How Does Luke Portray Jesus

The Story Of The Storytellers – The Gospel Of Luke

This is a book for non-believers. Harold W. Attridge is the Lillian Claus Professor of New Testament at the University of Southern California. Yale Divinity School is located in New Haven, Connecticut. What do we know about Luke, if anything at all? Tradition has it that Luke was Paul’s friend and a physician, making him someone well-versed in Hellenistic literary and scientific culture, according to the tradition. All of them are secondary traditions, and most academics consider them to be fairly dubious in their interpretations.

And it’s safe to say that these types of trends have an influence on his writing output.

Luke was the author of two works: the third gospel, which is an account of the life and teachings of Jesus, and the Book of Acts, which is an account of the rise and extension of Christianity following the death of Jesus and up to the conclusion of Paul’s mission.

In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is largely shown as a teacher, namely as a teacher of ethical wisdom, and as someone who is confident and calm in his ethical teaching.

  • What do we know about the historical and literary setting in which Luke wrote?
  • Some scholars believe the gospel was written at Antioch, which would have been an important Hellenistic city, while others believe it was written in Asia Minor, in cities such as Ephesus or Smyrna.
  • What would have been the most pressing problems of the various Christian denominations that Jesus might have been addressing at the time?
  • After all, their founder was hanged as a political criminal, and they were being identified with the destruction of Jerusalem, and some people would have seen them as incendiaries or revolutionaries, as was the case with the Islamic State.
  • And thus, despite the fact that one of the heroes of the Book of Acts, namely Paul, was himself killed, despite the fact that this was a severe blunder that had nothing to do with the political agenda, it was not in any way harmful to the organization.
  • Luke/Acts was an early Christian romancer who lived in the first century AD.
  • commissioned by a charitable organization And he goes about it in the manner of a good Roman author, with great care and precision.

As a matter of fact, it’s such a compelling story that many scholars have drawn parallels between it and the novelistic literature of the time and have interpreted Luke/Acts as a true early Christian romance, complete with shipwrecks and exotic animals and exotic vegetation, cannibalistic natives, and all the other embellishments that one would expect to find in the romance literature of the time.

  • However, it is done in a very historically disciplined manner, or at least in a manner that appears to be historically disciplined, by a very cautious author who defines himself as an artist working inside the economic domain of a certain patron.
  • In recent years, it has been extensively Romanized.
  • I mean, he appears on the scene as a prophet straight out of the pages of the Old Testament.
  • Jesus is a charismatic person who comes across as a liberator and a tremendous miracle worker in the Bible.
  • In Luke/Acts, he is the one who distributes God’s enormous gifts, and God is shown once more as a great benefactor figure.
  • The John H.
  • JESUS IN THE BOOK OF LUKE – THE HOLY MAN In his gospel, Luke presents Jesus in a manner that is generally consistent with the picture of the divine man.

It is only the gospel of Luke that has a detailed account of Jesus’ travels across the world.

Although Jesus’ suffering and death are tragic, the divine man theme remains relevant since Jesus dies the ideal martyr’s death, an example death, on the cross.

Nevertheless, like a religious martyr should do when facing death, Jesus dies commending his spirit into the hands of the Father, as the gospels teach.

Professor of Classics and Director of the Religious Studies Program at the University of Texas in Austin, L.

LUKE’S TARGET AUDIENCE Luke’s gospel, in contrast to either Mark or Matthew, is plainly intended for a gentile readership, as opposed to the other two.

According to Luke’s narrative, a kind of Pauline Christianity was practiced at the time.

It has a diverse range of interests.

A different political self-consciousness is also likely to be there, given the fact that it is written primarily for gentiles living in Greek towns in Asia Minor or perhaps in Greece itself.

Luke’s Greek is of the greatest quality and most elegant style of any text in the new testament, bar none.

Therefore, anyone walking down the street in a Greek metropolis and picking up Luke’s gospel would have felt quite at home with it if they were able to read fluent Greek.

When he’s referred to as Luke the physician, it implies that he’s depicted as a type of educated individual from the Greco-Roman era.

Luke’s audience appears to be mostly composed of gentiles.

In these accounts, Jesus is less of a rabble rouser, and Paul, for that matter, is less of a rabble rouser.

The gospel of Luke is sometimes interpreted as a kind of apologetic for the beginnings of the Christian movement, which was attempting to establish itself in the Roman world, to say, “don’t worry about us, we are just like the rest of you: we keep the peace, we’re law-abiding citizens, we have high moral values, and we’re good Romans too.” This interpretation is supported by some scholars.

‘Luke’ is written by the same author as ‘Acts’ in the New Testament, which is a book that describes the history of the Christian movement from its inception through the end of Paul’s life and ministry.

The author of Luke/Acts, which is now known as a two-volume work, is telling us a larger story, a grander story, a story that begins with Jesus and is concerned with how his life unfolded, but then sees the story continuing with the founding of the church and with its spread, and with the eventual travels of Paul that take him all the way to Rome itself, as well as with the death and resurrection of Jesus.

  • It’s a narrative with a lot higher sense of political self-awareness than most.
  • It is true that Luke/Acts is the first effort to write a history of the Christian movement from the perspective of the inside.
  • And in the end, he dies in a manner similar to that of Socrates.
  • Pilate is completely innocent of any wrongdoing.
  • Pilate isn’t Jesus’ adversary, and he isn’t the terrible person in the story.
  • Because he is no longer seen as a sort of rebel figure, Jesus is now seen as a teacher, a philosopher, a social critic, and a social reformer rather than as a source of concern.
  • LUKE’S ANTAGONISTIC REACTION TO JUDAISM When you realize that Luke is recounting the narrative for a Greco-Roman audience with a political objective, the next thing you want to know is what happens to Luke’s handling of the Jewish tradition.

In this sense, the gospel of Luke and its companion volume, Acts, show the evolution of the Christian movement away from its Jewish beginnings, into the Roman political and social arena, and ultimately away from the Jewish roots.

As a result, there is a rising animosity against some components of Jewish heritage and Jewish community, at the very least in the United States.

It’s a story that everyone is acquainted with.

One of two brothers who runs away and squanders his fortune by living a depraved existence.

Then, when he gets home, his father greets him warmly and says, “Let’s prepare a fantastic dinner to welcome you back.” Now, the elder brother, who had remained at home all this time, feels resentful of his younger brother, who had been loyal to his father’s wants and ambitions.

A closer look reveals that it was the younger sibling who had spent everything and gone against his father’s instructions.

It is Luke’s description of the church as one that is willing to accept both the older brother, the faithful brother, the Jews, as well as the prodigal son, the gentiles, who had lived a terrible life away from the father for such a long time but who are now being welcomed back with open arms by the congregation.

Luke’s vision is of a unified humanity in the church, which he believes will bring all of God’s children together once more. This article by Marilyn Mellowes provides further information on the Gospel of Luke.

Book of Luke Overview – Insight for Living Ministries

Despite the fact that Luke’s name does not appear anywhere in this gospel, ancient Christian tradition uniformly attributes it to him. One early prologue intended to introduce the gospel of Luke depicts Luke as a Syrian from Antioch, according to one version of the story. With this piece of evidence, we may determine that Luke was most likely not Jewish in his origins. In his welcome to the Colossians, Paul included him among the Gentiles who had come before them (4:14). In addition, according to the ancient prologue, Luke finally moved in the Greek city of Thebes, where he passed away at the age of 84.

As a physician, Luke would have had extensive training in the art of close observation, a skill that would have proven beneficial in this endeavor.

The following volume is referred to as Acts.

Where are we?

The date of the book of Luke is heavily influenced by the chronology of the book of Acts. In Luke’s second volume, the story ends with Paul imprisoned in Rome, before Paul’s death (AD 68), and even before the persecution of Christians began during Nero’s reign (AD 64). It is reasonable to assume that the book of Luke was completed before the book of Acts. But when is it going to happen? Acts 21:17 states that Luke joined Paul on his final visit to Jerusalem, which took place between AD 57 and AD 58, according to the Bible.

Luke most likely used this time apart from Paul to begin gathering information for writing the gospel from primary sources—those who had observed Jesus’ ministry, death, and resurrection appearances—in order to write the gospel more accurately.

Why is Luke so important?

Luke has an inherent fascination with humans. Much of the material unique to Luke’s gospel is Jesus’ relationships with individuals, many of whom are on the periphery of “acceptable” society—sinners, women, and children are among those who come into contact with him. Luke, like Matthew and Mark, described the episode in which a lady came to Jesus’ feet to pour perfume on his feet. However, Luke was the only gospel writer to draw attention to the fact that she was an immoral woman, a fact that was well known to everyone in attendance (Luke 7:37).

According to Luke’s description of Jesus, we see in our Lord a man who has been sent to minister and show compassion to all people, regardless of their social status.

What’s the big idea?

In the same way that Matthew presents Jesus as the King and Mark shows Him as the Servant, Luke provides a distinct viewpoint on Jesus as the Son of Man. It was this expression, “Son of Man,” that was Jesus’ preferred method of referring to Himself. Among those who are unique to Luke’s account is Zaccheus, a tax collector who had to climb a tree to have a better view of Jesus as he neared his town. Zaccheus is the most well-known of these individuals. Jesus ended up having dinner with Zaccheus at his home, much to the displeasure of the local religious leaders and authorities.

Luke depicted Jesus as God’s perfect Man, who provides redemption to all of humanity—Jew and Gentile alike—through his death and resurrection.

See also:  How Long Has Jesus Been Gone

How do I apply this?

The depth and breadth of Luke’s presentation of Jesus has tremendous implications for our current relationship with the Father. Jesus’ journey in Luke’s gospel demonstrates His profound and unwavering concern for all people, regardless of what they have done or their social standing in the world. Consider whether or not you think that God loves you no matter what you’ve done in the past. By lowering Himself to the level of human flesh and limitations and seeking out His people in physical form, the eternal Son of God demonstrates plainly how much God cares for us and, in turn, how we should care for others.

Luke’s View of Jesus

Throughout the first few chapters of Luke’s Gospel, we see how God was at work in human history, preparing the way for Jesus’ arrival. They describe how Jesus was born into a Jewish family that was sincerely dedicated to obeying God’s will and achieving God’s goals. God works in spectacular ways to achieve his purpose for the rebirth of his people, as shown in the book of Luke. To give just one example, John the Baptist plays an important role in preparing Jesus for the mission that he is to accomplish for God.

  1. Historically, Jesus comes from a Jewish family that can trace its lineage back to David (Israel’s great monarch), Abraham, and then all the way to Adam (3.23–38) and his forefathers.
  2. Preceding the birth of Jesus, Mary, his mother, paid a visit to her cousin and sang a song in which she proclaimed how God was especially concerned for the poor and afflicted, and how such people would partake in the new kingdom of God that was about to be established (Luke 1.46–55).
  3. They reflect the very disparate social groupings that were to become disciples of Jesus in the coming centuries.
  4. During this time period, Augustus was the emperor, and he governed from 27 BCE to 14 AD.
  5. That is why Mary and Joseph were there in Bethlehem at the time of Jesus’ birth.
  6. When John was paving the way for Jesus, he cited from the prophet Isaiah, who said that all of mankind will be able to behold the glory of God at the coming of the Son of Man (Luke 3.6; Isa 40.5).
  7. 14–37), and was performed by John.

When Jesus was around thirty years old, he began to conduct God’s job in the public arena (3.23).

In his birthplace of Nazareth, Jesus informed people during a conference that God’s promise to the prophet Isaiah (Isa 61.1–2) was being fulfilled through him, in accordance with the Bible.

It was employed after oil had been poured on the heads of individuals who had been selected to be king or priest in Israel (Exod 29.4–7; 2 Sam 5.3), and the term translated “chosen” properly means “anointed” in Hebrew.

As God’s chosen one, Jesus had a special care for those in need, those who were deprived, and those who were religious outsiders.

Jesus explains that his compassion for the poor and the outcasts is not a new concept to the world.

Among those chosen by Jesus to be part of his inner circle of disciples was Levi, a man despised by his fellow Jews because he worked for the Romans, collecting taxes for them.

Jesus cured a servant of a Roman officer in the army (Luke 7.1–10), who was one among the persons who received his healing.

Among other things, he picked twelve disciples from among his followers and sent them forth to spread the good news of God’s kingdom (9.1–6).

From the outset, Jesus asserted that what he did and said brought God’s promises to Israel to fruition via the prophets of the Old Testament (4.21).

They were told to go out and prepare numerous cities and villages in preparation for Jesus’ arrival to proclaim God’s kingdom and heal the sick when he came to preach.

A question was posed to him concerning how you might be certain of participating in God’s future kingdom of God (10.25), and he responded by referring to two fundamental laws: love of God (Deut 6.5) and love of neighbor (Deut 6.5).

The individual Jesus pointed to as an example of following these norms in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25–37), which is the primary topic of this study, was not a Jew, as is commonly assumed.

The prophets Jonah and Solomon were mentioned by Jesus when he was asked about indicators that God was bringing about a renewal of the earth.

As a result, those who will hear and believe the news of the kingdom of God will include individuals from all over the world, and they will arrive “from all directions,” according to Jesus (Luke 13.29).

This group includes “the impoverished, the disabled, the blind, the lame, and those living along the back roads” (14.21–22), among other people.

Similarly, Jesus emphasizes this idea in the parable of the woman who searches for her lost coin and is overjoyed when she discovers it (15.8–10), as well as in the story of the father who is more concerned for his son who has run away than for the son who has stayed at home (15.11–32).

As a result of Jesus’ healing 10 lepers, the only one who came back to express gratitude to him was a Samaritan (17.11–19).

Jesus’ personal concerns are mostly for people in need, such as orphans and widows (18.15–17), a blind beggar (18.35–43), and a tax collector in Jericho (19.1–10), to whom Jesus extends an invitation.

However, according to the prophet Zechariah (Zech 9.9), the king will one day appear before his people in the form of a modest man riding on a donkey.

However, the religious leaders did not recognize Jesus’ assertion and instructed him to order his disciples to remain silent.

Jerusalem was a magnificent city during Jesus’ lifetime because Herod the Great, the Roman emperor who brought it back to life in 37 B.C., had completely rebuilt it after the destruction of the first Temple.

It was the largest and most famous structure on the site.

There were people from all around the world who came to view it, not only Jewish individuals.

Only the high priest was permitted to enter this sacred area, and he was only permitted to do so once a year on the Day of Atonement, when he offered a sacrifice to atone for the sins of the entire nation (Exod 30.10; Lev 16).

The Court of Women was located just outside the Court of Israel.

The priests gained a lot of money by charging people to exchange their money for sacrifices and by selling animals to be sacrificed in the temple.

People who were selling products in the temple were forced out by Jesus (Luke 19.45), and he predicted that foreign armies would demolish the temple (21.1–6) and the entire city of Jerusalem (21.20–24) as a result of their actions.

As they began planning to have him assassinated, they enlisted the assistance of one of his supporters named Judas to assist them in capturing Jesus (22.1–5).

66–70) that the Romans really attacked and destroyed both the temple and the city.

The dinner was followed by a journey outside the city to the Mount of Olives, where Jesus interceded on their behalf (Matthew 22.39–46).

As a result, Peter denied that he had ever been a follower of Jesus (Matthew 22.47–63).

They were enraged by Jesus’ assertion that he had a one-of-a-kind relationship with God (22.66–71).

Despite the fact that such regional councils were allowed to manage towns and districts according to their own local laws, the Roman authority was able to intervene when issues arose that threatened the peace or were politically sensitive.

As a result, Pilate dispatched him to Herod Antipas, the son of Herod the Great, who was the man whom the Romans had appointed as governor of Galilee, the region in which Jesus resided.

until A.D.

Herod, too, could not discover anything wrong with Jesus, but he forced Jesus to dress in ostentatious garb in order to make fun of him, as if he were claiming to be king (23.6–16).

In response to this political accusation, the Romans sentenced Jesus to death, and they inscribed the following inscription across the cross of Jesus to demonstrate why he was being executed: “This is the King of the Jews” (23.38).

A member of the Jewish council named Joseph expressed his dissatisfaction with the decision to kill Jesus, and as a result, he took the body of Jesus and buried it in his own tomb, which had been cut out of the rock (Matthew 23.50–54).

When they returned, they discovered that the tomb had been empty and that Jesus’ body had been removed.

Then, having risen from the dead, Jesus appeared to his disciples and informed them that his death and resurrection had been prophesied in the Bible.

The Prophet urged them to read and study the Law of Moses and the Prophetic Books in order to gain a better understanding of what God has done and will continue to do through him in reviving and restoring his people.

Then he was taken away from them to be with the Father in heaven. The American Bible Society has been reaching out to people with the life-changing message of God’s Word for almost 200 years, thanks to the generosity of our devoted funding partners.

The Gospel of Luke: Jesus in detail

According to Luke’s Gospel, the first chapters reveal how God was at work in human history, preparing the way for Jesus to come to earth. They describe how Jesus was born into a Jewish family that was deeply committed to obeying God’s will and achieving his goals. This passage from Luke shows how God intervenes in dramatic fashion to bring about the restoration of his people. When it comes to preparing Jesus for his work for God, for example, John the Baptist plays a critical role. Similarly, John is born to an older couple who had previously had no children (Luke 1.5–25), and Jesus is born to Mary while she is engaged to Joseph and before the two of them have had sexual relations (1.26–38; 2.1–20).

The promise to Abraham was that he would have a son, despite the fact that he and his wife were both old and childless, and that, through him, God would bless the entire human race (Genesis 12:1–3; 13:1–3).

There was no place for Jesus to rest during his birth except a straw-filled stable, and those who came to celebrate his birth included two very different kinds of visitors: a swarming crowd of angels who told him how he would bring peace to the earth and a group of poor shepherds from nearby fields (2.8–20).

  1. Jesus was born during the reign of the Romans, who ruled the entire Mediterranean world, including Israel.
  2. to 14 A.D., was the emperor at that time.
  3. In order to be there when Jesus was born, Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem.
  4. When John was paving the way for Jesus, he cited from the prophet Isaiah, who said that all of mankind will be able to behold the grandeur of God at the coming of the Son of David (Luke 3.6; Isa 40.5).
  5. 14–37).
  6. Once again, Jesus spoke about God’s work through him to the people in Galilee, at a Jewish synagogue (Luke 4.14–15).
  7. During his ministry, Jesus stated that he had been selected and given authority by God to convey good news to the poor and to set convicts free, as well as to restore sight to blind people (Luke 4.18).
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Both words are used to refer to Jesus Christ.

He taught that they will be among those who will participate in the life of the new people of God that he is bringing together in this time of transition.

When Elijah provided food for a widow from the land of Sidon (1 Kings 17.8–16), or when Elisha cured a Syrian army officer of leprosy (2 Kings 5.1–14), they were not considered to be members of the people of Israel (Luke 4.23–27), but they were considered to be prophets of God.

The people and things with which such tax collectors came into contact were generally regarded as impure and untouchable by most Jews.

Despite the fact that Jesus defied Jewish tradition in these ways, he maintained a general respect for the majority of Jewish traditions.

Twelve (6.12–16) is most likely the number of tribes of Israel, so he chose that number as his number.

Following the selection of his twelve disciples, all of whom were convinced that he was “the Messiah sent from God” (9.20), Jesus chose seventy-two additional disciples (10.1–20), which corresponded to the number of nations in Jewish thought.

His audience was expected to follow the Law of God as it was laid out in the first five books of the Jewish Scriptures, as Jesus had instructed them.

(Lev 19.18).

As an outsider, he was despised.

Over a thousand years ago, the prophet Jonah issued a warning to the non-Jewish people of Nineveh about God’s wrath (Jonah 3.4), and King Solomon imparted divine wisdom to the queen of a non-Jewish people in southern Arabia (1 Kgs 10.10–11).

As demonstrated in Jesus’ parables, those who participate in the life of God’s people will include not only the pious and proper few, but also the poor and those who are excluded from participation by religious rules as is customary in their communities.

Jesus demonstrates this by telling the parable of the shepherd who leaves his flock to look for the one lost sheep (15.1–7), who is the primary focus of God’s concern for those who have been excluded or left out by religious leaders.

Furthermore, Jesus tells the story of the poor, sick beggar who will be seated alongside Abraham in the age to come, while the proud rich man will be cast into a lake of fire (16.19–31).

(18.9–14), Jesus draws a contrast between the haughty prayer of a respectable pharisee and the agonizing confession of a tax collector who worked for the Roman authority.

When Jesus pays his final visit to Jerusalem before being executed, he arranges to ride in on a donkey (Luke 19.28–40), which is a very simple way to enter the city in contrast to a powerful king who would arrive on a regal horse.

There were large crowds of followers along the road leading down the hill from the Mount of Olives and into the city, shouting that he was the king sent by God, just as the psalms had predicted (Luke 19.38; Ps 118.26).

According to Luke 19.39–44, Jesus then told the leaders that God was going to punish Jerusalem by allowing enemies to surround the city with armies and demolish its great structures, including the Temple.

Temple was the largest and most famous structure, and it was built on a massive platform made of massive stones that measured 36 feet long, 18 feet wide, and 12 feet high.

When the temple was finished, it was more than half a mile around the outside, and it had taken hundreds of workers years to complete it.

The Jewish belief that God was present in the inner part of the temple, rather than its beauty or size, was of paramount importance.

There was a section of the sanctuary that could only be entered by priests, and another section that could only be entered by male Israelites.

Those who were not Jewish were only permitted to enter the outer area of the temple, which was known as the Court of the Gentiles, and a warning sign warned them that if they went any further they would be put to death.

People who were selling things in the temple were chased away by Jesus (Luke 19.45), and he predicted that foreign armies would destroy the temple (21.1–6) and the entire city of Jerusalem (21.20–24) as a result of his words.

As they began planning to have him killed, they enlisted the assistance of one of his followers named Judas to assist them in their capture (22.1–5).


The meal was followed by a journey outside the city to the Mount of Olives, where Jesus interceded on their behalf (Matthew 22:39–46).

As a result, Peter denied that he had ever been a follower of Jesus (chapters 22.47–62).

When Jesus claimed to have a one-of-a-kind relationship with God (22.66–71), they became enraged.

Despite the fact that such regional councils were free to run cities and districts according to their own local laws, the Roman authority was able to intervene when issues arose that threatened the peace or were politically charged.

In response, Pilate dispatched the man to Herod Antipas, son of Herod the Great, who had been installed as ruler of Galilee by the Romans, the region where Jesus resided at the time of his death.

to A.D.

Jesus was not found to be deficient in any way by Herod, but he forced him to dress in lavish attire in order to make fun of him as though he claimed to be the King of the Jews (23.16).

For this political charge, the Romans condemned Jesus to death and, in order to demonstrate their conviction, they placed an inscription over his cross, which read: “This is the King of the Jews” (23.38).

One of the members of the Jewish council, Joseph, was dissatisfied with the decision to execute Jesus.

Some of Jesus’ female followers desired to prepare his body for burial with fragrant spices, but they were required to wait until Sunday morning after the Sabbath had ended (23.55–56) because of the Sabbath.

They were informed that he had been raised from the dead, and they relayed this information to the disciples, who were skeptical.

During the sharing of the bread and cup, he reminded them of their last supper together and reassured them that he would continue to meet with his people as they shared the bread and cup.

Afterwards, he was taken away from them and placed in the presence of God. American Bible Society has been reaching out to people with the life-changing message of God’s Word for nearly 200 years, thanks to the generosity of our faithful financial supporters.

Theme verse of Luke

In other words, Jesus has come to look for and save those who have gone astray. (10:10) (Lk 19:10)

Why Luke was written

Immediately after the prologue, Luke reveals his purpose: this book is intended to provide Christians with an accurate, chronological knowledge of Jesus’ life, ministry, death, and resurrection. Luke conducted an investigation into the events of Jesus’ life by conversing with eyewitnesses (Lk 1:2), providing Theophilus (and us) with a comprehensive account of the things Jesus did and said throughout his lifetime. Because Luke is written to a Christian who has limited knowledge of the life of Christ, this book is an excellent beginning place for believers who are interested in learning more about His life today.

Quick outline of Luke and Acts

The books of Luke and Acts should be read together as a two-volume work, with the Gospel of Luke serving as the first installment.

  1. Jesus’ humble beginnings (Lk 1–3)
  2. Jesus gives hope to the oppressed and challenges those in authority (Lk 4–9:17)
  3. Jesus teaches how his kingdom is different from the world (Lk 9:18–19:27)
  4. Jesus is crucified, putting into practice what he preached (Lk 19:28–23:56)
  5. Jesus rises from the dead, proving his claims (Lk 24)
  6. Jesus’ death and resurrection (Lk 25–26)

More pages related to Luke

  • John (the next book of the Bible)
  • Mark (the preceding book of the Bible)
  • Acts (the second book of Luke’s New Testament work)
  • Guide to the four gospels
  • Matthew
  • Mark
  • Luke
  • And John.

The Image of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Luke – 2488 Words

What is the author’s portrayal of Jesus like? What is Jesus’ manner of presentation? Who are his allies and foes, and what do they look like? What are the beginning and ending points of the story? What aspects of Jesus’ humanity are described in the Bible? What are some of the ways he appears to be divine? What are the titles that have been given to him? What are the titles that he uses to refer to himself? What is stated about Jesus’ death and resurrection, and what interpretations are assigned to them?

Specifically, the purpose of this article is to evaluate the activity and presence of Jesus Christ on earth in the context of the Gospel of Luke.

Each of the authors portrays Jesus Christ in a fresh and distinctive light, based on the composition’s topic, focal points, and the various groups of individuals who are there to witness the retelling of Jesus’ life and activity.


While many people believe Luke was a Jew who wrote the Gospel, this is not true; rather, he was a Gentile who also happened to be educated in medicine and had an enormous amount of compassion for others. These powerful emotions had an impact on the style and manner of writing the Gospel, as well as on the picture of Jesus Christ in the minds of those who read the text. When we look at the material that Luke had been working with in order to build the Gospel, namely the ‘Ministers of the World,’ we can see that the Gospel of Luke is about Jesus becoming the Savior of the world.

  1. Theophilus was tremendously moved by the Gospel of Luke; he had rediscovered Jesus Christ in his hearts and had realized his own inner self as a result of reading it.
  2. It is necessary to investigate the understanding and wisdom of the Gospel of Luke in the context of the perception of faith.
  3. There were several internal and external stresses in Luke’s society throughout the first century A.D., which corresponds to the time period in which he wrote the Gospel.
  4. Another motive for making this piece is thought to be the pressures that were placed on the artist.
  5. The book of Luke, according to Buttrick, “explains all that Jesus began to do and teach until the day when he was carried up to heaven” (p.
  6. Because it is written in the classical style of secular Greek historians and displays the qualities of speech that indicate the author’s allegiance to the learning circles, the Gospel of Luke is one of the most accessible and approachable of the New Testament canon.

Luke was aiming to convey the Christian notion in a way that would be understandable to the imaginative imaginations of the infidels who lived in the first century.

The image of Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Luke

A moral narrative of a good Samaritan was only found in the Gospel of Luke, despite the fact that Jesus is represented differently in each Gospel. In addition to the fact that it includes the words of Jesus Christ himself, the most compelling argument in favor of the validity of the Gospel is its unique and transcendent supernatural force. It is possible to observe his character, vitality, heart, and the potential to modify reality across Luke’s whole body of work. The words of Jesus Christ do not merely demonstrate global knowledge and eloquence; when viewed through the lens of the Holy Spirit, they are revealed to be the words of God himself.

See also:  Who Is Jesus Christ And What Is His Mission To The World

Consider, for example, how the synopsis that appears to be an aligned version of each Gospel has demonstrated that the most crucial and fundamental knowledge that we have about Jesus Christ is incurred to the Gospel of Luke and his vigilance to combine it into the whole is incurred to the Gospel of Luke and his vigilance to combine it into the whole Only Luke is able to portray the three sides of the tale of God’s love and his care for all of his lovers: the parable of the lost sheep, the parable of the lost penny, and the story that has garnered the most attention and fame – the parable of the prodigal son – in one passage (Lk.

  1. 15, NIV).
  2. Although he was still a considerable distance away, his father recognized him and was moved to compassion for him; he raced to his son, wrapped his arms around him, and kissed him on the cheek.
  3. ’22″I am no longer worthy of being addressed as your son.’ However, the father instructed his staff to “go quickly!” Bring him the nicest robe you have and lay it around his shoulders.
  4. 23Bring the fattened calf to the slaughterhouse and slaughter it.
  5. 24 Because this son of mine was dead and then came back to life; he was lost and then found.’ As a result, people began to rejoice.
  6. 15:20-24, New International Version) We have gained a great deal of knowledge about Jesus’ life and activity, as well as about his sorrows, thanks to the work of the gospel writer Luke.
  7. That guy had no qualms about scaling a tall tree in order to observe Jesus Christ with his own eyes, despite the fact that Zacchaeus was widely regarded as an immoral individual at the time of Jesus’ death (Lk.
  8. Furthermore, the Gospel of Luke has a fresh depiction of the Crucifixion of Jesus, which is stated as follows: (Johnson 334).
  9. As a result of Peter’s betrayal, Jesus turned around and looked him in the eyes, demonstrating the human part of his character as well as the sorrow of betrayal of those close to him: 61The Lord glanced directly at Peter as he turned around.
  10. Peter remembered what the Lord had said to him.

(Luke 22:61-62, New International Version) Further, Jesus Christ displays his divine character by absolving not only the person who betrayed him, but also those who executed him and subjected him to horrific sufferings: 32With him were two other men, both felons, who were taken out to be killed with him.

  • 34 He then replied to the Father, “Father, pardon them, for they have no idea what they are doing.” And then they divided up his clothing by drawing names from a hat.
  • Their reasoning was as follows: “If he is God’s Messiah and the Chosen One, then let him rescue himself as well.” 36The soldiers also approached him and made fun of him.
  • (Luke 23:32-37, New International Version) Luke, on the other hand, had no purpose of portraying Jesus Christ as a typical martyr in the perspective of the church, contrary to popular opinion.
  • These followers made the decision to stick with him to the very end, until he was apprehended.
  • 23:49, NIV).
  • In his fervent and heartfelt narrative, Luke emphasizes that the death of Jesus Christ looked to be the death of someone who was honest, conscientious, spiritual, and pure in his actions and character.
  • All of these instances demonstrate both human and divine characteristics of Jesus Christ that could not be observed in any other Gospels before them.
  • All of Jesus’ characteristics had been disclosed by Luke throughout the Gospel, allowing the reader to perceive Jesus in a new perspective.

This passage from the Gospel can be read aloud to serve as a confirmation of these words: One of the many tasks that have been assigned to us is to compile a history of the events that have taken place among us,2as they have been handed down to us by those who have witnessed them and served as witnesses from the beginning.3 Keeping this in mind, and having thoroughly researched everything from the outset, I too have chosen to write an orderly report for you, most wonderful Theophilus4, in order for you to be aware of the veracity of the information you have received.

  • (Luke 1:1-4, New International Version) A healing and reconciling environment surrounds and encompasses the picture of Jesus throughout the whole Gospel of Luke, having an affect on everyone who comes close to or even just brushes up against him.
  • 22:51, NIV).
  • 23:12, NIV).
  • 23:34, NIV).
  • 23:39-43, New International Version).
  • When Jesus looks over the impoverished, worried, afflicted, and women and gives them extra care, he demonstrates his human nature and inspires everyone of us to emulate him.
  • The Gospel of Luke contains instruction for wealthy individuals as well; additionally, it demonstrates that those who are wealthy and opulent have difficulties when the time comes to separate themselves from their possessions.
  • Throughout the Gospel of Luke, the basic approach to Christianity is the mission of Jesus Christ to provide peace, forgiveness, compassion, and integrity to those who are in need.
  • More to the point, while many people believe that the phrases “kingdom of heaven” and “kingdom of God” relate to two distinct notions, it becomes evident from reading the Gospels of Luke and Matthew that these two expressions refer to the same entity.
  • Example: “11Truly, I say to you, there has never been anybody better than John the Baptist among those who were born of women.
  • From the time of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been subjected to violence, and the violent have taken it by force” (Mt.

11:11-12, NRSV) and “28I tell you, among those born of women, none is greater than John.” The one who is least in the kingdom of God, on the other hand, is greater than he” (Lk. 7:28, NIV).


Among the four gospels, Luke’s is the most lengthy and far-reaching in terms of content and scope. It was he who not only determined a detailed account of the job that Jesus Christ, the human savior, had performed, but he was also the one who imparted information about Jesus’ life up to the day he was taken up to heaven. In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus is shown as a heavenly savior who grants redemption for all mankind, regardless of their nationality: “46And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord47and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior48for he has been mindful of the lowly situation of his servant”” (Lk.

According to Luke, Jesus represents salvation for everyone on earth: “I bring you excellent news that will bring great pleasure to all the people.

2:11, NIV).

Throughout his gospel, Luke emphasized the Holy Spirit’s plea, action, and miracle, beginning with its first appearance in John the Baptist’s Gospel and culminating with the inexplicable birth of Jesus Christ (Lk 1:35, NIV), as well as Jesus’ spiritual baptism and the adornment of adherents with the divine power (Lk.

Works Cited

Marcus Borg is a fictional character created by the author Marcus Borg. Meeting Jesus for the First Time: The Historical Jesus and the Heart of Contemporary Faith is a book about meeting Jesus for the first time again. HarperCollins published Broadway in New York City in 1994. George Buttrick’s print. Buttrick, George. The Interpreter’s Bible: A Commentary in Twelve Volumes (The Interpreter’s Bible: A Commentary in Twelve Volumes) Abingdon Press, based in Nashville, Tennessee, published this book in 1952.

  1. Zondervan House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1984.
  2. Zondervan House, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1984.
  3. Joel Green is the author of this work.
  4. Eerdmans Publishing Company in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in 1997.
  5. Luke Johnson is a writer who lives in the United Kingdom.
  6. Print.
  7. Ex Auditu14.1 (1998): 42-56.
  8. Print.

Luke’s Portrayal of Jesus as Innocent Martyr

In contrast to Mark’s gospel, the gospel of Luke devotes a significant amount of time to establishing Jesus’ innocence during the events of the Passion tale. One example is the divergent accounts of Jesus’ encounter with Pilate. Mark makes no mention of Jesus’ guilt or innocence in this passage, while Luke states that Pilate addressed the accusing throng three times, each time assured of Jesus’ innocence. In Luke 23:14-15, Pilate declares, “I have examined him.and have not found this man guilty of any of the allegations against him that you have brought against him.” Herod, on the other hand, has not, for he has returned him to us.

  • While everyone, from political leaders to common criminals, could see that Jesus was innocent, the Jewish religious authorities were unable to perceive it.
  • Prior to his crucifixion, Jesus makes a suggestion on what this implies for the city of Jerusalem.
  • He comes to a complete halt, turns to face them, and says something in prophetic, apocalyptic tones.
  • This is not present in Mark, but it is part of Luke’s theme of Jesus as an innocent victim, which is repeated several times.

Mark’s gospel has Jesus on the crucifixion, screaming out in agony, “My God, my God, why have you abandoned me?” Luke, on the other hand, cites Jesus saying, “Father forgive them, because they do not understand what they are doing.” Luke takes use of the chance to present Jesus as innocent to the end, even turning the other cheek and even pleading with those who were crucifying him for their forgiveness.

Gospel According to Luke

Gospel With The Gospels According to Mark and Matthew, Luke is the third of the four New Testament Gospels (stories about Jesus’ life and death). He is also one of three Synoptic Gospels (stories about Jesus’ life and death) with the other two being Matthew and Mark (i.e., those presenting a common view). Traditionally, it has been attributed to St. Luke, known as “the loving physician” (Col. 4:14), who was a close colleague of St. Paul the Apostle. According to Luke’s gospel, Gentile converts are the intended audience: Christ’s genealogy is traced to Adam, the “father” of the human race, rather than Abraham, who is considered by Jewish scholars to be Abraham’s forefather.


Luke the Evangelist) is a Christian author and evangelist who lived in the first century AD.

Luke, 975; now housed in the Gerona Cathedral (Spanish capital).

The Gospel of Luke is largely derived from that of St.

But there is significant overlap between the Gospels of Luke and Matthew that is not present in The Gospel According to Mark, suggesting that the two evangelists may have had access to a similar source.

After Matthew and Mark, Luke is the third and last gospel in the canonical order.

In spite of its resemblances to the other Synoptic Gospels, Luke’s tale has several elements that are unique to him alone.

It is also the only Gospel that has a description of the Ascension.

Luke’s Gospel is likewise unusual in that it is written from his point of view.

The book of Luke, as well as its sister book, Acts of the Apostles, present the church as God’s instrument of salvation on Earth throughout the time period between the death of Christ and the Second Coming of Christ.

John the Baptist; the epoch of Jesus’ ministry; and the epoch of the church’s mission, which lasted from the Ascension to the return of Christ. Those in charge of editing the Encyclopaedia Britannica Melissa Petruzzello was the author of the most recent revision and update to this article.

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