How Does Jesus Fulfill The Old Testament

How Did Jesus “Fulfill” the Old Testament?

Our Lord clarifies the relationship between his teaching and the teaching of the Old Testament in a single, powerful line. He adds, “I’m not going to lie, I’m not going to lie.” “Don’t get the impression that I’ve come to abolish the law or prophets. I didn’t come to destroy, but rather to complete my purpose ” (Matthew 5:17). Jesus came to fulfill the prophecies of the prophets, who had predicted for a long time that a Savior would arrive on the scene one day. As the great sacrifice for sin, Jesus came to satisfy the requirements of the ceremonial law, to which all of the Old Testament offerings had pointed throughout history.

Do not, under any circumstances, disparage the Old Testament or its authors.

The religion of the Old Testament is considered to be the progenitor of Christianity.

The New Testament is the gospel in its fullest manifestation.

  1. All of them, however, looked to the same Savior through faith and were guided by the same Spirit as we were.
  2. Do not for a second believe that it has been cast aside by the gospel or that Christians have no involvement with it.
  3. In fact, it elevated and increased their level of authority (Romans 3:31).
  4. It is through it that the understanding of sin is gained.
  5. Christ refers to His people as their guideline and direction for leading a pure life in accordance with the law.
  6. It will not be able to save us.
  7. But we must never, ever dislike it.
  8. When the law is treated with little respect, it is an indication of a religious climate that is both uninformed and unhealthy.
  9. Based on the book The Gospel of Matthew by J.C.

How Christ Fulfilled and Ended the Old Testament Regime

When we perceive Jesus Christ in his appropriate relationship to the Old Testament, the magnificence of Jesus Christ becomes even more apparent. He has a fantastic relationship with everything that has been published. It should come as no surprise that this is the case, given that Jesus is known as the Word of God made flesh (John 1:14). Wouldn’t the Word of God embodied be the culmination and completion of the written word of God? Take a look at these brief statements as well as the texts that support their claims.

  • All of Scripture bears witness to the deity of Christ.
  • The Scriptures are searched because you believe that in them you will find eternal life; and it is they who give witness about me.
  • (See also John 5:39 and 46.) 2.
  • In other words, there is a completeness of implication in all of Scripture that leads to Christ and is satisfied only after he has arrived and completed his work on the cross.
  • And, beginning with Moses and all of the Prophets, he explained to them the things concerning himself that were written in all of the Scriptures.
  • Jesus came to fulfill all that had been written in the Law and the Prophets before to his birth.
  • He completes the task that the Law requires of him.

Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of all of God’s promises made to the people of Israel in the Old Testament.

Because Jesus is the embodiment of all of God’s promises, they all come true.

(See 2 Corinthians 1:20 for further information.) 5.


As a result, it is now abundantly clear that the law is no longer the road to righteousness, but that Christ is.

Because Christ is the fulfillment of the law in terms of righteousness for everyone who believes in him.

Because of this, virtually everything has changed as a result of the coming of Christ: 1.The blood sacrifices were discontinued because Christ accomplished everything that they had been pointing toward.

Hebrews 9:12, “He entered once for all into the holy places, not by means of the blood of goats and calves but by means of his own blood, thus securing an eternal redemption.” 2.The priesthood that stood between worshiper and God has ceased.

Now, Christ himself is the center of worship.

Therefore, Christianity has no geographic center, no Mecca, no Jerusalem.

But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth.’” John 2:19, 21, “‘Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.’.

Mark 7:18–19, “said to them,.

(Thus he declared all foods clean.)” 5.The establishment of civil law on the basis of an ethnically rooted people, who are ruled directly by God, has ceased.

Therefore, God’s will for states is not taken directly from the Old Testament theocratic order, but should now be re-established from place to place and from time to time by means that correspond to God’s sovereign rule over all peoples, and that correspond to the fact that genuine obedience, rooted as it is in faith in Christ, cannot be coerced by law.

Romans 13:1, “Let every person be subject to the governing authorities.

For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God.” John 18:36, “Mykingdom is not of this world. If my kingdom were of this world, my servants would have been fighting.” Let us worship the wonder of Christ, who unleashed these massive changes in the world.

What Old Testament prophecies did Jesus fulfill?

Without considering the New Testament as the completion of the Old Testament, it is difficult for Christians to have a complete knowledge of the Bible. Furthermore, our ability to comprehend the entire Old Testament is dependent on our reading it as a preparation for Christ’s work as revealed in the New Testament. Inevitably, the question arises: “Which significant Old Testament prophesies did Jesus truly fulfill?” The birth of a monarch is a momentous occasion. The arrival of the Messiah is one of the most important prophesies in the Old Testament.

  1. Of course, Jesus was the one who brought all of these prophesies to fruition.
  2. Do you have high expectations?
  3. Psalm 40, for example, foreshadows the Messiah’s role as the ultimate sacrifice on the cross.
  4. The Holocaust and the sin sacrifice are not anything you requested, so I said, “See, I’m here with an engraved scroll written on men,” and I meant it.
  5. As explained in this New Testament text, the Psalm foretells that Messiah would bring in a new covenant to replace the old one that was established by the law.
  6. In contrast, Jesus, who had come to execute God’s will, would establish a new offering that would be able to remove sins once and for all – namely, the offering of his flesh and blood once and for all.
  7. It is undeniable that Jesus became a stumbling block, was hated and rejected, and that He rescued Gentiles (1Peter; Luke; Matthew).

From Good Friday until Easter Sunday, there are no classes.

We will only mention a handful of them.

In 1 Corinthians, Paul refers to Jesus as the Passover Lamb, and the Gospel of John describes how Jesus’ bones were not shattered during his crucifixion, as was customary at the time.

According to Psalm 31, a conspiracy to assassinate God’s anointed one is underway, while Psalm 38 predicts that the Messiah would keep mute in the face of his accusers.

The resurrection of the Messiah is also predicted in the Bible’s Old Testament.

“Why are you looking for the live one amid the dead?” they inquired of them.

Remember what he told to you while you were still in Galilee, that the Son of Man would be delivered up to sinners and crucified, and that he must rise from the dead on the third day.

Lastly, a significant aspect of Old Testament prophecy pertains to the Messiah’s position in human history and the life of the Church.

Paul, in his Letter to the Ephesians (4:7-16), wonders what else the fact that the Messiah ascended to the highest point might indicate in the Psalm other than that he also sank to the lowest point on the earth.

As a result, according to Paul, Christ bestowed gifts onto his Church in the shape of apostleships, prophetic prophecies, evangelists, pastors, and teachers in order to prepare us all for the job of ministry and the building up of the body of Christ.

When researching and writing this essay, I consulted the following sources:

How Does Jesus Fulfill the Law? Christ, His Teaching, and the New Covenant

In Matthew 5:17, Jesus declares that he has not come to abolish the Law or the Prophets, but rather to bring them to completion and fulfillment. Theological and canonical repercussions of exegetical findings are so extensive, as D. A. Carson has remarked regarding these verses, that “debate becomes burdened with the complexities of biblical theology” (“Matthew,” 141). To put it another way, it is really simple to incorporate one’s own scriptural framework into Jesus’ teachings. For how one interprets the law and its application in the New Testament, as well as how the New Testament is related to the Old Testament, will have a significant influence on how one reads Jesus’ statements, which in turn will support or reform our biblical-theological framework.

The fact that Matthew 10:34 has the same structure as Matthew 5:17 does not imply that Jesus has abandoned his efforts to bring about peace.

By using this parallel, we may see that certain aspects of the Law have come to an end—for example, the book of Hebrews reveals that Christ’s sacrifice brought an end to the old covenant system of animal sacrifice.

See also:  Who Was At The Passover Meal With Jesus

In addition, Matthew’s constant and precise use of the word “fulfillment” (plero) gives us a fair understanding of how to comprehend the link between the Law and Christ, as well as the relationship between Christ and us.

Matthew’s Use of Fulfill/ment (Plēroō)

To begin, consider the 14 instances in Matthew when the wordplro is used in reference to the Old Testament (particularly the Prophets) and the wordplro is used in reference to the New Testament. Everything that happened was to bring about the fulfillment of what the Lord had foretold through the prophet: Matthew 1:22 22 Matthew 2:15 15And he stayed there until Herod’s death, according to the Bible. This was done in order to fulfill the prophecy of the Lord, who had said, “Out of Egypt I called my son.” Matthew 2:17–17 (KJV) The prophet Jeremiah’s prophecy was fulfilled at that point: Matthew 2:23 – 23 (NIV) And he went and lived in a place called Nazareth, in order that the prophecies about him would be fulfilled, and so that he would be known as a Nazarene.

  • 5:17 (Matthew 5:17) It is incorrect to believe that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but rather to bring them to completion.
  • Matthew 12:17, verse 17 This was done in order to fulfill the prophecy of the prophet Isaiah: Matthew 13:35-35 (NIV) All of this was done in order to fulfill what the prophet had said: “I will open my lips in parables; I will speak what has been hidden since the beginning of time.” Matt.
  • But how, therefore, should the Scriptures be fulfilled, assuming that this is indeed the case?” Matthew 26:56-58 (NLT) However, all of this has occurred in order for the prophetic Scriptures to be fulfilled.” After that, all of his disciples deserted him and fled.
  • “And they burned him with fire,” prophesied the prophet Jeremiah.
  • For starters, the term “fulfillment/ment” is always used in conjunction with the Prophets (or the Law in conjunction with the Prophets); it is never used in conjunction with the Law alone.
  • Secondly, it is constantly tied to Jesus, i.e., it is Christ-centered in its approach.
  • Third, each formula for fulfillment has a connection to salvation and the people of God who have been saved through Christ.

They are not merely about Jesus; rather, they are about Jesus and his followers. As we will see, the execution of the law is a creative act, in that it results in the creation of a new people.

Christ, Redemption, and a Redeemed People

According to this interpretation, all that occurred during the exodus and exile has now been fulfilled—in Jesus, God has brought up the promised savior-king from the line of David to redeem his people in a new exodus that would culminate in a new covenant. As Piotrowski puts it, I claim that the prologue-quotations establish a “David/end-of-exile” frame and, as a result, serve as a hermeneutical guide for the rest of the gospel narrative. Combined with their repeated occurrences early in the gospel and their near proximity to one another, these elements have the cumulative effect of strongly selecting this frame, so providing unambiguous orientation and definition to the rest of the tale.

  • Following the establishment of this narrative framework, Piotrowski goes on to demonstrate how the fulfillment formulae connect the themes of Christ, redemption, and redeemed individuals.
  • In that context, these statements express a prevalent anxiety about the timing of Yahweh’s return of Israel from captivity.
  • As a result, it should come as no surprise that researchers have identified a major messianic focus in the passages.
  • As a result, it should come as no surprise that Matthew’s quotes are concerned not only with the Messiah who leads the peoples, but also with the people themselves.
  • A Christology with an ecclesiological orientation, viewed through the prism of exile and restoration, is presented in this work.
  • This is Christology as a means to an end: to help the church come to recognize themselves as Yahweh’s exiled people who have returned to their homeland.
  • A more comprehensive theological landscape of imagery derived from the narrative world of Israel’s expectations for return from exile should be considered in conjunction with the christological concerns expressed in the passages.
  • — (Matthew’s New David at the End of the Exile, chapters 12–14).
  • Matthew provides us with a message that is Christ-centered, redemption-oriented, and people-creating.
  • However, rather than redeeming them under the terms of the old covenant, Jesus is establishing a new covenant with a new people who will live their lives through trust in him.

This begins with a remnant from Israel in Matthew’s Gospel, but will eventually include disciples from all countries by the conclusion of the Gospel (Matthew 28:19–20).

The Fulfillment of the Law is Found in Christ’s New Covenant

It is important to think about the ways in which Jesus fulfills the law in terms of a new exodus that leads to the establishment of a new covenant when considering how Jesus fulfills the law. Similarly to how Moses led Israel out of Egypt (Exodus 1–18) and up Mount Sinai to create a covenant with God (Exodus 19–24), Jesus accomplishes the same thing with a new covenant people in the New Testament. In reality, the fulfillment of Moses’ prophecy has occurred exactly as he predicted. The Prophets, beginning with Moses (Deuteronomy 30:6), announced the approach of a new covenant, complete with all of its blessings.

  • As a result, when we hear Jesus claim that he has not come to abolish the law, but rather to fulfill it, we should consider the eschatological significance of his words in context.
  • In a nutshell, Jesus is fulfilling the law in the manner predicted by the Prophets—he is ushering in a new covenant.
  • As Jesus explains in Matthew 28:20, because his sacrifice produces a new people, it also results in a new method of obeying the commandments of God.
  • We are thus advised to continue reading Matthew’s Gospel in order to better grasp Matthew 5:17.
  • The more we see Christ and listen to his instructions, the more we understand how he is simultaneously fulfilling the Law in himself and instructing his followers on how to do the same (see Matthew 7:12).
  • By doing so, he is fulfilling the law—not by restoring the old covenant, but by creating a new covenant in his blood, by the power of the Holy Spirit, and via the power of the written word of God.
  • His complete fulfillment not only brings the old covenant to a close, but also serves as a foundation for the new covenant since he is the One who the Law and the Prophets prophesied would come.
  • Soli Deo Gloria, deo gratias Photo courtesy of Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament Story

“Do not believe that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them, but to fulfill them.” “Do not imagine that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets.” For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth are no longer there, not even the smallest letter, not even the tiniest stroke of a pen, will be removed from the Law until all has been completed and done.

As a result, anyone who disregards even one of the least of these commands and instructs others in the same manner will be referred to as the least in the kingdom of heaven, whereas anyone who practices and instructs others in the same manner will be referred to as the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

—Matthew 5:17–20 (New International Version) The central truth is that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus replay and complete the drama of the Old Testament.

The New Testament aspires to proclaim the message of Jesus Christ—his life, death, and resurrection—as the most complete embodiment of Israel’s story to the entire world.

The story thread that began with creation, the fall, and the establishment of Israel comes to a close with the arrival of Jesus the Messiah.

Jesus: Creation and the Fall

Jesus embodies the potential of mankind to its fullest extent. Jesus is sent to serve as a model for the ideal human existence. He contributes to God’s purpose by proclaiming God’s kingdom. He establishes a new community and broadens the notion of community among God’s people. He represents the character of God to the rest of the world. In other words, Jesus is the living embodiment of the tale that Adam and Eve, as well as every succeeding person, were meant to live. Because of Jesus’ sacrificial sacrifice on the cross, it is now possible for us to experience human emotions once more.

In order for us to be able to live, Jesus died for our sins.

Humanity and all of creation are given life as God’s ultimate word.

Jesus and the New Israel

The story of Israel is retold through the life of Jesus. As we read through the New Testament, we will see citations and allusions to the Old Testament on nearly every page of the book. Throughout the Old Testament, the biblical authors make it apparent that Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection serve as a culmination of the tale and fulfillment of God’s promises. Jesus’ career is described in the Gospels as occurring after the preaching of John the Baptist. A last Old Testament prophet appears to prepare the way for Jesus’ second coming, as depicted in the Gospels, and prepares the way for the Messiah’s first arrival.

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Jesus and the Kingdom

The proclamation of God’s kingdom marks the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry. This kingdom represents the culmination of the prophesied new future (new covenant/new heart/new king) foretold and announced by Israel’s prophets in their visions and proclamations. Jesus perceives his words and acts as a proclamation of the coming into the present of God’s future age of redemption. He is not a prophet. Luke 4:16–21 tells the amazing narrative of Jesus rising to speak in his hometown synagogue and reading from the prophet Isaiah 61:1–2: “The Spirit of the Lord has come upon me, because he has anointed me to announce good news to the poor.” He has sent me to declare liberation for the captives and sight restoration for the blind, to set the oppressed free, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor” (Luke 4:18–19).

  1. He has also sent me to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.
  2. In addition, Jesus establishes a new Israel by appointing twelve disciples to himself.
  3. Jesus’ society grows into a new Israel, which exists to benefit the nations by announcing and embodying the kingdom in imitation of Jesus the Messiah and thereby bringing blessing to the world.
  4. When it comes to the Mosaic covenant, Jesus gives the most comprehensive explanation (Matt.
  5. Matthew 5:43–48 teaches that love is the overriding concept for comprehending the ethos of God’s people, and that this is what Jesus embraces.
  6. Jesus teaches and exemplifies a much expansive view of neighbor than is often understood.
  7. God the Father, he argues, is a model to follow since he “causes his sun to rise on the bad and on the good, as well as showers rain on the righteous and the unjust” (Matt.

5:45). In order for outsiders to experience God’s salvation, Jesus strives to remove obstacles that stand in the way of God’s people enjoying God’s salvation.

Jesus as Israel’s Messiah

The Old Testament’s hopes of a messianic savior are fulfilled in Jesus. He is referred to as Jesus Christ or the Messiah in the New Testament. Messiah is referred to as Christ. God’s appointed king will come to free his people from persecution and lead them in his mission, according to Jewish tradition. The ideal Israelite king was the chosen instrument through whom God managed his realm, and he exemplified this characteristic. The promises made to David in 2 Samuel 7 sought to instill hope in the hearts of the people that the kingdom would be restored.

1:1–17; Luke 3:23) is crucial.

With his spectacular arrival into Jerusalem on a donkey, the last week of Jesus’ life gets underway right away.

The prophet Zechariah predicted that the Messiah would return to Jerusalem on a donkey (Zech.

Jesus’ Death and Resurrection

It is in fulfillment of the Old Testament that the events of Jesus’ crucifixion take place. Passover is celebrated with Jesus’ followers on the night of his betrayal, at which time he is betrayed. The death of Jesus happened precisely at the time when God’s people were commemorating the exodus. The death and resurrection of Jesus herald the beginning of a new period of emancipation for the entire world. God’s victory over sin, death, pain, and disgrace is achieved on the cross. Jesus dies as a living embodiment of the words of Psalm 22.

In the midst of Jesus’ suffering, various events from Psalm 22 take place around him, including taunts from people who are looking on, soldiers gambling for his clothing, and water flowing out of his side, among other things.

Using Psalm 22, Jesus not only establishes his identification with the afflicted poet but also predicts his deliverance via the resurrection of the body and blood of Jesus.

Enjoy this entry? This is part of our OneBook Bible study curriculum intended to introduce foundational biblical knowledge for new believers.

It is in fulfillment of the Old Testament that the events of Jesus’ crucifixion unfold. To commemorate the Passover feast, Jesus gathers his followers around him on the night of his betrayal. It just so happens that Jesus’ killing takes place at the very moment when God’s people were commemorating the escape from Egypt. The death and resurrection of Jesus herald the beginning of a new period of emancipation for the whole world population. God’s victory over sin, death, pain, and disgrace is achieved on the Cross.

“My God, my God, why have you left me?” Jesus exclaims in verse 1, referring to God.

Finally, the psalm (22:22–31) expresses hope for vindication.

By reciting Psalm 22, Jesus not only expresses his connection with the suffering poet, but he also foreshadows his own liberation via the resurrection. A retelling of the tale of the Old Testament is found in Jesus’ life, from his birth to his resurrection.

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Did Jesus Fulfill Old Testament Prophecy?

To put it another way, the Old Testament is a jigsaw puzzle of complicated pieces that must be assembled. The multiple parts are perplexing on their own — but when they are put together in sufficient numbers to complete the intended image, they become clear. As a result, the New Testament serves as a decryption key for deciphering the meaning of the Old Testament. Here are a few examples of prophecies that Jesus fulfilled: A messenger (John the Baptist) announced His birth in Bethlehem, and He entered Jerusalem on a donkey.

Peter Stoner, in his classic bookScience Speaks, calculated the chance of any man fulfilling these prophecies, even down to the present time, to be 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000 (10 to the 17th power). How can anyone think that Jesus just “happened” to be in the right place at the right time? It’s no coincidence.

Stoner offered that we take that many silver dollars and spread them out throughout the state of Texas in order to help us visualize the startling odds of this likelihood. We’d discover that they’d piled up two feet deep across the state as a result of our efforts. But hold on a minute, there’s more! Make a mark on one of the silver dollars and toss the full pile of money in the air. Now blindfold an excited volunteer and tell him that he can travel wherever in Texas he wants, but he *must* pick up a silver dollar that has been designated for him.

In his further research, Stoner discovered that the probability of any guy fulfilling even 48 of the 300+ Old Testament prophecies increased to a whopping ten to the 157th power if he was born now!

Centuries of biblical interpreters have followed in the footsteps of the authors of New Testament literature, who use Old Testament prophesy to demonstrate how it foreshadows the arrival of Jesus as the promised Messiah.

Three side-by-side examples of how the New Testament builds upon an element (which scholars refer to as a “type”)in the Old Testament:

Old Testament: “Then Moses summoned all of Israel’s elders and instructed them to “choose out and select lambs for yourself according to your families, and slay the Passover lamb” (Exodus 12:21). “For verily Christ, our Passover, was slaughtered on our behalf,” says the New Testament (1 Corinthians 5:7). The Jewish festival of Passover commemorates God’s liberation of the Israelite people from slavery in Egypt during the time of Abraham. Because of Pharaoh’s continuing refusal to free the Israelites, according to Bible history, the tenth and last plague – the death of every firstborn — was brought on by his intransigence.

The Egyptians, especially Pharaoh, suffered the loss of their firstborn children.

Scholarly sources uniformly agree that Jesus was killed around the time of the Passover holiday, which further establishes His identify as the Passover lamb on the cross.

To compare and contrast, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem five days before the Passover sacrifices were to be offered in the temple; He entered Jerusalem on the day of lamb selection, therefore choosing to become the ultimate Lamb of God.

He Was to Enter Jerusalem On a Donkey

“Rejoice mightily, O daughter of Zion!” says the Old Testament. O daughter of Jerusalem, let your voice be heard! See, your king is on his way to you; He is just and has redemption; He is lowly and riding on a donkey, a colt, a donkey’s foal” (Zechariah 9:9). “And they brought it to Jesus, and placing their cloaks on the colt, they mounted Jesus on it,” according to the New Testament. Meanwhile, they spread their cloaks across the road as He rode by them. As He drew near — and was already on his way down the Mount of Olives — the entire crowd of His followers burst into applause and shouted praises to God for all the amazing wonders they had witnessed (Luke 19:35-37).

A “Light” to the Gentiles

And now the Lord says to me, He who formed me from the womb to be His servant, to bring Jacob back into His presence; and that Israel might be gathered to Him — for I am honored in the Lord’s sight, and my God has become my strength — he says: “It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to bring back the preserved of Israel; I will make you a light for the nations, that my salvation may reach (See Isaiah 49:5-6 for more).

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For thus the Lord has instructed us, saying, “I have created you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.” (New Testament) Upon hearing this, the Gentiles burst into song, celebrating the Lord’s Word, and all those who were appointed to eternal life repented and trusted in Him.” (See Acts 13:47–48.) Just this morning, I was reading the book of Isaiah.

Only a few verses (verses 4-6): “Despite the fact that he took on our sorrow and bore our suffering, we thought him to have been chastised by God, struck down, and tormented.

We have all gone astray, like sheep, and each of us has chosen his own path, and the Lord has placed the guilt of all of us on him.”

Three Objections by Skeptics

Skeptics object to the assumption that various sections of Old Testament prophecy foretell events in the life of Jesus, arguing that this is not the case. They argue that the New Testament writers purposely tailored their work to correspond to passages in the Old Testament to make it more believable. Moreover, they claim that the New Testament writers exaggerated the significance of obscure references, and that they lifted such references out of context by taking a term or detail from another event in the Gospels and placing it into the original event.

Skeptic Objection1: The Gospel writers deliberately crafted their biographies of Jesus to make Jesus appear to fulfill Old Testament prophecy.

There are various grounds to think that the Gospel authors properly portrayed Jesus’ life and words – even at the risk of being persecuted. They did not play to the expectations of their listeners, which was understandable. It’s important to remember that the Christian church was through significant persecution at the time the Gospels were written. Excruciating and barbaric methods of execution were used to punish many Christians for their religion, including the crucifixion, being burnt alive, and being given to wild animals.

Furthermore, they did not portray Jesus as great and mighty, but rather as low and humble, which was in fact His intention in surrendering His life.

If the Gospel authors were truly concerned with increasing their numbers, they would not have presented a guy as Messiah who, in no way, represented the conquering hero that the Jews were anticipating. So that His mission might be accomplished, Jesus willingly enabled Rome to murder him.

Skeptic Objection2: Old Testament types and foreshadowings are typically stretched and contrived, and therefore offer little evidential support for Jesus being the Messiah.

Certainly, some Christians have a tendency to exaggerate the significance of Old Testament typology or to imply underlying symbolism that might or might not exist. However, we are only left with two possibilities to examine in this situation: A combination of 1) deliberate artifice or 2) supernatural orchestration can account for the remarkable congruence between Old Testament writings and New Testament aspects of Jesus’ life, which cannot be explained otherwise. As you can see, a convincing cumulative case for Jesus as the Messiah certainly favors the second alternative, as demonstrated by the evidence presented in this article.

Skeptic Objection3: The Gospel writers took Old Testament texts out of context in order to prove that Jesus was the Messiah.

In addition to Jews and later Christians who authored commentaries to explain Old Testament passages, several New Testament writers cited Old Testament terms and placed them in a new context as well. There were a few distinct schools of thought that developed throughout the early years of the church on how this should be handled. A word or detail might be taken out of context by the interpreters of the School of Alexandria, for example, in order to highlight and strengthen an interpretation of a spiritual significance.

  • Diodore of Tarsus, who lived about 390 years ago, was a leading figure in this second school of thought.
  • He attempted to exercise caution in order to avoid excessive and overreaching applications.
  • Hall, Diodore’s goal was to protect against the production of meaning “out of thin air.” A similar distinction was made by St.
  • Another aspect to keep in mind is that it was Jesus’ own actions and utterances that caused the New Testament writers to identify His resemblance to the Old Testament.

Summary of Old Testament Prophecy Fulfilled by Jesus

Speaking of jigsaw pieces, let’s wrap up this blog article with a list of Old Testament prophesy that you may read for yourself to complete the picture. If you actually want to verify what the Bible teaches, investing the time in this exercise will be well worth your while. Isn’t it true that having a Bible that you never open absolutely contradicts the point of God providing us with His Word? The Bible should be treated as a study guide, not as an inviolable relic that must not be opened — or even scribbled up!

  1. His Birth and Early Years in the U.S.
  2. The setting is described in Numbers 24:17, 19; Micah 5:2.
  3. In Genesis 12:3 and 49:10, in Numbers 24:19, Deuteronomy 18,18-19, in Psalm 21,1 and 59:20, in Isaiah 59:20, and in Jeremiah 33:16, he is given a mission and a mission for his office.
  4. Gentile conversion is mentioned in Isaiah 11:10, Deuteronomy 32:43, Psalms 18:49, 19:4, and 117:1, Isaiah 42:1, 45:23, and 49:6, Hosea 1:10, 2:23, and Joel 2:32, among other places.
  5. Psalms 2:7, 78:2, Isaiah 2:3, 61:1, Micah 4:2, and other passages were preached.
  6. Psalms 8:2; 118:25-26; Zechariah 9:9 are examples of triumphal entries.
  7. Psalms 2:1-2, 27:12, 35:11, and 109:2 are examples of false accusations.
  8. Psalms 22:7-8, 16; 109:25 are examples of mockery.

Psalms 2:7; 16:8-10; 30:3; 41:10; 118:17; Psalms 30:3; 41:10; 118:17 His Ascension to the Throne of God (See Psalms 16:11, 24:7, 68:18, 110:1, and 118:19 for more information.) His Second Advent (also known as His Second Coming) Verse 3–6 of Psalm 50; Isaiah 9:6-7; 66:18; Daniel 7:13–14; Zechariah 12:10–8; Zechariah 14:4–8 His Universal, Everlasting Dominion is found in 1 Chronicles 17:11-14, Psalms 2:6-8, 8:6; 45:6; 7; 72:8; 110:1-3, Isaiah 9:7, Daniel 7:14, and many more passages.

Did Jesus fulfill Old Testament prophecy? Yes! Butstudyto know for yourself.

This blog article discusses Josh and Sean McDowell’s freshly updated apologetics classic,Evidence That Demands a Verdict, which was published in 2012. We are certain that this totally updated and extended resource will be an effective evangelistic tool for you, as well as a resource that will deepen your faith by providing answers to the most difficult questions thrown at you by skeptics. Know what you’re talking about, since what you’re saying is true. But share this knowledge with others in a loving manner!

Four Ways Jesus Fulfilled the Law and the Prophets (Matthew 5:17) – Grace Evangelical Society

“Do not be under the impression that I have come to demolish the Law or the Prophets. “I did not come to destroy, but to bring about fulfillment” (Matt 5:17). Jesus stated that He had come to fulfill the Law and the Prophets of the Old Testament. So, the Lord was providing a declaration of purpose for His mission, and whenever someone does that, you should pay heed! The clashes between Jesus and the Pharisees, as well as the rabbinic regulations of the day, generated doubts regarding His connection to the Law.

Jesus said that He had not come to destroy the Law and the Prophets, but rather to bring them to completion.

What role did Jesus play in the fulfillment of OT Scripture?


The Old Testament prophets frequently served as covenant attorneys, filing lawsuits against Israel for failing to comply with the requirements of the covenant.

No one could criticize his life or accuse him of failing to fulfill his God-given responsibilities.

In conclusion, Jesus met all of the ethical requirements of the Law and the Prophets.

“Jesus carried out the plans and predictions of the Old and New Testaments” (p.

Eaton claimed that God’s goal to “reverse the deed of ‘the snake’ (Gen 3:15)” was at the core of the Scriptures.

As promised by the Lord, the Seed of the woman will crush the serpent’s head in the end.

And, over time, God revealed additional details about what Messiah would be like, such as that he would be “a mighty Chosen King, a Suffering Servant, an Anointed Conqueror,” among other things (p.

Those positions were filled by Jesus (well, some of them; others await a future fulfillment in the kingdom).



God’s Word, in addition to providing clear commandments and prophesies, also educates via the use of types and symbols.

Jesus, like Moses, taught His people on a mountaintop and freed them from the bonds of servitude.

Jesus was offered up as a lamb to atone for our sins.

All in all, Jesus fulfilled the Messianic patterns found in the Torah and the Prophets.

“Jesus brings the psalms and proverbs to fruition” (p.

What is He doing to accomplish this?

In conclusion, Jesus was the fulfillment of the wisdom of the Law and the Prophets.

So, how does Jesus bring the Law and the Prophets to fruition? This is likely true in more ways than you imagined! Shawn Lazar serves as the Director of Publications for the Grace Evangelical Society of North America. He and his wife, Abby, have been married for fifteen years.

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