Who Changed Yeshua Name To Jesus

This Is What Jesus’ Friends And Family Actually Called Him — And No, It Wasn’t Jesus

Even among people of different religious beliefs, the name “Jesus” is almost universally recognized. It may come as a surprise, however, that the name “Jesus,” which millions of Christians all over the world are urged not to use in vain, was not in fact the name of the historical figure. Despite the fact that the assertion appears to be controversial, the truth is that it is more of a translation issue.

What Was Jesus’ Real Name?

Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons “Isous” is the Greek transcription of Jesus’ given name, whereas “Yeshua” is the late Biblical Hebrew form of Jesus’ given name. Of course, neither English nor Spanish existed in their present forms during the time when the genuine Jesus was living, nor was the New Testament written at the time that the original Jesus was alive. Jesus and his followers were all Jewish, and as a result, they all received Hebrew given names – despite the fact that they would have spoken Aramaic.

As a result, the majority of academics think that the Christian Messiah’s given name was really “Yeshua,” which was a very popular Jewish given name during Jesus’ lifetime.

This raises the question of how the name “Jesus” got to be unique in the first place, given that there were apparently so many individuals called “Yeshua” moving around at the time.

How “Yeshua” Became Lost In Translation

Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons Because of this, the King James Bible was written in the “I” spelling rather than the “J” spelling. Given the fact that not every language has the same sounds, people have traditionally adopted their names in order to be able to pronounce them in a number of different languages. Even in modern languages, there are discrepancies in how Jesus is pronounced from one dialect to another. In English, the name is pronounced with a hard “J,” yet in Spanish, the name is pronounced with what would be a “H” in English, despite the fact that the spelling is the same.

The New Testament was initially written in Greek, which not only has a completely different alphabet than Hebrew, but also does not include the “sh” sound present in the Hebrew word “Yeshua,” which means “Yeshua.” After deciding to use the Greek “s” sound instead of the “sh” sound in the name Yeshua, the New Testament authors added a final “s” to the end of the name to make it more masculine in the original language.

When the Bible was translated into Latin from the original Greek, the term “Iesus” was used by the translators to refer to the person who had given the name.

For decades, this inscription has been a typical feature of portrayals of the crucifixion in Western Christianity as “INRI,” an acronym for the LatinIesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum, or “Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews,” which translates as “Jesus the Nazarene King of the Jews.” Because Latin being the main language of the Catholic Church, the Latinized form of the name “Yeshua” was used to refer to Christ across the rest of Europe and beyond.

Even the King James Bible, which was first published in 1611, utilized the “Iesus” spelling.

How “Yeshua” Eventually Became “Jesus”

It’s difficult to identify precisely where the “Jesus” spelling originated, while some historians believe that a variant of the name that originated in Switzerland is the most likely candidate. It is more common for the “J” in Swiss to be pronounced like an English “Y” or the Latin “Ie” as in “Iesus.” In 1553, when the Catholic Queen “Bloody” Mary ascended to the English throne, thousands of English Protestant intellectuals fled, with a large number eventually settling in Geneva. It was at Geneva that a group of some of the best English minds of the day collaborated to create the Geneva Bible, which was the first to utilize the Swiss spelling of the name “Jesus.” Commons image courtesy of Wikimedia Commons A significant contribution to the popularization of the “Jesus” spelling was made by the Geneva Bible.

Eventually, it was transported to the New World on the Mayflower, which arrived in 1620.

As a result, the name used by English speakers today is an English adaption of a German translation of a Latin transliteration of a Greek transliteration of an initially Hebrew name, which was then adopted by the English language.

Then read about Jesus’ tomb being opened after it had been sealed.

If His name was Yeshua, why do we call Him Jesus?

QuestionAnswer Some believe that our Lord should not be referred to as “Jesus” because it is offensive. Instead, we should only refer to Jesus by his given name, Yeshua. Some even go so far as to suggest that naming Him “Jesus” is blasphemous and should be avoided at all costs. The name “Jesus” is considered unbiblical by some since the letterJ is a later innovation because there was no letterJ in ancient Greek or Hebrew. The Hebrew name Yeshua is pronounced “Joshua,” while the English form is “Joshua.” It is pronounced “Iesous,” which is the Greek transcription of the Hebrew name, and it is spelled “Jesus.” In this way, the names “Joshua” and “Jesus” are nearly identical; both are English pronunciations of the Hebrew and Greek names for our Savior.

  • A collection of pages that has been bound and covered is referred to as a “book.” In German, it is spelled as abuch.
  • The language changes, but the item itself remains the same as before.
  • Furthermore, we can speak to Jesus as “Jesus,”” Yeshua, or ” YehSou” (Cantonese) without His essence being altered.
  • As for the issue around the letter J, it appears to be all for naught.
  • However, this does not rule out the possibility of references to “Jerusalem” in the Bible.
  • Even within a same language, spellings might differ: Americans write “Savior,” whilst the British write “Savior,” respectively.
  • Jesus is the Saviour and the Savior, and He is the Lord.
  • Not once in the Bible does it say that we must only pronounce or write His name in Hebrew or Greek.
  • Instead, on the Day of Pentecost, the apostles delivered the gospel news in the languages of the “Parthians, Medes, and Elamites; citizens of Mesopotamia, Judea, and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt, and the regions of Libya near Cyrene,” according to Acts 2:9.
  • It didn’t matter if the words were spelled correctly.
  • Scripture does not place a higher priority on one language over another, and it makes no hint that Christians must use the Hebrew language when addressing the Almighty.

In the end, it doesn’t matter what language we use to call on Him: He is our salvation in English, Korean, Hindi, or Hebrew. Return to the previous page: Questions concerning the deity of Jesus Christ Why do we refer to Him as Jesus while His given name was Yeshua?

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The Name Yeshua

Why Yeshua? His name is Yeshua… Yeshua is the true name for the one known as Jesus the Nazarene, who lived from about 6 B.C. to 27 A.D. The name “Jesus” is simply a mis-translation (letter for letter translation) of a Greek counterpart to Yeshua. Therefore, for many years, the church world has not known the true name of the Savior, the one who died on the cross for your sins and mine. In the English translation of the bible in 1611 A.D., as commissioned by King James, his name was changed to Jesus.

Some will say, “We speak English; that is why we call him Jesus.

Since there is no “J” in the Hebrew language, no Hebrew name can have a “J” in it.

Jesus is not a translation of the Savior’s name; neither is it his name.

“What’s in a Name?” You say Yeshua and I still say Jesus, it’s the same right?

One intriguing aspect of a name is that it serves to identify the person who is given it. If you are acquainted with someone, you address them by their given name. If you have ever spent time in a nation where the language is not your native tongue, there is a good chance that your name has been changed. However, the situation remains unchanged. If your given name isHeathcliff, your given name will remain the same no matter where you travel in the globe. Despite the fact that some people speak it with a little regional accent, it is still the same name.

Those that are closest to you are more likely to address you by your given name.

“Thou shall call his name Yeshua:not Jesus, because he shall redeem his people from their sins,” the angel declared in Matthew 1:21, according to the Bible.

His mother gave him the name Yeshua!

Why is this all so important?

“Therefore, God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name that is above every name: that at the name of Yeshua every knee should bow, of things in heaven, things on earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should confess that Yeshua Mashiach is Lord (Kirios; Yahvah), to the glory of God the Father.” According to the Word of God, Philippians 2:9-11, “that at the name of Yeshua every It is, first and foremost, the TRUTH.

  • We have a difficult time dealing with reality when it opposes what we are comfortable with in both our emotions and our brains from time to time.
  • Yeshua is a Hebrew word that meaning “God will save.” Yeshua is the name of our Savior.
  • Should I call you by your given name, George, or should I call you by your preferred name, Fred, just because I prefer it?
  • No, names cannot be translated; instead, they must be transliterated.

“.there is no other name under heaven given among men, by which we must be saved,” according to Acts 4:12 (NIV). His name is Yeshua, whether in Hebrew, Greek, English, or Spanish. ​

Isn’t the name Jesus still Holy and respected?

In a nutshell, no. It is true that the habit of pronouncing his entirely Hellenized name as Jesus has disguised his genuine name, Yeshua, and has transformed the perceived meaning of his name, just as much of his original teachings have done in recent centuries. From casual conversation to bumper stickers and jewelry, from reinforcing incorrect ideas to supporting wars and political goals, the term Jesus or Jesus Christ is frequently used, and it is even referred to as a profanity. The name Yeshua, on the other hand, has remained clean and holy, known and used exclusively by those who hold his name and teachings in the greatest respect, and who, as a result, reserve the use of his holy name for spiritual concerns and the most humble and genuine prayers and observances alone.

You must, without a doubt, consider what we have mentioned about the significance of the name in light of the scriptures.

Come to Yeshua and accept His name as your own now!

Jesus vs. Yeshua?

“And you shall call him name.” said the angel Gabriel, referring to the name “Jesus.” He didn’t, in fact. He addressed me as “Yeshua.” But, on the other hand, Gabriel wasn’t truly called Gabriel — in Hebrew, the name is pronounced differently: “Gav-ree-el.” Lord’s mighty one, you are. Even yet, Gabriel does sound a little bit like Gav-reel (pronounced Gav-reel). At the very least, it’s recognizable! What in the world happened to Yeshua, the true Hebrew name for our Lord and Messiah, that caused him to be transformed into Jesus?

And does it really make a difference what we refer to him as?

How did we end up calling him Jesus?

In the words of the angel Gabriel, “And you shall call him name.”, “Jesus,” was proclaimed. Obviously, he didn’t do it. “Yeshua,” he said. And Gabriel wasn’t actually known by that name either — the Hebrew pronunciation is “Gav-ree-el,” which means “Gav-ree-l” (pronounced “Gav-ree”). I am the Lord’s powerful one. Even yet, Gabriel does sound a little bit like Gav-reel, which is a good thing. At the very least, it’s recognisably human. I’m baffled as to how Yeshua, our Lord and Messiah’s true Hebrew name, came to be known as Jesus.

See also:  Who Was Jesus Book

And does it really make a difference what we refer to him as?

How Jesus is known and what he is called in Israel

In Hebrew-speaking Jewish communities, Yeshua has been known as “Yeshu” for many years, which is an abbreviation for the curse “yimakh shemo ve zikhro,” which literally translates, “May his name and memory be destroyed.” Jewish people have been subjected to so much suffering and persecution in the name of Yeshua that his very name has become a source of offense and stumbling block. He is now frequently referred to as one of the Jewish people’s foes. Despite the fact that this word “Yeshu” is composed of three Hebrew letters – Y-Sh-U (), it does not contain the last letter of his given name – the “Ah” sound.

  1. In Israel, Yeshua is frequently referred to as Yeshu, although some scholars refer to him as Yeshua, and, in a strange twist of fate, one very extreme anti-Messianic gang, which painted anti-Messianic graffiti on a church, saying that Yeshua was a monkey, actually spelt his name properly!
  2. The Jewish Messiah has arrived!
  3. In spite of the fact that “Notzri” is the Hebrew word for “Christian,” it really refers to someone from Nazareth (Natzeret in Hebrew).
  4. Although it’s near by, it’s an universe apart in Israeli eyes.
  5. I recall being in a New Testament course at a local university in Israel that was taught by someone who did not believe in it in the least – it was just seen as an important book that had shaped western culture as a whole.

When pupils inquired as to what the term “Christ” meant (was it his given name?) Upon further investigation, the lecturer revealed that it was the Greek term meaning Messiah. To my pleasure, she scribbled on the board (in Hebrew, in front of a class full of Israeli kids) the following:


As more and more people realize that Jesus Christ is not a foreign personality from a pagan religion, the lights are gradually turning on in their minds. Yeshua (salvation), the Jewish Messiah from Nazareth in Israel and the one prophesied in the Hebrew Scriptures, is slowly but steadily being illuminated. “And you must call his name Jesus, for he will rescue his people from their sins,” says the prophet (Matthew 1:21).

What should we call him then?

So, now that his true, Hebrew name, Yeshua, has been confirmed, should we stop referring to him by his Christian name, Jesus? True, his mother and friends referred to him as Yeshua rather than Jesus, but if you know him as Jesus, would he object to your calling him by his given name? Is it inappropriate to refer to him as Jesus? Those who believe that it is critical to refer to him as Yeshua rather than Jesus would debate until they are blue in the face. However, the arrival of Yeshua coincided with God’s plan to bring salvation to the Gentiles.

It was to be broadcast around the world, reaching every country on the planet.

If you identify with him by the name Jesus, don’t allow it be a burden on your shoulders to change your name to Yeshua if you don’t feel compelled to do so.

His name has spread around the world in many dialects of the Greek “Yay-soos,” but it is only now that people are beginning to recognize Yeshua as the Jewish Messiah in his homeland of Israel, where he was born.

Yeshua will be recognised again by his brothers

Yeshua has been out among the gentiles, bringing salvation, and he now appears to be shrouded in gentile terminology and culture, just as Joseph was unrecognizable to his brothers when they arrived for assistance dressed in foreign Egyptian garb and speaking in a strange language when they arrived for help. It has become more difficult for his Jewish siblings and sisters to identify him as a member of the tribe. Recall what occurred to Joseph and his brothers in Genesis 45:1–5, as recorded in the Bible: “.Joseph went to his brothers and introduced himself.

And Joseph introduced himself to his brothers by saying, “I am Joseph!

As a result, Joseph requested his brothers to “come close me, please.” And they got within striking distance.

You should not be worried or furious with yourselves because you sold me here; instead, remember that God sent me before you to save lives.” Joseph was a type of the Messiah, having been sold for 20 silver coins at the same time that Yeshua was betrayed for 30, suffering at the hands of, and on behalf of, his brothers, and yet gaining redemption for his family as well as a large number of gentiles in the process.

It is clear to us that there will come a time when this revelation will be delivered to the Jewish people in their entirety, as God promises in Zechariah 12:10; “I will pour out on the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and pleas for mercy, so that, when they look upon me, on him whom they have pierced, they shall mourn for him as one mourns for an only child, and weep bitterly over him as one weeps over Even if this hasn’t yet happened, we may expect to see plenty of weeping, both in terror (what have we done?) and in delight, as there was with Joseph and his brothers, when the time comes.

And they will accept Yeshua, the anticipated Messiah, who is their Jewish brother.

“I don’t want you to be oblivious of this truth, brothers: a partial hardening has come upon Israel, and it will continue until the whole of the Gentiles has entered the land.

As a result, they have now disobeyed as well in order that they too may benefit from the kindness that has been shown toward you.

Because God has doomed everyone to disobedience in order for him to show mercy on everyone. I can’t even imagine the wealth and wisdom and understanding that God has to offer! “How impenetrable his judgements are, and how incomprehensible his methods!” (Romans 11:25-33; 12:1-23)

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Yeshua or Joshua? Jesus may actually go by a different name

Getty Although some people feel that Christmas is represented by a jovial man in a red and white suit, others believe that Christmas has more religious roots. A common misconception about Christmas is that it is about celebrating Jesus Christ, who many Christians believe to be his real name. A result of the countless translations that the Bible has undergone, “Jesus” has become the popular name for the Son of God in the modern day. His given name in Hebrew is Yeshua, which is a shortened form of the word yehshu’a.

  • Michael L.
  • When the name Yeshua is translated into the Greek language, from which the New Testament is derived, it becomes Isous, which is spelled “Jesus” in the English language.
  • According to the Bible, anybody who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.
  • – Romans 10:13 (NASB) The majority of the time, the discrepancy in names is due to translation.
  • Regardless matter whether he is referred to as Jesus or Yeshua, the tale of his birth is the same.
  • Despite the fact that December 25th is not the real day of Jesus’ birth, it has been designated as a day for Christians to convert nonbelievers, according to William Walsh’s 1970 book, The Story of Santa Claus.

Was Jesus a Common Name Back When He Was Alive?

Ary Scheffer created this painting in 1851. Image courtesy of the Walters Art Museum and shared via Wikimedia Commons. The name was used by a large number of individuals. It was extremely popular in first-century Galilee to be addressed by Christ’s given name, which is frequently romanized as Yeshua. (Jesus is derived from the transcription of Yeshua into Greek, which was subsequently translated into English.) Archaeologists have discovered the tombs of 71 Yeshuas from the time of Jesus’ death, according to the New York Times.

  1. (Ezra 2:2).
  2. The reason we refer to the Hebrew hero of Jericho as Joshua and the Christian Messiah as Jesus is not clear.
  3. Because the Greeks did not utilize the soundsh, the evangelists used anSsound in its place.
  4. Currently, the name Jesus is romanized as Iesous, which is derived from the oldest documented version of the name Jesus.
  5. It was a long time before the initial came about.
  6. Until the mid-17th century, there was no distinction between English and other languages.
  7. It was under the reign of the Catholic Queen Mary I that a group of English Protestants escaped to Switzerland and created the Geneva Bible, which was spelled in the Swiss style.

The Old Testament, on the other hand, was translated straight from the original Hebrew into English, rather than through the medium of Greek.

During this time, the Syrian Orthodox church’s sacred book, known as the Syrian Bible, is written in the Aramaic language.

As a result, the Syriac text makes reference to Yeshua.

It wasn’t Christ, either.

(This is referred to as “Jesus, son of Joseph” or “Jesus of Nazareth.” Galileans separated themselves from others who shared the same first name by adding either “son of” and their father’s name or their place of birth to the end of their names.

Inquire with the Explainer. The explainer expresses gratitude to Joseph P. Amar of the University of Notre Dame and Paul V.M. Flesher of the University of Wyoming for their contributions.

Should Christians Say Yeshua Instead of Jesus? — The Cross Church

Kent Langham contributed to this article. “Yeshua” and “Jesus” are two different names for the same person. Is one more accurate or better than the other in terms of accuracy? Is it necessary for us to speak the name of the Son of God in the Hebrew language? Should Christians refer to Jesus as “Yeshua” rather than “Jesus”?

The Jewish Roots of Christianity

An increasing number of people are becoming interested in the Jewish “origins” of Christianity. A movement of Gentiles has risen up in recent years claiming to rediscover the “Hebrew Roots” of Christianity. They contend that Christianity as it is practiced today is heavily influenced by and even perverted by pagan Greek and Roman culture, which they claim has been perverted by Christianity as it is currently practiced. While we will not be able to dissect many of these assertions in their individual contexts in this space, what I have found intriguing (and rather disturbing) is the increased evangelical emphasis on “Hebrew origins.” Specifically, I’m referring to organizations of gentile believers who support the fundamental ideas of Christianity, congregate in churches, but who also highlight certain dates from the Hebrew calendar, observe Jewish holidays, and refer to Jesus Christ asYeshua, the Messiah.

Specifically, it is this final point that I wish to address in this piece.

YeshuaThe Hebrew Roots Movement

In light of the growing influence of the Hebrew Roots Movement (which, despite its name, does not have a formal doctrinal statement or set of unifying principles to distinguish who is in or who is out), as well as the growing interest in Jewish culture and tradition among evangelicals (which is particularly prevalent in charismatic churches), many Christians today are grappling with the following question: If the incarnate Son of God was Jewish, and his name was Yeshua, and he was recognized and called by the name Yeshua, then why wouldn’t we refer to him as Yeshua in all of our communications?

A number of people have gone so far as to assert that in order to be saved, we must call upon the name of Yeshua HaMashiach, and that to do so in any other way is to call upon a false deity (though this extreme seems to be rare amongst the most influential proponents of these ideas on a broader scale).

See also:  How Did Jesus Dying Save Us

Yeshua vs Jesus: The Main Question

Here is the fundamental problem at stake, which I believe most people are overlooking, and the question that must be answered is: Who has the ability to make these decisions on our behalf? To put it another way, how can we determine what we should refer to as the Son of God? What is our standard of excellence? I believe that if we can answer this fundamental issue, we will almost surely be able to address the question at hand.

The Answer

I believe that the Bible is the solution to all of the concerns raised above, as well as to all other questions about life and godliness: The Bible. We may find the solution in the Protestant Bible, which has sixty-six books and contains the answers to all of our questions about salvation and worshiping God (1 Peter 1:3;2 Tim. 3:16). If we are expected to call God by a certain name, you better believe that the Bible has revealed that to us, since the Bible has shown clearly and plainly the method of salvation as well the means of honoring God in our life, so you better believe that the Bible has revealed that to us.

If you are not fluent in Hebrew, then while it may not be wicked to use his Jewish name (although it very well may be depending on the motivation), there is simply no legitimately reasonable reason for you to do so if you are not fluent in Hebrew.

The Name That Is Above Every Other Name

Please keep in mind that the solution to this issue does not rest in man’s opinion, tradition, or skepticism, but rather in the Word of God himself. So let us turn to the Bible for guidance. Philippians 2:6-11 contains what many orthodox New Testament scholars refer to as the “Carmen Christi,” or “the hymn to Christ as to God,” which is a hymn to Christ as well as to God. This “hymn” or poem had previously been in circulation among the churches in Paul’s day, and many of these academics think that Paul used it to show humility to his audience (the church at Philippi), however some scholars believe Paul personally penned it.

  1. 11).
  2. If Paul wrote this letter in 62 AD, then the song would very definitely have been in circulation among the churches for several years prior to that date in order for Paul to use it as an example in his letter.
  3. Well, I believe that this verse of Scripture provides an unequivocal response to our issue and leaves no space for debate.
  4. Think about it and share it with one another because you have the same mentality as Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God as something to be grasped, but humbled himself by taking on the form of a servant and being born in the image of mankind.
  5. As a result, God has elevated him and given him the name that is above all names, so that at the mention of Jesus’ name, every knee should bend, in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
  6. This last statement in Isaiah 45:23 is translated as “every tongue shall confess to God” in the Septuagint (Greek translation of the Old Testament), which Paul and the early churches would have been reading in the first century.
  7. According to Paul, this passage of Scripture from the book of Isaiah, in which Yahweh speaks and declares that to him every knee will bend and every tongue will swear homage, is best understood in the context of the Lord Jesus.

If Yahweh proclaims that you will bow the knee to him, then for Paul and the early church, this means that you will bow the knee to Jesus as well.

NamesThe Name

What does any of this have to do with names, you might wonder. In any case, the Septuagint, which is what would have been in use by the early New Testament church, translates God’s personal name, YHWH, as Kyrios, or ‘Lord,’ just as our English versions of the Old Testament interpret God’s personal name, YHWH, as LORD (in small caps). As a result, when Paul writes in Philippians 2:11 that “every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord,” he is equating Jesus Christ with Yahweh, who is the creator of the universe.

There is no indication that the New Testament was originally written in Hebrew, which is important to remember.) That is pure conspiracy theory, and it has absolutely no historical foundation.) As a result, the statement “every tongue must acknowledge that Isous Christos Kyrios” is the one that Paul really wrote while writing to the church in Philippi (Jesus Christ is Lord).

Paul, Christ’s apostle and the author of two-thirds of our New Testament, does not use the term Yeshua HaMashiachisYHWH, but he transliterates the word from Hebrew into Greek instead of saying it.

Evidently, for Paul, simply uttering the Son of God’s name in its Greek form was sufficient for associating him with the God of Israel and addressing him as “Lord” was sufficient.

No Other Name Under Heaven

There are many who object to the Son being addressed by any name other than his Hebrew name, citing Acts 4:12, which states, “And there is salvation in no one other, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” This line of reasoning, on the other hand, is utterly erroneous. I’d want to know once again in what language Luke originally wrote this passage from Peter’s announcement. In fact, he composed it in Koine Greek rather than Hebrew! Then, in verse 10, Peter declares, “let it be known to you and all the people of Israel that this man is standing before you well by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth(Ious Christos Nazraios), whom you crucified and whom God resurrected from the dead, by him this man is standing before you well.” Another time, for emphasis, I’ll state it one more: Luke recounts Peter’s testimony in Greek, not in Hebrew.

  • So, if one truly wanted to be consistent in arguing that we must speak the name correctly in order to be saved, one would have to call on Yeshua’s name in Greek, wouldn’t they?
  • Alternatively, one may claim that Luke initially penned this piece in Hebrew and that it was reproduced in Greek and passed off as the original by some diabolical scheme.
  • To become entangled in all of this, I believe, is to completely miss the purpose of the book.
  • Resisting the temptation to believe in the person and work of Jesus Christ as he is revealed in the Scriptures means rejecting the one means of redemption available; there is no other way to be saved.
  • Do you perceive the majesty of the Son of God in His glory?
  • Whatever language you speak, then call on him and be saved.

“For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, pouring his treasures on all who call on him,” says the Bible. Because “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved,” according to the Bible (Romans 10:12-13).

Going Forward

To hopefully make things clearer, let me summarize my line of reasoning in one sentence:I do not think it is necessary for non-Hebrew speaking people to be concerned about saying “Yeshua” instead of “Jesus” (or whatever name a particular language uses as its transliteration) because the Apostles were not concerned about it, and since the Apostles were Jesus’ hand-selected “sent ones” to preach the gospel, establish churches, write Scripture, and establish the doctrine of the church until Jes To the Jews I became as a Jew, in order to gain Jews.

To those under the law I became as one under the law (despite not being myself under the law) so I could gain those under the law.

To the weak I became weak, so I could win the weak.

It is all done in order that I may share with them in the blessings of the gospel.-I Corinthians 9:19-23At a bare minimum, these types of issues expose poor hermeneutics, misguided zeal and interests, and an inability to look to the Scriptures as our final authority.But more seriously, I fear that the ideas I have sought to dismiss in this article are not for the sake of the gospel, but rather “foolish controversies,” “dis

Should You Really Be Calling Jesus by the Name Yeshua?

Is Yeshua the correct spelling of Jesus’ given name? It is believed by followers of Messianic Judaism, Jews who embrace Jesus Christ as the Messiah, and they are not alone in their belief. In fact, some Christians believe that individuals who refer to Christ by his Hebrew name, Yeshua, rather than by his English name, Jesus, are worshipping the incorrect savior. These Christians believe that naming the Messiah by his given name, Jesus, is equivalent to calling the Messiah by the name of the Greek deity Zeus.

What Is Jesus’ Real Name?

Indeed, the Hebrew word for Jesus is Yeshua (Jesus). It is an acronym that stands for “Yahwehis Salvation.” Yeshua is spelled “Joshua” in the English language. However, when the name Yeshua is translated from Hebrew into Greek, which is the language in which the New Testament was written, the name becomesIsous. “Jesus” is the English spelling of the name Isous. The names Joshua and Jesus are the same, which suggests they are related. One name has been translated from Hebrew into English, and the other has been translated from Greek into English, respectively.

Consider the following scenario: Languages use various words to describe the same item in different ways.

Furthermore, we can refer to Jesus by several names without altering his character in any way.

In English, he is referred to as Jesus, with a “J” that sounds like the letter “gee.” Portuguese speakers refer to him as Jesus, but with a “J” that sounds like “geh,” and Spanish speakers refer to him as Jesus, but with a “J” that sounds like “hey,” respectively.

Which of these pronunciations do you think is the most accurate? Of course, they are all speaking in their own tongue.

The Connection Between Jesus and Zeus

The names Jesus and Zeus have absolutely nothing to do with each other. This hypothesis is based on fabrications and has made its way across the internet, where it has been joined by a slew of other false and misleading material.

More Than One Jesus in the Bible

Jesus Christ, in reality, was not the only Jesus mentioned in the Bible; there were other others. Jesus Barabbas is one of several people with the same name that are mentioned in the Bible. He is commonly referred to as just Barabbas, because he was the prisonerPilate was freed from instead of Jesus Christ: “Which one do you want me to release to you: Jesus Barabbas, or Jesus who is considered the Messiah?” Pilate inquired of the multitude after it had assembled. (Matthew 27:17, New International Version) In the genealogy of Jesus, an ancestor of Christ is referred to as Jesus (Joshua) in Luke 3:29, according to the Bible.

and Jesus, whose surname is Justus.

(Colossians 4:11, English Standard Version)

Are You Worshiping the Wrong Savior?

The Bible does not give preference to one language (or translation) over another in terms of significance. We are not required to invoke the Lord’s name entirely in Hebrew, as we are in other languages. Furthermore, it makes no difference how we say his name. And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved, according to the text of Acts 2:21. (ESV). God is aware of those who invoke his name, regardless of whether they do it in English, Portuguese, Spanish, or Hebrew.

See also:  Jesus When I Was Hungry

Matt Slickat, Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry, summarizes the situation as follows: “Some believe that if we do not pronounce Jesus’ name correctly, we are in sin and serving a false deity; however, this claim cannot be supported by Scripture.

Receiving the Messiah, God manifested in human, through faith is what distinguishes us as Christians.” So go ahead and call out in the name of Jesus with confidence.

Jesus or Yeshua?

Throughout the ages, a small number of Christian voices have persisted on emphasizing Jesus’ Jewishness as a central theme. 1 Already in the New Testament, we find that some Christians were attempting to construct a hybrid religion by maintaining Jewish practices and teachings. These attempts were greeted with scathing apostolic condemnation (e.g., Galatians 5:2; Colossians 2:16). Overall, as Christianity evolved from a predominantly Jewish to a predominantly Gentile religion, their voices became increasingly muffled and silenced.

  • One of the more spectacular assertions is the claimed “changing” of the name of God’s Son from Yeshua to Jesus, which has garnered widespread attention.
  • First and foremost, Jesus was a Jew.
  • As a result, Jesus (or Yeshua, if you prefer) spent His whole life under the Law of Moses as a Jew, as prescribed by the Torah.
  • Second, his given name in Hebrew was Y e hsha’, or most likely in Aramaic, Y e hsha’, as was his given name in English.

2 The New Testament, on the other hand, is not written in Aramaic or Syriac, but rather in the Greek language. And the English name “Jesus” is a transcription of the Latin name, which is based on the Greek name, which is based on the original Aramaic name, which is based on the Latin name.

Alleged Reasons for the Name “Change”

“Don’t take everything you read on the Internet at face value.” This maxim is taught to kids in third grade as well as college students. Despite this, it does not appear to be sinking in. The Internet is still full of sites that promote fictitious conspiracy theories claiming the name of God’s Son was altered from its pristine Hebrew form to its current perversion. People continue to read these sites. And here are a few of the most frequently cited reasons for this. In the first place, it is asserted that early Christians—even those who wrote the New Testament themselves—were racists.

  1. This is simply not correct.
  2. Galatians 2:15).
  3. Third, when racism is seen in the New Testament, it is almost often directed at Gentiles rather than Jews (Galatians 2:12-16; cf.
  4. Secondly, while some people would never level such an accusation as racism against the Apostles, they have no qualms about leveling this insult on the Catholic Church throughout the world.
  5. We have roughly 6,000 manuscripts of the Greek New Testament and approximately 19,000 manuscripts of the New Testament in other early languages, such as Syriac, Coptic, and Latin, among other things.
  6. The name of Jesus appears hundreds of thousands of times in these ancient records as a whole, and none of them allude to a conspiracy renaming of the historical figure.
  7. In addition, it is sometimes claimed that the name Jesus is an attempt to introduce paganism into the religion of Jesus Christ.

In no way, shape, or form. Not only was the New Testament not written in English or Spanish, but it was also written in Greek. In Greek, the phrase “hail Zeus” would bechaire zeu, which bears no phonetic connection to the word “Jesus” at all.

How Did We Get from Yeshua to Jesus?

Despite the fact that Jesus most likely grew up in Galilee hearing His name pronounced asYeshua, it is not the case that the Christian world transitioned fromYeshua toJesus. This is due to the fact that Yeshua and Jesus are not two distinct names, but rather two different pronunciations of the same name. Distinct languages have different ways of hearing sounds. Ahasuerus is how the Hebrews of ancient times referred to the Persian ruler, but Xerxes is how the Greeks referred to him in the same period (compare ESV with NIV in Ezra 4:6).

  1. Is it possible that each of these languages has changed your name?
  2. These languages are merely various ways of pronouncing the same name in different languages.
  3. The Aramaic letterYsha’ is represented by the Greek letterIsous.
  4. Many of those who argue in support of the superiority of the name Yeshua maintain that the Hebrew version of the name implies “salvation,” but the Greek form has no meaning at all.
  5. However, the name Peter-Petros-Pietros-Pierre-Pedro only has the meaning of “rock” in the Greek language.
  6. Second, Matthew had already felt the need to clarify the name of Jesus in his Gospel before he wrote his Gospel (Matthew 1:21).
  7. Do we have a moral need to follow in the footsteps of the inspired authors, who were satisfied to communicate through the medium of the Greek language while simultaneously offering explanations?
  8. An individual with the name of “Jesus son of Eliezer” is mentioned in the genealogy of Christ (Luke 3:29).
  9. For the final time in Greek transcription, the Old Testament hero Joshua is referred to as Isous, his name being virtually identical in Greek to the name of Jesus the Christ (Acts 7:45; Hebrews 4:8, KJV).


Technically speaking, if the New Testament had been written in Hebrew or Aramaic, Yeshua would have been the form that the authors would have used to address the audience. However, this was not the case. It was written in the Greek language. Consequently, the writers used the term as it was known in Greek to depict it. The name “Jesus,” in reality, was well-established in Greek translation asIsousthanks to the Septuagint, where it appears more than 250 times, and was well-known in the ancient world.

The fact that current theorists insist on using the name Yeshua indicates that they are fighting for a stance that the New Testament authors themselves did not hold.

Visitors visiting Israel will find that the name of Jesus is still pronounced “Yeshua” today, despite the passage of time.

However, he or she will not be able to locate this pronunciation in any place in the world, including China, Russia, Europe, North America, or South America. The way the name of Jesus is spelled and spoken is not a question of conspiracy, but rather of cultural preference.


1. See, for example, the book by Oskar Skarsaune and Reidar Hvalvik (2007), Jewish Believers in Jesus: The Early Centuries, which provides an accessible overview of some of the first attempts (Peabody, MA: Hendrickson). 2 Syriac is a language spoken in the Middle East that is closely connected to Aramaic. The first Syriac translations of the New Testament from Greek emerge in the fourth century A.D., according to tradition. Originally published on September 6, 2018 REPRODUCTION DISCLAIMERS: The reproduction of this material in part or in its full is permissible as long as the terms and conditions set out by the author and the publisher are followed.

The Name Jesus Christ Came as a Deception of Lucifer! (Part 1 of 2)

The name Jesus Christ was given as a result of Lucifer’s deception! (Part 1 of a 2-part series) Chris Bapuohyele is a musician from Nigeria. The existence of a Savior sent from Heaven to Earth for the purpose of delivering people from the shackles of sin and Lucifer is beyond question. That a Savior would be born in Israel, to save Israelites and all of mankind from sin, was announced over and over again in the Holy Scriptures—the only nation that Elohim, God Almighty, chose among all the nations of the Earth to make His will known for the good of all humanity—and over and over again in the Holy Scriptures.

  • The Savior was given a name, just as every other person born on this planet was.
  • In fact, the Savior, even in Heaven, was known by this same Hebrew name that had been given to him by his Father long before his “birth” on this planet!
  • Consequently, the Hebrew name of the Savior was the only name known by every angel in Heaven, and the only name acknowledged by Elohim for all transactions involving His Throne and the whole Universe, both before to and following the Savior’s arrival on Earth!
  • In fact, when this name is said in Heaven, tremendous and powerful things happen, and the sound of this name may be heard throughout the entire Universe!

As a result, Elohim sent an angel on two occasions—first to Yosef, the would-be foster father of His Son, and later to the Virgin Miryam, his would-be mother—with the express purpose of announcing this Hebrew name so that mankind, throughout the entire Earth and throughout history, would never make the mistake of calling him anything else (cf.

The Hebrew name for this person is “YESHUA,” which translates as “SALVATION.” This is how the Son of Elohim, whom He judged to be the only one worthy and capable of delivering mankind from Lucifer, was recognized and called by this Hebrew name during his entire existence on Earth, by everyone in Israel who had any contact with him!

  1. One of these titles is “HaMashiach,” which translates into English as “The Anointed One.” As a result, the Savior was universally recognized and referred to as “YESHUA HaMashiach” since he dealt with and linked to the whole nation of Israel.
  2. They did so through their testimonies or witnessing about him, through their preaching of his doctrines, as well as through the healings and miracles that they performed—all in the name of “YESHUA HaMashiach”!
  3. When the name YESHUA HaMashiach was uttered by holy disciples of the Savior, the power of Lucifer over mankind was broken, and demons were forced to leave the bodies of anybody who had been possessed by them up until that point!
  4. Starting in the year 30 CE, not long after the Savior’s ascension to Heaven, this exhibition of power in the name of YESHUA HaMashiach began and persisted until the early years of the fourth century, according to historical records.
  5. Lucifer took use of a variety of circumstances that existed at the time in order to forward his evil plan.
  6. This was the most serious condition at the time.
  7. In addition, there was the long-standing anti-Jewish attitude maintained by these same non-Israeli countries as well.

They were essentially telling Jews that they cherished their faith but despised their personalities because of their perceived superiority complex over them, and that they were making their compatriot Savior, YESHUA HaMashiach, born to save the entire world, their (Gentiles’) own by changing his name to look similar to their own Gentile name because they (Israelites) would not accept him.

In order to accomplish this, he persuaded some non-vigilant Gentile followers of YESHUA HaMashiach that such a translation would help popularize the Gospel message, or even make it more appealing, thereby making it more accessible to many, and would thereby speed the conversion of non-Jewish people on the face of the Earth to the Gospel message.

You can always count on Lucifer to try to con the decent and faithful followers of Elohim into helping him with his nefarious enterprise against Him!

The use of up to seventy Law-teachers of Israel to translate the Tanakh, or Old Covenant Hebrew Holy Scriptures, into Greek between 280 and 170 BCE was another trick accomplished by Lucifer.

Then, after using these seventy leaders of Israel to carry out his will by translating the Hebrew Holy Scriptures into Greek, Lucifer went back and doctored their work by also translating all of the Hebrew names and titles as well as feast names and some landmarks into Greek, thus defying the rule that names and titles, and indeed all proper nouns in any language, are never translatable into other languages!

(The closing section of this essay will be published in Part 2 of 2, which will be released shortly.) The author is also a Bible expositor and a published author. Website—

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