When Was Jesus Really Born Yahoo Answers

Was jesus really born of a virgin?

Anonymous wrote 13 years ago Favorite Response: No, just like his birth at Nazareth (which, according to historians, did not yet exist as a substantial community during the time of Jesus) and his ancestry from David, his virgin birth is likely to have been a fiction created to fit Jesus into Jewish predictions about the messiah. 113 years have passed. Anonymous According to the Septuagint, which was translated BEFORE the birth of Christ, Isaiah 7:14 was rendered as “a VIRGIN,” not “a young woman.” In addition, keep in mind that the chapter is written in the context of God sending a miraculous sign to confirm that Jesus is the Messiah.

A virgin giving birth to a child IS.

The Hebrew term for ‘young maiden’ was used in the original text, not the English word for ‘virgin,’ in the way that we understand it today.

113 years have passed.

  • The Holy Bible is not mistranslated, but rather misconstrued by the culture’s understanding of the language used to translate it.
  • Go to and scroll down to the section titled “Didn’t Matthew Misread Isaiah?” You will find compelling evidence that Mary was truly a virgin at the time of Jesus’ birth.
  • Christians would certainly reply yes, without a doubt, but it is also true that Mary, the mother of Jesus, did not remain a virgin throughout her life.
  • It is true, however, that Mary, Jesus’ mother, was a virgin when she gave birth to Jesus, as is often believed.
  • This would not have happened if it hadn’t been for God.
  • That is all there is to it.

If you don’t believe me, I won’t be able to persuade you.

Man, you’re going around in circles!

The New Testament is unambiguous; consider Luke 1.

You will be pregnant and will give birth to a son, whom you are to name Jesus, according to the scriptures “.

Nope, it’s either you believe or you don’t believe.

The following was the order of events surrounding the birth of Jesus Christ: He was discovered with a child of the Holy Ghost while Mary was engaged to Joseph, but before they were united as a couple.

20.However, while he was contemplating these things, behold, an angel of the Lord came to him in a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, fear not to take Mary as thy wife: for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost.

21. 21. As a result, she will give birth to a son, whom you must name JESUS, because he will rescue his people from their sins.0

Where Jesus was born where is Bethlehem?

In the Judean hamlet of Bethlehem, there is a baby. The location of Jesus’ birth was predicted in Bible prophecy: “You, O Bethlehem Ephrathah, the one too little to get to be among the thousands of Judah, from you will come out to me the one who is to become king in Israel.” * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * (Micah 5:2) Bethlehem was presumably considered to be too tiny to be included in the list of cities in the realm of Judah. Nonetheless, this small community would be bestowed with a singular accolade.

  1. The Bible says (Matthew 2:3-6); Take a look at what happened when Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea under the reign of Herod the Great.
  2. Because we noticed his star while traveling through the East, and we have come to pay our respects to him.
  3. Following his summoning together all of the prominent priests and scribes of the people, he enquired of them as to the location of the Christ’s nativity.
  4. A short stay in Egypt followed by a move to Nazareth, a city in the province of Galilee about 60 miles (96 kilometers) north of Jerusalem, where Jesus’ family lived for the next three years.
  5. Jesus grew raised in a big family, most likely in humble circumstances, in this gorgeous location, surrounded by farmers, shepherds, and fishermen going about their daily business, according to tradition.
  6. The Messiah would be “a Nazarene,” according to prophecy in the Bible.

11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Isaiah 11:1 Jesus was, in reality, a descendant of Jesse through David, who was his grandfather.

Interestingly, according to the Bible, Jesus’ existence began long before he was born in that squalid stable in Bethlehem.

“I have descended from the heights,” Jesus himself declared.

The miracle of transferring the life of Jehovah God’s heavenly Son into the womb of the Jewish virgin Mary was accomplished by the power of the holy spirit, allowing him to be born as a perfect human was accomplished via the power of the holy spirit.

A miracle of this magnitude is well within the reach of Almighty God. “With God, no proclamation will be impossible,” said the angel who spoke to Mary and described the situation. In Luke 1:35-37, the author describes the situation.

If Christ was born in the spring, why do we celebrate Christmas in December?

When Christ was born in the spring, why is Christmas celebrated in the winter? New Era, December 1974, pages 10–11. Answer/Brother Richard O. Cowan is an American businessman and philanthropist. Before we go any farther, let us go through how we know the Savior was born in April. On April 6, 1830 (a Tuesday), the Church was formed in accordance with revelation, marking the completion of “eighteen hundred and thirty years after the arrival of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the flesh.” (Deuteronomy 20:1.) As a result, we arrange general conference sessions on April 6 each year, not only to commemorate the anniversary of the Church’s founding, but also to commemorate the birth of the Savior.

A comparable witness can be found in the Book of Mormon.

(See 3 Ne 2:8 for further information.) In the next month, on the fourth day of the month, the sign of Christ’s crucifixion was revealed: “in the thirty-fourth year, in the month of January, on the fourth day of the month.” 3 Ne.

Because the New Testament claims that Christ was crucified during Passover, which occurs throughout that time of the year, this would have occurred in the early spring season.

“It could not have happened in January or December since flocks are not found in open areas throughout the night at this time of year.” Furthermore, a census that would have necessitated travel would not have been ordered during this time of year.” 1 So, why do we celebrate Christmas in the month of December, then?

  • This is what Pope Gregory (A.D.590–604) told these missionaries to remember: “Remember not to interfere with any traditional belief or religious observance that may be harmonized with Christianity,” he said.
  • A number of instances may be found in the celebration of Christmas.
  • As fall days got shorter and shorter, there was a terrifying superstition that the sun would eventually totally drop beyond the southern horizon and never return.
  • This prominent pagan festival was chosen by early Christian missionaries as a link between the birth of Christ and the celebration of the feast of the Nativity.

viewing the evergreen as a symbol of the everlasting Christ, in place of the leaf-dropping trees of paganism, the Christmas tree served as a substitute for sacred oaks and other trees utilized in pagan rituals.” When the wise men delivered frankincense, gold, and myrrh to Jesus, they were regarded as representing the green, gold, and red lamps that the heathen employed to seduce the sun-god to return to his throne.

3 As a result, according to theEncyclopedia Britannica, the celebration of Christmas “is accompanied by secular practices that are frequently derived from pagan roots.” 4 Some may wonder if we’re doing something wrong by celebrating Christmas in December.

Perhaps we should be more concerned with how we remember the Savior’s birth than than when we do it.

May we show our affection for others not just via thoughtful presents and greetings, but also by genuine acts of compassion and love for one another.

We have also had a special family night in which we read the Christmas narrative from the Bible and sang Christmas carols.


“If Christ was born in the spring, why do we celebrate Christmas in the winter?” says one. 10–11, New Era, December 1974 Answer/Brother Richard O. Cowan is an American businessman and philanthropist who lives in the United Kingdom. Before we go any farther, let us recap how we know the Savior was born in the month of April. On April 6, 1830 (a Tuesday), the Church was established in accordance with revelation, marking the completion of “eighteen hundred and thirty years after the arrival of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the flesh.” The first chapter of D C is 20:1.

It bears a comparable witness to this in the Book of Mormon.

) (See 3 Ne.

Once this occurred, a sign was provided to commemorate Christ’s crucifixion “in the thirty-fourth year of his reign, in the first month, on the fourth day of his reign.” In the third chapter of Nehemiah, verse 5, we are told that According to this calculation, the life of Jesus Christ on this earth lasted nearly precisely 33 years; consequently, his birth and crucifixion occurred within approximately the same season of the calendar year.

  1. Because the New Testament claims that Christ was crucified during Passover, which occurs around that time of year, this would have occurred in the early spring months.
  2. “It could not have happened in January or December, because at this time of year the flocks are not seen in open areas during the night.
  3. 1 So, what is it about Christmas that we celebrate in December?
  4. “Remember not to meddle with any traditional belief or religious observance that may be harmonized with Christianity,” Pope Gregory (A.D.
  5. 2 Many pagan concepts and rituals were imported into Christianity as a result of these instructions being given.
  6. This year’s Northern European Midwinter Festival took place on December 25, which was a highlight.
  7. Year every year, when December arrived, this anxiety was removed, and the inhabitants were ecstatic that the sun would once again shine down on their icy lands.
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The green, gold, and crimson lights that the pagan employed in their trees to encourage the sun-god to return were re-interpreted to represent the frankincense, gold, and myrrh that the three wise men presented to Jesus.

4 If we celebrate Christmas in December, some would wonder if we’re doing something wrong.

When it comes to celebrating the Savior’s birth, perhaps what is more important is how we do so rather than when we do it.

By gathering our family around us and reading and thinking on the lovely account of His birth, we may contribute to reversing the trend toward overcommercialization over the holiday season.

Please help us to display our love for God by worshiping Him in spirit and truth and by obeying His commands.

Another lovely family evening consisted of reading the Christmas story from the Bible and singing carols in our living room.

Jesus: Overview

In the first century A.D., Jesus of Nazareth was a Jewish carpenter and teacher who lived in Nazareth. Jesus is the Messiah (Anointed One) of Israel, and he is the Son of God. He was born as God in the flesh, lived among mankind, and taught the Jewish people about a “new covenant” that would replace the old one. Around the year 30 A.D., he was crucified by Roman authority. After his death, Jesus was buried, and on the third day, he rose from the dead to demonstrate his victory over death. Throughout his life and ministry, as well as through his miracles, death, and resurrection, Jesus Christ demonstrates his mission: He is both God and the Savior of the world.

Did Jesus Really Exist?

When Jesus of Nazareth lived in the first century A.D., he was a carpenter and a teacher. Jesus is the Messiah (Anointed One) of Israel, and he is also known as the Christ or the Anointed One. The Messiah was born as God in the flesh, lived among mankind, and taught the Jewish people about a “new covenant.” Around the year 30 A.D., he was crucified by the Romans. As soon as he died and was buried, Jesus appeared on the third day, demonstrating his ability to overcome death. He is the Son of God and the Savior of the world.

GenealogyBirth of Jesus

When the Holy Spirit covered his mother, Mary, Jesus was miraculously conceived without the involvement of a sexual partner (Luke 1:35). He was therefore born into a family that included some of the most well-known figures in the Old Testament, as well as a number of women. In the Gospels, there are two distinct genealogies that are recorded. In the Gospel according to Matthew (1:1–17), the lineage begins with Abraham and continues via King David until Jesus’ birth, which is most likely traced through Mary.

According to Jewish messianic prophecies (Jeremiah 23:5–6), we can see how Jesus was rightly referred to be the Son of David in both lineages.

Jesus’ LifeMinistry

During the Holy Spirit’s presence overshadowed Mary, Jesus was miraculously conceived without sexual connection (Luke 1:35). After that, he was born into a family that included some of the most well-known figures in the Old Testament, as well as a few female figures. According to the Gospels, there are two distinct genealogy recounted. In the Gospel according to Matthew (1:1–17), the lineage begins with Abraham and continues via King David until Jesus’ birth, which was most likely traced through Mary.

According to Jewish messianic prophecies (Jeremiah 23:5–6), we can see how Jesus was properly referred to as the Son of David in both genealogies.

Jesus’ TeachingMiracles

There were numerous topics covered in Jesus’ teachings, including love, the kingdom of God, repentance, non-hypocritical confidence in God, forgiveness, discipleship and prayer. He also spoke about marriage, divorce, everlasting judgment, and eternal life for those who believed. His preferred technique of imparting spiritual lessons was through “parables,” which are short tales intended to convey a spiritual message. The miracles performed by Jesus were another important component of his mission.

The objective of his miracles was to demonstrate that he had supernatural power over sickness, affliction, nature, and death, among other things. Among other things, Jesus accomplished the miracles listed below throughout his public ministry:

  • He transformed water into wine (John 2:1–11)
  • He healed a paralytic (Mark 2:1-12)
  • He healed a withered hand (Mark 3:1–3)
  • And he raised the dead (Luke 4:1–6). The following are examples of Jesus’ healing abilities: Calmed a storm (Mark 4:35–41)
  • Healed a servant from afar (Luke 7:1–10)
  • Revived a dead man (Luke 7:11–17)
  • Healed a bleeding woman (Luke 8:43–48)
  • Healed a man born blind (John 9:1–12)
  • Fed the multitudes (Matthew 14:13–21)
  • Walked on water

Sermon on the Mount

The Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5–7) is considered to be Jesus’ most famous sermon. Jesus put forth some of his most well-known teachings, including the Lord’s Prayer, in this collection of sayings. It is the longest continuous teaching discourse known in the New Testament, and it is delivered by Jesus himself. The discourse (Matthew 5:3–12) offered rewards to individuals who exhibited specific traits (for example, being poor in spirit and compassionate). It featured Jesus’ mission to fulfill the requirements of the Old Testament law (Matthew 5:17–20), among other things.

He also taught on a variety of other topics.

Biblical Sources for Jesus

The four Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) serve as the major source for information on Jesus’ life. Each of these biographies offers a unique viewpoint on the life and work of Jesus and his disciples. The Synoptic Gospels are the first three Gospels of the New Testament that are organized in a roughly chronological manner. The Gospel of John is organized more topically, with a strong emphasis on theological topics, than the other gospels. In addition, every other New Testament copy (with the exception of the letter of 3 John) refers to Jesus by his first and last names.

But there are certain references to events in Jesus’ life, particularly his death, burial and resurrection (for example, 1 Corinthians 15:1–11), which are worth noting.

Extra-biblical Sources for Jesus

There are several non-biblical texts that make reference to Jesus’ life. These ancient writings provide additional evidence for the historical accuracy of the biblical sources:

  • Pliny the Elder (A.D. 61–113), Suetonius (A.D. 69–140), Lucian of Samosata (A.D. 115–200), Celsus (A.D. 175), Jewish Talmud (A.D. 400-700), The Toledat Yeshu (A.D. 1000)
  • Mara-Serapion (A.D. 70)
  • Mara-Sera

The “Lost” Years of Jesus

“The lost years of Jesus’ life occurred between the time when a 12-year-old Jesus met with religious authorities (Luke 2:42–52) and the time when a 30-year-old Jesus began his earthly mission (Luke 2:53). (Luke 3:23). There is no indication of what Jesus accomplished during those years in the book of Matthew. Many have attempted to fill in the gaps in the tale. Some have speculated that he traveled to the United Kingdom (twelfth century A.D.). It has been stated that he traveled to India in 1869, while others have said that he traveled to Tibet, Persia, Assyria, Greece, and Egypt (1908).

All early biblical and extra-biblical sources agree that the man Jesus existed exclusively in first-century Roman Palestine, and that he was crucified there.

Was Jesus Married?

No, Jesus did not get married when he was on the planet.

Based on the Bible and early Christian literature, we have no basis to believe that he was married, and there are multiple grounds to conclude that he was not married based on those texts.

  • Jesus entrusted his mother to the care of the Apostle John—no mention of his wife is made (John 19:25–27)
  • Paul makes no reference of Jesus’ marriage when addressing Peter’s marriage (1 Corinthians 9:5)
  • And the Bible makes no mention of Jesus’ marriage at all. In contrast to any other woman, the church is referred to as “the bride of Christ” (Ephesians 5:23–32). Clement of Alexandria, an early bishop, confirmed Jesus’ singleness (The Stromata, III.6.49). Tertullian, another early Christian philosopher, referred to Jesus as “unmarried” in his On Monogamy, chapter 5.
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Jesus’ Death: Did He Really Die?

Jesus passed away at the conclusion of his earthly teaching career. The death of Jesus is recounted in all four Gospels, as well as in several New Testament epistles and other ancient sources. As a result of his crimes, he was executed by crucifixion, a punishment reserved for the most serious of criminals under Roman law. The Romans were quite effective at assassinating individuals. On the crucifixion, some skeptics have proposed that Jesus just “swooned,” rather than dying as is often believed.

The main source materials do not support this notion in any way.

Did the Disciples Just Hide His Body?

The idea that Jesus’ followers concealed his corpse after he died is another controversial viewpoint. These skeptics contend that the disciples removed Jesus’ body after his crucifixion and pretended that he had risen from the dead. According to Matthew 28:11–15, this was the account the Jewish officials concocted in order to avoid punishing the soldiers who guarded the tomb for misplacing Jesus’ body after his death. With this idea, there are a number of difficulties. For starters, no one steals the corpses of Roman troops.

Furthermore, the Apostles would have been the most likely perpetrators of the conspiracy.

Few individuals are willing to die for their beliefs, but no one is willing to die for something they know to be a lie.

The disciples did not conceal the corpse of Jesus.

Jesus’ Resurrection

Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after he was laid in the tomb (Luke 24:6–7), according to the Bible. The resurrection of Jesus from the grave is mentioned in each of the four Gospel accounts. After a torturous execution, Jesus was raised from the dead and given a new, exalted body. The main difference between his new body and his former body was that he could appear in the middle of his disciples (John 20:19, 20:26). But it was comparable to his former body in that he was still able to eat fish (Luke 24:42–43), which was a good thing.

Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?

C.S. Lewis posits a trilemma in his book Mere Christianity, which has to do with the essence of Jesus. There are only three plausible options when it comes to making a decision regarding Jesus, as Lewis asked them to do. One of three things happened: he was lying, insane, or the Lord he claimed to be. It is my hope that this will prevent anyone from stating the very ridiculous thing that people often say about Jesus: “I’m willing to accept Jesus as a wonderful moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God.” That is the one thing we are not allowed to mention.

He would either be a lunatic, on a par with the man who claims to be a poached egg, or he would be the Devil of Hell, depending on your point of view.

Either this man was and continues to be the Son of God, or he is a lunatic or something far worse.

You have a choice. But let us refrain from making up any nonsense about His being a wonderful human teacher in order to be condescending. That is not something he has left available to us. He had no intention of doing so.

Is Jesus God?

Yes, Jesus is God’s Son, as the saying goes. By virtue of the fact that Jesus has the titles, qualities, and authority of God; that he performs the acts of God; and that he is worshipped as God, he must be regarded as God (John 20:28). God exists in three persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit. God is one God existing in three persons: God the Father, God the Son (Jesus), and God the Holy Spirit Jesus’ divinity is also explicitly taught in Scripture on a number of different instances.

The author of Hebrews taught Jesus’ divinity (Hebrews 1:8), and the apostle Paul affirmed Jesus’ divinity as well (Romans 1:20).

In John 1:1, however, the most dramatic confirmation of Jesus’ divinity is found, in which John declares that Jesus was God from the beginning of creation: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”

Conclusion: The Good News of Jesus

Finally, even though Jesus Christ was completely pure, he was subjected to death and God the Father’s rightful anger towards sinners on the cross in order to atone for mankind’s guilt. He died in order to meet the just demands of God’s righteousness and justice, which he received from his Father. Jesus was the most suitable sacrifice. He died on a crucifixion, but on the third day, he rose from the dead, victorious over death, allowing everyone who really believe in Him, repent of their sin, and place their reliance in Him (rather than in their own worth) to be reconciled to God and live for eternity with their Creator in His presence.

Who Was Jesus?

What do we know about Jesus, and how do we know it? (Photo courtesy of Shutterstock.) According to the Christian Gospels and early Christian texts, Jesus was the Messiah (Christ), the Son of God who was killed for the sins of humanity before returning from the dead. In the Gospels, it is claimed that Jesus, who was born in 4 B.C., was able to accomplish miraculous feats such as healing a broad range of ailments merely by touching or speaking to people. Among his other alleged abilities were the capacity to walk on water, make enormous quantities of fish and bread in an instant, raise the dead, rise from the dead himself, calm storms, and expel demons from individuals.

Was he a genuine person or a fictional character?

A major challenge in trying to understand who Jesus was and what he was like is that the first texts that discuss Jesus were written around 100 years after his death — although it is likely that they were copied from documents that were written around the same time as Jesus — making it difficult to know what Jesus was really like.

instead. Despite several obstacles, modern archaeological and historical research has enabled historians to throw light on some elements of Jesus’ life, including his physical appearance and the conditions of living in his hometown of Nazareth, which were previously unknown.

Birth and early life

According to the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, Jesus was born in Bethlehem to Mary, who was a virgin at the time of his birth. Scholars disagree on the exact year of Jesus’ birth, although they largely agree that it occurred between 7 B.C. and 1 B.C. According to academics, the legend of Jesus’ birth on December 25 did not begin until centuries later, and there is no evidence that he was actually born on that day. The Gospel of Matthew tells the story of how magi (a term that is sometimes translated as “wise men”) traveled from the east, following the star of Bethlehem (which some scientists have speculated could be a comet from the planet Venus), and brought gifts for the infant Jesus, including gold, frankincense, and myrrh for his parents.

  • According to the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus and his family survived by fleeing to Egypt and not returning until after Herod’s death.
  • The Gospels chronicle the story of Jesus’ childhood in Nazareth, where he lived with his mother, Mary, her husband, Joseph, and Jesus’ siblings and cousins.
  • After reaching adulthood, the Gospel of Mark reports that Jesus worked as a carpenter, and that there was a tension between Jesus and his family at the time.
  • Mark 6:4 says that a prophet is not without respect unless and until he is recognized in his own town, among his family, and in his own house.
  • at Nazareth was made as a result of recent archaeological excavation.
  • It seems from archaeological evidence that the residents of first-century Nazareth were Jewish and less prone to accept Greco-Roman culture than the people who lived in the adjacent town of Sepphoris, according to archaeological evidence.
  • (Photo courtesy of Noyan Yalcin/Shutterstock.com)


Generally speaking, academics think that Jesus did not commit himself fully to his mission until he was around 30 years old. According to the biblical narrative, Jesus had not been ministering for very long when he was killed, which suggests that he had not been ministering for very long. According to the Gospel narratives, Jesus spent the most of his ministry in the region around Galilee. In their accounts, Jesus is described as typically avoiding luxury, being content to converse with “tax collectors” and “sinners,” favoring the poor, and clashing regularly with Jewish religious officials who questioned his claim that he was the Messiah.

  1. He had disagreements with his 12 followers from time to time, criticizing them when they shown a lack of faith or perseverance.
  2. Following their inability to expel a “unclean demon” from a youngster, Jesus became enraged.
  3. ‘How much longer am I going to put up with you?'” 9:19 in the Gospel of Mark.
  4. There will be earthquakes in a number of locations, as well as famines.” Mark 13:8 is a passage from the Bible that explains how to be a Christian.
  5. After that, the leaders brought Jesus before Pontius Pilate, the Roman prefect (governor) of Judea, where he was placed on trial for his actions.
  6. Following Jesus’ crucifixion and burial in a tomb, legend has it that Jesus awoke from his death and returned to life.
  7. In the years 26 to 37 A.D., Pontius Pilate served as governor of Judea, and the execution of Jesus would have taken place at some point during that time period.

Following new study by Joan Taylor, it has been suggested that Jesus was of normal height, with short black hair and brown eyes, as well as olive-brown complexion. (Image credit: Painting by Cathy Fisher, depicting Jesus with shorter garments and hair in conformity with the latest results.)

What did Jesus look like?

Recent study undertaken by Joan Taylor, professor of Christian Origins and Second Temple Judaism at King’s College London, has provided us with a glimpse of what Jesus could have looked like in his day. Her study reveals that Jesus was around 5 feet 5 inches tall, had olive-brown complexion and black hair, and likely kept his beard and hair short and well-trimmed in order to keep lice out, which was a big problem at the time of his ministry. Taylor writes in her book “What Did Jesus Look Like?” that Jesus’ occupation as a carpenter and the fact that he went on foot, along with the fact that Jesus was likely unable to eat regular meals, meant that he was likely skinny yet fairly strong (T T Clark, 2018).

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In any case, he shouldn’t be portrayed as someone who was content with his lot in life; unfortunately, that’s the type of picture we sometimes receive.” Additional materials are available at:

  • According to the Biblical Archaeology Society, you can learn more about Jesus’ life. Smithsonian Magazine has an article on recent archaeological discoveries that have given light on the enigma of Jesus. When Was the Tomb of Christ Discovered? Watch this video to find out. originating from National Geographic

Owen Jarus is a writer for Live Science who specializes in archaeology and all topics relating to the history of mankind. A bachelor of arts degree from the University of Toronto and a journalism degree from Ryerson University are among Owen’s qualifications. He loves learning about fresh research and is always on the lookout for an interesting historical story.

ScidoAmafreikis (u/ScidoAmafreikis)

Deal with the troll as soon as possible before it is too late. Every question on th.answers.yahoo.com includes a large number of blank responses (which may be entered using the space bar); this suggests that the question was posted by someone like Shadowfire in order to score points for his troll accounts. The Christian Lord God is constantly addressed as “lord” or “god” in his queries and responses; in other words, when using appropriate grammar throughout his terrible blasphemous discourse, he purposefully writes these two terms in lower case letters.

  • These might be his social media accounts: Summer of night omega crow, Jamarcus Weeks,Lord Shadowfire, Carter Berg, Madam Sin Bin, Aravah, Miguel, ThatToiletguy, Tublet Huglet are various names that may be used to refer to James Blackthorne from 1979.
  • Gant, Fullofpoop, Shadowfire the Sarcastic, Pope of Atheist God, L.E.
  • Gant, Fullofpoop, Shadowfire the Sarcastic, L.E.
  • Gant, Fullofpoop, Shadowfire the Sar Jimson C.
  • Corvia Blackthorne, Shadowfire Lives, Shadowfire Lives bytches, Corvia Blackthorne, Shadowfire Lives Doc Martens are for the girl who likes to dress up.
  • With one of his identities, Fireball, he claims to be a Methodist old lady who sends short-hand slang TIRH (Third International Romance Language) messages (this is religion here).
  • He trolls in a variety of other categories as well.
  • Using the handle Toilet John, he continues to pose queries about the location where Jesus was sodomized by Roman troops.
  • That’s why Shadowfire keeps publishing hundreds of inquiries along the lines of “Did Romans sodomize Jesus?” and other similar questions.

as well as, “Did the Romans buttfck Jesus before he was crucified?” or “Did the Romans buttrape Jesus?” “Did Jesus spend his final hours feasting on Roman dung, sucking Roman cocks, and juggling one erect dick after another up his buttocks?” or “Did Jesus spend his final hours consuming Roman feces, sucking Roman cocks, and juggling one erect dick after another up his buttocks?” or “Is it true that the Romans ruthlessly sodomized Jesus, shat in his neck, peed in his anus, and left him dripping wet?” His only goal is to collect points by asking a series of foolish banal questions such as “Is Hinduism true?” and “What causes a girl to harden?” and then answering them with his sock puppet accounts.

  1. Some queries, as you can see, he responded to with a number of accounts, such as five or seven (especially the ones about himself that he reports right away).
  2. With his Magistra account, he scares individuals with clowns and CIA assassins in order to gain their cooperation.
  3. For blasphemy, he should be put to death by firing squad and burnt at the stake.
  4. The Antichrist will enter the Third Temple on the back of a donkey.
  5. The Antichrist is a gay flying wizard who was born of a prostitute and who would ride a donkey into the Third Temple in the city of Jerusalem.
  6. According to scholar Grigoriy Klimov, prostitutes are equal to lesbians are equal to witches; as a result, the mother of the antichrist is a witch, a lesbian, and a prostitute.
  7. As previously stated, he is an outcast since his mother is a prostitute who works with both Jews and Hindus.

Take heed and don’t be duped by this schmuck and his bogus miracles that attempt to imitate the works of Jesus Christ!

When demons pretend to be extraterrestrials, Shadowfire makes the claim that he is an extraterrestrial raven.

Please, I implore you, assist me.

It’s filthy, really filthy!

Approximately how many children were murdered when pregnant mothers engaged in combat?

Most likely a great deal. It is for this reason that female fighting should be prohibited. Not to add the fact that children who are not baptized go to damnation. Pray the prayer of schema-nun Antonia to save them from damnation, and please forgive me.

r/funny – Yahoo Answers never cease to amaze me.

This discussion has been closed. No new comments or votes may be submitted, and no new votes can be cast. 1st grade The question was asked only a few moments ago. The first response was sent 22 seconds ago. The second response was just 16 seconds ago. The third solution was just released a few seconds ago. I’m not sure I believe what you’re saying. 1st grade When it comes to Jesus, the fictitious character idea makes people look stupid. You may debate whether he was the son of God or not, but he was a real person, and Christianity didn’t just appear out of nowhere.

They have to be honest with themselves.

level 1Does Yahoo Answers continue to be used?

FTFY 1st grade I honestly don’t get how snarking off like that can be deemed amusing or not regarded terribly narrow-minded and snobbish.


I’m not sure if his working-class upbringing would have made it more difficult for him to learn to read and write, though.

That’s one of the problems with atheists who are just plain stupid.

level 2I’m rather certain he cited from the Bible, which would indicate that he was literate.

For example, I don’t believe people in his day had any need for people’s names written down on paper.

But, on the other hand, if you start adopting the Bible as a source of information or history, you’re also accepting all kinds of bizarre claims.

At the first level, it has been established that Jesus Christ existed at some point in time; nevertheless, it has not been shown that he was the son of God.

1st grade I have a truckload of bibles with autographs from Jesus.

Each book costs $100, or $200 if you want a personalized copy. Because he is all-knowing, he would have anticipated that you would want it customized and would have signed it accordingly. I only need your name so that I may locate your copy of the book. Operators are standing ready to assist you!

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