How Many Lepers Thanked Jesus

5. Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers (Luke 17:11-19)

PPT CUE is an abbreviation for PowerPoint CUE. The main point is that we should all be deeply grateful for what Jesus has done for us individually. Verse of the Day: When one of them realized that he had been cured, he returned. He exclaimed his gratitude to God in a loud voice. He flung himself at Jesus’ feet and expressed gratitude to Him. – Luke 17:15 (NIV) Materials:Two identical white pieces of cloth, one of which is soiled, ragged, and ripped, and the other of which is spotless and shining.

What is the one thing your parents always teach you to say when you ask for something?

And what are you expected to say when you receive a gift or something else?

When your parents urge you to say “please” and “thank you,” they are assisting you in developing an appreciation for others.

  • You are most likely overjoyed at the prospect of receiving the present.
  • You consider all the giver went through to ensure that you received the gift.
  • They were the ones who paid for it.
  • And since you are so taken aback by the giver’s generosity and affection, you openly express your gratitude to them by giving them a large embrace, repeatedly repeating “thank you,” or writing them a thank-you card and mailing it to them.
  • In addition, while each and every one of them may have been pleased with their present, only one of them decided to express his or her appreciation to Jesus.

NOTE TO TEACHERS: The tale of Jesus curing the 10 lepers in Luke 17 comes immediately after a teaching dialogue Jesus had with His disciples after one of them asks Him to “raise our confidence.” In this dialogue, Jesus makes it clear that obedience to God is not something we must do in order to enjoy God’s gratitude and blessings.

Our pride can sometimes distort this reality, leading us to believe that we should expect God to express gratitude to us for all we do to serve Him.

With the help of this discourse, and in conjunction with the tale of the 10 lepers, appreciation is placed in its appropriate context. Gratefulness is due to God alone, who deserves it because of the kindness and mercy He freely extends to people who do not deserve to be blessed.

Jesus Heals 10 Lepers

Assume that Jesus was on his way to the city of Jerusalem. He walked along the boundary between Samaria and Galilee, a journey that took him through the wilderness. As he approached a settlement, he was welcomed by a group of 10 men. They were suffering from a skin condition. They were in close proximity to me. And they cried out in a loud voice, “Jesus! Jesus!” Master! Please take pity on us!” “Go,” Jesus said when he saw them. Bring yourself to the attention of the priests.” Their wounds were repaired while they were on the way.

  • Unfortunately, horrible things do happen in all of our lives from time to time.
  • According to the Bible, the individuals in this account were suffering from a skin ailment known as leprosy.
  • It was an illness that they were suffering from as a result of their existence in a wicked and fallen planet.
  • In this world, there was no disease and no death.
  • However, when sin entered the earth, it completely ruined everything!
  • Tornadoes, tsunamis, storms, earthquakes, criminality, and illness are all possibilities.
  • As a result of living in a fallen and sinful world, we are plagued with dreadful ailments.

Say:I’m sure some of you are wondering what this condition is all about.

As a result of the disease, many lepers lose the use of all of their fingers and toes.

Someone who was suffering from the disease may be identified by the sores that covered their bodies.

When leprosy was widespread, it was considered a common skin condition, and there are still individuals living with leprosy in various regions of the world today.

Leprosy is a very contagious disease.

Simply coming into contact with a person who has leprosy or touching something that they have touched can cause you to get the disease.

Even one of the rules that God provided to Israel in the Old Testament states that “as long as the illness is there, he is unclean.” He’ll have to live on his own.

He couldn’t embrace his wife and children because he was worried they might contract the sickness.

You can see that leprosy was not only harmful to a person’s physical health, but it was also detrimental to their ability to enjoy the company of friends and family because they were forced to live alone.

That’s why the 10 guys in this narrative were gathered in a single place.

In certain parts of the globe today, communities of lepers that live in close proximity to one another are referred to as “leper colonies.” A person who had leprosy was considered “unclean.” In the past, persons who were going down the street or in the presence of those who did not have leprosy would scream “UNCLEAN!

  • No one wanted to be near a person who had this awful sickness, therefore they would flee as soon as they heard the term “unclean” being spoken near them.
  • The reason for this was not only that people were frightened of contracting leprosy, but also that the religious authorities believed lepers were “unclean” spiritually.
  • Furthermore, they were erroneously accused of having impure hearts, despite the fact that they were suffering from a horrible ailment.
  • Wouldn’t that be horrible?
  • Assume that someone informed you that God didn’t care about your sneezing and coughing because you were sneezing and coughing.
  • In our account, the men stood at a distance from Jesus and shouted out to Him for this reason.
  • They, on the other hand, thought that they were horrible people who were unworthy of God’s approval.

Their response when they saw Jesus crossing the border between Galilee and Samaria was to scream out in unison: “Jesus, Master, have compassion on us.” As soon as the lepers saw Jesus, they screamed, “Jesus, Master, please have pity on us.” After that, Jesus instructed them to present themselves before the priest.

They had been restored to health! Say: Their skin transformed from being full of sores and sickness (show a dirty, ripped, torn piece of fabric) to being clean and healthy (display the cloth) (put that cloth downhold up an identical, brand new clean piece.)

Only One Leper Shows Gratitude

Declare: Let us now proceed to the following chapter to see what occurs next. Look at Luke 17:15-19 to see what I mean. When one of them realized that he had been cured, he returned. He exclaimed his gratitude to God in a loud voice. He flung himself at Jesus’ feet and expressed gratitude to Him. The gentleman was a good Samaritan. When Jesus saw the Samaritan, he was instantly concerned about the other nine men who had been healed at the same time as him. “Hadn’t all 10 of them been healed?” Jesus inquired.

No one else, except for this stranger, came back and expressed their gratitude to God.” Afterwards, Jesus told him to “get up and leave.” “You have been cured because of your faith.” Say:hard It’s to imagine that just one of the 10 men who were healed by Jesus returned to express gratitude to Him.

  1. Most likely, after the other nine saw that they had been cured, they immediately returned home to their family and friends.
  2. How could you even understand how thrilled they were?
  3. Despite the fact that these nine other men were overjoyed to be healed, they did not return to Jesus to express their gratitude in public.
  4. In exchange for your and my lives, Jesus shed His blood to heal us from a sickness that was even more heinous than leprosy.
  5. Sin, like everything else, spoils us!
  6. Sin is a spiritual need that requires treatment on a deep level.
  7. When we are hungry, we consume food.

When we’re exhausted, we go to sleep.

Similarly to how leprosy is a physical disease, these sins are spiritual diseases that must be cured in the same way.

In the same way that the 10 lepers reached out to Him for assistance, He wants us to call out to Him for aid as well.

We can do this on our own, but God also wants us to express our gratitude to Him in public and in the company of other Christians.

The trouble was that nine out of ten of them did not accept it with genuine gratitude.

When Jesus inquired, “Where are the other nine?” he was speaking of the disciples.

The same question may be posed to us today: “Why aren’t these people expressing their appreciation for Me?” Jesus has given us the incredible gift of forgiveness, which is completely free of charge.

Despite the fact that our wrongdoing deserves to be punished, Jesus paid the price for our sin by dying on the cross for our sins.

However, the difficulty is that many people accept Jesus’ free offer of forgiveness but never do anything to express their gratitude to him for his sacrifice.

God has provided tremendous blessings for us!

The following is what Psalm 107:1-2 has to say about being thankful: Give thanks to the Lord because He is deserving of praise.

People who have been set free by the Lord should express their gratitude in this way.

We should set aside some time to publicly express our gratitude to Him for this incredible gift.

We should follow the instructions in Colossians 2:7: “Grow strong in your faith, just as you were taught.” “Be more grateful than you have ever been.” The Crucial Verse: When one of them realized that he had been cured, he returned.

He flung himself at Jesus’ feet and expressed gratitude to Him. PPT CUEPPT CUE All rights are retained around the world.

As a general rule, the Scriptures are taken from the New International Reader’s Version (NIrV®) of the Holy Bible, unless otherwise specified.

Copyright / 1995, 1996, and 1998 by the International Bible Society / Used with permission of the International Bible Society-STL. All rights are retained around the world. Thank you to John R. Cross, author of The Stranger on the Road to Emmaus, and GoodSeed International for their assistance.

Luke 17:11-19: Why Did Only One Leper Return To Thank Jesus?

Everywhere that the Lord Jesus went, according to the Gospels, he cured people. Healing is described in detail in Luke 17:11-19, in which Jesus heals a group of lepers who were brought to him. What is it about it that makes it so unique? Let’s have a look and see what happens. Outcasts in their social circles According to the story in Luke 17, Jesus healed 10 men who were suffering from leprosy. Lepers were considered social outcasts in biblical times, and they were barred from mixing with other members of society (see Leviticus 13).

  • When He arrived in a village, He was greeted by ten lepers who stood at a distance, watching Him approach.
  • ” (See also Luke 17:11-13.) What’s wonderful about the Lord is that He didn’t turn His back on them.
  • Upon discovering his healing, one of them ran back to the house with a resounding praise for God and dropped on his knees at His feet, praising God and expressing gratitude.
  • One leper was healed out of 10, but only one returned to exalt God and fall on his knees in thanksgiving to the One who healed him.
  • Perhaps he placed a higher importance on God’s goodness and grace than God’s chosen people did.
  • In the last chapter, we see Jesus asking the very same issue that we should be thinking about: “Jesus said, “Were not the ten cleansed?
  • Except for this foreigner, was there no one else who wanted to return and give God the praise he deserved?” ” (See also Luke 17:17-18.) Let us ponder this for a moment.
  • Were we truly aware of and appreciative of the magnitude of what He has done and continues to do for us in our lives?

Or will we follow in the footsteps of the other nine who just continue on their way and depart after getting what we ask God for? However, the painful fact is that we are often more like the other nine than we are like the one who came back to express gratitude.

Why Only One Leper Returned to Thank Jesus for His Healing

Rev. Margaret Minnicks is a Bible teacher who has been ordained. She publishes a lot of articles that are Bible lessons in disguise. Photo courtesy of pcstratman on Flickr. Luke is the only gospel writer to have reported the well-known tale of the 10 lepers who were cleansed by Jesus, but only one of them came back to thank Him. Because Luke was a physician, this narrative recorded inLuke 17:11-19 would have piqued the curiosity of Luke more than the other three gospel writers. Around the time of the Thanksgiving holiday, the narrative is frequently preached in churches and taught in Sunday school courses, with a strong emphasis on the importance of expressing gratitude.

See also:  What Are The Commandments Of Jesus

The tale is more complicated than ten lepers being healed and just one leper coming to thank Jesus for curing him, as people will discover when the layers of the story are removed.

Let’s talk about the causes behind this.

Ten Lepers

Paying close attention to the fact that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem as He walked along the border between Samaria and Galilee is a significant hint to interpreting the text in its entirety. He was greeted by the ten guys who had leprosy. Because they were social outcasts, they maintained a respectful barrier between themselves and others. They begged Jesus to have mercy on them in a loud voice: “Jesus, Master, take pity on us!” The people in the gathering were certain that Jesus could heal them.

Instead, He instructed them to “present themselves to the priest.” Keep this instruction in mind as we progress through the narrative.

“Go Show Yourself to the Priest”

According to the Law of Moses, which can be found in Leviticus 13 and 14, it is required that a person prove to the priest that they have been cured of the awful sickness in order for them to be considered healed. It’s possible that no one would have believed in the miracle if Jesus hadn’t sent the lepers to the priest before it happened. The nine lepers were well aware of this and felt bound to comply. When they noticed that they had been healed along the way, they continued on their way to the priest, as Jesus had instructed them to do.

The Samaritan chose to return to the Healer rather than attempting to enforce a law he was unfamiliar with.

“He Was a Samaritan”

The reasons given in verses 15 and 16 for why the one leper returned to thank Jesus rather than continuing on his journey to the priest are clearly stated. “When one of them realized he had been cured, he returned to the scene, thanking God in a loud voice. He flung himself at Jesus’ feet and expressed gratitude to him, despite the fact that he was a Samaritan.” Luke made certain that the one leper who returned was a Samaritan, not a Jew, so that readers would be aware of this. That is a really crucial aspect of the tale that many people neglect or don’t realize is important.

When he realized he had been cured, he made a significant decision.

He chose to return to Jesus. The Samaritan leper made the decision to reverse his course and come to Jesus in order to express his gratitude for the love and mercy that Jesus had shown him.

An Additional Blessing

Another blessing was extended to the Samaritan leper upon his return to the city of Samaria. As soon as he expressed his gratitude to Jesus for his recovery, Jesus did something special for him that he did not do for the others. According to Luke 17:19, in addition to curing the foreigner of his leprosy, Jesus thanked him for his good deeds. It is possible that the leper would have lost out on the additional blessing if he had continued on with the others. Although we know what happened to the Samaritan leper after he was healed, we do not know what happened to the nine Jewish lepers, who are not mentioned in the Bible at all.

Every single one of the nine people who had no longer been afflicted by leprosy went through a lengthy inspection process.

Life Applications

The most obvious life lesson to take away from this narrative is to constantly express gratitude to God for your recovery, even if you have to modify your course in order to do so. It also demonstrates that when it comes to giving thanks and praising God, it is permissible to leave the gathering in order to do so. Sometimes we have no choice but to do what we believe is right, even if it means going it alone. Even before they realized they had been cleansed, Jesus instructed the lepers to present themselves before the priest.

  • Return to your healer with a thankful heart, just like the leper from the story of the Good Samaritan.
  • When you express gratitude to God for one thing, he will bless you with something other.
  • The leper who returned was rewarded much more.
  • He did not make a distinction between the nine Jewish lepers and the one Samaritan leper in his treatment.
  • This is a narrative that is generally preached around the time of Thanksgiving.
  • Leeann Springeron is a woman who works in the fashion industry.
  • They are devoid of any sense of gratitude.

In addition, we should all express our gratitude to God, from whom all benefits flow.

Margaret Minnicks (author) posted the following on September 14, 2019 from Richmond, VA: Cheryl, Reading and studying the Bible are two of my favorite pastimes.

The Bible has a plethora of treasures.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

It should be read by a larger number of individuals.

Thank you for taking the time to read and comment.

You’ve never let me down.

RTallonion The 12th of September, 2019: Thank you for providing this glimpse into Jesus’ efforts in curing these lepers.

Your remarks on Jesus’ healing of this group remind me of the hymn, When This Passing World Is Done.

I greatly appreciate the fact that you brought attention to the fact that Jesus was not a guy who discriminated.

The 12th of September, 2019: This is a story that I remember from my Sunday School days, and it has a special place in my heart.

It was really useful to go back and look at it with fresh eyes, with a deeper grasp of the significance, but yet holding on to the pleasant recollections from before. Thank you so much, Margaret.

Jesus healed 10 men from leprosy: Why only one came back to thank him

Pilgrims suffering from leprosy beg at a monument of Saint Lazarus in Rincon, Cuba, where the statue is located. Reuters The tale of Jesus curing ten lepers is found in Luke 17:11-19, and it is rather dramatic. In contrast to many such accounts, the emphasis of the story is not the healing itself, but rather what transpired in the aftermath of it. This multi-layered story of a meeting with God’s power and mercy has much to say to us now, and it is worth reading. Men who had leprosy were social outcasts in addition to being afflicted by the disease.

  • Other types of skin disorders were also referred to by this title (the diagnosis is outlined in Leviticus 13).
  • Stigma is still a major issue in today’s society, and Christian organizations such as The Leprosy Mission are working hard to eliminate it.
  • Hansen’s disease (pure leprosy) did not improve over time, despite the fact that it is now curable with the use of potent medications.
  • When a person believes they have been healed, they must go to a priest who will examine them and verify the healing as valid and effective.
  • First and foremost, Jesus instructed the men to present themselves before a priest while they were still sick with leprosy.
  • For them, this meant believing in spite of the facts and placing their faith in God even when they didn’t really have a good reason to do so.
  • Indeed, that is practically a definition of faith: believing in something we cannot verify.

Faith is the ability to put our confidence in something we don’t comprehend or when the evidence is stacked against us.

In the account, only one of the ten characters returns to express gratitude to Jesus.

First and foremost, the one who returns is a good Samaritan.

So why did he return rather than the Jews, and what was the reason for this?

A Jewish miracle worker healing Jews would be amazing, but he should be commended for his efforts.

It was a gift of grace and favor that was completely undeserved.

Christians who have been attending church for a long period of time are likely to consider themselves to be decent people.

It’s possible that we would have given up activities that we would have appreciated.

However, this narrative serves as a reminder that those who are most mindful of what has been done for them are those who are nearest to the heart of the Almighty.

The healing of the men is not contingent on their returning to express their gratitude.

Nobody can deny that God performs a lot of nice things for them, whether they recognize it or not.

People who are not Christians, but who are blessed anyway, number in the thousands.

Whether we are Christians or not, we may appreciate beauty, family, creation and work, love, and friendship, regardless of our religious affiliation.

It is believed that one in every ten people in the United Kingdom attends church on a regular basis.

As Christians, we follow the commandments.

An ancient hymn says, “Count your blessings, list them one by one, and you’ll be surprised at what the Lord has done.” I believe this is true. More than anything else, this is a narrative that teaches us to be grateful. Mark Woods may be followed on Twitter at @RevMarkWoods.


THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF OUR LORD Francis Dixon contributed to this article. Luke 17:11-19; (Scripture Portion: Luke 17:11-19; Recommendation: Verse 19) There are only 10 lepers who were cleaned by the Lord when He was on His journey to Jerusalem, and only Luke’s gospel contains the story of their cleansing. Normally, these 10 men would not have been together because some were Jews and others were Samaritans (see John 4:9); nonetheless, when individuals are in the same type of distress, they are typically brought together as a result of the circumstances.

“Go, present yourselves to the priests,” he instructed them, and they were cleaned as a result of their obedience.

The guy who returned to express his gratitude was rewarded with a word of encouragement from the Lord (verse 19).

There are five straightforward lessons to be learned from it:


Take note that their appeal was sincere in verse 13 – they were lepers, yet even they might be confident in the Lord’s assistance. Thank God, no one is too wicked, too ill, or in too severe a state of hardship to come to Him and ask for His help and blessing. Christ has no regard for human dignity; here were Jews and Samaritans – see Romans 10:11-13 for further information. Whatever troubles we may be experiencing, if we call upon Him, He will be kind to us and take care of us – see Psalm 50:15 for more information.

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He dealt with these 10 men in line with Leviticus 14:2-4, as we can see in verse 14. “The priests have sentenced you as lepers; if you believe that I can heal you, and that I am healing you, go and reveal yourselves to them so that they may see that you are healed,” Jesus essentially urged. In contrast to this, flip back to Luke 5:12-14 to read about the Lord’s healing of the leper who came to Him. Rather than sending him to the priests, He cleaned him in a split second via the power of His word and the touch of the Holy Spirit.

In the same way, when it comes to redemption, the Lord is sovereign, and no two situations are identical in His operation.

(Acts 10). What a contrast in the experiences of these two individuals! Look up John 10:9, 14:6, and Acts 4:12 to see that there is only one route to God, although there are a plethora of ways to get to Christ.


As Jesus instructed them in verse 14, “Go. reveal yourselves. and as they went, they were cleaned.” They just accepted the Lord at His word, and when they followed His instructions, they received the blessing that they so much needed! Specifically, the operative words are: “as they went.”; in other words, they were cleaned as they followed instructions. In order to receive the fullness of spiritual benefit, we must recognize that it can only come about if we are ready to do what the Lord commands.

  1. COMING – Isaiah 1:18
  2. Matthew 11:29
  3. John 6:37
  4. Revelation 22:17
  5. REPENTING – Mark 1:15
  6. Luke 13:3
  7. Acts 17:30
  8. Romans 2:4
  9. FORSAVING – Isaiah 55:7
  10. Matthew 5:29
  11. Romans 13:14
  12. 2 Corinthians 7:1
  13. BELIEVING – John 3:16
  14. Acts 13:39
  15. Romans 1:16
  16. Ephesians 2:8
  17. CONF ASK TO BE BAPTISED – Matthew 28:19
  18. Acts 2:38
  19. 10:48
  20. ASK TO BE AT THE LORD’S TABLE – Luke 22:19-20
  21. 1 Corinthians 11:23-26

Look up John 2:5 and compare it to Acts 9:6 to see that the measure of our obedience to the Lord will determine the degree of His blessing received and enjoyed in our life. The blessings of God are multiplied in proportion to our level of obedience.


Take a look at verses 15 and 16. It was only natural to reciprocate and express gratitude, yet nine people did not do so! Would you not express gratitude to the Lord if He had cured you of leprosy? Is it possible that you have never expressed your gratitude to Him for leaving Heaven for you(2 Corinthians 8:9), coming to Bethlehem’s manger for you(Luke 2:7), triumphing in the wilderness for you(Matthew 4:11), His three years of public ministry for you(Acts 10:38), and all that He endured in Gethsemane and accomplished on Calvary for you(Luke 22:44; 1 Peter 2:24)?

Have you expressed your gratitude to Him, not just in words, but also by dedicating your life to His service?


Look at verse 19 to see what I mean. Although being washed, forgiven, and redeemed is a wonderful feeling, understanding it is much better. Do you have any idea what it is? Many Christians may not have the complete certainty that the Lord desires them to have in their hearts and minds. Throughout the day, they are plagued with uncertainties and concerns. The only way to be certain of our redemption and the fullness of spiritual benefit that is ours in Christ is to do what this one leper did in verse 14: confess our sins.

Bible Gateway passage: Luke 17:11-19 – New International Version

11Now, on his route to Jerusalem, A)”>(A)Jesus journeyed along the boundary between Samaria and Galilee, a journey that took him into the wilderness. B)”>(B)12As he was about to enter a settlement, 10 persons with leprosy approached him. C)”>(C)met him for the first time. “Jesus, Master, please have mercy on us!” they cried out in a loud voice as they stood at a distance D)”>(D)13. 14When he saw them, he told them, “Go, reveal yourselves to the priests.” F)”>(F)And while they were walking away, they were cleaned by the Holy Spirit.

16He flung himself at Jesus’ feet and expressed gratitude to him, despite the fact that he was a Samaritan.

H)”>(H) 17Jesus inquired, “Have not all ten been cleansed?” What happened to the other nine? 18Is there anyone else who has returned to offer God glory besides this foreigner?” 19Then he told him, “Rise and depart; your faith has restored you to health.” I)”>(I)Read the rest of the chapter


  1. Luke 17:12 (NIV) The Greek term leprosy, which is typically rendered as leprosy, was used to refer to a variety of skin illnesses.

New International Version (New International Version) (NIV) NIV® stands for New International Version® of the Holy Bible. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011, and 2012 byBiblica, Inc.®Used with permission from the owner. All rights are retained around the world. The New International Version (NIV) Reverse Interlinear Bible provides translations from English to Hebrew and from English to Greek. Zondervan has copyright protection till the year 2019.

Bible Gateway Recommends

“Breathe deeply and continue on your path; your faith has restored you to health.” (Matthew 17:19) Today is a liturgical day. Sunday, October 9, 2016, is the twenty-eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time (C). Readings: 2 Kings 5:14-17; Ps 98:1-4; 2 Timothy 2:8-13; Luke 17:5-10; Prayer Take, for example, the ten lepers. All were physically healed, but only one returned to express gratitude to Jesus. Have you expressed gratitude to God for His kindness in your life? What actions have you taken to demonstrate your devotion to God?

  1. Unlike the other gospels, Luke’s account of the healing of ten lepers is unique.
  2. Despite its brief length, the tale is dense with salvific significance.
  3. ” (Luke,Vol.
  4. We are reminded once more by this remarkable tale that Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem to bring about redemption for all people, and that this salvation is intended for all of humanity.
  5. He had the character of a good Samaritan.
  6. But their cries for pity must be accompanied with an expressed wish to be healed of their ailments.
  7. They also address him as “Master” (epistata), a title that appears solely in Luke’s Gospel and is used exclusively by Jesus’ followers, with the exception of this text.

When Jesus sees them, he sends them to the priests, who will judge whether or not they have been cleansed of leprosy in accordance with the law of Moses, especially Leviticus 14, by examining them.

We only learn that they have been “made clean” after they are already on their way.

Only the Samaritan, however, turns back to thank God and (literally translated) “dropped before his feet” in gratitude to Jesus and his disciples.

But what about the other nine?

Except for this foreigner, was there no one else who wanted to return and offer God praise?” Not for the benefit of the lost nine or the Samaritan, but rather for the consideration of Jesus’ disciples and inquisitive passersby, this query is intended.

“Get up and go on your way; your faith has made you well,” Jesus says to the cured Samaritan after he has been healed.

Jesus had cured him, as well as the other nine people who had leprosy, and they were all grateful.

But how is it proof of loyalty rather than gratitude, you could wonder?

In the first place, the Samaritan recognizes that Jesus has shown mercy, and returning to thank Jesus is a form of faithfulness to God’s mercy that has been made manifest; and in the second place, the Samaritan’s thankfulness for his physical healing demonstrates evidence of deeper, spiritual healing, which is the source of our true salvation.

The barriers between who may be rescued, whether they are lepers or clean, whether they are Samaritans or Jews, have been crossed.

Anyone can have an encounter with God’s salvation, be filled with pleasure as a result of it, glorify God as a result of it, and tread the same path that Jesus is on.

This piece was also published in print, under the heading “Along the Road,” in the October 3, 2016 edition of the magazine of the same title.

Ten Lepers Healed, But Only One Returns and Give Thanks – Grace Evangelical Society

The cure of ten lepers is a well-known Bible account that many people enjoy reading. It may be found in the book of Luke 17. Ten lepers, apparently from Galilee (according to Luke 17:11), but also included Jews and at least one Samaritan, encountered the Lord and called out, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” (Luke 17:12). (See Luke 17:13.) “So when He saw them, He commanded to them, ‘Go, present yourselves to the priests,’ which they did.” The miracle is described in a fairly short manner: As a result, they were cleaned as they traveled” (Luke 17:14).

  • His attention is focused on what transpired after the 10 were cured.
  • “And he was a good Samaritan,” Luke continues (v 16).
  • But where have the other nine gone?
  • First and foremost, following Jesus’ instructions exactly (“Go, present yourselves to the priests”) would be technically accurate, but it would be erroneous in practice.
  • The spirit of the commandments is frequently overlooked by legalists.
  • Indeed, it was a non-Jew who stood up for what was right in this situation.
  • Despite this, none of them did what was right.

Fourth, God provided each and every one of the 10 an opportunity to do the right thing.

They were the ones who were chosen.

Because his heart was in the right place, the Samaritan was victorious, not because he was chosen (for he was not one of the chosen people).

Every one of the ten was cleansed.

Sixth, the nine were blind to the favor that the Lord impliedly bestowed on the guy who returned to express his gratitude.

“Arise, and go your way,” the Lord instructed the man who had returned.

The terms “has made you well” and “has saved you” can both be rendered as “has made you well and saved you.” The single form of the term youthere is used.

Or was he implying that he had been reborn as a result of his faith?

That is why the phrase “has made you well” is rendered as “has made you well” in most current translations.

“Where Have the Nine Gone?” is the title of the piece.

As stated in Ephesians 5:18, the major proof of being “filled with the Spirit” is that the person who has been regenerated by God’s regenerating Spirit will be “offering thanks constantly for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20).

See also:  Garry Wills What Jesus Meant

Although it is possible that verse 19 refers to the tenth cured man as having been born again, this does not imply that the previous nine were not.

As a result, all 10 were cured (or saved).

Genuine faith in Christ, as opposed to faith in Christ, is not something that can be found in a person.

Since the author has included the word “genuine” as well as a requirement to demonstrate one’s regeneration, he has effectively rendered guarantee of eternal life unattainable prior to death.

Answer: Based on your study, that appears to be so.

Therefore, you are unsure of your final destination, but at the very least you know that it is conceivable that you will be taken to be with the Lord after your death.

Yes, it is correct.

Take note that the author refers to “the 90 percent of those who have not been made whole.” He appears to be implying that 90 percent of churchgoers nowadays are not believers in Jesus Christ as their Savior.

Lordship Salvation preachers frequently express skepticism about the ultimate destiny of their own congregation members.

In his defense, he stated that he had only known the majority of the individuals in his congregation for around twenty years, and that twenty years was not enough time for him to evaluate whether or not they were truly born again.

Where have the other nine gone?

We should be grateful to the Lord for everything he has done to benefit us.

This is not an evangelistic text in the traditional sense.

Is there such a thing as an everlasting life?

What do you eat every day?



What is your state?

What are your special talents and abilities?

Does it make you stop what you’re doing when you recognize that God has blessed you in some manner and express your appreciation to him?

This passage serves as a gentle reminder to me to do so.

We’re all guilty of it.

The question is whether you are grateful for what God provides for you on a daily basis or not.


Give gratitude to God for everything.

Keep in mind the Good Samaritan!

That the author is none other than Dr.

Morris of the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), a group that advocates a young earth and six literal days of creation, was something I didn’t know until after I’d finished writing this blog.

Those are matters on which ICR and I are completely in accord with one another. Dr. Morris (who passed away in 2006) and his organization hold a special place in my heart. Dr. Morris was a staunch supporter of the inerrancy of the Bible’s words. I am quite grateful for this.

One in 10 Thanked Jesus for Curing their Leprosy

The cure of 10 lepers is a popular Bible tale among many people. In Luke 17, it is stated. Ten lepers, apparently from Galilee (according to Luke 17:11), but also containing Jews and at least one Samaritan, encountered the Lord and called out, “Jesus, Master, have pity on us!” (Luke 17:11). Jesus says this in Luke 17:13. In a very short version, the miracle is described as follows: “So when He saw them, He said to them, ‘Go, reveal yourselves to the priests.'” (Go, show yourselves to the priests) As a result, they were cleaned as they traveled” (Luke 17:14).

  1. After the 10 were cured, his attention is drawn to what transpired after that.
  2. “And he was a good Samaritan,” Luke writes later on (v 16).
  3. The nine, however, are nowhere to be seen.” Aside from this foreigner, was there no one else who had returned to express thanks to God?” (Verse 18 of the Bible) You may pick up a lot of new knowledge from this place.
  4. Having witnessed their healing, they should have recognized that before going to the priests in compliance of the Law and the Lord’s direct order to them, they should have returned to Him to express their appreciation for His mercy.
  5. Second, one does not have to be a member of God’s chosen people, the Jews, in order to accomplish what is morally appropriate.
  6. Presumably, the remaining nine were also Jews.
  7. The third point to note is that God is concerned about everyone, Jews and Gentiles alike, sick and well alike.

The reason the nine persons failed was not because they were not picked by the other eight people.

The reason they failed was because their hearts were not in the proper place.

Fifth, God cured all of the people, even the nine who had left.

As a result of the nine’s inability to express gratitude, the Lord did not annul their cure.

A last point to mention is that all of the people who were cured were convinced that Jesus had the authority to heal them if He desired.

The strength of your faith has restored your health” (v 19).

This is a singular pronoun, “you there.” In other words, is the Lord suggesting that faith was the reason for the healing of the tenth man.

The context indicates that the Lord is referring to healing rather than punishment.

The blog in question was written on April 21, 2017, and it was sent to me by a friend.

This passage is interpreted very differently by the author than it is by me.

Having been “filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18) is the fundamental indication of being directed by God’s renewing Spirit, which is “offering thanks constantly for everything unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:20).

90% of the population has not been restored to health because they are not grateful to their savior.

All 10 of them had trust in Jesus’ ability to restore their health.

A doctrine of regeneration by works does not appear to be taught anywhere in the Bible.

According to John 3:16, whoever believes in Him will have everlasting life, not just anyone who believes in Him sincerely.

Do you have any way of knowing if your religion was sincere?

How will you cope if your creations aren’t flawless?

Answer: Do we not, however, need to persist in good deeds, in accordance with the doctrine of Lordship Salvation, in order to receive everlasting life?

I also have no assurances about my eternal future since I am not certain I will endure (1 Cor 9:27).

The implication is that 90 percent of churchgoers today are not saved by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ.

When it comes to the eternal destiny of their own members, Lordship Salvation preachers are frequently in the dark.

I was impressed.

For him, twenty years was not enough time to judge whether or not they were truly saved.

The nine have vanished.

We should be grateful to the Lord for what he has done for us and continue to do.

This is not an evangelistic text in the traditional sense of the word.

Who knows if there is a life after death.

Every single day, what do you eat and drink?



What is the situation of your affairs?

Which of the following are your strengths and talents?

Does it make you stop what you’re doing and express gratitude when you realize that God has benefited you in some way?

To whom this text serves as a reminder.

This is something that we all have in common.

Is it more important to be thankful or to be unappreciative of what God does for you on a regular basis?


Thank God for everything.

Keep the story of the Good Samaritan in mind.

That the author is none other than Dr.

Morris of the Institute for Creation Research (ICR), a group that defends a young earth and the biblical concept of six literal days of creation, was not revealed to me until after I had finished writing this blog.

On those points, ICR and I are completely in accord. Dr. Morris (who passed away in 2006) and his organization have a great deal of respect in my opinion. Dr. Morris was a staunch believer in the inerrancy of the Bible’s words. For that, I am extremely grateful.

The One Who Said ‘Thank You’

“When one of them realized that he had been healed, he returned.” He exclaimed his gratitude to God in a loud voice. “He threw himself at Jesus’ feet and expressed gratitude to him.” Luke 17:15 (NIV) This week, especially in light of our current tumultuous and uncertain political climate, I’ve been thinking about the meaning of gratitude and thankfulness, and how they relate to each other. Sure, we express our gratitude, but do we really mean it? And what are the best ways to express our gratitude?

  • It was his instruction that they go to the priest and present themselves so that they could be reintroduced to society.
  • Eventually, one came to a complete stop, turned around, and returned to Jesus.
  • Because he wanted to express his gratitude.
  • Something other than Jesus’ healing of the ten lepers was taking place.
  • “However, where have the nine?” Despite the fact that Jesus posed the questions, he already knew the answers to them.
  • Only one person returned to worship him and to acknowledge his accomplishments.
  • That indicates that he has completely restored him.
  • There are two important points to note here: thankfulness necessitates action, and genuine gratitude moves the very heart of God.
  1. It is possible to express gratitude, but is our life a reflection of a grateful attitude? Following the teachings of Scripture, a grateful heart sets aside time in their day to respect and worship God. Worship is more than just a show of respect. It is a matter of honoring him with our life and carrying out his Great Commission. I’d argue that a thankful heart cannot be bitter, cannot be negative, cannot be full of strife and conflict, cannot be full of manipulation and lies, and cannot be mean-spirited in any way whatsoever. A grateful heart recognizes and appreciates God’s bounties and favor, and it longs to benefit others in the same way that they have been blessed. A grateful heart cannot be selfish, but rather strives to give back to the community. Having a thankful heart does not allow you to be entitled, spoilt, or haughty. God is moved to action when you are sincerely appreciative and your actions reflect that appreciation. When the cured leper fell at Jesus’ feet to worship him, he did so with a humble heart
  2. When you are truly thanks, and your actions reflect that gratitude, it touches the very heart of God. When Jesus inquired as to the whereabouts of the other nine disciples, he already knew the answer. What he was doing was demonstrating to everyone around him that the fact that only one person returned did not escape his attention. Consider how you feel when someone says “thank you” in a sincere and sincere manner. Consider how you would feel if someone publicly recognized your achievements. It brings joy to your heart. It enhances your sense of worth and appreciation. Given that we were created in the image of our Creator, why should He be any different?

If we want God to begin working in our lives, we must first learn to be appreciative and then demonstrate that gratitude to people around us. By being compassionate and going the additional mile, we may worship God and express our gratitude to him. Take time every day to pray and meditate on God’s blessings as a way of worshiping Him and expressing our gratitude. Being the one who runs to God only to fall at His feet in wonder and humility is a beautiful way to worship God in our appreciation.

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