What Did Jesus Institute At The Last Supper

What is the meaning and importance of the Last Supper?

QuestionAnswer The Last Supper is the name we give to the dinner that Jesus had with His followers before being betrayed and arrested on the night of His death. Several passages from the Synoptic Gospels (Matthew 26:17–30; Mark 14:12–26; Luke 22:7–30) describe the Last Supper. It was more than just Jesus’ farewell dinner; it was also a Passover feast for those who had followed him. Another significant event at the Last Supper is Jesus’ instruction to remember what He was going to do on behalf of all mankind: bleed His blood on the cross, so paying the debt owed to God by all of humanity for their sins (Luke 22:19).

The Last Supper was a pivotal event in the history of the church.

Passover was a particularly sacred occasion for the Jewish people because it celebrated the time when God delivered them from the plague of physical death and led them out of slavery in Egypt (Exodus 11:1—13:16), which was a period of great hardship for them.

“After receiving the cup, he expressed gratitude and said, ‘Take this and divide it among you.’ Because I swear to you that I will not drink from the fruit of the vine again until the kingdom of God arrives.’ Then he took the bread, gave thanks, and broke it before handing it over to them, telling them, ‘This is my body sacrificed for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ For example, following the meal, Jesus took the cup and declared, ‘This cup represents the new covenant in my blood, which has been poured out for you.'” (12:17–20; Luke 22:17–20).

“I am the food of life,” Jesus declared during the Last Supper in reference to the unleavened bread and the cup, echoing what He had said after feeding the 5,000: “I am the bread of life.” I am the live bread that has come down from heaven, and whoever comes to me will never go hungry or thirsty.

Whoever consumes this bread will live eternally.

Every person who eats my flesh and drinks my blood will have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the end of time.

During the Last Supper, when He washed His disciples’ feet, Jesus taught them about the values of servanthood and forgiveness: “The greatest among you should be like the youngest, and the one who reigns should be like the one who serves.” Who is more important: the one who sits at the table or the person who serves?

  • “But I am among you as one who serves,” Jesus says in Luke 22:26–27 and John 13:1–20.
  • The Bible teaches that the offering of the Passover sacrifice served as a symbol of Christ’s death on the cross (John 1:29).
  • Exodus 12:46).
  • Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law, which includes the Lord’s Feasts and other celebrations (Matthew 5:17).
  • In contrast, Jesus and his apostles were alone with him at the Last Supper (Luke 22:14), suggesting that this particular meal had special significance for the church, of which the apostles were the founding members (Ephesians 2:20).
  • Today, the Lord’s Table is one of two ordinances that the church observes each day.
  • According to Jeremiah 31:31, a New Covenant between God and Israel was to be established, in which God stated, “I will place my law in the thoughts of the people and write it on their hearts.” The people of God will be my people, and I will be their God” (Jeremiah 31:33).
  • There was a new dispensation on the horizon.
  • A historic event, the Last Supper signaled a watershed moment in God’s plan for the world and heralded the beginning of the end.
  • It is as though Christ’s death, as portrayed by the original Passover sacrifice in the Old Testament, atones for the sins of His people; his blood, on the other hand, rescues us from death and delivers us from servitude.

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The Institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper

When God spared his people from death by the blood of the Passover lamb and liberated them from slavery and tyranny in ancient Egypt, he instructed them to eat unleavened bread on this day every year thereafter as a commemoration of the Lord’s Passover. The meal shared in community, which was thereafter celebrated generation after generation, was therefore intimately linked to the conditions of the emancipation and served as a ritual representation of what God was about to accomplish in the course of history.

  1. (John 6:51).
  2. Instead, it marked the beginning of the building of a new, definite, and eternal covenant with God.
  3. After the genuine Lamb of God had been killed, everything would be restored to its original state.
  4. The unleavened bread and the cup of wine were taken by Jesus and he blessed them in the context of the Passover feast.
  5. “This cup represents the new covenant sealed with my blood.” “Do this in remembrance of me,” Jesus instructed his Apostles, and through them, us, to partake of food and beverage.
  6. This is accomplished at Mass via the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, expressed in the words of consecration, which causes Jesus to become genuinely present – in Body and Blood, as well as Soul and Divinity – in sacramental form under the outward appearance of bread and wine.
  7. John Paul II put it.

When we receive the Eucharist, our Lord gives himself to us in order that we could be transformed and the world might be renewed. I cannot tell you what a miraculous and beautiful blessing and grace this is.

Learn Why the Last Supper Is Still Commemorated Today

In the Bible, the Last Supper is described in detail in all four Gospels. On the night before he was captured, Jesus Christ gathered with his followers for his final dinner together before being arrested. The Last Supper, also known as the Lord’s Supper, was significant because it was there that Jesus demonstrated to his disciples that he would be sacrificed as the Passover Lamb of God.

The Last Supper in the Bible

  • Several biblical passages, including Matthew 26:17-30, Mark 14:12-25, Luke 22:7-20, and John 13:1-30, tell the tale of Jesus’ Last Supper, which serves as the biblical foundation for the practice of Christian communion. “Do this in remembrance of me,” Christ instructed the disciples at the Last Supper, thereby establishing the practice of Communion or the Eucharist for all time. The episode has excellent lessons about loyalty and commitment
  • It is recommended that you watch it.

Last Supper Bible Story Summary

Two of Jesus’ disciples were sent ahead to prepare the Passover dinner on the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, often known as Passover. Jesus gave them extremely detailed instructions about how to prepare the feast. It was later that evening when Jesus sat down at table with the apostles to eat his final supper before going to the cross. While they were eating together, he informed the twelve that one of them would betray him shortly. “I’m not the one, am I, Lord?” they questioned one by one as they approached the altar.

He divided the loaf of bread into pieces and handed it to his followers, saying, “This is my body, which I have given to you.

In his words, “This wine is a symbol of God’s new covenant with you to rescue you—an agreement sealed with the blood I will shed for your salvation.” “I will not drink wine again until the day I drink it with you in my Father’s Kingdom,” he informed them all.

Major Characters

All twelve disciples were present at the Last Supper, although there were a few standout figures among them. Luke’s account of the tale states that two disciples, Peter and John, were dispatched ahead of time to prepare the Passover supper for the congregation. Peter and John were members of Jesus’ inner circle, and they were two of his closest and most trusted companions and confidantes. Jesus was the focal point of the conversation at the table. Throughout the supper, Jesus demonstrated the depths of his allegiance and love for his disciples.

  • All of the Lord’s disciples, as well as all of his future followers, were to constantly keep in mind his devotion to them and sacrifice on their behalf.
  • The twelve were taken aback by this statement.
  • That you would accomplish this and then turn on your host was the ultimate act of betrayal.
  • Despite the fact that Judas had already made up his mind to betray Jesus, he participated in the Passover supper’s communal meal.

His purposeful act of treachery demonstrated that outward demonstrations of allegiance are completely meaningless in the real world. True discipleship springs from the depths of the heart.

Themes and Life Lessons

Throughout this tale, the figure of Judas portrays a society that has turned its back on God; nonetheless, the Lord’s treatment of Judas highlights God’s mercy and compassion for that society, as well as his own. Despite the fact that Jesus knew Judas would betray him from the beginning, he provided him with several opportunities to turn and repent. For as long as we are still living, we have the opportunity to seek God’s forgiveness and purification from our sins. With the Lord’s Supper, Jesus began his preparation of the disciples for future lives as citizens of God’s kingdom on the earth.

At the dinner, they began to debate on who of them should be regarded as the greatest person in the kingdom.

As a servant to everyone, Jesus showed them that genuine humility and glory come from serving others.

Jesus foretold Peter’s denial immediately after the events of the Last Supper.

Historical Context

The festival of Passover honored Israel’s hasty emancipation from Egyptian servitude. Although no yeast was used in the preparation of the dish, it was given this moniker because of this. The villagers had to flee so rapidly that they didn’t have time to let their bread rise before they were forced to flee. As a result, unleavened bread was served at the first Passover supper. A passage from the book of Exodus describes how blood from the Passover lamb was painted on the Israelites’ door frames, causing the plague of the firstborn to pass over their homes and saving the lives of their firstborn sons.

  1. When Jesus offered the cup of his own blood, his followers were taken aback.
  2. (Matthew 26:28, English Standard Version).
  3. This notion of Jesus’ blood opened the door to a whole new way of thinking.
  4. The ancient covenant between God and his people was sealed with the blood of animals.
  5. It would be the first step toward spiritual liberation.
  6. During the course of the Passover dinner, alcohol is often offered four times.
  7. First, the cup of sanctification is named such, followed by the cup of judgment, the cup of redemption, and the cup of kingdom.

The fourth cup is called such, and it is called such because it comes after the cup of redemption. This is due to Paul’s mention in 1 Corinthians 11:20, which states, “When you join together, it is not the Lord’s supper that you eat.” The Last Supper became known as the Lord’s Supper. (ESV)

What Was the Symbolism of the Last Supper? Its Meaning and Significance

The Last Supper, which took place hours before the Lord’s crucifixion—was a Seder (Passoverobservance) (Passoverobservance). Previously, the feast’s symbols had only pointed back to the Hebrews’ redemption from Egypt. But that Thursday night, Jesus revealed the messianic significance of two symbols: bread and wine.

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What is Passover Seder?

In a Seder, three sheets of matzoh, or unleavened bread, are placed in a fabric bag with different compartments for storage. Remove the center matzoh from the pan and cut it into two pieces. One half is broken and distributed, while the other half is wrapped in a napkin and concealed, only to be purchased back when it is discovered. Here’s where you can get your FREE Holy Week Guide. You may have daily words of encouragement emailed to your inbox.

Symbolism of Bread in the Last Supper

“Take, eat; this is My body,” Jesus remarked as he broke the loaf of bread (Matthew 26:26). Because leaven is associated with sin in the Bible, bread without yeast depicts the holy God. The matzohs are cohesive but separate in the divided bag, evoking the concept of the Trinity. Middle bread represents the Son, who came from His Father’s side to dwell among us (Galatians 4:4) and was broken for mankind (Isaiah 53:5), wrapped in a burial garment (Matthew 27:59), hidden in a tomb (Matthew 27:60), and risen (Matthew 28:1), while the outer bread represents the Father (28:6).

Symbolism of Wine in the Last Supper

At a Seder, wine is poured four times, representing the other image Jesus emphasized. Traditionally, scholars think that it was the third cup, sometimes known as the cup of redemption, that He referred to as “My blood of the covenant, which is shed for many for remission of sins.” (Matthew 26:27 – 28) In your presentation of Jesus, follow His pattern of meeting people where they are at in their knowledge and then moving them to a higher awareness. And as you receive Communion the next time, remember what Christ has done for you, look forward to His coming, and remember that He is our Passover Lamb (1 Corinthians 5:7).

Symbolism of Commitment in the Last Supper

The blood of Jesus washes away our sins. God, beginning with Adam and Eve, needed a blood sacrifice to atone for sins committed against him (Genesis 3:21;Leviticus 17:11). However, this was only a short-term fix, since the following offense necessitated yet another blood sacrifice. Jesus was God’s long-term solution to the problem: He took upon Himself all of humanity’s sin – past, present, and future – and died to fully pay the penalty for that sin. When a Christian accepts Christ as his Savior, he is consecrated – or set apart – to serve the Lord exclusively.

However, if he forgets that he belongs to the Lord from time to time, he may succumb to temptation.

Both the bread and the cup give a chance to reflect on what the Father expects of His children and to renew one’s commitment to following His commands. A portion of this piece is taken from an essay written by Charles Stanley.

Symbolism of Communion in the Last Supper

The Lord’s Supper is also an occasion for people to come together in fellowship. We are linked not just to the Lord who saved us, but also to those Christians who have gone before us and are still alive now. We find comfort and support among others who are members of God’s family, just as the disciples and the early church found it. The Lord’s Supper is a fantastic opportunity to pause and reflect on what Jesus has done for us. Take part in the meal seriously and graciously. A portion of this piece is taken from an essay written by Charles Stanley.

Purpose of the Lord’s Supper: A Proclamation of the Gospel

Follow along with the text of this video by Mike Bullmore, which is included below: Yeah, the aims of the Lord’s Supper are undeniably tied to the death of our Lord, and the major reference to the Lord’s Supper is, without a doubt, the death of our Lord. Our hands are clasped around these beautiful symbols: the broken bread, which symbolizes the body offered, Christ’s body, His genuine body, which was sacrificed for us, and the cup, which symbolizes His poured blood. Clearly, the reference, the fundamental reference, is to the killing of Christ, and this is unambiguous.

Consequently, the major objective is the declaration, “Do this in remembrance of Me,” and the more times you repeat this, the more you declare the death of the Lord.

You may recall that he stated, “You announce the Lord’s death until He arrives,” which was a nod to Jesus’ statement at the Last Supper, “I’m not going to eat this again until I share it with you in the kingdom of heaven.” Because of Christ’s death, we are looking back, but also looking forward in expectation of what Christ’s death purchased for us, the promise of eternal life in God’s presence, as a result of his death.

And then, in a component that we must not forget, Paul speaks of communion, participation with the Lord in the present.

This present communion exists not in some extraordinarily obscure fashion, but rather as a communion of fellowship with Christ, and God in him; it is an experience of what Christ paid for us, this close family table relationship with God in Himself, rather than a communion of mystery.

The apostle Paul does provide one more item, which I believe is significant, in 1 Corinthians 10, which is a reference to our togetherness.

We have a meal together. So these are the reasons of the Lord’s Supper, according to my understanding.

Purpose of the Lord’s Supper: A Covenant Renewal Ceremony

Follow along with the text of this video by Tim Keller, which is included below: According to my understanding, the Lord’s Supper is a ceremony for the renewing of covenants. It is a location where those who have been saved by the Gospel can come to commemorate their salvation. It is a recreation of the events of the Gospel. And in the Old Testament, a covenant renewal ritual was a moment when the people would commemorate what God had done for them, recount the events of redemption history, and renew their commitments to God and one another.

Furthermore, I think that the Lord’s Supper carries with it an extra gift from God that does not arrive when you are simply praying, and that it is a covenant renewal ritual that allows us to participate in God’s grace, power, and joy, in a way that is distinct from other religious practices.

Photograph courtesy of Thinkstock/RomoloTavani

Why Did Jesus Institute the Lord’s Supper on the Passover?

During the time period covered by the book of Exodus, Israel had been enslaved in Egypt for more than 400 years (cf. Ex. 12:40). They are now held captive under the tyrannical rule of Pharaoh. The book of Exodus begins with Moses being called by God to be the one who will lead God’s people out of slavery in Egypt, which is described in the first several chapters. He goes before Pharaoh and demands that Israel be let to go to the temple and worship the Lord, but Pharaoh rejects his request. Egypt is thereafter subjected to a succession of progressively devastating plagues from God.

  1. God threatens that He will enter Egypt and that every firstborn child in the nation will perish as a result of His actions.
  2. The story of the Passover and the Exodus opens with a word from God, signaling that the nation of Israel is about to embark on a new chapter.
  3. This underscores the fact that the escape from Egypt is a pivotal event, a watershed moment in the history of redemption.
  4. 20:2; Lev.
  5. 15:41; Deut.
  6. 24:17; Judg.
  7. 10:18; 2 Kings 17:36; Ps.

11:4; Dan.

11:1; Amos 2:10).

Although the priests would be involved in the commemoration of the Passover in subsequent years (cf.

16:5–7), the obligation for this ceremonial falls to the heads of each family on the night of the initial Passover.

This substitutionary lamb must be a symbol of perfection in the eyes of the world.

1 Peter 1:19).

Afterwards, the Lord reveals what the Israelites are to do with the murdered lambs, as well as the reason for their actions.

God says that the blood will serve as a symbol for the people.

It is expected that after the lambs have been slaughtered by the head of the household, they will be roasted and eaten while everyone is clothed and ready to go at a moment’s notice.

Exodus 12:27; 34:25; Deut.

During such dinners, the body of the sacrificial victim is presented to believers for consumption after the sacrifice has been carried out (Lev.

When God speaks in Exodus 12:14–20, He explains the method by which future generations of Israelites would commemorate the Passover.

Every generation, the people are reminded of their enslavement in Egypt and God’s work of redemption in releasing them from their enslavement.

Exodus 12:21–28 gives Moses’ instructions to the people regarding the Passover, as well as the people’s reaction to Moses’ instructions and instructions.

19:18–19; Lev.

The Passover is explicitly described as a sacrifice in Exodus 12:27, despite the fact that some scholars disagree with this interpretation.

This is another instance when the Passover foreshadows Christ’s redeeming mission (1 Cor.

Egypt is attacked by the tenth and last plague, which occurs exactly as God forewarned via Moses and Aaron, and all of the firstborn children in the nation are killed.

Following the completion of this fourth plague, Pharaoh eventually concedes and orders Moses and the Israelites to depart.

As a result of this revelation, the rationale for God’s commands to be prepared to depart in a hurry becomes evident.

In exchange for their wealth and gold, the Israelites begin their trek out of Egypt and toward the promised land, which will take them 430 years total.

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Observance of the Passover lamb served to separate the people of God from the unbelieving Egyptians, and observance of the Passover was a symbol of belief in God.

It marked the centennial of her establishment as a country.

It was also intended to serve as a teaching opportunity for Israelite parents, who were to explain the importance of the event to their kids.

They equated God’s future work of redemption to the initial exodus, and they spoke of it as if it were a new and bigger exodus when they spoke of it in terms of the original exodus.

At the end of the Old Testament, the Israelites were looking forward to a fresh and bigger exodus from their homeland of Egypt.

Jesus was even sent to Egypt, only to be brought back after Herod’s death, and then crucified.


2:16; cf.

1:15–22), which was also carried out by the Israelites.

The time had come for the promised new exodus.

That He is the fulfillment of all that was foreshadowed by the Passover lamb is the first and most important reason for this.

Secondly, it was on the eve of the prophesied greater new covenant act of redemption—the promised act of redemption that the prophets described as a new exodus—that the Lord’s Supper was instituted, and similarly to how a first exodus was preceded by the institution of a Passover, the greater new exodus was preceded by the institution of the Lord’s Supper.

This deed signaled that the moment had arrived for atonement to take place. This passage is taken from Keith Mathison’s book, The Lord’s Supper: Answers to Common Questions, which is available online.

The Last Supper, New Covenant – The Lord’s Supper

The Passover dinner was cooked by Jesus’ followers the night before he was crucified. The traditional Jewish Passover feast commemorates God’s deliverance of Israel from Egyptian slavery, which took place 400 years ago. The materials of this supper – the bread and the wine – were used by Jesus to illustrate what He would accomplish on the cross, converting it into a memorial to His own person and activity. When Jesus sat down to eat the bread and drink the wine, he demonstrated how they represented His death on the cross (Matthew 26:26–29; Mark 14:22–25; Luke 22:14–20).

In doing so, Jesus demonstrated how the exodus from Egypt foretold the final rescue that would come via Jesus Christ.

The New Covenant

When He blessed the cup of wine, He added, “This cup represents the new covenant in my blood, which has been poured out for you” (Luke 22:20; compare with1 Corinthians 11:25). The new covenant, which Jesus spoke of, announced that through His death and resurrection, forgiveness of sins would be made available to all, and that mankind would be able to once again live in communion with God (see also2 Corinthians 3:6). The “writing of the law on the heart” would take place as a result of the new birth and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, who empowers Christians to follow God’s commands.

  • One of the most significant differences between early Christians and Jews was their belief in the new covenant.
  • ¹ Because the new covenant was so crucial to Christian identity, the writings of the apostles came to be known as the New Testament, which is another name for new covenant, while the Hebrew Scriptures were known as the Old Testament, which is another term for old covenant.
  • As a result, the wine represented His own blood, which was poured forth to seal God’s covenant with those who trust in Christ (Luke 22:19–20).
  • What John the Baptist had proclaimed about Christ three years earlier was verified by Christ’s transformation of the Passover meal: He was the Lamb of God who wipes away the sins of the world (John 1:29).
  • Jesus characterized Himself as the ultimate Passover lamb by depicting His own body as shattered and His own blood as being poured forth on the cross.
  • The passage in John 19:14 reveals that Pilate handed Jesus to be crucified at the same time as the priests were sacrificing the Passover lamb in the temple court.

It was more than a coincidence that the event occurred at that time. It represented the fact that “Christ, our Passover lamb, has been offered up for sacrifice” (1 Corinthians 5:7).

A Continual Remembrance

Jesus told His disciples to continue to practice this ceremony of memory “until that day whendrink it fresh withinfather’s kingdom” (until the end of time) (Matthew 26:29). In response to Jesus’ order, the “Lord’s Supper” became a central element of early Christian worship. It was considered so significant that the apostle Paul laid out in detail how it should be done, as well as severe consequences for those who did not regard it with reverence (1 Corinthians 11:23–29).

A Future Victory

In addition, the apostle John describes a considerable amount of teaching that took place at the dinner (John 13–17). This “farewell lecture” reflects the depth of Jesus’ affection for His disciples. He told of what would take place when He died, how the Holy Spirit would come to comfort and lead them, and how their joy would be full when He returned to the Father in heaven. Today’s commemoration of the Lord’s Supper looks back to the cross, where Christ’s blood was poured for the forgiveness of sins, but it also looks ahead to the bridal supper of the Lamb, at which the faithful will be united with their Lord and Savior in glory (Revelation 19:6–10).

  • ¹ Alexander Roberts and James Donaldson’s translation of Justin Martyr’s dialogue with Trypho, a Jew, is in The Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol.
  • 211–212 in the Eerdmans edition of The Ante-Nicene Fathers.
  • The following article is based on study elements in the NIV Storyline Bible.
  • The NIV Storyline Bible has over 200 articles that explain the linked nature of God’s Word as well as the whole story that spans both the Old and New Testaments.
  • Read on to find out more

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What Did Jesus and the Apostles Eat at the Last Supper?

A variety of indications are provided by Scripture and art. Many legendary dinners have been represented in art and movies throughout the years, but Leonardo Da Vinci’s The Last Suppermay well be the most well-known. The theological meaning and artistic worth of the picture are still being investigated, but some people believe the image contains hints to something else: what Jesus and his apostles were eating when they painted the renowned mural. The Last Supper (also known as the Last Supper of Jesus Christ) Image courtesy of Getty Images/DeAgostini However, there are several aspects that we can all agree on when it comes to the events surrounding the Last Supper, which Christians today commemorate on Maundy Thursday: But the Last Supper was not a regular Passover Seder, with attendees drinking wine and eating unleavened bread instead.

Wine and bread, of course

According to Christian tradition, the practice of receiving Communion dates back to the Last Supper of Jesus Christ.

The unleavened bread and wine are claimed to have been passed around the table by Jesus, who then explained to his Apostles that the bread represented his body and the wine represented his blood.

Locally sourced produce, maybe

In the book of Deuteronomy, Jesus’s country is described as “a land of olive oil and honey; a land in which you will eat food without fear of running out.” Grapes, figs, and pomegranates were among the most widely grown crops. These items, on the other hand, would not have been readily available in fresh form in the early spring. Dried figs, as well as other basics like as olive oil and honey, may have easily been incorporated in the feast.

Not lamb

It was stated in 2007 that there would have been no lamb served at the Last Supper because of religious reasons. Pope John Paul II proposed that the Last Supper took place prior to the formal slaughter of the lambs, which was a typical Passover rite in Jesus’ day, and that as a result, Jesus himself served as a substitute for the lambs.


Even though the Last Supper took place just before Passover, it doesn’t rule out the possibility that Jesus and the Apostles were partaking in any traditional Passover fare. According to a 2015 investigation by a group of Italian archaeologists, a variety of traditional Seder meals, such as bitter herbs with pistachios and a date charoset, made an appearance during the Last Supper, including a date charoset. In addition to these foods, other dishes like as cholent, which is a stewed dish of beans cooked very low and slowly, as well as olives with hyssop, a mint-like herb, were regularly consumed on a daily basis and may have been served at the Last Supper.

Not eels and orange slices, although they appear in the painting

During the painting’s most recent restoration, which took 21 years and was completed in the late 1990s, new foods emerged on the table for the first time, including one that seemed a little out of place at first: eels with orange segments. While eels and oranges were not a frequent meal in Jesus’ day, they were a regular coupling in 15th-century Italy, and they were two products that featured on Da Vinci’s own preserved-grocery lists during his lifetime.

Bible Gateway passage: Luke 22:14-26 – New International Version

New International Version (New International Version) (NIV) 14When the hour arrived, Jesus and his apostles A) gathered in the upper room to pray “>(A) sat back in his chair at the table. B)”>(B) 15And he replied to them, “I have been longing to have this Passover meal with you before I go to the cross.” C) a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formal “I promise you that I will not eat it again until it has found fulfillment in the kingdom of God.” D)”>(D) 17After receiving the cup, he expressed gratitude and said, “Take this and distribute it among you.” 18Because I swear to you that I will not drink from the fruit of the vine again until the kingdom of God arrives.” he took some bread, gave thanks, and then he broke it, E) “and handed it to them, telling them, “This is my body given for you; please do this in memory of me.” After supper, he took the cup and declared, “This is the cup of the new covenant F)” 21 “>(F)in my blood, which has been shed on your behalf.

21However, the hand of the one who is about to betray me is resting on the table next to mine.

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I) What is a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formal “Woe betide the man who betrays him!” says the author.

23They began to speculate amongst themselves as to which of them may be the one who had committed this act.

J)”>(J) 25Jesus addressed them, saying, “The rulers of the Gentiles rule over them, and those who wield control over them call themselves Benefactors.26” You, on the other hand, must not behave in this manner.

K) Instead, the greatest among you should be treated as if they were the youngest “>(K)and the one who reigns is just as important as the one who serves. L)”>(L) Read the entire chapter.


  1. Luke 22:20 (NIV) Some texts have not been provided for you. poured forth only for you

New International Version (New International Version) (NIV) NIV® stands for New International Version® of the Holy Bible. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011, and 2012 byBiblica, Inc.®Used with permission from the owner. All rights are retained around the world. The New International Version (NIV) Reverse Interlinear Bible provides translations from English to Hebrew and from English to Greek. Zondervan has copyright protection till the year 2019.

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A magnificent invitation from Jesus to receive his gift is the subject of the tale of the Last Supper. This is a synopsis of the biblical tale of the Last Supper as told in the books of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, which may be found below. Check out the Scripture passages below for additional in-depth Bible verses, and utilize the articles and videos to gain a better understanding of the significance of this teaching event in the Bible. During the first day of Passover, also known as the Festival of Unleavened Bread, the final supper took place.

  • Passover commemorates Israel’s liberation from slavery in Egypt, and more specifically, the time when the angel of death passed over the Israelites’ homes, which had been marked with the blood of lambs on their doors, commemorating their deliverance.
  • All of the disciplines, even Judas, disputed that they were the ones who would betray their profession one at a time.
  • Jesus prayed and expressed gratitude to God for the supper.
  • This is where the tradition of communion in the church derives from.
  • When Peter objected to Jesus washing his feet, Jesus responded by saying that He was doing it to serve as an example to the disciples.
  • Here’s where you can get your FREE Holy Week Guide.

Bible Commentary on The Last Supper

In the book of Matthew, chapter 26, the following is a Bible commentary by Matthew Henry on the final supper of Christ with his disciples: The Passover Scriptures (verses 17-25) Take note that Christ pointed out to the disciples the location where they would be enjoying the Passover meal. He is aware of people who are secretly supporting his cause, and he will kindly pay visits to those who are eager to accept him. The disciples carried out the instructions given by Jesus. Those who wish to experience Christ’s presence during the gospel Passover must follow his instructions.

  1. We have no way of knowing how hard we will be tempted or how far God will abandon us; as a result, we have reason to be fearful rather than proud.
  2. The Lord Jesus Christ institutes His Holy Supper.
  3. Verses 26-30 You should take it and eat it; accept Christ as he is provided to you; accept the atonement and approve of it; and submit to God’s favor and governance.
  4. Spiritually speaking, this is my body; that is to say, it symbolizes and reflects his body.
  5. The wine is a symbol and representation of the blood shed by Christ on the cross.
  6. This cup was given to the disciples with the instruction, “Drink it thoroughly.” The forgiveness of sins is the great blessing that is bestowed on all true believers during the Lord’s Supper; it serves as the foundation for all other blessings to follow.
  7. That will be the kingdom of his Father, and the drink of comfort will be available on an ongoing basis.

Even as we contemplate Christ’s broken body and his shed blood for the remission of our sins, let us remember that the feast cost him as much as if he had really sacrificed his flesh for us to consume and his blood to drink on the day of Pentecost.

What Was the Meaning of the Last Supper?

I can’t begin to comprehend the significance of the Final Supper, when the Lord asked His followers to share a meal with Him for the last time on this world (Luke 22:14-16). The Lord Jesus set two ordinances in the Bible that every believer is required to obey. The first is baptism, in which the believer publicly confesses Jesus as his or her Lord and Savior. The second is confirmation of faith. Its counterpart, known as the Lord’s Table, is fashioned after the Last Supper, which Jesus shared with His apostles during the Last Supper.

  1. In the absence of His atoning death and resurrection (John 6:53; 1 Corinthians 15:14, 17), we have no relationship with Him (since we are unable to be saved without both).
  2. By obeying His instruction, we are announcing what He has done for us.
  3. As we partake of the meal, we are once again reminded of the reality of Christ’s work on our behalf.
  4. Because He is alive, so are we who believe in Him!
  5. Meditating on what Jesus accomplished strengthens and expands our faith in ways that real food cannot (John 4:32, cf.Deuteronomy 8:3,Matthew 4:4,Luke 4:4).
  6. The event unfolded in the same manner as others in which I’ve participated here in the United States, but the location proved to be deep.
  7. I participate in sharing the Lord’s Supper (Communion) with my local church family, and I join other Christians from all over the world in proclaiming His death until He returns, despite the fact that we are separated by thousands of miles (Ephesians 4:4).
  8. Christians all throughout the world are united by their faith in Christ.
  9. Regardless of what is happening in the world, Christ remains the same (Hebrews 13:8), and His church remains united in Him (1 Corinthians 10:17).

Why Was the Last Supper so Important?

Jesus’ gaze had been fixated on the city of Jerusalem (Luke 9:51-52). He was well aware of what he had to accomplish and did not swerve from the path put out before him by the Father. He told the disciples that He would have to die, and that He would rise from the dead on the third day as an exclamation point. The disciples, on the other hand, were uninterested in His message (Matthew 16:21-23,Mark 8:31-33,Luke 9:22). (It was not until His ascension that they realized what he was talking about, and it was not until He appeared to them for forty days following His resurrection that they realized what he was talking about.) The assembly of Jesus and His disciples in the Upper Room would be His final opportunity to educate them and demonstrate His love for them in public before He died.

Peter and John were tasked by Jesus with the responsibility of making arrangements for the preparing of the chamber for the Last Supper.

As soon as Judas’ upcoming betrayal was revealed and he left (Matthew 26:21-22, Mark 14:18-19, Luke 22:21-23, John 13:21-30), Jesus informed the remaining eleven of His impending departure and told them, “A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another” (John 13:31-35).

His prayer reaffirmed some of the fundamental principles He had given to His followers in the Upper Room earlier that day.

When we look ahead to the book of Revelation, written by John the Apostle, there is reason to be joyful because, in chapter 19, a thunderous “Hallelujah” is heard (Revelation 19:6).

In the presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, we who have been called (Romans 8:28), will be with him (Revelation 19:6-9). We shall never longer be separated from Jesus, for we, as His slaves, will be with Him “forever and ever” in His presence (Revelation 22:3-5).

Why Was the Last Supper Scheduled during Passover?

The Jews were delivered from slavery at the hands of Pharaoh during the last plague (death) upon the Egyptians, and the Lord God created Passover to commemorate their deliverance (Exodus 12:1-30). Every Jewish household was required to slaughter a lamb at dusk and use part of the blood from the lamb to “apply it on the two doorposts and the lintel of the dwellings where they consume it,” according to the Torah. Following that, they would consume the lamb’s meat that very same night (vv. 7-10).

  • 11b), referring to the fact that He permitted the angel of death to pass over those who had the blood applied on their doorposts and lintels.
  • “The Lamb of God,” as John the Baptist (the final Old Testament prophet) referred to Jesus, was a reference to Jesus as “the Lamb of God” (John 1:29,36).
  • (See Isaiah 53:4-12 for further information.) Sin is a barrier that separates us from our holy God, and in the Old Testament, an animal may be sacrificed as an atonement for our transgression.
  • It is noteworthy that Jesus died during the Jewish Passover holiday, when tens of thousands of more people would be in Jerusalem, that he did so.
  • In Matthew 5:17, Luke 24:44, and John 1:17, Jesus demonstrated that no other offering for sin is required (Hebrews 10:12), and that no other sacrifice for sin is required after a person chooses Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

5 Important Details about the Last Supper

1. When Jesus sent John and Peter to make arrangements for the Last Supper, he told them to look for a man “carrying a pitcher of water” (Luke 22:10). (Luke 22:10). This clue seems slim to us, but in those days, men did not do the water-fetching. 2. The owner of a room such as Jesus and His disciples used would have had a servant present to wash the feet of his guests. To preserve the privacy of the solemn event, no servant was present as Jesus made sure the disciples provided all they needed for the evening (John 13:1-17).



This He did after the disciples argued about who would be greatest (Luke 22:24-27).


Photo credit: Leonardo Da Vinci/Public Domain Image

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