Why Was Jesus Put To Death

Why was Jesus killed?

(RNS) The crucifixion of Jesus is depicted in a stained glass window at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral in Honolulu, Hawaii. Kevin Eckstrom captured this image of the RNS. The Crucifixion of Jesus. The most important image in Christian worship and art is the cross. For millions of faithful Christians, it is the beating heart of Christian piety. As Good Friday arrives, over two billion Christians from all over the world will once again gather around Jesus, who is hanging on the cross. But, more specifically, why did Jesus die?

Could various responses to that question represent distinct understandings of Christian theology and, as a result, have different consequences for Christian living and ministry?

What exactly does this mean?

To the issue of why Jesus died, I don’t believe there is a single satisfactory answer.

  1. I’d want to propose four partial solutions to the topic of why Jesus was crucified, and specifically why he died on the cross on the day known as “Good Friday.” Three of these may come as a surprise.
  2. The crucifixion was a gruesome and horrible punishment that was primarily designed to crush any thoughts of insurrection among the Roman Empire’s subject peoples against the Empire.
  3. We read and hear the stories about Jesus differently when we consider him as someone who may be viewed as a danger to Rome.
  4. Second, Jesus was assassinated because certain religious and political authorities in the region regarded him as a potential danger.
  5. Indeed, long before he arrived in Jerusalem, Jesus had been in conflict with a variety of groups, including Pharisees, Sadducees, scribes, and officials from the Temple.
  6. Many other interpretations might be made on why he was uncomfortable to them.
  7. The leaders’ concern over Jesus’ grip on the people, as well as their fear that his movement might unleash the wrath of the Roman Empire, are highlighted in some of the earliest Christian writings.

As a result of blaming “the Jews” for Jesus’ crucifixion, awful Christian anti-Semitism flourished for many years, a reality that should be taken into consideration while interpreting these scriptures today.

According to the Gospels, Jesus virtually took possession of the Temple, which served as the focal point of Jewish life and worship, for a period of several days during the final week of his life.

Because of the threat of a riot or a rebellion, it was difficult to apprehend or detain him.

There, Jesus was taken into custody, and by the next afternoon, he had died.

Was it because he had been disillusioned with Jesus that he did this?

Was he only interested in it for the money?

However, it is vital to remember that Jesus died in part as a result of the betrayal of a friend.

Jesus only had twelve disciples.

(4) Although Jesus was crucified, his death resulted in the salvation of the entire world.

A half-dozen primary ideas exist to explain how exactly Jesus’ crucifixion brought about this redemption.

When I look at a cross, I see (and feel) a variety of different things.

I’ve witnessed firsthand the cost of standing up for justice on a number of occasions.

God’s anguish for this sinful planet may be seen in my visions at times.

Then there’s Easter Sunday, which is a day of celebration.

If the Resurrection is genuine, God will ultimately triumph, love will triumph, and life will triumph. In the end, it all comes down to this. However, we are not yet at the end of the road, and so we only get to witness glimpses of God’s victory, love, and life.

Why was Jesus killed?

The 30th of November, 1999 From the beginning of his ministry, Jesus was at odds with his fellow citizens as well as with the Jewish officials, and he was eventually crucified by Pilate as a political renegade. Each gospel presents a unique point of view on the life and teachings of Jesus. James Mc Polin, SJ, provides an explanation. The Gospels make it quite plain why Jesus was crucified. Like so many others before and after him, he was slain because of the sort of life he led, because of what he said, and because of what he did, among other reasons.

  • The four Gospels all affirm the brutality of his death in the most unequivocal way.
  • The Gospels, on the other hand, contain episodes of danger and persecution that occur early in Jesus’ public existence, long before these tales of the Passion are recorded.
  • Luke narrates the first severe attack against him as it occurs in the context of the commencement of his ministry in support of the impoverished and destitute (Luke 4).
  • Early in the story, we are informed that “no prophet is accepted in his hometown” (Luke 4:24), but by the end of the story, his fellow villagers have already thrown him out of town and have expressed a desire to toss him from a cliff.
  • Jesus was, at his core, a man in conflict, and as a result, he was persecuted and crucified.
  • In stating that hatred and popularity had been a part and parcel of Jesus’ existence from the beginning, it is highly likely that the Gospel stories are historically true.
  • He recounts five disagreements that occurred between Jesus and the religious authorities.

(Chapter 3 is highlighted.) Those who are accountable The evangelists relate how the Scribes and Pharisees put Jesus to the test just before his triumphal entry into Jerusalem on the last day of his life.

Once Jesus arrives in Jerusalem, the number of schemes against him grows exponentially, and the officials, particularly the chief priests, are desperate to have him removed from the city.

Because of Jesus’ ongoing and rising persecution, the Gospels reveal that his death was not an accident, but rather the climax of a necessary process.

In the list of individuals who were responsible for the persecution, there is no mention of the regular people, the masses, whom Jesus picked as his audience.

They, on the other hand, provide security for Jesus, as ‘fear of the people’ is described as an impediment to his arrest on a number of times.

The crescendo The dispute escalates during Jesus’ final week in Jerusalem, during the religious trial, demonstrating the rising enmity of the Jewish officials, particularly those in charge of the priesthood, against him.


The Sanhedrin or Council (elders of the prominent families, high priests, and Scribes) convicts him and hands him over to the Romans once the trial is over.

Pilate and the Romans are in a tight spot.

Because of the Holocaust, we must be more circumspect when it comes to the ‘guilt’ of the Jews today, especially in the aftermath of the event.

In fact, the Jewish leaders of the period do not carry complete blame for the events of the Holocaust.

Take a look at the gentleman.

The four tales are identical in that they all center on the same Jesus.

Take a look at what humans are capable of and what they are capable of suffering.

Each evangelist depicts a different aspect of this suffering guy and paints a different image of the individual in question.

Mark depicts Jesus’ desertion, which is dramatically reversed by God (by the breaking of the temple curtain) at the conclusion of the book.

The apostles fall asleep three times while Jesus is praying.

All of them flee.

“My God, my God, why have you left me?” is the sole thing that Jesus says from the crucifixion.

When Pilate realizes that Jesus is not guilty, he realizes that the people are on Jesus’ side.

He expresses gratitude to those who crucified him.

The crucifixion becomes the occasion for heavenly forgiveness and caring to be extended to the world.

John According to John’s narrative, Jesus is in complete command of the situation.

When someone is being interrogated, it is he who asks the questions and takes the lead in the conversation (John: Chs.

When he comes down from the cross, his final words are triumphant: ‘My work is finished’ (John: Ch.

19). This trio of accounts ‘have been given to us by the inspiring Spirit, and none of them exhausts the meaning of Jesus’, according to the Bible. (From R. Brown.) An earlier version of this essay appeared in The Messenger (March 2002), a journal published by the Irish Jesuits. Tags:Jesus,Theology

Why Did Jesus Die?

According to EveryStudent.com The killing of Jesus Christ through crucifixion was reserved for the most heinous of offenders. In Jesus’ situation, it seems that almost everyone helped in some way. All of the Jewish religious authorities, the Gentile Roman authority, and an enraged crowd of people demanded his execution. Why? It all began in a little town in Israel, not far from the capital city of Jerusalem. Having reached the age of thirty, Jesus began to educate others about life and God. He drew a large number of people to him.

  1. He accepted not only the affluent and powerful, but also prostitutes, the impoverished, the sick, and others who were excluded in society.
  2. “He who follows me will not walk in darkness, but will be illuminated by the light of life,” Jesus says.
  3. As a result of what they witnessed.
  4. He started with a handful of fish and a few loaves of bread and worked his way up to feeding a 4,000-person hungry gathering.
  5. At sea, Jesus arose and ordered the wind and rain to cease, bringing about a brief respite from the storm.
  6. 3On several occasions, he was able to bring the dead back to life.
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So Why Was Jesus Crucified?

As Jesus taught the masses, he was also critical of the religious authority in power at the time. They made a show of their authority, insisting on strict adherence to their stringent rituals, rules, and cultural customs. “They bind together huge loads that are difficult to carry and place them on people’s shoulders,” Jesus remarked of them. 4 “You hypocrites!” he said, in a direct challenge to their position. Isaiah accurately saw your future when he declared, “This nation respects me with their lips, but their hearts are distant from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching the laws of men as doctrines.” 5 In the case of the Sabbath, for example, they were very rigid.

  1. It was more limiting than it was soothing in its effects.
  2. In response, Jesus instructed the guy to take up his mat and walk.
  3. “It is the Sabbath, and it is not permissible for you to be carrying your mat,” the Pharisees told him when they spotted him.
  4. He did not take a break on the Sabbath.
  5. 6

Jesus Was Clear about His Deity.

Knowing Jesus, according to him, was to know God. 7To behold him was to behold God. 8Believing in him was the same as believing in God. 9To accept him was to accept God as well. 10To despise him was to despise God. 11And to honor him was to worship God, for he was the embodiment of holiness. Following Jesus’ popularity, the Jewish Pharisees and Sadducees determined that they needed to get rid of him in order to restore control over the people’s hearts and minds. They captured Jesus and took him before the high priest, who questioned Jesus, “Are you the Christ, the Son of the Blessed?” (Are you the Son of the Blessed?) I am,” Jesus said, and you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, descending on the clouds of sky to meet you.

  • And they all agreed that he was a murderer who deserved to die.
  • This means that both Jewish and Gentile people took part in Jesus’ murder.
  • He thought that Jesus should be freed from his imprisonment.
  • “Crucify him!” they cried out in unison.
  • The judgment was death by crucifixion, the form of torture and execution used by the Roman authorities.

Jesus Knew This Would Happen

Jesus was completely unsurprised by all of this. Jesus informed his followers several times previous to his crucifixion that he was going to be arrested, beaten, and crucified, and he was right. His predictions included the possibility of a resurrection three days after his burial. By physically returning to life, Jesus would be able to demonstrate what he had declared about his deity. The soldiers grabbed Jesus and beat him after making a wreath of long thorns and pressing it into his head to serve as a false crown for him.

  1. In many cases, forty lashes were enough to bring down a person.
  2. He died of gradual asphyxia and heart failure while hanging there.
  3. Death on the cross was not only a natural result of Jesus’ miracles and teachings; it was also a deliberate act.
  4. Jesus had previously demonstrated that he has complete control over nature, illness, and even death.
  5. Jesus might have walked away from the crucifixion at any point, given the circumstances.

Jesus made the decision to die. “No one can take my life away from me,” Jesus declared just before his arrest. “I choose to lay it down of my own own.” 14 The decision to do so was deliberate on his part. It had been arranged in advance. Intentional.

Why Did Jesus Allow His Crucifixion?

We operate in ways that are diametrically contrary to God’s methods to varied degrees. Take a short look at the news on any given day and you will see what I mean. Racism, murders, sexual abuse, falsehoods, greed, corruption, terrorism, and wars, to name a few examples of wrongdoing. As individuals, we have a proclivity for causing havoc in our own and other people’s lives. God views us as lost and blind, and he holds us accountable for our actions. Consider how appalled and heartbroken we are to learn that a 6-year-old child has been taken from her family and is being subjected to sexual exploitation.

  1. All of human sin, on the other hand, is an insult to a holy God.
  2. We don’t even live up to our own expectations, let alone those of another person.
  3. So, what would a God who is absolutely holy see?
  4. 15 God instructs the Israelites to sacrifice a lamb once a year for the remission of their sins in the Old Testament, which explains why they must do so once a year.
  5. However, this was just a momentary reprieve.
  6. When Jesus arrived, the prophet John the Baptist proclaimed about him, “Behold, the Lamb of God who wipes away the sins of the world.” (John 1:29) 16 Jesus came to earth to bear the penalty for humanity’s sin, namely for our sin, on the cross in our place.
  7. To save us from God’s wrath, condemnation, and punishment for our sin, Jesus came to earth as our Savior in order to save us from ourselves.
  8. It was Jesus who bore the penalty for our sins on our behalf.

DaVinci’s Last Supper

You’ve probably seen the iconic artwork by Leonardo da Vinci depicting the “Last Supper,” in which Jesus sits at a long table with the disciples seated next to him on each side of him on either side of the table. The supper that Jesus shared with his followers the night before he was captured and killed was shown by Da Vinci in this painting. As part of that “Last Supper,” Jesus promised his followers that his blood would be shed “for the remission of sins” for all people. 17 On the cross, Jesus, who had done no sin, paid the penalty for our sin.

We weren’t deserving of him taking our position in the world.

The Bible tells us that “God demonstrates his love for us in this: while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” 18

Our Response to the Crucifixion of Jesus

What is it that he expects of us? In order to make amends and gain our forgiveness? No. We will never be able to repay Jesus for all he has done for us. What he demands of us is straightforward. to put their faith in him He urges us to embrace his dying on our behalf, as well as his total and unconditional forgiveness, as a gift from him. Surprisingly, many people do not want to go through with it. They desire to put up an effort to win their salvation. They must earn their way into paradise.

  1. In response to their rejection of everything Jesus has done for them, Jesus stated they will die in their sin and face judgment.
  2. Moreover, everlasting life and an intimate, personal contact with God are also available now, while we are living on the earth.
  3. Jesus was not simply absorbing the consequences of our wrongdoing.
  4. He was extending far more than just forgiveness to those who needed it.
  5. This is analogous to a wealthy billionaire not only canceling a debt owed to him, but also transferring ownership of his whole estate to the individual who was unable to pay the amount back in full.

It is entirely up to us whether or not we accept the gift of a connection with him that he is presenting to us. It was described by Jesus in the following words: “I am the only way, the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” 21

His Offer to Us

I’m not sure what he expects of us. We must repay him in order for us to be forgiven. No. No amount of effort on our part could ever be sufficient to repay Jesus’ sacrifice on our behalf. His requirements are straightforward. not to put your faith in him He wants us to embrace his dying on our behalf, as well as his total and unconditional forgiveness, as a free gift from him. Surprisingly, a large number of individuals are opposed to this. He or she is motivated by the desire to work for their own salvation.

  • Through their efforts, people want to demonstrate to God that they are deserving of a connection with him.
  • ‘Everyone who trusts in him obtains forgiveness of sins via his name,’ the disciple Peter stated about his teacher.
  • Jesus died on the cross for our sins, so we can have whatever we want.
  • Essentially, Jesus was tearing down the barrier that separated us from God.
  • So that we might understand his love for us better, he was offering us forgiveness, complete acceptance, and a full relationship with him.

It is a free gift to get everlasting life, which is heaven: “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 6:23) 20Jesus came into the world in order to die for us and to create a means for us to come to know him more deeply than we could otherwise.

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It was described by Jesus in the following words: “I am the way, truth, and life; no one comes to the Father except through me.” 21

Why was Jesus crucified?

QuestionAnswer There is an earthly cause for Jesus’ death, as well as a heavenly motive for his death. Simply expressed, the worldly explanation for this is that mankind is a bad bunch of people. God is good, and this is the heavenly reason for this. The reason Jesus was crucified on this world was because mankind is bad. Men of evil plotted against Him, falsely accused Him, and assassinated Him. The officials of Israel had a variety of motives for wanting Jesus to be put to death on the cross.

  • Because they were concerned that Jesus would garner an excessive following, the Roman authorities may descend on the nation, forcing them to lose their positions, they sought to prevent this from happening (John 11:48).
  • And when He claimed to be the Son of God, they felt He was blaspheming (Luke 22:66–71).
  • Because the Romans were in charge of carrying out Jesus’ crucifixion, he was crucified rather than stoned, hung, drowned, or otherwise punished.
  • It was customary to affix the accusations against the condemned to the cross of the condemned.
  • The Jewish leaders manufactured this claim in order to provoke the Roman governor into ordering Jesus’ execution.
  • The divine cause for Jesus’ crucifixion is that God is good.
  • Despite the fact that the act of crucifying Jesus was wicked, the crucifixion was nonetheless God’s intention to atone for sin on the part of mankind.

In the instance of the crucifixion, it was not a matter of evil getting out of hand.

The powers of darkness were given heavenly authorization to carry out their plans (Luke 22:53).

God exploited the bad desires of evil men to accomplish the greatest good possible: the provision of redemption for all of mankind via the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

There is nothing in the Old Testament prophesy that necessitates that the Messiah be crucified in order to save the world.

When Paul writes in Galatians 3:13, he is referring to the death of Christ and applying Deuteronomy 21:22–23.

John 19:37).

Leviticus 17:11).

John 19:36).

Every one of us has committed crimes, and we are all deserving of death; nonetheless, Christ died in our place.

In order to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus, he did this in order to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time, because he had forbeared in leaving the sins committed previously unpunished—he did it to demonstrate his righteousness at the present time in order to be just and the one who justifies those who have faith in Jesus.” After all is said and done, the reason that Jesus was crucified is the explanation that each of us must come to comprehend and accept by faith: Jesus was killed to pay the penalty for my sin, allowing me to be forgiven and restored to right standing with God.

Questions regarding Jesus Christ (return to top of page) What was the reason for Jesus’ crucifixion?

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Romans are to blame for death of Jesus

Among religious specialists and laypeople alike, the soon-to-be-released Mel Gibson film “The Passion of the Christ” is causing quite a commotion in the media. Many people believe the film contains anti-Semitic implications. Although the Jews are often believed to have been involved in Jesus’ death, according to Dr. Frank K. Flinn of Washington University in St. Louis’ department of religious studies, the Romans are truly to blame for the death of Jesus. Frank Flinn is a songwriter and musician from the United Kingdom.

“Crucifications could only be authorized by the Roman authorities, and they frequently did so on a brutal, mass scale.” In the opinion of Flinn, an expert on Catholicism, Gibson’s film appears to merge all of the gospel stories about the Passion into one epic, a made-for-the-big-screen story that fails to show how opinions about the Jews’ role in the crucifixion have changed dramatically over time, as has been shown in other films about the Passion.

  1. The author points out that our oldest accounts of the crucifixion, such as the Gospel of Mark, which was written about 60-70 C.E., make it apparent that Pilate was the one who ordered Christ’s execution.
  2. “Matthew, most likely as a result of inter-Jewish competition, places the ultimate responsibility fully on the shoulders of the Jewish leadership,” Flinn explained.
  3. When it came to Jewish persecution and murder throughout the Middle Ages, the label “Christ-killers” became a rhetorical club to legitimize the ghettoization, persecution, and slaughter of Jews.
  4. A Guide to Taking in the Show Mel Gibson’s next film Written by Frank K.
  5. In his books The Jewish War and Jewish Antiquities, Josephus, the Jewish historian, records several incidents.
  6. Only the Roman authorities had the authority to order crucifixions, and they did it on a brutal and enormous scale on a regular basis.
  7. The first Galilean disciples of Jesus regarded him as a prophet similar to Elijah, who wandered the Galilean hills healing the sick and reviving the dead, as did the prophet Elijah.
  8. Sadducees and Pharisees were among the Jewish leaders who owed their positions to their patron-client relationship with the Roman rulers (notice the word “some”).
  9. In addition to the teachers and prophets in rural Galilee and the Dead Sea Scrolls community at Qumran, other Jewish groups and individuals either rejected or rebelled against the corrupt relationship between Jerusalem and Rome.
  10. Along with the Temple tax, this tax was collected for Rome by the Temple officials, who distributed it to tax farmers.
  11. Due to the annual ordinance of Jubilee, it should have been possible for the rich in Jerusalem to restore this territory to the original tribes, but they failed to do so.

According to Leviticus 19:4, “render unto Caesar” means “return to Caesar” his own coin with Caesar’s image on it (a blasphemy to the pious Jew!) and “return to God” what is God’s, which is the land itself, which God ultimately owns and which God gave directly to Israel in the covenant (Joshua 24:13)!” The message of Jesus was both spiritually and politically dangerous, first to the Roman rulers and then, secondary, to their client appointees in Jerusalem, who were first threatened by it.

  • The Gospel of Mark, the earliest Gospel we know, was written between 60 and 70 CE.
  • Matthew and Luke were written much later, around the year 80-95, and reflect a wide range of interests and points of view.
  • Aside from his status as a Jewish follower of Jesus (Antioch was the site of the first use of the term “Christian”), Matthew also reflects on the period following the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, when conflicts broke out between rabbinic Yavneh Jews and Jewish followers of Jesus.
  • It’s possible that the rabbis weren’t all that successful.
  • (I always point out to my students that a Christian can attend any Jewish Sabbath service and participate fully in all of the prayers with complete religious sincerity.) Matthew goes to great lengths to disassociate himself from the actions of the Roman authorities.
  • Perhaps as a result of intra-Jewish rivalry, the verse “His blood be upon us and our children” is added to place the ultimate responsibility squarely on the shoulders of the Jewish authorities (Matthew 24:25).
  • The Gospel of Luke and the Book of Acts should be read together as a single piece of literature.

We can now use the term “Christian,” which appears for the first time in Acts 11:26, but the term was almost certainly coined as a derogatory epithet in its original context.

Against the backdrop of Roman criticism, Luke is attempting to defend Christianity against the charge of “superstition” leveled against it.

The passages about Jesus being crowned with thorns and being mocked have been removed.

“But Jesus hedelivered up to theirwill,” says Luke, elaborating on Pilate’s responsibility (Luke 23:26).

In its present form (ca.

100-110 CE) is that John does not place the blame for Jesus’ death solely on Pilate, or Pilate’s Jewish authorities, or even the Jewish authorities alone, but on “Jews” collectively (John 19:12).

The stage is set for the later, fateful accusation that “the Jews killed Jesus,” despite the fact that John does not say so explicitly.

It was not until after Constantine established a complete break with Judaism as such that the term “Christ-killers” was coined to describe these individuals.

Bishop John Chrysostom of Constantinople (ca.

By the Middle Ages, the epithet “Christ-killers” had evolved into a verbal club used to justify the ghettoization, persecution, and murder of Jews throughout the world, particularly in Europe.

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My argument establishes a chronological order for determining who was responsible for Jesus’ death, as well as the appropriate terminology for each stage: Romans Leaders of the Romans and Jews The High Priest, the Scribes, and the Elders/Romans Chief Priest, Scribes, Elders, and the general populace/Pilate (sort of) Jews are a group of people who live in a community that is surrounded by other Jews (in general) “Stiff-necked Individuals” “Christ-killers.” According to what I’ve read about Mel Gibson’s movie in published reports, it appears to be similar to many previous films about Jesus in that it combines all of the gospel stories about the passion into a single narrative.

As I’ve demonstrated above, the different gospels express very different messages.

This makes it sound eerily similar to the infamous traditional Catholic Oberammergau Passion Play in Germany, which was in its original form blatantly stereotypical and anti-Semitic in its content.

But, to be fair, we’ll have to wait until the film is released before we can find out.

Why was Jesus crucified?

Among the other articles in Slate, Patton Dodd examines violent Passion performances, and Michael Sean Winters provides a behind-the-scenes look at the preparations for Holy Week at a Catholic church. The Crucifixion of Christ, painted by Diego Velázquez Traditional Christian creeds include the assertion that Jesus was crucified “under Pontius Pilate,” which is a basic statement in the faith. However, the vast majority of Christians have only the vaguest understanding of what the term means, and the vast majority of non-Christians are unlikely to comprehend why it is such an important component of Christian faith.

  • As the Roman procurator of Judea, Pilate was a historical individual who was recorded in numerous sources of the time, including an inscription discovered at the site of ancient Caesarea in Israel, and who was referred to as such.
  • Beyond that, the term expresses in a succinct manner some rather significant details about that particular historical event.
  • A young guy died in agony and public disgrace, not in a quiet manner at the conclusion of an extended lifespan.
  • Not lynched, but executed, it is said, and this was done by the lawfully appointed administrative power of Roman Judea, not by the mob.
  • This indicates that Pilate discovered something so terrible that it warranted the imposition of the death sentence.
  • The Romans had a variety of methods for carrying out a judicial death; some, such as beheading, were quicker and less severe than crucifixion, while others, such as beheading, were more painful and time-consuming.
  • Censorship was meant to be reserved for those who had earned their citizenship by genuine Roman citizenship, however they may still be executed by other ways.

Primarily, it was reserved for those who were perceived to be raising their hands against Roman rule or those who in some other way appeared to be challenging the social order—for example, slaves who attacked their masters, and insurrectionists, such as the large number of Jews crucified by Roman Gen.

As a result, the accusation that was affixed to Jesus’ cross in the Gospels, “King of the Jews,” reflects the most likely offense for which Jesus was crucified: “King of the Jews.” To put it another way, either Jesus personally declared himself to be the Jewish royal messiah, or his disciples made the same assertion.

  1. Indeed, one criteria that might be used more rigorously in current academic arguments concerning the “historical Jesus” is what we can term the condition of “crucifiability”: the condition of “crucifiability” is the ability to be crucified.
  2. Encourage people to be friendly to one another; advocate a more flexible interpretation of Jewish law; or even publicly criticize the Temple and its leadership are all sins that are unlikely to have resulted in the death penalty for Jesus.
  3. Instead of sentencing him, the governor determined that he was harmless, despite the fact that he was slightly insane and irritating to the Temple priests.
  4. The argument that Jesus was a royal messiah would also assist to explain why Jesus was crucified but his disciples were spared.
  5. The problem was with Jesus himself.
  6. Pilate most likely determined that publicly murdering Jesus would snuff out the messianic zeal of his followers while not accumulating an excessive number of Jewish bodies in the process.
  7. In Jesus and Judaism, E.P.

Many other scholars, including Sanders, agree.

If they came to the conclusion that Jesus posed a threat to Roman authority, they were obligated to repudiate him publicly.

However, Jesus was not crucified by Jewish officials.

It’s very obvious what St.

As Martin Hengel demonstrated in his bookCrucifixion in the Ancient World and the Folly of the Message of the Cross, authors of the Roman era considered crucifixion to be the harshest penalty imaginable, a punishment of awful humiliation.

It is well-known among historians who study the historical period for its anti-Christian graffito, which displays a crudely drawn crucified man with a donkey’s head underneath a human figure, with the words “Alexamenos worships his god” scrawled beneath the image in scornful cursive.

The crucifixion of Jesus was avoided by some early Christians, while others favored one or more alternative scenarios.

This notion is believed to have been echoed subsequently in the Muslim story that a member of the crowd was wrongly crucified while Jesus fled.

There’s no doubt that at least some early Christians felt the same way as we do.

It implied that the state execution that lay at the foundation and core of their religion had occurred, and that their cherished messiah had been tried and pronounced guilty by a representative of Roman imperial power at the time of his death.

The group was, at the very least, not the type of organization that would easily appeal to individuals who were concerned about their social status.

Despite this, they managed to pull it off somehow. Years of Christian tradition have made the picture of Jesus being crucified so ubiquitous that the offensiveness of the act that it depicts has almost totally faded away from public consciousness.

Why Did They Crucify Jesus?

When I hear the various sweet-sounding clichés that are thrown about nowadays, one that I hear frequently is that Jesus was crucified because he was incredibly inclusive and gentle. It is reported that Jesus was crucified because he welcomed the outcasts. He was slain because he was hanging around with prostitutes and half-breds, among other things. He was slain because he was showing such bravery in his love, and his opponents couldn’t take it any longer. There is a lot of truth in these remarks.

However, this does not imply that the platitude is accurate, nor does it imply that it is harmless.

Jesus was executed because of his godlike behavior and his wild claims to deity, which is something that the gospel authors all across the world strive to downplay or embellish.

But Jesus remained deafeningly silent.

Nevertheless, I assure you that from this time forward, you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power and ascending on the clouds of sky.” Then the high priest tore his garments and cried out, “He has spoken blasphemy against the Most High.” What further witnesses do we require?

“How do you feel about it?” They said, “He is deserving of death.” In Luke 15:2, the people expressed displeasure with Jesus for dining with sinners and tax collectors (Luke 15:2), but they executed him because he claimed to be God’s Son and the King of Israel.

Let us know whether you are the Son of God by coming down from the crucifixion.” Likewise, the top priests, together with the scribes and the elders, made fun of him, saying: “He rescued others, but he cannot save himself.” His title is “King of Israel,” and if he can come down from the cross today, we will accept him as our Messiah.

  • Because Jesus declared, “I am the Son of God.” Although Jesus’ teachings on Torah repeatedly infuriated Jewish rabbis, it was his self-identification that prompted them to murder him.
  • Rather of assuming that Jesus was most despised because he was so kind and forgiving, we should remember that the Jews stated unequivocally, “It is not for a good job that we are going to stone you, but for blasphemy, because you have declared yourself to be God” (John 10:33).
  • Yes.
  • Yes.
  • He did, in fact, do so.

The claims to Lordship, the posture of authority, the exalted titles, the exercise of Messiahship, the presumed right to forgive, the way in which Jesus placed himself at the center of Israel’s story, the delusions of grandeur, the acceptance of worship, and the audacity of man claiming to be God were the things that infuriated the establishment the most.

The reason he died was because he behaved and talked in the manner of the incarnation Son of God, and because he refused to deny that he was the incarnate Son of God when the world despised him for being that Son of God.

He is married and has two children (Charlotte).

Kevin and his wife, Trisha, have nine children: Ian, Jacob, Elizabeth, Paul, Mary, Benjamin, Tabitha, Andrew, and Susannah. Kevin and Trisha have nine children: Ian, Jacob, Elizabeth, Paul, Mary, Benjamin, Tabitha, Andrew, and Susannah.

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