3 Things Jesus Said About How To Cure Disease

7 Ways the Bible Encourages Personal Care Amidst Illness, Including Coronavirus

Pain, suffering, hate, and death are all consequences of sin’s effect on the human condition. It also implies that there are diseases that wreak havoc on our bodies and cause significant disruption in our lives. Some illnesses have a greater impact than others on a larger population. Many people look to the Bible for answers and strength during times of struggle and stress, particularly when they are suffering from a personal sickness. In other cases, however, the results of this investigation might take someone down a confused road of assumptions and guesses There are people who feel that medical professionals’ opinions are more important than God’s Word, and there are those who refuse to visit a doctor because they believe that God will heal them via supernatural intervention.

Then, what exactly does the Bible have to say about health, disease, and medical treatment?

1. Don’t Ignore Your Symptoms

The majority of the writings of the Apostle Paul that have made it into the canonizedBible are epistles, which are letters sent to specific congregations or persons in specific locations. Not only are they crammed with theology and Christian life counsel, but they also include personal touches. He expresses gratitude to individuals or specific aspects that provide insight into their life. One such instance occurs in the book of 1 Timothy. Although Paul writes to Timothy, he makes the following statement: “Do not limit yourself to drinking only water; instead, consume a little wine for the benefit of your stomach and your regular afflictions” (1 Timothy 5:23).

  • Instead of telling him to ignore it or praying that God would simply make his stomach better, he advises him to do it.
  • The water at Ephesus, where Timothy was pastoring new Christians, was infamously filthy and unsafe to drink, which was another essential item to note.
  • At that time, it was not just Ephesus that had a problem with contaminated water.
  • A nice lesson from Paul is that there is wisdom in avoiding doing anything that may put one’s health at danger.

2. Good Hygiene Is Important

Prior to the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as the substitutionary atonement for the sins of the world, anyone desiring a right relationship with God were required to observe the law. This included the Mosaic law, which included the ten commandments, as well as sacrifices and feasts, as well as cleaning rituals, among other things. The purpose of these ceremonies, among other things, was to help people become spiritually pure before God by outward obedience. They also contained several excellent hygiene recommendations, which are still widely regarded as such today.

And on the seventh day, the priest will come back to inspect the property.

As well as having the inside of his house scraped all over, he will have the plaster that has been scraped off poured out in an unsanitary location outside of the city” (Leviticus 14:37-41).

In addition, it covers interaction between persons, with phrases such as, “If the guy spits on you, you must wash your garments and bathe yourself in water, and you will be filthy until sunset” (Leviticus 15:8).

In addition to being practical, maintaining sanitary habits is Biblical. However, some of these activities are still beneficial today, despite the fact that the requirement to maintain bodily cleanliness in order to be spiritually pure has changed. Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/wavebreakmed.

3. A Good Diet Is Important

The common adage, “you are what you eat,” holds some validity, despite the fact that it is a bit of a cliché these days. Making certain that the food ingested is useful to the body rather than destructive is an important aspect of maintaining good health. Modern science, as well as the Bible, lend credence to this notion. The eponymous character in the Book of Daniel served as a eunuch in the Babylonian court during the exile of the Hebrews from Israel, according to the text. His insight and advice were much appreciated.

As a result, he remarked, “Test your slaves for 10 days; provide us with vegetables to eat and water to drink.” ‘Then keep an eye on our looks, as well as the appearance of the youngsters who consume the king’s meal, and deal with your slaves in accordance with what you observe.’ As a result, he listened to their concerns and put them through their paces for 10 days.

  1. As a result, the steward took away their dinner and the wine they were about to drink, and instead provided vegetables.” (2 Chronicles 1:11-16).
  2. They were also healthier.
  3. A voice spoke to him, ‘Rise, Peter; kill and eat’ (Acts 10:11-13).
  4. “However, while ‘all things are legal for me,’ not all things are beneficial to me.” “I believe that anything is legal for me, but I will not be ruled by anything” (1 Corinthians 6:12).
  5. Food is a crucial component of life, but it should not be the primary reason for someone to get out of bed in the morning.
  6. A healthy diet requires a delicate balance, yet it is an extremely vital one.

4. Do Things to Treat Illnesses and Wounds

The story of the Good Samaritan is replete with illustrations of both human strengths and faults. It also reveals something about the way medicine was approached at the time, as well as how the Lord regarded it, in its own delicate manner. In the tale, a Jewish guy was assaulted, robbed, and left for dead, and the rest of the story is about him. He was passed by by a priest and a Levi at the same time. However, a Samaritan came to their aid, despite the fact that Samaritans and Jews did not get along.

The use of wine at that time was based on the observation that it appeared to clean the wound, and the use of oil appeared to function as a form of seal until the wound could be wrapped.

Although it may appear archaic today, Jesus’ tale of the Good Samaritan served as a model for how one should treat one’s neighbor, including providing practical medical advice.

Of course, it was not the story’s intended outcome. However, it does demonstrate that the Lord considered mending wounds and avoiding disease to be vital aspects of being a neighbor, and as such, they were given priority. Photograph courtesy of Getty Images/belchonock

5. Go to the Doctor When It Is Needed

Despite our best efforts to eat healthfully, exercise regularly, and avoid illness, accidents sometimes happen. Germs, viruses, and other ailments occur as a result of the introduction of sin into the world. When we are unwell, it is possible that we may only have a cold and that there will be nothing we can do. Other times, we require medication or therapies that can only be prescribed and diagnosed by a medical professional. This was specifically stated by Jesus. As the great Physician, he administers medication to those suffering from the chronic and fatal ailment of sin.

  1. People had inquired as to why He spent time with society undesirables such as tax collectors, and he responded by making this comment.
  2. Believers are well aware that they require Jesus’ spiritual healing as well as the services of a medical professional.
  3. In 1 Corinthians 12:9, the Bible says, “to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by the same Spirit.” This gift can be in the medical sector, or it can be a spiritual gift of faith, as indicated in the Bible.
  4. The inspiration for medical breakthroughs has come from God throughout history, and individuals have been blessed with insight and wisdom that they may use to assist others overcome illness.

6. Pray about It

Sometimes an ailment, medical condition, or disease appears to be defying medical research, and it appears as though individuals are in desperate need of a miracle. During His ministry, the Lord Jesus cured individuals who were sick as a demonstration of His character. Prayer for healing is advocated in the New Testament: “Is there anybody among you who is in need?” Allow him to pray. Is anyone in a good mood? Allow him to sing a song of praise. Is there anyone among you who is sick? Bring in the elders of the church and have them pray over him in the name of the Lord.

And God will heal the sick person by faith-filled prayer; the Lord will raise him from the dead.

As a result, confess your faults to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed of your illnesses.

God is still at work in the world today, and prayers for healing are occasionally appropriate in certain circumstances. Have confidence that God exists and that he can heal the sick if they call on the name of the Lord (Matthew 7:14). Credit for the image goes to Getty Images/CandyBoxImages.

7. Don’t Live in Fear of Sickness

Finally, the Bible repeatedly promises Christians that if their confidence is firmly anchored in God, they have nothing to be afraid of. It was at the cross that pain, disease, and death were vanquished, and they will have no place in God’s eternal kingdom: “Do not be worried about anything, but in everything, through prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” And the peace of God, which transcends all comprehension, will protect your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7).

  • There is no fear in the presence of Jesus Christ, not even of disease.
  • Even in the face of life-threatening sickness, God provides solutions.
  • As Paul indicates, one of the Gospel authors, Luke, was a physician, as “Luke the loving physician welcomes you, as does Demas” (Luke the beloved physician greets you, as does Demas) (Colossians 4:14).
  • NOTE FROM THE EDITOR: This previously published post has been a valuable resource for many people who are trying to figure out if the Coronavirus epidemic is a sign of the end times.
  • The following articles may also provide further inspiration for all of us to keep in mind as we face the hardships of COVID-19 together:
  • Prayers for Peace in the Face of Pandemic Fear When it comes to Coronavirus, what does the Bible say is: Is it a harbinger of the end of the world? Was the Coronavirus sent by God as a Biblical plague from the book of Revelation? What does the Bible say about the Mark of the Beast
  • Who Are the Four Horsemen of Revelation? What Do They Look Like? Their Significance and Significance During the Apocalypse


Joseph Craig is the author of this work. Books written by Doctor Luke. Westbow Press, Bloomington, Indiana, 2017. Alfred Edersheim’s work is a good example of how to combine a formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formalized formal The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah are detailed in this book.

  • W.
  • Eerdmans Publishing Company, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1953.
  • Medicine and health care in the early Christian period are discussed.
  • The Cambridge University Press published a book in 2009 titled Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Lectures on the books of the New Testament that are quite popular.
  • The image is from of Getty Images/bernardbodo

Bethany Verretti is a writer and editor who works as a freelancer. She writes a religion and lifestyle blog, graceandgrowing.com, where she ponders the Lord, life, culture, and ministry, as well as other topics.

Bethany Verretti is a writer and editor who works as a freelancer. She writes a religion and lifestyle blog, graceandgrowing.com, where she ponders the Lord, life, culture, and ministry, as well as other topics.

Did Jesus Heal our Diseases at the Cross?

Tim Chester | February 21st 2019 Was Jesus’ death on the cross a means of healing for us? When you read Isaiah’s magnificent hymn about the servant of the LORD the answer appears quite straight-forward:Surely he took up our painand bore our suffering …the punishment that brought us peace was on him,and by his wounds we are healed. (Isaiah 53:4-5) Did Jesus heal our diseases at the cross? Yes. Our agony, our suffering, our wounds are all healed by the cross.

The Beauty of the Cross

$12.99$11.04 This Lent devotional is based on Isaiah 52 – 53 and is designed to let you rejoice in the beauty of Christ.

The problem

However, there is a clear difficulty with this: not all of our ailments have been cured. Colin is relying on this pledge to help him with his cancer. According to him, “God heals us via his wounds,” and “God will heal my cancer — all I have to do is believe.” I appreciate his self-assurance. Or is it a sign of desperation? I’m not sure what to say. I am well aware that I have been a pastor for far too long to be able to share his confidence. Many individuals have come to me, confident that God had promised to cure them, only to have their hopes dashed by the painful disappointment of the outcome.

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Was Jesus’ death on the cross a means of healing for us?

People of all faiths, believers and nonbelievers, continue to be plagued by disease.

Sickness and sin

One possibility is to spiritualize the situation. Some individuals believe that we shouldn’t use the term “wounds” literally. Instead, disease serves as a metaphor for the true problem, which is sin. Prior to declaring that “by his wounds we are healed,” the prophet Isaiah writes: “But he was wounded for our trespasses, and crushed for our iniquities. ” (Isa. 53:6) (See Isaiah 53:5 for further information). This is the crux of the matter. We are all transgressors, persons who have disobeyed God’s sacred commandment in one way or another.

  • Instead of the cancer that eats away at our bodies, the cross is truly about the cancer of sin that infects our spirits and causes us to lose our salvation.
  • Sin is a significant concern.
  • The prophet Isaiah’s ministry was shaped by a meeting with the almighty God.
  • Isaiah laments, ‘Woe to me!’ he says.
  • However, he is compelled to pronounce the seventh ‘Woe’ against himself.
  • After proclaiming God’s precise words, the godly prophet suddenly admits, ‘I am a man of filthy lips,’ which means he has spoken with unclean lips.
  • The miracle of the crucifixion is that Jesus purifies unclean people, allowing them to enter into the presence of the holy God, which is the goal of the cross.

Sickness is intended to draw our attention to sin, and healing is intended to represent redemption.


However, this is not always the case.

It is also a consequence of sin.

It was only able to make its way into the world as a result of our disobedience against God.

Our wounds have been healed because Jesus dealt with the underlying cause of the problem: human sin.

So Jesus tells a bleeding lady, “Daughter, your faith has healed you,” as if she were a child (Luke 8:48).

“Don’t be scared; just believe, and she will be saved.” Because Luke was a doctor, it is likely that he had a comprehensive knowledge of medical words for illness.

Rather than seeing them as a threat to our salvation, he wants us to think of them as a promise.

Was Jesus’ death on the cross a means of healing for us?

A day will come when every single child of God will be cured of every illness.

On the meanwhile, we aren’t placing our faith in our abilities to perform a miraculous recovery.

We know that if we put our faith in Jesus, our sins have already been forgiven, and that our disease will be cured when we are given a lovely, new resurrection body at the end of time.

Chapters 52 and 53 of Isaiah (the final of the ‘Servant Songs’) contain some of the most profound predictions regarding the cross of Christ. With this Lent devotional, you may take the time to go through these well-known yet exceptional passages in the lead up to Easter.

Our Authority Over Sickness And The Devil

Adapted from Velmer Gardner’s 1950 book “The God of Miracles Lives Today.” Mark 13:34 (NIV): “For the Son of Guy is like a man who is embarking on a long journey, who has left his home and delegated power to his employees, assigning each man his own task, and ordering the porter to keep watch.” He delegated authority to his slaves, and he assigned each guy a specific task. The power to command compliance, the right to enforce obedience, and the right to act in a formal manner are all examples of authority.

  • He had the authority to order the disease to depart, and the devil was obligated to comply.
  • “My servant is sick at home, and I would like you to heal him,” the centurion explained as he approached Christ.
  • “Jesus, you do not need to go and heal him; I am not worthy for you to enter under my house; but utter the Word and my servant will be healed,” the centurion said.
  • The ones in authority tell me what to do, and I have no choice but to comply.
  • This or that, I will tell them, and they will follow my instructions.” “At this point Christ, you have authority,” he added.
  • And, my friend, today, if you put your confidence in the authority of Jesus’ Name to heal you of disease, you will be restored to health.
  • In recognition of Jesus’ sovereignty over disease, healing occurs when you acknowledge that all He has to do is utter the Word and it will come to fruition.

According to Luke 9:1, “He gathered His twelve disciples together and granted them power and authority over all spirits, as well as the ability to heal sicknesses.” He stated that they were to proclaim the gospel of the kingdom of God as well as heal the sick.

Christ did not require this authority since He already possessed it.

As recorded in Matthew 10:8, Jesus instructed His followers to “heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, and drive out devils” since “freely ye have received, freely give.” Some others believe that we shouldn’t preach about healing at all.

The disciples both preached and demonstrated healing abilities.

He delegated this power to His disciples.

The Lord says to you, “Behold, I grant you dominion over all the power of your adversary–over all the powers of Satan–over all the forces of Hell–over every diabolical spirit or demon.” (This is a paraphrase of Matthew 10:1 and Luke 9:1-2.) Jesus has delegated the exact same authority to us as His servants in the present day.

  1. He’s been working on it for for two thousand years, and it’s now ready.
  2. And if I go and make a place for you, I will return and bring you into Myself, so that where I am, ye may be as well,” says the Lord Jesus Christ.
  3. He is putting up a place where there will be no more sickness or disease.
  4. Funeral services will no longer be held.
  5. What a beautiful location!
  6. But, listen up, friends: even though He is absent, He has not abandoned His church on earth to fight the horrors of hell on its own.
  7. It will take something extraordinary to keep that church running while He is absent.

His authority to utilize His power, “in His Name,” was not given to us; rather, it was given to us by the Holy Spirit.

He would appoint someone to take over as President of the company while he was away.

Every guy would have his place, and that individual would be in charge of that specific role in the organization.

My belief is that today’s epidemic of illness is caused by people refusing to acknowledge the power God has bestowed onto his chosen ones to heal them.

Saul was a man who God blessed, anointed, and used in a mighty way throughout his life.

He even became possessed by a demon and committed suicide as a result of his possession.

God’s wrath was on his mind, and he feared it would come upon him.

Respect your pastor, respect the evangelist, respect the missionaries, and respect those who are in positions of authority over you in God’s eyes.

Call for the elders of the congregation and have them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.” That, my friends, is an example of the exercise of POWER OF ATTORNEY.

He has given us the authority to confront the devil in the name of Jesus Christ.

We can now proceed in His name, with the power of attorney in our possession.

THE DEVIL MUST RECOGNIZE US WHEN WE USE THE POWER OF JESUS’ NAME, just as if Jesus Christ Himself were standing before the devil and the devil would be forced to submit to Him if we use the power of Jesus’ Name.

The devil was always defeated.

Because of the power and the authority Christ had.

Friends, He has not left us alone.

There is a difference between power and authority.

We have the authority to use His power.

It was the first apostolic miracle performed.

It did the work, and brother/sister, it will do it again today.

It’s not the power of man.

Now we have not the power to heal, but we have the authority to use His name.

He holds out his hand, and the big logging truck stops.

He says, “Hurry up policeman, I’m in a rush.” And the policeman says, “You’ll go when I tell you to go.” You’ll never move until I tell you you can move.

You haven’t the power to stop me.” It’s true, he doesn’t.


And there is only one reason that logger stays there—he doesn’t stay there because he’s afraid of the power that this man has, because he knows the man hasn’t the power to stop him.

If he violates that position of authority, and he runs past and resists the signals of that officer, he’s going to have the whole city, the whole county, the whole state, and the whole United States after him.

It is exactly the same thing in regard to God.

There is not a man in the world who can heal anybody of anything, but God has given men the authority to use the power of Jesus’ Name.

Every man will not have the same authority.

We can use the Name of Jesus with authority and it’s going to produce works—it’s going to produce the same works that Jesus produced when He was here.

Oh, friends, the power is in the Name of Jesus.

We have authority to use that Name, to exercise it legally.

The devil has no claim upon a child of God.

In the Name of Jesus, exercise the authority that God has given, and God will drive the devil’s power back.

In these terrible closing days of time, when darkness is falling down upon the planet, we must go forth and wield the authority that God has given us.

When we pray for you, we demand in the Name of Jesus that the devil remove his hand from you.

If there had never been a devil there would never have been any sickness.

Friends, the devil has to obey us as His servants just as much as he would obey Jesus Christ.

I say this because I am confident that it is God’s Word.

We have the ability to make the devil fear us when we speak in the Name of Jesus.

All of the power of hell is being forced to depart.

Every child of God has the legal right to refer to himself or herself by that name.

In the event that one of those epileptic convulsions occurs, God has granted you the ability and authority to invoke that Name and tell the epileptic demon of hell to leave that body and return to hell, where it belongs.

He is present through the authority of His name.

We come before the devil in the name of Jesus, who is our advocate.

The authority to heal has not been given to us by God, but He has given us the authority to believe that He has already done so.

Jesus healed each and every one of you two thousand years ago, just as He saved each and every one of you.

Put your trust in the authority of Jesus’ name, just as the centurion did, and you will succeed.

Take it on faith and build your foundation on God’s Word, and God will reward you for your efforts.

An ambassador does not have authority, but he does have the authority to act in official capacities, and every country acknowledges the authority of an ambassador.

We are ambassadors for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, and we are here to represent them.

Take your evil influence away from that body–remove your oppressive hand from that body,” he says.

“You don’t have the authority to kick me out.” The devil may be abrasive when he wants to be heard.

We acknowledge that we do not have the necessary authority.

We are weak human beings who have no power inside ourselves, yet we do not rely on our own strength to survive.

We have the authority to compel the devil to comply with our wishes.

The devil will leave if we adopt such a courageous stance against him.

According to the Bible, this is true.

However, when we courageously confront the devil with the words, “Thus saith the Word of God,” we assert our throne rights and our legal ability in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Because of the power of Jesus Christ, you exercise legal faith as you take his authority, and all that Christ had or accomplished becomes yours immediately, via the power of his name.

God has delegated authority to His servants; therefore, let us place our trust in God, and God will heal you and restore you to health.

See also:  What Does Jesus Say About Eating Meat

As a result, when you are prayed for, place your trust in this authority.

Appropriate the nail-scarred hands of Jesus via faith–what that’s the Bible means when it says, “And the prayer of faith shall cure the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up.” 5:15 in the Bible.

They are eligible to receive because they have arrived legally and asserted their right to healing in the Name of Jesus.

10 Scriptures to Declare for Healing

We are convinced in the fact that healing is possible for everyone. God is referred to as ‘the Lord who heals us’ in Exodus 15:26, according to the Bible. Scriptures such as Isaiah 53:4-5, Matthew 8:17, and 1 Peter 2:24 teach us that Jesus bore our illnesses and carried our sorrows on the Cross, so that they would be taken away from us, and that ‘by His stripes we have been cured’. We are aware that Jesus has purchased complete healing for each individual in the same way that He has supplied forgiveness for every sin committed against Him.

Exodus 15:26 (New International Version) Because I am the LORD, who heals you, if you carefully listen to the LORD your God and do what is right in his sight, if you pay close attention to his commandments and obey all of his decrees, I will not send any of the illnesses that I brought upon the Egyptians on to you.

  1. Psalm 103:2-3 (New King James Version) Bless the Lord, O my soul, and do not forget all of His favors; for He is the One who forgives all of your sins and heals all of your ailments.
  2. He has certainly endured our anguish.
  3. The Bible says in 1 Peter 2:24 NKJV, “who Himself bare our sins in His own body on the cross, that we might die to sins and live for righteousness,” so that we may live for righteousness after having died to sins—by whose stripes you were healed.
  4. Psalm 107:20 (New King James Version) It was He who sent His message to cure and deliver them from their afflictions and destructions.
  5. Maintain their presence in the center of your heart.
  6. Keep your heart in the best of health, for it is from it that the problems of life arise.
  7. Bring in the elders of the church and have them pray over him in the name of the Lord.
  8. And the sick will be saved through faith-filled prayer, and the Lord will raise him from the dead.
  9. The time is Isaiah 38:16 a.m.

Every month, from 12-1pm, Healing Services are held in C3 Oxford Falls and C3 Silverwater, respectively, on the first Sunday of the month. Receive prayer from our Pastoral Team in a setting where the Holy Spirit is at work and may be felt.

8 Bible Verses For The Sick – Scriptures for Healing

For healing and assistance, turn to the Word of God for solace and guidance. May these Bible verses for the ill help you to improve your confidence in God and so increase your chances of avoiding disease.

1 Peter 2:24“He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness. By his wounds you have been healed.”

In his letter to the Romans, the Apostle Peter made reference to Isaiah 53:5, which states, “with his wounds we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5 b), but this was in the context of spiritual healing rather than physical healing, because Jesus “was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace” (Isaiah 53:5 a). The healing that this scripture offers goes beyond physical recovery, and even if a person is healed, they will inevitably die, making the eradication of our sins by Jesus’ death on the cross the most significant healing of all.

James 5:13-14“Is anyone among you suffering? Let him pray. Is anyone cheerful? Let him sing praise.Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the elders of the church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord.”

Apparently, James had read enough of the Old Testament to understand that “the prayer of faith will rescue the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up.” He will also be pardoned if he has committed any crimes during his time on this earth. As a result, confess your faults to one another and pray for one another so that you may be healed of your illnesses. When a godly person prays, he or she has immense power because it is functioning” (James 5:15-16). This verse does not imply that God will heal everyone who has enough faith, but it is possible that James is suggesting that if someone is sick as a result of sin, the sins that caused the illness will be forgiven and perhaps their illness will be removed.

2 Corinthians 12:9-10“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

Paul was beaten, stoned, whipped, and lashed while in jail, and he endured starvation, thirst, and cold. Despite all of this, which could have weakened him physically or emotionally, he saw that Christ’s strength is more visible in times of weakness, and he chose to believe this. And it was for this reason that he was content to exult in his infirmity “in order that the strength of Christ may rest upon” him. That is why, even when he was feeble, he was extremely powerful.

Matthew 25:36“I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.”

So, when Jesus told the church that we were to be the Body of Christ, He fully meant for us to walk in the deeds that God had predestined for us to accomplish (Eph 2:10), and that is why when we seek out the poor and needy, we may assist them. In the case of people who are sick, we can go to them. If there are any other inmates in prison, we can visit them as well. That is exactly what our small church accomplishes. We may not be able to treat the ill, but we can at the very least pay them a visit.

Exodus 23:25“You shall serve the Lord your God, and he will bless your bread and your water, and I will take sickness away from among you.”

After calling His people out of Egypt and out of the severe bonds of slavery that had bound them for generations, God required that they serve Him alone and not the other countries surrounding them by worshiping their false gods.

In exchange for their continued loyalty and worship of one true God, He promised them not only bread and drink, but also that their illnesses would be alleviated. The concept that obedience produces blessings is a theme that runs throughout the whole Bible.

Matthew 14:14“When he went ashore he saw a great crowd, and he had compassion on them and healed their sick.”

Compassion is defined as “with passion” or having a burning desire for something with someone else, and in this case, as Jesus arrived on the shore, there was a large throng, and He recognized the reason for their presence. They came to Jesus in search of healing, and he did indeed “cure their ill.” God is still doing incredible miracles of healing today, but only when it is plainly His desire, and not ours, that He does so, according to the Bible. Regardless matter whether God cures them or not, we should feel compassion for those who are ill ourselves.

Acts 28:8-9“It happened that the father of Publius lay sick with fever and dysentery. And Paul visited him and prayed, and putting his hands on him, healed him.And when this had taken place, the rest of the people on the island who had diseases also came and were cured.”

The Apostle Paul was engaged in a large number of healings, yet he never claimed any of the glory for himself. God wrought mighty miracles through Paul, but he’d be the first to tell you that it was God, not him, who was at work in his life. They attempted to bring presents to Paul after he had been healed on a couple of times, but he was unimpressed and instead gave God the honor, claiming that they were only ordinary guys like themselves. It is recorded in the Book of Revelation that when the Apostle John sees an angel, he is brought to his feet, but the angel rebukes him and says: “You must not do that!

“It is necessary to worship God” (Rev 22:9).

Deuteronomy 7:15“And the Lord will take away from you all sickness, and none of the evil diseases of Egypt, which you knew, will he inflict on you, but he will lay them on all who hate you.”

Final word on sickness and disease comes from God Himself in the Book of Deuteronomy, He promises that “the Lord will take away from you all sickness,” while also promising that “none of the wicked diseases of Egypt” will be visited upon them. Those diseases and illnesses were only available to them and no one else. Over the course of the nation of Israel’s desert journey, God’s compassionate guardian care is clear, and he continues to be gracious with them even after they refuse to enter into the Promised Land.

Conclusion of Healing Verses

The following Scriptures are provided in the hope that they may assist you in better understanding these Bible verses regarding sickness, ailments, disease, and praying for the sick. Many other promises of God are contained in the Bible, such as the gift of eternal life (John 3:16), but there is no assurance from God anywhere in the Bible that He would cure everyone in an unconditional manner. That is the decision made by God. We aren’t worried about it since we are confident that anything we go through will be for our ultimate benefit (Rom 8:28).

Jack Wellman contributed to this article.

God Heals All Our Diseases — Really?

Transcript of the audio “Pastor John, how would you preach from Psalm 103:3, which reads, ‘God cures all your diseases?'” writes a listener from Australia, Ian, who asks the following question: So, do we just spiritualize it and say that he cures us from the sickness of sin, or do we take it in the more literal sense that we shall be healed in heaven one day? There are many Christians who are dying today as a result of terrible illnesses.” God, according to Psalm 103:3, “forgives all your iniquities” and “cure[s] all your ills,” therefore this is a very important subject to consider.

As a result, we urgently want a solution to this issue, not just in terms of how to teach them, but also in terms of how to believe them and how to appreciate them.

The Devil’s Misapplication

What soothes me and has helped me, maybe more than anything else, in grappling with the absolute assertions of blessing in the Psalms is the knowledge that Jesus and the devil were both aware of the dilemma, and that their interaction about it is quite revealing. Psalm 91 is well-known to the devil. It is one of those psalms that is simply wonderful, such as the arrow that “will not come near you” in the first verse (Psalm 91:7). “You will be safeguarded. ” No one or nothing will be able to harm you” (Psalm 91:5–14).

Also, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here,” he continues, citing from the Bible, “for it is stated” that “he will instruct his angels concerning you, to watch you,’ and that “on their hands they will take you up, should your foot hit a stone.” (See Luke 4:9–11 for more information.) In other words, he is telling Jesus to “leap from this temple since the Bible states angels will not allow you to die if you do so.” He is enticing Jesus by citing him from the Bible, just as he claims to be able to “cure all your maladies.” I mean, they are both in the same category — “He will never allow you to run your foot against a stone.” If you are a Christian, you are not allowed to tumble from a cliff.

And you will not get any ailments, or if you do contract one, you will be cured.”

Do Not Oversimplify Psalms

And Jesus said, “You must not put the Lord your God to the proof,” he continued (Luke 4:12). When it came to Jesus, the devil was citing from Scripture at the wrong moment and in the wrong way for the wrong purpose. Jesus had come into the world in order to be crucified and buried. Surely, he was doomed to failure. As a result, all of the psalms about never being harmed or always being delivered could not be immediately applied to Jesus at any particular time. He was on his way to die. As a result, attempting to apply the psalm to even the most honorable of persons would be a misapplication.

  1. In reality, Paul recognized that the Psalms themselves would not allow for such a straightforward application to every person at any period in history.
  2. Judgment is not due to God, but rather to their wrongdoing.
  3. He claims that no one will be able to separate us from the love of Christ.
  4. “For your sake, we are being butchered all day long; we are treated as if we were sheep to be slaughtered,” as it is written in the Bible.

As a result, Christians should be prepared for this. How should we interpret the categorical affirmations of blessing found in the Psalms, given the context of the New Testament and the assistance of Jesus and Paul in avoiding oversimplification? And here’s my three-part response to it.

1. All promises will be fulfilled.

Eventually, all of these words and promises will be realized in Jesus and all of those who are united with Jesus on the new earth, or the perfect world, as well as in all of people who are united with Jesus now. And all of those promises will not turn out to be exaggerations in the end. All of one’s sins will be erased. All illnesses will be cured at some point in the future. In addition, Jesus has established a path through suffering for us. He challenges us to construct a path through suffering that will lead us to the full experience of those psalms in the future era.

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2. Some healing will come now, all will come soon.

Second, God does cure people in our world. In addition, God is the source of all healing that occurs in our lives. As a result, we should seek it out, ask for it, and express our gratitude when it is granted. However, the final promise of no more death and no more sickness will be fulfilled in the future, as well.

3. We are more than conquerors.

And, finally, even our illnesses and natural disasters are not the end of us. That is what Paul is trying to convey. “We are more than conquerors through him who loves us,” says the author of all of them (Romans 8:37). They are now performing admirably for us in all important respects. And they are preparing “an eternal weight of splendour that is incomparably great” (2 Corinthians 4:17).

Now and Later

The way I would educate my people to read that psalm would be in this manner. His claim that he “heals all your ailments” implies that he will heal them in the future. He is healing them on a regular basis now. And if he doesn’t, they will receive healing that is much more effective.

What Does the Bible Say about Healing? How Can Christians Pray for Healing in a Biblical Way?

Because there are a variety of viewpoints on healing, as well as some who utilize healing for their own gain, it is critical for Christians to look to the Bible for direction and guidance. In order for Christians to approach healing in a biblical manner, we must go to Scripture, where we may discover the source and purposes of healing, as well as guidance and examples for asking in faith. The following are nine passages from the Bible that speak to healing and the act of praying for healing.

1. Healing comes from God.

No verse in the Bible forbids the legitimate use of physicians or medical knowledge, but one of God’s names is Jehovah-Rapha, which means “the Lord who heals,” which means “the Lord who heals.” The Father has the ability to cure a person on a holistic level.

  • Psalm 103:2-3
  • Jeremiah 3:22
  • 1 Peter 2:24
  • Isaiah 53:5)
  • Physically (2 Kings 5:10
  • Isaiah 38:15-16
  • Psalm 41:3
  • Psalm 107:19-20
  • Matthew 14:14)
  • Emotionally (Psalm 34:18)
  • Mentally (Daniel 4:34)
  • Spiritually (Psalm 103:2-3

Healing is also accomplished by the action of the Holy Spirit, who works through the spiritual gifts of Christians (Acts 3:1-13a). It is recorded that Jesus healed “every ailment and sickness among the people” in Galilee (Matthew 4:23), Judea (Matthew 19:1-2), and everywhere else (Mark 6:56), so demonstrating His Messiahship (John 7:31) and providing Israel with a taste of the kingdom (Luke 11:20).

2. The gift of healing is biblical.

According to 1 Corinthians 12:8-11, the Holy Spirit imparts gifts to the Church, such as the gift of healing (1 Corinthians 14:1). God is in complete control, and He distributes the gift of healing in accordance with His desire (Hebrews 2:4). Healing has several purposes, including pleasing God and glorifying Jesus, as well as the general welfare of the Church (1 Corinthians 12:7). Healings are also a significant indication that death’s rule will come to an end in a redemptive way (Romans 5:17;8:20-21).

He also granted His disciples and others the ability and authority to heal those who were sick as they also preached the gospel of the kingdom (Luke 9:1-2;10:1-9).

It’s important to distinguish between physical and spiritual healing while considering your options. For example, the verse from Isaiah 53:5 (cited in 1 Peter 2:24) is frequently misinterpreted. In this chapter, healing on a spiritual level takes precedence over sickness or disease.

3. God may say ‘no.’

When Moses called out to God to heal Miriam of her leprosy in the Old Testament, the Lord did not heal her right away (Numbers 12:1-15). The cure of Ahaziah was denied because he sought advice from a heathen deity (2 Kings 1:1-17a). When Paul left Trophimus sick at Miletus (2 Timothy 4:20b), he was dealing with his own protracted sickness (2 Corinthians 12:7-9), and he advised Timothy to “drink a little wine” to aid with continuous ailments, according to the New Testament (1 Timothy 5:23). God does not inflict harm on His children in any way (Matthew 7:7-11).

However, as a loving Father, He may choose to say “no” to healing and instead use our afflictions to sanctify us directly.

4. Christians can hinder their healing.

There are at least five ways in which Christians might obstruct their own recovery. 1. Christians may be guilty of sin that has not been confessed. The Bible’s James 5:16 instructs us to “confess your faults to one another and pray for one another in order to be healed.” Confession is a vital part of the healing process. We must, however, proceed with caution in this case. A minority of individuals think that all persons who are unwell are guilty of hidden crimes. That view ignores Scriptures such as John 9:1-3, in which Jesus makes it plain that neither a blind man’s guilt nor the sin of his parents caused his blindness.

  • 2.
  • The Bible records Jesus looking into the heart of a lame man and asking, “Do you wish to be healed?” (John 5:6-7) Quite a bizarre inquiry for a man who had been crippled for 38 years.
  • It’s possible that his lameness grew intertwined with his persona.
  • 3.
  • Romans 8:28-29 demonstrates how believers’ humility and readiness to receive what God has for them aids their ability to cooperate with the truth of the verses.
  • Some may argue that praying a submissive “your will be done” in regards to healing is a cop-out; nevertheless, even Jesus qualified His petitions, and He wasn’t sinning in doing so (Luke 22:42).
  • Christians’ lack of confidence in the healing process might be a hindrance.
  • James 5:17-18 tells us that God is more likely to answer to prayers of faith in dramatic and unexpected ways than He is to respond to pleas of unbelief.

5.Christians may approach God with trepidation in their prayers. Christianity requires Christians to pray confidently, trusting in God’s love and grace (Matthew 7:11), and pray with conviction that God will bless those who seek Him (Hebrews 11:6).

5. There may be questions to ask yourself.

It is critical not to interrogate or berate someone because they are thought to have “lack of faith.” Only God understands the human heart, and He is the only one who can render just judgment (Psalm 139:1-2;50:6). However, when it comes to healing, Christians may ask themselves some questions, such as:- Do I have the confidence to pray to God for healing in faith? – Do I have the sort of faith that is pleasant to God and that he will honor? – Do I feel that God will not respond to my prayers?

– Am I concerned about my image and reputation—do I believe I will come off as unspiritual if nothing is done to improve it?

It has nothing to do with one’s own reputation.

6. Church leaders have an important part to play.

Many Christians are unaware that they have the authority to request prayer from church leaders, which is a biblical reality that is not taught or practiced in many churches. A sick person under the spiritual care of the church’s elders was invited to see them in James 5:14-16, and the elders agreed to go. They apply oil to the ill person’s wounds and pray “in the name of the Lord” for him or her. If the person’s disease was the direct result of a personal transgression, the elders urged him or her to confess and repent of their actions.

7. Satan opposes healing prayers.

The fall has resulted in sickness and death as a result (Genesis 2:17;3:19b;Romans 5:12). Satan is a murderer and a liar (John 8:44), and he seeks to take Christians’ health and deceive them about God’s kindness in order to gain their trust. Some illnesses are directly induced by spiritual or demonic forces, while others are the result of these effects (Luke 13:10-13;Acts 10:38;2 Corinthians 12:7;Mark 1:34). Christians who wish to move forward in their praying faith must stand against Satan’s nefarious plots (Ephesians 6:12-13) and fight him in prayer while being submissive to God’s authority (James 4:7).

8. Both healing and suffering can serve a higher purpose.

God may be using bodily hardship for a greater purpose than we are aware of at this time (Isaiah 55:8-9). God cures people from time to time in order to bring glory to Himself and to urge others to place their trust in the Savior. This is seen in the story of Lazarus, who died and was raised to life by Jesus (John 11:1-45). Other instances, healing does not take place at all. Even in the face of approaching death, though, there might be a greater purpose. It is possible for a dying Christian to urge the living toward the Father and His message of hope in Jesus Christ while still alive.

9. Ultimate healing awaits in heaven.

Death, for the believer, provides ultimate healing—no more death, sorrow, or agony for the rest of his or her life (Revelation 21:4).

Being absent from the physical body is the same as being present with the Lord (1 Corinthians 15:55-57). Believers can despise sickness and disease, just as God does, while longing for the day when they will be free from the ravages of suffering and every disease in the presence of the Almighty.

Healing Scriptures

A number of Bible scriptures concerning healing have been picked from the references in this page and are shown below. “However, he was pierced for our trespasses, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was laid on him, and it was through his wounds that we were made whole.” (See also Isaiah 53:5). In Psalm 34:18, it says, “The LORD is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18). “Praise the LORD, my soul, and do not forget all of his favors—who forgives all of your sins and cures all of your diseases—and do not forget all of his advantages” (Psalm 103:2-3).

According to Jesus, “Neither this guy nor his parents committed a transgression, but this happened in so that the works of God would be manifested in him.” (See also John 9:3).

Then they should summon the elders of the church to pray over them and anoint them with oil in the name of Jesus Christ.

They will be able to wipe away every tear from their eyes.'” Because the old order of things has gone away, there will be no more death, sorrow, weeping, or suffering” (Revelation 21:4).

Hope for Healing: A Complete Guide for Biblical Healing and Prayer (Hope for Healing: A Complete Guide for Biblical Healing and Prayer) Dawn Wilson and her husband Bob reside in the Southern California region of the country.

At Revive Our Hearts, Dawn aids author and radio personality Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth with research and collaborates with a number of different departments.

Dawn and her husband are also involved in ministry with Pacesetter Global Outreach, which they travel with.

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