Why Did Jesus Do Miracles

Why did Jesus perform miracles?

In roughly thirty years, Jesus Christ began His earthly mission of spreading the good news of God’s kingdom, which began when he was thirty years old. Numerous miracles occurred in the course of his teaching. These miracles were not intended to dazzle the masses, since Jesus frequently asked the silence of those he cured, and He never planned or advertised His miracles in advance of doing them. So, what was the reason behind Jesus’ miracles?

To show that He is the Messiah

Jesus was the Savior and Messiah that the Jewish people had been looking forward to for centuries. However, because there were many impostors who claimed to be the Messiah, the people did not instantly accept Jesus as the promised Messiah, particularly because Jesus did not (yet) satisfy all of the expectations and desires that the Jewish people had for a messiah. Because of this, Jesus performed miraculous signs to bolster His claims and to fulfill the predictions of the Old Testament pointing to the coming Messiah.

This was done in order to fulfill the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah, who said, “He took our sicknesses and bore our ailments.” Another illustration can be found in Matthew 11:2-6: “Now when John heard of the works of the Christ while he was imprisoned, he sent news to Him via his disciples, asking, Are you the one who is to come, or should we wait for another?

“And happy is the one who does not take offense at my words.” To assuage John’s misgivings, Jesus detailed the miracles He had performed, which were in fulfillment of Isaiah’s messianic predictions (Isaiah 29:18 and 35:5), and so provided evidence that Jesus was, in fact, the Messiah (Matthew 28:18).

They questioned, “Will the Christ emerge and do even greater miracles than this guy has done?” (See also John 7:31)

To show that He is the Son of God

Jesus was a human being. However, He was also God. This could not be seen from the exterior of the building. The religious establishment considered Jesus’ claims to be the Son of God to be blasphemy, and even His own brothers believed He was out of his mind (Mark 3:21). The miracles performed by Jesus demonstrated that He truly possessed extraordinary power and that He was, in fact, God. There are two miracles that show this, and both have to do with a raging sea. Once, while traveling in a boat during a storm, Jesus fell asleep on the deck.

After being struck with tremendous terror, the disciples said to one another, “Who is He, that even the wind and the sea follow Him?” (Matthew 4:19-41) Many Bible scriptures, plainly referring to God as “mightier than the thunders of many seas, mightier than the waves of the sea,” were probably familiar to them, as were numerous other verses.

” Psalm 89:9 says that Assuming that these scriptures are likewise applicable to Jesus, the only conclusion that can be drawn from this is that He is God.

When He climbed into the boat, the storm subsided completely.

A few loaves of food and two fish sufficed to feed thousands of people.

All of this caused people to pause and reflect, as recorded in Matthew 9:4-8, Mark 6:2 and John 9:16. “Believe Me that I am in the Father, and the Father is in Me; or else believe Me for the sake of the works.” This is what Jesus himself stated. (See also John 14:11)

To show what God’s Kingdom is like

Apart from demonstrating Jesus’ status as the Messiah and Son of God, His miracles also present us with a glimpse of the new planet that God is planning to establish. Timothy Keller discusses this nicely in his book The Reason for God: A Philosophical Introduction. While we in the present day conceive of miracles as a suspension of the natural order, Jesus intended them to be a restoration of the natural order. According to the Bible, God did not intend for the world to be filled with sickness, famine, and death when it was first created.

His miracles are not only confirmations of His existence, but they are also amazing foretastes of what he will be able to accomplish with that power.

We are grateful to Gospel Images for the image.

Why Did Jesus Perform Miracles?

Readings from the Bible include Matthew 11:2-5, Isaiah 61:1-3, John 2:11, and Matthew 12:28-42. The vast majority of us have been there. Not only is it unpleasant, but it is also confusingly painful. God didn’t seem to hear us. Isn’t He madly in love with me? Is it possible that I lacked confidence? Why wasn’t it a resounding yes? These are the types of questions we ask ourselves when the miracle does not materialize. The disease that couldn’t be treated, the chronic sickness that wouldn’t heal, the marriage that couldn’t be salvaged, or the money that didn’t come through might all be contributing factors.

  1. They can even come out as harsh.
  2. God understands the strain we are experiencing, which may explain why He placed Matthew 11:2-5 in His flawless Word.
  3. It is apparent that Jesus is referring to the passage from Isaiah 61 in his response: “Go and tell John what you hear and see: the blind get their sight and the crippled walk; lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; and the dead are brought up” (Matthew 11:4-5).
  4. They are a visible manifestation of His authority, strength, and majesty.
  5. However, there is one aspect of Jesus’ response that we should not overlook since John would not have done so.
  6. Because John was in jail at the time, it is a message of hope for captives, which is exactly what Jesus’ message was to him; John heard Jesus’ message while incarcerated.
  7. Three chapters later, he’s been executed by beheading.

Our God is not unconcerned with our suffering.

As a confirmation of his divine status, but it also serves as a reminder that miraculous events do not always take place.

Jesus’ miracles were not just about Him, but also about the Kingdom of God that was yet to be established.

“It is entire healing, perfect completeness, freedom, astonishment, and pleasure,” says the author.

We will never be able to achieve the full peace and repair we want this side of eternity, but miracles guide us in the direction of the place where we will be able to do so.

The fact that Jesus is physically present on earth reminds us that He arrived into this world and suffered with us.

Mrs. Sharon Hodde Miller is a writer and speaker, as well as a pastor’s wife and a mother of two sons. She is a regular writer to Christianity Today, and she just finished her Ph.D., which focused on the development of women’s spiritual talents in the church, at the University of Virginia.

What Was the Purpose of Jesus’ Miracles?

The term miracle, which may also be rendered as “sign,” can refer to both of these things. During his testimony, the Apostle John explained why he recounted Jesus’ miracles. Certainly in the presence of his followers, Jesus performed a number of additional signs that are not included in this book; nevertheless, these are recorded so that you may come to know that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may come to have life in His name (John 20:30, 31). In Confirmation of Jesus’ Identity, the Miracles The miracles were performed in order to provide witness to Jesus’ identity and to inspire others to believe in Him.

  • When Jesus was in Jerusalem for the Passover feast, many people came to believe in his name because of the signs he performed throughout the celebration (John 2:23).
  • The Manifestations of Miracles Despite all of these amazing indications, however, there were others who remained skeptical.
  • It was at that point that a voice from heaven said, “I have both glorified it and will glorify it again.” Consequently, those who were standing nearby and heard it said that thunder had been heard.
  • Despite the fact that it was the voice of the Father speaking, many people thought they were hearing thunder.
  • And when they saw him, they admired him, yet some were sceptical about his abilities (Matthew 28:17).
  • Still, there were others who did not accept Him as their Savior.
  • And, despite the fact that the signals convinced many, there were still those who remained skeptical.

Why did Jesus do miracles?

The assertions that Jesus made when he was alive on this planet were amazing. Even at the age of twelve, Jesus reminded his parents that God was his heavenly heavenly Father. During his talks, he used phrases such as “I am the light of the world. I am the only way, the only truth, and the only life. “I am the living food that has come down from heaven.” says the Lord. (See also John 8:12, 14:6, and 6:51.) When asked if he was the Son of God at the end of his life, Jesus responded affirmatively, saying, “Yes, it is as you have spoken” (Matthew 26:64).

  • As a result, one may expect that the supernatural would be able to do things on Earth that ordinary humans could not.
  • That is exactly what Jesus accomplished.
  • These miracles lent credence to his argument that he was the genuine God who had come to earth to redeem mankind from its plight.
  • Jesus’ miracles had a purpose more than just proving his divinity.
  • Some people came to visit Jesus because they were attracted by the promise of seeing or receiving a miracle.
  • Jesus’ miracles, on the other hand, were no ordinary marketing ploy.
  • ‘When Jesus arrived on the scene and observed a big throng, he felt sympathy for them and healed their ill,’ according to the Bible (Matthew 14:14).
  • For example, one night, as a severe storm raged on the sea, Jesus slept on a boat with his disciples.

When Jesus lifted his hands and rebuked the wind and the sea, it was like a miracle of supernatural proportions, and the storm was instantly hushed (Luke 8:22-25). The miracle of Jesus’ mastery over the storm served to strengthen the shaky faith of his companions.

Why Did Jesus Perform Miracles?

Our astonishment has been dimmed by familiarity. We’ve heard stories of water turning into wine, Christ marching on the waves, the blind soaking in fresh light, the wind obeying, and even Lazarus resurrected from the dead. When compared to the reactions of individuals who witnessed Jesus’ miracles personally, our response is noticeably more subdued and reserved. Some people were following, some were snarling, some were condemning, but none were ignoring. In order to understand why Jesus accomplished His miracles, we must first uncover the expectations of individuals who lived during Jesus’ time on earth.

  1. The inhabitants of ancient Israel, on the other hand, did not have access to the New Testament to study.
  2. With a bold assertion, Jesus came into the center of their hope—hope that they would be free of persecution from faraway Rome—and transformed it.
  3. In order to lure people into the Kingdom of God, the Messiah had arrived.
  4. They could see the majesty of God’s strength moving through the mountains.
  5. The miracles themselves were not a means for Jesus to demonstrate His might, especially in light of the fact that He had given up His previous glory in order to come to earth and carry out the will of His heavenly Father.
  6. Despite the fact that He didn’t need to produce any miracles and refused to do so on demand, they were performed so that people would believe in Him (John 10:37-38).
  7. Despite the fact that He was dead and buried, Jesus arose from the tomb and gave a declaration of His Kingship that could not be ignored.
  8. Doug Bookman, professor of New Testament Exposition at Shepherds Theological Seminary, and published with permission (used by permission).
See also:  What Did Jesus Say About Confession

Why Did Jesus Do Miracles Anyway?

When Jesus was on earth, did you ever wonder why he performed miracles? He worked miracles, both large and little, in the lives of those around him. Why? During the sixth chapter of John’s gospel, we learn about two of the most well-known miracles that Jesus performed. They were awe-inspiring and breathtaking. What was it that Jesus was attempting to accomplish? I believe that the first miracle, the feeding of the 5,000, is the most significant miracle of Jesus’ earthly ministry, second only to His resurrection, in my opinion.

  1. He instructed his followers to gather the scraps of food that had been left over after they had finished their meals.
  2. If you include women and children, the total number of people was probably closer to 15,000 or 20,000.
  3. Not only that, but there were enough leftovers to fill a total of 12 baskets.
  4. They rallied behind the belief that Jesus was the prophet Moses had foreseen, and they organized to make Jesus their leader, proclaiming him as the revolutionary messiah who would free them of the Romans and make their lives simpler and more satisfying.
  5. Just before He accomplished it, He dispatched His disciples to a secure location.
  6. The disciples were attempting to cross the Sea of Galilee by boat in the middle of the night.
  7. Jesus enters the scene literally on the surface of the sea.
  8. It was at this time that they noticed Jesus approaching the boat and walking on water; this caused them to become terrified.
  9. Miracles have clear and important functions.

Jesus told the demanding crowd that chased him,Yet He does it with grace and compassion. He wants them to know and follow Him because of who He is, not what gifts He can shower they with. Then He shows the disciples why He did the miracles — and why He still does miracles, even today:

  • In order to establish His true identity. He is God
  • In order to draw attention to His message. Truth has the ability to transform everything
  • To expose His compassionate and empathic heart
  • And to display His mighty strength. HeisGod

CUSTOMER DEMAND IS NOT FOLLOWING You’re looking for miraculous proof that God is who you claim He is, aren’t you? Serve Him with a wish list of things you want mended in your life, and then demand that He perform the actions you want Him to perform? That is not the way to follow Jesus. You can’t follow someone until you believe in them and can put your confidence in them. And you can only trust those in whom you have faith in their word, in whom you feel they have the authority to accomplish what they say they can do, and in whom you have a genuine belief that they are concerned about you.

  • We can bring our little resources to Him, and He will increase them for the benefit of His kingdom.
  • The only way to be saved is to welcome Jesus into our storms of life and allow Him to rescue us.
  • What is it that you desire?
  • More information about this and related themes may be found in Chip’s series “The Real God.”
Written By

Chip Ingram is the CEO and teaching pastor of Living on the Edge, an international teaching and discipleship organization with over a million members worldwide. With over thirty years of pastoral experience, Chip has a unique capacity to communicate truth while also challenging individuals to live out their faith. Author of several works, including The Real God, Culture Shock, and The Real Heaven, he is well-known for his work. His wife, Theresa, and he have four adult children and twelve grandkids, and they currently reside in the state of California.

Why Did Christ Perform Miracles?

The BMC Team has contributed to this post. The 28th of March, 2019KnoWhy508 Jesus restores sight to a blind man. Image courtesy of lds.org After that, he’ll “walk forth among mankind, accomplishing amazing wonders., and even after all of this, they’ll consider him a man, and declare that he’s possessed by a devil.”

The Know

As recorded in both the New Testament and the Book of Mormon, Jesus performed several miracles throughout his ministry on the earth. He performed miracles like as healing the sick, raising the dead, and casting out devils (seeMosiah 3:5–6). Because He delayed His departure from Bountiful, in part, so that He might work further miracles among the people (see3 Nephi 17:4–7), it is plain to see that these deeds were essential to Him. He also spent a significant amount of time curing large groups of people in the ancient world (see, for example,Matthew 12:15).

Jesus Loved Those in Need

One of the reasons Christ performed miracles was because He was filled with tremendous compassion for individuals who were in need of help. During His time among the Nephites in the New World, He expressed sympathy for them by saying, “Behold, my bowels are overflowing with compassion for you.” Do any of you have any ill people in your midst? … As soon as you bring them here, and I will cure them, because I am compassionate toward you, and my bowels are overflowing with kindness” (3 Nephi 17:6–7).

A similar statement might be made about the miracles He performed in the Galilee. In response to a centurion’s request that Jesus come to his home to heal someone, Jesus showed compassion for the man and agreed to go to his home despite the shame involved with assisting the Romans (Matthew 8:7).

Power Over Death

Another motivation for Christ’s miracles was to demonstrate that He was greater than death and that He could defeat it. When Christ was in the New World, according to 3 Nephi 26:15, he “raised a man from the dead,” according to the scriptures. When Christ was in the Old World, He demonstrated that He possessed this ability as well. In John 11:43–44, Christ raises His companion Lazarus from the dead, revealing that He is the resurrection and the life, and that He is the Son of God (seeJohn 11:25).

Power Over Destructive Forces of Nature

Christ also performed miracles to demonstrate that He has the ability to control nature’s destructive powers, including sickness. 3 Nephi 17:9 expressly mentions that the people brought their ill and suffering to Christ, and that He “healed them all as they were brought forth unto him” (Nephi 17:9, emphasis added). In the Old Testament, Christ demonstrated His authority over sickness and the powers of nature’s devastation by stilling a storm on the Sea of Galilee (Mark 4:39) and by curing individuals who were suffering from a variety of ailments (Matthew 4:24).


So That Some Would Recognize the One Who Had Been Prophesied

Another important goal of Christ’s miracles was to demonstrate that He was the fulfillment of prophesy. 2 Mosiah 3:5 predicts that when Christ returns, He will “go forth among mankind, accomplishing marvelous wonders, such as healing the sick, reviving those who have fallen asleep, causing the crippled to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, and curing all manner of maladies,” among other things. 3This is precisely what Christ did when He traveled to the Americas to see the people. “Christ cured all their ill and their crippled, and opened the eyes of their blind and unstopped the ears of their deaf,” according to 3 Nephi 16:15, and “had done all manner of cures among them, and resurrected a man from the dead.” Because 3 Nephi 16specifically specifies that Christ performed all six miracles stated in King Benjamin’s speech, it is clear that the Nephite recordkeepers intended readers to understand that Jesus Christ had done exactly what He had indicated He would do.

Christ’s miracles also fulfilled a prophesy recorded in the Dead Sea Scrolls, which pointed to the coming of the Messiah.

His generation will bring about a transformation in the evil that has been entrenched in deception and bloodshed.” The life of Christ fulfilled much of what was spoken above, and His miracles undoubtedly assisted in undoing much of the damage created by deception and violence in the world.

According to the Messianic Apocalypse (4Q521), which is another Dead Sea Scroll, the Messiah will perform miracles as part of his mission. It was also through His healings that the predictions foretold in the words of Isaiah 61 that Jesus read in the synagogue in Nazareth came to pass.

A Prophet Like Moses

Christ’s miracles also had another important purpose: they demonstrated that He fulfilled prophecy. 2 In Mosiah 3:5, King Benjamin predicted that when Christ returned, He would “go forth among men, working mighty miracles, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, causing the lame to walk, the blind to receive their sight, and the deaf to hear, and curing all manner of diseases,” among other things. The same thing Christ did when He went to the Americas to visit the people there. “Christ cured all their ill and their crippled, and opened the eyes of their blind, and unstopped the ears of their deaf, and had done all manner of cures among them, and even resurrected a man from the dead,” according to 3 Nephi 16:15.

They will say numerous words against him, as well as an abundance of falsehoods; they will create myths about him, and they will utter every form of disparagement against him, according to the scroll known as 4Q541, fragment 9, column 1: In his age, the evil.

The life of Christ fulfilled much of what was spoken above, and His miracles undoubtedly assisted in undoing much of the damage perpetrated by deception and violence in this world.

It was also through His healings that the predictions foretold in the words of Isaiah 61 that Jesus read at the synagogue in Nazareth came to pass.

See also:  What Does It Mean To Have Faith In Jesus

So That Jesus Would be Killed

“Christ will go forth among mankind, accomplishing wonderful marvels, such as healing the sick, raising the dead, causing the cripple to walk, the blind to get their sight, and the deaf to hear, as well as treating all manner of ailments,” King Benjamin said. And he will expel demons from the world.” Even so, “they will consider him a man, and declare that he is possessed by the demon, and they will torment him, and they will crucify him” (Mosiah 3:5–9), despite the evidence to the contrary. In a sense, Christ’s miracles were the catalyst for this event to take place.

Welch, when Christ resurrected Lazarus from the grave, He was well aware that this act would almost certainly result in his punishment.

Naturally, Caiaphas and the others who believed Jesus was a deceiver were deceived, but they exploited the rule of Deuteronomy as a legal excuse for assassinating Jesus.

8 According to the Gospel of John, the leaders of the Jews in Jerusalem believed that Jesus “had a demon” and that he had “deceived the people,” and that he should therefore be put to death.

The Why

El Greco’s Christ Healing the Blind is a masterpiece. While studying the miracles that Christ accomplished in the book of 3 Nephi, it becomes obvious that Jesus performed miracles in a variety of methods that were unique to Him. One-on-one healing with the multitudes of ill and suffering who came to Him to be healed is not something that happens very often, if it ever happens at all. It’s safe to say that Christ’s ministry to the people of Bountiful would have been an unforgettable and poignant experience for them.

  • That is why they must be carried out in His holy name and through Him who has the authority and capacity to do so.
  • In this regard, the current miracles witnessed in the church are similar to the miracles recorded in 3 Nephi, in that they all originate with Christ.
  • 13He is the creator of all things and the healer of all things.
  • He was the only one who had the ability to lay down his life and pick it back up again.
  • “For just as all die in Adam, so all will be made alive in Christ” (Romans 5:12).

Further Reading

The literary portrait of Jesus as Divine Lord in 3 Nephi, edited by Andrew C. Skinner and Gaye Strathearn (Salt Lake City and Provo, UT: Deseret Book and Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship, 2012), pp. 235–260. Charles Swift, “‘So Great and Marvelous Things’: The Literary Portrait of Jesus as Divine Lord in 3 Nephi,” in Third Nephi: An Incomparable Scripture, ed. Andrew C. Skinner The book Christ and the New Covenant (Salt Lake City, UT: Deseret Book, 1997), by Jeffrey R. Holland, has pages 282–284.

  • Matthews, “Jesus the Savior in 3 Nephi,” in 3 Nephi 9–30, This is My Gospel, Book of Mormon Symposium Series, Volume 8, ed.
  • Nyman and Charles D.
  • (Provo, UT: Religious Studies Center, Brigham Young University, 1993), 25–39.
  • Matthews, “Jesus the Savior in 3 Nephi,” in 3 Nephi 9–30, This is My Gospel, Book of Mormon Symposium Series
  • Herman Hendrickx, The Miracles Stories (San Francisco, CA: Harper and Row, 1987), chapter 13 provides further information on how Christ’s miracles connect to power. See Book of Mormon Central’s article “How Does Prophecy Shape the Book of Mormon’s Content and Structure? (Words of Mormon 1:4),”KnoWhy498 for a full list of predictions in the Book of Mormon, including ones referring to the return of Christ (January 15, 2019) 3.Although it is difficult to determine whose ailments are being discussed in this passage, it is probable that some of the individuals assembled in Bountiful were suffering from a condition that was akin to leprosy. For more information on this, see John L. Sorenson, “Was There Leprosy Among the Nephites?” in Pressing Forward with the Book of Mormon: The FARMS Updates of the 1990s, ed. John W. Welch and Melvin J. Thorne (Provo, UT: FARMS, 1999), 231–233
  • 4.See John W. Welch, ” Isaiah 53, Mosiah 14, and the Book of Mormon,” in 12. For a general overview of Christ’s miracles, see Eric D. Huntsman,The Miracles of Jesus(Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2000)
  • 13. For more on how this experience might have impacted the people, see Alvin C. Rencher, “Unity Through the Power of Charity,” inFourth Nephi Through Moroni, From Zion to Destruction, Book of Mormon Symposium Series, Volume 9, eds. Monte S. Nyman and Charles D. Tate,


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Why did Jesus do miracles?

Several people have approached me with the subject, “In what instances did Jesus determine or recognize the need to employ His miraculous power?” The Bible reports that His miracles drew large crowds of people who were awestruck. To give an example, after Jesus healed a disabled man, “everyone was astounded and thanked God.” They were struck with wonder and exclaimed, ‘We have witnessed something truly extraordinary today'” (Lk. 5:26NIV). A healthy response to a miracle, such as the disciples’ worshiping of Jesus following His resurrection, is appropriate and appropriate (Mt.

  • The Bible mentions 36 miracles that occurred during Jesus’ career, all of which are recorded in detail.
  • 7:21-22).
  • The circumstances under which miracles happened When it comes to preaching and teaching, When Jesus was speaking and teaching in the synagogue about the good news of the kingdom of God, He performed miracles to heal the sick (Mt.
  • When word of this spread, enormous crowds flocked to Him, and He miraculously healed everyone who was afflicted.
  • 2:1-12).
  • 8:1-4).
  • 9:20-22; 14:35-36).



14:15-21; Mk.

Jesus also cured individuals when someone else came to Him on their behalf, according to what He had been informed (Mt.

As a result, the individual did not have to be in close proximity to Jesus in order to be healed.


Those whom He observed Jesus also cured others who came across Him in the course of His daily existence (Mt.

When faced by a man who was possessed by a demon, Jesus was able to free him from the evil (Mk.

“Your faith has cured you,” Jesus informed Bartimaeus, who was blind (Mk.

And He was aware of the Samaritan woman’s background (Jn.

In order to serve as a witness to His disciples During a wedding reception, Jesus transformed water into wine when the wine ran out.



When the disciples pleaded with Jesus to save them from drowning, Jesus calmed the storm (Mt.



17:24-27; 26:33-34).

Christ’s deity is confirmed in this passage.

Pentecost was celebrated on the day of Pentecost, and Peter addressed the congregation, saying, “Fellow Israelites, pay attention to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited to you by God via miracles, wonders, and signs that God performed among you through Him, as you yourselves know” (Acts 2:22).

  1. It was via His miracles that Jesus revealed His supernatural authority over illness and nature as well as over the spirit realm, material things, and death.
  2. 11:1-6; Lk.
  3. 11:1-6; Lk.
  4. 14:25-33).
  5. 42:7).
  6. The purpose of these writings is that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name” (Jn.
  7. When people read the narrative of Christ’s life in the Bible, they may still accomplish this goal today.

Confirmation of the message of Christ Jesus came to deliver the good news that He was the Messiah, and that it was through Him that redemption might be achieved (Mk.


We have been assured of this salvation, which was first declared by the Lord and then reaffirmed to us by those who heard Him (the apostles).

” (Heb.

As a result, miracles were God’s way of confirming the gospel message.

They gave their affirmation that He was the Messiah and that His teaching came directly from God.

in order to assist Jews in accepting Christ’s message Christ’s mission was primarily directed towards Jews who were clamoring for miracles (Mt.

8:11-12; Lk.

2:18; 4:48; 6:30).



After seeing a miracle, the Jewish people came to believe that Jesus was the promised Messiah (Jn.

Bringing people to faith, repentance, and everlasting life is the mission of the church.


And He was unable to perform any miracles in His hometown of Nazareth, other than to lay His hands on a few ill individuals and bring them back to health.


13:38; Mk.



As a result of Jesus’ miraculous healings of the ill, a large number of people followed him (Jn.

Jesus reminded them that God’s intention for the Jews was to look to Jesus (“the one He has sent”) and trust in Him in order to gain eternal life (John 6:14).


As a result, the miracles served as proof that Jesus was more than a mere prophet.

A blind guy was cured in order to demonstrate the might of God (Jn.

After that, the man came to think that Jesus was the Messiah, and he began to adore Him.



Compassion is shown by this gesture.

14:14; 20:34).




So, although the spiritual needs of people are paramount, we see that Jesus was concerned about their physical needs as well.



SummaryWe have seen that the Bible says Jesus used His miraculous power when preaching and teaching, when people came to Him, when He was told about people, when He saw people, and as a witness to His disciples.

The purpose of these miracles was to confirm Christ’s divinity; to confirm His message; to help Jews accept the message; to bring people to belief, repentance, and eternal life; and to show compassion.

So Jesus used His miraculous power when these purposes could be achieved Written, November 2016 Also see:How did Jesus do miracles?

What were the miracles of Jesus? What miracles did Jesus perform?

QuestionAnswer Generally speaking, a miracle of God is an uncommon or abnormal event that, by a powerful effort, discloses or verifies a specific message from God. Jesus did a plethora of miraculous deeds. All of the miracles He performed were to bring glory to God, to benefit people, and to demonstrate that He was exactly who He claimed to be—the Son of God. As an example, when He calmed the storm in Matthew 8, the disciples were amazed and inquired, “What type of guy is this?” “Even the winds and the oceans bow down to his will!” (See verse 27.) Many of the miracles that Jesus did are documented in the Gospels.

  1. As John openly confesses, “Jesus did many other signs in the company of his followers, which are not recounted in this book.
  2. There were numerous more things that Jesus performed as well.
  3. The same miracles are frequently recorded in several Gospels, with each one providing somewhat different details.
  4. None of the Gospel writers is especially concerned with perfect chronology, and they do not always provide us with all of the facts that we may be interested in knowing about the life of Jesus.
  5. Healing Miracles are a common occurrence.
  6. Matthew 9:27–31; Mark 8:22–26; Luke 10:46–52 are examples of passages in which the blind are given sight.
  7. People can be cured at a distance if they wish: Jesus’ teachings in Matthew 8:5–13; Luke 7:2–10; and John 4:46–54 The healing of Peter’s mother-in-law is recorded in Mark 1:29–31.
  8. People who come into contact with Jesus’ clothes are healed: The passages include Matthew 9:20–23; 14:35–36; Mark 5:25–34; 6:53–56; Luke 8:43–48; and Luke 8:43–48.
  9. Mark 7:31–37 describes the healing of a deaf and dumb man.
  10. Matthew 9:32–33; 17:14–18; Mark 9:14–29; Luke 9:37–42 all mention demons being driven out (as well as particular bodily diseases associated with the demons being treated).
See also:  Oh Happy Days When Jesus Was

Numerous people were healed in the following passages: Matthew 9:35; 15:29–31; Mark 1:32–34; 3:9–12; Luke 6:17–19 The dead are brought back to life in the following passages: Matthew 9:18–26; Mark 5:21–43; Luke 8:40–56; John 11:1–45 Other Miraculous Occurrences There are a lot of people fed (the food increases) in the following passages from Matthew 14 to 21 and 15 to 39, Mark 6 to 44, Luke 9 to 10, and John 6 to 14.

  1. Walks on water: Matthew 14:22–33 (including Peter); Mark 6:45–52; John 6:15–21 (all of the gospels).
  2. Luke 5:1–11; John 21:1–14 are examples of passages in which fish are caught and released.
  3. John 2:1–11 explains how Jesus transforms water into wine.
  4. We can see from the list above that the great majority of miracles described in the Gospels were miracles of healing, which is consistent with what we already know.
  5. Instead, miracles are performed for a variety of reasons.
  6. When He drives devils out of people, He is demonstrating His control over them.
  7. In a similar vein, several of Jesus’ miracles underscore his control over the elements.

Examples include the story of Jesus turning water into wine in John 2.

Unlike other religious leaders, Jesus never performed miracles for the sake of putting on a show.

This concept was particularly highlighted by the apostle John, who referred to Jesus’ miracles as “signs.” This is simply one example, such as the feeding of the 5,000.

One would assume that this is a positive development.

Then, in the middle of the night, He vanished.

But Jesus is not impressed and confronts them about their self-centered motivations for pursuing Him: “Very honestly I tell you, you are searching for me not because you witnessed the signs I performed, but because you ate the loaves and got your fill” (Matthew 14:26).

There is a certain amount of irony in this.

There’s little question that they believed this was a very excellent arrangement at the time.

Jesus, on the other hand, claims that they did not actually witness the “sign.” They were witness to the miracle, yet they were unable to look beyond the loaves and fish.

Despite the fact that the crowds witnessed and participated in the miracle, they failed to notice the indication that would eventually lead them to Jesus, the Bread of Life.

Many individuals during Jesus’ life regarded His miracles as ends in themselves rather than as pointing to something higher. Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) What exactly were the miracles performed by Jesus? What kind of miracles did Jesus work?

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How Did Jesus Do Miracles—His Divine Nature or the Holy Spirit?

Perhaps no other rock band has ever sang a simple question as memorable—and as appropriately—as The Who’s “Who are you?” Who, who, who, who, who, who? “Can you tell me who you are?” Perhaps no other inquiry gets to the heart of the riddles of Christology more rapidly than this one. Who was the first person to be born to the Virgin Mary? That was it who delivered the sermon on the mount? Who was it that prayed in the garden? Who was it who perished on the cross? Answering each of these questions brings us into some significant ground in terms of the person and natures of Jesus Christ, which we will explore further below.

There has been some ambiguity around this topic because it is frequently posed not with who but with how (for example, how did Jesus do miracles?).

Modern Misstep: Moving fromWhotoHow

Numerous contemporary theologians, emphasizing Christ’s humanity, have pondered about the two natures of Christ, supposing that they are in some sort of rivalry with one another. Because two natures cannot coexist in the same “place” within a single person, Christ’s identification with our humanity necessitated him relinquishing his claim to his supernatural qualities on a permanent or partial basis. So, how does he do miracles, exactly? Miracles are performed by a number of persons in the Bible, according to the text.

  • When someone like Elijah or Paul performs miracles, it doesn’t always point to them as individuals.
  • These miracles were made possible by the Holy Spirit; they were not the work of Paul or anybody else, but rather of his power.
  • According to many contemporary theologians, Jesus’ miracles were essentially no different from any other miracle.
  • It is as a result of this that they do not refer to his person —except insofar as Jesus is dependent upon the Holy Spirit —but rather to the humannature that he shares with us.
  • As a result, the topic of how people do miracles is shifted to the subject of Christ’s miracles, while evading the question of who Christ is as God’s Son.
  • Yes, Jesus Christ has two entire natures, one divine and one human, and he is the only one who possesses both.
  • The person of Jesus, however, is the one who faces us in the Gospels, and Christology has emphasized that he is one undivided person—the second person of the Trinity—since the Council of Chalcedon in AD 451.

The wonder of the incarnation is that this one individual became all we are without losing his or her identity as the person he or she was before the incarnation. In other words, whenever we witness Jesus perform a miracle in the Gospels, our first inquiry should be, “Who are you?”

Test Case: Walking on Water

When Jesus walks on water in Matthew 14, it appears that he is confirming that he is a man empowered by the Spirit, which is a popular interpretation. According to Matthew’s account, Jesus had just completed feeding the 5,000 people. His disciples board a boat on the Sea of Galilee and set sail. Jesus, on the other hand, chooses to retreat to a mountain to pray rather than join them. By the time it was between 3 and 6 a.m., the disciples’ boat had sailed out to sea and was being thrashed around by the sea.

  1. It’s not a ghost, of course; it’s none other than Jesus Christ.
  2. Be brave and do not be scared” (Matt.
  3. Peter then challenges Jesus to demonstrate his authority by directing him to walk on water as well.
  4. When Jesus stretches out his hand to Peter and says, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?” it appears that he is confirming this.
  5. Although the disciples were not surprised by Jesus’ full reliance on another, they did not extol the power of the Holy Spirit or express their admiration for it.
  6. One would assume that we are dealing with a simple guy, Peter, who is capable of accomplishing everything Jesus is capable of accomplishing so long as he walks in faith.
  7. So while this incident does not disclose the lordship of Jesus Christ, it does indicate the beginning of the kingdom and the paradigm Jesus presents for relying on supernatural resources rather than one’s personal resources.

ButWhoReally Walked on Water?

Three hints in this chapter, on the other hand, point to an alternative interpretation of this miracle. The first point to note is that when Jesus tells his terrified followers that “it is I” (Matt. 14:27; Greekego eimi), this isn’t a summons to acknowledge the physical characteristics that distinguish him as “Jesus from Nazareth.” To the contrary, he is adopting the name of God as revealed in Exodus 3:14 (the Book of Mormon) (I AM:ego eimi). he’s telling his disciples to take heart and not be terrified because he, the one walking on the water, is none other than the Almighty God himself.

  • When it comes to stomp the waves of the sea, only Yahweh can do it (Job 9:8).
  • In fact, the Creator, who created the sea in the beginning, now controls it via his own strength.
  • Peter addresses this Yahweh-incarnate who can walk on water as “Lord” in the beginning of the video.
  • 14:33).
  • Ps.
  • Although the disciples were not surprised by Jesus’ full reliance on another, they did not extol the power of the Holy Spirit or express their admiration for it.

Rather, they are drawn to the incarnate Son of God, who they consider to be deserving of adoration. They were led into worship by the who, who explained the how, and who ushered them in.

Unity of the Son of God

In light of the fact that the incarnate Son of God is one person with two natures, we might expect to witness experiences in the Gospels that are representative of each nature. Jesus utilizes human feet to walk on water, a human arm to save Peter from drowning, and a human voice to convince his disciples of his divine identity even during this tremendous revelation of Jesus’ almighty authority on the sea. Jesus is always the same person, functioning in accordance with both of his natures at the same time.

Not only does this result in Christological issues, but it also has serious Trinitarian ramifications.

A more traditional Trinitarian theology, on the other hand, reconciles God’s basic oneness (Deut.

When God takes action, each individual takes action.

It is incorrect to assert that the second person of the Trinity is not divine.

It is incorrect to assert that the second person of the Trinity is not divine.

He is the “one and the same Son,” whose miraculous works inspire us, as did the first disciples, to love the mystery of God embodied, just as they did.

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