How To Share Jesus

Sharing Your Faith 101

Perhaps you’re hesitant to communicate your beliefs because you’re unsure of what you should say. Or perhaps you’re sharing the Gospel with others, but nothing seems to be happening; people aren’t making decisions to follow Christ. Is there something you’re doing incorrectly? You will never be able to open someone’s heart to the truth of the Gospel—but God, through the power of His Spirit, will. The Apostle Paul was not a very gifted orator, yet God used him because he relied on the Holy Spirit to direct him (see 1 Corinthians 2:1-5).

Keep in mind that God does not call the equipped; rather, He equips the called—and as Christians, we are all called to share what Christ has accomplished.

Evangelizing our religion is not only a recommendation; it is an obligation.

What Do I Do?

Living a virtuous life is one of the most effective ways to communicate your religion with others. Non-Christians frequently regard Christians as hypocrites because we speak one thing while doing something very another. Show individuals close to you show you care by spending time with them, assisting them in meeting their needs, and offering to listen when they are experiencing difficulties. You may not be able to answer all of their questions, but they will not be able to reject the truth of what Christ has done in your life as a result of your testimony.

  1. Another key aspect of communicating your religion is praying for individuals with whom you come into contact.
  2. Making time to study the Bible, pray, and attend church should also be a priority.
  3. Passion for Christ will let people see that there is something unique about your personality, and they will want to know more about what that something is.
  4. At the same time, we must go above and beyond just living holy lives.
  5. “‘Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved,’ declares the Bible in Romans 10:13-14.

As a result, how are they supposed to call on the one in whom they have no faith. And how can they put their faith in someone they have never heard of before? And how are they supposed to hear if no one is preaching to them?”

4 Simple Steps

Following these four easy actions will help you share the Gospel with others: 1. Inform them of God’s purpose for them, which includes peace and life. God cares about you and wants you to be able to enjoy the serenity and life He has to give. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only born Son, that whomever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life,” according to the Bible (John 3:16). He has a plan for you, and you should pay attention. 2. Explain our situation, which is a separation from God.

  1. We are all, by our very nature, estranged from Him.
  2. God is holy, yet we are fallen human beings who fall short of meeting His flawless ideal.
  3. 3.
  4. God’s love fills the chasm of separation that exists between you and He.
  5. He “bear[ed] our sins” in His body on the cross, so that we can die to sins and live for righteousness; “‘by His wounds you have been healed’,” according to the Bible.
  6. Our reaction is to accept Christ as our Savior.
  7. “But to as many as welcomed Him, He granted the right to become children of God,” according to the Bible’s translation (John 1:12).
  • Recognize that you are a sinner
  • Ask for forgiveness and make a sincere effort to turn away from your sins. Believe that Jesus Christ died on the cross for your sins
  • Christ’s presence should fill your heart and life.

“Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved,” the Bible states in Romans 10:13 (NIV). Here’s a prayer you may say to ask for Christ’s forgiveness: “Dear Lord Jesus, I am well aware that I am a sinner, and I beg your pardon.” I believe that you died on the cross for my sins and resurrected from the grave. I put my faith and trust in you as my Lord and Savior. Please direct my life and assist me in carrying out your instructions. “In the name of God, amen.” Additional tools to assist you in sharing your religion include:

  • Spread the word about, an interactive website that delivers the Gospel in a straightforward manner. Learn more about the Gospel, including what it is and what it does. Find tools for sharing the Gospel, such as videos, downloadable tracts, guidance on sharing your testimony, and articles on how to share your faith on this page.

5 Things to Remember

Gary Cobb, a member of the BGEA staff who assists people in sharing their religion, explains five important points to keep in mind. 1. Recognize that your personal life is a significant portion of your testimony. If my connection with Christ isn’t important, then I don’t have much to offer in terms of wisdom. People not only pay attention to your words, but they also observe your actions. We still make mistakes and don’t always provide a good example, so our only chance is to turn to God and give our lives to Him completely.

  • It is the handiwork of God.
  • Recognize that we earn the right to be heard by paying attention to what others have to say.
  • You can’t just barge into a situation and give your thoughts without taking the time to listen.
  • Our example is to be a friend, to pay attention to others, to assess their situation, and then to guide them in the direction of their goals.
  • When you go to the doctor, you don’t tell him or her that you have cancer.
  • That is where the majority of the population resides.
  • ” I’m feeling lonely.
  • I’m under a lot of pressure.
  • We are aware of the most effective treatment.
  • Jesus did not die as a result of their symptoms.

People, on the other hand, do not wake up in the morning thinking, “You know, I really need to embrace Jesus.” So, as persons striving to save those who are lost, we must begin with their symptoms, show them the sickness (sin), and lead them to the ultimate remedy, which is Jesus Christ himself (Jesus).

  • Keep things as basic as possible.
  • Christ died as a sacrifice for our sins.
  • He got to his feet once again.
  • Don’t make things more complicated.
  • We end up confounding them and putting up roadblocks for them.
  • 5.
  • God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whomever believes in him will not perish but will have eternal life, according to the Bible’s verse John 3:16.
  • It everything starts with love, and that’s exactly where we need to begin.

“Death is the wages of sin,” the Bible says (Romans 6:23, NIV). However, don’t begin with that. People are well aware that they have committed numerous sins, but they must first be convinced that God is still willing to forgive them.

Natural Ways to Share Jesus With Others

Instead of attempting to fit evangelism into your life, make it a natural part of your personality. The other day, I happened to enter into a conversation that others were having and was ready to add my opinions and make a contribution. I recognized they weren’t talking about a film when I stepped in and provided my really incredible insight because they were talking about someone’s real-life situations. I was making observations as if I were providing a movie review. Alan, take a look around the room.

  1. People in the culture are having spiritual dialogues to which Christians aren’t invited because we are providing solutions to issues that have yet to be posed by others.
  2. “I would become reincarnated and return as a part of nature based on the good works that I contribute as a human being to better the planet because I believe in making the world a better place.” This is an answer given by some who are not Christians.
  3. Okay, that’s OK.
  4. Jesus says, hmmmm.” I, uh.
  5. An investigation commissioned by Alpha USA, conducted by Barna Research, has now disclosed its results, with one of the revelations being particularly surprising.
  6. When questioned about expressing their religion, the clear majority agreed with phrases such as “The best thing that could possibly happen to someone is for them to know Jesus.” However, when asked about sharing their faith with others, the majority disagreed.
  7. It was not possible to include Generation Z in the study.

Evangelism is an essential practice of following Jesus, according to Barna Group president David Kinnaman, who made the statement included in the research.

The results suggest that millennials, in particular, have a great deal of ambivalence regarding the call to communicate their faith with others.” It takes time and effort to cultivate a deep, stable, and durable Christian belief.

It is stated in the Bible as follows: “Live carefully among those who are not believers, and take advantage of every chance.” Allow your communication to be pleasant and beautiful in order to elicit the appropriate response from everyone.” 4:5–6 (Colossians 4:5) Prepare a suitable response.

The difficulty is that we are attempting to provide answers to questions that no one has asked.

What is the impact of race on our interpersonal connections with one another?

Is it possible for the LGBT community and the Christian community to live in harmony?

Abortion, racism, and injustice are all topics on the cultural agenda this week, as is providing healing to a society that desperately needs it now more than ever.

Honestly, Jesus doesn’t come across in Scripture as someone who is “imposing” his views on others.

One of the reasons I believe religion isn’t powerful in our culture is that people become uncomfortable when the phrase “evangelism” is spoken.

Please allow me to explain what evangelism is not: Having a thorough understanding of theology Taking a stand on religious matters with great conviction Only a small number of Christians have access to it.

The fact that you are incredibly educated and amazing Unfortunately, that is the furthest thing from the reality.

“However, when they saw Peter and John’s confidence and realized that they were illiterate and untrained men, they were astounded, and they began to identify them as those who had been with Jesus.” – Acts 4:13 (NIV) What if we thought of evangelism as a process of bringing someone closer to Jesus?

  1. Having someone into your life and having a chat with them about your life is what it is all about.
  2. A slice of my life is comprised of the following elements: marriage and children; work; church; social life; spiritual life; and so on and so forth.
  3. Or, to put it another way, “I’ve had to find some time to share Jesus with others.” Alternatively, if I live a fully integrated life in Jesus, my everyday life becomes a life of evangelism, since living daily for Christ means sharing Jesus with people on a regular basis.
  4. Here’s how I envision it working: In other words, if you talk about your children, your marriage, your career, your friends, your church, your interests, or anything else, you are talking about Jesus.
  5. Your desire to be a designer becomes a discussion point in which you may explain how Jesus has given you this desire and how you want to utilize your creativity to inspire people about the creator, among other things.
  6. By spending time with my friends and participating in social activities, I am contributing to my community, which is connected by Jesus, and I am praying for others to be connected by Jesus as well.
  7. Your entire life is transformed into a living expression of the gospel.

We must have these theological discussions as soon as possible.

However, when Jesus becomes your life—when Jesus becomes your life—talking about Jesus to others becomes less daunting and less intimidating.


Bringing the church to the people is another method of sharing the good news of Jesus with the rest of the world.

Therefore, the church does not have to be the sole useful entity for the purpose of introducing people to Jesus Christ over the world.

You are equally as valuable, if not more so, than anyone else. The new generation of young Christians is considering evangelism from a fresh perspective. Here are a few suggestions to help you motivated to share Jesus with others more frequently:

1. Have More Conversations and Fewer Confrontations.

It is a different period now than it was previously. “Do you know where you’d go if you died today?” is a question that many people ask themselves. Because of the Cold War and the fact that the nuclear danger was extremely real to individuals living during this time period, this was a highly interesting subject throughout the 1960s, 1970s, and beyond. While it has always been a contentious topic, today’s interaction with people in your community (neighborhood, school, job, etc.) about Christianity is more so than at any other point in history.

Instead of participating in a struggle for truth, we should strive to engage in a discourse with one another.

2. Being an Inviting Person Is More Important Than Being a Convincing Person.

Believability is a positive characteristic. However, choosing to forego our access to others at the cost of being convinced by others that we are correct causes us to lose touch with our culture while also isolating ourselves. If our stance is one of being open with individuals with whom we are conversing, then it is likely that they will reciprocate by being more open with you. Underneath it all, you’ve done your best and are confident, but that’s not what you want to begin with since your confidence will come off as arrogant to those who are not believers.

I believe this is one of the reasons grace is so alluring.

Grace and truth are inseparable (John 1:17).

3. Passion Is the Key to a Message Worth Listening To.

Currently, I am reading a book named, Talk like Ted, and one of the key takeaways from this great read is that “people cannot inspire others unless they have been inspired themselves.” I believe this to be true. The ability to share truthfully about Jesus and his person, as well as his teachings, is essential when communicating with people. However, it is the desire to do the right thing that is most crucial. In fact, Howard Shultz, the creator of Starbucks, was less concerned with coffee than he was with the creation of a “third place.” As a result, amazing customer service could be provided in this setting, and employees would enjoy going to work and being treated with dignity.

When discussing one’s faith with others, it is important to remember to keep the emphasis on the individuals rather than the theology of Christianity.

4. Stop Categorizing People.

Individuals are easily categorizeable by us: unsaved friends, worldly neighbors, atheists on college campuses, immoral co-workers, and so on and so forth. I understand that these are often innocuous descriptions, but over time we put ourselves in a position of usandthem when God is wishing us to do so. God’s Son established deep relationships with the sinful and outcasts of society. Many Christians, without even realizing it, humiliate and condescend to others by establishing a strict exclusivity that, over time, can be difficult to penetrate for others who do not share their religious convictions.

Bringing the hope of Jesus to a world that is desperate for it may be one of the most robust words to convey when talking about Jesus in our culture.

Every day, they get out of bed with a mission: to simply live like Jesus did, which means not categorizing their relationships but seeing everyone around them as God’s creatures in need of repair rather than as people who need to be saved.

5. Live a Lifestyle of Generosity.

Simply said, look for opportunities to be a benefit to others. Because of your own generosity, this not only rewards you and creates tremendous fruit in your own life, but it also tells the rest of the world that your actions are consistent with what you say. It demonstrates that you believe what you live. While declaring one’s faith in Christ is one thing, actually living it out genuinely on a daily basis is quite another.

See also:  What Does The Name Jesus Mean In The Bible

6. Choose Integrity in All Circumstances.

Don’t let your principles be compromised. Be honest. Be sincere in your responses. Have a high level of credibility. Situations arise every day where compromise is not just anticipated but expected. I had a circumstance in college when I was a waitress in a restaurant. Every day I would pay for my soup while most of the other college student merely “took a little bit” before their shift. I elected to pay even though with my discount it was under a dollar. Little did I know that my boss observed this and it drove him to make this statement: “Most of my other workers steal from me by taking a tiny cup of soup without paying, but you chose to pay me the 75 cents for the soup and you’re studying at Bible College to be a pastor?

It’s who you are when no one is watching and who you are when everyone is looking that not only defines your religion but communicates a message.

7. Model Forgiveness.

A person’s capacity to forgive quickly and frequently is one of the most effective methods of demonstrating how Christianity truly works. When you demonstrate forgiveness, you demonstrate to the world a characteristic that is not just uncommon, but also good and therapeutic for the soul—regardless of who you are or what faith you practice. During his public ministry, Jesus demonstrated the greatest forgiveness by saying, “Father forgive them, because they know not what they do” (Luke 23:34). That sort of forgiveness, in which you love your adversaries and forgive them swiftly, is genuine evidence that Jesus is who he claims to be.

8. Live Vulnerably.

Being genuine means sharing a true version of yourself, but being vulnerable means not just expressing who you are, but also disclosing the damaged pieces of yourself. When you share your experience or testimony with others, you are letting them know that they are not alone. Sharing the damaged elements of your life helps to build a common foundation on which the gospel may be firmly established. Knowing your religion is the same as knowing your life’s tale. People will be moved by where Jesus entered, what he has done, and what he is continuing to do in and through you as you share your story.

Our message, which includes what we proclaim as a church and how we live, is based on how God is showing himself to us collectively (via our church).

As it did on the disciples in Jesus’ day, God’s revelation to us has the same impact on us as it did on them: “For we are unable to keep silent about what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20).

9. Be Extremely Hospitable.

So you extended an invitation to someone to attend church, and they declined your request. Instead of inviting them to your home, why not invite them to your home and enjoy a meal with them while also sharing Jesus with them? For many of us, being invited to a dinner party is a rare occurrence. Matthew, on the other hand, used a dinner party to invite many of his acquaintances who were unfamiliar with Jesus and to introduce them to him (Matt. 5:27–32). If you have a pool party, game night, block party, Christmas Tea, Chili Night, spaghetti supper, movie to DVD premiere, baseball Sunday, neighbor night, or Super Bowl party, it is possible that your buddy will be presented to Jesus at one of these gatherings.

Then wait and watch what occurs.

10:24–25), allowing it to alter the world.

3 Practical Ways to Share Jesus With Others

So, you extended an invitation to someone to attend church, but they declined. Instead of inviting them to your home, why not welcome them to your home and have a meal with them while also sharing Jesus with them. Being invited to a dinner party is quite unusual for many of us. A dinner party, on the other hand, allowed Matthew to invite several of his acquaintances who were unfamiliar with Jesus and introduce them to him (Matt. 5:27–32). If you have a pool party, game night, block party, Christmas Tea, Chili Night, spaghetti supper, movie to DVD premiere, baseball Sunday, neighbor night, or Super Bowl party, it is possible that your buddy will meet Jesus during one of these gatherings.

According to Hebrews 10:24–25, God appears to grant healing power to a healthy community whose aims are for the common welfare of all members.


It is necessary to share Jesus for a variety of reasons, but there is only one cause that is truly significant. It was Jesus who instructed us to do so. After Jesus’ resurrection and right before He ascends into heaven, He left a very crucial instruction for his disciples (which includes us). The following is revealed in Matthew 28:19-20 as the “Great Commission:” “Therefore, go and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey all I have told you.” And remember, I will be with you constantly, till the end of the world.” Clearly, Jesus wants His disciples to spread the good news of the gospel wherever they may go in the world.

We could all do a bit better in this area, though.


So, what does it look like to truly share Jesus with others? Is it the appearance of someone standing on a street corner with a damning placard, proclaiming the truth to everyone who walks by, or is it something else? That’s not the case. It does, however, appear to be quite similar to you when you are going about your everyday business at work, school, or living among your neighbors.

It appears to be you, with a certain amount of intentionality, on the lookout for opportunities to shine a light for Christ. Let’s look at some practical methods to share Jesus with folks in your immediate vicinity.


One simple approach to share Jesus with folks in your immediate vicinity is to just act like Jesus. Consider what Jesus would do in each and every case. What it looks like when we answer with grace and compassion in situations in which the rest of the world responds with fury is something else. And then you give others in your immediate vicinity a glimpse of Jesus. In the workplace, being like Jesus involves carrying out your responsibilities as if they were for the Lord. (See Colossians 3:23-24 for further information.) When you act in the manner of Jesus at home, you must treat your family with love and respect.

(Matthew 5:43-48; Mark 10:43-48) We have a strong desire to deal with situations in less-than-godly ways far more often than we would want to admit.

It is said in Galatians 5:22-23 that “the fruit of the Spirit” includes “love (joy), peace (patience), kindness (goodness), faithfulness (faithfulness), gentleness (gentleness), and self-control.”

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Simple imitations of Christ are an effective method to share Jesus with others around you. Consider what Jesus would do in each and every situation. What it looks like when we respond with grace and compassion in situations in which the rest of the world responds with fury is different. Afterwards, you provide a glimpse of Jesus to people who are in your vicinity. In the workplace, acting as if Jesus were present means carrying out your responsibilities as if Jesus were there with you, too. (See Colossians 3:23-24 for further information.) It means treating your family with love and respect when you act like Jesus at home.

In Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus tells us that he is the Son of God.

We are blessed, though, since God provides us with the fruit of the Spirit, enabling us to live each day as if we are following Jesus.


One simple approach to share Jesus with folks in your immediate vicinity is to just act like Jesus does. Consider what Jesus would do in every situation. When we respond with compassion and mercy in circumstances when the rest of the world responds with fury, we are demonstrating an alternative way of being. After that, you allow people around you to catch a glimpse of Jesus. In the workplace, acting like Jesus involves carrying out your responsibilities as if you were doing them for the Lord.

At home, being a follower of Jesus entails treating your family with love and respect.

Acting in the manner of Jesus in our interactions with others implies extending love to everyone, including those who are unkind to us.

But, thank God, He provides us with the fruit of the Spirit so that we might live our lives in the manner of Jesus every day. “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control,” according to Galatians 5:22-23.

  • The Bible says, “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is everlasting life in Christ Jesus our Lord,” says the apostle Paul in Romans 3:23. “However, God demonstrates his own love for us in that, while we were still sinners, Christ died for us,” says Romans 6:23. “If you confess with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved,” says Romans 5:8. It is by faith in the heart that one attains righteousness, and it is through confession in the tongue that one attains redemption.” “For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved,” Paul writes in Romans 10:9-10. 10:13
  • Romans 10:14

As 1 Peter 3:15 instructs, always be prepared to offer an explanation for the hope that you have in your heart. That hope is derived directly from the gospel of Jesus Christ, which has the power to change lives. In related news, three reasons why believers should care about apologetics are discussed.

Share Jesus Without Fear

God’s Direction on How to Share Jesus Without Being Afraid Do you want to share Jesus with others without feeling intimidated? Possibly, the notion of revealing your faith in Jesus Christ leads you to experience feelings of fear and shame in your heart. We don’t have to look any further than the first book of the New Testament to discover that we are ordered to spread the good news of God’s salvation. According to Matthew 28:19-20, “As a result, go and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and instructing them to follow everything I have told you to do in the first place.

  • God’s desire to involve us in His marvelous plan of redemption for mankind is illustrated by this mandate, rather than the other way around.
  • Unfortunately, there is no secret method to obtaining what you desire, but it is reassuring to know that God hears your prayers and is loyal to provide you anything you desire if it is in His will.
  • The capacity to rely on God’s supernatural power rather than your own ability while praying for God to direct your Christian witnessing experiences opens up new possibilities.
  • Questions on How to Share Jesus Without Being Afraid What should you do if you wish to share Jesus with others without being intimidated?
  • Do you find yourself unsure of how to broach the issue in the midst of a normal conversation?
  • In most cases, there are two advantages to using this strategy.
  • Second, and perhaps more importantly, this strategy helps you to get an understanding of what is going on in your friend’s life, allowing you to minister to him more effectively.

A couple of the questions below might help you transition the conversation from a secular to a spiritual issue. The questions serve as a conduit through which the Gospel is introduced.

  • God’s Direction for Sharing Jesus Without Fear Interested in sharing Christ without feeling intimidated? You may be filled with anxiety and shame at the prospect of expressing your faith in Jesus Christ with others. We don’t have to look any farther than the first book of the New Testament to discover that we are called to spread the good news of God to others. As recorded in Matthew 28:19-20: “Consequently, go into all the world and make disciples of all people, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and instructing them to follow everything I have told you to do. Without a doubt, I will be at your side till the end of days.” It is important to remember that God never intended for you to feel inadequate because of this instruction. God’s desire to involve us in His marvelous plan of redemption for mankind is illustrated by this command, rather than by any other. What if I told you the key to communicating your faith in Jesus Christ without feeling self-conscious? Unfortunately, there is no secret method to obtaining what you desire, but it is reassuring to know that God hears your prayers and is loyal to provide you everything you desire if it is in His will for you to have it. God’s aim is for all people to come to a knowledge of the truth (2 Peter 3:9), therefore you may surely pray that He will give chances for you to share your faith with other people. Praise and thanksgiving for the guidance God provides in your Christian witnessing interactions encourages you to place your trust in His supernatural power rather than your own. It is he who will take away your dread of being seen by others. Answers to the Questions on How to Share Jesus Without Being Afraid What should you do if you wish to share Jesus without being afraid? In many cases, the most difficult part of professing your faith in Jesus Christ is bringing up the subject of spirituality. In the midst of regular discussion, do you find yourself wondering how to broach the subject? Use the basic strategy of asking your friend questions about his religious views to make this a lot easier chore for yourself. In most cases, there are two advantages to using this strategy. First and foremost, after you have listened to his opinions, your buddy may feel more obligated to listen to yours as well. Another benefit of using this strategy is that it helps you stay informed about what is going on in your friend’s life, which helps you provide better care for him. Here are a few questions that may be used to transition a conversation from a secular to a spiritual subject. The questions serve as a funnel through which the Gospel can be presented to the audience.

Share Jesus Without Hesitation – God’s Insight Do you want to be able to share Jesus without feeling intimidated? Perhaps the notion of sharing your faith in Jesus Christ fills you with dread and remorse. In the first book of the New Testament, we discover that we are ordered to spread the good news of God’s salvation to others. According to Matthew 28:19-20: “As a result, go and make disciples of all countries, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to follow everything I have told you.

  1. Instead, God’s desire to involve us in His marvelous plan to rescue mankind is illustrated by this instruction.
  2. Unfortunately, there is no secret method to obtaining what you desire, but it is reassuring to know that God hears your prayers and is loyal to provide you anything you desire in accordance with His plan.
  3. Praise and thanksgiving for the guidance God provides in your Christian witnessing interactions encourages you to place your faith in His supernatural power rather than your own.
  4. Questions on How to Share Jesus Without Feeling Afraid What should you do if you wish to share Jesus with others without feeling intimidated?
  5. Do you ever find yourself wondering how to broach the issue in the midst of a normal conversation?
  6. This approach typically offers two advantages.
  7. Second, and maybe more importantly, this strategy helps you to get insight into your friend’s life, allowing you to better minister to him.
  8. The questions serve as a conduit via which the Gospel might be introduced.
  • All have sinned and come short of the glory of God, says the Bible. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23)
  • “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again” (John 3:3)
  • “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23)
  • “In response, Jesus declared, ‘I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God ” (John 3:3)
  • ” “I am the way and the truth and the life,’ Jesus said in response. ‘There is no other way to the Father than through me.'” ” (John 14:6) “It is possible to be saved if you believe in your heart that God resurrected Jesus from the dead and declare with your lips, “Jesus is Lord.” Due to the fact that you believe and are justified with your heart, and you confess and are saved with your tongue, Anyone who puts their confidence in the Lord will never be put to shame, according to the Scriptures.” The apostle Paul writes in Romans 10:9-11, “And he died for all, in order that those who live would no longer live for themselves, but for him who died for them and was raised again.” Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:15 that “I’m right here! I approach the front door and knock. In the event that someone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and have a meal with him, and he will share a meal with me “(Revelation 3:20
  • Revelation 3:21).
See also:  I Ve Got Jesus How Could I Want More

As the Bible states, “For all have sinned and fall short of God’s glory.” “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23); “I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again” (John 3:3); “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 6:23); ” (John 3:3);” ” “‘I am the way, the truth, and the life,’ Jesus said.

Without me, no one else can come to the Father.” ” (John 14:6);” “It is possible to be saved if you believe in your heart that God resurrected Jesus from the dead and declare with your lips, ‘Jesus is Lord.’ Because it is through your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is through your tongue that you confess and are saved.

(cf. 2 Corinthians 5:15) “I’m standing right here. A knock comes from outside. I am standing at the front door. If anybody hears my call and answers the door, I will come in and have a meal with him, and he will share a meal with me as well “(1 Thessalonians 3:20)

Ideas and concepts taken from William Fay’s book,Share Jesus Without Fear, published by BroadmanHolman Publishers, Nashville, TN.

WHAT ARE YOUR OPINIONS? – We have all sinned and are deserving of God’s wrath. God, the Father, sent His only Son to fulfill that judgment on behalf of all who place their faith in Him. According to the Bible, Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a spotless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, accepting the penalty that we deserved, was buried, and rose from the grave to show us His love for us. It is possible to be rescued from judgment and to spend forever with God in heaven if you sincerely believe and trust this in your heart, accepting Jesus alone as yourSavior, and announcing, “Jesus is Lord.” What is your reaction to this?

Yes, I am already a disciple of Jesus Christ.

How to Share Jesus Christ with Your Friends

I’d want to hear your thoughts. Everyone has sinned and is deserving of God’s wrath. In order to meet that judgment, God, the Father, sent His only Son, Jesus Christ, to earth. Following the teachings of theBible, Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a blameless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, accepting the penalty we deserve, was buried, and was raised from the grave. It is possible to be rescued from judgment and spend forever with God in heaven if you sincerely believe and trust this in your heart, accepting Jesus alone as yourSavior and announcing, “Jesus is Lord.” In what way do you respond to this situation?

In fact, I am already a committed disciple of Jesus.

Here are 3 Ways You Can Share Your Faith

WHAT DO YOU CONSIDER? – We are all guilty of sin and deserving of God’s wrath. God, the Father, sent His only Son to fulfill that judgment for all who place their faith in Him. Following the teachings of theBible, Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a blameless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, accepting the penalty we deserve, was buried, and rose again from the grave. It is possible to be saved from judgment and to spend eternity with God in heaven if you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as yourSavior, and declaring, “Jesus is Lord.” What are your thoughts on this?

Yes, I am already a committed disciple of Jesus Christ.

Share the Gospel

As a disciple of Jesus, one of your most essential responsibilities is to share your faith with others. These tools will assist you in developing the skills, desire, and capacity to accompany people on their spiritual journeys and help them become closer to Jesus as a result of your involvement.

What Is the Gospel?

Have you ever been curious about what the gospel is all about? The term “gospel” literally translates as “good news.” We are talking about breaking news about who Jesus Christ is, what He has done, and how it has changed everything for all of us.

In this in-depth discussion, you will learn what it is that is so excellent about the good news of the gospel. Read on to find out more


Has the term “gospel” ever piqued your interest? A good news message is represented by the word “gospel.” We are talking about breaking news about who Jesus Christ is, what He has done, and how this has changed everything for all of us. In this in-depth discussion, you will learn what it is that is so excellent about the message of the gospel. Obtaining Additional Information

With Whom?

There are those close to you, such as your neighbors, acquaintances, friends, and family, as well as people far away, such as those from other cultures than your own and those in other nations, with whom God has called you to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ.


You can assist others on their spiritual journeys by serving as anExplorer (discovering where they are spiritually), aGuide (teaching them the road to Jesus), aBuilder (assisting people in overcoming barriers), or aMentor, among other roles (walking with them as they grow in their faith).

Where to Start?

Start right where you are right now. You are not required to have all of the answers, and it is not your responsibility to sway anyone’s viewpoint. Gently and respectfully share your faith in Jesus with others, as you would want them to do for you. Do you require assistance? Take the next step by referring to the resources listed below.

Preparing Your Personal Testimony

Your story is His narrative, and vice versa. When you tell people about how God saved you from sin and death through Jesus, you provide them with a chance to learn more about God and what He is capable of. Learn how to prepare for and tell your experience in a public setting. Begin Right Now

Top Tools for Sharing Your Faith

This software is meant to provide you with tools and resources to help you communicate your religion at any time, from any location, and in more than 80 languages, according to your preferences.


If you want to communicate your religion at any time and from any location, this app has tools and resources to help you do so. It supports more than 80 languages.

Perspective Cards

This software has been built with tools and resources to assist you in sharing your religion at any time, from any location, and in more than 80 different languages.


This app is meant to provide you with tools and resources to help you express your religion at any time, from any location, and in more than 80 languages.

Thousands of individuals are led to Christ every day through Cru’s evangelistic website,, which is available in 45+ languages.

More Evangelism Tools

Check out some of the other applications and resources that might assist you in connecting the people who matter to God. Because each app is unique, no matter who you are talking to or what scenario you are in, one of these applications will help you share the love of Jesus with them – as long as you have your phone with you! Success in witnessing consists on taking the initiative to share Christ with others in the power of the Holy Spirit while leaving the outcomes in God’s hands. CRU (BILL BRIGHT – 1994-2021) – All Rights Reserved

Share Your Faith By Being an Example to Others

Explore other applications and resources that can assist you in connecting the people you care about with God by clicking on the links below. Due to the individuality of each app, no matter who you are talking to or what scenario you are in, one of these applications will assist you in sharing the love of Jesus – so long as you have access to your phone!

It is “successful witnessing” when one decides to share Christ with others while using the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the consequences to God. – BILL BRIGHT1994-2021 Cru. All Rights Reserved. –

How to Share Your Faith in God With Others

Check out some of the other applications and resources that might assist you in connecting the people you care about with God. Because each app is unique, no matter who you are talking to or what scenario you are in, one of these applications will help you express the love of Jesus – as long as you have your phone in hand! “Successful witnessing means taking the initiative to share Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and leaving the consequences in the hands of God.” ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY BILL BRIGHT 1994-2021 Cru.

Represent Jesus in the Best Possible Way

To put it another way, “Don’t make Jesus appear like a jerk,” as my pastor put it. Keep in mind that you are the representative of Jesus to the rest of the world. Because we are followers of Christ, the quality of our witness to the rest of the world has everlasting consequences. Unfortunately, many of Jesus’ disciples have done a bad job of portraying the Savior. I’m not claiming to be the perfect Jesus follower; I’m certainly not one. However, if we (those who adhere to the teachings of Jesus) were able to accurately represent him, the terms “Christian” and “Christ-follower” would be more likely to elicit positive responses than negative responses when used in this context.

Be a Friend by Showing Love

Matthew and Zacchaeus, two of the most despised tax collectors in the Bible, were personal friends of Jesus’. In Matthew 11:19, Jesus is referred to as “the Friend of Sinners.” If we claim to be his disciples, we should expect to be accused of being friends with sinners as well. In John 13:34-35, Jesus taught us how to share the gospel with others by demonstrating our love for them: “Be kind to one another. You must love one another in the same way that I have loved you. By doing so, everyone will recognize you as my disciples, especially if you love one another.” (NIV) Jesus was never in a heated debate with anybody.

“However, avoid foolish debates and genealogies, as well as discussions and quarrels regarding the law, for they are fruitless and futile,” says Titus 3:9 in the Bible.

(NIV) This paragraph offers a compelling case for being a greater witness just by demonstrating love to others around you: We don’t have to write to you about your love for one another anymore since you have been trained by God to love one another already.

However, we encourage you, brothers and sisters, to do so on a regular basis and to make it your goal to live a tranquil life: You should take care of your own affairs and work with your hands, as we instructed, so that your daily activities will gain the respect of others and that you will not be reliant on anyone.

Be a Good, Kind, and Godly Example

Matthew and Zacchaeus, two of the most despised tax collectors in the Bible, were close friends of Jesus’s. In Matthew 11:19, Jesus is referred to as “Friend of Sinners.” Those who follow him should be accused of being friends with sinners as well, if we are to be considered disciples of Christ. The following are the instructions Jesus gave us in John 13:34-35 on how to share the gospel with others by demonstrating our love to them: “Have compassion for one another.” You must love one another as much as I have loved you.

(NIV) When it came to humans, Jesus was never in a tiff.

“However, avoid stupid debates and genealogies, as well as discussions and quarrels regarding the law, because they are fruitless and futile,” says Titus 3:9 (NIV).

When it comes to being a greater witness, this chapter offers a compelling argument for doing it via love alone: For the time being, we will not write to you about your love for one another since God has already instructed you on how to love one another.

But we encourage you, brothers and sisters, to do so on a regular basis and to make it your goal to live a peaceful life: ” You should take care of your own affairs and work with your hands, as we instructed, so that your everyday activities will gain the respect of others and that you will not be reliant on anyone for your well-being.

In the New International Version of 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12, the apostle Paul says,

Submit to Authority and Obey God

Matthew and Zacchaeus, two of the most despised tax collectors in the Bible, were personal friends of Jesus. In Matthew 11:19, Jesus was referred to as “Friend of Sinners.” If we profess to be his disciples, we should be accused of being friends with sinners as well. In John 13:34-35, Jesus teaches us how to share the gospel with others by demonstrating our love for them: “Be kind to one another.” As much as I have loved you, you must love one another as well. If you love one another, everyone will know that you are my disciples.” (NIV) Jesus was never in a fight with anyone.

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“But avoid stupid debates and genealogies, as well as discussions and quarrels regarding the law, for they are fruitless and futile,” says Titus 3:9.

This text makes an excellent case for becoming a more effective witness just by demonstrating love: We don’t have to write to you about your love for one another anymore since you have been trained by God to love one another.

But we encourage you, brothers and sisters, to do so on a regular basis and to make it your goal to live a peaceful life: You should take care of your own affairs and work with your hands, as we instructed, so that your everyday activities will gain the respect of others and that you will not be reliant on anyone else.

Pray for God to Open a Door

Matthew and Zacchaeus, two of the most despised tax collectors in history, were personal friends of Jesus’. Matthew 11:19 refers to him as “Friend of Sinners.” If we claim to be his disciples, we should expect to be accused of being a friend to sinners as well. In John 13:34-35, Jesus teaches us how to share the gospel with others by demonstrating our love for them. “Have compassion on one another. As much as I have loved you, you must love one another. If you love one another, everyone will recognize you as my disciples.” (NIV) Jesus was never in a disagreement with anyone.

“But avoid stupid debates and genealogies, as well as discussions and quarrels regarding the law, for they are fruitless and futile,” says Titus 3:9.

This text makes an excellent case for becoming a greater witness just by demonstrating love: Now, in terms of your affection for one another, we don’t need to write to you since you have been taught by God to love one another.

But we encourage you, brothers and sisters, to do so on a regular basis and to make it your goal to live a tranquil life: You should mind your own business and work with your hands, as we instructed, so that your everyday life will gain the respect of others and that you will not be reliant on anybody.

(1 Thessalonians 4:10-12, New International Version)

More Practical Ways to Share Your Faith By Being an Example

Karen Wolffof provides some practical methods to communicate our religion simply by setting a good example for others to follow in our footsteps.

  • A fake may be detected from a mile away by most people. The very worst thing you can do is to say one thing and then do something completely different. It is not only ineffectual, but it is also perceived as fake and phony if you are not devoted to implementing Christian ideals in your own life. Individuals aren’t as interested in what you have to say as they are in how it is functioning in your life
  • One of the most effective methods to express your religion is to exemplify the exact things you believe by being cheerful and having a positive attitude even when faced with adversity. Do you remember the account in the Bible about Peter stepping out onto the sea when Jesus called to him? Do you remember what happened next? As long as he kept his gaze fixed on Jesus, he was able to continue walking above the water. Having focused on the storm, he began to sink
  • When the people in your life see the serenity in your life, especially when it appears that you are surrounded by storms, you can guarantee they will want to know how to gain what you have! In contrast, if all they see is the top of your head as you descend under the sea, there’s not much more to ask
  • Simply treat everyone with decency and respect, regardless of their circumstances. When you have the opportunity, demonstrate that you do not modify your approach to individuals under any circumstances. Even when people abused Jesus, he treated them with dignity and respect. People in your immediate vicinity will be perplexed as to how you are able to demonstrate such a high level of respect for others. You never know, they could even approach you about it
  • Look for opportunities to offer a benefit to others. This not only sets incredible seeds for a harvest in your own life, but it also demonstrates to others that you are not a charlatan or a fraud. It demonstrates that you believe what you live. Saying you’re a Christian is one thing, but putting your faith into action in real ways on a daily basis is quite another. “They will recognize them by their fruit,” according to the Bible. Don’t let your principles be compromised. Every day, situations arise in which compromise is not only conceivable, but is also expected in many instances. Demonstrate to others that your Christian faith is reflected in your honesty. In addition to telling the shop clerk when she undercharged you for a quart of milk, the capacity to forgive swiftly is a highly effective approach to demonstrate how Christianity truly works in the real world. Make yourself a role model for forgiveness. If there is one thing that may bring about separation, hatred, and instability, it is the refusal to forgive those who have wronged you. Of course, there will be instances in which you will be completely correct. Being correct, on the other hand, does not give you the right to penalize, humiliate, or shame someone else. In addition, it in no way absolves you of your obligation to forgive.

Even from a distance, people can see when something is a ruse. You should never say one thing and do something very different. It is not only unproductive, but it is also perceived as false and artificial if you do not make a commitment to adopting Christian teachings in your own life. Individuals aren’t as interested in what you have to say as they are in how it is working in your life; one of the most effective ways to share your faith is to demonstrate the very things you believe by remaining positive and having a positive attitude even when you are in the middle of a crisis in your personal life.

  1. Do you remember what happened?
  2. Having focused on the storm, he began to sink; When those in your immediate vicinity see the serenity in your life, especially when it appears that you are surrounded by storms, you can guarantee they will want to know how to obtain what you have!
  3. Display your unwavering commitment to treating others with dignity and respect whenever the chance arises.
  4. Those who are in your immediate vicinity will be amazed at your ability to demonstrate such high levels of respect for others.
  5. The fact that you’ve done this not only lays excellent seeds for a harvest in your own life, but it also demonstrates to others that you aren’t a fraud.
  6. One thing is to declare yourself a Christian, but it is another to demonstrate your faith in practical ways on a daily basis.
  7. Every day, situations arise in which compromise is not only conceivable, but is also anticipated in many cases.
  8. In addition to telling the sales clerk when she undercharged you for a quart of milk, the capacity to forgive swiftly is a highly effective approach to demonstrate how Christianity truly works in real life situations.
  9. Nothing sows discord, hatred, and disarray in a community like a reluctance to forgive those who have wronged them.

Without a doubt, there will be instances in which you will be completely correct. The fact that you are correct does not give you the right to penalize, degrade, or disgrace someone. In addition, it in no way absolves you of the obligation to forgive.

5 Tips for Sharing the Gospel with Friends

A fake may be detected from a mile away. The very worst thing you can do is say one thing and then do something completely different. It is not only unproductive, but it is also perceived as false and artificial if you are not devoted to putting Christian teachings into practice in your own life. People are less interested in what you say than they are in how it is functioning in your life; one of the most effective ways to express your religion is to exemplify the exact things you believe by being cheerful and having a positive attitude even in the midst of a crisis in your own life.

  1. As long as he kept his gaze fixed on Jesus, he was able to keep walking above the water.
  2. On the other hand, if all they see is the top of your head as you drop under the sea, there isn’t much to ask; simply treat everyone with decency and respect, regardless of their circumstances.
  3. Even when people abused Jesus, He treated them with dignity.
  4. You never know, they could even approach you about it; look for opportunities to be of service to others.
  5. It demonstrates that you live your beliefs.
  6. “They will recognize them by their fruit,” says the Bible.
  7. Every day, situations arise in which compromise is not only conceivable, but in many cases, is expected.
  8. In addition to telling the shop clerk when she undercharged you for a quart of milk, the capacity to forgive swiftly is a highly effective approach to demonstrate how Christianity truly works in the world today.
  9. Nothing sows division, hatred, and unrest in a community like a refusal to forgive those who have wronged you.
  10. Being correct, on the other hand, does not give you the right to penalize, humiliate, or shame another person.

1. Make prayer your priority

People can detect a fake from a mile away. The very worst thing you can do is to say one thing and then do another. If you are not dedicated to practicing Christian values in your own life, you will not only be unsuccessful, but you will also be perceived as fake and artificial. People aren’t as interested in what you say as they are in seeing how it works in your life; one of the most effective ways to express your religion is to exemplify the exact things you believe by being cheerful and having a positive attitude even in the midst of a crisis in your own life.

  1. As long as he kept his gaze fixed on Jesus, he was able to continue walking above water.
  2. On the other hand, if all they see is the top of your head as you drop under the sea, there isn’t much to ask; simply treat everyone with decency and respect, no matter what the circumstances.
  3. Even when people abused Him, Jesus treated them with dignity.
  4. You never know, they could even ask; look for opportunities to offer a benefit to others.
  5. It demonstrates that you live out what you believe.
  6. “They will recognize them by their fruit,” the Bible says.
  7. Every day, situations arise in which compromise is not only feasible, but is frequently expected.
  8. And, yes, that means you inform the sales clerk when she undercharged you for that quart of milk; the ability to forgive swiftly is a really effective method to demonstrate how Christianity actually works.
  9. Nothing sows division, anger, and instability as a refusal to forgive those who have wronged you.

Of course, there will be occasions when you are completely correct. However, being correct does not give you the right to penalize, degrade, or shame someone else. And it most certainly does not absolve you of your obligation to forgive;

2. Be brave, but be smart

A fake may be detected from a mile away by most people. The very worst thing you can do is to say one thing and then do something completely different. It is not only ineffectual, but it is also perceived as fake and phony if you are not devoted to implementing Christian ideals in your own life. Individuals aren’t as interested in what you have to say as they are in how it is functioning in your life; one of the most effective methods to express your religion is to exemplify the exact things you believe by being cheerful and having a positive attitude even when faced with adversity.

Do you remember what happened next?

Having focused on the storm, he began to sink; When the people in your life see the serenity in your life, especially when it appears that you are surrounded by storms, you can guarantee they will want to know how to gain what you have!

When you have the opportunity, demonstrate that you do not modify your approach to individuals under any circumstances.

People in your immediate vicinity will be perplexed as to how you are able to demonstrate such a high level of respect for others.

This not only sets incredible seeds for a harvest in your own life, but it also demonstrates to others that you are not a charlatan or a fraud.

Saying you’re a Christian is one thing, but putting your faith into action in real ways on a daily basis is quite another.

Don’t let your principles be compromised.

Demonstrate to others that your Christian faith is reflected in your honesty.

Make yourself a role model for forgiveness.

Of course, there will be instances in which you will be completely correct.

In addition, it in no way absolves you of your obligation to forgive.

3. Pay attention to their objections

A skeleton key does not exist when it comes to unlocking people’s hearts. Each of us comes to the gospel with his or her unique set of concerns and objections to raise. Don’t make the assumption that the most appealing argument you have is going to be important to the other person. Your buddy relies on you to be an attentive listener and to pay close attention to their specific queries. It’s equally critical that you pay attention to the questions that aren’t being asked. The question of why God permits horrible things to happen could come up in conversation with a friend, but they aren’t necessarily looking for a theological lecture on God’s sovereignty.

It’s possible that they’re seeking for optimism inside their own challenges. In this case, be mindful that they may not be asking their true inquiry.

4. Lead them—don’t push them

When people pursue evangelism in the manner of salespeople, relationships become strained. Every time the subject of faith is brought up, your buddy will try all in their power to avoid being forced to make a choice on their beliefs by you. Make certain that you don’t convey the idea that you’re attempting to complete the transaction. Don’t underestimate the importance of having influence. Your connection gives you the opportunity to illustrate the impact that the gospel can make. Why force people toward Jesus when you have the ability to lead them?

5. Be mindful of your behavior

When people approach evangelism as if they were salespeople, it causes tension in relationships. If your acquaintance believes that you are going to compel them to make a decision every time the subject of religion comes up, they will do all they can to avoid it. So be careful not to create the idea that you’re attempting to seal the transaction at any costs. The importance of influence cannot be overstated. Through your connection, you will be able to show others how the gospel makes a difference.

Loving your friends into the kingdom

It is important to maintain friendships, and preaching the gospel does not have to put them at jeopardy. There’s no reason why our faith should be off bounds if we’re careful to be kind and earn the right to be heard, which we should be. You want your loved ones to pay attention to, comprehend, and respond to Jesus’ teachings. You will have lots of opportunity to communicate with them if you are thoughtful and deliberate in your approach to communicating with them. Learn how to utilize the short video “Falling Plates” to communicate your religion with others in this tutorial.

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