Why Did God Forsake Jesus On The Cross

Why Did God Forsake Jesus?

These remarks, delivered by Jesus while He hung on the cross at around the ninth hour, are reported in Matthew 27:46 and Mark 15:34, respectively. It is the purpose of this essay to investigate why God the Father would abandon His Son, Jesus Christ, as He suffered on the Cross for our sins at Calvary. “Thou hast abandoned Me, declares the LORD, and thou hast gone backward; therefore will I stretch forth My hand against thee and kill thee; I am tired with repenting,” Christ said on the cross as I read this scripture from Jeremiah.

My thoughts were immediately drawn to the phrase “Thou hast deserted Me,” which reminded me of Christ’s words on the Cross (Matthew 27:46; Mark.

I came to the realization that this text, as well as others like it, contained the solution to Christ’s query.

The Answer to Christ’s Question

The history of Israel and Judah has been characterized by continuous backsliding and transgressions. Occasionally, when God condemned His people, there were brief moments of revival during which the people repented of their wrongdoing and pleaded with God for forgiveness. Jeremaic times, on the other hand, were terrible. Apostasy and continuous sin had already brought about the destruction of the northern kingdom of Israel, according to the Word of God. God was now bringing judgment on the southern kingdom of Judah.

  • God punished Manasseh for his wickedness, and the people turned away from their God as a result of his actions.
  • The people had turned their backs on the Almighty and His laws.
  • However, by the time Jeremiah attempted to intervene (Jeremiah 14:19-22), it was too late.
  • God’s patience has come to an end.
  • God responded to Jeremiah’s request by telling him that even if Moses and Samuel were to appear before Him and intercede for these people (as they had done throughout their lifetimes), God would not save them from their fate.
  • Mercy had passed its expiration date.
  • God had grown tired of deferring judgment and offering mercy to a people that continually reverting back to their old ways of living.
  • He would now abandon them to the wrath of God that they had earned (Jeremiah 15:6).

How This Applies to Jesus

Perhaps you’re wondering what this tale about Jeremiah and the wrath of Judah has to do with God abandoning Jesus and his followers. This narrative illustrates the ramifications of sin that goes uncorrected. God’s patience and kindness have a limit, as does his power. Those who continue to reject God will find themselves rejected by God. “All of us, like sheep, have gone astray; we have turned each to his own way, and the LORD has placed on Him the iniquity of us all,” Isaiah 53:6 states. Everyone ends up at the wrong place.

  1. As a result, we all deserve to be condemned in the same way as the country of Judah.
  2. He was atoning for the sins of all people who had gone astray and left God in the past, as well as for the sins of all those who would do the same in the future.
  3. Those who continue to reject God are referred to as “atheists.” In order to bear the entire penalties of our sin, Jesus had to be abandoned by His heavenly Father, as the punishment for rejecting God involves being abandoned by God.
  4. Because of this, individuals who put their faith in Christ may be spared the punishment of being abandoned by God.

Have you placed your faith in Jesus to save you from your sin? Or do you intend to continue to turn your back on Him despite this? If you find this article to be useful, please SHARE it. If you like this piece, you may be interested in the following:

  • Jesus Christ’s Temptation on the Cross
  • His Triumph on the Cross
  • What happened to Jesus after He died? He has risen from the dead.

Did God Abandon Jesus on the Cross? Billy Graham Answers

When Jesus declared elsewhere that God had abandoned Him, what did He mean by that? This has always perplexed me, since if Jesus was indeed God’s Son, how could God forsake Him? This is something I’ve thought about a lot. Specifically, you’re talking to some of Jesus’ final recorded remarks, which were delivered while He was dying on the cross. According to the Bible, He “cried out in a loud voice. ‘My God, my God, why have you left me?'” (Matthew 15:34) What exactly did He intend by that? Do you think he was instantly overcome with self-doubt, wondering if he had misinterpreted what God had entrusted to him?

  1. It was after all (according to some) that the multitude had turned against Him, and it appeared as though His ministry had come to an abrupt end.
  2. In support of this position, they point out that when Jesus died on the cross, all of our sins were transferred to Him, without exception.
  3. However, when He died, all of our sins were heaped on Him, and He was so designated as the ultimate and last sacrifice for our sins.
  4. It was his weeping that brought this truth to light; he had to bear the separation from God that you and I deserved.
  5. We have no reason to be afraid of death, Hell, or judgment because Christ died for us!

God didn’t abandon Jesus, and He won’t abandon you. Make Him part of your life today.

Matthew 27:46 (KJV) About nine o’clock in the morning, Jesus said in a hushed voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani,” which translates as “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” As Jesus was nailed on the cross, these words of Jesus have been a subject of much disagreement and consternation among Christians throughout the centuries. Some believe that Jesus became sin, and that God cannot look at sin, and as a result, God abandoned His Son. Others, citing the following scriptures, assert that God did not abandon His Son when he was in the greatest need of His help: 10:30 a.m.

  1. “I and my Father are one,” says the author.
  2. When it came to history, Jesus Christ was at its center, the one on whom mankind’s redemption was resting, and the one who followed his Father’s leading all the way to this defining point in His-story, he was at the center of it all.
  3. That just does not make any sense.
  4. In recent years, many Bible interpreters and instructors have preached the view that Jesus became sin for us, and that as a result, the holy God had to abandon him because God cannot abide the presence of sin.
  5. In recognition of the wide semantic range of the Greek word for “sin,” hamartia, it was recognized that it could be employed (by the figure of speech Metonymy) to signify “a sin offering” by the translators of the New International Version.

(See also 6:8 and 13:11 for further information.) These passages demonstrate that the Old Testament sin sacrifices, which were the best God could do for His people at the time, only led to the arrival of the one and only one who could offer his own body as a once-and-for-all sin offering: Jesus Christ.

  1. The righteousness that Jesus “won” paid the price for all of mankind’s sins and made it possible for anyone who trust in his work on their behalf to receive the “gift” of righteousness (Rom.
  2. It is notable that even though the first Adam sinned—and sinned royally—God did not abandon him.
  3. True to His word, God has never abandoned His people because of their wrongdoing, and there is no reason to believe that He would do so with His own Son.
  4. A further point in favor of God’s presence in Christ’s last moments is provided by a passage from the Old Testament (see Exod.
  5. 9:12; Ps.
  6. Consider the fact that spikes were pounded into his hands and feet, which each contain a large number of bones.
  7. “No more than that!” we say that God stated, seemingly drawing a line in the sand and telling us to stop.
  8. In that moment, he realized that his Father was close with him, and God’s fulfillment of that promise served as a foreshadowing of His bigger promise to raise Jesus from the grave.
  9. In order to do so, He would have to turn His back on us and our sin, but that is not the way our heavenly Father is, nor is it something He does.

“Do you believe that I shall be unable to call on my Father and have him immediately dispatch more than twelve legions of angels to my aid?” (See Matthew 26:53.) It indicates that Jesus and His Father were very close, and that Jesus was relying on God to be there for him whenever he needed something.

  1. We won’t go into detail regarding the Aramaic wordsEloimeans “My God,”lamameans “why,” and the root wordhabak, which is commonly rendered as “forsake,” may alternatively be interpreted as “kept” or “reserved.” As a result, the context plays a crucial role in determining its meaning.
  2. Regarding the notion that Jesus felt that God had abandoned him and cried out, “My God, my God, why have you left me,” this is just not true.
  3. This is a dilemma.
  4. (41)The chief priests, the teachers of the law, and the elders all made fun of him in the same way.
  5. He’s the king of Israel, after all!
  6. (43)He places his faith in God.
  7. Remember that Jesus had been beaten and tormented for approximately 40 hours before to his death, and that he was covered in blood when you visualize the scene at Golgotha.

Many of those gathered around Jesus had come to believe or at least hope that he was the prophesied Messiah.

See also:  Who Is Jesus Christ And What Is His Mission To The World

It was a slap in the face of their beliefs.

As was his custom, Jesus Christ entered into their hearts with God’s Word, as was his fashion.

He uttered the Word with a few of his final breaths before passing away.

What if I told you that the twenty-third Psalm was one of your favorite songs before you became a Christian?

You would have to agree that the twenty-third Psalm is among the most well-known passages in the whole Bible.

What about the year 28 A.D., which took place in Jerusalem?

Have you ever questioned why Psalm 23 is so well-known, but not, for example, Psalm 79, or Psalm 32, or Psalm 57?

This is something to keep in mind as we study Psalm 22.

By the time we finish reading it, we will understand why Jesus cried out to his Father: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” It was later, in John 19:30, that he declared, “It is completed.” In fact, we’ll see that Jesus quoted the very first phrase in Psalm 22—as well as the very last phrase, which should read “.it is finished,” if the translation is correct.

  1. Why does the entire song play in your head all of the time?
  2. Maybe you’ll even start singing along with it.
  3. There is no doubt that the verses we are about to read flashed through the minds of many of those who were able to hear them.
  4. Why have you abandoned me?
  5. The rest of the psalm will reveal that these are really rhetorical questions, because, following verse 18, the focus of the song shifts dramatically from death to life, as we shall see later.
  6. Psalm 22:2–5 (KJV) (2)Oh my God, I scream out during the day, but you do not respond; I scream out throughout the night, but you do not respond.
  7. (4)Our forefathers placed their faith in you; they trusted, and you delivered them to us.

Who was it that Jesus was sent to?

Who was the intended audience for this Psalm?

Take a look at how he is reminding them of their spiritual heritage, which includes the presence of the Savior.

The term “worm” in this context is particularly intriguing since it is the Hebrew wordtola, which is not the usual word for worm.

What is the significance of this word?

Verse 7 and 8 of Psalm 22 (7) They make fun of me to everyone who sees me.

Allow him to deliver him because he takes pleasure in him.” Something along those lines may be found in Matthew 27:41-43, don’t you think?

Psalm 22:9-11(9)Yet you brought me out of the womb; you instilled confidence in me even while I was nursing at my mother’s breast.

(11)Do not go too far from me, for disaster is on the horizon, and there is no one to assist you.

“Everyone of you is going to abandon me,” Jesus declared.


If you do a little research, you will discover that Bashan was the primary cattle-raising region in Israel, and that it was where the biggest, finest, and strongest bulls originated from.

The Pharisees were the ones who had incited, cajoled, and manipulated the Romans into pounding the nails in their hands.

Roaring lions ripping their prey spread their mouths wide against me, according to Psalm 22:13-15(13).

(15) My heart has turned to wax and has completely melted away inside of me.

These verses, which are written in metaphorical language, clearly describe the death of a person.

It’s a figure of speech, to be sure.

His heart, the most essential organ in his body, “turned to wax.” A “potsherd” was an old piece of pottery that had been dried out by the sun, symbolizing how Jesus’ strength had waned.

(18)They split my clothes amongst themselves and then draw lots for my clothes.

And the Jews referred to uncircumcised people, such as the Romans, as “dogs” in their literature.

People spit on him, mocked him, and gloated over him.

Moreover, it is at this moment when the emphasis of Psalm 22 starts to shift from death to life.

Please, please, please protect and save my life from the sword, my priceless life from the dog’s might.

The Messiah pleads with his God, Yahweh, to save him from his enemies.

In accordance with other Old Testament prophecies, it was not by removing him from the cross, but by raising him from the dead that he was victorious.

(23)Praise the Lord, you who are fearful of him.

All you descendants of Israel, bow down before him!

Only if God honors His Word and raises him from the grave will this be possible.

Psalm 22:24 (KJV) Because he has not scorned or disdained the pain of the afflicted one; he has not hidden his face from him, but has listened to his cries for aid instead of ignoring them.

The poor will eat and be content, and those who seek the Lord will thank him; may your hearts live forever in the Lord.

(29)Those of the earth’s wealth will be celebrated and worshipped, and all who are reduced to the dust will bow down before him—those who are unable to maintain their own lives.

(31)They will proclaim his righteousness to a people who have not yet been born, because he has accomplished it.

As you can see in the KJV, the word “it” is in italics, which indicates that the translators included it as an afterthought.

He quoted the very first clause and the very final phrase of a part of Scripture that they knew very, very well.

What a gentleman!

No, God did not abandon His Son, as He demonstrated three days and three nights later when He raised him from the dead, proving His faithfulness. What an all-powerful God we serve! Let us walk in the power of Christ’s resurrection and make his life known to a dying world as we do so. Amen.

Did God Forsake Jesus on the Cross?

On the Interview Program, theologians shared their thoughts. You’ve Been Included In The Alphabetical List God is both above and below, according to the doctrine of the Trinity; God is engaged. Someone who dies on the cross must be as totally God as the Father in heaven for this to be possible. “God, my Father, why have you deserted me?” Jesus asks in response. As a result of this, not only must Jesus use the language of Psalm 22, the human sorrow of forsakenness that he puts on his own lips, but God himself must have adopted the form of a humanity distant from God, allowing atonement to begin in Bethlehem.

  • Torrance, one must return to the truth that the one who was born from the womb of Mary was born to take the human alienation, to accept the sentence of death, and that, in that sense, Jesus as the incarnate Son of God is a dead man walking.
  • No.
  • .
  • We do this in the shape of a narrative.
  • Their story includes their suffering, their losses, their anguish, and the questions they’re asking themselves, such as, “Where is God in my life?” That’s the story they’re telling.
  • Another account is found in the Old Testament, in which God declares, “I hear their cries.” They were heard in Egypt, according to me.
  • I intend to redeem them and bring them out, and they will serve as a symbol of my love for and willingness to include all of the families of the world.

The task of pastoral ministry is to bridge the gap between these two narratives.

In other words, God has taken on the nature of a sinner, which simply means that even if he has not committed any personal sin, God still has a death nature, and he is going to die of something, as a result of original sin.

That is a portion of the story of the Trinity at work, if you will, in a sense.

Ray S.

God’s kindness turns out to be far greater than we could have imagined, for God, rather than just conquering evil with a display of physical might, steps into the midst of the conflict and becomes a participant.

This is not a God who stands outside from us, outside the cosmos, manipulating our lives like a puppet on a string.

We are dealing with a God who is completely committed to us, who enters into the middle of our brokenness in order to rescue us.

In those moments when everything seems to be in darkness and we feel abandoned, we may take comfort in the fact that our brother Jesus, our glorious high priest, has said this on our behalf on the cross.

In the Incarnation, Jesus was born of Mary and received in that, because he was descended from Adam’s race, which was the race that had fallen, the gift of salvation.

As a result, he appropriated that which we truly are, which was a genuine humanity.

Many times, however, we imagine Jesus to be a kind of superman, who was exempt from the same mortal frailty as the rest of us, who didn’t really understand what it was like to live in this broken world, among people who believe God has abandoned them, or who didn’t understand the difficulty of temptation.

He had a serious chance of falling into sin.

As a lost and discarded human being who was clothed in perfect holiness and sinlessness, He understood what it was like to be among us.

However, the good news of the Incarnation is that our Father loved us so much that he sent his Son all the way into the world, all the way into our humanity, where we are, sent to find us in our lost and forsaken condition and to join himself to us in the midst of our brokenness, our lostness, and to heal us from the inside out.

  1. When the Son of God came to us, as the Torrances like to say, he penetrated into our state of being lost and deserted, or, as Douglas Sparrow puts it, he followed us all the way to the point of our sinfulness.
  2. In contrast to karma, which would ensure that everything is dealt out according to what we deserve, which would be bad news, the God of Jesus Christ, Jesus himself, is primarily concerned with grace.
  3. Gerrit Scott Dawson is an American author and poet.
  4. That’s what we hear from the crucifixion, when Jesus prays to God in those mysterious words, “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” It’s a petition to God that we hear from the cross.
  5. Taking our sadness and presenting it to the Father, he is mending us in the process.
  6. We are not alone in our feelings of hopelessness.
  7. We may still be lonely, but we aren’t alone in our feelings of isolation.
See also:  Express What Jesus Is Saying In John 14:6 In Your Own Words

It is incredibly crucial for us to understand how closely Christ’s humanity links to our own humanity.

It is incredible how near Christ’s humanity is to us.

Our hearts are moved by his plea for us, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” after we’ve experienced the death of a loved one or other trials in life that have caused us to question the presence or even the existence of God.

On the cross, there is a lot of anguish, but also a lot of joy.

In effect, he is stating that with the words “Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit.” Christian Kettler is a German author and musician.

On the crucifixion, however, Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” (My God, my God, why have you abandoned me) In the Gospels, what was God’s response?

As a result, individuals viewing God through the incorrect lens believe that God the Father abandoned his son Jesus.

That was the scream of Jesus as he took on our sins on our behalf.

I’m going to prove it.

This is the first verse of Psalm 22, the Messianic Psalm, and it begins with the words “My God, my God, why have you left me?” You can continue on down and read that Psalm and you’ll notice that it’s talking about the crucifixion from the beginning to the end, right down to them casting lots for his cloths — everything.

  1. In Psalm 22, verse 24, you will find the solution to the question you were asking.
  2. “Why have you abandoned me?” says Psalm 22:1.
  3. “However, when he screamed out for aid, he was heard.” Now here’s the interesting part.
  4. When the crowds gathered around the cross heard the first verse of that Psalm, they immediately recognized the rest of it as well.
  5. Almost every self-respecting Jew in the room understood what happened after that, and the answer was that he has not abandoned him or turned his back on him.
  6. We’ve completely lost the purpose.
  7. In him and with him throughout the entire process, he was there.

People say things like, “Well, they were fractured.” You’ve got to be joking.

The Godhead would have been unable to continue to exist.

This is reassuring to us because, like Jesus, when we cry out, “Why have you left me?” we may be confident that God will respond, “I haven’t.

Steve McVey is an American businessman and philanthropist.

Torrance, God never relinquished his divinity by taking on the form of a human being (in order to forgive our sins since he was God in the flesh), but by doing so, he was able to subjectively embody our reconciliation in his flawless life of obedience on the human side.

This occurs within the mediator’s personal being, both so that when Jesus experiences God-forsakenness in obedience to the Father, he lives out a human life in the midst of sin and temptation, in the midst of stresses and strains which would have sought to divide the unity that had taken place in the hypostatic union, but which were ultimately unsuccessful in doing so.

Paul Molnar is a well-known author.

“My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” he cries out in prayer.

No, it isn’t a question of God abandoning him; rather, it is a question of “MyGod, myGod, why have you forsaken me?” As a result, he is lamenting as a means of remaining connected to God in this predicament.

When someone in the New Testament quotes from the Old Testament, they may only quote a verse or even a phrase, but the hearers will be familiar with the Scriptures because they were immersed in the Scriptures, and the hearers will call to mind the entire context, the entire story, the entire Psalm, or whatever.

  • The book of Hebrews, in chapter 2, quotes from the portion of the Psalm that deals with salvation and applies it to Jesus.
  • However, we must be careful not to collapse or to somehow downgrade Christ’s despair or lament on the cross, as if he already knew everything was going to turn out all right in the end and therefore wasn’t really lamenting.
  • He isn’t simulating sorrow in any way.
  • He is putting into words exactly how he is feeling.
  • This “why have you deserted me?” question appears at the end of both Mark and Matthew’s gospels.
  • “Why have you abandoned me?” says the character near the end of the play.
  • We must be careful not to combine the feelings of hope and despair in the same sentence — for example, he may appear to be depressed, but in reality he is joyful.

We must take his lamentation extremely seriously, but we must also recognize that Jesus has not given up hope in the face of adversity.

This is lament in the context of a relationship with God in which he understands.

Robin Parry is a British actor.

Where is this God who, when dying on the cross, calls out to his Father, “My God, my God, why have you left me?” and receives no response?

If our examples of strong teenage faith are only the bright and cheerful children, what about all the children who know the answer to that question deep down in their hearts?

God comes close to us at those moments when we are unsure of what to do or when we are feeling disoriented.

Most of the time, someone else will come into our life and share in our experiences with us.

To reply, “You’re absolutely correct — Jesus isn’t here,” is the mission of the church.

On the crucifixion, Jesus is effectively saying, “God is not present.” To lose the Son to the abyss of separation and death is something that the Father has experienced.

The phrase “God is not here” is a confession of faith that says, “I will now search for God in this place where God cannot be found,” because this God who cannot be found, this God who I can’t find now, is a God who is frequently not found, in certain places like the barren womb of Sarah or in a people who have been oppressed for many years, in Egypt, in the virgin womb of a 15-year-old girl in a God-for That it is precisely in such locations where “God is not present” that God can be discovered and experienced.

  • Andrew Root It is the teaching of the Incarnation that is at its core: Christ is aware of our shortcomings, takes our inquiries and uncertainties to himself (“My God, my God, why have you left me?”), and suffers alongside us in our pain.
  • We do not float above the surface of the planet, free of the worries of this world.
  • He understands our feelings of being abandoned by God at times, like when we cry out, “My God, my God, why hast thou left me?” Alan Torrance is a well-known actor and director who has appeared in a number of films.
  • He was really open and honest.
  • It’s possible that we don’t think it matters.
  • My mind goes back to that huge cry, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” You can see the depths and misery of sin in that place.
  • Our church is in desperate need of cleansing, and I hope every day that this will happen.

David Torrance is an American actor and director.

He cares about us so greatly that he willingly entered our torment on the cross to save us from it.

He has seized our own flesh and blood, our very dust, and made it his own possession.

He’s taken care of everything for us.

Robert T.

Our conception of God is that He appears to us and says, “You and I have a problem.” However, I have a solution for you and me: in order for us to be okay, I’m going to take my innocent Son, whom I love more than anything else in the world, out to the woodshed and murder him – and then you and I will be okay.

  • Is that what God the Father and I needed to happen in order for us to be okay?” That is not it at all.,” we say to one other.
  • God the Father was the one who crawled inside of this particular creature,” says the author.
  • The fact that he says “into your hands I entrust my spirit” shows that he doesn’t believe it’s genuine indicates this.
  • There is no such thing as abandoning in this case.
  • That represents such a ray of hope for some of us.
  • We’ve developed a theology in which you can’t put your faith in God because he’s turned his back on you and can’t look at sin.
  • Every parent would forsake his son in the same way.
  • I’m a husband and a father.
  • William Paul Young is an American author and poet.

You might also want to check out Thomas H. McCall’s Forsaken: The Trinity and the Cross, and Why It Matters, which is available on Amazon (InterVarsity Press, 2012).

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Polly Castor’s sculpture “Cruciform1” (pastel) And at about the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, crying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? (Lord, have mercy on me). to express the sentiment “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” Matthew 27:46KJVA (KJVA = King James Version) A college buddy of mine was always certain around Easter time that when Jesus called out “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” it was because God had turned His back on him, which he believed to be true. Jesus had taken on the sin of the entire world.

  • It made perfect sense to him, but I couldn’t see how I could ever accept that explanation.
  • “I and my Father are one,” Jesus had proclaimed previously in his career, referring to his relationship with God.
  • (Matthew 10:30) Is it possible that the bond between the Father and the Son was broken on the cross?
  • The link that exists between God and Christ is eternal and cannot be broken, even for a little while.
  • Quite the reverse, in fact.
  • In the event that God had deserted Jesus, Jesus would not have been triumphant over the crucifixion, death, and the tomb.
  • Psalm 22 was not known by that name back then.
  • He wished for those who were paying attention to go and read that passage of the Bible.
  • Because Psalm 22 contains a prophetic of Christ’s crucifixion, which is depicted dramatically at times, as well as his eventual victory.
  • However, Jesus was referring to the fact that he was physically fulfilling predictions that people were not even aware were prophecies.
See also:  How Does Jesus Fulfill The Old Testament

When was the last time you read Psalm 22?

The following are only a few of the passages that depict the crucifixion scenario in great detail, along with its fulfillment in the Gospels:

  • Psalm 22:7, 8 (KJV) They shake their heads and shoot out their lips, saying, “He believed in the LORD that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, knowing that he delighted in him.” 27:43
  • Matthew 27:43
  • Jesus said in Mark 115:29, “He put his confidence in God
  • Now let God save him if He would have him.” “And others who went by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads.”
  • Psalm 22:18 “.they divide my garments among themselves, and for my apparel they cast lots.”
  • John 19:23, 24 “.they divide my garments among themselves, and for my clothing they cast lots.” In the aftermath of Jesus’ execution, the soldiers seized his clothing and split them into four parts, one for each soldier. They then took his tunic and divided it into four parts. [However, because the tunic was seamless and woven in one piece from top to bottom, they decided not to break it but instead to cast lots to choose who would wear it.]

I’ll say it again: While he cried out, “My God, My God, why have you left me?” he did not believe he was being abandoned by his heavenly Father. He was addressing the multitudes, specifically the Pharisees, according to my understanding. “Go read Psalm 22,” he was instructing. “You will witness that prophesy is being fulfilled right in front of your eyes,” says the prophet. Rather than being defeated, Jesus was victorious in this encounter with the crowd. “I have vanquished the world,” he had already said to his followers only a few hours ago.

As opposed to God abandoning people who were suffering, notably Jesus, verse 24 states, “For he has not despised or abhorred the anguish of the afflicted, and he has not hidden his face from him, but he has heard him when he cried out to him.

It is said in the Scriptures that God did not conceal His face from Jesus’ gaze.

How does this apply to you and me?

When I consider that Psalm 22 is a powerful witness to the truth that God did not leave Jesus when he was on the cross, it provides me with tremendous consolation. This is a guarantee from God that he would not desert us when we are going through a difficult period. When life throws us a curveball after another, it may appear and feel as if God is a million miles away, but God is always right there with us. It was critical that Jesus did not attempt to flee from the crucifixion. He might have easily gotten away the night before he was apprehended.

  1. He walked directly to the location where he knew the troops would be waiting to apprehend him.
  2. No matter how excruciating it was, he knew he had to complete his duty.
  3. I’ve tried to stay away from anything that could be in conflict to what God has called me to accomplish.
  4. So, this Easter, my hope is that I would tackle my issues head on rather than avoiding or ignoring them.
  5. He was well aware that the predictions had to be fulfilled.
  6. You and I may both be confident in God’s ability to free us from the world’s hate of the truth as well.
  7. I hope you have a peaceful and contemplative Easter holiday.
  8. Take time to reflect on the lessons of the cross.
  9. Happy Easter, and best wishes for the season.

Did God Abandon Jesus on the Cross?

Through detailed research of the culture of the day, biblical places, and archaeological records, the Assemblies of GodCenter for Holy Lands Studies (CHLS) contributes a regular feature to PE News that gives profound and often startling insight into God’s Word. Evangelical University professor of Early Judaism and Christian Origins Wave Nunnally, Ph.D., who also serves as a regular lecturer in Israel for the Center for Hebrew Language Studies (CHLS), analyzes the prevalent myth that God turned his back on Christ during His crucifixion.

  1. This comes not only from the pulpits of local churches, but also from well-known researchers and leaders in the field.
  2. A mixture of three verses from the Bible serve as the foundation for this lesson:2 Corinthians 5:21; Habakuk 1:13; and Matthew 27:46.
  3. According to 2 Corinthians 5, Paul’s thesis is not that Jesus took on a sinnature, as has been asserted by a number of people.
  4. It also fails to explain why, only two paragraphs earlier, Paul was saying that, rather than leaving Jesus at the Crucifixion, “God was in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself” (v.

Furthermore, both Old Testament (Exodus 29:14; 30:10; Leviticus 4:32; 5:6, and so on) and New Testament usage, including Paul’s (Romans 8:3), use the word “sin” in these contexts as a shorthand way of referring to the “sinoffering” rather than an act of disobedience to God, rather than an act of rebellion against God.

In a similar vein, Habakkuk 1:13 is distorted: this verse does not represent a divine proclamation, but rather a lament spoken by the prophet Habakkuk.

God, however, does not accept the prophet’s argument that a more wicked nation should not be used as an instrument of God’s punishment against a less immoral nation.

“How does God truly respond to sin?” is a question that is far more essential than Habakkuk’s rhetorical query.

How come, therefore, God spent chapter after chapter in the Law outlining in detail how to provide sacrifices to atone for sin if He cannot gaze at sin or on sinners?

The truth is that the sacrifice of Jesus (see Colossians 2:13-14) was accepted by God as a “sweet-smelling fragrance” (Ephesians 5:2), and that Paul, the author of 2 Corinthians 5:21, is the one who is correcting the record here once more.

Thank God for this, for if He didn’t do so, no one would have an opportunity to receive forgiveness and reconciliation with God.

Praising God for not delivering Jesus from the cross, they argue that this demonstrates that God does not approve of Jesus or his message.

Because both sides in the debate are citing from Psalm 22, it is critical that we examine the passage in order to grasp their points of reference.


8, quoted by the chief priests to taunt Jesus).

3-5, 9-10), the Psalmist’s conclusion has already shifted: “Don’t be too far away from me!” (See also verses 11 and 19).

Is David correct, or are his adversaries correct?

‘You have answered me!’ David exclaims in verse 21 as the horns of wild bulls ring out in his ears.

The crux of Jesus’ argument might be paraphrased as follows: “Beware of proof-texting, Sadducees!

What gives you the impression that My Father has abandoned Me because My vindication hasn’t arrived immediately?

As a matter of fact, he was ultimately able to admit that God “has not disregarded nor abhorred the anguish of the afflicted; nor has He hidden His face from him; but when he called out to Him for aid, He heard him!” (Psalm 22:24).

Thank God He didn’t forsake David or Jesus – if He had, who knows what chance we would have had when we were in the wilderness.

In addition, God’s promises are certain: He will be with us even in the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23:4), and He will be a very present aid in times of distress (Psalm 46:1).

The Lord is unwavering in his commitment to stay with us until the end of the age (Matthew 28:20).

Despite the fact that our emotions may change, His unchanging Word promises, “I will never leave you nor forsake you!” (See also Hebrews 13:5).

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