Why Was Jesus Resurrected

3 Reasons the Resurrection Matters

It is important to understand why Catholics pray to Mary before you can comprehend why they do so. First and foremost, Catholics do not revere or idolize Mary or the other Saints. God is the only one we worship. When we pray to a Saint, we are asking them to intervene on our behalf in the same way that we would ask a friend on earth to do so. According to the book of James, “the earnest prayer of a good person is extremely strong.” The book of James 5:16. After all, who is more just than those who have reached perfection in heaven?

When it happens, the next issue is “can they hear us?”.

The following is what Jesus had to say on the resurrection of the dead: “And concerning the resurrection of the dead, have you not read what was told to you by God, ‘I am the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob’?” Jesus continues.

-Matthew 22:31-32; Mark 10:31-32; Luke 10:32-33 – Remember that Jesus is reminding us that people in the kingdom of heaven are still living.

The moment they enter the presence of the Lord in heaven, they have been exalted in Christ.

Moses and Elijah appeared to them, and they were having a conversation with him.

It’s very possible that I’ll build three tents here for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah, if that’s what you choose.” Even as he was finishing his speech, a dazzling cloud formed a shade over them, and then a voice from within the cloud said, “”This is my beloved Son, with whom I am completely pleased; pay attention to what he is telling you.” This passage from Matthew 17:3-5 describes Jesus’ conversation with Moses and Elijah during the Transfiguration, who are acutely aware of what has been happening on the world.

  1. Consequently, we might conclude that death does not distinguish between those in heaven and those on earth (or vice versa).
  2. As a parallel, the Book of Hebrews teaches that those who have gone before us into heaven are still there to observe what takes place on earth.
  3. The alternative would have been for Christ to tell us that prayer for one another was pointless, but he chose to do the reversal.
  4. According to me, the book of Revelation contains what I believe to be the most incredible proof in the Bible that the Saints in heaven are listening to our prayers.
  5. ” ‘Each of the elders carried a harp and gold bowls filled with incense, which were used to chant the prayers of the holy ones,’ says the author.
  6. It doesn’t seem like it could be much clearer than it is right now!
  7. “Another angel appeared and stood at the altar, a gold censer in his hand.
  8. The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of the holy ones, was carried to God by the angel’s hand.
  9. There were thunderclaps, rumbles, lightning flashes, and an earthquake.” 3:3-5 in Revelations 8:3-5 Last but not least, we have proof from Jesus Christ.

In the event that she does locate it, she gathers a group of friends and neighbors and tells them, “Rejoice with me for I have recovered the penny that I had misplaced.” The same manner, I assure you, there will be jubilation among the angels of God at the repentance of even a single transgressor.

  • Another instance of Christ speaking on this issue is seen in the parable of Lazarus and the rich man, which is found in Luke 16.
  • Moving beyond the biblical evidence, we can support the notion that those in heaven can hear our prayers since it is consistent with our understanding of God and human nature as a whole.
  • Since a result of their glorification in Christ, they now possess a portion of God’s divine essence, as they have achieved full unity with Him.
  • God is the only one who is by nature almighty, and God is the only one who is omniscient and omnipresent – but since God may give them if he so chooses, the Saints in heaven can in some manner partake in these characteristics as well.
  • The fact that the celestial existence is no longer constrained by space or time should not be overlooked either.
  • To avoid answering a question of this sort with our own limited knowledge about how things function in our world, we must refrain from doing so.
  • As a result, we pray to Saints for guidance and protection.

No devotion or praise is offered to the Saints, and they are not worshiped.

Among all the humans who have ever lived on our planet, Mary is the most blessed.

Nobody, with the exception of Jesus, ever got to choose who would be their mother.

As Jesus’ brothers and sisters, we have a spiritual mother in Mary, who is also our mother in physical terms.

Although He assures her that “it is not my time,” He performs His first miracle at her request.

That Mary is interceding on Jesus’ behalf is demonstrated in this way. As a result, it is scriptural, rational, and right to ask her to pray for our family. May Mary intercede on our behalf.

Why Did Jesus Rise from the Dead?

What was the reason for Jesus’ resurrection? According to 1 Peter 1:3, his resurrection provides us with at least two life-changing benefits: a living hope and the opportunity to begin anew in Christ. Let’s take a look at these twin truths—these twin promises—in the context of the New Testament’s greater message.

Raised to Provide a Living Hope

Death is a dreadful thing to experience. The majority of individuals are understandably apprehensive about their own deaths. And, since human existence is about connections, the loss of loved ones robs us of the relationships that we cherish the most in this world. Because of Jesus’ resurrection, believers of Christ do not confront death in the same way as people who have lost hope do (1 Thess. 4:13). The lines “Death has been swallowed up in victory” mark the conclusion of Paul’s monumental exposition of the significance of Jesus’ resurrection in 1 Corinthians 15.

  • Where has your sting gone, O Death?
  • Death was eliminated and “life and immortality” were brought to light as a result of his resurrection (2 Tim.
  • But what exactly is the essence of this hope, and how does it function in practice?
  • 12:1–2 teaches that many Jews in Jesus’ day believed in a universal resurrection of all people that would usher in a new age at the end of time (Dan.
  • “I know he will rise again at the resurrection at the final day,” Martha says to Jesus after he assures her that her dead brother, Lazarus, will live again (John 11:24).
  • Even while Lazarus’ resurrection was amazing, it pales in comparison to Jesus’ resurrection.
  • He got to his feet in order to return to life as it had been before he died.

Lazarus is threatened with death right after the next chapter is finished!

The resurrection of Jesus, on the other hand, is a very other story.

The resurrection of his life brought him to a new life beyond death, to a new level of existence.

His resurrection signaled the beginning of a new era in human history.

What took everyone by surprise was that God performed for Jesus in the midst of history what the majority of Jews believed he would perform at the conclusion of history.

What took everyone by surprise was that God performed for Jesus in the midst of history what the majority of Jews believed he would perform at the conclusion of history.

Jesus is the prototype of a new humanity, the first automobile of its kind to roll off the production line in the United States.

It is the Lord Jesus Christ who will “change our humble bodies so that they will be like his magnificent body” (Phil. 3:20–21) at the time of his second coming. We have a live hope as a result of his death and resurrection.

Raised to Walk in Newness of Life

Fortunately, we don’t have to wait until we die or until Jesus comes in order to enjoy resurrection life. We are now living as individuals who are a part of the new age. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is essential for understanding what it means to follow him and be a member of God’s people. “Christ was risen in so that we, too, could walk in newness of life,” says the Bible (Rom. 6:4). What does it mean to live in the present as those who have been resurrected with Christ? Colossians 3 provides some further information.

We must fight the temptations to immorality in sexual matters, greed, idolatry, rage, and unwholesome speech, among other things.

The resurrection of Jesus also inspires us to offer sacrifices in worship.


We’ll Suffer with Him

In order to experience resurrection life, we do not need to wait for death or the coming of Jesus. We are currently living as people who are a part of the new era of human development. When it comes to comprehending what it means to follow Christ and be a member of God’s people, the resurrection of Christ is critical. In order for us to “walk in newness of life,” Christ had to be risen (Rom. 6:4). Was it ever a question of what it meant to live as those who were raised with Christ? Several information are provided in Colossians 3.

Temptations to immorality, greed, idolatry, rage, and unwholesome speech must be resisted at all costs.

The resurrection of Jesus also inspires us to offer sacrifices in praise of him.


Why is the resurrection of Jesus Christ important?

QuestionAnswer There are various reasons why the resurrection of Jesus is significant. In the first place, the resurrection serves as a testament to the great power of God Himself. Believing in the resurrection is the same as believing in God. The existence of God, and the fact that He created the universe and has authority over it, implies that He has the ability to revive the dead. If He does not possess such authority, He is not deserving of our faith and reverence. According to 1 Corinthians 15:54–55, only He who created life has the power to raise it after death, only He has the power to reverse the hideousness that is death itself, and only He has the power to remove its sting and win the triumph over the grave.

  1. Additionally, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is significant because it confirms that Jesus is who he claimed to be, namely, theSon of God and the Messiah.
  2. The resurrection of Jesus Christ, which was witnessed by hundreds of eyewitnesses (1 Corinthians 15:3–8), gives unmistakable evidence that He is the Savior of the world and that He is the Son of God.
  3. Throughout the Scriptures, it is said that God’s “Holy One” would never be corrupted (Psalm 16:10), and Jesus was never corrupted, even after His death (see Acts 13:32–37).
  4. Furthermore, Christ’s resurrection confirmed His own statements, which were that He would be risen on the third day (Mark 8:31; 9:31; 10:34).
  5. In truth, we have no Savior, no salvation, and no hope of everlasting life unless and until Christ is raised from the dead through the power of the Holy Spirit.
  6. According to John 11:25, Jesus declared, “I am the resurrection and the life,” claiming to be the source of both the resurrection and the life.
  7. Jesus does more than just provide life; He is life itself, and as a result, death has no control over Him at all.
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We who believe in Jesus Christ will personally experience resurrection because, through the life Jesus provides, we have triumphed over death and are no longer bound by it.

In the New Testament, Jesus is referred to be “the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep” (1 Corinthians 15:20).

According to the Christian faith, the resurrection of Jesus Christ is significant because it serves as a witness to the resurrection of human people, which is a fundamental belief.

Every other religion was formed by men or prophets, and their ultimate destination was the tomb.

The grave was unable to contain Him.

The Word of God promises the resurrection of the believer at the second coming of Jesus Christ for His church, which occurs during the rapture.

“Where has your sting gone, O Death?” (See Hosea 13:14 for further information.) Because of the significance of Christ’s resurrection, it has an influence on our current service to the Lord.

You should always give your all to the Lord’s work because you know that your toil in the Lord will not be in vain” (1 Corinthians 15:58).

A thousand Christian martyrs have given their lives in exchange for everlasting life and the hope of resurrection because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ throughout history.

According to the Scriptures, Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose from the dead on the third day (1 Corinthians 15:3–4).

According to 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18, the dead in Christ will be raised up, and those who are alive at the time of His return will be transformed and given new, glorified bodies.

It demonstrates who Jesus is.

It demonstrates that God possesses the ability to revive us from the grave.

It ensures that the bodies of people who place their faith in Christ will not perish but will be raised to eternal life in the presence of the Lord. Questions regarding Salvation (return to top of page) What is the significance of the resurrection of Jesus Christ?

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Why Did Jesus Rise? 4 Reasons for the Resurrection

Jesus of Nazareth resurrected from the dead three days after he was executed on the cross. Moreover, when we make such a claim, we are speaking of historical fact: Jesus of Nazareth was born about 4 B.C. and lived until approximately 30 A.D. He was crucified under Pontius Pilate on a Friday, and he rose from the dead a few days later on a Sunday, making him the most famous person in the world. If you could travel back roughly 2,000 years, you would be able to see Jesus of Nazareth’s death on a Roman crucifixion and then witness him come back to life on Sunday.

  1. This is referred to be the Resurrection by Christians.
  2. He wasn’t a ghost in the traditional sense.
  3. There was no great plot at work here.
  4. But why did this happen in the first place?
  5. Here are four compelling arguments.

1. It Impacts What Jesus Did: His Victory Over Sin and Death

While on the cross, Jesus demonstrated his victory over sin by “cancelling our record of debt that stood against us” (Colossians 2:14). Because of our sin, Jesus died in our place, accepting the penalty that we deserved. “I am willing to give my life for my sheep” (John 10:15). On the cross, Christ demonstrated that he is capable of defeating corruption and forgiving the sins of his people. It was a success because he did something to ensure that sin would not have an indefinite hold over his people.

  1. However, in order to triumph over sin, Jesus not only had to die in order to take sins upon himself, but he also had to rise from the grave in order to demonstrate that sin had been finally dealt with.
  2. He died in the place of sinners, and then when he rose from the dead, he demonstrated that the work was actually completed (as he said it was in John 19:30).
  3. According to the apostle Paul, if Christ has not been risen from the dead, “your faith is worthless, and you remain in your sins” (1 Corinthians 15:17).
  4. Because if Jesus were still alive, he would not have been able to deal with sin on a final level; it would continue to keep him back.
  5. As a result of Jesus’ resurrection, those who put their faith in him no longer have the last say over their destiny.

Jesus is the one who accomplishes it. He comes out on top. He came out on top for them. He got to his feet to demonstrate that this is correct. His resuscitation demonstrates that sin had been defeated and that it would never be able to keep him dead. It has been dealt with in the past.

2. It Displays Who Jesus Truly Is: The Lord God

In his resurrection, Jesus also made it very apparent who he was and who he continues to be. He was and continues to be God himself, with the seemingly mad ability to revive himself from the dead on his own terms. When Jesus taught throughout his earthly career, he predicted that the resurrection would take place. In one of his most audacious statements, he said that he had complete control over not just his death, but also his resurrection. “I lay down my life in order to be able to pick it up again,” he proclaimed.

  1. I have the authority to put it down and I also have the authority to pick it up and put it down again.
  2. The fact that you did it is extremely extraordinary.
  3. It is another to act on that power.
  4. To suggest, however, that you can lay down your life and pick it back up again is another else entirely.
  5. Is there anyone else who can predict with total certainty that he will die and then rise from the dead three days later (Mark 9:31)?
  6. Because of this, the resurrection demonstrates who Jesus is: God himself, the real Lord of all, who alone has dominion over everything, including life and death, as demonstrated by the cross.

3. It Tells Us What’s To Come: Our Bodily Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus also serves as a prelude to what is to come for all of us. When Jesus resurrected from the dead, the Bible declares that his resurrection marked the beginning of this new and restored creation (Colossians 1:18). Following in the footsteps of Jesus, every single individual who dies in the future will be physically resurrected from the dead. Some will then be rewarded with everlasting life, while others will be punished with endless punishment (Daniel 12:2; Matthew 25:46).

In this manner, Jesus’ resurrection serves as a prelude to what is to come for all of us.

And his resurrection reminds us that God will raise each of us on our own terms as individuals as well.

4. It Means Jesus of Nazareth Is Alive Right Now

The three reasons listed above are excellent justifications for why the resurrection is so significant. But perhaps the most straightforward and yet important aspect of the resurrection is that it demonstrates that Jesus is truly alive and well right now. God-man Jesus of Nazareth, the same Person who was born in Bethlehem and died on a Roman cross outside of Jerusalem, is still alive and well at this same moment in time. He is in the body of his resurrected self. He is the only one who can save you.

  • He is “Christ, the Lord of all” and “God over all” (Romans 9:5).
  • It is a way of life.
  • However, this is not the case.
  • He’s the genuine deal.
  • He was brought up.
  • The resurrection of Jesus demonstrates that we do not place our faith in some nice teacher who pretended to be God and then simply died in a kind manner.

As a result, we place our faith in the genuine Jesus of Nazareth, the God-Man, who is just as alive as you and I am right now. He has risen from the dead, and he will continue to live indefinitely.

The Resurrection of Jesus – Bible Story

After the Sabbath had ended, Mary Magdalene and the other Mary went to the tomb early the next morning, which was the first day of the week. When an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and went to the tomb, he rolled the stone back and took up a position on it, causing a severe earthquake to occur. 3His look was as flashy as lightning, and his clothing were as white as the snow around him. 4When he appeared, the guards trembled and looked like dead men, such was their terror at his appearance.

  • Come and have a look at the spot where he was buried.
  • 9 Suddenly, Jesus appeared in front of them.
  • They walked up to him, clutched his feet, and prostrated themselves before him.
  • I have overcome the world.” Tell my brothers to travel to Galilee, where they will be able to meet me.

12After the chief priests had met with the elders and devised a plan, they handed over a large sum of money to the soldiers, telling them, “You are to say, ‘His disciples came during the night and stole him away while we were asleep.’14If this report reaches the governor, we will satisfy him and keep you out of trouble.

  • Furthermore, this myth has continued to be extensively repeated among Jews until this very day.
  • 17When they saw him, they worshipped him, but others were skeptics about him.
  • And without a doubt, I will be with you constantly, till the end of the era.” Immediately after the Sabbath had ended, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome went out and purchased spices so that they could go to the tomb and anoint Jesus’ body.
  • They were startled to discover that the massive stone had been rolled away when they raised their eyes to the sky.
  • 6″Don’t be alarmed,” he assured the audience.
  • He isn’t in the room.
  • However, when you get there, tell his disciples and Peter that “He is going ahead of you into Galilee.” It is there that you will find him, just as he promised you.'” 8With trembling and bewilderment, the women rushed out of the tomb and ran away.
  • 9When Jesus arose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, from whom he had cast seven demons out the previous night.
  • 11After hearing that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they were skeptical and refused to believe it.
  • The rest, however, did not believe them when they returned and reported what had happened.
  • 15He told them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” He meant it.
See also:  Why Did Jesus Wash His Disciples Feet

Moreover, the following signs will accompany those who believe: “In my name, they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;18they will pick up snakes with their hands, and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will lay their hands on sick people, and they will recover.” Following his words to them, the Lord Jesus was taken up into heaven, where he now sits at the right hand of the Father.

  • 20After that, the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them, confirming his word through the signs that accompanied his message.
  • 3But when they went into the tomb, they were unable to find the body of the Lord Jesus because the stone had been rolled away.
  • 5The women bowed down to the ground, their faces pressed against the ground, but the men questioned them, saying, “Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” 6He is not present; he has risen from the dead!
  • 9When they returned from the tomb, they told the Eleven and the rest of the group about everything that had happened.
  • 11However, they did not believe the women because their words appeared to them to be complete nonsense to them.
  • When he bent over, he noticed the strips of linen lying by themselves, and he walked away, puzzled as to what had happened.
  • 14They were exchanging information with one another about everything that had occurred.

17He inquired of them, “What are you talking about as you walk along the street?” They remained motionless, their expressions gloomy.

“It’s all about Jesus of Nazareth,” they explained in response.

20The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and he was crucified;21but we had hoped that he was the one who would bring Israel back from the brink of destruction.

22In addition, some of our female colleagues astounded us.

This group of people showed up and told us that they had seen a vision of angels, who had told them that he was still alive.

26Didn’t the Messiah have to go through all of this in order to be able to enter his glory?” He began with Moses and all the Prophets and worked his way down the line, explaining to them everything that had been written about himself throughout the Scriptures.

29However, they pressed him to stay with them, saying, “Stay with us, because it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.” So he moved in with them for a while.

31At that point, their eyes were opened, and they recognized him, and he vanished from view.

33They rose to their feet and immediately returned to Jerusalem.

“The Lord has risen from the dead and has appeared to Simon,” says the Lord.

36While they were still debating this, Jesus himself appeared among them and addressed them, saying, “Peace be with you.” 37They were startled and terrified, believing they had witnessed a ghost.

It is, in fact, I myself!

While they were still unable to believe it due to their joy and amazement, he inquired, “Do you have anything here to eat?” In their presence, they handed him a piece of broiled fish, which he accepted and consumed in their presence.

45After that, he opened their minds to enable them to comprehend the Scriptures.

48You are present as eyewitnesses to these events.

50After he had led them out to the area around Bethany, he blessed them by raising his hands in the air and blessing them.

52At that point, they prostrated themselves before him and returned to Jerusalem with great joy.

The tomb was empty when Mary Magdalene arrived at it early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark.

Consequently, she ran to Simon Peter and the other disciple, who was also Jesus’ favorite, and exclaimed, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we have no idea where they’ve hidden him!” 3As a result, Peter and the other disciple began their journey to the tomb.

5He bent over and took a glance inside at the pieces of linen that were laying on the floor, but he did not go in.

His eyes were drawn to the strips of linen that were laying on the ground, as well as the fabric that had been wrapped around Jesus’ head.

He saw and believed what he was seeing.

11At this point, Mary was wailing outside the grave.

13They inquired as to her sobs, “Woman, what are you sobbing about?” “They have stolen my Lord away,” she lamented, adding, “and I have no idea where they have hidden him.” At this point, she looked back and saw Jesus standing there, but she didn’t understand that it was Jesus until later.

“Can you tell me who you’re searching for?” The woman mistook him for a gardener and exclaimed, “Sir, if you have taken him away, please tell me where you have put him, and I will come and get him.” 16Jesus called her by her given name, “Mary.” In Aramaic, she called out, “Rabboni!” (which translates as “Teacher”).

“Do not cling on to me, since I have not yet risen to the Father,” Jesus stated.

Jesus appeared among them and exclaimed, “Peace be with you!” on the evening of that first day of the week, when all of the disciples were gathering and the doors were shut out of dread of the Jewish authorities.

When the disciples finally saw the Lord, they were overjoyed.

” “I am sending you in the same way that the Father has sent me.” He then breathed on them, saying, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” The Bible says, “If you forgive anyone’s transgressions, those transgressions are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, those transgressions remain unforgivable.” 24However, Thomas (also known as Didymus), one of the Twelve, was not there when Jesus appeared to the disciples.

  • 25As a result, the other disciples informed him that they had witnessed the Lord.
  • Despite the fact that the doors were closed, Jesus entered and stood among them, saying, “Peace be with you!” He then instructed Thomas to “Put your finger here; look at my hands.” 28 You can put your hand into my side if you reach out your hand.
  • 29Then Jesus said to him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen but have believed.” “Blessed are those who have not seen but have believed,” Jesus said.
  • Those writings, on the other hand, are written in order for you to come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life through his name.
  • 6After that, he appeared to more than five hundred siblings and sisters at the same time, the vast majority of them are still alive, but some have passed away.
  • 14And if Christ has not been raised from the dead, our preaching, as well as your faith, is pointless.
  • However, he did not resurrect him if it is true that the dead do not rise.

18Then there are those who have fallen asleep in Christ who are no longer alive.

Christ, on the other hand, has really been resurrected from the grave, and he is the firstfruits of those who have died.

54When the perishable has been clothed in the imperishable, and the mortal has been clothed in immortality, then the proverbial phrase “Death has been swallowed up in victory” will come true.

“Where has your sting gone, O Death?” 56Sin is the sting of death, and the law is the force that brings sin to an end.

He grants us victory through the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The gospel I preach is based on this, which is why it says: “When he went to the highest point, he took many prisoners and bestowed gifts on his people.” 9(Other than the fact that he also went to the lower, earthy areas, what does “he ascended” mean?

25I am confident that my redeemer is alive and that, in the end, he will appear on the earth.

When you were dead in your sins and uncircumcised in your flesh, God raised you from the dead through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

15And after he had disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them through the sacrifice of the cross.

4Thus, we were buried with him through baptism into death so that, just as Christ was resurrected from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too could have a new life in Christ.

Because we understand that our old self died with him, so that the body governed by sin might be abolished and we would no longer be slaves to sin—7because anybody who has died has been set free from the power of sin.

9For we know that, since Christ has been resurrected from the dead, he will never die again; death will no longer have the upper hand in his life.

10With his death, he put an end to sin for all time; but by his life, he puts an end to sin for all time. 11In the same way, consider yourselves to be dead to sin, but alive to God through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Why did Jesus Rise on the Third Day?

Derek Hiebert contributed to this article. 1 year ago today

Why did Jesus Rise on the Third Day?

As a matter of tradition, Christians have commemorated the resurrection of Jesus Christ on a Sunday, three days following the commemoration of his crucifixion on Good Friday. This three-day chronology is based on a number of allusions in the New Testament to the Old Testament. Many times, Jesus foretold it, and the apostles included it in their delivery of the gospel message as well (see footnote references). However, why did Jesus’ resurrection take place three days after his death is a mystery.

Is the third day only a coincidental, insignificant element put on to the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection?

The Third Day Matters

Timing is extremely important for Jesus and his apostles because it has significant theological ramifications. When it comes to biblical story, the three-day timeframe is important because it represents the one-of-a-kind day on which God creates new life and activates his covenant with mankind. How did the writers of the New Testament get at this conclusion? After all, the Hebrew Scriptures have a constant “third day” design pattern, which Jesus and the New Testament authors are using as a model.

The Third Day Pattern in the Hebrew Bible

The passages Jonah 1:17 and Hosea 6:1-2 in the Hebrew Scriptures are among the clearest illustrations of third-day resurrection in the whole Bible. Jesus used Jonah’s three days in the belly of the huge fish as a metaphor for his own three days in the belly of the great fish. The prophet Hosea predicted that God’s reviving operation for Israel would take place on the third day. While these are important passages to study, the pattern of resurrection on the third day is established far earlier in the tale of Jesus.

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The creation narrative in Genesis 1 and Abraham’s test in Genesis 22 both begin to develop a pattern of new life emerging on the third day.

The First “Resurrection”

What is the location of the initial glimpse into the three-day significance? The first page of the Bible. The creation story in Genesis 1 is written in the style of a poetry, with repeated declarations and parallelism between events. Within the rhythm of these repeats, two events in the creation tale stand out as particularly noteworthy, each occurring at a three-day interval and occurring at different points in the narrative. During the first “third day,” God creates dry ground and enables flora to emerge from the soil, including plants that produce seeds as well as trees that give fruit for human use (1:11-13).

The second “third day” event occurs on the sixth day of creation, when God produces animals and human beings for the first time (1:24).

Humans were produced from the dust of the earth, according to what we learn later in the book (2:7).

Take note of the parallels between humans and trees: both are newly generated from the ground (2:7, 9), both carry seeds and produce fruit (1:11, 28; 3:15), and both are made in this manner on the third day of creation.

One thing that distinguishes people from other animals, however, is that they are created in God’s image, and that God enters into a covenant with human beings, blessing and instructing them in their behavior.

A Pattern Emerges

There are three major characteristics of the “third day” events in Genesis 1 that serve as a template for subsequent events:

  1. God brings new life where there was once only death (1:11-13
  2. 26-27
  3. 2:7)
  4. God establishes his covenant with the creatures he has newly created, in this case humans (1:28-29)
  5. God creates new life where there was once only death (1:11-13
  6. 26 In Eden, which we understand to be a lofty site from which a river runs out (2:10-14), the event takes place.

It is impossible to emphasize the significance of this picture and pattern, since it serves as a precedent for future resurrections to come.

Abraham’s Test on the Third Day

Is there any other place where this pattern can be found? Abraham is put to the test by God in yet another “third day” occurrence, which is one of the most interesting events in all of Scripture (Genesis 22:1-19). When God commands Abraham to present his only son Isaac as a burned offering on a mountain, the Bible states that Abraham spotted the location from a distance on the third day and proceeded to complete the test (22:4). God wants Abraham to learn to put his confidence in him when it comes to the covenant and the blessing of offspring in this scenario.

The connection to the “third day” concept is established in this passage by a strikingly dramatic act of atonement on the part of God, in which he substitutes a ram for Isaac (22:13-14).

On the third day, we notice the same trend as we did on the first:

  1. God working to bring fresh life, in this case to Isaac by his life being spared and to Abraham with the return of his son (22:11-14). (Genesis 22:17-18) God confirms his bond with Abraham, using language and ideas identical with Genesis 1:28
  2. (22:2, 14) This event takes place on the summit of a mountain.

Israel’s Third Day at Sinai

At a critical moment in the Bible’s narrative, we discover still another occurrence taking place on the third day. With his people just delivered from decades of tyranny in Egypt, Yahweh is on the verge of entering into another covenant with Israel, this time on a mountaintop (Exodus 19:2-3). God makes it clear that he will descend to Mount Sinai in the presence of all of the people on the “third day” mentioned above. This time is a test for Israel, just as it was for Abraham. Their preparations for entering into covenant with God are to be completed by the “third day,” when they will be ready (Exodus 19:9-16).

As a result of what we’ve seen so far with “third day,” we should have come to assume a specific pattern, which we’ve now witnessed yet another time:

  1. It is God who brings about new life for his people — in this case, new identity for Israel — just as he did at the creation and with Abraham and Isaac (19:4-6)
  2. God enters into covenant with his people, specifically Israel (19:4-6)
  3. God accomplishes all of this on a mountain (19:2)
  4. And God accomplishes all of this on a mountain (19:2).

And that is exactly what we see in the tale! The rest of Israel’s experience in the Hebrew Scriptures, on the other hand, is defined by rebellion and disbelief, as well as a failure to fulfill their half of the agreement. This brings us back to the prophetic passages that refer to the third day, such as Hosea and Jonah, which we discussed earlier.

Hosea’s Hope, Jonah’s ‘Resurrection’

By returning to these prophets, we get a more complete picture of the “third day” and the tremendous imagery of resurrection that it evokes, as well as its relationship to God’s covenant with Abraham. A typical prophetic phrase for repentance toward covenant integrity is “return to Yahweh,” which Hosea uses to exhort Israel to do, and he also provides them hope in the form of resurrection language (Hosea 6:1-2). This restoration to the covenant will be marked by a renewal of life, as well as our resurrection as a people into the life of Yahweh, which will take place on the “third day,” in accordance with our pattern.

In many respects, the story of Jonah and his failure is a metaphor for the story of Israel. God, on the other hand, does not give up on him or his people. In the third day, he vomits Jonah out of the fish, bringing him back to life in one of the most bizarre “resurrections” recorded in the Bible.

Jesus Predicts a Third Day Resurrection

In the Gospels, we find Jesus speaking of a third-day resurrection while he is discussing his death with his followers, which leads us to believe that he would rise from the dead on the third day. In fact, he refers to “three days” a total of 21 times! By now, you’ve undoubtedly figured out that this was not a coincidental choice of words. It is on the third day that Jesus was adamant, since it signifies God’s initiative in the creation of new life and the establishment of a covenant with mankind.

  1. Specifically, God raises fresh life from the earth (tomb), in this case, Jesus. God acts to bring about the new covenant via Jesus’ atoning death and resurrection, which in this case is for the benefit of everyone who believe in him. The act of atonement performed by Jesus takes place on a hill.

With the imagery of new life coming up from the earth in Genesis 1-2 on the third day, combined with the connection to the divine covenant found throughout the Hebrew Scriptures, the imagery of Jesus’ resurrection paints a striking picture of the theological importance of his resurrection. The significance of Jesus’ resurrection is underscored even further on the third day. It is the culmination of God’s mission of new life and covenant, which has been brilliantly represented since the beginning of time, and which will culminate in the future resurrection of Jesus’ disciples and the restoration of the entire universe at the conclusion of time.

So what does this mean for us?

This year, as we commemorate the resurrection of Jesus on Easter Sunday, we are not just carrying on a centuries-old tradition. We are engaged in a profoundly important theology centered on the third day, with all of the implications of God’s redeeming work that it entails, at this time. The design pattern for the third day serves as a reminder that God has begun the process of reviving individuals to new life and bringing them into his covenant partnership with them. What role are we going to play in it today?

Jesus – resurrection – The nature of God and Jesus in Christianity – GCSE Religious Studies Revision – Eduqas

The resurrection, according to Christian religion, is the idea that Jesus rose from the dead three days after he died on the cross. Several passages in the Gospel of Luke (24:1–9) provide insight into how Jesus’ followers learned that he had been resurrected:

  • On the Sunday following Jesus’ death, the female disciples of Jesus went to his tomb to pay their respects. The entrance to the tomb had been blocked off by a stone. The stone, on the other hand, had been moved aside, and the tomb was now empty. Two males in sparkling attire came in front of the women. The ladies were terrified, but the men questioned them, saying, “Why are you looking for the live among the dead?” He is not present
  • He has ascended into the heavens! Remember what he said to you when he was still with you in Galilee: ‘The Son of Man must be given into the hands of sinners, be crucified, and on the third day be risen again’ (Luke 24:5–7). The female disciples then returned to Jesus’ apostles and other people to inform them that Jesus had risen from the dead.

Many Christians place a high value on their belief in the resurrection because of the following reasons:

  • The resurrection demonstrates that Jesus overcame death
  • It is seen as evidence of life after death
  • It also demonstrates God’s power and omnibenevolence.

St. Paul emphasizes the importance of believing in Jesus’ resurrection from the dead in the biblical book 1 Corinthians, which is written by the apostle Paul. He adds that he personally saw Jesus after his resurrection, and that Jesus appeared to the apostles as well as over 500 other people during that time period. The apostle Paul then informs the audience that Jesus’ resurrection offers the possibility of life beyond death: If it is proclaimed that Christ has been risen from the dead, how can some of you claim that there is no such thing as a resurrected body?

And if Christ has not been risen from the dead, our message, as well as your faith, is pointless.

Is this true or false?

False. He was raised from the dead. Reincarnation is the process by which something is reincarnated and begins its existence all over again, usually in a new form. As far as we know, Jesus has returned to life in the same physical shape and at the same stage in his life as he was when he died.

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