Why Did Jesus Cry Tears Of Blood

Why did Jesus sweat blood in the Garden of Gethsemane?

QuestionAnswer The night before He was crucified, Jesus Christ prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He was beheaded. “And being in anguish, He prayed much more intensely,” wrote Luke, a physician, describing Jesus’ perspiration being like droplets of blood. When it happened, his perspiration looked like huge droplets of blood dropping to the ground” (Luke 22:44). Some interpret Luke’s statement as a simple simile—Jesus’ perspiration dripped to the ground in great, heavy droplets, similar to the way blood pours from an open wound—while others believe it to be accurate.

Hematidrosis is a medical disorder that affects a small number of people but is extremely genuine.

Skin around the sweat glands is lined with microscopic blood vessels that have the ability to contract and then dilate to the point of rupture, allowing blood to flow into the glands and causing them to sweat.

It is clear from the other gospel stories that Jesus’ pain was at a high level: “My soul is overwhelmed with grief to the point of death” (Matthew 26:38; cf.

  • It was entirely reasonable that Jesus was experiencing such profound grief and sadness.
  • He was well aware of the events that would transpire shortly after He was betrayed by one of His own followers, and he had meticulously planned for them.
  • He was well aware that many of those who had hailed Him as the Messiah only a few days before would now be calling for His execution (Luke 23:23).
  • “Beyond human likeness” and “beyond human disfigurement” were prophetic words pronounced seven centuries earlier by the prophet Isaiah, who predicted that He would be beaten so terribly that He would be “disfigured beyond that of any man” (Isaiah 52:14).
  • But there was more to it than that.
  • To the point that a term had to be coined to describe the agony: agonizing, which literally translates as “from the cross,” was created to assist explain it.
  • (Matthew 27:46).
  • (See Psalm 22:1 and Matthew 27:46 for examples.) The spiritual anguish caused by this sense of abandonment, without a doubt, outweighed the excruciating bodily agony that the Lord underwent on our behalf.
  • Jesus Christ, the last Adam (1 Corinthians 15:45), entered another garden thousands of years later to receive the cup from His Father’s hand (Matthew 26:42; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42), and death was about to be swallowed up in triumph.
  • The blood that poured from our Savior’s side as He prayed in the garden is ultimately our fault, therefore we must bear the consequences.

Let us never forget that these bleeding sweat droplets came at a high price; let us never forget that. Questions about Luke (return to top of page) What caused Jesus to shed blood in the Garden of Gethsemane is still a mystery.

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Did Jesus really sweat drops of blood?

Before Jesus Christ was crucified, while he prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, the disciple and physician prayed. “And, being in pain, he prayed even more intensely, and his perspiration was like drops of blood pouring to the ground,” Luke said in his account. — New King James Version (NKJV) Luke 22:44 This was written by the physician Luke, who was a well-educated guy who worked as a meticulous observer in his professional life. It’s also worth noting that Luke is the only gospel writer to mention the bloody perspiration, maybe because of his professional interest as a physician in this unique physiological occurrence that spoke eloquently of the profound spiritual pain Jesus was experiencing.

Henry M.

It is well-known that this medical disease exists, according to Dr.

Hematohidrosis is the medical word for this condition.

Afterwards, when the anxiousness subsides, “the blood vessels widen to the point of rupture.” “The blood is channeled into the sweat glands.” Because the sweat glands are producing a large amount of perspiration, the blood is pushed to the surface, where it is released as droplets of blood mixed with sweat.

  • He was clearly experiencing great spiritual torment.
  • He was well aware that he was about to be subjected to one of the most heinous kinds of death punishment that had ever existed.
  • This might have been the root of his extreme stress.
  • A particularly heavy burden rested on Jesus’ shoulders as he realized that he would soon be subjected to the dreadful pain of bearing the responsibility for all of our crimes upon himself—my sins as well as yours.
  • Even with his omnipotence, Jesus could have easily avoided all of this by just disappearing.
  • He had the ability to make his skin impenetrable.
  • He, on the other hand, elected not to do any of these things.
  • “… But even though he was harassed and afflicted, he did not open his mouth; even though he was taken to the slaughterhouse like a lamb, and just as a sheep before its shearers remains silent, so He did not open his lips.” Excerpts from Isaiah 53:5 and 53:7 of the New King James Version.
  • Taylor of Christian Answers.

More information

  • What was the manner in which Jesus died? Answer: If you’d want to understand more about how to build a personal connection with Christ, please visit this site. You may view an illustrated account of Jesus’ life and death by clicking here (click here). Or, better yet, begin at the very beginning of God’s tale in order to comprehend what God accomplished and why Jesus died. Go to (ChristianAnswers.Net/godstory) for more information. Christians Answers has much more information and data regarding Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection available online at ChristiansAnswers.Net/jesus. Our recommendation for more information on the subject of Christ’s death is the Christian film “How Jesus Died: The Final 18 Hours,” which is half an hour long. This educational presentation allows viewers to have a deeper understanding of what Jesus went through in order to deliver redemption.

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Jesus Sweat Blood

“Jesus walked out to the Mount of Olives as he had done before, and his followers followed him. When they arrived at the location, he told them to pray that they would not fall prey to temptation. He moved back about a stone’s throw beyond them, bowed down, and prayed, ‘Father, if you are willing, remove this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done,’ he said to the heavens. He was comforted by an angel from heaven who came in front of him. Due to his sorrow, he increased the intensity of his prayers, and his sweat resembled drops of blood falling to the ground.

  • ‘What are you doing sleeping?’ he inquired of them.
  • ‘Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man by kissing him?’ Jesus challenged him as he approached Jesus to kiss him.
  • This medical condition that happened in Gethsemane is the only one that is mentioned in the Gospels, and it was written by the Doctor.
  • Luke, more so than the other three biographers of Jesus, concentrated on the details of Jesus’ “physical” healings: for example, a paralyzing spinal ailment (Luke 13:11) and Jesus’ healing of the severed right ear of a servant of the high priest (Luke 22:50,51), among others.
  • “Because he was in anguish, he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground,” writes Dr.

He is also the biographer who mentions at the beginning of the Gethsemane passage that Jesus “being in anguish, prayed more earnestly, and his sweat was like drops of blood falling to the ground.” It’s plausible that Jesus genuinely sweated blood during his anguish in Gethsemane, but is this just exaggeration or is there any truth to it?

There is a very rare disorder known as Hematidrosis, which is defined as “the excretion of blood or blood pigment in the sweat.An extremely rare condition characterized by the sweating of blood that is said to occur when a person is confronted with death or other extremely stressful circumstances.” Only Luke, the physician, made reference to this portion of Jesus’ Passion since it is of medical importance to him.

There have been several additional instances in which humans have “sweated genuine blood” including: A sailor broke out in bloody sweat during a storm at sea, or before an execution, or during the London Blitz during World War II, or in the situation of a lady who was being sexually assaulted, to name a few examples.

  1. Dr.
  2. Scott performed a microscopic study of her perspiration and discovered red blood corpuscles as well as some white corpuscles.
  3. As a result, blood and sweat get mixed together.” In the photo below left, you can see a 12-year-old girl (below left) who has a history of bleeding from the intact skin on her forehead, scalp, face, nose, and trunk.
  4. In advance of Judas’ betrayal and subsequent surrender to the Jewish authorities, Jesus knew what was about to happen.
  5. etarachthe meaning of the Greek word for “troubled” is “to shock one’s soul with terror and dread, take away one’s tranquility, render worried or agitated.” Leonardo da Vince’s depiction of the Last Supper (with the 12 Apostles recognized).
  6. Immediately following the Last Supper, “Jesus walked out as he often did to the Mount of Olives, and his followers came after him.” When they arrived at the location, he told them to pray that they would not fall prey to temptation.
  7. He was comforted by an angel from heaven who came in front of him.

According to the Bible (Matthew 26:36; Mark 14:32; John 18:1) The name “Gethsemane” is derived from two Hebrew words:gat, which means “a place for pressing,” and shemanim, which means “oil.” Considering that “Gethsemane” is the location where the essential oils from olives are extracted, it is a suitable name for the location where Jesus was wrung out and first shed His Blood.

  • of Olives, Jerusalem; Jesus in Agony; Church of All Nations; Jerusalem; Jesus is referred to be the Son of Man in several biblical passages.
  • He is dreading the sacrifice of propitiation that He has come to make.
  • He accepts the fact that there is no “alternative way” and accepts the outcome as it was meant to be.
  • “Agony” is defined as “severe bodily or mental distress” in English.
  • In Luke 22:44, the Bible says “And, being in sorrow, he prayed much more passionately,” says the Bible of Jesus’ petition.
  • His perspiration was like drops of blood dropping to the ground as he prayed more intensely during his time of prayer.

Idros is the Greek word for “sweat,” and when coupled withautomeans “His,” “His sweat.” The phrase egeneto de aimatosmeans “in really blood,” and it is translated as “to become in actuality sweat.” The English version, “was like droplets of blood,” gives the impression that shedding blood is a metaphor or a simile, which is not the case.

(This is a condition known as hematidrosis.) And it wasn’t just the normal perspiration that comes with a hot Judean night.

Tempting as it may be, we should refrain from delving into theology or other speculations about Jesus’ agony in the Garden of Gethsemane: man fell into the Garden/was redeemed in the Garden, and so on.

“In truth, the law mandates that practically everything be cleaned with blood, and forgiveness is impossible without the spilling of blood.” Article based on Hebrews 9:22.

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Why did Jesus sweat blood in the Garden of Gethsemane?

ClarifyShareReport Anonymous (July 1, 2013) asked a question (via GotQuestions) The responses from the community are arranged according to how many people voted for them. The greater the number of votes, the higher the position of an answer on the list. The night before He was crucified, Jesus Christ prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane, where He was beheaded. It is in Luke’s Gospel that we learn that His perspiration was like drops of blood: “His sweat was like drops of blood.” “His suffering caused him to pray even more earnestly.

  • Responses received on July 1st, 20134 Singapore – Vote up, share, and report Moses Messenger of God, CEO of an information technology company, astronaut, and scientist The crucifixion was not your typical form of punishment.
  • Jesus was not only “wounded,” but He was “crushed” in the process.
  • Jesus was cognitively prepared for the type of suffering He would endure, in addition to having a broad understanding that He would suffer and die.
  • God chose Moses and Elijah out of all of the Old Testament prophets to speak with His Son, and it is unclear why.
  • Moses was shunned by the people and vilified by his own circle of friends and followers.
  • I’m confident that the primary motivation for these two guys was to encourage Jesus.
  • It is important to note that the angel gave Him the strength to withstand his anguish (cp.
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It was the entire plan of God that was on the line.

But Satan was unsuccessful.

1:20; 2:14- 17 Heb.

In the garden, Christ was engaged in a life and death conflict, as evidenced by the passage from Luke 22:44, which demonstrates that He was not going through the motions of regular prayer.

It is a well-known truth that when under high mental stress, the pores can get so dilated that blood can leak out of them, resulting in bloody sweat.

When evil powers attempted to assassinate Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane before He could make it to the cross, where He would fulfill prophecy and provide complete atonement, Jesus was heard and rescued from death (Mt.

22:43- 44; 1Pet.


Kenneth Heck is an American businessman and philanthropist.

This appears to have been for a fixed period of time, which looks to have been around three and a half years.

We see comparable assigned timeframes with the two witnesses, who were given 1260 days (Revelation 11:3), and the beast, who was given 42 months (Revelation 13:1).

The Holy Spirit had to briefly depart from Christ after his set time had expired in order for him to be a proper sacrifice as the Lamb of God.

When Christ’s body was nailed on the cross, the Holy Spirit was not present to witness the event.

Following his death, the Holy Spirit returned to him three days later, and he rose from the dead with an even greater sense of union with the Father and the Holy Spirit than he had before experienced.

Billy P.

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

However, we must keep in mind that He was given to us in the form of a man.

As a man, he had to deal with all that he knew was going to happen to him.

Would Jesus have touched as many people if he had faced all of these challenges as God and been able to block out the pain, emotions, and so on?

But, oh, He was so much more than that!

Lynn Willis is a writer and actress who lives in Los Angeles.

Knowing that the hour of His death was approaching, Jesus prayed with great intensity.

And then, like enormous droplets of blood dropping on the earth, his sweat turned into blood.” Hematidrosis, often known as bloody sweat, is documented in medical literature to occur in certain people.

The accompanying blood loss is not significant, but it does cause the skin to become extremely delicate, making the subsequent agony much more excruciating.

He bled and died in the name of the United States.

And now we have the opportunity to actually live in HIM!

Blessings, through HIM, Lynn 0 answers received on April 5, 2015 Vote for it, share it, and report it.

Among my many responsibilities as a member of the messiah’s body and a teacher Furthermore, although Jesus was aware that His time of ministry was drawing to a close, he recognized that there was still much work to be done, and that the laborers were few, but the harvest was vast.

The complete and utter separation from the Father, as described by Him in Matthew 27:46.

Despite the fact that we know it was not the wounds or the suffering that killed Him, scripture shows that He died as a result of a bleeding and shattered heart.

May Jesus be thanked, and we will eternally be grateful to Him for paying the price for our sins and therefore becoming our Savior, even though none of us deserved such a thing. Responses received on March 15, 20210 Vote for it, share it, and report it.

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“He Wept Tears of Blood”

When Zeus determines that Sarpedon must be killed in Book 16 of theIliad, it is a very strange event that happens. Sarpedon was a legendary warrior who was considered to be one of the best of all time. He also happened to be Zeus’s son, however this did not automatically make him eternal, as some believe. Just before Sarpedon and Patroklos are ready to engage in combat, Zeus cries out to Hera, “Ah me, that it is meant that the sweetest of men, Sarpedon, shall perish at the hands of Menoitios’ son Patroklos.” The conflicting feelings in my heart are weighing on my shoulders as I choose whether to steal him from the midst of the tragic struggle and bury him alive in the rich land of Lykia, or whether to beat him to death at the hands of Menoitios’ son, as I have done in the past.

  • R.
  • This is a passage that has sparked a great deal of discussion on the link between Zeus’ will and fate.
  • Is fate under the control of Zeus?
  • Is Zeus able to affect the course of events?
  • These are all significant considerations for deciding one’s perspective on freedom and necessity, the power of the gods, and other issues in the world of the Iliad, but it is not my intention to go into them further at this point in the discussion.
  • In any case, she is successful in convincing him to forego rescuing his son.

According to Homer, Zeus’s reaction was as follows: “She spoke, and the father of gods and mankind did not disobey her; nevertheless he shed tears of blood that dropped to the ground, for the sake of his beloved son, whom Patroklos was currently about to slay, by generous Troy and far from the country of his fathers.” What could it possible imply for Zeus to shed blood-thirsty tears of sorrow?

  1. Is it possible for the gods to weep?
  2. Yes, they may do so in the Homeric universe, and it is not at all strange that they would choose to do so.
  3. The gods of Homer have been anthropomorphized, and as a result, they share many similarities with humanity.
  4. They have a lot of things.
  5. However, these same gods may also symbolize cosmic forces, and Zeus is the god of the sky and the weather, and he is the one who brings about thunder and rain.
  6. A similar argument might be made for whether the verb?
  7. Was he “shedding tears” or “pouring drops”?
  8. The fact that he shed blood-tinged tears is a more difficult issue to deal with.

There is a partial comparison in Book 11, but take note of how different it is from the previous one: When he was finished, the son of Kronos pushed down the awful tempest onto them, and from above he sent down dews dripping blood from the sky, since he was planning to throw down a multiplicity of powerful heads to the home of Hades.

  • While the setting of death is the same in both cases, Zeus’ emotional relationship is diametrically opposed in the first: he is overcome with sadness at the prospect of his son’s impending death in the first.
  • They have ichor in their possession.
  • In this way, Zeus’s crimson tears may be a graphic picture of his sympathy with the human son, but they can never be more than a symbolic portrayal.
  • Even the son of the father of gods and mortals is subject to the judgment of the day of the Lord, according to the Bible.
  • It is certain that Sarpedon will meet with his fate, and that fate is one of misery.

Auden’s magnificent poem “Shield of Achilles” in this context: Their fate was in the hands of others; they were little and could not expect for aid, and no help came; what their adversaries wished to do was done; their shameWas everything that the worst could wish: they lost their pride and died as men before their bodies died; and they died as men before their bodies died.

  • Homer’s is not nearly so, but death is nonetheless ultimate, and sadness is genuine and unavoidable in the end.
  • A similar but very distinct description from a completely other environment comes to mind: In his misery, he prayed even more intensely, and his perspiration turned into big drops of blood that fell to the ground below him.
  • 5:7).
  • When compared to the Iliad, the father’s desire to see his son die on the crucifixion will be carried out (“Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done”)—but this time it is for his son’s death on the cross.
  • Jesus weeps, just as the deity Zeus did.
  • If it was the only thing the writers of the New Testament had informed us about Jesus’ death, our world would be as black as Homer’s, maybe.
  • Those prayers, according to the author of Hebrews, were addressed “to him who was able to deliver him from death, and he was heard because of his devotion,” the writer continues.

As well as enduring the death of his body, Jesus was eventually redeemed from death via his resurrection: “Fear not, because I am the beginning and the last, and the living one,” he said.

Zeus was not in possession of the keys to Death and Hades.

Of all, seeing Homer as a Christianus sans Christo would be far too ambitious a stretch.

The idea that Iliad16.458–61 is a prophesy of the Messiah would be just too much to take on board.

The deepest agonies and concerns of the fallen human situation are addressed by the person of Jesus Christ.

On the other hand, instead of mourning over the lion’s slaughter on the fields outside old Troy (Iliad16.488–9), there will be songs of gladness and cries of victory for those who have triumphed in the Lamb on a hill outside ancient Jerusalem.

The only adequate response to the conundrum of life and death addressed in Iliad16 may be found in Christ’s death-defeating death on the cross.

Hutchinson is an assistant professor of Classics at Hillsdale College in North Carolina. Follow First Things on Twitter, become a fan of First Things on Facebook, subscribe to First Things through RSS, and like First Things on Facebook.

Why did Jesus sweat blood in the Garden of Gethsemane?

When Zeus decrees that Sarpedon must be killed in Book 16 of theIliad, it is a strange event. One of the most powerful warriors in the Trojan War was Sarpedon. Although he happened to be Zeus’s son, he was not immortal as a result of this fact. Just as Sarpedon and Patroklos are about to engage in combat, Zeus cries out to Hera, “Ah me, that it is destined that the dearest of men, Sarpedon, should perish at the hands of Menoitios’ son Patroklos.” Trying to decide whether I should snatch him out of the sorrowful battle and set him down in the rich country of Lykia still alive, or whether I should beat him to death by the son of Menoitios, my heart is torn between the two options.

  1. R.
  2. In regards to the link between Zeus’ will and fate, this passage has sparked a great deal of discussion.
  3. Zeus has the power to change the course of history.
  4. Zeus has the power to alter destiny.
  5. Despite the fact that these are all significant concerns for deciding the view of freedom and necessity, the power of gods, and other aspects of life in the universe of theIliad, it is not my intention to go into them further at this time.
  6. He ultimately decides not to save his son because of her influence.
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According to Homer, Zeus’s reaction was as follows: “She said, and the father of gods and mankind did not disobey her; still he cried tears of blood that flowed to the ground, for the sake of his beloved son, whom now Patroklos was about to slay by generous Troy and far from the country of his family.” I’m not sure what it means for Zeus to be crying bloody tears.

  • The gods have the ability to cry?
  • That is correct in the Homeric universe, and it is not at all remarkable that they are able to accomplish this feat.
  • A number of features associated with mankind are shared by the Homeric gods, who have been anthropomorphized.
  • They have a lot to deal with.
  • They can also symbolize cosmic forces; Zeus, for example, is the god of the sky and weather; he is also responsible for thunderstorms and heavy rainfalls.
  • A similar argument might be made for whether the verb?
  • Were there any tears shed or drips of water poured down the drain?
  • The fact that he shed blood-tinged tears is a more difficult issue to dismiss.

There is a partial parallel in Book 11, but take note of how different it is from the previous one: ” While driving the wicked tempest down upon them from above, the son of Kronos sent down dews dripping blood from the sky, as he was planning to bring a great number of powerful heads to the home of Hades.

  • It is an omen of impending doom from his vengeful hand that the blood is spilling.
  • It is even more remarkable to note that the Homeric gods are devoid of blood.
  • Only mortals may shed blood.
  • It is true that the rarity of the phrase calls attention to the reader’s attention to the hopelessness of any endeavor to make a man eternal in the world of The Iliad.
  • The blood of Zeus’s tears is a portent of violence; the blood of his tears is a hint that while the violence causes him sorrow, it is a brutality in which he will still submit, even if he would prefer to rescue his son.
  • It brings to mind a stanza from W.H.
  • It is not exactly so in Homer’s, but death is nonetheless irrevocable, and mourning is genuine and unavoidable in any case.

A similar but quite distinct description from a very other environment comes to mind: In his misery, he prayed even more intensely, and his perspiration became like large droplets of blood that fell to the earth below him.


When compared to the Iliad, the father’s desire to see his son die on the crucifixion will be carried out (“Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done”)—but this time the desire is to see his son die on the cross.

Jesus weeps, much like the mythological Zeus.

Our world would probably be as black as Homer’s if the writers of the New Testament had just informed us about Jesus’ death, which they didn’t.

The writer to the Hebrews goes on to explain that the son’s prayers were made “to him who was able to deliver him from death,” and that his petitions were heard because of his devotion.

As well as enduring the death of his body, Jesus was eventually redeemed from death via his resurrection: “Fear not, because I am the beginning and the last, and the living one,” Jesus said.

Sarpedon was never to be seen again after he had left.

Nevertheless, is it too much to speculate that he saw glimpses of his gods’ weakness in the face of death and regretted it as a result?

Can we regard the striking resemblance to Luke 22:44 to be a pleasant case of literary providence, or is that going a little too far?

All men suffer from agonies and dread at some point in their lives, and Homeric man was no different from current American man.

When the almighty Zeus weeps in vain over the approaching death of his human son Sarpedon, it is said that the Passion of Christ, Son of God and Son of Man, serves as an antitype to that sorrow.

Hillsdale College’s E. J. Hutchinson is an assistant professor of Classics. Follow First Things on Twitter, become a fan of First Things on Facebook, and subscribe to First Things by RSS.

The Bible Answer

According to the following text, Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane when he said the following words: His crucifixion will take place the following day, and this was soon before it. It’s evident that sweating blood is not something that happens very often, thus the question many people would like to ask is, “How could Jesus sweat blood?” Is it even feasible for the human body to do such an operation? (See also Luke 22:44) And since he was in agony, he prayed even more intensely, and his perspiration seemed like droplets of blood dripping to the ground.

It Is Possible To Sweat Blood

The possibility of sweating blood exists, despite the fact that it does not happen very often. Hematidrosis is the medical term for this disorder. If you are under a great deal of physical or mental stress, the blood arteries that surround your sweat glands may break. Sweating causes blood to be lost through the sweat glands as a consequence. Interestingly, Jesus was represented as being in exactly the type of suffering that would have caused his body to sweat blood, according to medical standards.

Given that Luke is a physician, a medical issue such as this would, without a doubt, have piqued the curiosity of our physician acquaintance.

Jesus Sweat His Blood Willingly

(See also Luke 22:43) He was comforted by an angel from heaven who came in front of him. A visit from an angel to Jesus in the book of Luke is described as a means of strengthening him. Jesus was both entirely God and totally man at the same time. As God, he was fully aware of the difficulties he would face in his new role as a human being. He had an angel who helped him when he was a human, and he prayed in pain when he was a god. That Jesus was ready to pray until he was literally shedding drops of blood tells volumes about his incredible love for mankind!

Luke 22:44 And in His anguish, He prayed more earnestly, and His sweat became like drops of blood falling to the ground.

(44)In addition to being in anguish. A “fight” or a “struggle” is the primary meaning of the Greek term, rather than simply physical discomfort. The phenomenon described is obviously one that would be of particular interest to someone in St. Luke’s line of work, and the four words he uses for “agony,” “drops,” “sweat,” and “more earnestly” (literally, more intensely), while not exclusively technical, are still words that a medical writer would naturally use. They are absent from any other parts of the New Testament.

According to the second, and more widely accepted, viewpoint, the phenomena is not unprecedented, either in ancient or current times.

If we question who St.

It is likely that the “bloody sweat” left traces on the tunic that our Lord wore, and when the soldiers cast lots for it (Matthew 27:35; John 19:24), Mary Magdalene, who stood by the cross, may have noticed and noted the fact (John 19:25), and it is unlikely that Nicodemus and Joseph would have missed it when they embalmed the body (John 19:40).

It is possible to interpret this “as it were” to mean that the phrase “drops of blood” was just a parabolic expression; nevertheless, it is more preferable to read the words in their literal sense, as our Church does when it prays, “By thou suffering and crimson sweat.” Athanasius even goes so far as to declare anyone who reject the existence of this sweat of blood to be imprisoned.

Some of the earliest sources, though not all, omit the last two verses of the book of Revelation (43, 44).

However, the Itala (Latin) and Peshito (Syriac), the two earliest and most official translations, as well as the most prominent Fathers of the second century, Justin and Irenaeus, both have these passages in their respective languages.

They are included in the usual text of the Revised English Version, with a footnote referring to the fact that they are absent from some of the ancient authorities, as well as in the New International Version.

Greek Andκαὶ(kai)Conjunction Strong’s 2532 (Strong’s 2532): Furthermore, also, additionally, namely.inv(en)Preposition Strong’s 1722: inside, within, amid Prepositions of position and instrumentality, i.e., a relation of rest, such as “in,” “at,” “on,” and “by” are examples of fundamental prepositions.

  • He said a prayer.
  • – 3rd Person Pronoun SingularStrong’s 4336: to pray, to pray for, to give prayer is a verb that means to pray.
  • Ektenes is more neutral than the comparable, and it is used more intensively.
  • His (autou)Personal / Possessive Pronoun – Genitive Masculine His (autou)Personal / Possessive Pronoun – Genitive Masculine 3rd Person Pronoun SingularStrong’s 846: He, she, it, they, them, the same, and so forth.
  • (hidrs) sweat – Nominative Masculine Form of the word sweat Sweat and perspiration are SingularStrong’s 2402 keywords.
  • becameἐγένετο(egeneto) 3rd Person Aorist Indicative Middle – 3rd Person Verb SingularStrong’s 1096: SingularStrong’s 1096 A verb that is a prolongation and middle voice form of a main verb; to cause to be, i.e.
  • likeὡσεὶ(hōsei) Adverb Strong’s 5616:as if, as if it were, as if it were; using numbers: approximately.
  • drops θρόμβοι(thromboi) Noun – Nominative Masculine PluralStrong’s 2361: noun – nominative masculine plural A clot or a huge droplet (of blood).
  • To descend from kata and the foundation of foundations.
  • theτὴν(tēn) 3588:The, the definitive article in Strong’s 3588:The, Accusative Feminine Singular.
  • Strong’s 1093: Contracted from a fundamental word; soil; by extension, an area, or the solid section or the entire terrene globe.

Luke 22:44 Catholic Bible (Luke 22:44) NT Luke 22:44 (Gospel of Luke) Because he was in pain, he prayed even more fervently (Luke Lu Lk)

What is the significance of Luke 22:44 where Christ’s sweat was as great drops of blood in the garden of Gethsemane while he prayed?

Is it possible that he truly bled from his pores, as suggested by this verse? Yes. Hematidrosis is the medical term for this disorder. What could possibly force him to break out in cold sweat during a prayer to his Father? It is possible to develop hematidrosis when a person is under tremendous amounts of stress, such as while confronting his or her own mortality. Why did Christ sweat blood from his body in the Garden of Gethsemane, and what is the spiritual significance of this?

  • His pain in the Garden of Gethsemane undoubtedly matched the prophecy of Isaiah about “the anguish of His soul”
  • That is, Jesus’s passion was not only physical but also spiritual
  • His anguish unmistakably indicated that he was a human being and that his sufferings were genuine. Docetism and Sabellianism, two early heresies that denied both, were considered heretics.

Was he experiencing suffering that need the intervention of an angel in order for him to withstand what he was experiencing? I wouldn’t describe it as pain; rather, I would describe it as profound spiritual suffering. Because he was the Son of God, he was fully aware of everything that was going to happen to him. He was well aware that he was about to be subjected to one of the most horrific types of death punishment in history. Because his body was made of flesh and blood, he would experience everything as least as deeply as we would.


It has been discovered throughout history. According to legend, Jesus was drenched in blood before to his crucifixion. After a fight, the artist Leonardo da Vinci created a story about a soldier who had crimson perspiration on his clothes. Hematidrosis, also known as hematohidrosis, is an extremely uncommon medical disorder that causes you to drip or sweat blood from your skin even when you are not wounded or injured. It is caused by a genetic mutation. During the twentieth century, just a handful of proven cases of hematidrosis were documented in medical investigations.

See also:  How To Get Saved By Jesus


Hematidrosis is a condition in which people sweat blood off their skin. It commonly occurs on or around the face, but it is possible that the skin is lining the interior of your body, such as the inside of your nose, mouth, and stomach. It is possible that the skin around the bleeding region will bulge briefly. It has something to do with crying bloody tears. Hemolacria is the medical term for this condition. Blood otorrhea is a term used to describe bleeding from the ears. Hematidrosis might appear as blood, bloody sweat, or sweat with droplets of blood in it, depending on the severity of the condition.

The bleeding normally ends on its own, and it is rarely life-threatening, but it can cause dehydration in some people.

What Happens

Doctors are baffled as to what causes hematidrosis, in part because the condition is so uncommon. They believe it may have something to do with your body’s “fight or flight” reaction. Tiny blood vessels in the skin burst open as a result of this. It’s possible that the blood inside them is being forced out by sweat glands, or that there are unusually small pockets inside the structure of your skin that are causing the problem.

It is possible that they will gather blood and allow it to seep into follicles (where hair develops) or onto the skin’s surface.

Who Gets It

In addition to hematidrosis, other conditions such as high blood pressure and bleeding problems might manifest themselves as a symptom. When it comes to women, it’s happened to them when they’ve been on their periods, as well. It appears to be triggered by acute anguish or anxiety, such as the prospect of death, torture, or severe and prolonged abuse, at times. It is most likely the origin of the phrase “sweating blood,” which refers to a significant amount of exertion.


In addition, the doctor will inquire as to the nature and duration of the bleeding, as well as when and how frequently it occurs. They will ask you questions about your overall health, your medical concerns, and the health histories of close family members, among other things. They’ll also be interested in what’s going on in your personal life. It is possible that blood and imaging tests will be performed in order to try to determine what caused the hematidrosis and rule out any other possible causes.

Depending on where the bleeding is occurring, you may need to undergo tests such as a CT scan or ultrasound.


If the doctor discovers or believes that anything is causing the hematidrosis to flare up, they will attempt to resolve the underlying problem in order to prevent it from occurring again. You may receive the following:

  • Using beta-blockers or vitamin C can help you to reduce your blood pressure. Antidepressants, anti-anxiety medications, or treatment to help prevent episodes associated with severe emotional stress are all options. Drugs that aid in the clotting of your blood or the stopping of bleeding

3 Times Jesus Wept And What We Learn From His Tears

Recently, I delivered a sermon about Jesus’ tears, which you may read here. He was “a man of sorrows, and acquainted with woe,” as the Bible says (Isaiah 53:5). What we are witnessing here is more than just sentimentalism or superficial sentimentality; it is a reminder of His concern and His willingness to bear our pains. There are three instances in which Jesus cried in the Bible (John 11:35; Luke 19:41; Hebrews 5:7-9). Each is nearing the end of his life, and each indicates what is most important to our kind Creator.

  1. His tears serve as a constant reminder that He loves sinners and is concerned about the well-being of every soul.
  2. She is a talented poet who also has a strong desire to serve people.
  3. I approached her and asked if I may share it with others, and she generously agreed to enable me to do so here.
  4. Rather than giving me love -His love for people in sin — I begged the Lord to give me crying eyes and a shattered heart within.
  5. I saw Him walk to the gravesite where His companion was laid to rest; the sisters and their friends were distraught – what love He had for them, I thought.
  6. In addition to being sorrowful on that day, He shed big heaving tears with sobs till those who witnessed it might say: “Behold, we now see how He loved.” His tears exposed His innermost feelings.
  7. And then He transported me to the present day.
  8. While the children run and chant as Jesus arrives to their applause, Jesus enters.
  9. Oh, when I read those somber words, I am reminded of how wonderful they are, for in them I see His love, which is flawless and complete.
  10. At twelve o’clock, I witnessed the Son of God stooped down in sorrow.
  11. However, through his loud and profound sobbing, I understood that He was praying for me – it warmed my heart, and I came to understand His love for me.

-Christina Joy Hommes is a writer and actress. Visit Christina’s website to read more of her poetry. To locate further useful information, please see our whole library, which may be found here.

Jesus wept – Wikipedia

In the King James Version of the Bible, the phrase “Jesus wept” (Koin Greek: o, romanized: edákrusen ho Isoûs,pronounced) is the shortest verse. In several other translations of the Bible, the phrase is known as “Jesus wept.” In the native languages, it is not the shortest sentence. It may be found in the Gospel of John, chapter 11, verse 35, to be precise. Versification, also known as verse breaks, was first added into the Greek text by Robert Estienne in 1551 in order to make the passages simpler to reference and compare amongst one another.


This line appears in John’s account of the death of Lazarus of Bethany, who was a disciple ofJesus at the time. Lazarus’s sisters, Mary and Martha, informed Jesus about their brother’s illness and probable death, but Jesus did not visit until four days after Lazarus died, according to the Gospel of John. After speaking with the bereaved sisters and witnessing Lazarus’ companions sobbing, Jesus was greatly concerned and touched by the events. After inquiring as to where Lazarus had been placed and being asked to come see for himself, Jesus sobbed.

He then prayed openly to his Father and commanded Lazarus to emerge from the tomb, having been resuscitated.


Translation Text
Biblical Greek ἐδάκρυσεν ὁ Ἰησοῦς.edákrusen ho Iēsoûs.”Jesus shed tears.”
Peshitta ܘܐܵܬ݂ܝܵܢ ܗ̄ܘܲܝ̈ ܕܸܡ̈ܥܵܘܗܝ ܕܝܼܫܘܿܥ.Wʾatiyan hway demʿawhy d-Yushwoʿ.”And the tears of Jesus came.”
Vulgate Et lacrimātus est Iēsus”And Jesus wept.”
Luther Bible Und Jesus gingen die Augen über.”And the eyes of Jesus overcame.”
ASV,Darby Bible,ERV,ESV,HCSB,KJV,NASB,NET,NIV,NJB,NKJV,NLT (pre-2005 version),RSV,Recovery Version,WEB,YLT “Jesus wept.”
Bible in Basic English “And Jesus himself was weeping.”
God’s Word “Jesus cried.”
The Message “Now Jesus wept.”
New American Bible,Douay–Rheims Bible “And Jesus wept.”
New Living Translation(2005 Version) “Then Jesus wept.”
New Revised Standard Version “Jesus began to weep.”
CJB “Yeshua cried,”
The New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures “Jesus gave way to tears.”


Significant significance has been ascribed to Jesus’s intense emotional response to his companions’ sobbing and his own tears, which includes the following statements:

  • In contrast to the focus placed on Jesus’ eating during the post-resurrection appearances, weeping reveals that Christ was a genuine man with authentic physiological functions (such as tears, sweat and blood, as well as eating and drinking). His feelings and reactions were genuine
  • Christ was not a figment of his imagination or a ghost (see the heresy ofDocetism). In his discussion of Jesus’ two natures, Pope Leo the Great referred to this story. He said, “In His humanity, Jesus cried for Lazarus
  • In His divinity, he resurrected him from the grave.” The grief, sympathy, and compassion that Jesus felt for all of mankind
  • The wrath that he felt against the tyranny of death over all of mankind
  • And the rage that he felt against the tyranny of death over all of mankind In spite of the fact that the Jews took Jesus’ tears to signify that he was in love with Lazarus (verse 36), Witness Lee believed that the Jews’ interpretation was illogical in light of Jesus’ purpose to raise Lazarus from the dead. As an alternative, Lee suggested that every individual to whom Jesus spoke in John 11 (his followers as well as Martha, Mary, and the Jews) was blinded by their own preconceptions. Because even those closest to him were unable to realize that he was, as he stated in verse 26, “the resurrection and the life,” Jesus’ spirit “groaned” as a result. Last but not least, he “wept in sympathy with their sadness for Lazarus’ death” at the gravesite.

In history

The tears of Jesus have been included in the list of relics ascribed to Jesus.

Use as an expletive

Throughout the English-speaking world, notably in the United Kingdom, Ireland (particularly Dublin and Belfast), and Australia, the phrase “Jesus cried” is a mild profanity frequently used when something goes wrong or to convey surprise. It may also be used sarcastically to indicate uncaring indifference to someone else’s perceived terrible circumstances or self-pity, as in the phrase During the state visit of Elizabeth II to West Germany in 1965, broadcasterRichard Dimbleby made the unintentional use of the word on live television.

In his bookOn Writing, he explains that when he was in primary school, he was required to learn a passage from the Bible, and he chose “Jesus cried” since it was a simple verse to memorize.

Hamilton in The Night’s Dawn Trilogy, Mark Haddon in The Night’s Dawn Trilogy, and Mark Haddon in The Night’s Dawn Trilogy.

Dan Simmons in the Hyperion Cantos series, Minette Walters in Fox Evil, Elly Griffiths in the Dr Ruth Galloway series, and Jason Matthews in Red Sparrow are some of the actors that have appeared in the series.

See also

  • Dominus Flevit Church
  • Bible chapter and verse statistics (including the smallest verses)
  • Dominus Flevit Church


  1. Job 3:2 is the shortest Bible verse according to the New International Version. In contrast to the KJV, which reads “And Job spake and said,” the NIV simply says “He said.” According to the Westcott and Horttext, the shortest verse in the Greek New Testament is Luke 20:30 (” oo,” “and the second”), which has just twelve letters (according to the Westcott and Horttext). Interestingly, the shortest verse in the Pentateuch, Genesis 26:6, contains a total of twelve letters in the Hebrew original. It takes just nine characters in the original Hebrew to express the shortest verse in theHagiographa: 1 Chronicles 1:25. Other short verses include: abJohn 11:1–45
  2. BLuke 19:41
  3. C”Jesus Christ as a Flesh-and-Blood Human.” Bibletools.org. retrieved on April 16, 2018
  4. The emotional life of Jesus is explored in detail in the book of John. B. B. Warfield
  5. B. B. Warfield Witness Lee’s Life-Study of John, Chapter 23, Section 2 (Witness Lee, Life-Study of John) (retrieved by searching for “wept” inLife-Study of John) Witness Lee (1985), Life-Study of John, Living Stream Ministry, p. PT272, ISBN 978-0736350402
  6. Lee, Witness (1985), Life-Study of John, Living Stream Ministry, p. PT272, ISBN 978-0736350402 The Shroud of Turin, according to the Joe Nickell Files Interviewed by Joe Nickell in August 2000 and archived at the Wayback Machine on December 23, 2008
  7. For example, Peevish.co.ukdictionary of slang andDagree.netdictionary of slang. slang in Australia
  8. E.g., Newcomb, Horace (2004). Wikipedia’s entry for “television” Wikipedia’s entry for “television” Wikipedia’s entry for “television” Wikipedia’s entry for “television” (2nd ed.). Routledge, p. 712, ISBN 9781579583941, Routledge. Obtainable on March 31, 2015

External links

  • Oliver, Simon
  • Milbank, John
  • Book of John, Chapter 11
  • King James Bible
  • Oliver, Simon
  • Milbank, John. “The Verse with the Fewest Words.” Verses from the Bible. Brady Haran is a student at the University of Nottingham.

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