Why Did Jesus Choose Fishermen

Why did Christ choose a fisherman?

Image courtesy of Jed Owen via Unsplash. Even now, the recollection is still fresh in my mind. I sat on the edge of the river, gulping in the warm July breeze. I was holding a razor-sharp blade in my right hand. My hapless victim was secured by the left flank. Fifteen pairs of eyes peered into the recesses of my brain from behind me. I couldn’t help but wonder how things had come to this. At first glance, everything appeared to be nice and benign. In an instant, I found myself holding onto life with one hand and death with the other.

I’m in possession of a death warrant.

My first attempt to fillet bluegill, which was caught by my five boys from the dock of our Minnesota home, is the memory I want to share with you.

Jesus commissioned his followers to go out and catch fish for other people.

  1. I didn’t grow up fishing since my parents didn’t let me.
  2. After moving to Minnesota as a result of my husband’s profession, I realized that fishing was a popular pastime.
  3. I realized right away that my fishing fantasies would have to be put on hold since kids and hooks don’t mix.
  4. Jesus commissioned his followers to go out and catch fish for other people.
  5. It did arrive, albeit a little earlier than anticipated.
  6. He had tracked down “our house.” I was suspicious at first, but after seeing the photographs, I changed my mind.
  7. The garden was sloping down to a little body of water.

It seemed like a miracle had happened.

It almost feels like being this fortunate is a sin.

Even the significant yard work and the hours spent combating invasive plants from the safety of my kayak are enjoyable to me.

There has never been any site that has provided me with such a deep sense of calm.

That, of course, takes us full round to the subject of fishing.

But where do you even begin?

When the panfish began to move into the shallows in the spring, I knew it was time to start fishing.

It seemed like they caught nine bluegill in a single afternoon, and then I was the one with the hook in my hand.

It was strange how I’d been able to think about fishing for years without completely realizing that it entailed the death of animals.

Nonetheless, I was able to fillet those nine bluegill, as well as many more in the following days.

I enjoy feeding visitors a lake-to-table dinner, and fishing itself is an exhilarating way to connect with and appreciate our aquatic environment.

It takes the ability and ingenuity of a fisherman to stretch across universes and put himself into a realm that no human could possibly live in.



His icy, foreign prey is not the type of creature that elicits great feelings of sympathy in people.

He has compassion for his scaly victim.

No angler ever caught a fish while standing on his boat, pontificating about the superiority of the world above the waves, according to legend.

Our Lord, by his life and teachings, brought distinction to a wide range of occupations, including carpentry, gardening, and shepherding.

These other gentlemen, on the other hand, are creators and protectors.

They are not human predators in the same way that the fisherman is.

We have no reason to question that this decision was premeditated.

Peter, “you will capture men.” My mind wanders to this when I am slipping a leech onto my hook and examining the water for any signs of life.

Despite the fact that the Gospel is lovely and ultimately life-giving, its initial acceptance might be difficult.

Life plans that have been cherished must be reconstructed.

This is something that a fisherman can grasp.

Also, the fisherman is well aware that he must approach his prey with inventiveness, deftness, and a strong sense of compassion.

He must reach into uncharted area, using careful observation and trained expertise, in order to locate the fish where they are hiding.

They are not in the business of selling.

Bringing the Gospel into another person’s life requires great judgment and a great deal of humility on our part.

This ultimately rests in the hands of God, not ours.

Peter abandoned his fishing nets to follow Jesus, it was apparent that he had no idea where his journey would take him.

It’s just for a few breathless seconds or minutes that I transform into a serious predator, completely focused in the pursuit.

Part of my fascination with the fish stems from its beauty.

We both adore this special spot where the wind and the ocean come together.

We are well aware of how closely life and death may be interwoven.

Perhaps the most effective evangelist is the one who recognizes that there is no clear solution to this issue. Rachel LuRachel Lu is a freelance writer and philosophy educator who lives in New York City. She currently resides in St. Paul, Minnesota.

5 Reasons Jesus Chose Fishermen

According to the Bible, seven of the first twelve disciples were fishermen by trade. It is no coincidence that these men were chosen by Jesus to be his first disciples. In their capacity as fisherman, these gentlemen exhibited attributes that every Christian should possess. Here are five reasons why Jesus picked fishermen as his disciples. 1. Fishermen are well-versed in the art of taking orders. These men did not question or debate the commands they were given. Here are three illustrations. In response to Jesus’ invitation to Simon and Andrew, “they immediately abandoned their nets and followed him” (Mark 1:18).

  • After a night of fishing yielded no catch, Jesus instructed Simon to travel to deep water and let the nets down to catch more fish.
  • When they were finished, they had captured such a great amount of fish that their nets were beginning to break” (Luke 5:5-6).
  • During a post-resurrection apparition, Jesus was seen with his disciples after they had spent the previous night fishing without success.
  • They responded with a ‘no.’ His instructions were as follows: ‘Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will locate some’ The vast amount of fish made it impossible for them to haul the net in” (John 21:5-6).
  • While there is a time and place for questioning and debating, fisherman understand that the width of their boat and the time it takes to move from one side of the boat to the other might make the difference between failure and success in their endeavors.
  • When Jesus instructed his followers to cast their nets on the other side of the boat, they did so without hesitation.
  • Although it is OK to ask questions, there are instances when it is necessary to just follow directions.


The act of manually hauling in a net full of fish is challenging.

To achieve their aim, the crew must work together as a unit.

The Bible instructs Christ’s disciples to act in the same manner as Christ.


Fishing involves a great lot of patience and attention on the part of the angler.

Giving up, on the other hand, is not an option.

Jesus was well aware of what was ahead for his disciples.

The same may be said for today.

The Lord does not guarantee that life will be simple, but he does promise that he will provide for us and that Heaven will be worth the wait.

Are we as committed to our jobs as fishermen?

Fishermen are brave individuals.

When fishing on the open sea during Jesus’ day, it was usual for fishermen to be trapped in violent storms while at sea.

It took a lot of bravery to do this.

There are a variety of situations that might cause us to become paralyzed with dread, yet we must continue on our path through life.

Did you know that the most frequently repeated exhortation in the Bible is “do not be afraid?” Given that the Lord foresaw that life would be difficult and challenging, he gives us an encouraging instruction to have courage in the face of dread.

We can find strength in him and overcome our fears.

5 – Fishermen are proficient in the use of their equipment A good fisherman’s tackle box is stocked with a variety of baits and lures to catch fish.

Fishermen are well-versed in their respective roles and how to do them appropriately.

We Christians have some tools, similar to those used by fishers, that we must be proficient in utilizing.

It’s a two-edged sword, to be sure.

After being baptism, Jesus is immediately driven into the wilderness where he will be tempted. Satan tempts Jesus several times, and each time Jesus successfully repels Satan by referencing Scripture. Christians must be skillful in the application of God’s Word because it possesses tremendous power.

Shepherds vs. Fishermen, and Why It Matters

Listen to the Daily Text for today.

March 18, 2016

During his stroll along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus came across two brothers, Simon named Peter and his younger brother Andrew. They were fishing, so they were tossing a net into the lake to catch some fish. Jesus invited them to come and follow him, and he said, “I will send you out to fish for people.” 20 They immediately abandoned their nets and followed him. 21 After that, he came across two more brothers, James son of Zebedee and his brother John, who he recognized. With their father Zebedee at the helm, they were out on the water preparing their nets.


For many years, I’ve been perplexed as to why Jesus chose fishermen rather than shepherds, despite God’s long-standing tradition of employing shepherds. Have you ever thought about it? Let’s consider it immediately. Moses was a shepherd. David was a shepherd. Jacob was a shepherd. In the most beloved Psalm in the history of Psalms David famously sang, “The Lord is my shepherd.” Scripture refers to God’s people in a number of places as his flock or the sheep of his hand. And it’s not like shepherds can be relegated to the Old Testament era of human history.

  1. Even Jesus referred to himself as the “Good Shepherd.” He told an unforgettable parable about the importance of the one lost sheep from the herd of a hundred.
  2. On second thought, they were more sailors than fishermen.
  3. Today’s text reveals Jesus’ draft picks for disciples1- 4 were fishermen.
  4. Years ago when I was in seminary—thanks to the generosity of many friends, my wife and I had the privilege of spending a month in Israel as part of our education.
  5. One of the most memorable (and terrifying) moments of the trip was when I drew the short straw and was elected to preach a sermon to our entire group on the shore of the Sea of Galilee.
  6. Yep, why did Jesus choose fishermen instead of shepherds.
  7. Shepherds aren’t out catching new sheep.

Shepherds tend to their own flock.

Jesus came after the whole world.

Jesus picked up an entirely new metaphor because he was after way more than sheep.

See also:  Bible Verse Where Jesus Says He Is God

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” It makes sense that a person coming to fish for people would first catch a couple of people who were fishermen.

That implies that we don’t already know how to fish for people.

What if for just a moment, we could forget all we have learned about fishing for people over the past two thousand years?

And what if we simply followed Jesus very closely through the rest of this Gospel of Matthew, asking him to teach us to fish for people?

Let’s keep that question at the forefront of our discipleship journey through Matthew: What are we learning from Jesus about how to fish for people? We may be very surprised. At once they left their nets and followed him.


Describe your thoughts on why Jesus picked fishermen rather than shepherds in response to the following question: Describe your basic conception of what it means to “fish for people.” 3. What role did approaches you’ve seen in the past have in shaping your thinking? Do you have any preconceived notions about catching people when fishing? 3. Do you wish to improve your capacity to catch people while fishing? Are you ready to take on new challenges? What could possibly be standing in the way of such learning and growing?


[email protected].

Why did Jesus choose Fishermen?

On the face of the planet, there are two sorts of humans. Those who are fisherman, as well as those who want to be fishermen. Now that I’ve upset half of my readers, I’d like to point out that I don’t believe it’s a coincidence that the majority of Jesus’ followers were fishermen in the first place. If you would allow me a few minutes of your time, I would want to explain why I believe this to be the case. So, what was it about fishing that drew these men to it, and what was it about these men that drew the attention of Jesus and beckoned him to commission them as his first priests?

  • Fishermen are adept in predicting weather conditions such as temperature, wind, and water.
  • Second, because a fisherman is blind when the fish hooks him and understands that a lot is up to chance, he puts in all of the effort and preparation he can, and then it is up to the fish to take the bait.
  • These two components, in my opinion, have striking analogies in the life of a priest.
  • If we want to offer the entire appeal of Jesus’ message to someone, we must pay close attention to what that individual truly requires.
  • A priest works extremely hard for others, but he understands that it is only through each person’s freedom, in conjunction with God’s working in their soul, that real conversion may occur.
  • It was because of the priest that that one person was baptized, for that one person was forgiven of their sins, and for that one person who received the body of Christ.

The last point to mention is that fisherman are excellent storytellers, and it is not the role of a priest to recount the story of Jesus Christ.

Why Would a Carpenter Choose Fishermen?

AG News publishes a regular piece from the Assemblies of GodCenter for Holy Lands Studies(CHLS), in which the author delivers profound and often startling insight into God’s Word via detailed analysis of the culture of the day, biblical places, and archaeological records. Professor of Early Judaism and Christian Origins at Evangel University and a frequent lecturer in Israel for the Center for Hebrew Language Studies (CHLS), Wave Nunnally, Ph.D., explains why Jesus picked men who were fishermen or from fishing communities to be His followers in this article.

  • As Jesus traveled along the north coast of the Sea of Galilee, He summoned Peter and Andrew to be His disciples.
  • He then summoned James and John, two additional fisherman, to his side (Matthew 4:21).
  • We now know that Mary Magdalene’s home (Migdal/Magdala/Migdal Nunaya) was yet another fishing community, and that she was born there.
  • Furthermore, in first-century Israel, there were much more farmers from which to recruit disciples than there were fishermen – so why not give them the highest priority in selecting disciples?
  • His words and actions, like those of the majority of rabbis of His day, were frequently a reference to a specific verse from His Bible.
  • However, in order to avoid rejecting them as mere wordsmithing, we must examine Jesus’ Scriptures to see whether they include any information that would point to the source of His inspiration.
  • When the prophet Ezekiel uses similar terminology to forecast punishment on Egypt (and notably on its leader), it is important to note that judgment on other nations and their leaders is not a significant focus of Jesus’ mission.
  • 2 Consequently, the source of His choice of fishermen and His use of the phrase “fishers of men” is likely to have been found somewhere else.

“Therefore, behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when it will no longer be said, ‘As the LORD lives, who brought the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt,’ 15 but, ‘As the LORD lives, who brought the sons of Israel from the land of the north and from all the countries where He had banished them,’ 16 and, ‘As the LORD lives, who Due to the fact that I will restore them to the land that I gave to their forefathers.

  1. 16 Forbearance and patience are required.
  2. But what about the second part of the text, which references hunters who would bring judgment “afterwards” (i.e., after the job of the fisherman has been completed) because of the sin of the people?
  3. In this text, it appears that Jesus viewed it in the same way that He treated Isaiah 61:1 and 2.
  4. 21 Immediately after that, He proceeded to tell them that “today, this Scripture has been fulfilled in your hearing” (Luke 4:18-21).
  5. According to the only plausible explanation for this, Jesus was the first Hebrew prophet to recognize clearly in the prophecies of preceding prophets that the Messiah would have a two-stage ministry.
  6. He seemed to deal with the problem of sin during His earthly mission (Hebrews 9:26), but in His Second Coming, He will deal with the problem of sinners who continue to rebel against the Great King (Hebrews 9:28).
  7. It was common practice among the rabbis to apply one section of a passage to one time period and another part of the same verse to another time period.
  8. 4This research reveals how Jesus’ teaching was contextualized in relation to His initial audience.
  9. What a magnificent and awe-inspiring Master we serve and worship!
  10. This richness manifests itself on a regular basis when we study together in His hometown, where “faith becomes sight” on a regular basis!

2 When the Dead Sea community sang, “You made my lodging with many fishermen, those who spread the net upon the surface of the sea, those who go hunting the sons of iniquity,” it was clear that they were drawing inspiration from this passage in Ezekiel (and perhaps from Jeremiah 16:16) and that they were referring to God’s end-time judgment.

As a result, the fishermen and hunters were regarded as equivalent metaphors for judgment in Qumran.

There are several references to Berachot 10a and 13a; Pesachim 68a; BeReshith Rabbah 42:4; 56:1-2; 97 and 98; VaYikra Rabbah 15:1 and 30:16, among others.

As well as [the messenger of] 19 good who announces the one about whom it is stated that.

Those i24who establish the covenant, those who abstain from treading in the footsteps of the people And ‘your God’ is the twenty-fifth son of Belial.” (2011) (11QMelchizedek 2:15-25, with the translation supplied here mostly following Florentino Garcia Martinez’s DSSSE 2:1207, 1209)

Why were Jesus’ disciples fishermen?

The reason why Jesus chose ordinary fishermen to account for over half of his whole number of followers is still a mystery. According to Leslie Leyland Fields, there are a number of compelling reasons why Jesus picked hardworking fishermen to be his closest associates. Leslie herself comes from a commercial fishing background, so she can talk from personal experience. “Fishermen are similar to farmers in that they are fully reliant on the good fortune of God. Despite the fact that we can buy the greatest nets that money can buy, keep them in good repair, know where to lay our nets, and possess a wealth of human knowledge, we will not be able to capture anything until God sends the fish,” says the author.

  • As a result, every time we toss our nets into the water, and every time the disciples put their nets into the water, it’s almost like a prayer, as if we were asking, ‘Give us this day our daily bread,'” says the captain.
  • “We understand that in order to do anything, we must collaborate.
  • This is an extremely crucial characteristic for the disciples to possess since it is the same with ourselves.
  • The point is that we’re not designed to be a tiny finger that goes out into the world on its own; rather, we’re supposed to work as a body.” Many of us may believe that Jesus would have chosen his followers from among the greatest brains in the synagogues, and we would be correct.
  • His back was to the synagogue as he made his way down to the shore.
  • He went to the blue collar workers and demonstrated to them that we don’t have to be intellectual to be successful.
  • We are not required to be well-known.
  • He wants us to desire Him as much as He desires us.
  • She lives on Kodiak Island in the winter and on Harvester Island in the summer with her family.
  • Smith; Oceans by Hillsong Crossing the Waters with Carrie
More from Live the Promise

The author, Lisa, challenges us to develop in the likeness of our new names and accept our real identity in Christ, even while we live in a world filled with confusion and disorder.

Why did Jesus choose fishermen to be his disciples?

The first four disciples that Jesus picked were two pairs of brothers who were all fishermen, and they were the first four disciples that Jesus chose.

Jesus walked along the beaches of Lake Galilee, where he met the disciples. … Jesus promised that he would teach them how to capture people, which meant that he would demonstrate how to bring them back into God’s presence.

Why did Jesus pray before choosing his disciples?

“During these days, he went out to the mountain to pray, and he continued to pray to God throughout the night,” says Luke 6:12. Before making a major choice, such as picking his 12 disciples, Jesus prayed for the whole night. It just serves to highlight how powerful Jesus is by demonstrating his ability to remain up all night praying.

See also:  How Did Jesus Love The Church

How did Jesus recruit his disciples?

As Jesus was strolling along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, he came across two brothers, Peter and his younger brother Andrew. They were fishing, so they were tossing a net into the lake to catch some fish. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, promising to turn his followers into fishermen. They immediately abandoned their nets and followed him.

Who was a fisherman in the Bible?

Fishermen are among the first disciples to be called by Jesus: Peter, Andrew, James, and John. When compared to the other disciples, scripture provides a great deal of insight into the lives of the profession, as well as the personalities of the first four disciples.

What the Bible says about fishermen?

The following is the passage from the King James Version of the Bible: And he says unto them, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.”

Why is Jesus a fish?

Church from the beginning The fish emblem was used by early Christians during their persecution by the Roman Empire in the first few decades after Christ to mark meeting locations and cemeteries, as well as to differentiate between friends and opponents, according to tradition:. Callistus asserts that Christians were familiar with the fish emblem for a long time before he did.

Which disciple did Jesus love most?

When it comes to the Gospel of Mary, which is part of the New Testament apocrypha — especially, the Nag Hammadi collection — a certain Mary, who is widely recognized as Mary Magdalene, is repeatedly alluded to as being loved by Jesus more than the other apostles and disciples.

How many disciples did Jesus have before he chose the 12?

Accounts from the Bible As recorded in Matthew, Jesus gathered his twelve disciples to him and granted them the ability to drive out unclean spirits and heal any illness and affliction that they encountered.

What is the difference between apostle and disciple?

Accounts from the Bible. As recorded in Matthew, Jesus gathered his twelve disciples to him and granted them the ability to drive out unclean spirits and heal any illness and affliction that came their way.

What happened to the disciples after Jesus died?

Following his resurrection, Jesus commissioned eleven of his disciples (excluding Judas Iscariot, who had perished at that time) to carry out the Great Commission, which was to spread his teachings across the world. The Dispersion of the Apostles is the name given to this occurrence. … The Apostolic Age refers to the period of early Christianity that encompassed the lives of the apostles and their successors.

Who was the last disciple Jesus called?

Bartholomew is a saint who was born in the year (Nathanael) Bartholomew was most likely his last name, according to speculation (bar means son of). As soon as Philip learned that he had discovered Jesus, he immediately went to Bartholomew and informed him that he had discovered a guy from Nazareth who was the one about whom Moses and the prophets had written in their books.

Who was the 8th disciple?

Matthew the Apostle’s full name is Matthew the Apostle.

Saint Matthew the Apostle
Born 1st century AD Capernaum
Died 1st century AD near Hierapolis or Ethiopia, relics in Salerno, Italy
Venerated in Eastern Orthodox Church Catholic Church Eastern Catholic Churches Oriental Orthodoxy Church of the East Anglican Communion Lutheranism
Canonized Pre-Congregation

What were fishermen like in Jesus time?

“In terms of personality, the fisherman were harsh and tough, and they were certainly not social uppities,” he explained. “However, they possessed valuable abilities. Almost certainly, they were bilingual and had a certain amount of commercial acumen. Most importantly, they were dedicated to their jobs.

What is the meaning of Matthew 4 19?

Matthew 4:19 is explained and discussed in detail. These guys were professional fisherman, and the statement comes after a miracle performed by Jesus, in which they cast their nets out at Jesus’ request after fishing unsuccessfully all night. Christ was continually moving forward, and his offer to anyone who wanted to accompany him on his journey was always open.

What two apostles were brothers?

Matthew 4:19 is explained and discussed in detail in this article. These guys were professional fisherman, and the statement comes after a miracle performed by Jesus, in which they cast their nets out at Jesus’ request after fishing unsuccessfully all night. In Christ’s constant onward motion, he extended an open invitation to everyone who want to join him on the journey.

Why Choose Fishermen? Part 2 – Pastor Jim Scudder, Jr.

Today’s Scripture: And Jesus, walking by the sea of Galilee, saw two brethen, Simon called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea: for they were fishers. And he saith unto them, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. And they straightway left their nets, and followed him. Matthew 4:18-20
Why did Christ choose fishermen? There is more to it than the weak things of this world confounding the wise. When considered in detail, fishermen make an amazing picture of evangelism.
  • Fishermen are patient, just as we must be patient when winning the battle for our souls. When it comes to catching fish, some are more difficult to catch than others.
  • They might spend hours fishing and not catch anything. In a similar vein, the believer frequently spends a lengthy period of time fishing for souls and returns home with just the bait on his hook.
  • Those who make a life fishing are brave individuals. In order to witness effectively, believers must have a lot of bravery and be prepared to move outside their comfort zone.
  • Fishermen are hard at work and dependable, come rain or shine. As Christians, we must live lives of dedication in order to bring back those who have fallen away.
  • Aware and skilled, they are always on the lookout for opportunities to set the hook, just as we should be prepared with a response for individuals we are attempting to win over.
  • Those who rely on fishing for a living pack their belongings and head out to sea, leaving everything behind but their fishing gear. In order to capture other fish, we must be prepared to put aside our differences and pursue them
When we choose to follow the Lord there are many uncomfortable things we are asked to do, but in the end each one will be worth it. We must keep in mind that nothing should supersede God’s call in our lives, not even family.I don’t know your life situation, but I can tell you this. Don’t say no to what God is calling you to do. If you refuse his call, you will have a miserable life. His call is for you to influence people. You catch something lifeless-lost in sin-and Christ makes it alive when you fish for the souls of men. Don’t wait. Choose to follow the fisherman’s call right now.Devotional by Pastor Jim Scudder, Jr.

Why a Fisherman?

What kind of work did the disciples conduct before they were accepted as disciples? What was the source of Jesus’ assistance? I believe we lose sight of who Jesus has called to accomplish his job and what we are truly called to do all too frequently. Peter, Andrew, James, and John were fishermen and Levi was a tax collector, as most of us are aware of their professions. But what about the rest of the group? The truth is that the Bible doesn’t actually tell us what happened to the remainder of the disciples.

  • These things, on the other hand, did not appear to be significant to Jesus.
  • They are not the boss, nor are they the leader, nor are they the priest.
  • Those who were climbing the corporate ladder or working in the synagogue were not the only ones that Jesus searched for when he was looking for servants, according to the Bible.
  • He went to them; he visited them in their places of employment.
  • In his stroll along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, Jesus came across Simon and his brother Andrew, who were tossing a net into the lake, as they worked as fisherman.
  • We have this preconceived concept about who Jesus would choose to employ as a vessel.
  • Think about the personality characteristics of a fisherman, and I’m sure that many of them were introverts.

They weren’t going to instruct someone else how to throw a net for them.

These were the guys he picked to carry out his goal of spreading the gospel with the rest of the world.

Today, we believe that it is the responsibility of the church, pastors, and missionaries to share the gospel with others.

According to the Bible, Jesus employed regular people, and it was through those ordinary, industrious people that he developed a following that continues to provide hope and make a difference in lives today.

That your work was only a means to an end rather than a means to something more meaningful and purposeful?

Don’t put off making a decision until you have more information or are in a better position.

Invite God to use you precisely where you are, at this very moment! You could be astonished at how he would utilize you to express his affection in the area where you work on a daily basis. Consider the following questions:

  1. What kind of work did the disciples undertake before they were called to the ministry? What was the source of Jesus’ assistance?. I believe we lose sight of who Jesus has called to accomplish his job and what we are truly called to do all too frequently in our daily lives. Peter, Andrew, James, and John were fishermen and Levi was a tax collector, as most of us are aware of their occupations. The remainder, though, is a mystery. True enough, the Bible is silent on what happened to the other disciples after Jesus was killed. Jobs, titles, and positions may cause us to lose sight of who we are as individuals very quickly. The significance of these things, on the other hand, didn’t seem apparent to Jesus. Common employees’ positions are the only ones he mentions in passing. This group does not have any positions of authority such as manager, leader, or clergyman. There were only a few simple fisherman and a crooked tax collector. Those who were climbing the corporate ladder or laboring in the synagogue were not the only ones Jesus looked for when he was looking for slaves. In his gaze, Jesus saw individuals who were ordinary and hardworking. They were at their places of employment when he visited them. He didn’t wait till they had finished their job for the day and were on their way home
  2. Instead, he greeted them at their place of business. The fishermen Simon and Andrew were throwing a net into the Sea of Galilee as Jesus walked beside it. Simon and Andrew were fishermen, and Jesus saw them. In the book of Mark, verse sixteen, If Jesus showed up at his place of employment to find his followers, I don’t think it’s a leap to suppose he still shows up at our places of employment, seeking for someone who will follow in his footsteps. This idea of who Jesus may employ has been implanted in our minds. The fact that Jesus chose regular laborers, mentored them, instructed them, and then tasked them with traveling into all the globe has somehow escaped our notice. You could discover numerous introverts among fishermen, if you look at the personality profiles of those who go fishing. When Jesus came upon these three fishermen, they were in the process of casting their fishing nets. Someone else was not being instructed on how to cast a net. Getting their hands filthy and doing the labor yourselves was their way of life for them. In order to carry out his objective of spreading the gospel, Jesus selected these guys. He and his colleagues were quiet men who toiled tirelessly with their hands to complete the task at hand despite the less than perfect circumstances. Our current mindset is that the church, pastors, and missionaries are in charge of spreading the gospel message. To be clear, each of these individuals has an essential role to perform, but what can we take away from the stories told by Jesus and other biblical characters. According to the Bible, Jesus employed regular people, and it was through those ordinary, industrious people that he developed a following that continues to provide hope and make a difference in people’s lives even now. Ever felt that your contributions weren’t substantial enough? That your work was merely a means to an end rather than a means to something more meaningful and purposeful? It doesn’t matter if you’re sweeping the corridors, flipping burgers, or running a multi-million dollar corporation
  3. Your labor is important to the Lord. Don’t put off making a decision until you have more information or are in a more advantageous situation. Solicit God’s assistance in your current location! Every day, you may be amazed at how he will utilize you to express his affection in the area where you work. Consider the following questions.

Jesus Calls Four Fishermen to Follow Him. Commentary – The Fourfold Gospel

Four fishermen are summoned by Jesus to accompany him on his journey. (Near Capernaum, on the Sea of Galilee.) Matt. 4:18-22; Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-11.a18 And as he was walkingb16 and passing along by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two of his brothers, Simon who is called Peter and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea; for they were fishermen.a18 And as he was walkingb16 and passing along by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two of his brothers. They came after him, and he said to them, “Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” a21 And as he continued on from there, he came across two more brothers, James the son of Zebedee and John his brother, who were also in the boatawith Zebedee their father, mending their nets.

And he sat down and began teaching the throngs of people from the boat.

And they came, and they filled both boats to the point that they began to float away.

And Jesus answered to Simon, “Do not be afraid; from now on thou shalt capture men.” 11 Theyastraightawaycleft everything,bleft the nets,a left the boat and their father,bZebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and chased after him till they reached the shore.

They Left Their Nets Behind

They had left their nets at the bottom of the lake. Prior to the time of Jesus, only a small number of Israelites were fisherman. When it came to fish, there was just one Hebrew term for it, and it encompassed all types of fish from minnows to whales. When Jesus was alive, a modest but thriving fishing industry emerged in the area surrounding the Sea of Galilee. A sardine-pickling facility once existed in the town of Magdala (in Greek, Tarichaeae, which means “the location where fish is salted”).

  • In Jesus’ day, being a fisherman was a challenging occupation.
  • Without a doubt, Jesus’ decision to make Capernaum, on the Sea of Galilee, his home brought him into touch with a large number of fisherman.
  • Perhaps Jesus chose fishermen as his disciples not only because the imagery of their industry corresponded well with the mission that he had called them to, but also because they were a tough bunch of people who were used to working long hours and under adverse conditions.
  • THE SKILLS REQUIRED OF A FISHERMAN Making and mending nets was one of the most significant skills that fisherman possessed.
  • The majority of a fisherman’s life was most likely spent mending nets and repairing boats (Luke 5:2).
  • This took some time as well.
  • THE NETS ARE AN EXAMPLE OF The Old Testament speaks about capturing fish using hooks, spears, and several sorts of nets, among other methods (Job 18:8; Ecc.


The seine net was possibly the first of its kind.

Cork or wood floats maintained one side of the net on the top of the water, while stone sinkers tied to the other edge pushed the net down to the bottom of the lake or river.

As soon as the fishermen brought the net ashore, they began sorting through the catch, tossing overboard any animals without fins or scales.

In his portrayal of the kingdom of heaven, Jesus used a seine net as a metaphor to illustrate his point (Matt.

When Jesus called James and John, it’s likely that they were mending (or preparing) seine nets (Matt.

When thrown into the sea, the circular cast net could measure up to 25 feet in diameter and was thrown from the beach or from a boat.

The trammel net was made up of three walls, each of which was reinforced with progressively smaller mesh as it was built up.

The net was retrieved, and the fish was removed from the water.

Occasionally, fisherman would use a trammel net to surround a school of fish before throwing a cast net into the middle.

With the trammel net, it was common for more than one boat to be employed (Luke 5:1-7).

In addition to nets, fishermen in Jesus’ day also used a hook and line to catch their prey.


The willingness of the disciples to abandon their nets and their boats in order to follow Jesus reveals much about their personalities and character (Matt.

They appeared to be prosperous, as evidenced by the fact that they had hired help (Mark 1:20), but they abandoned everything in order to follow the Rabbi and become like him.

THE FISH THAT THEY HAD CAUGHT Various species of freshwater fish were captured in the Sea of Galilee using various types of nets, which were used to catch them.

Musht, also known as St.

This fish may be found in the northern end of the sea, close to the area where Jesus’ ministry took place and where Peter went fishing.

It contains a small number of bones and is really appetizing.

Perhaps this is the type of fish that Jesus used to feed a crowd of more than 5,000 people (Matt.

Biny, a member of the carp family, was a fish that was eaten for banquets and feasts in biblical times.

The principal industry of Magdala, the hometown of Mary Magdalene, was the drying and pickled of sardines.

15:34; Mark 8:7).

Their expertise in capturing, preparing, and selling fish made them an excellent teaching resource for Jesus and his disciples.

THE PRINCIPLES HE LEARNED When Jesus preached, the fishing industry in the area where he ministered, as well as the fishermen among his followers, served as powerful metaphors for the truths he wanted to teach his listeners.

Their thoughts must have wandered to the long hours they worked, to the well honed talents they possessed, and to the varied strategies and nets they employed to catch certain types of fish.


Throughout Jesus’ teaching on the kingdom, there was a strong fishing metaphor present, which eventually led to the Greek word for fish (ichthus) being used to denote his name.

His disciples must learn the principles he has taught them, becoming his new fishermen and women, and discovering methods to draw all types of people into his kingdom of righteousness.

Mendel Nun’s great work can be found in a booklet titled “The Sea of Galilee and Its Fishermen,” which was published in Israel by Kibbutz En Gev and is a must-read for anybody interested in the Sea of Galilee and its fishermen.

Visitors to the Sea of Galilee are encouraged to stop by this small museum, which is entirely devoted to the history of fishing in the area where Jesus lived and worked. A collection of Nun’s essays has also been published in the Jerusalem Perspective.

Why Did Jesus Choose Fishermen to Be His Disciples?

What was it about fishermen that drew Jesus to choose them to be His disciples? David Davis is an American actor and director who is best known for his role in the film The Great Gatsby. Mark 1:15-20 (KJV) Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15-20: Mark 1:15 And adding, “The hour has come, and the kingdom of God has come near: repent, and believe the gospel.” (15) He was walking by the Sea of Galilee when he happened to notice Simon and Andrew his brother tossing a net into the water, for they were fishermen.

(17) And Jesus answered to them, “Come after me, and I will make you fishers of men.” (Come after me means “follow me”) (18) And as soon as they saw him, they abandoned their nets and followed him.

And he called them right away, and they left their father Zebedee in the ship with their hired servants and followed him to the land of Canaan.

To bring men, women, teens, boys, and girls to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ.

After that, the issue arises as to why Jesus chose fishermen to promote the gospel of salvation.

So, what did Jesus see in these guys that prompted Him to urge them to come and follow Him?

It was necessary for them to be in order to be good fishers.

The occupation of a fisherman was regarded as the lowest of the low in society at the time.

Has it been sometime since you calculated the cost of a ditch digger?

This snippet contains a 2000-character sampling of the entire document’s content.

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