What Were The Last Words Of Jesus

Reflecting on the Seven Last Words of Christ

During this time of reflection on Christ’s sacrifice on Good Friday, the Seven Last Words of Jesus provide us with tremendous insight into His thinking as He took on all of mankind’s sins in one act. By uttering these words, He forgives His adversaries as well as the contrite thief. He also calls out to God, announcing the conclusion of His earthly existence. I hope that this quick contemplation may be of use to you as you observe Good Friday.

The First Word

“Father, forgive them, for they are completely unaware of what they are doing.” 23:34 (Luke 23:34) The Father already knows what the Son is thinking, but through these words, the Father and Son invite us to share in their thoughts as well as their understanding. They draw our attention to the fact that forgiveness is made available to us through this sacrifice, and that it is through forgiveness that we are set free from the sin and lies that have entrapped us.

The Second Word

“Amen, I say to you, today you shall be with me in paradise,” the narrator says. Luke 23:43 (NIV) When the contrite thief admitted his sin and evil, Christ accepted him and welcomed him into his kingdom. Our redemption is also possible if we recognize our own depravity.

The Third Word

“Woman, have a look at your son. “Son, take a look at your mother.” John 19:26–27 (KJV) When we hear this term, our attention is drawn away from the drama of the crucifixion and onto those who stand at its foot. She is established as John’s mother as well as our mother in the faith as a result of this event.

The Fourth Word

“My God, My God, why have you deserted me?” says the narrator. Matthew 27:46 (KJV) Mark 15:34 is a biblical passage. Psalm 22 is being quoted by Jesus. Through the Word, Christ expresses his acceptance of His suffering to the Father. That Psalm, like Christ’s suffering, will come to a conclusion of victory and hope. Christ does not give himself to the Father; rather, Christ abandons himself to the Father of his own volition.

The Fifth Word

“I have a thirst.” John 19:28 (NIV) Mother Teresa’s ministry began when Jesus appeared to her and instructed her to build a community that would fulfill His need for souls. This was the beginning of her ministry. As an analogy, we witness Jesus’ thirst at the cross, not only on a bodily level, but also on a spiritual level, indicating His desire for us to know and love Him.

The Sixth Word

“It has been completed.” Matthew 27:46 (KJV) Mark 15:34 is a biblical passage. Creation is being healed as a result of the words we have just read. The Father’s wrath has been appeased. We are given freedom, cleanliness, and grace as a result of His compassion being conveyed to the people of God.

The Seventh Word

Father, I entrust my spirit into Your care. ” Luke 23:46 (NIV) For the sake of all of us, Jesus bends His head and hands up His spirit to His Father. This historic and wonderful moment indicates that the past has come to an end, and that a bright future awaits everyone who choose to embrace it.

When Jesus was crucified, it pointed the way forward to a road of hope that would lead the saved to an unending future with Jesus, His Father, and the Holy Spirit. The following is an adaptation of the Basilica’s 2018 Lenten Reflection Series.

The Seven Last Words of Jesus from the Cross Explained

Christian’s pause on Good Friday to reflect on the magnitude of Jesus’ sacrifice for us in suffering a humiliating and gruesome death by crucifixion is an annual tradition. In this season, we should take time to reflect on what Jesus went through for us, in all of its agony and intensity, rather than racing headlong into the good news of Easter, resurrection, and new life.

The Last Words of Jesus

Christians have historically thought on Good Friday by reading and pondering on the seven final words of Jesus as he hung on the cross, which have been a part of their tradition for centuries. The following are the last words spoken by Jesus before he died on the cross, according to Luke: At this point, it was around the sixth hour, and there was complete darkness over all of the area until nearly nine hours later, when the sun’s light vanished. And the temple’s curtain was split in two by the earthquake.

(See also Luke 23:44)

Significance of Jesus Last Words

In this text, Jesus’ final words are recounted in a poignant manner. All things considered, Jesus’ labor on the crucifixion had almost been completed when he cried out, “Father, into your hands I submit my spirit!” This statement effectively completed the job. A conversation Jesus had with religious leaders regarding his position in God’s grand plan is where the meaning of Jesus’ remark comes from: “I am the good shepherd,” he said. The sheep know who I am, and I know who they are, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I am willing to lay down my life for them.

  • I’ll have to bring them along as well, and perhaps they’ll pay attention to my voice.
  • Since of this, the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in the hope that I will be able to pick it up again.
  • I have the authority to put it down and I also have the authority to pick it up and put it down again.
  • He had been assigned a specific job by God.
  • As it was Jesus’ God-given job to lay down his life, it was also Jesus’ decision whether or not to do so.
  • According to Luke 22:39, Jesus spends a stressful evening in prayer, dealing with the gravity of the mission that lies before of him.

The Seven Last Statements of Jesus

1. According to Matthew 27:46, at around the ninth hour, Jesus cried out, “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?” 2. 2. “Father, please forgive them since they are completely unaware of what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). ‘By interceding on their behalf through this prayer, Jesus fulfilled an Old Testament prophesy that had been prophesied hundreds of years before by the prophet Isaiah.’ This prayer, particularly from the cross, would have served as a confirmation of His identity to people who had been looking forward to the coming of their beloved messiah, as predicted by the prophets of God.” Author Amy Swanson explains why Jesus said “Father Forgive Them” in her book Why Did Jesus Say “Father Forgive Them.” 3.

  • I swear to you that from this day forward, you’ll be with me in paradise (Luke 23:43).
  • Jesus was blameless, without sin, and was not the perpetrator of such a heinous killing.
  • As a result, Jesus’ response to the criminal was deep, as He assured this sinner that he, too, would enter the gates of Heaven and dwell in Paradise that same day!
  • “Dear Woman, here is your kid!” and “Here is your mother!” are both phrases that are heard.
  • (See also John 19:26–27.) It was through Jesus that His loving mother and His beloved disciple were able to form a new friendship.
  • “I’m a little thirsty” (John 19:28).
  • Yet another possible connection would be to draw a relationship between this remark and Christ’s invitation to those who are thirsty to come and drink from the fountain of life (Revelation 22:17).

Jesus’ declaration of thirst comes from a point of bodily fatigue on the part of the disciples.

Jesus speaks of his own thirst as a way of expressing a genuine human desire for nutrition and comfort.

Kyle Norman, What is the Meaning and Significance of Jesus Saying “I Thirst?” 6.

” (See John 19:30.) The mission that His Father had given Him to carry out, which included teaching the Gospel, performing miracles, and bringing His people back together, was successfully completed.

With the words “it is finished,” Jesus is stating that not only does He take away man’s sin, but that He has now removed it as far as the east is from the west, because it has been completed, completed, signed, and sealed because of the blood of Jesus.


(Luke 23:46)Jesus gladly offered his life for the sake of others.

He made the decision not to do so.

This statement is a straight quotation from the passage of Scripture in which it is found.

“I surrender my spirit into your hands; you have redeemed me, O LORD, trustworthy God,” I commit my spirit into your hands, and you have redeemed me, O LORD, loyal God.” (Excerpt from “Father, into your hands I surrender my spirit,” by Bethany Verrett, from Beautiful Meaning Behind “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit”).

  • This was a terrible and difficult assignment, yet Jesus volunteered to take on the challenge.
  • In the hands of those who crucified him, Jesus was not helpless; he was the only one who had the authority to put an end to his life.
  • (Revelation 13:8).
  • It is still a heinous crime against humanity.

Despite the fact that Jesus yielded, this does not imply that all was well. Death was visited upon the creator of life by nefarious men (Acts 2:23). Jesus, on the other hand, submitted to wickedness and injustice because he understood who was actually in power.

Saved by the Blood of Christ

The tale does not end here; there is still hope, which we commemorate on Easter Sunday. But for the time being, let us take a minute to remember the agonizing sacrifice of our Lord and Savior. You can express your gratitude to Jesus for his unwavering love and loyalty, which prompted him to lay down his life as a ransom for your sins. According to the website Crosswalk.com, “In Christianity, Easter is celebrated on the third day following the crucifixion as the celebration of Jesus’ resurrection from the grave.

  1. Remembering the resurrection of Jesus is a powerful way to reaffirm our everyday optimism that we have won the battle against sin.
  2. Justin Holcomb is an Episcopal priest who also serves as a theology professor at Reformed Theological Seminary and Knox Theological Seminary in Knoxville, Tennessee.
  3. Besides that, he is the editor of the book Christian Theologies of Scripture.
  4. Image courtesy of Getty Images/BulentBARIS.
  5. What is the significance of Maundy Thursday?
  6. What is the significance of Holy Saturday?
  7. At Easter, the Son of God took on the sins of the world and beat the devil, death, and the grave in a single battle.
  8. It is through the characters in The Characters of Easter that you will become familiar with the unusual group of regular people who were present to witness the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection.
  9. It is available for download now.

7 Last Words Jesus Christ Spoke on the Cross

During the final hours of his life on the cross, Jesus Christ delivered seven final utterances. These statements are cherished by Christ’s disciples because they provide a look into the depths of his suffering in order to bring about salvation. They are recorded in the Gospels between the time of his crucifixion and the time of his death, and they demonstrate both his divinity and humanity.

These seven final remarks of Jesus are given here in chronological order to the extent that it is feasible to do so based on the approximate sequence of events depicted in the Gospel accounts.

1) Jesus Speaks to the Father

23:34 (Luke 23:34) He then replied to the Father, “Father, pardon them, for they have no idea what they are doing.” (According to the New International Version of the Bible (NIV), this is how it is rendered.) Throughout his ministry, Jesus demonstrated his ability to forgive sins. The forgiveness of both foes and friends was something he had taught his students. Jesus was now putting into reality what he had preached, forgiving his own tormentors. The heart of Jesus, even in the midst of his great agony, was focused on others rather than on himself.

2) Jesus Speaks to the Criminal on the Cross

Luke 23:43 (NIV) In all seriousness, today you will join me in paradise, I swear to you.” (NIV) Unknown to the rest of the convicts who were crucified with Christ, one of them recognized Jesus and professed confidence in him as Savior. As Jesus convinced the dying man of his forgiveness and eternal salvation, we witness God’s grace being poured forth via faith in this scene. In fact, Jesus assured the thief that he would enjoy eternal life with Christ in paradise that same day, and he would not even have to wait.

3) Jesus Speaks to Mary and John

John 19:26 – John 19:27 In response to the presence of his mother and the adjacent presence of the disciple whom he cherished, Jesus addressed his mother as “Dear lady, here is your son,” and the beloved disciple as “Here is your mother.” (NIV) When Jesus looked down from the cross, he was still overwhelmed with the concerns of a son for his mother’s material needs on the terrestrial plane. Because none of his brothers were there to care for her, he delegated this responsibility to the Apostle John.

4) Jesus Cries Out to the Father

Matthew 27:46 (KJV) In the ninth hour, Jesus shouted out in a loud voice, “Elim Eli, lama Sabachthani?” (Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? “My God, My God, why have You deserted Me?” says the speaker. (This is the translation from the New King’s James Version, also known as the NKJV.) Mark 15:34 is a biblical passage. Then about three o’clock in the afternoon, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which translates as “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” NLT stands for New Living Translation, and it is a translation of the New Testament.

And, although much has been speculated about the meaning of this word, it was abundantly clear that Christ was in anguish as he announced his separation from God.

5) Jesus Is Thirsty

John 19:28 (NIV) Jesus saw that everything had come to a close, and in order to fulfill the Scriptures, he declared, “I am thirsty.” According to Matthew 27:34 and Mark 15:23, Jesus declined the first drink of vinegar, gall, and myrrh (Matthew 27:34 and Mark 15:23) that was offered to ease his pain.

In this passage however, we find Jesus fulfilling amessianic prophesy contained in Psalm 69:21, which reads as follows: “They offer me a glass of sour wine to quench my thirst.” (NLT)

6) It Is Finished

In John 19:30, Jesus says “It is completed!” he said. (New Living Translation)Jesus understood that he was being crucified for a reason. He had previously said in his life, in John 10:18, that “No one can take it away from me, but I choose to put it down of my own free will. I have the authority to put it down and the authority to pick it back up again if necessary. This is a directive that I got from my Father.” In the New International Version, these three words were densely packed with meaning because what was completed here was not only Christ’s earthly life, not only his suffering and death, not only the payment for sin and the redemption of the world, but also the very reason and purpose for which he had come to earth.

See also:  When Did Nicodemus Come To See Jesus

The Scriptures had been brought to completion.

7) Jesus’ Last Words

Luke 23:46 (NIV) When Jesus cried out in a loud voice, he was saying, “Father, I submit my spirit into your hands.” When he had finished speaking, he took his last breath. Here, Jesus ends with the words of Psalm 31:5, in which he addresses God the Father. (NIV) In his entire reliance on his heavenly Father, we may see him at his most vulnerable. As he had done every day of his life, Jesus approached death in the same manner in which he had lived: by offering his life as a perfect sacrifice and leaving himself in the hands of God.

What were the seven last words of Jesus Christ on the cross and what do they mean?

QuestionAnswer Following are the seven remarks that Jesus Christ made while hanging on the cross (in no particular order): “Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?” Jesus cried out with a loud voice about the ninth hour in Matthew 27:46, which translates as “My God, my God, why have you left me?” in English. God had to “turn away” from Jesus due to the sins of the entire world being thrown on Him, and as a result, God had to communicate His sentiments of abandonment by saying, “I feel abandoned.” While Jesus was bearing the weight of sin on His shoulders, He was also experiencing the single time in all of eternity that He would be separated from God.

  • It is possible that those who executed Jesus were not fully aware of the gravity of what they were doing since they did not recognize Him as the Messiah.
  • (3) “I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise,” the narrator states (Luke 23:43).
  • This was given because the offender had shown his trust in Jesus, recognizing Him for who He truly was, even at the hour of his execution, and the court ruled in his favor (Luke 23:42).
  • Christ’s ready surrender of His soul into the Father’s care indicates that He was going to die – and that God had accepted His offering of Himself.
  • (5) “Dear Lady, please accept this as your son!” “Here is your mother!” says the other.
  • And it was at that point that John accepted her into his own house (John 19:26-27).
  • (6) ” I’m a little thirsty ” (John 19:28).
  • Having shown thirst, He encouraged the Roman soldiers to administer vinegar, which was usual at the crucifixion, therefore fulfilling the prophesy of the elders of Israel.

(See John 19:30.) Jesus’ final remarks indicated that His suffering had come to an end and that the whole task His Father had assigned Him to do, which included preaching the Gospel, performing miracles, and obtaining eternal salvation for His people, had been completed, achieved, and fulfilled.

The obligation owed to the devil was satisfied. Return to the previous page: Questions concerning the deity of Jesus Christ What were the seven last words spoken by Jesus Christ before he died on the cross, and what did they symbolize?

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Jesus’ Final Sayings From the Cross • EFCA

I say “I love you” at the end of every conversation I have with my family members. It is my hope that my final words as a spouse, father or grandfather would be those of love if something happens to me. These are deliberate words, not a slap on the wrist. Words uttered to others are important, and the last or final words spoken appear to have even more significance. It has the feel of a final will and testament, despite the fact that it is expressed in the context of love rather than a contract.

  1. God’s promises were reaffirmed by Jacob (Gen.
  2. When Jesus gave his farewell address to his followers in the Upper Room, on the way up to the Mount of Olives, on the way to the crucifixion, he followed a similar pattern (Jn.
  3. What came before this was Jesus washing the feet of his followers, an acted parable that conveyed truth in both speech and deed, and the declaration of his betrayal (Jn.
  4. The Scriptures also include the real last words said by Jesus from the crucifixion, which are recorded in the Gospels.
  5. “These seven pre-death sayings do not establish a unity, but rather address seven quite diverse situations,” writes Murray J.
  6. They are unlike any other final remarks delivered by a leader that has ever been recorded in the history of the world.
  7. Despite the fact that these sayings are not delivered in a single last goodbye address, they are not ad hoc.

Everything about Jesus’ person, life, and mission was planned and orchestrated with great care.

In this way, God’s wrath against all humanity would be placed on God the Son, propitiation would be completed, and expiation, or the removal of sins, would be possible.

Throughout history, Jesus has/has been the perfect representation and replacement.



10:18; 19:11).

10:18; 19:11).

Acts 3:13-17; 4:27-28).

Acts 3:13-17; 4:27-28).

John captured Jesus’ love for is own in that “he loved them to the end” (Jn.

10:5-7; cf. Ps. 40:8) and he submitted to his will, which is seen supremely in the Garden of Gethsemane on his way to the cross (Matt. 26:39, 42). (Matt. 26:39, 42). These words of Jesus must be read and understood with all of this in mind.

  1. I always end every conversation with my family members with the phrase “I love you.” Ideally, if something were to happen to me, I would want my final words said as a spouse, parent, or grandpa to be filled with love. It’s important to note that these are deliberate, not accidental, terms. Even the last or final words uttered to another person have significance, and it appears that they have even more significance. Even though it is said in the context of love, rather than as part of a legal agreement, it has the feel of a final will and testament. This is also true in terms of the Bible. God’s promises were reaffirmed by Jacob (Gen. 47:29-49:33) and by David (1 Chronicles 28:1-29:20) in their farewell addresses, which served as a reminder to their followers to keep God’s promises and remain faithful. While traveling to the Mount of Olives, Jesus gave a farewell address to his followers in the Upper Room. It was around this time that Jesus was preparing to go to the crucifixion (Jn. 13:31-16:33). Jesus’ washing of his disciples’ feet, an enacted parable that conveyed truth in both speech and deed, and the announcement of his betrayal came before this point in the narrative (Jn. 13:1-30). Jesus’ exact final words, spoken from the cross, are also recorded in the Scriptures. In the Gospel narratives, they are not delivered in the form of a farewell message, and they are found in seven distinct places: three in Luke, one each in Matthew and Mark, and three in John. “These seven pre-death sayings do not establish a unity, but rather address seven quite diverse situations,” writes Murray J. Harris in The Seven Sayings of Jesus on the Cross: Their Circumstances and Meaning (Eugene, Oregon: Cascade, 2016), p. xiv. They are unlike any other final remarks delivered by a leader that has ever been recorded in the history of recorded speech. Despite the fact that they are extraordinarily brief and emotional, they are not personal words of farewell delivered to all of his disciples, and they are said in the middle of extended dying throes.” What Jesus Said in His Last Words Take a thoughtful look at each of these verses, attempting to grasp the context, circumstances, and underlying meaning of each. These sayings are not said in a single final goodbye address, and they are not picked out at random from the internet. Jesus’ words on the cross are repeated again and over again. It was all for a reason that Jesus was born, lived, and ministered on the earth. This was the plan, even on the cross, and it was most clearly demonstrated on the crucifixion, to redeem, restore, and rescue sinful, condemned people from their sins. In this way, God’s anger against all people would be laid on God the Son, propitiation would be fulfilled, and expiation, or the eradication of sins, would be possible. God and man are one in Jesus Christ, who is genuinely and completely God. As the ideal representation and replacement, Jesus is/was. He was destined to perish (1 Jn. 4:9-10). No one was responsible for his death (Jn. 10:18
  2. 19:11). Despite the fact that mankind was held accountable, it was all part of God’s plan (Acts 2:23-24
  3. Cf. Acts 3:13-17
  4. 4:27-28). The crucifixion is the most visible representation of God’s love, holiness, justice, and wrath on the world. “He loved them to the end,” John said of Jesus’ love for his disciples, which could also be said of his love for the Father, who he delighted to do his will (Heb. 10:5-7
  5. See also Ps. 40:8) and who he submitted to on his way to the cross, which is seen supremely in the Garden of Gethsemane on his way to the cross (Matt. 26:39, 42). All of this must be taken into consideration while reading and understanding Jesus’ remarks.

What is it about these sayings that we find interesting? Harris, who is 89 years old, emphasizes a number of significant points. The first three statements were spoken by Jesus during daylight hours, between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m., and his attention was directed toward others. In the first saying, Jesus prays for his executioners, pleading with his Father to accept their repentance (Lk. 23:34). When Jesus takes on the role of the Suffering Servant, he not only fulfills that promise by dying on the death, but he also fulfills Scripture by “making intercession for the transgressors” while on the crucifixion (Isa.

  • In his second saying, he makes a commitment to a fellow-sufferer who confessed that he deserved to be crucified, although Jesus did not deserve to be killed.
  • 23:43).
  • 19:26-27; cf.
  • 20:12).
  • Jesus addresses his spiritual agony, his experience of abandonment, and his sense of abandonment in the fourth statement (Matt.
  • 15:33-34; cf.
  • 22:1).

19:28; cf.


19:30a; cf.


23:45b-46; cf.


In this statement, the Trinity’s inseparable actions are affirmed.

This comes from the concept that the nature of God’s free activities outside of himself (ad intra) is determined by the nature of God’s free actions inside himself (ad extra).

The three individuals do not just ‘cooperate’ in their exterior works, as if each person’s particular contribution to a wider operational whole were solely a byproduct of their collaboration.

All of God’s external works, from creation to consummation, are the works of the three divine persons “) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) The Last Words of Jesus: Some Observations Harris’s outstanding book, The Seven Sayings of Jesus on the Cross, comes to a close with a series of “final notes on the sayings,” which I will quote in full (pages 87-88):

  1. It was 9 a.m. (“the third hour”) when Jesus was crucified, and it was noon (“the sixth hour”) when the darkness began to fall, which continued until 3 p.m. (“the ninth hour”) when the sun came up (Matt 27:45
  2. Mark 15:25, 33
  3. Luke 23:44). After speaking at indeterminate times throughout the first three-hour period, Jesus then gave his fourth “message,” which was referred to as “the scream of dereliction,” at the conclusion of the second three-hour period. Following that, it appears that the final three statements were delivered in rapid succession, with the only pause being the time required for Jesus to receive the sour wine in answer to his request, “I am thirsty.” As a result, the final four words were most likely delivered within five to ten minutes. There are contributions from all four Gospel authors to the recorded words of Jesus uttered on the cross: The fourth is recorded by Matthew and Mark
  4. The first, second, and seventh are recorded by Luke
  5. The third, fifth, and sixth are recorded by John. Only the fourth and sixth phrases were said “in a loud voice,” with the former indicating the sorrow of abandoning and the latter expressing the joy of triumph
  6. The others were delivered “in hushed tones.” The three addresses in the sayings – “Father,” “my God,” and “Father” – suggest that Jesus was obsessed on the crucifixion, as he had been throughout his life, with his connection with God, his Father, and that this preoccupation continued on the cross. Every one of the seven words was cradled by God’s fatherly care and Jesus’ filial trust
  7. Each of the seven words narrows in on Jesus’ attention in an ever-narrowing fashion. First and foremost, his executioners (1), then a fellow suffering (2), then his mother and cousin (3a and b), and ultimately himself (3) are mentioned (4-7). It was only after the needs of others had been met that Jesus considered his own predicament. As seen by the last four sentences of the passage, which cite or allude to the Psalms, Jesus’ intellect was clearly steeped with Scripture. We can draw parallels between Jesus’ repeated use of Deuteronomy during his wilderness temptation (Matt 4:4, 7, and 10)
  8. Jesus was fully aware of both his physical and spiritual needs (“I am thirsty!”), and addressed them both (“Father, into your hands I entrust my spirit”)
  9. Jesus was fully aware of his physical and spiritual needs (“I am thirsty!”)
  10. And Jesus was fully aware of his physical and spiritual needs (“I am thirsty!”). When compared to the fourth cry (“My God.”), which depicts a painfully sad low point in Jesus’ suffering on the crucifixion, the sixth scream (“It is finished!”) indicates a climactic high moment, as well as the only statement in which no one is specifically addressed. The earthquake (Matt 27:51b), the resurrection of many saints (Matt 27:52-53), the confession of the centurion (Matt 27:54
  11. Mark 15:39
  12. Luke 23:47), and the burial of Jesus were all direct consequences of Jesus’ seven sayings and death (Matt 27:57-61
  13. Mark 15:42-47
  14. Luke 23:50-56
  15. John 19:31, 38-42). The resurrection of Jesus, his appearances, and his ascension into heaven served as the ultimate conclusion to the story.
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It has been completed. May peace be with you! As Christians who have lived after the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ, we are unable to recall the crucifixion apart from the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Although we recall and reflect on each of Jesus’ experiences throughout the week of his crucifixion, and we make an effort not to move too fast through them, we cannot separate the pieces from the total at this time. We may learn a great lot about Jesus by concentrating on his final words, which were spoken when he was hanging on the cross.

  • As Jesus pointed out, “I promise you that you will mourn and grieve, while the rest of the world will celebrate.
  • 16:20).
  • We linger on this day for a minute, reflecting on the severity of what Jesus accomplished on our behalf by dying on the cross.
  • 24:12; Jn.
  • 1:4) and our justification (Rom.
  • (Rom.
  • Because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, our sadness has been transformed into gladness.

They are linked together.

Our defiance and rebellion against God are addressed and reconciled via the death-burial-resurrection of Jesus Christ (Genesis 2:16-17), and God’s anger is appeased by his sacrifice on the cross (Rom.

Gratitude is the mechanism by which this full and finished work of Christ is absorbed into our hearts and life.

In the New Testament, Jesus proclaims and accomplishes the shalom that was promised in the Old Testament, which is the fulfillment of the shalom promised in the Old Testament.


Never before had that ‘ordinary phrase’ been so dripping with significance as it was on Easter evening when Jesus spoke it.

“His ‘Shalom!’ on Easter evening is the culmination of his ‘It is done’ on the cross, for the peace of reconciliation and life from God has now been communicated.

” ‘Shalom!’ is the most appropriate greeting for Easter, as a result. Not unexpectedly, it appears in the greeting of every epistle of Paul in the New Testament, coupled with the word ‘grace.’ Greetings, brothers and sisters. It has been completed. May the force of peace be with you!

What Were the Last Words of Jesus and Why Are They so Powerful?

The final lines are quite strong. Anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one understands the significance of their final words. Words spoken in anger might linger in your mind for years, but words spoken in love are something that those who are left behind will remember for the rest of their lives. While a family member, I’ve sat at the bedsides of loved ones as they took their final breath on this planet. It’s painful, yet those last few minutes spent together are precious memories. If you knew your time on this planet was coming to an end, what words would you like to leave for your family and friends before you passed away?

To what extent are the final words of Jesus more important and powerful than our own?

He was deliberate in his preparation of His followers and associates for His death and resurrection, and they responded positively.

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What Were the Last Words of Jesus?

The last seven words of Jesus are really seven phrases, as opposed to seven words. Look at the accounts of Jesus’ final remarks from each of the four Gospels while He hung on the cross. “ Then, at about the ninth hour, Jesus called out in a hushed voice, saying,”Eli, Eli, lema sabachthan?” (Eli, Eli, what do you want me to do? that is to say, “”My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” I cried out. Matthew 27:46 is an example of a parable. “And Jesus cried out with a loud voice once more, and his spirit was delivered up.” Matthew 27:50 (KJV) “And at the ninth hour, Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which translates as “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” “”My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” I cried out.

  • “Luke 23:34,” says the Bible.
  • “Luke 23:43,” says the Bible.
  • “When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple whom he adored standing close, he said to his mother, “Woman, see!
  • It’s your son!” Then he turned to the disciple and said, “Look, here’s your mother!” As a result, the disciple moved her to his own house from that point on.” John 19:26-27 is a passage of scripture.
  • In John 19:30, Jesus says I like how the many Gospel stories help us gain a more complete understanding of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection.
  • It’s possible that they were standing in various places and so observed things differently, or that one of them heard something that the others did not.

Each of these testimonies is included in the Bible for a specific reason, and when taken together, they provide us with the final words said by Jesus before His death.

What Happened before the Last Words of Jesus?

It’s strange to have a favorite Gospel, but John is the one I’m most fond of. This is the first place that comes to me when I think about Jesus’ last remarks. “Now before the Feast of the Passover, when Jesus saw that the time had come for him to go from this world to the Father, he loved his own who were in the world to the point of death, and he loved them to the end,” says John 13:1 (ESV), “he loved them to the end.” As Jesus realized that His time on this planet was dwindling, he did something extraordinary.

  • The events and words of Jesus’ last days are recounted in these chapters.
  • A short picture of Jesus’ final days before His death is provided below: Jesus washed the disciples’ feet in order to demonstrate to them what it means to serve others, according to John 13:4-17.
  • The Lord informed them that He would be departing and that they would not be able to follow Him, John 13:31-33.
  • He informed Peter that he would deny Him three times before the rooster crows if he didn’t repent immediately.
  • He also taught them to pray.
  • John 14:11 says that Jesus is in the Father and the Father is in Jesus.
  • In John 14:19, Jesus says that the disciples will live because He lives, which is a clue to His resurrection.

John 14:20 paints a wonderful image of oneness.

John 14:27 says that Jesus imparts His peace to the disciples and tells them not to be scared.

In John 15:1-11, He expresses His affection for the disciples and instructs them to remain in His love and be filled with pleasure as a result.

In John 15:12-17, he refers to them as “selected companions.” Jesus tells His disciples that the world despised Him and that it will despised them as well.

In John 16:4-15, Jesus goes into further detail regarding the Holy Spirit and His role in their lives.

Jesus declares once more that His time on earth is limited, that the disciples will soon be scattered, and that He will be left all by himself.

Finally, in the most beautiful and powerful prayer, Jesus intercedes for his followers and for all of us.

Ultimately, Jesus prayed that this cup be taken away from Him, but he also requested that the Father’s will be done.

As a result of his pain, as He was praying, His perspiration turned like blood, according to Luke 22:39-44.

One of the disciples chopped off the ear of one of the servants of those who had come to capture Jesus, and he died as a result.

Following that, there will be a trial before the Jewish Council.

Pilate, the ruler of Judea, receives Jesus from the Romans.

A betrayal by the Jewish people, who scream “Crucify Him” as a result (Mark 15:13). Pilate decides to wash his hands of the situation and orders Jesus to be severely beaten before handing Him over to be crucified. The time is drawing close for Jesus to speak His last words before His death.

What Can We Learn from the Last Words of Jesus?

“It is done,” or “Father, into your hands I submit my soul,” were the very final words said by Jesus. It’s conceivable that these remarks were spoken at the same moment as one another, one after another. Although there is no indication of the tone of voice in Scripture, I believe these statements were said with immense excitement. We generally think of Jesus’ last words as being solemn since He was about to die a horrible death on a crucifixion. But this is not the case. Nonetheless, this was the conclusion.

  • He was making his way back to the Father, putting his spirit in His capable hands.
  • The medical tests and procedures that have been performed on me have been extremely painful, and as we come to the finish line, no matter how horrible I feel, how weary I am, or how horrific that final bit of agony is, I’m joyful because it’s nearly over.
  • I might be completely incorrect, but I believe those few seconds were a small taste of the peace and joy Jesus had during His final minutes of inconceivable terrible pain and suffering.
  • As a result of Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection, the curse of sin was lifted, the power of death was diminished, the way to redemption was established, and mankind were given the ability to approach God personally and have an intimate relationship with Him.
  • God is primarily concerned about relationships.
  • It is for this reason that Jesus’ agony was so tremendous when He realized that the Father had abandoned Him at the end of the story.
  • It was for this reason that He pleaded with God to pardon those who were crucifying Him.

In addition to what Jesus said in the end, what more can we take away from his final words?

Jesus was able to celebrate because He had remained faithful to the Father, despite the fact that it had cost Him everything.

Jesus placed His life and death in the hands of the Father, and He placed His spirit in the loving hands of the Father.


Jesus is a tremendous role model for us to follow in our lives.

However, some of you may be thinking, “But they aren’t actually the last words of Jesus!” I understand.

Following his resurrection from the grave, Jesus appeared to a large number of people and said many more last statements.

They are also impactful and unforgettable in their own right.

“However, when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will gain authority, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and throughout Judea and Samaria, as well as to the ends of the earth.” And when he had spoken these things, while they were looking on, he was snatched up and carried away by a cloud, and while they were looking into heaven as he went, behold, two men in white robes approached them and said, “Men of Galilee, why are you standing here looking into heaven?” As you seen him ascend into heaven, this Jesus, who was carried up from you into heaven, will return in the same manner in which you witnessed him ascend into heaven.” Acts 1:6-11 is an example of a parable.

Continuing Your Education What Jesus Said on the Cross in His Seven Last Words, Explained Realizing the Importance of Jesus’s Final Seven Words.

People who are burdened by life’s situations are encouraged to walk in the freedom and joy found in Jesus by Josie, an award-winning novelist and photographer who shares God’s gifts of beauty, hope, and adventure with them via her work as an author and photographer.

Josie is a chronic disease warrior who thinks that each and every day is a gift that should be cherished and cherished more.

When she’s not writing or photographing, you’ll find Josie on the hunt for adventure, cuddled up with a good book, or hugging her teddy bear dog Ruby Mae, who she adopted from a shelter (a.k.a. The Scruffy Princess). Josie Siler may be reached at JosieSiler.com.

7 Last Sayings of Jesus on the Cross

Christians all across the world are concentrating their attention during this season of Lent on the gift of salvation. What an incredible experience it is to remember the suffering that Jesus went through during His death on the Cross at the hands of the Roman soldiers, isn’t it? Seven remarks were uttered by Jesus during His last hours on earth, while He hung on the Cross. Each speech revealed something new about Jesus and His character to those who heard it. These are taken from four different Gospel sources and are referred to be Jesus’ “seven final words.” Allow me to suggest that we spend some time today reading (and listening to) these seven final words spoken by Jesus from the Cross.

Jesus’ 7 Last Sayings in Scripture

“Father, pardon them, for they are completely unaware of what they are doing.” In Luke 23:34, the Bible says “Today, thou shalt be with Me in paradise,” the Lord says. In Luke 23:43, the Bible says “Woman, have a look at thy Son.” —Jesus Christ, John 19:26 “My God, my God, why have You left Me?” says the prophet. —Matthew 15:34 “I have a thirst.” —Jesus Christ, John 19:28 “It has been completed.” —Joshua 19:29 “Father, I commit My spirit into Thy hands,” I say. —Luke 23:46 (NASB) The season of Lent is an excellent time to re-read the entire account of Christ’s crucifixion if you haven’t done so recently.

Watch:Jesus’ Crucifixion, performed by Blair Underwood as Jesus

Is it important to you what Jesus’ seven final words from the Cross mean? Share your opinions with us by leaving a comment in the section below. Let’s take a step forward and read the complete tale as told in the Gospel accounts:

  • Matthew 26:14-27:66, Mark 14:12-15:47, Luke 22-23, and John 18-19 are some of the passages to consider.

Your Turn

On Good Friday, we remember and contemplate in ways that our body is incapable of comprehending. Our holy God was impaled on a human torture and death weapon for his sins. His divinity remained intact, and yet He was also entirely human on that particular day. As a result, His words of forgiveness, promise, protection, provision, anguish, human need, fulfillment, and consecration are all the more impactful because of this. Which of Jesus’ final comments has the greatest impact on you? Is it His pardoning of the repentant criminal, or something else?

See also:  Why Did Jesus Tell The Leper Not To Tell Anyone

What is the source of his anguish?

The Last Words of Jesus

The crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ are at the heart of the Christian religion. Reconciliation with God is made possible as a result of Christ’s death. And we are given the ability to live triumphant lives because of the power that resurrected Jesus from the grave. We haven’t earned these blessings; rather, they have been freely given to us by a compassionate God who cares deeply about us. This is why Paul tells the church in Galatia, “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world,” “May I never boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, through which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world” (Galatians 6:14).

Meditating on Christ’s last words

Christians have found comfort and inspiration throughout church history by focusing on the words that Jesus said from the cross. The “seven last words” are a collection of utterances that have come to be recognized as such. These can be heard if you watch the film ” JESUS “. They are as follows:

  1. “”Father, forgive them, for they have no idea what they are doing” (Luke 23:34)
  2. “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43)
  3. “Woman, here is your son” (Luke 23:45)
  4. “Father, forgive them, for they have no idea what they are doing” (Luke 23:46)
  5. “Father, forgive them, for they have no idea what they are doing” ( In John 19:26–27, Jesus says, “Here is your mother”
  6. In Matthew 27:46, he says, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” In John 19:28, he says, “I am thirsty”
  7. In John 19:30, he says, “It is finished.” In John 19:30, he says, “Father, into your hands I submit my soul.” “(Matthew 23:46)

They are crucial not only because of what they teach us about the Christian faith, but also because they reflect the consistency with which Jesus lived His whole life. These emotions were spoken by Jesus during the six hours he was hanging on the cross. In terms of significance and global impact, the Sermon on the Mount was a game-changer. That Jesus demonstrates those words throughout the most difficult and stressful circumstances of His life, however, is what makes it even more beautiful and compelling.

The first word: “Father, forgive them”

The period between 27 BC and 180 AD was a period of extraordinary peace and stability across the Roman Empire, with the exception of the Western Roman Empire. It became known as Pax Romana, which is a Latin term that translates as “Roman peace.” While many have referred to this unprecedented period of calm as “miraculous,” the fact is that it was anything from that. Everyone who was suspected of treachery or insurrection was publicly tortured and shamed, and this helped Rome keep its peace. It is estimated by historians that Rome crucified hundreds of thousands of individuals throughout its reign.

Jesus was beheaded in a manner that was designed to be as painful and humiliating as possible for the those who witnessed it.

The scourging that took place before to a crucifixion was designed to make this type of penance as agonizing and horrific as it possibly could be (Matthew 27:26).

As a result, no one raised an eyebrow when the following occurred:

  • Soldiers beaten and mocked Jesus (John 19:2, 3)
  • Soldiers gambled for Jesus’s clothes (Matthew 27:35)
  • People hurled insults at Jesus (Matthew 27:39–43)
  • Soldiers beat and mocked Jesus (John 19:2, 3)
  • Soldiers gambled for Jesus’s clothes (Matthew 27:35

Jesus’s words of forgiveness

Because of the suffering and humiliation that Jesus is experiencing, it would make sense for Him to express His anger and wrath. At the end of the day, he wasn’t just any ordinary criminal. They were crucifying God because they were assassinating Jesus because he was demonstrating what it looked like to live a perfectly righteous human life. Despite this, Jesus exhibited compassion throughout His ordeal. He demonstrated that the words of Jesus, who taught the masses to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,” (Matthew 5:44), were more than just empty words.

His words, on the other hand, indicated that He had done more than simply forgive them for their mistreatment.

These people who were mocking Him, abusing Him, and putting Him to death had no idea what they were getting themselves into.

It was the darkest day in human history, and many of those who were responsible for it truly believed that they were carrying out God’s mission.

However, it should also serve as a reminder to us that God demonstrates the same compassion for those who mistreat us as he does for those who mistreat others around them.

The second word: “Today you will be with me in paradise”

Not only did the multitudes in attendance taunt Jesus on the cross, but one of the other hanged criminals also began to criticize Him: “One of the convicts who hung there hurled insults at him: “One of the criminals who hung there hurled obscenities at him: “Isn’t it true that you’re the Messiah? Save yourself as well as us!” (Matthew 23:39) The other prisoner on the cross saw the absurd irony in the first man’s mockery of Jesus, and he quickly scolded him: The other criminal, on the other hand, scolded him.

  • We are being punished fairly, since we are receiving the consequences of our actions.
  • The reputation of Jesus precedes Him.
  • The idea of retaliating against an innocent guy who is also about to be killed is completely ludicrous.
  • Take a moment to imagine this scenario in your mind’s eye.
  • It makes perfect sense.
  • Consider, though, what an imposition it must be to have someone ask you to perform them a favor while you’re on the verge of death.
  • (Luke 23:43).
  • What Paul was urging the Philippians to be like Christ may have been something along these lines: “Do nothing out of selfish desire or vain conceit,” he might have been saying.

The scandal of grace

Mercy’s startling nature should be a constant reminder to us, thanks to this episode. This man’s entire life had been a complete waste. We witness Satan sneaking up on Jesus in his last moments, creeping in between the cracks of the gate. He will not be able to make up for his wrongdoings in this lifetime. He is not going to be able to express regret to the individuals he has wronged. He’s not going to be able to turn his life around on his own initiative. He exemplifies the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard (Matthew 20:1–6) in his everyday life.

Incredibly shocking is the fact that God’s grace is freely offered.

The third word: “Woman, here is your son.”

It is important that we remember how stunning kindness can be on a regular basis. Everything in this man’s life had been a complete waste of his potential. During his final moments, we witness him sneaking up on Jesus and slipping in between the cracks. He will not be able to make amends for his wrongdoings in the future. Those who have been victimized will never be able to accept his apology. I don’t believe he will be able to change his way of life. Matthew 20:1–6 describes him as a “living example of the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard.” He arrives at the very end of the day and receives the same recompense as others who have been devoted to God their entire lives.

He is a good man. Incredibly shocking is the fact that God’s grace is provided freely.

The fourth word: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

According to the Gospels of Matthew and Mark, Jerusalem was enveloped in darkness in the late afternoon. At midday, the sun had sunk below the horizon, and it was dark. Three hours later, Jesus called out, “Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?” (Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani? This Aramaic phrase, according to both writers, means “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” It is written about in Matthew 27, and Mark 15:33–34. What is the significance of both writers providing us with the Aramaic translation?

Jesus was exhausted, in excruciating agony, and on his deathbed.

In order to draw attention to themselves, those who are closest to Jesus shout: “Listen, he’s summoning Elijah” (Matthew 27:47, Mark 15:35).

“Why have you forsaken me?”

Over the previous couple of thousand years, a great deal of conjecture has surrounded Jesus’ scream at this location. What exactly did He mean? He claimed to have been abandoned by God, but was this actually the case? It has been stated by some that God was obliged to turn His back on Jesus as a result of His taking on the weight of humanity’s sin. That is just speculation, yet it is possible that it is correct. Whatever Jesus was reciting, we do know that it was from Psalm 22, which begins with the words “My God, my God, why have you left me?” Why are you so far away from rescuing me, so far away from my screams of agony and distress?

The Psalms provided Jesus with food at his darkest hour; in doing so, he revealed the prophetic aspect of David’s writings to the disciples.

They shouted insults at Him and challenged Him to call on the Lord for salvation (Psalm 22:6–8), and He accepted their challenge.

Immediately after, He expressed his thirst (John 19:28-30), echoing David’s words: “My mouth is dried up like a potsherd, and my tongue adheres to the roof of my mouth; you have buried me in the dust of death” (Psalm 22:15).

To express his joy at what was taking place on the cross, the psalmist declares: “All who are rich in the land will feast and adore; all who go down to the dust will bow before him—those who are unable to keep themselves alive.” The Lord will be served by future generations, and future generations will be informed about him.

Psalm 22:29–31 is an example of this. If you’re reading these words, he’s referring to you specifically. Thank you for your participation in Christ’s work on the cross. You are the next generation who will hear the story of the Lord and the proclamation of His righteousness.

The fifth word: “I am thirsty”

Later, knowing that all had now been completed and that Scripture would be fulfilled, Jesus expressed his need by saying, “I have come to drink.” Seeing that there was wine vinegar nearby, they used it to wet the sponge, which they then tied to a stalk of the hyssop plant and lifted it to Jesus’s lips (John 19:28–29). Jesus was handed wine laced with myrrh earlier in the crucifixion tale, according to Mark, and the soldiers accepted the gift. This concoction of wine and myrrh was supposed to alleviate some of the suffering of people who were about to be executed.

However, in this passage, John informs us that Jesus consumed the wine and vinegar combination in order to fulfill prophecy: “You know how I am despised, disgraced, and shamed; all my adversaries are before you.” Scorn has destroyed my heart and left me powerless; I searched for compassion but found none, and I looked for comforters but found none.

They placed gall in my meal and gave me vinegar to drink when I was thirsty (Psalm 69:19–21, emphasis mine).

When writing to the Corinthians in his first epistle, the apostle Paul refers to Jesus as “our Passover Lamb.”

The sixth word: “It is finished!”

According to the Gospel of John, after receiving the cup, Jesus declared, “It is completed.” He bent his head and surrendered his spirit at that point (John 19:30). This wasn’t only an acknowledgement that the crucifixion had completed its course and that His life had come to an end. This was an exclamation indicating that His task had been completed. He had revealed the future kingdom, organized a group of disciples who would disseminate the gospel message, and—most importantly—He had offered Himself as a sacrifice in order to bring the entire world back into right relationship with God the Father.

Having suffered for six painful hours on the crucifixion, Jesus was declaring His triumph.

The seventh word: “Into your hands, I commit my spirit”

Towards the close of His mission, Jesus shared the following message with His disciples: “As the good shepherd, I know my sheep and they know me—just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I am willing to lay down my life to protect them. It’s not only one pen of sheep; I have other livestock as well. I’ll have to bring them as well. All of them will hear my voice, and there will be just one flock, under the care of one shepherd. The reason my Father loves me is because I am willing to lay down my life only to pick it back up later.

I have the authority to put it down and the authority to pick it back up again if necessary.

The spirit of Jesus was not taken away from Him by force.

And even though many who were close to Jesus would lament His death and struggle to understand what would happen next, Jesus was certain that He would be raised from the dead. Death would be swallowed whole by triumph in a couple of days (I Corinthians 15:54).

The world’s darkest day

The novel “A Tale of Two Cities,” written by Charles Dickens, starts with the famous statement, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” This attitude might be attributed to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. On this gloomy day, the creation rose up in rebellion against its Maker. Humanity sought to forever silence the one and only flawless human being. In a history littered with rock bottoms, this was the lowest point reached by humans. God, who was ecstatic about His creation, was executed as if he were an ordinary criminal.

The revolt of humanity would serve as a tool for God to wield in order to reconcile the world to Himself.

Now is the time for judgment on this world, as Jesus said, and the prince of this world will be expelled from the earth.

Throughout Jesus’s public career, He preached the arrival of the kingdom of God, and on the crucifixion, the gates of that kingdom were flung open wide for all to enter.

WatchJESUS if you want to understand more about Christ.

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