Who Named Baby Jesus

Bible Gateway passage: Matthew 2 – New International Version

Two years after Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, Judea, A)”>(A)during the reign of King Herod, B)”>(B)Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem2and inquired, “Where has the one who has been born king of the Jews?” We have come to adore him because we have seen his star D)”>(D)when it rose and because we have seen his star C)”>(C)when it rose.” 3When King Herod learned about this, he was alarmed, as was the entire city of Jerusalem.

4After gathering all of the people’s greatest priests and teachers of the law, he inquired of them as to where the Messiah would be born.

8He dispatched them to Bethlehem, instructing them to “seek thoroughly for the infant.” You must immediately inform me of your whereabouts so that I can go and adore him as well.” 9After they had heard the king, they continued on their journey, and the star that they had seen as it rose followed them until it came to rest above the location where the kid had been discovered.

11When they arrived at the home, they saw the infant with his mother Mary, and they bowed their heads and worshiped him as they entered.

12 Moreover, after being warned I)”>(I)in a dream not to return to Herod, they chose an other way back to their homeland.

The Escape to Egypt

13After they had left, an angel K) appeared “Joseph had a dream in which the (K)of the Lord appeared to him. L)”>(L) Get up,” he said, “take the kid and his mother and go to Egypt.” Keep your position until I tell you, since Herod is on the lookout for the kid in order to kill him.” M) “> The following is an example of a formalized formalized formalized (M) After that, he got up, took the kid and his mother with him to Egypt while it was still dark and lived there until Herod’s death, which was the next day.

Consequently, the Lord’s words to Elijah via the prophet were fulfilled: “Out of Egypt I called my son.”N)”>(N) (O) As soon as Herod understood that he’d been outwitted by the Magi, he became enraged, and he issued orders to slaughter all of the boys in Bethlehem and its environs who were two years old or younger, in line with the time frame he’d received from the Magi.

The Return to Nazareth

19After Herod’s death, an angel S)”>(S)of the Lord appeared in a dream T)”>(T) to Joseph in Egypt, telling him that his father had died. 20Then he replied, “Get up, take the boy and his mother, and flee to the land of Israel, since those who were attempting to take the infant’s life have been defeated.” “> The following is an example of a formalized formalized formalized (U) Consequently, he rose from his bed, gathered his family, and traveled to the country of Israel. 22However, when he learned that Archelaus had taken over as ruler of Judea in the stead of his father Herod, he became fearful of going there.

In this way, X)”>(X)what was predicted by the prophets, that he would be known as a Nazarene, was fulfilled.Y)”>(Y) Z)”>(Z)

Cross references

  1. Matthe 2:14:Lk 2:4-7
  2. Matthew 2:15:Lk 1:5
  3. Matthew 2:2:Jer 23:5
  4. Mt 27:11
  5. Mk 15:2
  6. Lk 23:38
  7. Jn 1:49
  8. 18:33-37
  9. Matthew 2:6:1Sa 5:2, Mic 5:2
  10. Matthew 2:11:Isa 60:3
  11. Matthew 2:11:Ps 72:10
  12. Matthew 2:12:Heb 11:7
  13. Matthew 2:12

New International Version (New International Version) (NIV) NIV® stands for New International Version® of the Holy Bible. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011, and 2012 byBiblica, Inc.®Used with permission from the owner. All rights are retained around the world. The New International Version (NIV) Reverse Interlinear Bible provides translations from English to Hebrew and from English to Greek. Zondervan has copyright protection till the year 2019.

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Q. The Messiah’s given name is Emmanuel in the book of Isaiah. What was Gabriel thinking when he said to name the newborn Jesus? Detail of “The Annunciation,” by Bartolomé Murillo (1665-1660), from “The Annunciation.” ” data-medium-file=” data-large-file=” data-small-file=” src=” h=596″ alt=”” width=”840″ height=”596″ src=” h=596″ alt=”” the size of the image is 596 840w, 106 150w, 213 300 w, 545 768w, h726 1024w, 1104w, the size of the image is 596 840w, the size of the image is 726 1024w, the size of the image is 596 840w ” sizes=” sizes=” sizes=” sizes=” sizes=” (max-width: 709px) 85 hp (max-width: 909px) 67 horsepower (max-width: 1362px) A detail of “The Annunciation” (detail), Bartolomé Murillo, 1665-1660.

62vw, 840px”> The angel Gabriel appears to Mary and informs her that she is about to give birth to the Messiah, as well as instructing her on what to name the child.

According to the Gospel of Luke, the angel Gabriel appeared to Mary and told her that she would conceive and give birth to a son, whom she would name Jesus.

His father David’s throne will be bestowed upon him by the Lord God.” To put it another way, he will be the Messiah.

She is expecting a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus.” The angel refers to Joseph as “son of David” to demonstrate that he is a member of the royal family of Judah and that, as his legal (though not biological) son, Jesus will be a member of that line as well, and therefore be qualified to be the Messiah if he is the Son of David.

The answer to this question is dependent on your definition of what it means for a Scripture to be “fulfilled.” Allow me to cite from another article on my site that specifically covers that particular question: This definition of “fulfillment” as an anticipated future coming to pass is rejected by the very first book of the New Testament, which makes the very first claim that a prophecy was fulfilled.

  • According to Matthew, when Mary gave birth to a son, and Joseph named him “Jesus,” the prophetic statement “Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel” was fulfilled, as prophesied.
  • As a result, something unusual is taking place.
  • Instead, he is implying that words said at a previous point in redemptive history have taken on a wider and deeper significance when considered in the context of later, more developed redemptive-historical conditions.
  • In order to understand what it means to be “fulfilled,” we might look to American history for examples.
  • (To put it another way, he stated this in order to legitimize a revolutionary independence movement).
  • In his “I Have a Dream” speech of 1963 (which was delivered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial), Martin Luther King Jr.
  • As a result of this parallel, when Matthew claims that Isaiah’s words were “fulfilled” when Mary gave birth to her baby and called him Jesus, he is referring to the words of Isaiah having taken on a larger and deeper significance.

So, to recapitulate, Jesus is really known as “God with us,” rather than the moniker Emmanuel, which literally translates as “God with us.” That is the deeper significance of the earlier remark, and it may be understood when God goes about carrying out the plans he outlined in his earlier statements.

  • Mary and Joseph were instructed to adopt this particular name because of the significance associated with it.
  • It was for this reason that the angel told Joseph, “You are to give him the name Jesus, since he will save his people from their sins.” Joseph did as the angel instructed.
  • The Rev.
  • Christopher R.
  • For the past twenty-five years, he has been involved in parish and student ministry.
  • His Understanding the Books of the Bible study guide series is based on this structure, as is his Understanding the Books of the Bible blog.
  • Harvard University awarded him a Bachelor of Arts in English and American Literature and Language in addition to a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Gordon-Conwell.

He received his Ph.D. in the History of Christian Life and Thought, with a minor concentration in Biblical Studies, from Boston College, which is affiliated with Andover Newton Theological School. View all of Christopher R Smith’s blog entries.

The Birth of Jesus

Matthew chapters 1 and 2, and Luke chapters 1 and 2.

An Angel Visits Mary

The angel Gabriel appeared to Maryand said, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. Youwill conceive and give birth to a son, and you are to call him Jesus. Hewill be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.” (TNIV)

A young Jewish woman named Mary was approached by an angel named Gabriel one day some 2,000 years ago. The angel was named Gabriel. The angel Gabriel informed Mary that she would be the mother of a boy named Jesus, who would be the Son of God! Despite the fact that she was befuddled and concerned by the unexpected news, Mary had confidence in God and answered, “I am the Lord’s servant; let it be as you say.”

Journey to Bethlehem

Mary and her future husband, Joseph, resided in a town named Nazareth around the time of Jesus’ birth. In order to register for a census ordered by the Romanemperor, Caesar Augustus, they were required to go to Bethlehem, which they did. Both Nazareth and Bethlehem are located inside the borders of what is now known as Israel. The distance between Nazareth and Bethlehem is approximately 65 miles (105 kilometers), and the journey probably took them many days. In Bethlehem, when Joseph and Mary arrived, there was no place for them to stay because the inn had already been fully booked.

It’s likely that there was fresh hay on the floor, which they utilized as beds.

Because there was no cot available, they placed the newborn Jesus in a manger, which was a food dish for animals.

Shepherds Visit Jesus

Jesus was born in a stable and laidto sleep in a manger. The shepherds came to see firsthand the things theangel had told them.

Some shepherds were out in the fields near Bethlehem on that particular night, keeping an eye on their flocks of sheep. They were visited by an angel who brought them the joyful news that a Savior, the Messiah, had been born to them. The shepherds were instructed by an angel that they would be able to discover Jesus laying in a manger. All of a sudden, a large number of angels arrived and began to sing, “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill among mankind!” After a hasty journey into Bethlehem, the shepherds discovered Jesus in the manger, just as the angel had said.

Wise Men Visit Jesus

Wise men from the East came to worshipJesus, bringing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.

A few years later, wise men from eastern countries, known as ormagi, witnessed a star in the sky that heralded the birth of a new emperor. They traveled to Judea, the region around the cities of Jerusalem and Bethlehem, to worship Jesus, the new king, and to learn more about him. The king of Judea was a guy by the name of Herod. He summoned the wise men to a conference and instructed them to track out the new king so that he may pay his respects to him as well. The wise men proceeded on their journey to Bethlehem, where they followed the star until it was precisely above the home where Jesus was being raised.

They gave presents to Jesus in the form of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, which were considered to be among the greatest things in the ancient world.

In order to produce a delicious scent, Frankincense was burned, and Myrrh was used to manufacture luxury perfume. Following their encounter with Jesus, the wise men had a dream in which they were cautioned not to return to King Herod, prompting them to choose an alternate path home.

Journey to Egypt

When King Herod informed the three wise men that he desired to worship Jesus, he was lying. He was concerned that this new “king” would usurp his position as monarch of Judea. He was unaware that Jesus would grow up to be the king of God’s spiritual kingdom, rather than the monarch of Judea, as he had assumed. What Herod actually desired was to track down and kill Jesus! When Herod discovered that the three wise men had not returned to inform him where to find Jesus, he became enraged. He dispatched his men to Bethlehem with the orders to murder any infants under the age of two, believing that Jesus would almost likely be among those slaughtered.

See also:  What Did Jesus Say About Life After Death

Joseph relocated Mary and Jesus to Egypt, where they would be safe from Herod’s persecution.


Is it true that Jesus was born on Christmas Day? We commemorate the birth of Jesus on Christmas, yet no one is certain of the precise day of Jesus’ birth, or even the year in which Jesus was born. In 336 A.D., the Western Church, centered in Rome, chose December 25 as the day to commemorate “Christ’s Mass,” which means “Christ’s sacrifice.” The Eastern Church chose the sixth of January. The holiday was dubbed Epiphany, which literally translates as “appearance.” The time between December 25 and January 6 became known as the Twelve Days of Christmas as a result of this tradition.


The legends of Jesus’ birth serve as a connection between the past and the present. Considering the circumstances of Jesus’ birth, it seems clear that He fulfilled the Old Testament predictions about a coming Messiah (Isaiah7:14, Matthew 1:23). He was born in the city of Bethlehem (Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:5-6). He had been summoned out of Egypt (Hosea 11:1, Matthew 2:15). When Jesus was born, it was in a stable, which was the most basic of settings. In a similar vein, Jesus demonstrated how God’s favor is reserved for the impoverished and disadvantaged.

Gentiles would eventually make up the majority of the Christian world in the future.


The given name of the individual Obviously, there isn’t much to say about Jesus; his origins are self-evident — he is the key character in Christian belief. In contrast, Jesus as a given name has a specific cultural significance in Spanish-speaking nations, and is typically pronounced with an accentuated “U” as in Jess (pronounced hay-SOOS). In the English-speaking world, Jesus is not referred to by his first and last names. The name “Iesus” comes from the Hebrew “Yeshua,” which was adopted by the Greeks in the form of “Isous” before being adopted by the Romans as “Iesus.” As a result, the letter “J” was added, and the name “Jesus” was adopted in most European languages.

A dream in which an angel visits to Joseph informs him that Mary’s pregnancy has been divinely ordained and that he is to name their son Jesus “for he will redeem his people from their sins” – implying that the name had not been chosen at random – is recorded in Matthew 1:20-21.

All About the Baby Name –Jesus

THE NAME OF THE BOY JESUS The number 11 is a Master Number, and it incorporates the Two’s heightened characteristics to a greater extent. This personality is on a spiritual quest to discover the reality of his or her existence. They have a strong sense of intuition and are exceedingly idealistic. Elevens possess a special and remarkable spiritual force that instills in them a sense of responsibility to brighten the environment in which they live. Even though they bear a tremendous amount of responsibility, these individuals possess significantly greater potential than is often recognized.

They have the ability to perceive the larger picture, and they have the ability to inspire people spiritually by their actions.

Due to their ability to straddle the delicate line between brilliance and the potential for self-destruction, master numbers may be both a blessing and a curse.


THE NAME OF THE BOY As previously said, persons of English-speaking descent are uncomfortable with the usage of Jesus as a personal name; it makes them squirm with displeasure. It’s considered forbidden in some circles. The only time they get close to utilizing the name “Jesus” is when they use the name “Joshua.” People of Hispanic descent, on the other hand, enthusiastically adopt the given name Jess for their infant boys as a sincere and passionate expression of their adoration for Jesus Christ.

In any event, it’s evident that the popularity of this name is being driven by Spanish-speaking Americans, or people of Hispanic/Latino descent, rather than by anybody else.

However, as the Latino community in America has grown in recent decades, Jesus has risen to a position of prominence among the top 100 most popular boy’s names in use today.

Quick Facts

On the subject of JESUS, Gender:Boy ORIGIN:Greek The number of syllables is two, and the ranking is first. POPULARITY:106 PRONUNCIATION: hay-SOOSSIMPLE MEANING: to save, to save one’s life


THE NAME OF THE BABY JESUS Jesus appears as a character in John Steinbeck’s 1935 novel “Tortilla Flat,” which tells the story of a group of California paisanos during the era following the First World War. The paisanos, who are described by Steinbeck with great wit and tenderness, are a group of young guys who are a blend of Mexican, Indian, Spanish, and Caucasian descent (purely Californian). Jesus Maria Corcoran, the humanitarian of the Tortilla Flat gang, is among the ruffians of Tortilla Flat.

Jesus Maria is continuously doing everything he can to help others who are less fortunate than himself, and he is always looking for new and innovative ways to put his compassion to good use.

He is the God the Son, although he is never expressly identified as such since he has not yet taken on human form, and he is the second member of the Trinity according to John Milton.

When the fall of man is prophesied and communicated to Adam and Eve, Jesus offers himself to pay the penalty for mankind’s crimes, allowing God the Father to be just and merciful at the same time.

The angel Michael reveals to Adam, in the last scene, a vision of salvation via the Son of God, which is the subject of the play.

Childrens Books

WITH RESPECT TO CHILDREN’S NAMES JESUS Christ figures prominently in John Steinbeck’s 1935 novel “Tortilla Flat,” which tells the story of a group of California paisanos in the aftermath of World War I. It is this group of young men of Mexican-Indian-Spanish-Caucasian descent that Steinbeck describes with such great wit and affection as the paisanos (purely Californian). Jesus Maria Corcoran, the group’s humanitarian, is a member of the gang of Tortilla Flat thugs. Steinbeck did not choose his given name at random, to be sure.

  1. A special mention should be made of the portrayal of Jesus Christ in John Milton’s great literary achievement, “Paradise Lost,” (an epic poem first published in 1667).
  2. He is also known as John Milton’s second member of the Trinity.
  3. Jesus sacrifices himself to atone for the sins of mankind when the fall of man is predicted and communicated to Adam and Eve.
  4. When Adam and his wife Eve are in the garden, the angel Michael appears to them and reveals to them a vision of salvation through the Son of God.

Popular Songs

IN THE NAME OF JESUS The Indigo Girls’ song “Hey Jesus” is a good example of this. Reba McEntire performs a song titled “Happy Birthday Jesus.” Amy Grant’s song “Fairest Lord Jesus” is followed by Tim McGraw’s song “Drugs or Jesus.” Randy Travis’ Doctor Jesusa is a rock song. Song written by Tom Waits called “Chocolate Jesus.” Bless Jesus (Hold My Hand), an Elvis Presley song, is a prayer to the Lord. Everlast’s “Black Jesusa” is a rock song. Bad Religion’s “American Jesusa” is a song about Jesus in the United States.

Famous People

HE WAS CALLED JESUS Jesus Christ, the Son of God (religious icon) Jesos Franco’s full name is Jesos Franco, and he was born in the city of Jesos Franco, in the state of Jesos Franco, in the state of Jesos Franco, in the state of Jesos Franco, in the state of Jesos Franco, in the state of Jesos Franco, in the state of Jesos Franco, in the state of Jesos Franco, in the state of Jesos Franco, in the (Spanish film director) Jess Alou (Jesus Alou) (baseball player)

Children of Famous People

HE WAS CALLED JESUS We were unable to locate any children of prominent persons who were given the first name Jesus.

Historic Figures

WITH THE USE OF THE NAME JESUS Jesus of Nazareth is the key person of the New Testament, and it is around him that the religion of Christianity was built. Jesus of Nazareth is also the central figure of the Old Testament. While the first four Gospels, which comprise the first half of the New Testament, record Jesus’ life up to his resurrection, the latter half of the New Testament tells the story of Jesus’ expanding following after his death. Jesus was born as the son of a carpenter in a tiny hamlet in the foothills of Galilee, where he grew up.

He is the Messiah (from the Greek term â€Christosâ€, which means “anointed one”), whose death delivers salvation from the sins of mankind to those who believe in him.

He is the embodiment of simplicity.

There is a great deal, far more than can be stated here. The verses â€Do unto others as you would have them do unto you†(Luke 6:31), â€Turn the other cheek†(Matthew 5:39), and â€Love your enemies†(Matthew 5:44) are all examples of how to live by these principles (Matthew 5:44).

Birth of Jesus – Bible Story

This is a condensed version of the Biblical narrative of Jesus’ birth. To further comprehend the significance of this world-changing event in the Bible, you may read more in-depth Bible verses from theScripturebelow and watch the articles and movies that accompany them. In the year 2000, a young lady from the village of Nazareth named Mary was visited by an angel named Gabriel, who spoke to her in a dream. The angel Gabriel informed the Jewish woman that she would become the mother of a son named Jesus, who would later be revealed to be the Son of God.

  • When Mary’s story was conveyed to Joseph, he was saddened and perplexed since he did not trust her.
  • When the Roman emperor ordered a census of all people to be taken in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph were forced to leave their home in Nazareth and come to Bethlehem.
  • The inns were completely booked.
  • Mary and Joseph sat down on the hay in a barn with animals resting around them and began to pray.
  • The manger, which served as a feeding bowl for the animals, was most likely the sole area for the sleeping infant to lay.
  • The happy news of the birth of the Savior and Messiah, Jesus Christ, was delivered to them by an angel.
  • After some time had passed, three wise men, sometimes known as magi, were able to recognize the dazzling star in the sky that had appeared above the location where Jesus was born.
  • During the wise men’s journey, Herod the king of Judah met with them and instructed them to return and inform him of the location of the infant king so that he might go and adore him as well.
  • They bowed their heads in reverence and presented the Savior with presents of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
  • Celebrate the birth of Christ by printing off your FREE copy of Beautiful Christmas Bible Verses printable to read and share with your family and friends this holiday season.

Continue reading below for the whole Scripture scriptures that relate to the stories of Jesus’ birth in the Bible books of Luke and Matthew: As part of our bigger Christmas and Advent resource library, which focuses on the events leading up to the birth of Jesus Christ, this piece is included.

What really is Christmas?

The history of the 25th of December Advent is defined as the period between the months of December and January. The Symbolism of the Christmas Tradition Bible Verses for the Holidays The Bible’s Narrative Image courtesy of istock


In Christian belief, the Magi, singularMagus, also known asWise Men, were aristocratic travellers “from the East” who followed a miraculous guiding star to Bethlehem, where they paid respect to the infantJesus, who had been anointed as king of the Jews. (Matthew 2:1–12; Mark 2:1–12). As part of its long-standing theological tradition, Christians have always emphasized that Gentiles as well as Jews were invited to worship Jesus, an event commemorated at Christmas in the Eastern church and at Epiphany in the Western church (January 6).

TheGospel According to Matthew, when the Magi arrived in Jerusalem to announce Jesus’ birth, they piqued the attention of King Herod Iof Judaea, who inquired, “Where is the child who has been born king of the Jews?” For we have been watching his star as it rises, and we have come to pay him honor” (Matthew 2:2).

  1. He then dispatched them to view the child Jesus, with the condition that they report back to him with the whereabouts of the baby Jesus.
  2. After being warned not to return to Herod in a dream, “they fled for their own land along a different way” (Matthew 2:12).
  3. More Information on This Subject may be found here.
  4. The tradition of the Magi, who were referenced in the Gospel of Matthew, is a popular folklore.
  5. Traditions passed down over the generations have enriched the story.
  6. A chronicle known as theExcerpta latina barbari (Latin for “Battle of the Magi”) has the names of three Magi who lived around the time of the 8th century: Bithisarea, Melichior, and Gathaspa.
  7. According to Western church tradition, Balthasar is frequently shown as a king of Arabia or occasionally Ethiopia, Melchior as a king of Persia, and Gaspar as a king of India, with Melchior being the most frequently depicted.
  8. Three and a half by two and a half metres.
  9. Three of the three are frequently honored as saints and martyrs, and their purported remains were moved from Constantinople (now Istanbul) to Milan, and then to Cologne Cathedral, probably as early as the late 5th century.
  10. This is referred to as the Adoration of the Magi (i.e., their adoration to the newborn).
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As a result, in medieval times, the Adoration of the Magi was frequently associated with two other significant events in Jesus’ life: his baptism, during which the voice of God publicly declared Jesus to be his son, and the wedding at Cana, during which he demonstrated his divinity by turning water into wine.

Adoration of the Three Wise Men This panel is the center panel of a triptych by the Antwerp Mannerist painter Jan de Beer, which was completed about 1520 and is now at the Brera Museum in Milan.

The Feast of the Three Kings, often known as Epiphany, is traditionally observed as the final of the Twelve Days of Christmas in Western Christianity.

Children wake up to modest presents in their shoes in honor of the Magi’s gifts to the newborn, which they received the night before after leaving a bowl of water and some grass or other plants for the camels of the Three Kings.

Those in charge of editing the Encyclopaedia Britannica Melissa Petruzzello was the author of the most recent revision and update to this article.

Three Wise Men: What were their names?

It’s true that we don’t know who or what the magi were since the Bible doesn’t tell us. In truth, the Bible is quiet on the number of wise men that came to visit Jesus. Gaspar, Balthasar, and Melchior are three names that have been given to the three wise men who came to seek and honor the newborn Jesus according to traditional legend. Browse:Frequently Asked Bible Questions Where Was Jesus Born? – Where Was Jesus Born? When was Jesus’ birth commemorated?

The magi

The three wise men, sometimes known as magi, were individuals from a variety of social and educational backgrounds. The term magician, which we use in English, derives from the same origin. These wise men, on the other hand, were not magicians in the modern sense of sleight-of-hand entertainers, as is commonly understood. These individuals were of noble birth, well-educated, affluent, and important in society. They were philosophers and advisors to monarchs, well-versed in all of the ancient East’s knowledge and philosophy.

They appeared to have studied the Hebrew Scriptures and discovered a clear record of the truth contained within them.

They must have paid particular attention to the Messianic prophesies of the Old Testament, and among them were the words of Balaam, who prophesied, “A Star shall spring out of Jacob, and a Scepter shall rise out of Israel.” (Numbers 24:17, New King James Version) They were clearly aware of the prophesy of Micah: “But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, while you are a little town amid the multitudes of Judah, yet out of you shall come forth to Me the One who shall be ruler over Israel” (Micah 5:2, NKJV; see also Matthew 2:5, 6).

They were undoubtedly also aware of and comprehended Daniel’s time prophesy concerning the appearance of the Messiah (see Daniel 9:25, 26), and they came to the conclusion that His arrival was imminent.

The wise men returned to the precious scrolls once more, this time impressed by their significance.

They were like Abraham in that they did not know where they were going at first, but they followed the guiding light as it guided them on their journey.

Gifts of the three wise men

Several factors contributed to the development of the legend of the three wise men, including the fact that the Bible specifies three presents, gold, frankincense, and myrrh, in Matthew 2:11.

The Bible, on the other hand, does not specify how many wise men made the journey to see the baby Christ. Because of the imagery in Isaiah 60:3, the incorrect notion that they were also kings developed.

Why Was Jesus Not Named Immanuel?

Joseph had a dream in which an angel appeared to him and gave him instructions on what to name the child that Mary was carrying, according to Matthew 1:21-22. The child she will bear will be named Jesus because he will save his people from their sins, and you are to name him after the Savior who will save his people from their sins.” All of this occurred in order to bring about the fulfillment of what the Lord had promised through the prophet: “The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will name him Immanuel” (which means “God with us” in Hebrew).

A difficulty that many people have regarding this chapter involves the phrase “they will call him Immanuel,” which appears at the end of the verse.

As a result, some have called into doubt the inspiration of the Scriptures.

The purpose of this essay is to attempt to offer an answer to that question.

Two Names

You will observe that Jesus appears to be addressed by two different names in the text described above. Joseph is commanded to name the child Jesus, which is a Hebrew name that literally translates as “Yahweh rescues.” Because he will save his people from their sins, this is a suitable name for him. Actually, the name mentioned in this scripture is Yeshua; nevertheless, this is most commonly referred to as Joshua in English. However, as it has been translated into Greek, Latin, and eventually English, it has taken on the character of Jesus as well.

This is based on Isaiah’s prophecy to King Ahaz in Isaiah 7:14, which states, “Therefore, the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and he will be named Immanuel.” As a result, Matthew believes that the sign given by Isaiah is also applicable to the birth of Jesus himself.

But was Jesus’ given name, Immanuel, a legitimate name or a nickname?

It is important to note that Joseph is instructed to name the infant Jesus.

The G.O.A.T.

Several sports have designated individual players as their G.O.A.T., which stands for “Greatest of All Time,” which implies “the greatest of all time.” That is not the moniker that has been given to them by the authorities. It is more of a descriptive title than anything else. They are not referred to as Goats by anyone. Many, though, consider them to be the greatest of all time.

I feel the same is true in this case with Jesus and Immanuel as it was with Moses. The name Immanuel was not intended to be a formal title that others would address him by. However, when you study the Scriptures, you will see that people did refer to Jesus as “God with us.”

Jesus Is Identified as Immanuel

According to my understanding, Jesus’ prologue to the gospel of John contains the most emphatic “God with us” allusion to God. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God,” he says, introducing the Word as God: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God” (John 1:1). And then he goes on to describe the Word taking on human form, saying, “The Word became flesh and made his abode among us.” He has shown himself to us in his entire splendor, the splendor of the one and only Son who came from the Father, full of mercy and truth” (John 1:14).

  1. He was God in the flesh, walking among us.
  2. In the midst of this, Phillip requested that Jesus show them the Father (John 14:8).
  3. God came to us in the person of Jesus.
  4. Paul made several allusions to Jesus’ divinity throughout his letter.
  5. “In Christ, all of the fullness of the Deity exists in human form,” Paul said in Colossians 2:9.
  6. “The Son is the brilliance of God’s glory and the perfect image of God’s essence,” writes the author of Hebrews.
  7. Jesus is the perfect representation of God in the flesh.

Immanuel and the Incarnation

The term “Incarnation” refers to a theological concept that is frequently used around the holiday season. The term usually refers to a spirit or deity who is clothed in flesh, whether it be human or animal in appearance. As Christians, we use the term “incarnation” to refer specifically to God taking on human form in the person of Jesus, who is the Son of God. Jesus is the manifestation of God in the flesh. The name Immanuel is used to refer to Jesus when we speak of his incarnation as a human being in the flesh.

In light of this, do you think it’s a problem that no one in the Bible specifically used the term Immanuel when referring to Jesus?

He is repeatedly identified as God manifested in the flesh.

He has been a Bible teacher for more than 40 years and writes a blog at A Clay Jar on a regular basis.

You can also keep up with him on Twitter or on Facebook. Ed is married, the father of two children, and the grandfather of three grandchildren. He is now retired and spends his time tending to his gardens and backpacking.

The Real Reason DaBaby Changed His Name

Photograph courtesy of Jason Koerner/Getty Images Before he became known as DaBaby, he was known by the stage name Baby Jesus. Earlier in his career, Jonathan Kirk was the name of the 28-year-old rap phenom who was behind this summer’s number-one single “Rockstar.” Kirk also happens to be the title of DaBaby’s second studio album, which was released last year, six months after his father killed tragically unexpectedly in a car accident. In honor of DaBaby, the album’s cover depicts a photograph of him as a child sitting on his father’s knee (viaThe Face).

  1. DaBaby reveals in his intro track forGod’s Work: Resurrected(viaGenius) that the name was too politically charged, and the rapper was concerned that it would become a distraction during the recording process.
  2. “2017 is going to be the year of DaBaby,” he said.
  3. Many individuals find it difficult to alter their company’s name without losing all of their existing customers and clients.
  4. “That’s a compliment to my father as well.

Nobody puts DaBaby in a corner

Photograph by Craig Barritt/Getty Images A few necklaces and an adult diaper were all that the successful rapper needed to turn heads at the 2017 South by Southwest festival, which took place in Austin, Texas. Blame It on Baby was his second number-one album, which was published in April. “He’s a lot of fun,” says Joie Manda, executive vice president of Interscope Records, which is home to DaBaby’s record label. He’ll be here for a long time, I believe, and I believe we’re only at the beginning of his journey” (viaBillboard).

“I had already achieved success with the things I was doing on the streets, and I had grown a little tired of it,” he said to XXL.

“I was all about making a difference in people’s lives and influencing them.

That has always been my personality type. I was the one who instructed others; I just had a natural command of the English language and always talked with authority and conviction. I reasoned that there was no greater method to affect people’s lives and modify their perspectives than via music.”

Was Jesus really born in Bethlehem? Why the Gospels disagree over the circumstances of Christ’s birth

Every Christmas, Bethlehem, a very modest village in the Palestinian West Bank, takes center stage: it is the birthplace of Jesus Christ. It is believed that Jesus was born in this village about two millennia ago, according to certain biblical texts. Although the New Testament Gospels all mention Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, they do not all agree on the specifics of his birth. Some passages make no mention of Bethlehem or the birth of Jesus at all. It may be difficult to reconcile the differing viewpoints expressed throughout the Gospels.

See also:  How To Rebuke In The Name Of Jesus

Today, genealogy can assist people become more aware of their family’s medical history, as well as find long-lost family relatives.

Gospel of Matthew

Accord to the Gospel of Matthew, which is the first Gospel to be included in the canon of the New Testament, Joseph and Mary were present in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth. The narrative opens with three wise men who travel to the city of Jerusalem after sighting a star that they interpret as heralding the birth of a new ruler. They are the protagonists of the story. This is followed by a description of their meeting with a local Jewish monarch called Herod, whom they approach for information regarding the place of Jesus’ birth.

  1. Matthew.
  2. These were extremely precious presents, particularly the frankincense and myrrh, which were expensive scents with medical properties.
  3. When the three wise men arrived at Herod’s palace with the news that a child had been born who would one day reign as king of the Jews, Herod devised a plot to assassinate all children under the age of five in order to eliminate the danger to his monarchy.
  4. After Herod dies as a result of a sickness, Matthew claims that Joseph, Mary, and Jesus do not return to Bethlehem to bury him.

Gospel of Luke

The Gospel of Luke, a biography of Jesus’ life that was written at the same time as the Gospel of Matthew, contains a different story of Jesus’ birth than the Gospel of Matthew. The Gospel of Luke begins with Joseph and a pregnant Mary in the Galilee region of Palestine. They travel to Bethlehem in response to an acensus, which was issued by the Roman emperor Caesar Augustus and demanded of all Jewish people everywhere. Because Joseph was a descendant of King David, he was obligated to register in Bethlehem, which was his homeland at the time.

When Jesus is born, he is filled with rage because all of the tourists had crammed the guest rooms.

Angels, according to Luke, informed these shepherds of Jesus’ location in Bethlehem, and they responded accordingly.

Luke also adds that Joseph, Mary, and Jesus leave Bethlehem eight days after Jesus’ birth and go to Jerusalem, then to Nazareth, according to the Gospel of Luke.

According to John Meier, a historian who specializes in the historical Jesus, Jesus’ “birth at Bethlehem is to be considered not as a historical reality” but rather as a “theological affirmation disguised as an ostensibly factual tale.” In other words, the assumption that Jesus was a descendant of King David resulted in the formation of a myth about Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem, which is now widely accepted.

According to Raymond Brown, another Gospel expert, “the two tales are not just different – they are diametrically opposed to one other in a number of points.”

Mark’s and John’s Gospels

The birth of Jesus in a manger is shown in this Nativity scene. Swen Pförtner/Getty Images, image courtesy of the picture alliance To make matters worse, neither Jesus’ birth nor his link to Bethlehem are mentioned in the other two Gospels, Mark and John, which makes it much more problematic. The Gospel of Mark, which was written about the year 60 A.D., is the oldest known narrative of Jesus’ life. In the first chapter of Mark, it is said that Jesus hails from the town of Nazareth in Galilee.

  1. The Gospel of Mark presents Jesus as being both from Nazareth and the son of David, who reigned as the second king of Israel and Judah between 1010 and 970 B.C.
  2. He was originally from Bethlehem.
  3. It is also worth noting that the Gospel of John, which was written roughly 15 to 20 years after the Gospel of Mark, does not identify Jesus with Bethlehem.
  4. When Jesus initially arrives in Galilee, he meets his first disciples, performs numerous miracles, and has brothers in the region.
  5. John refers to an argument in which certain Jewish people alluded to a prophesy that said the messiah would be a descendant of David and would arrive from Bethlehem as justification for their position.
  6. The Gospels of Mark and John suggest that the authors either had difficulty connecting Bethlehem with Jesus, were unaware of his birthplace, or were unconcerned about the location in question.
  7. Despite the fact that the apostle Paul, who penned some of the first manuscripts of the New Testament, thought Jesus to be a descendant of David, he did not identify him with Bethlehem.

An ethnic identity

During the time period of Jesus’ life, there were a variety of viewpoints on the Messiah to consider. In one school of Jewish belief, the Messiah was supposed to be an eternal ruler descended from the line of David, as was the case with King David. Further support for this concept may be found in other Jewish books like as the book of Ezra, which was written in the same century as the Gospels, and the Jewish sectarianQumran literature (which was published two centuries earlier). Although it is believed to have been written about B.C.

  • In Matthew’s version, this sentence is repeated once more.
  • Many ancient founders and political leaders were linked to certain individuals through genealogy.
  • Hercules was said to have been a son of Alexander the Great, who reigned over an empire that stretched from Macedonia to India.
  • As well as this, a Jewish writer named Philo who lived in the first century AD said that Abraham, along with all of the Jewish priests and prophets, were created by God.

As the Greek historian Polybius says, the great actions of forebears are “part of the inheritance of posterity” because they are “part of the heritage of posterity.” The presence of the city of Bethlehem in the gospels of Matthew and Luke added to the assertion that Jesus was the Messiah descended from the House of David.

The legends of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem helped to solidify the notion that he was a legitimate descendant of King David.

As a result, today, when the significance of Bethlehem is mentioned in Christmas songs or depicted in Nativity scenes, the name of the town is used to link Jesus to an ancestral lineage as well as the prophetic desire for a new king in the manner of King David.

What history really tells us about the birth of Jesus

At various points throughout Jesus’ life, many viewpoints on the Messiah were expressed. For certain Jews, the Messiah would be an eternal king descended from David, according to a particular school of thought. Another set of Jewish scriptures, including the book of Ezra, which was produced in the same century as the Gospels, and the Jewish sectarianQumran literature, which was composed two centuries earlier, support this viewpoint. Although it is believed to have been written about B.C. 722, the prophet Micah prophesied that the messiah would come from David’s hometown of Bethlehem, which is located in the Hebrew Bible.

  1. Jesus is not only genetically related to King David, but he was also born in Bethlehem, which is referred to as “the city of David,” according to the Gospel of Luke.
  2. For example, Ion, the founder of the Greek colonies in Asia, was widely believed to be a descendant of Apollo, according to legend.
  3. A descendant of Apollo was announced for Caesar Augustus, who became the first Roman emperor.
  4. In any case, regardless of whether or not these assertions were recognized as accurate at the time, they had an impact on a person’s ethnic identity, political standing, and claims to be remembered.
  5. Including the city of Bethlehem in the gospels of Matthew and Luke added to the argument that Jesus was the Messiah descended from the House of David.
  6. The traditions of Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem bolstered the idea that he was a legitimate descendant of King David, according to tradition.

The inn

Only two of the four gospels in the Bible make mention of Jesus’ conception. The tale of the angel Gabriel coming to Mary, the couple’s travel to Bethlehem in order to take part in a census, and the shepherds’ visit are all told in detail by Luke. With the Magnificat, her visit to her cousin Elizabeth, her personal meditation on the events, dozens of angels, and the infamous inn with no room among other things, this film is an absolute must-see for everyone who loves Mary. There is a long-standing misconception about the inn with “no space” in the Christmas tale, and this is one of the most common examples.

Joseph and Mary most likely stayed with family, but the guest room was too tiny for a delivery, and as a result, Mary gave birth in the main room of the home, which also happened to be where animal mangers were located.

Hence Because there was no place for them in their guest room, Luke 2:7 may be interpreted as “she gave birth to her firstborn son, swaddled him, and lay him in the feeding trough.”

The wise men

The account of Mary’s pregnancy is told in a similar way in Matthew’s gospel, albeit from a somewhat different perspective. When the angel visits to Joseph this time, he is informed that his fiancée Mary is pregnant, but that he must still marry her since it is part of God’s plan for him. Shepherds come to see Jesus as a symbol of his significance to common people, as Luke does, but the magi (wise men) from the east deliver Jesus royal presents, as Matthew does. There were most likely not three magi present, and they were certainly not kings.

  • The number three is derived from the mention of three gifts — gold, frankincense, and myrrh – during the Christmas season.
  • King Herod’s instructions to murder infant boys up to the age of two, according to the magi’s report regarding Jesus’s age, are recorded in Matthew 2:16, according to the Bible.
  • The presence of animals gathered around the newborn Jesus and Mary riding a donkey are conspicuously lacking from these biblical tales.
  • Whenever Christians now congregate around a crib or build up an elaborate nativity scene in their homes, they are carrying on a tradition that began with St.
  • He brought a crib and animals into the chapel so that everyone attending might feel like they were a part of the narrative.
  • Later art depicting the adoring of the infant Jesus displays a devotional spirituality that is akin to this.

A radical Christmas

The account of Mary’s pregnancy is told in a similar way in Matthew’s gospel, albeit from a different viewpoint. During this visit, the angel informs Joseph that his fiancée Mary is pregnant, but that he must marry her nevertheless since it is part of God’s plan. Shepherds come to see Jesus as a symbol of his significance to common people, as Luke does, but the magi (wise men) from the east offer Jesus royal presents, as does Matthew. There were most likely not three magi present, and they were certainly not kings either.

Gold, frankincense, and myrrh were mentioned in the Bible, and thus became known as the tradition of three presents.

Following the magi’s report concerning Jesus’ age, King Herod orders the execution of infant boys up to the age of two, according to Matthew 2:16.

Mary riding a donkey and animals gathered around the infant Jesus are conspicuously absent from these biblical tales.

In gathering around a crib or creating a Nativity scene in their homes, Christians today are carrying on a practice that began with St.

It was his idea to bring a crib and animals inside the chapel so that everyone who attended might feel like they were a part of the narrative.

Consequently, the popular pietistic tradition came to be established. Similar devout religiosity may be seen in later art depicting the newborn Jesus being adored.

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