Lithuanian Girl Who Paints Jesus

The “Heaven is for Real” painting of Jesus Story – by Colton Burpo and

Do you believe in the existence of heaven? According to Colton Burpo and the small Lithuanian girl who painted Jesus in the Heaven Is for Real movie, it certainly is true. Akiane Kramarik was a child prodigy who began drawing stunning, lifelike paintings of Jesus at a very young age, according to her autobiographyAkiane, Her Life, Her Art, Her Poetry, which was published in 2012. Until this day, one of her most notable works of art is “Prince of Peace,” an amazing painting of Jesus that she completed when she was just eight years old.

His tale has resonated throughout the world, thanks to the success of the book and subsequent film.

Where does she get her visions from?

Akiane tells the Washington Times about her visions.

In an interview with the Washington Times, Akiane stated that “a vision is like an oasis in a desert.” As you continue your trip through the desert of life experiences, which is full with faith difficulties, you will not be able to have it all the time. As a result, I am not very anxious about waiting for a vision to arrive since I know that it will appear when I least expect it. “I still experience images that serve as inspiration for my work.” Visions, which are similar to dreams, frequently require documentation in order to best recall the experience; otherwise, clarity might be lost.

When we look at a painting that was inspired by a vision, such as “Prince of Peace” (theHeaven is for Realpainting of Jesus), we get a glimpse of what the artist saw and chose to capture, whether in words or with paint.


Have others seen and experienced Jesus in this way?

Yes! The author of the Heaven Is for Real books and the film Heaven Is for Real, Colton Burpo, has verified that Jesus looks exactly like the way Akiane has shown Him in her paintings. As a matter of fact, Akiane’s “Prince of Peace” painting is sometimes referred to as the “Heaven is for RealJesus picture.”

  • More information on the Akiane Kramarik narrative may be found here. More information regarding the tale of Colton Burpo may be found here.

We may have a window to the divine and glimpses of heaven through divinely inspired paintings by artist Akiane Kramarik

What, in your opinion, is the most remarkable aspect of Akiane’s paintings? Is it possible that these are Akiane’s pictures of Jesus? The peace and love that emanates from the artwork is genuine. Perhaps these breath-taking artworks have touched your heart as they have mine. Please share your ideas with us. Accuracy and precision in the search for excellence and precision. Here are a few illustrations:

  • 8-year-old Akiane stabbed her small finger to get a drop of blood for the Jesus painting “Prince of Peace,” then urged her mother to run to the art store and buy that hue of paint – soon, because the color was about to change! Her painting “Father Forgive Them” required a lot of painting and repainting until Akiane was satisfied that Jesus’ hands were strong enough to lift the entire world to God in the garden of Gethsemane and ask for forgiveness for all before He was crucified. Her painting “Supreme Sanctuary” was the most difficult to complete because the intensity and colors of heaven are not available in our world. (Washing Station)
  • Whether we look at the minute detail painted into the heavenly gardens in “Supreme Sanctuary” or a teen aged Jesus talking with Father God in “Jesus, the Missing Years,” we can be confident that, according to this gifted young artist, Jesus was resurrected and Heaven truly is a reality. “Supreme Sanctuary,” an abstract heavenly painting by Akiane, gives us a glimpse of colors and scenes in Heaven. (Pictured below and available at ArtSoulWorks

When asked “What is Heaven like?” Colton has said:

  • The city of Heaven is constructed of a gleaming metal such as gold or silver. These are adorned with pearls and constructed of gold
  • They are the Gates of Heaven. The first thing I noticed about Jesus was that he was dressed in white clothes with a purple ribbon
  • The nails that were used during the crucifixion have left “markers” on Jesus’ hands. A plethora of colors, a plethora of people, and a plethora of creatures may be found in Heaven. In paradise, there are more hues, and the flowers and trees are more lovely than on earth
  • The average age in Heaven is between 20 and 30 years old. Everyone I saw in Heaven (with the exception of Jesus) had wings. In heaven, there is always light, since Jesus is the light who illuminates the entire place
  • I discovered that paradise is a genuine place, and I believe you will enjoy it

and from the little Lithuanian girl who painted Jesus in the movie Heaven is for real movie.

  • Everything is absolutely beautiful and effortless in paradise
  • There is no struggle. Unlike on Earth, colors are more vibrant in heaven, and many of them are not visible here on Earth. The music in paradise is more lovely than the music in our world
  • It is nothing like the music in our world. Plants, animals, and all other beings communicate in heaven not via words, but rather by color, vibration, and ideas. There are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of different hues.

Is it possible that we are experiencing something genuinely remarkable because of a gift God granted to a young prodigy? The painting known as the “Prince of Peace” – also known as the “Heaven is for RealJesus painting” or the “Jesus Resurrection painting” – has grabbed the imagination of many people. If you think that God is the divine source of Akiane’s inspirations for the Akiane art seen here, then read on. More paintings of Jesus are available, ranging from the birth of Jesus until the resurrection of Christ.

Akiane Kramarik’s picture, “Prince of Peace, the Heaven is for Real,” is one of nearly half a million admirers of the Jesus, Prince of Peace series. Thank you for your daily inspirations and encouragement!

Child artist Akiane Kramarik said she saw Jesus’ ‘true’ face in her dreams and decided to paint it on canvas

Child-prodigy As a child of three, Akiane Kramarik began painting glimpses of the “real” Jesus she saw in her dreams. She found her unusual gift when she was three years old. Image courtesy of By the age of ten, the gifted artist had already been asked to appear on The Oprah Winfrey Show for her first television appearance! When Akiane appeared on the show, she informed Oprah that she believes her particular abilities were bestowed upon her by God. Image courtesy of Akiane was certain that her visions and vivid dreams were genuine, despite the fact that she was born to atheist Lithuanian parents.

  • Image courtesy of Image courtesy of “I was so young when I started experiencing these visions and impressions of the universe,” she explains.
  • Akiane explains that while her visions are similar to dreams, they lose clarity rapidly, therefore she attempts to catch them as soon as she is able.
  • “His eyes are really stunning,” she said in an interview with CNN when she was 12 years old.
  • And when asked to describe paradise, Akiane responded that its vibrancy and beauty are inconceivable to anyone on this planet.
  • It was incredible.” As of right moment, we don’t know the colors of hundreds of millions of different hues.
  • Akiane refers to her awe-inspiring masterpieces as “the paintings of Jesus.” Image courtesy of She is now 22 years old and has earned a wealth in the millions of dollars as a result of her artistic abilities.
  • Akiane intends to one day establish a hospital in Africa and use the gift she thinks she has been gifted with to benefit others in the community.
  • Source:Bles

Akiane Kramarik: Former Painting Child Prodigy

The deadline for submissions is May 29, 2021. 1 minute to read The world has been shocked by people who have accomplished amazing achievements at a young age, and Akiane Kramarik is one of these persons. She is a poet and painter from the United States. She began drawing at the age of four, while she was still in diapers. Prince of Peace is her most well-known picture, which she produced when she was eight years old.

Early Life

on the 29th of May in the year 2021. Reading time: 1 minute Akiane Kramarik is one of those persons who has shocked the world by accomplishing tremendous achievements at a young age.

Artist and poet from the United States, she is well known for her paintings and poetry. She began drawing when she was four years old, which was a pretty early start. At the age of eight, she painted her most renowned picture, Prince of Peace, which has become a classic.


Akiane is a self-taught artist who claims to have had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ when she was four years old. Jesus urged her to sketch and paint her vision on a piece of paper, which she did. She began to sketch and paint when she was four years old, and she began to write poems when she was seven years old. She created a painting of Jesus when she was eight years old. It was sold for a premium price of 10,000 US dollars since it was a fully completed self-portrait. In Akiane Kramarik’s paintings, the likeness of Jesus Christ, children, animals, and a self-portrait are depicted, all of which are very spiritual in nature.

Some of her artwork were also acquired by the United States Embassy in Singapore.


Akiane poses with her iconic picture of Jesus, which is now on display. Akiane made her television debut on The Oprah Winfrey Show when she was just ten years old. The 12-year-old was also interviewed by CNN. During her appearances on The Late Show with Craig Ferguson and Katie in 2005 and 2012, respectively, Akiane Kramarik was a guest. In 2016, Akiane was given the honor of being inducted into the Happiness Hall of Fame.

Prince of Peace

Prince of Peace, according to Akiane Kramarik, is the artwork that she remembers the most and enjoys the most. She was on the lookout for the ideal face that might assist her in creating a picture from her dream. Akiane was eight years old when she seen a carpenter who resembled the face of Jesus, which she afterwards identified as Jesus. To complete the image, it required 40 hours of effort on my part. It was intended for display at an exhibition, but it was stolen and sold without the owner’s permission.

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The portrait painting of Akiane “Prince of Peace” was found by the artist’s family in December of this year and sold to a private collector for 850000 US dollars in December of this year.

Additionally, see:Alma Deutscher: Former Musical Child Prodigy.

Interview: Akiane speaks of heaven and paintings

December 31, 2014HUNTINGDON, PA – February 21, 2012HUNTINGDON, PA – February 21, 2012 – The paintings of Heaven and God by Akiane Kramarik are astounding in their beauty. They are both realistic and ethereal at the same time. Yet, despite their material nature, they capture the intangible. They are aesthetically pleasing while remaining natural. They convey love, but the love is more felt than seen in their portrayal. Like the 17-year-old artist and prodigy, the paintings arouse the imagination, conjuring up images of things bigger than those that may be found on the surface of the planet.

  • Akiane began drawing when she was four years old, and by the age of six, she was painting on canvas.
  • Despite the fact that her parents were atheists at the time, their little daughter’s drawings of Heaven and Jesus Christ, whom she referred to as “God,” left them both perplexed and fascinated.
  • In addition to being of Lithuanian descent, Akiane’s mother, Foreli, had no religious background or belief system.
  • Akiane sought to explain what it is like to experience a “vision from God” in an interview with the “Lori’s Centiments” section of The Washington Times’ Communities section, which can be seen here.
  • The fact that I know a vision will occur when I least expect it means I am not anxious about waiting for one to appear.
  • When she looks at a painting that was inspired by a vision, such as “Prince of Peace,” she is able to vividly recall the vision, albeit she must stare at the picture in order for it to be completely brought to her conscious mind.
  • During an interview with CNN, she depicts God as “like a bow of light – extremely pure, extremely masculine, extremely strong, and extremely large.

Akiane claims to have witnessed some of the most awe-inspiring scenes in Heaven, which she claims to have witnessed through divine insights.

My memories of Heaven and visions, on the other hand, are fading, and new experiences are being produced as time progresses.

We co-create our world in the manner in which we choose and require it.

“All of the colors were out of this world.

“The flowers were just beautiful,” she says.

It is possible that Akiane’s most well-known picture of Heaven is “Supreme Sanctuary,” which displays an elaborate structure on a hill surrounded by odd, yet innately lovely flowers of every colour, bathed in sunlight and warmth.

Additionally, Akiane writes poetry, which she often uses to explain a picture or vision that she has had.

In the same-hued gardens, there have been no reflections collected.

Something about the prospect of being mixed up into the chaste colours of all events excites me.

Which is the only way to go to the Light.

Her response included the statement that God “is love.” A connection with God, according to Akiane, is characterized by the presence of love and purity in one’s heart.

Not only have her paintings sold for extremely high prices, ranging from $5,000 to $3 million, but they have also clearly had an impact on the hearts and minds of those who have come into contact with them.

She has also piqued the interest of the general public in regards to God and Heaven, causing those who did not believe to take notice and question how a young child could be blessed with such a gift if it were not for a loving God.

When she finished one of her paintings, for example, Akiane stated, “I believe that every painting is a tough piece of a jigsaw for me and others to solve.” When I see that everything has been done, I feel both humble and delighted.” Paintings take up four to five hours of Akiane’s time each day, with the majority of her work done in acrylics or oil.

  • She, along with her siblings Delfi, Jean Lia, Ilia, and Aurelius, are homeschooled in their hometown of Sandpoint, Idaho, where they live with their mother.
  • She can communicate in Lithuanian, Russian, and English.
  • In addition, she likes sculpting and making stop motion or clay motion short films, among other things.
  • “For a true artist, life is a genuine academy in which to learn.
  • Since I was eight years old, I have been instructing youngsters in the arts.

As a lifelong learner, I am always motivated to try new things and venture into uncharted territory.” “Unknown areas” that Akiane has explored seem to concentrate mostly around her spirituality, which she depicts in her paintings with such passion and zeal that her works appear to almost come to life in their own right.

  • The gossamer-like robe that surrounds the angel contributes to the painting’s airy, ephemeral atmosphere, pulling the viewers in and making them yearn for more information.
  • Many of us have been spared from several accidents, and we are completely unaware of it.
  • To depict the role of the guardian angels, I combined many dimensions in this painting: with wings that are invisible to human sight, but visible through the see-through energy barrier, the youthful angel is rescuing a falling infant without any strain, difficulty, or fear.
  • It is simple for an angel to preserve our physical bodies; nevertheless, it is difficult for her to accept that, according to God’s commandments, she must occasionally allow someone to fall or be injured.
  • There is no denying the beauty and amazement instilled in the viewer’s mind by Akiane’s artworks.

In addition, it is impossible to ignore the beauty of the artist herself. She embodies a certain kindness and beauty that radiates from within her till it reaches her face. More information and comments may be found by clicking here. Hover your mouse over the word “Hide” to hide it.

This Artist Sold $25,000 Paintings When She Was 9. Here’s What She’s Doing Now.

Akiane Kramarik grew up in rural Illinois, just outside of Chicago, where she was raised by her Lithuanian mother and American father. Her love in painting began when she was four years old, and she went on to become one of the most well-known prodigies in the art world within a few years after discovering it. When Akiane began painting, she claims that she had begun seeing visions that she was keen to portray via her creative medium of choice. Soon after, people took notice of Akiane’s art, which was noted for its astonishing realism and passion.

  1. As Akiane stated to Oprah at the time, she felt her abilities originated from a single source: God.
  2. One of her most well-known works at the time was a picture of Jesus, which she completed when she was just eight years old.
  3. According to Akiane, who appeared on “Oprah: Where Are They Now?” her approach has evolved significantly over the previous ten years.
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Akiane Kramarik’s Artistic Evolution

“I did see a difference throughout the years. a process of maturation “The skills have evolved into something more intricate and colorful,” she adds. The artist explains, “I can paint’soulscapes,’ which are my creative representation of the voyage of the soul.” Following her appearance on “The Oprah Show” and receiving national recognition for her artwork, Akiane claims she has been lucky enough to be able to support herself and her family via her paintings. “Being an artist truly provided us with the financial resources to provide for my entire family as well as for others,” she explains.

The artist continues to paint now and also travels the world as a cultural ambassador for the arts.

“While I was living in Lithuania, I had the opportunity to assist the educational government in changing the laws to allow for more creative education.” “At the moment, I’m working on funding my own art and science academy.” A profound remark about mankind in general has been made by Akiane after traveling to 26 countries and meeting hundreds of individuals from a variety of cultures.

  1. “I genuinely, truly feel that the arts have the potential a rare talent to unite and inspire every single one of us,” she adds.
  2. OWN broadcasts the show on Saturdays at 10 p.m.
  3. You can also watch entire episodes on demand by using the Watch OWN app on your smartphone.
  4. (1847-1931) Edison, a prolific inventor and businessman who has received over 1,093 patents, is seen here with his most famous creation, the light bulb.

a controversial nuclear physicist who was a founding member of the Manhattan Project and spearheaded the development of the H-bomb., width:1339, height:1944, credit: Wikimedia Commons, title: It’s Edward Teller!, type: image, meta:null, summary:null, badge:null, cta:, textWrap: noWrap, provider:null , image courtesy of Oppenheimer Archives / CORBIS, width:2876 pixels, height:2397 pixels, title: Does this child seem like the ‘Father of the Atomic Bomb?’ , type: image, meta:null, summary:null, badge:null, cta:, textWrap: none, provider:null, width:1992 and height:1730, credit: AP (1904-1967) On April 5, 1963, J.

  1. Robert Oppenheimer takes a drag from his pipe during an interview at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey.
  2. (AP), credit: AP, width:1992, height:1730, title: It’s Robert Oppenheimer!
  3. It’s a mystery who this future scientist and the founder of molecular biology is, thanks to the Ava Helen and Linus Pauling Papers at the Oregon State University Libraries, which measures 566 by 1241 pixels.
  4. In 1954, he was given the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and in 1962, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

The conservationist and animal welfare activist has become a well-known figure in the world., credit: Alamy, width 2661, height 3966, title: Jane Goodall!, type: image, meta:null, summary:null, badge:null, cta:, textWrap: noWrap, provider:null, width 194, height 272, credit: Courtesy of the Nobel Foundation, type: image, common:, caption: Would you believe This future innovator’s picture is courtesy of the Nobel Foundation.

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In addition to the Nobel Prizes established in his memory, he is best known for the Nobel Peace Prize, which was established in his honor in 1962., credit: Wikimedia Commons, width:1954, height:2659, title: It’s Alfred Nobel!, type: image, meta:null, summary:null, badge:null, textWrap: noWrap, provider:null, width:3744, height:5616, credit: James Watson (Born 1928) Molecular biologist, geneticist, and zoologist James Watson is best known as one half of the Watson and Crick duo (and let’s not forget Rosalind Franklin as well)., credit: Wikimedia Commons, width:2985, height:2996, title: It’s James Watson!, type: image, meta:null; summary; badge:null; cta:, width:832, height:1054; provider:null;, width: the picture is courtesy of Wikimedia Commons; it is of type image; it is common; it has the caption: She was maized by chromosomes.

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The only woman to get an unshared Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is Barbara McClintock., width:2000 pixels, height:1544 pixels, title:Barbara It’s McClintock!, type: image, meta:null, summary:null, badge:null, cta:, textWrap: noWrap ;, provider:null; width:1352 height:1376, title: Who is this future math lover?, type: picture, meta:null, summary:null, badge :null, cta:, textWrap: noWrap, provider:null, width:1000 height:1590, credit: Wikimedia Commons width:1000 height:1590 credit: Wikimedia Commons The following is an example of what you can do with a picture (1815-1852), Ada Augusta Byron was the sole legitimate child of literary icon Lord Byron, and she was named after her mother.

Her passion for mathematics led her to write what is considered the first computer program – an algorithm intended to be processed by a machine., credit: Wikimedia Commons, width:1000, height:1590, ops: crop 0 138 1000 788, title: It’s Ada Lovelace!, width:1000, height:1590., credit: Wikimedia Commons The picture has the following attributes: type: image, meta:null, summary:null, badge:null, textWrap: noWrap, provider:null, width:2851, height:3504, caption: If the small kid were carrying a cat in this shot, we’d create a joke., credit: Getty Images, type: image, common:, caption: the title: Who is this aspiring physicist?, the type: image, the meta:null, summary:null, badge:null, the cta:, the textWrap: noWrap, and the provider:null., the width:2751, and the height:3504 are the dimensions of the picture.

The following is an example of what you can do with a picture (1887-1961) This Austrian quantum scientist is most known for the formulation that bears his name, “Schrodinger’s cat,” as well as his work on wave mechanics., image courtesy of Getty Images The future neurologist’s pensive look here may foreshadow his future obsession with the unconscious., width:2751, height:3504, title: It’s Erwin Schrödinger!, type: image, meta:null, summary:null, badge:null, textWrap: noWrap, provider:null, width:2558, height:4140, credit: Imagno/Getty Images, type: image, The picture is of type image, with the following meta information: null, summary: null, badge: null, cta:, textWrap: noWrap, provider:null, width:423, height:600, and credit: Wikimedia Commons.

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  • The honorary degrees of M.D.
  • were bestowed upon her despite the fact that she never sought any scientific study.
  • He also developed a cosmology that combined the theories of general relativity and quantum mechanics., image courtesy of John Phillips / UK Press / Getty Images , width:2679, height:1801; Stephen Hawking’s name is in bold.

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These Kids Grew Up To Be Famous Geniuses

The Lord extends out His great and tender hand to us; in our youth, in our innocence. A youngster hears the sweet, silent voice of the Lord, and goes to Him with abandon, unspoiled by fear. Akiane Kramarik was four years old when she had her first experience with the Lord. Raised by her atheist parents in a home-school environment, without owning a TV, Akaine had limited, if any Christian influences. Yet, she began to see visions and hear voices. Communicating this to her mother both vocally as well as on writing, Akiane was confident that these experiences were from a God she knew well.

  • Considered a child prodigy and the only known child binary genius in painting and poetry, Akaine began to create in order to express her unique encounters with the Lord.
  • Akaine was affected by the pain and pleasure she encountered in others.
  • Thus, Akaine became known as the “ Girl who paints God.” “I am just utilizing my skill to motivate people to live a better life, to live with more happiness, more love, and hope.” She repeats this each time she picks up her paintbrush, her conduit linking her to God.
  • The young artist’s discipline draws her to her studio each morning at 4:00 AM, where she says inspiration is waiting for her.
  • Akaine’s most well-known piece is her depiction of Jesus as the ‘ Prince of Peace.’ Shockingly, she painted the portrait of Christ when she was only eight years of age, saying that she could see Him for many years before that, but His image was blurry.
  • Experts later studied the painting, comparing it to the Shroud of Turin, and to their amazement discovered that it was 80-90 percent accurate in comparison!
  • After being shown many images of Jesus by his father, Coulton clearly recognized the Prince of Peace with familiarity under Akaine’s brush.
  • Each of her paintings is spiritual and somehow connected to her Creator.
  • Her father said of his conversion that “there is life after death.” One of my absolute favorite Akaine paintings was done when she was just 17 years old, and is called “I AM.” She describes it as one of her most challenging paintings, because she wanted to get the detail of Christ perfect.

What Akaine learned from this half-year experience of focusing on Christ on her canvas, is that “Everybody is perfect, irreplaceable and unique.” Read more about this inspiring woman in the book, “ Akiane: Her Life, Her Art, Her Poetry “.

Visit Akiane’s Gallery

It seems likely that most of us have something to say about God’s work in our lives, whether it has been earth-shattering or constantly straightforward. According to 1 Peter 3:15, we must constantly be prepared to render an account to people for the hope they have placed in us. As a result, it is critical that we spread the word about our experiences with others. ‘Once I Was Blind, But Now I See’ is a testimonial like no other that I have ever heard! My personal life was transformed as a result of the experience, and it was through it that I came to know Christ after many years of running.” This is a book that you should read for yourself and then give to those who are suffering with their faith.

Although he has spent a significant amount of time dabbling in the occult and fleeing from God, this man continues to hear God’s voice, and he has not ceased hearing it since.

Get Your Hands On A Copy

Kimberly Cook

Writer, podcaster, mother, and apologist for Catholicism. Kimberly is a wonderful person.

Opinion: Akiane Kramarik, the woman artist whom God taught to paint

Let us introduce you to Akiane Kramarik. Ms. Kramarik, now 23 years old, was a child prodigy from Illinois, United States, who completed a painting of Jesus when she was just eight years old. The image of Jesus, known as the “Prince of Peace,” helped to establish her as a miracle kid in the eyes of the public. It should be noted that she possessed no official training. She only had her ‘visions’ to rely on. Hers is a narrative that confounds and intrigues a large number of people. Ms. Kramarik was 5 years old when she inexplicably vanished on a wet spring day.

  • Her parents, understandably, were distraught and pleaded with everyone to help them locate their lost daughter.
  • However, they were unable to locate anything.
  • So that’s what’s unusual about it.
  • Kramarik claims that during the whole time period in which people were attempting to locate her, she was always in the vicinity of them, but was simply invisible.
  • Kramarik explains in response to the interview questions that she graciously agreed to answer.
  • Despite the fact that she had grown up without any religious influence, she suddenly began to speak about God in her conversations.
  • “When I was a youngster, my images were powerful and clear, but I lacked the patience and talent to depict them in paint.

My visions came back, and with them, my enthusiasm for painting.

“The story is told in detail in the documentary ‘Painting the Impossible,'” she explains.

After all, she was a very little child when she first began to experience them.

Only later, when Ms.

“No one else, with the exception of my mother, could comprehend what was going on,” she recounts.

The artist acknowledges that her “painting approach is pretty complex—there are hundreds of layers that are constructed in order to elicit varied emotional responses from the viewer in my art.” ‘Jesus’ is one of her most beloved and emotionally charged compositions.

See also:  Lyrics To O How I Love Jesus

“Sixteen Lives in the Wind” and “Jesus” were the most emotional for her.

Jesus, ‘Lily of the Valley,’ “The Dreamer,” “Jesus,” “Metamorphosis,” “Immortal,” and “Today” are a few of her other favorite songs to listen to.

and 7 a.m., while the rest of the world is sleeping.

Another of her major works, ‘Enlightenment,’ tells the story of a Hindu monk who traversed the world to see her in person.

Kramarik believes.

“India is a work of art,” she believes.

This country is one-of-a-kind in terms of its history and people, its hopes and spirituality, its aspirations, and the remarkable advances and breakthroughs it has made in every facet of life.

(Others) Curiosity piques my interest as to what motivates and encourages this bright young mind to keep going.

There is a visible and an invisible side to existence.

“My God, as well as my family, have been my sources of guidance,” she adds.

The paintings I’ve done depict every city and hamlet I’ve visited, every hut and palace, every forest and sea, every peasant and government official I’ve met.


At the age of 23, she is still a devout adherent of such views.

As an artist, she expresses gratitude to her parents, who she credits with always reminding her that “purity and humility were the most crucial basis” for her development as a creative person.

The media’s attention was something I didn’t appreciate.

The only reason she was able to feel comfortable on ‘The Oprah Winfrey Show’ was because she was unaware of how inspiring and well-known Oprah was.

“The interview triggered a chain reaction, and hundreds of journalists from across the world have since expressed interest in learning more about my life and my work,” she explains.

When she is not painting, Ms.

During her spare time, she also enjoys cooking, riding her bicycle around, and simply observing people.

“I try to be one with God on a daily basis.

The presence of God permeates all we do.

Every minute of my life, I am cognizant of the divine’s presence.

She aspires to inspire optimism and peace throughout the world via her paintings.

She is active with a number of charitable organizations and hopes to devote all of her spare time to humanitarian and educational causes.

She believes in the strength of the female species.

A future that is “much different from now.” It is her intention to discuss how and why women should support and encourage one another.

* (Disclaimer: The comments presented above are the author’s own personal opinions and do not necessarily reflect the views of ZMCL.)

Jesus Art Fight Fueled by Litigation Finance (Corrected)

The young artist Akiane Kramarik received national attention in 2003 when she was nine years old for painting a gorgeous, green-eyed Jesus Christ who she claimed appeared to her during supernatural visions. She told Oprah Winfrey that her artistic ability “comes from God.” The painting “Prince of Peace” continues to be one of the most well-known representations of Jesus in the world. With the help of the Greg Kinnear-starrer ‘Have You Seen Heaven?’ and Carol Corneliuson, whose Christian painting firm acted as Kramerik’s licensing arm for more than a decade, selling her art for as much as $75,000, the movement gained traction.

It also played a role in the unusual storyline of an utterly secular question: what role does money play in tipped the scales of justice in our society?

Advocates for litigation financing praise it as a method for small enterprises and people to compete on an equal footing with major corporations in the expensive pursuit of justice in the United States.

Corneliuson, on the other hand, portrays herself as a David confronting a Goliath; an example, say industry opponents, of how plaintiffs can use newly deep pockets to demand unreasonable settlement terms, clog court dockets with frivolous filings, and delay defendants into submission by using newly deep pockets.

The unwillingness of the parties to bargain in good faith “is probably the most surprising aspect of this case,” noted U.S.

Kramarik’s attorney, Adam Wolek, stated that the bulk of the 440 pages were made of obligatory exhibits, which were mostly comprised of the defendants’ objections and replies to discovery requests.

Talent, Business Merge

Kramarik claims that she first began having vivid dreams and visions when she was four years old. She grew up in what she describes as “abject poverty,” and she made do with anything she could get her hands on to jot down what she observed. She has completed more than 250 paintings as of today. In February, she told a Chicago television news station that her original “Prince of Peace” painting had been sold for more than $800,000. During an interview, Kramarik stated that “if I didn’t paint every day, I felt empty.” “I’m still painting every day at 3 a.m.,” says the artist.

A viewer named Corneliuson was captivated to her narrative since he had previously worked in licensing, working with Disney items that were sold in retailers such as Barnes & Noble and Family Christian Bookstore.

With approximately 700,000 likes on Facebook, the Corneliuson page devoted to Kramarik’s work has become a popular destination for people who enjoy seeing Bible verses superimposed over Kramarik’s photos.

Photography by La Vita Akiane Kramarik’s paintings, drawings, sketches, and other creations from the age of four to the present were included in the four-page licensing agreement, which granted ArtSoulWorks the right to sell products featuring “all images as painted, drawn, sketched, or otherwise created by Akiane Kramarik from the age of four to the present.” It was extended on a number of occasions till January 2019.

Corneliuson claims she was taken by surprise when she received a letter from the Kramariks stating that they would no longer be working with her the day before the last renewal was supposed to expire.

She claims she had not been counseled against making the purchase, which she believes is true.

According to the letter, Akiane had gotten more active in the business and no longer wanted ArtSoulWorks to censor her creative expression as she had done in the past.

It was said in the letter that “while she is an artistically compassionate artist, poet, and film-maker, when it comes to her holy mission and art business, she will not depart from and will not compromise.” In order to unload its inventory of Akiane’s artwork, it allowed ArtSoulWorks two months.

A Dispute Emerges

Her intense dreams and visions started when she was four, according to Kramarik. She grew up in what she describes as “abject poverty,” and she drew pictures using everything she could get her hands on. She has completed around 250 paintings as of now. When asked about her original “Prince of Peace,” she informed a Chicago television news station in February that it just sold for more than $800,000. During an interview, Kramarik explained that if she did not paint every day, she felt “empty.” Even at 3 a.m.

An extensive media campaign, which included appearances on Fox News and local television stations, preceded Kramarik’s debut on “Oprah.” Corneliuson, who had worked in licensing, working with Disney items offered in bookstores such as Barnes & Noble and Family Christian, was one of the viewers who was intrigued to her narrative.

With approximately 700,000 likes on Facebook, the Corneliuson page devoted to Kramarik’s work has become a popular destination for people who want to see Bible verses imprinted over Kramarik’s artwork.

Photojournalism by La Vita Akiane Kramarik’s paintings, drawings, sketches, and other creations from the age of four to the present were included in the four-page licensing agreement, which granted ArtSoulWorks the right to sell products featuring “all images as painted, drawn, sketched, or otherwise created by Akiane Kramarik from age four to the present.” Up to January 2019, it had been renewed many times.

Corneliuson claims she was taken by surprise when she received a letter from the Kramariks stating that they would no longer be working with her the day before the last renewal was due to expire.

Among the sentiments expressed in the termination letter were thanks for sharing Akiane’s vision, fond memories of their relationship, and signals that Akiane was becoming increasingly uncomfortable with her parents.

Although she is a compassionate artist, poet, and filmmaker, the letter stated that when it comes to her spiritual purpose and her art business, she “will not stray and will not compromise.” In order to dispose its inventory of Akiane’s artwork, the court handed ArtSoulWorks two months.

Drag Out Fight

Because of Legalist’s funding, the Kramariks claim they would not have been able to proceed with the litigation without the assistance of the company, which raised $100 million in 2019 to invest in cases requiring less than $1 million in finance. Akiane, according to Eva Shang, the company’s CEO, is the sort of litigant who would benefit from monetary assistance. Despite the fact that “99 percent of cases settle,” Shang explained that there is no way to determine whether or not they settle for the full amount of the case’s value during an interview.

  • Opponents of litigation finance, like the U.S.
  • Professor Michael Abramowicz of George Washington University Law School, who has written about the ways in which litigation finance may influence behavior in cases, argued that it is feasible for plaintiffs to wield it as a weapon against defendants.
  • In a scenario where a funder has committed $500,000, the funder might get between $1 million and $1.5 million if the lawsuit is successful.
  • The attorneys are squabbling over discovery, and the court has expressed displeasure with some of their conduct.
  • It’s unlikely that they’ll ever see that type of money again, according to Auerbach.

Because we have no option but to respond to what is taking place, we are also included in this.” Wolek, a lawyer at Taft StettiniusHollister LLP who is representing the Kramarik family, said he is not pursuing the matter any more aggressively than he would have been if the cash had not been available.

Kramarik claims that the disagreement has been emotionally draining and has led her to lose her motivation to paint.

However, she claims that the case has provided her with a new issue to raise awareness about. “We hope that this case will shine a light on injustice,” Kramarik added, “and that this will come to a conclusion with positive and hope at its conclusion.”

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