What Is A Disciple Of Jesus

What Is a Disciple?

When Jesus speaks, we pay attention. That makes sense, doesn’t it? All authority in heaven and on earth has been delegated to Jesus, who is the Son of God (Matthew 28:18). In the future, it will be said of Jesus, “Worthy is the Lamb who was killed, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing!” Jesus is the one about whom it will be spoken forever, “Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and might!” (Revelation 5:12). Revelation 1:7 says that he is the one before whom every knee will bend (Philippians 2:10), and that it is because of him that all the tribes of the earth will lament (Revelation 2:10), and that it is from him that the wrath of God will be unleashed (Revelation 19:15).

We have been linked to Jesus by faith (Romans 6:5), made alive in him by grace (Ephesians 2:4–5), and reckoned righteous in him as a result of his work (Romans 3:24–25).

Jesus, in all of his majesty, is also our shepherd, and we recognize his voice when we hear it (John 10:27).

Toward a Definition

Matthew 28:19–20 states that we are to “go” – as a result of Jesus’ authority — “and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything that I have told you.” The implications of this, however, present an even more basic concern — one that takes precedence over the how-of to’s discipleship. What does it mean to be a “disciple” of Jesus Christ in the real world? If we want to make disciples, we must first understand what it means to be a disciple.

The traditional meaning of a “disciple” (noun) is someone who follows the teachings of another person or group of people.

It is used to describe someone who adopts the methods of another person.

Other others have said that disciples of Jesus are themselves “little Christs,” which is a phrase that has been used in the past (Acts 26:28; 2 Corinthians 1:21).

The Gospel according to John, in particular, offers us three contrasting viewpoints on what it means to follow Jesus, each of which is modeled by Jesus himself. Based on John’s description of a disciple, we may argue that a disciple of Jesus is aworshiper, aservant, and awitness to the gospel.

Disciple Means Worshiper

To follow Jesus implies, first and foremost, to devote one’s life entirely to him. This is at the center of Jesus’ earthly mission throughout his time here. Actual worshippers — not phony worshipers, but true worshipers — those who worship the Father in spirit and truth, as Jesus explained to the woman at the well (John 4:23–24), are in high demand by the Father. This indicates that, as was the case in her situation, we shouldn’t be so ready to shift the subject. Because Jesus is our Mediator (John 14:6; 1 Timothy 2:5), and because Jesus is God, we must worship God through him (John 10:30; John 20:28–29).

As Albert Einstein said, “Worshiping Jesus – joyfully reflecting back to him the splendor of his value — is the greatest deed for any creature.” This is the basic viewpoint of a disciple because it is more ultimate than everything else we are or do, and it is the perspective that is most distinctive in our particular environment.

  • In terms of the larger context, being an exclusive follower of Jesus will upset our multicultural culture more than anything else.
  • Everybody’s favorite moral teacher, kind guy, and motivational speaker who preaches “Judge Not Lest You Be Judged” is none other than Jesus the Moral Teacher (also known as the “Nice Guy”).
  • That’s a fabricated figure, and it’s a great cry from the portrayal of Jesus that appears in the Bible.
  • It means, first and foremost, to worship him – with delight in one’s heart — in the most fundamental way.

Disciple Means Servant

Another image of the Jesus we are to adore is shown by John, and this time he is kneeling before his followers, washing their feet. (See also: (John 13:5). I understand that that doesn’t sound appropriate, especially when we think of him as the sole object of our adoration and adulation. “If I do not wash you, you have no share with me,” Jesus remarked, and Peter agreed that it didn’t seem right (John 13:8). Jesus, on the other hand, is a servant. He did not come to earth to be served, but to serve, and to sacrifice his life as a ransom for the sins of the world (Mark 10:45).

  • ” Because I have set an example for you, you should do the same as I have done for you” (John 13:14–15), the Bible says.
  • However, in another sense, being a servant like Jesus places a particular emphasis on disciples serving other disciples.
  • “Let us do good to everyone,” Paul said, “and especially to those who are members of the family of religion” (Household of Faith) (Galatians 6:10).
  • (John 13:34; see also 1 John 3:23).
  • To be a follower of Jesus means to serve in the same way he does.

Making disciples of Jesus entails developing servants who are compassionate toward one another.

Disciple Means Witness

Another useful depiction of what it means to be a follower of Jesus is provided by the apostle John. When Jesus says of his disciples, “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you,” he is referring to the commission that he gives to his followers (John 20:21; see also John 17:18). This implies that Jesus’s disciples are on a mission to accomplish something. The largest interpretation is that they are missionaries, that they have been envisioned and equipped to enter into this world (not as members of it, but as sent into it) as witnesses for Christ (Acts 1:8).

  • He set his face like flint to see that this mission was fulfilled (Luke 9:51; Isaiah 50:7).
  • Having the heart and mind of Jesus involves pointing others toward him.
  • It indicates, in other words, that we would welcome the addition of more worshipers, servants, and missionaries.
  • And, of course, we pay attention when Jesus speaks.

What Does it Mean to Be a Disciple of Christ?

Another excellent image of what it means to be a follower of Jesus is provided by the apostle John in his Gospel reading. This time it appears in the commissioning of Jesus, when he says of his followers, to his disciples, “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you” (John 20:21; see also John 17:18). This implies that Jesus’s disciples are on a mission to accomplish something significant. The largest interpretation is that they are missionaries, that they have been envisioned and equipped to enter into this world (not as members of it, but as sent into it) as his witnesses (Acts 1:8).

  • (Luke 9:51; Isaiah 50:7).
  • Having the heart and mind of Jesus involves directing others toward him.
  • That is to say, we would welcome the addition of new worshipers, servants, and missionaries to our congregation.
  • Moreover, we pay attention to what Jesus has to say.

What Does it Mean to ‘Follow’ Jesus?

“Follow Me,” Jesus said to His disciple Peter for the very first time (Matthew 4:19), and that was also the very last thing Jesus spoke to Peter (Matthew 16:13). (John 21:22). Despite the fact that these two requirements appear to be equivalent in the English language, they are in fact very different. Intentionally, Christ employed two unique sentences, and Peter was well aware of the significant difference between the two expressions. Following Christ’s first instruction in Matthew 4:19, “Follow Me,” was a powerful and persuading statement.

  1. Peter and the others were being directed by the Lord in a formal and strong manner to become His pupils.
  2. It was clear that He was a teacher, a Rabbi, and that they were ready and eager to devote themselves to become His formal disciples.
  3. After a lengthy chat with this windy former fisherman, in which Christ inquired three times about his love for Him, Jesus had just concluded an important conversation with him (John 21:15-19).
  4. That motivational, contentious, and intimate talk was about to come to a close (John 21:20).
  5. “What about him?” Peter inquired of the Lord after taking a glance at John.
  6. “It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks; all that matters is that you follow Me,” Jesus said in today’s jargon.
  7. “Peter, you stay near to Me,” the Lord says in this instance, full of love, compassion, and determination.
  8. “I want you to stay near to Me,” says the Lord.
  9. It was expected of His disciples that they would learn from Him.

He, on the other hand, desired that they remain near to Him in order to learn by imitating His example. When it came to following Christ’s example and modeling themselves like Him, Christ desired that their love for Him serve as a motivating factor.

What is a Disciple of Jesus?

To be a disciple, I believe, is to be a follower of Jesus Christ in the most fundamental sense. I believe that the concept of discipleship that Jesus left us with is that of being a completely devoted follower of Jesus Christ. Because of the renewing of our minds, we are able to grow in grace and knowledge of Christ. We have a new heart, we have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside us, and God has graciously revealed this to us via His mercy. 2 Peter 3 assists us in seeing via the knowledge of who God is, through the knowledge of the salvation that He has provided for us, and through the knowledge of the promises that He has provided for us.

In the knowledge of Christ, in the comprehension of the promises, in the understanding of grace that allows us to put our confidence in Him more and more, we are progressing in our spiritual development.

Practical Implications of Being a Disciple of Jesus

Being a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ entails taking instruction from Him and remaining near to Him at all times. True discipleship is based on these two requirements, which are intertwined. These two conditions were crucial for Christ’s disciples back then, and they continue to be essential for followers of Christ now.

How to Learn from Christ?

Being a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ entails learning from Him and remaining near to Him at all times. True discipleship is built on these two fundamental requirements. Those two conditions were critical for Christ’s disciples back then, and they continue to be critical for followers of Christ now.

How to Stay Close to Christ?

1. Christ’s disciples maintain a personal relationship with Him through spending personal time in His Word. It is clear from any study of Christ’s dealings with His followers in the Scriptures that the key to His ministry with them was that He spent a significant amount of time with them in a quality and quantity manner. Several verses, such as Mark 3:14, where it reads, “.that they could be with Him.”, serve to emphasize this notion. The ability to become close to the instructor was the most important factor in discipleship.

See also:  What Did Jesus Say To The Man On The Cross

They were given one more set of instructions by the Lord (Matthew 28:19-20), but He also gave them an incredible word of encouragement: “.I will be with you always, even to the end of the age.” It was clear to His earthly followers that He was going to leave them in order to return to His heavenly Father, but during their final time together, He made them comprehend that, because He was God, they would be able to spend the remainder of their lives with Him.

  1. It is extremely crucial for Christ’s disciples today to comprehend this critical fact as well as they did centuries ago.
  2. The Bible provides a way for Jesus’ disciples to be close to Him even if He is not physically present now.
  3. Christ’s disciples maintain a strong relationship with Him through prioritizing prayer.
  4. Christ’s work with His followers was incomplete without prayer (Luke 22:39-46).

Prayer demonstrates to Christ that His disciples are reliant on Him — and sincere disciples of Christ will be distinguished by a thriving prayer life, as well.

Why Does This Matter?

Christ anticipates that His followers would follow Him — that they will learn from Him and that they will remain close to Him. That is exactly what He desired from His disciples throughout His earthly mission, and it is exactly what He desires from His disciples now. Image courtesy of iStock/Getty Images Plus/kevron2001.com. Mr. Mel Walker presently serves as the president of Vision For Youth (VFY), an international network of youth ministry, and he is actively working to raise the necessary funds to allow him to devote his full-time attention to the organization.

He is also a published author, a public speaker, and a church consultant.

On his website, you may find out more about his public speaking and writing ministry.

You may follow him on Twitter under the handle @vfyouth.

Disciple (Christianity) – Wikipedia

This is not to be confused with the title Apostle. In Christianity, the term “disciple” refers to a person who is devoted to following Jesus. This phrase appears exclusively in the Gospels and Acts of the Apostles in the New Testament. In the ancient world, a disciple is someone who follows or adheres to the teachings of a teacher. The experience is not comparable to that of being a student in the current sense. During the ancient biblical period, a disciple was one who actively emulated both the life and the teachings of his or her teacher.

During Jesus’ public career, the New Testament mentions a large number of followers.

Jesus made it clear that being one of his followers would be difficult and costly.

Background of the term

In religious contexts such as theBible, the term “disciple” refers to theKoine Greekwordmathts(), which generally means “one who engages in learning through instruction from another,pupil, apprentice,” or, in general terms, “one who is rather constantly associated with someone who has a pedagogical reputation or a particular set of views,disciple, adherent.” The word “disciple” comes to us from the Latin word “discipulus,” which means “a learner.” However, given the word’s biblical origins, it should not be confused with the more popular English word “student.” Distinct from a disciple is the term anapostle, which refers to a messenger, more precisely “messengers of remarkable standing, notably of God’s messenger, envoy.” Nevertheless, it is most frequently used in the New Testament as “a group of highly valued Christians with a specific duty as God’s emissaries.”.

  1. Although an apostle is a missionary dispatched to preach the gospel and build new communities of believers, a disciple is someone who learns from and apprentices under the guidance of a teacher or rabbi.
  2. Disciples may be found all across the globe, not only in the Bible.
  3. A number of thinkers, including the first-century philosopher Seneca, have made appeals to the “alive voice and intimate intimacy of shared existence” of the disciple–teacher relationship.
  4. Plato, Aristotle, and the entire throng of sages, all of whom were destined to go their own separate ways, got more benefit from Socrates’ character than they did from the words he spoke.
  5. Rather than simply learning the teachings of the rabbi, the disciple was interested in replicating the practical elements of their life.
  6. A disciple would physically follow someone in the hopes of one day becoming what that person is or has been.
  7. A disciple is first and foremost a believer who has demonstrated faith (Acts 2:38).
  8. Unfinished discipleship includes the role of a leader in the community, who seeks to pass on his or her faith to others, with the ultimate objective of repeating this process.

(2 Timothy 2:2); (1 Corinthians 4:16-17; 2 Timothy 2:2). Apostolic succession is a specific type of leadership transmission that takes place through discipleship.

Great crowd and the seventy

In addition to theTwelve Apostles, there is a considerably broader number of persons described as disciples in the opening paragraph of theSermon on the Plain, who are not necessarily related to Jesus. Aside from that, seventy-two (or seventy-two, depending on the source cited) individuals are dispatched in pairs to pave the way for Jesus’ entrance into Jerusalem (Luke 10). They are referred to as the “Seventy” or the “Seventy Disciples” in some circles. Eat whatever food is presented to them, heal those who are ill, and spread the message that the Kingdom of God is on its way.


During his public ministry, Jesus practiced open table fellowship, scandalizing his detractors by dining with sinners, tax collectors, and women.

Sinners and tax collectors

The term “sinners and tax collectors” is used throughout the gospels to describe the people with whom he associated. Sinnerswere Jews who violated purity rules, or more generally any of the 613 mitzvot, or possibly Gentiles who violated the Noahide Law, though the interpretation of the law was still in dispute in the first century; see alsoHillel and Shammaiand the Circumcision Controversy in Early Christianity for more information. As a result of the Roman economic system that was established in Iudaea province, tax collectors benefitted from Galileans being forced to flee their homes and land by foreclosing on their properties and selling them to distant landowners.


Samaritans, who lived in the region between Jesus’ hometown of Galilee and Jerusalem’s Judea, were hostile to Jews on both sides of the border. According to the Gospels of Luke and John, Jesus expands his mission to the Samaritans.

Women who followed Jesus

It is recorded in Luke (10:38–42) that Mary, the sister of Lazarus, is compared with her sister Martha, who was “burdened with many things” when Jesus was their guest, but Mary had chosen “the better part,” which was to sit and listen to the master’s speech. She is referred to in the Bible as “the one who anointed the Lord with scented oil and dried his feet with her hair,” according to John (11:2). In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus’ feet are anointed by an anonymous “sinner” who enters the house of a Pharisee.

He singles out three ladies from among them: “Mary, known as Magdalene, and Joanna, the wife of Herod’s steward Chuza, and Susanna, among many others, who supplied for them out of their own resources” (Luke 8:2-3).

More is said about Mary in the gospels than about any of the other female disciples combined.

There is disagreement among the gospel writers as to which women see the crucifixion and which women witness the resurrection.

Mary, the wife of Clopas, is included in John’s account of the crucifixion. Tabitha (Dorcas) is the only female follower of Jesus who is specifically mentioned in the New Testament and is referred to be a disciple.

Cleopas and companion on the road to Emmaus

In Emmaus, Jesus is seen with two of his followers. Cleopas is one of the two disciples to whom the resurrected Lord appears at Emmaus, according to Luke (Luke 24:18). A disciple of Jesus called Cleopas is going from Jerusalem to Emmaus on the day of Jesus’ resurrection, with another disciple who has not been identified. A man approached Cleopas and his companion while they were recounting the events of the previous few days and inquired as to what they were talking about. Cleopas and his companion had invited the stranger to join them for dinner that evening.

In order to deliver the news to the other disciples, Cleopas and his companion traveled to Jerusalem where they discovered that Jesus had shown there as well and that he would do so again.


According to Jesus’ self-referential example from the Gospel of John13:34-35, a definition of a disciple may be derived: “I issue you a new commandment, which is that you love one another as yourself. You should love one another in the same way that I have loved each of you. The fact that you are loving one another will be recognized by everybody as evidence of your discipleship.” (NRSV) Detailed definitions provided by Jesus may be found in Chapter 14 of the Gospel of Luke. Following a testing trap set by his opponents regarding observance of the Jewish Sabbath, Jesus takes advantage of the opportunity to expose the flaws in his opponents’ religiosity in comparison to his own teaching by making a litany of shocking comparisons between various, apparent socio-political and socio-economic realities in contrast to what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

“Be transformed”

According to Jesus’ self-referential example from the Gospel of John13:34-35, a definition of a disciple might be formulated as follows: “My commandment to you is anew: love one another as I love you. You should love one another in the same way that I have loved you. The fact that you are loving one another will be known to everyone as proof of your discipleship.” (NRSV) The Gospel of Luke, Chapter 14, contains a more detailed description by Jesus. Following a testing trap set by his opponents regarding observance of the Jewish Sabbath, Jesus takes advantage of the opportunity to expose the flaws in his opponents’ religiosity in comparison to his own teaching by making a litany of shocking comparisons between various, apparent socio-political and socio-economic realities in comparison to what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

The Great Commission

Proselytism, or the act of creating new disciples, is a practice that is common throughout Christianity. “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men,” Jesus says to his first followers, Simon, Peter, and Andrew, at the outset of his career in Matthew, as he calls them to be his disciples (Matthew 4:19). Later, at the culmination of Jesus’ public ministry, he institutes the Great Commission, commanding those present to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you” (Matthew 28:19-20a).

Family and wealth

Jesus urged on his followers to give up their possessions and connections to their families. Considering that family was the root of one’s identity in his society, renunciating it would be equivalent to being essentially nobody. To emphasize the importance of this, Jesus used a hyperbolic metaphor inLuke 9:58–62. Another example is found inLuke 14:26, which states, “If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.” There are several alternative readings of this passage when it comes to calculating the cost of discipleship.

See also:  Who Anointed Jesus At Bethany

Discipleship Movement

When the “Discipleship Movement” (also known as the “Shepherding Movement”) first emerged in the 1970s and early 1980s, it was a powerful and contentious movement among some churches in the United Kingdom and the United States. According to the movement’s ideology, the New Testament’s “one another” passages and the mentoring connection specified by the Apostle Paul in 2 Timothy 2:12 of the Holy Bible were both important considerations. A major source of controversy was the fact that it established a reputation for controlling and abusive conduct, with a strong emphasis placed on the value of loyalty to one’s own shepherd.

Radical discipleship

Following Jesus’ true message and being dissatisfied with mainstream Christianity has resulted in a movement in practical theology known as radical discipleship. Radical discipleship is a movement in practical theology that has emerged from a yearning to follow Jesus’ true message and being dissatisfied with mainstream Christianity. Christians who consider themselves radical, such as Ched Myers and Lee Camp, think that mainstream Christianity has drifted away from its roots, namely from the essential teachings and practices of Jesus, such as turning the other cheek and renouncing consumerism.

Radical discipleship is also used to refer to the Anabaptist Reformation movement, which began in Zurich, Switzerland in 1527 and spread throughout Europe.

See also

  • Disciples of Jesus in Islam
  • Athol Gill
  • John Hirt
  • Jesuism
  • Disciples of Jesus in Islam


  1. Andreas J. Köstenberger’s “Jesus as Rabbi in the Fourth Gospel” was published in 1998. (PDF). Bulletin for Biblical Research, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 97–128
  2. AbSri, Edward & co. (2018). “In the Dust of the Rabbi: Clarifying Discipleship for Faith Formation Today” is a book written by Rabbi Jonathan Sacks. The Catechetical Review, Vol. 42, No. 2, online edition
  3. “The Catechetical Review”
  4. “The Catechetical Review” Danker, Arndt, W., W., Bauer, W., and Gingrich, F. W. Danker, Arndt, W., W., Bauer, W., Danker, Arndt, W., Danker, Arndt, W., Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker, Danker (2000). A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature is available (3rd ed). p. 609 (Chicago: University of Chicago Press)
  5. P. 609 (Ibid. )
  6. P. 609 (Ibid. ). A Greek-English lexicon of the New Testament and other early Christian literature, p. 122
  7. Ibid., p. 123
  8. Ibid., p. 122
  9. I “The Twelve Apostles: A Chronology of Christian History.” Retrieved2007-11-19
  10. s^ Seneca’s Epistles 1 through 65. Trans Richard M. Gummere is the director of the Loeb Classical Library. 75. pp. Epistles 6.5–6.6, p. 27–28
  11. Talbert, Charles H., and Perry L. Stepp, “”Succession in Mediterranean Antiquity, Part I: The Lukan Milieu,” Society of Biblical Literature 1998 Seminar Papers: and “Succession in Mediterranean Antiquity, Part II: Luke-Acts,” Society of Biblical Literature 1998 Seminar Papers: and “Succession in Mediterranean Antiquity, Part 3: Luke- Papers presented at the Society of Biblical Literature’s 1998 Seminar: 148–168 and 169–179
  12. Scott McKellar’s article, “Taking on the “Smell of the Sheep”: The Rabbinic Understanding of Discipleship” was published in 2014. 7–8
  13. Born again Catholicism
  14. Syswerda, Jean E. Issue35.2, April–June: 8–9
  15. (2002). Bible studies for women from the Old and New Testaments: 52 Bible studies for individuals and groups Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, ISBN 0310244927
  16. Richard N. Longenecker, ed., Patterns of Discipleship in the New Testament (Eerdmans, 1996), 1, 5, and 141
  17. “Rick Warren’s Definition of Disciple” at “Archived copy”. The original version of this article was published on December 3, 2013. The following are some resources to consider: [[bibleref2|Romans|12:2|NRSV]]
  18. [[Tyndale Bible Dictionary (Tyndale House, 2001),s.v. “Disciple.”
  19. [[The Westminster Dictionary of Christian Theology (Tyndale House, 1983),s.v. “Imitation of Christ, The,” 285-286
  20. [[Decree on the Apostolate of the Laity: Chapter IArchivedJune 25, 2015, at Dancer, Anthony, in the Los Angeles Times on March 24, 1990. (2005). In Anglo-American Perspective, William Stringfellow’s work is examined. Publisher: Ashgate Publishing, pp. 16–18, ISBN 9780754616436
  21. Ched Myers is a fictional character created by author Ched Myers (1988). Binding the Strong Man: A Political Reading of the Gospel of Mark’s Account of the Life of Jesus ORBIS BOOKS (Orbis Books)
  22. Lee C. Camp is an author who lives in the United States (2003). Mere Discipleship: Radical Christianity in a Rebellious World is a book about radical Christianity in a rebellious world. Brazos Press, Inc.

Further reading

  • S.C. Barton was born in Barton, South Carolina (2005). In Mark and Matthew, there is a strong emphasis on discipleship and family relationships. The Society for New Testament Studies publishes a series of monographs. Cambridge University Press is a publishing house based in Cambridge, England. Mattes, M., et al., eds., ISBN 978-0-521-01882-1
  • Mattes, M. (2012). “Discipleship from a Lutheran point of view” (PDF). Souvay, Charles Léon, Lutheran Quarterly.26: 142–163
  • Lutheran Quarterly.26: 142–163
  • (1909). “Disciple”. According to Charles Herbermann (ed.). New York: Robert Appleton Company
  • Stassen, Glen H., and David P. Gushee. Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol. 5. New York: Robert Appleton Company
  • Stassen, Glen H., and David P. Gushee. Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus in a Contemporary Context, is a book published by the University of California Press. Stassen, Glen H.Living the Sermon on the Mount: A Practical Hope for Grace and Deliverance, InterVarsity Press, 2003, ISBN 0-8308-2668-8
  • Stassen, Glen H.Living the Sermon on the Mount: A Practical Hope for Grace and Deliverance, InterVarsity Press, 2003, ISBN 0-8308-2668-8
  • Stassen, Glen H.Living the Sermon on the Mount: A Practical Hope for Grace and Weddell, Sherry, and Jossey-Bass, 2006, ISBN 0-7879-7736-5
  • Jossey-Bass, 2006. To Know and Follow Jesus, one must first form intentional disciples. ISBN 978-1-61278-590-5
  • Wilkins, M. J. ISBN 978-1-61278-590-5
  • (2004). Followers must be unique in order to follow a unique master: Discipleship according to the Gospel of Mark. 8(3): 50-65
  • Leif E. Vaage, Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, 8(3): 50-65
  • (2009). “Another Home: Discipleship in Mark as Domestic Asceticism” is a paper published in the Journal of Biblical Literature. Catholic Biblical Quarterly, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 741–761, doi:10.2307/43726614.

What Is a Disciple?

South Carolina Governor S.C. Barton has resigned from his position (2005). Family Ties and Discipleship in the Gospels of Mark & Matthew The Society for New Testament Studies publishes a series of monographs on various topics. University of Cambridge Publishing. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. Mattes, M., et al., eds., ISBN 978-0-521-01882-1. (2012). “Discipleship from a Lutheran point of view,” says the author (PDF). 26: 142–163; Souvay, Charles Léon (Lutheran Quarterly, vol.

  • (1909).
  • It is written by Charles Herbermann (ed.).
  • Stassen and David P.
  • When It Comes to Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus in a Contemporary Context (Kingdom Ethics: Following Jesus in a Contemporary Context) Glen H.
  • Living the Sermon on the Mount: A Practical Hope for Grace and Deliverance, published by InterVarsity Press in 2003, ISBN 0-8308-2668-8; Stassen, Glen H.
  • ISBN 978-0-7879-7736-5.
  • J.
  • Discipleship in the Gospel of Mark is a one-of-a-kind relationship with a single master.

8(3): 50-65; Leif E. Vaage, Southern Baptist Journal of Theology, vol. 8, no. 3. (2009). In “Another Home: Discipleship in Mark as Domestic Asceticism,” Mark describes discipleship as “a different kind of home.” JSTOR43726614; Catholic Biblical Quarterly, vol. 71, no. 4, pp. 741–761.

A Disciple Listens to Jesus

No one can claim to be a disciple of a teacher unless he is willing to listen to that teacher’s instructions and guidance. There are a plethora of teachers competing for the attention and loyalty of students throughout the world. A Christian disciple’s primary responsibility is to listen to Jesus. When Jesus speaks, the disciple sits up and pays attention. As if every word of the Master were a piece of food for the hungry or a glass of water for the thirsty, the disciple clings on every syllable.

pay attention to him” (Matt.

It is impossible to be a Christian and not pay attention to Jesus.

A Disciple Learns from Jesus

It is not enough to just listen to Jesus. Rather of listening, a disciple just turns away, as though the teacher’s words have no effect on him. When Jesus summons His followers, He calls them to both learn and listen at the same time. “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, because I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls,” He says as they arrive (11:29). The disciple is a lifelong learner, and the teachings of Christ have significance for him. The Twelve were there as Jesus Christ weeded out the joyriders in John 6.

  • It is because of your words that we have come to believe that you are the Holy One of God, and we have come to know that you are”(John 6:68–69).
  • It serves as the foundation for what he believes.
  • They are what he eats on a regular basis.
  • 1:2).
A Disciple Obeys Jesus

No one who claims to be a follower of Jesus yet is unwilling to obey Him can legitimately claim to be one. In order to put his newfound knowledge into practice, the disciple must first sincerely listen and learn. Obedience is an absolute need for the disciple. Jesus has demonstrated that He is deserving of all obedience. Those that are closest to Him are the ones who are most conscious of this. In response to the lack of wine at the wedding at Cana, Mary (Jesus’ mother) instructed the servants of the house to locate Jesus and “do whatever he instructs you” (John 2:5).

  • True discipleship is characterized by the application of the Master’s teachings in daily life.
  • Some people try to draw a distinction between being a disciple and being a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Before they were referred to as Christians, they were referred to as disciples.
  • Being a Christian is putting your faith in Christ.
  • Being a Christian entails taking lessons from Christ.
  • As a result, being a Christian is synonymous with being a disciple.

In the beginning, everything were as they were. The situation is still the same as it was back then. Anthony Carter is the pastor of East Point Church, which is located in East Point, Georgia. He is the author of various works, the most recent of which being “Running from Mercy.”

Becoming a Disciple of Our Lord Jesus Christ

What does it mean to be a disciple of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and how do we become one? A disciple is someone who has been baptized and who is willing to take upon himself or herself the name of the Savior and follow Him in His mission. In the same way that an apprentice attempts to become like his or her teacher by following his or her master’s precepts in mortality, a disciple aspires to become like Him by following His or her master’s commandments in death. When many people hear the word disciple, they automatically assume it means “follower.” Genuine discipleship, on the other hand, is a condition of being.

  • When disciples live, the attributes of Christ are woven into their own beings, as if they were a spiritual tapestry, as they are woven into a spiritual tapestry.
  • 1 As you can see, more than a single thread is required to weave the spiritual tapestry of personal discipleship into a whole picture.
  • They engaged in a form of selective obedience, as I have described it.
  • 2They gave charity to the needy, but they only donated what they had left over—what they did not require for themselves.
  • 4They prayed, but just for the sake of being seen by others.
  • 6While such men and women may concentrate on perfecting a single quality or behavior, they are not necessarily transformed into the image of Christ that is in their hearts.
  • 7As far as we can tell, the traits of the Savior are not a script to be followed or a list to be ticked off as we go through life.
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For better or worse, we cannot get one Christlike attribute without also obtaining and influencing the characteristics and behaviors of others.

2 Peter and section 4 of the Doctrine and Covenants teach us that trust in the Lord Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of our lives.

In exchange for placing your trust in the Lord, the Lord promised, “you will have the authority to do whatever is necessary in my sight.” 8Belief serves as a trigger.

Indeed, religion is no longer alive.

Mind and body are cleansed, as is their soul is cleansed.

The gospel gives us the capacity to be virtuous in every thought, feeling, and deed as long as we sincerely live it.

Tenth, we represent Christ not just via what we say and do, but also through who we are.

In the course of living virtuous lives, we learn to know our heavenly Father and His Son in a deeper and more personal way.

Personal witness, derived from personal experience, is the source of this knowledge.

12By our virtuous conduct, we complete the trip from the state of “I believe” to the magnificent state of “I understand.” Peter exhorts us to add “to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience” to our knowledge and temperance.

We don’t believe in “running faster than strength.” 13Day by day, we continue to go forward, unafraid of the refining trials that come with mortality.

In spite of the fact that we are unable to perceive His plan for our life with our natural sight, we may rely on it anyway.

By keeping His plan and objectives in our minds, we may continue to move forward, not just suffering all things, but also enduring them patiently and effectively.

As the Father is patient with us, His children, so we learn to be patient with one another and with ourselves as well.

18Our natures alter as we progress from temperance to patience, and then from patience to godliness.

We act in the manner of the Good Samaritan, crossing the road to minister to those who are in need, regardless of whether they are inside our circle of acquaintances.

We provide kindness to people who take advantage of us.

In my testimony, I witness that the efforts we put out to become disciples of our Savior are actually multiplied until we are “occupied” by His love.

Despite the fact that I have the gift of prophecy, comprehend all secrets, and possess all wisdom; despite the fact that I possess all faith, to the point that I could move mountains; despite the fact that I possess all understanding; if I do not possess charity, I am nothing.” 22It is our faith, hope, and compassion that qualify us to participate in God’s mission.

  1. 24 Brothers and sisters, we can no longer afford to be “part-time disciples” in this day and age.
  2. The constellation of qualities that arise from trust in Christ—including the ones we have discussed today—are all essential to our ability to remain strong in these latter days.
  3. There will be no distinction between the compassion we exhibit to our adversaries and the kindness we show to our friends in the future.
  4. When we are in the public square, we shall be as committed to God as we are when we are in our private closet.
  5. It is not necessary to be a disciple because of your age, gender, ethnic background, or calling.
  6. Now is the time to renew our commitment to become His disciples and to do it with all of our might.
  7. Allow this conference to serve as a chance for you to “begin as in ancient times, and come unto with all your heart.” 25 This is His House of Prayer.

I stand as a particular testimony to the fact that He is alive. May He grant us success in our unending effort to become committed and brave followers of Jesus Christ. Amen, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.

Who is a Disciple of Jesus Christ? (Following Jesus Christ, Part 1)

The Great Commission was given to Jesus’ followers after His crucifixion and resurrection, and immediately before He ascended into heaven. It is the most important commandment in the Bible. In Matthew 28:18-20, we read that He instructed them to “go into all the world and make disciples of all nations. ” The question of who is a follower of Jesus Christ, then, is a vital one.

Before we know if we are fulfilling Jesus’ command we must be able to understand what we are making.

Many believe that the finest description of a disciple is found in Matthew 4:19, which was written by Jesus himself. Very early in His career, Jesus came across the two brothers, Simon and Andrew, who were out fishing on the edge of the Sea of Galilee, putting their nets into the water. They are instructed by Jesus to “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” These three key components of what it means to be a follower of Jesus are contained in this simple statement.

  1. It is Jesus’ demand to Simon and Andrew to “follow me” that provides the first identifying characteristic of a disciple. A real disciple is one who adheres to Jesus’ teachings. There are various worldviews available today that might lead us down a road that is diametrically opposed to Christ. According to Jesus’ words in Matthew, “if somebody does not hate his father. he cannot be my disciple.” What does Jesus mean by this? We know from other Scripture that we are to honor our parents and love our spouses and children, so what might he be referring to here? I believe He is stating that our commitment and obedience to Christ must not only be our top priority, but it must also not be compromised by pressures from other people, ideologies, or anything else that may come our way. In today’s society, instant communication comes in various forms and from many diverse points of view, and it is distinguished by the fact that it is available immediately. If our hearts are not fixed on Christ, we are vulnerable to being drawn away from or compromised by the world. A real disciple of Christ is one who strives to live his life in accordance with Christ’s teachings and example in every element of his or her life. The words of Jesus, “.and I will make you.” reveal a second real trait of a follower. To follow Jesus means to transform one’s life. If you follow Jesus, He promises that your life will be transformed. In Romans 8:29, Paul reminds us that we are “.to be conformed to the image of his Son.” Become more like Christ’s teaching as you grow as a follower of Christ. Jesus addresses our beliefs (the brain), our attitudes (the heart or character), and our acts (the hands) during this process of growth, which is known as sanctification (hands). Despite the fact that we have a long way to go and will never be entirely like Jesus, Jesus says that he will never abandon us or forsake us on our road. The Bible says that Jesus informed His followers, “I am the genuine vine, and my Father is the gardener,” in John 15:1-2. ‘He prunes every branch in me that does not give fruit, and he prunes every branch that does bear fruit so that it will be even more prolific,’ says the Bible. Jesus made it plain to His followers that He meant to develop them in such a way that they would yield fruit for the sake of the Kingdom of God in their lives. It was Jesus’ intention to bring others to Himself, and He picked certain persons to serve as His ambassadors to the rest of the world. He instructed and enabled them to be like Him in all aspects of their lives. The fact that the church exists today in the twenty-first century demonstrates the accomplishment of His plan
  2. The third part of a disciple is derived from Jesus’ statement that He would create the disciples “fishers of men,” which means “fishers of men.” A sincere follower of Christ is one who is dedicated to the completion of Christ’s mission. What an apt parallel for the disciples, many of whom were actual fisherman themselves, to follow. They had been fisherman before, and now they would be fishermen of all kinds of humans. Paul expresses himself in the following way: As Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:20, “.we are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his argument through us.” In Christ’s name, we beg you to seek reconciliation with God.” A real disciple, on the other hand, is dedicated to the process of forming and growing new followers of Christ in accordance with Christ’s great command to “make disciples of all nations.” Paul had grasped the situation. 1 Corinthians 9:22 states that “to the weak I became weak, so that I could conquer the weak.” “I have become all things to all men in order to save as many as I possibly can.”

These beliefs are succinctly summarized by Jim Putnam of Real Life Ministries. He expresses himself like follows:

“ A disciple is one who is:

  • Following in the footsteps of Christ (head). A disciple is someone who has accepted Jesus as his or her Savior and Lord of their lives. A disciple is someone who declares, “I recognize Him as my Lord and Savior, and I submit to His authority.”
  • Jesus has transformed my life (heart). According to Jesus, we will recognize a tree by its fruit (see Matthew 7:17-20). He didn’t mean beautiful fruit
  • He meant fruit that was in the process of growing. During the course of our time spent following Jesus, He transforms us inside – He transforms who we are. We become committed to Jesus’ goal of saving others from their sin
  • (hands). Jesus saved us for a specific reason. Now that God’s purpose has been taken up by us as well, we acknowledge our own responsibility for our own slice of history. “Our hands are in the service of God.”

Continue reading in What Is the Church’s Ultimately Designed to Do?

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