingers down. These words, as well as the accompanying gesture, are well-known among occultists. Hermes Trismegistus’ writings, which were prominent throughout the Renaissance and Reformation, served as inspiration for these illustrations.

The expression is also used in regard to science, the universe, and God, but Levi claimed that his Baphomet “expresses the perfect harmony of mercy and justice” by making the gesture, which he described as “perfect harmony of mercy and justice.”

Two young children

Matt Anderson is the photographer that captured this image. “We hope that children will regard this as a wonderful work of art, and that they will not be alarmed by it in any way. That is exactly what the children represent “Greaves expresses his opinion. “The goat’s face has a neutral look on it, as you could expect. If you look at it without the cultural baggage, it is neither demonic, violent, or horrible in the way that people portray it.” But, in reality, do youngsters have something to be terrified of when it comes to Satan?

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“We, on the other hand, are against indoctrinating minors.

That’s something we absolutely do not want to be involved with.”

The Caduceus

On the Baphomet’s stomach is an ancient Greek sign of two serpents twisted around a staff – the same staff that was carried by Hermes and heralds in general – which represents protection and protection against evil. The caduceus is a sign of trade, negotiation, and reciprocity, and it was co-opted into the Baphomet by Levi to represent these concepts. The presence of a Satanic monument next to a Christian monument, for example, represents “reconciliation of the opposites” in the minds of Greaves and his colleagues.


Baphomet in Levi’s version was a hermaphrodite, complete with breasts, “but we removed the breasts,” explains Greaves. The Temple did not want to become entangled in a dispute over gender because it believed it would divert attention away from what it considered to be the more significant themes of Baphomet. According to him, the child and girl instead represent the “male-female dualism” that can be seen in Levi’s Baphomet.


Image courtesy of the Satanic Temple Caption for the image An early drawing of the statue and throne, which depicts the inverted pentagram as its centerpiece. The pentagram, which may be seen on the brow of Baphomet as well as on the throne behind him, is a widely recognized Satanic emblem – and it is frequently shown reversed. In addition, Saint Peter’s cross is frequently reversed, as it was at the unveiling ritual of the Satanic Temple. “This is Satan’s interpretation of the situation. It calls on individuals to reexamine their cultural foundations, examine the data, and reexamine their beliefs, among other things “Greaves expresses his opinion.

It keeps people from considering the possibility that they could be wrong today on matters such as gay marriage and reproductive rights, for example.

“It is true that you are not have to identify with Satan in order to support such goals. However, the picture of Satan has a strong resonance for us.” Photograph courtesy of Matt Anderson/Facebook.

Torch between horns

“The middle horn is the torch of wisdom; it exalts the quest of knowledge as a noble endeavor. We place a great value on it – it is fundamental to our values in general, and it is particularly important to us “Greaves expresses his opinion. To paraphrase Levi’s writings, “the flame of intellect beaming between his horns is a magical light of global harmony; it is a vision of the soul exalted above the material world, just as the flame, while related to the material world, shines above it.”


These have not yet been included, but the Satanic Temple provided information of their ambitions in a statement issued last year. One of the Satanic Temple’s seven essential doctrines, “The spirit of compassion, knowledge, and justice should always prevail above the written or spoken word,” will be inscribed on the front of the monument, above the inverted pentagram, on the front of the statue. a portion from Lord Byron’s dramatic masterpiece, Cain, will be displayed on the back of the stone slab, and it will read as follows: “So, who was the Demon in this case?

What is the Satanic Temple?

Matt Anderson/Satanic Temple is the photographer that captured this image. The group identifies itself as “Satanists, secularists, and proponents of individual liberties” on their website. Instead of a supernatural deity or being, we see the Satanic figure as a symbol of man’s essential character, emblematic of the everlasting rebel, enlightened inquiry, and personal freedom, rather than a supernatural deity or being.” We actively give outreach and participate in public affairs where sensible, Satanic views may be beneficial to the issues at hand.” If you subscribe to the BBC News Magazine’s email subscription, you will receive items delivered directly to your inbox.

Chironomia (the Language of Gesture) – Trinity Iconography Institute

A code of hand gestures was created by the classical Greeks, which was utilized by orators and rhetoricians when they delivered speeches before the senate, the agora, public audiences, and in the classroom. “Chironomia” is the art of using gesticulations or hand gestures to assist oratory, or to transmit unspoken meaning that is comprehended by the audience, according to the definition. The Romans borrowed numerous customs from ancient antiquity, and it is conceivable that early Christians changed and employed some of these gestures for the same reason.

Here are a few examples:

ICXC– Christ’s Initials

Aside from the fact that it shapes letters, the gesture of blessing performed by Christ also communicates fundamental truths. The Trinity, represented by the three fingers used to spell theI and X, is also represented by the three fingers used to spell theI and X. The Trinity is the Unity of One God in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. By bringing the thumb and the ring finger together to make the letter C, you are symbolizing the Incarnation, which is the coming together of the divine and human natures in the person of Jesus Christ, among other things.

This symbol indicates a precise arrangement of fingers that create the letters “IC XC,” which stand for the first and last letters of the Greek phrases IHCOYC XPICTOC, which translate as “Jesus Christ.” It is therefore possible to see the Name of Jesus in the blessing hand.

However, because this motion dates back thousands of years, it is frequently connected with classical oratory and indicates that the speaker is about to say something significant, which may be applied to all images of Jesus Christ and His saints. ICXC – The Blessing of Pantocrator

Pointing Out Specific Text

Used to draw the reader’s attention to certain areas of the text. It is used to point to or highlight certain areas of text or a message by bringing the middle and ring fingers together and pressing them against the thumb.

Denotes the Beginning of Speech or Sermon

The Most Holy and Blessed Matrona of Moscow The open palm signifies trust, honesty, and the lack of evil in one’s life. Characteristic of those who led pure and blameless lives is the use of an open palm facing the one who is praying, which is commonly represented on religious icons. The saint’s hands are exposed to the observer in order to signify honesty and the lack of any hidden bad thoughts or sentiments in his or her heart.

Open Palms at Chest – Oranta

Two messages can be conveyed by open palms held at chest height. Both are prayers to God, with the first being a supplication to God and the second being an acknowledgment of God’s grace.

Hand on Heart

The hand-on-heart motion indicates that the individual represented spent a significant amount of time in passionate prayer to God, placing them on a level with ancient hermits in their devotion. It indicates that the Saint depicted was successful in his or her prayer via the heart.

Arms Crossed on Chest

A cross-like motion, similar to the one used by Eastern Orthodox Christians when walking forward to take Holy Communion, is made with the hand, which looks like the cross of St. Andrew. It entails repentance, submission, humility, and a commitment to Christ’s teachings. It also implies that the Saint has successfully passed the test. This icon of St. Mary of Egypt, whose austere life was a feat of repentance, is an example of such a gesture of forgiveness.

Raised Index Finger

This might have indicated anything negative in ancient times. At the end of the day, it was an attempt to capture the audience’s interest. Chirologia, published in 1644 For further information on Chironomia (in general, and not only in the context of iconography), please see the following reference from 1644 written by John Bulwar, entitledChirologia, which discusses the intuitive method of communication by gesture and is available online.

​The strange origin of the pope’s gesture of blessing

When Pope Francis visits the United States next week, all eyes will be on him, and if his previous travels are any indicator, we can expect to see a lot of waving and probably a few thumbs-up from the populace as well. Nonetheless, the customary sign of papal blessing, which is a half extended palm with the fourth and little fingers curled inward, dates back to Biblical times. It has a long and illustrious history, as well as an odd origin. According to studies conducted by anatomy professor Bennett Futterman at the New York Institute of Technology College of Osteopathic Medicine, the first pope adopted this gesture because a nerve damage prevented him from fully expanding his hand.

It has been centuries since the inadvertent sign was imitated by popes.

“Everyone emulated him,” said Futterman, who conducted the research and published it.

In order to show their reverence for St.

Because of damage to this nerve, a person is unable to create a fist; the ring and pinky fingers are unable to bend inward, resulting in what orthopedists and anatomy textbooks refer to as the “Pope’s Hand” or the “Hand of Benediction.” However, according to Futterman, who examined historical and religious sculptures, paintings, and icons, as well as drawing on his experience as a former orthopedic surgeon, in order to clear up the uncertainty.

During the Angelus midday prayer on Sunday, Sept.

Peter’s Square in the Vatican, which overlooks St.

Associated Press/Riccardo De Luca The claim that a median nerve damage was at the root of St.

As Futterman put it, “No holy man would ever bless the loyal, a mob, or followers by making a fist.” As opposed to that, he would do it with an open hand.

A person suffering from ulnar nerve injury will be unable to extend his or her fourth and fifth fingers away from the palm.

“The way that Jewish high priests blessed the people is what most people would recognize as the Vulcan or ‘Spock’ gesture,” Futterman said According to Futterman’s study, early Christians imitated the Jewish high priests in their dress and behavior.

In contrast, if you suffer from an ulnar nerve damage, you will be unable to spread your fingers or stretch your pinky and ring fingers.” Amanda Schupak is a writer and editor based in New York City.

She has a bachelor’s degree in biology. Thanks for taking the time to read CBS NEWS. Create a free account or log in to access other features. Please provide your email address in order to proceed. Please provide a valid email address in order to proceed.


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