What Is The Passion Of Jesus

What Is the Passion of Christ?

The Passion of Christ is a subject usually discussed in the spring, during the Easter season. There is a valid reason for it, which I’ll go into, but the Passion of Christ is not only for Easter alone. Christmas gives us with a wider outlook, and consequently another chance to examine this important issue. To grasp what the Passion of Christ is, we’ll examine at three alternative versions of it.

1. There Is Easter

Because of the religious significance of Easter, the Passion of Christ is intertwined with the holiday. As used in that context, the phrase “the Passion of Christ” is referring to the week leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and subsequent resurrection. On this day, we recall the events of the previous week, which began on Palm Sunday when Jesus entered Jerusalem and culminated in His agony on Good Friday. This is related to the word’s original meaning, which is: “to be filled with passion.”

  • Passionem (nominativepassio) is a Latin word that means “suffering, enduring.” From the past participle stem of Latinpati, which means “to suffer, go through, or go through.”

Despite the fact that Jesus did suffer, and He suffered immensely, I feel that we do Him a disservice by concentrating solely on His suffering. This misaligned emphasis can lead to the following outcomes:

  • Because of His suffering, we should feel sad for Jesus. Because “it’s our fault,” or any version of that notion, we should feel guilty. Don’t think about the resurrection
  • Are you missing the “why” behind everything?

There is, however, more to the Passion of Christ than only the celebration of Easter. Read on for more.

2. There Is the Movie

Another item that comes to mind when we think about the Passion of Christ is the epic film The Passion of the Christ (2004), which was directed by Mel Gibson. Despite the fact that it shows Jesus’ terrible agony and crucifixion, this film sparked controversy among many viewers. Media attention was intense, and there was even a flurry of activity in several churches:

  • Some people thought the movie was too gruesome, while others thought it wasn’t gory enough. Others were displeased with the fact that the film was being created at all.

One aspect of the film that is noteworthy is the absence of screen time devoted to depicting the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Because it was so brief, some individuals didn’t even know it was there. A preacher informed me that the scene in question was not included in the film. Despite the fact that he was incorrect, I understood how it may have gone unnoticed because the scenario was barely one and a half minutes in duration. The resurrection is worthy of more than a minute and a half of attention.

3. There Is the Larger View

Although the Easter view and the movie view aren’t inaccurate, they both require a more expansive perspective. To begin this bigger perspective, I’d like to examine what the terms “passion” and “Christ” truly imply in their literal sense. Passion entails more than simply pain and anguish. Over time, the word has grown to denote a powerful feeling, both positive and negative in nature. It is even referred to as “uncontrollable” at times. However, after doing some research, I discovered that the word passion originally meant “a willingness to sacrifice for what you love.” Christ is not Jesus’ given name, nor does it merely relate to a specific individual.

These definitions address the question of “why.” What is the significance of the Passion of Christ?

More succinctly stated, the Passion of Christ is an example of unconditional love displayed in full color:

  • “God is love,” says the Bible. The Bible says in 1 John 4:8, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that everyone who believes in him may not perish but may have everlasting life.” No one exhibits greater love than the one who gives his or her life to save the life of a friend, according to John 3:16. According to John 15:13, “However, God shows His own love for us in this: While we were yet sinners, Christ died on the cross for us.” “We love because He first loved us,” says the apostle Paul in Romans 5:8. John 4:19 explains that the Holy Spirit will descend upon her and the power of the Most High will overshadow her, and as a result, “the Holy One who is born will be called the Son of God,” as well as “the Son of Man.” It says in Luke 1:35 that “all this happened to fulfill the prophecy of the Lord through the prophet, saying, ‘The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will name him Immanuel,’ which means ‘God with us.'” (The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, which means ‘God with us’). Matthew 1:22-23
  • Luke 1:22-23

Jesus accomplished what we were unable to, and He did it out of love for us. God’s love for you and me is shown by the Passion of Christ. Merry Christmas to you. Picture credit: Simon Lehmann via iStock/Getty Images Plus

What is the passion of Christ?

QuestionAnswer The term passionis comes from the Latin pati, which simply translates as “to endure” or “to be subjected to suffering.” In theology, the word “passion of Christ” has taken on a technical or semi-technical meaning, referring to the period of time between Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane and His death on the cross, which was the period of His most intense suffering. These events are shown in Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion of the Christ. Around Easter, “passion plays,” which are re-enactments of the last few hours of Jesus’ life in which He suffered, are also popular entertainment options.

  1. The suffering of Christ is frequently mentioned in the Bible.
  2. (1 Corinthians 2:2).
  3. It is critical to remember that Christ’s suffering—His passion—was real and intense.
  4. If it is possible, please take this cup away from me,” Jesus cried in Gethsemane, expressing real pain at the prospect of what He was about to endure (Matthew 26:39).
  5. Luke 22:44).
  6. He went through all of this in order to save those who put their confidence in Him.
  7. His wounds, however, were pierced for our trespasses, and his iniquities were crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace fell on him, and it was through his wounds that we were healed.

He was burdened and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was carried to the slaughterhouse like a lamb, and just as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his lips when led to the slaughterhouse.

Who, however, from his generation stood up and protested?

He was placed to a burial among the evil and the wealthy when he died, despite the fact that he had committed no violence and had spoken with no malice in his heart.

The light of life will shine upon him after he has suffered; my upright servant will justify many people through his understanding, and he will bear their sins.

Because he carried the sin of many and interceded on their behalf, he is known as the Lamb of God.

The agony of Jesus, on the other hand, was not brought about by a tremendous emotion that erupted for a short period of time and then subsided.

In Matthew 16:21–23 and Matthew 21:24, we learn that Jesus came to earth with the express intention of laying down His life for us.

To be sure, in the book of Revelation, Jesus is characterized by John as “the Lambslain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation 13:8).

Passion (intense feeling) was not the driving force behind Jesus’ suffering; rather, it was a determined purpose! Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) What is the source of Christ’s zeal?

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The Passion of Jesus Christ

The Passion of Christ is derived from the Latin patior, which means “suffer,” and refers to the pains our Lord underwent for our redemption, beginning with His agony in the garden and culminating with His death on the cross. The Fire of Desire It is through the Gospel accounts that we learn the specifics of our Lord’s death and resurrection. These accounts are at least partially confirmed by contemporary Roman historians such as Tacitus, Seutonius, and Pliny the Younger. The combination of archeological discoveries and current medical evaluation provides a realistic picture of what our Lord went through during his life.

  • After the Last Supper, Jesus traveled to the Garden of Gethsemane on the Mount of Olives, where he prayed for forty days and forty nights.
  • Jesus was well aware of the price He would have to pay.
  • Medical research confirms that humans can sweat blood when they are feeling particularly upset (a condition known as hematidrosis or hemohidrosis), which is the consequence of bleeding into the sweat glands.
  • Our Lord was then seized and brought before the Sanhedrin, which was presided over by the High Priest Caiphas, to stand trial for his crimes.
  • The punishment for making this statement was death by blasphemy, followed by being spit upon, slapped, and insulted by the mob.
  • As a result, the Jewish authorities arrested Jesus and brought him before Pilate.
  • I’m wondering what happened to the blasphemy allegation.

It is essential that any act of revolt, treason, or subversion be punished as soon and harshly as possible.

Pilate was unable to come up with convincing proof to convict Jesus.

When Pilate was considering releasing a prisoner, he inquired of the audience about Jesus: “What crime does this guy have on his record?

Pilate then ordered that Jesus be scourged (Jn 19:1).

Iron balls or hooks made of bones or shells were inserted at various intervals throughout the thongs’ lengths and at the ends of the thongs’ ends.

The scourging pulled the skin and tore into the underlying muscles, resulting in crimson ribbons of flesh on the exposed body.

Further torturing our Lord was carried out by the soldiers, who crowned Him with thorns, dressed Him in purple clothing, placed a reed in His right hand, spat upon Him, and mocked Him with the words, “All hail, king of the Jews!” to add to the scourging of our Lord.

Pilate, fearing a popular uprising, capitulated and gave Jesus over to be crucified.

The punishment of crucifixion was reserved for the most heinous crimes.

43 BC) proposed legislation in the Roman Senate exempting Roman citizens from crucifixion; as a result, St.

The victim was forced to carry his own cross in order to weaken him even more.

The procession was conducted by a military guard under the command of a centurion.

For our Lord, the distance between the praetorium and Golgothwas roughly a third of a mile, and He was quite fatigued.

When the victim arrived at the execution site, the law dictated that he or she be given a bitter drink of wine mixed with myrrh (gall) as an anesthetic before being put to death (Mt 27:34).

Seated with his hands spread over the patibulum and either tied or nailed together, or both.

It was necessary to drive nails through the wrist between the radius and ulna in order to sustain the weight of the individual.

When the victim was nailed to the cross, the onlookers would frequently jeer and jeer at him (cf.

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The Romans frequently compelled the family to observe in order to increase psychological pain.

The victim would be nailed to the cross for anything from three hours to as long as three days, depending on the circumstances.

The victim dies from asphyxiation as a result of the combined effects of blood loss, scourging, and dehydration, as well as the weight of the body being pushed down on the outstretched arms and shoulders, which makes it difficult to breathe.

If the individual attempted to get to his or her feet to take a breath, he or she would experience excruciating pain in the nail wounds and the back wounds caused by the scouring.

When he looked to be dead, the soldiers ensured it by piercing his heart with a spear or a sword; when Jesus’ heart was punctured, blood and water (pericardial fluid) gushed out (Jn 19:34).

Joseph of Arimathea requested Christ’s corpse from Pilate, and He was later buried as a result of his request (Jn 19:38).

He sacrificed Himself as the only acceptable sacrifice for sin on the cross, and His blood wiped away our sins and cleansed us from our transgressions.

The picture of our crucified Lord on the cross serves as a powerful reminder of His unfailing love for each of us.

We will be strengthened against temptation if we meditate on His passion. It will also motivate us to make regular confessions and keep us on the path to salvation. Through our embrace of our crucified Lord and His cross, we shall be brought into the glory of the resurrection.

What is the passion of Christ?

Specifically, the Passion of Christ encompasses the time period beginning the night before Jesus’ crucifixion and concluding with His death on the cross. In the Roman Catholic tradition, significant stress has been put on this time period in order to emphasize the sufferings of Jesus leading up to His death as the final sacrifice for sin, which was the ultimate sacrifice for sin. According to tradition, this time period includes His prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas Iscariot’s betrayal, the desertion and denial of His followers, the arrest of Jesus and the subsequent trials and beatings, as well as the hours spent on the cross.

  1. Three times, Jesus prayed while His followers were supposed to maintain watch, but instead he fell asleep (Luke 22:39-46).
  2. Depending on your perspective, this might refer to physical blood (as in the case of the disorder hematidrosis), or it could refer to He was pouring with perspiration.
  3. In the Garden of Gethsemane, Judas Iscariot appeared with a large group of people who were attempting to arrest Jesus.
  4. Disciples have abandoned/denied you: When Jesus was captured, according to the Gospels, all of Jesus’ disciples left the scene (Mark 14:50).
  5. Peter denied knowing Jesus three times while in the courtyard of the high priest, which confirmed Jesus’ prior prophecy that he would do so (Luke 22:54-62).
  6. His Obstacles: The Gospels mention seven distinct trials that took place at the hands of both Jewish religious leaders and Roman authorities who were in control of Israel at the time of the events recorded in the Gospels.
  7. After washing his hands, Pilate attempted to establish his innocence in the case of Jesus’ blood, despite the fact that he had already agreed to their demands.

They also blindfolded him and started questioning him, ‘Prophesy!

They also said many other derogatory things about him, like calling him a blasphemer ” (Luke 22:63-65).

Three nails were used in the Roman crucifixion, one in each wrist (or hand) and one through both ankles to tie the victim’s feet.

Before His death on the cross, Jesus spoke seven particular recorded sayings, which were later confirmed by Roman soldiers who pierced His side.

Most famously, Mel Gibson’s filmThe Passion of the Christ attempted to depict the truly violent nature of Christ’s suffering, and it did so by showing one example of how brutally He was treated during His lifetime.

Truths that are related: What transpired in the final hours before Jesus’ death is unknown.

What judicial proceedings against Jesus resulted in His crucifixion? Who has responsibility for the killing of Jesus Christ? What is Passion Week and how does it work? What does Jesus’ role as the Lamb of God entail? Return to the page: The Truth About Jesus Christ.

Why is it called The Passion?

The Passion of the Christ, directed by Mel Gibson and gorily depicting the agony of Jesus during his last days, will be released in theaters on April 14 to much expectation and controversy. The question remains, however, as to how Jesus’ agony on the cross came to be known as the Passion in the first place. The short explanation is that the English wordpassion was originally used to allude to Jesus’ suffering before it morphed into other, more sensual connotations. Today, the term “crucifixion” refers to Jesus’ torments as well as retellings of the crucifixion seen in the Gospels and elsewhere, including in musical compositions.

  1. Over the course of several centuries, the more prevalent connotations of the wordpassion—strong emotion, zeal, and sexual desire—evolved naturally from the Christian use of the term.
  2. In early Latin translations of the Bible that appeared in the 2ndcentury A.D.
  3. Despite the fact that the Latin term was frequently used in Old English religious works, its meaning remained solely theological throughout.
  4. Although the evidence is sparse, it appears that after the word passion was in widespread usage in both languages, it began to take on larger connotations.
  5. Passion came to apply to any intense emotion by the 14th century.
  6. Over the course of this time, many words acquired new meanings; literature and vernacular poetry flourished; and a revitalized interest in classical studies may have resulted in Latin exerting a greater direct impact on the language as well.
  7. In his play Titus Andronicus, William Shakespeare writes, “My sword.
  8. plead my emotions for Lavinia’s affection.” This is considered to be the earliest sexual reference in literature.
  9. Gibson originally intended to name his picture The Passion, but he was forced to alter the title when it was discovered that Miramax already had a movie in production with the same name.

“The Anointed” is a less popular alternative to the more common nickname “Christ,” which is a derivative from the Latin translation of a Greek translation of the Hebrew titleMessiah, which literally translates as “the Anointed.” The word “Christ” is frequently preceded by the preposition “the” in the Geneva and 1611 editions of the New Testament, respectively.

What’s the next question? TheOxford English Dictionary’s Jesse Sheidlower and Samantha Schad were acknowledged by the explainer.

The Passion of Jesus

QUESTION: What does the term “passion” signify in relation to Jesus’ death and resurrection? ANSWER:I’m sure many individuals have pondered this same subject in relation to Jesus’ death and resurrection. The movie “The Passion of Christ,” starring Mel Gibson, has sparked a great deal of debate. Millions of people have been thinking about passion since then, and the phrase has become commonplace in most families. What is the significance of Jesus’ passion? Passion is derived from the Latin workpati, which means “to endure pain.” The term passive is derived from the word pass, which means “capable of suffering.” The term “pass” was first used in the early 16th century to refer to “Christ’s suffering on the cross.” It is derived from the Latin word “passus.” The word was also introduced into English by way of the Old French wordpassion, which means “strong of feeling.” In our present times, this has been used to signify sexual desire as well as indignation and rage.

According to Webster, “passion” is defined as “a strong feeling, especially of wrath, affection, or desire.” According to the definition, passion “is an emotion, a powerful, driving, or overpowering feeling or conviction.” It further states that the “sufferings of Christ between the night of the final supper and His death” are referred to as the “passion.” Strangely enough, one variation of the definition adds that “it is also the state or capacity of being acted on by external agents or forces.” What could be a more powerful force than God?

  • Isn’t it true that God desired for “The Passion of Jesus” to become a reality?
  • These sources remind us that Jesus was aware of what was about to take place and that He was willing to suffer for the sake of mankind.
  • The leaders, the senior priests, and the instructors of religious law will all reject me,’ says the author.
  • Christ not only suffered physically for us, but He also suffered in other, more serious ways.
  • What a traumatic experience it must have been.
  • It had to have been much more agonizing than the horrific bodily torture he had to undergo.
  • According to Luke 23:15, “Herod came to the same decision that we did and returned him to us.

Then comes the most heinous sin that man has ever committed.

We’ve all heard that Jesus cares for everyone of us.

God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him would not perish but but have eternal life, according to the Bible’s verse John 3:16.

This poem holds a special place in my heart because it makes me feel more loved than I have ever felt before.

When I think about what Jesus went through for me, these are the feelings that I experience.

Who among us has the ability to do what Jesus did?

Who would be able to look forward to having to deal with these kinds of feelings?

This is what the Bible says about Jesus in Luke 22:44: “He prayed even more frantically, and he was in such anguish of soul that his perspiration dropped to the ground like big droplets of blood.” Jesus (with God as His Father) was the only one who could go through with it knowing what He was about to go through in anguish and torture.

  1. Jesus was well aware that His Father desired for Him to die on the cross, and He was well aware of the consequence.
  2. It just serves to increase the intensity of the term passion.
  3. I turned to the Internet for answers.
  4. The fervor that Jesus must have felt could only have come from His heavenly Father.
  5. If you haven’t already, I strongly encourage you to read the narrative in the gospels.
  6. Understanding Jesus and genuinely feeling the significance of His sacrifice on the cross for our redemption is a passion-filled experience in and of itself.
  7. The word “passion” refers to the fact that I will be filled with ardor, enthusiasm, and fervor for living each day as Jesus would have done.

The fact that Jesus died on the cross for our sins is a tremendous blessing. However, God does not desire for us to suffer as Jesus suffered, but He does desire for us to live as Jesus would have, loving one another and sharing our love with others who do not understand the “passion of Jesus.”

The Passion of Jesus (Luke 22:47-24:53)

The culmination of Jesus’ ministry is his voluntary self-sacrifice on the cross, when he breaths out confidence in God with his final gasp, “Father, into your hands I surrender my spirit” (I commend my spirit to you) (Luke 23:46). Jesus’ self-sacrifice, along with the Father’s tremendous act of resurrection, completes his ascension into the position of eternal king that had been predicted at his birth. “The Lord God will grant him the throne of David, who was his forefather.” The house of Jacob will be under his control forever” (Luke 1:32-33).

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When we see Jesus’ concern for the poor and helpless in this light, we can see that it is both a goal in itself and a proof of his love for everyone who would follow him.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ causes us to be transformed in every part of our lives as we are caught up in God’s overwhelming love for us all.

The Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35)

Return to the Table of Contents Return to the Table of Contents The incident on the road to Emmaus serves as a perfect example of kindness for all of Jesus’ disciples today. At first glance, it appears to treat Jesus’ death almost too lightly, but are we mistaken in thinking that there is something hilarious about the two disciples teaching Jesus on the newest news in the Gospels? Inquiring minds want to know: “Are you the only stranger in Jerusalem who is unaware of the events that have taken place there recently?” they inquire (Luke 24:18).

  1. Jesus takes it in stride and allows them to express themselves, but then turns the tables and forces them to pay attention.
  2. If this were the end of the narrative, we may learn nothing more than the fact that we are frequently “foolish.and.slow of heart to believe” (Luke 24:25) in everything that God has written about us.
  3. They provide a warm welcome to Jesus and his followers.
  4. Jesus praises this tiny act of compassion by revealing his presence to those who are in need.
  5. Whenever we provide hospitality, God uses it not just as a method of assisting people in need of refreshment, but also as an invitation for us to come into the presence of Jesus for ourselves.

What Was Jesus Passionate About?

The movie “The Passion of the Christ,” I’m sure, has been watched by a large number of people. Given the fact that it is Good Friday, I thought I would devote some time this morning to talking about The Passionate Jesus.

From my point of view, the passion of Good Friday is a direct outcome of the passion Jesus experienced throughout His life, which is why I believe that You do not suddenly become enthralled with anything.

What Are the Things Jesus Was Passionate About?

Those devout and hard-nosed hypocrites of Jesus’ day, as you recall, protested because He was associated with tax collectors and sinners. It reads in Matthew chapter 11:18 that Because John didn’t spend his time eating and drinking, you conclude that he has been possessed by a devil. 19 In contrast, the Son of Man feasts and drinks, prompting you to label him a “glutton and a drunkard, as well as a buddy of tax collectors and other sinners!” Wisdom, on the other hand, is proven correct by its outcomes.” It was more essential to Jesus to be a part of the crowd than it was to be virtuous in their eyes.

He was passionate about the poor

He had a strong desire to help the destitute and the suffering. Remember that He stated that it was the ill who required a physician, not the healthy. He had a large gathering of 5000 people, and when he noticed that they were hungry, he provided food for them. In fact, He warned us that if we did not follow His example, we would be separated from the rest of the flock, just as the sheep are from the goats.

He was passionate about friendships

He was really enthusiastic about friendships. Don’t forget that the last thing He did before entering the Garden of Gethsemane was to share a meal with His companions and inform them that they were his friends. In fact, He said that no one has ever shown more love than he has shown his companions by laying down his life for them.

He was passionate about the kingdom of God

He was driven by a desire to see the Kingdom of God (His rule and dominion) established on the face of the planet. If you recall, he was in serious trouble for curing someone on the Sabbath, which was against the law. And that when He cleansed the temple of people who were selling religion, He was inadvertently signing His own death sentence.

His passion was expressed by relevant emotions

He was moved to the point of displaying emotion. He joined in the festivities during the wedding in Cana. When Lazarus died, he wept uncontrollably. Peter told him not to go to the cross, and He loved all of humanity enough to eat, drink, listen, and accept them just as they were at the time of their betrayal.

He was passionate about teaching servanthood

He was adamant about the importance of servanthood. Instead of deciding to be the Conquering King initially, He decided to be the Suffering Servant and to serve as a paradigm of servanthood for the rest of humanity. According to him, the greatest will be the servant of the greatest, and the greatest will be the servant of the greatest of all. He demonstrated his servanthood by choosing to go to the cross and serve us all by freely offering His life for us.

Are His Passions Your Passions?

My thoughts on this Good Friday are prompted by Paul’s comments to the Philippians in Chapter 2 of The Message Bible, which are available online. 2:5-8 (Philippians 2:5-8) The Bible of the Message Consider yourself in the same light as Christ. Jesus was thinking about himself. He was on an equal footing with God, but he didn’t think so highly of himself that he felt compelled to hold on to the benefits of that status no matter what. In no way, shape, or form. When the time came, he relinquished his divinity position and assumed the role of a slave, thereby becoming human!

It was a humbling experience on every level.

He made no claim to any preferential treatment. His life was instead marked by selflessness and obedience; his death was also marked by selflessness and obedience—and it was the most horrible type of death, a crucifixion. That really is something to consider! Blessings Pastor Duke is a man of God.

To Dig Deeper Into This Topic, We Recommend

In medieval times, there was a fable about a thorn bird that only sung once in its entire life, according to the account. After leaving its nest, it went in search of a shrub with long, stinging thorns to hide in. When it finally came across the bush, it impaled itself on the largest thorn. The thorn bird then began to sing in response. The song of the bird was more exquisite than that of a lark. The entire globe came to a halt to listen. God’s face lit up with delight as he listened to the enchanting tune.

  1. The most rewarding moment of one’s life can only be obtained at the expense of immense suffering.
  2. The Passion and death of Jesus Christ are among the most profound thoughts available.
  3. As a result, the Passion narratives are the most lengthy and emotionally gripping sections of all four Gospels.
  4. That, of course, will not suffice in this case.
  5. Aside from that, our feelings are nothing more than a type of self-indulgence and a parody of Christ’s death and resurrection.
  6. As we shift our attention to the Passion, we consider what Jesus said and did.
  7. We see these encounters as real-life happenings, rather than as just fiction contained within a book.
  8. The injustices he faced as well as his incredible acts of forgiveness toward those who tortured and killed him will be something we will share with him as we go through life with him.
  9. In the same way that the Gospel texts and liturgical procedures are close to us, Jesus is close to us.
  10. If we have a love relationship with Jesus and demonstrate it by living like the Christ of the Passion, we can live this reality once more.
  11. McBride is a well-known lecturer and author, having written more over 40 volumes in all.

The Passion of Jesus Christ

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate he suffered death and was buried and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. Ancient creeds express the mystery of the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ in simple words, and this is the case even today. It appears also in the four gospels and other writings of the New Testament, which treat it with similar restraint. It’s a mystery beyond our understanding. This mystery has inspired Christian prayer and meditation through the centuries.

The aim of this website is to offer a taste of this mystery, only a taste.

“Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.” You’ll find here a commentary on the gospel stories of the passion by Father Donald Senior, CP, as well as examples of devotions and insights into this mystery from generations of Christians.

Paul of the Cross, the 18th century founder of the Passionists, saw the world falling into “a forgetfulness of the passion of Jesus.” We shouldn’t forget it.

Over and over, we’re told to remember it. For our sake, Jesus was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. For our sake…

The Passion of our Lord Jesus Christ According to Mark

Hristo Shopov is a Bulgarian actor and director who is most known for his role in the film Hristo Shopov.

  • Pontius Pilate (as Hristo Naumov Shopov)
  • Pontius Pilate (as Hristo Naumov Shopov)

A representation of the last twelve hours of Jesus of Nazareth’s life, as depicted on the day of his crucifixion in the city of Jerusalem. During the Last Supper, Jesus had gone to the Garden of Olives to pray. The story begins in this location. The controversial Jesus, who has performed’miracles’ and publicly declared that he is ‘the Son of God,’ is caught and transported back within the city walls of Jerusalem after being betrayed by Judas Iscariot. At that point, the leaders of the Pharisees confront him and accuse him of blasphemy; as a consequence of his trial, the leaders sentence him to death by beheading him.

  • In response to the allegations levied against Jesus by the Pharisees, Pilate listens intently.
  • Herod, on the other hand, delivers Jesus to Pilate, who, in turn, gives the multitude the option of choosing between Jesus or Barrabas as the prisoner they would want to see released.
  • As a result, Jesus is turned over to the Roman troops, who violently flagellate him to death.
  • The audience, on the other hand, is dissatisfied.
  • Jesus is presented with the crucifixion and instructed to carry it through the streets of Jerusalem, all the way to Golgotha.
  • In this point, additional corporeal torture occurs as Jesus is nailed to the crucifixion and left to bleed to death while suffering in silence.
  • After that, he begs God for help.
  • — Anthony Pereyra & Associates When will The Passion of the Christ (2004) become available for streaming in Japan?

The Passion of Jesus and Its Hidden Meaning: Groenings, James: 9780895551894: Amazon.com: Books

On April 2, 2017, a review was published in the United States of America. This book is a beautiful and uplifting reflection on Christ’s passion, and it is highly recommended. I have been a practicing Catholic for many years, and I have learnt numerous information that I did not previously know; more significantly, I have learned to pray in new and more edifying ways. This is very appropriate reading during Lent. I would strongly suggest it. The only reason I did not give it five stars was because of the condition in which it was received.

  1. The binding, on the other hand, was damaged in three places, and I spent just a dollar less than I would have for a new book.
  2. Well, that’s life.
  3. The lesson has been learnt.
  4. Every year during Lent, I read this novel aloud.
  5. So, while a handful of societal notions are out of current (or may never be), and the English is old, the lessons and insights are timeless and Catholic.
  6. My experience has been extremely powerful and illuminating, and it has most importantly assisted me in developing a more complete knowledge of our Lord’s suffering and passion.
  7. On March 30, 2017, a review was published in the United States of America.
See also:  What Are Jesus Sandals Called

It forces you to take a hard look at yourself.

In exchange for my time, I received a tremendously moving trip through Christ’s Passion.

There must have been occasions when the understanding of what Christ was doing and why He was doing it had to have been so profound that only His full essence as both God and Man could have permitted Him to continue.

On May 25, 2017, a review was conducted in the United States.

On April 26, 2017, a review was conducted in the United States.

God’s zeal for us is revealed in depth.

Purchase that has been verified Though the reflections presented helped to make Lent more bearable, these concepts would be beneficial for spiritual growth at any time of the year, regardless of the season.

On December 31, 2012, it was reviewed in the United States and verified as a purchase. I really enjoyed this book. There is a great deal to be gained by reading this book. Wonderful insights into the Bible. Excellent for Lent

The Passion of Christ in Art

Related Internet links Art and Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the ChristWith the annual approach of the Easter Season, Christians all over the world prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Christ. The devout are often asked to reflect on the relevance of the two thousand year old legacy of Jesus Christ.One of the most salutary but overlooked aspects of this legacy is the influence which the Bible has had on Western art. For over 400 years, from the time of Giotto to Rembrandt, Western painting is inconceivable without the vision and the stories contained in the Bible, especially in the Gospels.The Passion is given its first genuinely comprehensive treatments in painting in Giotto’s frescoes for the Arena Chapel in Padua, and in Duccio di Buoninsegna’s monumentalMaestà.

Thus the great rivalry between Leonardo and Michelangelo, Dürer and Grünewald, Bosch and Brueghel, Titian and Tintoretto, and Rubens and Rembrandt to capture the patronage of princes and prelates so that their vision of Christianity could dominate and endure.The Passion as it is traditionally known (from the Latin for sufferings) is the story of the last events of Christ’s earthly life.

But almost all versions begin with his triumphant entry into Jerusalem a few days before Passover where he is hailed as the messiah by the people and conclude with his Crucifixion where he is mocked and despised a few days later.

Among ancient Mediterranean peoples crucifixion was considered the most shameful means of torture and execution reserved only for the worst criminals.

While other religions celebrated the invulnerability and power of their gods, the Church focused on the human vulnerability and suffering of Jesus, the sheer fragility of skin and bones under the lash and nail of power.

When the taste for imaginative representations from the Bible became an appetite, the Church found it had at its command one of the most powerful means of reaching the deepest emotions of its members.Let us briefly sketch the major moments of the Passion, highlighting the major works of the Western art it has called forth:

The Passion

Christ’s Entry into Jerusalem Christ prepares for his death by riding a donkey into the city of Jerusalem. Despite this humble entry, the people who have heard of his miracles go wild with excitement and greet him as the Messiah.See especiallyDuccio. Duccio
Christ Washing the Feet of the Disciples To show his humility Christ surprises his disciples by washing their feet before they eat.See especiallyTintoretto. Tintoretto
The Last Supper Two moments in the meal are most often depicted: his revelation that one of the disciples who he does not name will betray him; and the Communion of the Disciples.See especiallyLeonardo,Tintoretto,Dalí. Tintoretto
The Agony in the Garden Usually showing Christ and three sleeping disciples. Knowing of his coming betrayal by Judas, Christ went with his disciples to the Garden of Gethsemane. There he took the disciples Peter, James, and John aside and asked them to keep watch while he went apart and prayed. Twice Christ returned, found them sleeping and woke them. Upon returning the third time, he said: “Sleep on now, and take your rest: behold, the hour is at hand, and the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners” (Matthew 26:45)See especially paintings byMantegna,Bellini,El Greco. Giovanni Bellini
The Kiss of Judasthe Arrest As Christ and his disciples leave the garden of Gethsemane, a multitude armed with swords and staves appears to seize him. Judas identifies Jesus by kissing him:” Whomsoever I shall kiss, that same is he: take him, and lead him away safely.” (Mark 14:44)See especiallyGiotto,Caravaggio. Giotto
Christ’s Trial before the High Priest Caiaphas Caiaphas the high priest presided over the Sanhedrin the high court of the of the Jewish authorities where Jesus was tried for blasphemy. Caracciolo
Peter’s Three Denials Christ tells Peter that before the night is over he will deny him not once, but three times. When all the disciples flee after Christ is arrested, Peter follows at a distance trying to keep hidden. He is discovered by a servant outside the Sanhedrin who identifies him as a follower of Christ. Peter denies Christ three times at which point a cock cries and Peter breaks into tears for his betrayal.See especiallyRembrandt. Rembrandt
Christ before the Roman Governor Pilate As procurator of Judea, the Roman Governor, Pilate has the final decision as to whether Christ will be condemned to death. He tries to evade his responsibility but finally bows to the pressure to condemn Christ. Pontormo
Christ Scourged, or the Flagellation Pontius Pilate orders Christ tied to a pillar, stripped and beaten by two soldiers.See especiallyEl Greco. El Greco
Christ Crowned with Thorns/The Mocking of Christ Pontius Pilate presents Christ crowned with thorns, forced to hold a reed scepter in his bound hands-a pitiful figure faced by a bloodthirsty mob. Pilate pronounces “Ecce homo” (“Behold the man”).See especiallyTitian, Rubens,Rembrandt,Dürer,Bosch,Correggio, Daumier. Fra Angelico
Christ Carrying the Cross The portrayal of Christ bearing his cross to Calvary traditionally shows the exhausted Christ falling to Earth, supporting himself with one hand. Simon of Cyrene may be seen standing before Christ, portrayed as gray-haired, bearded and wearing a short tunic. Christ bears the Cross on his shoulders, with soldiers on foot and on horseback around him. Behind Christ are shown the Virgin Mary, St. John, and a number of weeping women. Veronica may be included holding a veil. According to Matthew, as well as Mark and Luke, Simon of Cyrene was compelled to bear the cross. On the other hand, John says that Christ carried the cross. Most portrayals of the scene follow John’s version.See especiallyEl Greco. Tiepolo
The Crucifixion Starting from the four gospel accounts, which differ in detail, artists have inserted many symbolic elements. After Christ was brought to Calvary, he was stripped of his clothes and crucified between crosses on which two thieves were also put to death. A sign was attached to his cross that read” “Jesus of Nazareth King of the Jews”. In art, the sign reads “I.N.R.I” representing the initial letters of the four Latin words Jesus Nazarenus Rex Judaeorum.See especiallyEl Greco. El Greco
The Deposition, or Descent from the Cross Christ’s body is taken down from the cross. Joseph of Arimathea, a wealthy and respected man who was secretly a follower of Christ, obtains permission from Pilate to bury the body. Traditional representations in art show a ladder against the cross, with Joseph of Arimathea mounted on the ladder and lowering the body. The Virgin Mary receives the body and kisses the face. Mary Magdalene kisses the left hand, and John kisses the right. Nicodemus extracts the nails from the feet.See especiallyvan der Weyden,Rembrandt,Rubens. Rembrandt
The Pietà The title given to the representation of the Virgin Mary, Mary Magdalene and St. John lamenting over the dead Christ after the Deposition and before the Entombment.See especiallyBellini. Giovanni Bellini
The Lamentation Traditionally, scenes show the body of the dead Christ laid on a winding sheet or shroud before his tomb, while the Virgin Mary bends over him, kissing his face. Others in the scene may be variously Joseph of Arimathea, St. John, Nicodemus, Mary Magdalene and other weeping women. Giottino
The Entombment Artworks with this title are similar to Lamentation and related to Deposition. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus prepare to place Christ’s body within the tomb. Virgin Mary may clasp the body, and John may bend over to support the feet of Christ. Accompanying women bearing myrrh weep.See especiallyTitian. Titian

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ The events of Christ’s Passion are followed by the Resurrection, which takes place three days later. The following are the most important events in the tale of the Resurrection, summarized:

The Resurrection Mary and Mary Magdalene approach the tomb, and find that the stone in front of the door has been rolled away. An angel inside tells them,”Be not affrighted: Ye seek Jesus of Nazareth, which was crucified: he is risen; he is not here; behold the place where they laid him. But go your way, tell his disciples and Peter that he goeth before you into Galilee: there shall ye see him, as he said unto you.”- Mark 16:6-7 Fra Angelico
Noli Me Tangere (Touch Me Not) After discovering the empty tomb, not knowing what has become of Christ’s body, Mary Magdalene weeps. Jesus then comes to her, but she does not recognize him at first, taking him to be a gardener. When she realizes it is Jesus Christ, he tells her”Touch me not, for I am not yet ascended to my Father.”- John 20:17 Fra Angelico
The Road to Emmaus/Supper at EmmausChrist appeared to two disciples travelling to Emmaus, but they didn’t recognize him at first either. Later, when they ate together, “he took bread, and blessed it, and brake, and gave to them. And their eyes were opened, and they knew him; and he vanished out of their sight.”- Luke 24:30-31 Rembrandt
Doubting Thomas”Except I shall see in his hands the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails, and thrust my hand into his side, I will not believe.”- John 20:25 Caravaggio
The Ascension”And he led them out as far as to Bethany, and he lifted up his hands, and blessed them. And it came to pass, while he blessed them, he was parted from them, and carried up into heaven.”- Luke 24:50-51 Perugino

A philosophy teacher once remarked that all the books of theology ever written had less impact on the fate of mankind than the great religious paintings. After spending many hours looking at these images I think I know what he meant.Click here for a huge list of Internet links to great artworks depicting the Passion.This is a slightly updated version of an article which was first published on this website in April, 2000.

This article is copyright 2000-2003 by Joseph Phelan. Please do not republish any portion of this article without written permission.Joseph Phelan can be contacted [email protected] toChristus Rexfor permission to reproduce some of the above images.

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