What Was Jesus Personality Like

What was Jesus like as a person?

QuestionAnswer Despite the fact that He has “no attractiveness that we should want Him.” According to Isaiah 53:2, it was the personality of Jesus that attracted people to Him. In addition to being a guy of excellent character, The more we learn about Jesus and his character, the more we may strive to be like Him in our own lives. What was Jesus’ personality like? Jesus has a COMPASSIONATE disposition. Because the throngs were agitated and defenseless, “like sheep without a shepherd,” Jesus felt sympathy for them (Matthew 9:36).

Jesus was SERIOUS and PERSONAL in his approach.

His demeanor and demeanor were those of a SERVANT.

He was known for his GENEROUSNESS and SELFLESSNESS in his demeanor.

  • Because Christ understood that dying on the crucifixion was the only way His Father could accept payment for our salvation, he went to the cross.
  • “However, not according to my will, but according to your will” (Matthew 26:39).
  • Despite the fact that he grew up in a regular (and sinful) family, Jesus “was obedient” to His parents (Luke 2:51).
  • “It was through his suffering that he learnt obedience” (Hebrews 5:8).
  • What was Jesus’ personality like?
  • “Father, forgive them, for they have no idea what they are doing,” He pleaded while hanging on the cross (Luke 23:34).
  • According to John 11:5, “Jesus loved Martha and her sister, as well as Lazarus” (Martha and Lazarus) (John 11:5).

Jesus had a well-deserved reputation as a GOOD and CARING man.

He truly demonstrated that He was the Son of the living God via all of the miracles He performed, while also displaying care for the sorrows of people in His immediate vicinity.

He never went back on His own promise.

He led a life that we might all learn from and emulate.

At the same time, he was a PEACEABLE person.

What was Jesus’ personality like?

He spent a significant amount of time with them, both in terms of quality and quantity.

He also had a close relationship with His heavenly Father.

When Jesus noticed the moneychangers who were taking advantage of the worshipers, He ordered them to leave.

Jesus was a STRONG yet HUMBLE LEADER in the Bible.

Astonished by the AUTHORITY with which Jesus spoke (Mark 1:27–28; Matthew 7:28–29), the crowds gathered about him.

In the Gospels, Jesus expresses His tolerance in the face of our faithless provocations on several different occasions (Matthew 8:26; Mark 9:19; John 14:9; cf.

Through the power of the Holy Spirit, all believers should want to embody the characteristics of Jesus that he exhibited.

We must read and study God’s Word (the Bible) in order to know and grasp who God is and what He desires for us.

“Therefore, if you have any encouragement from being united with Christ, if you have any comfort from his love, if you have any common sharing in the Spirit, if you have any tenderness and compassion, then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind.” Philippians 2:1–11 is a helpful summary of what Jesus was like and how we should imitate Him.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or conceit in your own self-importance.

When it comes to your interactions with one another, have the same perspective as Jesus Christ: In spite of the fact that he was God by nature, he did not consider his equality with God something to be exploited for his personal gain; rather, he made himself nothing by adopting the very character of a servant, having been created in the image of man.

Consequently, to the glory of his Father, God elevated him to the highest position and gave him the name that is above all names, so that at the mention of Jesus’ name, every knee should bow throughout the universe—in heaven as well as on the earth and beneath the earth—and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord.

Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) Is there anything you can tell me about Jesus as a person?

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What Was Jesus’ Personality Type?

Is it possible to have a sense of what Jesus Christ was like on a personal level? Were you wondering about what he was like as a son, neighbor, friend, student, or teacher at various points in your life? What type of interaction with him do you think it was like for you, and how did you feel? As the holidays approach, many of us feel that our thoughts and emotions are drawn even more strongly toward Jesus than they might otherwise be. In the end, for Christians such as me, he represents the true meaning of the holiday season!

  • But what did he truly seem like to those who were closest to him and to others who were meeting him for the first time?
  • But we can’t be sure since we can’t ask him how he was energized (E or I), how he took in knowledge (S or N) and utilized it to make decisions (T or F), or how he was oriented to the outside world (T or F) (J or P).
  • While searching the Gospels for hints about his personality preferences and how he dealt with a range of situations may be both entertaining and enlightening, it is also illuminating to observe how he handled a number of situations himself.
  • As a result, Mark’s gospel was the one I turned to the most often for evidence concerning Jesus’ personality preferences.
  • Consider the possibility that Jesus had the opportunity to complete a contemporary personality profile.
  • The first letter of his type code, which is made up of four letters that represent a person’s personality type, would have been either E or I, depending on his extraversion or introversion.
  • “Live it, then comprehend it,” can be the slogan of someone who prefers to process within rather than overtly.

These individuals ponder before they talk, and their slogan may be “Understand it before you live it.” They are people who process internally.

Without a doubt, he may be described as extroverted, gregarious, and people-oriented, all qualities that indicate a predilection for Extraversion.

This came after a long day that had included teaching and preaching in synagogues as well as curing individuals in the field.

During this time alone, I think that Jesus needed not only to converse with God, but also to re-energize himself, either to prepare for what was to come, as in 1:35, or to instantly refresh himself after spending time with people, as in 6:46.

Introversion manifests itself in all of these ways.

Sensing types, which account for as much as 70 percent of the population of the United States (and, I guess, the rest of the globe), are concerned with the realities of the present, such as particular and factual, tangible knowledge, rather than the future.

While most people concentrate on the now, intuitives look ahead to the future by noticing patterns, relationships, and connections between information.

I have no difficulty visualizing Jesus focusing on the significance of each individual and dealing with each circumstance as it came.

To offer an example, the gospel of Mark 5:43, which describes Jesus raising a girl from the dead, finishes with the words “.told them to give her something to eat.” The fact that he is concerned about the broad picture and the future, on the other hand, jumps out to me.

His teaching method also looks to be influenced by Intuition in certain ways.

Compared to Intuitives, they are more down-to-earth and literal in their communication.

As an illustration, consider the Parable of the Sower (Mark 4:3) A regular and prominent aspect of people’s lives during Jesus’ time was farming, which he discussed in his teachings.

Mark 4:10 suggests that this narrative was not fully comprehended by the audience.

We utilize the knowledge we have gathered to make judgments once we have taken it in.

Those who prefer Thinking make judgments on the basis of objective and impersonal criteria, as opposed to those who favor Feeling.

Feeling types, on the other hand, make judgments based on subjective factors, such as human values and motivations, while making decisions.

In John 8:3-11, Jesus has a conversation with a woman who has been caught in adultery and who, according to the Law of Moses, should be stoned to death.

Immediately following that, he instructed them to choose a member of their group who was “without sin” and “first to hurl a stone at her” (John 8:7).

Feeling, in my opinion, is clearly the preferred mode of communication.

As a result, according to John 8:5-6, the scribes and Pharisees approached Jesus and asked him what he had to say about the woman, who according to the law was to be stoned, “to test him, that they may have some charge to bring against him.” But compassion, which is highly regarded by Feeling types, let her free to begin over in a life devoid of the sin that had entangled her previously.

  1. Perhaps his proclivity to turn tradition on its head reflects a predilection for Thinking over Feeling on his part.
  2. When it came to dealing with sinfulness in a hard-hearted society, he may have exhibited his Thinker side, while displaying his Feeling side when dealing with particular sinners who were aware that they needed to be forgiven.
  3. Judging personalities are concerned with maintaining control over their life, which they want to have settled and arranged.
  4. Flexible and spontaneous Perceiving personalities, on the other hand, prefer to let life unfold naturally, are unafraid of surprises, and tend to respond to life by enquiring about and absorbing it.
  5. Jesus demonstrates the characteristics of a Judging personality type in that he appeared to have a clear plan for his life, to understand who he was and what he was meant to do, from the beginning of his ministry, if not from the very beginning of his life itself.
  6. In Mark 6:31, he invited the apostles to accompany him on a retreat to a remote location for a period of rest.
  7. It’s possible that no one could have predicted what the fourth letter in Jesus’ type code was.
See also:  Who Was Crucified Alongside Jesus

However, I once read that Judgers are more concerned with responsibility, whereas Perceivers are more concerned with discovery, which are two very different life goals.

The conclusions I’ve drawn suggest that Jesus had preferences for INFJ or perhaps INTJ, INFP or INTP personalities.

The INFJ personality type is the most uncommon of the 16 personality types, at least in the United States, accounting for about 2 percent to 3 percent of the population.

INFJs are considerably more uncommon in males, accounting for approximately 1 percent to 2 percent of all men in the United States.

For those of us who are fascinated by personality types, he presents an interesting case study.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that Jesus’ preferences in these dichotomies may have been just marginally significant.

We all switch between Introversion and Extraversion, Sensing and Intuition, and so on, depending on our current environment and needs.

Although it takes most of us a lifetime to grow comfortable with all of our type preferences, I am not shocked that Jesus possessed such complete command over his, especially at such a young age.

What do you believe Jesus’ personal preferences were, and why do you believe that?

References: 1Gifts Differing (Palo Alto: Davies-Black Publishing, 1995), pp.

56-68; Isabel Briggs Myers and Peter B. Myers, Gifts Differing (Palo Alto: Davies-Black Publishing, 1995), pp. 56-68.2 Statistical Estimates of the Frequencies of the Types in the United States Population, published by the Center for Applications of Psychological Type in 1996.

The Personality of Jesus

A previous student of mine once expressed dissatisfaction with what he described as “the language of unsustainable closeness” that the church frequently used when speaking about our connection with Christ, and I agreed. In particular, he added, “I hear it most frequently from youth group leaders who advise kids they should “date” Jesus for a year.” I had been reading through the gospels at the time, and I had been struck by how little they seemed to convey about Jesus’ personal characteristics and character.

  • Their insistence on the actuality of his humanity, on the other hand, indicates the inverse.
  • In terms of the Savior’s physical appearance, we know absolutely nothing, and we know even less about the sound of his voice.
  • What was his demeanor like while he was around his friends?
  • There is no way for us to see the glitter in his eye or the way his brows could have creased while he was earnestly contemplating a situation.
  • This does not imply that the Bible presents a Christ who is completely devoid of character and motivation.
  • At the very least, it makes it difficult for me to relate to him in the manner that so much of our worship music seems to imply that I ought to do.
  • When it comes to trying to grasp the humanity of Christ, B.B.
  • A person must lean so deeply into his or her divinity that the human is threatened or weakened.

As Warfield warns, “Between the two, the figure of Jesus is susceptible to assuming a certain vagueness of shape, and coming to lack definiteness in thinking.” To do honor to both facets of Christ’s character, we must avoid allowing one to completely cancel out the other or ending up with a hybrid creature who is neither fully God nor fully man.

  • Some believe that Jesus possessed an incredibly well-balanced personality.
  • To my mind, this is just another way of arguing that Jesus lacked any sort of distinct personality at all.
  • According to the theory of personality, which holds that personality is the outcome of a mix of elements that includes both genetic composition and experience, Jesus must have had a distinct personality of his own.
  • Being able to state that Jesus’ personality was flawless does not imply that it was undetectable.
  • He looks at them with fury as the religious authorities put up a timer to accuse him for healing on the Sabbath.
  • When a young man approaches Jesus and inquires about what he needs do in order to obtain everlasting life, Jesus looks at him with compassion (Mark 10:21).
  • “The tremendous interior movement of his emotional essence,” as Warfield describes it, can be seen through the eyes of these stories.

According to Warfield, these are the cues that allow us to fill in the blanks in our understanding.

Jesus felt love and voiced rage at the same time.

His rage was directed against religious hypocrisy and hardness of heart, among other things.

The disciples informed Jesus about their triumph over the devils, and although the New Testament does not mention Jesus’ grin, Luke 10:21 states that he was “filled with pleasure through the Holy Spirit” when they told him about it.


There is happiness, sadness, and even wrath.

“He tossed furniture down the front steps of the Temple and inquired as to how they intended to escape the damnation of Hell,” wrote Chesterton of the incident.

I say this with reverence: “There was a thread running through that shattered personality that had to be termed shyness.” But what is it that makes you feel shy?

Unlike Zen Buddhism, which depicts a smiling Buddha, the Gospels do not show a laughing Christ.

This can’t possibly be real.

His analogies frequently make use of the ludicrous in order to illustrate their point.

When it comes to religious leaders, they strain the gnat while swallowing a camel.

Divine laughter, as described by Chesterton, appears to have more in common with splendour than it does with the type of humor that we are accustomed to experiencing.

However, it should come as no surprise that God has the ability to laugh, as evidenced by the fact that creation itself gives witness to this.

Alternately, you may simply consider what he has done with your own life.

He contributes to the devotional newspaper Today in the Word as a contributing editor and writes the monthly Theology Matters section for the publication.

His podcast, A Stranger in the House of God, may be heard on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, among other platforms. View all of John Koessler’s blog postings.

10 Character Traits of Jesus To Emulate

Both Christians and non-Christians are generally in agreement that Jesus is the finest role model one could hope to have. People perceive the finest attributes that humans can have in him, such as his faith, persistence, charity, and even intelligence, which they admire. Because the Bible encourages everyone to strive to become more like Jesus on a daily basis, it is beneficial to learn about some of the characteristics He possessed. There are 10 characteristics of Jesus that everyone should strive to mimic, and the following is a list of them.


Jesus never turned away from anyone; instead, He always looked upon them and felt compassion for them (Matthew 9:36). When individuals were in his immediate vicinity, Jesus was able to discern their true needs and made an effort to meet those requirements. Some needed physical treatment, while others needed spiritual healing because the source of the problem was spiritual. In all situations, however, Jesus took the time to genuinely observe that people were in distress—and His compassion compelled Him to intervene to alleviate their suffering.


Without a question, Jesus was the ideal servant in the New Testament. In spite of the fact that He had received high accolades and even had a respectable following, He made it a point to teach them the importance of serving others by actually doing it himself. Even in Mark 10:45, Jesus expresses his desire to serve by saying, “the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve.” Despite the fact that He had the ability to obtain everything he desired, receive acclaim, and be lavished with attention, He chose to do the exact opposite by humble himself and serving others.


Clearly, Jesus cared about the well-being of others. In the absence of compassion and service, He would not be who He claims to be. Jesus said that there is no greater love than to die for a friend, and He demonstrated this claim by dying for one of His own. Those who question His love just have to gaze to the cross and witness the anguish that He endured for their sakes to be convinced. He had to go through that horrific death in order for everyone to be saved. That, without a doubt, is the epitome of real love at its finest.


In Luke 23:34, Jesus, while hanging on the cross, says something that is both shocking and profound: “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” This is one of the most shocking statements ever spoken in Scripture. Even when He was bleeding and in anguish, Jesus had His heart focused on forgiveness—even forgiveness for those who had placed Him in that position in the first place! In stark contrast to the usual slogan of looking out for number one and getting personal justice, this is something that should be avoided.


Jesus showed no signs of being uncommitted in any way. He was completely immersed in the present moment and completely devoted to his objectives, no matter where he was or who he was with. After spending hours in the Garden of Gethsemane pleading with the Father to save Him from bearing the cross and suffering all that physical anguish, He realized that it was the only way to atone for all human sin, and He remained entirely devoted to His mission.

There were obviously many difficulties He had to overcome during His mission, yet He remained focused and ended strong.


He always found time to be alone and pray, no matter how hectic his ministry became. Whether it was in the garden of Gethsemane, across a river, or on a mountaintop, Jesus disappeared for a period of time in order to pray to the Father. The search for Him was never in vain; He never refused to accept anyone’s invitation to come find him; yet, He made it a priority to spend time with His heavenly Father.

See also:  What Does Jesus Say About Following Him


There were undoubtedly occasions when Jesus used strong words, but He also recognized when it was right to employ soothing words. Children appeared to like coming to him, and He made certain that the disciples were aware that they were not to obstruct them when they did so. When He is speaking with His followers, mother, or other females, He may be quite compassionate and kind in his tone. In contrast, when He was rebuking someone or making a point in a debate, He recognized when it was important to turn up the heat and only did so in a strategic manner.


Throughout the gospels, Jesus is always shown as a guy who is extremely patient. Indeed, He was surrounded by followers who continuously questioned Him, Pharisees and Sadducees who constantly assailed Him, and vast crowds who wouldn’t leave Him alone in the face of opposition. Despite everything, He maintained His calm and answered correctly to each and every individual.


Prior to beginning His ministry, Jesus spent time in the desert, where He was tempted by the Devil and tested. Despite the fact that He was offered food, power, and a variety of other things, Jesus maintained complete control over his wants and submitted them completely to the Father’s plan. Certainly, he had wants for food and other material things, but he had a greater desire to follow the Lord and complete the task that He had set for himself.


Despite the fact that He had every right to seek acclaim and recognition for His miracles and teachings, Jesus chose not to do so. Even as the multitude attempted to crown Him king, He sprinted away from them to escape their clutches. Aside-show performance that people could appreciate was not something he desired. Instead, He desired to seek and save the lost, as well as to grant forgiveness to those who were sinful. Yes, he could have traveled over the country in order to demonstrate His abilities in other cities, but he decided not to.

Final Thoughts

The world does not require more role models; rather, it requires more of Jesus, who is the ultimate role model for all people. People will not find a more positive role model than Jesus Christ, who embodies all of the characteristics that people should strive to follow.

Guest Post By Michael Krauszer

In addition to being the owner and creator of Christian Literature Review, Michael Krauszer is also the author of several books and is the editor-in-chief of Christian Literature Review. He holds a bachelor’s degree in English from The College of New Jersey, which he puts to use for the evaluations he writes for Christian Literature Review. Write to Mike at [email protected] if you’re a writer and would want him to give your book a positive review. More information on the character may be found at:10 Awesome Traits of a Godly Woman.

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Jesus was both entirely God and totally human at the same time. Christians can devote a lifetime to studying the Bible in order to comprehend Jesus as a divinity, but how many of them come to know him as a person? It occurred to me lately that, despite the fact that I had studied the Bible extensively, I was completely unfamiliar of Jesus as a person. Novels are one of my favorite forms of entertainment because I appreciate getting to know the characters. In contrast to a script, there is no roster of characters with a breakdown of their characteristics, likes, and dislikes as well as their motivations.

  • One that was more like reading a novel, in which the main character’s development was shown via his interactions with others, behaviors, conversation, and pattern recognition was preferred.
  • My novelistic journey through the gospels, on the other hand, proved to provide me with new insights.
  • With each episode, we learn more about a new aspect of Jesus’ personality, some of which will surprise you.
  • In the case of those who are not Christians, Jesus is introduced to them as a simple person.
  • Many people give Jesus a personality, but it is frequently one that is quite similar to their own.
  • What if Jesus had a personality similar to that of a coworker that makes you feel uncomfortable or a family member who makes you dread family gatherings and holidays?
  • Now that Jesus has been set aside, consider the persons with whom you disagree.

The fact is that we all have different personalities, and your personality has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you are a Christian.

We have a tendency to believe that there is a predetermined “Christian personality.” What I mean is that you should be polite, always smiling, cheerful, and incredibly friendly, and you should also accept everyone.

A personality transplant is not God’s goal in getting you to the altar and receiving salvation.

He created you in such a way that you are uniquely you for a reason; so that he may utilize you in a capacity that necessitates your being, well, you.

There is a great deal of variation within the Christian religion, and each individual contributes to the overall completion of our faith.

Nadolyn has been involved in her community’s church for more than thirty years. Nadolyn is the creator of the YouTube channel DIRT ROAD BELIEVER, and she enjoys sharing her faith, family, and community in order to encourage Christians to slow down and strengthen their connection with Christ.

“Beautiful Outlaw”: John Eldredge Reveals the Personality of Jesus

Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. When you think of that sacred name, what is the first picture that comes to mind? Is He a painted figure, the angelic-looking bearded gentleman of Renaissance painting, or something else? Is He a super-spiritual storyteller of epic proportions? Is there anything more to this guy than what even the most devoted believe? According to best-selling author John Eldredge, this is the case. In his new book, Beautiful Outlaw, which is about the personality of Jesus, he even provides solutions.

  1. The following are some extracts from that chat.
  2. John Eldredge (John Eldredge): First and foremost, He possesses a distinct personality.
  3. We’ve composed elevator music in the person of Jesus Christ.
  4. This is Jesus’ sense of humour.
  5. You’re probably aware that the term “Jesus laughed” is not found anywhere in the Gospels.
  6. When we consider the playfulness of creation, you could think to yourself, “Wait a second, God made laughter.” Perhaps Jesus is having a good time.
  7. Beautiful Outlaws refers to a three-dimensional Jesus rather than the one-dimensional Jesus that we have come to know and love.

Eldredge: The first step for me was to take off the religious garb that the Church had placed on Jesus, such as the stained glass, the white robe and sandals, and the highly spiritual Jesus, and replace it with something more natural.

His humanity is genuine, and you begin to hunt for his personality traits in these stories.

The more you come to understand Jesus for who He truly is, the less difficult it becomes to love Him.

The fact that he is the least religious guy you will ever meet is Eldredge’s opinion.

That the man who despises religion the most has become the most religious cartoonist in the history of the world is a testament to the power of cartooning.

All it takes is the notion that Jesus is a person who you can get to know and relate to on a personal level, just like you love and relate to your closest friends.

We’re informed that having a connection with Jesus is possible, yet the majority of Christians do not have a personal encounter with Jesus in this way.

We are grateful to Him.

We bow down before Him.

And what is the reason behind this?

Eldredge: Take a look at how He behaves following His resurrection.

He continues to spend a significant amount of time with his disciples.

Jesus appears to them for the third time following his resurrection.

The miraculous catch of fish on the banks of the Sea of Galilee was the mechanism by which these men were persuaded to join Jesus as his disciples.

So, what does He do in such case?

They’re having a barbeque on the beach this weekend.

He doesn’t show up for services at the synagogue either.

There is a genuineness about Him.

We long to be able to feel the genuineness that He possesses.

This is after the redemption.

This is now the Christ who has risen into heaven.

I’ll come in if somebody opens the door for me.” In fact, it’s a letter written to Christians, which is an idea that’s worth considering.

In one of his writings to the Christians, he says, “Hey, you’ve left me out on the street.” Jesus is on the outside, and we are on the inside.

As a result, the opportunity to experience connection with Jesus for who He truly is is still open.

In other words, Jesus Christ is the same today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow.

He didn’t transform into anything different overnight.

He is the same individual.

Does our walk suffer as a result of our incomplete understanding of Jesus?


According to A.W.

I’m going to bring it into sharper perspective by stating that the most significant thinking you will ever have is what you believe about Jesus Christ.

God is present with us, Emanuel.

I’m like this,” says the author.

In Me, you will find the Father; if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.

When you have a Jesus who is uninteresting, you will have an uninteresting church.

Because then you have these Christians who are two-dimensional, bland, and uninteresting individuals, and the rest of the world thinks, “Who would want that?” Do you believe that when Christ looks at us, he is thinking, “Man, these people don’t get me”?

“I’m about to depart, but it’s all going to be well because I’m going to come back to you, and everything is going to be OK,” Thomas explains to Jesus while attempting to explain.

See also:  Who Is Baby Jesus

In the wake of decades of thinking a particular way, how can we rediscover who Christ is?

It is not sufficient to possess factual information about Him, no matter how accurate those facts may be.

“I wrote this so that you might have the same experience we had with Jesus,” says I John 1.

You are intended to have a personal, intimate, and frequent encounter with Jesus in the same way that the disciples did.

The first step is to begin removing the obstacles that have prevented us from fully experiencing Jesus.

That is a stumbling block.

He hasn’t changed since he was born, and he will be forever.

What role does the Holy Spirit play in our ability to comprehend Jesus’ teachings?

He provides us with the opportunity to communicate with both the Father and the Son.

Could you provide an example?

That’s why so many of these passages strike us as strange and incomprehensible.

When you read the narrative, you think to yourself, “Yikes!” He’s referring to her as a dog.

I’m sorry, but I don’t have time for you.” Watch the exchange in the narrative, and pay attention to how Jesus reacts to her: “You have tremendous faith; your daughter will be well,” Jesus says.

We are aware of His non-racist nature.

In any case, what the hell is going on with that story?

“Well replied,” he adds, with a smile on his face.

The same may be said about the lady at the well.

They take on a whole new meaning when you rediscover the true personality of Jesus in those stories and put His heart into those stories, which have caused us so much sorrow in the past.

What responses have you received from readers in regards to Beautiful Outlaw?

His long-distance trip was interrupted by a text from me: “I guess the woman next to me thought I was losing my mind,” he writes.

“Jesus has rekindled my love for him,” I confess. This man is a pastor and a wonderful man who understands a great deal about God, yet to claim, “I’ve fallen in love with Jesus again,” is a bold statement. I mean, that’s the whole point. That alone makes the experience worthwhile.

The Personality of Jesus Christ

Christ became “everything to us except sin” in order to become “like us in all things but sin” (Heb 4:15). Posted by Br. John Sester, LC on Catholic.Net, with permission. A difficulty occurred as I was working on a short narrative for my creative writing course when I encountered it. The narrative is about knights and castles, and I wanted the King, Cherathon the Flame, to be an allegorical Christ figure to represent the story’s themes of knights and castles. However, an author can only represent a compelling character if he fully comprehends and understands the character.

  • What is his way of thinking?
  • For me, it all boiled down to one central question: what is the personality of Jesus Christ?
  • We based it on the Myers-Briggs personality type system, which has four characteristics.
  • First and first, I had to question if he really has a personality.
  • Christ became “like us in all things except sin” (Heb 4:15), and I do not believe that sin has any influence on one’s nature.
  • (I’m going to presume the latter.) Jesus came to Earth to share in our uniqueness as individuals.
  • In a nutshell, I believe he must have a distinct personality.
  • Is it possible to know what Jesus’ personality is given that he is perfect?
  • It was this feature of Christ (i.e.

As an example, when Christ overturns the tables of the moneychangers, is he acting in an extrovert manner, or is he acting in an introvert manner, having overcome his anxiety with “zeal for his Father’s house?” (See also John 2:17) When the Pharisees put him on the spot in front of the woman who had committed adultery (Jn 8:6), he doesn’t speak a word, instead bending down and writing in the dust with his finger.

  1. Is he acting as an introvert in this situation?
  2. Rather than intellectually disputing the Pharisees, is it his “feeling” quality that shines through in his sympathy and mercy for the accused lady that reveals his “thinking” quality?
  3. Whatever he is doing, he might either be employing a personality attribute or even attempting to balance a different feature with virtue.
  4. Within a few minutes, I concluded that there was no way to definitively describe his personality.
  5. As a result of my gut instinct and personal experience, what do I believe his personality to be?
  6. It is no longer a religious topic; rather, it is a personal question.
  7. My mind goes to Aslan (Genesis 49:9) from The Chronicles of Narnia, and to Aragorn (Christ the King, 1 Timothy 6:15) from The Lord of the Rings.

The Christ (Carpenter and Suffering Servant: Is 53) played by Mel Gibson in his film The Passion of the Christ was also a memorable character for many people.

This personality type is appropriately referred to as “the Advocate.” “The Father will provide you with another advocate,” Jesus says directly to us.

His thoughts were continually focused on the ultimate ideal, and he carried out his daily responsibilities with that higher ideal in mind.

He always had a clear sense of purpose and direction, but he was also open to the will of the Father and the movements of the Holy Spirit at the same time.

It’s just a wild guess.

However, it has provided me with the opportunity to reflect profoundly on the person of Christ, which is something we should all do on a regular basis. And I can confirm that King Cherathon the Flame will be an INFJ, I swear to you.

r/AcademicBiblical – Jesus’s personality?

There are a lot of things that happened that we don’t read about in the Gospels (i.e. Jesus telling funny jokes, laughing, embarrassing himself, getting sick, etc.) However, there are a plethora of clues that a person has a compelling, appealing, yet enigmatic personality. Let’s have a look at some of the terms that feature often in Mark, the shortest and oldest of the gospels: First and foremost, there are countless stories of people being shocked, amazed, and even in ecstasy after hearing Jesus teach, discourse, heal, or perform miracles, among other things.

  • Several events that are likely to have occurred are not included in the Gospels (i.e. Jesus telling funny jokes, laughing, embarrassing himself, getting sick, etc.) A captivating and appealing individual who is also mysterious is hard to pin down, yet there are several symptoms of this. Look at just a few of the terms that appear often in Mark’s gospel, which is the shortest and earliest of the gospels: First and foremost, there are countless reports of people being shocked, amazed, and even in ecstasy after hearing Jesus teach, discourse, heal, or perform miracles, among them. It’s safe to say that he was a remarkable individual.

Second, Jesus held a high level of authority. Of course, you may have your own theories about why this is the case, but it’s certain that everyone around him recognized this quality in him, culminating in Jerusalem when the religious instructors question him about who had given him this authority.

  • The authority of the prophets (in 1:12, 1:27 he is teaching
  • 2:10, 3:15, miracles
  • 6:7 he sends the Twelve
  • 11:28-33 he is called into doubt about his authority)

Third, Jesus was filled with compassion. He was sympathetic toward persons of religion, especially toward those who were beyond the social order and were denounced by the Jewish religious authorities of his day. He was especially empathetic toward individuals who were outside the social order. He subverted the civilization in which he lived. He condemned the wealthy, those who would cause children to sin, those who perverted the Scriptures, and, most importantly, his own disciples, who, after rejecting him time and time again, refused to believe that he could save them and deliver them from their sins.

  • It could have been the tone of voice he used, or the authority he possessed, or some other prior context that was not mentioned, but this man possessed the ability to gain followers, as he called them, through his words.
  • This is a condensed version of the full list.
  • Take into consideration that Jesus was despised by the majority of people and that during his crucifixion, only the ladies closest to him were there to witness it.
  • However, when Jesus was crucified, that hope was extinguished.

That is why he and his ministry continue to carry significance and hope: there is a call to emulate what he did, to be as he was, and to eagerly await the day when he will finally return.

Attributes of Christ

In the third place, Jesus exhibited mercy. A caring person who showed compassion to people of religion, especially to those who were outside the social order and were condemned by the Jewish religious authorities of his day, he was known as the “Great Compassionate One.” He flipped the social order in which he lived on his own terms. He chastised the wealthy, those who would encourage youngsters to sin, those who twisted the Scriptures, and, most importantly, his own followers, who, after rejecting him time and time again, refused to trust that he could redeem them and free them from their tribulation.

o:to be affected in the interior parts; to be moved to compassion (for the leper in 1:41; 6:34, 8:2, for the hungry throng in 9:22; a father’s appeal in 1:41) It may have been the tone of voice he used, the authority he held, or some other preceding context that was not stated, but this guy possessed the ability to attract followers, as he referred to them.

There are many more, but here is a quick rundown.

Take into consideration that Jesus was despised by the majority of people and that during his crucifixion, only the ladies who were closest to him were there.

However, when Jesus was crucified, that hope was extinguished forever.

As a result, Jesus and his ministry continue to carry significance and hope: there is a call to emulate him, to live as he lived, and to joyfully anticipate the day he returns.

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