The Woman Who Touched The Hem Of Jesus Garment

32. Touching the Hem of Jesus’ Garment (Luke 8:40-48)

Brooklyn Museum, New York, detail of ‘The Woman with the Issue of Blood’ (1886-94), gouache on gray wove paper, courtesy of the artist James J. Tissot. While returning to Galilee from the area of the Garasenes, Jesus and his disciples find themselves in the midst of a large throng as their boat docks on the western coast of Lake Galilee, most likely near Capernaum. The crowds have gathered on the shore to greet him after seeing his boat from a distance.” 40When Jesus returned, he was greeted enthusiastically by the multitude, who had been anticipating him.

As Jesus was making his way through the masses, he was nearly crushed.

44She walked up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and her bleeding was immediately halted, according to him.

When they all stated they didn’t know, Peter added, ‘Master, the people are gathering around you and pressing in on you.’ “Someone touched me,” Jesus explained, “and I know that power has been taken away from me.” 47When the lady realized she would not be able to leave undetected, she came terrified to his feet and dropped at his feet.

48After that, Jesus told her, “Daughter, your faith has cured you.” ‘Go in peace,’ I say.

The Press of the Crowd (Luke 8:40-42)

We’ll leave the name of Jairus, the governor of the synagogue, for the time being and return to him in the following session. However, when Jesus makes his way to Jairus’ house to heal his daughter, the throng becomes particularly dense. According to the New International Version, “while Jesus was on his way, the crowds came close to crushing him” (8:42). The term “crushed” or “thronged” in the King James Version is Greeksumpnig, which is a hyperbolic phrase that means “crowdaround, press upon,” or something along the lines of “nearly crush.” 272 Interestingly, it is the same phrase used by the Gospel writers in the Parable of the Soils(8:14) to explain how the thorns “choke” the wheat, causing it to become unfruitful and withering.

I picture it to be similar to the procession of fans leaving a sports stadium after the conclusion of a game, except that Capernaum’s streets are not meant to accommodate such large numbers.

Jairus, who stands by his side, is ever-aware that his daughter’s life is slipping away with every second that passes by.

The Woman with the Hemorrhage (Luke 8:43)

“And there was a woman there who had been suffering from bleeding for twelve years, but no one had been able to heal her.” (8:43) On this particular day, a pale woman may be found among the pushing, shoving, and elbowing mob. She has been suffering from uterine hemorrhage for the past twelve years, and she is really weak. “She had suffered greatly under the care of several physicians and had spent everything she had, yet instead of getting well, she became worse,” Mark writes (Mark5:26). “On one leaf of the Talmud, not fewer than eleven distinct cures are recommended, of which only six may conceivably be considered as astringents or tonics, while the remainder are purely the result of superstition, to which appeal is made in the absence of knowledge,” writes Edersheim.

  • However, nothing was very effective during her time.
  • You’ve probably felt the helplessness of having doctors run all kinds of tests on you, subject you to all kinds of therapies, charge you exorbitant medical fees, and leave you worse for wear as a result of their efforts.
  • When she was younger, she may have made the trip to consult with them, but that is no longer an option for her.
  • Why go to the doctor if nothing seems to be working?
  • There is no chance for her at this point.
  • In the past, women were called uncles while they were on menstrual cycle.
  • Any bed she lays on while her discharge persists will be filthy, just as her bed is unclean during her monthly period, and any chair she sits on will be unclean, just as it is during her monthly period.
  • She was unable to move about in society or interact in the marketplace with the other ladies since a touch from her would render someone unfit for human contact.

She was unable to participate in ceremonial events or synagogue services. As a result, she chooses to remain anonymous. Most likely, she isn’t even recognized in her hometown of Capernaum. She arrives in camouflage, her medical state carefully covered. She, on the other hand, is determined.

Elbowing Her Way to Touch the Master’s Clothing (Luke 8:44)

After she had approached him and touched the edge of his coat, the bleeding had stopped instantly,” she explained. (See Luke 8:44.) In Galilee, word of Jesus’ miraculous healings had spread across the region, including to the town where this woman resides (Mark 5:27). And she is determined to track him down and receive healing. When his boat is sighted approaching the beach, she is among the crowd that has gathered to watch. When Jairus falls to his knees before Jesus, begging for his daughter’s life, she isn’t far away from where he is.

  • In order to get to Jesus, she must push and shove and elbow her way between people whenever a small opening appears between them.
  • She knows she must make it to Jesus, so she continues to push her body through the throngs until she is directly behind him.
  • She is apprehensive about confronting him in public.
  • She must complete her task without disclosing anything.
  • She has to.

First Century Clothing

To Westerners, the typical dress for a guy in the first century appears to be somewhat alien. An ancient garment known as the Chaluq, Kittuna, or colobium, was a long, close-fitting tunic made of linen or wool that was worn next to the skin and kept warm. It had an opening for the neck and, on sometimes, sleeves as well. Long, potentially reaching the ankles, it was tied with a linen or leather girdle or belt, which was worn around the waist or under the breast. Knowing that Jesus’ clothing was seamless, we may be certain that (John 19:23).

  • These were square garments with tassels at the corners, which were worn in compliance of the mandates in Numbers 15:38-39 and Deuteronomy 22:12, which served as a reminder to the Israelites to keep the rules of the Lord.
  • According to Luke 8:44, the outer covering is indicated by the Greek wordhimation, which means “cloak, robe” in English.
  • Because there is no mention of them in the New Testament, there is significant debate concerning whether or not men wore them in Jesus’ day.
  • In Jesus’ day, the tunic could be seen through the cloak he wore.
  • She walked up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak in Luke 8:44, and the word translated “edge” is Greekkraspedon, which means “edge, border, or hem” of a garment in the original language.

However, it can also refer to the “tassel” that Israelites wore on the four corners of their cloaks during the time of the Old Testament. 276 The actual nature of the thing that is being alluded to in this passage is unclear to us.

The Touch that Taps into Jesus’ Power (Luke 8:45-46)

The lady’s touch had a profound and instantaneous effect on anything she touched “The moment she walked up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, the blood in her veins stopped flowing quickly. ‘Who was it that touched me?’ Jesus inquired. As soon as they all denied it, Peter said, ‘Master, the people are gathering around you and pressing in on you.’ However, Jesus stated, ‘Someone touched me, and I know that the power has been taken away from me.'” (8:45-46) According to Mark, “she felt in her body that she had been cleansed of her ailment” as soon as the treatment began (Mark 5:29).

  1. Despite the fact that the masses pressing up against him are jostling and pushing him continually, their contact has no impact on him at all.
  2. The Greek word for “power” (NIV) or “virtue” (KJV) is dunamis, which is also the source of the English terms “dynamo” and “dynamic,” and it literally means “power, might, strength, force, or mightiness.” 277 Jesus was aware of the flow of power that was emitted from him.
  3. Not often, but on occasion, I have a sensation in my arm, which frequently correlates with God doing a specific action in the individual for whom I have been praying.
  4. And whether it makes physical sense, spiritual sense, or no sense at all is determined by how God is operating through the individual who is praying.
  5. The irony of this narrative is that scores of people had been touching Jesus in the few minutes that they were traveling towards Jairus’ house, but only one of them had touched Jesus with faith, releasing rescuing power – a sick but determined lady, who is the focus of this story.

The Healing Power of Holy People and Holy Objects

Let’s take a minute to reflect. As a practicing Protestant, I have reservations about people touching physical items in order to gain healing. Perhaps my concern is caused by the large number of saints’ relics scattered around Europe, which has spurred pilgrimages from the faithful, as well as a form of unchristian superstition. However, I must acknowledge that the New Testament does appear to have two or three instances of this type of healing taking place, as follows:

  1. It is stated that touching Jesus’ cloak cured the bleeding woman
  2. Peter’s shadow is reported to have healed those who came into contact with it as he walked by (Acts 5:15-16)
  3. Handkerchiefs and aprons that had come into contact with Paul brought healing (Acts 19:11-12)

In light of our human predisposition to adore and respect persons and objects who are not God, I find all of this unsettling. The Second Commandment is intended to prevent this from happening: “You are not permitted to create an idol for yourself in the form of anything in heaven above, on the earth beneath, or in the seas beneath. As a result, you are not permitted to bend down to them or worship them, for the Lord your God is a jealous God.” (See Exodus 20:4-5 for further information.) However, the following history of Israel as well as the history of the Christianchurch indicates that people are willing to offer things the adoration that is due to God alone.

  1. We have permitted bones and grottos, sculptures and painted icons to divert the worship that should have been directed toward God to themselves on occasion.
  2. While the purpose is to provide assistance in worship and faith, items can all too readily become the objects of devotion and faith.
  3. Oral Roberts, an Oklahoma healing preacher whose heyday was from the 1940s through the 1960s, provided the finest explanation I’ve heard for how it all came to be in perspective.
  4. While this may appear a bit cheesy to you, God used his ministry to bless and cure a great number of people.
  5. We sometimes require a tangible “point of contact” with God in order to be able to exercise our faith in him.

For the lady who was bleeding, the hem of Jesus’ garment served as a stopgap measure. However, we must exercise caution in averting the temptation to attribute to objects and people the honor and power that belongs alone to God.

Your Faith Has Healed You (Luke 8:47-48)

“When the woman realized she couldn’t escape undetected, she walked up to him, trembling, and dropped at his feet. She explained why she had touched him and how she had been quickly cured in front of the whole crowd of onlookers and participants. “Daughter, your faith has cured you,” he remarked to her after that. ‘Go in peace,’ I say.” (8:47-48) The unclean woman who has stealthily forced her way up close to Jesus in order to touch his cloak has nowhere to go and no one to blame but herself.

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What do you think others will say?

She, on the other hand, falls at Jesus’ feet and relates her story.

What is the reason for Jesus’ revealing her secret?

  1. This is the first step towards taking the woman’s horrible load of uncleanness from her shoulders. Jesus accepts her as she is. He isn’t enraged at all. He gives her the gift of God’s peace. He affectionately refers to her as “daughter.” Moreover, since she is from Capernaum, this not only helps to restore her personal self-esteem, but it also helps to restore her position in the community
  2. Jesus is explaining what had occurred so that it does not go into the realm of magic and superstition. “Your faith had cured you,” he says, acknowledging your healing. His clothes were certainly not where she put her trust. It was a result of God’s acting in and through Jesus. He is claiming that the garment did not transmit health, but that it was her trust in God that brought about the cure.

Pushing-Through Faith versus Propped Up Faith

When I think about this story, I’m struck by how strong this woman’s faith was. It is a religion that pushes you around. An attitude of “elbow-my-way” and “don’t-take-no-for-an-answer.” It is a faith that will not be shaken. And I believe that Jesus was satisfied with my performance. Later in our study of Luke, we’ll look at two parables Jesus taught on prayer and faith that we’ll discuss in further detail. In both stories, we find a courageous, persistent confidence on the part of Jesus, who is looking for us:

  1. The Friend at Midnight(11:5-8) was in desperate need of bread to serve his late-arriving friend, and he knocked on the door until it was opened
  2. It’s likely that the Unjust Judge(18:1-8) accepted bribes in order to convince him to defraud a widow out of her property, but he eventually caves because she won’t stop seeking justice

The disciples were to take away from this “the importance of continuously praying and never giving up” (18:1). When Jesus says, “Ask and it will be granted to you,” he is addressing us disciples. “You will find what you are looking for. If you knock on the door, it will be opened for you. Everyone who begs receives; everyone who seeks finds; and everyone who knocks will have the door opened for them ” (11:9-10). In this lesson, we’ll look at the account of a determined lady whose unwavering trust in Jesus resulted in her receiving the salvation she was seeking.

  1. His trust was bolstered by the words, “Don’t be scared, just believe,” said by Jesus in his situation.
  2. Although we may not be quite there yet, he is more than eager to build up and nurture our faith until it is able to mature and flourish even more.
  3. Our woman has suffered from illness, shame, and frustration for the past twelve years.
  4. She has just been healed in a forceful and instantaneous manner, and she is conscious of the healing.
  5. This is really true to reality.
  6. His encouragement is to “take courage, put your anxieties aside, and just go for it.” If you falter, he will be there to support you and guide you through the process.

He is instructing you on how to place your confidence in him. Then, just as he did to the sick lady who overcame her worries, he says to you, “Your faith has restored your health, daughter. Continue in tranquility.”


Father, thank you for your patience with us. On this day, I pray that you would develop a forceful, bold confidence in me. I can sense you there with me. It is my confidence that you will guide me back on track if I ever stray from the route I am on throughout this religious journey I’m taking. Merchandise me to a position where I can grasp out for your promises with the same ferocity as the sick lady in the narrative. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Key Verse

“Your faith has restored your health, daughter. Go in peace.” (Luke 8:48)


Click on the link below to join a discussion on one or more of the topics that follow – you can pick and choose which ones to debate.

  1. What were some of the factors that the lady in our narrative had going against her? Do you believe she was frightened of touching Jesus’ clothing because of superstitions? Describe the nature of her beliefs and how you would rate it. What caused Jesus to come to a halt? What evidence do you have that there was a real transfer or movement of power? Which of the following reasons do you believe Jesus used to cause her shame by forcing her to recount her tale in public? Few people have had the courage and determination to force their way to Jesus in the way that this lady did. What is the reason behind this? The reason why so many people do not receive responses to their prayers is unclear.


Abbreviations and citations are provided. BAGD 779, Sumpnig, BAGD 779. Edersheim’s Life and Times is 620 pages long. He makes reference to Shab. 110a and b.Himation, BAGD 376. Edersheim’s Life and Times1:622-25 contains a thorough description of the event. For more information, see Leona Glidden Running’s article “Garments,” ISBE 2:401-407. Madeleine S. and Lane Miller’s Harper’s Encyclopedia of Bible Life (Third Revised Edition; HarperRow, 1978), p. 54, is also worth mentioning. BAGD 448 is the Kraspedon.

Pastor, Ralph F.

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Matthew 9:20 Suddenly a woman who had suffered from bleeding for twelve years came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His cloak.

New International Version (New International Version) At that moment, a woman who had been subjected to bleeding for the previous twelve years approached him from behind and stroked the edge of his cloak. New Living Translation (New Living Translation) Just at that moment, a woman who had been suffering from chronic bleeding for the last twelve years approached him from behind. She ran her fingers over the hem of his robe. Version standardized in English He looked up to see a woman who had been suffering from a bleeding problem for twelve years come up behind him and touch the edge of his robe, and he began to cry.

The Literal Bible of the Bereans And behold, a lady who had been through a bloody flux for twelve years came up behind Him and touched the edge of His robe.

And then, out of nowhere, a woman who had been bleeding profusely for twelve years approached from behind Him and touched the hem of His garment.

It was then that He noticed a woman coming up behind Him who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for twelve years and touching the border of His cloak;NASB 1995 An old lady who had been bleeding for twelve years came up behind Him and touched the fringe of His robe, according to the New American Standard Bible (1977).

  • Holman The Christian Standard Bible is a translation of the Bible in the Christian tradition.
  • The American Standard Version is the version used in the United States.
  • Version in the Present Tense of the English Language When a lady who had been bleeding for twelve years walked up behind Jesus and barely touched his garments, Jesus knew what she was talking about.
  • She stroked the hem of his shirt.

The International Standard Version (ISO) is a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized When a woman who had been suffering from severe bleeding for twelve years approached him from behind and touched the tassel of his gown, he realized what had happened.

Standard Version in its literal sense and behold, a lady with a bloodtwelve-year flow, who had approached Him from behind, touched the fringe of His robes, and He smiled.

A woman who had been suffering from hemorrhages for twelve years approached him from behind and gently stroked the tassel on his coat.

However, a woman who had been suffering from a hemorrhage for the last twelve years approached him from behind and touched the edge of his robe.

Weymouth The New Testament is a collection of writings that were written during the years of ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad ad In the meantime, a lady who had been suffering from bleeding for the last twelve years approached Him and touched the tassel of His garment.

  1. and lo, a woman who had been suffering from an issue of blood for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his clothing.
  2. Context It was Jesus’ healing touch that brought about healing.
  3. 20 Suddenly, a lady who had been bleeding for the previous twelve years approached Him from behind and touched the edge of His coat.
  4. … References to Other Sources Leviticus 15:25 is a verse from the Old Testament.
  5. 15:38 (Numbers 15:38) “Speak to the Israelites and inform them that they are to weave for themselves tassels for the corners of their clothing for the generations to come, with a blue cord on each tassel.” Deuteronomy 22:12 is a verse from the Old Testament.
  6. Matthew 9:19 (KJV) As a result, Jesus rose to his feet and accompanied him, along with His followers.
  7. And everyone who came into contact with Him was healed.

They increase the size of their phylacteries and the length of their tassels.

The Scriptures are a treasure trove.

Mark 5:25 (NIV) And there was a certain woman who had a blood problem for twelve years.

Leviticus 15:25 is a verse from the Old Testament.

Matthew 14:36 (KJV) And pleaded with him to allow them simply to touch the hem of his robe, which he agreed to, and those who touched it were healed completely.

6:56 (Matthew 6:56) The sick were spread out in the streets wherever he went; they begged him to touch them even if it was only the border of his robe, and everyone who touched him was made whole.

Matthew 23:5 (KJV) They make their phylacteries wider and the borders of their clothes larger, yet they do all of this so that they might be seen by men (Numbers 15:38,39).

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Fringes are to be sewn onto the four corners of thy vesture, which will be used to conceal thy person.

The “problem of blood” was most likely of the type that resulted in ceremonial uncleanness (Leviticus 15:26), which explains her feelings of embarrassment that caused her to shirk from approaching the Healer in public and from admitting what she had done later.

His sadness came all at once after twelve years of cheerful expectation; hers had carried with it, over the course of twelve long years, the illness of hope that had been postponed.

Mark and St.

– The incidental observation is noteworthy for the fact that it, along with Matthew 14:36 and John 19:23, constitutes the entirety of what we know about our Lord’s outer attire.

Later custom determined the exact number of threads or tassels to be used in the fringe, in order for it to reflect the 613 commandments of the Law.

And, lo, there was a lady who was afflicted with (or who had, in the Revised Version, an issue of blood (o).

Twelve years have passed.

When it happened by chance, people recalled it.

Came up behind him and gently brushed across the hem of his clothing.

Tassels or fringes of hyacinth blue and white are called “thezizith.” Schurer (II.


; Deuteronomy 22:12),” and adds in a note, “The zizith is now white, while originally it was to be of hyacinth blue.” Mishna Menachoth 4:1 already assumes that both are permissible based on the context.

Tallith is another name for each of these shawls.” Commentaries that run in parallel.

an individual who is female γυνὴ(gynē) Noun – Nominative Feminine Singular Noun – Nominative Feminine Singular Noun Strong’s 1135: “A woman, wife, my lady,” says the author.

αἱμορροοῦσα(haimorroousa) Active – Nominative Feminine Singular Verb – Present Participle Active – Nominative Feminine Singular Strong’s 131: To be subjected to an uncontrollable flow (oozing) of blood To have a hemorrhage is derived from the Greek words haima and rheo, which means to have blood flowing.twelve (ddeka) Accusative Neuter PluralStrong’s 1427:Twelve; this is the most common method in which the Twelve Apostles of Jesus are referred to in literature.

  1. derived from the numbers duo and deka; two and ten, which is to say a dozen yearsἔτη(etē) Accusative Neuter PluralStrong’s 2094: Noun – Accusative Neuter Plural A calendar year.
  2. appeared to be the case προσελθοῦσα(proselthousa) Aorist Participle Active – Nominative Feminine SingularStrong’s 4334:From pros and erchomai, which means to approach, i.e.
  3. from behind the scenes.
  4. Hapo is a reflexive form of hapto, which means to attach oneself to something, or to touch something.
  5. This includes all of the inflections of the feminine he as well as the neuter to; the definite article; and the.
  6. Of unknown origin; a border, i.e., a fringe or tassel.of dubious origin (tou) Article – SingularStrong’s 3588: Genitive Neuter SingularStrong’s 3588: The article is capitalized like the definite article.
  7. Hisαὐτοῦ(autou) Genitive Masculine 3rd Person Pronoun with Personal / Possessive Pronoun SingularStrong’s 846 is as follows: He, she, it, they, them, and the same are all correct.
  8. cloak.ἱματίου(himatiou) The following is Strong’s 2440: Noun – Genitive Neuter SingularStrong’s 2440: The tunic is a long, flowing outer garment.

Return to the previous page AfflictedBleedingBloodBloodyBorderCloakDiseased EdgeFlowFluxFringeGarmentGarmentsHaemorrhageHandHemHemorrhage IssueRobeSubjectSufferedSufferingTasselTouched Twelve Continue to Next Page AfflictedBleedingBloodBloodyBorderCloakDiseased EdgeFlowFluxFringeGarmentGarments HaemorrhageHandHemHemorrhageIssueRobeSubjectSufferedSufferingTasselTouchedTwelveLinks Matthew 9:20 New International Version Matthew 9:20 New International Version Matthew 9:20 (New International Version) Matthew 9:20 New American Standard Bible Matthew 9:20 King James Version has a Matthew 9:20 verse.

Bible Paraphrase (Matthew 9:20) Matthew 9:20 Chinese Version of the Bible French translation of Matthew 9:20 in the Bible Matthew 9:20, according to the Catholic Bible Gospels of the New Testament: Matthew 9:20 (NIV) Take a look at this woman who had a problem (Matt. Mat Mt)

What is the significance of the hem of Jesus’ garment? –

In the Bible, there are several verses that relate to situations in which individuals who touched the “Hem” of Jesus’ clothing were immediately cured. These accounts may be found in the following chapters, among others: 20-22 (Matthew 9:20-22) “And then, out of nowhere, a woman who had been bleeding for twelve years approached from behind Him and touched the hem of His robe. For she reasoned to herself, “If only I may touch His robe, I will be made well,” she murmured. Jesus turned back and said to her, “Do not be discouraged, daughter; your faith has restored you to health.” And from that hour on, the woman was restored to health.” They pleaded with Him in Matthew 14:36 to allow them to simply touch the hem of His robe.

  1. Make tassels on the corners of their clothing throughout their generations, and weave a blue thread through the tassels on the corners of their garments.
  2. When I was growing up, the mantle was a large rectangular cloth that was thrown over the shoulders and down the body.
  3. They were to sew tassels to the four corners of their clothing and hem the garments in blue, according to the instructions given.
  4. Because they no longer had access to the four corners, the Israelites invented something known as the “Tallit.” A Tallit was worn by all orthodox Jews throughout the time period.
  5. Besides being a prayer shawl, the “tallit” was also used to read an inscription sewn onto the fabric, which was worn over the shoulders.
  6. When in profound prayer, the worshiper’s head would be covered in the “tallit,” which served to isolate him or her from the outside world.
  7. If you pray in your chamber, after you have shut the door on your room, pray to your Father who is in the hidden place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly,” Jesus says.

Let’s start by looking at some Old Testament allusions to the hem of the garment to get a sense of its significance and to give us a little history on it. 1. References to the hem/tallit in the Old Testament:

Verse 4 of 1 Samuel 24:1-22 states “Then the men of David addressed him, saying, “This is the day on which the LORD stated to you, ‘Behold, I will throw your adversary into your hand, that you may do to him as seems right to you.'” “And David sprang up and quietly slashed a part of Saul’s garment,” the Bible says. When David spared Saul’s life, he removed proof from the situation by demonstrating to Saul that he had the ability to kill him but chose not to. The act of cutting the hem of Saul’s garment had a tremendous deal of importance for the king.

  1. The hem of the garment was also a decorative component at this era, and it was used to convey information about the wearer’s social standing and significance.
  2. It was intended to serve as a reminder of all of the Lord’s commandments and to follow them (Number 15:39) The story of Samuel 15 begins when Samuel rebukes Saul for failing to kill all of the Amalekites and their king as well as their herds.
  3. Saul’s kingdom would be snatched away from him, and Samuel used this as a metaphor for what God was about to do with the kingdom of Israel.
  4. This might be his tallit or outer clothing, depending on the situation.
  5. In this section, we will examine the significance of the hem of Jesus’ garment and what we might learn from it as followers of Christ.
  6. The hem of the garment – What we may learn about being a believer from this.
  7. Take, for example, the account of the lady with a bloody problem who, knowing that Jesus the Messiah was going by, ran to get help.

She came to Jesus in such a way that no one would be able to tell who she was since she had concealed herself.

According to Leviticus 15:19,25,27, if a woman has a discharge from her body, and the discharge from her body is blood, she is to be kept apart for seven days, and anybody who comes into contact with her is to be considered unclean until sunset.

However, according to Leviticus 15:28, “‘but if she is cleaned of her discharge, then she must count seven days for herself, and after that she shall be clean.” According to the law, she has been unclean for a period of 12 years.

She is not allowed to touch anyone, including her husband (if she had one), children (if she had any), family, or friends.

Because of her impurity, she was had to be secluded.

Once she learns that Jesus is coming to town, she realizes that this is the perfect moment for her to be healed.

This was her last ditch effort.

Keep in mind that she was not allowed to disclose herself to anybody in her immediate vicinity, since doing so would be considered a terrible felony.

By holding fast to the belief that healing may be found at the hem of Jesus’ garment, she is taking a significant risk.

In Malachi 4:2, it is said, “But to them who fear My name, the Sun of Righteousness shall arise, with healing in His wings.”.

So the woman reasoned that if this is the Messiah, then certainly if I can just go near enough to His garment to touch the hem or the borders of His garment, I would be healed.

She looked upon Jesus andbelieved that He was who He claimed to be.

She turned to Him in trust, and when her faith came into contact with His grace, she was cured.

This demonstrates the immense confidence she had in the Bible, as well as her ability to put her faith in Jesus as the foretold Messiah who was to come.

“Your faith has made you well,” Jesus says, claiming victory.

There are five essential lessons that we may take away from this experience: a.

This serves as a reminder of the importance of having a personal relationship with God.

Their garment served as a constant reminder that they belonged to a kingdom of priests, a holy people (Exodus 19:6) They were to be unlike any other people on the face of the planet.

The color blue in the garment represents the color of heaven, and it was placed there to serve as a reminder to them of their high heavenly calling among all the peoples of the world.

Revelation 1:5-6 says that we have been redeemed by the blood of the lamb (Jesus), and that we have received this redemption “from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler over the kings of the earth.” Glory and dominion belong to Him who has loved us and washed us clean from our sins in His own blood, and who has raised us up as kings and priests before His God and Father; to Him be honor and glory forever and ever.” As a result, let us always remember to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit and to maintain our relationship with the Almighty.

  • b.
  • We can see this in our reading of the passage.
  • The Holy Spirit dwells within us, and we are transformed into the temple of God, as stated in 2 Corinthians 6:16, “And what agreement does the temple of God have with idols?” Because you are the dwelling place of the living God.
  • “I will be their God, and they will be My people,” says the Lord.
  • Our requirements before God are as follows: The tassels that were sown on all four corners served as a visual reminder of the requirement for obedience; no matter which way they turned, they would see them as a reminder to obey God’s commandment to obey.
See also:  According To The Gospel Of Mark, Who First Announced Jesus' Resurrection

We are not saved by keeping the commandments, but by keeping the commandments, we demonstrate our love and transformation in Christ, as it says in John 14:15, “If you love Me, keep my commandments.” Rather than tassels to remind us, we have someone far greater: the Holy Spirit, who lives within us and guides us.

Our obligations before God include the following: “And you shall have the tassel, that you may look upon it and remember all the commandments of the LORD and do them, and that you may not follow the harlotry to which your own heart and your own eyes are inclined,” says the Bible’s Numbers 15:39.

  • There needs to be both an inward and an outward submission to authority.
  • Additionally, we require a reminder to observe the law both outwardly and internally, as Jeremiah 31:33 instructs.
  • Our redemption by God: InNumbers 15:41“I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, to be your God: I am the LORD your God.” This is a reminder of how the Israelites got out of Egypt.
  • God provided for them through the wilderness wanderings and fed them when they were hungry, and protected them all the way to the land of promise.
  • The ultimate price was paid on the cross for our sins by Jesus Christ,so that we are no longer a slave to sin.
  • Praise God!
  • She looked upon Jesus and believed the He was who He claimed to be.

She came by faith to the right person in the right manner and received healing.

Do you need healing in your body, cleansing from you sin and a right relationship with God?

If you are not walking in humble obedience, come touch the hem of his garment, if there are problems and burdens in your life and you need help, cometouch His garment.

That is amazing.

Now is the time to respond and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and Lord.

All you have to do is to accept his sacrifice in your place as a free gift.

I am well aware that I am deserving of the consequences of my wrongdoing.

I believe that His death and resurrection provided for my forgiveness.

Please accept my thanks for saving and forgiving me, Lord.

We would be delighted to speak with you about spending your life with Jesus at the center of your life.

– Reading from the New King James Version of the Bible (NKJV) Scriptures taken from,,,, and other sources are used in this article.

Jesus healing the bleeding woman – Wikipedia

The healing of the bleeding woman (also known as “woman with an issue of blood” and various variants) is one of the miracles of Jesus recounted in the synoptic gospels (Matthew 9:20–22, Mark 5:25–34, and Luke 8:43–48), and it is one of the miracles of Jesus documented in the New Testament.


These miraculous events occur shortly after the exorcism at Gerasa, and they are coupled with the miracle of Jairus’ daughter’s rising, which is recorded in the Gospels. The tale interrupts the account of Jairus’ daughter, which is a stylistic feature known as an intercalated or sandwich narrative, according to experts.

Narrative comparison

There are a number of variations between the stories reported by Mark, Matthew, and Luke, among them.


According to Mark, the incident occurred when Jesus was driving to Jairus’ house in the midst of a big crowd: “And there was a lady there who had been subjected to bleeding for twelve years,” he says. While under the care of several physicians, she had endured a tremendous lot of suffering and spent everything she had, but instead of getting better, she had become worse. The first time she heard about Jesus, she walked up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, believing that if she merely touched his garments, she would be healed.

  1. Jesus recognized right away that his authority had been taken away from him.
  2. He was asked who touched him, and his followers said, “You see the throng swarming about you, but you can inquire, ‘Who touched me?'” However, Jesus continued to glance around to discover who had done it.
  3. “Daughter, your faith has cured you,” he told her, referring to her faith.
  4. When it comes to current medical diagnosis, the woman’s ailment is described as a “issue of blood” in theKing James Version and as a “flow of blood” in theWycliffe Bible and several other translations of the Bible.
  5. In the text, she is referred to as (gyn haimorroousa ddeka et), with the word haimorroousa denoting a verb in the active voice and the present participle of the verb haimorroousa (“having had a flow, of blood”).
  6. Because of the continuous bleeding, the lady would have been classified as an aniddahormenstruatingwoman under Jewish law, and as such would have been considered ceremonially unclean.
  7. A result of the persistent bleeding, this lady was forced to live in a condition of perpetual uncleanness, which would have resulted in her social and religious exclusion.

The bleeding would have precluded her from being married – or, if she was already married at the time of the bleeding’s onset, it would have precluded her from having sexual intercourse with her spouse, which may have been used as justification for divorce by her husband.

Matthew and Luke

The “fringe” of his cloak is specified in both Matthew’s and Luke’s reports, employing a Greek phrase that also appears in Mark 6. In theCatholic Encyclopediaarticle on fringes in Scripture, it is stated that the Pharisees (one of the sects of Second Temple Judaism) who were the progenitors of modernRabbinic Judaism were in the habit of wearing extra-long fringes or tassels (Matthew 23:5), which was a reference to the formativeçîçîth century (tzitzit). People saw the periphery as having a magical character as a result of the Pharisees’ dominance in society.

Matthew does not state that the lady was unable to locate a healer (as Luke and Mark do), nor does he state that she spent all of her funds on physicians while the sickness continued to worsen (as Mark does).

Neither is the lady, who is shivering in dread and refusing to tell him why she did what she did.

In art and later traditions

In this example, Hadrian accepts the adoration of a figure representing Achaea on a coin of his own design. Eusebius, writing during the reign ofConstantine I, claims to have personally witnessed a pair of bronze statues of Jesus and the haemorrhoissa in Panease or Caesarea Philippi (on the Golan Heights in modern terms), sculptures being an unusual form for the representation of Jesus at the time of writing. He described them as being a sculptural depiction of the pair, as they had been represented in a number of paintings in the Catacombs of Rome, according to his account (see illustration at top).

  • According to theapocryphalActs of Pilate and later tradition, the statues were placed outside the house of the woman, who had come from the city and was known as Veronica (which means “true image” in Latin).
  • After becoming emperor in 361 A.D., Julian the Apostate started a scheme to reestablish Hellenic paganism as the official religion of the empire.
  • They found it.
  • The sculptures, on the other hand, have been criticized since the 19th century, with some scholars claiming that they were likely the result of a misinterpretation or distortion of a sculptural group that originally represented Judea’s submission to Emperor Hadrian.
  • According to the evidence, the sculptures were submerged by an earthquake and were subsequently unearthed and regarded as Christian artifacts.

Images of the episode that appear to be based on the lost statue and thus resemble extant coins of the imperial image appear quite frequently inEarly Christian art, with several examples found in theCatacombs of Rome, as illustrated above, on theBrescia CasketandEarly Christian sarcophagi, and in mosaic cycles of the Life of Christ, such as those found in theSan Apollinare Nuovoin Ravenna.

In the West, the narrative was further embellished in the 11th century by the addition of the fact that Christ handed her a painting of himself on a cloth, which she used to treat Tiberius later on.

Furthermore, it is at this point that other depictions of the image change to include a crown of thorns, blood, and the expression of a man in agony, and as a result of this, the image became very popular throughout Catholic Europe.

It became a part of the Arma Christi and one of theStations of the Cross, and the meeting of Jesus and Veronica was designated as such.


  1. See Wilson 2004, pp. 90–97 for other options, as well as various visual representations of the statue.


  1. The following sources are cited: Donahue-Harrington 2005, p. 182
  2. Edwards 1989, pp. 193–216
  3. Shepherd 1995, pages 522–540
  4. Arthur 1987, p. 80
  5. Strong 1894, p. 43, G2899
  6. Souvay 1909
  7. Wace 1911, p. 1006
  8. Brown 1989, p. 93
  9. Schaff-Wace 1890, note 2296
  10. Schiller 1971, pp. 178–


  • Peter Brown’s name is Brown (1989). Late Antiquity encompasses the period between AD 150 and 750. Donahue, John R.
  • Harrington, Daniel J.
  • Norton.ISBN978-0-393-95803-4
  • Donahue, John R.
  • Harrington, Daniel J. (2005). The Gospel of Mark is a collection of stories about a man named Mark who lived in the first century AD. Vol. 2 in the Sacra Pagina series. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, Minnesota, ISBN 978-0-8146-5965-6
  • Edwards, James R. (1989). “The Importance of Interpolations in Markan Narratives is Sandwiched Between Markan Sandwiches.” Brill, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 193–216. Novum Testamentum MacArthur, John, et al., eds., doi: 10.1163/156853689×00207.ISSN0048-1009.JSTOR1560460
  • Doi: 10.1163/156853689×00207.ISSN0048-1009.JSTOR1560460
  • (1987). The New Testament Commentary on Matthew 8-15 by John MacArthur. Schaff, Philip, and Wace, Henry, eds., Chicago: Moody Publishers, ISBN 978-1-57567-678-4
  • Schaff, Philip, and Wace, Henry, eds (1890). Gertrud Schiller published A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Volume 2 in Edinburgh, and published by T T Clark in Edinburgh (1971). The Iconography of Christian Art: Vol. 1: Christ’s Incarnation is the first volume in the series. Childhood, Baptism, Temptation, and Transfiguration are all depicted. Work and miracles are both possible. Lund Humphries, ISBN 9780853312703
  • Schiller, Gertrud. London: Lund Humphries, ISBN 9780853312703 (1972). The Passion of Christ: Iconography of Christian Art, Vol. 2 (The Passion of Christ). Lund Humphries
  • Shepherd, Tom
  • London: Lund Humphries (1995). “The Narrative Function of Markan Intercalation” is the title of this paper. Studies in the New Testament. Cambridge University Press (CUP).41(4): 522–540.doi: 10.1017/s0028688500021688.ISSN0028-6885
  • Souvay, Charles Léon
  • Cambridge University Press (CUP).41(4): 522–540.doi: 10.1017/s0028688500021688.ISSN0028-6885
  • (1909). Scripture has “fringes” (in the original language). According to Charles Herbermann (ed.). Vol. 6 of the Catholic Encyclopedia. Strong, James, and Robert Appleton Company, New York, 1895. (1894). A comprehensive concordance of the Bible’s verses and passages. HuntEaton
  • Henry Wace
  • New York: HuntEaton
  • Wace, Henry (1911). The Christian Biography and Literature Dictionary is a resource for Christians interested in biographies and literature. Wilson, John Francis
  • J. Murray & Sons, Ltd., London (2004). Banias, the Lost City of Pan, is located in Caesarea Philippi. I.B.Tauris.ISBN978-1-85043-440-5

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