What Did Jesus Say About War

What Does the Bible Say About War?

  • Was God telling the Israelites that they needed to go to war? The Bible’s stance on nuclear weapons is unclear. Whether or not my nation should intervene in foreign wars
  • Should my country go to war with another country in order to overthrow a foreign ruler
  • God’s love cannot be demonstrated when He commands warfare, genocide, and other terrible activities in the Old Testament. Should a Christian consider joining the military? Should a Christian exercise his or her right to conscientious objector status? Should a Christian adhere to a pacifist philosophy?


References to the Bible Just War Theory is a theory that holds that a war is just if it is carried out by a just person. Christian Pacifism and the Positions of the Churches on War

Biblical References

Early in the history of the Old Testament, battle was frequently seen as a holy war, a fight that was launched and directed by God. A battle of this nature was proclaimed by God Himself (Exodus 17:16; Numbers 31:1-3; 1 Samuel 15:1-3), and every aspect of the conflict was fraught with religious overtones. God’s ongoing assistance was ensured by the performance of sacrifices (1 Samuel 7:8-10; 13:9). The sacredark of the covenant, which represented God’s presence and was frequently carried into combat, was a powerful symbol (1 Samuel 4:3).

Israel began to look forward to the day when the never-ending cycle of conflict would come to an end: The law will issue forth from Zion, and the word of the LORD will issue forth from Jerusalem.

Their swords will be beaten into plowshares, and their spears will be beaten into pruning hooks.

(Isaiah 2:3–4, New International Version)

New Testament

War is widely condemned in the New Testament, and Jesus highlighted the need of peace in his teachings. He counseled us to refrain from retribution and revenge, and to extend our love even to our adversaries and adversaries’ opponents. “You’ve probably heard the expression, ‘Eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth.'” But I warn you: do not stand up to someone who is bad. Turn to face the person who has struck you on the right cheek and give him the other as well. As for anyone wanting to sue you and steal your tunic, let him have your cloak, too.

  1. Give to those who ask, and don’t turn away from those who want to borrow from you because they are asking.
  2. Nevertheless, I advise you to love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be considered sons of your heavenly Father.
  3. Never take revenge on someone for what they’ve done to you.
  4. If at all possible, and to the extent that it is within your power, maintain peace with all mankind.
  5. “However, if your adversary is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; otherwise, you will heap blazing coals on his head.” Do not allow evil to dominate you; instead, use good to defeat evil.

Jesus did not reject earthly governments or their right to have armies (Matthew 8:5-10). Other New Testament verses acknowledge the necessity of keeping armies as well as the legitimacy of military occupations in the name of justice (Luke3:14, Acts 10:1-6)

Just War Theory

War is uniformly condemned in the New Testament, and Jesus placed a strong emphasis on the need of peace. In order to prevent vengeance and revenge, he instructed us to extend our love even to those who were our adversaries. It has been stated, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ You may have heard that phrase before. Nevertheless, I warn you: do not stand up to a bad guy. You should also turn to face the person who struck you on the right cheek. As for anyone wanting to sue you and steal your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.

  • Make a donation to the person who requests it, and do not turn away anybody who requests to borrow from you.
  • But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you in order to be adopted as sons of your heavenly Father.
  • Never take revenge on someone for what they’ve done to you or your family.
  • Attempt to live in harmony with all men to the extent that it is practicable.
  • “However, if your adversary is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; otherwise, you will heap blazing coals upon his head.” Rather of allowing evil to triumph, use it to your advantage.
  • Others in the Bible acknowledge the necessity of keeping armies as well as the value of military vocations in their own contexts (Luke3:14, Acts 10:1-6)
  • Armed conflict must only be fought in reaction to specific and severe damage that has been done to a nation by an aggressor. The development of good or the avoidance of evil must be the motivation for conflict. In order for war to be successful, its ultimate goal must be to bring about peace. War is not justified by feelings of vengeance, rebellion, a desire to injure, rule, or exploit others, or other comparable motivations.
  • First and foremost, every conceivable measures of amicably resolving the problem must be exhausted
  • To be successful, there must be realistic expectations of success. Bloodshed cannot be justified in the absence of a realistic prospect of triumph. A lawful government must declare war before it can begin. It is preferable for private people or organizations to seek restitution of their rights via their own governments rather than through acts of violence. No greater harm than the evil that is being removed can be caused by the battle. No one, including noncombatants (civilians), should be purposefully hurt. People who have been captured or enslaved must be treated fairly.

Christian Pacifism

Pacifism, or the opposition to all war, is a minority stance in most Christian denominations, but it is the prevailing doctrine in some, such as the Mennonite Church and the Society of Friends (SOC) (Quakers). Pacifists take their cue from Jesus, who never raised a fist against those who persecuted him. The mob came to capture Jesus and one of His followers attempted to protect Him with a sword as the mob arrived to arrest Him. Put your weapon back in its sheath, Jesus warned, for “those who pick up the sword will perish by the sword,” he said.

An other argument in favor of pacifism stems from the conviction that the kingdom of God is distinct from the rest of the world (Matthew 5:20, 7:13-14, John 18:36).

A number of other Bible passages are cited in support of the pacifist position, including Matthew 5:9, Romans 12:18-19, 2 Corinthians 10:3-4, 1 Peter 2:21-23, 3:8-11, 13-17, and Hebrews 10:32-34.

According to another school of thought, pacifism is an unrealistic ideal, and that pacifists unfairly profit from the blessings of freedom achieved by those who are prepared to give their lives in combat.

They point to the success of nonviolent resistance movements such as the Swedish and Danish resistance to Nazism during World War II, Gandhi’s independence movement in India, Martin Luther King Jr.’s civil rights movement in the United States, and the Solidarity labor movement in Poland as examples of what can be accomplished.

Numerous Christian pacifists believe that nonviolent resistance is the only way to break the destructive cycles of injustice and hatred that have pervaded human history.

Church Positions on War

Here are the official war positions of the three main Christian faiths in the United States, as published by their respective organizations:

Roman Catholic

A violation of the fifth commandment is the willful destruction of human life (2307). Because of the horrors and injustices that accompany all conflict, the Church calls on everyone to pray and to take action in order for the divine Goodness to release us from the old bonds of war that have bound us for centuries. The prevention of conflict is the responsibility of all individuals and all governments in 2308. According to the United Nations, “as long as the threat of war continues and there is no international body with the essential competence and capacity, states cannot be denied the right of justifiable self-defense, even after all attempts at peace have failed.” 2309 The stringent criteria for lawful defense by armed action necessitate careful deliberation and study.

At the same time, the following conditions must be met: the damage inflicted by the aggressor on the nation or community of nations must be long-lasting, severe, and certain; all other means of putting an end to it must have been demonstrated to be impractical or ineffective; there must be realistic prospects of success; and the use of arms must not result in evils and disorders that are more serious than the evil that is being eliminated.

  • When assessing this situation, the destructive capacity of current weapons of mass destruction is taken into consideration.
  • The examination of these prerequisites for moral legitimacy is the obligation of those who are responsible for the common good, and it is their prudential judgment that is required.
  • In this particular instance, public authorities have the authority and responsibility to impose on individuals the requirements essential for national defense.
  • If they carry out their responsibilities with integrity, they will make a genuine contribution to the common benefit of the nation as well as the preservation of peace.
  • 2312.
  • It is important to note that just because a war has unfortunately broken out does not imply that everything between the fighting sides becomes legal.
  • Conduct taken with the intent of violating the law of nations and its universal principles, as well as the commands that direct such actions, are considered crimes.

So the eradication of an entire people, nation, or ethnic minority must be denounced as a sin against God and the human race.

“Every act of war aiming at the indiscriminate destruction of entire towns or huge territories with their populations is a crime against God and man, deserving of the strongest and most emphatic condemnation,” according to Article 2314 of the Constitution.


They believe it is the most effective method of guaranteeing international peace and security.

No amount of nuclear weapons can bring about world peace.

Spending vast quantities of money to manufacture ever-new sorts of weaponry obstructs attempts to assist needy populations and stymies the growth of individuals and nations.


When it comes to promoting violence and war among states and undermining the international legal system, short-term pursuit of private or collective interests cannot be considered lawful.

Throughout history, injustice, excessive economic or social inequities, jealousy, mistrust, and pride have raged among individuals and nations, threatening peace and causing conflict.

Everything done to combat these illnesses leads to the establishment of peace and the avoidance of war: From Copyright 1997, United States Catholic Conference, Inc., Catechism of the Catholic Church, second edition, United States Catholic Conference, Inc.,

Southern Baptist

Peace and War, Chapter XVI. Christians have a responsibility to pursue peace with all peoples and all ideals of morality. Their actions should be guided by the spirit and teachings of Christ, and they should do all in their ability to put a stop to war. The gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is the only effective treatment for the war spirit. The acceptance of His teachings in all aspects of human and national affairs, as well as the actual application of His law of love, are the most pressing needs of the world.

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2:4; Matthew 5:9,38-48; 6:33; 26:52; Luke 22:36,38; Romans 12:18-19; 13:1-7; 14:19; Hebrews 12:14; James 4:1-2; Isaiah 2:4.


United Methodist

We think that war is incompatible with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ and should be avoided. Thus, we oppose the use of war as a standard instrument of national foreign policy and believe that the first moral obligation of all nations is to resolve any conflict that arises between or among them through peaceful means; that human values must take precedence over military claims when governments determine their priorities; that the militarization of society must be challenged and stopped; that the production, sale, and deployment of armaments must be reduced and controlled; and that the production, sale, and deployment of nuclear weapons must be reduced and controlled.

We thus support universal and comprehensive disarmament under stringent and effective international supervision.

The United Methodist Publishing House owns the copyright for the year 2000.

Military Service

We despise violence and call for the peaceful resolution of all international conflicts, including those between states. Because these sins manifestly thwart God’s loving designs for humans, the Christian conscience has grappled with the terrible realities of violence and conflict since the beginning of the church’s history. We look forward to the day when there will be no more conflict and people will be able to live together in peace and fairness as a result of their efforts. Some of us feel that war and other acts of violence are never acceptable to Christians and should be avoided at all costs.

  1. We are grateful for the witness of pacifists who will not allow us to grow complacent in the face of war and terrorism.
  2. War, violence, and coercion in international affairs must be eliminated as a result of the development of the rule of law in international affairs.
  3. As a result of national governments’ need for military duty, we recognize the terrible tension that has been generated.
  4. It is expected that pastors will be accessible for counseling with all young adults who are facing conscription, including those who conscientiously reject to participate in a conscription system.
  5. People who sincerely choose to serve in the military forces or accept alternative service are also welcomed and encouraged to participate in the Church’s mission, which we support and extend.

According to the United Methodist Church’s Book of Discipline, page 164G (2000 edition). The United Methodist Publishing House owns the copyright for the year 2000.

Did Jesus Teach Pacifism?

The terrorist events of September 11th, 2001, and the subsequent battle against terrorism have pushed the issue of the Christian perspective on war to the forefront once more. The topic is particularly difficult to answer since it is difficult to understand how war can be reconciled with the biblical focus on forgiveness, forbearance, and love, among other things. One of the clearest examples of this is seen in Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, where he says: “You have heard that it was stated, ‘An eye for an eye, and tooth for a tooth,'” meaning “an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.” But I say to you, do not oppose an evil person; rather, whomever slaps you on the right cheek should turn the other cheek to him as well.

  1. If someone compels you to go one mile, walk with him for another.
  2. According to what you have heard, “You shall love your neighbor and hate your adversary.” But I urge you to love your enemies and to pray for those who persecute you, as Jesus taught.
  3. If Hitler had won the war, should the world have turned the other cheek and tried to love him into submission instead?
  4. or is there a place in Jesus’ teachings for loving our enemies while also, in certain circumstances, using force to restrain life-threatening wickedness?
  5. This is referred to as the “just war theory.” We will conclude by attempting to explain how this relates to the biblical command to turn the other cheek, love our enemies, and not resist the evil one who has come against us.
  6. Let someone murder when it is within your power to prevent it is completely incompatible with our moral values and sentiments.
  7. It is true that war is harmful and tragic in and of itself; however, pacifism would cause even greater harm to the world because it would allow evil people virtually unfettered access to power.

Not only would pacifism have to eliminate the military, but it would also have to eliminate the police.

Criminals are apprehended by police officers, who may resort to force against them if necessary, and are then taken to jail.

In no way, shape, or form should they use violence as their primary response to evil.

in the OT the numerous civil laws and in the NT Romans 13, to be discussed below).

Military service is permitted by Luke 3:14.

What are we going to do?” They were instructed by him not to force anyone to pay them or to falsely accuse anyone, and to be content with their wages.” (See Luke 3:14 for more information.) Because it is possible to live a godly life while also serving in the military, it must be because fighting in war is not always sinful, as previously mentioned.

  • In this passage, Jesus says: “My kingdom is not of this world.
  • As Christians, we are citizens of “two kingdoms”-our country on earth, and heaven.
  • Romans 13:3-4 grants governments the right to use force to restrain and punish evil Paul writes: “For rulers are not a cause of fear for good behavior, but for evil.
  • Do what is good, and you will have praise from the same; for it is a minister of God to you for good.
  • First, he says that it “does notbear the swordfor nothing.” Second, he states that government is a “minister of God” when it executes vengeance against evildoers.
  • They do not have the right to use force in order to lord it over their citizens and impose unnecessary restraints upon freedom.
  • The purpose of force is not just to prevent further evil from happening, but to punish evil acts by bringing the perpetrators to justice.
  • The immediate context does have in mind the use of physical force in regard to a government’sowncitizens.
  • Would it be consistent to say that a nation has a right to restrain and punish evil committed against it by its own citizens, but not to restrain and punish evil committed against it by another nation?

1 Peter 2:13-4 confirms the teaching of Romans 13:3-4 In 1 Peter 2:13-14, we are taught: “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution, whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right.” Once again, the right of governments to punish evil is affirmed.

  • Since the Scriptures teach that it is right for a nation to engage in a just war, it follows that it is therefore right for a Christian to fight in such a war.
  • Scripture teaches that it is not sin for a government to engage in a just war, and there is therefore nothing that forbids Christian from being involved in just wars.
  • While in a conflict, a Christian does not fight as an ambassador of the church or on behalf of the church, but rather as an ambassador of his or her own country.
  • As a result, the Christian does not fight as an agent of the church, but rather as an agent of the government of his or her nation.
  • What are your thoughts on turning the other cheek?
  • “Do not resist those who are bad; nonetheless, whomever slaps you on the right cheek should turn to face him on the other as well.
  • And if someone forces you to go one mile, walk with him for two miles.” Everything is the relationship between this and what we have observed thus far?

No, the problem isn’t that it seems as though Jesus is urging us to lay down and let evil to overcome us.

As an alternative, he demonstrates what it looks like to “not be conquered by evil, but to overcome evil with good” (Romans 12:21).

The majority of the time, the most effective approach to defeat evil is to just refrain from resisting.

If someone makes an incorrect attempt to cut you off on the motorway, it is typically preferable to simply let them to do so.

Thus, the problem is not that it appears as though Jesus is urging us to sit back and let evil have its course.

It appears that he does not leave any room for the use of force in the face of evil.

No more than his command later in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 6:6 means that we should only pray when we are completely alone, or his command in 5:29 means that some should literally gouge out their eyes, I believe Jesus is telling us never to respond to evil with force (such as in self-defense) orwaysto literally turn the other cheek when we are slapped Jesus himself used a whip to drive the thieves away from the temple (John 2:15), and Paul insisted on his privileges as a Roman citizen at several points throughout his ministry (Acts 25:11; cf.

also the interesting instance of 16:35-40).

Jesus is using hyperbole to illustrate what our primary disposition and attitude should be.

Most importantly, it’s important to understand that Jesus is mostly addressing directly to individuals when answering this question.

In other words, this scripture demonstrates that an individual’s primary response to wrongdoing should be to “turn the other cheek,” but the other texts we have studied (for example, Romans 13:3-4) demonstrate that the government’sGod-given role is to punish those who commit civil offenses (murder, terrorism, acts of war, etc.).

  • Governments, on the other hand, have the right to adopt measures of self-defense as well as measures of vengeance when necessary.
  • God has decreed that some areas of responsibility include obligations that are not necessarily included in the responsibilities of other spheres.
  • However, passages such as Romans 13:3-4 and John 18:36 demonstrate that Jesus is not opposing the right of governments to exact retribution against evildoers.
  • It’s important to remember that the soldier is not fighting on his own behalf, but as a representative of the government to whom God has delegated authority over the sword.
  • When fighting a conflict, we must examine the members of the enemy army or terrorist organization on two levels: the private and the governmental/public.
  • In addition, because of the public nature of the conflict, the soldier fights against them not as private individuals, but rather as public representatives of the system and evil that is being challenged.
  • It would also not alleviate the suffering and difficulties associated with being involved in a conflict with other human beings.
  • Additional Information and Resources (“Terrorism, Justice, and Loving Our Enemies,” by John Piper, is available online.

War: Four Christian Points of View, edited by Robert Clouse. Chapter 13 of John Feinberg’s book, Ethics for a Brave New World, is titled “The Christian and War.” Chapter 12 of Christian Ethics by Norman Geisler is titled “War.”

What does the Bible say about war?

QuestionAnswer When reading Exodus 20:13, many people make the error of assuming that the Bible is saying “You shalt not kill,” and then attempting to apply this mandate to the context of a conflict. Although the Hebrew term precisely means “the purposeful, premeditated death of another person with malice,” it is most commonly used to refer to “murder.” The Israelites were frequently instructed by God to go to battle with other countries (1 Samuel 15:3; Joshua 4:13). For a variety of offenses, God has mandated the death sentence (Exodus 21:12, 15; 22:19; Leviticus 20:11).

  • War is never a desirable thing, but it is occasionally unavoidable under certain situations.
  • Sometimes the only way to prevent immoral individuals from causing significant harm to innocent people is to go to battle with them.
  • “However, in the towns of the nations that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance, do not leave alive anything that breathes,” says Deuteronomy 20:16-17.
  • “Go and totally annihilate that evil people, the Amalekites; wage war on them until you have fully destroyed them,” says 1 Samuel 15:18.
  • The fact that Jesus is always in complete accord with the Father (John 3:16) means we cannot claim that conflict was simply the result of God’s desire in the Old Testament.
  • The second coming of Jesus will be extremely violent in nature.
  • 11).
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13 warns that it will be brutal and gory (and it will be).



Jesus is not a believer in nonviolence.

How many more millions of people would have died if Hitler had not been vanquished by the Allies during World War II?

How much longer would they have been forced to live as slaves?

Some conflicts are more “fair” than others, but war is always a result of sin on the part of the participants (Romans 3:10-18).

With sin, hate, and wickedness prevalent throughout the globe (Romans 3:10-18), war is unavoidable.

Most importantly, during times of war, we should be praying for God’s wisdom for our leaders, praying for the protection of our soldiers, praying for a swift resolution to disputes, and praying for a minimum number of civilian fatalities on both sides of the battleground (Philippians 4:6-7).

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QuestionAnswer When reading Exodus 20:13, which states, “You must not kill,” many people make the error of assuming that this commandment is applicable in a combat setting. Although the Hebrew phrase properly means “the purposeful, premeditated death of another person with malice,” it is most commonly used to refer to murder. War with other countries was frequently ordained by God, and the Israelites frequently followed through (1 Samuel 15:3; Joshua 4:13). In various cases, God has commanded the death punishment (Exodus 21:12, 15; 22:19; Leviticus 20:11).

Even though war is never a good thing, it is sometimes unavoidable.

Sometimes going to battle is the only option to prevent immoral individuals from causing significant harm to innocent people.

However, according to Deuteronomy 20:16-17, “Do not leave alive anything that breathes in the towns of the nations that the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.” As the LORD your God has instructed you, completely annihilate them.” Another verse states, “Go and thoroughly destroy those evil people, the Amalekites; wage war on them until you have entirely annihilated them.” God, it should be noted, is not opposed to all violence and conflict.

  • We cannot claim that war was simply God’s desire in the Old Testament because Jesus is always in complete harmony with the Father (John 10:30).
  • There will be a great deal of violence upon Jesus’ second coming.
  • 11).
  • 13 describes the scene as “bloody and horrific.” All those who stand in His way will be eaten by the birds (v.
  • In His hatred for His foes, whom He would fully defeat and sentence to a “fiery lake of burning sulfur,” He has no mercy on them (v.
  • A common misconception is that God opposes war at all times.
  • It is sometimes essential to wage war in a world populated with wicked individuals in order to prevent even greater evil from taking place.
  • I’m not sure how much longer African-Americans would have been forced to live as slaves if the American Civil War had not occurred.
  • However, while certain battles may be more “fair” than others, they are always ultimately a result of human sin (Romans 3:10-18).
  • With sin, hate, and wickedness pervading the earth (Romans 3:10-18), war is unavoidably unavoidable.
  • Most importantly, during times of war, we should be praying for God’s wisdom for our leaders, praying for the protection of our soldiers, praying for a swift resolution to disputes, and praying for a minimum number of civilian losses on both sides of the battlefield (Philippians 4:6-7).

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What does the Bible say about war?

This question has received responses from two people. For questions or to react to questions, please contact us using the information provided below. 12 Many people believe that the Bible is anti-war. God, on the other hand, frequently directed his people, the Israelites, to go to battle with other countries (1 Samuel 15:3; Joshua 4:13). War is never a desirable thing, but it is occasionally unavoidable under certain situations. Sometimes it is not possible to avoid fighting in a world that is populated with wicked people (Romans 3:10-18).

  • God instructed the Israelites in the Old Testament to “take revenge on the Midianites for” what they had done to them (Numbers 31:2).
  • As some people point out, “Surely Jesus is opposed to war?” Jesus, in his capacity as God, is constantly in complete harmony with God the Father (John 10:30).
  • God’s character remains unchanged (Malachi 3:6; James 1:17).
  • According to Revelation 19:11-21, the last battle with Christ, the conquering commander who judges and wages “just” war, will take place (v.11).
  • The flesh of all those who resist Him will be devoured by the birds (vv.17-18).
  • 20).
  • In a world filled with bad individuals, war is sometimes essential to safeguard our country, our homes, and our families, as well as to avert even greater evil from occurring.
  • War is a dreadful thing to have to go through.
  • Christians should not seek conflict, but they should also not fight the government that God has established in their midst as the ultimate authority (Romans 13:1-4; 1 Peter 2:17).
  • We should pray for godly wisdom for our leaders, pray for safety when we’re in a contact zone, pray for a swift settlement to disputes, and pray for the smallest possible number of civilian deaths on both sides.
  • For questions or to react to questions, please contact us using the information provided below.

Does Jesus Say I Do Not Bring Peace But War? – Peace X Peace

No one could have imagined that I was on my way to bring peace to the entire planet.

I wasn’t here for any other reason than to wield a sword. My goal is to exact vengeance on a man against his father, on a daughter against her mother, and on the families of women who have wronged them.

Did Jesus Say I Come Not To Bring Peace But A Sword?

Verse 34 is a proverb. It is not my intention to bring a weapon, nor is it my intention to bring peace to the earth: my intention is to cause harm.” — I’m not here to make things right, but rather to serve them.

What Did Jesus Say About Peace?

‘Verse 34’ is the last verse of the chapter. It is not my intention to bring a weapon, nor is it my intention to bring peace to the earth: my intention is to do harm.” — No, I’m not here to make things right; rather, I’m here to serve them.

What Did Jesus Have To Say About War?

Verse 34 is a proverbial cliche. No, I’m not here to bring peace to the world; I’m here to cause trouble.” — I’m not here to make things right, but rather to serve things.

What Is The Meaning Of Matthew 10 35?

in the t. “For I have come to create division; for a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, as well as my daughter’s in-law against her mother-in-law,” says Matthew 10:35, in part. I am Jesus, and he claims that his tactics will not be accepted by everyone. People who want to stand up against their family have a plethora of possibilities.

What Did Jesus Mean When He Said I Come With A Sword?

During their missionary effort, Christ prophesied flames (Luke 12:49 and 10:5) and a sword because His message would not allow us to be toppled from our worldly peace of accord, but would rather urge us to render judgment on those who would do wrong. His disciples who get this sort of flame are the Spirit, who defends them by raising His sword in the form of a sword.

Where In The Bible Does Jesus Teach About Peace?

Has done all in his ability to ensure the comfort of all those around him. His sacrifice, as recorded in Colossians 1:20, was made so that “no one would be terrified.” As a result of his death, God’s followers gained a stronger belief in something greater than themselves.

What Did Jesus Say About Peace And Justice?

Looking at Jesus and the mandate he conveyed via the Bible, it is clear that there is a duty for Christ-followers to fulfill their commitment to the gospel. Thank you for pointing out what is good in the Lord’s word, as well as what it is that the Lord expects of you, er good; and what does the Lord demand of you except that you do justice, that you love kindness, that you be ment ask you, that you walk respectfully with I think that it says, ‘” (Micah 6:8).

What The Bible Says About Perfect Peace?

If these individuals place their trust in God, their thoughts will stay firm and at peace with themselves.

What Does God Think About War?

Realistically, most Christians believe that it is best to avoid going to war until all other options for peaceful resolution have failed to resolve a problem. Several Christian denominations have come to regard conflict as a result of a failure to adhere to God’s norms of behavior and conduct.

What Does Jesus Say About Soldiers?

To this day, kids are taught to fight as a team, to operate as a unit, to look out for each other, and to defend one another from danger. According to Paul’s reaction, “no troops serving in uniform have ever walked outside of their uniform to become involved in civilian matters.” 2 Timothy 2:4 (New International Version).

What The Bible Says About Fighting Battles?

Because he is similar to your God, the God of your God joins you in your quest for triumph against your adversaries and helps you achieve victory.

What Does The Bible Say About A Time For War?

Even in the midst of conflict and the loss of loved ones, there is good in us.

What is the benefit of a ge’s toil to himself? God has personally laid a great load on the men’s movement since they are the movement’s leaders. All virtues, including the virtue of righteousness, must be assessed by God based on the deeds of both the virtuous and the wicked.

What Is The Meaning Of Mathew 10 35?

What Matthew described in his explanation and commentary on Matthew 10:35 is as follows. There was no one who could be trusted, and there was no one who was good. In various respects, Jesus’ usage of the terms differs from that of the majority of people. The Lord, according to Jesus, is the one who professes to be bypassing familial connections. Christ’s blood was the thickest of all of His children’s bodies because it was the most abundant.

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What Did Jesus Mean By Sell Your Cloak And Buy A Sword?

It was extremely typical for the Disciples to have everything they needed before embarking on missions, and for them to not have required anything after they arrived. As of right now, they would require a pocketbook, a bag, a weapon, and everything else since Jesus knew that even their own countries would attack them, as well.

What Does Matthew 35 Mean?

An overflowing cup of God’s mercy, love, and compassion would overflow from a child’s life, just as God desired throughout Jesus’ existence. Choosing between following Jesus, whose countenance is shown as fearful or withdrawn, or choosing love and hope over all other concerns, might be described as follows:

What Does Matthew 10 Vs 36 Mean?

The members of the individual’s family will be his or her adversaries in this situation. That is, when someone professes faith in Jesus Christ as their Saviour and proclaims Jesus Christ as their Saviour died on the cross, he or she is legally recognized as their husband or wife according to God’s law as set down in the Bible.

Watch Does Jesus Say I Do Not Bring Peace But War Video

While the Bible does not provide Christians with a definitive answer on whether war is permissible or not, it does have a lot to say about justice, the sanctity of life, the significance of resolving conflict, and the value of striving toward peace. Most Christians think that war should be avoided wherever feasible, and that it should only be used as a last resort after all other attempts to address a problem via peaceful methods have failed. Many Christians believe that war is the result of humanity’s failure to live up to God’s expectations.

  • According to the book of Isaiah, they will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks; no nation shall raise up sword against country, nor shall they learn war any longer.
  • For the same reason, you pay taxes as well, since the authorities are ministers of God, and they are responsible for just this purpose.
  • Romans 13:6-7 is a passage of Scripture.
  • Some Christians, on the other hand, are pacifists, believing that war is never justifiable.

What do Christians say about justice?

As Christians, we think that justice is a gift from God, and we believe that we should seek justice in every situation we find ourselves in.

They will frequently use Psalm 82 from the Old Testament to support their point of view: Defend the rights of the poor and orphans, and be fair to those who are in need and unable to assist themselves. Save them from the clutches of nasty individuals. Psalm 82 is a song of praise.

How is the sanctity of life relevant to war?

Believers in God believe that God created them and that each person is made “in the image of God.” As a result, Christians believe that human life is holy and should be preserved. Murder is prohibited under the Ten Commandments, and in Matthew, Jesus instructs his followers to: “Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.” 5:44 (Matthew 5:44) A number of Christian leaders feel that at times, declaring war is the only option to overcome injustice or protect the principle of the sanctity of life.

When someone slaps you on the right cheek, Jesus instructed his disciples to turn to him on the other cheek as well.

To avoid responding in the same way as the disciples, Jesus instructs them.

Luke 22:36 (NIV) This shows that Jesus acknowledged the need of being able to defend oneself in the face of persecution.

Holy war

Holy war, sometimes known as “war on God’s behalf,” came into being during a period when the Christian church was growing increasingly politically influential. Most people are familiar with the Crusades, which took place between the 11th and 13th centuries and were commanded by several Popes. They are one of the most well-known examples of holy war. The goal was to retake Jerusalem from the Muslim occupiers of the city. As a result of the Crusades, countless crimes were committed in the name of God.

What does the Bible say about war? Is there ever a just reason for it?

Since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, the discourse of war and the elimination of terrorism has dominated our lives. The crimes committed against many innocent civilians appear to be so blatantly unfair that many of us are likely to have supported the war in Afghanistan without considering whether or not we had biblical justifications for supporting the war. In response to the topic of war, three basic points of view have evolved from within the church over the centuries: Some people feel that no conflict can be justified (a position called pacifism).

  • A stance known as the just war theory holds that believers may support or participate in defensive wars against wicked aggressors, however the majority of Christians do not embrace this position.
  • Here are three reasons why we feel that fair wars are allowed and, in some cases, even required in certain circumstances.
  • From the beginning, the Bible asserts that humankind is the only species that has a unique position in the cosmos.
  • Psalm 8).
  • Adam’s fall severely damaged mankind’s similarity to God, and sin taints every manifestation of that likeness, although remnants of it still exist.

And it is the presence of God’s image in humans that elevates the value of every human life. Here are a few scriptures that confirm the uniqueness of human existence, including:

  • What is man, that You are concerned about him, and what is man’s son, that You are concerned about him? But even though You have lowered him to a level below God, You have crowned him with splendor and majesty! You give him authority over the works of Your hands, and You have placed everything under his control. (2 Corinthians 6:4
  • Psalm 8:4-6)
  • Isn’t it true that two sparrows are sold for a cent? And yet, aside from your Father, not a single one of them will be brought to the ground. However, even the individual hairs on your head are all individually numbered. So don’t be afraid
  • You are more important than a large number of sparrows. How much more precious a man is than a sheep, according to Matthew 10:29-31! As a result, it is permissible to do good on the seventh day. The Bible says (Matthew 12:12)
  • No one, however, has the ability to control their tongue. With it, we bless our Lord and Father, and with it, we condemn men, who have been created in the image of God
  • Both blessing and cursing come from the same lips. My comrades, things should not be going on the way they are. (See James 3:8–10)

The protection of human life is mandated by God. In recognition of the sanctity of human life, God has ordered its preservation and protection by ordering the death penalty for anybody who murders a bearer of His image. The following command was delivered by the Almighty as Noah exited the ark in order to establish a new life on dry land: “Certainly, I will demand your lifeblood; from every beast I will require it.” And I will demand the life of a man from every man, as well as from every man’s brother.

  1. (Genesis 9:5-6; 10:5-6) The rekindled appreciation for human life was one of the first things God placed on Noah’s consciousness after the Flood, and it was one of the most lasting.
  2. The execution of murderers serves as a reminder of the value of human life and the gravity of injuring those who have been made in God’s image.
  3. As recorded in the New Testament, the apostle Paul states that God has given governments the authority to punish people who commit wrong.
  4. Because there is no authority other than that of God, and those that do exist were established by Him.
  5. Because rulers are not a source of terror for good conduct, but rather for bad behavior.
  6. Do what is right, and you will receive praise from those who are right; after all, it is a minister of God to you for your benefit.
  7. As a result, it is vital to be under submission, not only for the purpose of wrath, but also for the sake of one’s conscience.
  8. Give to everyone what is due them: tax to those who owe it, custom to those who owe it, terror to those who deserve it, and respect to those who deserve it.
  9. Those words suggest that God has entrusted nations with the obligation of punishing those who commit heinous crimes against humanity, such as those committed on September 11, 2001.

And part of that obligation involves waging war against nations or individuals that commit such acts when it is essential to do so.

Does the Bible Support a Just War?

However, while the Bible does not support war in all circumstances, and while it urges peace with all people (Rm 12:18), it does teach that peace and justice are occasionally necessitated by military action (Mt 24:6). A number of reasons point to this conclusion. First and foremost, the Bible does not ban all forms of life-taking. For example, killing in self-defense is justified (Ex 22:2), as is killing during the execution of a death sentence (Gn 9:6). As Jesus Himself understood, the government is divinely permitted to employ “the sword” (Rm 12:4) to enforce its laws (Jn 19:11).

Lastly, even while Jesus condemned the use of weapons for spiritual goals (Mt 26:52), He encouraged His disciples to acquire weapons for personal defense in the event of an attack (Lk 22:36-38).

Christians are commanded by the Bible to submit to their government (Rm 13:1-7; Ti 3:1; 1 Pt 2:13-14).

When the government mandates the worship of idols or the death of a king (Dn 3:6), prohibits the teaching of the gospel (Ac 4-5), or authorizes the slaughter of infants (Ex 1), it is the believer’s responsibility to disobey.

If you choose to disobey the government, you will face repercussions like Daniel (Dn 6), the three Hebrew young men (Dn 3), and Peter (Ac 4-5).

First and foremost, it must be officially declared by one’s government (Rm 13:4).

Third, it must be combated by just methods (Dt 20:19).

To give an example, Jesus’ admonition to “turn the other cheek” (Mt 5:39) applies to a personal insult (such as a slap in the face), rather than to physical hurt.

Even if we are commanded to love our enemies, this does not exclude the use of force to prevent them from harming us (see, for example, Paul’s inducement of government involvement for his safety in Acts 23).

Norman Geisler, PhD, co-founder of SES, is a prolific author, veteran professor, speaker, lecturer, traveler, philosopher, apologist, evangelist, and theologian who has written more than a dozen books and lectured over the world.

It is highly recommended that you look into the Apologetics Study Bible, which is an excellent resource for individuals seeking to expand their grasp of the Christian religion.

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